#sugar bowl gen fanfic
just-an-enby-lemon · 11 months
I can't properly explain but nothing in this wolrd feels more like Sugarbowl Gen shennanigans to me then Edgar's Allan Poe: Murder Mystery Dinner Party by Shipwrecked. I'm soo sad I only found out about the show now because it's really good.
P.S: the fact that Poe is the sane man of the group's dinamic is very very amusing. Everyone is just a pure disaster and I love them (specially Oscar but again me? Loving Oscar Wide? What's new?).
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asouefanworkevent · 2 years
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woevember is coming!
what is it?
woevember is an asoue fanwork event week, that will take place from november 13th through november 19th, 2022. each day of that week is dedicated to a different group of characters from a series of unfortunate events and all the wrong questions.
what do i do?
the character groups will be revealed now, so everyone has time to make something. between now and the week of november 13th, you’ll create fanworks about the characters, and then post it on the corresponding day during november 13th - 19th!
don’t forget to tag this tumblr (asouefanworkevent) in the post so i can find it and reblog it, and tag the post with #woevember !
what do you mean by fanwork?
everything! fanfic and fanart are of course allowed, but also edits, gifs, analysis posts, even just headcanons!! super short fics!! your sketchiest drawings!! i want people to be encouraged to and be able to create even something small that didn’t exist before for the snicketverse, and share it with other people!
are there any rules?
to keep the event open and comfortable for everyone, no explicit content. also, this should go without saying, but in case it doesn’t, sibling romance and age gaps are not allowed and will not be tolerated.
do i have to make something for every day?
only if you want to! feel free to just make something for one day if you want :) the point of having a different character group for each day is so everyone’s favorite character (or a character you like or find interesting) will hopefully come up at some point, so everyone’s covered, and you can at least make something for one of the days.
what are the prompts?
i tried to get a good mix of characters we already love a lot, and characters who you might not have thought about before!
november 13th – sugar bowl gen siblings
the best siblings. the worst siblings. they’re going through a lot, at all times. "the schism has turned many brothers into enemies."
character options include: snickets, denouements, anwhistles, calibans, sebalds
november 14th – firestarters
what makes a “firestarter”? (besides needing to find seven broad categories in which to fit many, many characters.)
character options include: olaf, esme, the bald man, fernald, the henchperson, the white-faced women, the man with a beard but no hair, the woman with hair but no beard (also related characters, like ernest, georgina, olivia)
november 15th – the city
there is so much in The City! and so much with a deep vfd history, that every aspect of the city must’ve crossed paths with vfd or the baudelaire’s story at some point, in some way.
character options include: jerome, eleanora, geraldine, esme squalor’s fanclub, honestly anyone you would like to stick in a specifically City location
location options include: the punctilio, the banking district, the herpetological society, the hemlock tearoom and stationery shop, the taxi, the opera, the fountain of victorious finance, 667 dark avenue, veblen hall, orion observatory
november 16th – unseen characters
there’s plenty of characters we hear about in the series, but never actually really see. give us your takes on them!
character options include: lemony's editor, the snicket parents, olaf's parents, haruki, the baudelaire's uncle elwyn, madame dilustro, gina sue, whoever beatrice and bertrand invited to their dinner parties besides mr. poe, moxie's mother, ellington's mother, violet's friend ben, lemony's friend playing the sonata on the pipe organ in the cathedral of the alleged virgin
november 17th – stain’d-by-the-sea
what becomes of stain’d-by-the-sea and all the people still living there, after lemony leaves? what happens to wade academy? what happens to ellington?
character options include: moxie, pip, squeak, jake, cleo, kellar, ornette, lizzie, ellington, prosper lost, stew, the mitchums, the talkie brothers, any character from 13SI (theodora can also be included here)
november 18th – the unfortunate generation
what are they up to, post-canon? or what were they up to, pre-canon?
character options include: violet, klaus, sunny, duncan, isadora, quigley, fiona, carmelita, friday, the second beatrice
november 19th – free space!
is there a character you want to make something for that didn’t necessarily fit in these categories? (and my deepest apologies for who didn’t. the duchess? miranda? ishmael? the islanders? widdershins? hector? the village of fowl devotees? jacquelyn? larry? phil? beatrice and bertrand, technically????) is there a character you wanted to do but you didn’t like the group they were in? (you’d rather talk about esme outside of her relation to the firestarters?) do you want to do something centered on a ship? (lemony/beatrice/bertrand? dewey/bertrand? kit/beatrice? violet/isadora? jacques/jerome? olivia/jacques? beatrice/bertrand? monty/gustav? sally/r?) put it here!
can i do ships for other days?
you absolutely can! i’m just giving options in the free space.
can i include other characters that aren’t a part of the group set for each day?
yes, as long as the major focus of the work is still on the designated group! for example, for sugar bowl gen siblings, you could definitely make something about, say, beatrice interacting with the snicket siblings, as long as the focus of the work is still on the snicket siblings. or, for stain’d-by-the-sea, you could definitely write about those characters interacting with vfd characters, or the unfortunate gen, or even mr. poe, as long as the focus of the work is still on the stain’d-by-the-sea characters.
if you have any questions about anything, feel free to drop me an ask or a message!
happy creating and i hope to see lots of you november 13th - 19th!!
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anon-karasu · 1 year
Sweet Gesture
Summary: The brothers make a cake for Lucifer’s birthday, but their kind gesture ends up going wrong.
Category: Gen
Rating: General Audiences
Language: English
Relationships: Lucifer & Demon Brothers
Additional Tags: Happy Birthday Lucifer, … or happy belated birthday in this case, Birthday Cake, birthday, birthday candles, fire, no MC, but MC is mentioned as “they”/ “them”, no beta, the brothers just wanted to do something nice for Lucifer’s birthday
Sweet Gesture
The six brothers shared triumphant grins as they stood around the kitchen table and glanced down at the iced cake.
“It’s not too shabby for something that we made,” Mammon chuckled.
“It looks perfect!” Asmo chimed in excitably.
“It almost looks as though we bought it from a bakery,” Belphie added with a surprised expression.
“Alright, calm down, we’ve still got to add the piping yet,” Satan sighed as he prepared a piping bag full of icing in his hand and moved closer to the cake.
“We should add a candle for every year,” Mammon mused aloud as he watched as Satan began to pipe the icing onto the cake, “it’s a human tradition right? We did it for them on their birthday, remember?”
“That’s right,” Beel nodded in agreement, “if they can’t be with us to celebrate Lucifer’s birthday this year, this will be a nice way to include them in our celebration.”
The brothers frowned as they stared down at the cake that they had already made.
“I don’t think our cake is going to be big enough for that,” Levi pointed out in a murmured voice.
“Levi’s right,” Asmo nodded with a low hum.
With an irritable sigh, Satan placed the piping bag down on the table beside the cake before he moved across the kitchen to retrieve the mixing bowl again.
“Fine,” Satan heaved another sigh and rolled his eyes as he then opened the cupboards to grab the weighing scales and a bag of flour, “let’s start measuring out the ingredients again.”
“We could always make it a tiered cake,” Belphie suggested in an attempt to calm Satan down, “that way our efforts haven’t gone to…” the youngest brother’s sentence slowly trailed off as he looked back towards the cake only to find that it had disappeared, “... waste.”
Five pairs of eyes slowly shifted towards Beel, who slowly finished chewing and swallowed with a guilty expression.
“... I thought we were starting over,” Beel said in a quiet voice while he shuffled on the stop with an apologetic expression.
Satan dusted the flour and icing sugar off of his hands with a prideful grin as he stared up at a large four-tiered cake while Levi put the piping bag in his hands down on the kitchen table with a weary sigh.
“Even Lucifer has to appreciate the hard work that’s gone into this cake,” Satan mused aloud to himself with a small chuckle.
“I can’t believe how good it looks,” Belphie said as he glanced up from his position on one of the kitchen stools with an awed expression to watch as Satan and Levi finished adding the golden lace pattern to the black icing on the cake.
“It does,” Levi agreed with a small nod.
“I’ve just realised, I didn’t get a chance to do any of the piping,” Belphie gave a small, disappointed sigh.
Satan and Levi shared a guilty glance.
“We… er… must’ve got so carried away that we forgot to ask you,” Levi laughed nervously as he quickly averted his eyes from Belphie.
“You can have a go at piping next time we make a cake,” Satan added quickly.
Levi and Satan inwardly heaved a sigh of relief as Belphie nodded and his mood instantly brightened at their words.
“I hope Beel got my text,” Belphie murmured more to himself as he dropped his gaze back towards his D.D.D.
“Yeah, yeah, we got your text.” Mammon’s voice sounded as the kitchen door opened, making Levi, Satan and Belphie give startled jumps as Mammon, Asmo and Beel walk into the kitchen with their hands full of carrier bags. “Black and gold candles, we got as many as we could. You’re paying me back for these, right?” Mammon tipped the carrier bag over candles onto the kitchen table beside the cake.
“I’ll settle that with you later,” Satan replied dismissively as he waved off Mammon’s question.
“Wow! Look at this!” Asmo enthused as he stepped closer to admire the cake. “It looks even better than the first cake! And this lace piping looks great!”
The brothers moved closer as Asmo and Beel emptied their carrier bags of candles onto the kitchen table too before they all worked together to place the candles to the cake.
“So…” Asmo spoke up first, a small frown crossed his face as he added another candle to the cake, being careful to alternate the black and gold colours. “… I was just wondering, how many candles do we need?”
Asmo’s question remains unanswered as each of the brothers share a glance.
“Let’s see…” Beel finally broke the silence and began to murmur numbers under his breath as he counted on his fingers while his brothers watched on and awaited his answer. After a few moments, Beel let his hands drop back down to his side as he turned towards his brothers again, “nope, I don’t know.”
“Hey, you two are the oldest,” Belphie turned towards Mammon and Levi, “so you guys should know how old Lucifer is, right?”
“Well, he’s gotta be… uh…” Mammon’s sentence tailed off as he tried to remember.
“Oh!” Levi piped up. “He’s around… around…” He fell silent again without giving an answer.
Mammon and Levi shared a look.
“We have no idea,” they both admitted in unison with defeated sighs.
“I guess I kinda lost count around the time the twins were born,” Mammon murmured aloud to himself.
“Yeah, same here.” Levi nodded in agreement.
Asmo turned towards the remaining brother, “Satan, you’re good at this kind of stuff.”
“If you guys lost count before I was even born, what chance do I have?” Satan pointed out with a sigh and a shake of his head.
“We could just keep adding candles until we use all of them?” Belphie suggested.
“Or until we run out of space to put candles on the cake?” Beel added with a shrug.
“It’s not like he’s going to count them all anyway,” Mammon pointed out.
The six brothers stared up at the cake on the table that now seemed to be nothing more than a glowing mass of lit candles.
“So… uh…” Levi frowned. “... do you guys think that we might have used too many candles?”
“Maybe adding them into the sides of the tiers when we ran out of room around the edges was a bad idea,” Asmo mused aloud with a low hum.
“I did tell you not to,” Satan heaved an exasperated sigh, “it ended up being more candles than cake.”
They watch as some of the candles’ flames begin to merge together and burn brighter.
“We should probably remove some of those candles,” Beel pointed out.
They all stood still as they watched with apprehensive expressions as the wax of more candles slowly melted together and the flames continued to merge together, none of them wanting to approach the burning mass.
“It’ll probably burn itself out soon, right?” Mammon asked with a nervous chuckle. “Candles that small don’t usually burn for long anyway, so the fire will die out on its own as soon as the candles are gone, right?”
“Actually, fondant is flammable so it’s likely that the whole cake could be engulfed in flames soon,” Belphie said.
Belphie’s words were met with interested hums and nods from the rest of the brothers as they all continued to stand around the kitchen table and watched as the cake slowly set ablaze, none of them noticed as the kitchen door opened behind them.
“What in the Devildom is going on here?”
Lucifer’s voice made all six of the brothers give startled jumps before they looked around at the oldest brother while Lucifer stared between each of the brothers and then up at the growing flames.
“Oh, hey Lucifer.” Mammon greeted the oldest brother calmly.
“Don’t ‘hey Lucifer’ me!” Lucifer snapped in a frustrated tone as he pointed towards the kitchen table. “What is that?”
“We’ve made a birthday cake just for you,” Asmo replied in the same calm manner as Mammon while the other brothers nodded.
“Do you like it?” Beel asked innocently.
“Do I—?” Lucifer seemed at a loss for words for a few moments as he stared at his brothers in disbelief. “It’s on fire!”
“Yeah, we think we might have gotten a little carried away with the candles,” Mammon said as he turned back towards the burning cake.
“Why are you all acting so calm about it? Put the fire out before the whole house is set ablaze!”
Lucifer closed his eyes and massaged his forehead as he shook his head to himself, trying his best not to lose his temper as the brothers sat around the kitchen table while they stared at the burnt and wax covered remains of the cake.
“Does anyone have anything to say for themselves?” He asked in a low voice with an exasperated sigh.
The rest of the brothers shared small glances with each other before they turned back to Lucifer and spoke up in unison.
“Happy birthday, Lucifer.”
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lemonysnicket · 1 year
Do you have any Snkckervwrse fanfiction recommendations? I'm curious
oooo !! ok so psa i actually haven't read much snicket fanfic in a very long time? so i am not quite up to date with the times nowadays JDKLJDSG. but !! i do have a few faves from when i was very avidly following the snicket tags on ao3.
first of all literally any of @virginian-wolfsnake 's works are just. showstopping incredible heartbreaking and brilliant. i am always FLOORED by their writing and i truly cannot recommend their stuff enough. 11/10. wonderful
2. @beatricebidelaire has some wonderful fics as well!! i especially love this one of esme/georgina because uhhhh duh? it's great. i just love their exploration of the sugar bowl gen and dynamics between the characters
3. ok i had to do some digging to find this one because it's been years and i could not for the life of me recall its name or author - i have no idea how it's aged but i remember absolutely adoring this fic back when i started venturing into the fandom. it's just fluffy and nice and they get to be happy! which is nice. i figured i would mention it because 14 year old me was obsessed with it back when i liked fix it au's and happy content whereas now i am much more invested in sugar bowl gen agony
4. @whencartoonsruletheworld 's stranger things au was a very fun read !! i really enjoy the plot and the way the setting is used with the snicket characters. also i just like the amount of autistic rep too. and good fiona content. always.
yeah uhhhh that's really all i can think of? i'm really not great at keeping up with fanworks nowadays so actually i would love to hear everyone else's fanfiction recommendations !! :)
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Cry For A Wedding, Cry For A Funeral
i finally finished this ridiculous oneshot and jfc wow okay i’m a lil emotional ngl  enjoy? ig? if you can? ;asldfkj best of luck  WARNING: ANGST AHEAD, like so much angst, like wow  i’ve outdone myself lowkey 
“Are you ready?” Frank called, straightening his tie in the mirror. 
He stepped into the parlor of the basement, and to his great confusion, his triplet lay curled up in a ball on the couch. “Ernest?” Frank wasn’t quite sure what to do, seeing his brother like this, but he sat down on the couch next to him and shook his head to clear his thoughts anyway, “Ernest, buddy, what’s wrong?”      
Ernest lifted his head slowly, and to Frank’s great dismay he saw that there were tears on his cheeks, although he was chuckling in exasperation, “Did you just call me buddy?” 
“I, uh,” Frank sat up a little straighter, “You seemed like you needed comforting.  I wanted you to be comfortable. Buddies are comfortable with each other. Right?” “I don’t think I’ve ever been more uncomfortable than I am with you calling me buddy,” Ernest paused, giving his brother a soft and shaky smile, “I just… I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t know if I can go.” 
Frank nodded, as though he understood, although in reality he didn’t. His brother was in a position that they had never experienced, and he wasn’t quite sure what to do about it. 
“I think you should,” He said softly, considering his words carefully, “But that’s just me. You did RSVP, it would be rude of us not to go. But I don’t know that anyone really expected you to RSVP in the first place, so maybe…” He trailed off.
Frowning, Ernest mumbled something under his breath that was probably insulting, and then he spoke a little louder, “Do you think O will be there?” 
With a little shrug, Frank considered this, “You’d probably know better than I would, huh?”
“He will be,” Ernest sounded unsure of himself, although he knew he was right, “I think a decent amount of… of people like O, people like me, are going to be there. Just hidden away. Besides, it’s Beatrice. O wouldn’t miss this.” 
Frank wanted to ask Ernest why he had asked Frank his opinion in the first place, when Ernest was already well aware of this, but Frank knew that Ernest was in an emotional place, and Frank didn’t want Ernest to think that Frank thought there was something wrong with Ernest being in an emotional place, because Frank knew that there was nothing wrong with Ernest or anyone else being emotional, Frank simply wasn’t used to being exposed to much outward emotion, especially from Ernest. 
Ernest knew that Frank was probably wondering why Ernest had asked Frank’s opinion in the first place, when Ernest was already well aware of this, but Ernest knew that Frank probably wouldn’t say anything because Ernest was in an emotional place and Frank wouldn’t want Ernest to know that Frank knew that Ernest was emotional, because Frank would worry that Ernest would think that Frank was judging Ernest for being emotional, and Ernest knew that Frank didn’t think there was anything wrong with Ernest or anyone else being emotional, Ernest simply wasn’t usually one to exhibit much outward emotion to anyone, especially Frank. 
“Maybe I can just hide out somewhere, so I’m there but they don’t see me,” Ernest proposed, considering it, “Maybe I could do that.” 
His voice was shaky, as though he knew that this idea was not the best but wanted desperately for it to be good, and Frank laid his hand out carefully, palm up, so that if Ernest wanted to make contact with him he could, but if he didn’t want to be touched he wouldn’t have to be.
Ernest rested his hand against Frank’s.
“It’s up to you,” Frank brought his thumb curving upward, so that it touched the back of Ernest’s hand, “If you don’t want to go-”
“It’s not that I don’t want to!” Ernest jerked his hand away, his shoulders hunching slightly, he was closing himself off from his brother, from the world, “It’s not that I don’t want to. I don’t, of course, but I do lots of things I don’t want to do. It’s… I don’t know if I can.” 
Frank shifted away, just a bit, to give his brother room to breathe, although he left his own hand in place. “Okay, I’m sorry. I said the wrong thing. I understand. But I mean it, it’s totally up to you. If you can’t go, if it’s not something you can do, no one will blame you. No one will be mad at you. They just might be a little sad, that’s all. They’ll miss you. But they won’t be angry. You’re not a bad person if you don’t go.”
“I am a bad person,” Ernest whispered, and then he let out a sob, his voice rising, “I’m a bad person! We’re bad people, Frank, all of us, but especially me. I’m a bad person, and I’m gonna die alone and no one will come to my funeral except you and Dewey and maybe Bertrand, not because he wants to be there but because he’s too nice for his own damn good. But he’s too good to come. I don’t want him to have to be at my funeral, even though I know he will because he’ll feel obligated to, because I’m not good enough for Bertrand to care about. Just ask K. She’s been telling him for years, she’s always said I’m the evil one, you’re the friendly one, and he always laughed it off but now he knows it’s true and I don’t know what to do.” 
He had curled back into a ball, his body shaking as he cried, but he rocked to the side so that he was leaning against Frank, and awkwardly, Frank wrapped his arms around the ball of discomfort that was his triplet. 
“You’re not a bad person,” He said firmly, hushing Ernest as he started wailing in disagreement, “You’re not. You’re a good person, Ernest. And K, you know I love her, but she’s a bitch. Everyone knows that. Don’t use her opinion of you to judge your self worth. You are a good person, and you deserve to be cared about by a lot of people. You are good and kind and loved, and you deserve that love.”
Ernest did not believe his brother’s words, but he found himself comforted by them anyway.
“Are you ready?” Frank called, straightening his tie in the mirror.
He stepped into the parlor of the basement, and to his great confusion, his triplet lay curled in a ball on the couch. 
Not as confusing as last time, at least.
“Not again,” He murmured to himself, as he still wasn’t quite sure what to do in this type of scenario,  and he made his way over to sit beside his brother, “Ernest? Ernest, pal, it’ll be okay.”
Ernest didn’t even bother to lift his head, but Frank heard him let out a quiet snort, “Pal?” 
“You didn’t like buddy,” Frank defended quickly, “I figured fifteen years wasn’t enough to change that.” 
“I don’t like pal either, and fifteen years from now, if we live that long, I won’t like whatever other stupid nickname you come up with,” Ernest lifted his head just a bit, finally, only enough for Frank to see his eyebrows, and then he very quickly shifted his position so that his face was buried against Frank’s leg. Nodding, Frank brought a hand up to stroke his triplet’s hair, feeling tears begin to soak the fabric of his pants, “Okay. I’m sorry. Do you, uh, do you want to talk about it?”
“Talk about what?” Ernest’s voice was muffled, “I’m fine.” 
If you are not aware of this, there are two possible meanings behind the phrase “I’m fine”. Sometimes, “I’m fine” means “I’m fine”. More often, however, “I’m fine” means “I am about to fall down a deep dark hole of oblivion, and cannot possibly consider myself in a worse scenario, but I either don’t want to inconvenience the person I am talking to or do not want to acknowledge the feelings that are enveloping me in their chilled, angry grasp, and so I am going to say that I’m fine even though I am absolutely the furthest thing from it”. 
Ernest meant the second of these two options. 
“Of course,” Frank almost laughed at the absurdity of this, but he managed to hold himself back, “Just. Can you do this?”
“Can I?” Ernest echoed, letting out a mirthless chuckle, “Good question.” 
“Ernest, it’s okay to talk about how you’re feeling.”
Historically speaking, that was untrue for these brothers, but they decided not to talk about that. 
“It can’t be real, can it?” Ernest had been silent for several moments, but he spoke finally, “They… he can’t really be dead, right?”
“I’m sorry,” Frank said softly, and because he wasn’t quite sure what to do he patted his triplet on the head, being as gentle as he could manage, and repeated, “I’m sorry.” 
Ernest leaned into the touch, just a bit, although it didn’t seem intentional, and then suddenly he jerked upward frantically, “The kids! They had kids! What’s going to happen to them? Are they...are they going to be there?”
“I doubt they even know about it,” Frowning, Frank mused on the thought for a moment, “That idiot banker friend of the Baudelaires, do you remember him?”
“They’re living with him?” Ernest looked disgusted by the very thought, “They’re going to catch that ridiculous cough.”
Frank shook his head, “They’re not living with him, at least not for long. He’s been placed in charge of their affairs.” “Why is a banker in charge of that?”
“Because he’s in charge of their estate,” Shrugging, Frank considered it, “It does seem a bit ridiculous. But I don’t think he even knows about the funeral, so I doubt the kids do.”
“There’s three of them, aren’t there? Two girls and a boy? Those children, they must be so frightened. So sad. It’s not fair that they don’t get to go to the funeral, that they don’t get to say goodbye,” A new track slid its way down Ernest’s cheek, and he looked away from his brother as though that would do anything to hide it.
“We didn’t get to say goodbye either,” Frank reminded him, jumping back when Ernest spun to face him again with a snarl.
“And that wasn’t right! Nothing that happened to us was right! And those kids, they, oh god,  they don’t deserve this...they don’t deserve any of this! Frank, do you…” Ernest’s voice broke for just a moment, “Do you know who they’re going to?” 
Frank knew.
“I don’t know.” Ernest hissed, “You’re lying to me. Who are they going to?”
“I don’t know!” Frank insisted, and after a moment under Ernest’s glare, a look in his eyes so desperate that Frank quailed ever so slightly, he relented, “I’ve...heard a rumor. But I don’t know anything for sure.”
“We should take them!” The look in Ernest’s eyes changed, ever so slightly, still desperate but now more frantic than Frank had ever seen them, “We could give them a good home! They’d like living in a hotel, wouldn’t they? Wouldn’t that be a fun place for kids to grow up? And we could take care of them, we could do it, watch out for them, keep them safe from...from all the things that no one kept us safe from.”
“We can’t do that.” “We can!” Ernest was on his feet now, pacing in front of his brother, “We can, Frank, we have to! We owe it to them. We owe it to those children and we owe it to B and we owe it to, to, to-”
He crumpled onto the floor. 
Voice dripping with pity, Frank gazed down at his triplet, “We can’t. You know we can’t.”
Ernest let out a hollow sob.
“I’m sorry, Ernest, I am,” Frank rose to his feet, extending a hand out to his brother, an offering. 
Raising his head, Ernest looked at his triplet’s hand coolly, although he was still crying, he had managed to quiet himself. He stared, hard, and then shook his head, “At least I know I’m evil.” 
He stood without taking Frank’s hand, grabbed the jacket that lay over the back of the couch, and walked to the door, throwing his brother one last glance before he disappeared. 
Frank did not want to believe that his brother meant what he had said, but he knew that he did, and with a sigh, he followed. 
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meetmeinthe-cosmos · 4 years
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asoue-network · 3 years
Introducing Volunteers
Since the network made its original post, thirteen amazing content creators have offered their time and talent to make prizes for our event and help raise funds for the AAPI community! Let me tell you a bit about them. You can also find out more about their content and styles by checking out their blogs and giving them some love! Because this was a nearly universal request across creators, I'm also clarifying a blanket ban on requesting incestuous or minor/adult ships, and I will not allow NSFW of any characters underage in canon.
See something you like below? Enter the raffle by following the instructions here. If you've already contacted me with proof of donation, you are already entered, though you're more than welcome to add more tickets! If not, now is the time!
Offering: art of whatever you choose
Not offering: any N*SFW content
See some of their work here!
Offering: a one character illustration, on paper (or digital per circumstances). They are open to providing N*SFW or artwork depicting blood and bruises, with the extent of this at their discretion. They're happy to do any characters, favouring Kit and the older generation
See some of their work here!
Offering: a oneshot on any character or ship of your choice, but generally specialises in the sugar bowl generation
See some of their work here!
Offering: art of your choice
Not offering: art of Netflix's Madame Lulu costume
See some of their work here!
Offering: genfic centring on the sugar bowl generation
Not offering: ship fic, N*SFW
See some of their work here!
Offering: one big illustration or short comic of anything asoue related, black & white digital drawing. can be like portraiture or an interaction or creatures or a scene in a setting, canon or invented I don't mind. Any characters any rating.
See some of their work here!
Offering: art of your choice
Not offering: art of quiglet or dunclet, ATWQ characters
See some of their work here!
@gray-zelle / @olivia-calidamn
Offering: writing, sugar bowl generation characters, specialising in netflixverse
Not offering: prefers to write in netflixverse over bookverse
See some of their work here!
Offering: art of your choice
See some of their work here!
@rubyogden / @autisticiconjen
Offering: oneshots focusing on the ATWQ characters
Not offering: N*SFW
Offering: humorous edits and/or writing accompanied by graphics. Prefers to write sugar bowl generation and smut, but can be flexible, including M/M, M/F, F/F, multi, or Reader fic. Happy to write fics of any length
Not offering: Fics including characters who were minors in canon, including aged up
See some of their work here!
Offering: fanfic, a longer story between 1,000-5,000 words or a shorter small scene between 500-1,000 words; typically writes about sugar bowl gen and stain’d-by-the-sea, but cool with writing unfortunate gen as well; i’m comfortable writing pretty much anything (canon, AUs, humor, fluff, angst, friendships, romance, slice of life, vfd mystery shenanigans)
Not offering: N*SFW
Offering: one ~1k long fic, or a bunch (4-6?) of drabbles. Usually writes things that are more gen, but would be willing to attempt something more shippy.
And that's everyone right now! I want to sincerely thank all of these people for signing up and I really encourage you to make a donation to any fund that will support the community whether it's to enter this raffle or not.
Finally, learn more about why we're doing this here.
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thesnickettaxi · 4 years
definitely not me writing a niche sugar bowl gen/secret history au fanfic ✌🏻
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whoslaurapalmer · 5 years
L, R, M, and N!!
L: Which of your fanfics was the most emotionally challenging towrite?
and I’vewritten pages upon pages trying to rid you from my bones had mein regular agony for the month I was writing it. constant. constantanxiety. to try and get intothat mindset of someone breaking up with someone they love so muchbecause of Just How Life (And Spy-Adjacent Stuff) Happens Sometimesand the details about all the love and heartbreak, ithurt!! I was also thinking of my own ill-fated romance-relatedwriting that I did in high school while listening to that particulardecemberists song, so there was. old background emotion going on,too.
anytime I write laura is also emotionally challenging, just by thenature of writing laura??? like. there’s a lot of my brain in laurabut there’s also so much about laura that isn’tin my life and to get through all that, to keep in mind everythingabout her, it’s a bigweight. not a bad weight but just, you’re dealing with heavy thingsand trying to get it right.
R: Which writers(fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on youand your writing?
ren’s meta and thepeaks chat in general has helped inform a lotof the way that I view peaks. like there are certainly thoughts of myown that I’ve stuck to, because I look down on my own analysissometimes and I shouldn’t because some of it was fine!, and Istarted watching it knowing that I was getting involved in somethingthat was really heavy, but it took a while for certain things toclick and to understand all of the vulnerability being asked and someof the character or theme nuances that I didn’t get right away. andreading all that helped but sometimes I worry that I rely on it toomuch and I don’t think about the series enough myself, but, that’s,an entirely different problem, but something that I am also consciousof here
in sad lemon man, Idefinitely would not ship lemonberry ice without having seen it onsara’s blog, also reasonably positive that some tiny headcanons Ihave like beatrice wearing glasses and kit getting the family intovfd are from her, and just in terms of like top-notch content thatlined up with how I saw the series and expanded on things I wasalready thinking, 100% sara. anytime sara or ren reblog somethingfrom me I still get so thrilled. I feel like I’ve made it…………….
non-fanfic wise,leigh bardugo and danhan are writers that I greatly admire and that Itry to glean worldbuilding/backstory and deep gutting emotion from,respectively, because those are the things I think they do the bestand what I respect in their work. and no one writes ‘I will workthrough trauma and by god I will be okay!!!!!!!!!!’ like natsukitakaya. fruits basket is ingrained in my soul and pops up in mywriting when I least expect it.
M: What’s theweirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with? Did it turn into astory?
parent trap au.hands-down. and if you count ‘I posted the 22k outline’ as ‘itturned into a story’ then HELL YEAH
other than that, myAU ideas are kind of??? chill????? not really weird??? mostly justrole reversals or modern AUs or what if I combined this book and thismovie or this book and that book, most of which are notas wild as parent trap au. I try to keep it. reasonable. over here.especially after all the weird AUs I wrote in middle school. I reinmyself in a lot. (although I still did once say ‘arthur + sugarbowl gen’ but admitted arthur was already a really modern AU ofthem anyway and went no further.)
living a quietexistence, deep in my laptop, is the….almost 100-page outline/notesof my gravity falls/peaks AU. (not that that’s necessarily weird,because of all the similarities, but, also kind ofweird? as sailorleo once said, ‘don’t think about it too hard.’)there’s some great, great stuff in there but I just….the older Igot, the more I looked at it, the less okay I was with some of thestuff I’d written??? it originated in like the end of the ‘causedipper pines a decent amount of pain and suffering, honestly morethan he experienced in canon in the first place’ era of tumblr,even if in the outline it was very subconscious and not on purposeand I did try to make it flow well, and when I thought aboutit after graduating college and gravity falls was over, I just didn’tlike it and couldn’t commit to another way to write it (although Idid have quite a few scenarios, I just, didn’t.). a lot of goodnotes, though. I still think about certain scenes. some of the themesI did manage to hit pretty well.
this is sure aStatement to make, but relevant to the question, but that AU wasactually how i will get there came to be and I will have to beasked specifically for thatbackground story to reveal it
N: Any fic ideasbrewing that you’d care to share?
beyond my current active wips (laura fic, and like idk seven sadlemon man ones what is time or life) –
-thismay actually fall under ‘weird AU’ but I want to write. for sadlemon man. and I have brought this up afew times before I’m justvery excited for it. gustav sebaldfound footage AU. I knowlike….40% of how it’ll go. I need to do some foundfootage/horror-ish research but I know EXACTLY thekind of stuff I want for it,I just haven’t had the time to get into it. andhorror is not my natural vibe at ALL, notby ANY MEANS, but it issomething I’ve been trying to figure out.
-youknow those two teenage cashiers when sarah palmer buys the vodka ins3???? I want to write about them. Iwant to write about them so bad. theyhave names!!! they’re on their nametags!!! they aren’t in thecredits, though!!!! their names are oscar and victoria and I hopethey’re okay!!!!! ifI was like, up on my tulpa game I would write it like that becauseof how much they look like coop and laura but my notes are reallyjust about them living in town.
-thisisn’t brewing necessarily but sometimes I want to write 1944 laurashenanigans but sam I actually still have your fic on my desk and youhit allthe themesI would want to write about and I love it
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My AU and fanfic ideas
Firstly I’m taking this idea from @weirdthoughtsandideas because I never thought about my stages of writing until like after reading that so here we go!
So here’s my stages of writing
Stage one: mention to either tumblr or my friend because she unknowningly helps me with my ideas
Stage two: Watch either the movie or show and make timelines and an outline for the thing
Stage three: work out all the problems/possible plotholes before I start writing
Stage four: Finally start writing and make my playlist for the au
Stage five: Post chapters until it’s all done
Stage six: Have it fully posted!
Now heres my AUs/fics and what stage their in
No Good Quagmires- It’s No Good Nick but with the Quagmires in the lead and with Quigley commiting a lot of crimes, it’s currently in a mix of stage 3/4 because I started writing Chapter 1 before I finished solving all da problems
The Book Of Klaus- It is asoue x the book of Henry with Klaus taking Henry’s spot and the Quagmires getting abused, it was in stage 5 but I took it down because I wasn’t fully proud of it so now it’s back in what I call the secret stage, basically I’m writing a oneshot for it then writing the actual thing
The Triplet Trap- Pretty self explaintory, it’s me parent trapping the quagmires. Its currently in stage 3
The sugar bowl- In stage 1 cause it’s my possible asoue x goldfinch idea that isn’t even fully worked out cause I don’t see the goldfinch till tomorrow
Used To Be Mine- In like stage 0 cause I had this idea not even ten minutes ago but Husnaa gets to hear all about it, but its gonna be a small oneshot about a stillborn baby Beatrice and Bertrand had after Klaus but before Sunny
What If- Stage 4 but Lowkey gave up on it, this ones too complicated to explain so just check my Wattpad if your interested
And finally
How to save a life- This is really close to the name of a oneshot I’m writing (Not including it because it has its own special stages) but it’s an actual au that will showcase all the unfortunate gen children in a hospital getting treated for whatever conditions/dieases I give them. It’s actually gonna be so pure y’all, it’s in stage 1
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beatricebidelaire · 5 years
fandom: has a main cast, mostly kids/young adults vera: okay cool but what about their PARENTS
akfdklajlskjdlkjs accurate
tho tbh i think it’s not with every fandom, though i can’t really be sure what exactly makes the difference between them (natalia’s post the other day about sugar bowl gen vs ma***der generation did got me thinking about it but on the other hand two isn’t a very large sample pool so i haven’t come to anything conclusive yet haha)
i remembered i wasn’t very invested in sugar bowl generation back when i was reading the books as a kid like i am now, and i suspected the main change might be because i am an adult in early 20s now and it’s very tempting to project onto a set of disaster adults who might look functional or put together on the outside sometimes but are basically Disasters TM lol. like, that’s what i am, doing my best to masquerade as a functional adult haha
although i think rereading as an adult makes me notices little things and details i didn’t see as a kid and all the mentions of the adult characters and their backstories in the background are fascinating and characters we did not know much backstories about …. it’s free real estate lol so that’s fun also
i think shipping might be another factor, also. personally, fanfiction/fandom in general, not just asoue, has played a big part in me exploring and understanding my own sexuality, and after realizing i’m bi i’ve been searching more for fanfics with this aspect also, and reading a lot more f/f fics then i had in my teenage years. and for me sugar bowl generation ships are great for this, especially since while i did find v/q and k/f tragic as a kid and i appreciate those teaching me chef salad lessons and how people sometimes had to say goodbye as a kid, as a adult now i’m no longer that comfortable in actively shipping the kids’ generation - i appreciate arts and aesthetics and perhaps post-series headcanons where they’re all grown up, but aside from one or two ships (ex. violet/fiona), i’m not able to get myself invested in the others. 
(platonic dynamics are on the other hand v good and interesting and i love individual characters also and i’m still able make myself sad about sunny tying up her hair i still think about sunny suggesting pushing olaf overboard and how her childhood and her experience shaped her to say that i’ll never forget violet being an STEM girl inspiring me growing up and i still love the moral ambiguity lessons we learned from fiona), but i suppose in comparison maybe the sugar bowl generation had more different dynamics to play with (more romantic possibilities, but also more complicated history between characters, including best friend to worse enemy without any romance which is unfortunately a weakness of mine) (and also every time i interacted with my crush i felt the need to project onto one pair of sugar bowl generation ladies lol)
ok you didn’t ask for this long rambling but it was an interesting observation that led to me thinking and i got inspired and typed it all out akesjfdkasads im sorry
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asouefanworkevent · 2 years
is there any interest in doing an asoue fanwork event in november? (i say asoue but i absolutely mean all of the snicketverse)
if so! would you rather --
-have an event that lasted one week, with a different group of characters for each day? like, one day would be for sugar bowl gen siblings, one day would be for the unfortunate gen, one day would be for stain'd-by-the-sea characters, one day would be for unseen characters,  etc. 
-or have an event that lasted one week, with one set group of characters, and a different prompt each day? like, the group of characters would only be the sugar bowl gen OR only the unfortunate gen OR only stain'd-by-the-sea, etc, with different prompt suggestions for only those characters each day.
either way, the characters and prompts would be revealed within the next week, so you can get started and have time to create fanfic, fanart, edits, gifs, analysis posts, headcanons, whatever you like!, that would be posted in november.
reblog this post if you’re interested (likes do not count!) and with your preference!
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anon-karasu · 2 years
Winter Moments — Beelzebub
Day Six of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Summary: Worried that Mc might be missing the human world, Beel tries to surprise them with a gingerbread house.
Category: Gen
Rating: General Audiences
Language: English
Relationships: Beelzebub & Main Character, Beelzebub & Reader, Beelzebub & You
Characters: Beelzebub, Main Character
Additional Tags: Lucifer (mentioned only), Mammon (mentioned only), Leviathan (mentioned only), Satan (mentioned only), Asmodeus (mentioned only), Belphegor (mentioned only), Luke (mentioned only), slight reference to Luke’s birthday ‘22 event, reference to Mammon’s story, baking, baking together, gingerbread, gingerbread house, sweets, candy canes, icing, worry, worried Beel, Beel is bad at drawing… I keep forgetting this, I’m sorry Beel, gender not specified for MC, unnamed MC, no beta, Day Six of Anon-K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
Click Here for Series Masterlist
Winter Moments — Beelzebub
Day Six of K’rasu’s Christmas Advent
After feeling thirsty, you walked into the kitchen for a drink.
You stopped as you crossed over the threshold and found Beel standing at the kitchen table that was littered with various packets and covered in a light dusting of flour and sugar while the demon froze midway through mixing something in a large bowl to stare back at you with widened eyes and a panicked expression.
Your eyes flitted between Beel and the mess on the table, and back again. The silence in the kitchen was only broken by the found of a rolling pin slowly rolling off of the table before it loudly clattered to the floor.
“I… uh… I thought that Satan was on cooking duty today?” You spoke up as your eyes finally settled on Beel.
“Ah…” Beel shuffled on the spot with a guilty expression as he cast his eyes about the kitchen for an excuse.
“These aren’t the ingredients that Satan bought for dinner today, are they?” You asked, already feeling your stomach sink at the thought of the Avatar of Wrath’s impending rage when he inevitably caught Beel redhanded.
“No,” Beel shook his head quickly.
You heaved a sigh of relief as the panic that had been slowly rising in your chest quickly ebbed away.
“So what is all of this?” You motioned towards the packages and ingredients that had been strewn over the kitchen table as you curiously eyed the mixing bowl in Beel’s hands and stepped closer to the table.
“Well…” Beel stared at you hesitantly for a moment before he continued to speak, “... do you remember when we were talking about the human world with the others?” He prompted your memory.
You nodded.
“I wanted to try to make a gingerbread house.” Beel explained with a frown as he carefully set the mixing bowl down on the table. “You seemed so happy when you were telling us all about the stuff you used to do in the human world, I was worried that you missed it all. I thought that making something like this would remind you of the human world and then you would be happy again.”
Beel cast his eyes down at the mixing bowl with a crestfallen expression before he shook his head and looked back towards you with a bright smile.
“I found the recipe we used for Luke’s birthday, so the gingerbread should be delicious,” Beel mused aloud in a happy tone, “I can’t wait for you to try it, Mc.”
“Why don’t we make it together?” You suggested as you rolled up your sleeves and grabbed an apron to wear before you moved towards the sink to wash your hands. “Food always tastes better when you make it together,” you added with a chuckle.
You and Beel worked together to measure and mix the remaining ingredients before you rolled out the gingerbread dough, planned and cut out the pieces for the house and prepared a baking tray.
You noticed that Beel had prepared additional pieces of gingerbread, but before you could see what he had cut out, he had already taken the baking trays and placed them in the oven and set a timer.
While you both waited for the gingerbread to bake, Beel mixed the icing in another bowl while you found and sorted packets of sweets as the air became heavily scented with the sweet aroma of ginger and cinnamon.
You soon found Beel’s hand sneaking across the table to retrieve a sweet or two, until you were encouraging each other to throw the sweets into the air and catch them in your mouths, turning your game into a competition until you were forced to stop messing around when the timer sounded.
You donned a pair of oven gloves and took the gingerbread from the oven and took it over to the table where Beel transferred the baked goods onto the cooling rack on the table.
When the gingerbread was ready, you and Beel assembled a house, securing each piece in place with a generous amount of icing before you both turned your attention towards the decorations as you carefully piped intricate icing patterns, iced and placed red and green jelly sweets as christmas lights and used peppermint circles to make a stone path, while red and white candy canes were used to decorate each corner of the house.
“We can use these marshmallows as snowmen,” Beel suggested as he offered you the sweet treats to use.
“And if we have a sieve, we can add a dusting of icing sugar as snow,” you added.
You continued adding more details to the gingerbread house, finally finishing with piped icicles along the roof and a green wreath on the door before you took a step back to admire your and Beel’s hard work.
You glanced towards the end of the table where you saw Beel hunched over as he iced more pieces of gingerbread.
You tilted your head to one side and stared at Beel curiously as you set down the piping bag in your hand and moved towards the demon to get a closer look.
“What are you making, Beel?” You asked.
“I made us,” Beel replied with a proud smile as he stood up straight to show you several gingerbread men, “see, there’s you and me, and there I’ve made Belphie, and Lucifer—”
Your gaze followed as Beel pointed at each gingerbread man in turn, finding each character crudely drawn in the icing.
“—I’m working on Mammon and Levi,” Beel motioned towards the two gingerbread men in front of him, one of which had a white blob and the other a purple blob so far for what you assumed was their hair, “and those two over there will be Asmo and Satan,” he added as he pointed towards two more gingerbread men that were still resting on the cooling rack. “I hope they look okay,” he added with a low hum.
“I think they’re great, we should display them with the gingerbread house when they’re finished,” you said as you nodded encouragingly at Beel
You watched as he continued to decorate the Mammon and Leviathan gingerbread men while something that Beel had said earlier played on your mind.
“Hey Beel, you know that I’m happy that I’m here in the Devildom with you, right?” You asked.
You gave the demon a genuine smile as he stopped his icing and turned to meet your gaze with a quizzical stare.
“I’m happy that you’re here too, Mc.” Beel said as he returned your smile with one of his own.
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deweysdenouement · 3 years
hi!! i’d like to sign up as a creator! i can offer fanfic, a longer story between 1,000-5,000 words or a shorter small scene between 500-1,000 words; i typically write about sugar bowl gen and stain’d-by-the-sea, but i’d be absolutely cool with writing unfortunate gen as well; i’m comfortable writing pretty much anything (canon, AUs, humor, fluff, angst, friendships, romance, slice of life, vfd mystery shenanigans), except nsfw.
Hi! Thank you so much for volunteering, it’s so appreciated. This all sounds great, I’m excited to see what you create! I’ll be posting some more information soon and then we can get started with the good part!
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thesnickettaxi · 4 years
some fanfics i’ll never write but want to
kit going undercover amongst some fire starters and running into olaf following their breakup, not knowing if he will break her cover, possibly also discovering ernest’s alliance to them and having to expose him to frank and dewey.
kit completing her first vfd solo operation without beatrice or jacques with her.
various members of sugar bowl gen patching each other’s injuries up after missions gone wrong. duos i want to see doing this: kit/beatrice, dewey/bertrand, jacques/lemony.
kit and bertrand being bros and watching absolutely everyone be in love with beatrice.
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beatricebidelaire · 5 years
Came for the sugar bowl gen posting and stayed for the fanfics!!
!!!!! this is such a delight to hear ty ily
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