#sunny coral island
meefalo · 10 months
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aangislove · 2 years
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I love him.
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coral-nerd · 10 months
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These parent-teacher meetings are everything to me <3
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pinayelf · 8 months
Noah's 10-heart romance cutscene bc it was just so cute 🥺
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pxelatedtrash · 2 months
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Sunny is the best! Also, Frank out here selling a failed dish. Bro is trying to kill people
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angry-eevee · 10 months
Coral Island D&D Club
Because I love to squash my obsessions together I was wondering which islanders would play D&D and what they would play!
Under the cut for rambling!
Millie - Dungeon Master. She's very smart and organised, loves books and writing, and has a fun, bubbly personality that would lend itself well to being loveable NPC's. She does all the voices, often resulting in everyone laughing too much to continue, including her. The group meets in the library in the evening!
Lilly - Rogue. I can imagine her spending evenings on her computer looking up optimised builds and combat strats. Her character is easily the most well built, but it doesn't bother her that she might take it a little more seriously than some of the others.
Noah - Warlock. His interest in cryptids and folklore means he's come up with a fantastic backstory, and it's freeing for such a sweet guy to get to be a little edgy sometimes!
Alice - Cleric. She's a worrier, and quite used to working quietly in the background supporting everyone, so being able to keep the party alive and kicking is perfect for her.
Raj - Bard. Have you seen Raj? They're halfway to bardcore themself. They bring coffee and pastries to keep the players energised, and their love of people watching and customer care translates perfectly into an excellent face character. Can Raj sing?
Wakuu - Wizard. Our quiet, serious stargazer who just wants people to take his passions seriously, I think this measured yet extravagant class would fit very well!
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pastelskyesblog · 11 months
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future husbands and wife noticing the new town rank, my comfort townie noticing it as well
hehe life is good <3
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coral-myland · 7 months
We can upgrade our fishing poll and bug net???!? I am mildly annoyed it took three years to figure this out, but I also feel bad because I think this indicates how little I visit the Beach Shack…
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coralislandthinks · 6 months
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Sunny the man the myth the legend
Sunny Five Heart Event
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coral-polls · 8 days
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undead-potatoes · 2 years
PMSing and feeling angry and borderline homicidal like a very normal person
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bunbunlovestowrite · 2 months
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Yandere!Tentacle Monster x Fem!Lighthouse keeper! Reader
Damn that title long
Cws: Tentacles are referred to as more than one, reader is a bit of a perv for wanting to bang monsters, consensual somnophilia, excessive cum, cumflation, penetration, the monster is buff ngl 💦, this is supposed to be freaky/kinky :p also reader is morally grey
You've always loved solitude. Even when you were a young girl in foster care.
Fog, mist, rain, thunder, dark clouds, all of those added to the feeling of being enclosed where no one else was.
You don't like sunny days. Not in an emo way but in a need for a calm, and the blistering sun couldn't bring you that.
Fast forward 20 something years and you struggle to stay at a job because of people. Rude customers, loud kids, lazy coworkers. Hell you got fired from your local grocer because you threw a cabbage at some entitled asshole.
And by some luck, you weren't in cuffs yet. Fate? Prolly lol
You were reading the newspaper one day and saw an ad for a lighthouse keeper. It must have been urgent if it was in the paper 4 times.
The people you met for the job were shady as hell. But they offered to pay good for you to just take care of the lighthouse completely alone for 6 months.
They put you on a boat and shipped your ass out to an island hours away from the mainland.
It had the lighthouse (duh), a cabin for you, a very small forest, and beaches covered in driftwood and seaweed.
It was foggy, cold, and wet with no sun peeking through the clouds.
The people who hired you were eager to get off the island. So immediately after showing you the basics they ran off.
The cabin was old and rustic, with a few holes in the roof that were covered by aged duct tape.
There was an outdoor shower and the place used gas lamps for light.
But you enjoyed it. The solitude.
Now let's skip to two months later.
You got the hang of keeping the light on and keeping it fixed. The stairs definitely worked you out though.
You spent 80% of your time using the small workshop to repair the cabin. It eventually looked slightly livable.
Everything was completely normal
Until that day on the beach.
You were outside your cabin showering.
The outdoor shower didn't exactly have curtains so you were exposed to the beach it faced.
The hot water kept you comfortable in the cold weather and you were relaxed...until you heard a growl.
You assumed it was an animal and looked around when you saw something light purple disappear into the ocean waves.
Coral you thought just coral
You went on with your week like nothing happened but you always felt watched.
It wasn't until one night during a storm you felt it.
A storm had hit the island hard, it was freezing and your shitty blankets did little.
You barely managed to fall asleep when something warm engulfed you, arms and slimy embraces.
You screamed in shock and fear but your unwelcome bedmate held you harder and wouldn't let you move.
It was only after you calmed down that it relaxed.
Light purple skin was what you noticed when looking down. With scales in areas that were slightly darker.
The tentacles were wrapped around your legs tightly, writhing in certain areas.
You got a better look when your holder put you on your back and sat above you.
A humanoid creature with light purple skin and what seemed to be a jellyfish head sat on its actual head. It had no nose and completely white eyes, not to mention a gentle smile.
It cooed at you, dragging it's hands up your stomach and sliding up your bra.
Slimy and warm, that was it's skin.
You normally would have thrashed and kicked, but maybe it was the pheromones the creature left out, or how one tentacle pressed right against your cunt through your damp shorts.
But you moaned when it touched you. A soft, unashamed moan.
The tentacle at your shorts practically tore them off, panties included, and it slid up and down your slit and flicked against your clit.
You watch as it's hand fondled your tits and pinched your nipples, its eyes slightly lidded.
You let your body roam down it's chest and saw it didn't have a cock. It was kinda like a ken doll. But the tentacles must have the same effect as one when you saw white precum drip from the larger tentacles tip.
More tentacles held your arms and legs open while the tentacle squirmed into you, thick and struggling.
There wasn't a part of you it didn't fill. Your stomach bulged slightly as it didn't wait and immediately moved in you, wiggling before pulling out and slamming back in.
The cabin was full of lewd wet noises and your cries, along with the creature chirps and coos while it pet your head that night.
There wasn't a second it didn't have a tentacle on or in you.
Despite its main body being in the water there was a tentacle wrapped around your legs that you never found the start of.
It had an iron grip and wouldn't come off unless the creature itself was nearby.
When the tentacle wasn't dormant it would rub against your clit through your pants or would be in you, gently drawing orgasms after orgasms until you begged it to let you breathe.
The creature was never gone for more than a few hours. And when it came back it came with gifts.
Shells, pearls, fish, jewelry it made or rusty jewelery it found on the bottom of the ocean.
You noticed it liked it when you wore the jewelry during sex, mainly due to how much rougher it was.
Then there was the slight fear of getting knocked up.
Every single time you had sex you would try and tell it to pull out but it would just smile and pet your head before cumming in you for the third time that hour. And you loved it.
Sometimes, when you were especially needy, you'd put on more of a show when showering.
Even touching yourself when you knew it was watching. The creature loved it.
You'd see it stand in the water and would beckon you closer, to which you happily obliged.
You'd meet in the water and it would kiss you roughly before lifting your legs around its waist and kept you above the water as it fucked its tentacles deep into you. The water mixing with the (possible) gallons of cum that spilled from you
One of your favorite things was waking up to its coos and growls.
You'd be held tight by its tentacles while it found shoved it's tounge in your cunt, hitting deep spots with its flexible prongs.
Other times it would wake up to you using one of its tentacles, whining when you couldn't get it to stay stiff by itself. It would act asleep and slowly stiffens the tentacle so you could have your fun.
What a perv you are
But then again the sun's gonna blow up one day so :p
It seemed to have infinite stamina and an infinite libido.
It could be the most inconvenient time ever and all you need to do is give it a look before your suspended in the air by your hands while it curls a smaller tentacle around your clit and fucks you with its thick one.
The creature was possessive before you knew it was there, especially when people dropped off your supplies.
But now that your it's? A whole new genre of possessive.
On time you had to keep a straight face while talking to someone cause the mini tentacle was rubbed right against your g-spot while somehow rubbing your clit under your skirt.
It even started biting you hard enough to leave marks.
Requests are open :)
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coral-nerd · 8 months
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Oh my lil disabled heart weeps with joy!
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andypantsx3 · 4 months
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SUMMARY: As a future marine biologist, you’ve scored big on your final internship: a summer in the tropics, researching the waters off the coast of a lush, sunny island. But what you thought would be all beach days and piña coladas turns out to be the revelation of a lifetime when you haul in a handsome merprince, and discover not everything in these waters is quite as it seems. TAGS/WARNINGS: mermaid au, interspecies relationships, mating rituals/courting behavior, (sort of) case fic, aged up characters, eventual smut, fem pronouns/afab reader LENGTH: 3.7k of est. 27k, 6th of 8 chapters
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Shouto was waiting on the shore when you returned, mismatched gaze pinned on you as you stepped out of the trees. He seemed to know from your expression that you’d found exactly what you’d been looking for.
“It is what you wanted, then,” he said.
You could feel a grimace overtake your features. “Not what I wanted, exactly, but it is what I expected to find.”
A clawed hand reached out to catch your ankle as you stepped out of the shade onto the hot sand. You could see the impression of Shouto’s tail in the sand where he’d dragged himself from the water, a thick line of disturbed beach. He peered up at you, thumb pressing into the hollow behind your ankle bone.
“They’re polluting this place and they’re trying to hide it,” you said, your mouth pulling into a thin line. “They’ve dammed off that lagoon for now but it’s not going to hold forever. And they’ve already killed off everything in it.”
Shouto’s claws rasped lightly over the skin of your ankle. “You are upset.”
You glanced down at him, finding his handsome face concerned. “I’m—angry, I guess, yeah. Especially now that I know you and your whole pod are here. It’s bad enough thinking of what this is going to do to all the local populations, but to think of you getting sick…”
Shouto’s long eyelashes fluttered as he took a slow breath. You carefully studied the sand next to him so you didn’t watch the way the muscles of his chest flexed and relaxed as he did so. “You want to protect me,” he concluded, something strange in his tone.
Your face flushed hot. “Well, yeah.”
Shouto’s expression went carefully blank, like he was trying not to look too pleased. Instead, he reached out a hand, taking yours, prying it open to reveal the sample kit containing a bleached chunk of coral you’d cut off the poisoned reef. “And you will keep the coral I gave you,” Shouto said.
You nodded, blinking in surprise. In your momentary funk you’d almost forgotten the underlying reason for your visit here—Shouto had given you something that would have taken him hours to get. Something he’d have had to pull himself through the forest on his arms alone for, something he too would have had to have waded into a poisoned reef for—and that had to mean something significant.
You doubted it was a token of friendship, as you’d first assumed. But then—what would be the cultural significance of the gift?
Shouto’s thumb petted over the hollow of your ankle bone again. “And you will wear them.”
You nodded absently, suppressing a shiver at the feeling of his touch.
“Yes, when I get back to my room I’ll scrounge up something to wear them on,” you promised.
Shouto’s expression shifted into something satisfied. “With dinner and a movie,” he said.
You stared at him. “You want—right now?”
“Right now,” he echoed, nodding seriously. His features rearranged themselves into a mask of determination.
You laughed at the expression, like a movie was some great hurdle to overcome, some life-or-death mission.
Well, you supposed a promise was a promise. And it was nearing dinner time.
Your mind instantly began to churn with plans. You’d have to dock the boat and beg off the meal with the science crew, figure out when and how to tell them about the poisoned lagoon, find a meal somewhere that Shouto could digest, meet him back at the beach, steal a wheelbarrow, and figure out how not to get caught.
“Alright, a deal’s a deal,” you decided.
An almost triumphant smile teased at the edge of Shouto’s mouth.
His hand left your ankle and he followed you back across the sand down to the water, slithering agiley like a handsome snake. He supervised you as you stuffed all your things back into your dry bag, then slipped into the water, keeping pace alongside you as you swam out to where you’d anchored the boat.
He pulled himself in after you, and boated most of the way back to the dock with you. He only slid back into the water when you shooed him off just out of sight of the port, promising to meet him back on the beach in front of the inn.
You docked the boat in town, then poked through a couple take-away food stalls for something that seemed like it wouldn’t mess with Shouto’s digestion. Stifling a wry grin, you settled on a sushi vendor, picking out a few basic rolls with local fish and a seaweed salad that you and Shouto could split.
You trekked back to the inn, stowing your food in your room, then poking your head into Yu’s room to let her know you’d finished up on the water, but weren’t feeling well and were going to sit out dinner.
Once you’d also verified Izuku was nowhere to be seen and that Inko was safely installed in the front office, you crept over to the maintenance shed. The door was unlatched—probably a product of living on such a small island with little crime—and you helped yourself to the wheelbarrow and an ancient tarp wedged underneath several old planters.
Shouto was waiting for you just off the beach, that head of red and white pair poking out of the water inquisitively as you approached. He eyed the wheelbarrow with suspicion, even as he hauled himself up on shore.
“What is that,” he asked, flatter than a question.
“Your chariot awaits, good sir,” you joked, gesturing at it.
A red eyebrow went up, Shouto’s mismatched gaze pinning on it with distrust. “I do not think I like chariots.”
You laughed. “It’s actually called a wheelbarrow—it’s used to haul heavy stuff. And you most definitely qualify as heavy stuff. I’m not strong enough to carry you all the way back to my room.”
Shouto’s eyes slid over the muscle of your arm assessingly. “Humans,” he murmured, almost to himself. “You cannot swim, fight, or lift things. It is a wonder you survive at all.”
You poked him with a sneakered toe. “Hey, I can too swim and lift things.”
Shouto’s pointed non-reply was answer enough and you huffed out a laugh.
“I will do it for you,” Shouto decided. “The swimming and fighting and lifting.”
For some reason this made you flush. “I—there will be no fighting on my watch.”
Shouto’s mouth quirked. In lieu of another answer he reached out an arm, gripping the side of the wheelbarrow. Your mouth went a little dry as you watched the muscles in his arm activate, and you just barely remembered to hold the wheelbarrow steady as he pulled himself in, biceps cording.
He was far too large for it, the bulk of his muscle and broad shoulders taking up nearly the entire thing, leaving his tail to drape out and drag along the sand. There was no way the tarp was going to cover enough of him.
“Okay, let’s wrap this around your tail, at least, in case anyone sees us,” you decided, spreading it out over his waist like a blanket. He looked a little goofy, and possibly a million percent more suspicious with the tarp dragging after him on the ground, but it was the best you were going to get, probably.
“So how long can you last out of salt water, do you know?” you asked, wheeling him around and heading up the beach. You figured it had to be a couple hours considering how long it must have taken him to reach the coral he’d given you, but you hated the thought of him getting uncomfortable.
“A long time. Close to a day I think,” he said.
“Wow, and you don’t dry out?” you asked.
He tipped his head back to look at you as you wheeled him, wet hair dripping into the wheelbarrow. “I do, but it takes some time.”
“And you’re not uncomfortable?” you grunted out the question, shoving him up the incline towards your room.
“Not for a long while,” he said.
Well that was good. You probably wouldn’t need to set him up in the tub then. It would be nice to eat your sushi somewhere other than the bathroom.
You were panting by the time you got Shouto up the hill, and it was an even larger production getting him through the door. It was only when you finally wheeled him inside, watching him peer around your room curiously, that you realized your seating options were limited. You were possessed of a single chair, currently occupied by your suitcase—and Shouto was far too large for it besides.
Something flipped in your stomach as your eyes were drawn towards your bed.
Like he could sense your sudden hesitance, Shouto turned to you, mismatched gaze pinning on you with a startling focus.
“You are nervous,” he observed.
You could feel your face heat. “Well I don’t exactly wheel mermen back to my room every day of the week.”
Shouto’s mouth pulled like he did not like the image of that. He grasped the sides of the wheelbarrow with clawed fingers, hefting himself out and slithering to your floor. You stared at the sight of him perched there on the rug, eyebrows lifting when he reached out a hand and drew your sitting chair towards him.
Instead of climbing in, however, he flipped open the top of your suitcase, peering in curiously.
You watched him flip a book over then ease it aside, rifling through your bag of clean socks and shorts. You sputtered when Shouto’s long fingers unearthed a bra, his head tilting.
“Nosy!” you squeaked, darting forward to throw your suitcase shut again. You didn’t know why you were so embarrassed, but you desperately hoped merpeople did not know the difference between swimwear and underthings.
Shouto’s frown was almost too cute to be borne. He looked up at you, his hand going to your ankle, as it always did.
“You do not have anything to bind the coral with,” he said, sounding a little pouty again.
Oh. So that’s what he’d been looking for.
You nudged his other hand aside, unzipping the pocket where you’d stored a few pieces of jewelry. You hadn’t brought many on the assumption that you’d mostly be working, but you’d brought enough to be useful. Shouto watched with some interest as you unclipped the chain of a necklace, sliding off the charm and storing it in your bag again.
His eyes followed you as you stepped away to your nightstand, where you’d stowed the coral he’d brought you. Immediately, you realized there was a problem.
“Uh, we might have to wait a couple more days until I can find a way to put a hole in these,” you said, gesturing with the pieces.
Shouto’s heavy tail made a scraping sound as he dragged himself across the carpet to you again. You plopped down on the edge of the bed so as not to tower over him, holding out the coral to him. Shouto angled his claws carefully away from your palm as he took a shard in his long fingers, the bleached white of it standing out starkly against the crimson of his coloring there.
Shouto’s handsome face stilled in careful concentration as he angled his pinky claw carefully, so that just the point of it pressed to a corner of the piece. You watched in fascination as he pressed down, and his claw bore right through—piercing it shockingly easily.
Your stomach flipped, and you recalled the first time you’d seen Shouto—how deadly those claws had seemed. Weeks into your friendship, you’d realized you’d been so focused on his most human of qualities—his beautiful face, inadvertently funny manner, his sweet thoughtfulness. But here was a reminder that he was also something far more than a man—possibly one of the most dangerous things in these waters.
Your heart beat a little faster as Shouto did the same to the next piece of coral, and you looped the necklace chain through them. There was a sort of dark, satisfied look in Shouto’s eye as you clasped it around your neck. A clawed finger gently touched your sternum, lifting the coral for Shouto’s inspection.
“Good,” he rumbled, looking pleased. His finger was warm against your skin, and you wondered if he could feel how quickly your heart was beating against it.
For some reason you felt your face warm. You stilled under Shouto’s touch until he let the coral drop back against your skin, seeming gratified.
Clearing your throat, you quickly rose from the bed, gesturing Shouto onto it.
“I’ll, um, grab our food,” you told him, hoping you sounded normal. “And get my laptop to pick out the movie. Just, uh, make yourself comfortable.”
You pointedly did not watch as Shouto levered himself up on the strength of those arms, instead unearthing the sushi from your room’s miniscule fridge, along with two bottles of water. You piled it all on your laptop like a tray, then turned back to Shouto.
He was far too large for your bed, laid out across it like a sunbathing model. His tail was far too long, draping off the end in a sweeping fan of scarlet and white. Your eyes traced the line of his tail back up the bed, up to where the scales freckled into the taught muscle of Shouto’s abdomen, fair skin all but glowing in the fading summer daylight, the shadows swirling and pooling in the divots of the muscle like water.
You flushed again at the sight of all of that laid out in your bed, waiting for you. You reminded yourself that he did not have the cultural context you did for sharing a bed, and that you were just splitting food. And he was another species, besides, no matter how human his upper half looked.
You very deliberately did not think about the fact that his sister had a human husband.
Shouto wriggled back against the headboard as you approached, and you clambered in next to him, careful not to brush his arm as you did. You set the sushi between you like a shield, then flipped open your laptop, wondering what kind of movie a merman might like.
“Um, got any requests?” you asked him.
Shouto’s mismatched eyes pinned on you. “I want to watch whatever you want to watch.”
Well that was no help. You wracked your brain for options, blinking when you remembered you’d told Shouto that he’d probably find human movies about merpeople funny. An idea formed.
Shouto watched with interest as your fingers clacked across the keys, alternately watching the movement of them and the windows that appeared across the screen. The island wi-fi was slow, and it took a few painful minutes, but eventually you ended up with a title screen queued up: The Little Mermaid.
You looked at Shouto for approval, only to find his eyes searching over the screen, as if for some clue of what was to come. Oh—that was right—he might have been able to speak to you, but chances were probably slim he could read any human languages.
“It’s an animated film about, uh, this mermaid who strikes a deal to be human and live on land,” you explained. “She, um, falls in love with a prince and they, uh, sort of fight to be together.”
Shouto’s mismatched eyes picked over you speculatively. “A human fights? I thought you were not capable.”
You rolled your eyes. “Well he mostly steers a boat around. But he does help try to defeat a sea witch.”
Shouto eyed you. “There is no such thing.”
A startled laugh burst out of you at the look of suspicion on his face. It was patently ridiculous that a merman was propped up in your bed telling you what was and wasn’t real.
“It’s fiction,” you told him. “People also think merpeople aren’t real, as you well know.”
Shouto looked doubtful, but you pressed play on your laptop anyway. You deposited his sushi in his lap, then hesitated over whether to hand him chopsticks too. As you watched him draw one long claw across the plastic cover, slicing it open instead of just uncapping it, you decided no. He most definitely would not be needing a pair of chopsticks.
Shouto seemed to like his plain rolls, all of the ingredients except the rice ocean-based. You watched his handsome nose flare suspiciously at your own rolls when you opened your container, shooting a look of obvious distaste at the spicy mayo drizzled over the top of one.
You had to hide another smile, strangely charmed by everything about him.
Shouto also was quickly absorbed by the movie, and did not notice when you plucked his empty container from his lap. He seemed to find it equal parts amusing and ridiculous. It was only when Ariel and Prince Eric almost kissed in the boat that you felt Shouto’s eyes on you. You stared resolutely ahead, pretending not to notice, your skin prickling.
He was distracted again by the rest of the film, even leaning forward with interest during the climax. But his eyes wandered your way again when Ariel and Eric finally kissed, and you looked up reflexively, face heating when his was closer than you had expected.
“Uhhh,” you said, stupidly. “Did you… like it?”
“Yes,” Shouto replied. Outside, the sun was sinking, and it cast Shouto’s face in an orange glow, the blue light of your laptop refracting strangely off his eyes.
Your breath quickened, for some unfathomable reason.
You jumped when warm fingers met the skin of your sternum again, and you heard the chips of coral click as they were lifted. Shouto’s eyes dipped to them, then back up to your face, dragging over it slowly.
“You said there were no other mating rituals, correct?” Shouto said.
You startled under his touch, brain functions freezing up at the mention of mating. What—mating rituals? And what did he mean other?
“Mating rituals?” you echoed, trying to keep your voice from coming out strangled.
Shouto nodded. “You said jewelry is often given. And dinner and a movie. But I believe you said there were no other common practices across cultures.”
You blinked, mind whirring with the implication that Shouto thought dinner and a movie was a mating ritual and yet had engaged in such a thing with you. And as for jewelry… you felt one of Shouto’s claws drag delicately over the skin just under your neck as he thumbed across the pieces of coral.
A sudden suspicion formed in your brain, illuminating your synapses like a light had just been snapped on. A million other things Shouto had said about fighting and hunting and protection suddenly felt like they made a terrible sort of sense to you. You stared back at Shouto, mouth dropping open.
No. There was no way.
“Shouto,” you said, your voice shooting embarrassingly high. It was ridiculous to even ask the question, and yet… “Are you—did you ask for dinner and a movie as a date?”
Shouto inclined his head. His hair had mostly dried, and it looked soft and silky in the orange light from the sun. You fought down the sudden urge to reach out and touch it.
“Dates are mating practices, are they not?” he murmured.
A hand pressed down next to your hip, titling you a little towards him with the dip of the mattress. Your heart beat fluttered, the skin at your hip prickling.
“But you—but there’s—but we didn’t—but you—” you fumbled, blinking flusteredly. The air in your room suddenly felt about a million degrees warmer, almost suffocatingly hot. Shouto tilted his head, then pressed the backs of his fingers to your cheek, as if testing your temperature.
“Are you well?” he asked.
Were you well. Were you well?
A literal fairytale creature, a prince of fairytale creatures, was sitting in your bed, having all but just admitted to engaging in mating rituals with you, and here he was asking if you were well!
You made a noise somewhere between the moo of a cow and a goose honk, and Shouto’s fingers shifted against your skin.
“How is it that you conclude the mating ritual?” he asked, watching you carefully. “If it is successful and my suit is accepted?”
His suit. His suit! Like he was courting you!
Dear god what had you been getting yourself into. And why did every single inch of your skin feel like it was on fire, especially when Shouto leaned closer?
“When they—in the movie when they pressed their mouths together,” you stammered. “You must know it from your sister having a human husband—it’s called kissing.”
Shouto’s fingers moved across your skin, until he was cupping your face in one large palm. Your breath froze entirely in your lungs. This close, his face was somehow even more perfect, and you were entirely robbed of higher brain function, gawking at him like he was an animal in a zoo.
Shouto was near enough that you could feel the exhalation of his next words on your mouth. “I would like do it, this kissing,” he said, tone slow and rolling. “That is if you accept me. If you acknowledge we are mates.”
You couldn’t really think past the feeling of his hand on your face, the way his claws rasped so sweetly over the skin behind your ear. He was so warm and so close and so stupidly, mind-numbingly handsome, and the low, gentle way he spoke to you sounded like the sea, a rumble of waves you wanted to sink beneath.
You opened your mouth to ask him to repeat the question, as your processing power was suddenly at zero percent.
But then Shouto shifted on the bed, the weight of his hand tipping you even further towards him. You felt yourself losing a little balance, falling, a hand pressing against his naked chest to catch yourself—
—And then Shouto’s mouth caught yours, and you forgot to feel anything else at all.
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merakiui · 3 months
Stitch event
Floyd desperately humping you cause you canny get the clothes off, teasing you, thrusting as hard as possible just hoping they rip and he can get inside you already
You get back to NRC after so long of that?
You and Floyd aren’t seen for at least a week.
Mer Eggs Anon
Omg yes,,, you have to make up for all the time you lost while trapped on the island in those magic clothes. It's such a relief to finally be able to take clothes off and fuck skin to skin. Floyd probably tears up when he finally fucks into you for the first time in what feels like forever. He's just so happy to finally be inside Shrimpy and there aren't any clothes in the way!!
Going at it all week long, disregarding everything that might get in the way of your alone time. As much as Floyd enjoys dry humping, he is avoiding it for the rest of the month because it became so old and boring doing it so often on the island. T_T he's sick of it!!!!
Aaaa but maybe (since it's summer break when the cast is whisked away to the island) Floyd decides to bring you back to the Coral Sea with him. The waters will be warmer and the sun will be shining,,, a perfect getaway to spend fucking in the sunny shallows or at the bottom of the sea. <3 it also gives him the chance to introduce you to his parents, who are just dying to meet you!
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Another delulu for our fishie! And this time of course will be for his newest steamy card “Omnipotent Perception”!
This will be the lighter version with different approach (suggested by LnD contest theme) but I hope to still be able to capture Rafayel’s complexity and profound feelings.
This personally is my favorite card (I know I know I had so many favs now huhu) but definitely on par with Private Trip and Floral Promise for me.
This journey of discovering Rafayel inner feelings has been quite a treat for me and I look forward to seeing more of these in the future.
Hands up to LnD dev team! Excellent job as always ❤️❤️❤️❤️
PS: I would also appreciate if you can check out the post on X as well!
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Now is the time for our delulu!
Rafayel and I were enjoying our vacation on an island miles away from where the Lemurian ruins were discovered then fate found the better of us…
The Unspoken Feelings
"Today’s forecast: Sunny and breezy, perfect for picnics and outdoor sightseeing..."
The ding of a text message with a weather alert pulled me from my slumber. As I looked around the unfamiliar room, I realized I was on an island southeast of Linkon City, about miles from the discovered Lemurian ruins. Rafayel and I had come here for a summer vacation. A big yawn reminded me of how well-rested I felt thanks to him. Last weekend was hectic, but now I can relax and enjoy my vacation with Rafayel, with whom I want to spend the rest of my remaining time.
Even though this was my third day waking up to the colorful sunlight filtering through the blue-tinted windows of my room, as if I were submerged in the sea, I still couldn't stop marveling at this place.
An island surrounded by the sea, like a lone oasis in a desert. I'd heard rumors of mermaids living here, but only those who'd seen them could confirm the truth.
Not only the island itself but also the way someone had furnished this guesthouse intrigued me. It was very nautical, or rather, very Rafayel.
In my bedroom, beside the large blue-tinted windows, small sea-themed decorations were scattered on the shelves: seashells, pearls, coral, scented candles that smelled of the ocean, an hourglass, and a pot of bright red lilies.
If someone told me this was Rafayel's house, I wouldn't hesitate to believe them.
But when I asked if he had lived here for a long time because this kind of decor is usually found in places for people with long residences, he simply said that a friend had given him the house, so maybe that friend had decorated it in his style and left it there in case he needed it in the future.
I knew this was his usual way of avoiding an answer if he wanted to hide something. And it made sense. Why would Rafayel have a house on such a remote island, except for the local residents or curious people who wanted to explore the Lemurian ruins? If that were the case, it meant he had a past he hadn't told me about. I suddenly realized I might not know him as well as I thought.
When my phone buzzed a third time, I realized I'd been spacing out for quite a while. Grabbing my phone from the nightstand, I could immediately guess who had been texting me all morning. It was Rafayel who kept asking if I wanted a seafood breakfast, and really, only he would suggest something like that so early in the morning. Just as I was about to touch the screen to reply, I heard the door open, and the smell of the ocean mixed with his distinct scent and food filled the room. When Rafayel saw my dazed expression, still lying in bed, he chuckled and said,
'Cutie, it seems your sleep is about to turn into a fairy tale about a sleeping beauty.'
Without waiting for me to speak, he went straight to the round table by the corner of the wall, carrying the plate of food he had in his hand. The faint smell and vapors from the food also let me know that this was something he had just prepared. Before I could say anything, he went straight to the bathroom. The sound of running water echoed, and a moment later, a wet towel was draped over his arm along with a basin of water. His fluid movements left me stunned as I could only watch. Rafayel chuckled at my naive and silly expression. He sat down beside me and lifted my face to gently wipe it.
As he traced the lines of my face, Rafayel looked at me and teased, 'Haiz, I think I'm losing money on this deal. I hired you as my bodyguard, but it turns out I do more serving you than you do for me. I wonder if I can get a refund.'
I was silent, enjoying his gentle care, until I caught the distinctive salty smell of the sea.
'It's your honor to serve me, Mr. Rafayel. Now tell me why you got up so early this morning to go to the beach. You're not usually the type to wake up early, are you?'
'Silly girl, don't underestimate me! I need to exercise too, especially when I have the chance to come back here. Watching the sunrise and then immersing myself in the sea. The feeling of sinking into the water and forgetting all my troubles is the best way to de-stress.'
Rafayel flicked my forehead. 'If you're still feeling troubled by work, you should try it. I'll do my best to accompany you.'
I hit Rafayel, and he reflexively yelled. But before he could complain, I immediately pointed out a flaw in what he had just said.
'Rafayel, didn’t you always say you wanted to watch the sea or the sunset with me? So why didn’t you invite me this time? And by the way, what do you mean by getting de-stress?'
Rafayel sighed, looked at me, and stroked my hair from my temples to my face, then gently pinched my cheek.
‘You’re overthinking it, it’s just simply because I saw you sleeping so soundly, and I didn't want to wake you up, so while I was waiting for you to wake up, I had to do it by myself and for de-stressing, maybe from…not getting enough attention from you?’
Noticing a slight irregularity in Rafayel's voice, before he could finish, I quickly grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly, then looked straight into his bright cerulean blue eyes covered in fiery red with a determined expression and said,
"I want to do that with you from now until the end. So next time, don't forget to take me with you, no matter what happens, okay?"
Rafayel was momentarily surprised, but then he smiled softly, leaned down close to my cheek, and placed a kiss on it, watching the blush spread from my cheeks to my ears.
When satisfied with his handiwork, Rafayel replied, "Okay."
After we finished eating, it was time to carry out the plan that Rafayel had already set up, and the reason I emphasized that this plan was personally arranged by Rafayel was that he was determined to let me relax without a care in the world. It was in executing this plan that I realized Rafayel was more familiar with this place than I'd thought.
And that surprised me because he usually would proactively tell me things I needed to know, but perhaps this land, along with the buried past here, was something he didn't want me to touch. Not only that, deep in his eyes, there was a nameless sadness, like a fleeting nostalgia that quickly passed like a fish's tail gliding quickly across the palm of my hand, leaving me no time to grasp. Maybe I didn't understand Rafayel as much as I thought. I thought I understood a large part of him, but the chain of events of the past few days had revealed to me that I still had a long way to go.
I tried to learn more about what he hadn't revealed, but whenever I wanted to mention a part of that past, he would just pass it over with a calm tone as if it were just one of those trivial matters that didn't need to be mentioned - from the villages he had been to, to the streets he had walked. Everything he told me was like a third-person narration, not from the direct perspective of someone who had experienced it. I also asked if he was really happy when talking about those past times, and fortunately, because I knew he was a truthful person, instead of glossing over it, his answer through silence was proof of what I had guessed.
And that made me want to know more and more about him. So when I looked at the schedule for the last day, packed with places to go, from the harbor to the art gallery to the night market, I suddenly felt that I didn't want him to keep reminiscing about the unhappy memories anymore. I wanted to see him in a place where, although there was still a hint of nostalgia, he wouldn't feel suffocated. And that place was the guest house where we were staying.
That meant there was a possibility that today, both he and I would do nothing but look at each other. When he heard my suggestion, Rafayel was quite surprised and observed me for a moment as if trying to find something different about me, until he sighed and agreed.
"If you want, cutie..." he took my hand and gently kissed it. "I don't mind spending the whole day with you without doing anything. Luckily for us, I just found a flyer stating that there will be a seaside market near the shore around the afternoon when the fishermen have finished fishing, and they will also hold a small festival to celebrate the summer, so there will be fireworks by the shore. What do you think? That's also like doing nothing in this place, right?"
Fireworks and a seaside market? That's a great idea! I'm sure Rafayel would love it!
So I agreed immediately without hesitation.
The detailed plan for today was simplified drastically to "sit idly at home until there is a seaside market and fireworks in the late afternoon."
The sounds of fishermen and vendors mingled with the excited chatter of shoppers, signaling to Rafayel and me that it was time for the seaside market. Conveniently, the market was located right next to the guesthouse Rafayel had arranged.
Hand in hand, we wandered towards the tents set up for the festival. It was quite different from what I had expected. Instead of just selling seafood, there was a wide variety of other items characteristic of the region. From seashells to thatched hut decorations, necklaces and bracelets made of pearls and stones, created mysterious sea colors. To emphasize the summer atmosphere, a multitude of Hawaiian-style shirts were sold everywhere in the stalls. Before I could tear my eyes away from all the goods, Rafayel had placed a straw hat on my head, having bought it from a nearby stall without me noticing.
“You’ll need this when walking by the sea in the afternoon, or you’ll end up like a dried fish,” he said with a smile. Seeing him wearing a similar hat, I couldn’t resist taking a photo of this memorable moment.
“Then I have to save a picture of you before you turn into dried fish too!” I teased. Rafayel grabbed my phone. “If we share the fun, we have to share the misfortune!”
Our laughter somewhat eased my mind as I thought about the part of Rafayel I didn't know. I told myself perhaps now wasn’t the right time to delve deeper.
But fate had other plans.
As we took photos, a heated argument erupted at a nearby stall. A customer, with a fierce expression, was holding a pearl and was berating the young boy behind the counter. “A trivial pearl like this, and you dare to say it’s priceless and charge a sky-high price? Do you know the price of pearls is going down? If you don’t sell it cheap, no one will buy it!”
The boy, almost tearful, replied, “No...this pearl is truly priceless...very precious...I can't sell it to you like that…”
Just as the customer was about to get physical, Rafayel intervened, grabbing the customer's hand and examining the pearl.
“Hmm, a very fine, aged pearl. Truly priceless, not something you can buy with money. Unlike someone who didn’t even know its true worth and still dared to make himself a bargain.”
Rafayel glanced at the customer and with a force only the man could feel, he snatched the pearl, wiped it with his sleeve, and handed it back to the boy.
“You're right. This pearl is priceless, and priceless things shouldn't be sold carelessly.”
The boy stammered, “But...I need money to…”
“Alright,” Rafayel interrupted, “if you want to sell, I can buy it and give it back to you, and of course, I won’t do it for free. So the condition for returning it is that you let me meet the owner of this shop, is that okay?”
The boy looked from Rafayel to me and then to the angry customer. After a moment's hesitation, he nodded and said he would tell the owner.
When the owner met Rafayel, I felt indescribable, as if they were old acquaintances who hadn't seen each other in a very long time. As they went into the hut behind to talk, I grabbed the boy and asked about the stall owner.
The boy called the owner “Grandpa”. Grandpa was the one who had taken care of him as he once lived in an orphanage. The boy also said that “Grandpa” was very knowledgeable about the island, everything from tides to weather. He loved “Grandpa” very much, but “Grandpa’s” health had been declining lately as if he was sick even though Grandpa always told him there was nothing to worry about. With his small mind, he only knew that if “Grandpa” was ill, he would have to see a doctor, which would require a lot of money. But “Grandpa” rarely asked for help, especially from people wearing white coats, and Grandpa also forbade him from selling anything except for what Grandpa caught or made, and the money earned from those small items was very little. So while Grandpa was resting behind the stall, he had tried to sell the gift the man had given him: a pearl as bright as the moonlight shining on the sky when the tides ebb and flow. That's how we were able to encounter the scene today.
After putting everything together, I had a feeling of who the stall owner was. There may be some things I need to ask to clarify.
As I finished my conversation with the boy, Rafayel and the stall owner emerged. Before I could speak, Rafayel took my hand and said,
"Let's go, there are still many other stalls waiting."
He turned to the stall owner and said in a serious tone, "As the old saying goes, if you need anything, we're still here."
The stall owner laughed as if this was something he often heard. "I know, I know. If you keep saying that, you'll become an old man. But let me have a few words with this young lady."
Rafayel looked at me as if asking for permission, and I nodded without hesitation.
As I approached, the stall owner looked at me for a long time and sighed, "That boy, although he talks a lot and has quite a sharp tongue, still withholds a gentle nature. So would you mind taking care of him?"
"Don't worry, that's my plan!" I proudly replied. Seeing my sparkling eyes, the old man sighed as if a weight had been lifted from his heart. He looked directly at Rafayel and me and suddenly bowed, surprising me a little.
But before I could stop him, he looked at us and said, "Well, I wish you both a happy outing. Be careful because..." He whispered, "It will rain tonight, so you'll have to find something else to do."
To my surprise, the old man and the boy waved goodbye as Rafayel held my hand and led me away from the stall, leaving behind a multitude of unanswered questions.
The sun was setting, turning the sky a deep red. The stalls were winding down as people eagerly awaited the evening's fireworks. Yet, between Rafayel and me, there seemed to be an invisible divide.
Since our encounter with the mysterious stall owner, who seemed to be an old acquaintance of Rafayel's, his mood had been down, despite his attempts to hide it by avoiding more profound questions.
He could explain the stall owner's background but seemed reluctant to discuss the man's current condition or why he was on the island in the first place.
There were too many intertwined secrets, and I had an intuition that these secrets held the key to understanding Rafayel's true self, a facet of him I had yet to discover.
This led me to bolder speculations. Perhaps this was the true emotion he had always held, and I had only realized it now because he had hidden it so well. While I acknowledged that his genuine, happy smiles were always associated with the moments he spent with me, it was only when he mentioned his "past," the time before we met, when he was still in Lemuria, that he seemed distant. And it was largely due to my inattentiveness; I hadn't truly focused on learning more about him.
Determined, I decided it was time for Rafayel and me to break through this invisible veil. I wanted to understand him better, including the things that might have hurt him in the past and the scars he tried to hide from me.
I wanted to know everything, to understand him better, only because I loved him as much as he had, was, and would love me.
Taking a deep breath, I took Rafayel's hand, who was still busy introducing the stalls in front of us. A determined look in my eyes conveyed my steadfastness, catching him off guard for a moment. But finally, he sighed in defeat. He squeezed my hand and stroked my palm gently as he said.,
"There's an open space on the other side of the dunes. Would you like to sit and watch the sunset while we wait for the fireworks?"
I nodded gently. The four footprints treaded side by side towards the base of a tree on the other side of the dunes.
The gentle breeze carried the salty scent of the blue sea mixed with the sand, creating a slightly itchy damp feeling, like rolling in the sand while still wet. It was uncomfortable and stuffy. Perhaps that was also the feeling the Lemurians had to face and adapt to when they first hesitantly set foot on the shore.
We both remained silent, watching the sun gradually set on the horizon until I decided to break it.
"Rafayel, you don't have to tell me more details. But at least you can share the basics about you. After all, those basics will help me understand you and your origins better."
Rafayel rested his head on his hand and looked at me intently. "What do you mean by basics?"
I took a deep breath and looked straight at him. "By basics, I mean things revolving around your daily life or at least how you feel. For example, how did you, as a merman, feel when you first stepped onto land? Did your feet, accustomed to swimming, hurt when you first learned to walk? Or did you feel lonely in a strange place? You may not need to tell me what happened, but at least how you felt when experiencing those."
Rafayel's eyes seemed covered in darkness immediately after hearing my questions. He lowered his head and let out a bitter chuckle before looking back at the sky, which was gradually darkening as the sun had set.
"So if I say it hurts, or I'm lonely, what will you do? I'm not naive. Who's to say that those past experiences and feelings weren't all fabricated by me to trap you?"
I took his chin and pulled him to face me. "Look into my eyes."
Rafayel, startled, slowly turned his gaze from the dark sky to meet mine. "...Why? Why do you insist on knowing this? Isn't it easier to not know?"
Just as I was about to reply, a loud clap of thunder echoed through the sky, followed by heavy rain. Oh...just like the old man said...it's raining...
Before I could react, Rafayel quickly wrapped his arms around me, trying to shield me from the pouring rain. But the rain was coming down so hard that everyone had to seek shelter in the stalls being cleaned up, except for me, who was still in Rafayel's arms and protected by him.
But I didn't want to be protected like this...I wanted to face it with him.
My impulsiveness caused me to act faster than I thought. Amid the heavy rain, I grabbed Rafayel's hand and ran straight towards the guesthouse.
The sound of the rain pattering on the ground seemed to separate Rafayel and me from the outside world. This separation became even clearer when we finally reached the door and got inside. It was just him and me in our own space.
The heavy breaths mingled with the raindrops gradually falling to the ground made the atmosphere around us change invisibly.
When my sudden sneeze broke the silence, Rafayel quickly grabbed my hand and led me towards the bathroom. The sound of running water carried the warmth that gradually emanated from the bathtub. While Rafayel was still focused on preparing the bath, I continued to look at him and said what I hadn't been able to say in the downpour earlier.
"I want to know, Rafayel. Because I love you and want to understand you better, including the aspects you consider ugly and not worth mentioning."
After a long silence, Rafayel sighed. He approached me, touched my cheek, and said with a gentle voice.
"Alright, I can start by writing a book or telling you 1001 stories of the Lemurian people. Now go to the bathtub and rest, I'll wait for you.”
As Rafayel was about to leave after ensuring I was settled in the tub, my hand quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. My sudden action caused Rafayel to pause, and before he could pry my hand away, he lost his balance and fell into the bathtub.
Silence enveloped us until Rafayel took a deep breath and chuckled as if he had no choice.
Rafayel leaned against the side of the tub opposite me. The hem of his bathrobe was askew, almost like an invitation.
"So you want me to stay here? In this state? Just to find the answer to what you've always wondered?"
I looked at him and reached out to where his heart was beating. "Yes, I want to know more about you."
Rafayel took my hand and rubbed it gently on his cheek. "So what do you want to know?"
"You don't have to be specific, but you could start with...how your Lemurian people express affection?" I firmly acclaimed.
"You really want to know?" Rafayel moved his hand from my wrist to my fingers and gently placed a kiss on it, slowly saying, "When Lemurians fall in love with someone…All our senses are committed to perceiving them without questions."
Before he could finish, I moved my finger to touch his lips and stroked them. "You mean...like this?"
Rafayel chuckled. "Your way of triggering my “sense” has only touched the surface."
I chuckled too. Because, of course, this touch didn't stop there. To prove my point, my hand gradually traced along his neck and went down to where I had touched earlier.
Rafayel's body stiffened with each movement of my finger, signaling that he was also becoming tense. "You...are all humans so foolish...this isn't just about touching..."
Before he could finish, my finger went even deeper to places I wouldn't usually wander. And by now, even Rafayel couldn't stay calm. His eyes darkened, only faintly lighting up when lightning flashed across the dark sky, illuminating the entire space for a moment, revealing shades of deep blue and fiery red. Before I could react, he pushed me onto my back while holding himself above me with his arms. My whole body was submerged in water, enveloped by his strong body.
Rafayel looked straight at me with a frown.
"Do you know what you're doing?"
With his words, the thunder roared continuously, signaling something big was about to happen. I knew what it was, and I was the one who was looking forward to it. "I know. And I know you're looking forward to it, too."
Rafayel looked at me intently with eyes I'd never seen before. It was as if I were prey being watched by a predator, and in the blink of an eye, I could be attacked without a chance to fight back.
Our heartbeat gradually filled the silent air, drowning out the thunder outside. Even I couldn't tell whose heartbeat was so strong, mine or the person I loved who was facing me. But no matter who it belonged to, I knew the hidden intention.
Rafayel finally spoke after his hand gently stroked my lips. "I'm looking forward to it because it's from you."
His entire body leaned down as he pressed his lips against mine. A warm sensation appeared between our lips. From the familiar, it gradually turned strange. This kiss...was different...so intense...so passionate...and so unfamiliar... Could this also be another part of him?
Our heavy breathing continued after the passionate kiss he had given. It was frantic, as if devouring. There was no more thinking or reason. Only passion and intensity. My warmth caused him, a merman, to exclaim, "And you’re warm, I like that."
Somehow, those words touched my heart. They recalled many legends I had once heard, and one vaguely mentioned how mermen didn't like the heat and how difficult it was for them to adapt to the warmth. But for him to say that he loved my warmth, how much had he had to endure to adapt to that extent?
When Rafayel looked at me intently after the passionate kiss ended, I couldn't help but reach out, hold his face within my two palms, and gently caress it, which was unfamiliar and slightly different from usual. I uttered the words that I thought from the bottom of my heart.
"Rafayel...this different side of you...is it still you?"
Immediately after hearing that question, his eyes sadly looked down for a moment, but as if reassuring himself, after a moment, he looked up at me and said, his voice mixed with a little self-doubt and a touch of pleading, "So will you still love me no matter what I become?"
I suddenly realized. It turned out that he was worried about me no longer loving him after discovering his past?
Silly Rafayel, how can I tell him that my love for him can no longer be taken back?
Ignoring all reason, my body acted on the most primal instinct. I grabbed the necklace around his neck and pulled him down hard, leaving a bite mark on it. I bit down fiercely as if to leave a strong and unfaded mark, a mark to say that he belonged to me no matter what might happen.
And to his surprise, I reached out and touched the bite mark, uttering the crazy words I had hidden deep in my heart and now had the opportunity to express. "Rafayel, just to let you know, when you’re madly in love, human often have the urge to mark their territory. And this mark of yours is no different."
His eyes were filled with a thousand emotions, and one of them I could see was relief. It seemed that he, too, understood my feelings for him as much as he had always had for me.
So Rafayel, please don’t be hesitant to open yourself up to me as well.
As if reading my mind, Rafayel pressed his body against mine again and whispered a word only he could understand the depth of. "If you say so, then join me. Let’s drown in the ocean. Together."
Despite the pouring rain and the constant thunder in the sky, in that room, only two minds were sinking together into the current of the waves of love.
On that unforgettable night, as I drifted off to sleep, I heard Rafayel's faint voice telling me the first story he had promised in the collection of 1001 Lemurian stories. As mentioned in his first story, I vaguely recalled the image of the Sea God in the dream I had afterward.
Like in a film, I saw the image of that sea god swimming from under the sea to the shore. Then, from the shore, he wandered aimlessly in the endless night. I desperately wanted to reach out but couldn't get close. And that scene repeated over and over until I finally took on a definite form, the form of a traveler standing on the shore after my countless silent prayers just to get closer to that sea god. But instead of the Sea God, in front of my traveler form was the image of a merman whose eyes I was familiar with. And even before the merman raised his singing voice, I rushed forward and grabbed his hand, his cold, lonely hand, and hugged him tightly and gave him the warmth only I could give. And in return, I received from him a warmth that comforted my soul despite all the chaotic melodies in the outside world.
A breeze blew past me, carrying the salty scent of the sea, gradually waking me up from the bittersweet dream I was encountering. Facing me was the sunrise on the horizon hidden behind the seashore. And I was wrapped in warm blankets and cuddled deep in Rafayel's warmth.
Rafayel….he always remembered…no matter what I said despite how nonsensical they were sometimes.
Thank you, Rafayel, for always keeping your promise to me.
So this time, let me also make an unbreakable promise.
Lying quietly in Rafayel's arms and watching the sunrise, I made a silent wish.
I hope that you and I will always be together.
Forever. Despite all obstacles.
All for love.
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