lunarw0rks · 8 months
Succubus Valeria where she can. Make the strap vibrate to how she wants???
yeessssss and it could be shifted into any shape/girth ANYTHING YOU DESIRE !! AND SHE'S QUITE LITERALLY UNHUMAN WITH HER SKILLS !!
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Broken Hallelujah
Requested: No
Warnings: Female!Reader (Female genitalia and use of the word girl), Nun!Reader, Succubus!Valeria, fingering, the sapphic yearning of a nun and a succubus. Idk man, it’s actually pretty tame because everytime I thought about this idea my brain went fuzzy.
She was here again.
You could feel it, the fiery lustful stare that bore into your closed eyes. The almost non existent press of her body against yours, like she was floating just above you. You opened your eyes, once more expecting to see the brief flash of black hair and curved horns, hear the flap of leathery wings. But none of that this time, unusual for her. She liked having you know that she was there, a living ghost that haunted your steps. Ice cold fingers trailing down the spokes of your spine, breathe hot like burning coals on the back of your neck as you laced your fingers together and prayed. Prayed for forgiveness from your sins, from the wet and wanton heat that dripped between your thighs, praying for salvation after fucking yourself to the sound of demonic giggles and the feel of ghost-like touches.
Praying for forgiveness for never asking for protection instead. Unable to even think the words, unwilling to think them. Because you knew deep in your heart, in your bones, in your soul.
You didn’t want her gone.
You liked having her around. Liked her touches, her voice, her heat. You liked the little glimpses you could get of her, lingering in your shadow, the silhouette of her fingers entangling with hers. For the first time in a very long time, you felt full. Full of warmth and want and devoid of the pain and loneliness that had often plagued your heart. Those feelings were what drove you towards your faith. The idea that even when scorned by the people around you, there was someone that loved you. Even if just one person that you could never see or feel or hear, someone cared. Cared enough to die for you, take you into their arms some day when your time was up.
But she was none of those things. She was solid, though not always visible. But you knew she was there. You didn’t have to have faith when you knew the facts of her. When she, at times, felt more real than you or the people around you did.
“Mi Sol.” The wind whispered, curling in your ear and sending heat running down your spine. Sinful pleasure unlike anything else.
“Mi Luna.” You whispered back, shuddering when you felt something akin to claws running down your back, the scratch of them burning pleasantly. You couldn’t help but imagine those same nails running over your belly, along your breasts, against your throat. Leaving trails of blood in their wake.
Temptation. As sweet as it was sinful.
You shuddered in the sudden absence of her warmth, a pitiful whine catching in your throat, choking you like the noose the devil wrapped around your throat when he sent his demoness to haunt your shadow.
You forced a breath, fingers shaking when you reached for the veil placed on your nightstand. Black fabric just within reach before it was suddenly thrown across the room, concealed in a corner too dark to be seen by the light of your candle.
“Mi sol.” She growled again, more insistent, and you could feel her breath like fire against the crook of your neck, her plush lips dragging up to wrap around your lobe, wet tongue sliding along your flesh. “Mía. Mía. Mía.”
“Mi Luna.” You whimper, thighs twitching when your nightgown seems to lift all on its own, invisible fingers ghosting along the band of your underwear, the tips dipping under the elastic to trail over the curve of your belly, petting down the soft hairs that lay there.
“What is it you want, Mi Sol?” She asks, sharpened teeth pricking at your skin, sure to draw blood if you moved even slightly. “You have to tell me. You have to say it.”
“I can’t.” Is your weak reply, one that earns you a sharp bite to the meat of your shoulder, forcing a heavy cry from your lips.
“You have to say it, Mi Sol.” She hisses, warm fingers sliding lower, combing through the thick patch of curls between your legs before descending even lower, just barely out of reach of that bundle of nerves at the apex of your sex. “You have to say it or I can’t give you what you want.”
“I can’t.” You try to persist, swiftly punished with a hard pinch to your aching clit that had you crying out with pain, hips jerking forward.
“You can.” She says, and you could practically hear the condescending sneer she must be wearing on her face. “And you will.”
It was the last thing she said before ripping your underwear from you, calloused fingertips immediately zeroing in on your twitching hole, rubbing around it in loose circles, playing with the wetness that laid there while her other hand moved to cup your breast, weighing it in her hand before giving it a firm squeeze that had you shaking.
“So beautiful, Mi Sol.” She hummed, thumbing at your hardened pearl for only a moment before stopping, almost pulling her whole hand away when your whole body twitched and you tried to reach for her invisible fingers. “So beautiful, and all mine to do with as I please.”
The words made you choke, as did the slick fingers she shoved into your mouth, the taste of your own essence staining your tastebuds, pressing down on your tongue under you obediently started to lap at them, arousal making your cheeks warm.
“Beautiful girl. Prettiest thing I’ve ever met in my long life.” Valeria whispered, raking her nails down your breast before pressing her fingers into the divots between your ribs, feeling the reverberation of your rapid heartbeat, the heat of your skin through the cloth. “Gorgeous thing.”
You whimpered, head tilting back to let your moans flow free, thighs twitching and jerking when she pulled her fingers from your mouth to press them against your tight hole, two fingers, too fast and too quickly, the stretch burning without the proper foreplay beforehand.
“Say it.” She huffed, prying her fingers apart inside your slick walls, cool air tickling your insides.
“Mi Luna.” You whine, shaking your head, red hole contracting around her, begging for her to ease up on her harsh attentions.
“Yes, Mi Sol?” She says, an encouraging coo as she closes her fingers again, curling them to stroke at that little spot inside you that had you drooling. A reward, motivation to keep going.
“I want you.” You say, voice breaking on a sob when she growled, fingers going rougher and faster, her other hand clawing at the bodice of your gown desperately. “I-I only want you, Mi Luna. You’re all I need, please please please please-”
Your orgasm crashes over you like a wave, rough and uncaring, sweeping you out to the murky sea, leaving you shivering and shaken. Disorienting you so much that you didn’t even notice her putting you on your back or tearing your nightgown off for better access to your body. Only coming to when she crawled above you, no longer invisible. Beautiful and proud, wings outstretched above you, eyes glowing in the dim light. Hunger shining in them, building dread in your belly.
“Did you think we were done?” She chuckled, quirking a brow in disbelief.
Your only response was to gulp, biting down on your already swollen bottom lip.
It would seem you really did make a deal with a devil. Not that you could find it in yourself to regret it.
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Oh!!!! Your reply made me scream so much innerly !!! I LOVE IT
So uh what did you say about nephilim! Ghost and succubus! Rudy???
*grabby hands* also i am foaming at the mouth for dominant bottom Rudy!!!!
Had to remember everything I established about Nephilim!Ghost, also I am fulfilling your challenge to make this smutless. Also, I do not need to make this a whole world and make it poly. I do not need to make this a whole world and make it poly. I do not-
Anyway, so it's "Adventures in being a Sex Demon" and I already have headcanons.
Rodolfo had figured out Ghost was "other" shortly after they'd recovered the base. Rodolfo was positive he was only even able to see it because he'd had to use his abilities to help them get the base back. He wasn't the only Vaquero that wasn't entirely human, Alejandro being one of them, of course. But... well, he would have been the only one who even remotely matched up to Ghost.
Ghost had started to watch them. When the 141 had promised to stay and aid them, Rodolfo had noticed his eyes would follow him. If Rodolfo was willing to suspend his own belief, he was sure he'd seen red eyes watching him at several points.
Even more, he was sure that Ghost was much bigger, at times, than he usually was, making Rodolfo feel like he'd shrunk. Maybe he'd leaned into it, playing small and tiny and watching Ghost's eyes light up, playfully. But... never sexually, oddly enough.
Sometimes, they'd be alone in a room and Rodolfo could feel Ghost's presence, wrapping around him, practically clinging. If Rodolfo were to theorize, he'd imagine it was a familiarity that Ghost was craving, more than he wanted any of Rodolfo's ability.
Being a sex demon, that was an odd feeling. Being a succubus could be kind of hard for his self-esteem if he was honest. Look, he'd abandon any idea of "masculinity" since he was whatever his meal wanted him to be and whether that was masculine or feminine didn't matter. But... it was that feeling that nothing would ever truly want him for who he was, anymore. He was a drug, a euphoria, and nothing more.
So when he'd caught on that Ghost wasn't doing any of this for sex, it'd been... Odd. He didn't have another word for it. He wished he did, though.
But he wanted it.
Rodolfo looked over the papers he was filing, shaking his head. With Las Almas being broken, Alejandro was always so busy. Rodolfo didn't trust any of the Vaqueros with the very precise organization system he'd set up, so that left him to fill out paperwork and file it as well. Oh well, he didn't mind.
He couldn't exactly go out and help people, as much as he'd like to. Even Alejandro and Valeria, irritation flared in his chest, were having to back off since they could only rile the people up. But, Rodolfo... well, he didn't think his abilities would be any form of helpful. He didn't need Las Almas broken and horny.
When he was done filing his paperwork, he shut and locked the filing cabinet, before almost slamming straight into Gaz. "Oh. Sergeant Garrick." He paused, noting that Gaz was nervous. He was wringing his wrists and Rodolfo could practically taste his anxiety. Poor kid was always buzzing with nervous energy, though, and Rodolfo had already considered trying to offer to "soothe" him a few times, but... well, he worried about getting the poor kid addicted.
He doubted Gaz would pursue him too aggressively, or even at all, but he didn't want to hurt him. "Are you alright?"
Gaz hesitated. "Ghost... I..." His gaze bounced around the room, seemingly trying to find anywhere but Rodolfo to look. "Look, I trust the Lieutenant with my life but I... I've heard stories of him, and I've noticed he's taken a... special interest in you."
Rodolfo managed to suppress an amused smile, nodding, slightly. So, he wasn't the only one that noticed.
He feigned concern. "What sort of stories have you heard about him?"
"Well, not many... admittedly. But," Gaz paused, "he's rather violent. I just- I thought I'd... I'd... I like you. You and Alejandro have been pretty nice to me. I just..."
Poor kid didn't seem to be able to get his words together. Rodolfo frowned, now genuinely concerned. "It's alright." He murmured, touching Gaz's shoulder and trying to soothe him as best as he could. He infused his energy into his touch, running his hand down Gaz's shoulder. "Thank you for telling me, Gaz. I appreciate it. But... I don't think Ghost's interest is anything more than professional."
Gaz relaxed and he closed his eyes for a moment before nodding. "Alright. I just wanted to tell you."
"Thank you." Rodolfo nodded. "Have you eaten?" He knew the answer, Gaz had not. He could feel how hungry he was. The 141 didn't seem to be ones to take care of themselves much, and Rodolfo wished he could change that, but he didn't really know how.
Gaz paused and then winced. "No, sir. I haven't."
"Just Rudy." Rodolfo had weird feelings about being called sir, anymore. Ever since he'd been changed. Yeah, he still went by he and him, but he felt more... nonbinary that being called sir felt weird. The Vaqueros had caught on and respected that, but it seemed he would have to break that out of the 141.
"Sorry. Right. Rudy." Gaz nodded. "No, Rudy, I haven't eaten."
"Come on." Rodolfo was amused. "You know, once things settle down, if you four are still here, Alejandro was talking about having you over for asada."
"That sounds... fantastic." Gaz smiled as he followed Rodolfo. "I've never had authentic asada before. Several of the Los Vaqueros have told us how good it is, though."
"Just Los Vaqueros, Gaz." Rodolfo corrected. "Los means 'the'. The Cowboys. When you call us the Los Vaqueros, you call us The The Cowboys."
"My apologies." Gaz flushed.
Rodolfo stopped in front of the mess hall. "Alvarez is in there, tell her I said to give you one of the meals I brought for Alejandro and I. Okay?" He pat his arm.
"Oh. Alright." Gaz seemed to almost perk up. "Thank you... Rudy."
"Of course." Rodolfo smiled and nodded before turning and leaving him be. He had some work he needed to do in the command room, so he headed that way, taking note of everyone in every room. Soap and Price were out with Alejandro and a few of their men, providing aid to whoever needed.
Rage flashed, briefly, in Rodolfo's chest, at the reminder that Mexico would not send them aid. Los Vaqueros were left to put the pieces together of their broken city and nobody else was going to lift a finger to help. He closed his eyes, trying not to let himself get too worked up. That would not end well for anyone.
"You do funny things when you're angry."
Rodolfo turned around, seeing the object of his previous conversation was leaned against the wall. "Oh?" He smiled, deciding not to play coy and ask how Ghost knew he was angry.
"Your tail flicks."
"I'm shocked you can see that." Okay, maybe he'd play a little coy.
Ghost shrugged, his eyes not leaving Rodolfo, though he did note that they didn't quite meet his. "It's cute."
"I'm flattered." Rodolfo teased, stepping closer to Ghost. "I'm guessing you are not allowed to help Las Almas for similar reasons to me?"
"Having your Colonel's energy, the druglord's, and my own didn't seem like... a smart idea. I chose to remain back. Under the pretense that I'd be babysitting the Sergeant, of course." Ghost shrugged, again. He was a man of little action. "Come back to my quarters."
Anyone else would have taken it as an order but Rodolfo knew it was a request. Rodolfo could say no, though he had a feeling Ghost could overpower him if he needed to. "Why?" He asked, anyway.
Ghost gave him an imperceptible expression, but Rodolfo could feel he was surprised by the question. "Because I'd like to talk to you." Amusement.
"Fine." Rodolfo nodded, pretending he was deigning himself to go to Ghost's room, as if he was only doing it as a favor. He followed Ghost as he started to walk, falling into silence.
When they got to his quarters, Rodolfo went in first, sitting on the bed. "No more facades." Ghost stated as he closed the door. "What are you?"
"You can't tell?" Rodolfo frowned, genuinely surprised. He had imagined Ghost had already figured it out by now.
"I know you are a demon, but beyond that... No. I don't know." Ghost sighed, crossing his arms. "I also know you are not possessed, you're changed. Which narrows down my options... But still leaves too many for me to just guess."
Rodolfo smiled. "I could undress and show you?"
Ghost blinked and gave Rodolfo a stare before his eyes were relaxing, going back to their usual bored look. "Oh. You're a succubus."
"I'm wondering if I should be offended you did not assume Incubus."
"You've slept with two of them. Incubi typically do not go for their own." Ghost shook his head. "And maybe you are slightly too feminine. In my mind."
"So honest. I'm guessing something like me, then." Rodolfo leaned back on his hands. "But not a demon. I'd be able to clock you, immediately."
"No. Not a demon."
Rodolfo considered. "Not an angel, either... Or..." He watched Ghost shift nervously, from foot to foot. "Ah. Fallen angel?" He guessed, since he doubted an actual angel would be on earth in the British military.
"Something like that." Ghost muttered, which was basically a confirmation.
Rodolfo nodded, understanding. "I've heard of Nephilim. Never met one, before."
"I've never met a succubus before." Ghost admitted. "I... suppose I should warn you, I'm not interested in sex."
"I picked up on that." Rodolfo smiled, slightly. "So what are you interested in?"
"I... don't know." Ghost sighed. "I haven't decided, yet."
Rodolfo stood, carefully, and went up to Ghost. "Can I help you decide?" He murmured, trailing his fingers down Ghost's chest, where the material was thinnest. "I'll show you myself if you show me yours?"
Ghost paused and looked down at him. Rodolfo was surprised to feel anxiety course through him and furrowed his brows. Ghost was so... human, despite being so clearly inhuman. "Alright."
Rodolfo was a bit surprised to not get any protest, but he stepped back as Ghost started to undo his gear. One by one, every piece came off until Ghost was left in the clothes he wore under it, and then he was pulling his jacket off, sliding it down his shoulders.
Immediately, Rodolfo noted the greying skin, the black veins. He did take note of the sheer muscle under the skin and he'd admit that it made him excited. He was a sex demon, after all, he always had one thing on his mind, however subconsciously he kept it for convenience.
He had to back up more as Ghost pulled off his shirt and his form grew, easily towering Rodolfo in a matter of seconds. Well, more than he usually did.
Rodolfo looked at Ghost, surprised to see he was still wearing his mask. He decided to pursue that in a moment, jerking back at a sudden flutter of wings, which appeared to almost snap out of Ghost's back. "Fuck." He muttered, holding his chest.
"Sorry." Ghost chuckled and the sound rumbled around the room, easily filling it before sinking into Rodolfo's body.
Rodolfo's eyes traveled over Ghost, taking in every inch of skin and noting just how... scarred it was. The pure white scars were almost cruelly visible, unable to blend into the skin, even if Rodolfo unfocused his eyes.
He could see there was a story behind each of them, and he was unsure how to even go about turning the pages, where to even start. Instead, he moved his eyes to the wings, which were scarred and mangled, clearly broken.
Ghost's eyes avoided his own when he looked up to them and Rodolfo reached up, carefully, grabbing the bottom of the mask and starting to push it up.
Ghost didn't stop him, like he expected, and instead bent down slightly so Rodolfo had an easier time, closing his eyes as Rodolfo pushed the mask fully off his head.
Underneath the mask was... simply a being. Scarred and clearly uncomfortable with being exposed, but no more than anything else Rodolfo had encountered.
Rodolfo softened and reached up, touching his face, cupping it. He didn't have any words, so instead he just used his touch to soothe, watching Ghost just melt into his touch.
Rodolfo did remember his half of the agreement, though, so he backed up, letting go of Ghost and watching disappointment flash through him. "Don't worry, I'll touch you again." He promised.
Ghost paused and narrowed his eyes for a moment, realization pooling in his chest. Rodolfo laughed, softly. "I have to be able to know how to please people. Nephilim are no different." He explained.
Ghost made a face. "I'm unsure how I feel about my emotion being so on display."
"Funny, everyone says that when they find out." Rodolfo started to undress, finding himself bashful for the first time in forever. Huh. It was an odd feeling, sending goosebumps across his skin as he slowly pulled his clothes off.
Ghost's eyes traced every movement, following every item of clothing as it discarded on the floor, and then he was visibly softening once Rodolfo was just down to his boxers.
Rodolfo was still fairly close to human, being changed not born, but even still, he had a fair amount of "other" attributes. He was meant to draw people in. Small horns came from his head, curling around his skull in almost the manner of a ram, though they were much thinner. A tail flicked behind him, and much much smaller black wings came from his back. Then, there was the symbol on his abdomen, painting exactly what he was.
At some point, he'd hated how the change had affected his body, lending him more to the feminine side of things. He hadn't liked that he was "petite" and "small" but now... it certainly gave him an edge. He needed to eat and this helped him.
Ghost looked over him and then he was moving forward, touching Rodolfo. Rodolfo noted, for the first time, just how cold his skin was and it was... fantastic. Rodolfo's skin was always hot and this felt like ice, providing relief for a problem he hadn't even been aware of until just then. "You're pretty." It was a simple statement and Rodolfo could almost laugh.
"Not one for poetry?"
"I could try."
Rodolfo wasn't sure he wanted to put Ghost through that. Actively, he wanted to soothe. He turned them and nudged Ghost to the bed, pushing him down once he was there. Ghost frowned at him, but Rodolfo shook his head. "No sex, I promise."
Ghost seemed to hesitate before he nodded and sighed, relaxing. Rodolfo climbed onto the bed, moving to lay with him, resting his head on Ghost's chest and making his entire body radiate comfort. "How were you changed?" Ghost asked once Rodolfo was settled. Rodolfo felt his entire body relax and he smiled, glad he could help.
Rodolfo did pause, though, debating just saying no. It wasn't a comfortable story. "I... met these two people in my last year of high school. A man and a woman. I didn't have friends besides Alejandro and they wanted to be my friend... It devolved into a toxic friendship rather quickly." He explained, closing his eyes. He didn't like remembering this story, but he decided to allow himself some discomfort in exchange for Ghost's.
Ghost had gone silent, so Rodolfo took that as he was listening, since he could also feel interest. He did pause when Ghost's hand touched his wings, stroking over the base of them. He would admit they were kind of cute with how tiny they were. Useless as fuck, though. Mostly got in the fucking way.
Rodolfo took a breath before continuing. "They kept trying to make me... do things with them, but I didn't want to. We ended up splitting when Alejandro and I joined the military. Then... a few years later, when... everything happened with Valeria," more interest and curiosity from Ghost, "Alejandro and I were fighting. I didn't quite know then what I know now about Alejandro, but Alejandro was becoming distant. It... terrified me. So, when they reached out while I was on a leave, I went to hang out with them. I really shouldn't have... I knew that at the time, but I just wanted... well, more didn't want to be alone.
We went to a bar and caught up. Well, they started to flirt with me and... I was so lonely, so desperate that I almost gave in. Still, I said no. I had some idea of... sex being special at the time. Anyway, they slipped something in my drink. Made everything disorienting. Took me back to a hotel and..." Rodolfo tensed, squeezing his eyes shut as he remembered that part.
Rodolfo felt concern from Ghost, but he didn't say anything, so Rodolfo continued. "One of them cut his palm. I kept begging them not to do whatever they were going to do, but they did it anyway, forcing their blood down my throat. I just remember the world going pink and red and... Then they were painting a symbol on my abdomen with their blood... I don't remember anything after that. I just remember coming to in the hotel room with... well, all of these." He gestured around himself. "I know they had someone rape me, but... I don't remember it. I'm glad I don't, honestly. I ended up feeding for the first time a week later, which I also barely remember."
Ghost was still silent and then Rodolfo went quiet as well, biting the inside of his lip. After a moment, he sighed. "Alejandro knows."
"I figured. I mistook his protectiveness as possession a few times." Ghost nodded, continuing to stroke over the base of his wings.
Rodolfo closed his eyes again, sighing. "I don't... dislike what I am. I've accepted it. But, it would have been nice to make the choice."
"I understand." Ghost nodded. Rodolfo made a soft sound of surprise, a moment later, when he was being moved, lifted up, and then cold lips were on his own, holding him so tight it was almost painful.
Rodolfo could feel desperation, loneliness... He felt sympathy for Ghost. He was clearly so alone... Being similar to each other likely filled a void inside him. Rodolfo had felt the same once he found out just how many of the Vaqueros were "other" like him. He didn't have to go through the world being isolated.
Rodolfo broke the kiss after a moment, putting his forehead on Ghost's. "You don't have to be lonely anymore."
Ghost nodded, closing his eyes. He didn't respond and Rodolfo didn't need one, because he could feel his relief.
A moment later, Ghost shifted around and Rodolfo smiled. "Feeding from you is going to be interesting." He murmured, after a moment.
"Maybe." Ghost laughed.
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diadxrling · 2 years
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☝️ 🥪(smoothie from tropical fruits)😊
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Nonverbal RP Starters  
☝️    Tap my muse on the shoulder 🥪  Set a plate/tray/bowl of food down for my muse 😊  Sit down next to my muse
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Having been practically hiding in a private lounge the whole day not feeling the greatest Dia really didn’t want to deal with any client or her boss today. Listening to music the succubus didn’t hear the moth enter the room only getting alerted to her presence once she was tapped on the shoulder. For a second thinking a manager or her boss had found and that she would get in trouble now Dia was quite relieved when she saw Valeria instead. 
Happily accepting the smoothie taking a sip of it before humming contently “Thank you petit papillon”  
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bloodxxandxxspirit · 2 years
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This is a current list of my muses and which category they belong to in terms of species. For in-depth information about any of the characters, please check out my Carrd.
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Castiel (formally an angel)
Chris Emerson (formally a half-vampire)
Edgar Frog
Ellen Harvelle
Kyrie (druid)
Laddie Thompson (formally a half-vampire)
Lucy Emerson (enchanted with a youth spell)
Nicole Emerson (formally a half-vampire)
Shanoa (cursed werewolf in TLB RPG)
Sirena Balfour (witch)
Stephanie Lieber
Valeria (cursed immortal witch)
Alan Frog 
Cecilia Johnson
Jane Darling (formally a succubus)
Jasper Rathbone
Peter (alpha status vampire)
Scarlett Fisher (Dearg Dur)
Gabriel Cyrus
Gunner Logan
Hesper Mendoza
Marie Leith
Matt Sullivan
Rachel Benton
Shanoa (human in Castlevania)
Zira Mani
AJ Frog (dhampir, born half-human and half-vampire)
Colin Bryce (dhampir, born half-human and half-vampire)
Jesse Turner (cambion, born half-human half-demon)
Luke Ricelli (born half-werewolf and half-vampire)
Molly Aster-Frog (dhampir, born half-human and half-vampire)
Anastasia Rostov
James Matthew
Leon Hawthorne (born a skinwalker, gained healing powers)
Rory Hawthorne (born a skinwalker, developed demonic powers)
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Dane dehaan characters X reader ideas for me and you to write. 😊
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CARL E (THE STRANGER) Carl E X psychopath! Reader
Storyline: Carl decides to do his experiment on you only to realize he was messing with a psychopath.
Carl E X murderer! Reader
Storyline: Carl sees you killing somebody and he decides to approach you.
Carl E X vampire! Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
Storyline: you are Carl E’s girlfriend and you accidentally showed him your secret when you couldn’t hold your hunger for blood because you haven’t fed in so long and you were mad at Clare, (it happened when Clare crashed the car season 1 episode 1 basically)
Carl E X Singer! Reader
Storyline: Carl E goes to your concert and decides to stalk you instead of Clare.
Carl E X insane! Reader
storyline: Carl E goes to see his girlfriend at prison to talk to her.
Carl E X enchantress!Reader
storyline: he opens the jar you were trapped in and you possessed him.
Carl E X twin!Reader
storyline: when Carl E was doing his experiment on Clare he runs into his long lost twin.
Carl E X werewolf!Reader
storyline: Carl E always wondered why you told him to stay out of your room at night he figured it out when he went into your room at night for the first time and sees you as a werewolf.
Carl E X Raven!Reader (inspired by Rachel Roth)
storyline: you show him your powers to Carl e when he thinks your joking about it.
Carl E X yandere!Reader
Storyline: you kill anyone who got close to Carl, Carl e catches on and figures out your a yandere and he loves it.
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• Cal Tradd X Reader
• Cal Tradd X male!Reader
• Cal Tradd X insane!Reader
• Cal Tradd X Telekinesis!Reader
• Cal Tradd X mute!Reader
• Cal Tradd X murderer!Reader
• Cal Tradd X Transgender!Reader
• Cal Tradd X girlfriend!Reader
• Cal Tradd X vampire!Reader ( inspired by abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Cal Tradd X ghost!Reader
• Cal Tradd X depressed!Reader
• Cal Tradd X enchantress!Reader
• Cal Tradd X killer!Reader
• Cal Tradd X yandere werewolf!Reader
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• Zach orfman X zombie!Reader
• Zach orfman X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024)
• Zach orfman X enchantress!Readee
• Zach orfman X male!Reader
• Zach orfman X female!Reader
• Zach orfman X lesbian!Reader
• Zach orfman X Transgender!Reader
• Zach orfman X Depressed!Reader
• Zach orfman X werewolf!Reader
• Zach orfman X Dimitrescu!Reader
• Zach orfman X maleficent!Reader
• Zach orfman X male!Reader
• Zach orfman X Russian!Reader
• Zach orfman X yandere!Reader
• Zach orfman X aqua witch ( Scarlet witch but lite blue, not red )
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• Andrew Detmer X Catwomen!Reader ( inspired by 2004 Catwomen )
• Andrew Detmer X sunset witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but orange and pink not Red )
• Andrew Detmer X cryokinesis!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X electrokinesis!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X pyrokinesis!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X succubus!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail by Abigail 2024 )
• Andrew Detmer X enchantress!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X chlorokinesis!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X maleficent!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X Raven!Reader ( inspired by 2018 titans Raven )
• Andrew Detmer X Russian!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X Multi witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but Rainbow colors not red )
• Andrew Detmer X werewolf!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X Captain marvel!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X yandere!Reader
• Andrew Detmer X opaque witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but teal/turquoise )
• Andrew Detmer X Female!Alastor!Reader ( your Alastor from hazbin hotel but female, you have a human disguise so you blend in. )
• Andrew Detmer X Lunar witch!Reader ( Scarlet witch but colorful moonlight colors, not red )
• Andrew Detmer X frost witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but white color not red )
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• Valerian X glamopod!Reader
• Valerian X Vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Valerian X zombie!Reader
• Valerian X pearl!Reader
• Valerian X male!Reader
• Valerian X werewolf!Reader
• Valerian X maleficent!Reader
• Valerian X mermaid!Reader
• Valerian X twin!Reader
•Valerian X transgender!Reader
• Valerian X telekinesis!Reader
• Valerian X sapphire witch!Reader (scarlet witch but blue not red)
• Valerian X Echinda!Reader ( your half snake half human. )
• Valerian X Succubus!Reader
• Valerian X enchantress!Reader
• Valerian X Female! Alastor!Reader ( your Alastor from hazbin hotel but female, you have a human disguise so you blend in.)
• Valerian X tall!Reader
• Valerian X goth! mother!Reader
• Valerian X yandere!Reader
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• Lucian Carr X emotionless!Reader
• Lucian Carr X mute!Reader
• Lucien Carr X goth vampire!Reader
• Lucien Carr X twin!Reader
• Lucien Carr X sister!Reader
• Lucien Carr X mermaid!Reader
• Lucien Carr X siren!Reader
• Lucien Carr X enchantress!Reader
• Lucien Carr X heartless!Reader
• Lucien Carr X Famous!Reader
• Lucien Carr X male!Reader
•Lucien Carr X Famous poet!Reader
• Lucien Carr X singer!Reader
• Lucien Carr X black!Reader
• Lucien Carr X yandere!Reader
• Lucien Carr X Rose witch!Reader ( Scarlet witch but pink not red )
• Lucien Carr X Cruella!Reader ( inspired by 2021 Cruella )
• Lucien Carr X Vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Lucien Carr X Russian!Reader
• Lucien Carr X British!Reader
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• Harry Osborn X catwomen!Reader ( inspired by 2004 catwomen )
• Harry Osborn X enchantress!Reader
• Harry Osborn X female! Alastor!Reader ( your alastor from hazbin hotel but female, you have a human disguise so you blend in. )
• Harry Osborn X Raven!Reader ( Inspired by 2018 Titans Raven )
• Harry Osborn X Darkness witch ( scarlet witch but black, not Red )
• Harry Osborn X yandere! zombie!Reader
• Harry Osborn X singer!Reader
• Harry Osborn X scarlet witch!Reader
• Harry Osborn X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Harry Osborn X female green goblin!Reader (instead of Harry getting injected with l the poison into his arm it was you)
• Harry Osborn X werewolf!Reader
• Harry Osborn X mute!Reader
• Harry Osborn X rosurquoise witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but pink and teal not red )
• Harry Osborn X male!Reader
• Harry Osborn X emotionless!Reader
• Harry Osborn X Amethyst witch!Reader (Scarlet witch but purple not red)
• Harry Osborn X golden witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but golden not red )
• Harry Osborn X opaqueemerald witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but teal and purple not red )
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• Chris Lynwood X punk vampire!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X lesbian!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X twin!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X sister!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X black!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X siren!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X male!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X ghost!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X badass!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X mermaid!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X werewolf!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X zombie!Reader
• Chris Lynwood X Vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
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• Lockhart X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Lockhart X immortal!Reader
• Lockhart X insane!Reader
• Lockhart X male!Reader
• Lockhart X shapeshifter!Reader
• Lockhart X psychopath!Reader
• Lockhart X emotionless!Reader
• Lockhart X heartless!Reader
• Lockhart X ghost!Reader
• Lockhart X succubus!Reader
• Lockhart X werewolf!Reader
• Lockhart X Wednesday!Reader
• Lockhart X Zombie!Reader
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• Chris Morgan X succubus!Reader
• Chris Morgan X demon!Reader
• Chris Morgan X goth!Reader
• Chris Morgan X female!Reader
• Chris Morgan X male!Reader
• Chris Morgan X twin!Reader
• Chris Morgan X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Chris Morgan X brother!Reader
• Chris Morgan X sister!Reader
• Chris Morgan X depressed!Reader
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•Jesse D’Amato X emotionless!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X bisexual!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X male!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X depressed!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X Lesbain!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X transgender!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X unhinged!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X twin!Reader
•Jesse D’Amato X sick!Reader
•Jessie D’Amato X singer!Reader
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•Trip X metalhead vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
•Trip X Metalhead zombie!Reader
•Trip X male!Reader
•Trip X twin!Reader
•Trip X mute!Reader
•Trip X emotionless!Reader
•Trip X lesbain!Reader
•Trip X flirty!Reader
•Trip X singer!Reader
•Trip X stripper!Reader
•Trip X feral werewolf!Reader
•Trip X solar witch!Reader (Scarlet witch but yellow not red)
•Trip X tealmethyst witch!Reader ( scarlet witch but teal and purple not red )
• Trip X Raven!Reader ( inspired by titans 2018 Raven )
• Trip X Daki!Reader
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• Billy the kid X zombie!Reader
• Billy the kid X feral vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Billy the kid X transgender!Reader
• Billy the kid X brother!Reader
• Billy the kid X twin!Reader
• Billy the kid X sister!Reader
• Billy the kid X flirty!Reader
• Billy the kid X bisexual!Reader
• Billy the kid X mother!Reader
• Billy the kid X insane!Reader
• Billy the kid X feral werewolf!Reader
• Billy the kid X maleficent!Reader
• Billy the kid X witch!Reader
• Billy the kid X demon!Reader
• Billy the kid X Amber witch!Reader ( Scarlet witch but orange not red)
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• Timbo X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Timbo X transgender!Reader
• Timbo X twin!Reader
• Timbo X female!Reader
• Timbo X male!Reader
• Timbo X succubus!Reader
• Timbo X goth!Reader
• Timbo X sister!Reader
• Timbo X siren!Reader
• Timbo X mermaid!Reader
• Timbo X werewolf!Reader
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• cricket pete X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• cricket pete X female!Reader
• cricket pete X male!Reader
• cricket pete X mermaid!Reader
• cricket pete X twin!Reader
• cricket pete sister!Reader
• cricket Pete X brother!Reader
• cricket pete X siren!Reader
• cricket pete X Transgender!Reader
• cricket pete X werewolf!Reader
• cricket pete X maleficent!Reader
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• Jason Glanton X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Jason Glanton X zombie!Reader
• Jason Glanton X transgender!Reader
• Jason Glanton X twin!Reader
• Jason Glanton X sister!Reader
• Jason Glanton X brother!Reader
• Jason Glanton X mute!Reader
• Jason Glanton X emotionless!Reader
• Jason Glanton X goth!Reader
• Jason Glanton X heartless serial killer!Reader
• Jason Glanton X werewolf!Reader
• Jason Glanton X Emerald witch!Reader (scarlet witch but green not red)
• Jason Glanton X Daki!Reader
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• Clayton Peterson X transgender
• Clayton Peterson X mute!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X twin!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X male!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X bisexual!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X child!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X emotionless!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X gothic!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X lesbian!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X blind!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X sister!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X brother!Reader
• Clayton Peterson X little sister!Reader
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• Jan van Loos X artist!Reader
• Jan van Loos X transgender!Reader
• Jan van Loos X twin!Reader
• Jan van Loos X goth!Reader
• Jan van Loos X famous artist!Reader
• Jan van Loos X sister!Reader
• Jan van Loos X teenage!Reader
• Jan van Loos X brother!Reader
• Jan van Loos X vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
• Jan van Loos X Telekinesis!Reader
• Jan van Loos X Famous writer!Reader
• Jan van loos x mute!Reader
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James Dean X werewolf!Reader
James Dean X twin!Reader
James Dean X mute!Reader
James Dean X Emotionless!Reader
James Dean X Telekinesis!Reader
James Dean X Vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
James Dean X blind!Reader
James Dean X ill!Reader
James Dean X mean!Reader
James Dean X depressed!Reader
James Dean X sister!Reader
James Dean X brother!Reader
James Dean X gothic!Reader
James Dean X Pyrokinesis!Reader
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Kenneth Nichols X blind!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X werewolf!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X witch!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X emeotionless!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X gothic!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X Depressed!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X ill!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X male!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X twin!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X badass!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X Mean!Reader
Kenneth Nichols x mute!Reader
Kenneth Nichols X Vampire!Reader ( inspired by Abigail from Abigail 2024 )
Kenneth Nichols X transgender!Reader
(A/N: you can use these ideas if you want to and also go see more of my other posts you’ll love them there inspiring, interesting and can help you if you need ideas or inspiration for y/n and X Readers)
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arcadiafm · 11 months
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𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄  𝐓𝐎  𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐀, isabella  wilson,  valentina  kaye,  valeria  le  fay,  satana  hellstrom,  lois  lane !  the  face  claim  of  hailee  steinfeld,  lily  rose  depp,  adria  arjona,  sarah  shahi,  mali.nalli  are now  taken.  you  have  24  hours  to  join  the  discord  from  your  dms  or  your  role(s)  will  be  reopened.  check  out  the  new  member  checklist  and  have  a  look  around!    
⟨  Haliee Steinfeld.  cis woman.  she/her.  28 ⟩   LOADING  FILES …  did  you  know  Wade Wilson's and Neena Thurmanss  child’s  name  is  Isabella Wilson  ?!  i’ve  seen  them  around  town  listening  to  Oops I did it again  by  Brittney Spears  !  they  seem  to  be  quite  Playful,  but  also  Ignorant,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a  Mercenary at New York.  i’d  watch  out  for  them,  though,  official  files  say  they’re  a  MUTANT  skilled  in  Regeneration healing factor, peak human physiology, Immune to most diseases/sickness, 4th wall awareness, above average intelligence, Skilled combatant (Deadpool like levels).
⟨lily rose depp . Cisfemale .She/her .23.  ⟩   LOADING  FILES …  did  you  know  JOKER AND PUNCHLINE’S  child’s  name  is  VALENTINA KAYE  ?!  i’ve  seen  them  around  town  listening  to  BAD GUY   by  BILLIE EILISH  !  they  seem  to  be  quite  FUN LOVING,  but  also  CRUEL,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a  SOPHOMORE  at  ARCADIA UNIVERSITY .  i’d  watch  out  for  them,  though,  official  files  say  they’re  a  HUMAN  skilled  in  CHEMISTRY ENGINEERING, BLADED COMBAT, GENIUS LEVEL INTELLIGENCE.  no  surprise  there  !
⟨  @mali.nalli.  cis female.  she/her.  roundabout 600.  ⟩   LOADING  FILES …  did  you  know  INES AMORASDOTTIR [ BIO ]  MORGAN LE FAY’s [ "BIO" ] child’s  name  is  TAYANNA ANAM INÉSDOTTIR  VALERIA ANA LE FAY  ?!  i’ve  seen  them  around  town  listening  to  BEST  by  GRACIE ABRAMS  !  they  seem  to  be  quite  CHARMING,  but  also  REBELLIOUS,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a  HIGH PRIESTESS.  i’d  watch  out  for  them,  though,  official  files  say  they’re  a  MUTANT, EXTERNAL, 1/2 HUMAN  skilled  in  SORCERY, LIFE FORCE MANIPULATION / ABSORPTION, IMMORTALITY, PHYSICAL ENHANCEMENTS, TELEKINESIS, PHYSICAL ENHANCEMENTS, TELEKINESIS, TELEPATHY, PSYCH-LINK, REALITY WARPING, NECROMANCY, SHAPE SHIFTING, DARK MAGIC.  no  surprise  there  !
⟨  sarah shahi.  cis woman  she/her. 35/35000.  ⟩   LOADING  FILES …  did  you  know  SATANA’S  real  name  is  SATANA’S HELLSTROM  ?!  i’ve  seen  them  around  town  listening  to  BRIDGERTN  by  AYRA STARR  !  they  seem  to  be  quite  calculated,  but  also  manipulative,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a  BOUTIQUE OWNER  .  i’d  watch  out  for  them,  though,  official  files  say  they’re  a  DEMON/SUCCUBUS  skilled  in  DEMON PHYSIOLOGY, HELLFIRE MANIPULATION, LIFE FORCE ABSORPTION, SORCERY.  no  surprise  there  !
⟨ Adria Arjona. Cisfemale. she/her. 40+  ⟩   LOADING  FILES …  did  you  know  N/A  real  name  is  LOIS LANE  ?!  i’ve  seen  them  around  town  listening  to  YOU AND ME   by  LIFEHOUSE  !  they  seem  to  be  quite  FRIENDLY,  but  also  BRASH,  but  it  makes  sense  given  they  are  a  REPORTER  at  THE DAILY PLANET.  i’d  watch  out  for  them,  though,  official  files  say  they’re  a HUMAN   skilled  in  HAND TO HAND COMBAT (BASIC), JOURNALISM, INVESTIGATION, Multilingualism.  no  surprise  there  !
0 notes
lotusglass · 4 years
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Valeria Headcanons/info 
WARNING: Semi-nsfw
Design and development was inspired by Descendants’ Mal, daughter of Maleficent, Sabrina from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Raven from DC, and Merlin from the story of King Arthur.
Her father was an incubus and her mother was a former nun and a powerful mage, which makes her a cambion(part succubus, part human). Inherited most of her magical powers from her father and the rest from her mother.
One of the most powerful mages in Twisted Wonderland, but can only match with Leona in comparison to Malleus. Most people know for her incantations and dark arts.
Val usually casts a spell that seals away all her cambion attributes( horns, wings, and her tail). Due to her childhood, she doesn’t feel comfy showing them in public to this very day. Moreover, she can’t feel whenever the spell wears off and she forgets to cast another until Lilia or Malleus comments on them before leaving the dorm. Overall, it’s like putting on makeup before leaving the house.
She does have a demon form, but it’s more revolting and vile, not pleasant to the human eye. 
Is more nocturnal and most people, so she can be lethargic and a little sleepy during the day.
Due to her species, half of her energy comes from the life force of humans and the other half is actual food, but it can only do so much. Hence she would sometimes sleep around in order to gain said energy and to survive. There times where she killed a student on accident by overfeeding.
Like Leona, she doesn’t care much about the uniform and even went as far as wearing fishnets
Despite having a decent social life, she’s mainly a loner, likes to keep to herself and be alone most of the time.
During her free time, she likes to read manga or watch anime. Other times, she would be resting in the botanical garden, she would read there too sometimes.
Like Malleus, she has a tamagotchi, but in the shape of a cat with horns and wings.
She has the softest spots for animals and likes playing with them when she can. Her favorite animals are cats and horses.
Back at home, she has two black cats and a raven.
Growing up, she studied multiple languages and became fluent in French, Italian, and German. She can also speak Latin and recite backwards on command.
She can modify her voice from her normal tone to 10 octaves deeper and she goes as far using her demon voice, which is more husky, sinister, deep, and sometimes eerie. 
Has a lot of persistent suitors who try to hook up with her and said suitors either harass her or try to get a pass at her. In order to scare them off, she uses her demonic voice as a warning and depending on the severity, she’d go as far as using illusion spells and incantations. 
One time a student kept making “advances” at her and she played into his game by luring him to get him alone, and later surprising(and scarring) him by casting a spell, which gave the illusion of her spilling her guts out of her stomach Since then he never bothered her, to this day he flinches at the sight of her. Did she regret it? Unfortunately, no…
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lunarw0rks · 8 months
SHE HAS INHUMAN STRENGTH AND SPEED TOO,,, what that tongue do valeria 😳
it does so many things. otherworldly (pun intended) things.
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A little sneak peek of Succubus!Valeria and Nun!Reader…..
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crispichan95 · 4 years
30Dol Challenge DAY 21
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The Hunger Games (re-read): 2 chapters.
Wip: Project Succubus.
Total words: 502.
Today I’ve been in a cafeteria and I tried to write there. It worked quite well :3
(My hadwriting is a mess, I know...I had some issues with the table xD)
Valeria realized that, on her sleep, reality could vanish just by closing her eyes and letting everything go. Time may pass somewhere else, very far, but not there, not in her own world.
Despite being a hard day, it ended fine and I managed to do all the tasks I planned. Now I wish the week goes a bit better :)
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realreadreid · 4 years
Lesbian Fandom Guide
A complete domestic and international list of lesbian TV & movie femslash ship names. 
(Updated 12/9/19)
So, in spectacular idiot fashion, I accidentally deleted the original post. Bright side, it has lead to a major overhaul and update to the list. As always, suggestions are desired and welcomed. Enjoy!
NOTES: 1. Only listing ships name mashups, 2. Alphabetical
KEY:  C=Cannon, *=Ship currently in progress, D=Domestic (USA), I=International, D/I=Int’l shows that air in the US
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ADAMS FOSTER = Lena & Stef (Adams-Foster) [The Fosters] C D
AGUSLERIA = Agustina & Valeria [Vecinos En Guerra] C I
ALBY = Alex Parrish & Shelby Wyatt [Quantico] I
AMANDIE = Amanda & Edie [Almost Family] C* D
ANN(e) = Anne Lester & Ann Walker [Gentleman Jack] C* D/I
ANNALEVE = (Annalise) Keating & (Eve) Rothlow [How to Get Away with Murder] C D
AURELIA = Aurora & Celia [Seis Hermanas] C I
AVALANE = (Ava) Sharpe & Sara (Lance) [Legends of Tomorrow] C* D
BADISON = Bird & Madison [Finding Carter] C D
BALLIE = Bea & Allie [Wentworth] C I
BARCEDES = Barbara & Mercedes (Mechita) [Perdona Nuestros Pecados] C I
BECHLOE = Beca & Chloe [Pitch Perfect] D
BERENA = (Bernie) Wolfe & (Serena) Campbell [Holby City] C* I
BERING & WEKLS = Myka (Bering) & Helena G. (Wells) [Warehouse 13] D
BRITTANA = Brittany & Santana [Glee] C D
CABESON = Alex (Cabot) & Olivia (Benson) [L&O SVU] D
CALZONA = Callie & Arizona [Grey’s Anatomy] C D
CAZZIE (CIZZIE) = Casey & Izzie [Atypical] C* D
CHELLY = Chloe & Elly [Neighbors] C I
CLARINA = Clara & Marina [Em Familia] C I
CLEXA = Clarke & Lexa [The 100] C D
COPHINE = Cosima & Delphine [Orphan Black] C D/I
CRISABEL = Cristina & Isabel [Tierra de Lobos] C I
CROANA = Cris + Joana [SKAM Espana] C* I
DALICE = Dane & Alice [The L Word] C D
DANSEN = Alex (Danvers) & Kelly (Olsen) [Supergirl] C* D
DEANORU = Karolina (Dean) & Niko (Minoru) [Marvel’s Runways] C*
DOCUBUS = Doctor (Laruen) & Succubus (Bo) [Lost Girl] C D/I
ELIZONA = Arizona & Eliza [Grey’s Anatomy] C D
EMAYA = Emily & Maya [Pretty Little Liars] C D
EMISON = Emily & Allison [Pretty Little Liars] C D
FABERRY = Quinn (Fabray) & Rachel (Berry) [Glee] D
FIMOGEN = Fiona & Imogen [Degrassi] C D
FLOZMIN = Florencia & Jazmín [Las Estrellas] C I
FREELIN = Freya & Keelin [The Originals] C D
FOXXAY = Cordelia (Foxx) & Misty (Day) [American Horror Story] D
FRIDGET = (Franky) Doyle & (Bridget) Westfall [Wentworth] C I
FUFFY = Faith & Buffy [Buffy the Vampire Slayer] D
GOLLY = Gail & Holly [Rookie Blue] C D
GRANKIE = Grace & Frankie [Grace & Frankie] D
GRENNA = Greer & Brenna [Chasing Life] C D
GREYES = Abby (Griffin) & Raven (Rayes) [The 100] C* D
HACKLE = Ada (Cackle) & Hecate (Hardbroom) [The Worst Witch] I
HICSQUEAK = Hecate Hardbroom & Pippa Pentangle [The Worst Witch] I
HOLLSTEIN = Laura (Hollis) & Carmilla (Karnstein) [Carmilla] C D/I
HOLTZBERT = Holtzmann & Gilbert [Ghostbusters] D
JASSANI = Jasmine & Anni [GZSZ] C
JATHEA = Jade & Althea [The Rich Man’s Daughter] C I
JEMILY = (Jennifer) “JJ” Jareau & (Emily) Prentiss [Criminal Minds]* D
JEMMA = Jenna & Emma [Hand auts Herz] C I
JETRA = (Jane) Villanueva & (Petra) Solano [Jane the Virgin] D
JULIANA = Julia & Mariana [Las Aparicio] C I
JULIANTINA = Juliana y Valentina [Amar a Muerte] C I
KADENA = Kat & Adena [The Bold Type] C* D
KANA = Kate & Rana [Coronation Street] C I
KANNI = Katrin & Anni [GZSZ] C I
KARMY = Karma & Amy [Faking It] C D
KEMALINE = Kate & Emaline [Everything Sucks] C D
KERIETTA = Kerstin & Juliette [Marienhof] C I
KINGS’S GOLD = Quinn (King) & Rachel (Goldberg) [UnREAL]* D
LIMANTHA = Lica e Samantha [Malhação] C I
LINTZ  =Maggie (Lin) & Sydney (Katz) [Saving Hope] C D
LUIMELIA = Luisita y Amelia [Amar es para Siempre] C I
LUTRICIA = Lucia & Patricia [Las Trampas del Deseo] C I
LYRETRIA = Lyria & Eretria [The Shannara Chronicles] C* D
MALEX =Marissa & Alex [The OC] C D
MARBECCA = Marlene & Rebecca [Verbotene Liebe] C I
MELKO = Mel & Niko [Charmed] C* D
MELLIVIA = (Mellie) Grant & (Olivia) Pope [Scandal] D
MENESIS = Megan y Genesis [Mi Familia Perfecta] C I
MIRANDAY = Miranda & Andrea [The Devil Wears Prada] D
MINX = Marissa & Bianca (Binx) [All My Children] C D
MOLLUNA = Molly & Luna [Burden of Truth] C D
MOTHERSHIP=Xena & Gabrielle [Xena Warrior Princess] C D
NAOMILY = Naomi & Emily [Skins UK] C D/I
NICHORELLO = Nicky & Morello [OITNB] C D
NOMANITA = Nomi & Amanita [Sense 8] C D
OTALIA = Olivia & Natalie [Guiding Light] C D
PAILY = Paige & Emily [Pretty Little Liars] C D
PALEX = Paige & Alex [Degrassi] C D
PARCOR = Parker & Kristina (Corinthos) [General Hospital] C D
PATTEN = (Patty) Hughes & (Ellen) Parsons [Damages] D
PAUGELA = Paula y Angela [La Otra Mirada] C I
PEPSI = Pepa & Silvia [Los Hombres de Paco] C I
PETRAMOS = (Petra) Solano & Jane (Ramos) [Jane the Virgin] C D
POSIE = Penelope & Josie [Legacies] C* D
PUPCAKE = Patsy & Delia  [Call the Midwife] C D/I
REAMY = Reagan & Amy [Faking It] C D
RED SLIPPERS = Red & Dorothy [Once Upon a Time] C D
RIZZLES = Jane (Rizzoli) & Maura (Isles) [Rizzoli & Isles] D
ROISA = Rose & Luisa [Jane the Virgin] C D
SANVERS = Maggie (Sawyer) & Alex (Danvers) [Supergirl] C D
SARLOTA = Carlota & Sara [Cable Girls] C* D/I
SAULA = Sophie & Paula [Coronation Street] C I
SHARMEN = Shane & Carmen [The L Word] C D
SHOOT = Shaw & Root [Person of Interest] C D
SKIMMONS (BIOHACKER/BIOQUAKE) = Jemma Simmons & Daisy “Skye” Johnson [Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.] D
SLEEPING WARRIOR = Aurora & Mulan  [Once Upon A Time] C D
SPARIA = Spencer & Aria [Pretty Little Liars] D
SPASHLEY = (Spencer) Carlin & (Ashley) Davies [South of Nowhere] C D
SUPERCORP (KARLENA) = (Kara) Danvers & (Lena) Luthor [Supergirl]* D
SUPERCAT = Kara (Super)girl Danvers & (Cat) Grant [Supergirl] D
SWAY QUEEN = Emma (Swan) & Evil (Queen) [Once Upon a Time] D
TALICE = Tasha & Alice [The L Word] C D
TERIAH = Tessa & Mariah [All My Children] C* D
THUNDERGRACE = Anissa (Thunder) Pierce & Grace Choi [Black Lightning] C* D
TIBETTE = Tina & Bette [The L Word] C D
TILDESSA = Tilda & Odessa [Into the Badlands] C* D
TILLOW = Tara & Willow [Buffy the Vampire Slayer] C D
TRIMBERLY = (Trini) Kwan & (Kimberly) Hart [Power Rangers] D
TRISHICA = (Trish) Walker & (Jessica) Jones [Jessica Jones] D
VANITY = (Vanessa) Woodfield & (Charity) Dingle [Emmerdale] C* I
VAUSEMAN = Alex (Vause) & Piper (Chapman) [OINB] C D
WAYHAUGHT = (Waverly) Earp & Nicole (Haught) [Wynonna Earp] C* D/I
WILLEX = Willow & Alex [Home & Away] C* I
WYNHAUGHT = (Wynonna) Earp & Nicole (Haught) [Wynonna Earp]* D/I
ZASHA = Zoe & Rasha [Degrassi] C D
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lunarw0rks · 8 months
She wears the rosary for aesthetic purposes/memory of a family member in my headcanon :3
Ugh vampire val would be just,,,, <3
I go so feral for her voice too,,, whispering in my ear im so,,,
or, i present to you, — wlw succubus valeria !!!
anyone? is this thing on?
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fucking get done with one WIP and add ten more. Finish that Valeria post and immediately get hit with the thought of Succubus!Valeria and Incubus!Alejandro double teaming a priest!Reader
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