#suggestion blog
desultory-suggestions · 2 months
Disability justice includes those who are disabled due to their own actions. You are not here to be blamed for what happened or why it did, you are here to receive love and support on your own journey.
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spiral-suggestions · 1 year
"I wouldn't want to bother anyone," I say as the thing inside of me eats me alive.
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friend-suggestions · 11 months
*grabs u by the face and brings u closer to my face* listen here u little beautiful and wonderful person, u and i are going to get better whether we like it or not
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recoverr · 9 months
i hope life takes it easy on you today. but if not, i hope you have the strength to carry on until the sun rises again. you are very loved and very needed here, i hope you remember that.
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unspokensuggestion · 2 years
you’re allowed to take up space. you’re allowed to have fun. you’re allowed to live freely and deliciously. you’re allowed to live now.
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janeway-suggestion · 2 years
It’s okay to grieve for lost potential.
It’s okay to grieve for time spent surviving instead of living.
It’s okay to wish you could go back and change the past.
And it’s okay if you don’t feel up to it yet, but one day you’ll be able to stand up and decide to create a new future to make up for it. 💞
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truelovesuggestion · 9 months
actually i think there is love in friendship and love in creating art and love in bread and love in nodding along to a child’s babbling and love in spamming emotes and love under the blankets. i think love is in everything and everywhere just waiting to be seen
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you will make it through this too.
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sunlitsuggestions · 2 years
do what you can to make this all worth it - buy a loaf of fresh bread just to smell it, take out a book you've never heard of from the library just so you have a reason to go back, put a plant in your bedroom to remind you this is survivable. don't forget you're still alive.
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softheartedsuggestion · 2 months
you were never a burden - and you never will be
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desultory-suggestions · 3 months
Pay attention to what makes you feel on edge. If you’re feeling angry try to stop and assess what is triggering that anger. It doesn’t have to make sense. Is the sound of shoes squeaking on the floor grating? Is the way someone is asking you for something upsetting even if the ask isn’t? Understanding what is bothering us is the first step to diffusing our anger.
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Love is found in the joy in taking care of someone, and in allowing them to take care of you.
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friend-suggestions · 10 months
to all the internet friends I used to be connected with in the past, I hope you're doing well wherever you are and whatever you're doing. I miss you and I love you.
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moonlightsuggest · 2 years
i keep memories of you so gently, like pressed flowers in notebooks.
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sugarysuggestion · 22 days
cute things people do:
-look at you while you’re watching something they’re showing you
-put a lot of sugar in their coffee
-point out animals when you drive past them
-give you lotion if they have too much on their hands
-just when people bake. im not sure why I just think it’s adorable
-the weird zombie face ppl make when they’re putting eye makeup on
-when people pick random wildflowers and put them in their hair
-think out loud
-hand make gifts
-write in a diary
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recoversuggestions · 2 years
to those starting school: remember your mental and physical health is more important than anything. don't overwork yourself for a grade. don't forget to sleep. and please eat enough!!
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