#support your local Pride 🌈
clay-lives · 2 years
Pride celebration is this coming weekend for my smallish city. There's a Parade/Festival in the am and of course a party at the local gay friendly bar that night.
Please send outfit ideas! 🌈
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eunnieboo · 5 hours
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happy pride!! i just wanted to share one of my favorite scenes from If You'll Have Me, my sapphic graphic novel 🌈💕✨
IYHM can be found on this list of retailers, but it can be requested from libraries too! or support your local bookstore if you can! i will also be restocking signed copies in my shop this sunday 😊 thank you for reading~
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My top 10 favorite signs at Vienna Pride 2024
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[ID: A woman holding a sign saying "Jesus' Playlist: Only Love songs. She is wearing a purple shirt saying "another Christian for LGBTQ* Equality ]
Cute! We love seeing supportive religious folks in this house!! 7/10 🌈
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[ID: A blue flag saying "Fundis zur Hölle jagen", flying in front of the Austrian Opera]
Short, sweet, good punch, keeping Pride a demonstration. 7.5/10 🌈
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[ID: A woman holding a cardboard sign saying "I got 99 Problems and white hetero normative Patriarchy is all of them"]
fun reference, gets points for being political 7,5/10 🌈
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[ID: A yellow shipping container, on it is a sign saying "Intersex Solidarity", next to two ads for an photography exhibition. The Exhibition is called "Inside views", the ad is showing a human body dressed in a ripcage]
It is just so funny to me I can't even really tell why. But it just feels appropriate, next to the ad and also the color of the container is very fitting. 8/10 🌈
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[ID: A group of russian-speaking people demonstrating at Vienna Pride. One sign says "Proud and Loud for the Opressed in Russia, another shows Vladimir Putin in front of rainbows and writing saying "Vladimir, it's Time"]
Honestly my heart goes out to all queer people living in countries where they are still treated horribly, much worse than Austria. Love ❤️ 8/10 🌈
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[ID: Where usually the movie titles being show are displayed, the Burg Kino shows a message saying "Pride without Prejudice. Hello Viella Pride 2024.]
Just a fun and sweet way to show support in a way that does not reek too much of rainbow capitalism. nice! 8.5/10 🌈
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[ID: A sign saying "A day w/o Lesbians is like a day w/o sunshine"]
Cute!!!! As a lesbian, I approve ☀️ 9/10 🌈
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[ID: two men holding signs saying "Hurra! Die Hurn sind da!", "In Vielfalt vereint, in tratsch entzweit" and "support your local cum dump"]
charming. fun. would get your grandma to gasp, probably. 9/10 🌈
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[ID: The Group "Volksoper Wien" holding signs saying "Mama, Papa, ich muss euch was sagen: Ich liebe Operette", "Volksoper Wien: Queer seit 1898" and "125 Jahre Volksoper: man ist nie zu alt, um sich zu outen!"]
Extremely funny. Love it. Love that such a old, prestigious institution is at pride. 10/10 🌈
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[ID: A sign saying "Heten Wahnsinn stoppen"]
Short, sweet, extremely funny, great reference, i love it 1000/10 🌈
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Ace Santa :)
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cosmicarcanist · 13 days
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All of my Pride merch is 25% off all June long! Support your local nbi trans gay disabled artist this pride 🌈💜
Grab em here!
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andpierres · 1 year
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btw -- all the pride related merch in my shop is gonna be on sale for the entire month of june!! 🌈❤️🖤 10% off anything under the "pride" tab if you use the code PRIDE23 🤭
shop 🔗 is in my bio!!! anything u buy directly supports your local gay transgender artist & it would mean the world to me!
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dropthedemiurge · 1 year
Today is the day of Be My Favorite EP.2 and also June 🌈
so it's a perfect time to remind everyone that Krist Perawat is back to playing in BL (with adorable Gawin who's getting his main lead role and the whole introvert world shaken) — and he's been consistently supporting LGBTQA+ community and rooting for the queer rights for years *-*
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And even recently Krist openly supported the Move Forward party on political voting in Thailand in 2023, which is a progressive liberal party who works for the good and useful changes, equal rights in the country and especially prioritizes the same-sex marriage bill. Their color is orange, and that's why Krist posted about voting with the orange heart 🧡
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So please support Be My Favorite series, the first episode already got a lot of attention and positive reviews ^^ I hope the other episodes will continue the hype🔥 It's about time-travelling, romance and huuuge character development!
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Krist is really sweet as a person and an actor, he's loved in Asia a lot, and his character Kawi is your local chaotic gremlin xD You cannot help but love him (or at least be entertained by him)
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Anyway, just wanted to let you know about a good ally who genuinely enjoys working in BL and take on new challenges, and also does his best to support the queer community. Go watch Be My Favorite and Happy Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
happy pride month 🌈
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support your local cryptid queer creator mayhaps
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gaymergal · 1 day
:3 happy pride 🌈 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
I unintentionally came out to my older sister (again) by wearing a piece of clothing.
💚💜🤍 😂 she remains the best
(Story followed by small spiraling below the cut 😃👍🏾✨)
Forever ago when I was in high school, I was only out as gay at school with friends. And didn’t come out to family until later (Highschool for me was 2004-2008 Bush era. And though my family is and has been very liberal leaning, we were also raised catholic which definitely fueled my personal hesitation to come out at home. Spoilers alert when I told my mom it went hilariously well)
One day after school myself and a pair of friends were at the mall, and the three of us bought a three piece matching friendship necklace at Claire’s on clearance that said roughly Best (star charm), Friends(heart charm), Forever(rainbow charm)
(90% sure that was the breakdown important thing is my section of the necklace had a rainbow charm)
It was like the only rainbow thing I owned, and I would wear it sparingly cause wasn’t 100% out. I had left the necklace on at home and my sister immediately clocked it and pulled me aside and asked if I was gay.
It was a very brief side bar conversation, I was in the kitchen and she literally pulled me into another room and was like “u gay? Your wearing a rainbow necklace”
“Uh yeah”
“Ok cool”
I never did a big announcement to family. Starting with my sister (actually, one of my brothers might have been the first family to know followed then by my sister🤔)
I just told family in one on one conversations as it came up, and eventually even extended family just knew I was gay.
(When I told my mom, because of the way I nervously started the conversation, on the verge of tears saying “i have something important to tell you” she thought I was teen pregnant and when I said I was gay she was like that’s it? That’s fine!)
Anyway! In 2020 with the support of my wife I experimented with pronouns and found that in addition to she/her I really do vibe with he/him pronouns (🥰 I am both her wife and boyfriend and absolutely love being called either)
I really only use he/him privately online and at limited irl queer gatherings and haven’t explicitly told my family (There is a hesitation that family might not fully “get” use of he/him pronouns and for now I’d rather keep it away from them for the time being. At this point its less of a fear of rejection and more of a…I don’t know how that conversation is going to go, and that gives me anxiety to bring it up and start a conversation about it.)
We just had our local pride weekend and I was wearing a pair of black socks that had stripes of green purple white at the top of them 💚💜🤍 for genderqueer and did post a family picture of me my wife and our son at pride to FB (socks visible) not thinking anyone in my fam would clock it.
Got a text from my sister yesterday: “Random question. What are your pronouns?”
Which prompted a phone call (that went super well :3 🥰)
At first she thought they were non binary colors and googled to confirm, but saw that the colors didn’t match but “knew it meant something” and then asked my niece (gen z theater kiddo) what the those specific colors represented. (Lol like straight up queer pop quiz style “hey green white purple, what’s that flag? 🤣)
When the dreaded “what do you want me to use for you” came up (idk why so much anxious, it is very much use one or the other or a mix, i genuinely like and respond to both. the only strong feeling i have is please don’t directly ask me which to use, or why he/him in addition to she/her)
It was a very quick, “so i can still use she/her”
“You sure?”
“well if that changes, I’ll just keep an eye out for new colors”
“🥲💖” (which I found to be very sweet!)
On the one hand, part of me is like, ah history repeating itself, just tell family as it comes up.
But with Pride and (:3 my first!) Father’s day coming up I am tempted to make a FB post just to set the record straight on my pronouns but, (anxiety)
Its weird, like I don’t necessarily feel like I’m in the closet as much as I did with being gay in high school. I’m not afraid of someone finding out. I don’t think my pronouns are something that needs to be kept secret. If asked I am comfortable enough to respond to the question, but the thought of anoucing them publicly is just a big no-no. 🙃
😅 Anyway!
🥳 happy pride! ❤️🧡💛💚💜💙💖
💚🤍💜 treating myself to an early father’s day hair cut tomorrow ✌🏾 :3
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beekindac · 25 days
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Happy Monday All! I hope your week is off to a good start. Enjoy some colorful clouds and immortal words to help make today a little brighter.
🌈In addition to creating for the fair, I'm working on stuff for Pride Month! I want to go to our local parade with my kids this year, but we are questioning safety based on how crazy everything has gotten. Even if we don't get to go, I hope to show support our local community in some way. I really hope someday soon we can all just take a breath and get along.
*** We know some folks dont agree or approve of the LGBTQ+ community and we do respect your right to have that opinion. However, we ask you, most humbly and seriously, to STFU and and keep your opinions to yourself / keep scrolling if you have nothing nice to say. We are intolerant of intolerance on this blog. Thank you🏳️‍🌈 ***
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sappy-witch · 1 year
June Magickal Events ☀️
Hello darlings 🥰
In the month of June, there are several witchy celebrations, events, and topics of interest that you can explore with links to an informative post on each topic. Here are a few notable ones:
Celebrated around June 20th, Litha marks the summer solstice and is a time to honor the sun's peak and the abundance of nature. It's a great opportunity for outdoor rituals, bonfires, and connecting with the energy of the sun.
😎The Festival of the Green Man:
The Festival of the Green Man is typically celebrated around the summer solstice, which falls on June 20th or 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a time when the earth is alive with the energy of renewal and the Green Man is honored for his role in the cycle of life.
🌿Herb Harvesting: 
June is a wonderful time for gathering and harvesting herbs. Explore your local area or your own garden for herbs like lavender, chamomile, rosemary, and mint. These herbs can be used for spells, teas, bath rituals, or creating herbal remedies.
🌕Full Moon Magic: 
Keep an eye out for the Full Moon in June, also known as the Strawberry Moon or the Honey Moon. This moon is associated with love, abundance, and emotional healing. Harness its energy for rituals related to love, manifestation, and gratitude.
🌊Water Magic: 
As the weather warms up, June is a perfect time to incorporate water magic into your practice. Visit natural bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, or the ocean, to connect with the element of water. Perform rituals for purification, emotional healing, or cleansing.
🧚🏽Faery Magic: 
June is often associated with the realm of faeries and magical creatures. Explore the folklore and mythology surrounding faeries and consider incorporating faery magic into your practice. Create faery altars, leave offerings in nature, or work with faery-inspired tarot or oracle decks.
🌈LGBTQ+ Pride Month + Color Magic: 
June is internationally recognized as LGBTQ+ Pride Month, celebrating and honoring the LGBTQ+ community. It's a time to show support, raise awareness, and promote equality and inclusivity. Consider participating in local Pride events, joining virtual discussions, or engaging in acts of solidarity.
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These are just a few examples, and there may be other specific celebrations or events within your local witchcraft community. Stay open to exploring new topics, learning from others, and embracing the magic that resonates with you. Happy June, and may your witchy journey be filled with joy and enchantment! 🌙✨
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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michiganrhps · 1 year
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🌈Happy Pride from all of us at MiRHPS!Rocky Horror has been a staple in the queer community for nearly 50 years now, and is still going strong! If you’re looking for ways to support your local LGBTQ+ community, come check out our next show!
Sat. June 10th. Ticket Link in Bio!
Don’t Dream It, Be It!!!🏳️‍🌈✨🏳️‍⚧️
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paperboy-pb · 1 year
🌈 Pride Ramblings!
Hey, I just realized that I haven't wished the PB Nation a happy pride yet! And that is a CRIME on my end-- there's so many amazing queer disabled people out there! And we deserve to not only be celebrated, but to celebrate together. So... hey, happy pride!
I'm very proud of us all, and how much progress we've made. But I also know that this is only the beginning of a grueling uphill climb; many people are too ableist to see that we, the disabled, can be queer as well. A lot of pride events & other queer spaces need to work on their accessibility. And even for the abled, they don't have it easy, either-- they're still fighting against homophobia & transphobia every single day.
We are a beautiful community who has the right to be visible. We have a right to take up space, and love who we love, and to be who we are. And we SHOULD have rights far beyond that under our belts, too! We should be seen. We should be heard. It's halfway through 2023 though, and a lot of shitheads still insist on standing in our way.
So hey, take this month as an opportunity to rise up somehow. Support queer creators, and queer small businesses. Push back against all the God-forsaken laws DeSantis & the other U.S. clowns are trying to lay down to erase us. If it's safe & possible for you, maybe attend some local pride events-- I definitely plan to later this month ;)
Whatever you can. Oh, and of course, it's okay for some of you to lay low, too. Not everyone is out, or in a safe enough situation. Remember-- taking care of yourself or just... making sure that you are safe & comfortable as an LGBTQ+ person is absolutely an act of pride, too! ☆
Personally, I've spent most of this month binging some of my favorite LGBTQ+ series' (One Day At A Time, Heartstopper, MacDoesIt's reaction videos, etc.) and making pride playlists. Oh, and working on projects that make me happy, one of which is VERY queer. You'll hear more about that in the fall.
Honestly, I think my #1 or #2 regret in terms of PB's story is not making queerness a more... prominent theme?
PB does have queer characters (I imagine Matthew to be SOMEWHERE on the ace spectrum; there is a very important enby character who has a crush on another character, and the two later end up in a little relationship; some of the kids come from queer families; etc.) but it's way more about friendships, and the dynamic between kids and authority figures, and just... how you view yourself.
But to be honest, out of my stories, it's probably the series that centers that kind of thing the LEAST. And I have it that way for a reason; PB is a very... specific story, I guess? But I don't know, if I could go back in time and make BIG changes before it was too late (aka now,) I think I definitely would've made queerness a little more prominent. 😭
Maybe I'll find a way to do it as we go?
Anyways, I'm rambling now. Wishing you all a very happy & inclusive Pride Month. Keep your eyes peeled for more PB-- comic updates AND otherwise!
...Oh. And don't forget my pride playlist!
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HAPPY PRIDE 🌈💞 I am a pansexual woman in love and happily taken and collared by a trans man who is everything to me and why I'm the one who is so proud and loud because we will NOT BE SILENT 👑 WE WONT STAND DOWN
During pride support your local drag and sign those petitions against the trans and drag bans
During pride don't support those corporate companies that go rainbow this month for Mega bucks
During pride be a good ally for those who are in the rainbow family we could use you all
Especially those who are non binary and trans 🥺
(bigots back off and terfs you don't even want to start with me)
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mostlyinconvenient · 2 years
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I posted 2,286 times in 2022
That's 1,835 more posts than 2021!
87 posts created (4%)
2,199 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 413 of my posts in 2022
#rats smp - 78 posts
#smajor - 13 posts
#mcyt - 12 posts
#my art - 11 posts
#bart allen - 9 posts
#squeaksblr - 8 posts
#owengejuice - 8 posts
#owengejuicetv - 8 posts
#mcc - 8 posts
#outsiders smp - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#also considering how many references they've made about things feeling familiar and stuff i am very much on board with this for all of them
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Happy pride 🌈🌈🌈
143 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
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"Oh! This is the happiest I've been. I'm glad I met you"
A scene redraw of a brief moment of peace
(+ textless under the cut)
See the full post
167 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
Watched Scott's rats smp stream and going from the really wholesome sunrise scene with Owen to Scott immediately having to run for his life from the local cannibals was a wild change of pace
167 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
Jimmy no fdskajfksj
196 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
hey I haven't seen anyone else put this clip up. Please continue to be creative and supportive of this awesome project while keeping this in mind!
See the full post
296 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pridedating · 4 days
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Celebrate Pride Month with Bicupid! 🌈
Join us on Bicupid to embrace and support the vibrant LGBTQ+ community. Whether you're looking to connect with like-minded individuals, find your soulmate, or simply celebrate love in all its forms, Bicupid is the perfect platform for you. Participate in our special Pride Month events, share your stories, and engage in meaningful conversations. Together, we can create a safe and inclusive space where everyone feels valued and loved. Let's make this Pride Month unforgettable!
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nottinghamtaxi · 1 month
🚖 Nottingham Cars: Your Reliable Companion for Taxi Services in Nottingham 🚖
In the bustling city of Nottingham, navigating through the streets can sometimes feel like a puzzle. Whether you're a local heading to work or a visitor exploring the sights, having a reliable taxi service can make all the difference. Enter Nottingham Cars, your trusted companion for all your transportation needs in Nottingham and beyond.
🌟 Why Choose Nottingham Car
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🚗 Diverse Fleet to Suit Your Needs 🚗
No matter the size of your party or your destination, Nottingham Cars has the perfect vehicle for you. From sleek sedans for solo travelers to spacious minivans for group outings, their diverse fleet ensures that you travel in comfort and style. Need a ride to the airport? Nottingham Cars offers convenient airport transfer services to major airports in the area. Visit Nottingham Cars to explore their fleet and book your ride today!
🔒 Safety First: Your Well-being is Our Priority 🔒
Safety is non-negotiable when it comes to transportation, and Nottingham Cars takes it seriously. All their vehicles undergo regular maintenance checks to ensure they meet the highest safety standards. Additionally, their drivers are trained professionals who prioritize your safety above all else. With Nottingham Cars, you can relax knowing that you're in good hands.
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🕒 24/7 Availability for Your Convenience 🕒
Whether it's the crack of dawn or the dead of night, Nottingham Cars is available around the clock to cater to your transportation needs. Need a ride home after a late-night out? No problem. Planning an early morning flight? Nottingham Cars has got you covered. With their 24/7 availability, you never have to worry about finding a ride when you need one.
🌈 Serving the Community with Pride 🌈
Nottingham Cars isn't just a taxi service; it's a proud member of the Nottingham community. They actively participate in local events and initiatives, supporting charitable causes and giving back to the community they serve. When you choose Nottingham Cars, you're not just getting a ride; you're supporting a business that cares about making a positive impact.
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📱 Book Your Ride with Ease 📱
Booking a ride with Nottingham Cars is quick, easy, and convenient. Whether you prefer to book online, via their mobile app, or over the phone, they offer multiple booking options to suit your preferences. Simply provide your pickup location, destination, and desired pickup time, and Nottingham Cars will take care of the rest. Learn more about taxi service you can explore this page.
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