#Regis fixes everything
erinbeast · 3 months
ciri as empress of nilfgaard and roche as her loyal vassal and them dating...
Ciri being Emhyr’s Heir while Vernon was her lover and vassal would include:
-Poor, poor Mererid
-Man has to somehow train Vernon Roche to be a vassal while also serving Emhyr and seeing to Ciri and help her with training to be an Empress.
-Vernon Roche is so stubborn and it causes Ciri both amusement and horror, sometimes at the same time.
-Vernon Roche fights Emhyr every step of the way, this was Emhyr’s idea and Vernon is not going to let him forget it.
-Emhyr thought if Vernon Roche was made Vassal to Ciri then their love could be continued and everything would go smoothly
-Vernon has to be a butt about everything, the clothes, the manners, the training in etiquette, the training in dancing (Honestly it’s ridiculous, how can someone memorize all these steps)
-The only part Vernon doesn’t fight is the military help he can provide to Emhyr and Ciri, though he does make small quips about the emperor under his breath much to Emhyr’s chagrin.
-Emhyr actually likes Vernon and his challenges though he makes to sure everyone thinks he despises the man and his Northnerness.
-Emhyr is thrilled Ciri took to being his heir even if it meant Vernon Roche would be close
-Little tiffs between Vernon and Emhyr that leave Ciri surely thinking Vernon will meet the hang man’s noose
-“NO! I will NOT be dancing during this event!” “You and Ciri are expected to dance as the main event for the ball, yes you will!” and so on. The tiffs leave Vernon irritable and grouchy while Emhyr is nothing if but amused and tickled someone would actually challenge him. Ciri wants to cuff them both over the head.
-Eventually Emhyr retires and chuckles as Vernon barely scrapes through Ciri’s coronation.
-Emhyr is his retirement comes over to the palace so often and loves to pick little fights with Vernon over stupid little things just to get a rise out of Vernon. Vernon takes a LONG time to catch on that this is a game to Emhyr.
-Vernon actually thought Emhyr HATES him, which he did at first to be fair. Takes a while for him to come around and openly admit that maybe Emhyr isn’t THAT bad. Maybe… Possibly..
-Mererid is glad when Emhyr retires, as he ‘retires’ with Emhyr and continues to serve him.
-Mererid does NOT like the tiffs, the are unprofessional and Sir would you please be mindful of what Vernon’s temper does to the court…
-Ciri takes to the throne beautifully and enjoys visits from Emhyr every now and again, though if you would please stop making my vassal slightly intimidated and irritable that would be great, thanks.
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clericofshadows · 8 months
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mxdotpng · 1 year
i could fix final fantasy 15 i know i could i know it. i could. i could.
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solcorvidae · 6 months
I've been thinking about how Lambert, Eskel, and Geralt all deal with the trials and how it shapes them into the people they would grow to become.
Lambert remembers his past. He is angry, upset, bitter, and vindictive. He's got this fire in him that is only stoked by the pain and suffering forced upon him. He remembers the boys who did not make it: the hell they all had to go through, and he has a complicated relationship with Vesemir that surrounds it. Lambert does questionable things that Geralt is bothered by in his grief and anger. Geralt calls him out for killing in cold blood, needlessly and mercilessly.
Lambert avoids Vesemir at Kaer Morhen and mocks him when he is not around. He may come off as childish and like an asshole, but Lambert knows what he feels. Lambert doesn't lash out because he can't control his emotions or because he doesn't understand the path of least resistance. He knows. He chooses to avoid conflict with Vesemir at Kaer Morhen by keeping out of his way. He knows he can't control his emotions effectively if he is face-to-face with him for too long. He knows, and he isn't stupid.
Lambert talks to Geralt about the trials and the injustice of it all. He probably looks up to Geralt, hoping his brother feels just as angry about it as he does. He went through the Trial of the Grasses twice for Christ's sake! Why is he not more angry? Why is he so apathetic?
And Geralt brushes him off time and time again. Such is life, is his attitude. We all went through it, he says. Geralt can't be upset because there is nothing he can feasibly do about it. He didn't choose to be a Witcher. He wouldn't have chosen this life. He would have some other job somewhere else, just like he told Regis. He can't change the past. He can't go back and fix something he never had control over in the first place. Besides, they can’t inflict the trials upon a new generation of kids, not anymore. It’s in the past now, so why dwell on it? What’s done is done and thank god no other kids have to suffer the way they did. It’s over. It’s time to move on.
Geralt doesn't enjoy fame. He tells Eskel this in To Bait a Forktail. Geralt is the famous twice-grassed White Wolf. He is The Witcher. The famed Geralt of Rivia. He has expectations piled upon him the size of mountains. He's got to be the perfect Witcher, he's got to be a loyal brother, a lover, and a best friend… Geralt had expectations put upon him that set him aside from the rest since he was a kid. He hates it. Underneath the banter and the wit, Geralt accepts that this is his life, but that doesn't mean he likes it. He tolerates it because it is his reality and nothing more. If he thinks about it for too long… maybe it will consume him.
"You remember her?" he asks Eskel about his mother.
Unlike Lambert, Geralt hardly knows what it means to live another life. He doesn't have that following him like it does with his brother. What little he remembers is not enough to erase the apathy drilled into him at such a young age. Maybe he has a more strict moral code than say, Lambert, (or if you want to bring in the other Witcher schools, most of the Cats and the caravan) but that doesn't make him the most ethical person on the Continent. How could you be? After all that he has endured, the things he was taught? Where do you draw the line? He kills monsters, but like in Velen, it's hard to see where the line's drawn in the sand.
Humans are monstrous too.
Eskel, however? Maybe he's jealous. He did everything right, why shouldn’t he be? He is superiorly skilled in magic, one hell of a good Witcher. He has a reputation for it. Maybe he's not as kind as your average person, but he gets the job done. He's got a more relaxed demeanour than his brothers which reveals itself in his reputation. He's reliable. He is damn good at what he does. So why does Geralt get all the attention? The fame? He clearly doesn't want it.
While Lambert got turned into a vindictive prick and Geralt became a quick-witted nihilist, Eskel? He's exactly who he should be. Why shouldn't he be praised for it like his brother? Why should he be forced to bend over backwards to accommodate people and keep up with his reputation? For what? His skills? Ha! He lives in the shadows of Geralt who's notably a good Witcher, but he's not quite as good as Eskel.
Eskel was beaten shaped into the man he is today because of the trials, his training, and everything else. Should he not get credited for that too? Why does someone who doesn't even want his fame get all the recognition? Genetic predisposition? Shouldn't his hard work be given more consideration and praise? Thank god Geralt survived the hell of being subjected to two rounds of mutagens rather than one, but why should that overshadow the efforts, the time, and the sacrifices that everyone else around him has made? Eskel is exactly the man that they intended him to be by the end of it all. He is an efficient hunter, he is outstanding with signs, and he works diligently for his reputation. He did everything right. He does everything right. Why is that not enough?
TL;DR: Lambert, Geralt and Eskel handle their traumas in different ways. Lambert gets vengeful, Geralt gets apathetic, and Eskel gets borderline jealous. (And it breaks my heart)
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hanzajesthanza · 10 months
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dressed elegantly. this will never leave my head. the implications of this.
because geralt and his company, they saddled up, left beauclair, travelled through mountains and frozen blizzards and downpours and muddy sod for two to three months. you need to pack outfits for that. you need to plan your gear.
what was the rest of the company wearing? what did they pack for this long journey? they packed practically, dressed warmly for the frozen journey of january, february, march. geralt wore a wolf-skin cloak, a scarf, a shawl… milva wore a fox-fur kalpak, angoulême wore a hat with a pompom and a sheepskin coat. cahir’s dress isn’t mentioned, but he must have been dressed similarly, because he rubs his hands briskly together and were he not dressed warmly he otherwise would have frozen to death. regis’ dress isn’t mentioned, but it is mentioned that he’s immune to the freezing temperature. so, i mean, it doesn’t matter what he’s wearing in this scene, maybe a regular outfit.
but at stygga. dressed elegantly.
so you’re telling me that. regis packed his things in preparation for their flight from beauclair, went to his quarters after geralt explained to him the satisfactory reasons they were leaving, and went,
“alright, time to prepare for this long and dangerous journey that will conclude in a great clash between our forces and the kidnappers of ciri. the end of our quest. the final journey. and a dangerous road awaits us, with snow still blocking the passes, frost and white all around. a grand fight and conflict awaits us. what gear should i prepare, what should i wear for this expedition, what kinds of clothing should i pack.”
and then he went:
“you know, i want to look fucking good ✨ when we get there 💅🏻🦇”
imagine the final preparation before they approach castle stygga. geralt sees the castle hewn out of the cliffside, effortlessly noticing every detail from far away, seeing like an eagle with his mutated eyes. and like an eagle, compelled to swoop down and snatch vilgefortz like a fish. ordering the company forward, declaring they’ve made it. this is the moment they have all been waiting for. everyone has been waiting such a long time for this. they prepared everything.
they wait until midnight. angoulême eagerly unsheathes and whets her long sabre, swings her axe around with predatory glee. cahir fits the plate armor and winged officer’s helmet he scavenged from a small nilfgaardian dispatch that they ran into extorting caravista for tax. milva tightens the same worn, polished leather bracer that she’s always had on her left arm, and mutters as she fixes her spiralled arrow fletchings over boiling water. geralt, with nothing left to do, paces and breathes, wondering where the hell regis has gone.
just then, regis walks out from behind an outcropping of rock, eyes glinting with cat-like light, in his “elegant” outfit, absolutely slaying that shit, and all his friends look at him absently like. “what the hell are you wearing. where the fuck did you get that. you packed that? you planned your outfit for the final battle, you planned this outfit in advance three months ago?” to which he counters, “well, three months isn’t very long at all,” and they’re like, “this is the preparation you made? we thought you left to do some secret vampire rituals or whatever. or to reckon with yourself for the severe violence we’re about to inflict.” and he’s like “no, i just wanted to make sure i was dressed nicely for the occasion”
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animelosers · 1 year
"Nobody loved me at my lowest-" "I did!"
Warnings: Heartbreak, crying, arguments.
Summary: NSB and you. Not Regie, he has a girlfriend <3
He takes a step back as those words come out of your mouth. His heart drops and shatters into a million pieces the person he loved the most on this world he realized he was going to lose. If it wasn't for his stupid new girlfriend and his stupid new persona he maybe would've been WITH the person standing in front of him. "I did!" Just repeating in his mind not knowing how to fix this. This dumb argument of him finally having 'fame' and being 'recognized for once' but not in the way neither he nor you wanted or imagined.
"No you didn't-"
"Sebastian! If I didn't I wouldn't have been there during the nights you were crying because you were worried about what was in it for your future. I was there when you had the stage of pain and regret with everything that you have been doing and helped you get back up and continue to do what you should do!"
He listens. And listens. And listens a bit more. Everything you are telling him has been correct.
At this moment in time, he finally realizes how much he discredits your feelings. All he could do was listen as you prove how much you loved him. Emphasize "love-d" because it was the past. You love-d his past self. You love-d the Sebastian that allowed you to help him with anything or cuddled with you when you both had a long day. Now... now you aren't a thought to him. Until now.
"I fucked up." He admits.
He looks at you confused as you look at him with relief and determination. No words were traded off, the silence and the body language were enough for him to understand that if they said anything else they, most likely, will never talk to each other after this. He didn't want that. He never wanted that. He never meant for that or this to happen but.. it did and it's ruining the longest friendship he has ever had.. and the love of his life is slipping through his fingers at this very moment.
"I love you too." That's what he could say at this very moment. All you could do is shake you head in disappointment.
"You're lying." He immediately says.
"I'm lying?! Justin. I have been by your side since middle school. I moved out here for you-"
"Nobody asked you to," He says in a confusing tone or, in other words, unadmittingly confessing his mistakes.
"Justin, you had nobody here to support you. I have been with you since the beginning of time. You became a douchebag ever since you got into an argument with your ex. You ignored me for two months straight for absolutely no fucking reason. How you think I feel?"
He didn't know how to respond. He didn't want to because he knows if he fucks this up. It's over. Not just your guys' friendship, but his life. You are his life and he never noticed how much he fucked up. How much he'll lose? So. Fucking. Much. He just looks at you as his eyes water.
"You... deserve better,"
"... You did?" Those simple words make him rethink everything between the two of you, "I am so sorry. I am a fucking idiot-"
Kane never really cussed unless he is frustrated or upset or just unhappy. That's when everyone knows he means what he is saying. The way he looks at you so apologetically and sincerely makes you want to forgive him but he already put you in too much pain. Him on the other hand, he is breaking. His heart. His love for his current partner. A bit of his soul. His love for you has been always so high and healthy.
Now here you are, crying because of him. You are crying because of him.
"I love you, so much."
Darren doesn't know how to respond to you. He just listens to what you have to say and once you are done you finally look at him in the eyes.
Tears falling down his face, the world just stops.
You guys never had emotional moments with each other unless it was a breakup. At this moment, you two are crying, at the park, at 3 am because you guys realized how much you guys cared for each other... not just cared.
"I've been in love with you ever since college,"
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
Have you done regigigas?
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I mentioned in my 'regi reviews that Registeel's my favorite, and while that's true, I also like Regigigas a good deal. I do think it has a few issues, but the concept of a giant golem that's powerful enough to not only have made the other 'regis but also move entire continents is just awesome.
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Visually, it's pretty good. I love how it has the braille-like eyes of the other Regis on the band on its head, but then also has multiple-colored eyes on top of that, bringing the total eye count to 13 (which is the amount of eyes I like to see on a legendary monster). I also like that those six colored eyes seemingly represent the three 'regis it made (at least before two more were added, but hey, that's not Regigigas' fault).
The white color and general appearance do a pretty good job of conveying its neutral normal-typing, and it definitely gives off the impression of it being big and powerful... which is ironic, because it's actually only like 12' in both the Pokedex and the games. What the hell, GameFreak? This thing should be dynamax size at all times AT LEAST.
However, I do find something about the design to be a bit off. I think it's the random black raised markings; it needs something to fill the space so it doesn't look too empty, sure, but there doesn't seem to be much rationale or thought put into the stripes. Maybe if they were gold so they weren't so "heavy" looking they wouldn't be so distracting.
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I'm also not a huge fan of the bushes on its shoulders and feet. Don't get me wrong—I absolutely love the idea that this massive creature has been asleep for so long it's actually started to have plants growing on it. It's just that the plants feel too full—like it has bushes glued to it—and the placement of them is too even to feel natural.
I think the plant areas would've worked better if they were flatter, covered more of the body (this could also fix the issue with needing the stripes), and less symmetrical. A few hanging vines also could've looked sweet, and really would've helped to capture that ancient vibe it's trying to go for.
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Still though, as a whole, I really like this one overall. It's abstract, slightly ominous and otherworldly, and has some interesting mythology behind it—everything I like in a legendary.
While I really dislike legendaries getting powerups in general, I actually wouldn't mind Regigigas getting something akin to a mega. It's saddled with Slow Start, but nowadays it's not really all that strong. Imagine a mega that reverts it back to how it used to be back in its glory days—no plants, maybe different markings/more eyes/bigger, and no slow start. Could be really sweet from a conceptual standpoint if nothing else.
Also, side note: Regigigas also happens to have the best anime cry of all time, in that it sounds like a malfunctioning computer trying really hard to boot up for the 17th time today:
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sparklecryptid · 1 year
More then that, you owe us an *implausible fix-it ending*
That I can do!
Ace did not plan on dying this way. He especially did not plan on having to listen to his grandfather rant about how Regis is a failure of a father while being unable to say anything in his blood fathers defence.
Said father did kill him after all, it’s hard to say something kind when it hasn’t been even a day since he’s been killed.
“-I raised a complete imbecile! I sorely hope the Accursed teaches him a lesson!” Mors rants as Ace nods and absentmindedly wonders if Ramuh is going to be pissed about this.
Ace is Galahdian after all, more than that he has a convent with Ramuh. He is decidedly not supposed to be in the Ring with his forefathers.
But he is which means someone has to answer for sending Ace into the Worst Family Reunion ever.
“The Accursed also plans on turning our kingdom into a ruin,” Somnus’ spirit points out.
“Yes, well maybe if you hadn’t been such a bastard he wouldn’t have such a grudge against us,” The Rogue’s voice is polite and beside her the Clever snickers.
“She has a point,” The Clever says just as their surroundings turn a vibrant purple.
Everyone turns to look at Ace who smiles.
“I’ve had a horrible time,” Ace begins, “And I never want to see any of you ever again so I’m going to be leaving.”
Lightning strikes, thunder rolls across the space like an earthquake.
The Clever laughs.
Ace disappears.
So waking up in a morgue in the clothes he died in is not where Ace expected to wind up. But Ramuh has apparently decided Ace has to go and stop his fathers from attempting to murder each other and shoved his soul back into his body.
Ace grimaces at the dried blood that trails down the front of his shirt and shoves himself off the - hm - is this an autopsy table or just storage? Ace spends a moment wondering about it before he decides it doesn’t matter and begins to drag himself through the Citadel.
Which is predictably in chaos.
Which means that he runs into Luche and a bunch of other Glaives he knows before he even gets to the fucking throne room.
Luche stares at Ace with a complicated expression on his face as Ace uses the wall to help himself stand.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Luche finally asks as Sonitus finally realizes Ace is there and does a double take.
“What the fuck happened?” Sonitus says and automatically moves to help Ace stand. Ace appreciates it and makes a note to bake Sonitus so many cookies if they all survive this.
“My dad killed me,” Ace says blandly, “And now my uncle is trying to kill my dad for killing me. Don’t ask how I came back. Ramuh pulled some bullshit God Move. Point is that I need to go stop my uncle from killing the king and turning this kingdom into a fucking ruin.”
“You said it was your father that killed you. Your father is the fucking king?”
“Yes. Did I not make that clear?”
“You did not!” Luche sounds like he’s about to set everything in a three mile radius on fire. Ace does not blame him.
Then Luche sighs and stares at Sonitus. “Get him to the throne room and for Ramuh’s sake do NOT let Nyx or Libertus see you.”
Sonitus smiles.
It is not a nice smile.
“You’re not allowed to commit regicide,” Ace says and turns his gaze to Luche, “Neither are you.”
“We will talk about it later,” Luche says and Ace doesn’t get another word in before Sonitus is picking Ace up and hauling him away.
“Uncle you asshole,” Ace calls from his spot in Sonitus’ arms as the doors to the throne room open easily under the pressure of Ace’s magic.
Sonitus walks in with Ace still in his arms and Ace is treated to the shitty sight of Noctis attempting to gouge out Ardyn’s throat while Clarus and Regis are heaving on the ground.
Ace debates setting his brother on fire. He doesn’t because it Regis went after Ardyn the way Ardyn assuredly went after Regis Ace would also attempt to rip out Regis’ throat.
Ah, family.
“Your family is fucked up,” Sonitus says and everyone’s gaze turns to the two of them.
Ardyn shoves Noctis into a wall and is hovering over Ace in moments.
Sonitus grins at Ardyn - all sharp teeth and silent threat.
“Careful,” he says, “Sparky here just woke up.”
“Fuck you,” Ace hisses and makes an effort to wiggle out of Sonitus arms. It does not work. Sonitus merely tightens his grip on Ace.
Ace stops wiggling.
“At least pass me to him dumbass.”
“Will he hurt you?”
“He’s the one attempting to destroy a kingdom for me so no Sonitus I don’t think he will.”
Ace is handed over to Ardyn who handles Ace like he is a particularly heavy but fragile piece of glass.
“You’re alive.” A statement uttered in disbelief. “You’re alive.” Said again more fiercely with an undercurrent of desperation.
“Yes, Ramuh got pissed at Bahamut for poaching me so he shoved my soul back into the mortal realm. Surprise.”
“Are you hurt?”
“The wound has healed but healing from rigor mortis is a bitch.”
Ardyn laughs.
“It always is.”
“Right. I’m ignoring the implications there because if I think about anything serious I am going to lose it.” Ace peeks over Ardyn’s shoulder at Regis who is now standing with Clarus and Noctis by his side.
Regis looks devastated.
Ace is satisfied at that.
“You’re an asshole,” Ace tells him, “That fucking hurt.” He turns his attention back to Ardyn without waiting for a response. “Hey can you take me back home? I need to shower and change before anyone -especially Nyx and Lib - finds out.”
“Oh,” Sonitus says cheerfully, “Luche already told them that you were severely injured by the King and Libertus is threatening treason.”
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troublemakingrebel · 2 months
Fanfic Tag Game
Ayyy, @krankittoeleven, thanks for tagging! Love these little lists!
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
34! (I used to write in two languages, but for this game i count only the English ones)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
295,814... (~1.5 times more words than "Fellowship of the Ring" by JRR Tolkien *sweating*)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Totally obsessed with Assassin's Creed (Valhalla in particular), but also have some WIPs for Cyberpunk 2077.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Right Behind You (Witcher 3), a piece about epic friendship & love between Geralt of Rivia and the absolute husband material Emiel Regis
10 years apart, no more (AC Valhalla), a fix-it for the fLicKEriNg flame nonsense (if you know you know...)
Shall We? (AC Syndicate), another fix-it that makes Maxwell Roth survive the fire as there's no fire at all
The Truth (The Wolf Among Us), about shaky relationship between the Big Bad Wolf and the Woodsman (i'm so surprised it made it to the top-5!!)
In the Belly of the Beast (AC Valhalla), about Ivarr Ragnarsson eating the forbidden Saxon fruit while no one is watching hehe
5. Do you respond to comments?
Of course! Can't leave them hanging there in silence!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Usually, I don't do sad endings, but the most bitter-sweet one is Pebble (Dragon Age: Inquisition) about a kossith who cuts his massive horns off to look more like a human so he could follow his lover to the city where kossith race isn't welcome :c Although I don't think his lover would let him go there anyway......
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Haha every other one :D But Sun, Rum and Gunpowder (AC Black Flag) has the happiest and the most carefree vibes whatsoever!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not on the fics, but the ships! I just delete those because why is it an author's problem suddenly that some people don't know how filters work??
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh, I sure do ;> It's not extremely explicit (no holes in sight, but dicks and balls can be spotted) and is mostly focused on emotions and dialogues.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope, but I write AUs sometimes to spice things up! Modern days AUs are the bane of my existence, and still... somehow... I keep making them...
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, but I noticed my lines and phrases in the stories of fellow writers. I appreciate it!!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah!! Out of all possible fics, it was The Remnants of a Ruined Past, a Mad Max (the game!) story translated into Polish. Love it lots!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Never as i am incapable to work in groups haha. I did some challenges though, such as picking a theme and writing something small with a fren to compare the results later. It's very fun and helps to keep your brain gears spinning!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Like, the one and only ship that I could bring along if I was stuck on a desert island? Or the one I don't even write for anymore but carry in my heart daily? The former would be Hawke x Varric (Dragon Age 2) because they're a comfort ship with many possibilities for plots. The latter is Ezio x Leonardo (AC II + Brotherhood + Revelations) and Arthur x Eames (Inception) because they started it all hehe.
15. What’s a fic you’d like to finish but don’t think you ever will?
It's a compilation of drabbles written for a very niche CGI Resident Evil movie (Damnation) & very rare pair that i was planning to continue for as long as the planet keeps spinning, but got overwhelmed with the amount of ideas I had in mind :c
16. What are your writing strengths?
Humor and dialogues!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything el– 🥲 Deep character studies, believable politics and fights.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
A big yes from me, it ads depth and character when used correctly. Also, it's very interesting to keep an evening reading about the language you're planning to use, even it's for a few simple words.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
It was an attempt to mimic Marie Corelli and write a ficlet for her novel "The Sorrows of Satan". And then Assassin's Creed took my soul and I've never seen it since! Kinda ironic, huh...
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'm gonna cheat bc I'm quite proud about Beautiful Decline, a series of four fics written for Assassin's Creed Valhalla. It's an enormous project that was never meant to break out from its confinements and produce three more stories lmao.
Tagging @firefly-partyn and @krankittoeleven if you wanna join!
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months
Well if you thought the other comment was gold… how about adding some priceless gems, expensive luxuries and a tad bit of insanity and angst to the amazing story recipe that you have given us again to turn it into a true treasure… potentially.
On the part of Palkia helping, I could see the first times not helping. After all it was their fault in not taking care of the time gears, they handle going a bit crazy a few more times…
Then Palkia notices(or told by Giratina) that Time, Space and Matter is getting damaged at a fundamental level by the other legendaries game with the Hero but as later said in this part… not to worry.
Things more physical things like paradox pokemon and ultra beasts showing up randomly in dungeons(time), items or teams that shouldn’t physically exist in this plane like pokeballs or the Disloyal Three Bandit Team start showing up(space) and mystery dungeons randomly appear and disappear without a single trace(matter).
Then the thing that’s more important to Palkia, Dialga is starting to show physical and psychological pains. Trauma over the resets, small orange glowing scars from every time they go primal, a paranoia of not knowing exactly where the timegears are, etc.
And every time Palkia says anything, no matter what… they are always met with a “We’ll fix it next time”, “Oh the Tapu’s and Regi’s are handling it. No need to worry.” or “Stop being such a spoil sport and just have fun.”
They try to for a time… but they keep on looking to the future and see it’s slowly getting darker and slowing down, Arceus is going to accidentally cause Darkari’s old version of the world to come true. And their sibling no more than a shell of what they were like the true dragon of Unova.
Now Palkia and Giratina are on a timer like the Hero made for themselves, one that may end in a lot more trouble than Darkari’s version… permanently.
For the onion fairy… I could see them being an ally to Grovyle for a time after the first reset and still remembering everything(they are a legendary of time after all), but after a while they think Arceus has it under control and becomes sort of a… entity of chaos AND the one who makes sure the story still flows.
They would be an opposite to the Hero; They want it all to end as quickly as possible and not having to endure another reset. But Celibi; they have lived countless lifetimes as a legendary and traveled through timelines, and if Arceus is making sure that the world won’t permanently end in times paralysis… what’s a few more go arounds.
And as for a certain emo nightmare specter that started it all, after they get punished they go back to their duties but the legendaries realize a story isn’t complete without a villain.
They are stripped of most of their power, enough to put up a fight for the hero but not enough to cause a future issue.
At the start of they were as cocky and bitter as you could imagine but as time wore on and resets added up. They realized it was just a prison cell where they are viewed like a game more than a living world anymore.
By a certain point Darkari’s offer would turn into potential avenues of escape for them. Constantly scheming and plotting on how to escape the Dugtrio Day situation and actually help out the Hero and Partner out of this situation.
But that’s a pseudo part 2 to this concept of a amazing concept, but anywho the void is calling again sooooo… toodooloo
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(Referencing this chain of posts)
Everybody go home, @voidtravler just blew every idea I could ever have out of the water + bested me in storytelling combat, therefore winning the rights to the AU— and I, for one, welcome our new narrative overlord.
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Cold Water, I’m Underwater
Summary: Steve always hated the cold. You find out just how much.
A/N: This was previously uploaded on my old blog captain-ariel-barnes, and was my number 1 most popular story ever. I’m not sure what resonated so deeply with everyone in this one, but I know it was super loved and very missed once I deleted that blog. Enjoy! This one is gender neutral, no use of (y/n), and mostly platonic, but if I missed something let me know and I will fix it asap.
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It was a tough mission, minor injuries all around. Steve was taking it the hardest, his sense of responsibility for the team making him feel like he failed as a leader when everyone began dropping like flies.
All he wanted was a hot shower to burn away the stress. He wanted to crank the water up so far his skin would be bright red when he got out, and the bathroom so thick with steam he couldn’t see in front of him.
What he got as he stood under the faucet and turned the handle, was a blast of water that was searing cold.
Everything fell apart after that.
“Hey Sam, have you seen Steve? We were supposed to have a movie night.” You ask.
“Looking for your boyfriend, hm?”
“He is not my boyfriend!”
“Whatever. Why don’t you just text him and ask him where he is?”
“I did…he didn’t answer.”
“Check his room?”
“That’s where I’m headed next, just wanted to know if you’d seen him.” You say before heading towards his room. You knock on the door but there’s no answer. Wiggling the doorknob gently, you find it unlocked. You open it just a crack and let your voice travel through the small space.
“Steve? Can I come in?” No answer. You push open the door and step into his room. The shower can be heard and while it should be sign for you to leave him alone, you remember how he was feeling after the mission. Something shifts in your stomach and you can just feel that something isn’t right. You walk slowly over to the door and knock again. “Hey Steve? Are you okay in there?” 
Still, you receive no answer and worry frames your face. “Steve? C’mon. I’m a little worried. Can you just tell me if you’re okay?”
Still, there’s no answer. Your heart is pounding at this point. He’s never been like this, and you know he can hear you over the shower spray. “I’m coming in okay?” You announce, and then open the door. It’s freezing in the bathroom. It sends a shiver up your aching spine. 
Through the frosted glass of the shower door, you can see Steve’s large frame sitting on the floor.
“Steve?” you ask again, knowing good and well he can hear you clearly. 
You can hear him mumbling slightly under his breath, but unable to make out the words over the sound of the shower running. Your stomach twists in more painful knots and anxiety presses heavy on your chest.
You don’t want to intrude on his privacy, but are too concerned for his wellbeing to truly care. If he has a problem with it, you can work it out later. You take a deep breath and open the shower door.
Your heart breaks.
Steve’s sitting with his head between his legs, rocking back and forth. He’s whispering to himself something in between his greatest fears and straight nonsense. You’ve never seen him like this, but then a stray drop of water lands on her arm, and she understands.
It’s the cold water.
You immediately shut it off but Steve doesn’t seem to register the change in temperature on his skin. You pull a towel off of the rack and drape it over his lap to give him some dignity before carefully and slowly unfolding him from over himself. You straighten out his legs heavy legs first, and then loosen his death grip from his hair. His skin is angry from the cold water. He sags his head and slouches his shoulders in defeat, still mumbling about how scared he is. It makes you tear up, but quickly blink away the emotion. This isn’t about you.
You know you’re not strong enough to lift him to get him out of the shower, so instead, you sit in between his thighs, and wrap your arms and legs around him, pulling his head into the crook of your neck. He must have registered your warmth because he stops mumbling and he begins to cry into your shoulder.
He’s vulnerable and broken, and you let him be until he’s ready to relax.
It’s a long time before your body heat provides him enough comfort to bring him back to reality. He knows it’s you sitting with him even though he can’t see your face. You’ve always been very willing to be a shoulder to cry on, though he’s never once fallen apart like this. He keeps it bottled up, just like everyone else on the team. He was bound to break eventually.
He returns your embrace lightly at first, but minute by minute, his grip around you grows tighter until he’s practically squeezing the breath out of your lungs.
“I’m sorry.” Is the first thing he says.
“Why?” you ask him, not loosening your grip.
“You didn’t need to see that.”
“Steve…don’t ever apologize for needing some support. Just because you’re Captain America doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to be afraid. I’d sit here all night if you needed me to.”
He gives you a weak smile. “Thank you.” 
You wiggle out of his grip and stand up, your butt wet from the shower floor.
“C’mon,” you hold out a hand to help him stand up. “get dressed. I’m gonna go grab my fluffiest blanket and stuff you in it like a sushi roll and then we’re gonna watch movies and eat popcorn until we fall asleep.” 
You step out of the bathroom to give him his privacy back, but he calls after you, tying the towel around his waist.
You stop and turn to him with a curious smile, waiting for him to continue.
He opens his mouth to say something, but closes it before words spill out. Once, twice. The third time, he simply tells you, nevermind, turning away from you with a slight pink dusting his cheeks.
One day. One day you’ll know how deep underwater I was before you pulled me out.
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clericofshadows · 2 months
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sheet source (X)
after seeing some of my mutuals do this for their pairings I wanted to do this for my OT3 and the masshenko goodness so here it is :) it's hard finding one of these for poly ships but this one is lovely and fits well
some thoughts and fun facts under the cut!
This sheet is done with the year 2186 in mind, so ME3/Post-ME3 era depending on how you look at it
A defunct bioware site for ME2 listed Zaeed's age as around forty (this is on his wiki page under trivia). I think that's bullshit and made him nearly 60, as he should be.
Regis refuses to remove the two-year gap from his age and insists he's still the same age as Kaidan. Do not argue with him about this.
Kaidan was Regis's first relationship :). Before they got together, Kaidan experimented a bit. Zaeed has the most experience and is the only xenophile among them.
Regis is the one who actually initiates intimacy most of the time, but Zaeed is overall more spontaneous about it. Kaidan goes with the flow and enjoys watching a lot of the time.
Regis is also a blushing, stuttering mess sometimes. He's gotten better about it, but sometimes he still can't believe he's got it made. As for jealousy... there's a reason why he likes to make them match. And because he doesn't want anything to happen to what he has.
Zaeed most of all likes doing random shit for his lovers. Here, I serviced your gun. Here, I fixed that bent plating. Here, I made some tea and drinks for you so you can get your blood sugar back up. Kaidan affirms "I love you" the most out of all of them, closely followed by Regis, who also likes doing things for them. Such as making desserts and testing out his recipes on his crew first.
Regis's clothes are often stolen by both of them. He likes it, but also is annoyed that they stretch out his tighter clothing... this is what he gets for having boyfriends who are much broader than him. But he does enjoy making them all match when they can. It's all about staking his claim :)
Regis may be tall, but he is going to be the little spoon 99% of the time. Or sandwiched in the middle.
Regis and Kaidan use "love" for each other and Zaeed. Zaeed sticks to "baby, babe, and sweetheart" as well as "Kaid" for Kaidan. Regis and Kaidan often use "Zee" for Zaeed as well. Regis doesn't have any nicknames for his name, but Reggie will sometimes come out, mostly to annoy the hell out of him.
Regis confessed first to Kaidan and was the first to bring up how enamored he was with Zaeed during their Omega shore leave and vorcha mafia fun times in 2180. Kaidan was the first to confess to Zaeed that they wanted more after Regis's death.
I think it's hilarious to make the "big bad merc" scared of bugs. He can blast the head off of reaper abominations and even stand the sight of the collector drones, but a spider will do him in.
They can all drive and all ride motorcycles as well.
Regis is a dessert kind of guy. Zaeed enjoys being behind a grill. Kaidan ends up being in charge of dinner most of the time.
They're all really open and out with each other and their relationship, but Zaeed and Kaidan are more overt about it. Regis can be a little awkward about it even after doing everything with them. plus Zaeed and Kaidan have an exhibitionism kink
Regis doesn't like seeing his loved ones get hurt. Zaeed wishes he was there on Mars. Kaidan knows better than to argue about it and knows they can protect themselves.
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ghostiiess · 1 year
[NSB HEADCANONS] - him asking you out on a date
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《》*
pov: how i think justin would ask you out on a date in headcanons format?? i didn't want to make it an imagine because i already have one in the way who's going to be like this format :) so yeah, hope you guys don't mind too much
warning: none
type: wholesome
member: justin phan
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justin don't ask for date
literally he doesn't
he said it multiples times that he don't really do that UNLESS the person is looking like Beyonce or someone like that?
he was doing his grocery shopping with the boys when you came into the supermarket
and let's say... you caught his attention!
he's lucky he wasn't filming a youtube video because this man was in awe
he couldn't help it but look at your pretty face
he found you so pretty
the others boys saw how his face changed and smirked to him
"she's your type jp?"
"what? no! shut up you guys! she might hear us"
"you're in awe, my dude.."
"stfu! i'm not in awe! i'm just surprised, okay? she's not even my type-"
"so you wouldn't mind me going asking for her number?"
"regie, if you do that, you're fucking dead"
"too late, i'm going"
regie know what he was doing ;)
justin took his arm and went to you (he didn't know reg' was just trying to make him react so he could go to you and ask for your number..)
justin groaned and went to you before his best friend could do
he was so nervous and stressed :(
"hi.." he said quietly to you
"hi.." you replied
he looked at the food and looked back at you and looked at his friends who were giving him thumbs up meaning that everything will be okay and that he could do it
"hey, hum... i think you're very pretty and hum.. i wanted to know if you were single? i mean, if you want to exchange numbers.. well, are you single? wait, but maybe you're in a relationship, and... aah fuck, i'm rambling, i'm sorry"
you laughed at how cute he was
justin couldn't help himself
"to reply to your questions, it's a yes and a yes."
I SWEAR. this man blushed.
his smile went so big like literally-
"t-that's awesome! hum.. i'm justin, by the way! what's your name?"
"i'm y/n."
he smiled nervously and looked into your eyes.
"that's a really pretty name you got. "
you guys exchange numbers and before letting you finish your supermarket shopping, he smiled and felt less nervous then before
"hum.. i'm going to text you later! if that's okay?"
"perfect, i'll wait for your text!"
he smiled and went back to the boys who were trying to act they didn't observed him during the whole time.
"and???" sebastian asked "d'you have her number, bro?"
"i got her number!"
"knew it. you just needed someone to make you go do it"
"yeah.. i guess so.. thank you regie."
"anytime, bro"
hope you guys liked it!!
taglist (open! please send a request if you want to be in it and not in my taglist because it have a problem rn and i'm trying to fix it) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf
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corvo-bianco-lilacs · 11 months
Your thoughts of BaW ending? I think ending where syanna survives is the worst possible. how can we be sure that in a year or two she won't poison her sister with the same sangreal to take over the throne she returned to toussaint for? Or will he not use someone for her purposes again? Syanna as child already behaved in sadistic way. She and her sister almost burned alive nilfgaardian ambasadors(I know that was Anarietta fault) and she laughed so hard like never on her life(I was like what? You laughed from people burning?)+ it's because of her Roderik of dun tynne murdered his own brother. Syanna is a psychopath and treats everyone around her as tools (Dettlaff, Roderik, her gang and geralt in some circumstances) she suffered a lot and undeservedly but it doesn't justify her actions. many murderers and rapists also had difficult childhoods, should we feel sorry for them? some for sure. should we pat them on head and justify? absolutely not. I also don't like that to convice Syanna to not kill her sister, you have to pat her on the head and justify her. and she will face no consequences for her countless crimes. I didn't feel sorry for her at all. And I dont understand why her surviving is considered 'good ending'. the Dettlaff surviving is the best option for me. if he survives, he has a chance to start a new life with Regis.+ regis will not be anathema. I've heard opinions that Regis prefers the company of humans than vampires anyway, and the taint he gets after killing Dettlaff means nothing. but that's bullshit what he mentions after leaving the Unseen Elder Cave. he says that despite everything, he does not feel good among people, not being able to even smile. in the books Geralt is the only person he normally smiles around and Geralt said that he better not do it around others.
Honestly, I think CDPR had far more creative liberty with the DLC's than they did with the core game.
Yes, I see your point, but also it is just a fictitious game and no real people are being harmed or abused beyond storytelling and script writing.
Personally, I would have preferred an option that allowed Syanna to die and Geralt not to be thrown in prison for it, and allowed Detlaff to live and Regis not to be pinned against by other vampiric members of their hidden society, but the game devs didn't give us the option of doing so.
I did think the story gave great depth to the core game, and Toussaint is a beautiful area to explore, and the main storyline of the B&W DLC is fantastically told, but I can also see how the different treatments of Syanna and Anna Henrietta can potentially lead others to this conclusion of thought.
The lack of options is really the whole reason why I write fix-it fics, and fics with happy endings and expanded endings to the DLC's and core game, but honestly, I did enjoy the B&W expansion, I just wasn't a huge fan of the ending options.
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charlottedabookworm · 4 months
? About AU’s
Do you think you could do a quick summary of your AU’s? I get some of them but I’m confused by what others are (Time is cruel but gods are crueler for example) - Queenie
oooooh boy
okay so i’m assuming you mean the aus on my ffxv au list cos if you don’t we’re going to be here all day
…frankly we might be here all day anyway but starting from the top:
ardynson au: pretty self explanatory, explores a verse where nyx is born as ardyn’s son
graveyard of blades: a reveal au of the ardynson au where in a ‘fuck this is bad invasion scenario’ nyx basically goes ‘yo bahamut i’m the accursed’s son come and get me’ and then runs through the crowd of enemies as bahamut tries to kill him
time is cruel: another ardynson au except this time nyx is born as ardyn’s son two thousand years ago and the curse that bamahut puts on ardyn to never die extends to ardyn’s whole line. so nyx and ardyn are both alive, don’t know the other is alive, and finally meet again in the throne room of insomnia in the kingsglaive film
the cruellest cut: an au of time is cruel that is. incredible similiar except cor is also there as ardyn’s shield and husband. all three of them alive but with no idea anyone else survived and it’s basically time is cruel but with extra angst and then extra fluff reunions
that one where aulea is also ardyn’s daughter: again, pretty self explanatory. aulea and nyx are both ardyn’s kids. yes this makes noctis nyx’s nephew.
 regisson au: nyx is regis’ son
one more light: a regisson au that involves nyx sacrifiing himself at the end of the game in noct’s place and then time travel happens and noct is, shockingly, not happy that his big brother sacrificed hismelf for him
fractured lightning: regisson au where nyx is captured by niflheim for a few years and experimented on. much angst
blood of the storm: regisson au where half the glaive is full of galahdian noble bastards. libertus is clarus’. crowe is a bastard cousin of luna and ravus. selena ulric is aldercapts bastard daughter. pelna is wesk’s. this entire au is just crack okay
starlight on your skin: regisson au where platonic soulmates are a thing, soulmarks are a thing, the long night happens and nyx is basically the only one left and astrals send him back in time to fix things. he crashes in the past in front of his younger self and oh shit wasn’t i halfway througha  chapter for that one?
somnusson au: as you can guess, nyx is somnus’ son. i’m not very creative sometimes
dying inside: first fic in the somnusson au, also on ao3. somnus loves his son and kills him for standing with ardyn anyway. much angst. very hurt. sad.
a lesson in time: sequel to dying inside, also on ao3
the phoenix must burn: more stuff in the dying inside au
prompto ulric au: prompto is nyx’s son
you’re the best thing that ever happened to me: a teenage nyx rescues a baby from a nif lab. he’s a dad now. very cute
lightning flashes (and you are free): a fusion of fractured lightning and prompto ulric. this is the happier verse that’s also on ao3
galahdian royalty: galahd has it’s own kings. (nyx. it has nyx. yes i’m obessed with nyx you might have guessed that by now)
platonic promnoct time travel: the game happens. prompto and noctis wake up 16 and grieving and PTSD ridden and determined to change things. also on ao3 under our past is everything we failed to be
si!iris verse: iris is an oc insert from the modern world. amicitia’s are related to ulrics in this. i haven’t touched this au in years wow
styx ulric verse: nxy and selena have a third sibling. styx is an oc insert with game knowledge who is wesk’s daughter and absolutely determined that her brother is gonna live. makes a name for herself as both an academic and a heretic. half the tag is fake tweets
nox fleuret bastard verse: amatus (mat) is sylva’s bastard son. he runs from tenebrae when niflheim invades when he’s a kid. he becomes a glaive marries nyx makes a life for himself and then oh the captain who is like their father is the man who murdered his mother
virtus fic: oc glaive who died in the long night time travels, understandably has issues, rescues baby noct from the marilith. also on ao3. trying desperatelt to work on the next chapter of this cos i got a really nice comment recently
ramuhson au: again, selfexplanatory. nyx is ramuh’s son
that one au were somnus is actually a decent human being: somnus isn’t a dick. he stands with his brother. bahamut is far more of one by forcing him
ardyn king of galahd verse: galahd still recongises ardyn as their king, nyx is ramuh’s chosen. obviously this causes problems when ardyn appears in the lucian throne room and all of galahd recongises him as their lost king
uncle cor au: cor is nyx and selena’s uncle
si!somnus verse: somnus is an oc insert with game and medical knowledge. is fully determined to save his brother. bahamut doesn’t care and somnus is forced to kill his brother anyway. somnus is cursed and eventually reunites with his brother. one day i will actually write this fic
oc assassin aldercapt verse: aris is an oc thief/assassin reincarnated as aldercapt’s son. sentinal guide au. aris fakes his own death blows up half the palace and runs away to insomnia only to be eventually recognised by arydn who still terrifies him
titus has a kid verse: abo au where titus has a daughter who is being held hostage to make titus do what niflheim wants. she escapes and spends years searching for a cure for the glauca parasite in her dad. eventually joins the glaive under a fake id to do this
cor bastard kid verse: cor has a kid. kid is a nursing student who used ot tutor prompto. he adopted the kid basically
yan conall royal bastard with regrets au: yan is regis’ bastard child. he’s a hunter. he does not realise the kid he saves is actually his brother until too late cos regis - who doesn’t recognise who he is - drags him back to insomnia for a reward and yan is full of many regrets
wolfshifter ardyn au: ardyn is a wolfshifter. on his trip to niflheim, cor comes back with a wolf and a baby. somewhat crackish
aulea has a sister: who is an archaeologist. she’s on a dig when noct is born and her sister dies and anyway noct grows up with an aunt who loves him and is also like fuck that prophecy historically they’re bullshit
ghosts of our souls: nyx and noct are platonic soulmates. when one of your dies the other one follows them around as a ghost. you don’t know you’re soulmates until one of you is dead. there’s time travel. regis is very confuzzled
ardyn and nyx are timelords: ardynson au where ardyn’s mum was a timelady and so nyx and ardyn go on adventures in her tardis
clown and the accursed: verse where allen walker (d.gray-man) is born as ardyn’s son
nyx is zack reborn: self explanatory
apollo kid yeeted into eos: kid from pjo gets a prophecy. gets yeeted into eos. i never got very far with this one cos i forgot to write down where i was going with it
MT reincarnate siblings: a handful of the MT’s are reincarnates. one is Tobirama (naruto). another is a soldier from ffvii. the last is a scientist from solheim. they live in altissia
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mypromptlair · 2 years
FFXV Prompt 1
After everything, after fulfilling the prophecy, Noctis was at least hoping to see Luna and his father again.
But no. Seems someone out there either likes fucking with him, or is perhaps trying to give him a second chance.
Because when he wakes up(why is he waking up?), he is 15(soon to be 16) again in his old apartment in a still bustling Insomnia.
At least he isn't alone, his dearest Lunafreya seems to remember as well. Perhaps the two of them can do this. Without anyone dying or Insomnia having to fall. Gentiana and Carbuncle have their backs too(along with a few other Astrals).
Only Noctis and Luna remember the original timeline(which makes them both happy and sad)
Noctis decides to and trains with the Glaives for a few months and bonds with them more(and later being dragged into a certain group as the 'lil brother')
Luna and Noct keep in more contact and try and come up with different plans to make things right now that they know the whole truth, etc.
Noctis eventually sneaks out of Insomnia by himself to meet up with Luna in Altissia, before they begin their journey to "fix" things(do they elope? who knows).
His brothers are none to pleased at being left behind when they finally meet up again.
They don't tell anyone at first what happened in the OG Timeline, but when it does get found out, oh Regis is ready to destroy the Crystal and a certain dragon himself(and everyone else too).
Much needed talks are had, especially between a prince and his shield.
Certain traitors are outed as well, and properly dealt with(there might be a certain incident with a injured Noctis at the hands of the Kingsglaive Captain. Nyx did not want this kind of promotion thank you.)
Ardyn has no idea what's going on or what these kids are up to, but he is amused by the chaos(and slightly concerned in his own way)
Ravus and Aranea help them out later as well
Bunch of misunderstandings take place and overprotective family and guards/glaives.
Regis wonders if he should actually ground Noctis for the first time once all this is said and done....Ravus wonders the same for Luna.
I didn't think of this after re-reading Crossfire by the lovely Sorianis along with the Luna update from dissidia opera omnia, nope.
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