#sun yali
storge · 9 months
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you're not getting away that easily lol
Battle Through the Heaven (2023) 1.04
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the-monkey-ruler · 11 months
The Monkey King 3: The Kingdom of Women (2018) 西遊記女兒國
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Director: Cheng Baorui Screenwriter: Wen Ning Starring: Aaron Kwok / Feng Shaofeng / Zhao Liying / Xiao Shenyang / Luo Ziyi / Lin Chiling / Gigi Leung / Liu Tao / Sun Yihan / Yuan Qiongdan / Pan Binlong / Chen Yali / Shi Shi Genre: Comedy / Romance / Fantasy Country/Region of Production: Mainland China/Hong Kong, China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2018-02-16 (Mainland China) Duration: 116 minutes Also known as: Journey to the West: Kingdom of Women / Journey to the West: Kingdom of Women / The Monkey King 3: Kingdom of Women / 西游记·女儿国 IMDb: tt6466464 Type: Retelling
Sun Wukong (Aaron Kwok), Tang Sanzang (Feng Shaofeng), Zhu Bajie (Xiaoshenyang) and Sha Wujing (Him Law) – inadvertently enter the Womanland of Western Liang because they angered the river god, they accidentally entered the female realm of Xiliang, a nation populated by women raised to believe that men are fatally deceptive in matters of the heart. After breaking into it, everyone discovered that there were only women in this country, and there had been no men here since the founding of the country. Moreover, the country has an ancestral motto that regards men as natural enemies. Love nevertheless blossoms between Tang Sanzang and the Womanland's young queen (Zhao Liying), even though her royal preceptor (Gigi Leung) is hell-bent on sentencing the men to death. As Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing search for a way out of this nation surrounded by a vast magical net, it soon transpires, conveniently, that romantic love is the only key to opening the gate.
There is also a prophecy in the classics, indicating that one day, a monk from the East will break into it with a monkey, a pig, and a little blue man and the day they arrive is when the Daughter Kingdom will be destroyed.
Source: https://chinesemov.com/2018/The-Monkey-King-3
Link: https://sflix.to/watch-movie/free-the-monkey-king-3-hd-16532.2519338
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alexagirlie · 6 months
Whispers from the Void
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A/N: please ignore the crappy art and just get the *vibe*. I am not good at scenery stuff but wanted to use my drawing vs finding something. Another old Dune fic for cross posting. Inspired by Old God of Appalachia podcast.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Pairing: None technically but past Paul/Duncan
Rated: T
Word count: 914
TW: Dark. Spirits. Voices. The dead speak. Ambiguous Ending.
Summary: It's only as he is rubbing the dusty powder between his fingers that Paul realizes that the whispering voices have stopped and in the absolute silence a feeling of dread builds up in Paul's chest. He remembers leaving his Yali, he remembers walking the corridors but does not remember making the decision to move his feet. To listen to what the voices were saying.
Taglist: @succnfuccubus @almostg @gatoenlaciudad @softhecreator
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Paul tells no one, not his mother, not Stilgar, not even Chani who had become a close friend in the weeks since arriving at Sietch Tabr. It started with voices, whispers in the dark calling to Paul, begging him to come. They lead him down a winding dark corridor, somewhere he had never seen until he comes to what at first he thinks is a dead end in the dark. Only its not a dead end, its a hole, a hole in the wall that seems to suck all the light in.
As Paul's eyes adjust to the dark he sees the wall surrounding the hole is covered in strange sprawling symbols. Reaching out with a trembling hand he touches one of those symbols, fingers gliding down the drawn point and coming away smeared with white. Its chalk.
It's only as he is rubbing the dusty powder between his fingers that Paul realizes that the whispering voices have stopped and in the absolute silence a feeling of dread builds up in Paul's chest. He remembers leaving his Yali, he remembers walking the corridors but does not remember making the decision to move his feet. To listen to what the voices were saying.
It had been like he had no control over his body and the idea terrified him. The hair on the back of his neck stands on end and a chill runs down his spine. He takes a step back from that black hole in the wall, then another and another and as he gets further away the fear continues to grow until he can no longer stand it and he takes off running down the corridor. Bare feet pounding on the stone and taking him back the way he came, back to his Yali, back to where he was safe.
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The next day, when the light of the twin suns have filled the halls of the sietch and the fear from the night before is but a distant memory Paul asks Chani about the strange hole with its strange markings. Claims he couldn't sleep the night before and was wandering trying to tire his mind.
A look Paul has never seen on Chani crossed her face, a pit opening in his stomach filled with unease. She explained that the area was off limits to everyone, the tunnel was abandoned due to being deemed unsafe. She would not say anymore on the matter. Would not explain how or why it was unsafe and Paul was forced to drop his questioning.
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That night the voices came back, louder and more persistent than the night before only this time Paul was determined to ignore them. Nothing good could possibly come from listening, from going to that dark place again. On and on they went, getting louder thensofter than louder again screaming in his ear. Voices of strangers, voices of people he once knew. Gurney, Thufir, his Fathers voice making Paul's heart clench with grief. But still he ignored them. Until he heard a voice he couldn't ignore, a voice he longed to hear again with all his heart and soul.
My Boy
I need you
Help me
Paul's mind had barely caught up to the fact that it was Duncan's voice calling him before his feet were carrying him out of the door. He raced blindly down corridor after corridor until he came panting to the dead end that wasn't a dead end. To the hole in the wall that sucked in all the light.
A figure was standing just the threshold, tall and broad and achingly familiar. Duncan. Paul did not hesitate, did not stop and think how Duncan was dead and could not possibly be standing there and he ran to him. Threw his arms around Duncan's middle and buried his head in his chest. Eyes burning with tears.
Several minutes go by, Duncan's name falling from Paul's lips in a mantra, before that skin crawling feeling from the first night creeps back down Paul's spine. During the whole time he has been embracing Duncan he had not wrapped Paul in his arms, had not reciprocated in any way. Paul wasn't even sure that Duncan was breathing.
He goes to step back when hands lock onto his arms, grip so tight they pull a pained gasp from mouth and he jerks his head up to look at Duncan's face. Before he has a chance to open his mouth to ask what was wrong he is pulled up and a mouth crashes against his in a bruising kiss. Lips and teeth, devouring and pulling the breath from his lungs. Paul can't help but return the kiss, a groan rising up out of his throat as he presses back. Arms rising up and wrapping around Duncan's neck, Duncan arms wrapped low around his hips and hiking him up into his arms. He had missed Duncan with every piece of himself.
So caught up in the impossibility of having his love back with him that he couldn't see it. Couldn't see that the warm brown he had spent hours staring into was replaced with soulless black. Couldn't see the darkness crawling out of the hole like oil slicked fingers, traveling across the wall. The white chalk symbols disappear one after the other until none remain.
The thing wearing Duncan's face had finally gotten what it needed to step out of the prison that had kept it trapped for a millennia and it was hungry
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essenceofhispenance · 3 months
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DUNE Sentence Meme
@heinevitable ASKED: “Mood? What has mood to do with it? “ (ANAKIN)
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"Mood is a thing for Banthas and loveplay, hmm?" She asked softly, settling in beside him in their home-- their Yali--deep within the sietch. She was glad to have him home.
The great suns of the false night had only just begun to rise. She had begun to settle in for sleep. Like her people, she was nocturnal in nature. Yet, her hand came to gently move hair from his face and the other settled in at his neck. Slowly they linked together behind his neck as she moved silently and without rhythm to be closer to him.
Her hands then traveled slowly up his neck to rest on his cheeks, turning his face to look at her, grounding him to the moment as if she was afraid his waking dreams might take him from her.
" Mood has everything to do with it. You travel across the stars, cross the desert as we do, and yet you sit here with my joy to see you sullened. " blue-within-blue eyes tried to gaze even deeper into his, as if to beg him to only be a man, and not all that the universe requested of him.
She might try again. She might beg him to stay. "What bad omens do you bring to my side with such a mood? We are here, now! Is that not enough, beloved?"
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andromedadramada · 1 year
Episode 10 of Princess Silver
This man, Wu You, literally treats Man Yao as a brothel worker while trying to be high and mighty that he doesn't go to brothels (because he would prolly beat up the women lbr). I wish she had more of a backbone around him??? Anyways I continue to hate this man. He is just a selfish entitled jerk to me.
I think it's funny Prince Chen saying the princess and Man Yao are different people. Lmao, y'all never genuinely talk to the princess, how can you even know?
General Fu is way more interesting than Wu You, like by a lot. You can actually see who he is as a person. Wild. I really like his air of mysteriousness. I also like how he seems to be not a fan of politics but still knows how to play the game. This is the guy the show wants us to believe that Wu You is. Sun YaLi is crushing on the right man, ok ok.
Can't believe the Yu family were taken down so fast. That cut that man's arm off! Omg xD
Not to be an idiot but I want to believe in Lian Xin. Maybe she just wanted to spin the thingy on the lock box. Maybe Ling Yue planted that letter. Maybe maybe maybe......I'm just thinking ok.
Luo Yunxi is barely in this so far and I'm crying.
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anthropolite · 1 year
☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
Like snakes everywhere, Yali enjoys the sunshine, and welcomes the rays of light through her window. This doesn't mean she's good at functioning without her morning coffee, though. 🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears? Powerlessness. Having those closest to her in mortal danger, and being unable to do anything about it. Betrayal. Having invested so much in those closest relationships, having these people turn upon her.
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danvers--carol · 3 years
Xiao Zhu:
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yesdramas · 4 years
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Dance of the Phoenix - Episode 8
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I haven’t typed episode 7 yet, but I was busy subtitling episodes so yeah. After a super nice bath, I figured I could treat myself a little more with a sheet mask and a few episodes before going to bed. Costume drams are just so addicting to me and this one is just soooooo beautiful. I just can’t. And I have candle that smells super good soooo yeah! So nice! So happy!
Okay let’s get down to business. Last episode Zuo Qingluan gave suspicious pills to Feng wu and I want to know if she was dumb enough to eat them or not. Hopefully not.
So Zuo Qingluan is teaching Feng Wu swordsmanship but there is no improvement at all. Well Zuo Qingluan probably just wanted to check if she had any spiritual powers left. She leaves after receiving a not. Communication was very convenient back then, notes would always find their way. She tries to summon the colourful phoenix but he won’t come out of the ring. She’s feeling a little down and lies on the beach. Then Jun Linyuan comes and teaches her. He’s so elegant, seriously! Where can I get one me too?
So Zuo Qingluan was called back to the capital by their master to attend some special guest.
Feng Yiran goes to pay a visit to his aunt and brought her gifts as a token of his apology for what happened. She’s rather upset about it and wants him to leave but that annoying guy has something which he wants to discuss with her which is finding a good match for Feng Wu. Qiu Ling happens to hear that and she’s so shook that she drops the medicine she was bringing and runs away. That Feng Yiran is really an annoying dude and ennemies of Feng Wu will definitely take advantage of the fact that he’s so dumb.
Qiu Ling finds Feng Wu after they are done flying on Jun Linyuan’s sword. He’s kind of unwell but the news that Feng Yiran is looking for a husband to marry her makes the two girls leave without poor Jun Linyuan, probably having trouble because of his loveless venom.
Zuo Qingluan asks Feng Liu to assist Jun Linyuan in her stead while she’ll be gone. I hate that girl. She’s so... ugh. Well. At least Zuo Qingluan knows how to use people to her advantage. She tells her to focus on Jun Linyuan, but Feng Liu is still determined to take Feng Wu down. While Feng Wu is arguing with Feng Yiran and making it clear that she won’t get married as he decides, Feng Liu comes out with her whip. She’s definitely ready for a fight. Ugh. I so hate her, she’s a pain... Okay so she callenges her to a fight. If she wins Feng Wu has to give away the Phoenix Chant sword. If she loses, she’ll go back to the capital. Well that’s unfair. FEng Wu has no spiritual powers. Not to doubt her wit, but how could she win?
At the same time, Yu Mingye comes at Jun Linyuan. He shows him the pendant and say he will give it back if he tells him what’s his relationship with Feng Wu. But he won’t. That’s kind of dumb. They don’t have a relationship, what’s the point of hiding it?
So it’s a double fight. Feng Xun wants to help Feng Wu but neither he nor Xuan Yi can interfere with the business of the FEng family. They’ll save her last minute if needed. Yu Mingye asks Jun Linyuan to give him back his pendent and to hand Feng Xiaowu to him. Jun Linyuan figures out Feng Wu told Yu Mingye that he has captured Feng Xiaowu. So he hands back the pendent and leaves. Yu Mingye asks him why is he not fighting anymore and Jun Linyuan tells him he has been tricked again. Both of them now knows that Feng Xiaowu is Feng Wu. When Feng Liu is about to beat FEng Wu, the sword comes to her and her phoenix blood, well her master’s, mark appears on her forehead and she beats the crap out of Feng Liu. Right when Jun Linyuan arrives. Then she faints and everyone rushes to her side.
When Feng Wu wakes up, she hears the trio talking about interrogating her, so she runs away through the window and goes to see Old Ba who finished making the nine transformations spiritual restauration pill so she eats it and the taste is disgusting, as all good medicine are. Just when she’s done eating it, Jun Linyuan is on his way up to Old Ba’s place. While she’s trying to hide, Yu Mingye comes in through the window - he doesn’t like doors as we now know so well. He tries to hit on her but then Jun Linyuan is coming so she hides him behind the furnace. When she says she has no ties to the darknight court, Yu Mingye isn’t happy about it and comes out saying he wish they were working hand in hand but Feng Wu wouldn’t give him the chance of doing that. All of this activates yet once again the loveless venom and Jun Lin yuan summons his sword, drawing lightning from the sky. I feel poor Old Ba’s house will burn into ashes. Beut then Yu Mingye kidnaps Feng Wu. And Jun linyuan has pains again when he takes back control of himself.
Well Feng Wu won’t follow Yu Mingye to the darknight court and on her way home she saves a little boy that was bullied. And that triggers a memory to Yu Mingye and ugh. This character is going to break my heart, I can already feel it. It seems he was raised the harsh way. Poor baby. The ring is starting to act up so she leaves him behind. As soon as she’S alone, she goes into the ring. She tries to wake up her master but he’s still in deep sleep.
Jun Linyuan finds Yu Mingy and asks him where is Feng Wu. Oh wow. Fist fight. None of them wins over the other. Yu Mingye finally tells Jun Linyuan she went back home. Aww. Those two. The so would have been BFF if there were born in the same clan. This is such a shame. They so break my heart. I just know it so bad.
Yu Mingye gets called back by his father.
Feng Wu’s mom promises that Feng Wu will help Jun Linyuan to repay her debt for causing him that much trouble.  They organize some event that I don’t really get and during that time she apologize and young master Bi seem to take a liking to her and Feng Yiran notices that. Jun Linyuan seems to see also the looks of young master Bi on Feng Wu and he gives him the killer stare: he’s a possessive lad. Oh so basically they sent notes to the dad of Jun Linyuan to make him happy. Someone even compared him to Liu Bei and he doesn’t who it is. OMG. That’s... OMG. And he’s the big ruler. Wow... So lacking culture. I really like how they plug so many stories characters so far. It makes it more enjoyable to me.
Well there’s not much to say about my expectations for next episodes. Also I’m just moving on with episode 9 right now. A lot happened in this episode. I feel the story is starting to move on. See you in episode 9!
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bookaddict24-7 · 4 years
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Midnight Sun took the world by storm and I am happy to be a part of the storm! Have you started reading it yet? 📚📚
IG: @daylafm
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silverstarssart · 2 years
Aru Shah Headcanons
Aru and Aiden headcanons:
—They don’t do public displays of affection. The most you could get is a gentle little touch, brushing hair out of face, shoulder touch, etc. 
So it’s hard for someone to tell their dating, but after they start talking in fandom you can tell.
“You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars,”
“We are not Levana and Evret idiot, stop it.”
“Why the heck do you think that Merida is secretly a time traveling Bob the builder working for Megamind in the Spider-verse?!”
“Why do YOU think that Frodo likes chocolate ice cream, he’s totally a strawberry-banana person!”
“No he gives chocolate sprinkle vibes!”
Yup, they’re pretty loving
Rudy falls in love with The land of stories series and vibes with Red
Hira loves Brynne's baking and helps her by cracking eggs, decorating, and eating the icing (though Aru also does that part) 
Aru would be best friends with Leo (PJO), they would go explode things together and have competitions over how much they know about a certain movie
Rudy would try to help Brynne in the kitchen (against her will) and ends up adding salt, parsley, and donuts to a chocolate fondue
Mini likes to listen to podcasts
Rudy has a fascination with Taylor Swift and asks if she is a goddess to Aiden. He opens his mouth, and then closes it. "Maybe?"
Sheela is a poet, and she likes to make up limericks (especially about her friends)
"Aru was taped to a wall by Brynne,
Mini and Aiden screamed that it is a sin, 
Aru abruptly fell down, 
Emerged with a frown, 
And said 'If I can breathe underwater, can I pretend to drown? " 
Indra, Vayu, Yama, and the Ashvins are always watching down on their Pandavas, and laughing at their shenanigans. They all ship Aruden. Yama thinks Rudy has to man up before he is worthy of his daughter.
Hanuman has in-depth discussions with Brynne about combat and The Great British Bake Off
Those Yalis from Tree of Wishes are now accountants and love their job so much
Aru dyed Rudy's hair green with orange stripes for a week. He loved it. Mini didn't. Brynne took photos. Nikita was raving about how horrible it looked. Sheela was fascinated with a butterfly. And Aiden was slowly dying inside and losing his last brain cell.
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calumthoodshands · 2 years
Hey!!!!! 2, 14 & 27 for the ask game! 💞
hey yaliiiiiii <333
2. If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? probably my friends from across the several seas 🤠 or my grandpa. he died when i was little and i really wish i had at least one memory of him but nothing :(
14. If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? probably being on a walk!! i love going on walks. love moving outside. or maybe when i'm with friends just chilling somewhere in the sun <3
27. What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? i hate when people audibly and intentionally chew loudly. or when men are angry and start screaming it gives me such anxiety. like generally it just goes through the roof. sounds i love are probably the wind whooshing through trees, the ocean and its waves, thunder and lighting and rain, laughter! giggling! music just in general bc obviously... the general sound of a crowded place just like this rumbling around you,,
ly yali thank u for coming into my askbox! <3
askgame for curious people
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ginazmemeoir · 4 years
could i have a list of the animals in hindu mythology? it's for a project of mine. thanks
sorry for answering this so late, i hope i’m not too late.
so imma gonna be writing about their vahanas (vehicles) and also their animal forms. but first, some symbolism
the vahanas of the gods represent their alter egos as well as their own aspects.
Horses and elephants represent royalty and power. Bulls represent virility and individuality, cows represent motherhood and purity, buffaloes represent patience and murkiness. rams represent aggression, antelopes and deers represent swiftness and/or disturbance, donkeys represent ill omens. Dogs, jackals and wolves represent ill omens, rats represent poverty and strife (ironically, fortune too), cats represent protectiveness, lions and tigers represent royalty and courage. hawks and eagles represent royalty and power, parrots and doves represent love and marriage, corvids represent injustice, sorrow (but also the natural order of justice and death), vultures represent decay, swans represent love and royalty, geese and cranes represent clarity and wit and wisdom, peacocks represent beauty and sometimes, masculinity; owls represent misfortune, roosters represent aggression. makaras (half fish half elephant) and yalis (half lions half elephants) represent divinity and fluidity, crocodiles represent force of nature, tortoises represent laziness/slow nature, snakes represent malice, mystery and fertility. mongoose represents luxury, man represents greed and society while ghosts also represent ill omens.
*artistically, makaras and crocodiles are often interchangable, like swans and geese/cranes.
this list is gonna be looooooooooooong.
Indra (lord of the heavens, lord of rain and thunder)
Airavata : King of the elephants, Airavata is a flying, white elephant with six tusks. Someitmes also shown with three heads or seven trunks. He sprays water on the clouds and drives them. He guards the east direction with his consort, Ilavida. He is Indra’s vahana.
Uchhaishravas : King of horses, Ucchaishravas is a ten headed, flying, fire breathing, meat eating horse. He is Indra’s vahana.
Vali : Indra’s son through Arun (charioteer of Surya). Emperor of Monkeys before being murdered by Rama.
Agni (lord of fire, link between humans and gods) : Agni rides a ram.
Surya (lord of the Sun)
Surya rides a chariot drawn by seven white horses.
Sugreeva : Surya’s son through his charioteer, Arun. Brother of Vali and later Emperor of Monkeys.
Chandra/Soma (lord of the Moon) : Chandra rides a chariot drawn by ten antelopes/deer.
Vayu (lord of winds and air) : Vayu rides a lone antelope.
Varuna (lord of the seas and oceans) : Varuna rides a makara/crocodile named Jaladhi, who was born out of Shiva’s earwax. He guards the west along with Varuna.
Ganga (goddess of the river Ganga, goddess of purity) : Ganga rides a makara/crocodile.
Yama (lord of Death, lord of law; son of Surya) : Yama rides a buffalo named Paundraka.
Yami/Yamuna (goddess of the river Yamuna, sister of Yama) : Yamuna rides a tortoise.
Revanta (god of hunting and horses, stepbrother of Yamuna) : Revanta rides a horse.
Shani (lord of the planet Saturn, lord of justice, lord of malice; brother of Revanta) : Shani rides a crow/raven. Crows and ravens also believed to be messengers of our ancestors.
Ashwini Kumara (twin gods of healing and medicine, brother of Yami) : Ashwini Kumaras are either represented as half-horses, or ride horses themselves.
Tapti (goddess of the river Tapi) : Tapti rides a deer.
Saraswati (goddess of the mythical river Saraswati, lady of knowledge, learning, speech, sound, music and the arts) : Rides a goose/crane. Surrounded by peacocks.
Narmada (goddess of the river Narmada) : Narmada rides a crocodile.
Shashthi (goddess of childbirth and babies) : Shashthi rides a cat.
Usha (goddess of dawn) : Rides a chariot drawn by seven red cows.
Bhariava/Rudra/Veerbhadra (fierce form of Shiva) : Rides a dog/wolf. surrounded by jackals.
Brahma (creator of the universe) : Brahma rides a swan. 
Vishnu (protector of the universe)
Matsya : a giant fish, the first Avatar of Vishnu.
Kurma : a giant turtle, the second Avatar of Vishnu.
Varaha : a giant boar, the third Avatar of Vishnu.
Narasimha : half man-half lion, the ferocious fourth Avatar of Vishnu
Garuda : a giant eagle and the King of birds, he’s Vishnu’s vahana.
Gandaberunda : a terrifying two headed bird evolved from Narasimha.
Hayagriva : half man-half horse, avatar of Vishnu. god of knowledge and medicine.
Shiva (the destroyer of the universe)
Nandi : the King of bulls, Nandi is Shiva’s vahana. He was originally a human devotee of Shiva.
Sharabha : the griffin form of Shiva, locked in battle with the Gandaberunda.
Hanuman : the eleventh avatar of Shiva, the divine monkey god.
Durga (goddess of war and victory and kings) : Durga and all her other forms ride a lion. Interchangable with tiger.
Gauri/Parvati (gentle form of Shakti) : Rides a cow.
Kali/Chamundi (fierce form of Shakti) : Rides a ghost.
Kalratri (gentler form of Kali) : Rides a donkey.
Lakshmi (goddess of wealth, fortune, prosperity, luxury and beauty) : Rides an elephant. Sometimes also rides an owl.
Ganesha (the elephant headed god of wisdom and prosperity and auspiciousness, remover of obstacles, god of scribes; son of Parvati) : Rides Mushaka the rat.
Kartikeya (god of war, general of the gods; son of Shiva) : Rides a peacock. His emblem is a rooster.
Kama (god of love and lust; son of Vishnu) : Rides a parrot. His bowstring is mads of honeybees. He also rides a makara sometimes.
Rati (goddess of sex; Kama’s consort) : Rides a dove/mynah.
Shukracharya (lord of the planet Venus, preceptor of the Asuras) : Rides a horse.
Brahaspati (lord of the planet Jupiter, preceptor of the Devas) : Rides an elephant.
Mangala (lord of the planet Mars, god of auspiciousness and agression) : Rides a ram.
Budha (deity of the planet Mercury, deity of sarcasm and wit; illegetimate child of Chandra) : Rides a yali.
Rahu (lord of asteroids and meteors, responsible for ascending lunar node and eclipses, lord of fear) : Rides a lion. Sometimes depicted with body of a snake.
Ketu (lord of comets, responsible for descending lunar node and eclipses, lord of disgrace) : Rides a vulture. Sometimes depicted with the head of a snake.
Sheetala Mata (goddess of smallpox) : Rides a donkey.
Kubera (god of luxury, king of the yakshas) : Rides a jewel spitting mongoose. Sometimes depicted as riding on a man.
Adi-Shesha/Sheshanag/Ananta : The first king of the nagas. Vishnu rests on his coils. Responsible for the flow of time. The earth rests on his thousands hoods.
Takshaka : The second king of the nagas. Indra’s close friend. Killed the last scion of the Pandavas, Pareekshit, after he became king.
Vasuki : The third king of the nagas. Coiled around Shiva’s neck. Used as a rope for the Amrit Manthan. Father of Uloopi (wife of Arjuna).
Manasa : Goddess of Snakes, poisons and malice. Got people to worship her after spreading fear. Shiva’s daughter and Vasuki’s sister.
Surasa : a queen of the nagas. tested Hanuman on his way to Lanka by trying to swallow him.
Simhika : sea monster who snathed the shadows of creatures and ate them. Mother of Rahu-Ketu.
Mahishasura : The shapeshifting bull demon.
Sampati : Son of Aruna and King of Vultures. Burnt his wings and eyes by flying too close to the sun.
Jatayu : Brother of Sampati. Died while trying to rescue Sita from Ravana.
Jambavant : King of bears. Aided Hanuman. Father of Jambavanti, Krishna’s second wife.
Navagunjara : A divine animal made of nine other animals - the head of a rooster, neck of a peacock, hump of a bull, body of a lion, tail of a snake, feet of an elephant, a tiger and a horse and the hand of a human.
phew this was a long list. hope this helps!
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essenceofhispenance · 6 months
If we're going to be 110% honest I think of Sietches like Ant Colonies in that most of it is underground and built into its own compartments. There are Yalis carved into the upper levels towards the top of the caves, the water cache and where the Reverend Mother/Sayyadina's stay in the lower most place, a farm carved out into another place, factories, wind traps, places of government, etc etc etc. I could go into further detail ( and might for Sietch Tabr)
but looking at those iron casts of ant colonies it makes the most sense for a people who are mostly nocturnal and live in temperatures where the sun could kill you. digging down into rock and mountainous structures is not only good for insulation but for water retention and their evolution. it masks their technological advancement and makes them look terribly primitive from the outside.
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divinebastet · 3 years
List of Gods
A list of the all the current gods of the worldbuilding project I’m working on. More posts here.
Ancient Gods
Foakzei Creator of the world and of men. Associated both with the earth and the sky, as well as the act of creating. Considered the shepherd of men and often prayed to for general needs while or before praying to a more specific deity.
Soniya Wife of Foakzei and mother of Destere, Visal, and Firra. Associated with the moon and women, and childbirth. Associated with music, as during her recovery she sometimes sits on the moon and plays a harp.
Destere Eldest son of Soniya and Foakzei. A patron of war widows, soldiers, and orphans, and a protector of loved ones.
Visal Second eldest child of Soniya and Foakzei. A patron of the arts, particularly painting and dyeing, and associated with the sky and the beauty of nature.
Firra Youngest child of Soniya and Foakzei. Creator of all animals and a patron of hunters and animal-keepers alike.
Hasi A young god who accidentally created the drakes. Little-known among the races and currently chained to the earth as punishment.
Star Deities
Siv The Sun; A brilliant star which warms the earth. Associated with fire, light, and warmth.
Kyarou The Dark Star; A star which appears in different places in the sky as a purple ring with a void center. Creator of the Ferim and a patron of assassins and murderers, though she sometimes tempts her non-Ferim followers with spectacular blessings only to abandon them or lead them to an ill fate.
Kessix The Indigo Star; A star which does not appear. Adoptive brother to Kyarou. Kessix has been punished to live as an immortal man, constantly reincarnating, for accidentally releasing illness and poisons upon the world.
Galdoa The Verdant Star; A bright and large green star which appears in the center of the sky. The Goddess of the Harvest, patron of all things green and growing.
Tasix The Brilliant Silver Star; A roving star that appears infrequently. The God of technology, who seldom brings gifts. Patron of inventors.
Fjowan The Pale Green Star; A small but bright green star near the horizon. The God of literature and patron of bookmakers and scholars. Known to make frequent appearances on the earth.
Ojjiwol The Little White Star; A small white star that always seems to appear just above the horizon, in the direction of Hojuum (In particular, the mountain of the same name where his forge was located). The creator of the dwarves and the one who granted metal to the earth. Patron of blacksmiths and metalworkers of all races.
Yali The Blue Star; A blue star which appears further southwest of the moon. The god of water and starlight, associated with freshwater and blood. Patron of the demons abandoned by Kyarou, and by extension, patron of the abandoned.
Rœn/Roan/Roen The White Star; A bright white star which appears just to the southeast of the moon. The goddess of healing and medicine and a patron of healers and medicine-makers.
Ma’oko The Sea-Green Star; A bright, flickering star which appears a ways southeast of the moon, near the horizon. God of the oceans and creator of the orcs. Patron of sailors and fishermen.
Nemir The Vibrant Red Star; A bright red star in the northern sky. One of the two gods of war who specialized in chaos, bloodshed, and machines or technology of war. Patron of the bloodthirsty.
Soenitaus The Deep Red Star; A dark red star in the northern sky, just above Nemir. The other god of war who specialized in tactics. A patron of generals and soldiers alike.
Haruja The Violet Star; Shines in the western sky. A goddess of romantic love who fell in love with a mortal. Patron of secret lovers and desperate romantics, and all those in the bonds of romantic love.
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in rusunia water has a lot of meaning, both negative and positive
life, coolness, vitality, purity, but also blood and and terrifying inevitability or eternity- water was the first thing put on the earth and water will be the last thing remaining.
grey river stone carries a lot of these meanings, used in temples and altars to yali.
siv, the sun goddess, is considered yali’s opposite in rusunia, and sandstone is associated with her- warm, coarse, making up the foundations of rusunia’s architecture.
with siv being the main god of rusunia, most things are associated with her- combat and war included. shining triumph with golden light, the burning heat of war, that’s usually the motif among rusunian warriors.
destrian instead associating with yali, with inevitable, cold death and blood and demons, is strange and terrifying. demons are at base, associated with yali and grey river stone, because their horns and skin are stone-grey, plus they often have stone limbs like destrian has. 
this is because yali created what the rusunians call demons with the souls of warriors who died with regrets, giving them a way to fulfill those regrets. since these warrior’s bodies were wounded in death, yali replaced their limbs and made their bodies functional again with stone and blood.
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