#tw calorie mention
illthi · 4 months
guys i ate more than 1000 again yesterday so i'm doing 500 cal/day from now on and on sat i'm starting abc diet. anyone w me??
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bruciemilf · 2 years
(If you have Bruce as part of the JL where TJ exists)
The other JL members think it's weird that Bruce doesn't see the need to do much when his kids start fighting under the excuse "They're not fighting that hard with each other" until they watch one of the times where all it takes for Bruce and TJ to start fighting is to just look at each other.
The BatBrats thinking they're the elite when it comes to sibling rivalry? Bruce looks at them and thinks how cute.
Clark watching Jason threaten Tim with horrible 10 ways to die if he won't give back his book and looks at Bruce like, are you gonna stop this?
Bruce shrugs, " If they don't break bones, I'm not getting involved,"
I feel like TJ would definetly be the type to expose Bruce in front of his friends. Like, oh, yeah, the guys so scary right? You should see him suck on his thumb when he's napping. Or his blonde era, now that's terryfing.
Diana's eyes sparkle, "...Blonde?"
" Blached hair, heavy make up, very Avril Lavigne of him. Oh, and did I mention he used to write love letters to Gerard Way?
Bruce seeths, " Want ME to tell them you used to make out with the bathroom mirror when you were drunk? At TEN?"
" No, but maybe you'd like to tell them you had your first boner when you saw that Gray Ghost episode when he snapped a guy's spine in two!"
" Or maybe I should tell them you annoyed our last nanny to death!"
" I told her to stay off the stairs. Besides, I didn't push her that hard. Anyway, anybody want pics of Bruce eating pudding with a knife cause I said it's less calories?"
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onewingednatu · 3 months
LMAO Some fatphobe commented on one of my vent posts saying "why take pills when you can just cut calories!". When I went to their page to block them they made a whole as rant post themselves about how they hate "fat positive fat people".
I was annoyed at first, but this I just find funny as hell. Like, there's 9000 problems in the world you could be worrying about, and you choose to hate people who are okay with how they look! LMFAO Like pick a struggle mate 😂
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detentiontrack · 2 months
I am such a regular soda girlie. I convinced myself for years that I drank diet soda for the “taste” but really I was just scared of the calories. I love an ice cold beverage full of sugar and caffeine and calories!!!
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mandyyvibes · 2 months
looking for recs for any resources (books? articles podcasts?) on disordered eating recovery that promote like. body neutrality and reinforce that calories are energy and all that good stuff. asking for me and also for my little 15 year old coworker who’s like a little brother to me that i love dearly
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Why does the coffee my father buys taste so much better without sweetener / creamer?? Like it tastes better and it’s less cals. I’ve hit the jackpot. :3
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"it's just empty carbs" WRONG all carbs are full of love
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freakbleeds · 1 year
I wish all restaurants that put calorie numbers on their menus a very fuck off and die
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neilperryzlefttit · 5 months
I'm so fucking done with diet culture omg
I was debating getting offline because I can't scroll tumblr without getting a weight watchers or noom ad or some shit (At this point ana tumblr is less annoying cuz at least I can't block if I need)
If you've been on my blog for long enough you know I'm really early in ed recovery and I never truly noticed how actually everywhere it is
(this is the third post about it this year)
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illthi · 5 months
1038 kcals today. kinda upsets me but it's okay, i ate v clean. was actually so tired i thought i will throw up so probably i needed it. anyways tmrw i'll eat as little as possible just to keep myself going through the day
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blood-loving-leech · 6 months
tw for a calorie joke
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need a low cal meal? try a whole bottle of mustard! 0 cals! you will surely not regret eating a whole bottle of mustard!!
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detentiontrack · 2 months
Also…. I’ve been fat my whole life. When I was a child I was always tall for my age, very muscular, and I have a large bone structure and broad shoulders. I’ve always had some fat on me. Thick thighs, a large chest, strong and fat upper arms, etc. And when I got hashimotos hypothyroid when I was 11, I gained more weight. And I had an ED with binging characteristics for 8 years. And I’ve been on medications that cause weight gain forever. I’m still on them. And I’m physically disabled. But even if I were fat and physically abled and ate 5000 calories a day with no exercise, I would STILL have value as a person and deserve respect. And it’s none of anyone’s business whatsoever. It’s between me and my medical team.
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Not even Friday but I had some fear foods for lunch
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I had it DRILLED into my head since I was young that ramen (the packets, at least) is So Bad for you, and So High Calorie, so this was a very intense fear food for a couple years. But when things were getting really bad, I would eat cup noodles every day. But the catch is that my ex and I (he was also anorexic, our relationship was complicated) would share one. Not to mention that the cups are already lower cal than a pack (mostly because a pack is two servings)
But anyways all of this is to say that this is a fear food AND a trigger food for me. But it all went fine. I drank some broth, which I didn't used to do unless it was spicy (that's a whole complicated thing too) but I also didn't feel the need to drink ALL of it, which is another problem I tend to have with food.
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Then i had this chocolate parfait thing with a layer of cake it because I'm menstruating and I was craving something like it, and it was good! I've had it before and knew I liked it. But after eating it I could almost feel it in my throat, and I started thinking about how sugary it is and how many calories it probably has (fighting not to read the nutrition label rn) and I'm just feeling super anxious about it. My knee jerk reaction to this feeling is to purge but I refuse to do that to myself anymore.
It doesn't even matter if I had something that isn't "good for you." My body does not deserve to be punished, and I am allowed to have something like that now and then. Food is morally neutral and I refuse to continue allowing my perception of food affect how I treat my body.
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leafboy-the-great · 2 years
me: wow! I just worked out. I need to eat food.
My brain: seaweed.
Me: that doesn't have enough calories-
My brain: its the only thing im letting you eat
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wolfhowlwitch · 11 months
small win!!
ok I've really wanted to find healthy ways to lose weight but being tht I have a long history of EDs and a LAUNDRY LIST of disabilities... that shit is HARD. finding something accessible enough feels impossible.
but last night the husband got a code for Just Dance.
I just did cardio for an HOUR!
the moves are so modifiable, the game has accessibility options, there's no calories lost displayed on the screen... I could go for another hour if I hadn't forgotten to turn on my fan and gotten overheated! this is a GAME CHANGER
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stargiirl27 · 2 years
tw calorie mention:
saving my calories for drinks tomorrow night so I'm gonna have a slimfast for breakfast and call it good 👍
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