#stupid women
So I made a post a while back where I was saying sometimes deeply unpleasant, unlikeable, untrustworthy women are abused by men and it doesn’t make them any less victims or the men who abuse them any less monsters. In that same vein, stupid women too can be abused by men.
Some of those men will also be stupid because it doesn’t take much to fool a stupid person. Takes a fair bit more to fool a smart person, though there are a lot of personal factors involved too. Like an extremely intelligent man who seemed to be an extremely intelligent woman’s ideal in every way might not fool a stupid woman because, say, a stellar education, is not her ideal. And what’s more, a relatively intelligent person can still make some pretty stupid decisions.
The point is, “stupid” is used as such a pejorative that the knee-jerk reaction is to reject it. So a woman, with access to a wealth of information of men destroying the lives of their female partners decides to ignore it and go for a traditional-style marriage where she gives up on working independently and gives him complete financial control, only to later find herself as one of those women. That decision was stupid. She wasn’t acting with the best information she had, she chose to ignore it in favour of an ideal and with no safeguards other than those already put in place by feminists before her. It’s not smart. But it also doesn’t mean she deserved it or that she shouldn’t be shown compassion.
A man offering a traditional marriage worked on her because that’s what she wanted. A man offering that to me, I’d tell him to get fucked. But a man matching my ideal in every way? Yeah, I’d go for it. I’d have safeguards, sure. Separate bank accounts, wouldn’t move away to where I don’t know anyone. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be susceptible to psychological manipulation over time.
I’d say in general a woman partnering with a man is ill-advised. And I will die on the hill that it is just not a big deal for some women in one corner of the internet to tell OSA women to just not do it, and the defensiveness shown by some women in radblr towards this is completely unwarranted. I will agree that it’s not helpful to go “nyah nyah!” in response to a woman ending up abused by a male partner.
But then the knee-jerk response is that voluntarily giving up financial independence to a man is somehow not a stupid decision because she wanted an ideal that is often glorified. But is a stupid decision. This isn’t something where she grew up in a community where only those outsider women work but proper women within the community submit to their husbands (though there are plenty of those types of insular communities), this is “why did those silly feminists make us work when we could have just sat at home making crafts?” We know why. The information’s easily accessible. Choosing to give up independence to a man if there any viable options is never a smart decision.
Some victims of abuse are stupid. Because some people in general are stupid. And not all abusers are master manipulators. There’s this tendency to romanticize victims. They’re presented as smart, as kind, as hard-working, as selfless, etc. taken advantage of by a man almost any OSA woman would fall for, and that does describe some victims. It’s usually the ones we hear from. The “face”, if you will. The ones who are easy to sympathize with.
But in reality, there are cowardly victims, there are stupid victims, selfish, lazy, mean victims. Women you wouldn’t like. Women who, if they were in a position of authority, could themselves be abusive. See: women in abusive relationships who also abuse their own children. And there’s everything in between. Stupid women who are kind, selfless, hard-working, and brave. Smart women who are kind, selfless, and hard-working but cowardly. Hard-working women who are brave but mean and selfish, etc..
Abuse is about power. And there is no one personality trait that determines who has the power in a relationship. Men almost always have the physical power, and often have the financial and social power as well. Our society is set up for the latter two, the first is simply biology. It’s not men dying by the thousands each year due to intimate partner violence. There are more women under the poverty line than men as well.
I want you to think of the worst woman you know, and I want you to understand and accept that she could have been, could be, or could become a victim of a man’s abuse, and that it may not be the cause of her own toxic behaviour (though prolonged abuse can definitely cause personality changes in some people) but rather coincidental to it. Now I want you to think of a woman you love, the best woman you know. I want you to understand that if she has been, is currently, or becomes a victim of a man’s abuse, she is not more of a victim than the other woman.
Feminism is for both of them. Women are people--I’d argue better people than men, but still people, and incredibly varied. Patriarchy comes for us all. None of us deserve it. And so I think responding to “haha! dumbass should have known better!” with “she’s not stupid for falling for an ideal!” in spite having access to information that would have told her to have some safeguards is...well-meaning but missing the mark. “Ha ha, that’s what you get for being stupid!” and “No! She’s not stupid!” both rest on the idea that a real victim can’t be stupid or that she (at least somewhat) deserves it if she is.
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enemyporn · 1 year
Sarah Palin Got Dumber. And Older.
Remember recently when I said Sarah Palin was dumb? HEY! You! The one dude reading this! WAKE UP! Now remember that? Well, she is now dumber and I just didn’t think it could happen but this cretin is calling for a civil war over the crimes Trump has committed and for which he is now being prosecuted. Civil war…please. Sarah, seeing as you can see Russia from your house is Prigozhin dead and…
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azzther · 1 year
it's funny to watch Loreto play and I play
cuz I can see the difference, I play looting and carefully exploring, whilst Loreto just hits everything in her path
she got beef with the whole tieflings bc she threw a child
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exiledintoascension · 2 months
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terfs celebrating that the international chess federation has banned trans women from competing in women's FIDE competitions, because it's sooooooo feminist to argue that women are so biologically inferior and nowhere near as smart as men and thus can't play chess on the same level. girl that's not feminism that's literally just misogyny
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officialspec · 8 months
can i say something. for years i thought the joke of the song short skirt/long jacket by cake was that he wanted a woman who was hung like a horse. like i thought when he says jacket it was a last-second fakeout because he very obviously meant to say cock. and the rest of the things in the song were just her personality and interests. which were secondary to her awesome penis
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hotsauceintheebag · 6 months
They don't live in the real world, we tell ourselves fondly: but what kind of criticism is that? If they can manage not to live in it, good for them. We would rather not live in it either, ourselves.
Stupid women - Good Bones and Simple Murders
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djinnpot · 1 year
Women rarely if ever think about the consequences of their actions.A not-so-gentle reminder is good once a while to keep their sociopathic tendencies in check.
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whosbian · 2 months
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keo-k · 9 months
trans men are allowed to paint their nails.
trans men are allowed to wear dresses or skirts, or any generally "feminine" clothing.
trans men are allowed to wear makeup.
trans men are allowed to embrace their more "feminine" side.
it does not make us any less of a man.
EDIT! : ALL MEN are allowed to do these things, but this post is more centred around the idea that "oh, people who 'claim' to be men and wear dresses and shit are not trans!" yes, we are. skirt go spinny. painted nails are nice. its not that hard to understand.
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dejectedlozer524 · 7 months
Ok it turns out I ain't fucking finished here because it seems like everyone has stopped fucking talking about how @predstrogen @predesterone literally faced targeted harassment from terfs, nazis and the lolcow forms for YEARS to the point of her having to remake multiple times because she kept getting deleted due to mass report spamming and no matter how much she reached out to staff to ask them to help her they NEVER FUCKING LISTENED, then to further rub salt in the wound the ceo decided to personally delete @predesterone and ban her from tumblr for life just because Rita made a joke post wishing that the ceo would die in a car hammer explosion, then despite Avery not being on tumblr anymore the ceo took it upon himself to personally stalk her to twitter and breach data protection laws by revealing a bunch of blank blogs Avery had for shits and giggles just so he could keep personally harassing her, all this just for people to turn Avery's multiple year long harassment into "Ha ha another social media ceo had a meltdown!!! XDDDD" "CAR HAMMER EXPLOSION!!! XDDD", none of you actually care about the suffering of trans women and it fucking shows, you all make me feel sick!!!
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Men will never ever like romance the same way women do because it shows them the way they have to act, it shows them that they can’t be scumbags and not abuse a woman.
Therefore they make fun of it, and women (sadly) feel ashamed of it, making them stop looking for men who might actually treat them well and instead go for the men that belittle them.
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patriarchyslut18 · 3 months
We are nothing without men
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Your life's purpose is to satisfy a man. If you haven't done that today, you are a worthless waste of oxygen. Making men happy is the only thing that matters in life.
Feeling sick? Nobody cares. Headache? nobody cares. Depressed? Nobody cares. We as women exist to please men. Nobody cares about you. Bend over, drop to your knees, open your mouth, do whatever it takes to satisfy your man and stop thinking your feelings or 'rights' matter
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kingfuc · 5 months
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My favorite hobby is making Yosuke uncomfortable
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seapomelo · 5 months
Dumbing down a cunt is very effective. Even the so called smart women are just that: women. For sluts like you thinking is very hard since you evolved to shake your tits and make yourself fuckable. If I start thinking for you, your decision making will soon consist of thinking how to best suck my cock.
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peakvincent · 2 years
new game is to type one through ten in your tags and see what comes up. i think my favorite of mine is ‘my uncle told us he spent seven and a half hours in a sensory deprivation tank once’ but ‘gideon the ninth motherfucker’ is a close second
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