#sun quincunx sun
catmarlowastrology · 1 year
❤️ Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet Synastry: Exploring the Leo-Capricorn Quincunx
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⚔️ The quincunx
A quincunx happens when two planets are positioned 150 degrees apart in the sky. This alignment signifies that individuals need to work together to expand their outlook and adjust in ways that might not come naturally. This might include stepping out of their comfort zones and actively embracing ideas or traits that may seem unfamiliar and difficult at first.
🦁🐐 The Leo-Capricorn Quincunx
Leo and Capricorn represent the conflict between expressing oneself and fulfilling responsibilities. Leo is all about personal creativity, performance, and self-expression, driven by the Sun's influence, which symbolizes the individual self. On the other hand, Capricorn is focused on social status and career, guided by Saturn, which places a greater emphasis on duty and structure.
❤️ Attraction Factors between Leo and Capricorn
Leo and Capricorn are drawn to each other because they both have strong ambitions, although they focus on different areas. Leo aims for the spotlight and craves attention, often pursuing paths that allow for creativity and personal recognition. In contrast, Capricorn is attracted to accomplishments that bring long-term value and social status, such as career progression and contributions to the community. They can greatly admire each other's achievements, finding this quality quite captivating.
Leo's lively character can bring excitement to Capricorn's usually practical and reserved lifestyle. Leo can teach Capricorn how to appreciate the rewards of hard work, how to savor life, and, importantly, how to relax and have fun. Conversely, Capricorn's down-to-earth demeanor can offer Leo the stability and framework they might not recognize they require. Capricorn can help Leo channel their energy in a disciplined manner, potentially making their aspirations more attainable.
Both Leo and Capricorn place high importance on loyalty and lasting commitments, albeit for different motivations. For Leo, loyalty represents a manifestation of love and dedication, a proof of their significance. In contrast, Capricorn regards loyalty as a fundamental element of a dependable, enduring partnership. This common core value can establish a sturdy basis for their relationship.
⛔ Repulsion Factors between Leo and Capricorn
Despite their mutual attractions, Leo and Capricorn may encounter certain challenges or aspects that don't resonate with each other. For example, Leo's constant desire for admiration and attention might clash with Capricorn's tendency to only give praise when it's earned based on their high standards. Capricorn might perceive Leo's extravagant behavior as frivolous or shallow, seeing it as an obstacle to long-term objectives. Leo might interpret Capricorn's reserved demeanor as cold or unaffectionate, potentially mistaking it for a lack of interest or enthusiasm.
Their approach to social interactions can also lead to disagreements. Leo enjoys socializing and often thrives in lively settings, whereas Capricorn prefers more selective and purpose-focused gatherings. Leo might feel stifled by Capricorn's reserved nature, while Capricorn could view Leo's social enthusiasm as lacking depth or seriousness.
Leo's love for drama and excitement might be tiring for the more practical and composed Capricorn, who, in turn, could seem too dull or inflexible for the spirited Leo.
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crystalsenergy · 1 year
Compability level of a relationship (synastry chart) - part one!
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saturnian-venus · 1 year
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sun opposite/quincunx saturn
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mariaelenaariente · 1 year
I have 4 Yod aspects in my chart, would you be able to give more insight on Yods in general?
Hi! Absolutely, I'd love to.
A short introduction just in case someone else reading this isn't sure what we're talking about here: a Yod is an aspect pattern that consists of two inconjunct aspects (150 degrees) and one sextile aspect (60 degrees). It is formed when two planets are in a sextile aspect to each other and both form an inconjunct aspect to a third planet. I would advise heavily against using points and steroids when looking for a Yod. To take it a step further, I'd only allow personal (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) and social (Jupiter and Saturn) planets and an orb of 2 degrees for the inconjunctions and 4 degrees for the sextile. However, I'll also make some examples with generational planets just so we can get a better feel of this energy.
The formation is a narrow, elongated triangle, with the third planet at the apex of the triangle - this is the "finger" of the Yod and also the focal planet.
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The Yod is a rare and powerful aspect pattern because it involves three planets that are in a complex and dynamic relationship with each other. It's a symbol of spiritual growth and evolution, as it represents a point of tension and challenge that can lead to profound growth and transformation.
Yods are seen as indicators of the soul's evolutionary journey. They are symbols of karmic patterns that need to be resolved in order for the soul to evolve and grow. The placement of the yod in the natal chart will provide further insight into a native's soul purpose and the challenges they need to overcome in order to achieve it.
Example 1: if a native has a Yod involving the Moon, Uranus, and Pluto, it may indicate a need to resolve past life patterns related to emotional (Moon) intensity, rebellion (Uranus), and transformation (Pluto). The challenge would be to find a way to integrate these energies and use them in a positive and constructive way, rather than being overwhelmed by them.
Yods are also symbols of spiritual potential and transformation. They are indicators of a native's spiritual gifts and talents, as well as the challenges they need to overcome in order to fully realize their potential.
Example 2: if a native has a Yod involving the Sun, Neptune, and Pluto, it may indicate a need to develop their spiritual gifts and talents in a way that is aligned with their soul purpose. The challenge would be to overcome any illusions or delusions that may be blocking their path and to use their spiritual gifts in a way that is aligned with their highest good and the good of others.
I talk about all the important configurations in my astrology book btw. It's very affordable and aims to give you all the needed basic skills to understand the foundations of natal astrology.
Interpreting Yods is actually pretty challenging because of the very complex dynamics they involve. Here are two things to consider:
First, it is important to consider the planets involved in the Yod and their placement by sign and house. This will provide valuable insight into the nature of the challenge and the area of life where it is likely to manifest.
Second, it is important to consider the sextile aspect that connects the two inconjunct planets. This can provide insight into the resources and talents that can be used to release the tension and achieve the desired growth and evolution.  
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ariesphysics · 1 year
0° Aquarius Risings
The people listed here are have A-AA Rodden rating.
The source, as always, my beloved Astrodatabank.
Press 'Keep Reading' to view. It has 30 people so I just kept it this way.
ALOJZY ADAMCZYK, Polish resistance fighter
North Node in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant square Saturn, 1°
Ascendant trine Chiron, 3°
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CONRAD AIKEN, American writer and poet
Ascendant sextile Moon, 2°
Ascendant opposite Mars, 1°
Ascendant quincunx Lilith, 0°
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ALEJANDRA BAIGORRIA, Peruvian businesswoman, TV personality, and racing driver
Ascendant opposite Venus, 1°
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IRELAND BALDWIN, American fashion model
Ascendant square Sun, 0°
Ascendant sextile Mars, 2º
Ascendant conjunct Uranus (12H), 3°
Ascendant sextile Pluto, 1°
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MARIO BAVA, Italian filmmaker, "Master of Italian Horror"
Uranus in 1st house
Jupiter in 1st house
North Node in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant opposite Neptune, 2°
Ascendant square Lilith, 3°
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BÉRÉNIC BEJO, French-Argentine actress
Ascendant sextile Moon, 2°
Ascendant square Uranus, 3°
Ascendant square Chiron, 2°
Ascendant square Lilith, 2°
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JAIMARIE BJORGE, American actress and stuntwoman
Moon in 1st house
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JUDY BLUMBERG, American ice skater
Ascendant sextile Saturn, 3°
Ascendant square Neptune, 2°
Ascendant sextile North Node, 2°
Ascendant conjunct Lilith, 1°
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BROOKS BOLLINGER, American football quarterback
Ascendant sextile Mercury, 3°
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BORIS III of Bulgaria, Tsar of Bulgaria 1918-1943
Sun conjunct Mercury in 1st house
Venus in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant sextile Moon, 3°
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ELMER BORLONGAN, Filipino contemporary figurative expressionism painter
Ascendant sextile Moon, 1°
Ascendant conjunct Venus, 0°
Ascendant opposite Jupiter, 1°
Ascendant sextile Lilith, 1°
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BRUNOZOR, Brazilian social media personality
Ascendant conjunct Uranus, 3°
Ascendant trine Mars, 1°
Ascendant sextile Saturn, 1°
Ascendant trine North Node, 3°
Ascendant square Chiron, 0°
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JÉRÔME HENRI CARREIN, second-to-last convicted criminal to be executed by guillotine in France
Ascendant opposite Venus, 0°
Ascendant sextile Mars, 0°
Ascendant trine Uranus, 2°
Ascendant opposite Pluto, 3°
Ascendant opposite Chiron, 1°
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LORD JAMES CLYDE, Scottish High Court Judge
Ascendant opposite Mars, 1°
Ascendant sextile Uranus, 1°
Ascendant sextile Chiron, 1°
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CAMERON CROWE, American filmmaker
Ascendant opposite Mercury, 3°
Ascendant square Neptune, 0°
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JOSETTE DAYDÉ, French jazz/swing swinger, chansonnière and actress
Venus in 1st house
Uranus in 1st house (Pisces)
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JEAN DEMANNEZ, Belgian politician
Mercury in 1st house
Venus in 1st house
Sun in 1st house
Mars in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant square North Node, 1°
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KIRK DOUGLAS, American actor and filmmaker
Uranus in 1st house
Ascendant opposite Saturn, 1°
Ascendant opposite Lilith, 3°
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HENRY EYRING, Mexican theoretical chemist
Venus in 1st house
Sun in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant sextile North Node, 3°
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MARGAUX FARRELL, American-born Olympic swimmer
North Node in 1st house
Ascendant trine Moon, 1°
Ascendant opposite Jupiter, 1°
Ascendant sextile Lilith, 3°
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Venus in 1st house (Pisces)
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VÁCLAV HAVEL, Last president of Czechoslovakia
Saturn in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant trine Mercury, 3°
Ascendant opposite Pluto, 2°
Ascendant square Lilith, 0°
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CHRISTOF INNERHOFER, Italian alpine ski racer
Venus in 1st house
Mars in 1st house
Ascendant square Pluto, 3°
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OVI KOBIR, American politician and former reality TV contestant
Ascendant sextile Mercury, 1°
Ascendant sextile Saturn, 0°
Ascendant conjunct Uranus, 0°
Ascendant sextile Pluto, 2°
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RUSH LIMBAUGH, American conversative political commentator
Venus in 1st house
Mars in 1st house
Jupiter in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant trine Saturn, 1°
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FLORENT MANAUDOU, French competitive swimmer
Ascendant conjunct North Node, 1°
Ascendant sextile Mercury, 1°
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MICHAL MILOWICZ, Polish singer and actor
North Node in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant sextile Neptune, 2°
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PAT NIXON, American First Lady
Ascendant conjunct Uranus, 2°
Moon conjunct Venus in 1st house
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STÉPHANE PLAZA, French television personality
North Node in 1st house (Pisces)
Ascendant sextile Neptune, 2°
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AMY POEHLER, American comedian
Mars conjunct North Node in 1st house
Ascendant trine Venus, 2°
Ascendant sextile Jupiter, 0°
Ascendant sextile Neptune, 0°
Ascendant trine Pluto, 1°
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lairofdragonagelore · 2 years
Andrastian Design: Tapestry and Tryptich
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Even though there is tapestry of each cultural group all over DAI, it’s common to associate tapestry with Ferelden mainly. In game we mostly find in Ferelden houses some of these Tapestries, that like the Stained Glasses of the Chantry, narrate the story of Andraste. 
The main reason why I assume these are Ferelden-made is basically because, 1) we find them always inside houses and castles of Ferelden, and 2) by analysing their frame, they are associated with the Ferelden Wyvern.
The frame
Fist of all, let’s see the details of the frame: They are decorated with a beautiful colourful complex set of patterns: dots, geometrical lines, circles, swirls, half-circles, and star-like figures compound it. 
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On the top corners we find two different kind of owls. 
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Owls have always been part of Ferelden design because they belong to their alamari heritage, given the important role that the Lady of the Skies [represented as an owl too] have in the alamarri/avvar religion. Since they are also quite close to spirits, I would not be surprised if these owls are also a link to the Elvhenan [we know that a curious pair of birds can be found in the Hidden Armoury [Elven mountain ruins] and there are many owls in Skyhold [specially in the front gates and in the basement library that may or may not be related to the ancient elvhen presence in it] as well as in the Inverted Ward.
In the lower part of the frame, we find a Ferelden Wyvern, which are represented in several places throughout DAI. They are related to a non-official folktale of Andraste that we find in one of the books of World of Thedas. The tale is quite meaningless and shallow [more details in Crestwood]. This detail is the main reason why I think these tapestry are strongly Ferelden made.
The Story of Andraste
1-Unknown Event
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The first of all these tapestries is the one most difficult for me to understand. Based on the Chant of Light, it may represent the dark times alamarri were living; most of their territories were invaded by Tevinter, their resources were stolen and their people were kidnapped and turned into slaves. These strange harpy creatures may be a rare representation of Tevinter preying on Alamarri [it’s very strange since Tevinter is always represented with a snake or a dragon]
On the other hand, we see two bridges and a big elevated structure that makes me remember Ostagar, which was a Tevinter structure to keep the Chasind away from the invaded regions of Ferelden.  
Another interpretation is that this may represent the Golden City of the Maker, desecrated with the entrance of the Magisters. We have to remember that Andraste’s Tale comes half a century after the end of the First Blight. Still, it’s a weird representation since it’s not a floating city in the air, but a fortress in an island, with access through bridges, and there is water bellow.
We also know that by that time, Andraste called the Alamarri gods for help, but they remained silent [meaning, neither the Lady of the Sky, nor Korth, nor Hakkon answered her] and this scene may represent the despair that such situation may have caused.
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Finally, as a last interpretation, this structure may be Kinloch Hold, where the current circle of Magi of Ferelden is located. The original construction was built by the Avvar with some help from dwarves. It served as a fortress and a watchtower and was long considered impregnable until the Tevinter Imperium drove the Avvar from it in a brutal campaign. Maybe this image represents Kinloch Hold but surrounded by harpies and despair due to the lack of answer of the gods while the avvar were attacked by the Tevinter forces.
In any case, I can’t totally trust 100% any of these interpretation. The drawing is very strange for the lore we were given.
2- The Maker speaks to Andraste
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Without the answer of her gods, Andraste roamed the forest of Ferelden until the Maker appeared. Here we can see once more the figure of a man, without face, covered from toe to head, only wearing a crown. He is presented with a glow of green and golden, making his connection to the Fade a bit subtler in this drawing than in the Stained Glasses. 
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His veil has a pattern of what I think it’s a rose or a flower with vines, but sadly it’s not easy to see the details. I could not find a better quality image for a decent zoom-in.
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Over him, we see the moon with three borders, and I can’t avoid making a connection with the murals of Solas [Murals in DAI] where the Veil is represented with thick borders. This is very curious because in the other tapestries the moon appears like a normal element in the drawing, so this representation emphasises to the Player [not to the people inside Thedas] that there may be some special relationship with the moon. It’s also worth noting that the moon has a yellow/golden border same as the figure of the Maker, and golden decorations are usually related to godhood [at least inside the elvhenan context]. 
This scene represents the verses of Andraste 1 [Chant of Light - Part 1] where the Maker claims that the world has forgotten him, and invites Andraste to join him to the Golden City and leave the sorrow behind, but Andraste asks him to forgive humanity. He accepts, promising his return if his children listen to her.
3- With Maferath, Andraste leads the Exalted March against Tevinter
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Here, Andraste and Maferath lead an Exalted March against Tevinter in order to spread the word of the Maker and stop Tevinter oppression all over the alamarri lands. We see in this tapestry several alamarri warriors using a shield with the symbol of the Sun and hilts with wolf/mabari shapes. Again, the mabari is a Ferelden icon, while the Avvar prefer the wolf, since it’s an animal of freedom and not tamed as the hound [A Plea from the Warrior to the Spirits]. Depending on how we perceive the alamari around Andraste, this hilt can be also a subtle elvhen symbol of rebellion. I insist in relating the Avvar/alamari with the elvhen simply because their perception of the world of the spirits gave them similar wisdom than the Elvhenan.
Andraste is also wearing her typical one-spiked crown. Behind her we can see Maferath. She and Maferath wear a common element: a series of golden tiles around their chest or veil to emphasise the link they have: they are the leaders guided by divine words in this “divine” march against Tevinter. 
Also, notice how different the moon is represented in this tapestry in comparison with the previous one. 
4- Andraste fights in Tevinter territory
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This seems to be a depiction of a battle close to Minrathous. The background shows typical Tevinter buildings. On the left side of the tapestry we can see Tevinter warriors being killed by arrows [probably a subtle calling of Shartan presence], while Andraste, as a [superheroe] warrior, jumps in the air. 
Behind her, we see a lightning and a dark cloud, suggesting three potential things: when we read about the role of Shartan and the elves, their contribution is usually described as the responsible for creating “dark clouds of arrows that fall upon the enemy”. 
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The other interpretation, more andrastian, is that the Maker presence is there, helping them in battle. Finally, in the last interpretation, this cloud may be a representation of Andraste’s magical powers [in DAO we have the icon of Tempest looking similar to this: clouds and lightnings]. There is a glowing circle behind her face similar to the moon in the previous tapestry. These details may reinforce the idea of Andraste as a prophet of the Maker, or as a mage [specially if we read about her childhood with that strange episode of her half-sister dying in a fire, in the middle of the forest, implying that Andraste may have lost control of potential magical powers or was possessed by some spirit; the interpretations of this vague episode can go wild].
On the right side of the tapestry, I can see a statue that I suspect is of Nevarran origin [Egyptian-like design], meaning this battle may have been close to the borders of Tevinter and Nevarra.
Again, like in the post of Stained Glasses,  I don’t find a particular group of verses where Andraste narrates her movement across Ferelden, the Waking Sea, and Nevarra to attack Tevinter lands. The closest verse to this action is in Shartan Verses [Chant of Light - Part 2] but also historical battles are implied in Hymns and Transfigurations [Chant of Light - Part 1] where Andraste prays to the Maker before heading to combat. It is curious that there is no verses about the “travelling” part of Andraste and her armies, not even when crossing the Waking Sea and Nevarra in which land there are some tales going on as we saw in Emprise du Lion: Pools of the Sun with her supposed Nevarran disciple/lover Hector. In fact, in this local tale, the event of the betrayal is placed there, in Nevarra and not in front of Miranthous ready to lay a siege [hence my complete confusion about where exactly this betrayal happened, and if any siege to Miranthous truly happened].
5- Andraste is handed over to Tevinter
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In this scene we see when Maferath hands over Andraste to Tevinter. Since in the previous tapestry we see hints of Nevarra, and then we have this tapestry of the betrayal, we can assume that the tapestries narrate Andraste’s story in a way that makes Hector easy to be included [check Emprise du Lion: Pools of the Sun], while the Stained Glasses seem to remove any presence of Nevarra in her story. But the Stained Glasses have the presence of Shartan, which has been completely erased in these tapestries, making me suspect that maybe these tapestries keep the tale of Andraste with a strong Ferelden vision, probably closer to the most ancient versions of her tales [likely before the Long Walk of the free elves to the Dales, time when the tale of Shartan appears as we saw in The Chantry and the Mythology of the Chant of Light].
Here, we see Andraste being held by two Tevinter guys who look very evil. Like in the Stained Glasses, Havard is not here either. According to the Chant of Light, The Aegis Havard was supposed to be here, and unable to fight his Lord Maferath as well as to hand Andraste over to Tevinter, he puts himself in between Andraste and the evil Tevinter and ends up deadly wounded [Chant of Light - Part 2]. 
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In the shadows, representing the secret arrangement, we see Maferath giving a handshake to Archon Hessarian. 
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Behind them, a snake passes by: it has the tip of the tail golden, continues black, and then it turns out white. I’m not so sure if this means the transition of Archon Hessarian, from worshipping Old Gods, to kill Andraste, and then repent and became an Andrastian follower himself.
In the background, we see more Tevinter buildings with “evil” red glowing windows.
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The moon has a similar style to the one we saw in the tapestry with the Maker, but its borders are smudged. The colours seem to be the same ones but desaturated and muddy. 
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I’m not sure if this represents some “lack of presence of divinity” since Andraste’s golden tiles are also hidden below her hair, giving the idea that the Maker abandoned her.  She is not wearing her typical one-spiked crown either.
This tapestry represents the verse of Apotheosis 1 [Chant of Light - Part 2].
6- Andraste is killed
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In the next tapestry we see the public execution of Andraste in a pyre. The background shows Tevinter buildings, suggesting this is Minrathous.
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On the left we see Havard, the avvar warrior who is wearing a klimt-yellow robe. He is looking down, lamenting this situation. He is not “deadly wounded” as the Chant says. It seems that in this Ferelden version, Havard never was in the moment Maferath hands over Andraste, so he appears safe and sound at the moment of her execution.
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Close to Havard, we see a woman, kneeling as she cries, that maybe is Justinia, the original one. I guess this because it makes not much sense to add a random woman in this scene; all the characters present in this image have a relevance in the story of Andraste. 
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There is also a Tevinter man in black robes who also seems sad about this execution [Is this Trefir? the Archon’s slave who left Tevinter carrying the Sword of Mercy and was supposed to found the Blades of Hessarian?, more details in “The Chantry and the Mythology of the Chant of Light”]. I’m surprised of seeing another “sad Tevinter” considering this is made by Ferelden and one would expect a more anti-tevinter propaganda.
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In the centre we see Archon Hessarian, wearing a white robe, the same white that Andraste. This is very unusual given the typical dark outfit of the high hierarchy in Tevinter, so I’m inclined to interpret his figure here as “a purification” that the Archon experienced when he killed Andraste out of Mercy. If Andraste was purified by fire, the Archon was so by his merciful act. Again, a veeery rare representation of Tevinters, specially coming from a Ferelden source. As the Chant claims, he is sinking his sword in Andraste’s heart to give her a merciful death.  
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In the pyre, Andraste’s bleeds to death, tingeing her hair of red too. she still wears a minimal line of golden tiles. 
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On the right side of the tapestry, we see Maferath, leaving the scene with some facial gesture of regret, while holding in his hand a crown, that may represent the Maker, as if “he removed the Maker influence in this story”, or more likely, to “recover” his leadership of the alamarri. 
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I think this crown has one longer spike, so it may be Andraste’s crown, but it’s not the same crown that Andraste uses in previous tapestries, so the interpretation is a bit more loosely. Ferelden art depicts Andrates’ crown in very different ways.
The verse that this tapestry represents is Apotheosis 2 [Chant of Light - Part 2].
7- Andraste ascends
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Here we see the ascension of Andraste to the Maker’s side. Also, notice that this tapestry shows a normal moon too.
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The background displays two tree, one of them looking a bit like a thorny vine.  There is a sky full of stars.  An intense white light wraps her and makes her raise. She is wearing white, implying how the fire purified her. Below her, we see Maferath and Archon Hessarian, surprised.
The verse represented in this image is the last part of Apotheosis 2 [Chant of Light - Part 2].
8-Havard takes Andraste’s ashes
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In the last tapestry, we see Havard, wearing this iconic klimt-yellow robe, carrying Andraste’s ashes in the night, leaving Miranthous/Tevinter. We will know later that he went to the Frostback Mountains to build Haven, founding the Temple of Andraste that later will be developed into the Disciples of Andraste.  
The verse represented in this image is the last part of Apotheosis 2, [Chant of Light - Part 2],  even though it is curious that the Chant claims that Havard was healed by the ashes of Andraste, while we see in the tapestries that he was not even hurt. It’s also curious he looks more like a mage [yellow robe and staff] than an avvar warrior.
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Many of these tapestries, including this one, display small lines of green in the scenery as if it were mist, but they give an eerie feeling to the drawing, almost a subtle Fade-y effect.
The Orlesian Triptych
Why do we assume this is Orlesian? Simple: it’s not only over elaborated, it has a Quincunx design in it [more details below] which is present in the Orlesian design of rugs,
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 and has the typical triangular face of Orlais, that may represent Andraste [we find it in many sculptures of Orlais], Celene or Drakon’s Heraldry. I cannot point out exactly who is this triangular face, but all these options look reasonable in my opinion.
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The Orlesian triptych is focused on the execution of Andraste and her later ascension.
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At the top we see three iconic symbols in circles: in the centre, below the Orlesian face [or Drakon’s heraldry, I never know], we find a circle depicting the Golden City. At the right side, the typical icon of the six snakes with that little polygon in the middle, which used to be the typical symbol to represent Tevinter in a more “arcane” way [ check Nation Art: Tevinter]. 
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On the left side, we find a simplification of a Ferelden symbol we found in Nation Art: Ferelden, which shows a face crying. I assume this is a representation of Andaste’s face in a Ferelden style or a vestige of a Sun-based religion before the alamarri trinity religion.
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As apparently Orlesian design implies, the triptych shows the 3/4 of a Quincunx, completing the fourth circle on Andraste’s heart.  Therefore, the middle of the complete Quincunx would show the face of Andraste wearing her typical spiked crown. The Quincunx has been quite a repetitive element in DAO, being forgotten in later games. In DAI we only see it in Solas’ Tarot Card, and in some Orlesian designs that are seen in the concept art but not inside the game so far I’ve seen.
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Below the Ferelden symbol, we see Maferath. He is wearing a crown of three spikes, a bit squared. He can’t see the light that Andraste radiates. Ironically, he is drawn in a more darker and evil way than the Archon, which is surprising for me, since Orlais did not show a strong negative sentiment towards Maferath as Ferelden does [in the Hinterlands, we see in very raw sculptures the strong rejection that Ferelden has towards him in general]. Instead, I was expecting Orlais, headquarters of the Chantry religion, to be more negative towards Tevinter because their Imperial Church.
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Below the symbol of Tevinter, Archon Hessarian looks at Andraste, unbothered by the radiance, ready to use the sword as we can see his hand ready, close to the hilt of the sword at his waist.  A white snake is surrounding him, probably as a symbol of his change of heart that gave him some level of “cleansing”.
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The two panels are separated by a sword that lays over the burning body of Andraste: this is the Sword of Mercy that we see in many other pieces of art. Curiously, it’s the same sword that the Tevinter Warrior holds in the statues  Female Kossith/ Desire demon /Tevinter Warrior which decorate the columns of the Imperial Highway. This makes me suspect, in combination with such a positive view over Tevinter elements, that maybe this triptych is older than i expected, maybe older than the Schism of the Chantry. However, we have no information to confirm or debunk it, sadly. 
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When we open the Triptych, we can see Andraste, purified [wearing white] and the sun behind her.  
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This figure is a copy of the tapestry of the ascension of Andraste: I mean, from a design point of view, the designer copy-pasted the same Andraste and altered it a bit, meaning that one of these pieces of art if the copy of the other.
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On the left, we see the Ferelden side: Maferath is kneeling down, defeated, regretful, with his crown on his lap. 
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The Chantry hierarchy can be easily seen here represented by the three people lamenting Andraste’s death and looking down at Masferath: Sister/Brother and revered Mother. 
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Beside Andraste, we see the “white” Divine, the Divine with main residence in Orlais.
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On the right, we have the Tevinter side, mirroring the left side: we see  that Archon Hessarian is on the ground, regretful, in similar position to Maferath. He, as well as Maferath, wears a red cord in his head that was not present in Maferath’s head in the previous image. I don’t know what it could mean, since it stands out a lot in the drawing of dark and white colours.
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Behind him, we see a group of Tevinters that I assume belong to the hierarchy of the Imperial Chantry. Just by the outfit, we can see a magister, and probably a Revered Father and a sister. 
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I assume this one marked in the image is the magister simply because he wears similar to the Magister Erasthenes that we meet in Orlais: Shrine of Dumat.
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Beside Andraste, if I’m not mistaken, we can see the “Black” Divine, the imperial Divine. The curious helm he uses reminds me a lot of the mysterious symbol we found in Hinterlands: The Unknown Ruin.
Now, this Triptych is astonishing and mega-surprising for the presence of the Imperial Chantry in equality to the Orlesian Chantry, “Black” Divine included, since he’s considered a “false” divine. So, I think that this triptych, usually seen in Orlesian places, is quite subversive. I’m sad we don’t have much information about who painted it and when, because, again, to place the Imperial church in the same level than the orlesian Chantry, mirroring it no less, it’s very, very strange.
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bitesize-astrology · 3 months
Evaluate. Don't Compare.
Tuesday - June 18, 2024
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With the overwhelming presence of social media in our lives, it is hard NOT to compare yourself to the rest of the world. Social media has done more to skew our perception of the world - and our place in the world - than anything has in the last 30 years.
And I must say, it has caused some great harm. People are outright rejecting the things that make them unique, intriguing and sought after. Instead they go for the commonplace and typical, and then just get eaten alive by the quickly changing desires of a never satisfied world.
Today pay attention to those who ask you to conform to ideas or ways of being that are not authentic to who you are. Don't interpret this the wrong way - sometimes we NEED to get out of our comfort zone in order to accomplish incredible things. But I think by now many of you already know when something is "pushing" you versus something that is "compromising" you.
That is what the 28° square between the Sun in Gemini and Black Moon Lilith in Virgo is trying to teach you today. Don't compare yourself to others out of fear, but from a genuine desire to learn more about who you are, and what your message is.
And if there is something that needs to be transformed the quincunx between Mercury in Cancer and Pluto in Aquarius at 1° will help you find more loving ways to do it. Ways that honor who it is and what you desire to become, rather than what THEY want you to become.
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esotericfaery · 3 months
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June 20th-22nd: The Capricorn Full Moon this month comes just as multiple square (most tense) transits, including a few with the dark wounded feminine healer Black Moon Lilith, begin to move out of exactness. This happens just the day after the Summer Solstice (Litha for Pagans) in the Northern Hemisphere. This pairing only happens once about every 19 years. This longest day of the year is for increased fertility, as the crops are growing well with so much sun, and yet need more water to keep them going. This is a day of high inner power, and a good time to meditate on our own personal zodiac Suns power and what we want to do with it. Those will still be highly active, particularly if you have the same or similar aspects in your personal charts. Specifics on those are in other recent posts, but expect a gigantic push of tunnel vision as we struggle to reach our goals, through highly tense emotional mirroring. Try not to be fatalistic. If we can build the personal will to, we can work with this energy to build inner strength, and focus on planning for the future in practical, grounded ways. The Cancer Sun inconjuncts Pluto in Aquarius & Mercury squares the North Node - people allow egotism to push transformations onto others, as communications are thrust into (sometimes fated) future plans. The inconjunction is a constant and yet subtle force which must be worked with consciously in order to create harmonic change, through deep inner work. No aspects are exact between June 23rd and the 26th. This will give us a bit of breathing room to begin to regroup our inner resources.
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taratarotgreene · 6 days
Weekly Astrology Septe,ber 16-22 Autumn Equinox
A very powerful week, Venus opposes Chiron, a Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon, Super moon, Harvest Moon, Mercury opposite Saturn, Sun trine Uranus, Venus quincunx Uranus, Sun opposes Neptune, Mercury square Jupiter, Venus quincunx Neptune, Mercury quincunx Chiron,Sun trine Pluto, Autumn Equinox, sun enters Libra, and Venus square Pluto at 29 degrees and Venus enters detriment in Scorpio on 22,…
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harmoonix · 2 months
🦢 нєανєη 🦢
Astrology Observations by harmoonix
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🦢 - Mars in Leo/Cancer/Gemini/Virgo can easily feel under pressure when they're stressed, they can feel like the world is ending!!
🦢 - Mars in Libra/Mars in the 7H are so complicated. Finding the peace and the harmony within your romantic relationships can be stressful
🦢 - Gemini Saturn/Virgo Saturn/3H Saturn/6H Saturn are possible anxious places for Saturn! They're so heart-warming, though!! At some point every anxiety attack will end
🦢 - If you have malefics in your 11H like Saturn, Pluto, or Mars, if you have friends that talk bad/shit about their other friends, be sure they talk the same to them about you!! Is so predictable!
🦢 - Cher has a Gemini Venus that makes her look young even though she is 78. DO YOU BELIEVE IN LIFE AFTER LOVE ???
🦢 - Your 2H can talk about your metabolism!! Since it is heavily associated with food! For example, a fire sign in the 2H can talk about a fast metabolism
🦢 - Having Sagittarius in your 2H or 2H ruler in the 9H, it can make you proud of your traditional/cultural food!!
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🦢 - Leo Placements have a dark side like all of the other zodiac signs, because they're always in the spotlight. It is quite hard to know how they feel or if they fake their feelings. Not everyone knows how they feel behind close doors
🦢 - Sagittarius/Scorpio and Aries Mars can have a bad temper at times, some even anger issues, and is because Mars gets crazy in those placements
🦢 - If you have your south node in the 9H/Sagittarius, the school or some educational institution can get stuck in your memories/past forerver
🦢 - Jupiter aspecting Moon makes someone to radiate kindness! That person you wanna protect from bad people
🦢 Pluto - Mercury aspects can make someone have a deep voice indeed, which is also that typo of person to their voice hoarse most times
🦢 - Venus in Cancer/4° 16° 28°/4H Venus will make someone love you so passionately! They will build a castle inside your heart
🦢 - I feel like Capricorn Placements are always the ones to stress/overthink about the future 🙁, there is always something 'What if that will happen'
🦢 - Venus/Moon in your 9H can make your relationships/marriages blessed! Is a very beneficial house for those planets
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🦢 - Mercury in air signs have a specific way of communicating! It can be a fast reply to your messages, instant calling, using a lot of gestures while talking!
🦢 - If you have Sagittarius Mercury/Mercury in the 9H, you probably have a very good type of humor! Makes everyone to laugh
🦢 - Pisces Mercury and the 12H mercury are also people with good humor! I honestly appreciate their energy
🦢 - Can someone tell me why like Cancer and Capricorn Saturn BOTH give a very nurturing energy?? Is like I connect with mother nature
🦢 - Libra Placements are honestly precious! They appreciate the beauty of everything! They can find beauty even in bad things
🦢 - I have no major Saturn - Venus aspects, but I have quincunx instead, which can be manifested as such sad energy because you basically don't feel anything at times
🦢 - Lilith and Sun aspects are the symbol of a black diamond! Always shining after all they have been through
🦢 - If you have major 6H placements especially Pluto in the 6H, your health both mentally and physically is VITAL. Always prioritize that!!
Replying to your ex: No
Prioritizing your mental health: Yes
🦢 - If one of your parents have their sun in the same sign as your rising you can look a lot alike! Is honestly one one if the best combos to share with your parents
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🦢 - Venus conjunct south node but also Libra south node gives me the vibe of a widow in a past life, someone who could've have suffered in love
🦢 - If your 3H is connected with the 11H you can be best friends with your siblings, if your 3H is connected with the 9H you tend to be best friends with your cousins
🦢 - Saturn/Neptune/Mars and Pluto in the 12H need proper sleeping if they're usually tired is a sign to just relax and take a nap
🦢 - Venus in the same house as your Mars can make you addicted to topics like art, music, sex, history, and even culture
🦢 - Mars in harsh aspects with Venus tend to flirt more than the good aspects, because Mars here is looking for competition
🦢 - Virgo Venus and Venus at 6° 18° can be picky with their partners, they can also have multiple types of people as their crush
🦢 - If you have got your 4H connected to the 7H your family can help you with getting into a relationship
🦢 - Jupiter in harsh aspects to Pluto tend to force their beliefs/religion/habits into others, something even without realizing
🦢 - Uranus in your 4H or Aquarius in the 4H can talk about your family can have quite unique habits, is like your family is different from the rest of the world because something makes them to just stand out
🦢 - People who have Sun in their 4H or IC at 5° 17° or 29° can really be known because of their family, is giving popular family
🦢 - Earth Signs over the 8H can be very private about their intimate lives and their sexual life
🦢 - Mercury aspecting Moon can make the native so empathic emotionally, you can understand everyone's feelings usually they're soft at heart
🦢 - Mercury in the 12H can be attracted into things that seem 'undiscovered, or unknown', they're always curious about things they dont have much info about
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🤍🤍🤍🤍 harmoonix
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 month
Random Sun ☼ Notes
Sun in 12th house- the father may have left the family in some way- may be he was working in a foreign country for many years and thus the person never had a close relationship.
Sagittarius Suns are more comfortable in foreign lands and foreigners than their own country and people.
Sun-mercury people have very active minds especially the closer Mercury is to the Sun. They may also be good with their hands.
Sun-Uranus people need lot of freedom to act as they wish. They might also rebel against their fathers or males more. In some cases, males might be totally absent in their childhood giving them a lot of freedom.
Sun-Neptune people can be daydreamers. They are also sensitive to medicines and can be allergic.
Sun Quincunx mars people can face lot of obstacles and challenges in life. They have to fight a lot to achieve their goals.
Sun square Jupiter people can have grand plans and ideas but poor execution. They may also be unable to see through to the finish.
For Readings and Reports DM
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raisethetoast · 15 days
Astrology notes #3 🎀
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Please do not copy or plagerise my work, if you want some of my observations to be included, please mention my username, thx
🎀 Saturn is what glues two people together, but mostly negative aspects. There are other indications with bad aspects but they aren't strong as ones with saturn. Saturn makes bonds between people to mature more and grow through lessons
Ex. Saturn square Sun can make Sun person seem immature with their actions to Saturn person but at the same time Sun person grows with them
🎀 SN conjunct Sun can make the SN person feel connected to the Sun person (had this more than 5 times and they kept coming back 😭), same thing goes with Vx
🎀 Moon in 8th house is also a huge indicator of connection between two people, the moon person can read the house person very well or vice versa
The time just hit 12:22 PM while editing 😭
🎀 Mercury opposite or square Mercury is a BIG NO NO for me, these two people can't communicate with each other appropriately and the amount of miscommunication is overloaded 😭 (seriously I don't know how any of yall can manage to still have conversations with those people)
🎀 Moon aspects with other one's Moon are huge indicators of soul connections, especially conjunctions. Could possibly mean soulmate connection.
🎀 Asc conjunct Moon means that the Asc person can really treat the Moon person well and fulfill their needs. (This one is the cutest for me)
🎀 Twin flame connections are usually opposites or conjunctions in synastry (can be quincunx too, but I don't really work with that minor aspect)
Ex. Sun opposite Sun, Moon opposite Moon, Mercury quincunx Mercury, etc.
🎀 Uranus aspects to Mars or Venus are indicators of attraction or sudden connection, same as any planet conjunct Dsc or Asc
🎀 Pluto in 6th house is not ideal for for them to do daily routines together as the house person can be really aware and sense a lot of skeptical energy from Pluto person, but it doesn't have to be true IF the Pluto person doesn't have any negative aspects in their NA to Pluto or the house person doesn't have any bad aspects to Pluto in synastry.
🎀 Mars square personal planets is at the same time extremely attractive but deadly as many conflicts might arise 😭 (Can't help it but attract them in my life 🤷🏼‍♀️)
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astrologydayz · 5 months
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💋 KISS ASTEROID - 8267 IN ARIES = into rough, bold, passionate, & fiery kissing/makeout sessions<33. They can also be a big fan of tongue teasing, & lip biting/nibbling🫦. They really want2feel all that passion someone has for them when they're being kissed<33. It can also get kinda clumsy here sometimes because it can happen on such an impulsive/or they can suddenly get the need2act, 2 just follow their "instincts asap"🫰🏼. 💋 KISS ASTEROID - 8267 IN CANCER = into vulnerable, intense, & emotional kissing/makeout sessions<33. Kissing can mean a lot 2 these people/or when they really kiss someone, there has 2 have some type of feels✨ - can be any type tho<33. They can also be the type 2 looooove long intimate makeout sessions/or just really like 2 take their time/not rush it<33. They want their kisses to be felt an eternity afterwards.
💋 KISS ASTEROID - 8267 IN LEO = into confident, heated, & powerful kissing/makeout sessions<33. Kissing can be like some kind of artform 2 them - they want 2 show u that they're the best of the best💅🏽 - "no lips move like theirs"<33. They can be big on taking charge/"leading the moment"👄 - deciding the pace, etc. Usually very confident in their kissing skills here/ready2show off<33.
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MARS/8TH HOUSE IN TAURUS IN A WOMAN'S CHART = typically sexually attracted 2 people who are "conventionally beautiful"/"classic beautiful people"/2people who takes real good care of themselves - looks good, smell good, etc. She can be very big on being with/or finding someone who's eager 2 please her a lot sexually/show her how much they really want 2 keep keeping her<33. 8th house in Taurus women could want/seek 2 be provided for - in, & out of bed<33. She's sexually attracted 2 people who's secure in themselves/in life, & 2 people who ain't afraid of getting shit done. She finds tact, security, & sincerity sexy as hell! Her neck can be one of her most sensitive zones, so go crazy there👅💋. She can be a big fan of food sex/fruit, & cream sex🍒🍓. She can also find people that cooks real good really attractive, or worth keeping!😻 Sexually attracted 2 artistic, charming, stable, & romantic people<33. SUN CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE MARS IN A MANS CHART = these men are strong, courageous/bold, sexy - very very sexual individuals/very sexually charged, they're also charismatic, & confident - usually Alpha men. These men are not afraid of going after what they want sexually😼 - if they see something they want = they go after it 100%. They don't want it 2 be 2 easy tho, they really dig a challenge<33 - they love the hunt/the chase in the beginning!🏃‍♂️ Men with this aspect feels truly alive/powerful, & strong when they're using their dick/getting off - it's like their own "personal thing thing"🫶🏼. The conjunction can cry a little bit if they get rejected tho😭😂 - their ego can take a big hit. MARS CONJUNCT/SQUARE/QUINCUNX URANUS IN A MANS CHART = these are the men that can have trouble with controlling themselves sexually/they can literally get horny/hard out of nowhere2, or just not really think about what they're actually doing until after they've already done it🤔 - they can be very quick on it/quick 2 act without truly thinking. This aspect gives a lot of "self control" as a reward in the end, or rather - "the ability 2 choose yourself", but it takes a ton of failed tries/loss of self control a lot at first<33. Oh, & these men are very experimental in bed usually - always willing 2 try new shit for the betterment of pleasure. Their turns ons can be unheard of tho, or just kindaaaa/really unusual/eccentric. They can be into some pretty wild/freaky shit/they can also use sex as a way of letting go of their frustrations/aggressions.
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MARS/LUST ASTEROID - 4386 IN 2ND HOUSE = a person who can be really sexually attracted 2/turned on by people who's secure in themselves/2 people with a certain value system - "a strong sense of self2"/or turned on by money💰/by people with money💵/by people who's got serious financial goals/turned on by people who's into making bank<33. Can also be sexually attracted 2 mouths/neck areas, or that can be some of their own big turn on areas👄<33. MARS/LUST ASTEROID - 4386 IN 4TH HOUSE = a person who can be really sexually attracted 2/turned on by people from their own home country/sexually attracted2 people with the same ethnicity as them<33. Can also be very sexually attracted 2 chests/stomachs/or breasts, or again that can be some of their own big turn on areas<33. They can also have sexual partners who can resemble some/one of their family members/or remind them of them. MARS IN 7TH HOUSE people usually doesn't do one night stands. It's not really "their thing"/it's not something they like 2 practise - & if they do = it's because they still feel some type of connection 2 the other person✨ - yeah, even if they've just met<33. They're also the "give, & take kind" in bed🫰🏼 - they want it 2 be 50/50, always - they never just take. They would honestly prefer 2 give, rather than 2 take💋.
MARS CONJUNCT/SQUARE/QUINCUNX SASSI ASTEROID - 7500 = can be very sexually attracted 2/turned on by sassy/bratty people<33 - basically into people who can't keep their mouth shut😻. They can also be VERY bratty themselves tho - they loooove crossing lines/love doing the opposite of what they're asked/told<33 - not everyone can handle them🤷‍♀️. They can definitely be too much for some people.
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MERCURY CONJUNCT/TRINE MARS people can be really sexually attracted2 certain hands🖐🏽/fingers/turned on by dirty talking/or talking under sex<33. Certain voices🗣️/languages, or certain things said can also show up as a big turn on<33. Oral sex can also be something they're really into/or just really enjoy doing! Sexting could also be something they're a fan of doing📱<33. People with 5th house in Cancer usually doesn't do just "casual sex", & if they do = there's still some type of feelings/emotions revolving around that certain connection/person✨<33.
MARS CONJUNCT/TRINE SATURN can show a person not having that NEED4sex. Like they can ofc still REALLY REALLY love it🫶🏼, but can show up as them not having any problems with going without - self control, check✔️<33. MARS CONJUNCT/TRINE EROS people exudes sexual confidence!💅🏽😻 These people are the ones who are very big on fulfilling their sexual urges/desires - each one they have/get<33. They can also receive a lot of praises from others on their sex game - they can be very very erotic🫦<33.
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WOMEN WITH CUMMING ASTEROID - 14348 SQUARE/QUINCUNX SATURN can show them having a harder time with getting orgasms - could have been especially hard in their teenage/young adult years/or it can be something they're not really comfortable with in general<33.
CUMMING ASTEROID - 14348 CONJUNCT MC can show a person making a name for themselves/being a star in the adult entertainment industry👄<33.
PEOPLE WITH MARS/5TH/OR 8TH HOUSE IN CANCER can hate having sex with protection - they can feel like it takes away from really "feeling" each other/takes away from really enjoying the sex 2 full capacity💋.
MARS CONJUNCT/SQUARE/QUINCUNX PREY ASTEROID - 6157 can show a person getting sexually preyed upon a lot throughout their life🙄🫠. MOON CONJUNCT/TRINE MARS IN A MANS CHART can show him not having any issues with getting/gaining sexual attention/attraction from women💋 - women notice him a lot, & respond very well 2him, & his energy🫶🏼<33.
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occultwaters · 6 months
Astro Observations I
💜 Earth sun + water moon = masked vulnerability. I’m especially looking at you Capricorn sun and Scorpio moon.
💙 Virgo Venus aesthetic is either soft or the complete opposite.
💜Leo placements really don’t have to try for attention. Especially big 3. They really stick out!
💙Ya’ll think cancer mars have explosive anger, have you met Saturn ruled Mars? Capricorn and Aquarius Mars anger can be extremely explosive.
💜Quincunx aspects (inconjunctions) in astrology need to be talked about more.
💙Lilith in the 12th house in the ascendent sign will always unconsciously embody Lilith energy until they realise and learn to work with it.
💜Mars + Jupiter conjunction = sporty children. These people can also easily become argumentative.
💙Need tips on how to style your outfit? Bag a Taurus/Libra venus.
💜Neptunians are so ethereal like please. Especially when Neptunes makes aspect to the ascendent.
💙Water dominants 🤝 clinical daydreaming + zoning out mid sentence.
💜Having water and earth placements is very good if you want to get involved in the arts. Water provides the imagination and earth the drive to bring it into reality.
💙You can really spot a scorpio from a mile away. The aura and the eyes.
💜Moon in 5th house can indicate unplanned pregnancy so be careful.
💙Saturn in 2nd house. Money and self worth are such big lessons for you. How often do you feel like your possessions are either limited or being controlled?
💜Pluto in 10th house are always judged by society regardless of what they do, so they just stopped caring. They’re always caught up in some scandal.
💙Another note about Pluto in 10th, usually the way they blow up is through Plutonian things. Such as occult practitioners, even serial killers etc. These roles bring in the most recognition and attention for them.
© 2024 occultwaters. All rights reserved.
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saturnian-venus · 4 months
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astro notes pt. vi [family trauma edition]
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⭙ when a family member has their nemesis in your 4th house that person is an enemy to your family especially your mother and works hard to destroy your family periodtt
⭙ most people when their parents' venus/jupiter falls in their 3rd house they live to see their younger siblings being loved and spoiled but they didn't receive this when they were young
⭙ mothers that are jealous of their daughters' beauty have their pluto conjunct/square the daughters' venus and mothers who see their daughter as ugly/unattractive have their venus/neptune opposite the daughters' venus
⭙ a parent having their saturn conjunct/square the child's sun is ugly af the parent is always constantly oppress their child and being overly strict with them to the point the child can't have a personality of their own it seems that they are a slave to that parent
⭙ a parent pluto/saturn overlays their child's 11th house is sad to see the parent isolate their child from society those children are not allowed to have friends because of their parents and are not allowed to go to any social event
⭙ jupiter in the 3rd/11th house or 3rd/11th house in sagittarius they have a lot of siblings and they didn't get the desired attention because of that
⭙ a parent mars opposite a child's mc the parent has no interest in their child career and in some cases they are not happy about their choice of that career
⭙ the lord of the 4th/10th house in the 11th house there are two meaning for this either you have a great relationship with your mother/father and you consider them your best friend or they are strangers to you alienated from you in a way
⭙ when a parent neptune falls in a child's 1st house they tend to lie and gaslight the child a lot and add personality traits to them that the child don't have to confuse them about their identity
⭙ saturn conjunct/square moon in synastry between a parent and their child is so heartbreaking the child doesn't feel emotionally secure with that parent plus the parent is not compassionate towards the child
⭙ people with chiron in the 10th house = daddy issues
⭙ people with chiron in the 4th house = mommy issues
⭙ kids of divorced parents often have sun or saturn opposite/square/semi-square/quincunx moon in their natal chart
⭙ blewett (22927) asteroid in a parent chart overlays the 4th house of the child chart means that the parent failed in making the child feel safe and secure and he/she couldn't build a strong foundation for the child
⭙ not (2857) asteroid in a parent chart conjuncts the child's sun or ascendant/falls in their first house means that the parent rejected the child from the start
⭙ not (2857) asteroid in a parent chart falls in the 2nd house of the child chart means that the parent didn't spend money on the child or they haven't got enough money to buy stuff for the child but also means that the parent didn't reinforce the child self worth
⭙ a parent lilith (1181)/(h12)/(h13)/(h21)/(h58) falling in the child's 12th house might mean that the parent wanted to terminate the pregnancy
⭙ vesta (4) in the 4th/10th individuals could tend to be overly attached to their mothers/fathers in a way that could hinder their progression in life sometimes it's so extreme it may seem like they worship them
⭙ sun in the 10th house people could be under the pressure to continue their father's legacy in some way most of the time their father wanted them to work in the same field they work in or even work in the father's company
⭙ people with mars/pluto in the 4th house and 4th house in aries/scorpio either they witnessed their mother being abused physically or the mother herself was abusive toward them
⭙ when a family member has their mercury square your 10th house they might spread rumors about you and destroy your reputation big time
⭙ when asteroid lie (26955) in a parent chart conjuncts the mercury in their child chart the parent can't say a word of truth to the child they constantly lie to them
⭙ having saturn opposite/quincunx jupiter with the child being jupiter is tough the parent rains on the child's parade and ruins their joy and optimism it seems like the parent doesn't like seeing their child happy
⭙ people with the lord of the 4th house in the 6th/12th house might have lived with their aunts/uncles far from their mothers
⭙ asteroid eris (136199) conjunct sun/ascendant in synastry between family members can cause conflict and fighting a relationship with no peace
⭙ prominent niobe (71) in a parent chart would mean that the parent has witnessed the death of their child
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caturnmoon · 1 month
Astrology Mini-Observation #4️⃣
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👑Having the conjunction aspect occur the most in your chart could signify a potential yod in the chart. Yods are known as the “finger of fate” and consist of two planets sextile each other and the third is exactly 150 degrees quincunx the other two planets forming an isosceles triangle. They act similarly in that the energies are a fated attribute needing to be expressed in order to realize their full potential in your chart! Say you have multiple planets aspecting/conjunct your sun, then that is definitely a strong indicator for a lot of importance is highlighted to where your sun is and what sign as well. The sun will be of major significance in your life and how it’s influenced.
👑Venus in the 10th house is the classic socialite placement . They will be highly regarded for their elite connections and reputation. Image = identity with this placement. This could be what they’re known for in life.
👑Having Chiron Lilith aspects can be tough, because integrating that raw feminine rage (especially in a female’s chart) into healing can be a lifelong journey for you. Shadow work never ends because you’re meant to merge with your shadow in order to be whole as a person. Can’t embrace the light without embracing the darkness. Only then can you help others with the same healing.
👑Leo Venus could indicate having really high standards for your love connections and relationships in general. This to me is the ultimate ✨diva✨ placement. You know your worth and will not give discounts! Also, EXPENSIVE taste in general. 🛍️🤑
👑Mercury in the 1st house could indicate that you are known/seen as a super quick witted intelligent person. Very witty and direct with communication as well. You could also have a very youthful appearance and look younger than your actual age.
Until next time! 🖖🏼👽
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