#sugar sugar 10
jarofstyles · 1 year
Sugar Sugar 10
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Hello my loves! Enjoy sugar sugar 10…. Things are about to thicken 👀👀👀
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Warnings: fatphobia, witchcraft, the usual
Series masterlist
His new couch was stupidly comfortable.
Y/N was laid across it, her head in Harry’s lap as they appropriately watched a home makeover show. After the deliveries and some organizing they’d called it a day and got their dinner delivered, leading to wine and laying on the new couch to ‘break it in’, as Harry put it. Neither were drunk, just enough wine to make the warm feeling cover them like a blanket. His fingers stroked her hair as they sat in a comfortable silence.
“If you keep doing that I’m going to fall right to sleep.” She warned him, eyes closed as she relished in his comfort. His thighs were perfectly toned, and he had changed into some soft blue sweatpants so that only added to her comfort. Her cheek rubbed against the fabric as she adjusted slightly, taking a deep breath while she felt his chuckle under her. The digits twirled a strand around, the motions making her melt further into him.
His place was more comfortable now. Even with boxes waiting to be unpacked and a pile of trash in the corner, Y/N had lit a vanilla tobacco scented candle and set up his coffee table to at least seem a bit more presentable, the flickering of the flame capturing her attention. Y/N loved candles and fire, incorporating a lot of that into her spell work. She was drawn to warm colors and feelings. It made sense she was drawn to Harry.
“That’s alright.” He murmured. “You can if you’d like.” There was a tiny bit of worry in his stomach for suggesting it so early on but he really would love for her to sleep here. They were waiting on his new bed frame to be delivered but it was doable for now.
With every new relationship, Harry knew that perhaps it was a difficult thing to find the timing of each milestone. When was too soon or too late to do things. Sleepovers, sex, meeting family, moving in. What was the timeline? Had anyone ever written a book about it? It would make sense if they didn’t, though, because relationships weren’t linear. That’s a mistake a lot of people seemed to make from his own nosy observations.
“I really would love to, but I’ve got no clothes.” She pouted, turning in his lap to look up at him. “Got to open the shop tomorrow too. Otherwise I would.” Y/N was beginning to become a bit greedy with his attention. Never had anyone so willingly and easily given her the attention she had always craved but thought to be selfish to ask for. He handed it over on a silver platter and offered her seconds. If she was comfortable enough sleeping naked with him, perhaps she would… but it was taking her a bit.
“Did you want to borrow some of mine?”
Harry had said it with such innocence, such a genuine tone that Y/N felt awful for giggling. Her hand raising to her mouth as she laughed quietly, stopping herself from actually laughing out loud as she shook her head. “Harry- my darling, you’re so kind. So sweet.” She sat upright, turning to him and pulling him in for a tiny kiss of appreciation. “Your clothes would fit my right thigh. It’s not a bad thing at all. I’m just not the size for that.”
With anyone else it would be embarrassing to admit that. It still kind of was underneath the surface level amusement, but she wasn’t ashamed like she used to be. Harry was muscular, sure, and she didn’t feel giant next to him, but he was small in terms of clothes. His shirt would work in a pinch, maybe, but she wasn’t going to be able to wear his stuff as sleep clothes. At least not now.
“Oh.” His cheeks flushed slightly, unsure how to respond. She didn’t seem upset and he genuinely hadn’t thought of that, but he still felt bad. “M’sorry.” He apologized quietly, letting her take the lead. “I mean, I’m sure some of it would work but I want you to be comfortable. Maybe…” he pinched his bottom lip in thought. “Maybe you could bring some stuff over in case we get to this point again? When it’s late and we hang out and you decide you don’t want to go home?”
He was essentially offering her a drawer. If Harry was full of one thing, it would be surprises. Y/N looked at him in slight shock, realizing he was deadly serious about the offer. He wanted her to keep clothes here just in case. A step she hadn’t been expecting in the slightest, but one that managed to make her giddy internally. Y/N had a bad habit of letting herself think that maybe she was the one feeling more in every single one of her friendships and relationships. A lot of the time , unfortunately, it had been proven to be true. This time, with Harry taking the leap, it seemed like maybe that wasn’t the case.
“Sure.” She said slowly, a little smile growing on her lips. “I’d really like that, actually. I…” There was a pause as she tried to gather the correct words she wanted to say. “Thank you.” Is what she settled on. “For not trying to like… undermine me and how I feel about it. Or lie and say I’d definitely fit. Those types of things used to really irritate me.”
Harry had to wonder what sorts of relationships she had been in that would make her thank him for such simple things. To be listened to and not brushed off. It wasn’t even a matter of her fitting more so seeing how she could possibly be uncomfortable with the idea. Harry wasn’t an idiot, nor was he unaware of her size. It just simply didn’t matter to him. He found her to be stunning. Her body was a vessel for all the things he had liked about her, and he loved how she looked regardless of what other people may have said or implied in the past.
“You really don’t have to thank me for that, Sugar.” He replied, taking her hand into his own and rubbed over her knuckles. “If you aren’t comfortable with something, if you would rather wear your own things, I’m happy with that. Your happiness and comfort here is what I want.” He wouldn’t be a whiny little boy or feign ignorance. Y/N had been someone he immediately felt comfortable around and his hopes were to be that person for her as well.
There weren’t proper words for a response, so she decided to kiss him instead.
The next morning, Y/N opened up the shop with a happy song humming underneath her breath. The sun was warm on her skin through the windows, dusting off the shelves as her patchwork skirt flowed behind her. The new incense had been lit and the oil diffusing as she worked, the sweet smell lifting her mood dramatically. She had been feeling a little sad that she hadn’t stayed with Harry the night before, but his send off had almost made up for it. He had a sinfully good mouth when it came to kisses and it had been almost impossible to rip herself from his hands but she would have stayed all night leaned against his car if she didn’t move away.
Her lips still felt tingly as she smiled to herself. Harry was a large percentage of her mind this morning and she didn’t think anyone would blame her.
A few things occupied the other spaces in her brain. The new shipments out in the back room, payroll, the new moon, and the tugging feeling for her own tarot reading. She woke up knowing she needed to do one for herself as she usually did when the cards had something to tell her. That was the last on her agenda for today.
The shop’s energy was fantastic today. The cleansing Delilah had done the night before had done wonders for the area, an easy breath floating through her body. Y/N loved her shop, loved her little place she had built and been able to sustain herself with quite comfortably. With the times changing and more people becoming open to spirituality, new practices and people doing what they wanted, it hadn’t been a better time for business. Growing up with the knowledge and yearning for growth that she had been blessed with had managed to help her tremendously.
As soon as Delilah had clocked in, Y/N headed towards the back room to unpack some of the new inventory. Rose quartz spheres she had sourced, some new sphere stands, some tiger’s eye carvings and other mineral specimens. A new tarot deck had come out that she managed to snag with the most beautiful artwork she had seen had been something else she had been called to order, the girl taking one and setting it aside for herself.
Grabbing the pricing stickers, she began to write down the prices of each piece and got lost in the 70’s classics. It was one of her favorite things to do. Sitting back and doing the busywork, her energy contained back here as she hear people enter the shop and make their first sales of the day. She could hear her second employee, Lily, come in and hang up her bag with a chirpy hello before going back out to the floor.
All was fine and good- until it wasn’t.
Y/N didn’t quite know how to explain it to people who didn’t feel it first hand, but without being cliche, she could feel the energy change. Like a lively flower being covered by a storm cloud, wilting in front of your eyes. Prickling of skin as the temperature changed, a shoe being dropped. Her hair stood up in the back of her neck, a quietness filling the usually lively and soft shop as all that remained was the music that even seemed to be quieted by the unwelcomed energy. There was something Y/N had called the ‘knowing’, or that’s what she called it. Whatever the energy was, it was here for her. Standing up, she covered her shoulders in her wraps to metaphorically protect herself from whatever it was, listening to a voice murmur and Delilah speaking crisp and clear.
“I’m sorry, the owner is on a call. Can I help you?” Her voice was no nonsense, no doubt being able to feel the atrocious air around the person and not wanting Y/N to have to be bothered, but they both knew. They always did.
“Actually, I just finished it. I have another in a second.” She called, approaching the door behind the register. Taking a breath, she opened the door and stepped out.
Immediately she could see that this customer wasn’t here because she wanted a crystal. There was something else brewing in her mind. Her hackles raised in her mind, though her spine straightened and she kept her head up as she met icy blue eyes across the counter. “How can I help you?”
The woman was beautiful. There was no denying that. Lithe and sharp, her lips pouted and painted a bright red, she was very much old Hollywood type of beautiful. Straight, glossy honey blonde hair fell down her shoulders, her handbag clutched in the crook of her arm. She looked like someone Y/N would compliment when she came on screen at an awards show, saying how she liked her makeup or dress. Dressed in all black without a spot or wrinkle, she looked like she stepped out of a film too. Large diamond earrings sparkled as she moved her hair and gave a smile that was far too big, giving Y/N a once over.
Y/N wasn’t unused to this. The raised eyebrows, the slight noises, the scanning of her body. It wasn’t a friendly thing. It was judgment, sizing up, for whatever reason. She never really could quite place why people would do these types of things. Get that look of pity, or disgust at someone who looked different from them. Why what other people looked like mattered to them, she never would be sure. However, one thing she did know for sure was that the once overs would never end, and this woman did not come for a good reason.
“Hello. I’m Claire.” She replied. “I was just in town, exploring a bit, and decided to step into here. I heard about it from some locals. My brother is a big fan of Harry Potter, so I thought when they said there was a Witchcraft store they’d meant something themed after that.” She gave a chuckle which Y/N only nodded to. “I didn’t think it would be… serious.” She looked around again, icy eyes staring at the books and guides and tarot decks with a little wrinkle in her nose. “Is it a gimmick? You don’t actually believe in all this stuff, right? The readings and crystals and all that. I’ve seen plenty of these things at fairs and stuff, so I’m assuming its a bit like that. For the children. There’s no way grown adults can believe in stuff like this.”
Delilah stiffened slightly, raising her own manicured brow but not saying anything yet. This was Y/N’s conversation and she could handle it like a grown woman. This wasn’t the first, nor would it be the last time she got this from someone who walked in. There were always skeptics. That wasn’t inherently a bad or disrespectful thing. In fact, Y/N liked it when people had a healthy dose of skepticism because it meant they wouldn’t be fooled by people hoping to make a quick buck or scare them into giving them more money. People would always be skeptic of things they couldn’t understand and with things of the magic variety? It was understandable. People could believe whatever they wanted to. Sometimes people came in simply to learn about it and decide for themselves.
However, people like Claire? They already had their minds made up. The joking as if they were going to go along with it, the condescending tone, it was a show she had seen so many times before. Not to mention the dark cloud she had hovering around her. Almost like a lack of an aura, a cloudy life force. Something corrupt was following her and embedding in her veins. Nothing Y/N nor Delilah wanted a part in.
“We do, yes. We all believe in different things, and that’s alright. Life would be very dull without a bit of magic.” Y/N gave a little smile to the woman. “It could be called a witchcraft store. You can get supplies here for that. We mainly sell crystals and offer readings, palms, tarot, oracle, and we have guest mediums as well. It’s alright if you don’t believe in it. Everyone can have their own opinion as long as it isn’t disrespecting the very people in the room.” Her hand ran over the stack of crystal bracelets she had on her hand. “Is there something we can help you find? Did you want to learn?” She looked towards Delilah. “D, can you sweep a bit please?”
The girl smirked, nodding her head as she grabbed the broom and began to sweep towards the door.
An old trick. Sweep when you wanted a guest to leave. It worked every single time.
“Oh. Well… I suppose I thought we all grew up and stopped entertaining things that were useless.” Another viper-like smile made Y/N want to roll her eyes. The woman wanted a reaction. “I was just in the bakery across the street. The young woman said the owner wasn’t there but I was curious if you knew him? How to get a hold of him?”
There it was. A dark pit in her stomach rising to her throat, her eyes meeting Delilah’s across the room. She watched as she grabbed a spray, spritzing it in the air before putting it down.
This was why she was here. To get ahold of Harry. And she didn’t like the intention she felt from her. Not in a jealous way, though that had a little to do with it. But… a way in which made her suspicious. If she knew Harry, she should have his number. Harry hadn’t divulged much about his life before moving here but she had an inkling he wanted to start over. He wanted freedom. Y/N would be damned if she let someone from his past come and stomp all over the good thing he had started here. Her gut told her to throw her off his trail.
“I’ve met him a few times before. Lovely person. He’s not in often, but I don’t have any way you could reach him. I’m sorry.”
She watched as the woman cleared her throat, beginning to back towards the door. “Oh. Well, the employees said you two are friends.” Irritation was visible in her eyes and it made Y/N smile internally.
“I wouldn’t call us friends.” She would call him more.
“Ah. Makes sense.” The woman let out a cough, looking around at the store once again. “The incense in here is too strong.” The protection incense. Ha. “But if you see him, can you tell him that I stopped by?” There was something devilish in her tone that made her bristle. Y/N wouldn’t call herself easily irritated but this woman managed to do it to her. Pissed her off immensely. Her intentions were to cause problems. Not just for her, but for Harry. She had no clue why, but the level of protectiveness she felt towards her boyfriend raised quite a few notches. It would be her mission to keep this woman out.
“If I see him.”
Delilah continued sweeping at the door, pushing it open and letting the woman out.
As soon as she left, Y/N felt like she could properly breathe again.
“My god.” Delilah exhaled. “She’s got some dark shit attached to her.”
“Or she is the dark shit.” Y/N retorted, grabbing a cleansing bundle and lighting it up. “That was awful. I felt her as soon as I walked in.” Y/N had seen her fair share of bad energy in people but this had felt deep, dark and personal. The woman probably hid it well to others, a gorgeous face and body, good acting skills, but nothing could hide a true intention.
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lemonboyjosten · 6 months
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— the foxhole court (2013)
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— the sunshine court (2024)
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payasita · 10 months
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original post
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hajihiko · 2 years
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it's watermelon 🍉
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That HC of Danny looking like (blank) member of the batfam or like a Wayne-Adoptee ™, but instead of one of the bat kids or Bruce he looks like a masculine Martha Wayne with black hair and blue eyes. Dani as a female clone looks even more like Martha than Danny does.
Danny joining Dani in her travels for a while and the two of them stop in Gotham. They’re picking up more supplies for their “road” trip arguing over what to get when they run into an old man in a suit who looks like he’s just seen a ghost.
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heardchef · 2 years
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kalopsic-lagomorph · 1 month
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hi can we make nyan neko sugar girls screenshot redraws a thing please and thank u
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lowkeiloki · 1 year
Top 10 Animals That Are Autism Creatures
10. Serval
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9. Krill
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8. Potoo
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7. Sunfish
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6. Sugar Glider
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5. Desert Rain Frog
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4. Acorn Weevil
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3. Mudskipper
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2. Baby Seal
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1. Tardigrade
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badnewswhatsleft · 7 months
(audio starts 10s in) i've been casually collecting some cd singles mostly for the artwork and the novelty of it all tbh, but i got this and never knew there was a "guitars down" version of sugar :0 upon listening it seems the biggest differences with this vs the album version are:
the instrumentals/sustained controlled feedback that usually plays behind the prechoruses is also used between the chorus and the 2nd verse, over the normal chuggy riff
the backing vocal harmonies in the chorus seem to be significantly brought forward which sounds STUNNING, easily the highlight of this version
made it (+the music or the misery) available to download as a flac file here :)
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stinkypeanutbutter · 5 months
he borrowed Logan’s glasses cause he forget his contacts .
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anyway there are too many things I want to DRAW NYOW !!!! All these things red has given us are too mucu for me to not give in and doodle I’m going INSANE !!!!!!! 🤯🤯💥💥
also ——
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waymond-wang · 11 months
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↳ Henry Sugar was forty one years old, unmarried, and rich. He was rich because he had a rich father who was now dead. He was unmarried because he was too selfish to share any of his money with a wife. He was 6 feet 2 inches tall and not perhaps as handsome as he thought he was. He paid a great deal of attention to his clothes. He went to an expensive tailor for his suits, to a shirt-maker for his shirts, and to a boot-maker for his shoes. His hairdresser trimmed his hair once every ten days, and he always took a manicure at the same time. He drove a Ferrari motorcar which cost him about the same as a country cottage. All his friends were rich and he'd never done a day's work in his life. Men like Henry Sugar can be found drifting like seaweed all over the world. They're not particularly bad men but they're not good men either. They're simply a part of the decoration.
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hms-incorrect-quotes · 5 months
Heart: You don’t need to complain about my murder attempt when you’re reviewing a FUCKING CANDLE.
Mind [making no attempt to hide his giggling]: No, I think he does actually.
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prismstonearchives · 6 months
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ミラクルベアれもん - Miracle Bear Lemon
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feluka · 4 months
any doctors in chat?? whenever i eat something even slightly sweet my heart pounds very hard and i get dizzy or blackout (think of caffeine panic attacks. just like that!) then crash into a very long nap that's nearly impossible to wake up from.
the obvious concern is diabetes but i've done a blood test and my blood sugar levels are normal?? so what's up with that. doctors aren't being helpful at all to me they just tell me to go do another blood test and i don't wanna blow my money on more tests tbh
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catkindness · 2 years
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ten of swords (upright): painful endings, deep wounds, betrayal, loss, crisis
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romancemedia · 1 year
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