#superi wonder if youre out there-
lesbedilfvriska · 6 months
okay so out of curiosity bc i saw a post about it and it got me interested
All of these are being used as general terms for simplicity's sake, but I'm genuinely fascinated to see!
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swampstew · 9 months
Hi there, I hope I'm not too late for your mini event :3
Can I please have Diez Drake with the 1st NSFW prompt?
Thank you in advance 🙏
PS: Lots of love to you and your cat
Thank you for your submission Jess (and for all your really kind messages♡) You requested subtle intimacy, and I give you [Bulge]: rubbing bulge through pants.
Oh Captain, My Captain Drake
Warnings: SPICY. Femdom >:) handjob, thigh riding, naughty times at work where you lowkey abuse your power (as Marines tend to do) Word count: 915 Minors DNI
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Diez Drake sat before you for news of his assignment. As his Vice Admiral, you were about to deliver life changing news. You knew Drake could handle it, he had the prowess and mental finesse to survive out in the real world outside the safety of the Marines, but still.
That’s Dory to you.
You were raised within the Marines together and you were always one step above him in rank. Dory was a sweet soul and this assignment, the reality of the world, was going to harden him. A sweet soul who still blushed and broke eye contact with you if you stared at him for too long.
Sweet Dory who had a nose bleed when he saw you in your dress at last year’s ball formal. Who never worked up the nerve to ask you out.
“Rear Admiral Diez, I’m not going to lie to you,” you dropped the files on your desk and stood up, motioning for him to follow you to the couch in your office. “This assignment can make or break a person. You can say no. But if you want to hear the details, I’m going to need to test you to see how adaptable you are to any situation.”
His head cocked at you in surprise but followed your direction. Once sat, “I’m willing to do whatever it takes. The Fleet Admiral himself personally knows of my dreams and ambitions. If this is the path I must take, then so be it.”
“And so it is,” you nodded, not surprised. That’s one of the many things you admired about him. “Alright Dory. I’ll tell you – you’ll be given a devil fruit. Then the hard work begins. Part of this life means having to survive no matter the cost, turning any situation to your favor in order to make it out alive or gain an upper hand. Do you understand?”
You walked towards him as you spoke, making sure to emphasize the surviving part. His face flushed red when he realized how close you were to him, how from his seated position you were eye level to him and from how he realized how lovely you looked in your blouse and pencil skirt.
“Y-yes ma’am,” he let out hoarsely.
“Anyone can betray you if you aren’t careful,” you put your kitten heel toe on the cushion beside his hip. “People will use you, you will use people – get used to uncomfortable situations, Dory. They’re all you’ll know now,” you whispered in his ear.
A visible bulge outlined his pants when you pulled back and a mischievous smirk curled on your lips, “Hesitation is the difference between life and death, the wrong answer will cost your head. Enemies, friends, allies, rats, they’re all the same when you’re out there – what will you do?”
As the silence hung there with your faces so close to each other, you swore you could hear a pin drop.
You dipped your hand to his bulge and rubbed him softly.
His entire body rippled with tension, and he jerkily fixed his posture and stared into your eyes, “I will do whatever the situation requires of me.”
“Take your pants off, Drake.”
Stiffly, he followed your command, flushing violently as he dropped his pants and sat back down. His erection strained against his underwear at full attention.
“Damn. I always wondered how big you were,” you shamelessly eyed his length, nibbling on your bottom lip as you took a step back. Drake’s nose dripped with a line of blood as he watched you slide your panties off, hastily wiping it off with his wrist.
“But you’re my superi—”
“What was that Dory?”
“—Nothing. As you command.”
“Good soldier.”
You hitched your skirt up your thighs, not exposing yourself, and settled over his massive, sculpted thigh. Drake’s gasp was loud as he felt your wetness leak over his skin. You squirmed and squealed when you rubbed against his muscles to stimulate your clit.
Reaching down, your fingers lightly wrapped around Drake’s cock and he hissed in pleasure, shuddering underneath you. You started to pump him as you rode his thigh, giving him a teasing pace for all the years of leaving you hanging as you drove yourself to the edge of ecstasy as your nub grazed against the contours of muscle and soft, auburn colored hairs.
Grinding rapidly against his thigh, you couldn’t repress your moans as you grew hotter. Your silk spilled over his thighs and your legs, ruining your couch underneath. With a grin, you hastened your pace on his cock and Dory was shuddering and whimpering in your grasp. When your orgasm peaked, your clit rut against his thigh harshly until you were flush against his hip, body convulsing wildly as you came in his lap. Through your orgasm, you kept a firm hold on the base of Drake’s cock to prevent him from finishing with you, like a cruel, flesh cock ring.
Drake huffed with disbelief and lust in his blue irises. With a chuckle, you snuggled your face into the crook of his neck and lazily pumped him.
“A reward for handling your test perfectly,” you kissed his neck, licking his throat when he swallowed hard from your words. A few graceful strokes of your talented hand later and he came in his underwear, the creamy liquid oozed through the fabric and over your fingers.
“I woulda blown you but you never asked me out,” you shook your hand clean.
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anonymousewrites · 2 years
Of Pawns and Players Chapter Twelve
Chapter Twelve: Next Play Begins
            “Where’d you get that?” questioned Sukuna, raising an eyebrow as he saw the medical mask over Ren’s face.
            “Uraume,” said Ren simply, sitting down at the long dining table. She ignored how tall Sukuna was in his Curse Form, his four arms and two faces looming over her, and focused on the meal. There was already fruit, vegetables, and rice laid over it. Of course, the main dish was yet to come, but Ren had already decided she wouldn’t partake in it. She accepted Sukuna’s diet, but she would not eat it herself.
            “Hm.” Sukuna narrowed his eyes for a moment as several strange thoughts (at least to him) flitted through his mind. Ren decided to ignore the way hie eyes examined her and tried to read her heart. “I thought perhaps you would not join me.”
            “What would keep me from it?” asked Ren, scoffing. It didn’t matter how tired she was, how her body still didn’t feel clean of blood, or how a small part of her heart ached as she killed any love she had possessed for the people she grew up with. Those feelings were weaknesses, and Ren could not show that to Sukuna.
            The King of Curses smirked. “Nothing, of course. I am far more important than anything else.”
Ren hated that he was both egotistical and, unfortunately for her, right.
            She cleared her throat and mentally thanked Uraume as the monk walked into the room with a cart holding Sukuna’s main dish. Somehow, they had made the corpse into what looked like innocent animal meat. Ren wondered how easily she would have bitten in if she didn’t know what it was. No matter, she wasn’t going to eat it now. She’d leave that to Sukuna.
            Several servants began to pass out plates of food to their Lord and Ren. Her jade eyes flicked to where Uraume stood to the side. They were not moving to sit down, seemingly waiting for Sukuna to dismiss them. Ren didn’t miss the way Sukuna’s eyes glanced at the monk the same way, hesitant to say anything.
            So Ren did. If it turned out Sukuna didn’t like, then oh well for him. “Uraume, would you like to join us?” Sukuna looked at Uraume instantly to gauge their reaction. Ren thought she spied something akin to hope, as close as the King of Curses could come to it, in his gaze.
            Uraume looked at Ren. “I am simply a chef, a servant…” They glanced at their Lord with the same slight witfulness in their eyes. “But if Sukuna-sama allows it…I would be honored, of course.” They bowed respectfully.
            Ren waved a hand and smiled. “Well, I’d like you to join us. Sukuna can be so temperamental, and I enjoy calmer company.”
            Sukuna glared at her. “You’re lucky you’re intelligent, otherwise you’d be dead.” Ren hummed and took a sip of wine. “And I prefer Uraume’s helpfulness to your stubbornness.”
            “Then it works out, we both prefer Uraume,” said Ren, smiling.
            Uraume flushed in annoyance and at the flattery, though they didn’t believe it. Ever since Ren had come into Sukuna’s life, he had been strange. Though Sukuna was never kind, Uraume had become accustomed to being the person he called upon to speak with and shared his plans with. Now there was Ren, and although Uraume understood that her Technique gave her formidable intelligence and her beauty was attractive to Sukuna, they still disliked the situation.
            “Well, it seems Sukuna would like your company, too,” said Ren. “Come sit and enjoy your hard work.” She glanced at the meat. “Or don’t, I’m not sure where your tastes lie.”
            Uraume sat down, still slightly uncomfortable. “I keep to my vegetables and fruits when we have no animal meat on hand.”
            Sukuna grinned menacingly. “These humans were nothing more than animals.”
            Ren raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t it rumored you were a human?”
            Sukuna glowered at her and took a decisive bite of the meat. “That was a long time ago, and I was always superior to regular humans anyways.”
            Ren frowned and put down her glass. “How did you become a curse? Are you a vengeful spirit?” She looked to Uraume. “Do you know?”
            “If Sukuna-sama does not say, then it is no business of ours,” said Uraume, avoiding the subject. They knew Sukuna didn’t speak of the circumstances around his transformation into a curse, and even if they were curious, they asked for no explanation.
            “I am the King of Curses. Revealing the nature of my coming into power would be foolish, especially to someone as ready to manipulate others as you,” said Sukuna.
            Ren was slightly hurt of how little he thought of her, but she said nothing about it. Instead she smiled. “Ah, but isn’t that exactly why you’ve kept me around?” Sukuna said nothing of any of the reasons, especially the ones he wasn’t ready to face himself. She sighed in faux-ruefulness. “Uraume, I don’t know how you put up with this manipulator.”
            “Sukuna-sama manipulates the weak. I am not, and neither are you,” said Uraume. Sukuna smiled proudly and took a sip of wine.
            Ren nodded. “I didn’t think you were.”
            “I keep you both around because you serve a purpose,” said Sukuna, ending the way Uraume and Ren were bonding and even being slightly complimentary of one another. He disliked it but couldn’t explain why. His grip on his knife tightened, and he couldn’t wait for someone to take out his frustration on.
            Ren opened her mouth to respond as Uraume had a small smile on their face at the most normal, casual conversation they’d had in years, but she suddenly narrowed her eyes. “I hear screams. I think some servants are dying.”
            Sukuna stood and grinned. “A fool is attacking the palace.” He had something to take his anger out on, and he was going to enjoy it. “I shall enjoy destroying them.” Drawing up to his full height, he walked out of the room with bloodlust in his eyes.
            Ren and Uraume watched in silence as he left. Ren turned to Uraume. “Does he do that a lot?”
            “Inferior beings often try to prove their worth against Sukuna-sama, but none can match him,” said Uraume.
            “Well, then, while we’re alone, I think we need to have a conversation.” Ren leaned forward and laced her hands on the table.
            Uraume watched her warily, unsure of whether she was about to threaten or…honestly, they couldn’t picture her doing anything else. So, they prepared themself to hear Ren remind them of how Sukuna favored her and they weren’t important, just a cook. The respect Ren had was a false one. Some of the servants had done the same thing, trying to become friends with Uraume if only to gain favor with Sukuna. Of course, it never succeeded, and they ended up dead, but Ren was of enough value to Sukuna that she could do it. So Uraume set their stalwart gaze on Ren and prepared for her words.
            “I’m not here to replace you.”
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thelittlesttimelord · 3 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 47
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 47 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 47/? SUMMARY: Elise Smith is now a teenaged Timelord. In addition to losing the Ponds, the fields of Trenzalore are calling. But first they have to figure out exactly who Clara Oswald is.
[A/N - Oh my god. We’ve come to the final episode of this book! I’m both ready and not ready.]
“Every ship I go on, they just shoot at me. Handles, I said, put me on a ship. I didn't say, put me on a Dalek ship. Don't put me on a Dalek ship when I'm holding a broken bit of Dalek!” the Doctor ranted. He hit the Cyberman head with the Dalek arm and it bounced off and hit him in the head. “Ow!”
Elise sat reading a book on the stairs.
“You could help, you know?” he snapped.
Elise ignored him. She’d been feeling sad lately, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.
“You did not indicate a preference,” Handles told the Doctor.
“Use your head.” He picked it up and carried it around the control room. “It's not like you've got a lot of alternatives. They're all here. Daleks, Sontarans, Terileptils, Slitheen. And they're not even fighting, they're just parked. Why?”
“The message was received throughout the universe.”
“Yes, yes, the message, the message. Even I can't translate it. I mean, why is everyone here if they don't understand it?”
“You're here.”
“Well, you know, I'm OCD. What's their excuse? What does this message mean?”
The phone started ringing and the Doctor put Handles back on his stand. “Oh, no. And remind me I've got to patch the telephone back through the console unit. This is getting ridiculous.”
“Thank you!” Elise said, “I don’t know why you moved it in the first place.”
“Attention. Information available,” Handles said.
“Okay?” the Doctor said.
“You must patch the telephone device back through the console unit.”
“No, no. No, no, no, no. No, not now. Remind me later.”
“I don't know. Just later. Just pick a time.”
“I don't know. Just any old time. When you think I've forgotten.”
“Just pick a random number, express that number as a quantity of minutes, and when that time has elapsed, remind me to patch the telephone back through the console unit.”
“How those Cyber-evenings must fly.”
“You know, this would easier if you just let me do it,” Elise told him.
“No, no.”
“But you never let me work on the TARDIS!”
“I do too.”
“You do not!”
The Doctor opened the door and grabbed the telephone. “Hello, the TARDIS. Ding dong. Okay, brilliant. I may be a bit rusty in some areas, but I will glance at a manual.” The Doctor ran a hand through his hair.
He walked over to the console, phone in hand, and picked up Handles. “Oh, that was quick. It's a roller coaster this phone call. Well, I hope you're nicer to the next one. So? Yeah, I did that once and there's no easy way to get rid of an android. Yeah.”
The scanner picked up a new spaceship entering the orbit of the planet.
“Handles, that's a new ship. Okay, we'll take the TARDIS this time. Sorry, missed that last bit. Got to dash.” The Doctor hung up.
Elise was looking at him. “Clara, again?”
“Yes. She wants us to come for Christmas dinner.” He ran out of the TARDIS with Handles and then quickly ran back in.
The phone started ringing again, so he popped out to grab it again. “I'm being shot at by Cybermen! Yeah, why not?”
Clara came running into the TARDIS, soon after they landed. “Doctor, I so need you!”
“No, stop, stop, don't move. Don't do anything,” Clara told him.
He was naked. Completely naked. “Why? What is it? What's wrong?”
Clara turned around, facing the door. “You're naked.”
“Yes, I am naked. I wondered if you'd notice.”
“Doctor, why are you naked?”
“Because I'm going to church.” In the blink of an eye, he had clothes on again. “Better?”
Clara turned back around. “Oh, that was quick.”
“Hologram clothes, projected directly onto your visual cortex.”
“So you're still naked underneath?”
“Everybody's naked underneath.”
“Ugh, don't say things like that. It's Christmas. Come and meet my family.” Clara noticed that a certain redhead was missing. “Where’s Elise?”
The Doctor scratched the back of his neck. “Um, not coming.”
“What do you mean?”
“Elise...well you know how she is.” How could he explain that the last Christmas dinner they’d had was with Amy and Rory?
Elise was in the control room when they re-entered the TARDIS.
Clara was carrying an uncooked turkey.
“You can't keep using the TARDIS like this,” he told her.
“Like what?”
“Missed birthdays, restaurant bookings. And please, just learn how to use iPlayer.”
They went underneath the console.
“Ooo, vortex cooking?” Clara asked, placing it inside.
“Yep, exposure to the time winds. It'll either come up a treat, or just possibly lay some eggs,” the Doctor said.
“Information available,” Handles told them.
“What's that?” Clara asked.
“Oh, just a bit of a Cyberman. He'll get us to the church on time,” the Doctor explained.
“I have developed a fault,” Handles said.
“The organics are all gone, but there's still a full set of data banks. Found it at the Maldovar market.” The Doctor flipped a switch and they were back where they were before Clara called them.
“Planet identified from analysis of message,” Handles said.
“Right, cool. Go on then. Okay, tell us, what is the planet? Go on,” the Doctor told him.
“Processing official designation. Processing.”
“Okay, in your own time, dear. Don't rush.”
“So why haven't you just gone down there and had a look?” Clara asked.
“It's shielded. Even the TARDIS can't break through it.”
“Gallifrey,” Handles said finally.
“What did you say?”
“Excuse me?” Elise asked.
“Gallifrey,” Handles repeated.
“What are you talking about? Gallifrey? What do you mean?” the Doctor asked.
“Confirmed. Planet designation, Gallifrey.”
The Doctor grabbed Handles and walked him over to the monitor. “You see that? Gallifrey is our home. I know it when I see it. That is not Gallifrey.”
“Doctor, are you okay?” Clara asked.
“It's not Gallifrey. Gallifrey is gone.” He walked over to the door and opened it.
“Unless, unless you saved it. You thought you might have,” Clara said.
“Even if it worked, it’s still in its own pocket universe,” Elise said.
They went back inside.
“It can't be,” the Doctor breathed
. A loud fog horn blast came from outside.
“What's that?” Clara asked.
They looked outside and saw a big square spaceship.
“Papal Mainframe. It's like a great big flying church. The first ship to arrive. They are the ones who shielded the planet. They can get us down there,” the Doctor explained.
A large holographic face appeared and the Doctor bowed.
“A friend of yours?” Clara asked.
“Tasha Lem, the Mother Superious,” the Doctor said.
Tasha crooked her finger at them.
“Oh, she's inviting us aboard.”
“Because I asked her. Swallow this.” He held out a little pile to Clara.
“What is it?”
“Your hologram projector. You can't go to church with your clothes on.” He blew a kiss to Tasha and landed the TARDIS inside the mainframe. He held out a small pile to Elise. “Take it.”
“I’m not going in there with no clothes on.”
“Elise, you have to. It’s disrespectful.”
“I don’t care.”
“Elise Amelia Smith.”
Elise took it from him and swallowed it.
Clara tried hard not to laugh.
Despite being well over 500 years old, she still acted like a spoiled child sometimes.
They entered the Papel Mainframe.
“I don't feel like I'm wearing anything,” Clara said.
“I know. Relaxing, isn't it?” the Doctor asked.
They walked between two rows of soldiers.
“What is this place?”
“The Church of the Papal Mainframe, security hub of the known universe.”
“A security church?”
“Yep. Keeping you safe in this world and the next.” The Doctor bowed and Clara curtseyed.
Elise did nothing.
“I venerate the exaltation of the Mother Superious,” the Doctor said.
“Welcome to the Church of the Papal Mainframe. Your nudity is appreciated,” the man standing next to Tasha said.
“Hey, babes,” Tasha said.
“Loving the frock,” the Doctor told her.
“Is that a new body? Give us a twirl.”
The Doctor spun around. “Tash, this old thing? Please, I've been rocking it for centuries.”
“Nice though. Tight.”
Elise wanted to gag.
“So, er, hello. Also here,” Clara said.
“Elise, Clara, this is Tasha Lem, the Head of the Church of the Papal Mainframe. Tash, this is my…my associate, Clara Oswald. Miss Clara Oswald,” the Doctor introduced.
“And the girl?” Tasha asked.
Before Elise could open her mouth, the Doctor answered, “My daughter. Elise.”
“Daughter? My, Doctor, you’ve been busy.”
The Doctor blushed.
“Exquisite tattoo, by the way.” Tasha turned to her second in command. “We'll go to my chapel. All honors in place, no sacrifices required.”
“Oh, well that’s good,” Elise quipped.
Tasha smiled. “She has quite the attitude, doesn’t she Doctor? I can see why you keep her around.” Tasha gave Elise a wink before they started off for the chapel.
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crackimagines · 5 years
Remember the sothis paralogue? Can you do that for the Child!Byleth AU
Child!Byleth Post Masterlist here!
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Tales of the Red Canyon (FE: Three Houses Short Fic)
Child!Byleth Professor AU
Sothis and Byleth travel back to the Red Canyon due to some loose ends the two have with the location, and Dimitri, Claude, and Edelgard, alongside their classmates, follow them...
Sothis stood from her throne, pacing back and forth desperately trying to recall the name of the canyon they fought the bandits at.
Desperate to remember, she called Byleth’s name and summoned him to her throne. Although he was asleep physically, he still seemed extremely drowsy in his head.
“Ah, there you are child!”
“Ugh, what is it...?”
He rubbed his eye as she reached for her head in annoyance.
“This is frustrating me to no end! Do you recall the canyon where you first fought with the children?”
“Ah, yes, Zanado!”
“What about it, Sothis?”
“Well, that place brought back fragments of my memory! I cannot help but wonder why. I feel we must return to find the answer there!”
“I see...Well, considering tomorrow is a freeday and it’s only a day’s trip, I suppose that’ll be fine.”
“Good! We shall leave in the morning then!”
Byleth nodded, and he disappeared from Sothis’s throne room.
The next morning, Byleth woke up early in the morning and headed out the gates, carrying the Sword of the Creator with him.
As he left, Dimitri slowly stepped from behind a pillar and watched him walk off to who knew where.
(Dimitri) “...I’m assuming you’re curious as well, Claude?”
Claude stepped out of a dark corner and stood besides Dimitri.
(Claude) “Yup. Not like the little teach just to walk off anywhere without saying something. What do you think, Edelgard?”
Edelgard walked behind them crossing her arms and furrowing her brow.
(Edelgard) “It is quite odd, indeed. I suggest we tell the others and pursue.”
(Claude) “I’ll keep an eye on Teach then. Go get the guys.”
Edelgard and Dimitri nodded, running to the dorms while Claude slowly tailed Byleth.
Much Later...
(Sothis) “It’s...all coming back to me. These structures...Oh, but it’s as if my memories are clouded. The most important places obscured...”
(Byleth) “Are you able to tell what kind of place this is, Sothis?”
(Sothis) “I...once called it home. But, I have no idea why. Perhaps it’s on the other side of this wall?”
(Byleth) “Hmph. All right then, let’s-”
(Sothis) “Huh?! What was that awful noise?!”
(Byleth) “Beasts. From the sounds of it, it’s no ordinary one either.”
He pulled out his sword and turned around, seeing a massive creature coming from the entrance.
It was also then he heard footsteps behind him.
(Dimitri) “PROFESSOR!”
The Blue Lions, Black Eagles, and Golden Deer classes stood side by side, getting into formation with their weapons drawn.
(Byleth) “What the, what are you all doing here?!”
(Edelgard) “I’d like to ask the same, professor but I do not think we can afford much time to ask!”
(Claude) “Yeah, plenty of beasts are coming from where you entered. This oughtta be fun!”
As he saw the overwhelming odds, Byleth calmly asked Sothis inside his head, 
Sothis, you got the info we needed, right?
(Sothis) “Y-Yes!”
(Byleth) “Everyone, listen up! I have a plan.”
Everyone turned to see their tiny professor with a calm face. Awaiting their next orders, everyone nodded.
(Byleth) “Now, first things first, no one abandons each other, got that?”
(Edelgard) “Of course!”
(Dimitri) “We’re going to have to fight together, right?”
(Byleth) “No, it involves using our legs!”
Everyone looked at him funny, but the fact his face didn’t move a muscle meant that he was serious. Patiently, they waited for him to continue.
(Claude) “Whatever it involves, we’ll be right behind you teach!”
Byleth took a deep breath as he calmly stepped in front of the classes, looking over all of them as the beasts drew closer.
He activated the whip and took out a massive pillar behind him, separating the view from the monsters coming at them and when it landed, Byleth shoved everyone he could in front of him backwards.
And then, his calm face erupted into pure panic.
At first everyone was confused from the shoving until they heard the pillar move behind them.
Then, Bernadetta was the one to shout common sense.
(Dorothea) “I-I’m with Bernie! GET THE BUTTS MOVING PEOPLE!”
(Petra) “I AM GO!”
(Ferdinand) “B-But I can’t prove my superi-”
(Mercedes) “B-Byleth?!”
(Annette) “MERCIE, GO!”
(Ashe) “Oh dear...!”
(Sylvain) “Are you serious?!”
(Felix) “I came here to fight, not ru-”
(Dedue) “Your highness, we must make haste!”
(Marianne) “P-Please stop shouting and run!”
(Ignatz) “B-But...! Ugh, I can’t run that fast anyway, LET’S GO RAPHAEL!”
(Lysithea) “This is your greatest strategy!? RUN AWAY?!”
(Lorenz) “You may question his logic, but I for one completely agree with it!”
(Dimitri) “B-Byleth?! U-UH! RIGHT, EVERYONE LET’S MOVE!”
(Edelgard) “What kind of sick joke is this?! He acted all calm and that’s the answer he provides?!”
(Claude) “In hindsight, I probably should’ve seen this coming when he said use our legs instead of fighting!”
The House leaders jumped at his aggressiveness, but agreed. All three houses ran in complete terror as a unified whole.
(Sothis) “W-Well...! Thank you for helping me with my memori-”
Although she was in as much terror as Byleth she couldn’t help but smile a bit. He went through all this trouble for Sothis’s sake.
She’d have to remember to thank him when everyone wasn’t screaming in horror as colossal beasts chased them.
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idazzle · 4 years
hi! I was just reading your fic adfectus superi and I was wondering if it was finished? If it is, could you give a quick little summary of what happened between Jungkook & Jimin? I’m soso curious.
hi!! i'm so sorry it has taken me this long to respond to you. at the time i first read your message, i was planning on continuing adfectus superi, so i didn't want to spoil anything :)
anyway, onto your question! it is finished and i left it ambiguous on purpose, since i wrote it for a friend for halloween and i wanted to let them imagine whichever truth they wanted.
but i imagined jungkook and jimin having grown up as best friends. aside from living next door to each other, they were drawn to each other because of their magical abilities; they both believed they had found their equal in the other. for years, jimin thought they were both powerful witches, but in reality, jungkook was a demon and meticulously hid the truth from jimin. growing up, jimin's parents (also witches) told him bedtime stories about demons, about the brave witches who countered them and vanquished them, but never did he imagine that the sweet boy next door could be one of them.
he figures it out eventually, but by then he has already fallen in love with jungkook and believes him when jungkook claims that he has never hurt anyone for his powers, that they were his birth right just as jimin's powers were his. that, really, they are not that different and nothing's changed.
he believes it all until someone they know from school hurts jimin. a while later, jimin sees the same person walking with a cane, and hears that they were blinded in a senseless attack. jimin recognizes dark magic when he sees it and follows the trail of magic to jungkook and finally realizes that jungkook's done it before, too, to people he considered threats to either jimin or to himself. jungkook has always been overprotective of him; only cared about what jimin thought of him; jealous of anyone else that tries to be jimin's friend, but jimin didn't think he'd go so far.
so, he confronts jungkook at his house, pushing him to reveal his true self. unbeknownst to jimin, his little brother has followed him there, and he gets caught in the crossfire of jimin and jungkook's fight. jimin saves his brother's life just barely while jungkook and his family disappear into the night, leaving jimin terrified for their return and soul-crushingly lonely since jungkook was his everything.
and then eight years later, adfectus superi happens :) thank you for taking an interest in my fic and for reading! ♡
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Eros and Psyche au
N/A: I can´t lie and say this idea never crossed my mind...it has but I never had the incentive to write until now. Also, I like Raven Darkholme as Aphrodite because...I have this HC where Aphrodite isn´t a white woman...she´s every woman. Black woman, Asian woman, latina woman, a trans woman. Any woman is valid here.
@sailorstar9 @djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
AoA Kurtty here.
Beauty is a trait many begs to receive. Wisdom, power and a good heart are secondary, you can read, you can train..but if you´re ugly then the world will have its door lock forever, look at Hephaestus, the poor God is talent but ugly as sin. Raven Darkholme does not have time for ugly.
Aphrodite, Mystique or Raven are names fitting for the deity that can be anything and anyone. Her beauty was sung with devotion until it was not and now...her temples are empty, no sweet aroma, no flowers, no sacrifices and Raven is left wondering what happened.
It can´t be a war, even in the deadliest war, people have time to worship Raven...why her temples are empty?
Raven Darkholme´s spies were sent to understand why her temples are empty, why no one is singing her name and why no one is wanting her blessing. For a moment, Raven was sure her Ex was involved in this plot, yet, her spies prove wrong, for a brief moment, Raven wishes her Ex- was involved in this.
“Repeat carefully what you just told me” Raven is rubbing her temples in her blue form and gazes at the spies “I sure must have heard wrong”
“No, my Goddess, the humans found a human so beautiful, in their words” the spies added carefully “that they believe she is superior to you”
Raven is not happy by this revelation in the slightest. Her face is hardly one to be mistaken by anything but pure fury “what´s her name?”
“Her name is….”
“Katherine Anne Pryde” a male voice is shouting the name of the woman riding in the horse as his life depend on this scream. Both are in a race and Katherine is winning as the race effortless, it does provides some joy for the woman to know she's still a competent horse rider despite everything. “I won” Katherine with her short curly hair and doe eyes replied to the man, who is disappointed. To her relief the man leaves and goes the certainty that tomorrow more suitors will bang on her door.
“You save me from another one” Kitty said and give a sugar cube to the horse. She gently pets the horse named Lockheed, over the course of the end of Apocalypse´s rule, Kitty Pryde has to gain popularity in a way she never expected.
Kitty Pryde´s warrior name is Ariel and Queen Jean asked Kitty to help in the war, the exchange for such valuable help, Kitty has a nice home now and that should be enough, however, Kitty´s prowess on the battlefield make many Spartans and men look at her in approval. Once learning Kitty was never engaged to Piotr(and killing said man) her fame shines even against Mystique.
“You're the only male in my life who isn´t crazy! I don´t get, why they want to marry me? Why bestow me with this damn title of the beautiful woman ...if they only want to chains me to their will?” Kitty replied and Lockheed didn´t offer a word, only a nice touching on her head.
King  Logan watches Kitty enters back to the limits of the city with a longing smile, Kitty Pryde is a woman that really pay attention to any men, Logan is married to Jean, but, Kitty Pryde is proving to be a true warrior...Could he make Kitty as his mistress?
A queen must be a real warrior, yet, Jean Grey was not a warrior, per se, Logan married Jean out of whim and they fought against Apocalypse...eventually. Jean did call for help and right now, she wished she hasn´t. Logan is watching Kitty again and drooling at the sight of this woman, instead of the great Jean Grey, for a moment Jean thought in killing Kitty here and there and bath with her blood, yet, Jean saw this woman fight.
Blood and organs and bones being tossed and throw easily by Kitty´s hand as she was the one to kill Apocalypse while Jean just watches...Oh, she is done watching now. If she does not have the power, Jean will get the power to get rid of Ariel for good.
“Oh, Aphrodite, goddess of Beauty” Jean is praying on her temple, so long forgotten as the male audience are seeking Kitty, her husband is there lavish her with gifts that should belong with Jean, he is fucking her...Jean is sure. “Help me get rid of this parasite, she wants to ruin me, help me to take the life of Kitty Pryde”
“Ah, so, not everyone is in love with this little woman” Jean look up and saw Aphrodite in all her blue glory and feels blessed, Raven, for her part pretend to not notice Jean´s admiration gazes “I think we have a problem with Kitty Pryde and your husband is sure not minding the problem” a white lie can´t hurt anyone, well, not Raven. Jean is ready to collapse “ fret not, my loyal servant, I´ll take care of this, my son will give a faith worse than death to Kitty Pryde”
Kurt Darkholme is not having an easier day, first off, his mother orders him to kill a woman for, in her inane words, being pretty than her and Kurt Darkholme is a good son, however, using his skills to kill a mere human because his mother does not like competition really sour his day.
Second, said the woman is not on an easy target as she is always moving and training with her sword or gauntlet.
Third, Kurt really thinks this is a stupid plan.
As he walks, invisible, along with Kitty, the man wonder why kill her, if mother is that upset, why not marry her with someone else? Killing someone for that reason feels wrong. As his muse goes on, Kitty stops her walk to see the King, well, the King is really blocking her way so she can only see him.
“King Logan” Kitty replied dryly showing her claws and Logan take that as an invitation. Kurt Darkholme knows a little about this man to not like him being this close of Kitty.
“Kitty, you can call me Logan” the woman is not inclined to attend this wish “and I see you win against another suitor” she remains silent and Logan smiles “and what a man has to do to have a woman like you?”
“Oh, if you want the details, first you need to drop dead, then you have to assume to be dickless and never again breath near me, that's very attractive qualities you can have” Kitty respond and Logan is a firm believer that No means Yes.
Logan is ready to grab and is ready to make his intention know “I can´t help thinking about you, you bewitch me, Kitty” Logan speaks with laced with lust. Kurt Darkholme is not impressed and has no problem in killing the king.
Of course, Darkholme didn't count the fact he's invisible and Kitty saw a man being impaled and is not taking this easier. Kurt Darkholme is trying to calm her down, but, the man is not really good to comforting anyone.
“Hey” his voice in the godly tone, something akin impossible to decipher “you're safe now, he can´t hurt you...go run” Darkholme speaks and Kitty looks around confused.
“WTF?” and Kitty leaves, not without adding this “whatever god you´re ...this is the worst way to comfort someone”
Raven is not impressed that her son did fail on the task nor that he killed Logan, however, this can be used. She can blame Kitty for Logan´s death. A devious smile grows on her blue face.
“Son, your mistake really help your mother” Raven speaks fondly at her son who is sharpening his blades. “That woman will die by human´s hands...oh, this is much better”
Kurt stops sharpening his blades and is not paying attention to her mother blabbing about Kitty´s blood and how her temples will be full again. Kurt thought about that woman and as much killing is not a problem for him...that woman does not deserve to die.
Kurt Darkholme teleports and go to Destiny,who was waiting for him with a knowing smile, Kurt Darkholme is here to charge a favour.
Jean Grey is happy and anger at the same time, a confliction caused by Kitty Pryde, her husband was murder by her, that's the only truth Jean can see. Kitty goes spreading lies as if Logan would rape her...that bitch, in Jean´s mind, seduce him and killed without remorse.
“It wasn´t me, it was one of the gods...I think, he never really give a name but he was following me around” Kitty explained “ he tried to rape me and if the deity or whatever didn´t kill him...I would have”
“PROVE ENOUGH” Jean scream like a loud banshee “you must be killed NOW”  one of her advisers whisper in her ear and Jean is now confused, this exchange last for a few minutes until she speaks again “it seems the Gods didn't forget you” Jean gives a mockery smile “you´ll be sent to be devoured by a monster” her maniacal voice is back but the adviser whisper again “whatever, you won't return here ever again”
She looks and even her most annoying suitors did not dare to go against the queen. So, this wasn't her home after all.
“Ok, I´ll go right away” she thought in running away, even as the advisor explain she will relocate to another place, the oracle saw in her vision the will of the Gods and they want Kitty to move, well, the Gods are very petty.
Kurt Darkholme has no idea why he did that, how many creatures, humans and deity he has killed? Why Kitty Pryde is any different? His sister often say his emotion are so repressed he couldn´t understand himself not even if he tries hard enough.
Well, in that case, I´ll have to understand her.
Kitty arrives to the new location and Jean is seething, her new house is far superior than Jean. Aside from fucking her husband (Kitty swear by the Gods on the Apocalypse´s grave that she never even remotely like the man) she will live like a queen, no, a better queen than Jean…
Kitty for her part is not sure of what to say, a nice place can still be a prison, in the past she thought she had found a home, now, she knows better, this is just a golden cage.
“Good luck, Miss Pryde, the Gods look at you with mercy” one of the priestess speak and Kitty didn´t resist to show her middle finger to the sky.
Kurt Darkholme decides to be invisible for reason he is not quitting getting, maybe, seeing a blue, furry deity with scarlet eyes and thirsty for blood won't be good to the woman's mind.  Or maybe...he's really shy.
The only people he talks are his family or maybe his henchmen, the man did not venture in the romantic path, let alone social, since the incident.
“I´m just protecting her until mother finds another human to torment” Kurt Darkholme explain to himself for the fifth time.
As the woman ventures in the house fearless(or doing a great job in posing as one) Kurt goes to great her, well, that's the idea, unfortunately, as she can´t see him they stumble against each other.
“Oh, hello” Kitty speaks as the deity is still invisible “I was hoping to meet my warden, how are you?”
“I'm not your warden” Kurt defends himself feeling insulted clear he's not a warden, right?
“You killed the king and then let me get the blame” Kitty explained “and then Gods so happen to send me here for supposedly killing the king”
“Wait, they blame you? I killed him with my own sword”
“There´s a trial and everyone was pretty much against me...you could have dropped down and said hello, but, I think they would sentence me to death either way”
“Uhm” Kurt is holding his neck “I was in another trial in Olympus” and then adds “if it makes any difference a guy was sentenced to eat his own organs by Zeus”
“What a dick”
“Yeah, that's the general consensus”
“Can I see your form?” Kitty asked one day as Kitty finishes her dinner, the deity does not eat human food, but, stay near to keep her company, sometimes he speaks about the work or he's just holding a fork to prove he's there.
“Look, I really don't care for your looks, just the fact you can be less of a dick”
“Thank you, that's mean a lot to me”
“You know, if we´re going to do this, then I prefer to be blindfold, otherwise, I couldn't take the make love with a god seriously”
“Well, here I was thinking I could show my true form, but, your idea is neat too”
Jean is seething and is talking with Aphrodite to understand how Kitty is living in such a luxurious place, it was said once that envy and anger are poor source of wisdom, as Jean forget Mystique is a Goddess and the woman demands to  have Kitty´s blood.
Aphrodite takes orders from no one and soon this kingdom lost the queen too.
“But, where is …” she stops and realizes what happened “Oh, Kurt, really?!”
Kurt Darkholme decides he can show his true form now, this relationship can´t be based on lies and Kurt, as far his shyness go, can´t hide himself. So, he reveal his blue form for Kitty trying not make this a big deal.
“The fur I knew, I felt” she explained looking into his eyes “ you know, I like your eyes, I always have the impression you would have pretty eyes”
“They are red as the blood”
“Ah, here is the edgy boy I know and love”
Mystique can´t complain as her temples are full again, yet, her son is married with the woman who almost destroy her. Well, she supposed Kurt did better than Rogue(really, Rogue, Gambit?!) and at very least this woman is not ugly or dumb, yet, Raven makes no promise to be a doting mother to this woman.
“Irene, how could you do this?” Raven asks to lay down next to Irene.
“I saw your son take alike to her and quickly turn into love, that boy deserves to be happy and you tend to be too vingative sometimes”
“Just sometimes?”
“You´re right, Raven, my bad, you are vingative most of the time”
“That's better”
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superiorllathanvie · 2 years
The Fall — [SEMI-CANON]
• characters :: shade + the licentia, the superi
• genre :: narrative, angst
• warnings :: profanity, a lot of emotional trauma, everyone is an asshole, spoilers for shade's real name & spoilers for a certain character that appears really later on in the current canon storyline
• synopsis :: she doesn't like to talk about the day everything fell apart for the second time in her life. she can't help thinking about it though.
• a/n :: like the warning said, everybody's basically an asshole here so if you see someone you like 🧍 i'm sorry in advance and in their defense, this takes place like three years (kind of??? it's different in superi/syto's "real-time" [it's complicated]) before the canon plot
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"You are a disgrace, entirely unworthy of the title that they so generously bestowed upon you long ago," A tall, slender man reprimanded, glowering down at the masked individual in the middle of the room through his glasses. He let out a heavy sigh as he brought his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, irate.. disappointed, even, as if he expected something fruitful to come of the very situation he described.
"And still, after all these years, you manage to prove me – as well as the other Superi – correct. I'm not sure if this is something to be celebrated, considering you disobeyed direct orders because you... What was the phrase you used?" He trailed off, looking towards his peers for their input.
Shortly after, a hand was lazily raised up by a brunet, who replied, "'Didn't agree with any of the possible outcomes due to the negative effects it'd have on other people,' right?"
Another Superi interjected, his visible crimson eye glinting with malice towards the subject of the argument as he responded to the former's account. "Really? Didn't think a street rat like her could pull that fancy wording out of her a—"
The first speaker cleared his throat indignantly, cutting off the other, "Yes, yes. Thank you, LLyre, for your.. personal take." He deadpanned, shooting a cold glance towards the mentioned. Turning his attention back towards the center, he adjusted his glasses on his face before continuing. "As I see no need to extenuate the charges, I'll say it as is: You, Miriam Hunter, have committed treachery, or I dare say treason, against our Superior—"
"Treason? Are you actually fucking serious, LLevi? You're gonna compare me slacking off my stupid job to having anybody in this room literally putting a bullet through your goddamn skull?" Despite having her wrists and ankles chained to the floor, this didn't stop the accused of flipping off the Superi verbally. "God, no wonder the only people who can stand you are.. actually, scratch that, because guess what, boss-man? No one can!"
This outburst seemed to draw a concerned expression from a small Superi in the far corner, who usually stayed quiet. "Ah, Miriam—"
"Shut the hell up. It's 'Shade' to you, and you, and you.. all of you assholes," The black-haired girl retorted. "Absolutely none of you Superi get to call me that. And the only one who can isn't fucking here... Where even are they when I actually need them?" She huffed in a combination of doubt, hurt, and confusion through her mask.
The hostile Superi from earlier replied with a scoff, "Probably off doing something— Anything else. I mean, obviously... Whatever it is, it's more important than you."
"You bastard—"
"Quiet, all of you!" The spectacled jurat boomed with clear annoyance in his voice, directed mostly towards this self-proclaimed 'Shade' and his fellow Superi second to her. He rather aggressively turned to the former with a glare, "Look here, Miriam... What do you think you did? You think you just let their orders go in one ear and out the other?.. No, you deliberately disclosed classified information that was entrusted to you, of all people.
"In fact, the punishment we're delivering is a very merciful one. We could easily have you purged, along with the poor soul who had the misfortune of being acquainted with you. But, alas, being their right-hand man apparently has its advantages for you... So, instead of having your very existence entirely erased — You are hereby exiled from Syto, in addition to being permanently withdrawn from your status as the Superior's Phaedra."
The girl's face fell underneath the cover of her mask, though her eyes sunk as they became filled with the strangely familiar, overwhelming feeling of despair. No matter how much she willed to argue, to curse the hypocritical scum wearing crowns and tiaras, the hopelessness was too much for her to handle in the moment, and so she remained silent – The last of whatever honor she once had getting caught in her throat, and slipping away with a quiet sigh.
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"Oh, honey, you're back!.. Hey, what's wrong?" A concerned voice rang in Shade's ears as she dragged her feet into her.. now former home. She headed straight towards the stairs, intending to avoid conversing about the entire situation, but failing three steps in.
Gently gripping Shade's wrist in her mechanical hand, Toni frowned with furrowed eyebrows as the other evaded her gaze. "Miriam, what happened?" The artificial human asked softly, attempting to bring it up as carefully as possible to steer clear from potential unnecessary conflict.
Unfortunately, her attempt was in vain.
Taking a long, deep breath before answering, Shade mumbled, her previously tense shoulders dropping. "...I have to leave," Her voice was uncharacteristically quiet, fragile-sounding, as if the slightest move would trigger a breakdown. "I'm.. no longer welcome in Syto."
Confused, Toni felt the anxiety building up fast in her core as she replied hastily, "Leave? What do you mean? What did you do?"
"Why the fuck do you always have to assume it's my fault?!" Shade snapped, yanking her arm away from the latter as she turned around and glared violently. "I shouldn't even be phased by your assumptions anymore, after all, I know how much of a screw-up I am! I don't need someone I fucking thought cared about me to tell me that too!" She exclaimed accusingly, taking a step further on the staircase.
"Who said anything about you being a screw-up? I'm just asking what happened because I'm worried about you!" Toni quickly replied, her short fuse not exactly ideal for these types of situations. "I've been trying to be patient with you, and I want to help you but for that to happen I need you to talk to me!"
A long moment of complete silence passed between the two aggravated lovers, both taking the opportunity to take a few breathes and calm down a bit.
After some more time, Shade quietly bent down, sitting in the middle of the staircase. Taking off her mask, her free hand found its way to her face as she rubbed her eyelids stressfully. "...I've been exiled, Tones, I... The Superi said..." She cut herself off as she realized that she'd lose composure if she continued the thought.
Thankfully, no continuation was needed for the taller female to rush towards her significant other and wrapping her arms around her. Softly shushing Shade in her embrace, Toni didn't exactly know how to reply. As she felt the other lean into the hug, she thought it'd be better if she stopped herself from saying anything for now.
Surprisingly, Shade was the one who spoke up again, with a shakier voice. "Apparently I broke a law written in the Superi's stupid Canon... What's worse is that they weren't even there for my shitty sentence. Heh, some Syto-Phaedra bond we had there..." She bitterly whispered the last part, body tensing once more at the very thought of the person she was referring to.
"Anyway, Tones," She began again with a more monotone expression, "We–.. I need to leave. Just let me go and I'll start packing my stuff and—"
Toni interrupted with an appearance feigning offense, "Are you stupid? I'm coming with you,"
"What? No you're not, and if anything, you're stupid. You have your whole damn life ahead of you here—"
"Ah, yes, like I had an actual future before I met you," The brunette argued, raising an eyebrow at her girlfriend. They both knew who would win the debate. "Besides, I never really cared for the Superi anyway. They're competent rulers, but as people? They aren't exactly the most.. reliable, or trustworthy sort." Toni shrugged casually.
Shade blinked skeptically, squinting at the android, "The hell are you on, babe? You've never even seen 'em up close." The reply came with another shrug, "I'm still right, aren't I? My data is never wrong."
"Mm, can't disagree with that..." Shade hummed, somewhat groggy while Toni pulled her close once more, planting a peck on Shade's forehead.
"I'll help you pack. Let's get going."
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Staring in awe at the broken down, yet somehow charming city in front of them, Toni let out a sound that resembled a whistle, "Well... For the 'City of Failures,' Heoke's not that bad. It looks more your style than the elitist metropolis Syto was," She observed, putting a hand on her hip as her gaze trailed over to the ravenette who stood next to her. "Don't you think?"
Shade had been quiet for most of the trip, and this moment was no different. Instead of a real reply, she merely nodded and continued forward, slinging a duffel bag of her belongings over her shoulder.
Toni, of course, noticed the silence. She understood why though, so she deemed it unnecessary to push further considering how on-edge the other was.
To fill the awkward void that was utter silence between the two, Toni utilized her more talkative attitude, commenting on everything she could as they walked down the main street. "According to my research, this place isn't entirely anarchical — Though I had my doubts about their autocracy system working, the society seems to be flourishing well enough.
"I am curious about Heoke's ruler though. Well, technically, the Superi still reign supreme over the entire universe, but every municipality has to have some kind of president, or even mayor, right? In this town, both everybody and nobody knows who actually pulls the strings," Toni paused, noticing a confused expression from Shade. "It's complicated, obviously. Regardless, whatever they're doing, it's working."
Though she continued to listen to her significant other's musings, Shade also took advantage of the time to look around some more at the city itself.
Heoke was nothing like Syto – Whether that was a good or bad thing remains to be seen. While Syto was vibrant and prim and perfect and clean, this place could easily be labelled as 'ruins' and that description would still be accurate. It reminded Shade of the classic city outskirts, except those outskirts now made up the entire area.
It looked as if law and order did not hold any significance here, yet everyone seemed to be thriving and living their best lives. Sure, there were a few suspicious individuals and dealings here and there, but nothing illegal or morally corrupt was occurring out in the open — Which was what surprised both Toni and Shade. Other than the 'failures' and exiles that resided in Heoke, nobody really knew a lot about the place, after all.
After half an hour of wandering, a frustrated Toni fought the urge to throw her belongings at the ground as the two were still yet to find a suitable lodging to stay the night.
"Gods, dammit all. I take it all back, I hate this place," The brunette sighed heavily, slowly and steadily falling to her knees in defeat. "I think you were right about me staying in Syto, Miria..." She half-heartedly joked, turning to look at the mentioned before catching sight of her walking off towards a run-down building. Scrambling to her feet, Toni hastily followed suit, "Hey! You little brat, how dare you just leave me in the middle of the road—"
A soft chuckle was the only reply as Shade proceeded to push the doors open, finding herself in a rather quaint tavern. Everyone inside appeared to be well-acquainted with each other, merrily chatting and drinking away.
This sort of atmosphere was not foreign to Shade, however the same could not be said for her taller companion. Whilst one nonchalantly went on her way to the bar top, the other timidly followed in her footsteps, intimidated by the very nature of the establishment and its patrons.
Propping herself up onto a seat and tapping the one next to her for Toni, Shade cleared her throat to call the attention of the bartender. She hummed from underneath her mask and placed her order, subtly stealing glances towards Toni as she knew that the latter wasn't very fond of alcohol. She received a small glare and a pout, but surprisingly no scoldings which was both great and slightly worrying.
With a slight raise of her glass, Shade jokingly gave herself a toast before a set of black, fanged teeth formed on her mask, followed by a crooked smile-like expression, allowing her to drink freely as if the mask was no longer there. As the fine wine landed on her tongue and rolled down her throat, a relatively scrawny individual approached the counter and took a seat next to the masked girl.
Strangely enough, the moment they sat down, it looked as if the entire bar went quiet aside from the jukebox' lively tune in the background.
This mysterious person had a sort of paper-like object obscuring their entire face, with the number 1819 printed onto it. It was a curious detail, Shade thought to herself as she snuck a look towards the...
Wait a moment, a person covering their face with a piece of paper that has a number scrawled on it? Their qualities seemed to bear resemblance to the description of a long-extinct race that Shade had learned about in the extensive library that the Superi had in their Château. The Linia were wiped out years ago by the Superi due to their.. unique features, that somehow disrupted the peace of everyday life — So they were all purged.
Or so the Superi thought.
The stranger spoke, swirling their drink in hand, "Word gets around pretty quickly. We're a tight-knit community, if you haven't already noticed," They paused, lifting the rocks glass up to their lips, moving the makeshift veil away with a finger before taking a sip. Letting out a satisfied sigh, they turned back to Shade and carried on, "So, a fallen Phaedra, hm?"
Toni let out a squeak-sounding noise from the discomfort she felt that shot through the roof with the person's remark. Anxiously, she slowly turned towards Shade, who had stiffened in place at the mention of something she really didn't want to think about.
Shade felt the myriad of eyes staring holes into her back, noting that whoever this busybody was, they were probably important. At least, around these parts. So, despite the fact that she'd prefer to avoid the topic, she took a deep breath and answered calmly, "Yeah, what about it?"
"I have one question," They answered almost immediately, lowering their voice suspiciously. "What do you think of the Superi?"
Shade had mixed opinions on them. After all, they were seven different people under one measly title. They weren't the worst of the worst, and one even saved her life in every way possible... And yet, she found that the answer came rather naturally to her lips.
"My.. dishonor aside — They're not fit to rule the world. In fairness, I don't think anyone is."
Without wasting any time after hearing her answer, the stranger hummed with satisfaction, snapping their fingers, cuing everybody in the bar to close it off entirely; The windows closed, blinds let down, doors locked.
This sudden commotion nearly set off poor Toni, who was already paranoid enough before everyone started trapping them inside this wretched building that reeked of alcohol. If not for Shade pulling her back down onto her seat, she might have impulsively blown up the area.
A chuckle emitted from the alleged mastermind of these circumstances, who had spun their chair around and leaned back onto the bar top, cocking their head towards Shade. Using their free hand, they nonchalantly lifted up the page that cloaked their face, revealing a fairly charismatic, smug look on his face.
His features were indeed 'unique', as the Superi would put it. The skin was an off-white, he was missing a nose, and a couple of.. lines? Seemed to connect the edges of his mouth to the behind his ear. His eyes were quite normal to an extent, save for the lack of irises.
Shade rose an eyebrow in amusement, taking a quick glance around the room before finally turning to, what she had confirmed was, a Linia. "Damn, so you run this place?"
"Mm, technically, I run the whole city," He hummed, sneaking in a low chuckle at the end. "Your friend there is quite knowledgable, though what she went on about earlier by the entrace was only the basics. My identity isn't exactly secret to the people of Heoke, it's just kept from outsiders like you two. Speaking of my identity..."
With a pause, he put his whiskey glass down, stood up, and executed an exaggerated bow, intending to mock the basic Phaedra greeting the Superi often receive. "You can call my Wynne. Welcome to Heoke, my beloved city." He cheerfully introduced, the welcome prompting the other inhabitants to erupt in applause.
Wynne leaned to the side slightly to take a look at the android behind Shade, putting up his hands in casual surrender. "I am really sorry for the scare, by the way. Anyway, rest assured, you two are safe here. The Superi would rather burn each other with a hot iron rather than come over here and check the status of us rejects."
The black-haired female huffed in response, "That sounds like them alright.. it also explains a lot. Because, y'know, I thought you Linia were eradicated years ago, and any new ones get purged before they even come into consciousness," She mumbled with a hint of melancholy, turning her seat to face the apparent ruler of this land. "So you can imagine my surprise when I connected the dots between your appearance and the supposed 'unfinished' class that nobody talks about."
Wynne let out another one of his chuckles, propping his elbow onto the bar counter and resting his head on his palm. "Was the number, which by the way is practically plastered onto my face, a dead giveaway?" He asked curiously.
Shade shook her head and picked her beverage back up, taking a gulp. "Nah, not really. Unless someone had to study about the Linia like I was forced to, you'd seem like an ordinary person. After all, I've met.. stranger guys."
"That's true. After all, this world isn't inhabited by just one or two kinds of people," Wynne replied, picking his glass up back into his hand and taking a long sip from it. "In all honesty, this world could have been perfect.. if not for those wretched tyrants and their dumb rules.
"Anyway, now that we'll be working together, why don't we get well-acquainted? After all, you are a former Phaedra. Having you as second-in-command would be beneficial to us all," Wynne hummed, blankly staring into his drink while he waited for the other's answer. Before the ravenette could speak, however, she got cut off by the android she traveled with.
Toni finally seemed to assert her presence after being ignored for the entire conversation, leaning forwards and leering at the individual who claimed to be Heoke's ruler. "Wait. Isn't your.. rapport with Shade going a bit too fast? You just met her– Us, mere moments ago. Personally, I don't trust you, and frankly I don't see why you would trust us so easily." She narrowed her eyelids at him suspiciously, looming over Shade's shoulder. The shorter of the duo cast Toni a disapproving look, however she did understand her concerns.
The Linia widened his eyes slightly at the accusation suddenly thrown at him, but, surprisingly let out a soft laugh after a brief period of time. "Oh, is that what you're worried about? That makes sense, I suppose, considering the way the world works... But, believe me, if I had any malicious intentions regarding you two, you'd be begging in the slums within the first ten minutes of stepping foot onto this wasteland," He chuckled happily, as if his words did not carry an underlying threat to them. "While you do have a point about me trusting you so willingly... I don't really have a choice. Your friend here's the first fallen Phaedra who's.. well, lived to tell the tales of what goes on behind the Superi's closed doors."
The humanoid grumbled, figuratively sweating at this person's sense of bargaining. "That's.. true..." She admitted, to which Wynne grinned at, "So then what more are you concerned about? That I'll throw you guys under the bus after receiving intel? Please, that's offensive."
About to argue some more, Toni was interrupted by a comforting hand resting on her forearm belonging to Shade. She squinted at the brunette, silently communicating reassurance and her sureness of the 'deal' this Linia was offering. With a quiet sigh, Toni ceased her debate and Shade spoke once more.
"Well, Wynne, I look forward to working with you. I promise you, that one day, we'll overthrow the Superi, once and for all. I won't let you down." She swore, her resolution shining through with every word.
"That's great to hear! Unfortunately, I won't be much help aside from supplying you with the needed manpower and equipment for your plans," The latter sighed, clasping his fingers together as he leaned back against the bartop. "Even if, technically, your 'title' is being my second-in-command, the actuality is that I cannot openly resist the Superi due to my.. classification as a Linia.
"Shade, you will be the face of the revolution. You will lead the people to a world without prejudice; A world where everyone can live in peace regardless of whether they've.. found themselves or not. Knowing this, do you still accept the role?"
It took only a second for Shade to form her answer.
"Of course I do. And hell, it might even be fun."
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"Miriam, what were you thinking?!"
A tall, mechanical brunette paced back and forth in a fairly adequate hotel room, the place that Wynne had checked them into for the night while the guest quarters at his mansion were being cleaned up. Toni sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of her nose stressfully while her girlfriend nonchalantly leaned on the bed.
"I have every right to be upset right now! Why did you accept the offer?" She yelled, livid and refusing to face the girl she was talking to. "I was fine, I was perfectly okay with you moving up the ranks again in a new and unfamiliar place with new and unfamilar people, but agreeing to lead a whole revolution against beings that are quite literally gods?! What the hell possessed you for you to accept that proposal?!"
Shade sighed, tired and exasperated from the events of the past two days, which was reasonable considering how much happened. "Oh, come on, it's not like I'm planning to go at those assholes head-on. Or any time soon, for that matter. I'm not that stupid."
The former paused, taking a few deep breaths to arrange her thoughts (which seemed a bit uncharacteristic for someone as impulsive as Toni) while the other remained silent. "...And that wasn't even including the fact that one of the previously-mentioned gods practically saved your life in the past. Don't you feel the slighest bit of.. remorse? Regret? Shame, even?"
Now this set the other impulsive individual off.
Shade's bored gaze shifted to one of resentment as she slowly replied, "What the fuck do you think you're talking about?" She quietly seethed, unable to repress her feelings. "Don't talk, don't defend them like you knew them. Yes, they saved me. But were they there when I actually needed saving? No."
"Are you really still going on about that?" Toni retorted, her justifying response being another atypical behavior from her, Shade noted. "Haven't you stopped to consider that maybe, just maybe, they had something important to do? After everything they've done for you? After that one slip-up, you just toss everything you two had away?—"
"They're the one who threw me out like I was some empty goddamned candy wrapper!" Shade screeched, abruptly standing up from her seat on the mattress. "And what the fuck is up with you, Toni? You've never even had to endure the presence of a single Superi in the same room as you, and you're here defending one like your life depends on it?..
"Wait." Shade stopped, seeming to have realized something. A look of disbelief flashed in her eyes as she looked up at Toni once more. "There's no way. They wouldn't..." 'They would,' Shade's inner dialogue argued, cuing another outburst from the woman.
Grabbing Toni by the collar, Shade furiously looked into the blank, gray eyes that looked off since she first replied to Toni in the beginning of the fight. "...You fucking asshole..! Let her go!" She shouted, a mix of anger and desperation in her voice.
The vessel that was in Shade's grasp only seemed to act more agitated, narrowing its eyes at her, "What are you talking about? Now look who's gone all mad!"
"Don't fucking play with me! I know you're in there! I always knew you were 'anti confrontational' but taking over my fucking girlfriend's conscience isn't any better, you fucking—!" She yelled as she violently shook the soulless body back and forth while its pitch-black irises stared down at her in silent judgement. "I'll fucking kill you, I swear to Aurae and back, I will fucking kill you!
"And to think I used to respect the hell out of you! You Superi are all the same, you just see us as fucking playthings that you can tamper with as you like! That's what you think of us, of me, right? Right?!" Shade screamed, yanking the metallic frame closer to her own. Her breaths were shallow and uneven, and her mind was a mess. What was she supposed to think? Supposed to say? She didn't have an answer. At least, not one that looked like it was the correct one.
Unable to form any of her thoughts into coherent sentences, she uttered one that flowed the most freely off of her tongue, but she herself could not bring herself to believe...
"...I fucking hate you."
A moment of stillness passed. Then another. And another. Eventually, the lifeless eyes Shade had been hatefully staring into blinked back into their usual bright turquoise color, the individual they belonged to appearing disoriented and confused.
Toni furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of an overwhelmed and devastated Shade, whose eyes brimmed with tears and arms immediately wrapped around her shoulders. Perplexed, Toni returned the embrace anyway, deciding not to question what just happened for now.
Shade shakily hugged Toni, letting out soundless cries for the next half hour, then continuing in bed after Toni helped clean up.
Not another word was spoken that night, only the echo of Shade's last words ringing in her ears as she cried herself to sleep in Toni's arms.
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It had been a couple of years since Shade became the head of the rebellion against the Superi. They had originally called themselves the Liberio, but when the Superi caught wind of the little organization and mockingly labelled them as 'licentia', they proudly took the term and rebranded themselves as it out of spite.
By 'they,' I refer to a certain masked ravenette.
"Yo, Shade," A familiar automation called out from the doorway of the Licentia's meeting room, skimming a few files in her hand and gaining the attention of the mentioned young woman. When she looked up to signal the former to continue, she was met with initial reluctance.. before Toni shook it off. "Well, we got some new recruits, their applications still need your approval."
This prompted a quirk of the eyebrow from Shade, considering that one could simply go to Wynne – Who had more free-time – for the matter of new rebel applicants, but she didn't press for an explanation at that moment.
She looked Toni up and down before motioning her to come closer, to which the other positioned herself at the opposite side of the conference table, wherein a large paper was spread, several indistinguisable symbols scrawled onto it. Without so much as a second glance, Shade extended a hand out towards Toni, asking for the files in her possession.
Quietly, Toni handed the folders to the woman who stood on the other side of the table. While she flipped through the files and papers, Toni stayed noiseless in an attempt to hide the anxiousness that exhibited itself in her body language. She stood there idly while Shade approved or disapproved of young people wanting to fight alongside the masked commander, all the while fiddling with her thumbs under the meeting table.
After a few minutes, Shade snapped the folders shut and wordlessly handed them back to Toni, who seemed to jump at every sudden movement. The android mumbled thanks, internally also thanking the other for not noticing her strange behavior today.
She spoke too soon.
"You're really obvious, you know that, Tones?" Shade hummed from the same position she was in, leaning over the table still, but now her gaze was fixed on the brunette and she did not seem like she had any intentions of letting her walk away without an explanation.
"I gave you about nine opportunities to speak first. I mean, this isn't really anything important. Everything we've done as 'rebels' over the years have just been campaigns, riots, recruitments... Small steps. We're much larger in number than we were back then, but it's not something that you feel like you need to shut up for me to work on. So, enlighten me," The ravenette hummed, slowly inching closer to the other.
"What is it that you're torn between wanting to tell me and wanting to keep from me?"
Toni froze in place, despite not wanting to. She really wanted to avoid talking about.. the latest intel, but she also felt that Shade had the right to know.
Fortunately, Shade felt patient today. That, or she wasn't.. feeling like herself. She stood right by Toni for a good two minutes in silence, until one spoke words that took several more minutes for the other to process:
"Superior LL has fallen."
"...What?" Shade blinked skeptically, taking a step back from Toni. She studied the other's expressions in hopes of discovering a hidden joke, surely it had to be there, but.. there were no signs of anything other than complete seriousness and a hint of concern.
Slowly putting a hand up to her lower face, Shade begun her response with a soft chuckle that gradually evolved into a fit of uncontrollable, painful laughter. A worried Toni backed away slightly when the cackling persisted. Even after her lungs started burning from the lack of oxygen, Shade continued to laugh with a hand to her face.
Only for all of it to suddenly stop.
A deep breath was taken, and an exhale followed soon after. Shade lowered the hand that concealed her eyes, which were now revealed to look much duller than they had already been since the incident two years ago.
"...Well then."
She spoke, voice hoarse from her outburst. She swayed to an extent when she turned on her heel to walk back towards the table, heading to her chair positioned at the edge of it. Her blank stare was directed towards nothing in particular as she twirled her chair from side to side, taking a moment for herself to take in the information.
Toni waited and stayed in the room out of concern, despite it not being her place to do so anymore.
After a bit, Shade let out a short snicker before standing up and breathing in a fresh load of air. She stretched as her arms leaned over the conference table, head hung over her shoulders before she slowly raised it up to look at Toni with the most hopeless, despaired, yet daring look that she had ever seen.
"Tones," She hummed, the unhinged smile practically heard through her mask, "Gather the Licentia for a meeting. It's about time we actually did something to challenge the Superi."
"But– Shade—"
"After all, I only had one reason to refrain from an actual offensive movement..." She continued to whisper, towards herself more than the other in the room. "...And now, they're.. gone."
Shade gave Toni a disturbingly cheerful closed-eye smile that sent shivers up her mechanical spine.
"So what's stopping me now?"
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thelittlesttimelord · 3 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 49
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Fall of the Eleventh Chapter 49 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 49/? SUMMARY:    Elise Smith is now a teenaged Timelord. In addition to losing the Ponds,  the fields of Trenzalore are calling. But first they have to figure out  exactly who Clara Oswald is.
[A/N - Prepare to have your hearts broken in this one.]
“A question only I could answer. A truth field to make sure I'm not lying. If I give my name, they'll know they've found the right place and that it's safe to come through,” the Doctor said.
“The Time Lords? Okay, so what then? If you answer the question and they come back, what happens?” Clara asked.
“Hell,” Elise answered.
The Doctor handed Clara a small round object. “Ah, you need to take this to the Tardis and put it in the charger slot for the sonic.”
“Elise is right. Hell. All hell, that's what happens if the Time Lords come back. There's half a universe up there already, waiting to open fire. Now please, go to the TARDIS and just do as I say.”
Clara ran out of the room.
“You’re sending her home, right?” Elise asked.
“This is between the Timelords and me,” he said.
Elise took her hand in his. “The Timelords and us.”
The Doctor offered her a small smile.
The moment was shattered by Tasha’s voice. “Doctor. Speak with me. Doctor! Face me now! Doctor!”
The Doctor put his jacket back on and they made their way to the bell chamber.
Tasha’s face hung in the sky.
“Mother Superious, there is only one thing I need from you. This planet, what's it called?” the Doctor asked.
Elise’s hearts stopped in her chest.
This was the end.
“If you speak your name, the Time Lords will return,” Tasha said.
“If they return, they will come in peace,” the Doctor told her.
“It doesn't matter. They will be met with a war that will never end. The Time War will begin anew. You know that, Doctor.”
“They're asking for my help!”
“And if you give it, war will be the consequence. I will not let that happen, at any cost. Speak your name and this world will burn.”
“No, this planet is protected.” He soniced the bell and it started ringing.
The citizens started to gather outside the tower.
Elise and the Doctor stepped out of the tower.
“So, you lot, a quick word, thank you. Spot of news. Christmas has a new sheriff. Hello, everyone. I'm the Doctor. And this my daughter Elise.”
There were many attacks on the town, but the Doctor and his daughter defeated them every time. Elise herself was becoming quite a warrior in her own right.
But something else happened on Trenzalore.
She fell in love. He was human of course. With sandy brown hair and green eyes.
Elise came home one day to find her father sitting in his chair, working on toys for the children. “Maybe you should just retire and make toys,” she teased him.
He rarely did anything else nowadays. He’d aged in the many years they’d been here, his old age finally catching up with him.
When she wasn’t fighting, Elise worked at the schoolhouse. Clara would have been proud of her.
Elise hung up her scarf. She didn’t really need it, being a Timelord, but it had been a gift from Joey’s mother.
Elise walked over to the Doctor. He hadn’t greeted her when she entered the tower. “Dad? Is something wrong?” she asked him.
He looked up at her, sadness in his green eyes. He held out a letter.
“What’s this?” she asked. She took it from him and realized it was in Joey’s handwriting. She ripped it open and started reading. He’d gone to the front lines without telling her. Elise collapsed to the ground.
“Did…is he…?”
Her father just nodded and Elise felt her hearts shatter in her chest. Her sadness quickly morphed into anger and she ripped the letter up, chucking it into the fire. She reached for her scarf, but she couldn’t bring herself to get rid of it. Instead, she stashed it deep in the chest where she kept her clothes.
She vowed she’d never love another man ever again. Elise pushed her lost love to the back of her mind and instead focused on the children. She loved the children and the children loved her and the Doctor.
They drew her and the Doctor pictures, which they hung up around their room in the tower.
It wasn’t as nice as her bedroom in the TARDIS, but it was home.
One day, they heard the sound of the TARDIS engines.
“What is it? What's that noise?” Barnable, one of the children, asked.
“Well. Where have you been for three hundred years?” the Doctor yelled at the TARDIS.
Three hundred years? Was that how long they’d been here?
“What's that?”
“It's my ship.”
“Your what?”
“It's my TARDIS. That's how I got here in the first place.”
“Does this mean you're leaving?”
The TARDIS landed completely.
Clara was clutching onto the outside.
“What are you doing here?” the Doctor asked.
“I was in space.”
“Well, you were in the time vortex. She must have extended the force field. No wonder.” The Doctor pulled her off the TARDIS. “No wonder she's late, dragging you around.”
Clara turned to him with tears in her eyes. “You tricked me.”
“I saved you!”
“You didn't even say goodbye!”
“I'm furious with you!”
“Well, I am not even talking to you!”
They both started laughing and hugged.
They went inside the tower and Clara looked around. “Oh, Doctor. Fixing toys and fighting monsters.” She turned to Elise. “And what about you?”
“I teach,” Elise told her.
“The turkey isn't done yet,” the Doctor said, entering the room. He handed a few books to Elise. “TARDIS left these on the console.”
Elise smiled and ran her fingers down the spines. Her favorite books.
“Is it still asking the question?” Clara said, looking at the crack.
“Oh, never stops. Come upstairs. It's almost time.” The Doctor picked up Handles.
“What for?”
“Dawn. The light here lasts only a few minutes. You don't want to miss it.”
They went up to the bell chamber and the Doctor made a fire.
“Well, it's a standoff. They can't attack in case I unleash the Time Lords, and I can't run away, because they'll burn this planet to stop the Time Lords. Hey, after all these years, I've finally found somewhere that needs me to stick around. A town called Christmas. Could've been worse.” He adjusted Handles. “Right, there you go, buddy. Comfy?”
“Comfort is irrelevant,” Handles said.
He propped Handles up a bit more. “How's that, is that better?”
“You just take it easy, buddy. He's getting old. I do my best for him, but I just can't get the parts, you know. Hey, I know the feeling.” The Doctor groaned as he tried to move.
“It’s fine. I’ll get it,” Elise told him. She reached over and handed him the bag of marshmallows.
“Where did you get those?” Clara asked.
“I have a supplier. The pink ones are best,” the Doctor told her.
“I have developed a fault,” Handles said.
“Hey, don't you worry, Handles. You're just dreaming. The sun's coming up very soon. You just hang on in there.”
“I have developed a fault. I…I have developed a fault.”
The Doctor picked Handles up. “Hey, Handles. Come on. Come on. One more dawn, you can do it. You've got it in you. Come on, just hang on in there.”
“Attention. Emergency. Attention.”
“Handles, what is it? What's wrong?”
“Urgent action required. You must patch the telephone device back through the console unit.” Handles’ lights faded out.
“Come back. Handles? Handles.” The Doctor sighed and Elise put a hand on his knee. “Thank you, Handles, and well done. Well done, mate.”
Handles was just one in a long line of people who had brought the Doctor comfort in these last few hundred years.
The sun rose between the mountains and the birds sung.
“What do you think of our new place?” the Doctor asked, “I come up here once a day for a few minutes, to remind myself of what it is I'm protecting.”
“It's beautiful. Why did you send me away?”
“Because if I hadn't, I'd have buried you a long time ago.”
“No, you wouldn't. I would never have let you get stuck here.”
“Everyone gets stuck somewhere eventually, Clara. Everything ends.”
“Except you.”
“Have you been paying attention? I'm an old man now.”
“But you don't die. You change. You pop right back up with a new face.”
“No, not for ever. I can change twelve times. Thirteen versions of me. Thirteen silly Doctors.”
“Okay, so you're number eleven, so...”
“Ha. Are we forgetting Captain Grumpy, eh? I didn't call myself the Doctor during the Time War, but it was still a regeneration.”
“Okay, so you're number twelve.”
“Well, number ten once regenerated and kept the same face. I had vanity issues at the time. Twelve regenerations, Clara. I can't ever do it again. This is where I end up. This face, this version of me. We saw this planet in the future, remember? All those graves, one of them mine.”
“What? No. No!”  Elise cried. She’d lost so much and now she was going to lose him. How much longer could he hold on?
“Hey, Ellie. It’ll be alright. You’ve grown so much. You don’t need me anymore.”
“I’ll always need you.” 
“We’ve had some good times, eh?”
The sun started to set.
“Change the future,” Clara told him.
“I can't.”
“You've got your TARDIS back.”
“Ha! You think I'm just going to fly away, abandon everyone?”
“Of course not. But you've been protecting this town for over three hundred years. Do you not think it's anybody else's go yet? Can’t Elise do it?”
“There is no one else to protect it. I’d never leave Elise to fight alone.”
“It's not going to be you forever. It'll end the same way, whatever you do.”
“Every life I save is a victory. Every single one.”
“What about your life? Just for once, after all this time, have you not earned the right to think about that?”
The Doctor looked at Clara.
“Sorry. Wrong thing to say. We shouldn't be having an argument.”
“Clara, I've been having that argument for the last three hundred years in my head.”
“But you didn't have your TARDIS.”
“Ah. Yes, well, that made it easier to stay. True.”
As the sun set, thunder rolled in.
“Doctor!” Tasha’s voice said.
“Ah. Look who's woken up.”
Tasha’s face appeared in the sky. “The Church of the Silence requests parlay. Your rights and safety are sanctified.”
“I'll be right up.”
“I'm sending a transporter.”
“Nah, don't bother. I've got me motor back.”
“It's gone dark,” Clara said.
“Yeah, well, the sun's gone down.”
“Everything ends, Clara. And sooner than you think.”
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