icantalk710 · 5 months
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Incredibly rude having to be stuck in the office when it's a gorgeous 83° out [in May], but it does make for a nice excuse to fuck the world off and go for a coffee or lunch run ☕
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gatorbites-imagines · 4 months
They need to make a second Moon Knight season. People also need to make more Moonboys x Male reader, not a lot for some reason. Here’s my pitch, Moonboys with a Summer like s/o. Like they are just like super hyper and cheerful but also really temperamental and kinda scary, lots of emotions at once type of person.
Please good Sir, I beg thee🙏🌆
Moonboys x Summerlike male reader
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It’s been a while since I watched moon knight or written about the boys, and I feel like im forgetting what their personalities are like :/
Marc Spector
I’m not sure Marc knows how to deal with you in the beginning with you having so many strong emotions wrapped inside you at the same time. Its probably a bit intimidating for him, since he himself tries to stay coolheaded and focused on the mission.
After a while, Marc would get used too it though, and would come to enjoy it since its part of who you are. He does end up floundering sometimes when your emotions get a little too bright or loud all of a sudden, and he needs to figure out what caused it.
Knows some de-escalation exercises he’s gotten form Steven that he helps you go through when you start to get a little too angry, or angry enough for it to start effecting your choices and actions. Marc wouldn’t want you to end up doing something you might come to regret later.
Steven Grant
Steven would be a little more prepared to have a partner whose emotions can be quite strong and a little all over the place. He might have to catch up sometimes, but he’s more likely to match your vibe. It might cause a bit of a loop, especially when he gets excited talking about his interests and you just egg him on.
Knows multiple types of de-escalation exercises or focusing exercises, that he needs to use himself quite regularly. This means hes great at helping talk you down or get you to focus on something else when you get a little too angry or frustrated on something.
Quite enjoys how happy you can be at times, especially on days where Steven himself is feeling stressed. Its like a breath of fresh air, or maybe a shot of espresso.
Jake Lockley
Even worse than Marc when it comes to dealing with all your strong different emotions in the beginning, he just doesn’t show it. Jake is more the type to lay low and observe, letting him feel out what’s on the agenda today before he interacts.
He doesn’t talk much, so he’s more than happy to sit back and listen to you ramble for hours if you get excited about something, or just need to angry rant about one thing or another that pissed you off today.
When you start to get too worked up, both positively or negatively, Jake will wrap an arm around your waist and pull you to his side. Or he will grab your hand and give it a squeeze. Not enough to hurt, but enough to bring you down to earth so you guys can think whatever is going on through logically.
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tumbleweed-run · 11 months
In the Light of Day
Kinktober 2023 Day 31 Free for all
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“Are you sure this is how you want to fully test this?” Tav sounds as nervous as Astarion feels. 
Astarion does a much better job of hiding his nerves, though. He looks down at the gold band on his finger, glinting in the light as he flexes his hand. “It’s not like we don’t know it works,” he reasons.
“Yes, but that was through the windows. Maybe it doesn’t work as well in direct sunlight,” Tav looks nearly panicked. 
Astarion can’t have them both stressed, so he steps into her space and grabs her arms. “Pet,” he says sharply, and her mouth slams shut, “we know it works.”
They do. He’s spent the better part of the last three days standing in front of uncovered windows in the tower, unsinged. He just hadn’t been bold enough to step outside just yet. The memory of that day on the docks in Baldur’s Gate lingers like a bad taste in the back of his mouth. Every time he’d considered even stepping out onto the terrace Gale loves so much he would feel dizzy. But he can’t bear keeping himself locked up any longer. Astarion decided today would be the day he was going out. 
His hand hesitates on the door despite all his reassurances to Tav. 
Just because Astarion believes the ring and its protection works doesn’t mean he didn’t take precautions. His face is truly the only part of his skin exposed. Should something go wrong, it would be easy enough to flip up his hood for protection until he was safely back inside. When he finally brings himself to push open the door and walk out into the street, he’s easily the most overdressed person out there. 
His eyes slide shut as the full force of the sun beats down on him, and he waits. Nothing happens. Tav breathes a sigh of relief next to him. 
“See,” Astarion turns his head towards her, eyes opening, “it works fine out here, too.”
Tav nods, a small smile finally breaking out across her lips. “Thank the gods,” she breathes.
“Let’s keep that sentiment to ourselves,” he says with a wry smile, “lest our wizard get any more ideas.”
She laughs and grabs his hand, “we should get going if we’re going to find him by noon.”
Gale had disappeared not long after sunrise. He’d left them a map to somewhere outside of the city and told them to be at that spot by noon. Astarion wondered if the air of intrigue was to act as a further lure to get him out of the tower for the first time. He wasn’t about to tell the other man that it worked. 
As they traveled towards their secret destination, it was clear that this was turning out to be the first summerlike day they’d experienced since winter had slunk off. Astarion was a fan of the heat, his body rarely feeling this kind of warmth, but even he’d taken the cloak off by the time they’d reached the city gate. There were beads of sweat along the back of Tav’s neck that Astarion spent most of their journey distracted by. 
It wasn’t hard to follow Gale’s directions, which led them to a small clearing in a wood not too far south of the city. The wizard was sitting, leaning up against the trunk of a tree with a book in hand as they approached. 
“I was beginning to wonder if I’d be eating alone,” Gale announced when they got to the edge of the clearing. 
“Please,” Astarion sniffed, “we’re not even late.”
Gale stood and approached them. If Astarion had need for breath, his would have caught when the damn wizard stepped out of the shade. He’d forgotten how the man looked in the sun, and this was even worse. Perhaps without the orb eating him alive, the man appeared even more golden than he had while they traveled. Gale looked radiant with the sun, its rays highlighting both the silver and honey-gold strands of his hair. He would have made a glorious god if their paths had turned that way. Not that Astarion would ever reveal that thought to anyone. 
“I’m starved,” Tav announces, pulling Astarion from his thoughts. 
Gale grins, “well then, you are quite lucky to know a wizard both talented with magic and food. It’s all being kept fresh with ice.”
They sat on a blanket in the sun, eating far too much food. Gale had been prepared for an army, it seemed. There was even a bottle filled with blood for Astarion, but he took small bites of everything. It was something he often did to feel included in mealtimes. At home, he’d sit with his goblet of blood, the origins of which he’d never gotten around to asking about, and taste a little of everything Gale and Tav ate. The food would never satiate his hunger. Sometimes, it seemed to make it worse, but he’d found he enjoyed eating in the company of others. 
Once he’d grown bored of food, long before the other two did, Astarion laid back on the blanket, basking in the sun. It felt different from when he’d had the tadpole. He saw the sun's lights and was able to revel in its warmth, but something was missing. Likely whatever it was that the ring was protecting him from, an invisible shield along his skin. He could live with that, a tiny missing piece, in return for the joys of being a daywalker once more. 
“You are a filthy romantic,” he announces suddenly, turning to level his gaze at Gale.
Gale pauses midchew of something with an eyebrow raised. 
“A picnic in the woods,” Astarion clarifies, earning him an eye roll from the wizard. 
Tav leans over him, blocking the sun from his face. “You’re enjoying it, though.”
Astarion doesn’t answer except to pull her down to him. She ends up lying across his chest, and he feels her stiffen for a moment. He knows why, they all do, but he won't allow it to ruin their day. So instead, he turns to his side so Tav’s lying next to him pulled tight against his body. She smells like the sun and her hair is warm to the touch. He buries his face in her neck and inhales. 
She laughs, “I thought you were full.”
“I have no plans to eat you,” Astarion assures her even as he lets his fangs scrape across her skin, no doubt also tangling in her hair. 
Tav shivers. 
“Unless you wish me to,” he adds, hooking one leg over the top of hers and pulling her even closer. Tav squirms a little, no doubt feeling the stirring of his cock against her thighs. 
Behind her, Gale clears his throat. 
“I think the wizard is jealous,” Astarion says loud enough for the other man to hear. 
“I think,” Gale says with a touch of indignity, “that the wizard wants to remind you he is also here.”
Tav giggles but pushes against him to roll away. Astarion lets her. He watches as she crawls over to Gale, sitting in his lap before pressing a kiss against the wizard’s lips. Gale pulls her closer until she’s straddling his waist, deepening the kiss. He reaches down to grasp his cock through his pants as Tav starts rocking against Gale. 
Astarion lazily palms himself as he half watches them. His eyes slip shut after a moment, and he turns his head back to the sun, enjoying the way the rays beat white against his eyelids. He groans as he hears sweet little sounds escaping Tav’s lips, still muffled against Gale’s. He’s torn between wanting to join them and laying like this in the sun. 
It’s a soft, slick sound that makes up his mind for him. Turning again, he sees that Gale has worked Tav’s pants down under her ass, and his hand has disappeared between them. Astarion watches the pale swell of flesh roll, no doubt in response to fingers buried within her, and is overwhelmed with the desire to bite her there, hard enough she’ll scar. While it’s unlikely Tav will tell him no, he swallows that down for another moment. Right now, he’s going to commit the way they look in the sunlight to memory. He hopes to see them like this a million more times, but he needs to remember today.
“Astarion,” Tav calls to him, voice inching near a whine.
He grins, rises up onto his knees, and moves to her. Once his front is flush against her back, Astarion trails a kiss against her neck. “Is the wizard not enough for you, darling,” he teases. 
Tav cries out. No doubt Gale has retaliated with his fingers to the barb. Astarion grins. 
“You’re insufferable,” Gale tells him almost casually despite what he continues to do to Tav. 
Astarion grins at the man over Tav’s shoulder. “But you love me that way,” it’s half a statement, half a challenge. 
Gale sighs. “Of course I do,” he sounds resigned to the fact. 
There’s a swell of giddiness in Astarion’s chest at the wizard’s affirmation. It seems to grow larger in the light until he can no longer repress the certainly appalling grin that’s broken across his face. Gale returns the look with a stupidly brilliant smile, one so bright that Astarion reburries his face into Tav’s neck.
He reaches around the front of Tav until his hand finds where Gale’s fingers are slowly moving in and out of her cunt. Astarion rubs gently against her clit until she’s whimpering, hips chasing after both of their touches in stuttered movements. 
“You make such pretty sounds,” he purrs against Tav’s skin. He feels, rather than sees, her skin grow hotter with a flush. 
Astarion allows his fingers to drop lower, and slowly he presses one into her, sliding it between the two fingers Gale is using. He allows the wizard to control the way they move, his position too awkward to take control. Tav moans and her thighs spread almost impossibly wider in an effort to accommodate the three fingers now inside of her. Astarion can feel her cunt growing wetter with each second. No longer is it just his fingers coated but a good part of his hand as well. 
When he pulls his hand away from her, Tav whimpers but it’s quickly swallowed by a moan. Astarion had little doubt the wizard has replaced his finger with another of his own. Astarion holds out his hand to Gale, who leans forward just enough so he can like a stripe up his palm. He grinds his cock against Tav’s ass as Gale eagerly cleans her from Astarion’s hand. Before he finishes, Gale presses a soft kiss against the golden band.
He grips onto Tav’s hips and lifts her slightly, away from Gale’s fingers. “Let’s take these off,” he says as an explanation. Gale is the one who ends up pulling them down completely. Tav just barely helps by moving her legs. Astarion scrapes his teeth against her neck in retribution before moving back off of Gale, standing. 
Gale quickly flips them so that Tav is pinned beneath him on the blanket, her head resting just before Astarion’s feet. She grins up at him and asks, “Are you fucking me?”
Astarion shakes his head, “I thought we were rewarding the wizard’s brilliance? Let’s let him have you today.”
Gale doesn’t need to be told anything further and makes short work of his own pants before dropping down to hover back over Tav. Astarion circles around behind them but stays standing until Gale’s pressing into Tav. Her eyes roll back and then close, which is when Astarion finally drops to his knees. 
He holds only Gale’s hips as the man begins lazily thrusting into Tav. After a moment, he moves his hold until he gripping the wizard’s ass, pulling him apart lightly. Gale’s rhythm suffers just a little when Astarion does this. He grins to himself about this. Then, without so much as a whisper of warning, Astarion leans down and presses his tongue against the ring of muscle. 
“Ah,” Gale yelps in surprise. He would have collapsed forward if it weren't for Astarion holding him in place. 
“No?” He asks, allowing the breath of his words to ghost across the flesh. 
“Just surprised,” Gale clarifies with barely enough time before Astarion returns to what he’d been doing. 
The wizard tries valiantly to keep thrusting into Tav, but around the time Astarion presses his tongue just inside, he all but freezes. Astarion allows himself to be sloppy as he fucks Gale with his tongue, the wizard doesn’t seem to mind judging from his moans and the way his hips try and push back against him. Astarion keeps him held in place. 
“Astarion, if I can’t watch, could I at least get fucked?” Tav asks in a voice Astarion knows is accompanied by a pout. 
“Fine,” Astarion relents and sits up. He quickly undoes the ties of his own pants and shoves them down just below his cock. 
“Are you coherent enough?” He teases, leaning forward so his hand is probably within Gale’s eyesight. 
The words are muttered spitefully, and the oil appears, even if it’s a little more than usual. Astarion quickly slicks it against his cock before swiping the excess down the cleft of Gale’s ass. He presses in with little warning, moving slow, yet relentlessly until he bottoms out. It takes a few shallow thrusts into the wizard before he begins moving again. Tav sighs happily on the ground, one leg raising up until Astarion takes hold of it, allowing Gale to thrust into her deeper. 
It’s not quick or frenzied as they fuck. Gale’s hips are rolling languidly, forward into Tav and then back against Astarion. The only noises for a while are each of their pants and the sound of the trees rustling overhead with a breeze that doesn’t reach them. Astarion allows his eyes to slide shut, again tilting his head towards the sun. It feels like his whole body is glowing in the light, the warmth growing low in his belly, each thrust of his hips making him grow brighter. This is something he’s never experienced and something he swears he will a hundred times more. 
Astarion’s orgasm takes him by surprise. His body folds over Gale as he comes, hips pinning the other man motionless again. Gale doesn’t complain, only grinds back against Astarion. Astarion pulls out of the wizard but keeps his face buried against his back. It’s not terribly comfortable as Gale begins to move, his own hand holding up Tav’s leg now, but Astarion remains anyway. He reaches around and lazily swipes his thumb against Tav’s clit until she cries out, thighs clamping tightly against Gale. The wizard comes not long after. Astarion feels the other man’s release roll through the muscles of his back. 
“You seem happy,” Tav says tentatively a few moments later as they’re lying side by side on the picnic blanket.
Astarion opens his eyes and looks over at her, and then at Gale, who’s resting his head on her stomach. 
“I am,” he says truthfully. 
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elixirfromthestars · 1 year
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Summary: On your day off from saving the world, you decide to have a date in the park with your boyfriend Bucky.
Word Count: ~400
Warning(s): none really, just lots of fluffy goodness!!
a/n: The end of the semester is approaching, so I am swamped with final projects and essays. Here’s a little fluffy drabble in the meantime inspired by the four blissful summerlike days my hometown got before the snow visited us once more 😭 Yes, you heard me right. SNOW IN APRIL!! 🥲 Thank you for reading! ❤️ Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated!! 💕
✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧
“ I wish this day would last forever,” you let out a long sigh, finishing your last spoonful of cookie dough ice cream. The sun was setting, leaving the most lovely hues of orange and yellow across the sky. The sound of flowing water accompanied by the chirping of birds made your stroll in the park with your boyfriend almost dreamlike.
Bucky returned your sentiment with a soft smile, “ Forever would be nice.” He rubbed small circles into your left hand, planting a kiss on your hair simultaneously. To have days so tranquil like today were rare. The only time the two of you spent together lately involved any missions you were partnered on. Stopping madmen from taking over the world wasn’t exactly your idea of a romantic date. 
You intertwined your fingers with his and pulled him toward a stone bridge. It overlooked a gently flowing river with a perfect view of New York City beyond it. You weren’t tired, but you wanted to rest for a moment, hoping the world would let you bask in the sunlight for a few more minutes before disappearing into the night. 
With a quick hop, you sat on top of the bridge railing and patted the spot next to you for Bucky to sit. He shook his head and instead chose to stand between your legs. One hand resting at your side, the other holding his rocky road ice cream cone. There was a look in his eyes you recognized very well. His eyes twinkled with mischief warning you he was planning something. 
“ You got something on your face, darling,” Bucky motioned to your face lazily, not highlighting a specific place. 
“ Where?” Your brows furrowed, dabbing your hands across your face trying to find the something Bucky mentioned.
“ Right there,” Bucky, in a quick swoop, smeared a dash of rocky road ice cream on your nose. Your mouth flew open in playful disbelief, “Buck! My nose is all cold now,” your hand lifted to wipe it away, but he stopped it midair,“ I’ll get it.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss on your nose. “ Better?” He asked after pulling away. You shrugged, failing to suppress a smile, “ Maybe just a little bit.” He laughed, looking at you with adoring eyes, cradling you in warmth and love. 
This time he wiped a tiny bit of rocky road on your lips before replacing it with his own. The kiss was gentle and tasted of velvety chocolate and sugary marshmallows. 
Now this was your idea of a romantic date.
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marcelwrites · 1 year
10 a.m. 25/9/23
Summer gets closer and the weekends get busier. Soon it'll be December and the sun will sting Aussie skin and the smells of sea and smoke will laze about the air. Tattoos will peel, scars will fade, and we'll hope that tomorrow's a little cooler and the breeze is a little more prominent.
I hosted a baby shower in the cocktail lounge on Saturday night and it went well. I hung around and made cocktails until midnight. The irony of hosting a baby shower in a cocktail lounge isn't lost on me. Seems kind of like a cruel joke to the mother-to-be.
12 a.m. 26/9/23
I wrote another paragraph with the entry this morning but I backspaced them out of existence upon rereading. I think part of writing—writing honestly that is—is exorcising demons. We exorcise our demons and wander the streets like ghosts with skin instead of sheets. We line up at bars, pound down shots, head to the bathroom, line up a few ten drink ugly white lines, and wait for the toxic drip and skin prickles and that rush of self-assurance and drive. To everyone else though, it's just your demon, and you'll have to exorcise him again soon.
The morning sun is only six hours away. It'll drag and lumber its way up the edge of the horizon, like a great big gassy zombie, and pull out the paints and paintbrushes, and the canvas may be summerlike, or it may just be dull and grey but with northern gusts of heat and tomorrow's sins. I need to head to bed and sleep, and clear my head of creatures of Hell, spirits, and late year sin.
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dmnngn · 1 year
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Translation?: 青のすみか ("Ao no Sumika"; Where Our Blue Is)
Here is my translation of the song 青のすみか (pronounced "Ao no Sumika"; the official English title being Where Our Blue Is) by singer and songwriter, Tatsuya Kitani. This song is featured in the 2nd season of the animation series Jujutsu Kaisen by Gege Akutami.
There is an official English translation of this song, however, here is my take of it!
The lyrics referred in this translation are from Lyrical Nonsense.
Our season of blue seems to go on forever
Standing side by side, nothing blocks the view of our four eyes
The chorus of cicadas echoes off the asphalt
and I couldn’t hear your silence
Those days fade away,
and even though I became familiar with your scent – distinct to mine –
I left it behind in the depths of eternity
Even now, our blue lives
Even now, our blue is clear
No words or prayers –
no matter how close – could reach you
Like a quiet love
in the summerlike colour streaming down my cheeks,
the words which curse you are forever trapped in the back of my throat
“We’ll meet again, right?” – my unsaid words
In the season of humid winds, on an early afternoon,
I remember images of us who were still nobodies
We should have shared everything then
Since that day, bit by bit,
the curse of me being different from you grew larger
I deeply regret overlooking
the sadness behind your smile
To you, the flower that bore no fruit and fell away –
Even now, our blue lives
Even now, our blue is clear
No words or prayers –
no matter how close – could reach you
Like a quiet love
in the summerlike colour streaming down my cheeks,
the words which curse you are forever trapped in the back of my throat
“We’ll meet again, right?” – my unsaid words
Spilled through the gaps between my fingers
like grains of stars in a limitlessly expanding galaxy
Music Video: Where Our Blue Is / Tatsuya Kitani - YouTube
Jujutsu Kaisen Animated Opening Theme: TVアニメ『呪術廻戦』第2期「懐玉・玉折」ノンクレジットOPムービー/OPテーマ:キタニタツヤ「青のすみか」|毎週木曜夜11時56分~MBS/TBS系列全国28局にて放送中!! - YouTube
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itzyfansites · 7 months
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[THROWBACK] 191001 ©summerlike
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djservo · 1 year
beat you to it once again... oopsie! early, even! JUNE: what did you read, what did you think? what's next in your summer reading, cas? i want to know it all
not only was I not first but I'm also days late to this too, a girl can't win! </3
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I read 5 which is kinda silly & perhaps proves the theory of me reading more when I travel - something about a full schedule that just makes me go Ahhhh yes perfect time to read ! I made a lil visual of the 5 bc for some reason my goodreads isn't showing the dennis cooper covers + I really loved the cover art
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Closer by Dennis Cooper
my first Cooper, I feel initiated!! read this in one sitting on a flight, I couldn't possibly put it down - truly the book form of a car crash you can't look away from, a Camus/Bresson/Araki vibe with Disaffected / Cynical Youths In Situations™ feel. one of those books where it's not so much about the prose or character developments but moreso the emotional journey/damage (lol) the events put you thru?? I read it on my kindle and was still paranoid someone would catch a glimpse of my screen during the particularly depraved scenes, it's such a rush to read sick twisted books like this in public <3
Frisk by Dennis Cooper
read this on a beach day with friends and it trulyyy hit the spot, like will 4real recommend this as a beach read if anyone asks LOL with Closer still fresh on my mind I was less shocked by the depravity, less taken back with the extent of how graphic things got, and was able to focus more on the characters and storyline itself. realllyyyy really loved it, the theme of obsession and unraveling it to its foundational moments came across so cohesively + the unreliable narrator was written so convincingly. I read in a review that while Cooper was writing sex scenes, if anything turned him on, he would rewrite it LOL I love that so much - COMMIT TO THE SICK BIT, TRULY! a testament to writing sick things not equaling glorifying/romanticizing said sick things (which should go without say but yknow). also Loved the movie adaptation of this - it's been on my radar 5ever and I'm so glad I read it first bc the gritty artistic direction(s) felt that much more justified to me
The Carnivorous Lamb by Agustín Gómez-Arcos
3 fictions in a row omg are you proud?? this was soooooo beyond what I expected, so gripping. it reminded me a little bit of Call Me By Your Name at times (ironically not even just bc of the taboo relationships) with its hazy idyllic summerlike prose and ambience, but this one's definitely way meatier with its themes and intent. incest/queerness/family dysfunction as metaphor/consequence/response to a dictatorship, the aftermath of war, the disintegration of a country as you once know it. so punchy and direct but also delicate and wide-eyed at times, I really really enjoyed it more than I expected to. was very surprised to find out that it seems to be a hit with Supernatural fans (particularly the subsection that ships the 2 brothers together), stripping context from the flowerier lines for the purpose of singling out the incest....like ummm!! that's certainly One way to interpret a book so tangled with Franco's dictatorship but ok go off?!!
Pornotopia by Paul Preciado
ooooooo so much fun. the playboy mansion as disneyland for grown men, as a surveillance state, as dante's 9 levels of hell, as women's prison. The Girls Next Door was my first introduction to Playboy and I used to be so fascinated with the idea of people living this way, like you're telling me these hot young women are CHOOSING to live with this frail hag in a robe??? so it was cool to unravel the mystique of the mansion/company/Institution of Playboy to its bare, ideological + architectural bones. to follow, I read this profile piece on Hefner's eldest son's experience growing up in/around the mansion - what a trip!
How Do I Look? Queer Film and Video by Bad Object-Choices
I'm almost positive I read one of the essays (Looking For My Penis by Richard Fung) in college already bc I had a sense of deja vu the whole time, but generally this felt really familiar! conversations/discussions I've had in school, movies I've watched and the analyses that followed. this collection is essentially a bunch of transcribed presentations/talks at a conference followed by a discussion with fellow queer/film theorists/academics, so there was so much dimension to every topic which I appreciated! rly loved that they didn't hold back in the discussions, kind of scandalizing to see some theorists poke holes at the presenter's talk + you can Feel the tension that was in the room without even being there. I think I'd pee my pants in that position
I turn 25 in August and had idealized getting all my #EssentialAdult reading in the time leading up to the (alleged) Final Forming Of Thy Brain, finally dip my toes in some Joan Didion or some city woman grown-up wisdom, all that jazz. I'm kinda on a fiction kick though?? I've already finished 2 books this month (1 fiction, 1 memoir) I'll talk about later + am like halfway thru the 3rd George Miles Cycle book by Cooper (Closer + Frisk are part of a 5-book series, though mostly unrelated as far as characters go). I've got another fiction I have planned, but otherwise I do think I'm in desperate need of a woman's literary touch LOL so perhaps I will get on the Road-to-25 plan after all
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uroborosymphony · 2 years
Discussing verses.
I'm beyond satisfied with my the verses on this blog. As in, with four verses I get four universes that are so different and each one feels incredible complete. Especially thanks to the amazing plots with amazing roleplayers, all the verses feel so alive and I can't wait to keep on writing them, keep on developing them and plotting more and more! I've completed their bios by adding connection pages and aesthetics boards for each.
Ilana, verse 1, the songstress.
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I'm happy I brought ilana back and revamped her, focusing her bar singing and her motherhood makes so much sense to this muse. She is unstable for sure but is very loved and her plots mainly revolve around getting in troubles yet sticking together with muses that are equally struggling, I like that and her relationship with her daughter is so dear to me. I used to write ilana as a very Lana Del Rey universe woman, very dependent on her love and passion for Men and being loved by them. I got utterly disappointed by the ships that came with this verse so I dropped them and re routed the muse. Now I'm satisfied she found the real love of her life : her daughter. What I want to write more with her :
More of her music / More threads with her daughter / Going deeper into what she did to have a criminal record and why she's hand tied with the bad side of the city - I want to dig into her secrets.
Quinn, verse 2, the vigilante.
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Quinn's universe is THE crime universe of my dreams to me. There is this obsessive amazing layered love she shares with her partner in crime Taiyang, and I'm amazed by how they have an entire universe built with their gang, the underground life, their dream as vigilantes. This verse feels bottomless in terms of possibilities and connections. I'm also getting to know her, she's a toough girl with her walls up but with a good heart until she's not fully corrupted. Intimidating yet caring. Severe but tender. It's truly the muse I can connect with everyone else's because she's very versatile. With Quinn I soon want to write more of :
A game she would play with the police by taking the take identity of a fake junior detective to protect her gang / The evolution of her undiagnosed schizophrenia / Her relationship with her mother (who's in psych) / To develop friendships! I want Ara to have friends / To develop allies and enemies on the underground scene / To develop how her morals will twist from wanting justice to wanting to punish / Whispers Taiquinn's crime wedding yall invited
Calista, verse 3, the immortal.
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Calista's universe is the most mind bending to me. It's supernatural meets modern times, with this possibility to write the epic past, the adventures of the present, and the apocalyptic future she's going to cause. Yes, she's powerful, she's maniac and insane, she's That malefic bitch however suicidal and obsessed with her own end to the point I get to go really deep with her, it gets philosophical. Grand questions about life and death, immortality. What I want to write more with her :
The past with all the cool plots I have for her involving the Witch War it's fucking amazing / Different sides of her softer sides of her as yes she's a warrior and a ruthless one but there are people she cares about even tho she's the opposite of an empath / Fights! I want to write epic fights with her she's a warrior after all and a swordfighter / The future verse in a an apocalyptic setting after she casts powers from the God it would be mind blowing
- I'm realizing the Witch War was quite something. Calista exterminating witches for centuries. I'm wanting to write a witch on my multimuse blog, from a powerful bloodline Calista had great battles with, using Kiko Mizuhara as fc. It can take life if anybody is interested / has witche muses!
Ruby, verse 4, the nine tailed fox.
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I'm finally using my Gumiho/Kitsune verse more and I'm loving how with other muses we're writing in this yokai/anime like/folklorish world, it's very gentle and summerlike. I think Ruby is my softest verse so far, I usualluy write Bad Girls, Ruby can be one too but she does have a lot of empathy for humans, she wants to be human yet has to absorb their vital energy to survive, it's conflictual. What I want to write more with her :
I want her to understand her origins better as she has been casted out by other Gumihos she's unaware of everything she can do and her place in this world / More adventures with other yokai and supernatural entities / Her less pretty side, her appetite, her using humans to sustain herself even though she said she would not / Her losing her shit too due to this hunger she cannot control
More verses? Verse 5?
I had a verse 5, the Lady of Tjelra, that I deleted due to the inactivity of the attached plots. I think starting now if I do create new verses it will with other muns so we can truly build something for the verses. I also use different hair color for each verse of some noticed, it's a little amusing and somehow helps make a real difference between each. If I were to add another verse and have a verse 5 again, it would be the pink haired one. I for now have enough on my plate but just a thought. She's giving me dark fairy, she's giving me siren, she's giving me nymph, she's giving me priestess. She's giving me ancient magic, she's giving me dystopic feelings. As her name, Sybille or Pandora.
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weather-usa · 2 months
‘Astonishing’ Antarctica Heat Wave Brings Temperatures 50 Degrees Above Normal
A record-breaking heat wave is unfolding in Antarctica, typically the coldest place on Earth, raising concerns among scientists about its implications for the continent’s future and the potential global consequences.
Since mid-July, temperatures in parts of Antarctica have soared up to 50 degrees Fahrenheit above normal, with unseasonable warmth expected to persist through the first half of August.
Recent data reveals that temperatures in East Antarctica, where the most extreme conditions are occurring, have risen from the usual range of minus 58 to minus 76 degrees Fahrenheit to a much milder minus 13 to minus 22 degrees Fahrenheit.
While these temperatures are still cold, they are comparable to winter temperatures experienced in Bismarck, North Dakota, which has reached minus 20 degrees at least once a year since 1875. Antarctica’s usual winter cold is far more extreme than what most people in the U.S. are accustomed to.
The presence of summerlike heat in the middle of winter—despite much of the continent remaining below freezing—is alarming. This development is particularly concerning for a region capable of significantly contributing to sea level rise as global temperatures continue to increase due to fossil fuel pollution.
Most of the planet’s ice is stored in Antarctica, and if it all were to melt, it could raise global sea levels by more than 150 feet. Even smaller ice formations, such as the Doomsday Glacier, could contribute an additional 10 feet to sea level rise if they were to melt, causing catastrophic impacts for coastal communities around the world.
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Future heat waves of this magnitude could further weaken the continent’s ice, making it more susceptible to melting during subsequent warm periods. David Mikolajczyk, a research meteorologist with the Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, warns that this could leave Antarctica less protected during its summer season.
Increased melting in Antarctica could also potentially disrupt global oceanic circulation patterns, which play a crucial role in maintaining the planet’s climate. “We are still in the early stages of understanding the full impact of this heat wave,” Thomas Bracegirdle, deputy science leader for the British Antarctic Survey’s Atmosphere, Ice and Climate team, told CNN. “At the moment, it’s just astonishing to witness what we’re seeing.”
Bracegirdle told CNN that the temperatures observed during this event were record-breaking and could signal future trends. While heat waves of this magnitude are rare in Antarctica and it’s uncertain if they are becoming more frequent, there is concern that this may change.
“All we can say at this stage is that increased high-temperature extremes are expected in Antarctica due to a changing climate, but we need further study to understand this particular event,” Bracegirdle said.
This heat wave also played a significant role in contributing to Earth’s hottest day on record in late June, according to the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service.
This is the second major heat wave Antarctica has experienced in the past two years. The previous event in March 2022 saw temperatures soar up to 70 degrees above normal, marking the most extreme temperature deviations ever recorded in the region.
A 2023 study in Geophysical Research Letters found that climate change contributed 3.6 degrees of warming to that heat wave and could exacerbate similar events by 9 to 10.8 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100.
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While this current heat wave has not reached the extreme temperature departures seen in 2022, it has been more widespread and prolonged, according to Ted Scambos, a glaciologist at the University of Colorado Boulder.
The key difference between the two events lies in atmospheric conditions.
“This is a very unusual event, from that perspective,” Bracegirdle noted, explaining that the ongoing heat wave is linked to a breakdown of the southern polar vortex. This atmospheric disruption, expected to occur only once every two decades on average, releases cold air trapped over Antarctica and allows warmer air to move in.
The southern polar vortex, which operates similarly to its northern counterpart by trapping cold air, is disrupted less frequently, making such heat waves rarer, according to Amy Butler, a research physicist at NOAA’s Chemical Sciences Laboratory.
The disruption of the polar vortex began in the latter half of July and is expected to continue into early August, with its peak intensity anticipated in about a week, Butler told CNN. This ongoing disruption is likely to keep surface temperatures elevated.
Simultaneously, multiple waves of warm air from the southwestern Indian Ocean have moved over East Antarctica, which covers about two-thirds of the continent. Each surge of warm air has been closely followed by another, resulting in nearly continuous warming over the past few weeks, according to Scambos.
East Antarctica, which includes the South Pole and is typically shielded from such extreme warmth, has experienced unusual temperatures during this event, as it did in 2022.
This pattern reflects a broader trend with already documented effects. From 1989 to 2018, the South Pole warmed at a rate more than three times the global average, according to a 2020 study published in Nature Climate Change.
While West Antarctica and its Thwaites “Doomsday” Glacier have drawn significant scientific attention due to their potential impact on sea level rise, recent research indicates that melting in East Antarctica, where this heat wave is occurring, is also becoming a major concern. See more:
Recent warmth has posed a serious threat to Antarctica’s vital ice sheet. According to a 2019 study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the continent lost 280% more ice mass in the 2000s and 2010s compared to the 1980s and 1990s.
“As recent events demonstrate, the rapid changes previously associated with the Arctic are now also occurring in Antarctica,” Mikolajczyk said. “This indicates that significant change can happen quickly in Antarctica as well.”
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superdupervalencia · 3 months
Sunscreen wisdom
Flaunting its splendour, I was beckoned outside by the great Australian winter sun. It was her first appearance in ages. Her mighty rays had cast a bitey but delight-ey aura of summery warmth onto my porch. How could I love anyone more than her? I could finally escape. No longer was I trapped in my stuffy closed-windowed room with its lamentable office-white walls. No longer was I glued on my mattress, who’s surface was starting to have a butt-shaped impression after weeks of still-sitting. No longer was the chirping outside my window going to stay a mystery. She made me muster up courage that I thought had died. Oh, how could I love anyone more than her!
I smilingly foraged through dust in my brown desk drawers for a green journal and a pen whose ink was beginning to evaporate. It was time to melt my wintery negativity away! But before I skipped pen and book in hand into her balmy rays, I drifted into my bathroom and grabbed a dust-ridden near-empty tube of supermarket home-brand sunscreen. As I gouged out the tube for every drop it had left, I was whisked away by its fragrance. It whisked me back to summer classes at uni. To me, summer classes were memories of escaping the sun’s brazen heat. Memories of finding the best shady spot outside. Memories of finding the breeziest part of the lake to cool down. Memories of escaping into the bustling library who beckoned me with an icey aircon, a delightful scent of lightly toasted strawberry croissants, iced black coffees for post-grads, and a citrus-ey blend of Air Wick. There were other memories too, like this one pretty girl in my class who my heart could never muster up the romantic wit to fall for, or the time I was chased in the 38 degree swelt by a cheeky little bush turkey. But the memories of being beckoned by shade, by wind, and by aircon moved me.
I likened it to the sun’s summerlike rays beckoning me outside on this wintery day. To me, this was a lesson in harmony. That contrasting elements melt together to create something beautiful. That life would be utterly meaningless and mundane if everything was always the same. That the individual variety of humans - how we speak, act, express ourselves - is what keeps our hearts beating, is what keeps us loving each other.
Or idk maybe I just hate too much weather.
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ao3feed-rhaenicent · 3 months
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blogcowboyron · 4 months
A heat dome will send temperatures into the triple-digits across the West as fires burn
A heat dome will send temperatures into the triple-digits across the West as fires burnBy Mary Gilbert, CNN Meteorologist 4 minute read Published 12:32 PM EDT, Mon June 3, 2024CNN WeatherCNN — Searing heat and fire danger will quickly ramp up in California and the West this week as a summerlike heat dome parks over the region. Thermometers will top triple digits for the first time this year in…
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southjerseyweb · 4 months
STORM WATCH: Summerlike today in New Jersey ahead of thunderstorms on Thursday
A few hazy clouds come through, but it shouldn't be a bad day. Highs reach near 90 degrees. The sea breeze kicks in by 2 p.m., allowing the coastal …
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brucestambaughsblog · 5 months
Birding While I Lunch
A wind-blown female Northern Cardinal perched in our red maple. Photo by Bruce Stambaugh I took my lunch outside the other day. The temperatures were more summerlike for the first of May. I enjoy sitting in the sun for short periods, absorbing the free vitamin D and the natural springtime circus performing around me. Nature sprinkles my light fare with seasonings no human can buy or sell. I…
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suburbangalway · 5 months
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