#super blue moon tarot reading
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super full blue moon in pisces ritual ✨
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calmwaterstarot · 1 year
🔵 Super Blue Moon in Pisces Predictions 🔵🔮 Pick-a-Card Reading 🧿
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themagikmirror · 1 year
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A continuation of my monthly "Care Plan" content created in 2022 channeling Spirit Messages through astrological transits happening. Why would I repost old ass content? Because you can still use it to reference lessons from 2022, time stamp manifestations & conjure new downloads about the present moments you're in....
JULY 2022 :
🦋Pay attention to the weather this month. Pay attention to your bodies (probably won’t have a choice anyways) 💖 We’re six months in. You should know the vibes, but tune in for new things ahead! Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces, Full Moon in Sagittarius and New Moon in Cancer loading
AUGUST 2022 :
Just looking through this Care Plan you can see how much changed astrologically in one month, meaning somethings in life are changing!!!! Summer is moving fast, but don’t miss out on what spirit is trying to show you in your journey. The amazing thing about August is we have new energies we haven’t dealt with in a while and all elements to work with, outside of our lack of air. This could affect communication, but I think we’ll be okay. Honestly Spirit didn’t have much new to say when I sat down to channel these messages… Spirit was quiet 🤫🤐 I don’t know what that means…. But I feel like we’re more than halfway through this year and spirit wants to see what we’re made of. Full Moon in Capricorn at the top of the month, New Moon in Leo and the start of Mercury Retrograde #3 in Sidereal Virgo (just like last year— might wanna review those receipts) finishing things up🔮
🪐With Saturn RX in Capricorn, Mars going into Taurus, an abundance of Water from RX Jupiter in Pisces and the continuation of Sidereal Cancer “Season” , August honestly felt like a moment to slow down & assess from the inside-out. As August ended there was a “count your blessings” type energy in the air. August’s energy started off very unsettling & uncomfortable. This could’ve been due to the shift of energies carrying over from large planets fully stationing retrograde in July and Mars in Aries pushing shit out the way before the transit’s end. Aries is a sign that can make people uncomfortable because there’s so much activity going on, so much energy being put out that sometimes its too much to keep up with : which is why August’s channeled message for Aries was “identify the change”. Reminder : July 2022, much like April 2022, was one of our game changer months. Once energies from major shifts of July 2022 got settled in, August revealed itself to be a moment of cleanse and renewal, but required patience & presence for things to continue to unfold. Strides were made in August that changed trajectories individually & collectively. Please sit with that. Guidance on monthly energies are above via channeled messages using SIDEREAL ASTROLOGY. Readings are still available through my #LinkInBio , but my half off sale has ended! September is going to be a very grounding month as all 3 EARTH SIGNS are occupied one way or another! 🪵🍂🪨
OCTOBER 2022 :
😮‍💨WE’RE FINALLY OUT OF SEPTEMBER‼️It felt so long…. Fall is here with lots of astro-events that will correlate to our lives 🤓 We get a small break from Retrograde activity, but then its back to business.. 😤 Eclipses start back happening. Saturn comes out of Retrograde… I feel like its really the end of the month that is gonna switch things up a lot. Watch my IG LIVE CHECKPOINT to hear more about Fall as well as additional messages that may come through 🧡🌕🪐☄️🍁🌾 
NOVEMBER 2022 : #October was bittersweet. We move on to #November where we must begin harvesting the lessons of #2022. I can’t believe its almost over! We’re currently in a #Gemini #MarsRetrograde and Jupiter’s turbulent Retrograde in Sidereal Pisces finally ends this month.  We start November with a bang 💥 from our Full Moon Eclipse in Aries next week 🙏🏽 I’ll see you 🔜 
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chloeadrianne · 1 year
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There will be a Supermoon happening on August 30th, 2023. This will also be a Blue Moon, a rare second full moon in the same month, and will be happening in the sign of Pisces. Are you ready for this powerful full moon?
All tarot readings are $10, payments accepted through Venmo -> @chloeadrianne
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dionysianivy · 1 month
The Super Blue Full Moon // Sturgeon Moon🌕🐟
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The upcoming full moon on August 19th is a magical time for setting new intentions, connecting deeply with our inner selves, and breaking free from old habits. It's the perfect moment for fresh beginnings and welcome transformative energy into our lives.
Super Blue Full Moon correspondences:
Element: Air with influences of Water and Earth
Colors: Blue, Turquoise, Silver, White, Indigo, Aquamarine, Gold
Crystals/Stones: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Labradorite, Moonstone, Sodalite, Clear Quartz
Herbs/Plants: Sage, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Aloe, Rosemary, Mint
Animals: Sturgeon, Eagle, Owl, Dolphin, Raven, Lion
Symbols: Stars, Water, Full Moon, Fish
Deities: Uranus, Artemis, Selene, Thoth, Athena, Neptune (mostly Lunar deities)
Zodiac Signs: Aquarius with Leo influence
Activities To Do:
• Meditate
• Have a relaxing bath during the night
• Write down your desired intentions
• Connect with your deity or deities
• Cleanse your crystals
• Start a new project
• Let your creativity flow
• Dance in the night while the moon watches over you
• Do a tarot, rune, or oracle reading
• Cast some spells
• Connect with Uranus energy; seek the change you may have wanted for a while. Do something that makes you feel free
• Eat some fish (only if you like it)
• Be proud of who you are. Take a moment to appreciate yourself and be grateful for the things you have! The Universe loves you
• Harvest
• Wear something blue to connect with the symbolism of the color
• Enhance your curiosity and explore the things that fascinate you
• And finally, do everything that you want. It's your time to shine and let the moon bless you in every possible way :)
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pictures: Pinterest
Tips ♡
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Left: 111; Right 333 Disclaimer: Take what resonates and leave the rest. You are not allowed to copy my work under any circumstances. All personal readings are paid. All thing mentioned in disclaimer in my pinned posts applies here.
You are worried about something that you have just started or will begin soon. It could be college, job offers, but something has you worried. You are doubting everything suddenly and no matter what you do or where you go, it creeps up on you. You need to observe, the more you reject the awareness of the negative thoughts, it feels the more powerful they get. Do not think yourself as the thinker of the thoughts, you are a mere observer, so identify as such, tell them, now that they have spoken, now you are aware of them , and later say ‘ I do not consent to this’ and let it be. The key is to simply observe not control and when they do not get the attention they so wanted, they’ll leave you be.  You are extremely intelligent, mental gymnastics is your thing, some of you are good chess players, logical, love to deduce things. Here you are being told to use your creativity, you have being given a tool, whatever that might be in your specific case, you are being told to use to to go to calm waters, or the ruffled ones will wash all over you. Do not be afraid of the shadow, see it, learn from it. Acceptance is key here, for a lot of you, denial is your coping mechanism, but it is not working in your favour anymore. You have suppressed feelings for too long and now they want to come up, clear limiting beliefs, become aware of them. THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF YOUR SHADOW WORK JOURNEY(for a lot of you).  There is more to the problem, like you can’t even put your finger on it, there is self doubt, you go one way and the other seems more like it, you are in a mental maze, what is your strength is not applying here and you my friend, are frustrated, FIND A NEW ANGLE, A NEW WAY. For you are dealing with the subconscious, not an easy fae.  (The messages won’t stop, if I go on, I’ll go on forever)  COMMENT' 111' to claim healing. 🌙DM for a personal tarot reading to heal your shadows.🌙
Word channeled: GRATITUDE JOUNRAL.
You have a lack mindset. No matter how much balance you achieve, or growth, you focus on what you don’t have and let that affect how you feel about the rest. The main important thing is money, you feel insecure about it, at this point, you just want a lottery or someone to spoil you. You are tired and desperate. You are being told to see abundance in other areas, like look at this example: person sitting in the shade of the tree crying, all they think is if I had some money, I could buy an apple, what he doesn’t realises is the tree he is sitting underneath is the apple tree. You have it right there. Sometimes, abundance is you, your skills to get the fruit. Whether you buy a dress or make one, at the end you still have a dress, and during the process, you still have to make effort, whether at the dress or somewhere else. BASIC NECESSITIES ARE OF COURSE NECESSARY, but this is not we are talking about. This is different, someone blaming and self pitying. You are being told to keep a gratitude journal, the more you thank for recieving the more the universe gives. It only understands the word yes. So if you say ‘I am poor’ it is so be it. So affirm good things especially while eating, me mindful to not watch anything while eating because it goes straight to the food, whatever they are saying on the tv. ESPECIALLY NO NEWS AND CRIME DRAMAS.  The good news is you are almost there, almost there to reaching equilibrium, at the end it’s all about balance and trust me when I say, it’s not far away. Keep focusing on the good, be happy with what you have while working towards what you want. This is healthy attitude, remember the universe does not respond well to desperation.  COMMENT' 333' to claim healing. 🌙DM for a personal tarot reading to heal your shadows.🌙
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daddyhoothoot · 2 months
Just had an interesting experience as someone new to demonology, thinking it’s a good sign? I’ll take anyone’s insight on this that knows more but…
Besides being a huge Helluva Boss fan and obsessed with Stolas in the show, I really wanted to actually learn about the ars goetia and Stolas historically so I’ve been doing a LOT of research. I think part of what drew me to Stolas in the first place is that I’ve always loved owls and I never really knew why. I’ve had owl stuff my whole life and always been drawn to them. Then when I learned that Stolas’ interests were astronomy, plants and stones I KNEW I had a connection to him in some way. I’ve been a huge astronomy nerd my whole life, I’m always watching the skies and as a cancer, I’m also very drawn to the moon as well. I used to have a telescope as well. I’ve also been into mycology and have grown my own mushrooms, used to have a ton of plants (when I didn’t live in a desert) and have been collecting rocks since I was a kid. I literally went rock hounding with my dad not long ago.
All this to say, I felt an instant connection to Stolas. I’ve been working on meditating and grounding so I decided to throw caution to the wind and see if I could get in contact with Stolas. I was super nervous because again, I’m new to this stuff and I didn’t want to provoke a demon either…
So I laid out some offerings. Lit some incense (I think it was jasmine? Figured he’d like it because plants lol), set out the only exciting rock I had on hand which was quartz I found in the desert. I read that he likes blue so I added in some blue items and also this owl necklace I’ve had forever as well as this woven crescent moon that I have. I didn’t draw out his sigil because I have a tattoo of it (is that crazy? Idk?) and I used my tarot deck to communicate with him.
This is coming from a huge skeptic but this was beyond my wildest dreams. I asked for a sign that he was there with me and willing to work with me and that we would have a positive relationship and the FIRST card I pulled was an OWL!!! There is only one owl in my entire deck and I was floored! Obviously that’s a yes? That he’s willing to work with me?
I was so excited and couldn’t believe it. Even though I’m still relatively new to tarot, it always works out for me so I was super confident in every card I pulled after I asked him a few more questions. I asked how I should strengthen our bond, what I need to work on to make it a positive experience. The answer to that was meditation which I found ironic because I literally just started back on that the other day. I asked a few other questions to make sure we could work together and that it would be a positive experience and everything was an astounding yes.
I said okay, since you’re willing to work with me I have a question and then I’ll let you go. I’ve been writing a book recently and it’ll be my first and I’ve been told writing is my calling but I’ve been so scared/hesitant about it and I just needed confirmation that it was the right path and low and behold Stolas says it is and that it’ll bring happiness, peace and love for me.
I’m still reeling from this experience. I also asked at one point if he was ok with the tattoo and he seemed cool with it so that’s a relief lmao I was a little concerned about putting his sigil permanently on my body but I really do feel like we’ve had a strong connection before I even knew of him.
I’m sure to some this may sound crazy but as a fellow skeptic, that blew my mind and changed my beliefs. I’m sure some will be like “don’t work with demons it’s dangerous” but not all of them are these evil spirits and I believe if you respect them and are willing to work with them, you’ll be okay.
Anyway, just wanted to share for anyone interested in getting into demonology and curious about connecting with them. I’ll add more about what he teaches me in the future if you’re interested!
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thevirginwitch · 1 year
Super Full Moon in Aquarius - August 1st, 2023
This post was released early over on my Patreon, where you can now sign up for a 7-day free trial! I offer free digital downloads/goodies, early access to my Tumblr posts, exclusive access to drafts and research notes, and free tarot readings - if you like my work and want to show your support, please consider checking it out!
As always, here is all the info you’ll need for the upcoming Super Full Moon on 08/01! We’ll be hosting an event where I’ll go over all this info and a guided meditation over in The Edge of The Forest Discord server (18+ only), - so be sure to join in if you’re interested!
I’m personally very excited for August, as there are a lot of astrological happenings going on - including a Blue Moon at the end of the month! I plan on doing a lot of research regarding Blue Moons in the next week or two, so be on the lookout for that!
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Aquarius is one of the most powerful signs for the full moon, as the two go hand-in-hand with sensitivity, intuition, perception and emotions. There is a great sense of balance during this time; it will be rare to see any extremes going on.
You may also feel more passionate during this time, and may seek to learn new things or satiate your need to feed your intellect. This would be a great time to learn something new! Equally, this is also a good time to embrace new perspectives and focus more on “progressive” ideas.
With the Full Moon tugging at our emotions, the influence of Aquarius provides us the support we need to process these emotions, rather than getting swept up in them.
Introspective journaling
Release negative emotions OR celebrate positive emotions and achievements through creative outlets
Ask friends/family about new things they’ve learned recently
Learn/try something new – conduct research on a topic you’re interested in, learn about a new magical technique and implement it into your practice, read a book you’ve been meaning to… the possibilities are endless!
Add something new to your routine
Pull several cards representing the “little things” going on in your life. Read into them in great detail. When you feel you have enough info, pull another card to represent the “big picture”. What is the relationship between these cards?
Pull one card to represent the ‘water’ (the moon) during this time period - which represents your emotions, intuition, perception, and sensitivity. Now, pull a card to represent the ‘air’ (Aquarius) - which represents communication, inspiration, and new ideas. How does this energy support you during this time? How does it hinder you?
Pull a card for something that’s hidden in your life right now — this could be an emotion you’re ignoring, a specific person you’ve been ignoring, or something that’s just been hiding underneath your nose this whole time.
Pull 3 cards — one for the way that you perceive yourself, one for the way that you expect others to perceive you, and one for the real way that others perceive you. How does your communication skills relate to these cards?
What emotions have been coming up more and more for you lately? How can you address them?
What are some “small” things that are bothering you or worrying you right now?
What are some ideas or opinions you’ve heard recently that you’re not particularly fond of? Why is that?
What projects or ideas do you have for this month? Is there anyone in your life that you could call on for help to get these goals accomplished?
What’s something that I used to be very excited about in my life (for example: a certain job, education, personal projects, etc) but has since dwindled? How can I bring that passion back?
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iwitch-plus · 10 months
Online Grimoire/journal Page 2
Page 2 is yet another tarot reading. I feel like tarot is maybe the first step that is easy enough for me to do in my witchy practice and then post here. I find it beneficial to journal, but sometimes journaling is hard because without knowing what I'm feeling, how am I supposed to write about anything? I succumbed to that Zenful Note Tiktok shadow work book. Not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but still not entirely helpful from a current self-care place. Obviously it's a shadow work book, so it's more past focused but right now I don't think I need to try to understand my past. Not quite yet. I will eventually, but to be able to understand my past self I need to understand my current self.
4 years ago, I thought Tarot wasn't super necessary to self care or witchery in general. It seemed hard, and it kind of is, but now that I've taken a couple days to actually consider it and try it, I think it's going to be extremely beneficial for me to be able to help myself, as someone just now coming back into things.
Tonight was my first tarot reading in very long time, aside from my Getting To Know Your Deck reading. (<-link if you're curious)
Let's get right into it! <3
I looked up some self care Tarot spreads but none of them seemed right for my personal needs currently, so I created my own little three card spread. I'm using the Antique Anatomy Tarot deck for this!
At what point did my life [get to where it is now] and less caring for myself?
The Moon - Pisces - 9 - Blue
Key words: Preparation, mastery, wisdom, introspection, dreams, calm, sadness, grief, boredom, illusion, unknown, deception.
My interpretation: By the looks of it, it seems like by pulling the Moon, the deck is trying to tell me that there are many things that have happened over the past couple years that could've contributed to the way I am today, but that I shouldn't place blame on one singular thing, especially if me asking this question means i'm trying to put majority blame on anyone who isn't me. But aside from that, in 2021 I had a friend commit suicide, and for a very long while I grieved that. Not too long after, I got into a relationship with, you guessed it, a Pisces. The relationship did cause me a lot of personal sadness, he wanted things I wasn't ready for, and I did things I regretted out of boredom in the relationship. Both of those are things I could pinpoint of where it sort of started, between grieving and friend, grieving a part of myself I lost because of a relationship I was in, and then grieving a part of myself I wasn't proud of/never knew of because of that same relationship.
Interestingly enough, the word "mastery" came up, which only stuck out to me because I agreed to join a team of people to "master" a hobby I enjoyed, which has inevitably added even more stress into my life and caused me to fall a little deeper than I would've if I hadn't agreed to do that.
2. If I continue the way I am, what can I expect from my future?
3 of Elixirs - Water - 3 - Purple
Key words: expansion, groups, growth, nurture, mystery, dreams, prophecy, high power, connection, social pleasure, gathering, good times
My interpretation: Ha Ha Ha. You know this isn't what I meant. Or, maybe you genuinely didn't know, maybe next time I'll have to be more specific. If I continue the way I am, of course I'll gain more "friends", be in a bunch of different groups of people, have more social pleasures, connections, and good times, but at what cost was the real question? Maybe by not giving me an answer directly, the deck is trying to tell me that I haven't put anything at risk quite yet. Maybe I am overthinking, or I have anxiety, or I believe I've hit a level that I haven't yet. Maybe I really will just have fun and a good time.
3. What, if anything, needs to change for me to better care for myself?
Knight of Blades - Air - 6 - Black
Key words: fairness, solution, values, witty, fair, inventive, fear, power, mystery, pain, assertive, arrogant, quick witted, severe, impatient, argumentative.
The Knight, as a person: Assertive, [manipulative?], typically friendly but if insulted, temper can be severe.
The Knight, as a situation: Rapid change, "seize the day", easy to get swept into the madness. You can do anything as long as you keep a clear mind. Be self-assured, but try not to cross into arrogance.
My Interpretation: Yeeeeeah. This is about me. It's gotta be, I can't think of anybody else in my daily consistent life who is like this except for me. Also, the element here is Air which I have a very air dominant chart. It only makes sense that this is me. Which, given the question I asked, makes sense. What needs to change for me to be able to take better care of myself? I need to be able to practice my assertiveness without being aggressive. The 2 go hand in hand for me. To be able to continue to do the things I'm doing that I'm scared are hurting me, I need to be able to keep a clear mind, keep my values in order, keep my power over these things or else I'll just continue to hold on to this fear and become worse than I already am. I don't exactly know how I need to do that, but it seems like when I figure it out, it needs to be rapid. No more being patient and slow with myself, rapid changes seem to be the way the deck is telling me to go...as long as I don't get swept away into the madness of what I already have going on, or swept away in the madness that rapid changes may trigger if I go that route...hm.
This reading was necessary for me to be able to confirm things I was already halfway considering. While I didn't get a lot of help on the roads I need to take, I have a clearer idea of why I may need to go certain ways than others. Granted, my questions were slightly open ended, less asking for direct guidance and more asking about why things are the way they are. Maybe the next time I come back to the topic of this reading, I'll ask better questions about more specific guidance. Also, the deck said it was going to be real and not sugar coat things to me and I see what it means now. Very nice, Antique Anatomy. Well played and thank you <3
Thank you to anyone who read this as well. See you next time! I promise not everything I do will be tarot related, but right now this is the easiest way to get back into my practice. <3
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ladyyomiart · 2 months
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This is the entry I drew for DeviantArt's "The Holi Mandala Contest". 🏵️✨ I was inspired by the three following things to draw this mandala:
👉My indigenous heritage: My great-great-grandmother, Petrona, was a descendant of indigenous people. She wore her hair in an ankle-length braid and used to tie it over her head to smuggle things across the border, lol. She liked to smoke chala leaf tobacco and her great-grandchildren say she was extremely serious, silent, and that I'm very much like her in appearance. 😊
👉Some of my favorite tarot cards: My paternal grandmother used to read them when I was little and I continue the family tradition since then. 🔮 The cards featured in this mandala are: The World, The Wheel of Fortune, The Sun, The Moon, The Devil, The Magician, The Star, and Death.
👉My meditative practices: I've been meditating for about 20 years and the color palette I picked for this mandala corresponds to the colors of the human Chakra/Energy Centers. 🌈 The Hindu prayer mala beads that appear on it were also inspired by my own set of mala beads, which first belonged to a tibetan monk, and that I was gifted by a kind Tumblr user many years ago. 📿
I've been drawing mandalas since I was a teenager because I've always been fascinated by Hindu culture (the best meditative techniques I've learned come from Hindu and Tibetan cultures) and mandalas are also super relaxing to create and decorate. 🌼
Mandalas are used as a tool for contemplation and meditation, so here's a little explanation of the meaning behind each symbol drawn in the different "gates" (circles/sections) of this one:
🕉️1st Gate (center): The World Card. The Universe. The third eye chakra. The eye that perceives the universe so it can exist. Throat chakra. The power of speech and thought. I think, therefore I am. The chakra at the top of the head. The connection to the whole. The separate individual. Identity. The Self.
🕉️2nd Gate: The Wheel of Fortune Card. Time. Seasons. Inevitable changes. Growth. Movement. The solar system. The Gods of my ancestors. Emotions. Luck. Opposites coexisting as part of a whole.
🕉️3rd Gate: The cards waiting to be turned over. Destiny. The future. What is hidden.
🕉️4th Gate: The flames of Spirit. Creativity. Inspiration. Creation. Destruction. Purification. The sparkle of life.
🕉️5th Gate: My ancestors. The Devil Card. Protection. Strength. Support. Slaves who break their chains and raise their hands from the abyss, setting fire to the darkness. Survival instinct. Determination. The will to carry on.
🕉️6th Gate: The Magician card. The Star card. As above, so below. Manifestation. The morning star appearing in the sky at sunrise and sunset. Liminal spaces. Healing. Miracles. Achieving the impossible. Guides pointing the right way.
🕉️7th Gate: Feathers symbolizing freedom (flying high like a bird) of the mind and spirit (indigo and blue) and feathers symbolizing freedom of the body (red and orange).
🕉️8th Gate: Death Card. Material world/physical plane. Inevitability of change. Transformation. Humanity. The planet earth. Unity. Equality. Connection. We're different, yet we're all the same.
🕉️9th Gate: The laws of nature. Balance. Nothing can exist in the absence of its opposite. Cosmic protection and order. Containment. Harmony between instinct and reason. The Hindu prayer mala beads start the universe in the tassel section and end it when it completes its turn. Ouroboros, the snake that bites its own tail. The cycle of reincarnation. The beyond.
🎨Materials used: Sheet of plain paper, black needlepoint rollerball pen, and "Caran d'Ache" + "Faber-Castell" watercolor coloring pencils.
⏳Drawing & coloring time: 28 hours.
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dragonflytarot · 8 months
13 Questions
Answering these because I love doing fun surveys! Feel free to repost with your own answers, and let me know if you do because I like reading others' answers too 😊
Put your music player of choice on shuffle and list the first 10 songs - Gravitational Constant by Type O Negative, Broken Vows by Pentagram, Queen of the Dead by Virgin Steele, A Soul for the Devil by Wolf, Secret of Steel by Manowar, On A Wicked Night by Danzig, Excalibur by Stormwitch, Vampyre Love by Pentagram (I love these guys, okay?), Serpentia by Danzig (I love him too lmao), Walking in the Dark by Pagan Altar.
If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Would you take anyone with you? - I have wanted to visit Japan since I was a kid, and one day I'd love to see the pyramids of Egypt in person... So either of those. I would take my best friend with me, we would have a blast together I'm sure.
What is your preferred writing implement? (eg. Blue pen, pencil, green pen) - A really fancy ink pen my boss gave me as a thank-you gift. I use it for everything.
Favourite month and why? - October. The weather is usually gorgeous and it's not too hot or too cold. I love the colors, the atmosphere... It's the perfect month, and nobody can convince me otherwise!
Do you have connections to any celebrities (even minor)? List them. - I do but I wouldn't feel right naming names even if they're not super well-known where I'm from. I've had a couple good penpals over the years though :) For something I can mention, someone I know knows Keanu Reeves, but I've never met him or anything.
Name 3 items you could pick up from where you are. - My favorite coffee mug (it looks like a cute little ghost), my tarot deck, and my cell phone.
What brand logo is closest to you currently? - An Xbox logo
Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Got any favourites? - I used to play Clue all the time when I was growing up. It's still a favorite but I haven't played it in a while.
A musical artist you love that isn’t well known - I love the band Virgin Steele (idk if they're well-known outside of people who listen to metal). The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Part 1 is glorious!!
A musical artist you love that is well known - Siouxsie and the Banshees!
What is your desktop background currently? - Artwork of two sparrows with flowers, stars, and a crescent moon.
Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them - My best friend, and we talked about tarot (of course)!
First colour name you can think of that isn’t in the rainbow - Periwinkle
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nyx-twix713 · 9 months
2023 reading wrap-up for fun :)
Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
Renegades by Marissa Meyer
Arch-Enemies by Marissa Meyer
Super Nova by Marissa Meyer
Skyhunter by Marie Lu
Steelstriker by Marie Lu
Heartstopper 1-4 by Alice Oseman
Never Kiss Your Roomate by Philine Harms
The Girl From the Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag
Kiss Her Once For Me by Alison Cochrun
Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan
Grown by Tiffany D Jackson
The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D Jackson
We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal
We Free the Stars by Hafsah Faizal
Love and Pompoms by Crystal Frasier, Val Wise, and Oscar O. Jupiter
House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland
Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe
Garden Alchemy by Stephanie Rose
This Woven Kingdom by Tahereh Mafi
These Infinite Threads by Tahereh Mafi
Ace of Spades by Faridah Abike-Iyimide
The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker
A Wilderness of Stars by Shea Ernshaw
Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefluer
The Book Thief by Mark Zusak
Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan
She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard
Kings Cage by Victoria Aveyard
War Storm by Victoria Aveyard
The Sprite and the Gardener by Rii Abrego and Joe Whitt
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
A Beginners Guide to Tarot by Kathleen Olmstead
The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood
The Testaments by Margaret Atwood
She is a Haunting by Trang Thanh Tran
The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan
Queen Among the Dead by Lesley Livingston
Throwaway Girls by Andrea Contos
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
The Wicked King by Holly Black
The Renegades Trilogy by Marissa Meyer
She Drives Me Crazy by Kelly Quindlen
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
Skyhunter by Marie Lu
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oddishfeeling · 1 year
my sister & i did a bay leaf manifestation ritual under the super blue moon last night. we lit a white candle and burnt our intentions written on the leaves. i did a small tarot reading for her. we talked until we were sleepy, full off of a big giant steak, salad & red wine. i woke up surprisingly clear headed. hopefully today is good and everyone gets a chance to rest up a bit.
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theluggx · 1 year
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courtofmatchups · 1 year
Hi!! Would love to get a match-up if you get a chance <3
Name: Alex Pronouns: she/they Orientation: demisexual!! Age: 21 MBTI: ENFJ Sun sign: Aries Moon sign: Pisces Rising sign: Cancer Favorite color: Blue
I'm a biology student and love learning about the world around me!! I love reading both fiction and non-fiction, I especially enjoy historical fiction! I also enjoy doing more art-oriented things such as painting, drawing, writing, crocheting, sewing, etc. I am also super spiritual and enjoy doing tarot and some witchcraft energy stuff. Another thing I enjoy is playing videogames, I am particularly obsessed with Stardew Valley and the Sims.
I want to say I'm very observant and can be quiet when taking in a new situation. However, once I am comfortable I can be very adaptable to my environment and the people around me, and try to match their energy and mention things they might be interested in. While in a social event I can appear very extroverted and do feed off the energy in the event to keep going, but once the event is over I do need some time alone to recharge. With my friends I'm very touch-y (love hugs and cuddling!) and will make sure to always take care of others. I've often been called the mom friend. I'm very empathetic (almost to a fault) and used to be the therapist friend, but have since decreased this as it was a bit much emotionally.
I do take great care of my appearance, and looking and feeling stylish is really important to me on the days I have more energy! I'm a ring girlie, and enjoy wearing a variety of jewelry items. My favorite thing is choosing fun earrings to match my outfit, with my current favorites being either my lightning bolt earrings or my strawberry milk ones.
I own one cat, her name is Cassie and she is a chubby black cat and I LOVE HER! she is the best thing ever, the apple to my eye. If someone doesn't like my cat, immediate red flag.
Sorry if this was a bit disorganized, I wasn't entirely sure what information might be helpful and what might not.
It seems to me that you have captured the heart of...
The Ravishing Warrior:
Violet Muller!
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Oh, dear. Violet has taken quite a few L's when it came to dating, but it seems like you're the breath of fresh air she needs. Your demisexuality implies that you're only willing to be with someone only after you feel a deep emotional connection, and quite frankly, that's exactly what she wants. Polyamory isn't quite her thing, after all.
I think Violet would appreciate your energy as well as your interests. It's actually canon that she likes to make accessories, so she would like to make some especially for you. She also likes to admire pretty things, so you can count on her absolutely loving anything you make. The ones you make for her even more so.
Also: CUDDLES. Violet would absolutely love cuddling you. You also mentioned that you were the mom friend of your squad. Violet knows how tiring this is, as she is a mom friend herself, so I can see the two of you helping each other unwind after a long day of keeping your friends in line
<no oneshot this time. Sorry>
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I don't know if bluebell is still doing those, but i wanted to try (pls ignore my question if she doesn't do tarot anymore).
I was wondering what i should do to make my doctor believe what i tell her, since she never takes me seriously.
(i'm not a very confident person so it might be because of that 😅)
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Hello, yes Blue still does readings they just take a moment right now
Yes, blue I’m sick but on the mend hopefully …
This question is one I’ve had to ask and figure out myself as a ND and chronically ill person. The solution is not a one size fits all for sure (I had to be persistent and see various specialists to figure out my shit) I hope this hel-
Ok blue let’s get on with it then
We will be using the following: a set of runes made by myself, the wizards tarot by wizard of barge, and the moonology Oracle by Yasmin Boyland+ Nyx Rowan.
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Not the most aesthetic breakdown but here is a guide of the runes blue pulled for you
Woah blue that’s intense. If seeking out another doctor is not an option, tell her the issues you’re having so that it is noted in your files and that you don’t appreciate her brushing off your concerns/ condition. This can’t be a sudden switch for everyone, a potential solution is to bring someone with you to advocate for you.
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Ten of pentacles: indicates matters of health
Culmination of hard work
Ten of wands : overburdened- too much responsibility
Six of cups : lost in the past/ nostalgia loosing sight of the present
Temperance: adapting/ patience
These cards are not super clear in all honesty because I know so little about the situation so feel free to dig into the meanings of these cards and runes to understand your reading more.
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New moon in Gemini - communication is key
Perhaps you’ve been persistent and your communication about your concerns are going to culminate into her finally listening??
I Hope this was helpful or cathartic for you at all thank you for your ask💕
Don’t take this as serious life or medical advice. I am not a professional at any capacity, this is for entertainment only
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