#stretching exercises with less sugar and fast food
girltomboy · 2 years
Taking better care of myself
I am a bit disappointed with how I've been treating myself lately. Like, I care for myself and everything in terms of hygiene, nutrition, rest, etc., but I honestly could be more responsible and conscious. For example, I'm very very behind on my chores, and they keep piling up and I'm extremely overwhelmed because I don't know where to start now. There's something to pick up and fix in every single corner of my apartment, but after I finish work I just want to savor my few hours of freedom and I start doing something else or I go out. I could maybe ask my bf to help me clean one weekend, but then again... the number of hours we have together is actually not so large, etc. Plus I'm bad at chore distribution because I'm too used to doing everything myself. But I should perhaps not overthink this.
Another issue is MY BODY! I'm staying up late, my posture is abysmal while I work, I don't stretch and other than trying to take a walk every evening I don't move much either. I try to eat balanced and healthy but I feel I've been overdoing fast food; I used to have it like once a week and lately I've been having it more often than that. I also eat snacks and sweets, and I'm noticing some weight gain that's not significant but to me it's noticeable because I'm not used to it and it's kind of throwing me off. I'm trying not to make a thing out of it and slip back into my old habits. And smoking is another enemy I'm making, although I'm trying to be aware of that and not let it grow. I used to smoke 🍃 only on weekends and maybe days off last year, but I've started to do it on weekdays now and then, and I really don't like how it's making me feel. I've been cutting back on that. Other than that there's the occasional social cigarette which I guess existed in the past too, but now that I go out more and everyone I hang out with smokes, I've started to feel the need to do it just to have something to do with my hands, or if I have a drink. AND I've also been drinking which I never do. Nothing wild, like once a week 1-2 glasses of wine, or a beer, or 1-2 shots. I only have my coworkers to blame for this because they're really heavy on the pressure, and I used to be adamant about my boundaries, but recently I feel like I won't have fun if I don't drink. Which is completely asinine. I think I need to get back into having stronger boundaries and discipline.
Some more poison I torture my body with is constant screen time. If I'm not working in front of the laptop I'm on my phone, and if I'm not on my phone I'm on my personal laptop, like right now (it's so nice to type on lol). I miss those days where I'm so caught up in stuff that I forget or don't need to check my phone all day. I haven't had one of those in a long time, but I'm planning to. Being with my boyfriend helps too. I also want to get back into reading, I've even managed to arrange all of the books I have here on a shelf on my balcony. Very soon it's going to be a whole year since I started reading a book and never finished it lmao. That saddens me a lot, but I'm determined to finish it before its 1 year anniversary.
On the positive side, the weather is getting nicer and warmer everyday, days are getting longer and I wish I could be outside all day long! I try to avoid thinking about that because I get extremely hopeless at having zero time for myself because of my job. I seriously believe it's at the root of most of the issues I described here. But I live for the warm evenings, the weekends, and summer plans!
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coconuttealatte · 9 months
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2024 Resolution
Diet: Healthy restriction + 14:10 & 6:1 intermittent fasting. 1,200-1,500 calories per day, 6 days eating + 1 detox/fast per week, 14 hour fast daily - 9 am to 7 pm eating hours. Cut out regined sugars, oils, excess salt, eggs, dairy, and meat (except fish). Eat clean healthy whole foods with good nutritional value. Count macros & calories. Take vitamins as needed. DO NOT BINGE! No met days, no cheat days, no pre-planned binge eating - it's just self sabotage and it's never worth it.
Exercise: Create a routine and stick to it. Self discipline is born from consistency and habit. Do yoga in the morning after waking up, dance ballet three times per week, run three times per week, do pilates or bodyweight workouts before bed, bike to run errands instead of taking the bus. On fasting/detox day, just do light yoga, stretching, and walking for exercise.
Hygiene: Take showers three times per week, before bed, and freshen up between. Skincare daily. Find a signature scent, don't overdo it. Never wear the same outfit without washing between. Don't leave the house messy, dirty, or underdressed. Carry hand sanitizer, wipes, lotion, chap stick, deodorant, and perfume in bag at all time. Do Not Chew Your Nails.
Style: Wear less makeup - don't cake it on. Mascara, neutral eyeshadow, and chapstick for regular wear. Cultivate personal style. Buy good quality clothes in dark and muted greens, rich browns, black, cream, and other neutral and natural earthy tones. Gold, bronze, and rose gold for jewlery. Get a few nice signature pieces. Get tattoos and piercings - been wanting the same ones for years, time to take that leap. Always make sure nail polish is not chipped, well filed and long but not too long, cuticles are taken care of, etc.
Other: Learn asl (American sign language), practice art and writing, camp and spend time in nature as often as possible, learn how to blend tea, take care of three plants, practice witchcraft, move into a better apartment, stop focusing on negativity.
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meditating-dog-lover · 4 months
So in the past I followed various eating and exercise plans. Some were unrealistic and too challenging/restrictive, others I loved, and some were doable but I could not see myself doing them longterm because they weren't my favorite approach.
I've done sugar free, keto, low carb, calorie counting, clean eating, etc... Now I do intermittent fasting and eat healthy and allow myself some junk food here and there. I take supplements to fill in any dietary nutritional gaps, which helps a lot with cravings. I don't eat low carb nor low fat and I eat sugar (I'd rather eat the occasional sugary treat than to overeat sugar-free processed junk like I used to in college). Having a chocolate chip cookie or a sweet coffee drink once a week is better than drinking diet Coke and sugar free lattes daily (again like I used to in college). I also don't count calories and just fast, which feels less restrictive and don't have to worry about numbers. I do eat high calorie foods (like nuts, avocados, seeds, dark chocolate) and I still lost weight. Those foods are rich in healthy fats and minerals, so you're better off eating them in decent portions than to exclude them because they're high in calories.
I've been doing IF for 5.5 months and still feel perfectly fine and not restricted. And I've had a really busy work schedule since January, and I don't feel exhausted nor hungry during my fasting period.
To burn additional fat, I do walk a lot. I pace a lot at work, walk my dogs, and go for walks myself. Walking burns more calories than you think, and I really enjoy it as a form of cardio. I've done HIIT, boxing, and running in the past for cardio which I unfortunately did not enjoy.
The only thing that's left is to challenge my strength, posture, and flexibility. I have been doing some yoga to help with this. I've done weight lifting before, which I really didn't love. And I've done bodyweight circuits which I did enjoy, but it was fast-paced, repetitive at times, and did not include comprehensive stretching. I want to be pretty flexible and do fun poses which would be great for stretching my muscles and fixing my posture (my posture is bad and I have stiff muscles here and there, especially my calves). I also like challenging my body strength by doing bodyweight workouts, which yoga does incorporate. I want to improve my upper body strength so I can do pushups (no knees), and even wheel poses. I found a Youtube channel - Yoga with Kassandra. She includes a bunch of yoga workouts with props like blocks and bands to improve flexibility and posture, as well as strength workouts that are yoga-inspired, but quite challenging. I just did a workout which was difficult, but I managed to get through half of it and do some poses and exercises well.
I don't want a yoga routine/video with only simple stretches like downward dog and cobra. I want workouts that will challenge my flexibility and posture, as well as improve my strength and help me get a good sweat. I'm not going to do challenging workouts daily, but I want to do enough to improve my strength(especially upper body).
Again I don't want to overwhelm myself with a lot of health and fitness stuff because I'm just transitioning to and starting a new routine. The IF is new, so is the healthy eating and the supplementing. It took me 6-7 years to find an eating and workout routine that I enjoy, but still promotes overall wellness. I've been walking for over a decade and this is something I'm still doing, which is great. I just want to add in more yoga for strength, flexibility, posture, and the occasional sweat. The strength training/more challenging workouts will help me with insulin sensitivity, and the more relaxing ones will help with stress management. So it all works out on the end, something I can do and enjoy it.
I'm so happy I'm incorporating more and more healthy habits into my life. It hasn't always been easy, but I want to be healthy and happy.
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why-dontiknow · 1 year
8 simple Habits to feel more energised
Note: These are not by me, all credits to Rainbow Plant Life on Youtube. https://youtu.be/iFtqudy39sA?si=-X5jCv5vDOuH34X
1. First thing in the morning, get some sunlight.
People exposed to sunlight (or very bright artificial light) in the morning start nocturnal melatonin production sooner and therefore enter into sleep mode better at night.
2. Be conscious of your Caffeine intake.
Don't consume caffeine too late in the day. With a half life of 5 hours, caffeine stays in your system for a long time and can disrupt your sleep schedule.
Consuming caffeine too early affects the build-up of adenosine (a neurotransmitter promoting sleep drive) and therefore your circadian rhythm.
3. Remove distractions from your Workplace.
"Multitasking" is essentially just switching between different tasks very fast and can make you more tired and work less efficiently. Getting fully back into a task after switching can take up to 20 minutes, disrupting your work flow.
So if you don't explicitly need your phone for the task, put it away. FAR away. Even tucked away in a drawer in the same room the thought of it CAN actively distract you.
4. Avoid having lots of Sugar in your Breakfast.
Sugary foods on an empty stomach can make your glucose levels spike fast and high and later crash, causing your energy to plummet with it.
Instead, switch for a savoury, balanced meal with lots of protein, fiber and healthy fats. Safe sweets dessert for AFTER a meal, rather than the main course.
5. Go for a short Walk after a Big Meal
A light walk after a meal, even for just 5 minutes, can have a significant impact on moderating blood sugar levels.
If you don't have the option to walk, move your feat a bit, pace, take the stairs or stretch for a few minutes.
6. Plan and implement a "Workday Shutdown Ritual"
Take 5 to 10 minutes at the end of your Workday to plan ahead for the next Workday. Get all those worries and thoughts onto paper: Write down goals, tasks to revisit, rest time and even things like lunch and then assign time slots if you like.
This might help you unwind at night, keeping you from worrying about tomorrow and promising better sleep.
7. Use "Temptation Bundling"
To boost your willpower, you'll pair a pleasurable indulgence with a task or behaviour that provides delayed rewards (like exercise for strength or meditation for inner balance).
This can help you do hard habits in a more pleasurable way and work on your consistency.
8. Optimize your Sleep Environment
Keep your bedroom as cool, dark, and quiet as possible. Use your bed just for sleeping! No gaming, studying, videos, etc. in you bed. White noise may help you fall asleep faster.
And that's all, hope it helps someone
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sweating30s · 1 year
My Health Contract with myself.
Day 1 - May 1st, 2023
Eating is about balance. Don't deprive yourself to the point where you binge. Make sure to eat a balance plate with protein, fats, carbs and fiber. Treats are okay but be mindful.
Movement is important. 30 minutes a day. Whether its a 30 minute slow walk around the neighborhood or a few rounds of Just Dance. It doesn't need to be all at once but it should be there every day.
Dedicated exercise for running is 3-4 times a week. Interval training using couch to 5k. Your goal is not to win, it is to get faster and beat your time. In April 2023 it was 45:17. Working towards the long goals of 10k, 9 mile, half marathon, and full marathon in the next two or three years.
Flexibility to feel young. It is no fun feeling like a stiff board. 10 minutes before bed of stretching.
Toning and strengthening 1-3 times a week. You need to build strength but body weight and light barbells are okay for now, you don't need to be a bodybuilder. As progress, purchase heavier sets from Amazon.
Two liters of plain water a day. Diet sodas, sparkling water, coffee and tea are extra. Be mindful of sugar heavy drinks like lattes and juices, but in moderation it is okay.
Alcohol is tricky. Try not to drink M-Th at all. Weekends try to limit to one or two. When going out, try to pace and not door dash fast food at 1:30 am. It is never a good choice.
Life is short. Don't turn down opportunities in fear. Enjoy it and remember what you are working towards. You can't turn back time or make moments come back.
Self care is important. Skin care and making sure to get enough sleep. Finding things you enjoy outside of food and working out,
Working towards less screen time.
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j3st3r-13 · 2 years
bars,brawls and brotherhood
hey, @bedazzledroach i’m your valentines @gtavfest art swap buddy, i wrote about Trevor/Lamar platonic hangout. this is pretty wholesome in my view however there is mentions of referenced drug use and references to to sex lmao
hope you like it  and happy valentines day :)
pairing: platonic Lamar/Trevor 
word count: 2452 words
summary: Lamar’s bored and thats never good for anybody, especially Franklin as it leaves him to clear up Lamar’s mess, but one fateful night Lamar goes in search of a certain hillbilly to entertain him, Lamar shouldn’t be surprised to realise it ends up in drunken chaos
The bass shakes the dirty floor, and Trevor can still hear the strippers gossiping even over the shitty club music he has blaring so loud that Wade is starting to go deaf. He groans and adjusts his forever-stained sweatpants. He rises to his feet, slowly with his back cracking and re-stretching, maybe he was getting old… but he wouldn't retire like that fat fuck Mikey. 
Fuck him 
The meth head now risen to his full height began scouring the dingy office behind the unicorn for his trusty pipe. He looked under porn mags, fast food wrappers, and files, and rifled through draws. His fingertips brushed the cool glass, and he let his scared lips twitch upwards. He packed the bowl and lit up until the smoke filled all the cracks that fucking Mikey boy had left on his psyche. The meth made him feel whole and undamaged, the aura  of bliss was shattered in the back room by the shrill tone emitting from his cracked IFruit.
“Hey crazy, wanna get a drink fool?”
“You askin’ me on a date Lamar?” teased the now high redneck,
“Oh yeah, I'm gonna suck yo dick and everything.”
“Where do you wanna meet me, princess? Alleyway?”
“Fuck you, ill be at your titty bar in like 10 fool.”
Trevor's phone let out a beep signifying that Lamar had hung up, the psychopath took one last hit from the well-used pipe before strolling out to the bar with his usual swagger. Nikki was working the bar rather than the floor. She went red at the sight of him, no doubt last Wednesday? Thursdays? Team bonding exercise had been in her head, right at the forefront,  from how she gazed at him. Trevor sent her a sultry wink, dropped down onto the stool, and waited for his buddy. Nikki bent over to grab him a bottle giving him a goood view of her ass, and as she approached her boss he spoke with a hushed tone, “You wanna get outta here, Uncle T?”
“Agh, as much as I wanna sugar, I'm waiting on my buddy.” 
Nikki pouted before leaving him in the hopes to score some more tips from the other bewitched patrons. He watched her in action, batted eyelashes, licked lips, allowing good views of her bra… it was how she worked. How his ma worked. Memories of his mother flooded his brain until a firm hand landed on his shoulder and a laugh escaped Lamar.
“Jesus homie, I wanted to get out to hang out with some fool, but if you gonna be chasing these bitches then fuck, imma head back to my place.”
“They aren't bitches Lamar,” Trevor hissed before his anger simmered down and he spoke again with a lighter tone “could be like your and F’s Threesome, where your di-”
“Come on, homie you ever gon let that go!”
Trevor laughed at Lamar's reaction before gesturing for a beer for his “homie”  once the chilled bottle rested in the gangbangers grasp, he muttered, “what's cracking withchu you fucking weirdo?”
“You know, fuckin’,smokin’ fightin’, shootin’ you get it right buddy?”
“Course dog, I'm like a jungle cat, like a panther, I've got this magnetic thing that attracts people yanno?”
Trevor chuckled under his breath and assured the younger man that he fully understood, he finished the rest of his bottle, and then like magic, Nikki had replaced it in less than a second.
Lamar was quiet for a moment before almost awkwardly muttering “so, um since you all up in this mentorship thing/role model/inspiration tip with the homie franklin. I was wondering, you know, why don't you give an up-and-comer the game?”
“yeah…sure you know what professor t’s gon give you a lesson, loyalty- fuck everything else.”
“Like only going to burger shot?”
“Like your brothers are your crew, without them? You're nothing.”
“Well, Frank aint that good of a student if he leaving me on the road to hang with you motherfuckers.” Lamar shot back, clearly irritated by his homies becoming more distant so he chugged the bottle and was brought another by faithful Nikki. 
“Michael doesn't impart the same value system as me.”
“That clear ya weirdo, isn't that the guy that you love at first sighted?”
“Ohhh yes, my dear friend, that's the fat sack of shit I love at first sighted.”
“Fuck man, I dont wanna make you stop acting normal so you wanna get drunk as fuck”
“You read my mind.” With that Trevor called for a bottle of vodka to be brought to the two tattooed men, lamar and Trevor drank a good half the bottle while exchanging stories, quips, and insults. It reminded him of Micheal before the sun melted away his spine.
Trevor let out a shout of laughter at Lamar's reactions, the gangbanger had a much lower tolerance and was going a little green around the gills where Trevor was just starting to become a little unsteady.
Lamar fell off the stool and floundered on the floor like some sort of pissed fish, while the hillbilly howled with laughter. If Trevor did not own the bar then they would've been kicked out hours ago. Lamar cussed him out for not helping a “homie in need” before cracking up as well. Nikki raised a brow but kept the drinks coming in fear of invoking her boss's wrath.
Trevor sluggishly thrust out his hand and pulled Lamar off the dirty carpet before howling with loud laughter when Lamar stumbled and fell face-first into his chest. The gangbanger looked confused at his surroundings for a mere moment, before ripping his face away. 
“Do- dog you smell like shit!” Lamar hissed, the bite drowned in vodka and dopamine. Trevor winked and tossed him a cold- bottle of beer
That was a Mistake 
Lamar was far too drunk to catch the bottle, and the glass exploded onto the floor, with green glass shattering like shrapnel and cheap beer soaking into the carpet, unluckily for the two men something else exploded in their vicinity 
A man, wearing a horrifically ugly polo had stormed over and began yelling at the pair, spittle flying everywhere. “SHUT UP! Why the FUCK haven't you been kicked out yet!” ugly polo kept yelling even when Trevor's eyes had gone dark and the remaining humanity had fled to escape the oncoming bloodbath. His mouth split into a wide grin and his fingers absentmindedly grasped the bottle and prepared to swing. 
A smack echoed through the club, Lamar had smacked him full across the face and was now giggling like a schoolgirl.
Polo went bright red, and Trevor swore he could see steam coming out of his ears like impotent rage. There was a moment of peace and then the club exploded, and fights broke out like rashes, and chaos enveloped the men. Trevor flipped the bottle in his  grasp before swinging upwards and letting out a triumphant roar as it connected.
Polo crumbled and fell to the floor. 
Trevor's wild eyes flitted around him in search of Lamar. Lamar was fighting valiantly but due to his blood being 80% liquor, his swings were mistimed and wide. Wading through a sea of battles, Trevor balled up his fist and sent it hurtling into the men beating Lamar. 
A swift punch to the ribs had wanker one staggering away, and a strong headbutt had wankers twos nose exploding and spraying blood all over the two friends. Trevor pushed down the urge for bloodshed and scooped up Lamar. The gangbanger used him as a human crutch as Trevor dragged them outside.
The fresh air effect was instantaneous, Lamar sobered rather quickly while Trevor calmed as if the fire that violence fed had been doused with a bucket of serenity. Well as serene as it could get with Lamar spitting out blood right next to him.
“You alright down there buddy?”
“All those bitches lyin’ they want Lamar… they all want me … all of ‘em” rasped Lamar as he collapsed, falling onto the broken pavement outside the raging unicorn.
“I'll take that as a no.” mused Trevor as he dropped onto the pavement next to Lamar, resting his back against the bodhi's wheels he slung his arm over Lamar's shoulders and pulled him into a side hug, surprisingly Lamar didnt bitch about the Trevor Philips stench he just coughed before relaxing into it. If he was soberer this could have warranted a very cruel joke about him not showering but he wasn't throwing a fit so the pair remained quiet. Despite the fiasco that had just erupted he could fight the upturn twitch of his lips. He had gotten drunk with his buddy and fought straight after, the ideal Trevor Philips night.
“Whatchu smiling at you fuckin’ weird ass.”
“I saved you in there so I wanna be called sir knight trev from now on.”
“Kiss my ass white as shit knight.”
“Bend over princess.” Trevor thrust lazily in the air, making obscene gestures that would make any sailor blush, but his company was far from some old nun with a stick up her ass or some prude. His company wolf whistled badly and just encouraged it with a mouth that was more alcohol than spit, dripping blood over his green shirt.
Lamar laughed and instantly regretted it once pain shot through his ribs like fireworks. Trevor noticed and demanded to know why the wince, once told he’d been cracked in the ribs by another club goer the hillbilly raised a brow, laughed, and called him a pussy in all of about three seconds. The pair rested next to the truck alongside all the other dirt in the shit hole of a city. The rats were bigger than dogs; there was more plastic in women's tits than the sea; and the residents were fat sacks of lying shit snakes. 
Felt like home.
Sirens flooded his ears, and he lethargically raised his head so that red and blue flooded his vision. Trevor cursed and pulled his friend to his feet for the second time that night, before: dragging him to the passenger side; buckling him in; getting in his seat; buckling himself, and tearing out of the parking lot.
The Los Santos air had become bitter and cold while the moon reigned over the light-polluted skies. Lamar was incoherent and yelling, the driver laughed and swung the car around corners at alarming speeds to the joy of his passenger. Trevor sped around the cracked streets of Los Santos letting the bodhi roar and hug the streets like a koala and tree. 
A warm hand clamped down on Trevor's forearm, snapping him from his reverie instantly, his hazel eyes flitted over to his opposite seat, and let out a soft sigh the gangbanger looked uncomfortable, and slurred out “dog im gonna fuckin’ hurl if you dont cut it out.”
“Whatever you pussy,” Trevor stopped pressing so hard on the accelerator “where to dog?”
“Take me home… I ain't sure you knowin’ where the LD’s cribs such a go- a good idea…” he trailed off, seemingly slipping back into his own mind and ignoring Trevor.
“Are you fucking kidding! The nights just getting started we haven't even had an orgy or killed someone!”
“Dog what, you know what i'm ignoring that, take me to strawberry.” Trevor snarled and went to yank the wheel back to the heart of Los Santos. After realising Lamar gripped the wheel and yanked it in his direction causing the bodhi to swerve across all three lanes. Cursing Trevor rightened the truck and slammed onto the brakes. Eyes flaming like an inferno, he whipped around to face the drunken gangbanger.
“What the fuck Davis?!”
“Take.me.home! I ain't being your emotional support bitch, cause creepers pussy-whipped drive. me .home!” 
“You are fucking deranged!” hissed Trevor, shaking with a mix of rage that slowly was transformed into broken humour. He even began laughing at Lamar's shocked expression, he slammed his foot on the gas and tore away from his current resting spot. Lamar cursed and gripped the door handle as the bodhi raced down the narrow streets, overtaking cars and riding up on the sidewalks.
Trevor sped across a junction, disregarding the traffic lights and the other motors while the gangbanger yelled “when this CRAZY MOTHERFUCKER kills me I want all my shit going to chop! FUCK all those other fools! I dont want you anywhere near my whacked corpse YOU CRAZY FUCKER!”
“I thought you liked crazy driving?” giggled Trevor after Lamar had read his will out loud, and the psychopath raced across lanes.
“FUCK YOU!” cursed Lamar, while the two men argued the roads flitted by until the black man began to recognize his surroundings and their inhabitants. Completely sober and with his heart hammering as he had just snorted an entire bucket load of coke Lamar attempted to calm down with the knowledge that he wasn't far from home to comfort him.
Trevor swung the bodhi into Lamar's neighbourhood, and with a squeal of brakes and a very enthusiastic “ta-da” from the driver, they had arrived at Lamar's crib. The gangbanger punched Trevor in the arm before collapsing into his seat with rapid breaths painting his lips.
“Sooo princess… you gonna invite me in?” asked Trevor with an innocent expression that didn't match his character at all.
“Dog. you got me drunk as hell, started a brawl, and drove like a- like a - like THAT and you wanna be invited in?”
“You started that brawl actually, I saved you that's why I'm the white as-shit knight. So yes I wanna come in”
“Dog you crazy motherfucker… you got coke?.”
“Glovebox, princess, does this mean naughty naughty trevy can come in?”
 Lamar reached forward and dug through the glovebox, grimacing as his fingers grazed over used pornmags until he felt the square parcel, he pulled it out, and even in the moonlight, Lamar could make out the scraggly “coke” written in pink sharpie “Never call yourself that again, but yeah dog we can have a few lines.”
The duo left the car and began walking to Lamar's front door, Trevor tossed an arm over his shoulder and pulled him close as they walked down the front porch. Lamar didn't complain, just fished around his pockets for his keys.
The door swung open and the men walked inside, there were movie posters and a sexy girl calendar depicting the wrong month, Trevor tsked and muttered: “A few… yeah fucking right oh princess this night has just begun!”
Trevor draped himself over the couch, with his arm slung across the back and while Lamar began cutting some very generous lines, he couldn't help but agree.
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m00narchives · 2 years
Sometimes it feels like they do not want people to win- as in too much knowledge and power will be dangerous for the systems that are built against us. This is why CRT (critical race theory) is important to learn. You’ll see how institutional racism is ingrained within these organizations that keep people in a box. Why are fast food places more popular than healthy spots? Why not just make healthy foods affordable so everyone can access them? We are poisoning our bodies and not living to our full potential by feeding into these habits. Maybe if they were to put a sugar tax there would be less of a motive to buy it. But that is not always the person’s choice, there are a lot of social determinants that one has to consider: income, location, and accessibility. But if these foods were lowered in price and sold everywhere then it would be much easier to get a hold of them. Imagine how sharp we’d be if we eliminated processed foods and had grains and fish and beans. Getting sugar intake from fruits and not artificial sweeteners. A study that I will link below states how junk food can cause depression, proving my point of a consumer and capitalist cycle that then sends us to another market to buy something to treat that problem. The same goes for alcohol and drugs, they fuck with our brain chemistry and will slowly deteriorate all functions. Just like they have banned cannabis and mushrooms, plants and fungi that were NOT manmade and are natural. This is all the governments way of trying to be in charge of their society. These drugs allow us to dive deep in the subconscious and they do not want that?? WHY?!! People need to go beyond surface level thinking. These are sacred practices in some cultures that require a shaman and it’s for a reason- it’s spiritual and people here abuse it. Everything is a ripple effect. If we were eating nutritional foods we would naturally be more in touch with ourselves and society and the outside world. We’d have the capacity for other things beyond only ourselves. We’d have more compassion and sympathy.
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Studies show that Asian people live longer than white people because their lifestyles are much more balanced than white people. They exercise and eat nutrition filled foods. Americans are so lazy, the world offers so many different and free resources to utilize to workout and yet they don’t use it. You can walk around your block if you cannot afford a gym membership. You can stretch while watching TV, you can substitute chips for celery and peanut butter- a snack that only benefits anxiety but also helps with sleep. All alternatives to a pharmaceutical industry that seems to be the popular go-to.
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meikaserlya · 11 months
Maintaining a healthy body in the middle of technology with Denny Ja
Introduction Technology has become an inseparable part of our lives today. Almost every aspect of our lives has been influenced by technological advances. Although technology has provided many benefits, we must also be wise in using it. One aspect that we must pay attention to is the impact of technology on our body's health. In this article, we will discuss the importance of maintaining a body health in the midst of technology with Denny JA, a health expert who has contributed a lot in this field. The importance of maintaining a healthy body in the middle of technology The development of technology, the more time we spent using electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets. This can have a negative impact on the health of our bodies. One of the most visible impacts is a less active lifestyle. Many people spend hours sitting in front of the screen, without doing enough physical activity. This can cause various health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. In maintaining a healthy body in the midst of technology, Denny JA emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between the use of technology and a healthy lifestyle. He suggested setting the time to use technology wisely and allocate time to exercise and other physical activity. In addition, he also recommended to avoid the habit of sitting too long and doing enough rest. Tips for Maintaining Body Health in the Middle of Technology 1. Set the time of use of technology: Determine the time limit for using electronic devices. For example, set the time where you only use a smartphone for urgent purposes. Avoid the use of technology at night, especially before bedtime, because the blue light emitted by the screen can interfere with the quality of your sleep. 2. Stay physically active: Take time every day to exercise, such as walking, running, or cycling. If you work in front of the computer all day, don't forget to take a short break and make simple physical movements, such as stretching or standing for a moment. 3. Pay attention to eating patterns: Don't forget to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Consumption of foods rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, as well as your daily drinking water needs. Avoid fast food and high snacks of sugar and saturated fat. 4. Prevent Posture Problems: When using an electronic device, make sure you have the right and comfortable body position. Keep your back straight and your shoulders relax. Use a pillow or neck support if needed to maintain a good head position. 5. Enough rest: In maintaining a healthy body, adequate rest is also very important. Make sure you get quality sleep at least 7-8 hours every night. Enough rest can help the body restore and maintain hormonal balance. Conclusion Maintaining a healthy body in the midst of technology is a challenge that must be faced by every individual. Denny JA has given a lot of insight and suggestions about the importance of paying attention to body health in this digital age. By regulating the time to use technology, remain physically active, pay attention to eating patterns, maintain good posture, and get enough rest, we can maintain the health of our bodies well. So, let's take care of the health of our bodies in the midst of technology with Denny Ja.
Check more: Maintain a healthy body in the middle of technology with Denny JA
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chlcelane · 1 year
How To Improve Your Physical And Mental Health
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Health and fitness is essential. It is a matter of eating right doing regular exercise, as well as resting enough. Mental health is equally important.
It's no big deal to indulge in fast food now and again or skip exercising, but when these habits become ingrained, you need to alter your habits.
1. Eat Healthy and Enjoy Your Food
When it comes to healthful eating habits, the best advice is to try a few things and find the one that works best for you. Ultimately, eating healthily involves enjoying a wide range of meals and making good choices. It's not about depriving yourself or becoming unrealistically skinny.
Everyone seems to have opinions on what constitutes to be a "healthy" diet. And it's like a maze of confusion and. But, there are handful of easy tips that can help you improve your overall eating habits and improve your health: Check over here to discover additional hints on wellness.
2. Work Out Regularly
Engaging in a lot of exercise increases your mood and reduces stress. Additionally, it increases good cholesterol and decreases unhealthy triglycerides, which may help lower your risk of heart disease.
It doesn't need to be a gruelling workout; walking around the block or taking a yoga class will improve your overall health. And exercising with friends or relatives can make it even enjoyable.
If possible, try to get moderate exercise every day. Start with short sessions and work your way up. Don't forget that you can stretch your muscles and move in a place where you feel energized or calm, like an oasis of peace or a beach.
It is easier to keep up with your fitness routine by putting it on your calendar.
3. Get Enough Sleep
The benefits of sleep include a variety of benefits that range from enhancing mental wellbeing to decreasing the risk of overweight and diabetic. Sleeping well will also improve your work performance and at school.
Sleep problems are not unusual, but they can increase your risk for heart disease, or any other health issues. Poor sleep can be characterized when you awake with a alarm, being groggy and exhausted the following day even after getting an entire night's rest or feeling the symptoms of sleep-apnea.
Make sure you stick to a schedule, sleeping and getting up the same hour every day, including during weekend days. Make your bedroom a peaceful place to sleep by keeping your bedroom dark, quiet and at a comfortable temperature.
4. Stay Hydrated
You've probably heard the advice to consume eight glasses of water every daily, but it isn't the sole water source. Your body can absorb water from various drinks and foods, such as fruit and vegetables that have high water percentages (strawberries and cantaloupe), soups, and smoothies. It is essential to drink enough fluids in activities that cause you to sweat. It's even more crucial in the case of medical issues, such as nausea, fever or diarrhea.
Replace caffeinated drinks by drinking water, and choose those with less sugar in your favorite beverages. Examine the colour of your urine. A light, straw-colored colour is ideal. A dark yellow color can signify the presence of dehydration. Keep a bottle or jug of water on hand especially when exercising or traveling in warm weather.
5. Avoid Screen Time
Screens are a part of our lives online, however excessive time spent on screens may lead to dependency and affect your routine. Tracking your device usage as well as setting limits will help to improve the habits you have with your screens.
As time passes, too much screen time may cause eyestrain, posture problems, and back pain. The blue light can make it difficult for you to rest and remain asleep as the body's metabolism is less melatonin.
Making the decision to use your spare time away from a screen can lead to more social interaction with friends and allow the time to engage in more physical activities that lowers blood pressure, helps maintain a an ideal weight loss and keeps joints in good shape.
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sonam786 · 2 years
A good wealth of health can be freedom from sickness and disease. Now that the youth generation is very  conscious about fitness . Health refers to the physical and mental state of a human being. So that we avoid junk food, cold drinks etc.we should do yoga , exercise, walking. Aerobic exercise, zumba classes, it will be very useful for you to check from online. Also, they have available free online sessions as well as recorded video as well, so when ever become free can utilize your own fitness.
Someone rightly said that health is wealth. Good health is a very important part of our life. Good health and fitness are two sides of one coin. Both need to go hand in hand for maintaining good health. Health includes both physical and mental. It will feel relaxed and stress free also and help reduce disease.
In this blog you get some home remedies and tips which you do at your home. You have not taken any gym membership for that, nutrition is very important on your diet chart and prepared schedule by yourself at what time you suit and beginning has kindly follow up all things which will be included in the diet chart. It will be better for your health so you must see my blog to get some remedies at home.
Useful points for health and fitness
. Avoid fast food
. Drink warm water
. Do regularly exercise, yoga 
. improve your quality of sleep
.use less electronic gadgets
. Take nutrition food 
. Avoid sugar
.Do not watch tv 
.Do zumba classes 
You should prepare your diet plan first which suits you & you can include some fruit, vegetables, nuts, oats and wheat. Avoid oil and spices. Add some green vegetables and how much quantity.
Do exercise like aerobic exercise and zumba classes, push up will stretch your body and loss fats daily exercise prepare a basic daily routine and follow up regularly 
It helps to blood circulation and reduce in heart' disease and lungs & it's helps for burn fats and will be reduced sugar levels and reduce in blood pressure 
What is health?
Health can be defined as a good state of mental and physical fitness. To live a happy life, health is very important.
Is fitness important?
Yes, Fitness is an essential aspect of good health. It improves in using strength and capacity.
Why is a proper diet necessary?
Proper diet is important. To balance the quantity of protein, vitamin and fiber and should be taken equally. It improves growth of the body and helps in good physical and good mental health. And also improves capacity to do more work.
Doing exercises regularly can  improve your muscle strength and boost your energy. Physical activity delivers oxygen and nutrients  to our tissues and helps the breathing system work more efficiently. Doing exercises can keep you away from heart and lung diseases.
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truetechnique-1 · 2 years
what are the best health tips for fitness ?
Everyone is aware that maintaining good health requires a balanced diet, regular exercise, and plenty of rest. While in college, though, it could seem impossible to accomplish that. When you’re among friends or under stress from homework, it’s sometimes more appealing to eat sweets, fast food, drink coffee, or consume alcohol than healthy ones.
Take care
The benefits of slowing down your daily ritual and concentrating on the present moment might be enormous. Stress reduction, improved working memory in the brain, improved focus, and improved relationship satisfaction are all benefits of mindfulness meditation.
Spend a few minutes concentrating on what you’re doing right now rather than spending your entire morning worried about getting this or that done. Think about the flavor of the toothpaste in your mouth, the feel and sound of the brush bristles as you brush, the sound of the water running in the sink, and how smooth and clean your teeth feel after you’re done.-
Reduce your caffeine intake
By omitting the cream and sugar from your daily cup of coffee, you can reduce the calories. Instead, consider drinking it black or consuming less of each. Here are a few more nutritious ways to spice up your morning coffee.
Scheduling an exercise is one of the finest ways to start your morning off right and healthily. Stretching is a fantastic alternative, though, if you find it difficult to find the time for a full-fledged sweat session.
Stretching merely requires a few extra minutes of your time and has numerous benefits, including easing aches and pains, boosting energy, and enhancing posture. Warm up and gently stretch your body before engaging in daily tasks to help the muscles work more effectively.
Be mindful of your ideas
Bring notice to your thoughts as they are quite powerful. Do you support yourself by being body positive or do you put yourself down by being negative? Changing your mindset could be all it takes to get your health on track.
Leaving perfectionism behind
Remember that aiming for perfection typically results in failure. By establishing manageable goals and forming daily healthy habits, you can succeed in little steps. Regardless of perfection, acknowledge your successes.
Avoid DIET
It may seem paradoxical, but one of the finest fitness advices is to stop dieting. Reverse the word’s letters, then EDIT what you consume. Instead of a diet, make it a lifestyle change toward healthier meals.
Abandon perfectionism
Remember that trying to achieve perfection frequently ends in failure. By forming daily healthy habits, you can achieve minor goals and succeed over time. Regardless of perfection, honor those victories.
Never diet
The best fitness advice is to stop dieting, which might seem paradoxical. Edit what you eat and flip the word’s letters. Instead of a deprivation strategy, make it a change in lifestyle toward healthier foods.
Thank you
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str44wberry · 3 years
﹟❐ TIPS 4N4 💝
- eat citrus! And fruits + vegetables. This with laxatives will help your metabolism.
- walk or cardio. Walking burns almost as many calories as running. walking is the way to go
- chew a minimum of 20 times and drink water before every meal.
- reducing massages.
- reduce your portions
- lemon tea or coffee without sugar.
- stretching can make you look skinnier
- if you are going to binge, think about what you want to eat and imagine the taste and the situation, and distract yourself.
- stay motivated by watching th11nsp0 every day.
- proteins and fibers!
(ej of fibers: oatmeal, apples, carrots, green , beans, integral peoducts, green vegetables)
(ej of proteins: eggs, tuna, chicken, salmon, cheese, jelly, soy.
- keep your body active.
- keep the food hot.
- serve a portion of your food and spread it, make it look like a lot and fill the plate.
- if u like to dance, do it!
- yoga can help you a lot.
- do not eat less than what you spend.
- drink hot tea, coffee, or lemonade after every meal and in fasthave hot sugar-free tea, coffee, or lemonade at fast, and after every meal.
- fruits that will help you lose weight..
.. apples, oranges, raspberries, cantaloupe, strawberries, BLUEBERRIES, pink grapefruit, kiwis, papayas, pineapples and figs.
- avoid eating too many..
.. Bananas, grapes, coconut, cherries, pears and peaches.
- don't fast more than 12 hours multiple times a week, it slows your metabolism
- make sure you're getting protein, it makes you lose weight. if anything avoid carbs
- diet sodas added sweetener slows your metabolism. drink not too ooften, WATER.
- ice is a great thing to 'binge' on. it burns calories to eat, and keeps you from binging on other stuff
- when you do eat make sure it's in front of people so they don't suspect
- throwing up after you eat is really bad for you. it doesn't even get rid of the calories at most you'll lose half of what you ate. it's not worth it.
- you burn 1800+ calories a day by existing, plus any additional exercise you do. :)
- nicotine suppresses appetite well, but if you don't already smoke please don't. there's plenty of other things that work just as well
- laxatives don't work. they only get rid of water weight which instantly comes back. (the only time you should use laxatives is when you get constipated)
- try to sleep.
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eatpaperandcry · 3 years
Mindful, controlled
General overview:
-less sugar
-less bread
-less greasy stuff
-more water
-reduce caffeine
-be careful with sodium
-more fruits and veggies
-be strict but understanding
-take it one day at a time
-drink more teas
-make each bite and each sip worth it, eat slow and mindful
-try to sleep more and relax more
-try to exercise but if unable, just do some quick stretches
-manage your time better
-listen to subliminals, manifest
-try to either fast or make sure everything you eat is healthy and lowcal
-if not fasting, more veggies and fruit than anything else
-try to do yoga and stretches
-protein focused day
-drink electrolyte and tons of water
-gym day
-try to not drink soda, nothing carbonated
-another good day to try fasting
-again, if not fasting make sure you are eating balanced and healthy only
-good day to get things done, lots of free time means lots of time to do your homework and stuff like that
-try to do exercise that focus on arms and/or abs
-Protein focused day again
-the same rules as Tuesday
-be mindful when choosing what you'll eat
-try to choose fresh options that will make you feel clean
-relax, breathe, focus, it's the end of the week
-portion control day
-try to push for lower cal options, heavy portion control when not able to
-Try to do fun exercises you aren't able to do during weekdays, if you can't exercise do stretches at least
-try to get things done but also relax for a while
-another portion control heavy day
-enjoy company of people, you'll miss them
-relax while on the road, focus when you get the time and space to do homework
Actually follow the rules. Remember if you stop eating unhealthy foods you will stop craving them. Don't give in to temptation. Have self control, self respect, and self love.
You can try to make things fun and do some challenges like a mono, liquid fast or something like that from time to time.
I know we can do this. Stay focus. Be clean and be fresh, and remember you are what you eat.
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orangefoxes · 3 years
Hey, so I've been trying to submit a prompt but it won't work so here it goes I know this will be sad but what if Neil gets really sad and depressed (the reason is up for interpretation ex: bullied by jack or is haunted by PTSD) and so he becomes full of self hate and becomes anorexic and cuts himself #andreil (this would mean so much since I've been through similar circumstances and was strong enough to pull through and keep living, this book and your Tumblr have helped me so much)
Hi @soph-ie21 I am so sorry this took a whopping 4 years for me to post. I’m terrible for not checking my inbox as my notifications have been turned off for tumblr since I was like 13. I’m so glad to hear that you recovered from your ED, you must be so strong and I’m so proud of you as I know how difficult that is to do. I’m hoping this is the sort of prompt you were looking for, if you’re even looking after this long, as it’s not very dialogue heavy, but here you go.
When in high stress situations, to cope, the brain releases a hormone called cortisol. It’s alright in small doses, helpful even. It triggers your fight or flight response and readies the body to do something, fast. Constant exposure to the hormone however, has some not so good long term effects. Effects that include, but are not limited to: high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and, arguably the mildest, weight gain.
Cortisol results in weight gain for two reasons. The first is because it slows your metabolism, and the second is because the drop in blood sugar from constant high blood pressure means that you start craving fatty, sugary foods, which leads to overeating. Neil’s memory is not nearly good enough for him to recall what foods he had craved over the years, but he and his mother shied away from sweets and chocolate for dental reasons, it probably would have been a hardship for many kids growing up but Neil had never much cared for sugar anyway. However, what he and his mother did indulge in is a lot of fatty, fast food. Partly because it was cheap, partly because it was something they could eat while on the move, and partly because no one would look twice at two sketchy people in a Burger King or remember a beaten up old car briefly pausing in a drive thru.
While never giving much thought to how he looked (short of checking for ginger roots and the bruise on his cheek from where his mother had slapped that smile from his face), Neil does remember his weight fluctuating a lot when he was younger. The more stressful the months, the chubbier he got. It was in the quiet periods as he and his mother settled down and didn’t dare to venture into the supermarket too often that he began to lose it again. It was a cycle.
In Millport, Neil was at his lowest weight yet. There was only a solitary McDonald’s in town and Neil wasn’t about to become a regular. He stocked up on tinned food from the supermarket in his first week in town instead and meticulously made his way through them, heating the can up on the hot plate he had bought for four dollars from the thrift store in the high street.
He gained weight again once he started at Palmetto, he gained muscle mass too. This, of course, was thanks to three free meals a day and a new training regime with daily exercise. It was to be expected, but if, perhaps, he gained weight quicker than his teammates and muscle slower, well, he had bigger things to worry about.
Then he knew he was going to live.
Then everything with the Moriyamas was…well, not gone, but resolved.
That’s not to say there was nothing to stress about. There was the influx of reporters wanting to catch the Foxes’ attention to ask about Nathaniel Wesninski. There was Kevin’s impending break down as Riko’s funeral came and went. There was Aaron’s trial. Honestly it probably would have gone as stressful situations for Neil always go - here and gone just as quickly - except it turns out that Nicky cooks when he’s stressed, and Neil, well, he’s a stress eater.
After Aaron is declared innocent, Nicky resumes as normal. Neil…not quite. He’s constantly opening the cupboards to look for something to eat only to close them again when he finds nothing of interest. Without Nicky cooking, there’s nothing he can easily dig into and Neil, while accumulating many skills over the years, had never been a hand in the kitchen. The only things ready-eat that were consistently in the dorm were ramen and ice-cream. Even the thought of ramen makes Neil want to vomit and Neil wasn’t so desperate that he would resort to eating something as sweet as ice cream. Not that Andrew would let him if he did. (Andrew wasn’t a sharer).
He started to feel hungry.
He was always hungry.
The first few days he started to skip meals, he didn’t even notice he was doing it. Surely he didn’t notice he was doing it.
It’s just -
Here’s the thing.
Maybe he stress eats. Maybe his mother did too. They spent long car journeys with a family sized bag of potato chips resting by the gear stick and they spent half the time stuffing handfuls into their mouths and the other half checking the mirrors for cars that stayed behind them a touch to long. So maybe he stress ate, but it was never because of hunger: it was because of craving. It was because it gave him something to do with his hands. It was only when things quietened down, when the weeks turned long with the monotonous almost-existence that took up the majority of Neil’s life growing up (here’s something no one tells you about life on the run, in between the moments of sheer terror, it’s very very very boring), it was only then, that Neil actually began to feel things like hunger.
So when the hunger pangs began to curdle in his stomach, well, he didn’t mind. It meant he was safe enough to feel the hunger.
Maybe for the first couple of days he didn’t notice it. But then he noticed it.
He noticed enough to avoid things like rice and bread. Danger foods that packed on the calories and that made him bite the inside of his cheek until it bled at the mere thought. He noticed enough that he began to watch the others train and saw their muscles flex and couldn’t help but track their muscle growth and measure it up against his own. He always found himself lacking.
That’s when it started to get worse. If Allison spent 20 minutes on the treadmill. Then Neil would do 30. If Kevin did 40 push ups. Then Neil would do 50. If Renee had a salad for lunch, then Neil would just have a fruit pot.
The first time Andrew noticed that he skipped a meal, Neil just blinked. Being who he was, Neil didn’t do stupid things like stumble for lies and this time was no different. When Andrew asked about him not eating Neil just blinked like he hadn’t even noticed until Andrew brought it up.
He blinked and said “oh, you’re right. I got so caught up in watching exy reruns i didn’t even notice”
He said, “thanks, I’ll grab something in a sec”
Andrew breathed a scoffing breath down his nose, rolled his eyes and called him a junkie. He didn’t look at all surprised, as though Neil was only confirming what he had already guessed. Which of course is the trick all good liars employ.
Neil wondered if he would be surprised if he were to find out how impossible it would be for Neil to forget a meal time. He could never forget. All he thought about was food. It was all he thought about.
Food began to feel like it was all he cared about. Cared about more than school. Cared about more than exy. Is it terrible of him that that more than anything else feels like the worst thing?
And then, as things do, it got worse.
It turned into Neil stood in front of the mirror (looking at his body but not his eyes, never his eyes) and pinching the flesh between his fingers. Noticing every part of him that didn’t harden into muscle like the others. Noticing all the scars that had stretched strangely over a waist and thighs that are no longer as small.
He begins to peck at his food. Rip it into tiny pieces. Andrew looks down at his plate and glowers at him. Neil gives him a cheeky grin. He knows what he’s thinking. That this is just another one of those Andrew-mannerisms that Neil is taking on for himself. Like the sarcastic salutes and the blank, waiting stares. It’s so much easier to hide how little you’ve eaten when it’s all in pieces.
He didn’t know how to explain it. He just knows he needs to be thinner. He needs to weigh less. It’s not about looks. It’s never been about looks. He just needs to do this. He needs to be smaller. It will be alright then. Because then…then…
Well it will be alright then.
So here’s the thing about guilt and self loathing: they’re useless emotions. Andrew would be quick to agree. (Though Andrew is a hypocrite and is chock full of the both of them). His mother would agree too. How many times had Neil slipped poison into someone’s drink, stole from someone just as desperate, shot someone who maybe or maybe-not deserved it? And how many times after that did his mother pinch and prod at him and repeat the same mantra of “don’t you dare let guilt slow you down, you slow down and you’re dead”
Well, Mum, he’s slowed down. He slowed down so much that he’s stopped altogether and guess what? He fucking hates himself.
He replays it all in his head like a terrible loop. The boy in Switzerland that he tricked into taking his jacket so His fathers men would go after him instead. The old women he and his mother tricked into housing them and then slipped something in her tea until she slept and never woke up again. The homeless man who had broken into the house they were squatting in that Neil had shot on instinct. Seth.
Seth. Seth. Seth.
He fucking hates himself. Honestly the hunger pains kind of feel like the best thing he’s ever felt after that. The pain, the ache, he deserves it.
Then it gets worse. Then comes the worst part.
Andrew’s meds change again. The others had begun to make him irritable and he always had an energy crash by about 5pm and a terrible headache. The new ones wouldn’t be of much note as they did nothing groundbreakingly different, short of getting rid of the headaches and not sapping so much of his energy.
Except for one key side effect of the meds.
They suppressed Andrew’s appetite.
More and more Andrew is missing meals. He won’t even eat more than a tablespoon of ice cream. Neil watches him and adjusts himself to suit. He doesn’t know why, but he just can’t be eating more than him, he can’t.
The frustration he feels about Andrew’s meds soon turn to resentment. He hates that he has to watch Andrew not eat and not seem affected by it at all. Andrew lessens his exercise under Betsy’s advice and yet nothing changes. His weight stays the same. He probably even loses some thanks to the loss of muscle. Neil watches and Neil hates. He hates that if he skipped out on training he would pack on the pounds, he hates that his stomach hurt and hurts and Andrew doesn’t spare a thought on food at all.
He starts to avoid the roof. He starts to dodge Andrew’s gaze the same way he does his own in the mirror.
The next time they’re alone and Andrew leans in, more hesitant than he’s been in months, Neil jerks back and snaps “No.”
It isn’t even completely because of the resentment. The majority of it is because he feels disgusting and fat and he can’t bare Andrew touching him right now. Can’t bare him looking at him.
Andrew’s face closes off and he slides back to the other side of the couch. He’s searching Neil’s face, trying to find the misstep, trying to find what he did wrong.
Good, let him think he did something wrong.
Now that’s the resentment.
It’s immediately one of the worst things Neil has ever thought. He remembers sitting, trembling, on the roof, Andrew refusing to touch him saying “I wont be like them, I wont let you let me be”
And Neil’s trying to make him think, wants to make him feel -
Jesus Christ. He’s a piece of fucking shit.
He slams his way out of the dorm and runs and runs and runs.
He sleeps in the locker room and slumps out in the morning so he’s first in the main room for the meeting with Wymack. He sits on a chair that’s as far away from every other seat as it can get while still completing the make do semi-circle around where Wymack usually stands. When the others begin to filter in they take in his new seat, but don’t comment when they see his storming expression.
When Andrew sees him he pauses for a beat in the doorway before continuing to his usual seat on the couch. He stares at Neil blankly, but his hands are clenching and unclenching in his lap. Wymack hesitates but doesn’t say anything. The others play at being uninterested and only Aaron openly looks between Neil and Andrew with a steadyingly darkening expression.
Neil slams his locker and gets changed in the cubicles for the first time in months. He’s vicious in practice. Throwing in as many dirty moves as he can. Andrew stands in the goal and does nothing. When it’s only Wymack’s sharp whistle that stops Neil bringing his racket down on Matt’s arm when he attempts to steal the ball, Neil is benched.
He yanks off his helmet and slumps down on the bench and tries to remember how to breathe through rage.
He’s sat, pinching at the skin on his thigh, for ten minutes before Allison joins him. She holds out a breakfast bar and Neil stiffens.
“Eat, it might help you stop being such a raging asshole,” she says.
Neil takes the breakfast bar and when she doesn’t immediately leave he opens it and snaps a bit off with his fingers.
He stares down the rolled oats and nuts and grimaces at the sticky feeling of the syrup that holds them together. He feels sick.
“Are you going to eat?” Allison says.
Neil looks at her and huffs a bitter breath through his nose. A wry smile pulls at the corner of his lips.
He remembers that Allison battled bulimia for years.
You can’t lie to a liar.
She looks at his face. Concern trying to become anger that she’s trying to force to stay concern. She looks at his face and then over at Andrew, who is stood in his goal watching them as Kevin shouts at him to fucking do something already. She looks back at Neil.
“You know, relationships are hard enough without mental health problems in the mix. Seth and I were a terrible combination for many reasons and that was one them. I’m not saying it can’t be done or that it shouldn’t be done, I’m just saying it makes it so much harder. He used to try to make me eat. I hated him for that. Hated that I had to hide my own habits in my own room. One day, after he stopped me from going to purge one too many times we got into an argument. I said some disgusting things to him. The next day he was in the hospital because of an overdose. He had to get his stomach pumped. You know what the worst thing is? I don’t even remember what it is I said. I don’t know if what I did triggered him or if it would have happened anyway, but it couldn’t have helped. You’re always going to trigger each other at one point or another, it’s unavoidable. But if you know that and you don’t do anything to help yourself…well that’s when every shit thing you think about yourself starts to become true. So tell me, are you a piece of shit that’s going to drag everyone down with you, or are you better than that?”
Neil looks down at the breakfast bar. He still can’t make himself eat it.
He swallows harshly against the lump in his throat. He has to swallow two more times until he’s sure he can talk without crying.
“What’s betsy’s number?” He asks.
Allison doesn’t smile, but she nods like he’s done the right thing and pulls out her phone.
SIDE NOTE: I’d like to point out that Neil is very flawed and toxic in his thinking and Allison is harsh in what she says to him just because she’s a harsh person. If you have an eating disorder I know sometimes help and recovery seems like the worst thing in world and something you really don’t want, but please, please seek help. You can do it.
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healthfitnessgoals · 3 years
5 simple tips for heath and fitness success
1. Exercise Daily
Exercise daily for at least an hour. You do not have to kill yourself from running, jogging, etc., but you should have some sort of moderate physical activity in your everyday life. If you're looking to shed a few pounds fast, do a higher-level intensity workout. For example, go on a walk at a brisk pace for an hour. Or, you can jog and set certain intervals to sprint during that hour. Make sure you're not in severe pain during your workout. Just a warning, your muscles will ache after a high intensity workout. It may be irritating, but that means your body is changing for the better. Be sure to stay hydrated, stretch, and eat foods with a decent amount of protein after each workout. The protein will help keep your muscles, not fat, rebuilding.
2. Eat the Right Foods and Portion Each Meal
No matter how bad your stomach is telling you to go for candy over healthy food, try to stay away from sweets. Sugar from candy will not help you get in shape. Even if it's just a single candy bar, one will eventually lead to another. Fruits and vegetables are the best thing to eat when getting into shape. Apples, for example, do a good job at making the stomach feel full for up to 3 to 4 hours. Green vegetables such as green beans and broccoli keep the digestive system clean and running. Also, stick to lean meats like turkey and chicken. Seafood, such as, shrimp, and tilapia are also great alternatives. These foods are full of protein and healthy nutrients to help keep muscles fit and ready for workouts. In addition, be sure to portion what you eat. Having a good metabolism comes from portioning meals. Try to plan out eating six times a day and setting smaller portions, rather than having three large meals throughout the day. This will also help you find yourself breathing smoother when working out rather than huffing and puffing for air. This is because you will have less food in your digestive system, which means more energy is used toward your exercise.
3.Keep Track of Calories and Food Intake Per Day
Keeping track of how many calories you eat in a day will be helpful in planning out your physical exercising. Ever wonder why body builders' body masses are so big? That's because they plan out their meals and take in more (healthy) calories than the average person. On the other hand, losing weight and striving for a skinnier physique will involve more physical exercise than calories you ingest.
4.Be Sure to Get Sleep
Even though most of us have eight-hour jobs during the day or night, it is crucial to get enough sleep to recharge the body's batteries. Six to eight hours of sleep will keep the body going throughout the day, but if you happen to feel tired at any point after coming home from work, by all means take a small nap before exercising. You should only nap for about a half hour. This will prevent you from staying up later in the night.
5.Stay Motivated
An important key to being in shape is to set goals and keep a positive mindset. If you stay positive, you will be able to push yourself to get that fit body you've always wanted.
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kyaada · 4 years
Thanksgorging Done Right
Prepare Get the balance right! Although you’ll need to start on an empty stomach to eat as much as possible, don’t be ravenously hungry.  If you’re starving, you’ll eat too quickly and not properly pace yourself.
Avoid fasting. Follow your regular meal schedule and stop eating five hours before the main event.
Exercising earlier in the day is also a good idea, especially if you’ve eaten a breakfast meal.  Physical activity stimulates the appetite.  Taking a short, brisk walk helps move food through your digestive system and empty out your stomach in preparation.
Finally, it's easier to eat a lot if you're relaxed. So immediately before the meal, take some deep breaths, listen to some pleasant music, think calm thoughts, and avoid anything confrontational or stressful.
Now’s a good time to weigh yourself and measure around your belly.  You’re going to want some data from which to later gauge your success.
Dressing Isn’t Just a Sidedish Choose your Thanksgorging meal outfit with significant expansion in mind.  If you must wear less casual clothing, wear an undershirt under a button-up shirt in case you end up stressing or popping buttons; also, plan similarly if the pants must be dressier.  Check to see if they can be unbuttoned stealthily and your belt has notches left to be loosened. 
Ideally, you’ll be able to wear a stretchy shirt and pants with a lot of give. If your belly typically swells immensely during large extended dinners, consider choosing a shirt that will cover most of your belly for most of the meal.  A tight hem riding up like a curtain can be sexy as it bares a fat spherical curve, but can be potentially distracting to other diners.  Unbuttoning too-tight pants late in a hefty meal is nearly universally expected, especially if the button is ready to pop.
Choose Wisely
Once you’ve girded your loins for the overeating challenge, there’s nothing to do but begin. The choices you make now will determine whether you fill your stomach to maximum capacity, or give up long before dessert.
If you’re a beer drinker, try to avoid beers right off the bat. Instead, have a couple shots of 80+ proof liquor to relax and put yourself at ease.  Skip the mixer, especially if it’s carbonated, as you want to maximize the benefit of the alcohol while minimizing the volume at this point.
If there are appetizers, consider your options carefully. Certain types of food makes you feel more full than others.
An over-full feeling isn’t just caused by a stretched-to-capacity stomach. Your body also triggers feelings of fullness by releasing hormones and enzymes as you eat. For example, the more you chew, the fuller you will feel. Stick with the mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, country rolls with butter, fluffy fruit salad, and delay the majority of fats and proteins until later.  Gorging on a pile of turkey will make you feel full sooner than the easier-to-stuff carbs. You can do maximal damage with carbs because they layer nicely—you can pack in more without feeling too full.
Once you start eating protein, the secretion of enzymes and hormones starts that satiety cascade, and having fat as part of the meal triggers satiety.   Delay your consumption of fiber-rich foods like veggies and whole grains. They fill you up faster because that fiber soaks up water and takes up more room. Liquids also occupy precious stomach real estate, so don’t consume a large glass of juice or bowl of soup right away. That said, fluids will help food move through your stomach as you eat, so sip some water or other liquids throughout the meal.
Gorge Yourself The human stomach is quite stretchy -- like a big latex balloon. If you cram food and drink into it, it will expand to a maximum volume of up to four liters—the equivalent of two 2-liter bottles of soda. Once you've stuffed your stomach to capacity, the meal is over—right? Absolutely not!
As fast as you put food into it, your stomach processes that content and starts moving it into the intestines. As soon as you feel like you can’t eat another bite, lean back in your chair. Relax. Breathe in slowly through your nostrils and exhale slowly through your mouth.  Let your abdominal muscles loosen and expand to allow your stomach to push out and become as round as possible. Using both hands, rub your belly all over in slow circles, concentrating on your very full stomach.  Try to push out any belches that might be taking up precious room in your filled stomach, using a tapping or thumping technique as though your gut were a drum. If you struggle enough with massaging your bloated belly, someone at the table may offer to help you -- let them have a rub as well for good luck.
Take a Belly Break If you’ve been concentrating on simple carbohydrates, you’re in luck: The stomach can empty itself of low-fiber carbs in a mere 30 to 90 minutes.  At this point, you probably feel bloated; perhaps, a little like a tick about to pop.  You might feel like all you want is to do is curl up on the sofa, holding your stomach, and groaning. Fight that instinct and get to your feet. Part of the digestion of food is movement. If you take yourself from a sitting to a standing position, you’re going to move food more quickly and feel less uncomfortable sooner than if you just sit down. After all, you just worked hard on that belly -- it’s time to show it off! Take the pop walk slowly around the dining room, into the living room, around wherever there may be an appreciative audience.  Stop by a full-length mirror and take a lengthy look at your fullness.  The nerves around your stomach are the ones that complain to the brain about how full you are. Once your body pushes that food from your stomach into your intestines, the uncomfortably full feeling should ease up. Adding liquid will also speed up this process. Drinking will help to move things down -- instead of everything sitting there going nowhere like a traffic jam.  Go for Bust Now, get back to that table and eat. Luckily, you don’t have to wait for your stomach to empty out entirely before you go back to the buffet. Even a little reduction in food volume can help. Give yourself fifteen minutes to a half an hour to recover, and you’ll find that you’re ready to pack in more chow. Just remember that less chewing means you’ll be able to get in a larger volume of food into your stomach.  Protein like turkey sticks to your ribs for much longer: it will take closer to four hours to pass through your stomach, and no one wants to wait that long to begin eating desserts.
Keep eating. Remember to lean back, spread your thighs apart, whatever it takes to give your burgeoning belly enough space to swell. It’s during this part of Thanksgorging where you hope you’ve chosen your clothes wisely.  If all has gone according to plan, the stretchy materials should be reaching their limit around your bulging midsection, and you’ll want to consider unbuttoning that pants button (if there is one).  Concerned onlookers may begin to make comments about the size of your belly, others may poke you in the stomach to see if there is any give, and the feeders in the group will be encouraging you to pack in another plateful.
Getting Fed If someone at the table wants to feed you on top of your already stretched-to-the-very-limit belly, then take a belly break before they break your belly. Get your fattened self up and do your best to wobble about for at least fifteen minutes if you left the table at the point where swallowing a whole mouthful of food became a time-consuming process. Once again, try to avoid laying down for any length of time, especially on the floor and on your back as you’ll be extremely vulnerable to being popped by those who could trip and fall onto your overstuffed belly.  Do not bounce anything heavy on top of an overfull stomach as it may burst from the compression.
Once back at the table, determine the safe word to be used so that the feeder knows when to stop stuffing you, then allow the feeder to shovel food into your mouth at your mutual pleasure. Choices such as “pop”, “burst”, “explode” are not recommended.  Use something like “diet” to communicate that the belly has attained maximum safe stretch and cannot accommodate the slightest bit more filling. 
Top it Off in Grand Style Wait one half hour after you’ve last shoveled dinner food in and then drink a small glass of warm water (at least room temperature and definitely not cold).  Slightly warm water helps break down food in the stomach and aids digestion. Now, begin the dessert stage of the meal.  Glucose (sugar) stimulates the relaxation reflex, and pressure on the stomach will be decreased, reducing the sensation of fullness.  A sweet dessert will allow the stomach to make room for more food, and you’ll be able to tackle several slices of your favorite pies.  Remember, they’re only good when they’re fresh, and you’ve earned rewarding yourself with as much pie as will fit in your stomach. Measure and Weigh At this point, you should find a scale and a tape measure to record the meal’s highlights.  After all, you need to know what goals you’re going to set for Christmas.
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