#sun ho cry squad
upsilambic · 19 days
[Back in *checks notes* May, Writing Prompts posted: 
“What do you mean why did I do this? I did it because I love you,” your girlfriend said confusedly, as if she wasn’t clutching the severed head of another human in her hand.”
My first thought was that this was a girl who belonged in the Varia. So I ran with it. The prompt only shows up indirectly. Humor, No Pairings, T]
So Your (Ex) Girlfriend is an Ax Murderer 
(Dating is hard enough as it is. It's even worse as a member of an elite, slightly eccentric, assassination squad. Good thing there's a built in, supportive (?) Family to help pick up the pieces.)
It was the sound of crying that drew Lussuria into the common room. Contrary to popular belief, crying wasn't an unusual occurrence at Varia HQ. Oh, sometimes it was a grunt who managed to upset Boss-darling and lived to tell the tale. Most of the time it was from new recruits who were suddenly rethinking their life choices. Those tears, though, they were largely reserved for the training grounds. No, if it was coming from the common room, it could only be one person.
Lussuria peeked in, and sure enough, there she was sprawled face down on the sofa. Boy troubles.  He would bet his boa on it.
Poor thing. Lussuria felt instinctively protective of his protegé. On paper, she was a total catch. Deianira was a key member of his Sun Squad medical team for her impeccable ability to not further maim their patients - even when they deserve it! Such a delightful bedside manner~ Not to mention, she could wield a battle ax with the same meticulous precision as her scalpel. So well-rounded! And she was cute as a button to boot, if he could say so himself. Lussuria just couldn't understand why Dee’s relationships didn't work out.
No, that was a lie. He absolutely knew why. It didn't mean he didn't think it was completely fair, though. People could be so judgemental! Everyone has their own silly, little quirks, right? 
The thing with Dee was that she had so much love and passion to give but had an unfortunate habit of placing her affections with the wrong people. Her love language was also something, well, not necessarily an acquired taste but more…niche as it were. And that’s where she really got into trouble.
Lussuria often thought of Deianira as something like a cat leaving behind dead birds as gifts to their beloved human. Unfortunately, the objects of her ardor typically reacted to such gifts just as badly if not worse. It never did bode well for her love life.
It was all very sad of course. Buuuuuut. The stories she told were better than television. All maternal feelings aside, Lussuria was dying to know what happened this time.
“Dee?”  A pause in the sniffling let him know that she heard. The hand that was blindly flapped in his direction let him know he was needed. Lussuria didn't need to be asked twice as he hurried over and perched on the arm of the sofa. “I am here, sweetpea. You just tell Mamma Luss everything.” 
To the casual observer the tale of woe was largely unintelligible.  Lussuria, on the other hand, nodded along, masterfully interpreting the pillow-muffled sounds, squeaks, and wet snuffles.
“Mmhmm mmhmm, I do remember you were seeing someone new. I seem to recall you telling me you were ready to take things to the next level~ 
Uh huh. What? Oh, tissue! Sorry, hun, here you go. Take your time. 
Well certainly it's natural to want to do nice things for the ones we love! And what…um…what nice thing did you decide to do? Yes,yes as one does, of course. 
Such a clean cut! Oh ho! You never fail to impress~ You're welcome. Now who was the gentleman? He was, hmmm? Say, run that name past me one more time, would you? Got it. Thanks, love.  Then what happened?
“And then he ran awaaaaaaaayy,” Dee wailed. That her ex did so while screaming was simply understood and didn't need to be said.
“There there, love.” Lussuria passed over another tissue that was gratefully accepted. As Deianira wiped her eyes, Luss tapped his index finger against his cheek, working out a thought. “Remind me, how long had the two of you been seeing each other?”
There was a pause as Deianira blew her nose. “It was our third date,” she mumbled into her tissue.
The tapping stopped. “Dee, sweetie. I hate to point it out while you're hurting, but gifting the literal head of your lover's enemy is something you might want to save for when your relationship is a tiiiiiny bit more established.”
Deianira slowly swung her legs around as she listened and pushed herself into a seated position. She lifted her face to Lussuria. It was puffy and streaked with runny mascara. Aw, cupcake. Girl was a mess but nothing a mother couldn't love. Lussuria tenderly squooshed those cheeks between his well-manicured hands.
“...Emmemee?” Deianira asked through a fishy pout.  She blinked heavily, as if emerging from her fog of despair and pulled back out of Lussuria's hands. “Maybe not an enemy per se…” She stopped and shook her head and heaved a sigh. “ No, I know. You're right. God, I'm such an idiot! I just...You know, I really thought we had something.” Dee gestured vaguely, trying to capture the intangible before giving up and resting her cheek on Lussuria's thigh. “I thought he'd understand and see the depth of my love.”
A derisive snort from the corner of the room sent Lussuria's head whipping around.“Not one word out of you!” he scolded the culprit in hushed tones. “I mean it!”
Squalo, however, didn't look nearly as chastened as Lussuria would have liked. He didn't look chastened at all. “Please,” scoffed Captain Sensitivity. Oh, his entire manner was so annoyingly unrepentant. “This is hardly news. She goes through a breakup like every oth-”
Lussuria's scandalized gasp cut him off. “Honestly! Where is your heart?”
“Heh. Funny story about that...HEEEY!” Squalo was forced to duck as Lussuria chucked a decorative pillow at his head.
“That's not what I meant, and you know it.”
Squalo sneered in silent response before shifting focus back to his laptop. That was the goal at any rate, which considering the other occupants of the room was easier said than done. Yes, the situation was annoying. Yes, he could leave, but he was here first, dammit. It was the principle of the thing.
He sighed heavily through his nose when he heard Luss try to subtly clear his throat at him but otherwise Squalo refused to engage. 
Then came the stage whispers.
He watched Luss out of the corner of his eye making frantic shushing signs and pointing to the lacrimose lump on the sofa. As if he could possibly disturb let alone offend her. Squalo leveled an “are you kidding me” look at his colleague.  Deianira wouldn't notice if a herd of rhinoceros suddenly barrelled into the common room and started yodeling. She was barely into Stage Two of the recovery process, meaning she was now sitting upright, staring into the middle distance, and clutching her ax to her chest like it was the world's deadliest comfort toy. Virtually nothing existed outside of her bubble right now.
Lussuria pursed his lips at him and adjusted his sunglasses before signing <I need you to look something up.>
<Look what up?> Squalo knew, of course, but he wasn't going to make it easy.
 Lussuria knew he knew too and gave an impatient huff. He pointed at Deianira, mimed having his chopped off, and signed the poor bastard's name.
<Fuck off I'm busy.> Another pillow came sailing over with great force. This time it connected. The resulting “VOOII!” was positively balm for Lussuria’s exasperated soul. That's right, Squ. Boss wasn't the only one with a pair of guns. Luss daintily flicked a lock of hair back in place and raised an eyebrow.
<Look up the name, dear. If you please.>
<FINE!> Squalo grumbled to himself about it, but he did do as asked. A moment later, he signed back an affirmative. The headless one was indeed in their system. Apparently, someone else had wanted him dead.
Lussuria delightedly clapped the tips of his fingers together. Goody. That should make cleanup a bit easier this time around. He turned his attention back to Deianira and began dabbing at her face with a tissue.
“Dee? Dee~ee,” Lussuria sang, trying to pull her attention back to the present. “Now why don't you come with me? I've got a beautiful cake cooling in the kitchen that is begging for some decadent chocolate frosting. That might be just the thing to make today a bit brighter!”
Deianira’s eyelids fluttered and she gave a small smile. Feeling encouraged, Lussuria pressed on.
“Aaand~ We'll chat about whether we can't just bill this ungrateful ex for your beautiful handiwork.” This time Dee giggled.
If one didn't know any better, that giggle could easily be classified as “cute”. Squalo did know better and grimaced at the sound. He turned his attention back to the sofa. 
Lussuria was cooing over Deianira’s change in mood. Deianira was. Well. Deianira’s eyes had gone unnaturally wide with interest, her pupils fully dilated. The corner of her smile twitched slightly as she took in Lussuria’s suggestion.
Levi dubbed this particular look of hers “creepy”. While Squalo wouldn't admit out loud to siding with Levi about anything, he was inclined to agree. When Deianira got like this, Squalo half expected her to climb into a window and start making clicking noises at the birds outside.
“I…might have some additional ideas of my own to make sure he pays,” Dee coyly offered up after her moment of contemplation.
“Clever girl. I knew that you would, and I can't wait to hear them!”
“Oh Luss, you're the best! This will be such fun!”
“I know!”
Squalo shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose as the two of them clasped hands and squealed. Stage Two was evidently complete.
The promise of baked goods never failed to summon Belphegor. This instance was no exception. Bel had made his entrance while Lussuria was still coaxing Dee. Not wanting to look too eager, he flopped into an armchair and began to scroll through his phone with practiced indifference. No one in the common room was fooled, with the exception of Dee who hadn't noticed anything. Belphegor bided his time until the two suns left before he got up to pester Squalo for details.
“So what was it this time?” Bel asked as he leaned against Squalo's chair and tried to read over his shoulder. "Burned out car?"
“Severed head.” A scowl formed on Squalo's face in response to the intrusion. Without looking up, he used his right hand to change the angle of his laptop and his left to push back the brat's face. "NOW QUIT HOVERING!"
Bel was completely unperturbed as he danced out of range of the metal hand. He let out a low whistle and started making his way to the door. “Must have had it bad for this one.”
Squalo rolled his eyes. “I guess.” He turned around when he heard Bel's footsteps. “Hey, where are you going, brat?”
"Oh, now you want me to stay? Too late, peasant. You're no fun and the Prince wants cake and gossip.”
“I don't want you to stay,” Squalo scoffed. “I want you to do something.”
“I don't have to.” Belphegor gave an imperious toss of his head. “I'm a prince, not an errand boy,” he declared, but he caught the file thrown at him all the same.
“You're going to the kitchen anyway. Take that file and give it to Miss Man Destroyer.” 
Belphegor smirked, his curiosity piqued. “Shi shi shi, that's cold even for you, Fish Face. You're gonna send her out with a broken heart?” Bel made a show of clutching at pearls. Squalo huffed in annoyance.
“We've got shit to do, you know! How about you try taking an interest in that?” 
Belphagor dismissively waved off Squalo's critique and flipped through the file. “Be kinda funny if the peasant who put in the request was single, though.” He glanced over to see Squalo looking entirely too casual about opening his email. Bel's grin widened viciously. “Wait. Is he?”
Squalo mumbled something, refusing to look at him.
“He is!” Belphagor crowed. “How do you know?”
Squalo ground his teeth a minute before exploding, “FINE! I looked it up, alright!?”
Belphagor was nearly doubled over with his cackling. “Shi Shi shi, aww, I didn't know you were a matchmaker, Captain~” he wheezed.
Squalo launched one of the pillows Luss threw at him earlier straight at Belphagor’s head. Pillows being soft, however, it was not nearly as satisfying as he hoped it would be. It didn't even pause Bel's laughter.
“VOI I'M NOT!!” Squalo crossed his arms and irritably drummed his fingers. “But if she's going to keep doing this, we might as well point her in the right direction and get some damn work done around here.”
*Deianira is the name of one of Hercules's wives who accidentally killed him with a shirt. It was supposed to keep him faithful to her but was poisoned instead. Whoops. Her name can be translated as Man-Destroyer.
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Moot incorrect quotes
Characters from @eclipsedcrystalstar​ and the Lunar is from the sun and moon show cause they’re brothers :3
Moon: Good night. Lunar: Sleep tight. Sun: Don't let the bedbugs crawl up to your ear and whisper threatening things that make you question yourself. Solar: Great, now Lunar's crying.
Solar: ARE YOU- Sun: Fucking. Solar: KIDDING ME?! YOU- Sun: Fucking. Solar: IDIOT! Lunar: …What was that? Sun: Moon banned Solar from swearing, so I’m helping them out.
Sun: What’s up with Lunar? They’ve been laying on the floor for like….an hour now? Moon: They're just a little overwhelmed. Sun: Why? Moon: Solar smiled at them.
Lunar: Shh, here comes Solar! Moon: Quick, Sun, start talking about boring nerd stuff! Sun: You know, nerd culture is mainstream now, so when you use the word “nerd” derogatorily, it means you’re the one that’s out of the zeitgeist. Moon: Yes, that’s perfect. Just like that.
Sun: Blue M&Ms are the best. Moon: whAT IS THIS SLANDER? Sun: What about it? They are. Moon: I WILL NOT ALLOW SUCH LIES ON MY CHRISTIAN MINECRAFT SERVER! Moon: THE RED ONES ARE THE BEST! Sun: YEAH? WELL YOUR MOM'S A HO! Solar: They're all chocolate inside, the colors don't mean anything. Lunar: I like the yellow ones. Sun and Moon: SHUT THE FUCK YOUR MOUTH!
*In a horror movie situation* Sun: I've got no service in my phone here. Solar: Shoot, my battery just died. Moon: Sorry guys, I just broke my phone with a hammer. Lunar: Guys, my phone is a book.
Sun: How do Lunar and Moon usually get out of these messes? Solar: They don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out.
Lunar: Those darn tall old people. Sun: Darn em' indeed. Moon: Don't worry, they'll be gone soon enough. Solar: *sharpening knife* Yes. Dead. The Squad: Solar: Hahaha. Solar: ...Is this self-destructive behaviour?
Moon, watching Sun & Solar panic : What's going on? Lunar: Sun is having a midlife crisis and Solar is just having a crisis.
Lunar: What's worse than a heartbreak? Moon: Waking up in the morning and your phone wasn't charging. Sun: Waking up in the morning. Solar: Waking up.
*Comments under an image of a really hot knife cutting bread* Solar: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife. Moon: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful. Lunar: if you want information it is Sun: why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?
Lunar: HYDRATE OR DIE-DRATE! Lunar: *aggressively throws water bottles* Sun: Uh... what's up with them? Moon: They're trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us. Lunar: I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU! Solar, crying: It's working.
Lunar: I told Sun to grab snacks for everyone. Solar, looking through the options: Why did you grab fruit snacks? Are you five? Who even likes Fruit Snacks? *Lunar, Sun, and Moon raise their hands*
Solar: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- Sun: A doll. Moon: A cinnamon roll. Lunar: A sweetheart. Solar: Solar: ...stop it.
Moon: Ducks are better than rabbits. Solar: What? Rabbits are adorable. Have you ever been in a fight with a duck? Ducks are jerks. Lunar: Duck is delicious! Rabbit is all gamey. Solar: We’re not talking about flavour, Lunar! Lunar: Flavour counts! Solar: Who carries around a duck’s foot for good luck? Anyone? Sun: You wrap yourself in a comforter stuffed with rabbit hair. I’ll wrap myself in a comforter stuffed with duck feathers! Who’s cozier? Solar: Okay, but- Sun: NO, NO, NO, NO. WHO’S COZIER? Lunar: Then why don’t we take a rabbit, a duck, stick ‘em in a cardboard box and let them fight it out! Solar: BECAUSE IT’S ILLEGAL, LUNAR! Lunar: ONLY IF WE BET ON IT, SOLAR! Moon: I- Jesus-
Lunar: You guys worried about Moon? Solar: Totally! Sun: Yeah, they called me in the middle of the night and just yelled, "what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?" Lunar: And what'd you say? Sun: "I dunno, I dunno, I dunno, I dunno." Solar: Lunar: They're lucky to have you as a friend.
Lunar: They... well, I wouldn't call it inheritance per se. What do you call it when you kill someone and get their stuff? Sun: Um, murder??? Moon: Adventuring! Solar: Tuesday.
Lunar, spraying a melted cutting board with a tiny water gun: We gotta cool this bitch down. Cool it down. Sun: I actually just put the cutting board in the oven... Moon, visibly confused: Okay, so they decided to put the cutting board in the oven? Lunar, spraying Sun: You FUCKING DUMBASS! Sun: Dude, I forgot- Lunar: OH MY FUCKING GOD! We're trying to make Chicken Alfredo right now, and you fucking MELT the cutting board in the oven at 400 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT!? Solar: *Watching in complete confusion while trying to process this whole situation.*
Moon: *tapping fingers on table* Sun: *taps fingers back furiously* Lunar: …What’s going on? Solar: Morse code. They’re talking. Moon: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … - Sun: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Sun, Moon & Lunar: *screaming* Solar: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Lunar?! Sun: Wait, why are you asking Lunar that when Moon and I are also here? Solar: Because Lunar wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
Cheer Up Episode 12: Release Date, Preview & Streaming Guide
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The release date for Cheer Up episode 12 is here, and fans are eager to learn more about this upcoming episode. We will shed some light on the recent episodes' recap before getting to Cheer Up episode 12's release date and streaming details. We saw that our favorite cheerleaders are in festival mode. After practicing their good schedule for a month, anticipation is high. Unfortunately, the team learns that the show will be canceled on the day of its debut. Their dance tune will not be performed at the event due to a drunk driving scandal involving the song's author. Despite the disappointment, the Freshman Five changed their routine and picked a backup song. They intend to play as scheduled with fresh lyrics and renewed energy. Sun-Ja ripped a large hole beneath the arm while playing in Jung-uniform with Woo's captains while they were getting everything ready. She panics and tries to fix the uniform before Jung-woo discovers its value, which is $5,000, or the equivalent of 5,000 snails, as Hae-Yi points out. However, due to her sloppy sewing, the jacket eventually tears again as Jung-woo dons it on stage. He makes a rock star gesture and throws the shredded coat into the crowd, leaving the newcomers unconcerned. Also read: Married To Medicine Season 9 Episode 18: Release Date, Preview & Streaming Guide. What Happened In Cheer Up's Recent Episodes? Yoo-min is working on the mysterious case as the first-year students buck up for the awaited performance. She discovers that a cheerleader is probably responsible for the threatening notes and the stage light that keeps going out. She receives a text message instructing her to meet at the university's observatory at 4 pm. In the end, Jung-woo chooses to join Yoo-min if there is any trouble, despite having stated in the beginning that he would be on the watch for anyone departing at 4. A man approaches Yoo-min and Jung-woo while waiting in front of the telescope and hands them a letter asking, "What may Hae-Yi be doing now?" He claims to be acting on behalf of the texter. Jung-woo and Yoo-min become aware that they are being led away from the group and not to a meeting. To find Hae-Yi, they both ran. Hae-Yi is in that moment with her ex, a band member, and she requests that he change the performance music so that the team can dance to it. When Jung-woo eventually finds her, she cannot explain what she is doing because the first-year students have yet to inform the captains of their plot to save the day. Instead of expressing concern, Jung-woo states that he is dissatisfied with Hae-lack's leadership on the team. Why does she abandon me and ignore my phone calls? Even though Hae-Yi is actively attempting to accept responsibility, she stays silent. After the squad completes their performance, they celebrate their triumph and join the spectators in the stadium. Sun-ho makes an official confession to Hae-Yi, while Min-Jae feels for Sun-Ja. For the first time, he expresses his feelings for someone instead of just asking them out. Although he admits it's unsettling, he is willing to accept his first lost love. Although Jung-mother Woo is eventually introduced to us in this episode, little else about his past is also revealed. When his mother shows up at the university, she is upset to hear that he is a cheer squad member and even the captain. Although she initially says she's leaving, it turns out that she stays to watch Jung-woo sing. "The apple doesn't fall very far from its tree," she mutters, hinting at why she is so enraged by his cheering. On Hae-Yi's special day, Chun-yang and Jae-Yi travel to Yonhee to show their support. Mom and brother are also present. To watch Sun-ho perform, Jin-hee travels alone and is equally proud. When they see their children performing, both mothers start crying. Cheer Up Episode 12 Release Date Cheer Up Episode 12 Release Date is Monday, November 21, 2022. Cheer Up Episode 12 will air on SBS in Korea at 10:00 pm KST. Fans outside Korea can stream Cheer Up Episode 12 at 2:00 pm BST, 6:30 pm IST, and 12:00 am AEDT (November 22). Cheer Up Episode 12: How To Watch Cheer-up episode 12 will be available for streaming with Viu app at the time and date listed above. Fans must cross-check the time and dates we mention to watch the show when it airs in their nation. Also read Love In Contract Episode 14: Release Date, Preview & Streaming Guide. Read the full article
0 notes
ainabaina · 4 years
Love Alarm
Also : these are opinions. don’t attack me. but you’re welcome to a chat but I’ll probably reply in the morning cause it’s almost 4am and I just binged watched the whole series since midnight. i’m tired. i’m cranky and now i’m upset. 
Yes, it’s true. Sun Oh and Jojo’s relationship was a bit sprung out of nowhere in S1. BUT the ending of Season 2 just broke me. Like, I’ve been without a crush for four years and have never developed any romantic feelings for anyone. Yet this ending hurt me. Like I sobbed a bit and I feel a bit stupid. I don’t like the ending - I was really rooting for Sun Oh and Jojo and honestly immersed myself into the relationship (past the whole actual development of feelings? cause where?) and after waiting for two years, courtesy of covid (you bastard) was I uprooted from the ground and left to rot. I sobbed, I cried, I ranted to one of my best friends cause I needed comfort in a way that a friend needs comfort over a darn crush. I hated the fact that as soon as Jojo said her ‘I’m Sorry’ for closure, he suddenly felt like Yuk Jo is the girl for him. Nope. Did not like that no matter how I look at it. 1) I’m just getting over the fact that Jojo chose Hyeyoung (who tbh was a much better fit for Jojo but did not feel their relationship AT ALL though this may be because I’m a bit biased) and now, I have to get used to the fact that Sun Oh all of a sudden changed his objective and gone for the next best thing. Enter Yuk Jo, 
I do admit I do like the Sun Oh coming into Jojo’s class bit. I don’t why but I like it. 
This would be such a good second lead wins the girl if it was done properly. During Sun Oh’s relationship with Jojo, Hyeyoung completely takes the back burner (which is understandable) but as a character and a competing love interest, I think his presence should always be made known. In reference to Cheese In The Trap, she’s in a relationship with ‘Sunbae’ for most of it, but we root for In Ho because he’s always there as someone that could actually potentially be Mr Steal Your Girl. It’s only in the last couple? episodes does Hyeyoung start to do this. I’m angry that Love Alarm Season 1 didn’t give me enough time to root for him. Because I usually have chronic SLS (Second Lead Syndrome) and with this I absolutely did not. I just did not feel their relationship at all. Too be honest I skipped it out of disinterest and was more attached to Sun Oh and their moments. 
Though in saying this, I did not find Hyeyoung annoying or anything. I found comfort in his character which in retrospect was what Jojo needs BUT- ugh I can’t help but feel upset. Also don’t ask me why I like Sun Oh so much - I can’t answer that. He’s pretty. That’s easy and very superficial. I like that he’s soft with her but so is Hyeyoung. I love the drama and extravagance he brings Jojo (hence the classroom scene). I especially like how she’s really only the girl that captures his attention and affection (which when he chose Yuk Jo completely threw me off). 
Though this may just  be because of my crush and soft spot for Song Kang. I love him in a very pitiful way in Liar and His Lover and when he appeared in Love Alarm, I really rooted for him, so when he got the girl I was ecstatic. 
Yup that crashed and burned on me. My only light at the end of this tunnel is that my ATEEZ albums arrived and I’m going to open them up tomorrow morning/ later on? 
Perhaps I was happier for Sun Oh because with him he brings more to the protagonist. The drama, the fun, the emotions are already there. Hyeyoung had a shit load of comfort and warmth but not necessarily the emotions I felt were needed and it’s a shame because they’re both fantastic actors/actresses yet their emotions fell flat on me. 
There was a lot of parts I feel could be explained better or something? And there was a lot of fillers that granted were meant to distract the audience for the shock factor later but there was just too many of them in my case. 
This has become a review. 
I’m still upset. I want to cry. I want to fix it. 
As I write this I become more understanding but like I refuse to accept it really. 
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crazyclownthanos · 4 years
White Clover
Page 1: Passing the baton
Words: 3823
The Clover Kingdom
The title of 30th wizard king, now belonging to an orphan who grew up in the forsaken realm, who had no magic and better yet was a devil host
Asta achieved his long life dream and he couldn’t be more happier
Standing on the clover castle balcony with his wizard king crown on his head and his signature smile
Right beside him was his fiancé at the time Noelle Silva who was given the role of one of the many advisers
Standing on his left side Secre Swallowtail or known as Nero in simpler times,another adviser to the wizard king
Along with Finral Vaude, another advisor to the wizard king
Together with Noelle was Mimosa Vermilion known to be clovers best healing mage
The whole entire kingdom was there to watch
From the noble realm
From the common realm
From the forsaken realm
All the citizens were there to watch
Sister Lilly, Orsi, Nash, Recca, Auru and Hollo were standing on one of the castle towers. smiles all around, cheering and some tears from father Orsi.
House Vermillion, House Kira and House Silva stood proudly watching the ceremony. King Augustus was actually bothered to watch the ceremony but all the swine did was sit and squirm in his throne. Some people don’t ever change.
All the captains stood proudly with their squads and robes on
The magic knights all yelling praises and singing for joy
Drouot within the crowd crying happy tears proud to see that boy grow up and soar over the years
The diamond kingdom mages showed up too
Human Fana
All showed up to show their support to Asta
The seabed temple folks also saw
Kahono jumping up and down screaming to see Noelle on screen.
And the rest of the citizens
The Witches Forrest were also able to watch the ceremony
The elves were invited too. Patri, Elf Fana, Vetto and Rhya watched from the top of one of the buildings filled with joy
The newly crown spade king was just arriving landing right beside Asta with his crown and not to forget Belle still sitting on his shoulder
They didn’t say anything to each other but only smiled. Yuno and Asta shared one last bump fist
The journey ends. A new era starts......
A story of a new devil
This story starts off in a library, dusty books in sight, lightly lit candles illuminating the space, a chalkboard in sight and in front of the chalkboard was a wooden table and chairs
Two boys, one standing in front of the chalkboard and the second one sitting on one of the chairs
The first boy apperance was thin and fair, he was wearing a black turtle neck hemmed to his hips, along side white pants and an over sized wool cardigan. Cherry colored triple bangs and eyes of blooming sakuras seen from a distance
The second boy had two light grey braids on the left side of his head tied up in in a ponytail with bangs on the ride side sprouting out. Heterochromia irises of blue on the right and purple on the left. Wearing long puffy sleeves faded blue shirt connected to circle pins with the house Silva emblem splatted on, having a bit of a hole appears above it on both sleeves and on both side of hips, a lilac slash tired around his waist with the knot on the right side, navy blue pants along side pockets with the same pin at the ankle and the hole above.
Please meet
Ace Silva! The youngest of the Ideale Branch
Reagan Silva! The second son of the main Silva branch
“When making a paper crane you need to pull the wings, but not too hard!”
Placing the paper crane on the table Ace gleed with Joy considering it was his 1000th time making a paper crane.
Meanwhile Reagan on the other hand was still struggling doing the top fold, his cheeks were turning red out of embarrassment
“You’ll get the hang of it!” Ace remarked hands on his hips smiling ear to ear like the Cheshire Cat. Hearing someone slam the door open frightened Ace causing him to fall on the ground and duck for cover.
Three people walked inside two girls look around the same height, and one male taller than the two girls
“Yo-ho! Regan, Ace!”
Please meet the next generation of Silvas
Be mentally & physically prepared
There beasts.
Haskell Silva.
Nozel Silva’s first son and the heir of the royal Silva family. A hyperactive 20 year old and a 1st class senior magic knight of the Silver Eagles squad. Currently rocking ankle length blonde hair to the ankles tied up in low length ponytail with bangs out. Wearing a sleeveless tight shirt of yellows and golds showing the design of a golden eagle in the middle and golden rays of the sun symboling the eagle, white pants and calf length white boots with golden edges.
Next was Nozel’s first daughter, claimed to be one of the finest ladies in the kingdom. A cunning lady who went by the name Nereida Silva. A rookie member of the Black Bull who got into the squad by persuasion by her aunt, Noelle. She had the facial features and silver hair, a normal Silva appearance (though unlike her yellow eyes that textured her irises) tied up at the buttom and pinned up by a clip with a somewhat curly fringe the swooped up a bit. Wearing something similar to Haskell but instead of the golden edged boots it’s dipped in a silver color altogether. Her tight singlet that caressed her skin in a purple color.
The last one of the bunch
Josslyn Silva.
The eldest of the Ideale branch.
Told to be one of the most beautiful women in the kingdom, blessed with mint green eyes like her grandfather, pink luscious lips, quite noticeable and long cherry blossom hair that was normally tied up in a high ponytail along with her bangs that covered her forehead and hair spilling out at the front. Complementary to Nereida and Haskell she of course rocked the silver edged boots, white pants and a pink tight top.
“A-ah! What bring you guys here? I thought you guys were meant to do your intense trial or something else...” Ace murmuring his last couple of words, peering his pink eyes at the three
“I’ll comment and say Haskell was a walking fire hazard in today’s sparring session.” Nereida shared a smile making it look like nothing happened at all.
“Now we’re punished to read all books on magic tool history.” Josslyn cocked her head towards her younger brother.
A vein popped out of Nereida still fuming with rage knowing she got punished for something she didn’t do though appearances such appearances had no effect on her smile.!
“Oh I’m sorry Regan and I will take our leave” Ace stumbled on his words picking up the pieces of the paper he walked to the door expecting Regan following right behind him
“Rega- Aaah!” Ace let out a girly scream seeing Regans face turn purple from being suffocated from the squeeze of Haskell’s biceps
“HASKELL YOUR GOING TO KILL HIM~!” Ace mustered all the strength he could to let Reagan have atleast one breath of air pass his lips. Unfortunately it had no affect on Haskell, the guy was just too buff not like Asta buff just the unequaled type of buff.
Noticing the tears swell up in Ace’s eyes he took note of the state Reagan was in and joined the panic feast
“AAAAHHH WHAT DID I DO?!” Letting the poor six year old rest on his back, Haskell had no other option but to perform cpr on him.
Performing at least 60 chest compressions per 30 seconds, Haskell and Ace haven’t even checked for a pulse better yet done mouth to mouth.
The sound of a sharp inhale was a wave of relief crashing over Haskell and Ace.
“AAH! MY SWEET BROTHER BLOODHOOD YOURE BREATHING AGAIN~!!” Haskell shaking Reagan by the shoulders, waterfalls spilling down his cheeks. Concurrently Josslyn and Nereida stood there witnessing the turn of events not even changing their facial expressions
Squirming around the young boy Reagan sat there dumbfounded still picking up the pieces on what just turned.
Exhaling sharply, Josslyn stepped one foot forward resulting in both Ace and Reagan sitting on their assess kicked out of the room.
Somewhere outside Clover castle, busy by a chain of stalls selling fresh produce and in an alleyway a red fox growling its teeth at some crows over a crushed rotten apple. Successfully the red fox scared the crows away able to eat the apple without disturbance.
A gust of wind came along not disturbing the red fox but the newspaper blown right in front of the apple. Looking at the newspaper the front cover was in view displaying the new generation of Silva’s all standing, hands behind their backs, legs straight plus posture and not to forget their serious expressions. Wrinkling the red foxes expression somehow it didn’t happen to wrinkle on the last boy with the red hair on the left instead it only tilted it’s head. As the red fox shifted its head to the visible sign of the House Silva emblem.
Back at the Silva palace Ace and Reagan walked down the corridor going pass all the Silva’s portraits that came before them, their luxurious silver hair was never out of sight, they had forgotten they were the first generation of Silva’s that all possess their own individual hair color, the pressure was definitely on for them. At the rate their generation is going the pressure might be able to kill them knowing that both Ace and Reagan have not manifested a magic attribute yet, always the word “yet” has to taunt Ace, other children his age are already performing and practicing magic.
“Grandmother......” Reagan said in awe
Hearing those words Ace tapped back into reality seeing that both him and Reagan approached the portrait of Acier Silva looking all beautiful, Ace could only bite his lip in shame, knowing that this was the woman he was named after, he wasn’t reaching the expectations of royals, he wasn’t out there with his cousins using magic neither doing his duty as the bridge between royals and peasants making a difference.
Why wasn’t he never good enough.....?!
Ace’s hands started to shake, noticing this Reagan took Ace’s closest hand to him and started to pet it attempting to give it warmth. Taking his hand out of Reagan’s grasp, Ace held them together forward and bowed deeply altogether with a sad face for a few minutes. Standing back up he turned to see the stern expression of what Reagan was making, squeezing his fists right near his face, quivering his lip and his eyes look like they were about to pop out of his head. Ace almost felt if he we’re to poke his cheek he would explode. Lifting up his hands in surrender, not knowing what he could do next. “R-Reagan d-do you need to go p-p-potty?” Reagan took back his composure, he stopped squeezing his fists, took them to hip level and made hand gestures to Ace ordering him to get onto his height level. Somehow Ace cleary understood what Reagan was communicating and did what he got told. Now kneeling right in front of Nozel’s second son, Ace was not prepared on what was going to happen.
Reagan slapped him.
Before Ace could recover from the first slap a mountain of slaps came flooding in.
Screaming Bloody Mary for a good 5 minutes. Reagan finally finished. Sitting on beaten up Ace’s stomach, huffing and huffing before speaking out to him one last time. “Now have you learnt your lesson?”
“A lesson?! How is this a lesson! You just continuely slapped me without say?!” That’s what Ace really wanted to say. Instead he just breathed out, saluted him and replied back. “You got it captain Reagan.”
Reagan nodded his head in approval. Getting off his stomach. Reagan starred at the glass door near by echoing the songs of spring. “Hurry along Ace! It’s time we go outside.” Pointing to the glass door leading to House Silva’s garden. Ace lifted up his head (still red slap marks kissing his face) scrunching his nose in confusion.
“But why?” Ace questioned. Replying to the question, Reagan had already walked over to the glass door and tried to grab onto the door handle.
He had to open to door for Reagan. Forgetting that Reagan was shorter than the average six year old male and the door handles around the palace tend to be far higher.
While Reagan was running around the garden on a quest to find as many bugs as he could. Ace spent his time laying on the grass, face down and pretending he wasn’t listening to a kid on crack. Feeling the sudden pain of an object hitting his head, Ace lifted his head off the grass to search on what could of strike him. His eyes couldn’t pick up anything unusual, maybe it was just the pain of the slaps finally coming to fry his brain. Scanning one more time Ace finally saw what it was. An acorn? Sweeping the acorn off the ground Ace held the acorn in both his hands, lifting up his upper body to take a proper look, the acorn was just another ordinary acorn but what felt odd about it that squirrels don’t even take habit around the capital, usually their spotted in places like the woods.
The curiousity caused Ace to take a closer look around the garden to see if maybe Reagan had shifted from scouting bugs to acorns instead. Wasn’t the case at all. Instead of a kid on crack Ace had spotted a baby red fox using it’s amber eyes as a somewhat attempt of brainwashing him. This wasn’t the first time Ace had crossed paths with a red fox, you can spot them sometimes, never in packs but just a single red fox always startling Ace somehow.
A few blinks was traded among the two, soon enough Ace passed on a small smile and wave. The red fox maybe had mistaken the small gesture as a way to tell the fox come fourth. One paw in front of the other Ace did wonder where did the red fox came from. Maybe it was the adult foxes baby? But shouldn’t it stay close to its mother? Finally in arms length, Ace sat up cross legged and let out an open hand for the baby fox to get a closer sniff on his scent, it all went well until Reagan decided to run pass still continuing to scream. The scream had startled the baby fox causing it to hide behind Ace. Evoking Ace to crackle a chuckle he simply laid a hand on the foxes head, while he continued to chuckle with his other hand over his mouth. This brought back a memory of the times whenever he would get scared and hold onto his mother’s leg or hide behind her dress as hypocritical it sounds. Maybe this was the feeling Nebra got whenever Ace would do this
The baby red fox came back around with pleading sounds of joy that only worked Ace over more. Starting to come closer the baby fox began to lay its head on his lap for comfort. Not wanting to wake up the baby fox Ace sat there only focusing his eyes on the sleeping fox.
Regrettably that soothing peace didn’t last long. Reagan came up to Ace holding bugs that he dug up, together with dirt in between his fingers. This time the fox ran out of sight as soon as the oath approached. Ace pulled a face of disgust stirring his head away from the sight.
“Something the matter Ace?”
“Uh. Not really actually.” Ace held the barf in his cheeks.
“You look sick...wanna go see Mimosa?” Dropping his hands. Having the tone of a concerned mother.
Ace cocked his head the other way not wanting to see the sight of his hands again.
“No thank you! Really appreciate it but I think I’ll be fine.” Just when Reagan was going to say something else the scent of gasoline hit them like an arrow.
“Is that the smell of gaso-“ Ace didn’t even finished his scentence. The damage had already been done. The three tater tots had successfully blown up one of their families libraries and some areas outside the library. They can already imagine the headache in front of them.
“Oh come on you old meanie! Is hitting us THAT necessary?!!” Haskell yelped just after gotten a smack a head from one of Nozel’s Mercury stick thingos.
Haskell, Josslyn, Nereida plus Ace and Reagan was currently getting interrogated none other then the head of the family. Nozel Silva, for damaging their “beloved” library.
“Indubitably it is. I could punish you 5 far worse but by all means I’ll keep you alive for now.”
“Oooo you’re so intimidating Mr frostbite~ What are you going to do to that library? DIG IT A GRAVE?” Haskell was getting sharp with his words, he wasn’t the compulsive type though if you were to trigger that all you could do was pray and hope for the best.
That triggered Nozel. The air became thin and the room began to shake in an attempt to scare these children.
Unsuccessfully his plan didn’t work out at all. These children weren’t fazed in the slightest bit. Haskell stood there crossing his arms and tapping his foot, Nereida only stood there with no facial expression expressed and Josslyn could only stare at the ugly paperweight on Nozel’s desk. Meanwhile in Ace and Reagan case they couldn’t even detect mana at all, not to forget this rapid cold feeling wasn’t the first time they had felt it.
As soon as the room felt more lighter Haskell had a bucket of insults ready to missile at his father, however Nozel was able to summon a piece of mercury taped to his mouth to keep him shut.
“At this age of your lives. You three should know how to maintain your magic and keep it away from harms way.” Walking past all Silva’s like they were at military camp.
Nereida lifted up her hand to say something.
“I competely agree with you father, but if you will I need to comment that it was all Josslyn’s and Haskell’s fault. You see Haskell kept on mocking Josslyn and you get the idea that Josslyn is quite short tempted. To flourish her anger she activated one of steamed based spells to fill the area of gasoline so on and so forth.” Ace sometimes wondered how Nereida can stay efficient.
Josslyn rolled her eyes. Haskell was trying to shout profanities with the mercury still taped to his mouth. “Thank you Nereida. I do appreciate your truth. Momentarily I assure its all time you five gets some shut eye for tomorrow’s event.”
All of them except for Haskell saluted and 4 of them made their path outdoors in the meantime Reagan rushed to his fathers side. Ace whispered to Nereida covering his mouth “wait. I still don’t understand why Reagan and I were dragged into this.”
“Better not to question it.” Nereida replied keeping her hands behind her back. Ace slopped forward looking forward to the comfort of his pillow.
The baby red fox ran through weeds in the moonlight. Stopping at a rock placing both paws onto the rock. Then the impossible happened. A illuminating red glitter had taken shape over the fox. The red fox shifted into a baby red fox to an adult red fox. Gawking at the offical royal magic grimoire tower in front of it.
It was already mightnight. The grandfather clock had sure done its job waking up Ace. Reaching out towards his bed side table for his glass of water but this time as he picked up the glass and lifted it towards his lips no water dropped down.
“Dammit.” He had ran out of water. He had two options. Go downstairs to refill the glass or two swallow his own saliva. He went for the first option. Getting out of his comfortable position, Ace walked down stairs wearing a white shirt and grey sweatpants. Walking down silently, wary not to wake up his parents or sister. Refilling the glass cup he had caught something phenomenal.
The semita blue butterfly. A rare butterfly that glows, which can only be founded during darking hours. He wasn’t letting this chance slip through his fingers. Taking a big sip of the water he started to walk towards the butterfly. Unlike other butterflies that would fly away if they spot danger, many have stated that the semita blue butterfly dosen’t fear danger.
Following the butterfly through the double doors outside the sleeping quarters of the Ideale branch. Pass the portrait of his grandmother. Flying through the main kitchen. Cursory every corner. Making it to the outdoors where Ace never stopped chasing the butterfly. Even when approaching the royal grimoire tower he didn’t take his eyes off it. The butterfly was his goal.
But a slight problem occurred. Reaching the insides of the royal grimoire tower the butterfly started to fly up out of Ace’s reach. To describe the interior of the grimoire tower it was not like any other grimoire tower scattered all over the kingdom. There was windows near the top displaying crystal shaped windows, circling that part. Most fascinating there was floating book shelves carrying books.
Ace had no facnation checking the place out. All he wanted was to get one touch from the semita blue butterfly.
Reaching out his right hand trying to grasp the blue butterfly, his eyes went wider and wider.
He lost contact for a minute then somehow a miracle transpired.
A blue arrow shot out of his palm.
And not like an arrow you find in a bow and arrow. The symbol arrow.
The blue arrow came streaming out of his palm, the length continued to grow as it went up. The blue arrow punched one of the floating book shelves resulting in some books losing balance and to fall off the shelve, flying towards the ground. One of them happened to come flying down to Ace. Covering his head with his hands pleading that the book will somehow move. Taking one more good look at the book as it’s about to hit him. The book stopped. Floating in the air. Wait did he saw a thumb by the spine?!
Taking the book out of his sight Ace flexed his head towards the book direction uncovering a man twice his height, pale skin, black split hair on an angle and pericing red eyes.
“Nice to finally meet you. Ace”
19 notes · View notes
hexcaught · 4 years
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it’s  been  𝐬𝐢𝐱  𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬  since  the  𝐦𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧  witch,  𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘  𝐌𝐀𝐂𝐃𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐃  was  sorted  into  𝐠𝐫𝐲𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐫  upon  arriving  at  hogwarts.  i  suppose  over  the  years  we’ve  learnt  that  she  is  𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝,  𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭,  𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠  &  𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟-𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭,  i  guess  that’s  why  they  were  sorted  where  they  were.  (  𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑎  𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑟.  )
rose-glossed  lips  sweet  from  peach  schnapps,  wishing  on  a  firefly  when  the  night  is  overcast,  re-organizing  your  room  for  the  third  time  that  week,  the  warm  touch  of  a  hand  when  words  fail,  buttery  croissants  in  a  sun-dappled  cafe,  and  the  realization  you’ve  grown  too  big  for  your childhood  bed.
i.  MIRROR  BALL  -  taylor  swift.
ii.  A  LITTLE  BIT  ALEXIS  -  schitt’s  creek  /  annie  murphy.
character  inspo  includes:  tahani  al-jamil  (  the  good  place  ),  alexis  rose  (  schitt’s  creek  )  rachel  green  (  friends  ),  vilde  lien  hellerud  (  skam  ),  elle  woods  (  legally  blonde  ),  ty  lee  (  a:tla  ),  amy  march  (  little  women  ),  charlotte  la  bouff  (  princess  and  the  frog  ),  galinda  upland  (  wicked  )
mary  macdonald  was  brought  up  rich.  rich  in  money  and  rich  in  support  &  love.  she  was  the  only  child  of  charles  and  nancy  macdonald,  a  fairly  wealthy  english  couple.  they  weren’t  like,  obscenely  wealthy.  there  were  no  butlers  ironing  the  morning  paper,  or  private  planes.  but  they  were  the  sort  of  wealthy  that  gets  taken  for  granted  –  growing  up,  mary  never  wanted  for  anything.  she’s  used  to  vacationing  somewhere  warm  and  historic  every  summer.  picture  mcmansions,  suburban  pta  meetings,  disney  princess  movies,  dressing  up  nice  for  sundays  at  church.
her  parents  were  very  much  involved  in  her  childhood,  and  always  supported  her  throughout  every  twist  and  turn  in  her  life.  she’s  always  been  very  open  with  her  parents  and  tells  them  everything.  usually.
she  also  did  child  beauty  pageants  when  she  was  little.  adults  adored  her.  the  word  darling  was  frequently  heard  to  describe  mary  macdonald.  it’s  definitely  shaped  who  she  is  as  a  person  –  frequently  competitive,  a  little  desperate  for  validation,  often  too  concerned  about  appearances,  always  knows  how  to  pull  on  a  winning  smile  even  when  you  just  want  to  go  home  and  cry.  #relatable
but  the  love  and  support  in  her  childhood  has  also  shaped  who  she  is.  her  spoiled  upbringing  has  gifted  her  with  an  indefatigable  sense  of  optimism  and  an  inability  to  take  no  for  an  answer.  she  lives  in  a  world  where  everything  can  be  solved  and  everything  has  its  place.  her  parents’  faith  &  religion  has  taught  her  to  believe  in  the  genuine  good  of  humanity,  and  that  if  you  do  good  things,  you  will  be  rewarded.
fast  forward  to  1971,  when  mary  turned  fourteen,  and  learned  she  was  a  witch.  her  parents  almost  didn’t  want  to  send  her  to  hogwarts,  but  mary  was  so  excited  by  the  idea  that  they  couldn’t  possibly  say  no  to  their  little  girl.  so  off  she  went,  bundled  up  in  a  burberry  jacket  and  scarf,  armed  with  the  best  supplies  diagon  alley  had  to  offer.  she  was  definitely  that  obnoxious  kid  with  the  gold  scales.  mary’s  parents  didn’t  mean  to  spoil  her  rotten,  they  were  just  sending  their  daughter  to  this  place  they  knew  nothing  about  for  several  months  and  this  was  the  best  way  they  knew  to  protect  her.  they  also  sent  her  daily  letters  and  weekly  care  packages  for  her  entire  first  term  in  first  year.  wow
she  was  sorted  into  gryffindor  upon  arriving  &  immediately  began  to  make  friends,  thanks  to  her  chatty  &  cheery  nature.  and  also  thanks  to  her  need  to  have  everyone  she  meets  like  her.  they  didn’t,  of  course  –  i’d  like  to  say  most  people  did,  at  least  after  the  initial  mary  shock  wore  off,  but  of  course  there  were  those  who  found  her  overpowering  and  abrasive.  and  there  were  those  who  disliked  her  simply  because  of  the  blood  running  through  her  veins.
she  approached  hogwarts  with  determination  &  optimism.  and  maybe  a  little  bit  of  competitiveness.  fun  fact:  the  sorting  hat  briefly  considered  slytherin  for  her  because  of  her  ambition  and  charm,  but  when it  comes  down  to  it,  she’s  a  gryffindor  through  and  through.  she  joined  clubs,  she  talked  to  professors  after  class,  she  made  neat,  colour-coordinated  notes.  she  made  her  presence  known  from  day  1  and  took  hogwarts  by  storm.  she  wanted  to  be  popular,  she  wanted  to  be  noticed
and  she  was  –  just  also  by  the  wrong  sort  of  people.  in  her  fifth  year,  she  was  attacked  by  mulciber  (  something  i’ll  plot  out  more  once  we  get  a  mulciber  )
but  uh  yeah  this  caused  a  shitload  of  trauma  !  for  one  thing,  she  was  paranoid  as  fuck  for  a  long  while  after  the  attack.  she  was  terrified  of  being  alone,  and  still  is  to  an  extent.  she  was  haunted  by  nightmares  almost  every  night  for  months.  but  most  of  all  –  the  attack  sparked  an  unidentifiable  doubt  and  sadness  as  she  struggled  to  reconcile  her  optimistic  beliefs  with  the  horrors  she  now  knew  existed  in  the  world.
she  kept  it  all  on  the  down-low,  though,  and  a  lot  of  people  who  were  at  hogwarts  at  the  time  don’t  know  how  bad  the  attack  actually  affected  her.  because  she  just  pulled  on  a  pageant-winning  smile,  and  did  what  she  was  best  at  –  pretending  everything  was  okay.  not  a  great  way  of  coping  with  trauma  !
she  didn’t  even  tell  her  parents.  she  knew  how  worried  they  would  be,  and  she  didn’t  want  them  to  feel  like  they  couldn’t  protect  their  daughter.  they  knew  a  boy  named  mulciber  had  cursed  her,  but  they  thought  it  was  just  an  instance  of  schoolyard  bullying,  and  mary  lied  and  told  them  he  was  expelled  because  of  it.
eventually,  she  started  getting  past  it  –  sometimes  she  still  wakes  up  from  nightmares,  sure,  and  she  still  has  her  bad  days,  but  she’s  surviving  and  growing.  for  now.
so  !  what  kind  of  a  person  is  mary  macdonald  ?  controlling.  idealistic.  uncertain.  perfectionistic.  vain.  tender.  materialistic.  flirtatious.  stubborn.  ambitious.  charming.  conflicted.  spoiled.  impulsive.  yearning.  loving.
she  likes  everything  planned  to  a  tee,  jotted  down  neatly  in  her  favourite  pink  leather  planner.  she  colour  codes  all  her  notes.  her  room  is  always  neat  and  tidy  and  her  makeup  is  always  impeccable.
if  this  were  a  muggle  high  school  au,  she  would  be  the  head  of  the  prom  planning  committee  and  it  would  have  a  1950s  theme.
she  will  give  you  way  too  many  second  chances  and  it  will  break  her  heart.  she  believes  in  the  good  of  humanity  with  a  stubbornness  that’s  almost  naive.
she  is  way  too  dependent  on  validation,  i’m  gonna  tell  you  right  now.  a  total  attention  seeker,  but  she  manages  to  be  just  charming  enough  that  it  isn’t  annoying.  her  good  looks  don’t  hurt,  either.
she  can  be  petty  !  she  can  definitely  be  so  petty  !  and  way  too  used  to  getting  what  she  wants.  i  hate  her
she  is  one  of  the  quidditch  commentators  except  uh  …  girl  knows  nothing  about  quidditch.  mostly  just  gossips  into  the  mic  about  the  players  while  her  partner  commentator  (  wc  !!!!!  )  actually  commentates  on  the  gameplay.  but  she’s  managed  to  keep  the  position  cause  it  entertains  the  audience  and  draws  out  students  who  aren’t  as  interested  in  quidditch
loose  connection  ideas:  ima  be  honest  with  you,  mary  is  a  ho.  gimme  fwb,  hookups,  ex-flings.  the  more  drama  the  betterrr.  also,  girl  squad  wya  ??  OR  EX-FRIENDS.  the  dramaaaa.  again,  would  love  another  quidditch  commentator.  i’d  also  love  a  frenemy  plot,   a  bad  influence,  a  good  influence,  a  one-sided  crush  (  on  either  side  ),  study  buddies,  or  just  straight  up  enemies,  a  bickering  relationship  …  anything  tbh
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dangermousie · 5 years
So, my long and random thoughts of eps 3-4 of My Country
Right before 5 airs. I am so prompt :P
One of the things I find interesting about Seon Ho is that while he has fully embraced his inner Darth Vader, he still has submerged glimpses of conscience - I think it’s that which pushes him to openly acknowledge his sins AND take on extra both with HJ and Hwi - he may have shipped Hwi to the army but he is not the one who bribed the examiner. But he admits to both, as a sort of “I want to be hated/I should be ever badder than I am” sort of defiance, even though you see it hurts him too. I think also, despite the mess his headspace is in, he knows his own inadequacies clearly, he is just either resigned to them or wants to believe they can be an advantage.
And that leads me to his interesting interaction with HJ - where he tells her he loves her and acknowledges she loves Hwi without pushing further (at least so far.) On one hand, he is actually surprisingly decent. On the other, that furthers my theory that he only likes HJ for two things (a) relic of Hwi, who he cannot have because it’s a sageuk kdrama and not a BL Thai lakorn and (b) out of everyone, HJ has the clearest, most uncompromising character and a sense of justice, even more so than Hwi (who has more heart than any other character, but for whom life did not give a luxury of being so utterly unbending.) There is absolutely no give in her. SH, floundering in his emotional and moral morass, is drawn to that clear-eyed certainty.
To switch gears, I love how battle is portrayed. One on one fights may be fluid and gorgeous but war overall is portrayed as hell and butchery, like one of  Hieronymus Bosch paintings. There is no grace or honor, just death and shell shock - Hwi, who was so good at practice fights, is stunned into PTSD when his first battle hits and you can feel his revulsion viscerally. He gets over it eventually and becomes a superb killing machine in any environment, and while on one hand it’s awesome to see him become so competent at survival, it’s also heartbreaking. I think something breaks in him - the small bit of peace that was left after Seon Ho’s betrayal. And yet, he manages to maintain his soul even in war, in a system designed to drag it out of him - he spares that one enemy soldier, he demands medicine for that one wounded soldier in the face of the awful commander, when he has a choice to kill the man threatening him or another soldier, he chooses another and gets wounded because of that. There is digging graves even when wounded because his men should not be left for animals, when the others are looting - his humanity goes hand in hand with his unshakable honor. There is a steely core in him, sure, but also an innate, burning, active sense of fighting against injustices of the world he is in. Unlike his former friend, he never accepts “well, this sucks, but this is how it is, so I will just use it to best advantage.” He has an innate selflessness that SH lacks. Even before SH went over to the dark side, he would care for his small in-group but general humanity - not really. SH is capable of great sacrifice (he took that almost fatal wound for Hwi, after all; he helped dig the grave for Hwi’s father as a kid even when his own father refused) but for a stranger - nope.
SH and Hwi’s worldviews are completely different at their base. Compare Hwi trying to save and protect everyone, refusing to treat others as pawns and SH repeatedly sacrificing people for the supposed greater good - that one man with dysentery, the whole advance party. And the problem with that is that greater good is supposed to be “to help people” - but you are killing those same people to supposedly help them. When is the balance too much. SH sees most people as disposable and that is not true for Hwi. Hwi seems to live by the Jewish precept “he who saves one life, saves the world entire.” And it does pay off for Hwi, not that he does it for that reason - people follow SH for profit or because they have to. People follow Hwi because they love and trust him - watch how the advanced unit follows his orders and not their official commander’s. And it’s his natural air of command but also because they know he cares, he will put himself on the line for them.
And his humanity, his very deep humanity, does not make him weak - he fights a battle with an arrow literally sticking out of him, he barely grunts when undergoing his wound being stitched without anesthesia. When he goes feral, with the scum commander who tries to burn HJ’s ribbon, he is terrifying - he could be a monster easily, but he won’t. The one time we see him cry is over HJ’s ribbon - his last tie to peace and happiness and the little bit of his own hopes; doubly precious as a reminder in his hell. He never cries through battles and wounds and fire but he does here. (It makes me think of his father, who was a deadly swordsman but had his kids’ names inside his armor - both men managed to keep their humanity even in war.)
I wonder if it’s that which draws SH to Hwi - I mean, even leaving aside the decidedly slashy undertones (SH’s confession that Hwi was the one thing he couldn’t bear to lose is pretty much a love confession; then being SH he lies Hwi’s sister is dead in his “I love to push people away because I want to feel nothing and to be hated; though now that I got what I want, I am devastated” way), I think he is drawn to the generosity of soul that he lacks. And Hwi - Hwi is amazing. This is a man who sent him to hell to protect his own skin. And yet Hwi keens over him, literally begs the doctor to save him, sits with him for two days straight without moving, grins like the sun when SH wakes and even after the devastating conversation, tells him he could forgive the betrayal (but not his sister’s death.) Regardless of whether one reads the relationship as romantic or platonic, it takes a special kind of person to overlook that sort of giant betrayal. In a way, his never-ending compassion and capacity to be surprised by evil (like SH’s father) even after all he went through, is a weakness. But it’s one he can’t give up. And why he ends up working for the devil to save his sister while refusing to tell her who she is because she is happier that way - his capacity for sacrifice is something else.
To talk about other characters, I found Yi Seung Gye repulsive. He, like Seun Ho, does not see people as people, and it’s worse because while he mouths pious platitudes, he prepares to kill his own soldiers, men who fought for him - sending a death squad - to score political points, advised to do that by the moral wasteland that is Seun Ho, true, but ultimately the decision is on him (ps I did not realize right away that advanced guard was basically like a penal battalion - you get sent there to die. I bet evil daddy was the one who made sure Hwi ended up there.) I think he is different from Bang Won (and Jang Hyuk is so feral and magnetic OMG. I am still impressed HJ was able to go toe to toe with BW) because while BW is ruthless, I get the sense he would risk himself also, something YSG is not willing to do.  I also get the sense that BW used to like Hwi’s dad so if that is going to be the ground for their bonding because obviously Hwi is not going to betray him but become his right hand. I also think the way BW dislikes SH’s dad and talked about Hwi’s dad to him indicates that SH’s dad was responsible for Hwi’s dad’s death.
Speaking of SH’s dad - I found it fascinating he was both OK with giving his kid up and genuinely glad to see him (as much as he is glad to see anyone.) I do wonder why SH, who gets how his dad is and plans to take him down, is defending him to the death in flashforward in ep 1.
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randombtsprincessa · 4 years
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MV Thought Process: ON
Did Daenarys Targaryen just finish up here??
Jin has such a long neck
Who are you running from kook?
I still can't gush enough about how those animals were real
Rain keep falling while sun shines on JK literally
Hobi ignoring kook back there getting pecked 😂😂
Throwback to the girlie and Taehyungie skip dancing
This bridge was gold and JK weighed it in diamonds
That looks like it hurts
Excuse me but this is squad goals
I'm not saying jungkook's hands but hands
Army is a cult and BTS has stopped pretending otherwise
Oh there's the Targaryen clan
Simba ho
Namjoon is mufasa
The bird represent BTS and I cry
So jk running again but happy and I'm happy too
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kdramasurdu0 · 2 years
0 notes
collectorscorner · 3 years
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jumpingpools · 7 years
KDramas, A review
Hi friends, I watch a lot of kdramas so I thought i would review them if anyone was interested in watching some. (These are my opinions plz don’t destroy me)
She Was Pretty
Main girl used to be pretty and knew a fat boi when they were younger. They meet up later in life when she is ugly and he’s hot, so she has her hot bff pretend to be her to meet him. Things get complicated. Love triangles everywhere.
Took like 9 fucking episodes to get main girl to not act like an idiot. Plot line and main girl was kinda annoying. Couldn’t finish it. Decent but not my fave.
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Chicago Typewriter
The plot alternates between modern day and the 1930s when Korea was colonized by Japan. It follows a group of liberation fighters in the 1930s, and in modern time a famous/grouchy writer, his number one fan and a hot ghost from the past. The modern day group is the reincarnation of the freedom fighter group. Travel through time with them as they discover their past together and how they died.
WOW this one was amazing. Has a lot of literary references, especially with Stephen King. Discusses the nuances of what it means to be a writer. Discusses plagiarism, censorship, mental health and freedom. Has a love triangle, but the love plot isn’t exactly the whole plot of the story. Main girl is kind of a call back to the other characters of the right thing to do and represents many things throughout the show. A must watch.
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Weightlifting Fairy
YAS QUEEN! A girl struggles with society’s ideals of what makes a woman beautiful, her career as a weightlifter, and a one-sided love affair. REALLY REALLY cute romance. A very healthy romantic relationship. A must watch. SO CUTE. SO GOOD. WATCH IT.
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The Man in our House
Vastly underrated. Main gurl comes home after her mother dies to find a dude younger than her saying he was married to her mom and owns the house/property. She must figure out his intentions. Cute story about redemption, grief, supporting loved ones and romance. Has action moments, romance and legal elements.
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Kill Me, Heal Me
A man struggling with dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder) tries to keep his mental health struggles a secret and meets a cute/smart Lady who happens to be a psychiatrist and has her help him. The history between these characters and personalities are more complex than any of them can imagine.
OMG this drama gave me so many feels. It made me laugh out loud and cry for days. It talks about mental health in a beautiful and intelligent way. All the little things in this drama matter and come back later on. Mystery, mental health, family, and love are the major themes of this one. A MUST WATCH.
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Fight My Way
A group of four friends slowly realize that they haven’t fought hard enough to realize their dreams, and work towards their life goals even though they are older now. Inspirational and cute. Some moments are a little annoying but a solid ok drama.
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You’re All Surrounded
Follows a group of detectives solving an old case that has to do with one of the detective’s dark childhood (mom got murdered in front of him). Great. Unpredictable in the best way. Keeps you on your toes. Cute romance. (The main girl is homeless???) but it’s chill. Would watch again. A solid drama. Crime thriller, romance, melodrama.
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Hyde Jekyll, Me
Another dissociative identity disorder one. Kill me heal me is better. A rich Boi was traumatized as a kid and has DID. A cute GURL falls in love with one of his personalities. Mystery, romance and such. I’d give it a 5 out of 10. I did cry.
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(Taiwanese) Dear baby Jesus this one was so cheesy and awful but I LOVE IT. Gender bender. Gurl has to pretend to be a boi and falls in love with her friend-bro (a rich BOI). But rich Boi isn’t a jerk in this one (surprising right? His fam is nice too). The side character plot story is REALLY REALLY good. Like they should have been their own show. Bff of rich boi falls in love with a girl with cancer in remission, you can see where this is going… Gender bender, cute, so cheesy that you’ll laugh, gets you with the feels, romance.
Absolute Boyfriend
(Taiwanese) HOLY HELL THIS ONE IS BAD. Like so bad. Gurl makes a robot boyfriend as a joke but ends up actually receiving the robot boyfriend. Neighbor boi is in love with her. She has to hide the fact that robot boyfriend is a robot. It’s bad fam. I still cried at the end though. If you’re looking for a gawd awful drama to watch to make you laugh at how bad it is, watch this one… but also I did cry…
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Coffee Prince
Oh man. Genderbender. Poor Gurl pretends to be a boi to get jobs that pay better (I feel you gurl), ends up working with a rich BOI in an all-male coffee shop. Rich BOI falls in love with male her and has a panic attack. Lots of love triangles. The beginning is slow, but worth it to get to the good stuff. Cheesy but really enjoyed this one. SOBBED LIKE A BABY at one point. Worth it watching.
(did i mention the main boi is in goblin??)
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Secret Garden
Jerky rich Boi and stunt woman Gurl switch bodies. Gurl is a badass bitch I love her. Takes a while to get to the main plot. Love triangles (what drama doesn’t have one). A solid drama. Cute.
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Descendants of the Sun
OMG SO SO SO GOOD. My absolute favorite!!! Doctor Lady and Special operations military Boi fall in love. Often separated b/c of their jobs. Both end up in a (fictional) war-torn place called Erk. Very seriously discusses what it means to be/the morality of a soldier and a doctor. CRIED SO HARD OMG. This drama will change your life. Really well made, writing was amazing. OST is amazing! One of those dramas where the little things come back later on. Everything has purpose and meaning. The two main characters got married in real life!!! 10/10. SO good.
(the main boi legit broke his arm during filming)
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Boys over Flowers
Why has everyone seen this one? This is a trash can disguised as a drama. Cheesy, stupid plots, poor communication between the characters that makes you want to scream at them. Yet I couldn’t stop watching it??
Four rich BOIs are the rich SKOOL hot bullies. Poor Gurl comes and ~changes everything~. Leader of the Bois is a jerk-face and of course they fall in love. Love triangles of course. A trash can. An actual trash can. Strangely really long. You must have will power to make it to the end. Watch it, it is a rite of passage.
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To the Beautiful You
Korean Hana Kimi for those familiar with the books. Doesn’t follow the books super well but still really good. (So much better than the mess that was the Japanese and Taiwanese versions). It’s really cute and lovely just like the books. Min Ho from Shinee is Sano. He’s a cutie.
Gurl pretends to be a boi and goes to an all bois (college I think? might be high school) to meet her high jumping idol. They end up being roommates and then good friends (and maybe more????). Love triangles. The real OG genderbender. Gay panics. Gay acceptance. An aloof doctor. A cute dog. One of my faves. Plz watch.
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You’re Beautiful
Both the Taiwanese and the Korean versions are literally the same scene for scene line for line so just pick one. Gender bender, love triangles. A nun (yes a fucking NUN) Gurl has to pretend to be her twin brother in a band with 3 bois. Can she keep her secret? Will she fall in love with the jerk leader boi and not the other nice boi? Watch to find out. Not the best. Cheesy. Watch if you have nothing else to do or want to laugh at something. Entertaining though.
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Moon River
I had such high hopes for this one but it was more of a trash can than Boys over Flowers. Basically the same plot as Boys over Flowers. SO SO BAD. A few redeeming scenes. Not even bad in the way that it’s funny to watch, just bad. Don’t waste your time. I couldn’t even finish this one. 3/10 don’t watch.
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Crossing Hero
(Taiwanese) I had a Jiro Wang phase and he directed this one. It’s quirky and cheesy and terrible but I love it. Main boi travels through time to modern day. The two side heroes follow after him into modern day and don’t know how to cope with modern day. The squad gets involved with a reporter and a detective and solve a ~huge~ crime plot. Jiro, our main BOI, just stops showing up in his own drama like halfway through it?? and the side characters become the main characters, which is weird but fine b/c they’re cool.
Horrendously cheesy. Weird. But still good, especially once Jiro stops showing up. Wouldn’t put it anywhere near the top of the To Watch List though. Watch it if you want something totally out of the ordinary.
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Oh my Ghostess!
A young virgin ghost possess the body of an extremely shy chef girl to try to bang the head chef and go to Nirvana. The main Gurl getting possessed can actually see ghosts so things get complicated. What happens when main Gurl and main ghost gurl both get the feels for head chef? Will ghost gurl figure out how she died?
Has mystery/crime thriller, spoopy/supernatural, sweet, romance, family, grief and friendship element/themes. Thought this one would be bad but was really surprised at how good it was. Solid drama.
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Bring it on Ghost! / Let’s Fight Ghost!
A friend-less boi can see ghosts and fights off ghosts for people for money. Meets a cute high schooler ghost that ends up helping him. Gains two weird ghost obsessed friends (against his will). Will the budding romance between a living boi and a cute ghost gurl ever work out?
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Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
YAS QUEEN! A gurl born with super strength is wary of losing her powers and hides them. A serial kidnapper/killer with a creepy baby mask. Crime and mystery drama. A really cute drama. A sweet romance, funny mixed with some sad, decently feministic drama. Great. Watch it.
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Suspicious Partner
A lawyer gurl is framed for murdering her ex. A cute prosecutor is caught between doing what is right and trying to not get fired. An unlikely alliance/romance between two people who understand how it feels to be cheated on. Discussion about when the justice system fails, at what point and extent should you take matters into your own hands. Crime thriller, mystery, revenge, law and justice, heartbreak, romance and forgiveness.This one is full of twists and turns. Really good one! Watch it!
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ok fam, that’s all of my reviews! Thanks for reading!!!
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poppymadness · 7 years
💖 HQ, Knb, All Out, Free, BNHAand DnA I think you watched at least a little bit of it, didn't u? And since I know who some of your favorites are already u can just rant about why u love them
@naturalpeaches said:💖 can i be an ass and say twdg even tho ik the answers p much OH the last kingdom. bring it to ur blog amber. talk about it. accept it.
💖 listen those 2 weren’t enough. give me the raven cycle. give me the foxhole court. give me six of crows. giVE ME CRIMINAL MINDS HAAAAA BITCH. why not throw the 100 in there too. also talk abt ur boo in the sun is also a star. give him some lovin
💖 N A R U T O
hope it’s cool just to throw ya both in here bc i’m lazy
haikyuu: (3) kuroo tetsurou - iiiiiiiiiiii fucking love kuroo sO much, a huge tall not so dumb dumbass god. i don’t know what to say dfkhka i fuckin Love him thanks dude. i nEVER FORGET THE FUCKIN LAUGH GOD FUCK FOR FUCKS SAKE skjfd. whenever i get in Kuroo Moods they last SO long i can’t get a break. and gamer au kuroo is killer it’s too good. listen he’S A BIG FOOL and i LOVE him want the best for him bc he’s great, good, good dude. i also rlly fuckin love terushima man ooooo my god, imagine him and kuroo bein buds hORRIBLE
kuroko no basket: (1) kiyoshi teppei - mY BOY KIYOSHI AAAAA. hE’S EVEN T A L L E R mmmm 6′4″ the fuck mann. we know my love for this dumbass i love him so so muuch fuck. thought it was kuroko at first, bitch no. I LITERALLY DIDN’T KNOW I LOVED HIM TILL AFTER I FINISHED THE WHOLE SHOW. like, just, the more i saw stuff involving him the more i was like ooo no no waiT i LoVE HiM i screamed when he showed up in the second opening when we rewatched it oooommggggg. he’S SO GOOD I HOPE HIS KNEE IS HEALED I HOPE HE GETS TO PLAY BASKETBALL AS A LIL SIDE HOBBY OR SOMETHIN HOPE HE’S FUCKIN HAPPY!!!!! whY DOES HE SELF-SACRIFICE SO MUCH BOY OOO MY GOD WHEN HE REALIZED THE TEAM GOT HIS BACK TOO BITCH HE SO CUTE. mmmmm  i love hiiiiim bois. also love akashi i keep finding it funny ur intimated by him cj
all out: (4) ebumi masaru - i can’t. i can’t explain why i love him oR WHY HE’S SO HIGH A FAVE GOD. this whole fandom is like Those Thighs and make ebumi all about fuckin sex like what a Tough Boy like yA HE BUYS (rents? whatever) PORN THAT’S FUCKIN SO FUNNY TO ME BUT MMMM he. more. i nevER STOP THINKIN BOUT THE EP WITH ISE THAT EMO SHIT DO U SEE HOW MUCH EBUMI CARES BOUT HIS FRIEND GOD Fuck. like yeah, just take the money. this is what was left for me but idc here take it u need it i stg season 2 better be in the works i want more of his backSTORY. oh hE FUCKIN BLEACHES HIS HAIR WHAT A PUUUUNK, HE TRAINS SO HARD HE CARES SO MUCH ABOUT RUGBY GETS P I S S E D WHEN PPL HALF-ASS IT LIKE?? FAIR ENOUGH. OH THETY ACTUALLY DREW HIS HAIR DOWN RIGHT ADJHF A OoO FUCK TAHT. i’m good it’s cool alright bye gion, raita & ise are my best friends thank
free: rin matsuoka - i. thought it was nagisa at first. i wanna cry fuckin nagisa jesus. good boy but hell no. rin?? is so sweet i’m sorry fuckin flew haru to australia & shit he’s so good i love him. i gotta do this i’m srry FUCK whoever thinks rin would be abusive with haru thx. i havE A RIN POSTER G O D
boku no hero academia: todoroki shouto - i literally didn’t have a fave in this show until one (1) specific episode in season 2 with him. thought i was gonna live forever not having a fave in this show. i had actually been growing to like him and was like No, i told myself to not like him bc he’s so popular hdkfa. and then that ep came and i was like,,,oof i Love him, love love love what a goOD BOY. he’s…so cute..comin to terms with his powers still can’t get over he interned with his dad he just…..wants to improve…is improving…..so good.
daiya no ace: ? - ok, i never developed a fave while watching it, at least not where i got to. i don’t even remember where i stopped oof that’s bad. but i had thought at that time that i rlly loved chris?? eijun is precious, i fuckin love him. miyuki is great i love him too. also really loved kuramochi?? so if i had continued i think it would’ve been one of em.
the walking dead game: kenny, luke, clem, gabe - pls don’t make me choose… kenny…tried his hardest to be good, worked his ass off till the last moment to improve himself and didn’t get the redemption he deserved. that man is good, he was just pushed to his max and couldn’t get back down. luke, luke is a sunshine boy who was too good for the world, a positive outlet could make anyone happy, did his best, didn’t deserve to die. cleM MY BADASS B A B Y HAS GROWN SO MUCH I LOOOOVE HER AND CAN’T WAIT FOR HER HAPPY ENDING TELLTALE YOU FUCKS I AM BEGGING YOU1!! gabe…annoyed me at first…stole my heart….just a boy thrown into the apocalypse tryin to be happy…he’s doing his best, he’s learning, truly not such a brat as assholes make him out to be. nick my boy i’m so sorry i would’ve included you ur so close
the last kingdom: uhtred & alfred - i love uhtred the godless and king alfred of wessex very much indeed. uhtred is just a wreck honestly, this danish bro got a lot goin on he just wants the land he deserves i just say he’s bein greedy, go be happy under alfred’s rule i still love u tho uhtred u dumbass. alfred! got the peace he wanted! i love alfred so much he wants to be a king without war unless he’s not given the choice, cares about his family so much, afraid he’ll be punished for the crown that’s not rightfully his own. alfred is so good, i love this man.
the raven cycle: (5) adam parrish - mmmmmmm what a good boy. an important boy, a very much loved boy. iiiii hate havin his pov sometimes, some relatable things in there, i love him so much. he’s not. his father. thanks. gotta say that a lot wanT HIM TO KNOOOOOOOW. he’s so good he’s improving himself he’s doin it!! go adam!! goD ASHLETY I KEEP THINKING OF THINGS YOU HAVEN’T GOTTEN TOOOOOOOO. mmmm it’s ok to still be stuck and to have bad days he doesn’t have to get over it right away!! it’s not somethin that’ll just be over!! dhfad smALL STEPS my boy i love u…. all bc, he…legally free (tryin not to spoil dfhjdaf).. don’t mean he has to be over it…take ur time adam. i’m thinkin of the emo thing in trk fuck wrong devil dkhfad. i just wanna cry he’s so good worth so much ronan & i will fight any and all fucks who wanna Go. i!! love him!! he deserVES TO FEEL LOVED AND TO FEEL HOW TO LOVE MMMM COOL i’m gonna stop i’ll just repeat myself - i just thOUGHT OF THE ‘FUCK YOU GANSEY’ WOW FIRST BOOK FUCK B YE
the foxhole court: …andrew minyard… - idk man?? it’s so lowkey?? it’s chill i literally don’t even have anything to say. nicky, neil & dan are my squad love em.
six of crows: jesper fahey - idk what fuckin bitch ass mood i had to be in when i read soc but if i wasn’t in it jesper would totally have been my fave. i wouldn’t take him away from wylan anyways (statement kiiinda counts for the two aforementioned also whoop). jesper?? deserves the world, but so does everyone else they all deserve the world even u bitch ass brekker who would not deal with my bullshit ever. 
criminal minds: aaron hotchner - god ashley screw off askin me for cm. love hotch, would die for him, too good of a guy.
the 100: bellamy blake - is a fuckin whore. iiiiiii love bellamy so much. bitch ass goes from a punk i hated to a good dude to a punk ass influenced by some huge ass prick dick and then struggles with himself for the next season and will now hopefully feel a bit better at least for gods sake. all bc you’ve done bad things doesn’t mean ur bad bell… i still never get over fucking pike taking advantage of him when he was vulnerable fuck off i just want him to feel better!! take responsibility but don’t let it push you down fucking get up!! you’ll get up!! mmm he’s so good he just wants to make everything right but clarke makes everyTHING FUCKIN GO WRONG. i just…not everything is excusable but he can make up for it he will and he’s worth it,,,, people gotta forgive him at some point he’s trying his hardest to make up for everything and he keeps beating himself on it mmmmdfahdf i love him
the sun is also a star: daniel jae ho bae - idk what to say about him ashley god fuck. he’s so cute though?? what a cheesy dude. ugh literally so cute i gotta reread it
naruto: kiba inuzuka - what a prideful ass i fuckIN LOVe him thx. i mean i was fuckin doomed from that start he has best boy akamaru & fuckin has a jutsu where he turns into a wolf?? and his fuckin mom and sister have wolves?? doomed before i even fuckin knew it. he’s soooo cute, never take his fuckin hoodie off idk what’s cuter him trying to look tough in that hoodie that everyone literally thought was hair or havin the hoodie off and showin his actual hair that somehow makes him cuter,,, what’S HORRIBLE IS THE LEATHER JACKET OR WHATEVER IT IS HE WEARS IN SHIPPUDEN fuckin idiot. imagine him as hokage i can’t believe he wants to be hokage it’s so funny i’m sorry kiba i’ll support u just give me a minute to catch my breath. guys he’s just so cute, trains so hard, he’s so good i love him enthusiastic boy
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bluebookbadger-blog · 7 years
The Price of a Life - Chapter 4
Title: The Price of a Life Fandom (s): Fullmetal Alchemist/Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Summary: I always thought waking up in another world would be a lot more…interesting. At least slightly exciting and terrifying, but it really wasn’t. It was more of a sudden and underwhelming event, that landed me in the company of fiction and its ignorance to modern physics. I thought it was a dream. Boy was I wrong. Characters: SI/OC, Maes Hughes, Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, etc. Rating: PG-13
At home - Truth did I just call it 'home'? - I left Lucha in my room - oh Truth 'my room'? I couldn't deal with this personalization, I needed to find a way home to my home in the real world - ugh, no time for an existential crisis and reality shattering revelations!
I needed a legitimate reason to get to East City. I was sure I could whip something up to get me over there quick so long as I used Shou Tucker as my excuse. Still not sure how I would end up doing that or what I would do when I got there, I grabbed my notebook, packed a few changes of non-dress clothes, and Lucha into my bag after changing. It was a dress this time, real pretty and white with a red bow around the waist. Ugh, I was turning into a cliche main character of some fantasy anime….oh wait.
I ran back to the room Mrs. Hughes was letting me stay in and grabbed a change of clothes - a pair of slacks, another white blouse and a dress jacket. Ugh, I hated formal clothing that involved pants.
"Almost done in there Irish?" Denny asked impatiently. I sighed, Maria had told him to go to the bathroom before we left Command. Why didn't he listen?
"Don't get your knickers in a twist, I'll be right out Miss. Daisy." I yelled back at him, trying not to curse. Truth knew I had a problem with that when I was in pain or sick. Right now, it was pain, the source being my feet, which were getting sweet revenge for my decision to go barefoot this morning.
It was still early in the morning when we got to the apartment - maybe 10 o'clock at the earliest. Still, Gracia had taken Elicia to a friend's party and the house was totally empty, with Maria and Denny as the exception. I was both excited to go and see if I could put some form of a plan in action and sad I was going to leave the Hughes' residence.
Playing with Elicia, eating family dinners, going to work every morning and dealing with Miss. Reich and Albert - all of that made this 'place' (yes place, I gave up on convincing myself this was a dream - the talk with Maes that morning cemented the new reality) feel normal. Going to East City to see if I could do something to change the story meant I was going to dive into a hellhole of trouble and danger - not that I cared or realized that as I watched with amusement as Denny rushed past me to the bathroom.
He was starting to grow on me. He was a lot like my 'little' brother Matt. Both were taller than me, longer blondish hair, and awkward - in the best way possible. And Maria reminded me of my older sister, Mary. They looked nothing alike, but they both had that motherish but mostly military feel to the way they addressed you. It made you nervous and comforted you at the same time.
"You okay Irish?" Maria asked, waking me from my daze as I stared at her. I realized my eyes were filling with tears - again. I really needed to stop crying all the time. It was almost as bad as my bad habit of skipping sleep.
"I'm fine; we need to get to stop at the main street grocery store - my boss is going to kill me for being late." I said as I wiped the fresh tears from my eyes. No time for nostalgia - I had things to do and people to see! Lucha - I was sure Truth wasn't there by the amount of snoring that came from the fluff ball - was asleep in my bag.
After writing another note and permanently borrowing another pen from the Hughes' stash, we headed out of the apartment. At the front door, a man was arguing with his wife over a missing umbrella - to which I booked it past them to the car. Maria and Denny gave me an odd look that I ignored as the car roared to life and thundered down the street. Miss. Reich was going to be pissed.
When the car finally pulled up to the little shop I shrunk in my seat when Albert waved to me. He was so cute! I hoped the guy found a good partner, he really deserved one. His enthusiastic waving was cut short as Miss. Reich stormed out of the back room. Maria and Denny got out of the car first, slightly slowing the woman's angry approach. I all but fell out of the car, looking anywhere but at my boss as she came to a stop at the front door and tapped her foot impatiently.
"You're late," She said accusingly, her voice low and dangerous. Miss. Reich shot an angry glance at Abert who turned and went to man the cash register without a word between the two. When your boss uses telepathy, you know you're in trouble. However, before I could get a word out, my babysitters spoke up.
"Miss. Irish has become involved in a series of murders in Central, she is an eyewitness to the crime."
"We believe she has information on the killer, and is therefore under our jurisdiction. Please excuse her absence." Maria said after Denny. Gosh, I loved these guys. I wished they could just talk for me sometimes. Miss. Reich looked to me, as if not fully convinced.
"This true, Irish?" She asked, sounding slightly less pissed. I looked at my feet, my cheeks feeling warm in my anxiety.
"Yes ma'am." I said curtly, tightening my grip on my bag. Lucha wiggled around for a moment before lying still. I hoped Truth wasn't possessing the poor guy again. Miss. Reich pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Fine, it's not like I can fire you anyhow. So, what's with the entourage, going somewhere?" I looked up, my confidence growing now that I knew she couldn't fire me. Sure, I wouldn't burn down the store or anything crazy, but at least she didn't scare me as much anymore. Still scary, but not overwhelmingly terrifying.
"This is 2nd Lieutenant Maria Ross and Sergeant Denny Brosh. Lieutenant Colonel Hughes asked them to babysit me. I actually plan on going back to Command to see if I can help with anything; Mr. Hughes has been very kind to me since my arrival here in Central and I wish to repay him." Miss. Reich looked to Maria and Denny, who nodded simultaneously. "Do you mind if I take the day off? You don't need to pay me or anything-"
"Yeah, sure. It's fine, not like you really do much since I already did your morning chores for you." She sounded dejected as she said this, her blue eyes trailing to the window and avoiding my own. Now I was concerned. Was she worried about me, or was she really sick? It seemed at the moment that the latter was likely.
"Uh, okay. Thanks, ma'am. I'll be back soon." To be honest, I didn't know how long I'd be away. I really wanted to live a quiet life here and have a steady job, but that would mean sacrificing the opportunity to change the future. Damn these decisions. We left soon after, not wanting to hang around the shop as customers began appearing. We drove back to Command, the ominous building casting small shadows with the midmorning sun looming overhead.
"You're boss seems really nice," Denny noted, only heard once the car's hellish sounding engine died down. I nodded, a splitting headache from the lights of day impeding my ability to process that statement.
"Yeah, I guess she is-" Major Armstrong was standing in the middle of the reception room of the enormous building, almost seeming small in the large crowd of officers. Almost. He approached us slowly; Denny, Maria, and I gradually gravitating towards one of the halls.
I had to follow them - I had no clue where Hughes' office even was in the mess of rooms and halls. However, I did make sure to note the path we took - it would be important to my future tampering. We seemed to be heading in that general direction, when an idea struck me.
"Can we go to the archive room? It should have anything I need to cross-reference." Maria, who walked beside me, gave me quick glance.
"Sure, do you want to see Hughes first?" I shook my head.
"I need to get focused - and from the looks of that folder I'm going to be busy for a few hours." I said, noting the thick binder Major Armstrong had tucked under his arm.
"Ah, yes - I had nearly forgotten - here is the list you requested Miss. Irish." Armstrong said as the four of us progressed down one of the many long hallways. I nodded, taking a very thick folder from him. It was like an AP US History binder, without a spine and almost twice as big. It would take hours just to sort the files, let alone find any State Alchemists that would be pertinent to the future. I decided against opening it until I found a table - Truth knew I'd drop it or something clumsy like that. We arrived at the archive room, which Maria kindly opened for us.
It was gorgeous. Bookshelves everywhere, the smell of fresh ink and old paper - a truly glorious sanctuary for any bibliophile. I stood there gawking at the dimly lit room so long that Armstrong had to prod me to move along since I was wasting my time looking at all of the intricate land and celestial maps. If I had the time, I'd spend hours pouring over every book and article that was in that beautiful room. Alas, it was not to be, as the Armstrong Squad looked to me expectantly.
"So, what do you need a list of State Alchemists for?" Armstrong asked as I eventually made my way to a table that Maria and Denny had seated themselves at.
"Well, Basque was pretty well known, right? I mean, even up in Drachma we heard of how he performed in the Ishvalan Civil War. I didn't see his eyes, but maybe-"
"You think Scar might be Ishvalan?" Denny asked, surprise evident in his bright green eyes. I took a slow breath. I had gotten so far, I couldn't mess this up now!
"Maybe, but we have no way of knowing. Still, his little speech before he attacked Basque sounded similar to the praises the Ishvalan monks used to do - but you know, more holy war and less simple life and peace." I said as I handed out a quarter of the stacked papers to each person present, reserving a quarter for myself.
"Even if he is Ishvalan, he is targeting Alchemists with questionable pasts and morals. It would help me a lot if you guys could help me sort these papers by location; south to the left with Denny, north by Major Armstrong, west by Maria, and I'll take the east. Just put any alchemists stationed in central in the middle of the table - Scar isn't likely to murder here for a while since I'm an eyewitness," I finished, immediately delving into my files.
We worked in silence for a bit, I taking note of every alchemist in my pile and the pile I was sorting. Anyone could get involved just because of my presence, therefore I needed to have an understanding of my possible allies or enemies. It took me a little longer than the others to sort through my papers, but I was making good pace.
"You seem to have a very organized plan in mind for narrowing down his next victim," Maria said, not taking her eyes off the paper she was reading. "How exactly do you plan on doing that?" My brilliant plan devised and undisclosed to you readers during the car ride could finally be revealed in all its brilliance. In short, I had no freaking clue.
"Well, he targeted Basque because of his involvement in the war from what I overheard, but from the way he spoke his victim demographic spreads to those who practice alchemy in a way his religion deems 'unnatural'. I'd have to guess that includes experiments involving living creatures, philosopher stones, the like." They were all staring at me now.
Fudge. I had forgotten that I had lied to Wrath about the philosopher's stone. Did they know? I mean, Armstrong was on a pretty tight leash and really didn't have a choice if the Fuhrer asked him for some information on the new immigrant girl. Well, this was going swimmingly.
"You know about philosopher's stones but not alchemy in Drachma? How does that work?" Armstrong asked, glancing at me with steely blue eyes. Damn he could be intimidating.
"We know about it, it just isn't practiced. I'd say we know as much and care as much about alchemy as you here in Amestris do about alkahestry." Why was this study session feeling like another interrogation? I was getting really tired of these thinly veiled questions of my origins. I already told them my story, I was going to stick to it.
"Hm, alkahestry. That is practiced in Xing, correct?" I looked over my glasses at Armstrong, the questions irritating me for some reason. They guy was acting as if I was involved with every criminal in the country.
"Yes, I read books on it in my mother's library in our old house."
"Why did you come here, Irish?" Denny asked, getting bored of sorting papers but noting my frustration with the way the Major was beating around the bush. I shrugged, noticing that my pile of unsorted papers was thinning.
"If you wanted my life story you could have just asked, Major." I said with a snort of amusement. These guys were a riot. One minute they're being intimidating and strict, the next their nonchalantly asking about your secret past.
"Why is a kid like Ed a State Alchemist? Why are you working for the military? Why is the sky blue and the grass green? There's not really a simple answer without context and a story behind it, but to put it simply without degrading its importance, I decided to help people. No particular reason why here, could have been Creta or Aerugo. I just felt that-"
"Yo, Mac!" Hughes said as he busted through the door, thankfully stopping my rant before I dug myself a deeper pit. Truth, I really made no sense at all did I? I hoped Armstrong didn't report this.
"Lieutenant Colonel Hughes," The military members present said as they stood upon his arrival. Man, that was some dedication they had. These chairs were actually really comfy.
"I just thought you guys could use a break. Go get lunch, it's after noon already." The bubbly man said as the other soldiers filed out of the room. Hughes made his way toward me. I was so worked up over the mini interrogation session I just wanted to get the papers sorted and be done with it. "What are you doing?" He asked, peering at the carefully organized papers.
"Sorting the alchemists by region. Scar would have most likely skipped town; but he'll double back. Serial killers tend to have a predictable territory that they peruse regularly. Since he has so much land to cover if this really is a holy crusade of sorts, he needs to be moving in a circular pattern before returning to Central to start the cycle over again. Once I figure out his most likely path based on the concentrations of his victim demographic, I can determine his next target-"
"What's bothering you?" Hughes asked, not in the least bit interested in the serial killer he was supposed to be tracking. Way to show commitment to your work buddy! I was almost done sorting the last of Armstrong and Denny's papers. It seemed only Maria was able to focus on her work instead of getting distracted by backstories. I didn't look up from the work.
"Nothing," I said, my eyes briefly passing over Shou Tucker's face. It sent shivers down my spine, making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. He was really creepy looking, like the kind of guy who drives the white van around town looking to kidnap little kids.
"Listen, if it's still bothering you-"
"No, it's not that. Go get lunch with the others, I'll be there in a bit." I said with a sigh, shuffling through the eastern alchemist papers first and pulling out Tucker's paperwork while looking for similar registrations to make my 'assumptions' of trouble brewing in East City seem more reliable.
"I already ate." The older man said, sitting across from me and looking at Tucker's paperwork and picking it up. "Looking for possible targets?" I nodded, pulling out a few other similar accounts from the pile I was mulling through.
Johann Adlersflügel had done studies in chimera breeding, it seemed they had been thought infertile but with alchemy he had made it so that he could breed two chimeras of the same 'species'. He lived in East City too, so I put it where Tucker's paperwork once was.
"Mac," I looked at him angrily. I just wanted to get this work over with, I wasn't ready for any more therapy sessions or interrogations today. "Come on, let's get lunch."
Resigning myself to his hospitality, I followed him with a few murmured protests. I really was hungry, as I hadn't really had a breakfast that morning. Not to mention throwing up leaves you pretty hungry. I followed him, searching the walls for maps. They really needed to invest in some with this labyrinth of a building.
We arrived at this little cafe diner area, nothing big or fancy but kind of homey. It was easy to find the table Armstrong was at, Maria and Denny dwarfed next to the man's imposing stature. Hughes went to order me food, leaving me to either stand there awkwardly or to join the trio who had already begun their meal. Mustering the most realistic smile I could, I walked to the table and sat next to Maria.
"How the food here?" I asked cheerily, hoping to sound genuine. I was curious - though I doubted it could compare to Gracia's cooking. It seemed just about everyone had ordered a sandwich, Major Armstrong had finished his meal from the looks of it and was now reading a newspaper, but Maria and Denny were still eating.
"It's okay, not that I can complain - it being free food and all." I nodded at Denny's explanation. As I had said before, who would turn down free food?
"I think I've got just about everyone back in the archive room sorted out. From the looks of it the highest concentration of alchemists fitting the target demographic are in the east." I said, taking the sandwich Hughes handed me. Mystery meat and mystery vegetables on mystery bread. Taking a bite, it tasted vaguely like smoked turkey, but it still had that unidentified flavor from somewhere.
"I have to go to East City today actually, you could come if you'd like Irish." Hughes mentioned, not even touching his food. I looked to him with surprise.
"Why?" I asked, searching his face for any real emotion. For the happy go lucky guy the series always portrayed, Maes Hughes was really hard to read.
"Confidential, Mustang is calling me in for a case." Crap, when did this happen? I couldn't remember, so I ate my food quietly.
"Sure, how long's the ride?" I asked in between bites. I was starving, and the mystery sandwich was actually really good.
"About a night if we catch the next train." Hughes responded, finishing off his own meal. I nodded at his response, looking at the glass plate in confusion. Where do we put these? Do they have a dishwasher somewhere? My silent questions went unanswered as a waiter of sorts collected the dishes. He wore a military uniform, but I had noticed him earlier floating from table to table collecting used utensils and glasses.
"When's that?" I asked, giving Lucha a piece of sandwich I had saved. He didn't seem interested until I all but poked him with it. Then he jumped up so violently it nearly knocked the bag over.
"About an hour, will that be enough time for you to pack your things?" I patted my bag, partially to keep Lucha from spilling it and partially to put emphasis on my statement.
"Already done,"
"You expected to figure out where you were going today?" I smirked at Hughes, the smile tugging at my features.
"No, but it's best to be prepared."
An hour later, we were at the station. All of us, Armstong looming over the crowd of waiting passengers like a skyscraper. I had only ridden on a train a few times in my life, mostly to go to NYC and visit my Uncle Patrick there. You see, he worked with Marvel there, so we'd always go and see movies with him and he'd point out anything he helped with or edited. Uncle Pat was awesome.
But these trains were different; they were old, rickety, bustling steam engines. I had never ridden one of those, so I was just a little excited. Okay, I was literally pacing back and forth and occasionally snapping my fingers quietly, I was just so damn energetic! Then, I felt the rumble somewhere down the line that sent miniature tremors through the platform. Though I couldn't get close to the rail with the crowd, I could hear the pistons thundering as the train approached.
"What are you so excited about?" Denny asked, observing my jittery behavior as the train pulled up. "It's just a train ride." I shook my head when he reached for my bag. I didn't want Lucha to get lost with all the other luggage. The rush of getting into the train sent a bustling wave of energy over the platform, and I had little time to admire the locomotive's exterior before I was pushed inside the iron horse.
"I haven't ridden a train here in Amestris before." I said as I boarded the train, looking around in amazement to take in the beautiful interior. The windows let in light that illuminated the wooden tables and benches that people seated themselves at, the five of us finding ourselves at the last empty seat. Denny, Maria, and myself seated adjacent from Hughes and Armstrong.
"You traveled all the way to Liore on foot?" Hughes asked once we were seated. I shook my head at Hughes' question, too entranced by the atmosphere.
"No, just not a train from Central…" A man was saying goodbye to his wife as he headed east for business, a pair of parents were wishing off their oldest child who was heading east for school, it was both sad and entertaining, all of the bustle and hustle. Denny laughed every time I saw something exciting that made my head swivel around like an owl's. I couldn't help it - everything was just so interesting and new.
By the time the train was pulling out of the station, most people were quiet, chatting with the people around them or quietly reading a book. I probably should have found a book in the library considering it was going to burn down in a few days, but it was too late now that the train was pulling out.
"What time will we get there?" I asked, looking out the window as the locomotive gained speed. Hughes shrugged pulling out a book and some case files.
"Sometime tomorrow - probably afternoon, but morning if the stops are fast." I nodded, watching as the city faded into small farms and scattered houses.
"Do you have a map I could borrow?" I asked, not fully recalling the layout of this world. Hughes nodded, digging around in his own carryon bag before pulling out a folded piece of paper. "Thanks," I said quickly as I unfolded it to trace my path to East City. The font used was weird, making it hard to read some of city names, but first the train would stop at...Nipppax? Okay, sure, Nipppax, then it would go to Geob, from there to Awrosut before finally going to East City.
I hoped we got there by morning, but then I realized that meant sleeping. On a freaking train. Sure, it was a cool way to travel but the seats weren't exactly comfortable to say the least. I looked out the window with a sigh, folding the map back up. Denny was already starting to doze, his head occasionally bumping my shoulder as he struggled to stay awake. At least someone was going to sleep well that night.
It was dark outside by the time everyone was asleep, the cabin of the car illuminated only by a few dim electric lights and the stars. There was no moon out tonight, or at least no moon that I could see. Outside the window was just pure blackness, and the reflection of the lights inside didn't help.
Denny was gently snoring, becoming my big little brother of this world more and more with each passing second. Maria's head was slumped forward, but nothing besides her closed eyes indicated her unconsciousness. Hughes was sleeping on the table, splayed out on top of his paperwork. It seemed all that coffee had finally caught up to him. Armstrong slept like a soldier, his face stoic and his arms folded as he slept sitting straight were times when I looked to him and was convinced he was awake only to find is breathing slow and deep.
A passenger somewhere behind me was loudly snoring, another in front of me murmuring about financial worries. Even with the thunder of the train's mechanisms, the car was oddly quiet. The strangeness of the quiet unsettling, I laid down my own head, using my own bag as a pillow. Lucha crawled out as I put it on the table, curling up next to my head as I put my forehead against the rough fabric. I closed my eyes, awaiting the sweet abyss of sleep.
After what felt like a few minutes pass, I opened my eyes in frustration at my own inability to sleep and discovered an unnerving sight. It was day now, and though the train was still moving, no one was there. Lucha and my bag were missing, along with everyone else in the car. The unsettling silence from a moment ago had returned, but was now joined by a distant static, like that of a broken television.
I looked around, checking every seat for some sign of life, but found none. The train was still moving, and the cabin was well lit, but blackness encompassed the windows, seeming to bleed through the frame and infect the wood interior of the car.
"Where is everyone?" I breathed quietly, my own voice sounding far away and terrifyingly disembodied. I looked to the doors at either end of the car, each leading to another passenger car. Maybe there was an emergency of sorts and everyone had to move to another car? But if that was so, why was I left? Where did my bag and Lucha go?
"Sweetie!" I flinched at my father's panicked voice, the words strained and filled with terror. "Sweetie, get out of here!" If anyone could see me now, I probably looked insane. I looked back and forth between the two doors, unable to tell where the voice was coming from.
"Irish! Keep your knees up," A new voice joined the mix, Coach Lawless' normal criticism of my P.E. class performance. This voice definitely came from the doors behind me, but my father's voice still softly beckoned.
"Sis!" It was my little sister, Fionna's voice this time, coming from above me. "Sis, I want to be an astronaut! Can you build me a spaceship?" All of my siblings; Matt, Fionna, Mary, Aiden, Brian, and Lìadan started talking in chorus with the other voices, the cacophony of sound giving me a headache. Each was saying something different and vaguely familiar.
"Help!" A new voice screamed above them, all other sounds silencing at its shrill cry. It was my mother. I ran towards the back door, tugging at the doors. They seemed locked.
"Mom?" I asked, my breathing fast and my chest feeling hollow. "Mom? Mom!" I ran back to the doors at the front of the car, which swung open before I could touch them. McDougal's form blocked me from exiting the cabin. He wasn't smiling or frowning, just looking disappointed. The man said nothing as he stood there. McDougal was almost monochrome, his uniform grey, his skin white. His completely black eyes and hair were the only defining sources of color. He approached me slowly without taking a step, his feet not moving as he advanced.
A thousand 'nopes' ran through my head as I ran to the back doors that now opened to a hallway in the Central Command building. Not questioning the logic of the nightmare, I ran as fast as I could down the hallway with McDougal in silent pursuit. It diverged often, but I just ran straight ahead. It never seemed to end, and looking back the train car was now missing. Only McDougal's frowning, unchanging outline followed me.
I bolted down the next side hallway that came up, the ground giving way below me. I screamed as I fell, the air rushing through my hair and clothes as the white ground quickly approached. Sirens blared, the static from before now filling my head with its buzzing scream.
I awoke with a gasp, sitting up stiffly as I tried to calm down. When my eyes adjusted to the light streaming from the window I noticed that Denny and Maria were no longer beside me. The panic from the dream gripped me for a moment before I saw them standing and stretching after the long train ride. Hughes was picking up his papers, while Armstrong appeared to be asleep still. Noting my apparent alarm, Hughes shot me a concerned glance.
"Bad dream, Mac?" I shakily put the still sleeping Lucha into my bag, frustrated with myself for my temporary moment of hysteria.
"Yeah," I didn't care to further explain, too focused on getting off the dreaded locomotive in case the dream wasn't over yet and some new horror awaited me. I stumbled out onto the platform, dazed by the bright lights of the station. Rain pounded on the roof overhead, reminding me of my purpose here. I had little time to dwell on the dream - dreams were just regurgitated memories after all.
I quickly checked the time on the large clock on the wall. It was a little after 11:00, meaning the Elrics were probably at the Tucker's already. I was about to rush out of the station when Armstrong grabbed the back of my shirt, preventing me from sprinting to glorious, rainy freedom. I looked up at the taller man quizzically. I had forgotten Maria and Denny were my babysitters. The two finally emerged from the car, looking exhausted. And I was supposed to be the one having sleeping issues.
"Morning sunshine," I said jokingly, elbowing a sleepy Denny in the ribs. "Ready to go target hunting?" His response was mumbled complaint about coffee. Maria's half-awake ramblings were aligned with that sentiment. "Oh, gosh. You're all addicts. Fine, coffee shop first, then to-"
"Lieutenant Colonel Hughes!" A voice snapped to my left, interrupting my fantastic plan of action. He was smoking from the smell of it. Hughes saluted back at the man as he stepped off the train car, his luggage tucked under arm.
"Good to see you, Havoc." I looked from the bedraggled man to Hughes. This was Jean Havoc? He looked like he belonged in a bar, behind a bar, or at the pub; somewhere with booze and women, not in uniform. Contrary to the image he had in the show, real life Jean had a 9 o'clock shadow, but was all around either drunk or goofy looking depending of your point of view. Hughes clapped my shoulder, startling me from the disturbing image of this man driving one of the prehistoric cars around under the influence. "Mac, this is 2nd Lieutenant Jean Havoc. He'll be your chauffeur for the day." I glared at Hughes. I did not need more babysitters. I could take care of myself, more or less.
"Nice to meet you Mac-"
"Please call me Irish, and the pleasure's mine Havoc, just don't crash the car."
We ended up in one car, again. But this time Jean was driving and as much as I'd like to have faith in his driving skills, the occasional swerving due to the rain was not helping calm my fears.
"So, Hughes," I asked, having not gotten an answer from him the day before. "Why are you here in East City?"
"I told you, confidential. Mustang called me in for some business." I rolled my eyes and even sitting in front of me I could see his grin.
"Sure, whatever you say Maes," He now shot an injured glare at me that brought a smile to pull at my lips. "So, Havoc first order of business is…" I looked over Tucker's file for a moment, unable to recall the address. "44 Lockwood Drive. The Tucker estate please." Hughes and Havoc exchanged a brief and tense glance at one another. Silence enveloped the car, only broken by the rain's thundering outside. "Was it something I said?"
"Major Shou Tucker died last night," Havoc said grimly, "The Scarred Man killed him, and the chimera too." Hughes' eyes widening slightly before he murmured under his breath,
"The bastard got what he deserved, I guess." I looked back and forth between the two, then back at the confused Armstrong Trio behind me.
"What the hell did I miss?"
"Well Mac, all I can say is you're really damn good at predicting targets." Hughes said, rubbing his face in frustration. Well, I guess the moral dilemma had been temporarily put off until the next death in the series? Still, that meant I was in East City for nothing. I guessed I could visit the Elrics, but in case you hadn't noticed, I could barely deal with my own issues let alone the boatload of problems the Elrics would get themselves into.
"Who exactly is this girl Hughes?" Jean asked, looking back at me for a moment. I had to resist the urge to yell at him for taking his eyes off the road. Noticing that the usually excitable man was pretty distraught at the moment, I took it upon myself to introduce myself.
"Honorary Citizen Miss. Irish of Drachma. Nice to meet you Mr. Havoc, sir." I mock saluted, hoping he wouldn't look away from the road to see me. It was bad enough these 1914 cars had a stiff steering wheel and the roads were chocked full of people, I didn't need a distracted driver too. Well, the roads weren't very crowded now, with all the rain, but that just made it harder to see anyone who dared to go outside in this weather.
"Nice to meet you ma'am. Now tell me, how does a pretty little lady such as yourself get wrapped up with the military." Jean asked, his lit cigarette gradually filling the vehicle with smoke.
"She's only seventeen Havoc, don't get ahead of yourself." A disgruntled Maria said, reaching over me to flick the man's head. I forgot to mention there were no seatbelts, yet another hazard of the 1914s. If I survive the Promised Day I was so getting these people up to par with modern safety standards.
"Yeah, and it's a long story." I added in, subconsciously reaching for my necklace that brushed against the slowly fading bruise. Jean chuckled, like an older cousin Timothy chuckle that made you think they knew more than you did.
"We've got plenty of time." I sighed at his comment, looking out the window. Hughes hadn't said a word since the mention of the Tuckers' deaths, glaring out at the window as if angry with the rain.
"We all need some coffee first," I said, looking back at a tired Denny that Maria shoved away from herself as the man began to doze off again. "Know anywhere good?" Jean smiled, chomping down on the stub of his cigarette.
'The Cafe' read the sign above the quaint little shop. Not the most creative name, but at least it was pronounceable, unlike the names of the stops the train made. It was Maria who dozed off during our ride there, even though it was no more than ten minutes. We all hustled into the dinner, even Hughes shaken from his dejected state by the cold, pounding rain. Inside, a waiter began to lead our group to a table. When all was said and done, I had ordered coffee for everyone but myself and Havoc.
"So, mystery girl, what's your story?" Jean asked, his cigarette having been put out by the rain. He had been pretty peeved to learn that the small diner didn't allow smoking, but the man didn't complain.
"You first pretty boy." I retorted, not in the mood to retell this entire story from its beginning. Again. Jean laughed, hitting the table.
"See? You do find me attractive!" I glared at him, but knew it was all in good jest. He was just trying to get a rise out of me.
"You're girlfriend wouldn't be too happy to see you now, would she?" I responded with a sniff, smirking at his startled face.
"I never said I had a-"
"No, I was guessing. But, now I do know you have a girlfriend." Jean glared at me before giving a huff of amusement.
"You are one smart cookie. So, this is how you figured out Tucker was going to get the ax from Scar?" I shrugged, feeling an unwelcome blush come across my cheeks.
"No, it was more criminal psychology and plain common sense-" I stopped talking and, smiling, nodded a thank you to the waiter who brought four mugs and a pitcher of coffee. Though the one on one with someone who wasn't trying to question me too seriously was nice, I was feeling a little abandoned by the Armstrong Squad and Hughes, who were falling asleep in their seats. Were they that dependent on coffee, or did they sleep worse than I did last night?
"Still, how did you narrow it down to Tucker? East City?" Jean asked, calming down his energetic attitude the more conscious the quartet of coffee addicts became. Armstrong had gotten himself coffee, but he wasn't fighting to stay awake like the other three.
"Well, Scar would skip town after he let a witness go, and judging by his target demographic-"
"Woah, the guy actually let a witness go? Man, is he alright?" I let a small chortle of amusement get past my lips. Havoc was one of the first people to not mistake me for a guy on our first meeting, and I could see a beautiful friendship somewhere in the far, far, future. Maybe.
"Yeah, I'm good," Jean looked at me, confused for a moment. Sighing, I rolled my eyes. "I was the witness, Scar let me go." Unbelieving, Havoc turned from me to Armstrong, then back to me.
"Sure…" People either believed rumors about me, or believed nothing about me. I couldn't win, could I? Have a little faith Havoc!
"Ugh, think whatever you want Jean, it doesn't matter now…"
"No, no, you had another lead, right?" Hughes asked groggily, beginning to regain his ability to function after the long train ride and coffee withdrawal. Furrowing my brow, I nodded. But the lead wouldn't be the next target...Ed and Al would be!
If the Nina/Alexander chimera and Tucker had died last night, then this was the 'Rain of Sorrows' episode. My fingers twitched uncontrollably as I thought of the sequence of events. It had a jump to Liore where the homunculus started a bloody religious conflict, but after that I couldn't recall the next scene after Gluttony ate the priest who saw Envy change back to a palm tree from Father Cornello.
"Mac? You all up there Mac?" Jean snapped his fingers in front of my face as he said this, distracting me from my anxious thinking. I blinked a few times, feigning a startled expression.
"Sorry, did you say something?" Hughes ruffled my hair - for a moment I thought back to Gracia but quickly shook myself from the sad thought of being away from the 'normal' of this world. "Don't touch my hair Hughes." I hissed threateningly, looking to the others for an answer.
"We'll be going with the Lieutenant Colonel to the crime scene, you'll be with Havoc. We plan on meeting up here around dinner time if things go smoothly." I ran a hand through my hair, unintentionally pulling out a few white strands that I observed before tossing them onto the floor. This stress was starting to get to me.
"Oh, okay." It then occurred to me that I'd be spending the whole day with Jean Havoc - to some, that might have been a dream come true, to others, a living nightmare. For me, it was a mix between the two. Denny was looking at me as if I had just signed my own death sentence, which concerned me greatly.
"Sure you'll be okay Irish?" He asked, his bright green eyes alight with caffeinated coffee and worry. I snorted in laughter as we excused ourselves from our table and headed back to the metal deathtrap known in this time period as a 'car'.
"Whatever could go wrong will, but that's nothing new."
0 notes
tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 29.08.17 lb
plain text version here. 
lo shuru sanskaari music. 🙄🙄🙄
never getting over the “fuck me” bedroom eyes they’re giving each other. 😏😏😏
gauri feeding shaktiiii cake. gosh, what even do you call it when you start shipping a new parental figure for a character? there are no words in fandom culture for all the dynamics this show makes me ship!!!! 😫😫😫
... such unnecessary tension. just eat the damn cake, omkara. 😒😒😒
shivika giving each other “kuch karnaaa padegaaaa” looks 🙃🙃🙃
yes plz, turn for you to play shipper now. yell at omkara alternately till he fucking fixes this ish. 😒😒😒
shaktiji is practically glowing from all the #shivika shipping. happiness is a good look on him. 😊😊😊
who’da thunk that i’d eventually be rooting for shakti as the good parent? in any case, he did less damage than pinky, so there’s that. 😕😕😕
god i hate this stupid “abhi tak shaadi nahi hui hai, toh door raho” nonsense in remarriage tracks. they were living together for more than six months. they could have been having crazy monkey sex in that time for all you know. bloody nonsense. 😑😑😑
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i am happy that anika looks just as dismayed as shivaay at this development. 😌😌😌
the dubbing of this damn scene... 😐😐😐
ohhhhhhhh great. pinky’s here to fuck up the happy. 😒😒😒
omkara’s instant bitch face. love itttttttt. 😆😆😆
nope. shakti is firmly #teamShivika. SHAKTIJI OUT!!!!!!!!! 😙😙😙
i think omki took that “8 baje kamre ka darwaaza bandh” instruction from rudra a little too seriously. he looks mad at shivaay for making him leave this late at night. 😋😋😋
honestly #me. don’t you make me leave my bed/room after 8 pm. you won’t like my grumpy ass. 😒😒😒
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omki’s excitement and glee at shivaay’s happiness. oh my heart. my boys. my beautiful boysssssss. 😭😭😭
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saansein ruk jaati hai was anika’s thing. and di’s thing to arnav. not omki’s to shivaay’s. 😕😕😕
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“sabse pehle main tujhse bataane aa gaya” BECAUSE HE’S YOUR PERSONNNNNNN. 💖💖💖
awwww man, i’m just so happy and weepy from all the feeelz. 😭😭😭😭
lol omki yelling at him for telling HIM first instead of anika. 😊😊😊
“i think i need a hug. i think we both need a hug.”
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“subah subah shivaay singh oberoi pakode tal raha hai?”
a sentence i never thought i’d hear. also, probably a real headline in the newspapers of this show’s universe, knowing the press and the way they act in this show. 😒😒😒
anika’s about to lose it at him for using the wrong type of oil. 😆😆😆
(god, she’s so me, it hurts. i too am very specific about shit like this. 😕😕😕) 
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“aap na bohutttttttt cute ho.”
not in that ugly ass shirt and white jeetendra pants from the 80′s he’s not. 🙄🙄🙄
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billu hates being called “cute”. he wants to be called “HOT”, does he? 😏😏😏
OMG HE DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😯😯😯😂😂😂
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lol his innocent “haan dadi????? 😇😇😇”
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snort. idiot. he’s doing ONE ARM DISTANCE like we used to do in schoooooool, for assemblies. 🤣🤣🤣
wait, so they’re still in the same room at night? so, what does this “do foot” nonsense even matter??????? 😑😑😑
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“DADI KO MAT BOL!!!!!!!!!!!!”  “DO FOOT, MY FOOT!”
oh billu. you’re incorrigible. 😝😝😝
also, um hello, YOUR PAKODE?!!?!?! 😯😯😯😯
incoming takaraaana in 3... 2... 1.... 
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ohhhhhh you twoooooo awkward babiesssss. 😌😌😌
anika helpfully informing shivaay of gauri’s “atrangi ideas” 😊😊😊
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anika’s excited squeals oh my hearttttttt what a fucking cutie!!! 💖💖💖
“ab jab hum nahi lad rahein, toh jo humari jagah khaali hai kisi ko toh bharni padegi.”
this damn family thrives on conflict and chaos. check yourselves before you wreck yourselves, idiots. 😐😐😐😐
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YAS, MISSION RIKARA IS A-GO!!!!!!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
what the fuck is a “shaadi ka bowl”? 🤔🤔🤔
what’s this 90′s bollywood type theme music. 😒😒😒
pfffffffft rudra. you’re soooooo lame. 🙄🙄🙄
HA! i like how she gave it back to him! “public police ko nahi bachaati. police public ko bachaati hai.” 😎😎😎
ok romance is getting tooo icky with the staring. also i haaate their music. fwding. 🙄🙄🙄
gauri approves of shivaay’s olive oil waale pakode. at least someone does. 😋😋😋
meanwhile anika here is working on om. yaaaaaas, i am loving this division of labour. MY BROTPSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! 😘😘😘
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shivaay feeding gauri pakode apne haath se. LIKE HE DOES HIS BABY BOY RUDRA. i am actually fucking crying. 😭😭😭😭😭
oh boy anika omki ko faraq ka jaap pada rahi hai. 😐😐😐
but fully loving how he’s trash talking his own brother for bulbullllllllllllll behnaaaaaaa 😚😚😚
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meanwhile anika toh is going to town on omki with reverse psychology. behen, sambhaal ke. bante bante baat ke upar apni bulldozer mat chalaiyo. 😣😣😣
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“ab gauri ko main pasand nahi hoon???? 😟😟😟” 
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“agar woh tumhare paas aaye toh mooh pher lo. pher lena!!!! achcha ab yahaan phero, sun toh lo.” 
omfg shivaaaaaaaay. lmaooooooo i love these two togetherrrrr. 🤣🤣🤣
ok kids, time to pick a team in the replies: are you #TeamAniKara or #TeamShivRi
you guys know my team already. bade bhaiyya and bulbul have my fuckinggggg heart. 😍😍😍😍
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“ab gauri om se door bhaagegi.” “aur om gauri ke peeche peeche!”  “aur hum?” 
tum dono ab make out karoge. 😌😌😌
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*siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* 😍😍😍😍😍
oufffffo dadiiiiiiii yaaaaaaar. 😣😣😣
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LMAO “pehle toh nahi tha puttar, lekin teri harkatein dekh kar...” dadi let the boy liveeeeeee lollllllll 😆😆😆
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you guys i can’t tell you how hella glad that i am that anika is just as frustrated as billu. it just warms my hearttttt that she’s as into it as he is. 😌😌😌
oh my heartttt, omkiiiii. look at his faaaace. and how he’s nervously adjusting his shirt and vest before approaching her. 😭😭😭
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‘please still love me!’
oh boy, not the best voices to have in your head guiding you. honestly, why would you take advice from a couple who haven’t even been properly together for 24 hours yet!!?!?! 🙄🙄🙄
ohhhh boy omki is going to be asad (from QH) ka sequel, with the “woh actually, main...”s. 😬😬😬
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ohhhhhhhhhhhhh no. these fucking idiots. they underestimated omki. 😟😟😟😬😬😬
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will i ever stop sighing happily over these two and their cuteeeee???? 😭😭😭😍😍😍😚😚😚
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hahahahahaha shivaay dropping the stuff and fumbling picking it up . what an idiottttt. 🤣🤣🤣
oh boy why does dadi have rope?!!?!?! 😬😬😬
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what a cutieeeeeeeee 😍😍😍
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omggggg hahahahah shivaay singing “jahaan main jaata hoon wahin chali aati hai” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
lo rudra ki bhi entry. loving the casual way shivaay and he exchanged rock on 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽 gestures as greetings. 
“rudy, pata hai, shivaay rangay-haathon pakda gaya!” “bhaiyya yeh koi holi khelne ka time hai kya?” 
snortttttt, idiot. 😂😂😂😂
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ohhhhhhhh boyyyyy. omkiiiiii. tu toh puraaaaara paaapi nikla. 😫😫😫
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bulbul doing taubaaaa gestures at “patne - pataane ki baatein” hahaha 😆😆😆
lol anika getting mad at shivaay for being an idiotttttt. 😂😂😂
ouff againnnn tejvilana nonsense. fwding. 🙄🙄🙄
lo, omkara has taken the ramayan parallels from the initial promos a little too seriously and drawn a literal lakshman rekhaaaaaa. 😐😐😐
ladki waale kaun ladke waale kaun waala confusion.
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lmao smart singh oberoi has very cleverly declared himself a ladki waala and stepped rightttt over the loc lololol 😂😂😂
pffft  tumhaaare dad aur mom haiiii kahaaan? have you even bothered calling them for the last 2 weeks? 😒😒😒
ugh fuck off pinky. no one invited you. 😤😤😤
maaaaaaaaaan, what even is this jhanvi plot?
who dat on the bike? um... kinda looks like gauri ka woh “apun ki sister” waala bhaiyya? 😕😕😕
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ok idek why i’m watching this nonsense. oh wait. i do, for this face: 
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who the fuck told these people that south indians start every sentence with “aiyyo”????? 😒😒😒
like idk about other south indian states, but elders always admonish me if i say “aiyyo” too much - it’s a thing you say in distress and it’s believed saying it over and over kinda invites negativity into your life. 😐😐😐 
dandiiiiiii is under the influence of dosas and thinks kaveri/peter are legit. don’t blame him, whatever said and done, those dosas did look damn good. 😌😌
also, i hate the way north indians pronounce “dosa” - it’s tho-sha/tho-sa, not dosa with a hard D. 😒😒😒 
jhanvi is like yep, that kinda ignorant ass north indian bs sound like tej/svetlana for sure. 😒😒😒
didn’t even get what the precap was about really. some murti, some shiv-parvati sanjog, and everyone shocked at shivaay’s possesiveness re: khanna. ok???????? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
hopefully om-gauri get a little trip outta this hellhole to go get this murtiiiii? 😊😊😊
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sueboohscorner · 8 years
#JaneTheVirgin Chapter 52 No Medal for Meddling
#JaneTheVirgin Chapter 52
Jane and the gang are back with a nice, serviceable episode. Let’s recap, shall we?
Flashback to pre-baby Jane watching "Beaches" with Xo, who was in tears because Bruce had jerked her around again. The Latin Lover Narrator tells us this taught Jane that she is the wind beneath Xo’s wings and that people don’t change.  In the present day, Jane walks in on Bruce and Xo smooching it out.  At first, I wasn’t all that crazy about Richard Chavira as Xo’s love interest—especially when she could have Rogelio--but once he opened his mouth, his sexy voice got me on board with his character. Rowr.  Jane’s got attitude, but Xo tells her to get over it because Bruce has changed and even Abuela sat down and had breakfast muffins with him.
Rogelio is telling Mr. Bee…er Michael,  that he’s going to conceive and co-parent with Darci Factor. Michael is entertaining adorable Mateo with an adorable sock puppet and tells Jane to stay out of Xo and Bruce’s business. Nobody likes a meddler! Michael’s such a good dad.  Sigh.  Michael is on his way to the mechanics because he’s doing anything to avoid going to the office because he hates desk duty and wants to be a detective again.
Jane goes to drop Mateo at Raf’s Marbella pad but Raf is down at the police station.  So Jane goes to visit Catalina. Catalina’s silver-haired, French husband comes out in a robe.  Catalina confesses that they’re separated and she didn’t say anything because she married Jean Jacque on an impulse, realized it was a huge mistake and was embarrassed. Mr. Bee pops up as Jane’s conscience—“Don’t meddle!”—but Jane tells Cat she’s got to tell Raf.
Michael is at the police station telling Raf that Emilio is not his father. Michael’s cute, light-skinned, freckled partner (call me?) comes in to take Raf in for questioning—about Sin Rostro, I guess—but  Cutie tells Michael he can’t be a part of the interrogation because he’s on desk duty. Damn.
Raf gets home and Petra is tripping. She just let herself into his apartment. She suspects Rafael and Scott of plotting against her. Raf convinces her she’s just paranoid. They’re both right.
Michael quit the police force.  He thinks about becoming a car salesman. Of course, Jane is supportive and wants him to find a career that excites him. I love that they’re happy. They’re a little boring, but I like them happy. I wish that had a kink or a fetish or something to give their marriage more umph. But I love those two crazy kids. I do.
Jane goes to see Xo at the dance studio and sees Bruce walk out and Xo crying. Jane goes outside and Mr. Bee tells her, “You don’t get a medal for meddling!” but Jane lets Bruce have it.
Rogelio and Darci are all business about their baby-to-be. They agree on every point of the co-parenting contract, even insemination and the baby’s name: De La Vega Factor. Rogelio goes to tell the Villanueva women the good news, but they’re a little skeptical, given Ro’s impetuous nature. He decides to introduce them to Darci to get them on board.
Cat tells Raf and swears her marriage is over. Raf finds out Jane knew about Cat’s hubby. He asks Jane to tell him if something like that happens again and they both agree, they don’t trust Cat.
Petra, quivering with nuttiness, drives down to skid row, where Anezka has set up a tarot card reading booth. Anezka has heavy bangs, lol.  Petra is convinced that Scott and Rafael are in cahoots.  She tells Anezka to go back to the Czech Republic.
Xo’s pissed Jane yelled at Bruce. Turns out, Bruce and Xo were trying to figure out how to get Bruce’s daughter, Tess, to accept their relationship. Tess thinks Xo broke her parents up and Bruce thought Tess would outgrow her anger, but seeing the grudge Jane’s still holding makes him not so sure. Mr. Bee comes out to remind Jane, “Nobody likes a meddler.”
Anezka and Scott meet in a skid row alley. Scott still loves Anezka and offers to take care of her because he’s got money Raf gave him to run game on Petra. Anezka runs away. Only, it’s not Anezka; IT’S PETRA! Dun Dun DUN!
Michael goes down to the station to get his things and Jane goes to dinner with Xo and Bruce. Bruce and Xo are in true love. I guess. Doesn’t Xo want to sing anymore?  Where is she working?
Jane goes to pick up Mateo and sees Catalina getting into a car and kissing her husband. Jane tells Raf.
Michael thinks he wants to be a stand-up comedian.  Jane lovingly sits through Michael’s butt jokes. And she invites everybody to The Laugh Outlet to see Michael’s first open night. (The Latin Lover Narrator got in a popular vote joke—topical.)
Cat rips into Jane for telling Raf. Jane’s all, “Girl, I’ve known you for a month of lies, and he’s my baby daddy.”  Cat hangs up.
The Villanuevas hit The Laugh Outlet. Xo is cold to Darci. Darci is not having it. She tells Ro to pull Xo together. I like Darci. I’d like Darci and Bruce together. They have husky voices. Michael comes out and gets total stage fright. He even gets heckled a little. Jane runs to the side of the stage and feeds him his lines. He recovers and is…not so bad.
Raf realizes his dad knew his dad knew he wasn’t a Solano and that’s why he treated him differently from Luisa. Turns out there’s a will and Raf could be out of his inheritance. Petra comes in with the anger of thousand white hot suns and touches everything. She swears revenge on Raf for colluding with Scott.
Jane admits Michael routine wasn’t that funny. They get bizzzy anyway.
Bruce’s daughter refuses to have brunch with Xo, so Jane, encouraged by sock puppet Bette Meddler, decides to go speak to Tess at her job. Tess and her mean girl squad call Xo all kinda ho-bags. If Was Jane Tess would catch some hands, but I guess Jane knows who her mother is. Jane works it out.
ROGELIO’S NUDE SCENE! Can we just acknowledge how CUTE Jaime Camil is when his hair is drooping on his face like a Latino Hugh Grant. I died. I died.  Rogelio has some stage fright of his own.  Darci gives Ro some words of encouragement and he goes on set and gets as naked as the day he was born. He also realizes he has feelings for Darci.  It hits him HARD. It just…POPS UP out of nowhere.  It was really EXCITING—ok, you get it. And so did the whole movie crew. I really wanted them to be more impressed with Rogelio’s…de la vega. Later Ro tells Darci he has feelings for her, but she tells him to get over it.
Jane drops Mateo off and half-naked Cat opens the door.  Jane doesn’t even ask. Back at home, she and Michael discuss careers, and Michael thinks he might want to be a lawyer. Jane’s okay with him going back to school. Michael’s dreaming big: the Law Offices of Michael Cordero, Jr.   AND THEN THE NARRATOR SAYS (and I quote :) “Ah, to see that dream come true. But alas…”  THESE HINTS ARE KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Raf’s lawyer tells him to keep the will to himself. However, when Petra was last in Raf’s penthouse, yelling at him about Scott, she was also PLANTING CAMERAS EVERYWHERE and now Petra knows Raf is a no-money having, non-Solano!
The previews promise a Darci/Rogelio heavy episode--THAT WOULD BE MY DREAM SPIN-OFF, "Raising Rogeliana" I live! I live! I give this eppy a B. Not a lot happened, but we're being set up for something.
To Be Continued...
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