britesuns · 10 months
where are the swiftie dinlukers.................... they need to know my assigned taylor swift songs for each of them... we need to discuss luke "the archer" skywalker and din "peace" djarin
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entheos-alios · 1 year
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little something I made for Diomedes, there's some UPG stuff here that I associate with him
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ruerock · 1 year
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reassuring dialogue with my friend from today
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hollowedpurple · 7 months
Suguru Geto saw this boy with long lashes and insufferable attitude who was hated and shunned for all the wrong reasons and who has a name that suspiciously goes well with his own and his conclusion was yep I will care for him, understand him, share his burdens and develop muscle memories to protect him
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sunlitpearl · 5 days
You… are waiting for the train.
It's not a weird occurrence— You have to get to work somehow, after all. (Do you work? Well, of course you do. Why would you be here otherwise?)
The subway is packed at this hour. As the world wakes up and gets ready for the day, many a person needs to be somewhere else; their job, their school, their parent's house. They come into the subway in droves, pushing and pulling each way like a pack of sheep. To the side of the cacophony this comes with, muffled conversations and the of locomotives becoming ambient sounds, you sit on a bench towards the wall.
A kid approaches you. It catches your eye, because even in the mass of rushing people, he manages to make a bee-line for you. He has black hair, tousled messily one way or another on his head, and very big eyes. The light of the subway hits them in a way that you can't help but compare them to a galaxy. You've never been the poetic sort, but his eyes are as dark as void, and that's exactly why they reflect every thing he sets his eyes on with accurate detail. As if they're trying to soak in all aspects of life, so that he may use them later.
He looks like you, a little, though that's dumb because you don't have black hair or eyes, and you weren't that small when you were his age. (Or were you? You feel like you should look at yourself again.)
"You're the one that made this, right?" He says, turning his phone around to show you an image of what is unmistakably your art style. (But you blink, and it's not a drawing anymore— it's a piece of writing, the one you posted the other day on your personal blog. The one with three notes.)
Regardless, what he's showing you is yours. "Yeah."
"I really liked it." He smiles, and for a moment you are alone with him in a sea of people and all that matters is that this child you don't know is happy. "I didn't know other people liked this book. It's my favourite."
Oh, the book. The one your art-writing was about. "It's my favourite too."
Is it? It's a novel you read a few years ago, one that changed your life and impacted more than half of your daily thoughts. Even now, it sticks with you. But… No, no, you haven't even finished it yet. It's a novel you picked up because a friend recommended it to you- you're still trying to see where it goes, but you think you like it so far.
No, but, still. That doesn't sound right. What was the name of it, again?
"Really?" His eyes are sparkling in a way they weren't when he first approached you and you're, again, surprised by how dark they are. You smile.
A new train arrives. It's noisy.
He leans in a little closer so that you can hear him. "Oh, um. That's all I wanted to say. Just, thank you."
The kid turns his head around, searching the crowd until he finds what he needs. "I should… get going, I think. That one over there is mine."
And just like that, you wave him off as his small body disappears amongst the many passengers of the 8:10 train. As the doors close, you think you see him wave back.
Leaning your back against the wall, you let the murmurs of conversations that don't quite reach your ears lull your brain into quietness.
…Do you have a picture of yourself, in your blog?
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hateful-daystar · 5 months
I am the Sun, and I hate you.
I will send cataclysmic cancer from my castle in the void.
I will blind your children, and burn your skin.
I will dry your crops and evaporate your rivers.
I am Heaven’s Light and the Final Fire. I shall never be extinguished.
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You know what, Sun is inner city/the "bad" part of town kid coded and now that I said that I have words for the people that keep refusing to be normal about him.
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mantueflie · 3 months
They'll have to physically restrain me from staring at the sun
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crustaceansingles · 22 days
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Fine. Good.
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peachyfren · 3 months
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April 8th, 2024- Total Solar Eclipse. Some dude was mowing his lawn the entire time.
・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚
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entheos-alios · 2 years
I found a candle a few weeks ago that reminded me of Diomedes so much and I didn't get it and now I can't find it again 🥲
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ruerock · 1 year
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papa's freezeria deluxe reviews
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seven-oh-four · 1 year
i hope the sun explodes
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hollowedpurple · 8 months
Mimiko and Nanako deciding to steer away from Gojo because they know he is precious to Geto Yuta saying he wouldn't ever let Gojo kill his best friend again How much do you have to be moping around about your ex that everyone just knows
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ask-moondrop · 4 months
Dear cheese boi
Is it wrong to think your brother/counter part is hot?????
say what now
we're both actually kind of cold.
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