#supernova chapter nine
opbackgrounds · 2 years
Since you are reading the older arcs, I feel like you have a better vantage point to talk about this: how do you feel Oda's pacing has changed over the years? I keep getting the sense that he's going through stuff faster than before but when I check the number of chapters for each arc, the later arcs are so much longer. I don't know if it's nostalgia but I feel like the older arcs might have been shorter but they felt really detailed and well paced.
I've actually thought about this quite a bit, and I'm convinced that the answer is in the edit.
There's a lot of factors to consider when considering this question. Firstly, the cast is much bigger now. A bigger crew requires more enemies for fights, and grander world-spanning stakes requires an equally grand second- and tertiary characters. This is an inherent problem with creating a world and story that's as big as One Piece's and Oda's hardly the only person who's ever struggled with it--Just ask fans of GRR Martin how they're holding up waiting for The Winds of Winter.
However, while some of the growth is necessary and expected, Oda's done himself no favors. The recent Road to Laugh Tale sketches show that the Red Scabbards started out with only four samurai. Personally I think five or seven would have been a better number, but just imagine how much shorter Wano would be with the samurai plot threads essentially cut in half. And, really, as cool as it was that Oda was able to sit down and come up with the Eleven Supernovas in an afternoon, once they're introduced into the story Oda has to do something with them. In one fell swoop Oda introduced nine plot lines that simply did not exist before the Sabaody Archipelago. He did the exact same thing when introducing the Seven Warlords, and while that's a cool group that definitely has a place within the world of One Piece, I understand Oda's grief when he says he wished he'd made it a smaller group.
But, what's done is done and having introduced all these characters Oda doesn't really have much choice but to use them. I think for the most part his handling of the Supernovas has been really good, weaving them within existing arcs, but not every group has been that successful. The absolutely best thing Oda could have done for his pacing is cut out a lot of the fluff and streamline the story as much as possible. That's not to say that there's not a place for character interaction and jokes, but its like finding steak with the right amount of fat. You want enough for some flavor, but not enough to ruin the cut.
And that just hasn't happened. I brought it up at the beginning of Water 7 about how tight the plotting is. Even a lot of the jokes and character interaction end up tying back into the themes and plot of the story itself. I distinctly remember a chapter early in Wano where a ton of pages were spent on a joke about Franky going from
place to place looking for blueprints to Orochi's mansion, and while it's a good joke in and of itself, it didn't do anything for the overarching story of Wano. Had Oda cut it, the story would have lost nothing and he could have used those pages on something more important. The same can be said about the cute fox story the tied into the weapon stores. It was cute and heartwarming, but the benefit to the overall story of Wano did not justify the page count Oda spent on it. And it's not just Wano, because there's no reason why everyone and their dog deserved flashbacks during Dressrosa, and Doflamingo definitely didn't need three.
That's the power of the edit. Working on a serialized schedule means editing works differently than someone making a second pass on a novel. You have to be ruthless when deciding what to cut and what to keep before anything's been drawn. Because as I've said before, making a comic is one of the least efficient ways to tell a story out there, and stupidly labor intensive even when working in black and white and using assistants.
Oda's also made several comments, more lately, about being ready for One Piece to be finished. He has a different mindset now 25 years later than a young man just starting out on his journey. I don't think the fandom appreciates just how much of his life he's given up to see this story through, the years he wasn't able to spend with his wife and children, days of little sleep cooped up in a room drawing on a grueling schedule known to kill people. That has an effect on the story itself. A person only has so much endurance, and while I'm sure Oda still loves One Piece you can definitely tell how the simple passing of time has affected how he's gone about writing it.
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 1 year
𓅨 Falling Stardust: Chapter Nine
Falling Stardust: You, an innocent and naive fallen star, tumble out of Morpheus’s cloak and get wrapped up in his possessive and dark love.
Warnings: Filth, Explicit Language, Dubious Explicit Material.
To Note: Dark!Morpheus x FemStar!Reader (Reader is Named Astra).
Word Count: ~2.2k
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Hands were running along your skin, stroking you, caressing you, following along the silver markings that gave you a unique beauty only you could have. Morpheus wanted it all and he would take it. Now. You uttered out a soft moan as he brushed his lips against your navel and grasped you just beneath your breasts. You were sure he could feel how fast your heart was beating now, racing beneath his touch. He could and it fueled his bodily desire. Morpheus nuzzled the soft skin of your breasts, letting his lips trace the gentle curve and appreciate how soft and delicate you were. As devoted as Morpheus was to his purpose and to The Dreaming, he wished for someone he could go home to and take respite in. Someone who would always be there for him, just for him. That was going to be you.
Morpheus pulled your body upwards and parted his lips, kissing the delicate skin of your breasts. Your fingers grasped at the sheets beneath your body. What you were feeling was more than just confusion at this point. The sensations your lord and king brought forth to your body had long since overtaken all thoughts of confusion. Softly moaning from Morpheus’s hot kisses against your delicate flesh, you squirmed in place and kicked out a leg. Morpheus released a hand from your side and caught your flailing limb, sliding his fingers around your thigh and pressing his fingertips into your flesh.
He gave your breast one last loving and doting kiss before raising his head to look at your flushed face. You were squeezing your eyes shut as tightly as possible and whimpering softly. Smiling at your obvious fluster and bashfulness, Morpheus rotated his head and pressed a scant few kisses against the leg he held.
“Open your eyes, my star,” Morpheus purred, allowing his lips to linger along the inner flesh of your thigh. His great prize from you only lay a scant few finger tiptoes from his mouth, and oh how he desired to feast. “Let me see your ravishing ecstasy, your stardust eyes filled with galaxies. Please my love, indulge me in my desires. Allow the absolute pleasure only you can honor me with.”
Your face burned, it seared with heat that filled your trembling limbs, excited your own strange desires, and fueled a blaze that you felt would not be put out by any normal means. Oh you felt like you were moments from combusting, going supernova with a shower of dynamic explosive grandeur. You bit down on your lip and shyly cracked your eyes open. Looming over you was a beautiful man, an extraordinary creature, and he stared down at you like you were the star that illuminated the entire universe.
“Morpheus?” Your voice was small, quiet, echoing your innocent and meek nature, and Morpheus fell in love with you all over again. The hand on your side slid up until he was grasping your jaw.
“You are supposed to be by my side when I need you,” Morpheus told you. “You are to warm by bed so I may take respite and comfort, I wish to always have your embraces and beautiful smiles, I wish to see you carefree and happy with no worries sullying your mood. Please, my star, your purpose is to inspire our people and warm the hearts of dreams and nightmares alike. Will you rob them of their queen?”
“No,” You uttered weakly, feeling the full force of his pleads and now feeling like that not only did you need Morpheus, but he needed you, he needed your light. You could finally be useful. Your hands rose from where they had been grasping the bedsheets and you cradled your lords face. “I’ll be your queen for as long as you need me.”
Morpheus’s eyes glowed at your words, knowing that as far as you needed to be concerned, he would always need you. He leaned into your touch for a few moments, basking in how your perfect star kissed touch felt against his face. Shifting in your hold, Morpheus kissed your palm, making another wave of heat flash across your face, before leaning back down to press his lips upon yours once more. His kisses might have been devouring and passionate, but they were certainly fleeting as Morpheus softly growled in hunger and shifted his focus from your beautiful face.
He gave you one last tongue curling kiss, making sure to drag yours along with his until you let out a mewl. While Morpheus hungrily laved his way down your chin and to your neck, his hands found themselves wrapped around your thighs and pulled them apart, allowing Morpheus to further wedge himself against you. Your hands slid into Morpheus’s messy hair the moment his mouth started nipping at your breasts.
“Oh,” You sounded when lips sealed over a nipple. The hot sensation of his mouth sparked up an incredible sense of pleasure that made your back lift upwards only pressing your soft and delicate flesh further against Morpheus’s mouth. At your response, Morpheus worked harder, licking at your nipple and rolling it with his tongue until your nails started to scrape his scalp. All of your motions, subtle writhing, soft delicious noises, and gentle tugs on his hair, was driving Morpheus crazy.
“I have never wanted someone to be mine like I have with you.” Morpheus groaned softly, moving down your body to repeatedly press kisses against your stomach. Ever so slowly, he was moving towards the apex of your legs, taking his time, being meticulous with how he adored and lavished your skin, your body. After, as a star you deserved nothing but the best. So when Morpheus’s mouth followed the curve of your hipbone down to your cunt, he wasted no time by tasting your star formed flesh. Your ragged gasp of surprise proceeded by a moan would have driven Morpheus to his knees had he been standing. 
Your fingernails clenched around the obsidian strands within your grasp and you stared wide eyed at the ceiling, Morpheus’s tongue lashing across your sensitive flesh in a starved fervor. No one had touched you in this manor, not even yourself. But the way it felt was unlike anything you had ever experienced, in The Dreaming or your cradle. You couldn’t help but want more, was that wrong? You didn’t care.
“Morpheus,” You whimpered, shifting in place and almost trying to escape the immense pleasure emanating from your intimate flesh. Morpheus growled and tightened his hold on your thighs, jerking your cunt back against his searing mouth and making a point to suck on a spot that made you crying out and nearly loosing your vision. The tendons in your neck became prominent and your back arched once more, elegantly as always. As he pulled more and more deliciously sweet cries from your lips, Morpheus felt the internal struggle within your body. You were trying to fight off the very experience he wished to see you enraptured by. Morpheus’s eyes once again blazed and he doubled his efforts.
You let out a few nonsensical words, your back arching and your legs jerking within his grip. This time when you tugged on Morpheus’s hair, you wern’t gentle. Your fingers tugged on the midnight strands until he could feel the physical pain… but that only drove him forward for the pleasure you felt was ecstasy to his ears. His tongue shied over your clit once more and you let out wheeze, your legs now trembling violently. You even had tears in your eyes from your efforts to not let the noxious ball of… something within your body release with a fiery crecendo.
“M-Morpheus,” You gasped out, feeling a tear streak down the side of your face and drop to the sheet in a beautiful crystal. “Please, something is wrong, I feel—“ You were cut off when you felt his tongue delve in your body. Squealing in place, you started writhing in his grip, tugging against his hold with all your might. Morpheus had an unbreakable hold on you and that hold would not break until you fell apart in waves of pleasure that would surely twist you into a creature of such exquisite beauty. You let out more cries, desperately holding onto the little thread of control you had. For a brief moment, your celestial power burst from your physical body, causing your eyes to shine with blinding light. In a panic from lack of control, you ceased your struggle against the unknown feeling in favor of reigning in your rogue power. That was all it took.
The Endless knew the moment pleasure reigned in your body, rushing through every crevice of your physical form and blooming across your beautiful striped skin. Seizing in place, your legs trembled violent in his grasp and your sweet essence flowed from your body onto his tongue. Morpheus growled in hungry satisfaction, licking up all that you had while you wailed and twisted, overwhelmed by what you were feeling. Your body fell limp while Morpheus lovingly kissed your still trembling inner thighs, sucking marks on your flesh to possessively decorate your flesh. When you had finally caught your breath, your hands reached up and you pressed your palms into your eyes.
“I’m sorry,” You whispered out with wobbling lips and a whimper. Morpheus eyed you, wondering why in all the endless realms had you thought you needed to apologize for such an exquisite reaction. You had been utter perfection, responding to each and every little touch and kiss. Oh you has responded to Morpheus touch far more then he had ever expected. Nothing in his endless life had ever been more beautiful than you consumed in utter ecstasy. Stroking his hands down your outer thighs and placing a few kisses along your hipbone, Morpheus made his way back up your body to caress your covered face. He could even feel the heat of your embarrassment beneath your silver striped skin. Morpheus pulled your hands away from your face.
Your face was flushed, still echoing your sweet, sweet ecstasy, but you still looked utterly ashamed.
“For what reason does my star need to hide from me?” Morpheus cooly questioned you, his eyes staring into yours with serious. Your lips parted to answer but you floundered for words.
“I— my lord—“ His eyes darkened and you scrambled to correct yourself. “Morpheus—“ You uttered weakly. “I do not understand what happen to my body, I lost control and I—“ He cut you off by running a finger over your lips, adoring their softness and purity. Only he would have the pleasure of drinking from your flesh.
“You have done nothing wrong, my sweet Astra,” He purred at you, eyes glowing a soft silver. “Your bodily reactions were normal and I expect that very reaction each and every time I indulge myself in the bodily pleasures you will grace me with.” Your face was hot once more. He wanted more of your loss of control? It wasn’t that you minded, it wasn’t an uncomfortable feeling and appeared to make him happy… but it made you lose your inhibitions. You couldn’t seem to control yourself when he did this to you. Perhaps that is what he wanted from you, what your job would be.
“If that will make you happy and give me purpose, Morpheus, I will gladly be of service to you.” You replied meekly, your cheeks still feeling hot from the sounds he had made and the sensations he caused within your physical being. “I— I mean if that it what you wish from me… you said you wanted me to be a queen. Is that what queens do?” Morpheus’s eyes sparkled with happiness and hope filled you. Your words made him happy, and that was what mattered.
“I want you to be my queen.” Morpheus corrected you. “And I have only just scratched the surface of what I wish to indulge in, my star, for I fear I shall never have enough of your bodily flesh nor your celestial embrace.” He nuzzled your neck and placed a few kisses over the space where he could feel your celestial force humming just beneath your skin. You shifted beneath him, only now just becoming aware of how damp you were between your legs. Oh had you peed yourself!? Oh but if you had, that would mean you had— Morpheus grasped your chin and stroked your jaw, knowing exactly what was running through your mind.
“Do not be ashamed my love, that was natural,” Morpheus soothed you. Natural? His lips nibbled on your jaw and sliding his other hand back down your body, he stroked your thigh, smirking when your muscles twitched from his touch. Collecting the moisture clinging to your inner thigh, Morpheus raised his wet fingers and pressed them against your lips. “Open.” Obediently you opened your mouth and Morpheus slipped his fingers into your mouth. It was a strange taste that reminded you of your home, the cosmos. “Now do you see what the result of your pleasure brings me? I crave you and your celestial light. Don’t ever deny me that, my precious star.” Morpheus murmured, letting his fingers dance across your tongue until he was satisfied that you had tasted every last drop.
“I won’t,” You whispered, once again feeling hot within your body. Morpheus looked pleased, more than pleased, and he was. But now he wanted more.
“Good, for now I wish for the heat and warmth of your flesh, your celestial cries of pleasure, the delights of your serendipitous beauty. You will give them to me, my love, for that is now your duty.”
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Date Published: 3/15/23
Last Edit: 4/4/23
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sharpnothashtag · 1 year
The Good Ship CrushWay, Chapter 61
All except Joy, Riker, and DeAnna pick up their phasers and fire on a different traitor.
Joy: Set phasers to kill!
They do so. After several sustained blasts, the traitors begin to phase and glitch out of existence. Once they are all gone, a white-hot light blinds the entire party. They all fall back, and what I can best describe as a puddle of goo approaches them.
Joy: (sitting up) Wha--? Goo: (many voices whispering as one) What have you done? Joy: I have betrayed the betrayers of time. I have avenged my father. Goo: The boh-GED as you knew them were history's traitors, but they weren't just traitors.
The Goo goes up into the sky and becomes The Mighty Nine. They spin around in the sky, and as they do, they transform. Ja'Rod-a caring, kind father; Rula-a fair judge; Intendant Kira-a generous lover; the rest show a softer side of themselves.
Joy: They still committed unspeakable atrocities. The Mighty Nine: No one acts alone. Joy: But, my father-- Brutus: Was just a spirit. Joy: No one is just anything. The Mighty Nine: Our point exactly.
The rest of the crew wakes. KJ walks up to Joy.
KJ: Joy, we're behind you. We'd do it again in a heartbeat. You got justice for your father. Joy: What I got was revenge, not justice. KJ: These people murdered your people in cold blood just because they thought they were a lower form of life. Joy: But they're people. KJ: (getting Joy to face her) Everyone is deeply flawed. That is not a sign of weakness. That is life. (addressing The Mighty Nine) They took a life to repay a life taken. That balances out. The Mighty Nine: (addressing Joy) Did you come here to kill Brutus? Joy: No. When we arrived, he was here, and it--just happened. KJ: Someone fired on our ship! They brought it down, onto the planet. Who shot us down? The Mighty Nine: We did. Wesley: What kind of weapon is that?! The Mighty Nine: It is fueled by our suns. Wesley: Is that why your suns are going supernova? The Mighty Nine: Yes. We realized too late. Joy: Will you please start over from the beginning? I want to understand.
The Goo comes back together as Goo and then, it forms into Joy's father.
Goo: Many years ago, Brutus, made to protect this world--this system by force, began killing spirits. He believed them to be inferior to the Kaanor hosts. Joy, your father was one of the many Brutus killed. (The Goo forms into Brutus again.) Brutus was a mighty, powerful being. Too powerful according to some. KJ: What about the others? Goo: There were no others. (Brutus becomes smaller, and the rest of the mighty nine are formed off of him.) Brutus divided himself into nine to watch over the nine planets in this system. The Kaanor developed a weapon using the power of their seven suns, and Brutus took advantage of that to bring you down here. Riker: (weakly) Starfleet sent me on a top secret, peaceful, undercover informational mission. Everyone had to think I was dead. Once my antenna fell off, Brutus was alerted. I was able to outrun him and send a message to the Captain, but then he found me and beat me senseless. Goo: He wanted to run a test on all of you. When you found Riker, Brutus wanted to see if there would be any negotiation. He didn't know about you, Joy. Joy: Then I killed him. And I got everyone else to kill the others. Q: (appearing out of nowhere, with frailty) and you have now become the first being in the history of all the universes to kill a Q. Picard: Brutus was a Q?! Q: There was only he and I. He was a part of me. Now there is no Q continuum. There is only me. Picard: No one to keep you in line?! Q: (sitting down on the ground) Yes. (slowly) I am alone. (to Patrick) I told you not to come! Patrick: I couldn't have known this was going to happen. Q: (screaming) DON'T YOU SEE?! I AM NOT WHOLE! (He turns to his side, and we see that he is literally half of himself--viscera and other things are hanging out of him. Riker vomits.) Patrick: (very freaked out) Beverly, isn't there anything you can do? Bev: (shocked, scanning) His physiology is too different from our own--I can't heal him. Patrick: Can you live like this? Q: No. I'm dying. And I'm afraid.
Picard, Riker, DeAnna, Beverly, KJ, Data, Daneel, and Wesley politely rise and walk back toward the ship. Patrick and Joy sit on either side of Q.
Joy: (gently) When I die, I sing this song--I'm not sure why, but I do. It's kind of comforting. Down in the valley, valley so low Hang your head over hear the wind blow Hear the wind blow dear, hear the wind-- Q: (clearly in a great deal of pain, struggling to speak clearly) You sing it when you die because that was what your father sang when he died. He wanted you to hear his voice on the wind. When you die, you get to be close to him. Joy: (silently crying, singing softly) Hear the wind blow, dear. Hear the wind blow Hang your head over, hear the wind blow. Patrick: I'm here, Q. I'm holding you. Rest now. (tearing up) Go to Ian. They are waiting for you.
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lale-txt · 2 years
Top 3 arcs and why? For sleepover questions!
oi (o´ω`o)ノ
i have no particular order, but i think it‘s those three:
Sabaody: for uhhh Rayleigh reasons (´⌣`ʃƪ) but also because so much was happening, it really felt like the calm before the storm (aka Marineford and big timeskip). i like it because it was the last time we see all Strawhats together before the timeskip and the scene where Luffy has to watch them all disappear is years later still so heartbreaking. also seeing all Supernova in one place, idk it just held some kind of tension and the promise that big things are coming; looking back it feels like a breaking point for OP, opening the doors for all the things that are happening now
Wano: i know the common complaints about Wano and i get some of them, but it‘s still an arc i enjoyed so much (and still do, watching the anime). i can‘t go into detail because it would spoil anime only watchers but i really loved Wano. it had so many interesting chars appearing (like the Akazaya Nine and the Tobi Roppo), it was nice seeing the Strawhats together again after two arcs of being separated, seeing some familiar faces again, King face reveal lmao, babygirl Kaido, Kid blushing, Jinbei finally joining, witnessing chapter 1000 and episode 1000 as well, idk it felt huge to me after watching OP since i was a kid.
Punk Hazard: i‘m a Smoker‘s girl after all and of course i feasted in this arc (●'◡'●)ノ♥ but also for many other reasons. i loved the start of a long alliance with Law, being introduced to Kin & Momo who also accompanied them for SO long after that, i‘m also a sucker for pirates & marines collaborating for a greater good, it was just a fun arc that wasn‘t overly stretched out
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fallensnowfan · 2 years
After bouncing ideas around for a post involving the WT100 popularity poll results for a while, I decided writing out my quick thoughts of the top 50 sounds fun. Don’t take this too seriously, it’s meant to be mostly silly or light-hearted.
Luffy - Always fun to see what following him leads to, a little guy.
Zoro - Like him a lot, though want to see him have more big moments that aren't fights.
Nami - My favorite character in the series, has been given so many varying roles and pulls them all off. Her belief in Luffy during the escape from Whole Cake and when refusing to back down against Ulti, and later Kaido when he claims that Luffy was defeated, are so cool.
Sanji - Once my favorite Straw Hat, has gradually fallen to least favorite since Thriller Bark.
Law - Good character, I'm just not much for moody gloomy characters, not much to say.
Robin - Seeing her gradually develop such a strong belief and connection to her friends is wonderful. Her doing the Huh face at after learning that Luffy was defeated by Kaido is what perfect character development looks like.
Hancock - I think she's a great character though the way the story has handled her trauma is less than ideal to me. Healing from trauma is not so linear, there are relapses, creeping doubts, etc. Her story including some of that and having her work through it by relying on others who have been through similar experiences, Koala perhaps, would make her character that much greater.
Carrot - Chapter 888 is so cool. Best bunny little sister. Pedroooo!
Ace - No strong opinion.
Sabo - No strong opinion, though kinda feel he overshadows Koala a bit too much, who I like much more.
Yamato - Fun character though is built on traits from characters that were already established. Luffy's energy, Tama has a connection to Ace that feels more natural, Kin'emon is Momo's father/mentor, and the Akazaya love Oden more than anyone and inherited his will. The unique part of Yama's character is a wish to be accept by the samurai of Wano, something that has happened now. His story feels complete, though if I were asked why I think his story was included in the manga, I don't think I could give an answer. Forcing Luffy away from reaching the Scabbards on the roof was a stupid and grossly selfish move from Yamato.
Shanks - Mystery man, what are you up to, Red Hair?
Corazon - He's a great character, very intense about his goals and cares a lot the people and things he wants to protect. His dynamics with the Doffy family had me very invested in that story.
Katakuri - Best donut-loving big bro.
Usopp - When he's at his best, he is amazing, though isn't consistently depicted as his best.
Chopper - Me: "Doctor Chopper! I'm impressed by your amazing medical skills, you're so skilled at such a young age!"
Chopper: "Shut up asshole! You saying that doesn't make me happy at all! ehehe." Chopper is so cute y'all. ahhh
Crocodile - Still no backstory yet he doesn't even need one to be one of the best villain in the series. A real love to hate kinda guy.
Jinbei - Shark uncle, we all thought he would be logical with Robin but he just lets Luffy do what he wants(mostly,) amazing.
Marco - Fruit-shaped bird.
Doflamingo - I want to punch him in the face.
Vivi - The original princess, I love her and Luffy's dynamic as leaders that learned from the other.
Bon Clay - The queen of last minutes saves. Bon's introduction wasn't perfect though he has been framed in a positive way and been a great ally since helping the crew escape Hina. I think he's great.
Kidd -  Angry magnet man, I like many of the Supernovas introduced during Sabaody and Kidd is one of the group I enjoy more, though also agree with Oda, nine was perhaps too many.
Oden - Good on him for gathering and uniting the group of wonderful retainers. Terrible leader until he is a great one. No in between measures exist within this man.
Perona - I love how extra she is, I know many find her annoying but that makes her even funnier for me. Acts so above it all though is just as much of a dumb weirdo as Zoro, in her own way. If she had joined the crew at the end of Thriller Bark, I would have been all for it.
Brook - Brook and Thriller Bark signify the biggest shift in what One Piece is as a story in terms of tone and how bizarre it can be. He often fell to the wayside after joining, though has a fantastic story. Really got to shine during Whole Cake and Wano as a great support crew member, graciously allowing others to take the spotlight. Yohohoho.
Smoker - Top ten introductions to a character in the series. At the rate he gets promotions, earned or otherwise, he'll outrank Imu by series end.
Franky - Suuuuuuper! Leave it to Franky. He's great and always reliable for his crew. Can't help but feel kinda bad for the guy. He was so loved pre-ts(not that I was caught up at the time) though just doesn't get as much from the readers these days.
Roger - The man who started it all. The only reason he was allowed to take over the Wano flashback for a bit was because Oda needed time to establish his himbofication. So silly that he told Neptune he thought his daughter would be hairy.
Mihawk - His sudden appearance at the Baratie is what got me hooked on One Piece. Just so cool with his coffin boat and vampire aesthetic. Vastly under-prepared for suddenly gaining two goth family members to take care of and I love it.
Whitebeard - Always the Pops to his crew, wanted a family and was able to have one.
Merry - Best girl.
Rayleigh - He's the best greasy mentor a fella like Luffy could ask for. Love the guy's carefree attitude.
Buggy - He's the great Captain Buggy, words are useless to describe his majesty.
Enel - Playboy acting out the role of god. Part of me hopes that he never shows up again and Oda never explains why beyond a "he left to another galaxy" or some nonsense. I would find that hilarious for reasons I'm unable to explain.
Aokiji - Mystery man the second, what are you up to, ice man?
Woop Slap - Mayor guy.
Tashigi - People are always wondering if Tashigi is Kuina but no! I figured it out. Kuina is Kuina and Tashigi is Mocha's sword friend!
Reiju - Best part about Reiju and the Vinsmoke siblings as characters is that they show that it's okay to leave harmful blood family behind.
Barto - Broccoli.
X Drake - Quadruple agent shy boy. I want to see his dino ability. He has always been present throughout the New World though hasn't really been given the spotlight, yet I'm hoping.
Koby - First and foremost now, I can't help but think of him as Hibari's senpai. He's grown so much since we met him.
Rob Lucci - Die
Garp - Intense guy who has been through a lot and usually expresses himself through violence.
Pudding - I could write an essay about her, I'll keep it short and say she's one of Oda's most complex characters and so much is shown about how the Charlotte family operates through getting to know Pudding.
Blackbeard - Would you believe me if I told you that it took me until I was reading Zou to realize that he was cherry pie guy? The roughly eight-year break I took between Water 7(just before the Sunny was first uncovered) and Thriller Bark is probably the reason. It really shaped how I view the character and I still find it hard to think of him as a villain because of it. It's somewhat like he and cherry pie guy are different characters in my head, but I know they're the same. It's weird.
Kiku - Perfect and beautiful and resilient and...
Izo - Very cool dual wielder and dramatic in the best way, a legend. I can't believe this man is in his 40s, he's so silly.
Hiyori - Her friendship with Toko is adorable, Kawamatsu is best kappa dad, and there's no way she isn't concealing knives, poisons, seastone needles, etc. in the sleeves or obi of her kimono at all times, Denjiro taught her well. When and how did she learn that someone she could trust was keeping her father's swords safe? When Oden gave his swords to Toki, Sukiyaki would have been imprisoned at the time, though he knew he had grandkids at the end of the arc. Either something is up or Oda didn't quite figure out the details to make everything line up, which is possible.
Shirahoshi - My favorite princess in the series, she is great and so is Otohime and her bros. Has potential to be an all time favorite. I want to see her, Jinbei, Nami, Nojiko, Koala, Hachi, and Aladdin all gather together in one place and all be cute.
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welcometophu · 2 years
The Meaning of Home: Chapter 27
The Meaning of Home Chapter 27
Tags for all Welcome to PHU novels will be available at the PHU tag list on Pillowfort. This list is under construction as of Sept. 5, 2021.
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The day ends with a fire in the fire pit, and nine children gathered with sticks and copious amounts of marshmallows, graham crackers, and different kinds of chocolate. Pawel isn’t sure that having that much readily available sugar is wise, but Jennie seems content as long as she has her own designated pile of sweets covering the entire seat of one camp chair. She’s meticulous with roasting her marshmallows; Pawel lost count after she ate her sixth s’more.
Chelsea helps Alanna get her marshmallow off the stick so that Alanna can shove it in her mouth whole and forgo the rest of the fixings. “I’ve got this,” Chelsea says, reaching for a fresh marshmallow. “You guys can go… be dads, and enjoy the last bit of Father’s Day in peace.”
“Conor,” Pawel says quietly. His son looks over, an expression of complete innocence despite the flame in his palm that Emma holds her marshmallow over. When Pawel coughs, Conor sighs dramatically and shakes the flame out.
“Fine. We’ll use the fire. It’s crowded,” Conor complains.
He’s not wrong. All the children have staked spaces out, with Mac wedged in between Nevaeh and Duke. Leo and Colt already made their s’mores and escaped. Pawel hasn’t even tried to get close yet.
“If I’m going to act like a dad, I should probably stay right here,” Pawel mutters. “I don’t think we should leave you alone with all this chaos.”
“I’m here,” Mac points out, speaking with her mouth full. “Hey, Duke, fire.” She nudges him, and Duke pulls the stick close to blow out the flames surrounding his marshmallow. He grins and peels the char away before eating the sticky, gooey insides.
“They’ll be fine.” Leo is suddenly there, his body warm against Pawel’s side, and his hand hot on Pawel’s back. He holds out a s’more, oozing marshmallow and smelling of warm peanut butter. “Dark chocolate peanut butter cup,” he says. When Pawel goes to take it, Leo holds it out for him to bite.
Pawel meets his gaze, and Leo arches both eyebrows in challenge. Fine. Pawel opens his mouth, inhaling the bittersweet of the chocolate just before the sticky sugar hits his tongue. The graham cracker crumbles, and Pawel is fairly certain that the birds will get more of it than he does. Leo waits for Pawel to chew and swallow before offering the remainder. Cheeks warm, Pawel manages to gather it in his fingers this time and shoves it all in his mouth at once. He licks the chocolate and sugar from his skin, looking up when he hears a strangled sound from Colt.
“They’ll be fine.” Colt echoes Leo’s words and grabs Pawel by the shoulders, turning him to face the house. “You have stuff all over your face and hands. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“I’m not three. I can clean myself,” Pawel protests.
“Take all the time you need!” Mac calls cheerfully after them. “We’re good here!”
Matt makes a loud, wounded noise. “Jennie! You don’t need more marshmallows!”
“These are chocolate,” Jennie says calmly. “Mine are vanilla. They’ll taste really good together. You can have some too.” Her voice lowers, and Pawel just barely hears her loud whisper, “I’m going to sparkle like the stars tonight.”
“Don’t you worry about her?” Pawel asks as Colt opens the door, and Leo nudges him inside, into the kitchen.
“Not much anymore, no, although if she goes supernova we might have a problem,” Colt says. He runs the water at the sink, soaking a paper towel. “Supernova,” he repeats when neither Pawel nor Leo have a response. “Because she’s going to be a star.”
“We got it,” Leo says dryly. He takes the paper towel from Colt and gently slides it over Pawel’s lips. Colt wets another one and takes Pawel’s hands and somehow they’re taking care of him like he can’t be trusted to take care of himself.
“I can do that,” he mumbles, but they won’t let him take the towels. Their touch glides over his skin, careful and gentle, and leaving a shimmer inside of him that sparks from his fingertips. Colt lets go of him as sparks fly, then sets aside the wet towel so he can take Pawel’s fingers again. The bright flickers leap from Pawel to Colt, and Colt rubs his thumb against his fingertips as if to encourage more.
Leo drops his towel on the counter, his other hand sliding behind the nape of Pawel’s neck. “You were worried after Colt kissed you,” he says softly. “Why don’t we make things even?”
It takes Pawel a moment to catch up; the feel of Colt’s touch interacting with his magic is a distraction. It’s been so long since he felt like this, like his power was bubbling just under his skin, waiting to escape. “You want to kiss me,” he says dumbly, a statement that makes Leo laugh.
“Very much,” Leo agrees. “But unlike some people,” his gaze slides to Colt, who manages to look innocent, “I’m going to ask first.”
Colt raises Pawel’s hand, touching his lips to his fingertips. “Leo got to spend the weekend with you before I did. I wanted the first kiss.” Sparks dance from Pawel to Colt, lighting up the crinkles around his eyes when he smirks.
“This time,” Pawel says. His heart is racing, and he’s sure Leo can hear it by the way his gaze drops and his head cocks like he’s listening. “I dated Leo before you.”
“Semantics,” Colt dismisses it. “This is a fresh start. Third time’s the charm. And we both want to kiss you.”
“When you’re ready,” Leo adds.
When he’s ready. If Pawel stops to think about it, he might never be ready. He feels like he’s stepped off a cliff and is falling headlong into something uncontrollable. Something that will consume him like a fire, or explode like fireworks. Something that he doesn’t know which way it’ll go, or where life will take him next. There is so much going on, and this is his life at rest. His life with his child, these other children, these two men, his ex-girlfriend, his best friend, his father…. His mind is spinning while Leo and Colt hold him anchored here: Leo’s hand on his neck, Colt holding his hand.
Pawel nods, and licks his lips. “You can’t keep your hands of off me as it is,” he says, trying for light but his voice is too hoarse. “So. Yes.”
Leo swallows the last hiss of the word, stealing it from Pawel’s lips. There’s a hint of bitter and sweet, dark chocolate on his breath. Pawel breaks away long enough to inhale, and Leo chases him, covering his mouth and deepening the kiss, licking at the seam of his lips until Pawel opens to grant him access. Leo’s hand slides from the nape of his neck down to Pawel’s back, tugging him closer as Pawel slides his arms over Leo’s shoulders. He tastes like familiarity and home, but there’s also something new there. An edge of hunger that Pawel doesn’t remember from hours and hours of making out long ago.
The touch to his shoulder draws him back; Leo’s palm against his face nudges him to turn to look at Colt, who is there, waiting. Colt’s hands rest on both their shoulders, and his eyes are wide. Hopeful. “Please,” Colt whispers. All his overconfidence is gone. Pawel remembers this look, the way Colt would let the façade drop when they were alone. How Colt trusted him enough to show his vulnerabilities.
“Please,” Leo echoes, and it’s like a bolt of lightning to realize that they aren’t just asking for themselves. Leo wants this for Colt.
“Yes,” Pawel says, leaning down to meet Colt and brush the word across his lips. There’s a soft sound of surprise as Pawel initiates the contact, then Colt’s hands come up, framing his face as he leans into the kiss. Leo huffs a soft laugh, his arms around them both, gathering them close.
It’s weird. It’s comfortable. Colt’s smiling as Pawel kisses him, smirking by the time Pawel finally pulls back. “You owe Leo another,” Colt points out. “So we stay even.”
“If we keep going, this is going to turn into a full-out makeout session,” Pawel says dryly, “and at some point I do need to leave with my kid.”
He thinks Colt might be about to object, but Leo silences him with a kiss. Kissing really is remarkably effective for that. Pawel could say it’s the one time Colt is silent, his arguments swallowed down, but he forgot that Colt is never silent. There are soft sounds—low whines and whimpers and tiny hisses of encouragement—and all of those coil low in Pawel’s gut. When Pawel gives in to instinct and reaches out, Colt meets him, grabbing on to his shoulders to raise up to match Pawel’s height, his kiss hard and hungry. Leo growls low in his throat, burying his face against Pawel’s shoulder. His teeth scrape, and Pawel shudders as he feels Leo’s sharp nip.
“Don’t leave a mark,” Pawel stutters. Colt breaks their kiss with a surprised snicker, and Leo lowers his head to Pawel’s shoulder, his lips rubbing against the soft crook of his neck.
“Sorry,” Leo murmurs the words into his skin, licking at him with his tongue.
Pawel exhales, trying to regain some control over himself. He nudges at both of them, and they step back, giving him space so he can rearrange his t-shirt. He touches his shoulder, and Leo’s fingers tangle with his. 
“It’s under your shirt,” Leo assures him. He presses down with his thumb, grinning as he rubs lightly. Warmth floods Pawel at the touch. That must be where the mark is, and now that Leo has pointed it out, Pawel is all too aware of its presence.
Pawel hopes no one notices it. It’s not a conversation he’s ready to have yet with his father. Or Conor. Or Chelsea.
“You could stay here tonight,” Colt suggests. His voice is low and too careful, the kind of light that tries to sound like it means nothing, when it’s obvious that this suggestion means everything to him. “Conor has clothes here, and it’s no trouble to get him on the bus with Emma. I know Chelsea can get home—wherever that is—on her own.”
“Mac,” Pawel says, offering her name like the excuse it is. He could stay, sure. He could go upstairs and sleep in that big bed with Leo and Colt—just sleep; he’s not ready for anything more. They could play house, and it’d be too much, too fast, and he doesn’t even know where this is going. He still feels like an interloper, knowing that he has to go back to his life in Unity, and his job at PHU. “Her car is at my place. I need to give her a ride home.”
She could probably teleport there, even if it took a few hops. Pawel knows this. Colt and Leo probably know this, after hearing exactly who she is. 
“Another time,” Leo says, one hand up as if to still any objection from Colt. “Just remember, that bed is big enough for three. We’d love to have you here.”
“Are you thinking of installing a bath at the new house?” Pawel is suddenly reminded of the spacious baths in Alaric’s home, and the Clan habits of soaking together. “Did you have that tradition in your family?”
“We didn’t, but I’ve heard of Clan who do. It sounds like a nice way to relax, but it isn’t critical. I want to ensure that we have enough space for everyone who is going to live with us,” Leo says.
“Everyone,” Colt repeats firmly. 
“Dad?” The back door squeaks open as Conor yells out. “Am I staying here tonight? Is Emma coming home with us? Can we set off fireworks?”
It’s a jarring set of questions, and Pawel blinks to get his brain on track before answering. “No, we’ll be going home. Yes, if she wants to, and Colt and Leo agree. No, definitely not. Did someone bring fireworks?”
Conor steps into the kitchen, Mac behind him waving her hands in a way that Pawel thinks is meant to mean it wasn’t her. “Oh,” Conor says, his gaze shifting to the door. “Matt was talking about it, and Jaiden starting wondering what it’d be like, and Chelsea said she could go get some.”
“No,” Pawel says as sharply as he can manage, a quick shot of magic boosting his voice louder than both Colt and Leo as they echo him.
“I already told her that,” Mac assures him. She puts her hands on Conor’s shoulders and switches places with him, nudging him back out the door. “Magical sparks are fine. Jennie’s sparkling is fine. Actual fireworks are not. If Chelsea can summon her own magic, that’s fine, too. Let’s keep this within reason.”
“Thirty minutes,” Pawel calls out, hoping Conor hears him. “We’re going to head home in thirty minutes.”
Colt and Leo look at each other, and Pawel wishes he could read minds. Whatever silent conversation they have is likely enhanced by Colt’s ability to read auras and Leo’s nose taking in subtle changes in scent. “I’ll get Emma’s things together, in case she needs more clothes at your place,” Colt offers. “Leo will keep an eye on whatever the kids are getting up to.”
“And Chelsea,” Pawel reminds them. “Her impulse control is more nineteen than twenty-nine. And… thank you.” The words are soft and meant for more than just keeping an eye on things and packing things: thanks for being patient, and for letting go when he needs them to.
He waits until they’re all gone—Colt further into the house, and Leo and Conor back outside. Mac leans on the door to the hallway, her head tilting as the doors down the hall all close. “So,” she says.
Pawel is positive his skin is still flushed. When he presses the heels of his hands to his cheeks he feels warm, and even knowing the place where Leo bit him—where Leo bit him—can’t be seen, he can feel it. “So,” he replies, knowing from her giggle that he fails at nonchalance. 
“You okay?”
He’s not sure exactly which part Mac’s asking about. Could be a few things, but underneath it all, he supposes the answer is simple. “I’m okay,” he tells her. “Confused. Uncertain. Not sure how any of this works—”
“You know exactly how polyamory and triads work,” Mac interrupts him. “It’s not hard, Pawel.”
She’s not wrong, but at the same time… she’s not right. Pawel lowers his head, the heels of his hands pressed against his eyes now as he exhales. “It’s complicated, Mac. We all have lives outside of each other. Colt and Leo have a home here, and jobs, and their kids are settled into school. I have my work at PHU, and Conor has his school and Alan.”
“So?” Mac pushes off the wall and moves closer to stand in front of him. She wraps her fingers around his wrists and gently moves his hands so when he looks down she’s right there. “No one is asking you to rearrange your entire future right this second. Are they? Was there a proposal when I wasn’t looking? You have to talk about things, and I don’t mean to me. To them. If you’re worried about something, talk about it. Figure it out. You’re so good at that when it’s for someone else, and such a dummy when it’s about you.”
“Pull your punches, why don’t you?” he mutters.
“Commit to the kick,” she counters. “Pawel, subtlety is lost on you. If I try to insinuate something, you’ll take it however works best inside your own head and completely ignore the most important truth: you don’t have to be alone.”
“Neither do you.” 
Pawel regrets the words as soon as Mac steps backwards, releasing him. She hooks her fingers in her belt loops, turning away. “You’re right,” she says softly. “But I’m not exactly ready to move on yet. You, on the other hand.” She looks back at him. “You’ve been overthinking this since you first ran into them. If you can’t get them out of your head, then maybe you are ready to move on. Or at least make a move. Take baby steps, but commit to them. Stop waffling, because you’ll never get where you want to go that way.”
He settles his hands on the edge of the counter, slumping as his head tilts back. There’s movement out of the corner of his eye, and a hint of fruity scent; something falls in the pantry, and the scent is gone. “Jennie must’ve run out of marshmallows,” he murmurs.
“Do you want to be involved in their lives?” Mac asks. “Jennie and her sparkling. Nevaeh, Duke, Emma, all of them? Do you still feel something for Leo and Colt?”
“I wouldn’t have stood here kissing them if I didn’t.” Pawel tries not to look at her; he knows she’s grinning and doesn’t need to see it. 
“Then take it one day at a time, and talk to them when you’re worried about it.” Mac comes in close again, wrapping her arms around him and holding on hard until there’s nothing left for him to do but hold on to her as well. “You’ll figure it out, but you have to take a chance on it. It’s obvious they want you to, and I think that if you didn’t want to, you’d be long gone back to Unity by now.”
She’s right. Pawel can see that objectively. It’s hard to look at—hard to think about it directly—but if he really didn’t want to be here, he wouldn’t be. He’s good at extracting himself from difficult places. He lets out a low groan, bumping his forehead against the top of her head. “Apparently I like complications.”
“To those of us who know you well, that is not at all a surprise.” Mac laughs at his expression, and fine, he’ll take the teasing. And the advice. Baby steps, one at a time. He can do that. It’s the talking that’ll be the hard part.
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crygimethydgoode · 2 months
Just Take Me Home Masterlist - Tia Kofi x La Grande Dame, Plane Jane x Nymphia Wind Summer in Italy college abroad/ tour guide AU
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La Grande Dame fled to Italy from France when she was only 16. She wouldn’t meet the hilarious, corny Jane and quiet, reserved Gothy for another two years. This would be their third summer together guiding a group of college kids around Italy before they studied abroad.
Dada just wanted to get the tour over with, like always. Jane just wanted everyone to call her Plane. Gothy just didn't want to crash the bus. But instead they were met with Crystal, who just wanted to smoke on balconies. Nymphia, who just wanted to take cute insta pics. And Tia, who just wanted to enjoy time not spent in her suffocating hometown…
And she figured Italy would be the perfect place for a summer fling.
“I swear to god it was like something out of a fucking movie,” Tia giggled. In the front of the bus, Jane gave Dada her signature knowing look. Dada met her eyes, shaking her head.
“Any idea what they’re talking about?” Jane asked, brow cocked.
“Shut up, Jane.” Dada looked back to see Tia, head leaned against the window, blushing as she gushed to Crystal and Nymphia in a hushed voice. They sat next to her, expressions changing from dropped jaws to giddy smiles. Dada looked back at Jane, smiling. “She’s talking about me.”
Ao3 Link
Chapter one: solar power - perugia
Chapter two: one of your girls - florence
Chapter three: hot to go! - venice
chapter four: guilty pleasure/guilty as sin? - milan
chapter five: red wine supernova - genoa
chapter six: rome coming soon
chapter seven: naples coming soon
chapter eight: amalfi coming soon
chapter nine: sardinia coming soon
chapter ten: perugia coming soon
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
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A rogue storm had her presumed dead and stranded on the red planet. Left on her own, astronaut Aelin Galathynius has four years to make it to the next drop-site, some two thousand miles. Armed with her smarts and dwindling supplies, Aelin attempts to survive on an inhospitable planet, when the nearest help is only millions of miles away.
masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter 
Rowan wasn’t breathing. Wasn’t doing anything but fighting against the tether as Aelin let go in every way possible.
Aelin was so tired. She was so gods-damned tired. “It’s ok, Ro, I’m ok-“
“Don’t let go, you can’t let go!” He couldn’t live without her. He’d done it for over a year and he couldn’t – refused to do it again. “You’re not letting go, Ae, don’t you dare let go.”
The comms were silent save for his yells and Aelin’s soft reassurance. The crew was sitting in a horrified silence as they listened, powerless to change her mind.
Nesryn’s gaze was locked on the computer screen, feeling queasy as the distance grew smaller and smaller. She didn’t want to interrupt Rowan’s concentration, but, “Distance to target – seven metres.”
She was so close, Aelin was so close and upon hearing the distance, she half-sobbed, keeping her arm reached out to Rowan as the tether slipped free and he blasted towards her, desperately reaching as their hands brushed against each other’s and she was in his arms seconds later. “Ro,” she croaked, smiling so widely as their helmets knocked together.
“Aelin,” he said, tears blurring his vision. “I got her.” Cheers erupted throughout the comms and Mission Control. “I got her.”
“Lochan, bring them in,” said Lorcan, a smile on his face that no one but Elide ever saw.
“Copy that, Commander.” The MMU moved backwards and Aelin clung harder to Rowan, closing her eyes as tears slipped down her cheeks and she smiled. It seemed the gods had finally answered her prayers.
Everyone was waiting in the inner airlock as they floated in. Aelin waved to them through the window as the outer door closed and Rowan helped her snap her helmet off. The door hissed and Elide was the first one to reach her, the others hanging back – letting the sisters have a minute. Lorcan could just make out Elide’s threats through her tears, “…ever do that shit again, I’ll kill you.”
Aelin laughed and groaned, “Don’t make me laugh, my ribs are broken.”
Elide let go of her, wiping the blonde’s tears away before the rest of the crew swarmed her, enveloping her in a snug hug, careful to not squeeze too hard. Nobody mentioned what Rowan had confessed, just so unbelievably happy to have their girl back.
Nobody knew how long it was until they reluctantly let go and moved as one to the medical bay, waiting anxiously as Rowan checked her out. With a smile, he lifted his head, letting the stethoscope down, “You’re good, Ace. Ribs are broken and I’ll set you up with an IV and might need a feeding tube to replenish the calories you’re missing, but you’re good.”
The crew let out a relieved breath and Rowan relayed the information to Manon. Aelin waggled her brows at Lorcan and Elide, who were standing by the door. Elide was leaning back against Lorcan’s front, his hands in the front pocket of her hoodie. “So, is there going to be mini Lorcan or Elide at the wedding?”
Elide groaned, their sex life was something the crew had always loved to tease them about, “Anneith below, why did we come back for you?” Lorcan just winked at Aelin and bent down to whisper to Elide, nipping at the soft shell of her ear. Her cheeks turned pink as she elbowed him in the stomach as a response, “You’re disgusting. Both of you.” A sly grin grew over her lips as Aelin and the rest of the crew cackled.
Rowan chuckled and knelt, searching for a roll of gauze to wrap her ribs. “You’re gonna need to strip, so…” he arched a brow and she nodded.
“Bye, guys,” she told the rest of the crew. They all got up from their various positions and waved goodbye to her, hesitant to leave, as if she would slip away again. “I’ll be fine. Go,” she shooed them away, smiling softly as they left and the door clicked shut behind them.
Silent as he worked, Rowan ignored the feeling of her gaze burning into him as he wrapped her ribs, “How’s that feel?”
Aelin breathed in slowly, it was snug. “Good, really sore still.”
“If it’s still sore later, let me know, I can get you-“
“You love me?”
Her words had him choking and looking up from the IV he was preparing. “I-I…”
“I heard you, buzzard. Was it a lie to get me to hold on?” A heartbreaking light fractured her eyes and Rowan cursed himself, quick to shake his head.
“What? Gods, no, it wasn’t a lie, Ae.” He floundered, searching for the right words, “I know… we didn’t always get along very well and I was an ass, but I love you.” He waited for her response, tensing as he prepared to hear the worst. When she stayed silent, his brain short wired and he began rambling, “I’ve loved you for years, Aelin. Gods, you drive me crazy and sometimes I didn’t know if I wanted to kill you  or kiss you because you’re you. You’re the smartest person I know and you’re completely unapologetic for it. You’re curious. You want to know everything about the world and I-“
She stopped him by pressing her fingers to his mouth, “Shut up.” His stomach fell at the two words before she whispered, “I love you. So much.”
“You do?”
“Most ardently, Rowan Whitethorn.” Tears were caught in her lashes and he gently cupped her face, swiping his thumb under her eye to catch the drops.
“Why do you cry, Fireheart?” Aelin fell further every time he called her that.
“Because I was lost and I didn’t know the way.”
“And now?” He leaned down to rest his forehead against hers, the tip of her nose cold against his.
“I’ve been found.” And never to be lost again. He would follow her to the ends of the universe and whatever they found after it.
“Stop staring at me,” Aelin said, already tired of everyone’s mothering. She slowly chewed on her pasta, using most of her energy to keep it down. “I’m fine.”
When she snapped her head up, glaring at everyone, they all held her gaze, arching their brows as if to say she’d have to try harder than that. Lorcan laughed quietly, “Can you really blame us? You can barely keep your plain noodles down.” Rowan shot him a look and Lorcan read what was happening, a satisfied gleam entering his dark eyes. “Ah. Well, not to be blunt or anything but gods above, fucking finally.”
Fenrys and Elide hooted. Nesryn was able to control herself more and smiled fondly, as if they were children, nodding once and returning to her meal.
Rowan near growled and his brother just cocked his head to the side and smirked, “At least we didn’t bet on it.” Elide turned in his lap and smacked his chest, glaring at him. He just shrugged, Am I wrong? 
“You’re awful, all of you,” Rowan seethed, calming as Aelin patted his knee. He gave her a secret smile and then blushed when she returned it, lifting her hand and kissing the back of her knuckles.
“Oh good gods, my eyes! Premarital affection!” Fenrys cried out, grabbing Nesryn’s hand to cover his eyes. 
Everyone promptly ignored him and smiled softly to themselves, exchanging amused glances at Aelin and Rowan’s expense.
After dinner, they all lingered, explicitly rejecting Aelin’s request that they ‘cease and desist being overprotective mother hens’. Finally, Aelin bluntly told them to leave before she started kicking ass and they all dispersed, humouring her. She watched her sister and commander leave together, no longer feeling that same aching sense in her chest. 
Lorcan tugged Elide along, whispering low enough that Aelin couldn’t hear it. Elide gave him a fond look, tangling her fingers in his and pulling him behind her, their joyful laughter floating along as they disappeared from view. 
Aelin turned, spying Rowan a little ways away, watching her. “What?” 
“Nothing,” he replied smoothly, finally making his way over to her. Rowan rolled his eyes when she lifted her arms and he scooped her up, holding her against his chest as he walked to the couch and sat down. 
Her eyes were begging to be closed but still she kept them open, tracking over Rowan’s face as he gazed out the windows. Eventually, he slid his gaze to her, a brow quirked up. “What?” 
She shook her head, her throat tight, “I just… I would have these dreams that you were right there with me. And we were so happy-” her breath hitched and he opened his mouth to tell her he didn’t need to hear this right now but she needed to tell him this. “We were so happy and then I would wake up and not be able to sleep again because I thought I would never get to tell you that I love you.”
A tear escaped her eye and slid down her cheek as she slid her fingers across his face, feeling the contours of his features, the smoothness of tattoo ink. “You’re real.” 
Rowan nodded, tracing a comforting pattern over her side, “I am.” 
His eyes were like liquid emeralds as she met his gaze and tilted her chin up, so soft as she brushed her lips against his. Rowan sucked in a sharp breath as she pulled away, still close enough to touch his lips if either of them spoke. 
Aelin didn’t know how long they had been trapped in that moment until his lips were on hers again, gentle and tender, but strong, full. A gasp escaped her as she gave into the feeling, her long lashes brushing against his cheeks as her eyes fluttered shut. 
She wrapped her arms around his neck, using every ounce of strength in her weak body to hold herself to him as their lips moved against each other’s. When his tongue traced the seam of her mouth, she opened for him, tasting his soft groan at the first brush of her tongue against his. 
Kissing him was like a breath of fresh air, the first real breath she’d inhaled since the rescue. Aelin still wasn’t convinced, was sure that if she moved too quickly, it would all disappear. Again. 
But it was real, the feeling of his hair tangled in her hands grounding her to the moment as she threatened to float away. 
Somebody coughed and they broke apart, chests heaving, gazes wide and pupils dilated. Aelin looked over Rowan’s shoulder, spying Lorcan and Fenrys standing there. “What, in Hellas’ cold and dark realm, do you want?” 
“Oh, nothing, just in the communal area, getting some tea before bed, don’t mind us” Lorcan replied, a shit-eating grin on his face. He took one step forward and smirked at the look on Rowan’s face as he turned to glare at Lorcan and Fenrys. “On second thought, it’s late, probably not a good idea to have caffeine. Have fun, you two.” 
“But not too much fun,” Fenrys yelled as they left, snickering the entire way. They were almost gone when Lorcan’s wolf whistle pierced the air and he howled, the sounds amplified by Fenrys’ roaring laughter. 
“We’re surrounded by animals,” Rowan muttered, his frown melting as Aelin smiled at him. “I hate them.” 
He pressed his forehead against hers, kissing away the tears that streaked down her cheeks. She only cried harder, “Buzzard.”
an: see! i told you it would all work out 💛 nine chapters down, one to go! 
@mythicaitt​ @tinywolfofeyllwe​ @schmlip-scribble​ @the-regal-warrior​ @westofmoon​ @empire-of-wildfire​ @rhysands-highlady​ @city-of-fae​ @shyvioletcat​ @alifletcher2012​ @tangledraysofsunshine​ @ttakeitbacknoww​ @tswaney17​ @ourbooksuniverse​ @flora-and-fae​ @thesirenwashere​ @queenofxhearts​ @that-other-pineapple​ @sleeping-and-books​ @superspiritfestival​ @faerie-queen-fireheart​ @chemicha​ @rowaelin-cressworth​ @mynewdreamwasyou​ @candid-confetti​ @bat-wing-rhys​ @the-reading-obsessed-stitchbear​ @feyrethedarklady​ @booklover41802​ @rowaelinforeverworld​ @jamesxdaisy​ @julemmaes​ @hellas-himself​ @kayjaybea​ @ghostlyrose2​ @but-she-was-aelin-galathynius​ @queen-of-glass​ @can-dreamers-be-lost-too​ 
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flimflamfranky · 3 years
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so, there have been all of theories and meta about how wano is structured like a kabuki play (or jo-ha-kyū). from the use of acts as framing devices, the abundance of masks and actors who are not what they seem (kanjuro, denjiro, hiyori, etc), and the general traditional aesthetic, it is the predominant motif/theme of the arc.
and so, a lot of people have theorized that wano will follow the typical structure of the play - that there will be about five or so acts, and that act three (the current act) will end in tragedy.
but after chapter 1000, i’m not so sure that’s the case anymore.
because kabuki is a traditional form of japanese theater. it fits right in with the traditional aesthetic of wano and its character. and if this arc was just about that, following the journey of the nine samurai as they took their revenge against kaido, then their loss in chapter 1000 would be the tragedy that ends act three.
but then luffy, and the other supernovas, show up
they are outsiders. they’re not from wano, and they don’t fit in to its aesthetic (with the exception of zoro, but even he’s not as traditional). hell, they’ve even discarded their disguises and robes, and are now wearing their more typical looks, making them visually out of place.
and as such, they are not bound by the rules of the play as the other wano characters might be.
their arrival has prevented the tragedy that was supposed to happen, thus breaking the typical structure. from here on out, wano might abandoned the play structure entirely, as our protagonists shake up how the story was supposed to go.
and this makes sense, given the larger structure of one piece itself, for two reasons.
1.) luffy typically faces the big bad of the arc twice. once early on, where he loses, and then again towards the end, where he wins. this is that second fight, which usually means that this is the final fight that will result in victory. i have a hard time seeing this fight ending in tragedy.
2.) wano is a parallel to marineford. in fact, the whole new world saga has similar story beats to the grand-line saga (alabasta and dressrosa, luffy’s brother showing up, whole cake island and enies lobby aka a crew member leaves and luffy goes against an seemingly unstoppable force to rescue them, etc and etc).
now, marineford ended in tragedy. luffy lost, big time. and that was used to push luffy and the straw hats forward, to make them stronger and ready to take on the new world. it ended the first half of the story, and starting the second. the tragedy of marineford had a narrative purpose.
but wano doesn’t need that. luffy doesn’t need another motivating event like that. in fact, since we are nearing the end of the story, to have our protagonists lose so thoroughly again could be detrimental to the build up of that narrative.
it makes more sense to me for wano to end in an unambiguous triumph for luffy and his allies, to show how much he’s grown and how far he’s come.
and to show that he’s ready for the end of his story.  
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concerningwolves · 2 years
Find the words tag
@thanatostouch tagged me to find the words luck, memory, suspect and away. Extracts are from The Blood Enigma, draft two.
LUCK - Chapter three
"My clients cover fuel costs, but hey, how about you cover my coffee and doughnuts and we'll call it even. I can get you as far as Woodford." Megan tilted her head towards the doughnut display. "Got any preferences?"
Remy blinked, hardly able to believe his luck. "Um - chocolate?" He dug out his remaining wad of notes and shoved it towards Megan, terrified she'd change her mind.
MEMORY - Chapter nine
The first time Valentine had hosted a ball, he'd been so excited. He'd dragged Remy to a tailor's shop two towns over and insisted on having an outfit made for him. The memory of the ball itself was long gone, but Remy was struck with the impression of standing on a stool to be measured and meeting Valentine's wide, eager eyes. He couldn't have been much older than a hundred, the vampire equivalent of a young teenager.
SUSPECT(ed) - Chapter nineteen
Cyril was glowing softly. Remy suspected he'd have gone supernova if not for Conan pressed close to his side, helping him keep calm. That was understandable. Hearing how Aneirin had lured this child in made Remy want to burn things down as well – Preferably Aneirin's home in Cheltenham with the fae himself trapped inside.
AWAY - Prologue
Remy was sitting with Aelfric in the clearing at the centre of the grove where the Aylward-o Cuinn family buried their dead. Even in the dead of winter, wild garlic grew here, glutted on the latent magic that still seeped from the vampire corpses six feet below. A full moon shone down, giving enough light for Remy to pick out the gravestone with his name on it, barely more than an arm's length away from him.
Leaving this as an open tag for anyone who wants to find the words hole, chance, round and leaf
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chromatic-lamina · 3 years
agree to disagree, ch. 1000
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There’s quite a lot of discussion on the panel above, most of it humorous, and I guess that only the anime or an SBS (or follow up chapters) will tell us if Law is pissed off with Luffy doling out instructions or not. The exclamation mark probably shows that is the case, and Law does not like being told what to do, (but neither do any of the supernovas).
But this is the panel before:
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And although it also links to all the other Worst Generation at the top of the castle, and Kid big mouthing himself, one could also assume that Law and the others are looking at the following:
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The Hearts and Law transported Five of the above members of the Akazaya Nine to Onigashima.
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And he rescued Kin’emon and the others.
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And transported Kin’emon, Raizo and Momonosuke (I think) to Wano, and has been careful throughout their time in Wano before Luffy’s crew joined them to try and not sabotage Kin’emon’s plan.
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And yeah, the above is played for laughs, but Law did fight Hawkins to try and make sure the alliance, including the Minks and the samurai, kept a low profile, so he was invested. And he was in Kuri, at the castle, and had spent time with Kin’emon, and although it was never going to go to plan, the below was the plan.
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Oda doesn’t seem to let Law smile at all since he embarked onto Wano, so maybe the first panel is his normal grumpy face, or maybe he doesn’t like being ordered around, or maybe he’s as upset as everyone else about the strewn bodies of the samurai.
Of course, he probably could have switched them downstairs without Luffy’s order/request, and why he didn’t could also be up for question, but Law, considering he chopped Kin’emon up in Punk Hazard, has actually had the longest contact with the samurai. 
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And not to say he was initially invested in their welfare, but from the statement on the Thousand Sunny that both of he and Kin’emon intended to head to Zou after Dressrosa, to Kin’emon respectfully calling him Law-dono (as he also does with Luffy and Zoro?), to mapping out their plan on the Polar Tang (with Law’s input) on the way to Onigashima, I think Law has good reason to be upset/angry.
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Not to mention that Nekomamushi took care of his crew while he was in Punk Hazard and Dressrosa, and the Hearts fought alongside the Minks against Jack when he invaded Zou, and were ready to do so again on the second attack.
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the-bejeesus · 2 years
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Kaido Fight Synopsis
     Assuming 1048 is the final chapter, and Luffy either wins or loses (which is a bold assumption mind you), Kaido’s fight lasted 62 chapters in its entirety. For perspective, Acts 1 and 2 combined are 49 chapters long. There are only 31 chapters of Act 3 where the Kaido fight has not started. Assuming the anime continues to adapt Act 3 at a pace of 0.754 chapters/episode (43 chapters adapted in 57 episodes), that would mean the Kaido fight will take 82 episodes to adapt (20 episodes adapting the Kaido fight have already aired, meaning there’s 62 episodes left to go)
Kaido vs. Akazaya Nine (11 chapters)
Kaido & Big Mom vs. 5 supernovas (12 chapters)
Kaido vs. Luffy [1] (2 chapters)
Kaido vs. Yamato (10 chapters)
Kaido vs. Yamato, Luffy, and Momo (2 chapters)
Kaido vs. Luffy [2] (16 chapters)
Kaido vs. Luffy [Gear Fifth] (5 chapters)
Total Kaido vs. Luffy chapters: 37
Total Kaido "One on One" fight chapters: 33
Total non-"One on One" fight chapters: 25
Total "Kaido won" chapters: 5
     It goes without saying but the Kaido fight is easily the longest fight in the entire series. Even if we counted the entire Birdcage segment of Dressrosa as “The Doflamingo fight” (which would be wildly generous), that only lasted Chapter 745-791, a mere 47 chapters.
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 3 years
The Voyage So Far: Wano (Part One)
east blue (1 | 2) || alabasta (1 | 2) || skypiea || water 7 || enies lobby || thriller bark || paramount war (1 | 2) || fishman island || punk hazard || dressrosa (1 | 2) || whole cake island || wano (1 | 2)
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shirahoshi seeing the sun for the first time is really a relatively minor and understated thing, among all the chaos and revelations of reverie, but it strikes me as one of the most meaningful little moments in the arc. 
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i LOVE the luffy fanclub. i love that a meeting of the world leaders winds up being a who’s-who with assorted friends of one of the world’s most notorious criminals, and it brings me SO much joy to see them meeting each other and being able to connect. i feel the same way about coby and rebecca meeting.
in general, and i think i said this at marineford too, i love that the one piece world is developed and interconnected and alive enough to allow for these sorts of interactions. 
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fucked up that this was almost a hundred chapters ago and we still have no clue what the fuck was up with this, isn’t it? 
i do find the introduction of im fascinating. up until this point we’ve had two presumed final villains- blackbeard and akainu- who were first established pretty far back at jaya and enies lobby (in robin’s flashback) respectively. meanwhile, im isn’t even seen until chapter nine hundred and something. it feels very late-game, but at the same time, their existence doesn’t contradict anything previously established, and in fact jives pretty well with a lot of information more recently revealed in dressrosa. 
in any case, when in doubt i do trust oda knows what he’s doing when handling his story, and i’m very excited to see what he does with this.
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wano is SO PRETTY. i mentioned this before in fishman island, but i think wano is definitely the prettiest setting in the series to date. i think it’s obvious oda was both very excited to draw it and put a lot of work and research into his depiction of it, and wow does it pay off. wano is so bursting with life and detail, and frequently looks like an ukiyo-e painting come to life, and just- wow wow wow.
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i love zoro and luffy’s reunion so much... i love how happy they are to see each other. it’s only been, what, a couple weeks in-universe? but luffy is pulling the full tackle-hug like he did for sabo at dressrosa. i love them.
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i really like the outfits in wano, too!! zoro’s ronin look in particular i think suits him very well, and i also love luffy’s patchy yukata and robin’s geisha getup and they’re just very cool. this also applies to the non-strawhat wano characters, for the record, and kind of ties back to what i was just saying about wano being so full of detail. it has a very specific look, and everything from the outfits to the way things like the fire and the waves are drawn folds very neatly into that aesthetic. 
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as i’m writing this i just finished on the paramount war posts, so with that fresh on my mind, i have to say i really like the way ace (or rather, his memory) is incorporated into wano. he’s not really a major presence- that is, the fact that he was there before luffy has no real bearing on the plot. but there are people who knew and cared about him and remember him fondly, tama and yamato, and it just really helps add to this feeling that ace was a person and his life and death had real and lasting affects. 
and it adds, too, to the fact that even if it took ace way too long to realize it, he was so thoroughly loved everywhere he went. 
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i have a lot of thoughts on the intersection of food and heroism in one piece (i keep trying to compile a coherent meta post on the subject and mostly failing). but i’ll settle for saying that in wano luffy is a hero by his own definition, as someone who shares food with others, and i doubt he realizes that, but i think it’s really interesting. 
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i know luffy’s fight with kaidou is kind of controversial in fandom but i love it, personally. it feels like a logical outcome for luffy to get his ass kicked the first time he tries to go up against a yonkou singlehandedly! he got wrecked when he tried to throw down with a shichibukai the first time, too, and this is just the next logical step from that. 
luffy’s always been an underdog starting from nowhere and working his way up and up and up, and i love that for him. of course he’s going to get messed up the first time he tries punching an entire order of magnitude above his weight class. and then he’s going to get up and try again, and again, and again until he wins. 
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the act structure of wano is really neat, i think. it helps such a long and complicated arc feel a lot more structured and less interminable than it might otherwise, and it also gives specific breaks where we can cut away to the story happening on the outside world. 
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honestly i really like the whole udon prison segment. it’s fun! i like it for similar reasons i like the colosseum mini-arc in dressrosa, honestly, which is that there’s no real stress because we know luffy is the scariest person there by a country mile so we can just watch him go ham, and that’s fun. it consistently cracks me up that absolutely nobody is worried luffy’s in jail. they’re all just like “yeah, he’ll be fine.” and they’re right! he’s having the time of his life!
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wano’s cast is fascinating, because almost nobody is who they first appear to be. almost everyone is wearing masks, whether literal or not- fitting, for an arc structured after a kabuki play. everyone is playing roles, from hiyori to denjirou to kanjurou to yasuie, and everyone lies. 
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this entire sequence at orochi’s party is one of my favorites in the whole arc- in fact, it was my favorite, until we reached a certain part i’ll get to in the next post. everything from komurasaki standing up for toko and slapping orochi to denjirou “killing” her to robin getting caught by the oniwabanshu and dissolving into petals to nami calling down a massive lightning bolt to cover their escape- it’s really good. 
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i’ve written extensively before about the smile fruits and the themes of smile and laughter in one piece and how important the freedom to feel and express emotion is. suffice it to say that for all the atrocities orochi commits against the people of wano, it’s feeding the smile fruits to the people of ebisu town that is his greatest crime, and the revelation of just what happened to those poor people ratchets up the tragedy of wano tenfold.
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i do think it’s interesting to think about how if denjirou had been just a little less committed to his role, zoro would’ve killed orochi right here. it really drives home that orochi is nothing- he’s weak, he’s cowardly, he’s just lucky and clever and cruel enough to be able to get much more powerful people to do his work for him. 
it’s infuriating that someone like him has been able to hold such power over the lives of the people of wano and ruin them so thoroughly, and that’s exactly the point. 
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wano is the arc where oda says you Will care about the supernovas and i’m like yeah
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hey, another of my all-time favorite luffy panels!! i honestly just think this one sums him up as a character in a line more than almost any other- “i’m always free.” 
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just look at the detail on kidd’s metal hand holy shit holy shit. on occasion certain panels jump out at me that remind me that oda really is just, a genius at drawing on a technical level, even setting aside his writing and storytelling chops, and this is one of them. 
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oda is really, really good at creating the sense of a darkest hour- a time when all hope seems lost. the other best example in the series is in water seven, when the crew seems to be falling to pieces, merry is marked for death, robin’s gone, and the aqua laguna is coming. here, too- nobody comes to meet the akazaya nine, and the one chance they’ve waited twenty years and staked their lives on seems in danger of slipping through their fingers-
but the point of making it so all seems lost is so that when hope does appear, it shines all the brighter, and feels all the more triumphant. it’s always darkest before the dawn, and we all know how wano has been waiting for the dawn. 
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danganphobia · 3 years
Bloody Kisses - Chapter Nine
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"Cherry! Cherry! Cherry!" They heard the faint chanting coming from outside. Kojiro smiled, lifting a finger.
"Hear that?"
Kaoru looked like a deer in the headlights.
"I think it's your time to shine." Kojiro nodded.
In which VIOLET SUPERNOVA performs at Sia La Luce on their big night.
read on ao3.
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oof-musicals · 3 years
Together, you and me//chapter 2
Part two! This one took a bit because I've been preparing for school stuff but here it is! I've never been to Vermont, it's only research. Of course, let me know if you want to be added to the tag list and here it is:]] it's also very dialogue-heavy and kinda rushed whoops.
Tag list (let me know if you'd like to be added): @tarantulas4davey, @racecrack-higgins
Race gets bored very easily and two people trying to sleep in the backseat in a car isn't the best idea. First stop: Vermont.
Aka: Albert loves Race in 1419 words.
Word count: 1419
Read on Ao3
**Please Reblog/Queue if you like**
If you told Anthony Higgins five years ago that he'd be traveling to all 50 states with his boyfriend, he'd probably tell you that'd be something he'd do. But when he thought about it, this was probably the most expensive risk he's taken in a while.
Also the longest.
He knew it was going to take a long time, sure, this wasn't England where it took five hours to get from coast to coast. They were going to spend a lot of time in the car. But it sounded easier to be in a car for days at a time in theory rather than in practice.
Vermont, luckily, was only around 5 and a half hours away from Manhattan. If they avoided making too many stops, they could make it there by eight-fifty.
It took Race until about four pm to start complaining.
"It's only been 30 minutes, you'll live," Albert rolled his eyes in response to Race’s whining. “You aren’t even the one driving.”
“Exactly Albie!” Race complained, crossing one of his legs over the other. “I have nothing to do.”
Albert stifled a groan and turned off the radio that had been playing 90s songs for the past half hour. "Okay, let's just, talk."
Race looked out the window. "I don't really know what to talk about."
"You're really annoying,"
"That's my job." Race winked.
“What about astronomy? Where are your star facts?” Albert suggested as he changed lanes. “Come on, I miss them.”
“Fine, you win.” Race groaned. “There are nine thousand and ninety-six stars visible to the naked eye in the entire sky. That’s a cool fact.”
“I thought you told me it was like a trillion before,” Albert questioned.
"That's galaxies," Race clarified, but decided to move on. "Uh, what else? Oh! Callisto, the pretty moon I showed you once is ninety-nine percent as big as Mercury is." He grabbed a notebook from his backpack, flipping through pages of detailed notes and mumbling softly. “The first supernova was recorded in 145 AD AND nearly 2000 years after that, the remains were still identified.”
The rest of the ride consisted of Race rambling on about astrology and Albert loving every second of it. He might have the whiniest boyfriend in the world, but oh did he love this idiot.
As the car pulled into the rest stop 4 and a half hours later, Race let out a comically loud yawn.
"Tired, huh?" Albert joked, turning the gear into park and unbuckling his seatbelt.
"You might be the one driving, but that doesn't mean it's not exhausting to be in a car for 5 hours." Race remarked.
"You could drive.”
Race ignored him, unbuckling his seatbelt and grabbing sweatpants from the backseat. “Do you really think that is a good idea?”
“Absolutely not, actually.”
Ten minutes and a never-ending banter later, the two found themselves laying down in the backseat. Race on the edge, Albert with his back facing the seat. It wasn’t the most comfortable, but if they’re going to control their budget, they can’t spend every night in a hotel.
“And tomorrow, we can hopefully hike that Antone Mountian,” Albert rambled about their day tomorrow while Race hummed sleepily. “But now, you’re around one sentence away from passing out, so we can talk about it later.”
"Yeah,” Race yawned, giving Albert a kiss on the cheek. “Goodnight Albie."
"Goodnight, T."
"I love you."
Albert smiled, his stomach still did a flip every time Race uttered those three words. He doesn't really know why he felt like a giddy teenager, considering he's in his mid-twenties, but the words never failed to make him feel just, so lucky. "I love you too."
Albert stayed up a little bit after Race closed his eyes. Not that he had any trouble sleeping, he could practically fall asleep anywhere he wanted. Race didn’t have the same advantage, even at home, where he was probably the most comfortable, he had trouble falling and staying asleep. It was only going to be more challenging in the backseat of a sedan with half of the space being filled with an ungodly amount of snacks.
It was really hard to find a position comfortable for the both of them. They could've really done without the snacks but Race insisted. If there was one thing Race was, it was persistent.
This was going to be a long trip. But if Albert was with Race, he’d do it a thousand times.
Turns out, two people sleeping in the back of a sedan is not a foolproof plan. They found that out the hard way. Well, Race found it out the hard way - Albert didn't find out until the morning.
"Wake up," Race poked Albert in the side, resulting in Albert only groaning and slowly opening his eyes. It couldn't have been past 8 am, the sun was still rising. Why in the world was he being woken up this early?
"What are you doing up? You've never woken up early in your life." He asked, pushing himself up into a sitting position.
"Fell off the seat," Race grumbled, taking a seat next to Albert, leaning his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. "I've been trying to fall back asleep since like… four am? The sun came up and you were taking too long to wake up."
"'m sorry," Albert yawned. It was way too early to be up for someone who had to spend the day hiking mountains, that's for sure. He was going to need some coffee. Coffee sounded real nice right now. "What time is it now?"
"What am I a clock? I don't know."
"You are rude when you're sleep-deprived." Albert grabbed his phone, checking the time before setting an alarm. "It's 7:15. I say, we go back to sleep for two hours and then start out the day."
"You're sleeping on the edge this time."
Albert ignored Race's comment, slipping his arm under the pillow propped up against the blankets, one of which he took and tossed over his eyes to avoid the sun.
Race hated hiking. If that's one thing he decided today, it's that.
When he thought about it, the trail wasn't that bad, it really wasn't. And the view was probably beautiful, but hiking sucked.
"Maybe this hiking thing was a mistake. My legs hurt."
"You're dramatic," Albert called from up ahead. "Come on track star, you got this!"
"You've never been hiking before," Race jogged up to Albert. "I'm surprised you aren't dying right now."
"We walk around New York every day." Albert rolled his eyes "You shouldn't be dying."
Race "I hate you. So much." He said, tripping and nearly slipping off the trail.
"Don't fall off the trail there, Tones." Albert grabbed Race's arm, pulling him up. "Heard mountain lions like blonde idiots."
"Duly noted." Race replied sarcastically. "Don't think there are any mountain lions in this area though, wouldn't they have already gotten to me?"
"You're right."
"Well!" Race wrapped his arm around Albert, "Guess you're stuck with me."
"Shit, guess that's the worst-case scenario for me."
Race rolled his eyes and stopped complaining for most of the hike. And he was right, the view was pretty - breathtaking even. The rolling hills and never-ending trees… this was definitely worth the hike. This was definitely worth the trip. For all Race complained, he was having a great time.
"So!" Albert started the car, "Vermont, what'd you think?"
"I mean, I'm looking forward to other places. South Dakota has Mount Rushmore - which, no matter how many times you say, is cooler than the photos, I'm sure of it. Vermont just has mountains," Race adjusted the air conditioning, "but I didn't have the worst time."
"Mount Rushmore is just like the photos though," Albert rolled his eyes. "And if you don't want to go to states just for mountains, you didn't have to agree to go to every state."
"Albie, we've been dating for six years, you think I was going to not take it seriously?"
"I guess you're right, T. But if you keep complaining I'm not taking you on a road trip again."
"Rude," Race pouted.
"Only love, baby."
“But, I did like it.” Race admitted. “For all my complaining, I’m having a great time.” He took Albert’s hand, “Not to get sappy or anything but, thank you for bringing me along on this trip.”
Albert didn’t even have to say ‘I love you’ at that moment, Race already could tell.
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Reading One Piece pt 263: I Worry
Chapter 510
- Fpos/cs: …Candy Pirates. Everyone has a gimmick now :D
- Boom still ongoing
- Kizaru is like”okaaay…”
- Apoo’s running away lol :D His job here is done :D
- I thought Kizaru has superspeed but does he by chance have the power of light instead?
- damn these logia types
- WOW so much butt-kicking, Kizaru finally woke up!
- Hawkins, you were supposed to survive today!
- !!
- Saved by a phone call. Hawkins, you lucky you
- (He still got shot but we all know it means nothing in One Piece. Murder happens in backstories only)
- Hah, looks like Kizaru is bad at technology. His marine friend (?) is pissed he didn’t report to him yet. Well, to be fair he tried, just couldn’t find him
- (all 4 supernovas are totally down. It’s sad to look at. But looks like they’ll be spared so there’s that)
- Kizaru will go somewhere else. He can choose between Luffy, Kid and Law. Wonder who he’ll go after -__- (we’re screwed)
- ZORO!? D:
- Oh right, he’s still kinda hurt after Thriller Bark, I keep forgetting
- (Luffy wondered at that but Sanji told him to not question it. Why do I love this)
- Ok, I love hurt/comfort like any other gal but how hurt is Zoro exactly? This is worse than I expected, he’s too busy coughing to be snarky. Unconscious or persevering, Zoro, choose one! Not hurt and in pain :(
- (Apparently one panel is my limit for Zoro hurting. Four panels change me into mother hen)
- Chopper fights too!
- Straw Hats B Team represents! (mean but come on)
[ETA: It’s a next day and I’m a better person now. There’s no Alphas or Betas in Straw Hats crew. If anything, they’re all Ome... *gets shot by a sniper*
Haha, just joking. They’re all one team :D ]
- “Hey, something’s wrong with him!” I sure hope so
- So he’s a cyborg too?
- Nami?! D:
- Kuma’s head exploded :D That’s what you get for targeting Nami :D
- He’s malfunctioning and desperate! Attack now!
- Sanji!!!
- “Hey, toss him over to me!” “Now you’re just being stubborn!” Loving it again
- “Diable Jambe. Flambage Shot!!!”
- “Nine Swords Style! Asura!!Demon Nine Flash!!!”
- “Gear Three!!! Gum-Gum… GIANT RIFLE!!!”
rOP 262  rOP 264
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