#stronger than you ( answered. )
letsplayeternity · 3 months
We all talk about how Penelope is strong in the 3x01 "Mr Bridgerton" scene because she doesn't fold after his shameless flirting but do you know what is true strenght? This moment right here. Because that boy is TOUCHING HER BARE ARM and TAKING HER HAND and he says "you really are very good, you know?" in the SOFTEST VOICE KNOWN TO MAN. And like... i'm sorry. I'm sorry but WHAT THE FUCK. HOW DID SHE NOT IMMEDIATELY FALL TO HER KNEES? Penelope Featherington is truly the strongest out of everyone because sure, she is desperately pining for him - but at least she keeps it under wraps. I would not have been able. If Colin Bridgerton said something like that to me I would have had no choice but to hit my knees and ask him if he would be kind enough as to compromise me immediately.
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guinevereslancelot · 3 months
what was with cameron house md she spends 90% of the episode saying she wants their patient to die bc he's a genocidal dictator and her colleague husband says "babe it bothers me for ethical reasons that you want our patient to die :(" and she said "hm maybe you're right :/" but when it comes down to it the genocidal dictator lays a finger on her in an aggressive manner and chase instantly commits medical malpractice to murder the guy and then when he tells her she LEAVES HIM bc boo hoo he's a murderer now like GIRL he killed a man for you!!! he's wracked with catholic guilt!!! he's being crushed beneath the weight of his sins because he chose his devotion to you over his devotion to god!!! he literally could not get any sexier at this moment in time!!!
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nelkcats · 10 months
Death Companions
It is said that all people have a partner, one that is predetermined; some are platonic soulmates, others romantic soulmates, but the main thing was that they were meant to be by your side, understand you, and not always support your decisions.
They were more like a kind of impulse control, someone to help you see beyond your choices and thoughts. While they were "meant" to understand you, that doesn't mean they supported all your decisions without complaint. Some would say they were there to help you be a better person.
But there was a catch: no one would know who their companion is until they die. Maybe it was a cruel twist of fate, that you would be forced to live your life without any clue as to whether you were doing it correctly. That you might never meet your partner in your life, that you would only have each other until all the stupid tests ended.
A way for the universe to say "fuck you" to humans who desperately wanted guidance on how to live. Or maybe, it was a way of telling them that there was no such guide, and that if they gave all the clues humans would never be free to make their own decisions.
So, maybe Jason Todd and Danny Fenton were the luckiest people on the fucking planet, for being the only ones who knew about each other, for being the only ones who could see that thread connecting them.
Personally neither of them felt lucky, dying was horrible, but at least the thread helped them feel less alone. Maybe someday one of them would be brave enough to follow it.
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hungharrington · 8 months
i neeeeeeeeed to make stevie baby beg. beg for what? anything and everything i am not picky - ⭐️
god you’re so right and you know what? i think steve would love it. he loves it when you beg too, ofc, but there’s just something about when he can’t help it, he’s all worked up and you just keep riling him up and and the words aren’t even a conscious choice just— “please, pl-please baby, i need— i need-“ while you’re teasing him, whether it’s letting your hot wet mouth tease up and down his thighs, purposefully avoiding his leaking cock or maybe it’s sitting atop him, thighs on his thighs, your hands pressing his wrists into the sheets and just letting your hot slick heat drench his cock- while he ruts up, able to move but not enough, feeling the head of his cock catch your entrance every time so he’s gasping, face all screwed up, just begging- “ah— fuck, please, please please, let me- ngh, god, fuck please, i need it—”
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 1 month
My quote of the week that filled my girlfriend with Rage:
"Destiny is just Kingdom Hearts for Halo fans."
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shorthaltsjester · 10 months
begging twitter to stop showing me tweets of people with no reading comprehension misrepresenting things I said but since i was going to make this more in-depth post Anyway .
when i say imogen is better read as a metaphor for generational trauma than she is a metaphor for queerness or chronic pain, i’m not talking about legitimate traits she has as a character. obviously she is queer. obviously she experiences some form of chronic pain (though i would argue her magic better suits chronic illness not pain because she states that it’s Not always painful, but it does always influence how she lives her life).
when i talk about how well she’s understood as a metaphor, i’m talking about when i’m looking at her as a part of a story, as an arc that i am witnessing rather than in the more typical fandom way of this is a fictional person who interacts with exandria as real people do. and that is a fun way to interact with characters, i enjoy it a lot! but when i say imogen (to me, as i for some reason have to clarify on my own blog which implies that these are my own opinions and not absolute fact that needs to be accepted by people on the internet with different experience and opinions than me) is best read as a metaphor for generational trauma, it isn’t a dismissal of her queerness or her illness, it’s just me thinking looking at her from that angle is more compelling.
imogen has been one of my favourite characters and least favourite characters in campaign 3 because i tend to analyse her through a lens of generational trauma and she ends up looking extremely familiar to me as someone with a family that carries their’s heavily which is as comforting as it is frustrating.
for me the main thing that looking at imogen through a queer lens of literary analysis fails to account for is harm. on the one hand - the harm that imogen experiences, not because of how people treat her for who she is, but that exists simply as a factor of her being ruidusborn. on the other hand a the harm that imogen causes. not to say that she is some malicious villain waiting for her chance to harm others, but that there are things about being ruidusborn that very much do incline her towards violence in a way that she might not otherwise be - i think about the conversation after she went nuclear and chet brought up people being scared of her connecting that to her father keeping distance. the only harm that queerness provides comes from society, and that isn’t the case in exandria. even metaphorically, the thing that society fears in ruidusborn people (while it has certainly been exacerbated by centuries of superstition and practices like we saw in zephrah) is a tangible threat. imogen’s magic when not controlled can wipe out a city block, but queerness poses no threat.
that’s why i’m not compelled by imogen’s backstory as a queer metaphor. not because i’m some imodna anti (i very emphatically am not but this fandom kinda makes me wish i was sometimes) or because i think exandria’s lack of homophobia/transphobia means that characters can’t be viewed through a queer lens or that critical role doesn’t contain some of the most compelling queer metaphor i’ve encountered. imogen just isn’t one of those characters, not because she isn’t queer, or because i think her story shouldn’t resonate with queer people, just because i find the generational trauma angle more consistent.
it’s similar with the chronic illness angle, which i will refer to as illness but you’re welcome to emphasise pain, we all have different vocabularies for the experiences we face. but just to give context i’m running off laura’s comparison of imogen’s powers to her own sensory issues and anxiety which while often Lead to pain, fall more into chronic illness in imogen’s context to me. and i do think there’s substantial comparison for imogen’s story as a metaphor for chronic illness, but i think that was much more true earlier in the campaign than it is looking at her from the current context. her beginning motivation being her search for knowledge about her powers really resonated with me as similar to someone experiencing symptoms of chronic illness but who could neither figure out how to treat them or what they were caused by.
but then imogen got more information, specifically about her mother, and her priority became not understanding her powers but understanding her current state as a person - how had she become the person she is, inclusive of her powers but very much emphasising her lack of a mother who became more and more present in the unweaving web of ruidusborn lore. that’s when i was less compelled by the chronic illness reading and more compelled by viewing her as a metaphor for generational trauma. had that not been enough on its own, imogen’s visit to relvin and her recent thoughts on her mother would be enough to convince me.
the part that makes me hesitant about this post is that generational trauma is so intensely linked to the contexts under which it is created and perpetuated. so i can’t really point to specific scenes as evidence of specific things that prove generational trauma is the most compelling and i don’t really want to unload that much of my own experience to clarify my thoughts on a character. but vaguely, i will say that imogen’s relationship with her parents is obviously the clearest source for my reading her as a metaphor for generational trauma. the fact that relvin, the only person in her family without the thing that draws society’s ire, is also the person that she has the most willing anger at is also indicative of this to me. in general, imogen’s rage that so easily transitions into sadness and vice versa comes out a lot in conversations about parents. most recently, i think about ashton’s lovely speech about found family and his distrust about parents and how as they were speaking, laura seemed to be playing imogen as sadly in thought versus months ago when fearnes parents showed up with striking similarities to liliana and imogen’s words of wisdom were let’s hurt them all.
and like. to me that angersadnessvengeancegrief is particularly evocative of the feelings that arise when you are in a family with generational trauma, especially when you are aware of it. because imogen can and has followed the logical steps that have led her and her family to where they are. early on when recounting her relationship with her dad she seemed wistful but understanding of the distance between them. in nearly every encountered with a parental figure imogen seems to be some level of distrusting for the most part, but she’s still holding out hope that her mother will see the good side. and further, there’s the complication of how dire her losing her powers seems to be, and how inextricable her powers are from every aspect of her life. she’s also southern and from a blue collar family. this means nothing except it also means a whole lot.
this is messy and not well organised but if you want a good essay you’re gonna have to pay me money for it but tldr: i say things i believe on my This Is My Opinion Blog and i don’t think i need to explain my thoughts to strangers on the internet but this was already half written in my drafts and if people are gonna shit on my opinions please at least do it in good faith and shit on my actual opinions not the ones you’ve decided i have.
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crowlore · 8 months
i remember it used to be a bit of a fandom pet peeve of mine that some people would forget that the gung ho guns and eye of michael were two separate groups with some membership overlap but then stampede came along and made the eom into a project of conrad’s backed by knives. another example of how the reboot feels like bad fanfiction.
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sergle · 1 year
so sorry if this is too invasive of a question but did you ever start an antidepressant that didnt affect your ability to nut or did you just discontinue your meds entirely ? asking bc i started a new antidepressant recently and have been afflicted with the same condition but im like so embarrassed to bring it up to my doctor idk if theres even anything they can do or another medication that wont do this 😭
OH Man yeah okay, I haven't been Thoroughly cataloging my medication journey but like... first of all, I Did Not Tell my doctor about the nut curse. I just didn't. so you can definitely get around that if you don't want to bring it up as vehemently as I did. but, after I went off lexy, I started on bupropion. which does not impede my ability to nut. in fact, ever since my dose on it got raised, it's doing the opposite of that.
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I know Charles got a 10 in the Aramco rankings, but they have been so off the mark for years that it dilutes everything when they rate a driver well. I don't post Aramco rankings, because they really don't inform anything useful in my opinion. They are never clear about how they arrive at these rankings, so like slapping a number on a performance really is just not helpful? Like the 10s they have given in recent years have been wildly different. What gets a 10? We still don't know. So what does a 10 mean? Not much.
I don't know, I know some people like ranking things, but when the number is just made up with like no real units for the scale it just doesn't make sense to me, especially when the numbers don't align with previously similar drives from other drivers.
I am convinced they get the numbers from divining the tyre tracks in the pitlane after the race.
I am happy that they are recognizing Charles' performance, but coming from these people who have been really off in previous ratings what does it really mean?
To be clear Charles always 16/10 in my garage.
And that is all I have to say about Aramco rankings.
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
According to the responses to the 2021 American Community Survey available on the US Census Bureau website, approximately 13% of Americans self reported some form of disability. Initially, I thought that this was a high value simply because there's so little perception of it in media, unless that media is specifically designed to show people with disabilities. But then I looked a bit deeper into it. Nearly 50%(it was like 48 point something) of those who reported a disability reported an ambulatory disability. Given this figure, I wonder if the percentage is underreported. A lot of mental health and disability has only been accepted in mainstream media in recent years. There are also questions I have like:Do correctible vision deficiencies count as disabilities? I would argue yes. I wear glasses. It's not something I think about a lot, but without my glasses, I would be hard-pressed to function normally within society. They are an accommodation. Yet in a group of 25-30 people(the class i was in when i was thinking about it), I easily counted at least 5 who wore glasses. Obviously, that's not a large enough sample size to make any kind of assumption off of, but I think I could probably find similar numbers if i looked in other places. Part of me doubts that I was marked as having a vision difficulty despite having and wearing glasses. And it's made me think and wonder if 13% wasn't that large of a number after all. I mean, it's a massive population. It's 42 million people, but I wonder if the number is even larger than that. What do you think?
So, I think it's complex. I'm not saying you are wrong in your investigation, but due to the personal nature of disability, it makes me wonder, too. I think the answer will be just as complex, is what I am saying.
Simultaneously, disability is very common, but the idea of being "unable" to live or be productive makes it so that disability becomes a taboo. It leads you to believe that disability is uncommon, or only exists in the "extremes". I do think that contributes to the perception people have of their disabilities, especially in being in denial about their disabilities disabling them.
I think you can generally say that certain things, like eye vision, can be disabilities, as long as we also recognize that it exists on a spectrum. I also have eye glasses, but if you ask me what I'm disabled by, I probably wouldn't bring that up unless it is relevant, in the narrow ways it is for me personally. I think that's part of why the ambulatory statistic is high. There are many situations where your disability doesn't really... disable you, but you're still disabled because there are aspects of your life you either cannot do, or you need help in order to do.
Thirteen percent is a large number, but when you consider the vast array of disabilities, the number of veterans and elderly, and (like you said) the number of people likely either in denial about their disability or the people for whom education doesn't include disability, the number could very well be thirteen or higher.
It's interesting that ableism is so ubiquitous, yet so many of us are disabled (with or without our knowledge).
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gumpistol · 2 months
hc + moon
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         luffy & zoro — the sun & the moon
   this became less of a headcanon in the end and more of my own self-indulgent character analysis, but the first thought that popped into my head when I saw 'moon' in relation to luffy was "oh that's zoro — he's luffy's moon." where luffy is an obvious depiction of the sun, so much so that he wields a sun god's devil fruit, zoro is his opposite in many ways, as the moon is opposite to the sun.
   in literature and folklore, the sun is a symbol of warmth, energy, heroism, joy, life, and an uncontrollable force, all of which are characteristics that luffy embodies ( regardless of how much he doesn't want to be seen as a hero ). in contrast, the moon is frequently seen as a symbol of guidance, wisdom, passivity, calm, and devotion. yes, guidance and wisdom at first glance are not key characteristics that people would use to first describe zoro, but more than once he has acted as an advisor to luffy, providing his own version of guidance and wisdom to his captain when filling his role of trusted first mate.
   that being said, where luffy is full of energy, zoro is usually calm and low energy, and where luffy is the uncontrollable force that does what he wants, fights what he wants when he wants, zoro is content to go with the flow and follow whatever luffy wants to do. and of course, there is no one quite as devoted to luffy as zoro is. 
   frequently in mythology and folklore, the sun and moon are also depicted as deities closely associated with each other in some embodiment of a close relationship. in fact, a common theme includes the sun and moon traveling the world together, but at some point getting split apart ( to explain the concept of night and day ). this is something seen in luffy and zoro's partnership a lot as well, whether due to getting separated during an arc to fight their respective battles, or in the case of their separation after marineford, where we even see the day and night symbolism depicted in their respective locations apart from each other: luffy's presence on daylit amazon lily and zoro in perpetual night time on kuraigana island.
   at the end of the day though, the sun always illuminates the moon. even when separated by the earth between them ( in the case of lunar eclipses ), the sun's light manages to refract onto the moon through the earth's atmosphere. in the same way, even when physically separated, luffy's warmth and light still inspires zoro to fight for him, and the knowledge of zoro's cool reliability in return is a reminder to luffy that he doesn't have to worry about his number two or the others when focusing on his own all-out fights.
   anyway yes, if you made it this far, thank you for reading my little extended metaphor essay~
@chatcambrioleur / hc + a word prompt
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ficsforeren · 10 months
hii kana, hope u and your family are doing okay, if you’re okay answering this, i just wanted to ask you how was pregnancy for you, i’m so scared of all about it, and about how my body will look after, did you worried about this?
Hi, sweetheart!! My family and I are doing just great, and I hope you are too ❤️
Read below the cut cause this ended up as a super long answer LMAO
Honestly, I was so scared too, Nonnie 😭 I had a planned c-section for my second time (cause I had c-section the first time so my doctor recommended me to do so) and even then I couldn't sleep at all the night before. I don't want to lie and say it was easy cause it definitely wasn't. During my second pregnancy, I could only eat white rice and boiled eggs every single day cause that was all I could eat (I always threw up if I forced myself to eat anything else), and during the first three months, I couldn't even climb down my own bed without help. I was nauseous all the time, and very emotional. I got hospitalized for two weeks, got treated in the ICU where they took my blood three times a day even from my feet and it hurt like hell 🫠 Fortunately, my family (especially my husband) were so supportive throughout the process so it wasn't as stressful as it could've been for me.
Hmm I don't think I've ever worried about how my body would look like, probably because I was worrying more about giving birth and my baby health's condition (now THIS is stressful. as a mother, it kills you to see your baby get sick and newborns are so vulnerable so during the first month I just felt like crying all the time cause my baby had jaundice, and we had to do a surgery cause she couldn't feed properly and she lost a lot of weight, so we went to the hospital for like once every 3 days, it was a lot, both mentally and financially 😭)
when I had my first baby, I gained 15 kg (33 lbs) but I lost 13 kg in less than 6 months due to breastfeeding. I don't like exercising, all I did was taking care of my baby and doing chores but I still managed to get my normal weight back so I don't think you have to be concerned about gaining weight (if that's what you're worried about). even right now, my baby just turned two months old and I've lost 7 kg (I'm hoping I can get back to my pre-pregnancy weight in the next 4-5 months hehe)
but your body will look different, that's for sure. I got stretch marks all over my belly, some on my breasts too, and they're still there though they don't look as nasty anymore. And of course, I also got my c-section scar but they don't matter much to me. I actually feel proud to have these marks/scars on my body 😁
If you're worried/scared about being pregnant/giving birth/being a mother, trust me, you're not alone. I'm a mother of two children and I'm still scared, but also, the joy of being a mom is truly something else. I used to hate the idea of getting married, let alone having a child of my own (rough childhood lol you know the drill) but after I gave birth and I held my baby in my arms, I was so, so happy. And that was just the start. The first time they smiled, the first time they laughed out loud, the first time they called me "mama" and the first time I kissed my son goodbye before he went to school... so much happiness in every little thing and I'm so grateful for it. so what I'm trying to say is, it's normal to be afraid, but believe me, it will all be worth it 😊
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immortaltale · 7 months
also i'm sorry but i'm still not over pep saying "he's just stronger than me" about klopp. i'm sure you know that firsthand from experience yeah? and i bet you like him being strong too. i bet you do
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mossflower · 7 months
loki season two has me screaming crying throwing up trying not to get dragged back into the mcu trenches
#i am stronger than this. i am better than this!!#by the trenches i mean consuming fanfiction at an unhealthy rate. fourteen year old me was insane i think i was on ao3 more than i slept#that’s not exaggeration. i was getting four hours of sleep on school nights and frequently went to bed at 5am on weekends#it is ONE good story. one. literally not worth it. i don’t even care about ninety percent of the mcu characters#i will ignore the little voice in my head reminding of the sheer amount of fanfiction. this was my pre-tumblr days#so my fandom interaction was like. youtube and ao3. maybe instagram posts sometimes. it was so much fun like. zero drama zero discourse#i was honestly living my best life. got less interested when i joined tumblr and went full doctor who mode#and after endgame i watched i think wandavision and loki and that was it. just didnt care anymore lol#i know exactly why this is happening tho. currently the thing i am insane about is my own damn project. which i am in the process of writin#for obvious reasons no fandom there. bc it lives in my mind twenty four fucking seven#i do wonder if i’m kind of growing away from fandom anyway? the closest i’ve got since toh ended was homestuck tbh#i want to feel obsessed with something again!! everything i’m into now - tma tlt and the like - i love them#but it doesnt hit like it used to. i don’t know it’s hard to explain#like video essays that i would have loved a few years ago!! the hour long ones about representation and queer media#they just irritate me now! i got halfway through one last week and had to bail i just could not care less#how did 2020 social media have me convinced that x character being gay was super important politically economically socially etc#ofc the answer is that i was a baby lesbian getting even less social interaction than normal#like representation is important obviously but also. sometimes it was not that deep#i don’t know if i’m making sense tbh but you get my drift#morganposting
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arataka-reigen · 5 months
i think some people consider jason boring just because he isn't percy and doesn't have the same humor and the like without ever really giving him a chance.
Yess!! Jason was also introduced alongside a very funny character (Leo) and Piper who was going through a lot during HOO so a lot of people found his chapters to be boring in comparison with the other two.
Jason suffers a lot with being compared to other characters when he should be appreciated for who he is. And he is my baby boy who deserved so much better.
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r-truth · 6 months
you are a well known blog to me in the fandom space!! I will still never forget the day you followed me back and I was in a full on Panic because I had followed and loved your drew gifs for like an entire year or something before that even happened
ASHLEY SHUT UP!!!!!! i was mortified when i realized you were following me (doedreamss or something like that?) and i wasn't, and i was like man i gotta fix this!!!!! it's been a ride so far and i love having you here, still as my dear mutual <3
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