#study games
lululanguages · 4 months
What I did with my language learning today
- my basic Duolingo Spanish lesson (it’s prep for an in person course so I’m not really going too deep into it 🇪🇸
- studied French grammar with YouTube video course and a textbook pdf (do you guys wanna see the notes 🇫🇷
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socstudies · 1 year
。・゚゚・ Socstudies: Sociology 102 ・゚゚・。
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102: How did sociology originate?
Welcome back to the second lesson! Now what we have established what sociology is, it's important to have an understanding of where it came from. The founding of sociology has important context that we need to think critically about!
。・゚゚・Who was the first sociologist?・゚゚・。
This is difficult to say for sure, since there are many people across history who can be ascribed to have been doing sociology since before it had been clearly defined as a discipline.
The first person to use the term 'sociology' was Auguste Comte in 1838, however before him there have been activities similar to what we now define as sociology in societies such as Ancient Greece, Medieaval England, and China.
1x Luke's coffee cup earnt for making it this far!
。・゚゚・Why are the origins of sociology problematic?・゚゚・。
Like almost everything, the origins of sociology are rooted in racism. One of the most popular early theories was Social Darwinism which compared societies to Darwin's theory of evolution. In this, they would rank societies from 'primitive' to 'civilised' ... unsurprisingly ranking their own white Euro-American societies as the most civilised... What a coincidence.... In contrast to this, today many sociologists study structural racism and work towards reversing the effects of it. Still, it is important to recognise this, and to think critically when exploring many of the early 'classic' sociological texts.
1x Luke's coffee cup earnt for making it this far!
。・゚゚・How has sociology changed since its conception?・゚゚・。
When it first originated, early sociologists were preoccupied with it becoming a recognised and respected science. Because of this, they wanted to study society in a way that as comparable to maths or physics - as in a study that would result in data that could be tested and as repeatable by other researchers. Now, there is more of a focus on the qualitative, on the things that aren't as easily turned into statistics, such as interviews, participant observation, and ultimately ethnography. Early sociology was positivist, whereas now it is more antinaturalist.
1x Luke's coffee cup earnt for making it this far!
。・゚゚・What will the sociology of the future look like?・゚゚・。
Like many other fields, the future of sociology looks very exciting! New technology has created both new things to study, and new ways to study them. My area of interest - the internet and social media - didn't even exist until relatively recently, and there are many other things that we will study in the future that don't exist yet. As long as there are people, there will always be things for sociologists to study. :)
1x Luke's coffee cup earnt for making it this far!
。・゚゚・Review Questions!・゚゚・。
1x Luke's coffee cup earnt for each correct answer! (and half a cup for attempting!)
Who is the first named sociologist? (Bonus: what year did he first use the term sociology?
Why are sociology's origins considered problematic?
Early sociology took a positivist approach, what approach is generally taken now?
Thank you for taking part! Exchange your cups here, view the previous lesson here, and view the syllabus here!
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slime-crafters · 6 months
The best thing about the new stardew update is you can tell concerned ape got comfortable just being fucking weird. Which is understandable considering most indie devs have to be some level of insane
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gingersnapped · 9 months
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"Sam is probably my only friend in this town..." emergency sleepover time in the mountains after local small town emo and skater boy played too much solarion chronicles and lost track of time
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daftpatience · 4 months
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isjasz · 6 months
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📸📸📸 (screenshot redraws :D)
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swampthingking · 5 months
obsessed with jean’s colorful insults/descriptions so here’s a compiled list of them in order
you arrogant fool (abby)
you imbecile (kevin)
your ball-battered brain (kevin)
you feckless child (kevin)
those clowns (trojans)
pet goalkeeper (andrew)
the tiny bastard (neil) [LMFAO]
kevin’s pet monster (andrew)
the sunshine court [derogatory]
wholesome in an unsettling, unhealthy way (the trojans)
unhinged optimist (renee)
some plump shrink (bee)
that creepy little goalkeeper andrew minyard [PLEASE i was fucking DEAD he has no idea how funny he is]
you tedious malcontent (neil) [probably my favorite one]
an abominable cockroach (neil)
the wayward child (neil) [jesus christ he is not taking it easy on neil]
andrew’s twin
worthless trash bags (foxes, past tense)
a rabid little fox (neil) [hey. remember when neil described andrew as a ‘rabid goalkeeper’ ???]
annoyingly easy to look at (jeremy)
strange and misguided (the trojans)
the cruelty of these nonstop temptations (kevin, renee, jeremy)
the sunshine court [less derogatory]
“I was hoping he would bite his tongue off in the fall and save us both some grief in the long run.” (lucas)
wretched beast (gr****n)
your ignorant mouth (lucas)
“Your apologies are as useful as perfume on a frog.” (lucas)
neil, being the person he was,
you ignorant child (neil)
miserable wretch (neil) [giving his everything to neil’s insults]
ok that’s all. unless i missed some. and if i did you have to add them it’s just law
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allfortheslay25 · 1 month
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I miss this goober
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m1nsur0 · 1 month
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Messmer, the Impaler
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meyaoyu · 2 months
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“what side are you on” the side of the women
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caemidraws · 7 months
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lululanguages · 1 year
I have two different strategies for when I’m studying in an online class setting. (This could also work in an in person setting depending on situation)
So for my korean class lessons are way more bite size.
They are split up into units with one lecture and one quiz per unit.
Since it’s a way more strict structure I do this strategy.
Watch lecture and take small notes during the lecture (most important things things you think may be on the quiz)
Then use the lecture notes posted by the teacher to really get a grasp on the subject. (If the teacher doesn’t post lecture notes you can ask them too or do extra research on the topic which I recommend)
Then study using your preferred method (lmk if you want me to post mine)
By the time the quiz comes around you should be prepare or at least have a good grasp on the subject. (Exams. I use a little different of a strategy I’ll post that soon)
Now for the second strategy.
In my introduction psychology class There are multiple lectures per unit and not many lecture notes so I rely on more what I like to call on sight active recall to help me here since I don’t have lecture notes to go back to.
I will watch the video or lecture and then as soon as it is done I will write down whatever I remember (this is where the online preference comes in)
After I do that I will try to make sense of everything I wrote and make connections (a lot of people do mind maps but I’m apparently crazy and put mine up on the wall with red string like a murder case)
After that I will rewatch the video or lecture and add in any details that I want to remember or fill in gaps of knowledge
Then (I have adhd so this is how I learn personally it might not work for others) I will make my notes look pretty. (The point is make them seem like you’re just drawing)
Then repeat based on lecture AFTER A BREAK (I don’t promote bad study habits even though we all have them. If you have to stay up all night at least take a nap in between study sessions)
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chikkenhawke · 9 months
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enraptured by the shape of this beast 🐣
get stickers etc -> here
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lilybug-02 · 11 days
highly doubt they would ever meet but I'm curious what The Hunter would write about Dewi
A human child, the largest living creature in Hallownest. His skin is soft, but strength lurks behind his stride.
Legends tell of immense godly creatures who strode through clouds and walked across the plane in times of old. Perhaps such fantastical stories are not as unthinkable as they once were...
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A strange mountainous creature. Though he seeks the thrill of the hunt, he does not close in for the kill. Us mere bugs seem to be easy prey. To be truly hunted by a creature so vast is a bewitching thought.
I absolutely love The Hunter, so of course he'd make a visit to see the beast everyone in Hallownest has been whispering about (and when I say everyone I mean like 10 people).
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tinyhorror · 3 months
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miku in hades style 🫶 (song)
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caluette · 3 months
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bastard münchen game night ⚔️
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