poetrybyonur · 7 months
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When you're always the one they come to, when you're always the one people need, when you're always being the pillar, the strong one, sometimes it feels so peaceful and soothing to have someone else be your strength.
A poem I wrote for a dear friend that I’ve redone.
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bloomingsoul333 · 8 months
A Letter You May Never Read
so I’m just gonna give you your space fr. I don’t really know what I did to make you feel like you need to treat me the way you have been for the past few months. The months leading up to our separation and the month after. I was vulnerable with you and admitted my insecurities to you. I listened to you and put in effort to be a supportive partner to you; to the best of my abilities. And you were happy. And you were glowing. And your ego soared in my presence. We all noticed. All I wanted from you was the same attentive care I poured into your vessel. To be filled with your love so I, too, could glow…
But you couldn’t do that for me. Or wouldn’t do that for me-
I don’t know why you feel the need to take so much s
e from me.
To put so much d i s t a n c e between us.
So much between us.
So much ache between us.
I don’t wonder when it faded.
I felt it fade-
Still feel it fading.
And as much as I tended the fire.
Two hands can’t compare to four.
One heart can’t beat for two.
So because I don’t feel loved…
I’ll run away. And you’ll let me be. You’ll just avoid me.
I don’t deserve to be treated so carelessly.
If I know one thing; it’s my worth.
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cleansimpleminimal · 9 months
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papyjr13 · 1 year
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Amphibia : The Three Temples
Here is an old drawing back from 2022. It was one of my big project at the time. Truly an opportunity to play with different lightning and with an angle I didn't use that much.
Hope you'll like it
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applebrooklyn · 2 years
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One day, when I am strong enough, I shall grasp your face. Run my fingers on the crinkles by your eyes. Rub the wrinkles between your brows.
One day, when I am strong enough, I shall hold your hand. Tell you it is okay to weep. Embrace you when you crumble in front of my eyes. One day, when I am strong enough. One day.
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1luaamor · 1 year
I was afraid of being rejected
Until I learned to never reject myself
I was afraid of being abandoned
Until I learned to never abandon myself
I was afraid of the opinions of others
Until I learned that they held no more weight than my own
I was afraid of painful endings
Until I realised that they were also new beginnings
I was afraid of appearing weak
Until I realised how strong I truly was
I was afraid of being seen as small and unimportant
Until I discovered my true power and potential
I was afraid of being perceived as ugly
Until I learned to fully appreciate my own beauty
I was afraid of failure
Until I learned that it was an illusion
When viewed through the eyes of love, growth and learning
I was afraid of feeling low
Until I learned that it was the birthplace of brilliance
And where my greatest transformation occurred
I was afraid of change
Until I realised it was an inevitable part of life
In a world full of things temporary and fleeting
I was afraid of being alone
Until I learned to fully embrace and appreciate my own company
I was afraid of my uniqueness
Until I learned that it was where my greatness lay
I was afraid of the darkness
Until I remembered that I was the light
And I was afraid of life
Until I remembered who I was.
Words by Tahlia Hunter
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once-upon-an-idiom · 1 year
I love wildflowers, they’re so strong and resilient!
I’ve literally seen a patch of them get mistakenly run over by a lawnmower, and they just piped right back up next spring! It’s not about how many times you fall down, but how many times you get back up!
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shelteredwomen · 7 months
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jolvika · 2 years
She may look fragile, but she cuts like broken glass
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unamusedalien · 2 years
I am the unrelateable. The untenable.
I am the unamused & serious. Undercomplusion my words spill out and bleed into your skin. If you tell me lies my justice scales will wobble, my blindfold will fall. My Devine mind will swim in your unloyatly until fallaciousness leaves your thoughts. I will separate my anguish from logic, my sorrow from my emotions.
Before you realize what you have done, I've already began lurking in your murky water dissecting your being. I will calculate my steps accordingly to the disbeliefs I knew to be true. By this time before you have even started walking I'm ahead of you. My eye's become impersonal while my thrust for knowledge grows, my evaluation collects data with everyword you say. My index grows. You were a psychopath bad at playing games while I'm a doctor in lab coat that see's you as dangerous, although I have no need to cage you to observe, your intentions already keep you close enough. You were a predator, I was you're prey but you were missing variables that are important. My ability to adapt overcomes any of my helplessness. You may have made false delusions of yourself to grow closer to me but you've underestimated my mind for too long. As I master the environment, I bring out my sword of truth I cut the traps you've set. If only you were blind to the warrior in me.
- the Unamused_Alien
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I recently finished watching the Turkish series Vatanim Sensin (or Wounded Love). I found very interesting the representation of female characters in this show, especially how they chose to represent a variety of strong women, all strong in different ways. Whether they were on the "good side" or the "bad side", eventually they all showed strength and power: Yildiz, Hilal, Havva, Veronica, Eftelya, Hasibe, Efsun, Emine, Kara Fatma, Seher, Lucy Adams, Halide Edip and many others. However, now I'd like to focus on the character of Azize. Azize won my heart. She always showed such courage and strength of character that made me admire her ever more so as the show went on. She raised three children on her own and took care of her old mother-in-law while working to earn the money to survive. She never asked for permission to do what she believed to be right and no one could stand in her way or make her change her mind when she was already set on something. Her high sense of morals pushed her to help whoever she could even at the risk of her own safety. She endured an awful lot of pain, but that never broke her. She always found a way to rise again from the ashes and prove the world that "women can do everything if they want to". Nevertheless, I would minimize too much the complexity of her character if I reduced everything to a matter of women empowerment: she was a woman deeply in love with her husband, loyal and protective towards her country and her friends, fierce when it came to protecting her children. She never took into consideration coming to compromises with her morality and always firmly believed in the necessity of showing kindness and understanding. In her confrontations with men of power, she never backed off, never lost ground. She showed confidence and pride, which often led those hostile characters to form a sort of reluctant admiration and respect toward her (General Vasili, General Filipos, Charles Hamilton...). The confidence and inspiration her character gave me personally are unbelievable, maybe because I saw a bit of my mother in her, or maybe it was just that I yearn to become as strong and independent. The lesson she taught me is that women with strong personalities and principles may not always have an easy life, but in the end, however it turns out, they will regret nothing because they always stayed true to themselves. I don't know who needs to read this but we are all strong and strength shows in different ways, just stay true to yourself and to your conscience and you'll never have to regret anything.
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duemilabare · 1 year
"Si fida troppo delle persone. Ma ciò non è per forza un male. È uno dei tratti che mi piace di lui."
- Moriarty the Patriot, Episodio 11 stagione 1.
Non tutte le persone sulla terra sono meritevoli di fiducia, purtroppo o per fortuna esiste anche chi la tradisce. Il mondo è bello perché vario e più paesi sono popolati sia da furbi che da ingenui. Non bisogna mai confondere la bontà con l'ingenuità, chi nasce buono non è automaticamente sprovveduto. Venire traditi può risultare una fortuna perché ci si rende conto della cattiveria e della falsità della gente. Ogni volta che viene data fiducia a persone false si commette uno sbaglio, ma questi errori permettono aiutano ogni ingenuo a crescere. Chi si fida troppo delle persone decide di mettersi a nudo mostrando le proprie debolezze, scegliendo di rischiare. Non si può vivere bene avendo rimpianti ed è questo che succede se non ci si mette in gioco. Mai scegliere di rimanere rinchiusi nel proprio guscio per paura della gente, perché la delusione fortifica.
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fitnesslife919 · 1 year
Fitness is life.
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wellnesstrength · 1 year
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WHAT is Tooth Abscess???
An abscessed tooth is a pus-filled pocket brought on by a bacterial infection. Different locations surrounding the tooth may develop an abscess for various reasons. An abscess known as periapical (per-e-AP-ih-kul) develops at the tip of the root. A periodontal abscess, pronounced "per-e-o-DON-tul," develops in the gums next to a tooth root. This article contains details on periapical abscesses.
A dental cavity that is left untreated, an injury, or previous dental work are the most common causes of periapical tooth abscesses. At the tip of the root, the infection that results from the irritation and swelling (inflammation) might lead to an abscess.
A tooth abscess is treated by dentists by draining it and eliminating the infection. Your tooth might be saveable with a root canal procedure. But occasionally, it can be necessary to remove the tooth. Untreated dental abscesses can develop into serious, even fatal, problems.
The following are indications and symptoms of a tooth abscess:
***extreme, ongoing tooth pain that radiates to your jawline, neck, or ear ***Discomfort or pain at both hot and cold temperatures ***When eating or biting, there may be pain or discomfort. ***Fever ***Face, cheek, or neck swelling that could make it difficult to breathe or swallow ***Painful, enlarged lymph nodes in your neck or under your jaw. ***Bad taste in your mouth ***If the abscess ruptures, there will be a sudden rush of salty, foul-tasting, foul-smelling fluid in your mouth, along with pain alleviation. Whenever to visit a doctor
If you experience any indications that you may have an abscessed tooth, contact your dentist right once.
Bacteria that enter the dental pulp cause a periapical tooth abscess. The tooth's interior, or pulp, is where the blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue are located.
Bacteria spread all the way to the tooth's root after entering through a dental cavity or a chip or fracture in the tooth. At the root's tip, the bacterial infection may result in swelling and inflammation.
Risk elements
These elements could make you more likely to get a tooth abscess:
bad dental practices and maintenance. Your risk of developing dental issues can increase if you don't take good care of your teeth and gums, such as by brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day. There could be issues with tooth decay, gum disease, tooth abscess, and other oral and dental issues. a high-sugar diet. Frequent use of sugary foods and beverages, such as sweets and sodas, can cause tooth decay and even result in an abscess. mouth arid Your risk of developing tooth decay can rise if you have a dry mouth. A common cause of dry mouth is an adverse drug reaction or aging-related conditions.
Without care, a tooth abscess won't heal. You might believe that the issue has been resolved if the abscess ruptures because of how much better the pain is, but you still need dental care.
If the abscess doesn't drain, the infection may spread to your jaw and to other areas of your head and neck. If the tooth is positioned near the maxillary sinus ⸺ two huge areas behind your eyes and behind your cheeks ⸺ you can also develop a hole between the tooth abscess and the sinus. The sinus cavity may get infected as a result of this. Sepsis, a potentially fatal infection that spreads throughout your body, could even occur.
To stop a dental abscess, you must avoid tooth deterioration. Maintaining good oral hygiene will help you avoid tooth decay.
Fluoridated water should be consumed. Use a fluoride toothpaste and brush your teeth for two minutes at least twice every day. Every day, floss between your teeth with dental floss or a water flosser. Every three to four months, or anytime the bristles start to fray, change your toothbrush. Eat wholesome foods and avoid between-meal snacks and sugary drinks. For frequent checkups and expert cleanings, visit your dentist. To provide an additional layer of defense against tooth decay, think about using an antiseptic or a fluoride mouthwash.
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softeraddiction · 8 months
They say;
“There’s strength & bravery in asking for help”
But what if you get rejected? What if you don’t get what you need? What if you’re at the end of your rope? What if they did understand, they did see, they did know and made a personal choice not to help? What if they mock you? What if they enjoy your suffering?
This can be true at any point for anyone. There’s strength and bravery in asking for help. Then there’s wisdom and blessings in knowing the right people to ask.
The few times I asked for help, I made a mistake. I was right to admit I needed community, I was right to understand there were things I didn’t yet understand. But I was wrong to think that the same people who were “behind” me on my downfall were the same ones I could go to for help with healing and ascension.
“There’s Strength & Bravery in facing the truth of the matter too”
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musk7 · 9 months
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