#stubborn Vernon
erinbeast · 3 months
ciri as empress of nilfgaard and roche as her loyal vassal and them dating...
Ciri being Emhyr’s Heir while Vernon was her lover and vassal would include:
-Poor, poor Mererid
-Man has to somehow train Vernon Roche to be a vassal while also serving Emhyr and seeing to Ciri and help her with training to be an Empress.
-Vernon Roche is so stubborn and it causes Ciri both amusement and horror, sometimes at the same time.
-Vernon Roche fights Emhyr every step of the way, this was Emhyr’s idea and Vernon is not going to let him forget it.
-Emhyr thought if Vernon Roche was made Vassal to Ciri then their love could be continued and everything would go smoothly
-Vernon has to be a butt about everything, the clothes, the manners, the training in etiquette, the training in dancing (Honestly it’s ridiculous, how can someone memorize all these steps)
-The only part Vernon doesn’t fight is the military help he can provide to Emhyr and Ciri, though he does make small quips about the emperor under his breath much to Emhyr’s chagrin.
-Emhyr actually likes Vernon and his challenges though he makes to sure everyone thinks he despises the man and his Northnerness.
-Emhyr is thrilled Ciri took to being his heir even if it meant Vernon Roche would be close
-Little tiffs between Vernon and Emhyr that leave Ciri surely thinking Vernon will meet the hang man’s noose
-“NO! I will NOT be dancing during this event!” “You and Ciri are expected to dance as the main event for the ball, yes you will!” and so on. The tiffs leave Vernon irritable and grouchy while Emhyr is nothing if but amused and tickled someone would actually challenge him. Ciri wants to cuff them both over the head.
-Eventually Emhyr retires and chuckles as Vernon barely scrapes through Ciri’s coronation.
-Emhyr is his retirement comes over to the palace so often and loves to pick little fights with Vernon over stupid little things just to get a rise out of Vernon. Vernon takes a LONG time to catch on that this is a game to Emhyr.
-Vernon actually thought Emhyr HATES him, which he did at first to be fair. Takes a while for him to come around and openly admit that maybe Emhyr isn’t THAT bad. Maybe… Possibly..
-Mererid is glad when Emhyr retires, as he ‘retires’ with Emhyr and continues to serve him.
-Mererid does NOT like the tiffs, the are unprofessional and Sir would you please be mindful of what Vernon’s temper does to the court…
-Ciri takes to the throne beautifully and enjoys visits from Emhyr every now and again, though if you would please stop making my vassal slightly intimidated and irritable that would be great, thanks.
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fairyhaos · 6 months
how seventeen react to their s/o backhugging them
requested ^_^ also junhui is in 2 diff bullet points bc i firmly believe he belongs in both categories teehee
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seungcheol, wonwoo, mingyu, dokyeom
see, here's the thing. he has a pretty broad and warm and sturdy back, and he's just so comfortable and always right there so of course you're gonna bury your face between his shoulder blades and never pay attention to the rest of the world ever again. you always collapse into his back after a particularly tiring day, while he's making dinner for the both of you and you want nothing more than to just bury yourself into his warmth and never leave. he's used to having you clinging to his back like a particularly stubborn limpet, and while he makes a small exclamation of surprise when you come out of nowhere to hug him, eventually he just smiles and lets you cling to him for however long u need
jeonghan, woozi, vernon, (junhui)
when you suddenly come up behind him and clamp an iron grip around his middle, he just pulls your arms more firmly around him, pats your hands and carries on with his day. you're holding him so tightly it's like you're afraid he's gonna disappear, and it's hard to move around bc you're plastered to his back and squeezing him kinda tight, but he does his best. that is, until he almost trips over your feet bc you're standing so close to him. he kinda feels like he's caught up in a trap, and tells you as such, every single time. “you're holding me hostage now, huh?” “i'm not holding you hostage.” “then are you gonna let me go?” “no.” but you're cute, so whatever. he'll happily be held hostage by you for however long it takes for you to decide he can finally be released.
joshua, minghao, chan
the moment he feels you burying your face into his back, hands around his middle, he's smiling and tilting his head back in response to your presence, murmuring a soft “hello, you” as you mumble unintelligible words into his shirt. he's so fond, practically melting in your hold, and he lets you stay plastered to his back for however long it takes you to wake up from your latest drowsy state that had you craving back hugs from him. because you backhugging him is saved for sleepy moments, for times when you're not quite awake and cling to him like a koala until you've fully woken up. it's adorable—you're adorable—so after a few minutes he's turning around and wrapping his arms around your shoulders and kissing ur cheek sweetly and asking if his lovely, lovely darling had a good sleep? <3
hoshi, seungkwan, (junhui)
yelps in surprise every time when you come up behind him and wrap around his back, before he realises that it's you and immediately relaxes. it's kinda comforting, feeling you and your warmth against him, but he gets kinda wriggly after a few minutes, wanting to see your face, so back hugs always end up turning into proper bear hugs where he wraps his arms around you and can look you in the eye properly before covering your entire face in kisses. he likes eye contact, likes seeing the love of his life right before him, and while backhugging is cute as hell do you know what’s even cuter? the little nose scrunch thingy he does when he gives you fluttery soft butterfly kisses over your eyelids.
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reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @hanniehaee @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun
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hannieehaee · 1 month
Nahhh can you please write Seventeen's reaction on their s/o being a big spoon?
Would be grateful if my ask is accepted 😊🖤
Keep up the good work author nim~
their s/o being the big spoon
content: implied established relationship, cuddling, fluff, etc.
wc: 601
a/n: thank u reader nim<3 hope u enjoyed<33
seungcheol -
would not admit it bc he's stubborn as shit, but he looooved when you were the big spoon. the love of his life holding him in their arms? their heartbreak against him? their hands playing with his hair until he fell asleep? if this wasn't heaven, he didnt know what was.
jeonghan -
he has zero preference between big or little spoon. you guys are always going back and forth. however, he cant lie, he does sleep particularly well when you hold him in your arms and let him nuzzle against your chest.
joshua -
tangled against you in bed, head hidden in your chest/neck, enjoying the greatest pleasure of life in the form of lying in your arms. his arms would still wrap around you, opting to face you as you were the big spoon. would love how cocooned he felt in your arms.
jun -
cuddly kitten personified. lays in your arms with no complaint, wrapping his own arms against you as he rubs his nose into your neck or chest (depends on his mood). adores the warmth found within your arms.
soonyoung -
lol u dont even have to ask. he always goes straight to your arms at night. there is no argument to be had, he just wants you to hold him and play with his hair.
wonwoo -
his favorite way to sleep was when you'd lay directly on top of him and wrapped yourself around him, engulfing him as much as physically possible. his arms would also wrap around you, creating an unbreakable hold that would eventually evolve into every possible embrace imaginable up until the two of you woke up.
jihoon -
any time you wanna be the big spoon he has to physically hold himself back from engulfing you in his gigantic arms. will whine at you up until the moment you trap him, naturally giving up at the undeniable comfort he felt being held by you.
seokmin -
nuzzles against you like a puppy, nudging at you to play with his hair and kiss his face and hold him tighter and tell him you love him and and-
mingyu -
don't let his big size fool you, be will never turn down the opportunity to be the little spoon! loves feeling protected and loved in your arms, even if he can barely fit.
minghao -
he'd rather be the big spoon, but he'll never complain whenever the roles were reversed. the two of you would naturally fall into either position, sometimes even waking up with the other person being the big spoon. would sleep extra peacefully when you were the big spoon, falling asleep the second your hands made their way to play with his hair.
seungkwan -
he feels so safe and protected in your arms, he'd sometimes feel bad he wasnt the big spoon, giving you that same feeling. however, since you insisted on holding him in his sleep, he'd never complain, adoring waking up to you still holding onto him.
vernon -
all you have to do is open your arms from whichever piece of furniture you're currently lying down in and vernon will come to you like a magnet, falling against your arms and falling asleep immediately as you ran your hands through his hair.
chan -
cutie loves how loved and cared for he felt in your arms. would sometimes insist on you being the big spoon, growing too addicted to the warmth and comfort to be found in your arms. however he still has the image of dependable boyfriend to uphold, so he'd still get his turn as the big spoon every once in a while!!
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haoboutyou · 1 month
hello!!! I really enjoy your fics and was wondering if you could do wonwoo, cheol & mingyu where they're crushing on you? separate ones!!
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when they have a crush on you | hhu
fluff | 1278 words (300-ish per member) | no warnings
an: hihi! hope this is what you're looking for! it took me a while ngl I have new-found respect for headcanon writers T-T + added vernon because 🤷🏽‍♀️
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1. Choi Seungcheol
He carries your bags for you. 
You’re not sure when it started, but you’ve noticed that Seungcheol would always carry your bags for you, even despite your insistence. It’s like he’s made it his own personal mission to carry your stuff for you, even when you’re out with others. of course, this came hand in hand with the other guys teasing you two whenever you hung out. It doesn’t help that Jeonghan often jokes that Seungcheol’s crush on you is an open secret, but the boy in question wouldn’t even dispel his best friend’s words, flushing bright red every time.
“Seungcheol, give me that!”
Seungcheol stops in his tracks, causing you to bump into his back. The equipment in the box clinks against each other as he turns around, facing you. Wordlessly, he dumps the box into your waiting arms, smirking when you almost topple over at the unexpected weight. 
“I told you, sweetheart; leave the heavy lifting to me.”
You glance up at him, a slight blush from the unexpected nickname. When did he start calling you that? A bead of sweat glistens on your brow as you brush that thought away, your expression a mix of defiance and sheepishness. 
"I can manage," you mumble, trying your hardest to conceal the struggle in your tone.
He can’t shake off the apprehension swirling within him. He had warned you, hadn't he? Yet, you continue to persist, your determination outmatching your physical strength. Concern floods Seungcheol as he watches the way your arms tremble at the weight of the box. 
He approaches you, gently but firmly emphasising again. "I told you, y/n.” With a resigned sigh, he reached out, his hands enveloping the box, effortlessly lifting it from your grasp. "Stubborn as ever," his voice's a certain fondness, tugging at your heart for no apparent reason.
You watch him, a mixture of gratitude and embarrassment colouring your features as he continues walking away with the box. Eh, what harm is an extra hand?
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2. Jeon Wonwoo
He lets you win in games.
Wonwoo’s proud of his in-game skills; he’s not afraid to say his reflexes sharp and his strategies are flawless. He’s rather good too– having high rankings in the server makes him cocky, Seungcheol likes to say. But as he glanced at his crush beside him, he notices the slight furrow of your brow, a hint of frustration clouding your features as you struggle to keep up.
A pang of empathy tugs at his heart. Wonwoo did ask you to join him at the internet cafe; he only wishes that you would learn to enjoy the game as much as he did. And so, in a split-second decision, he dials back his intensity, purposely taking on more hits to level the playing field.
Your eyes widened in surprise as you suddenly found your character gaining ground, rallying against the opposing team with newfound vigor. Unbeknownst to you, Wonwoo was subtly adjusting his tactics– allowing you to seize the advantage, all the while maintaining the illusion of competition.
Your team wins. Across you, Jihoon whoops in joy. “That’s foul!” Chan baulks opposite Wonwoo, clicking away furiously on his keyboard. Wonwoo smirks as he leans back in his chair, the loser banner blinking brightly on his screen. Arms stretching up, he leans over his monitor to peek your screen.
Your eyes seemed to shine brighter than the screen in front of you. Contrary to the boy next to you, your monitor flashes an animated victory banner.
“I did it! We–I did it!” you clap your hands together, grinning ear to ear. You lean towards Wonwoo to bump shoulders with him. 
He chuckles, arms crossing behind his head as he leans back in his seat. “Yes, you did!”
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3. Chwe Vernon
He gets you medicine.
“Here.” A box drops in front of you, breaking the concentration you had on your laptop in front of you. 
You look up from your screen in confusion. “What’s this?” 
Vernon nudges the box of painkillers in front of you. He settles down on the chair opposite yours, acknowledging Seungkwan seated beside you. 
“You said you had a headache.” He acts nonchalant as he dives into conversation with his best friend, but the heavy blush creeping up his neck suggests otherwise. Yes, you had texted him earlier asking if he had painkillers on him, but you recalled him replying a plain ‘no’. Either he was lying (you doubt it– why would Vernon lie to you?) or he had stopped by a pharmacy just to pick up some for you.
You’re slightly flushing now, and not because of the dull throbbing in your head. Sure, Seungkwan had fed into your delusion earlier, suggesting that Vernon might have a crush on you– but there’s no way that’s, right?
You sneak a glance at your two best friends in front of you, now engaging in a deep argument about potatoes. Vernon’s brows furrow even deeper but soften when he realises you’re looking his way. The shy smile he sends your way causes cartwheels in your stomach before replacing it with an exaggerated gasp directed to Seungkwan’s way. 
You bury your head back into your laptop, mumbling a quick thanks before trying to focus on your work. Still, you can’t shake off what Seungkwan said about your best friend.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Vernon has a crush on you.”
“That’s ridiculous, Kwan. He sees me as a friend, just like you.”
Seungkwan wiggles his eyebrows, choosing to scroll on his phone instead half-heartedly. “Sure, Jan,” he scoffs.
You slink back deeper in your seat. That can’t be true, right?
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4. Kim Mingyu
He gets jealous of others.
Mingyu watches from across the cafe as you laugh at something Seokmin said, your smile radiant, eyes sparkling with amusement. He feels a knot tighten in his stomach– a familiar pang of jealousy gnawing at his insides. Aren’t you standing a little bit too close for comfort? Your easy camaraderie is triggering a surge of insecurity within him.
Seokmin is charming, there is no denying it. He has a way with words, a magnetic-like personality that drew people in effortlessly. And you seem rather captivated, hanging on to his every word. Usually, your laughter rings out like music to Mingyu’s ears. Today, though, it was all a cacophony of discord. A reminder of what he could be missing out on.
He clenches his fists, trying to push down the rising tide of jealousy threatening to consume him. Mingyu knows he had no right to feel this way; you aren’t his to claim, and Seokmin had every right to befriend you. But logic did very little to quell the sudden surge of possessiveness coursing through his veins.
So he sits, pouting on his own until you notice him from the corner of your eye. He stares you down with his big puppy eyes until you sigh and walk over to your best friend. Your hand can’t help but run through his soft dark hair.
“What’s wrong, Gyu?”
“Hmm?” he leans into your touch, nuzzling against the palm of your hand. “Nothing, Y/n.”
You shoot him a condescending look. “Yeah? You shooting Seokmin daggers with your eyes for nothing?” Your eyes flutter shut as you sigh, shaking your heard in disbelief. Then, ruffling his hair, “If you say so, Gyu.” 
“Anyways,” Mingyu clears his throat, looking up at the cafe’s menu board. “Have you decided what to get? My treat today!” 
“Really?!” Your eyes sparkle, glad you won’t have to open your wallet today. “Help me finish the then cakes, okay? Promise!” 
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deluwoo · 5 months
i love you's
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pairing ▸ boyfriend!hiphop line x gn!reader genre ▸ headcannon, domestic fluff, fluff, slight suggestive warnings ▸ food [lmk if there are more !!] wc ▸ 541
eun's notes ▸ i miss writing sm :(( BUT IM PROUD TO BE ABLE TO POST AGAIN!! just a filler post for now bc ik i will get some ideas soon. enjoy, my doves! ★
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seungcheol ▸ his i love you’s can be found in hushed giggles and gummy smiles. another smile-line is another year of laughter as two. oversized hoodies and messy hair under bucket hats. i love you’s don’t seem to be words, they are the ideas of you, the actions for you. it is decided he’d move mountains for a lover like you, after all. i love you’s are in the hand placements on your waist when you two are walking in crowded places. its found in his eyes when he checks both sides of the street before walking with you, hands intertwined like ribbons. its found in the ink of his cards that go with every gift. he finds endless excuses to give you them but really, you are the reason of his giving.
wonwoo ▸ i love you’s are in his fingers. tying your stubborn and unruly strands of hair when you wash your hands. when he feeds you the good parts of his lunch bowl. he says i love you’s when he brings you home the snack you were eyeing in the grocery a few weeks ago. he checks everyday to see if its in stock. leaning in and licking his lips when you’re talking to him. his eyes lower down to your mouth, watching as words are formed by the second. i love you’s are in his glances, watching to see if you really enjoy playing animal crossing with him. tender hearts. an antique book store. its smell hanging on to your coats in the winter. i love you’s are in the moments together, because where else would they be?
mingyu ▸ its the second you wake, the aroma of breakfast finding your nostrils. i love you’s are found in the things for you. whether its to cook you a late night snack, or drive you to your errands. the hands that write you letters, hidden all around your room. its found in the silence, head to chest, and the series of lights as the two of you continue to watch the movie.i love you’s are his expressions; ranging from the way his lips curve into a toothy grin while watching you laugh, or the words that roll off him tongue that seem to just make you melt. his i love you’s are in the candles you like. the late nights. the steaming dinner and record player in the back. candle lights dancing in his eyes.
vernon ▸ it��s the paper flowers that flap in the wind, the ones handcrafted with love the night before because he’s allergic to real ones. i love you’s are in the endless playlists he makes, whether burning them on cd’s or adding them to mix tapes. they always have a small dedication, for you are the notes of his life. i love you’s are the things he does for you that seem to suddenly appear. the jacket on your knees when you’re in a skirt, the drink with the specific sugar level. his i love you’s are found in the giggles behind the photos he sends. you can’t tell if the silliness is on purpose or your love is just like that. its the smell of sunlight. the one that seeps between buildings as the two of you walk down the side walk.
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NETWORK : @kflixnet @k-labels TAGLIST : none yet (dont be scared to send an ask !)
reblog if i want these ppl ✋😔💔👈 ©eunhae (writer from my old blog wonieweb!!) © DELUWOO – 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞.
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jae-bummer · 1 year
Right Here With Me
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Request: hi! :) i feel like #19 on your recent prompt list would really fit to seventeen’s hhu, specifically to mingyu or seungcheol.. i adore your writing, thank you for putting in so much effort 💌
19) Taking care of your tipsy bias.
Pairing: Seventeen S.Coups x Reader
Genre: Fluff
You jumped as Seungcheol slammed his hand on the table. "Sing with me."
You blinked up at him in surprise. He was shimmying from side to side with the karaoke mic in hand.
"Coups," you sighed, crossing your arms. "We really need to get you guys back home."
"Noooo," he pouted, now his turn to cross his arms. "It's so lonely at home. Here is the opposite of whatever lonely is."
You looked across the table to Vernon who seemed to be thinking over the antonym of "lonely." Turning your eyes to Wonwoo for help instead, he gave a small shrug before taking a long sip of his water. To his benefit, he had been about as many drinks in as the rest of the guys but had chosen to hydrate about an hour ago.
"Come oooon, Y/N," Mingyu cooed, swaying behind Coups with the other microphone. "One more song!"
"One more song!" Coups chanted. "One more song!"
It wasn't long before Vernon and Mingyu had joined the chorus. With their shouting still in the background, Seungcheol stepped toward you and reached out to play with a lock of your hair. His eyes were half lidded and his plush lips pulled up at one side. "Come on, baby."
Closing your eyes, you sighed. "Coups."
Plopping on the bench beside you, he coaxed you into his side, and placed a wet kiss on your temple. "Pretty please? I love you soooo much. Why won't you love me?"
"Why is it that he always feels it pertinent to confess to you when he's drunk?" Wonwoo muttered as he watched with lifted brows.
"I don't know," you hissed, fighting your way out of Seungcheol's arms. "And what does me loving you have to do with you singing another song?"
"Everything," he said with a stubborn nod.
Wonwoo wasn't wrong. This was often Seungcheol's MO. You were best friends, even closer than that even. He was like a limb at this point. If you lost him, you wouldn't know how to function. That being said, the two of you had never explored a romantic relationship. You were mostly afraid of ruining your friendship, and he seemed to only think about it when he was intoxicated.
"He's so going to regret this in the morning," Vernon cackled, falling back into his seat.
"If you loved me, you'd let me sing one more song," Coups whined. "I'll even sing OUR song."
"We have a song?" you muttered. "Since when do we have a song?"
"Since," Coups hiccuped. "I heard it and thought of you."
"That's hardly "our" song then." You couldn't help but chuckle, plus, you were very curious to hear what Coups thought of as "your song."
"Pleaaaase," he begged. Sticking out his bottom lip, he gave you puppy dog eyes.
"Fine," you gasped. "One more song and then I walk you home!"
An award-winning smile took over Seungcheol's face as he sprung up and toward the karaoke machine. Flipping feverishly through his options, he finally seemed to find what he was looking for. Spinning around, he pointed a finger at you.
"This is for you, Y/N," he said in a low voice. You weren't sure if he was trying to be sexy or funny.
"Oh, this is going to be good," Wonwoo chuckled, pivoting himself to get a better look at the front of the room. Vernon already had his phone out and set to record.
You took a deep breath as you heard the intro to the song. Surely this wasn't what you thought this was.
"I've been drinking, I've been drinking," he crooned. "I get filthy when that liquor get into me - I've been thinking, I've been thinking..."
"Holy shit," Vernon hissed in between laughs. "This is the best day of my entire life."
You wished you were a turtle. If you had a shell, you would have something to crawl into and die. What was he doing?
"WE BE ALL NIGHT! LOOOOOOVE! LOOOOOOVE!" Seungcheol and Mingyu screeched at the top of their lungs as they began to grind their hips into the air.
"Well," Wonwoo said with a wince as he stood from the table. "That's enough of that."
Taking the few steps to cross the room, he tapped gingerly on the karaoke tablet. Within seconds, the music turned off, and the boys were left screaming in the open air.
"Yah!" Coups gasped, after he realized. "What did you do that for?"
"Everyone, I did that for everyone," Wonwoo muttered, gathering his things. "We have an early schedule tomorrow. Let's get moving."
You never had feelings for Wonwoo, but you could honestly kiss him right now.
"You heard him!" you yelled, pulling yourself to your feet as well. "Let's get moving!"
"Why didn't you like my song?" Seungcheol hiccupped. You were easing him up the steps to his apartment, holding nearly all of his body weight in the process.
"I liked your song just fine," you cringed, another flight of stairs behind you.
"You looked miserable," he pouted. "Why don't you ever take my confessions seriously, Y/N?"
"Because you don't take your confessions seriously," you muttered. Furrowing your brow, you counted the numbers on the apartment doors until you found his. "What's your code this week?"
"I can't tell you," he slurred. "It's a se-se-secret."
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you fluttered your hand toward the door. "Type it in then."
Seungcheol hiccupped again before slumping in the direction of the doorframe. Cupping his hand around the keypad, he eyed you suspiciously. "This is for my safety."
"I know, Cheolie," you laughed. "I'm not arguing with you."
Glancing back to the keypad, he stumbled back a bit. Catching him by the shoulders, you waited for the door to unlock.
"Why are there so many numbers?" Coups sighed, leaning against the door again and poking at the lock. "Three two's? Which two is the right two?"
"Let me try," you hummed. "Can you tell me what your code is?"
"My manager said not to tell anyone. Not even my mom."
"And you can change it as soon as I leave," you sighed. "If we can't get in, you're sleeping on the door mat tonight. And that's not very safe, is it?"
"Why can't I stay with you?" he asked, his eyes brightening with the sudden idea.
"Because I am not hauling you downstairs again and then another three blocks," you grumbled. "The code, please Coups."
"I like it when you call me Cheolie," he pouted.
"Cheolie, my sweet bean," you said, trying to contain your exhaustion. "Will you please tell me the code?"
"Mmm," he hummed, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling into your neck. "Is my birthday."
"Shocker," you breathed, rapidly typing in the lock code. The door made a small buzzing sound before chiming that you could enter.
Stumbling into his apartment, you flipped on the lights and popped off your shoes before heading to the kitchen. Seungcheol, on the other hand, toppled to the floor and began yanking at his shoes.
Scanning the cabinets, you found his most spill-proof tumbler and filled it with ice water. Judging by the muffled sounds of frustration in the entryway, he was still taking off his sneakers.
Turning the corner, you could only sigh. He looked like a toddler sorely in need of a nap. "They won't come off," he said quietly before looking up at you.
"Here," you said, handing him the water bottle. "Drink."
Doing as he was told, he gripped the bottle with both hands, and leaned back against the wall. You crouched down, making quick work of his shoelaces before you managed to finally free him.
"Let's get you to bed," you murmured, motioning for him to take your hand. He slid his palm into yours before easing himself up.
"How could I go from feeling so good to feeling so awful?" he muttered.
"Funny how alcohol will do that," you chuckled, walking with him to his bedroom. "Arms up."
Setting his drink on his desk, he lifted his arms into the air and allowed you to pull his hoodie from his torso. Losing balance after the motion, he toppled onto the mattress, pulling you with him.
"Hey!" you groaned, immediately trying to separate yourself.
"Stay with me," he said softly, tangling his arms and legs around you. "Please?"
He was always affectionate when he was drunk, and you knew that. You needed to shut it down now before your heart could coax you into staying a little longer.
"I have to go home," you whispered, still not willing your body to move. You tried not to be amused as Seungcheol began pulling blankets around you and tucking them in.
"You are home," he whispered. "Right here with me."
You felt an unwelcomed warmth spread through your chest. If he wasn't so cute this would be a lot easier.
"Seungcheol, Seungcheol, Seungcheol," he continued quietly, settling himself in beside you. "Why do you always give me reasons why you can't stay instead of just trying?"
A little voice inside the back of your head repeated the old adage, drunk minds speak sober hearts. Coups was only clingy when he had too much to drink, but he had always been tender with you. Whether sober or inebriated, he was your person. You had never allowed yourself to think past platonic soulmates...but maybe...
"You're drunk," you countered. You felt so small in bed next to him. He was comfort and safety, even with soju on his breath.
"And you're scared."
He couldn't see the code to get into the apartment, but he could sure see right through you.
"It doesn't matter what I am," you whispered. "You'll regret this in the morning."
"No, I won't," he insisted. "Because I'll wake up with you next to me and I'll remember that drunk me did hangover me a solid.
I want you here, Y/N."
"Because you're drunk."
"Because you're mine," he said softly. "You always have been."
"Have I?" you whimpered. At this point, you were scared to break the spell. Scared that he would sober up and kick you out of his bed.
"Mhm," he cooed, pulling you closer. After placing a light kiss on your forehead, he chose to set his cheek there. "And I won't let go. Not even if there's a fire."
Anything that looked blurry now could be settled in the morning. How could you leave after that?
The Morning After
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PAC: What makes you so sweet + who's sweet on you? 🍓🍰♥️
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This spread was inspired by Strawberry shortcake :D! A childhood favorite of mine. You are allowed to choose one or more pile for each question! Use your intuition to decide 🥰 Please leave a tip if you can $$$
Pile 1:
Your songs -
I Don't Wanna by Aaliyah
Konclusions by YG & Kehlani
Crushcrushcrush by Coco & Clair Clair
Your dessert -
Pumpkin spice latte 🎃
What makes you so sweet?:
The Empress, Three of Pentacles (reversed), & Six of Pentacles
You are so loving and caring pile 1! 🥰 people could think that you have a "big heart" and wish they could give back all that you do for them. You could have venusian qualities or Libra/Taurus placements. You are a very selfless person and for that in exchange you just really desire friendship and loyalty! Your love language could be acts of service or gifts. You could also be very physically attractive 🤭 but you may not realize this??? You could be more self conscious about how you look and possibly put others on a pedestal for their appearance. You might question if you're actually pretty at times because people might not compliment you much but it's just really because you make them shy 🥺! In private, others could consider you their muse. People could like to draw you or write songs about you. It's giving girl next door energy. The way that you dress could be modest too. You could like to wear long sleeve shirts, sweaters, cardigans, flowy dresses, etc. Fall/autumn could be your favorite time of the year because it fits your taste in style! People could think that you give off a very warm and cozy aura. So comforting 💞
Who's sweet on you?:
Page of Swords, Ten of Swords, & Two of Swords
Lmao poor pile 1 😭 I feel bad so your secret admirer is someone who's ghosted you recently or who you just lost contact with. This person has attachment issues (avoidant I'm feeling?) Whenever they get close to love or start developing feelings for someone, they run away. They could be younger than you or they're just inexperienced when it comes to relationships. This person feels regret for ghosting you and wishes they could just reach out. They wish to tell you how they feel romantically but everytime they try to type out a text or get close to calling you, they chicken out. This person will eventually have to make a decision on if they should contact you or not but they're kind of stubborn 💀 good luck!
Pile 2:
Your songs -
Daisy 2.0 by Ashnikko & Miku Hatsune
Black eye by Vernon
Little Bit by Drake & Lykke Li
Your dessert -
Dark chocolate 🍫
What makes you so sweet?
The Devil (reversed), Ace of Cups, & The moon
Pile 2, you could be alternative??? Or just have a very intimidating/non-conventional beauty. Your style or overall appearance could be unique and that makes people weary to come near you. You possibly have a resting bitch face or you have "hunter eyes" (feline, snake, etc). Your features could go against European beauty standards as well. Contrary to what people think, you are actually so compassionate and sensitive. You could be secretly a hopeless romantic and be into romance novels, films, etc. I'm getting that you like to read or are into reading mangas. You could also like to watch anime or do cosplaying. Your geekiness is adorable 🤓! People like to hear about your interests and want to get to know you more if you feel comfortable. I see that you could have wounds from the past or currently are dealing with depression :( I'm sorry to hear that ❤️‍🩹! Just know that you aren't alone and you have people who care about you (including me!) Your guides want to tell you that you don't have to be so secretive dear. I'm getting that you possibly might have been bullied growing up? And they want you to understand that not everyone is going hurt you. People could think that you are beautiful in the nighttime or your beauty reminds them of the moon. Your skin could be luminescent and glowy when the light hits or your irises are big or have a unique color. You could possibly have Capricorn or Cancer placements. When you allow people to get close to you and gain trust, they appreciate it so much! Your talents, hobbies, and skills is what makes you so special 🥰 This could be only for a few people but some people here are musicians or should learn to play an instrument.
Who's sweet on you?
King of Cups, The Lovers, & Queen of Swords
This is good news for your love life :D! This person wants to come in with a offer and ask you either to be their partner or go out on a date. They are willing to court you and show how much you mean to them. You and this person could be very different than most couples. I'm getting that you guys could be a interracial couple, same sex couple, or just express yourselves differently when it comes to styles, aesthetics, and love languages. Don't be afraid to let this person in pile 2! They seem to really care for you and I can see once you fall in love with them, you're never gonna want to let them go ❤ What's cute about your dynamic is that this person is affectionate and outgoing while you're the more protective and reserved one LOL. I guess opposites do attract.
Pile 3:
Your songs -
While We're Young by Jhené Aiko
Child's Play by SZA & Chance The Rapper
Come by Doja Cat
Your dessert -
Lemon meringue pie 🥧
What makes you so sweet?
The Fool, Three of Wands, & Four of Wands
I feel like my pile 3 people are good singers 😳 if not, their voices are very soft and melodic 🤭 You love to listen to music a lot, for some of you I'm seeing that you like to listen to indie music or r&b. You're a very mellow person and radiate this down to earth energy. There is a lot of yellow on these cards as well so you could be connected to your solar plexus or that could be your favorite color/it suits your skintone. I'm seeing sunflowers 🌻 some of you might worship Oshun or should start doing research on her. You could be spiritual or religious. You have a carefree attitude because you know that the universe got you - period! You could be very knowledgeable on manifestation as well. People wonder what's your secret to life because you seem so lucky. I heard people even want to "rub you for good luck" 👀😂 you could like to dress in a bohemian or hippie style. You could wear like vegan leather backpacks, sandals, beads, feathers, rompers, and also dye your hair unnatural colors like blue, pink, etc. People could like that you're well traveled as well or you're knowledgeable about others cultures. You could speak more than one language. They like to hear about your travels or want to hear about your stories. I'm getting Leo, Sagittarius, or Virgo placements. You make friends where ever you go and it's very easy to talk to you 🌞! You radiate such a positive and divine energy. I just love that!
Who's sweet on you?:
The Emperor, Page of Wands, & King of Pentacles
This person could be older than you. They can be athletic but also act childish. They might have Aries traits or they have have it in their birth chart. They are creative, hard working, and . They take on traditional masculine qualities and would want to be a provider for their family. You could depend on this person and build able to form a secure and stable relationship. This could also signify that you and this person could get married in the future! Expect good news when it comes to your romantic endeavors.
Pile 4:
Your songs -
Favorite by HUNJIYA
Little Little by Red Velvet
Hymn For The Weekend by Coldplay Ft. Beyoncé
Your dessert -
Angel food cake 🎂
What makes you so sweet?
The Star, Strength, & Knight of Cups
Pile 4, you're giving me very much earth angel or starseed vibes 🌈🕊 something about you is very ethereal and angelic to people. They admire your elegance and healing energy. You could look good in the color white or pastel colors. You could have a nice physique as well 😋! Your hair could be very long with waves or curls. Some people fantasize about you naked because of how naturally beautiful you are 😅 It exudes something in them and your sex appeal is very arousing. I'm getting that you could also be nurturing and motherly, very wise. You could have Aquarius, Leo, or Pisces placements. People like your awareness on things and your acceptance of how people are instead of trying to change them. You could be very observant as well. You notice the little things in life and pay attention to the fine details that other don't. You have a keen eye for art or fashion. You could care for the environment and have a connection to animals or babies 🦋 You just embody a lot of divine feminine qualities and that makes people feel welcome and at ease around you.
Who's sweet on you?
Ace of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, & Nine of Pentacles
For you pile 4, I see that you're actually sweet on yourself (period self love)! I feel like as for right now in your love life, you're not looking for a commitment or should be focusing on committing to yourself and your goals. You could be coming out of a relationship or have been single for quite some time - no worries! I'm seeing finacial abundance coming to your life and your personal endeavors. I see that you're mostly gonna keep your options open for now and see different people. I'm seeing a lot of good sex as well ❤️‍🔥 There's gonna be fun dates and partying happening in your life. (Clarified by Justice) this could be for a few but some of you might hear or will start dating a Libra. I'm not seeing anything too serious but I'm getting that they could help you further your career. They could be a sugar daddy/mommy, you know them from work (boss, supervisor, or coworker), or they could work as a counselor, legal advisor, lawyer, etc.
Pile 5:
Your songs -
20/20 by Lil Tjay
On My Own by Darci
Into It by Chase Atlantic
Your dessert -
Red wine truffle 🍷
What makes you so sweet?
Nine of Cups, The World, & Temperance
Your self assurance, patience, and drive for success is what makes you so sweet pile 5! I'm getting badass energy from you and you have a very nonchalant, idgaf, rebellious attitude. I feel that growing up those in authority underestimated you and you managed to prove or will prove them all wrong with your achievements. You could have trophies, good grades, or receive a lot of praise for your work at school or your job. You could possibly be an athlete or participated in some sort of competition (dancing, mathlete, etc). You're beauty and brains, pile 5, the total package! You could have Scorpio, Gemini, or Aries placements. People wonder how you did it or overcome such hardships. You're someone people can look up to. You motivate them and make them want to do better. You could be the older sibling in your family or could have cousins younger than you? I'm having a vision of little kids looking at you and they're just in awe, how cute 🥹! Your independence and self confidence is so admirable.
Who's sweet on you?
Four of Swords, Knight of Wands, & Eight of Wands
Pile 5, when it comes to romance it could make you nervous or give you anxiety. You may not have time for it or whenever you go out on dates you overthink about it. There's no need to be nervous! Just be yourself sweetheart 💕 I feel that you know this person as well or already currently seeing someone. They could be on your team or they are in some sort of team (at work, in sports, etc). They like to move things pretty fast. You both could hate the talking stage and just wish to skip to the part where the both of you are best friends in love! I'm getting like coming of age love story and it's adorable ☺️ This person could like your hair or compliments you a lot on your hair. They could like your tattoos or piercings. There is going to be a lot of passion early on in the relationship and they will be very infatuated by you. Just be careful not to rush into thing if you want more of a serious relationship! If not, I feel that this would be a fun fling.
Pile 6:
Your songs -
Jasmine by DPR Live
I Wanna Be Down by Brandy
Who Can I Run To by Xscape
Your dessert -
Galaxy raindrop cake 💧
What makes you sweet?:
Ace of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles, & Wheel of Fortune
Pile 6, I see that you're someone who's very generous with their wealth. Very similar to pile 1, you could be good with your finances, and have a lot of high quality material items. You're someone who takes value in the finer things and show gratitude for everything you have because there are those who are without. Whenever someone is struggling or is in need of help, you're always there! You're someone people can count in terms of an emergency. When people get asked about you they have fond memories of how much you been there for them (shit even me, I need more friends like you pile 6 😭). You're a down ass bitch! I feel that fortune is always on your side because of how selfless you are. Like pile 3, I feel that you could also know about manifestation, and use it to improve your life. You could do this without knowing. You could visualize yourself being rich or you affirm that you're lucky when it comes to money. I heard that your parents are very proud of you as well! You could really have an old soul pile 6. Your style could be more casual or reminiscent of the 80s/90s. I'm seeing mom jeans, crop tops, high top sneakers, jelly bracelets, henna tattoo chokers, gold chain, and mini hoop earrings.
Who's sweet on you?:
Six of Swords, The World, & Ace of Cups
Aw pile 6, so I see that a lot of people can depend on you but you don't have many people that you can turn to when you need help or need to take a load off 🥺 you could feel stressed because of this but don't worry someone will be coming in your love life soon! You could meet them overseas or while traveling. I'm getting military vibes so either you or this person will be in the military, if not the job requires traveling or dealing with foreign people/places. You and this person will have a harmonious relationship. So expect a new chapter and a good change in your love life!
Pile 7:
Your songs -
Generous by Doja Cat
No Silhouette by DPR Ian
Brooklyn Baby by Lana Del Rey
Your dessert:
Cannoli 🥖
What makes you sweet?:
Pile 7, your style is reminding me of mirror palais, summers in spain/Italy/mexico, or "bible study" outfits. Your style could cater to your religious beliefs or it's reminiscent of a holy figure. I feel that you could also dress very preppy. I'm seeing crosses, rosaries, cloaks, scarves, concho belts, a necklace with some sort of significant pendant (crystals, cross, buddha, etc), slippers/flats, stockings, long skirts, headbands, and button up tops. You have a very innocent and holy appearance. Some of you could be very sophisticated as well (its giving "my name is Bella Hadid"). People could think you're so pure that they're afraid of tainting you (in a nsfw way 😭). You make people blush because of how attractive you are. You could have a babyface, look younger than your actual age, or you have a youthful personality. People consider you "God's favorite" because of how perfect you seem or think God took their time with making you. You could be into modeling or you look like a model. Your lips could be nice and plump. They have a alluring shape with a vibrant color (they could be cherry red or they have a nice pink in the center of them if your lips are two toned). I am reminded of Monica Belluci in the role Milena where she had ginger hair and all the men were so seduced by her without her even trying (the scene where they were lighting her cigarette) and Salma Hayek in Desperado (where she caused people to crash their cars because of how hot she was 😂). You exude this femme fatale energy and could be becoming more "grown woman/man/person fine". This could also mean if you're underage, you could have major glow up after you're finished with puberty. You could also pray or be very devoted to your faith and people find that admirable.
Who's sweet on you?:
Five of Cups, The High Priestess, & Knight of Pentacles
You've been disappointed a lot in when it comes to your love life. You feel as though no one can satisfy you. You could have had your heart broken in a previous relationship so therefore you decided to stay single. I do feel that someone wants to come in though to show their love for you and will back up their words with action taking. They could be intimidated by you but they won't let their self esteem get in the way. They're gonna be persistent until you give in. Although pile 7, I suggest you heal wounds from your past relationship as well, it could cause you to self sabotage in your dating life, and prevent you from ever moving on. You deserve to be loved and receiving the pleasures of being in a happy relationship. So make sure to give them a chance when they come along.
Pile 8:
Your songs -
Headlines by McClenney
10% by Kaytranada & Kali Uchis
Jungle by Drake
Your dessert -
Creme Brulé 🍮
What makes you so sweet?:
Five of Pentacles, Justice, & Ace of Swords
Wow pile 8, you are someone who is fair and fights for equality. You hate to see people being kicked down and mistreated so you would do anything in your power to make sure others are safe. You're honestly a hero. For some people in this pile, you guys could have been abandoned by your parents, or was a orphan so because of this would you do your best to make sure that doesn't happen to anyone around you. You could do community service or take time out of your day to do activities with the kids that come from low income families. That's so sweet and I'm sorry that you went through that 🥺. If not, you have had really greedy people in your life. Whether it's a family member or authority in the workplace, they take from you a lot. Whether financially or emotionally. You could use your knowledge from these past situations for activism or fighting legal battles. You could work as a social worker, activist, politics, human relations, or in the legal system. Also people appreciate you for your great advice! You are very logical but at the same time optimistic. You know how to balance your brain and your heart, which not many people can do. You are a very strong person, pile 8.
Who's sweet on you?:
Ten of Wands, The Chariot, & King of Cups
You and this person could have broken up? I feel that this an ex who is wanting a second chance with you or a friend of yours who wants to be more than friends. You could have rejected them and they feel burdened by this because they still have feelings for you. It made them retreat and hide but they are not going to give up on this connection. You could have broken up with them because or their lack of vulnerability. They could have been uncomfortable with talking about their feelings or avoided having serious conversations, it triggers them. They are going to come back with a open heart to tell you how much you mean to them. For some people in this pile, this person might even propose to you 😲 if not a proposal for marriage, they could just ask you again to be their partner.
Pile 9:
Your songs -
Don't Hurt Me by DJ Mustard, Nicki Minaj, & Jeremih
Come Into You by Jimmy Brown
I Like U by Niki
Your dessert -
Gingersnap cookies 🍪
What makes you so sweet?:
Six of Cups, Page of Pentacles, & Seven of Cups
Pile 9, you are so cute😆! I feel like out of all the piles you are the youngest either in age or maturity. You could be someone thats very bubbly, clumsy, and full of energy. You have a childlike charm and your expressions are very sweet. I'm getting like how when little kids ask a question and they tilt their head while they do it. You just have this innocence to you but I also feel that you can be very mischievous. You could like to tease your peers and people find it very funny 😂. You could be very smart as well and do/did well in school! I'm getting that you're a teacher's pet and you always get good grades. You could give your teacher a hard time sometimes too (some of you could have talked too much in class and that would stress your teacher out LOL 😭). This pile honestly has me cracking up. You could also have a very big imagination. You could daydream a lot or fantasize about things a lot. People often wonder what you're thinking about when you do that. You could also have a lot of goals or are very creative. This pile gives off main character energy. It reminds me of Devi from Never Have I Ever or Jess from New Girl.
Who's sweet on you?:
Four of Wands, The Lovers, & Ten of Pentacles
I see that there's two cases for this pile. On one side you guys have a crush on someone or the other side they have someone who has a crush on them but despite that I'm seeing that the feelings are mutual for both parties! You know this person already and could be in the talking stage. I'm getting like a light, fun, flirty, playful energy between you and this person. You guys might have even already go on out on a date or will make plans to go out on a date soon. Which is so cute because as things develop and get more serious you both will realize that you're in love with each other 🤭. I'm having a vision of a couple blushing and being nervous to make eye contact 😭💓. This is going to be a long term relationship for sure and your families will be happy to see you guys together. I'm seeing like your families getting together for the holidays or coming together for dinner. For my younger kids in pile 9, this could mean your parents will allow you to date them, and when they introduce you to their parents, they will approve of the relationship so yay! 🥰
Thanks so much for reading! Have a nice day, here's a little treat 🍭🧁🍨🍬🍡🍦🧋🍧🍩
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week
⚡ - Goodbye Fossil Fuels, Hello Renewables: The Energizing News You Need
1. Fungi discovered that can eat plastic in just 140 days
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Australian scientists have successfully used backyard mould to break down one of the world's most stubborn plastics — a discovery they hope could ease the burden of the global recycling crisis within years. 
It took 90 days for the fungi to degrade 27 per cent of the plastic tested, and about 140 days to completely break it down, after the samples were exposed to ultraviolet rays or heat. We really see a solution within five years, according to environmental scientist Paul Harvey, an expert on global plastic pollution.
2. Topeka Zoo welcomes new African Lion as female sprouts mane
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The Topeka Zoo has welcomed a new African Lion to its pride, a male, as one of its females started to sprout a mane following the 2021 passing of the pride’s last male.
The Topeka Zoo and Conservation Center announced on Thursday, April 13, that Tatu, a 4-year-old African Lion, has arrived in the Capital City. He comes to Topeka from the Denver Zoo and his arrival marks a time of growth for the zoo.
3. This barber opens his shop on his day off for children with special needs – and all of their haircuts are free
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On his day off, Vernon Jackson still goes to work, opening up his Cincinnati barber shop, Noble Barber and Beauty, for VIP clients: children with special needs. 
It's something he's done since 2021. "I was hearing so many horror stories that parents were going through with other barber shops and just the barbers or stylists having no patience with their child," Jackson told CBS News. "So I figured I would compromise by coming in on my day off so there were there would be no other barbers or stylists in the shop and I could give them the full attention that they need."
4. Renewables break energy records signalling ‘end of the fossil age’
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Experts are calling time on the fossil age as new analysis shows wind and solar power produced a record amount of the world’s electricity last year.
The renewables generated 12 per cent of global electricity in 2022, up from 10 per cent the previous year, according to the report from clean energy think tank Ember. Last year, solar was the fastest-growing source of electricity for the 18th year in a row, rising by 24 per cent from 2021.
5. New nuclear medicine therapy cures human non-hodgkin lymphoma in preclinical model
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A new nuclear medicine therapy can cure human non-Hodgkin lymphoma in an animal model A single dose of the radioimmunotherapy, was found to quickly eliminate tumour cells and extend the life of mice injected with cancerous cells for more than 221 days (the trial endpoint), compared to fewer than 60 days for other treatments and just 19 days in untreated control mice.
To explain it in simple terms because this is so freaking cool: There is a radioactive atom attached to a drug. The target cell eats the drug and the energy coming off of the radioactive atom kills the target cell
6. Colorado passes first US right to repair legislation for farmers
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Colorado farmers will be able to legally fix their own equipment next year, with manufacturers including Deere & Co obliged to provide them with manuals for diagnostic software and other aids, under a measure passed by legislators in the first U.S. state to approve such a law.
Equipment makers have generally required customers to use their authorized dealers for repairs to machines such as combines and tractors.
7. When a softball player falls after hitting a grand slam, this is how her opponents reacted
That's it for this week :)
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outro-jo · 1 year
seventeen and who’s taking the couch
pairing: seventeen members x reader (gender neutral)
type: scenario 
summary: how the seventeen members deal with arguments and who’s taking the couch when things get too heated
warnings: mentions of arguing 
masterlist | info
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scoups- he’s taking the couch. he doesn’t want you to wake up sore so he relents. you make it up to him by making him breakfast though and giving him a massage
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jeonghan- simply does not let you but he’s not taking the couch either. he knows how you are anyways. you stay up the whole night, tossing and turning going through every detail of the argument until you can come to a conclusion. but he also can’t sleep without you so he has you sleep with him and vent while he dozes in and out of consciousness
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joshua- mr. gentle sexy is not letting you take the couch. period. he actually doesn’t mind the couch and he’s more than willing to give you your space if you need it to sort things out in your mind. if you decide to make up before the sun comes up, he leaves that up to you and he’s very willing to make up. however, if you don’t, he’ll rest through the night and be happy to continue the conversation the next day when you’ve had more time to reflect on everything.
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jun- kinda hurt when you say you’re taking the couch. even in the heat of the argument, when the words leave your lips, he pauses for a second. he hoped that the two of you could have some sort of resolve by now or at least be ok enough so that you could still sleep next to each other. he’s upset with himself that he let things get this far. he’s ultimately the one who takes the couch bc he still cares for you.
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hoshi- doesn’t get to the point where you take the couch. well, it does but as soon as you say you’re sleeping on the couch you expect a “good!” “good!” “fine!” “fine!” sort of thing but he immediately snaps out of it. “wait… you don’t wanna sleep with me?” with big ol’ eyes and a pout. he start apologizing for getting you upset and asking if you guys can have the night to rest and think things over but he doesn’t wanna sleep without cuddles. the reaction softens you as well and you agree.
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wonwoo- doesn’t say much but he takes the couch. he knows you need your space and respects that. the first to apologize in the morning and wants to hear you out bc he spent all night replaying what you said.
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woozi- takes the couch… in his studio. he stormed out during the fight bc he needed to clear his head so he left. i can see him being real stubborn so it takes a day for him to work though things (if he doesn’t just start working) and one of the boys for them to help talk things out. he comes home with flowers and an embarrassed, mumbled apology ready to hear what you have to say now.
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dk- another one that won’t let you take the couch not matter how upset he is. as soon as you say it, he’s shooting it down and telling you to go rest in your bed. he can’t sleep at all though. you wake up the next morning to a pair of dark circles and a sincere apology.
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mingyu- he gets pretty heated too and knows how stubborn you are so he lets you. he starts feeling bad in the big empty bed so when he goes to check on you and finds you asleep, he carries you back to bed with him. you find yourself in his arms the next morning with soft apologies whispered between kisses.
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the8- he convinces you to share the bed with him. he thinks that this argument isn’t worth you two being so mad and stubborn that you can’t rest comfortably. he agrees that you two should stay on your respective sides of the bed staring at opposite walls. he really knows that either one or both of you will end up rolling over and apologizing before the sun even rises.
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seungkwan- 1000% let’s you. “I’M SLEEPING ON THE COUCH!” “GOOD! FINE WITH ME! GOODNIGHT!” and slams the door behind him. but at around two am he starts feeling bad and comes out of the bedroom. “jagiya~~?” you two end up talking it through for the rest of the night.
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vernon- will not let it get that far. he very rarely gets heated in arguments especially when it comes to you but he respects your feelings and let you yell as much as you want. he sits calmly and takes in what you have to say before responding. he’ll also call you out when you get too emotional and start turning on him. he lets you get it all out and when you’ve exhausted yourself, he’ll hold out his arms to take you to bed
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dino- doesn’t let you unless you’re SO stubborn about it. if you take the couch, he comes out there when you’re sleeping and sleeps on the floor next to you to be near you. if he ends up talking you into letting him take the couch, you end up coming out there to cuddle and make up. you both end up on the couch together.
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sluttyminghao · 11 months
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seungcheol x jeonghan x vernon x reader orgy ideas; warnings: mentions of anal, teasing, orgasm denial, rough sex, choking mentions; had this specifically in mind for @duhnova enjoy <3
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bringing home one guy from the bar was pretty normal for you, but bringing home three? was pretty unusual for you. but after seeing how they eyed you up and down hungrily and whispered filthy words in your ear, you couldn't resist.
you came to learn that their names were seungcheol, jeonghan, and vernon. while they all seemed to share the same horny tendencies, you came to learn over the course of a couple of hours that their styles of fucking varied greatly.
seungcheol was hard and rough. he would get a tight grip on your hips and fuck you until your tits jiggled and your eyes were crossing. he made a point of cumming on your tits and stomach, possibly to get the other two to stand down. but they wouldn't, they're too stubborn.
jeonghan was teasing and edged you until you cry. he loves seeing the tears form in your eyes as he denies you yet another orgasm, letting it ebb away as your whole body throbs with want. he only chuckles and bumps the head of his cock against your swollen folds, prompting you to beg for him, exactly what he wanted.
vernon, on the other hand, is calm and sweet and carries a sort of soothing manner that has your body settling while he leaves soft kisses and leaves his tongue over your salty skin. he lets his hands wander across your flesh, letting the feeling of want slowly build up inside you.
and when they finally decide that you're ready, they take up their assigned positions as they had discussed previously. jeonghan takes up residence in your warm and tight cunt, and has to stop himself from cumming immediately. seungcheol slowly and carefully slides himself in between your ass cheeks, soothing you with soft words and caressing your sides. vernon takes up your mouth and has to will himself to not cum 5 seconds into thrusting.
somehow, they would manage to time their thrusts up together so the pleasure is only amplified for you. jeonghan makes an effort to call you "their good little fuck toy, so warm and tight for all of us" which only sends you further spiralling down your path to hell.
their groans would be out of this world, and at one point in the midst of your pleasure, you think you feel someone's hand come up to your throat and squeeze lightly, causing you to temporarily black out and cum at the same time.
the feeling of you squeezing and moaning around them has them all moaning and cumming inside of you at different intervals, and you're left a shaking and trembling mess with cum dripping out of all of your holes.
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Welcome to SEVENTEEN World — A SEVENTEEN World Series 
 💼 CEO Edition
✧ Genre: CEO au; SMUT [18+], fluff, angst (+ more will be added in chapters) ♡ Pairing: female!reader x CEO!SEVENTEEN member ♕ Shout out: special thanks to @fugaciousserendipity for the support! And thank you lovely @outromoni​ for all the amazing SEVENTEEN World banners 💜 love them so much eeeeeeep!!! ✎ Note: Make sure to enable the MATURE community label if you want to read the individual chapters!!!! The smut, however, is optional!
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☀ if you want to be added to the tag list, leave a comment or send me an ask!  ☑ — completed ✍ — in progress ✖ — not yet started
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ღ Prologue ☑
Where Everything Started. (3.5k+ words)
~ How did a drunken thought turn into a multi-billion dollar business? This is how 13 friends turned their dreams into reality. This is the story of SEVENTEEN World and where it all started.
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Don't Tell The Boss. [SMUT]  (31k+ words)
Lawyer!reader, Seungcheol’s sister!reader x CEO Jeon Wonwoo ~ You were off limits. Seungcheol had made that absolutely clear from the very start. Wonwoo knew that, the other CEOs did and even you were aware of that fact. But when Wonwoo is tasked to fill in for Seungcheol during his monthly legal consult, he certainly didn’t think that you’d be there, his best friend’s sister, the one person he wasn’t allowed to get close to. Then why did he suddenly find himself asking you out? And why did you say yes?
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Melon Pang! — PART ONE ☑ (32k+ words)
Barista!reader x CEO Choi Seungcheol ~ The last thing Seungcheol expected was to argue with a random stranger in a bakery after an awfully stressful day. But how could he not when this person was about to take the last melon pan? You were in a similar position. Your boss had been nagging you non-stop at work and all you wanted was your favorite snack, followed by a movie marathon on the couch. Instead, you find yourself having to deal with this stubborn guy who thinks the whole world is his.
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IT expert!reader x CEO Xu Minghao ~ As part of his evening routine, Minghao always went on a run to clear his mind and most importantly, escape the two bodyguards that he was stuck with nearly 24/7. That’s when he encounters you, being harassed by a pair of nasty-looking men that seemed to want something from you. And with a reputation like his, he couldn’t just idly stand by. You, on the other hand, were just trying to get home after your late-night shift. But you didn’t anticipate being ambushed by these scary men, and you definitely didn’t anticipate a stranger coming to your rescue.
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Vet!reader x CEO Choi Hansol ~ Vernon and you had been good friends even before SEVENTEEN World was first established. Together, you worked at the animal shelter, with you being the local vet. So, when he became CEO, he asked you to join him at the rescue center, and you saw no reason to refuse such a good offer. As the two of you grow closer due to the nature of your jobs, slowly but surely, Vernon starts to realize that what he feels for you is more than just friendship. However, there is one little thing: you’re engaged. And from what Vernon has seen, the guy is a complete ass. How will he convince you that you’re making a mistake? Or maybe he doesn’t even have to…
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Dancer!reader x CEO Kwon Soonyoung ~ There are times when Soonyoung just wants to dance without feeling like he’s constantly being watched. That’s why he has been frequenting a small private dance studio, where he rents a room when he needs to be alone. It just so happens that you also frequent the place for similar reasons. An unfortunate event causes the two of you to meet and from that moment, the both of you start to form a friendship. Well, you’re not sure if you can call it a real friendship when the man who supposedly saved your life doesn’t even dare to show you his face. Who the hell is he and why is he so set on trying to keep his identity a secret from you?
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Linguist!reader x CEO Hong Jisoo ~ With his busy schedule, it isn’t often that Joshua is able to give seminars. So when a spot opens up in his calendar, he decides to teach a summer course for any students or researchers interested in the history of language. You, a linguist at heart, were planning to travel to South Korea for a few months to explore the culture and the language in particular. Once you hear about Language Lab SEVENTEEN and the summer course given by the CEO himself, you can’t help but sign up for it. There, Joshua encounters you, a woman who is not afraid to tell him when he is wrong, even if it’s in the middle of a packed lecture hall. He knows he’s not supposed to get involved with his students, but you’ve caught his attention and now he can’t stop thinking about you.
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Photographer!reader x CEO Lee Chan ~ Chan first met you when he was out on a walk and you were wandering through the city, looking for interesting things to photograph. The two of you hit it off almost immediately and it didn’t take long before the two of you started dating. But when a picture of the two of you appears in the media, you suddenly find yourself living your worst nightmare: at the center of attention. Pretty soon, it becomes clear to you that Chan is CEO Lee Chan of SEVENTEEN Productions, which makes you realize that he’s been keeping this big part of his life from you the whole time. But why would he do that to you? And how are you going to get rid of these reporters that just won’t leave you alone?
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Food critic!reader x CEO Kim Mingyu ~ Ever since you left a negative review on your blog for the Flavor Factory SEVENTEEN branch in Seoul, Mingyu has been trying to hunt you down. Because who did you think you were to judge his food? And why were you hiding behind your computer? You, however, were just content with your life, with a successful food blog where no one was aware of your identity. So, you certainly didn’t expect the CEO of Flavor Factory SEVENTEEN to come knocking at your door in the middle of a workout session.
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Junior designer!reader x CEO Yoon Jeonghan ~ From the moment you started working at SEVENTEEN Fashion as a junior designer, your superior seemed to have it out for you. No matter what you did, the woman always critiqued your work or made you work overtime while your colleagues had already left hours ago. Jeonghan has always prided himself in the fact that he treats all employees with respect, regardless of their position. So, when he finds out that it was you, and not your superior, who was responsible for the brilliant idea that got the company’s sales to skyrocket, he decides to get to the bottom of it and ends up taking a special interest in you.
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Temp!reader x CEO Lee Seokmin ~ Seokmin had always been a little clumsy. And it just so happened that he decided to get a coffee at the same time that you went to get one. What he didn’t expect was to be the cause of you spilling your coffee all over yourself, and the mental breakdown that followed said incident. You were already having a bad morning, so the last thing you needed was a stranger spilling the coffee you’d paid for with your hard-earned money. Or was he perhaps the solution to all your problems?
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Waitress!reader, Childhood friend!reader x CEO Boo Seungkwan ~  It had been years since Seungkwan had taken a proper break from anything work-related. When he is forced to take a break by the other 12 CEOs, he returns to his family in Jeju Island, where he meets you, his childhood friend, working at your family’s restaurant. You? You never thought you’d see Seungkwan again. Not after he became successful and the two of you started drifting apart. So, why did he think he could suddenly step back into your life again?
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Office worker!reader x CEO Lee Jihoon ~ Part of being a CEO meant attending social events and unfortunately, that was something Jihoon absolutely hated. After one particular long event, he ends up going to his favorite lookout spot to be alone and clear his thoughts. He didn’t expect anyone to know about that spot. So, he is surprised to find you there, in his spot, and you just won’t stop talking…about your issues, your family, your job and your stupid obsession with HIT SEVENTEEN’s CEO. But then why does he keep coming back, knowing that you’re going to be there too?
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Musician!reader x CEO Wen Junhui ~ It is through Jihoon that Jun meets you. You’d been in contact with Jihoon for a while to collaborate on a music project, and after months of exchanging emails with demos, he finally invited you to Seoul for some in-person sessions. Given your musical talent and the fact that you’ve been living in China for the past 10 years, Jihoon decides that it’s a good idea to introduce you to Jun, who wants nothing more than to find his special someone. When the hotel you’ve booked suddenly cancels on you, you have to decide whether you want to take Jun up on his offer to stay with him for the few days that you’re in Seoul. He was a well-respected man in his field and you trusted Jihoon’s judgment, so what could possibly go wrong?
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toruro · 1 year
hihi ok so i have a request
hear me out lol
so like svt caring for u /taking you home when u go out w friends to a gathering or something and accidentally eat an edible which has u on mars and u don’t know what to do
kinda funny, kinda soft, kinda idk srry
svt + when you're high
a/n: hi anon! i didn't write individual scenarios because i couldn't think of such different and long scenarios for all thirteen of them but i wrote a few and assigned members to them, so i hope that works! anyways i LOVED this prompt LFMAO? this lwk reminds me of the first time i had an edible and i was like.., ok this isn't working and then i ate more and then it felt like i elevated to the subspace so ngl all of these might just be self inserts.
tags/warnings: recreational marijuana use
w/c: 1.1k
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seungcheol, wonwoo, jihoon
he notices you cuddle closer to his side as you and your guys' friends gather by the fireplace, but doesn't think anything of it until he hears you giggling a little too much at a joke he thinks you normally wouldn't find very funny. he’d look down at you and when you look up at him with those dopey eyes he knows something’s up. looking down at the plate on your lap his eyes would widen as he realizes that you ate the edibles. he’d curse himself for not letting you know earlier that they were edibles but realizes that there’s no point in sulking over that now. he would definitely excuse the both of you and take you home but as he tries to get you into the car you’d be incredibly stubborn. “baby get into the car.” you’d literally stomp your feet and shake your head. “no!” he would get slightly irritated, but the look on your face is just so cute that he’s finding it difficult to stay strict. “baby please.” you’d go back and forth for ages, and at some point he thinks he might pull out his hair. safe to say that the next time you’re out with friend, he keeps a close eye on you.
jeonghan, minghao, vernon, chan
he notices you're high right away because you're making zero fucking sense when you speak. like you'll be talking, acting like everything's normal, but then he'd actually listen to what you're saying and you would just be...saying words, not sentences. he would kind of go blank for a second wondering when the hell this happened because you didn't mention anything about wanting to get high tonight, but when he notices the empty plate with a few brownie crumbs left in your hand, he'd put two and two together and figure that you hadn't done this intentionally. he would be slightly upset that no one (himself included) let you know that they were edibles, frowning to himself as he dragged you to the car. you'd get in obediently, still running off your mouth with what nonsense you were going on about earlier, and at some point while driving home, he just really needs you to shut up so he can focus on the gps. he'd pull over so he can reach over to hold your hand, pleading, "babe, please, i love you but i really need you to be quiet. i can't focus on the road." your eyes would well up with tears and he winces as he realizes that he might have just set off a ticking bomb. "you don't wanna hear me talk?" you'd ask quietly voice wavering as he sighs. he'd spend another 15 minutes just trying to convince you that he loves talking to you, he just doesn't want to two of you to die from a car crash.
joshua, jun, mingyu
he's be slightly confused when you go up to him, wide-eyed asking him if he thinks you look pretty tonight because while he knows you love words of affirmation, you usually don't ask for it in social settings. when he'd answer, "of course i think you look pretty," you'd pout and huff and then repeat the question. he'd look at you confused, asking you if you're okay because you're usually not like this. his eyes would flicker around you and your surroundings and that's when he sees the little candy bag that definitely wasn't filled with normal gummies in them. literally will snatch the bag away from you, groaning when he sees it empty. assuming the worst, he would excuse the two of you and take you to the bathroom to talk to you. "how many d'you eat?" you'd give him a funny look. "how many of what?" you'd look so innocent he wants to melt, but he holds up his firm exterior. "the gummies, baby, how many?" you tap your chin funnily before saying, "maybe...one—no wait, like five—honestly i don't know! they were kinda yummy." he sighs, "baby they were edibles." you look at him kind of dumbly. "and? they tasted good." he'd just look at you for a few moments trying to decide what to do with you before piling you into his car to take you home as you run off his ears about how much you love cookies. he wouldn't have the heart to tell you to shut up, because he honestly finds it super cute, but he'd also try his best to keep an eye on you constantly.
soonyoung, dokyeom, seungkwan
he's the life of the party and he honestly thrives in crowds, so when you feel yourself swaying side to side a little, you aren't sure if you should go up to him and interrupt whatever he's got going on, or just sit tight and hope for the best. of course, right now, you aren't in your right mind and the thought of him being annoyed with you for interrupting him sends you spiraling, although you know it's a very unlikely situation. you kind of just sit in the corner and talk with one of your friends until she has to leave and you start feeling unbearably lonely and finally end up marching up to your boyfriend who's having a conversation with a group. when he notices you by his side, he greets you with a smile, "hey baby." wrapping an arm around you, you try to not get lost in the racing thoughts of your mind, saying, "can we go?" he turns to look at you, a little confused. "is everything alright?" your breath would hitch and you'd feel tears well up in your eyes for no reason. you can't really control it, but him wouldn't understand what's going on and be concerned. "are you mad at me?" you blurt out, not being able to stop yourself. "no—babe, what's going on?" he'd ask, pulling you away from the group to talk to you in a hallway. "baby," you'd whine, "i think i ate an edible and now i don't know what to do." his gaze would soften and he'd laugh a little at your tears—he's not laughing at your sorrow, he just knows that you get emotional when you're high and that this wasn't what he was expecting. "okay baby," he says, taking your hand, "let's go." you turn to look at the other people, "but what about your frie—" he cuts you off, "they don't matter. all i care about right now is you."
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
Hello! I have seen this question debated many times and I wanted to know your take on it cause I find your theories very compelling. Do you think harry should've been in Slytherin? Does he have what it "takes" to be a Slytherin? Is it because of voldemort's soul in him that lead the sorting hat to even suggest he could be in Slytherin? I know this is not one question but I would like to know your opinion on this topic in general!
First of all, thank you for the kind words! 😊
As for the questions, well, you've asked more than one question, but this ask kinda gives me a good reason to talk about how Harry isn't some golden Gryffindor. He actually has some anger issues and he most definitely has what it "takes" for Slytherin.
I'll start with the last question and then go backward, actually.
Did the hat consider Slytherin house just because of the Horcrux?
I don't think so.
I mean, Harry is incredibly clever, magically powerful, and has a cunning streak a mile wide all on his own. I'd actually go as far as to say he's more cunning, ruthless, and resourceful than many of the Slytherins we see in the books. So his own traits definitely are in line with a Slytherin sorting, Horcrux or no Horcrux.
We can try and discern if the Horcrux has an effect on Harry's personality then, and if its influence is seen like that. I'd say that I don't think so either.
Tom and Harry, while they have their similarities, are very different people. They both have a bad temper (although they react to anger differently), but Harry has low self-esteem whereas Tom thinks he is the best (while still hating himself). They're both stubborn, but Tom is much more obsessive than Harry in pursuit of his goals. Harry cares for justice and isn't willing to hurt innocents, Tom doesn't really care about any of that he cares for efficiency. If the Horcrux was influencing Harry's personality, I'd expect to see more similarities between them that go deeper than that.
So, I don't think the hat only offered Slytherin because of the Horcrux. Harry is a Slytherin in his own right.
Does Harry have what it "takes" for Slytherin?
So, I honestly got really excited at the sight of this sentence. See I love Harry, that's no secret. But one of the things I love about him is that he isn't the perfect noble hero. He can be angry, and cruel and ruthless. But he has a sense of justice, he wouldn't wish harm on someone innocent, but someone who did harm to him, or was mean to him or someone he cares for... then Harry can be terrifying when he wants to be.
So, now I'm going to go through some (I have so many more examples of this, and the examples here are mostly books 1-5 since that's what I had on hand) of my collection of quotes showing Harry Potter's vindictiveness and anger.
Harry's response to "have a good summer" at the end of his first year:
“Oh, I will,” said Harry, and they were surprised at the grin that was spreading over his face. “They don’t know we’re not allowed to use magic at home. I’m going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer.…
(PS, page 221)
This is Harry's (very justified) vindictiveness we see towards the Dursleys many times in the books. He uses the idea of magic to scare them and is gleeful at the thought of Dudley's fear. Harry is very much chill with vengeance.
“…He likes to keep in touch with me, though . . . keep up with my news . . . check if I’m happy. . . .” And, grinning broadly at the look of horror on Uncle Vernon’s face, Harry set off toward the station exit, Hedwig rattling along in front of him, for what looked like a much better summer than the last.
(PoA, page 435)
Same as above, just Sirius Black as the threat instead of magic.
Yes, thought Harry, that looked all right. There was no point putting in the dream; he didn’t want it to look as though he was too worried.
(GoF, page 25)
Harry can and does lie and conceal information, even from people he trusts (like Sirius) if he thinks it'll be better not to tell them something. Whether that is for his own image or for what they would think.
“Potter! Weasley! What are you doing?” It was Professor McGonagall, and her mouth was the thinnest of thin lines. “We were — we were —” Ron stammered. “We were going to — to go and see —” “Hermione,” said Harry. Ron and Professor McGonagall both looked at him. “We haven’t seen her for ages, Professor,” Harry went on hurriedly, treading on Ron’s foot, “and we thought we’d sneak into the hospital wing, you know, and tell her the Mandrakes are nearly ready and, er, not to worry —” Professor McGonagall was still staring at him, and for a moment, Harry thought she was going to explode, but when she spoke, it was in a strangely croaky voice. “Of course,” she said, and Harry, amazed, saw a tear glistening in her beady eye.
(CoS, page 259)
And he clearly can lie well, even at 12.
But Harry wasn’t going to stand for this. Gone were the days when he had been forced to take every single one of the Dursleys’ stupid rules. He wasn’t following Dudley’s diet, and he wasn’t going to let Uncle Vernon stop him from going to the Quidditch World Cup, not if he could help it. Harry took a deep, steadying breath and then said, “Okay, I can’t see the World Cup. Can I go now, then? Only I’ve got a letter to Sirius I want to finish. You know — my godfather.” He had done it. He had said the magic words. Now he watched the purple recede blotchily from Uncle Vernon’s face, making it look like badly mixed black currant ice cream.
He stopped there to enjoy the effect of these words. He could almost see the cogs working under Uncle Vernon’s thick, dark, neatly parted hair. If he tried to stop Harry writing to Sirius, Sirius would think Harry was being mistreated. If he told Harry he couldn’t go to the Quidditch World Cup, Harry would write and tell Sirius, who would know Harry was being mistreated. There was only one thing for Uncle Vernon to do. Harry could see the conclusion forming in his uncle’s mind as though the great mustached face were transparent. Harry tried not to smile, to keep his own face as blank as possible. And then — “Well, all right then. You can go to this ruddy . . . this stupid . . . this World Cup thing.
(GoF, page 33)
Again, vindictiveness and manipulation of Vernon through fear. Not only that, but Harry can keep his calm and keep his face blank even at 14 for the sake of getting something he wants.
“Get stuffed, Malfoy,” said Harry. “C’mon, Ron. . . .” “Oh yeah, you were staying with them this summer, weren’t you, Potter?” sneered Malfoy. “So tell me, is his mother really that porky, or is it just the picture?” “You know your mother, Malfoy?” said Harry — both he and Hermione had grabbed the back of Ron’s robes to stop him from launching himself at Malfoy — “that expression she’s got, like she’s got dung under her nose? Has she always looked like that, or was it just because you were with her?” Malfoy’s pale face went slightly pink. “Don’t you dare insult my mother, Potter.” “Keep your fat mouth shut, then,” said Harry, turning away.
(GoF, page 204)
Harry has a bark (all of the above quotes are Harry having a bark). He can and does shoot back as good as he gets.
Harry isn't all bark though, he's got a bit. Harry's anger is palpable and so very real and I love seeing it:
just as Uncle Vernon burst out of the dining room, his trouser leg in bloody tatters. “COME BACK IN HERE!” he bellowed. “COME BACK AND PUT HER RIGHT!” But a reckless rage had come over Harry. He kicked his trunk open, pulled out his wand, and pointed it at Uncle Vernon. “She deserved it,” Harry said, breathing very fast. “She deserved what she got. You keep away from me.”  He fumbled behind him for the latch on the door. “I’m going,” Harry said. “I’ve had enough.”
(PoA, page 30)
Again, Harry has his vindictive strike. (Obviously, Marge had it coming, but that's also what Harry is thinking).
A boiling hate erupted in Harry’s chest, leaving no place for fear. For the first time in his life, he wanted his wand back in his hand, not to defend himself, but to attack . . . to kill.
(PoA, page 339)
“You killed my parents,” said Harry, his voice shaking slightly, but his wand hand quite steady.
(PoA, page 341)
Harry, at 13, was fully willing to kill who he believed led to his parents' deaths. And more:
So what if he had to kill the cat too? It was in league with Black. . . . If it was prepared to die, trying to protect Black, that wasn’t Harry’s business. . . .
(PoA, page 342)
He's willing to kill Hermione's cat if it stands in his way.
Harry stood there, feeling suddenly empty. He hadn’t done it. His nerve had failed him. Black was going to be handed back to the dementors.
(PoA, page 343)
Harry Potter, at 13, laments that he didn't have the nerve to kill Sirius himself. He thinks he should've killed himself. He sees it as a failure that justice would be served by someone other than him.
Harry sat there staring at Snape as the lesson began, picturing horrific things happening to him. . . . If only he knew how to do the Cruciatus Curse . . . he’d have Snape flat on his back like that spider, jerking and twitching. . . .
(GoF, page 300)
Harry felt oddly separate from everyone around him, whether they were wishing him good luck or hissing “We’ll have a box of tissues ready, Potter ” as he passed. It was a state of nervousness so advanced that he wondered whether he mightn’t just lose his head when they tried to lead him out to his dragon, and start trying to curse everyone in sight.
(GoF, page 347)
The above quotes are both situations Harry was willing and wishing to curse people. Even Crucio Snape. He's not as noble and righteous and golden as many fans and characters in the books make him out to be...
If Dudley’s friends saw him sitting here, they would be sure to make a beeline for him, and what would Dudley do then? He wouldn’t want to lose face in front of the gang, but he’d be terrified of provoking Harry. . . . It would be really fun to watch Dudley’s dilemma; to taunt him, watch him, with him powerless to respond . . . and if any of the others tried hitting Harry, Harry was ready — he had his wand . . . let them try . . . He’d love to vent some of his frustration on the boys who had once made his life hell —
(OotP, page 11)
And sometimes, Harry wishes for an excuse to fight. An excuse to take his anger out on someone. (He has a lot of anger in him)
Smirking all over his pointed face, Draco Malfoy leaned across Harry and seized the largest bowtruckle. “Maybe,” said Malfoy in an undertone, so that only Harry could hear him, “the stupid great oaf’s got himself badly injured.” “Maybe you will if you don’t shut up,” said Harry out of the side of his mouth.
(OotP, page 260)
He's threatening and witty.
“Oh no,” said Hermione, quaking so badly that her knees gave way. “Oh, that was horrible. And he [Gwamp] might kill them [the centaurs] all. . . .” “I’m not that fussed, to be honest,” said Harry bitterly.
(OotP, page 759)
And when it comes to people he doesn't consider innocent, or ones he doesn't care for, even if they never harmed him, Harry is still vindictive. The centaurs mistreated Firenze and Hagrid, so Harry doesn't really care if Gwamp kills them all.
That being said, he is more concerned about Sirius in the above scene.
And he can and does cast unforgivables easily by the later books:
Hatred rose in Harry such as he had never known before. He flung himself out from behind the fountain and bellowed “Crucio!” Bellatrix screamed. The spell had knocked her off her feet, but she did not writhe and shriek with pain as Neville had — she was already on her feet again, breathless, no longer laughing. Harry dodged behind the golden fountain again — her counterspell hit the head of the handsome wizard, which was blown off and landed twenty feet away, gouging long scratches into the wooden floor.
(OotP, page 809)
Harry raised the hawthorn wand beneath the cloak, pointed it at the old goblin, and whispered, for the first time in his life, “Imperio!” A curious sensation shot down Harry’s arm, a feeling of tingling, warmth that seemed to flow from his mind, down the sinews and veins connecting him to the wand and the curse it had just cast. The goblin took Bellatrix’s wand, examined it closely, and then said, “Ah, you have had a new wand made, Madam Lestrange!”
(DH, pages 152-453)
As Amycus spun around, Harry shouted, “Crucio!” The Death Eater was lifted off his feet. He writhed through the air like a drowning man, thrashing and howling in pain, and then, with a crunch and a shattering of glass, he smashed into the front of a bookcase and crumpled, insensible, to the floor. “I see what Bellatrix meant,” said Harry, the blood thundering through his brain, “you need to really mean it.”
(DH, page 502)
So, I think Harry definitely has what it takes. He's clever, he can be ruthless, and he's capable of lying and hiding secrets when he feels it's the best option. He can hide his emotions when he really needs to, even if he rarely does. Actually, only in book 6, Harry starts sharing everything with Ron and Hermione on Dumbledore’s advice. Up to that point, he kept quite a bit to himself. And when someone wrongs him, he can and often will swing back.
And last but not least, should he have been in Slytherin?
So, this is an interesting question, because "should" can have two meanings.
1. Should've for the story — as in what is best for the narrative.
2. Should've for the character — in universe, which house the sorting hat should've picked.
So, for the first one, my answer is no. Gryffindor was the right choice for Harry for the narrative of the books as they are. Gryffindor is essentially the opposite of Slytherin and represents a choice more than just the traits and values the house represents. It represents Harry's choice even though he could've been a Slytherin he chose Gryffindor. And it's a constant choice with every heroic act. (personally, I'm not the biggest fan of equating school houses with morality, but it's effective in creating a clear narrative)
And while not all Slytherins are evil and not all Gryffindors are good, a Slytherin Harry Potter would've resulted in a very different story than what we have. So, for the story we ended up getting to happen the way it did, yes, Harry needed to be a Gryffindor.
For the second, maybe. Personally, I believe people (even if they aren't hatstalls) have more than one house they can fit into. Harry is both a Slytherin and a Gryffindor, and neither of them is more wrong or right for him as a person. I think deciding which one of them is best for him is up to a coin flip (and when in his life the question is asked).
He can be ruthless and cunning like a Slytherin. Selfless and courageous like a Gryffindor. He values justice like a Gryffindor. But he also has the selective loyalty of Slytherin to their own.
Point is, there isn't really a "should", because both suit him and he would’ve done well in both. Do I think Slytherin Harry is an incredibly fun concept to consider? Yes. Did I read way too many fics with this premise and would read more? Yes. Do I think he might've fit into Slytherin better than Gryffindor? Well, not necessarily.
Harry is much quieter than most in Gryffindor, but I think the constant scheming and image-keeping in Slytherin would be exhausting to him. He just doesn't care about all the gossip and politicalizing (something that occasionally leaves him out of the loop also in Gryffindor). So, again, both suit him about equally. The difference is that we get a very different story depending on his house.
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shuahoonie · 1 year
to x, with love | a svt x reader mini series
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➼ music can elicit inspiration just as much as words. this mini-series contains a list of imagines that are inspired by a series of love songs.
this is my love letter to you. ♡
note: this can be read as a stand-alone! you don't necessarily have to read each one but i will be extremely grateful if you do! ☺
updates: ideally, every friday at 7 pm CST ☺ [aka whenever i can]
shuahoonie's masterlist
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♫ 그렇더라고요 (when you love someone) by DAY6 ↪ some seek love and have the pleasure of keeping it, some never find it, and some aren't meant to find it. you and cheol are determined to discover whether love still exists beyond your old love letters. ↪ bonus: that's just how it is
♫ to you by seventeen ↪ to avoid another blind date, you ask jeonghan to be your pretend boyfriend to get your mom off your back. the kicker? jeonghan secretly enjoys being your pretend boyfriend. ↪ bonus: you are that person
♫ daydreamin' by ariana grande
♫ oh my! by seventeen
♫ time machine by cuco
♫ unspoken words by mxmtoon ↪ you and wonwoo always had a complicated relationship— no matter how hard you two tried, your lives had a funny way of getting intertwined. and stubborn may you both be, wonwoo will always admit his feat when it comes to you.
♫ message in a bottle by taylor swift ↪ a message in a bottle is quite literally how jihoon found out you liked him— and you have to kill thank jeonghan for that.
♫ 은방울 lily of the valley by DANIEL ↪ hao thought the idea of a meet-cute was corny, impossible even. however, when he recalls the first time he met you, he knew he had to swallow a few choice of words and his pride.
♫ warm on a cold night by HONNE ↪ there was no denying that mingyu looked like he was carved out from the gods, that's why he keeps getting asked out. yet every poor person's attempt of asking him out is often met with rejection. the reason? you two are *supposedly* dating (on the dl), he would say. the truth? you two aren’t.
♫ all of the girls you loved before by taylor swift
♫ late night talking by harry styles ↪ something shifted in the universe when you and seungkwan started talking on the phone every day. this is big for someone who has their phone on do not disturb for almost the entire day. oh and going on a trip with your bff, practically acting like a couple is normal right? right??? ↪ bonus: can't get you off my mind
♫ oh shit... are we in love? by valley
♫ 18 - one direction
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cherrycheolcoups · 1 year
seventeen fic recs - werewolf au [hyung line]
started: 05/14/23
updated: 05/15/23
doing these by aus first lol. link to my overall fic recs masterlist here: unavailable for now. working on posting the masterlist
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choi seungcheol:
moonlust series by @sunlightwoo | cheol's series: chains
pairing: werewolf!seungcheol x human!reader | summary: according to what he has heard from previous alphas before him, leaders should be strong, initiative, confident and not back down from whatever it is they are being challenged with. he also knew that when it comes to you, he suddenly feels as though he is chained up and being tortured due to the fact that you wanted to deny him as your mate; but why? | this is a 7 part series within a series. each member has a different masterlist. cheol's is titled chains
imprinted series by @gamerwoo | cheol's series: alpha, alpha part 2, alpha part 3
pairing: werewolf!seungcheol x human!reader | genre/warnings: werewolf au, college au, fluff, angst, mild violence but like super mild | word count: 4,999 | summary: seungcheol's pack doesn't always fight with each other, but when they do, they make sure to blow every possible secret they can in the process. well, except for the fact that you're supposed to be his mate. he has to figure that one out on his own.
spotlight by @a-mixers-serenity
pairing: werewolf!seungcheol x human!reader | genre: fluff | warning: none | word count: 2,219
huff, puff by @thepixelelf
pairing: human!reader x werewolf!seungcheol (hints of reader & vampire!jeonghan) | word count: 1.1k | warnings: descriptions of blood, a bullet wound, and injury. kissing. implied desire to go further but it doesn't happen lol | synopsis: when an injured vampire shows up at your door, you're of course there to help. but your werewolf partner is more than a little wary of this vampire's intentions.
tales from the pack series by @gamerwoo | cheol's series: stubborn
pairing: werewolf!seungcheol x human!reader | genre/warnings: werewolf au, kinda thief au, fantasy, angst, slightly fluffy??, drugging but it's not in an evil context i promise | word count: 2,281 [this count is for the first fic] | summary: you've heard the stories your relatives told you about werewolves when you were younger, but you always thought it was just a scare tactic to make kids behave. well, up until you woke up in a den full of werewolves
untitled fic by @97-liners | cont.: here
pairing: werewolf!seungcheol x vampire!reader | word count: 1k | just domestic fluff
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yoon jeonghan:
moonlust series by @sunlightwoo | jeonghan's series: palace
pairing: werewolf!jeonghan x alpha werewolf!reader | summary: jeonghan felt the pull that you were alluring out into the atmosphere as you had found out about vernon and his mate's meetups. he didn't expect for his mate to be an alpha whatsoever, but he knew that if you also found out about your mate bond with him, you wouldn't be so happy either as you had to decide whether you wanted to keep your throne or be with your mate | this is a 7 part series within a series. each member has a different masterlist. han's is titled palace
imprinted series by @gamerwoo | han's series: rare, rare part 2, rare part 3
pairing: werewolf!jeonghan x human!reader | genre/warnings: werewolf au, college au, some angst, fluff at the end, a little crack, smut (oral, fem receiving), unprotected sex, choking, begging, dom!jeonghan | summary: jeonghan hates studying. he hates class, and he hates college. he doesn't understand why he even thought it was a good idea to enroll four years ago. but then he met you, and while you were cold to him at first, it only took a few days without you for him to realize why
night life by @a-mixers-serenity
pairing: werewolf!jeonghan x human!reader | genre: fluff | warning: set in a nightclub | word count: 1,221
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hong jisoo:
moonlust series by @sunlightwoo | shua's series: broken hearts
pairing: werewolf!joshua x human!reader | summary: after years of being in relationships that he knew weren't right, joshua already gave up on the idea of finding his mate, until you came along. his ideas of finding his mate made him feel even worse as he came to learn that you and him were merely doing the same thing to fill the void of the broken hearts you each had. however, the question unknowingly lingered between you both as you thought, what made the other like this? | this is a 7 part series within a series. each member has a different masterlist. shua's is titled broken hearts
imprinted series by @gamerwoo | shua's series: two timing, two timing part 2
pairing: werewolf!joshua x human!reader | genre/warnings: werewolf au, fluff, crack, slight angst but u gotta squint to even notice it | summary: you loved being with josh; you loved everything about josh, actually. you had a few minor bumps to work out - and one big one - but sometimes, it was nice to just ignore everything and be together for a while
the healing place by @a-mixers-serenity
pairing: werewolf!joshua x human!reader | genre: fluff | warnings: this whole story takes place in a hospital, mentions of falling, concussions, blood tests and blood | word count: 1,536
tales from the pack series by @gamerwoo | shua's series: second chance
pairing: werewolf!joshua x werecoyote!reader | genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, possible character death, a little bit of fluff but it's like angsty fluff | summary: after his mate died, joshua always blamed himself and never wanted to imprint again. however, fate has other ideas when he meets you: a young, energetic werecoyote that's quite the opposite of him. he insists he doesn't want a new mate - nobody's even sure if he's ready for a new one - but he can't ignore his instincts.
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wen junhui:
moonlust series by @sunlightwoo | jun's series: attractions
pairing: werewolf!junhui x female reader | summary: there was something suspicious that was in junhui's mind when he found you as he was merely grocery shopping in the city. although you seemed as though you were innocent and kind, there was an instinct inside of him that was telling signs of a duality you might hold, and he was ready to figure out what that feeling was as he wanted to know you more. | this is a 7 part series within a series. each member has a different masterlist. jun's is titled attractions
imprinted series by @gamerwoo | jun's series: hate me not, hate me not part 2, hate me not part 3 | china line's: ours, ours part 2, ours part 3
pairing: werewolf!junhui x female reader | genre/warnings: werewolf au, college au, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff and some crack at the end, smut, angry/jealous sex, dom!jun, unprotected sex, a lil overstim | summary: jun had imprinted a while ago, but he just never told anybody and kept his distance. you were a seemingly quiet girl who only ever studied in the library on campus, but junhui still constantly went out of his way to impress you whenever he saw you. he just didn't know that his actions were doing the opposite of what he intended
a little bit personal by @a-mixers-serenity
pairing: werewolf!jun x female reader | genre: fluff with a lili-speck of angst | warnings: none | word count: 2,409
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kwon soonyoung:
moonlust series by @sunlightwoo | hoshi's series: inflamed
pairing: werewolf!soonyoung x female reader | summary: the both of you were almost the same individual, if you were put in rooms that were conjoined to one another; except the only conflict was that you both resented each other because of the past that you both shared. attempting to avoid your mating bond was almost impossible, up to the point where their passions of annoying the other was much more enjoyable. | this is a 7 part series within a series. each member has a different masterlist. hoshi's is titled inflamed
imprinted series by @gamerwoo | hoshi's series: two is better than one, two is better than one part 2
pairing: werewolf!soonyoung x female reader | genre/warnings: werewolf au, a lot of crack in the beginning, fluff, angst but it ends fluffy i promise, beastiality jokes because soonyoung pretends to imprint on a chicken | summary: all soonyoung wants is to find his mate, but he's starting to lose hope. it feels like all of his brothers are imprinting, and he's left alone and feeling an emptiness he can't shake no matter how much love he's surrounded with. but then when he finally imprints, he completely messes things up, and he's afraid he can't fix it. the only help he has is a three-year-old that seems unfazed by everything
smile! by @a-mixers-serenity
pairing: werewolf!soonyoung x female reader | genre: fluff | warning: mentions people's mouths and braces | word count: 1,218
tales from the pack series by @gamerwoo | hoshi's series: imperfect
pairing: werewolf!soonyoung x female reader | genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, a little humor at the end, lots of mentions of sex, lots of mentions of death, a couple implications of suicide but it never actually happened, depression, slapping | summary: soonyoung has always been desperate to find his mate, often going out into town at night to fill the void of imprinting that he craves so much. then suddenly, you (quite literally) appear in front of him. he'd always dreamed and fantasized about what having his mate would be like, but the reality is nothing like he expected
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jeon wonwoo:
moonlust series by @sunlightwoo | woo's series: fragile you
pairing: werewolf!wonwoo x female reader | summary: wonwoo didn't expect to find out that you, one of his long time best friends, was his mate. the only thing that was stopping him from actually telling you that the both of you were mates, was the fact that you vowed to him that you wouldn't fall in love with another werewolf, even if they were your mate. he understood what you meant and why, remembering all of the events that happened in the past with your ex. | this is a 7 part series within a series. each member has a different masterlist. woo's is titled fragile you
imprinted series by @gamerwoo | woo's series: perfect, perfect part 2, perfect part 3, perfect part 4
pairing: werewolf!wonwoo x tall!female reader | genre/warnings: werewolf au, college au, fluff, angst, crack, some suggestive comments but it's really tame don't worry | summary: as a mate, it's wonwoo's job to make sure you as his girlfriend are protected, healthy, and happy. therefore, he's always there to constantly remind you that he loves everything about you; including your long legs, and weird shenanigans that you always get sucked into by his pack mates
photogenic by @a-mixers-serenity
pairing: werewolf!wonwoo x female reader | genre: fluff | warning: none | word count: 2,049
by the moon by @wonwoonlight
pairing: werewolf!wonwoo x mage!reader (ft. seungcheol, jeonghan, jisoo, jihoon, minghao, chan) | genre/warnings: fantasy au but i kinda just make my own universe, angst, fluff, hurt comfort, a little action?, suggestive at the end, mentions of blood and kidnapping, implied sexual activities (no smut) | word count: 18k~
tales from the pack series by @gamerwoo | woo's series: protector
pairing: werewolf!wonwoo x female reader | genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, fluff, slight angst | summary: if there's one thing wonwoo hates, it's feeling helpless; like there's nothing he can do to stop somebody he loves from getting hurt. it's happened to him once before, and he swears it'll never happen again. especially not after he meets you
untitled fic by @kimkiyum
pairing: werewolf!wonwoo x female reader | word count: 598 | warning: breeding
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lee jihoon:
moonlust series by @sunlightwoo | hoon's series: easing in
pairing: werewolf!jihoon x female reader | summary: it wasn't easy being someone's mate knowing that they were someone that jihoon was going to have some sort of difficulty with because of how different they were in personalities. breaking down walls and emotions are easier said than done, when in reality its unraveling stories and secrets that could've been tampered with or hidden for different reasons. | this is a 7 part series within a series. each member has a different masterlist. hoon's is titled easing in
imprinted series by @gamerwoo | hoon's series: scarred, scarred part 2, scarred part 3
pairing: werewolf!jihoon x female reader | genre/warnings: werewolf au, college au, angst, mentions of an abusive relationship, jealous jihoon, mentions of blood/bleeding, smut, angry sex, sorta semi-public bc it's in a closet, unprotected sex but his pullout game is strong, jihoon trying to be a dom but reader being stubborn, fluff at the end tho | summary: you'd had enough experience with werewolves for this lifetime, but another one waltzes right into your life and, quite literally, grabs your attention. all you want to do is stay as far away from him as possible, but there's just something about him that has you going against everything you promised yourself you wouldn't do
coffee break by @a-mixers-serenity
pairing: werewolf!jihoon x female reader | genre: fluff, angst | warning: food & drink | word count: 2,205
tales from the pack series by @gamerwoo | hoon's series: unfamiliar
pairing: werewolf!jihoon x female reader | genre/warnings: werewolf au, familiar au, fantasy, kinda angst but kinda not???, a lil fluffy ig | summary: jihoon's never really been considered a warm or affectionate person. his pack teases him about what it'll be like when he finally gets his mate, but he doesn't worry about it. little do they know that his mate is a lot closer than they think
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diejager · 1 year
I am really relived ;w;
I just really love your headcanon about König and wondered...
Would you maybe do Platonic Yandere! König, Simon Riley and Captain Price with Childhood friend! Y/n? (You can choose any of them)
I CHOOSE- all of 'em.
Pairing : König x reader, Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader, John Price x reader
Cw: dark, platonic yandere, threats, canon violence, murder.
Wc: 1.2k
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Not much was known about König outside of his moniker and the basic knowledge about his specialty and kill count. People who are powerful enough to find his file will only know how he failed to qualify for a recon sniper and joined KorTac after being a part of KSK (the Kommando Spezialkräfte - the Special Forces Command).
His personal life, however, was something he guarded with his life, a secret he would bring to the grave. His civilian life was almost nonexistent, his file didn't even have his name, and the military simply knew him as König; King, in german - a king among kings.
He cherished few things in life, his life, and (Name), the person he grew up knowing and shared his pain with. You were his little secret within the world, something - someone - he would protect fiercely, even at the cost of his blood. You stood up for him when you were younger, you fought back against his bullies even when they towered over you; you'd worry about him and ease his anxiety when he felt panicked.
When he'd heard you joined the KSK, wanting to follow in his footsteps a year after him, his heart almost gave out, he wanted you safe and far from the front lines of war and battles. You were stubborn, pleasing your case with such ardor that he let you with the promise of staying by his side. Unlike him, you made it into the 5th platoon, a marksman of value after months of patience and practice, and when he left the KSK, he took you with him.
A battering ram, he was, fierce and dangerous when provoked, wherever you went, he goes; looming over your form like a shadow, scaring off people and some members of KorTac with the cold gleam in his steel eyes. His hands would linger protectively on you, your shoulder, arm, or back, anywhere that would deter people from approaching you; from wanting to hurt you.
Since you joined KorTac as their sniper, you'd be far from him, being a breacher and bettering ram had him on the line of fire often, the first on sight and the first to storm in. He was far from you, and he *hated* that, and he still does. If he could, König would lock you up where no one would know your secret and your existence, he didn't want harm to befall you.
König won't stop at anything to keep you safe, you were weaker than him, shorter than his 6'10, and fragile; to him, you were his childhood friend, his everything. He would do the same as you did to him when you were young, he would protect you.
He was Ghost, named for being a ghost to the world, he used to be Simon Riley, someone who was alive, someone who existed, someone who had people waiting for him at home. Then he lost his whole world, his brother, step-sister, and noise died, killed by the people who tried beat him, tortured him, raped him, and attempted to kill him by burying him with the traitorous Major Vernon.
After leaving his life as Simon Riley, the blonde and brown-eyed man people knew, he became Ghost, a dead man walking - a zombie. He had lost everything he cared for, but when he learned that you survived, deployed elsewhere when the massacre of the Riley family happened.
It made his previous protectiveness spiral into an obsession, wanting to know where you were, what you were doing, where you were deployed, which base you were stationed at; everything and anything about you. When Price came with Task force 141, luck seemed on his side, he met you at the tarmac, waiting for him.
"Ghost, (n/n), but when it's just us, Simon is fine."
He was cold and brooding around others, less when you were beside him, but he still held the facade of a cold-hearted and dead Lieutenant Ghost. However, in your shared barracks, he would drop the mask he wears and Simon would come back, the sad, heartbroken man that survived and cared for nothing but you, the last of his previous life: his everything.
Both being snipers and infiltration specialists, he often found himself working closely with you, standing in front or beside you with a protective awareness. Although you were both soldiers - a Lieutenant and a Sergeant - and faced death many times, he wanted to keep you from harm, hold you, and put you somewhere safe.
He dreads the thought of finding you dead or receiving a call about your untimely death: (Name) K.I.A. He's had nightmares about your death, the risks of letting you continue working with the Task Force and simply knowing him, he wakes to you holding him, shushing and whispering his night terrors away - like you always did.
You helped him through his younger years, a place of comfort to him in his abusive household, now he'd do his best to keep you alive and by his side. Even though he can't shake the thought of you going M.I.A. or K.I.A., not having you by his side was irksome, a thought he pushed away. He wanted you with him, so he'd have to work harder, a few slips of his trigger finger in a freak accident, and the trip of his enemies' foot, and he'll have you safe and sound.
He grew up in a traditional, conservative family, so every neighbor knew their neighbors, your family included. Although you were a few years younger than him - being six when he was ten - you quickly became best friends, glued by the hips wherever you went. He had to protect you, you were his adorable childhood best friend whom he loved so much.
When he joined the army, he remembered soothing your cries and your dazed pleas and promises: "Wait for me, John." He did, waiting impatiently for you to join the British army between letters and calls.
He had made enemies while on duty, especially with the formation of 141, it put a bigger target on his head, and whoever knew him; it was yours, especially, that worried him the most, even after having Laswell find and invite you.
He was a captain, and you, a lieutenant - first lieutenant, one rank over Ghost - by 2019. Having you in his Task Force made the weight of his worry lighter; having you on his team during deployment - always - made things easier for him; just having you in his presence made him more relieved. He dreaded and feared losing you to missions, to stray bullets, to traitors, or to the enemies he'd gained over the years.
The constant fear had him command you by his side, always with him in missions (behind him when you infiltrated a base, or near him in shootouts), in his office (saying that he worked better with you helping or sitting on the couch in his office) or bunking with him (he wanted you to sleep in the same barracks as him, it would be easier to protect you come the time of a surprise attack).
He knew you were able to defend yourself, to survive on your own as he's seen many times - you were second in command too - but he still worries, hoarding you to himself as you did as kids, by the hips.
He's a captain that doesn't fear getting his hands dirty if it meant keeping the world clean, the same would be said about keeping you alive and unharmed. He wasn't shy to hurt people or threaten them, he has connections and power, and he - John Price - knows what he's doing.
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