#sure i’ll give it the tag it’s in the realm
roseykat · 11 months
TITLE: Table Manners and Bible Studies
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PAIRING: Jeongin x reader
SUMMARY: Jeongin, a churchgoer who is also a very sexual person, likes to immerse both you and himself in the realm of sensory play, among other things as well.
WARNING: minors DNI with this post or my blog. I create NSFW SKZ related content and I know I won't be able to regulate every single interaction with those posts so please do not engage with my work or page whatsoever.
TAGS: themes of BDSM centred around sensory play, soft dom Jeongin, explicit language, use of ice cubes, body-safe hot candle wax, a feather, blindfold, safe and consensual play, nipple stimulated orgasm, mentions of religion (no specific religion is being mentioned here but the concept is that Jeongin is religious for the purposes of this work).
He goes to church. That’s all you know about one of the guys in your class who always dresses well, dons cute glasses and seems well put together. He’s an intriguing one among the masses of students that attend and even with the volume of people, he still stood out to you even if he was quiet.
However, it was never in your interest to approach a guy like him. He and his four friends, all from the same church, seemed relatively lovely and all kept to themselves. From your perspective, it appeared as if two of the girls really liked him. If they did, you don’t blame them. Whoever he was seemed to be sweet.
“Still eyeing him up?” Your friend Minho pokes you in the ribs with his finger, lulling you out of your thoughts.
“I’m not eyeing him up,” you snap defensively, averting your stare away from his group to refocus on your lunch with him.
“Just say he’s hot,” he encourages. “If I’m willing to admit it, then you should.”
“You think he’s hot?” 
“And you don’t?” He questions back, almost offended that you didn’t assume otherwise. 
“I suppose that means something coming from a whore such as yourself,” you remember with a sigh. 
Minho nods in agreement with your statement, “and as a whore, I’m telling you he’s hot. So why not go for him?” 
“That’s not who I want though,” you say to him.
A cackle nearly breaks out from his mouth, “that’s right. So how is the hunt for one of those dom boyfriends going anyway? Isn’t that the type you’re looking for?”
“He doesn’t have to be, but it would help significantly,” you answer truthfully. “I just think that would be the best way to get my foot in the door for getting into BDSM.”
“I seriously don’t know where you got that idea from, but you don’t need to go searching for a boyfriend who’s into BDSM to get into it,” Minho truthfully informs you. “There are sites and apps where you can connect to doms and go from there. But if you do, don’t just jump at the first dom that you see. Always do background checks.”
You sometimes forget that Minho himself is in the BDSM scene. He has been for a while and for as long as you’ve known him, you’ve always been interested in what he does. From his stories, they sound exciting and riveting; exactly the kind of thing you want to try out to make your sexual life a little more lively. 
“I know that,” you whine. “If not that, then I don’t really know where to begin.” 
“Well, we all start somewhere,” he says with a hint of optimism. “Since you’re interested still, there’s a BDSM convention at the end of this week. If you want to get your foot in the door with it, I reckon you should go.”
“A convention?” You ask with intruigue. “What do they host there?”
“They’re there to promote safe BDSM to people and have a variety of pop up stores on site that sell anything related to it,” he answers. “I’m supposed to be going but, I’ve got something else on at the same time. In fact you can have my concession.”
“Are you sure?” You ask.
“Yeah, it’s already printed off,” he says. “I’ll give it to you on Thursday.”
It was a good idea at first, but come the day of the event, your nerves were shot. It was your first time being surrounded by anything like this. Particularly by yourself. It was a bit stereotypical to assume that the convention was run something along the lines of seeing naked people tied up, some in cages, or live scenes taking place in front of crowds. 
That wasn’t the case at all. It was almost like a niche grocery store where the locals gather to buy homegrown fruit and veggies. Some part of that concept helped calm a few nerves.
Once you receive your concession band, you start around the front area of the pop-up stores. People were lining up to see demonstrations of shibari methods and most were interested in buying a series of items for the bedroom. 
They were all displayed like sea creatures at a fish market, waiting to be bought. From cattail butt plugs, clover nipple clamps, juicy erotica novels - one of which you picked up - lengths of different coloured ropes, wooden floggers, riding crops, and so much more. 
Away from all the chaos at the stalls was an area called BDSMC; BDSM and coffee. It was a way to set people up with potential doms and or subs. Each individual looking for a buddy would order a coffee or drink with a green cup that had either letter on it; D for dom or S for sub. Red cups were exclusively 'do not approach' because the person either didn’t want to engage or they may already have a partner and are just there for some good coffee. 
It was an awesome set-up and had you thinking about heading over to maybe find someone who would be interested. However, you stored away that thought as you continued to have a look around. 
One thing that was painfully obvious to you was the fact that people weren’t there by themselves. They were either there with a group or their partner, making you feel even more out of place and slightly overwhelmed. But you weren’t going to tap out early. Minho gave you his ticket not only because he couldn’t attend, but also because he wants you to experience what you’re looking for, for yourself.
So you scour out the stores under the guise of your own interest, coming across a few which struck that interest. There was one store tailored specifically to pain play, a heavy aspect of BDSM. Another stall had all to do with sexual health, consent and BDSM - not necessarily selling anything, but just there to answer any questions that people may have. 
One place had caught you attention, a store all to do with sensory play and deprivation - a term in which you’ve came across within the realm of research into BDSM.
In nicely orgasnised lines were individual packets of silk blindfolds in a variety of different colours. There were boxes of body safe candles, most likely for temperature play, noise cancelling headphones, sleek metal handcuffs, and other items that had you wondering how they work. 
“Hello, anything I can help you with or just browsing today?” One of the shop owners approaches you from behind the table. 
“Oh, just browsing thank you,” you reply back to her.
“No worries, let me know if you need anything,” she smiles back at you and walks down to the other end of the long table. 
“Hello, do you have any of these in black?” A person beside you asks to another store keeper. 
Out of sheer interest, you briefly look up at the person just as an unspoken social acknowledgement while the owner tends to their new customer. But to your absolute shock and surprise, the person enquiring happened to be someone very familiar.
The jet black hair, distinct glasses, the trendy casual outfit...
…there was no way.
“We should do. I’ll have a look around in some of our storage containers just behind the back for you,” she says helpfully. 
“Thank you,” the customer responds. 
It was definitely him, and whilst your eyes had been glued to his presence for such a long time, his gaze catches onto it. 
“Hey,” he spoke in a mousey volume.
You stall in your step a bit just as you were about to walk away to remain unknown, but the angelic purity in the tone of his voice lulled you back. You’d feel bad if you didn’t greet him too. 
“Hey,” you say to him awkwardly. “How are you?”
“I’m good thank you, yourself?” He asks back. 
“Yeah, good thanks. I know you, sort of. Aren’t you in my class?” 
It was a useless question to ask considering you’ve spent too many times looking at him to know that it’s definitely him. That distinct soft expression couldn’t pass you by. The only thing different is that he wasn't swarmed by his usual collective of friends.
A small smile spreads on his face, “yeah. I’ve seen you here and there. You usually sit close to the front.” 
“That’s right,” you nod, bewildered that he knows who you are and where you sit during class. “So…what brings you…here of all places?”
Jeongin shrugs with a smile, “interest. You?”
You nod, “also interest.”
The lady pops back from behind the screen with some items, “you might be out of luck. We’ve only got grey and white left but there’s a couples' one for you and your partner here.”
Your mind stutters upon hearing those words come out of the lady’s mouth, “oh he’s not - we’re not-“
“What about any more of these? Preferably in black as well?” Jeongin picks up a baby pink coloured blindfold and presents it to the woman. He seemed to have saved that awkward statement yet wasn’t entirely effected by it as you were.
“I’ll have a look around the back again and see if we’ve got anything,” she says, quickly rushing off.
“Sorry about that,” he says apologetically to her. 
He was as nice as he looked. Almost like a gentle, placid puppy which makes you wonder, how is someone like him at one of these conventions. Specifically, someone who is quite religious. You didn’t want to judge right away, but that was the preface of your observation.
“I take it you’ve never been to one of these before,” he points out as he waits. 
Your shoulders relax defeatedly, someone had finally ripped down your facade, “can you tell?”
“Just a little bit,” he grins. “But props to you for coming here on your own by the looks of it.”
“A friend of mine recommended I go so I thought I should,” you respond, eyeing up some of the other products.
He nods engagingly, “really? Why did they recommend it to you if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Just…looking to get into BDSM,” you reply honestly, feeling comfortable enough to talk to him about this. Plus there was no point in hiding your intentions given where you are now. “He said I should go to one of these events, check out the stores, and see how some of this stuff works I suppose.” 
The lady returns from the back with exactly what he requested while also picking up a few extra things before paying for the lot. Your attention fixates on those items, wondering who he uses them on; a pyrex glass dildo, one tube of strawberries and cream flavoured lube, and also a ball gag
Whoever his partner is must be lucky. 
The shopkeeper bags all of the items he paid for in a discrete bag before he thanks her.
“That's a good step, but if you’re a beginner, it’d be best for you to start out small,” he advises just an idea suddenly strikes him. He wonders for a second about whether or not it’s appropriate to ask, but he considers your circumstances and why you’re even here. 
“I figured that. No point in me diving right into the deep end when I can’t swim yet,” you agree. 
“You know, because we’re both here, we should get together sometime so we can talk about these kinds of things. I could show you how all of these work too if you want,” he pitches his suggestion to you, holding up the bag of things that he just purchased. 
You stare up at him, utterly bewildered, “wait, are you serious?”
“Only if you are, otherwise-“
“No!” You cut him off. “I mean, yes - yes I am serious. It’s just, I was shocked that you even asked me.”
He stifles a chuckle as a reaction to you being so oddly yet unforceably cute, “alright then. I’ll give you my number. I’m Jeongin by the way.”
“Jeongin, okay. I’m Y/N.”
It was nice to finally put a name to a handsome face. Jeongin, who was as unsuspecting as the come, had exchanged numbers with you before you both departed. He left you wondering so much more about his personality and particularly his interests with BDSM. It even made you forget to text Minho to tell him how well the convention went.
Right before you decided that you were going to ring him, a text came through to you from Jeongin. 
To you from Jeongin: ‘Hey Y/N, it’s Jeongin. It was nice meeting you the other day. I was wondering if you wanted to catch up over coffee to talk and get to know each other more. If so, when are you free?’
You to Jeongin: ‘Hey Jeongin, it was nice meeting you as well. I’m free in the afternoons throughout the week. We could go for coffee on campus after class if it’s not too far?’
Jeongin to You: ‘Nope, that’s perfect. Shall we say Monday straight after? We can head there together.’
You to Jeongin: ‘Sounds good to me. See you then.’
Jeongin to You: ‘Yup! :)’
With those responses from him in mind, it made looking forward to Monday a little more palatable. Usually, it’s hectic with quizzes, tonnes of readings, and a boring two hour lecture. Meeting up with Jeongin meant you had something to look forward to after class. 
Just as the lecture comes to an end, you look back to the middle row of seats in the centre section of the room as you pack up your things and see Jeongin waving out to you. You wave back, acknowledging that you’ve seen him and watch him say bye to his friends before he makes his way down to you. A couple of them seemed rather puzzled that he was leaving them, but nonetheless, they let him be. 
“Hey Y/N,” he says to you, walking down the steps. “What did you think of that?”
“Boring as per,” you groan. “It made me want to sleep.”
Jeongin laughed, “shall we go before you fall asleep then?”
The pair of you exited the theatre together and headed to one of the nearby cafes on campus. Normally teeming with hungry students, the venue wasn’t as packed as it usually is from the help of classes that run through into lunch. It meant that you and Jeongin were able to receive your drinks relatively quickly in order to sit down and start talking.
“How was your weekend?” He asks you.
You finish bringing your drink down from your lips, “not as exciting as I wished it had been. Mainly just catching up on some of the online work that we were meant to do.”
Jeongin is shaking his head but silently agreeing with you, “I don’t know why they bother giving us tasks to do online.”
“I suppose to make us suffer even more,” you guess. 
“I think you might be right, and since it’s worth credit, we have no choice,” he snickers. “But anyway, on a completely different note, what did you think of your first BDSM event?” 
“Not as daunting as I was expecting it to be,” you answer honestly. “It was pretty pleasant, to say the least, and the people I met were really nice.”
“That’s good to know,” Jeongin nods. “Usually I hear of beginners who get too overwhelmed and never come back. It’s a shame really because they only see the tip of the iceberg.”
“Do you normally attend those events?” You ask him, still immensely intrigued that he even went in the first place. 
“Only when I can,” he responds. “Most of the time, classes and other stuff get in the way, but I’ve found a balance now. What made you want to get into BDSM anyway?”
“A friend of mine is well into that space and I always hear him talking about it. Since then it’s always interested me, so I started doing some research about it,” you answer. “It was the same person who told me to go to that event.”
“Smart choice for doing your research, not many people do and just head straight into something they don’t know,” Jeongin mentally applauds you. “It can turn out to be a really good or really terrible experience for beginners.”
“Yeah, he warned me about that,” you chuckle, just thinking of Minho and what he’s said to you in the past. “What about you? How did you get into BDSM? Sounds like you’re already in that space.”
“I am. I’ve been in it for four years, since the start of my degree,” Jeongin confirms adjusting his black glasses. “I got into it just by interest as well - similar to you, except, I didn’t have the pleasure of knowing someone who was already part of this space so some things I had to learn the hard way.” 
“Then I take it that you’re relatively experienced then,” you respond, inferring an assumption already.
Jeongin smiles shyly, almost like he’s somewhat embarrassed by your comment, “you could say that. Is it right to assume that you’re looking for someone to do scenes with?”
You give a nod, “yes. Just…didn’t know who with.”
“That fits then; given that I have some experience and you haven’t yet, then maybe we do a trial, see if we click, those sorts of aspects. What do you think about that?” He asks you. 
An excitement thumps against your chest, “I think that’s a good idea.”
“Yeah?” He replies with optimism. “Then if it’s okay with you, do you maybe want to talk about some of your kinks and things that you don’t like and organise a time and place for our first scene?” 
“I’d love to.” 
Both you and Jeongin brought a lot of ideas to the table, conducting a healthy discussion about what you’re both into and not. Although he openly stated to you that he mainly presents himself as a dom, he was open to switching too. However, for the purpose of getting you into the swing of BDSM, it would be best for him to take the reins.
So with a little more talking, you both came up with a set date and time for the first scene which was to be at Jeongin’s place; not too far from campus. All the information and the logistics leading up to the scene were slightly nerve-wracking but didn’t match your level of excitement. 
Considering your inexperience with BDSM, Jeongin had to factor in what would be the best method of easing you into things. Sensory play was the one thing that came to mind. It’s not too extreme, can involve some restraints, and can act as a good stepping stone for a BDSM beginner. 
“It’s a good way to start off,” Jeongin said to you back at the cafe. “If it’s just sensory play only, people don’t usually climax from it. But if there’s some sort of sexual penetration that’s involved, then most likely. I don’t do the latter.”
“Still sounds like fun,” you replied.
“It is. I can deprive you of one or more of your senses which will only enhance the other.”
His way of describing the basics of sensory play could’ve easily put you to sleep – not because it was boring, but because his voice was so silky smooth that you could listen to it all day. The fact that he has so much knowledge about a subject was strangely erotic.
With your mind cleared in preparation for the scene, Jeongin flicks you a text an hour beforehand to see if you are still keen. He definitely knows that you are, but it’s also to cover his end as a dom to ensure that you know that you can pull out of the scene before it starts. 
To You from Jeongin: Hey Y/N, still on for tonight? 
From you to Jeongin: ‘Hey! Absolutely, I’ll text you when I’m at yours?’
To You from Jeongin: ‘I’ll look forward to it.’
Even if you didn’t want to go through with it tonight, Jeongin would be okay with that. For whatever reason why you would say no, he’s happy that you would feel safe to refuse. But never in your wildest dreams would you ever think of refusing, because as soon as it was time to leave, there was no doubt in your mind that you would turn back.
You had showered and packed a bag with a towel, extra clothes in case, a water bottle, and some snacks. If anyone were to come up to you and look into your duffle, their only thought would be that you’re heading to a gym nearby, not heading to your first BDSM scene. It was a nice little secret to have. 
As you arrive on the street of Jeongin’s apartment, you text him to say that you’re nearly there and knock on the door once you’ve officially made it.
“Hey,” he greets with his smiley usual self. “Come in.”
“Hey,” you respond, looking around as you step in. 
It was rather spacious which is usually not generous with student accommodation. Normally it’s one room cramped with a desk, chair, inadequate storage underneath the single bed and a community bathroom down the hall. By the looks of it, Jeongin had all this space to himself including a small bathroom and mini kitchenette area. 
“Wow, you got lucky with student housing around here.”
“Can’t stress the word ‘lucky’ enough,” Jeongin emphasises, closing the door behind you as you take your shoes off. “Took me about four months last year just to apply for a viewing. But after living in shared accommodation on campus, I needed my own space.”
“Fair enough,” you say. “Some student spaces are lucky enough to have wallpaper. But anyway.”
“Would you like something to eat or drink?” He offers. “I bought food earlier on.”
“No it’s okay thank you, I made sure to have some water and food before the scene,” you politely refuse. 
“Okay, good,” Jeongin nods, impressed even. Those who forget to eat before a scene will often find that their energy depletes faster, rendering them unable to continue or even worse, it could go hand in hand with a sub drop. “Then in that case, shall we get started?”
Your stomach flips excitedly, “sounds good to me.”
Jeongin does the honours of leading you to his bedroom. It’s adorned with a minimalistic aesthetic and beautiful muted tones. There’s a decent queen-sized bed centred back against the wall. Laid on top of its surface is a black cardboard box and a set of black restraints right beside it in contrast with the white fitted duvet. Flickering on the bedside table burned a red candle.
From what you could gather, it was most likely for wax play, but it smelt amazing. Almost a woody with a tinge of floral essence to it that filled his room.
“We can start the scene by taking your clothes off and I’ll get these restraints ready, okay?” Jeongin suggests to you. 
He steps over towards the mattress, picking up the long restraints. Only two – one for each of your wrists that he was going to link to the bedposts. He secures the ends of them in place while you strip yourself down to your bra and underwear. You fold them over your arms as Jeongin returns to carefully take them from you and places them on his chair in the corner of the room. 
He comes back once he’s done, eyeing up your body. It’s not that he meant to gawk or observe you per se, but he was in fact silently appreciating your body. He could only just hide the fact that he’s very taken with how you look and the way you pull off a simple black bra and underwear set. 
It wasn’t lingerie, but they were intricated pieces. Jeongin seems to be aware of that when you feel him delicately glide his fingertips down the straps of your bra from behind while you stare into his mirror on the wall. 
“This is is pretty,” he says. 
You swallow quietly, content with his observation, “yeah?” 
“Yes, but unfortunately I need it off for this scene. Is that okay with you?” He asks. 
“That’s okay,” you reply clearly.
“Okay then, what’s your colour?”
With your given consent in mind, Jeongin works behind your back to unclasp your bra and places it with the rest of your clothes. It’s not an awkward moment for either of you given that it was nothing in comparison to the things he had planned for you. 
“Beautiful,” he comments, his eyes lingering for a few seconds too long in the mirror. Your cheeks instantly become hotter, hoping Jeongin can just hurry up and put the blindfold over your eyes so you don’t have to look at him. “Let’s move to the bed. I’ll get you to lie down so I can put the restraints on your wrists.” 
On his instruction, you make your way over to his bed after he moves the black box to the nightstand. You sit down on the mattress edge and prop your legs up until you’re able to lie down flat with your head on his pillow.
Jeongin slightly manoeuvres each of your arms before strapping your wrists into the restraints and for a couple of seconds there, you’re in your own mind. It still baffles you that you struck gold with Jeongin by absolute chance. Not to mention he’s the same person who attends church and goes to bible studies and is the same person who’s tying you to his bed. 
“Not too tight?” He checks in with you. 
“Nope, that’s fine,” you reply. 
Jeongin takes the lid off of the box on the side and takes out the silk black blindfold he purchased from the convention the other day, “okay, I’m going to place the blindfold over your eyes now.”
You nod as total darkness shields you from the predictable. Now you can’t see what’s coming next. The excitement and anticipation hinder all nervousness you’ve been feeling while Jeongin takes a moment to appreciate the state that you’re in. It’s not often for him to be so taken with a person to the point where he just about forgets what he’s doing.
Only then does he realise that he’s in a scene and needs to refocus. 
Once he’s content with everything, he decides to move on, “now we can start.” 
He goes back to the box, careful not to make too much sound so that you can’t grasp a hint of what might be inside. The first item he picks up is a long, spindly black feather. It’s simple yet very effective, responsible for creating that ticklish sensation when he dances it lightly and softly along your skin. On its first contact, your nerves try to anticipate where Jeongin will take the feather next, but their guesses come up short when he uses it somewhere else. 
The feather glides from the base of your throat, downwards and in between your tits. Jeongin then uses it to delicately lick over your nipple, making you keen slightly to one side. You can’t help but suppress a moan by biting down on your lip. It shouldn’t feel this good too early, but you can’t help your body’s natural reaction to the feather that leaves tingles in your muscles throughout its wake. 
The smile on Jeongin’s face indicates that he’s enjoying watching you squirm and quietly whimper, still teasing you with the black plume. He drags it from the tips of your toes, up your shin, and right over your clothed pussy, making you press your head back into the pillow. 
Jeongin makes a mental note of that reaction and smirks. To him, those small effects of what he’s doing to your body with only a feather, make him wonder how sensitive you really are. But it’s not his whole desire to spend too much time with it and proceeds to move on to something else; the hot wax. 
After placing the previous item in the box, Jeongin swaps it for the candle. The catcher has collected a substantial amount of wax at the bottom which will allow him to pour the majority of it out before it starts to solidify. But Jeongin stalls for a moment as he tries to make up his mind on where to pour first. 
In his opinion, he wants to cover all the sensitive parts that you’ll let him. Your tits, collarbone, throat, tummy, wherever. Eventually, however, he knows he’ll get to those places. So he starts with your tummy, watching the hot wax drip and dribble onto your skin, hardening as it makes contact. 
A gasp is forced out of your mouth, “s-shit-“
“Too hot?” Jeongin asks you, pulling back the candle before he goes to pour again. 
“N-No,” you shake your head fervently. “J-Just wasn’t expecting-"
Jeongin pours a steady line of wax in between your tits, prying your mouth open for slightly quiet yet strained moans to roll from the base of your throat.
He expects you to have some sort of reaction to the hot wax, but not like this. Usually, people try to escape from the head, some swear like sailors, and others might scream or yelp. You on the other hand…it makes him wonder if you’re a masochist with the way you’re moaning from the slight pain. 
Nonetheless, he drips more wax, this time down your abdomen, forcing you to purse your lips to suppress any sound.
Despite the temperature of the thick content, your brain, for whatever reason, deduces it as a good sensation rather than a bad one. It does burn a bit, but not to the point where you feel like you need to call for a break. That feeling when it settles into the skin where it’s magnificent and warm is too good to pass up, allowing you to keep going.
With the session barely in full swing, you’re trying to keep it together for Jeongin so that hopefully he’d invite you back for another. Yet, within the second you even start thinking about that, Jeongin pours some of the wax, just about the line of your underwear, making you tug hard on the restraints. 
“Fuck – oh my god,” you groan, feeling the heat emulsify within your lower half. It spreads beautifully, just where you want it. “That feels…” 
“Good?” Jeongin asks, making your back arch slightly when he drips more wax from your sternum to just above your belly button. There are some areas that he won’t cover with the wax since he wants enough sensitive space for the next part of the scene. 
Since Jeongin has some verbal confirmation from you that the heat feels good, his indication of pinning you for being a masochist grows stronger. It’s not abnormal, but it’s rare. Not everyone is a fan of pain and some even find it confusing when it’s applied in the bedroom.
That’s not Jeongin though. He appreciates pain and pleasure in a controlled environment. In saying that, he cannot make a full observation of whether or not you’re a full-blown masochist. He’d need to actually ask you first and run other ‘tests’ to achieve a result. 
In light of the pain, Jeongin makes use of the little wax he has left, steadily pouring it onto the underside of your tits – close to where you want it. When there’s no content left at the bottom of the catcher, he moves on once more. This time, to a completely opposite temperature. 
He sets the candle back down on the nightstand, leaving it to continue burning so that the aroma fills the room rather than smoke if he were to blow it out. You then hear his footsteps shuffling around to the other side of the bed, making you wonder what it is that he’s doing. But despite tuning your ears into his every movement, Jeongin makes sure to be as careful as he can to ensure that you don’t know what’s coming next. 
The one thing that you hadn’t noticed in his room the second you walked in was a mini tin bucket of ice cubes on the other side of his bed. He gave away zero hints towards his next move, so when he quietly picked up one of the cubes and immediately placed it just above your tits, you suck in a huge gasp. 
“Geez, I wasn’t ready,” you sigh out some of the anticipation that’s building inside of you. 
Jeongin smiles, “good.” 
The areas of your body that are free from the hardened wax allow him to glide the ice cube gently over your skin. The temperature in comparison to the wax is electrifying, more so than what you ever would have anticipated – had you known it was coming. 
Jeongin watches the ice cubes melt from your body heat, seeing the droplets of water pool for a second and run down your sides. When the first cube has melted down completely, Jeongin picks up another. This time, he drags it slowly above the band of your underwear again. 
“Mm! Fuck…” you exclaim loudly, trying to conduct the sensation when it only just builds. “S-Sorry.” 
“You’re okay,” Jeongin reassures you. 
He then brings the ice cube up to one of your nipples, causing you to arch your back and tug on the restraints simultaneously as a sharp gasp leaves your mouth. The corners of Jeongin’s mouth perk up at your reaction. He doesn’t want to be too predictable and switch to your other nipple. Instead, he manages to pick up another ice cube and uses it on your other nipple, dancing it around your sensitive buds that have begun to stiffen and perk up.
Your poor brain is confused by the stimulation. It’s not happening between your legs but you can feel it from your chest. It feels weird not to be contracting around anything, which only makes you wish you were. Nonetheless, it’s still valid stimulation that you feel building and at first, you’re not sure if it’s an orgasm that’s forming or if it just feels good. 
Regardless of the matter, you can’t help it. It’s patterning the pleasure for you to experience without you having any say in it whatsoever. Your mind is muddled with what to say – how to express how you feel or what’s happening to your body. 
Jeongin has some idea of it now that he’s been listening to you panting and watching you writhe on his bed just from a couple of ice cubes. However, he wants to see how this plays out. 
“J-Jeongin,” you mumble, sucking in small breaths of air. “I’m…”
His ears spring up at the sound of his name, but he refrains from saying anything at all. Instead, he picks up another ice cube, allowing the one in his left hand to melt away before applying the fresh one. The chilly sensation replenishes but it doesn’t stop that sensation that you can feel in your tits all the way through to your pussy. Even though it feels similar to an orgasm, it triggers zero verbal response when it decides to hit you out of nowhere. 
Jeongin sees your mouth part, your legs bracketing together like they’re trying to find something to clamp around. All the while, he doesn’t stop stimulating your nipples with the cubes until your back is flat on his bed again. He had to see it through to the end. 
Breathless and slightly dazed as you were, the first thing that came to mind was that you did in fact cum. Following that came anxiously wondering what Jeongin’s reaction was.
At that, an invisible weight of embarrassment starts tugging you down. You wanted the blindfold to remain over your eyes, terrified of meeting whatever expression was laden on Jeongin’s face. There was no point in trying to gauge how he reacted when you orgasmed, but there was one thing for sure and that was he didn’t stop you from doing it. 
A few lingering moments later, Jeongin becomes satisfied with the tail end of the scene. He got through the aspects of sensory play that you both wanted to cover from the conversation you had at the beginning of the week.
He gently removes the silk blindfold from your eyes, fixing some of your hair in the process to get it out of your eyes. Even though your eyes shy away from his face, Jeongin can easily see the deep red burning through your cheeks. 
“I’ll get these off for you,” Jeongin murmurs, already freeing one of your wrists from the restraint before moving on to the other.
Once you’re completely unrestricted, you sit up straight away and start blabbing out an explanation to him. 
“Just so you know, I didn’t have other intentions going into this,” you speak quickly. “I just wasn’t expecting to…to-“
Slightly taken aback, Jeongin had to step in to reassure you that there’s nothing wrong, “Y/N, it’s okay, seriously. It’s not your fault that your body couldn’t help but do what it needed to. But you’ve just come out of a scene and I want to make sure that you’re ok-“
“Yes but, you said the other day that people don’t usually climax from sensory play only,” you interrupt him. 
He softens a bit, a small grin forming on his face, “I said ‘usually’ not ‘never’. I didn’t rule out that possibility.” 
You suddenly click onto his words, “so there is a possibility that they still can.” 
“Yes, but you don’t have anything to be embarrassed about or sorry for. Some people can orgasm through nipple stimulation. It’s not always easy, but you managed to do it, with ice too, and relatively fast. Plus, I thought it was cute,” he responds. 
‘Cute?’ If melting from embarrassment was a thing, you’d be a puddle all over his floor. Your face comes to fall into your hands, almost making him giggle. 
Jeongin then continues, “now, if you’ll let me help you, I’ll show you to the shower to get some of the wax off. Then we can have some of that food I was talking about earlier.” 
A/N: again, this was meant for Kinktober but my dumb ass didn’t upload it. I’m turning this into a bit of a slow burn series, but not just yet because I’m working on other things atm as listed down below:
1. Noxious Compulsions
Minsung x reader (you can find the snippet here)
2. Foul Play
Part 2 to Don’t bite the hand that feeds you
3. Venom Eater
Part 2 to Venom Biter
4. Some things are better left known
Part 2 to ‘Some things are better left unknown’
These are the main pieces that I’m working on at the moment bc they will be quite dense, and I try to add as much detail in as I can. However, there are 100% other things that I have still sitting in my Doc’s folder that I’ll release too!
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bellarosethefangirl · 8 months
Hey, could u do one where the YGO boys comfort crying reader? Or the other way around where we comfort them from crying? Xx
Hi I’m sorry this is so late. I found this sitting in my box just now. Thanks so much for letting me do this request for you. I’ll gladly write it for you. I appreciate the patience since I’ve been on hiatus.
Various Yu-Gi-Oh! Boys x Reader
Comforting Their Crying S/o
Headcanons: Yugi Muto, Yami, Seto Kaiba, Duke Devlin, and Joey Wheeler
Bonus: Mai Valentine and Dark Magician Girl
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Tag List: @xxmobiumshipperxx @secondaryrealm @puzzleshipping-princess-1989 @noaltbruh @hevexns-realm @sacredwarrior88 @angelsdevils
If you’re interested in being tagged in my fics please contact me. I tag by fandom. More info in the Link. I tend to tag people who request from me
Yugi Muto
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He’s not only the king of games but also the king of comforting his loved ones
Yugi is very perceptive of others feelings especially your own. When he realizes you’re sad, he immediately tries to comfort you.
He will be by your side and ask what has happened
He will do everything in his power to comfort you. Be it words of affirmation or genuine care. He’s very loving and will be extra fragile towards you when you’re sad
As you cry he holds you. If you don’t like being touched when you’re upset then he gives you space
He will give you his jacket and hold your hand as he speaks gently to you.
“Please don’t cry... I’m here for you.”
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what I love most about this former pharaoh is how he handles people’s feelings with grace. This is ten fold for his significant other
Yami is quick to comfort you with his words. He listens and responds accordingly
Advice, words of love, you name it
He always knows what to say. He’s full of wisdom and has such a big heart. He’s the best at comforting
When you cry he dries your tears with his sleeves of his jacket and cups your face so you look into his caring yet piercing red eyes
His look is incredibly gentle as is his touch towards you
He’ll speak in a soft low voice. It’s so gentle, his deep voice is so comforting
“Please look at me.. I won’t leave your side until I see you smile again.”
Joey Wheeler
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He’s very in tune with emotions especially your own
He’s quick to pick up on your feelings and when you cry he’s already by your side ready to comfort you.
He holds you in his long arms and gives you a reassuring look. His expression can light up a room and he can certainly give you his signature grin to make your heart flutter
His positivity knows no bounds and he’s quick to cheer you up even when you’re crying
He knows what to say and he’ll only tell you what you need to he told
“Don’t worry babe Joey Wheeler is here!”
Duke Devlin
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He’s a sweet boyfriend with a way with words. Even when you’re crying
Duke lends his shoulder to cry on and picks you up in his arms so you can sit on his lap while you cry
He wraps an arm around you and gently speaks to you
He’s the sweetest and will make it his mission to have those tears of yours gone
Duke wipes away those tears and looks into your eyes as he’s comforting you
“Angel baby, please talk to me. I’m all ears.”
Seto Kaiba
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Kaiba is quick to demand who hurt you. His eyes turn cold at the very thought of someone daring to hurt his beloved
When he realizes no one has hurt you he’s quick to look saddened and holds your hand. His arm wraps around you protectively
He orders someone to buy you your favorite treat, stat then returns his attention to you
He uses his handkerchief or tie to wipe away your tears gently
His demeanor is so soft with you as he listens to what you have to say
He’s comforting but very gentle In his words. His advice is always top notch as is his problem solving. He will do everything in his power to make it right
“Don’t worry I’ll make sure everything will be okay, dear.”
Mai Valentine
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Mai certainly shows tough love but only when it’s necessary. Her love for you is very well shown. She’ll be so worried when she see’s her baby darling crying
She’s quick to baby you and immediately figure out what could be wrong
She might be quick to look for anyone who could’ve possibly hurt you. She’s much like her harpy duel monsters. She’ll gladly sink her claws on anyone who gets on her bad side.
When you tell her no one has hurt you she will start comforting you. She’ll hug you against her soft chest and talk to you gently. Her embrace is so warm and comforting
Her words are so full of wisdom. She speaks to you with such grace as she comforts you
She’s also very good with advice. Her words always manage to help and make you feel so much better
“Dear, you’ve really got to be strong. Don’t worry your pretty little head. You’ll get through this, I just know it.”
Dark Magician Girl
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She is immediately worried and going to be right by your side
She is quick to be holding you or placing your head on her lap how you like it
If you're affectionate, she will smother you with it as she does her best to calm you down
If you’re not as affectionate then she will be absolutely reassuring and in tune with your feelings
This lovely lady will make it her mission to wipe away those tears and cheer you up
After you’re feeling better and if you’re feeling up to it she will even take you on a date. Her treat!
“Sweetie what’s wrong? Your tears break my heart.”
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seabirdtxt · 1 year
.Irminsul checkout -b <Realm Within>
You, the Creator, explore the possibilities the teapot realm has to offer and try to make accommodations for your surprising new roommates [< prev] [Blog tag] [next >]
Notes: Genshin SAGAU, reader is the Creator but no cult shenanigans. all relationships are currently platonic! WC. 3k
----- ⚘ -----
Meeting Tubby was just as entertaining as you’d hoped it would be. The flustered teapot spirit nearly dropped her porcelain hat when she saw you, offering to give you a personal tour of the realm mansion (as if you hadn’t designed the interior yourself), calling up Chubby (who was mortified to admit that he hadn’t brought any new stock today), and frantically rearranging furniture as your group roamed the mansion grounds despite your protests that everything was fine as it was. In the end, she settled for hosting you and your two companions over a pot of tea.
The Traveler remains silently amused as they watch you trying to behave politely while Tubby continuously refills your cup with fresh sunsettia tea. Beside them, Wanderer discreetly tosses the contents of his cup over his shoulder with a grimace. 
Inevitably, between her stuttered rambling and your patient reassurances, Tubby notices the empty cup and refills it with more tea. Much to Wanderer’s displeasure.
“- and if you need anything to eat, a- any snacks or meals, I would be most honored to procure them for you, Your Grace!” Tubby continues, with you nodding along politely. It seems better to let her vent it out than to stop her, at this point.
“Tubby, would it be very troublesome to get a teapot realm for Their Grace?” the Traveler interjects, saving you from having to placate the bird adeptus once more. “It would be practical for them to have a place of residence while they stay in Teyvat.”
“O- of course!” Tubby nods so quickly you almost fear that her hat will fly off her head. “I can contact Streetwise Rambler posthaste! If you have any preference in shape or colour, Your Grace-” 
“Anything you might have readily available is alright with me,” you reassure her. “As long as it has space to accommodate multiple guests, I don’t mind too much what the outside of it looks like.”
“T- that can be arranged!” the teapot spirit exclaims, topping up everyone’s cups before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
The three of you stare awkwardly at the space where Tubby used to be. Eventually, Wanderer gets up and disappears into the mansion, effectively trading places with Paimon as the little sprite returns from within after apparently having raided the Traveler’s pantry.
“Hey!” She exclaims through a mouthful of cookies. “Where did Tubby go? Did you guys drink all the tea?”
“She just went to get a teapot for Their Grace!” the Traveler explains, snatching a package of cookies from Paimon’s tiny hands, to the sprite’s protests. “She should be back soon. I can pour the tea for you, if you want.”
You sit back and enjoy the mindless chatter between the two, and sometime later Wanderer emerges from the mansion with several boxes stacked in his arms. The Traveler jumps up with a noise of surprise.
“Hey! What’s all that stuff?”
“I’m moving out.” Wanderer states, as though it’s obvious. 
“Good riddance!” Paimon says, waving a biscuit at him threateningly. “It’s about time you moved out, young man! How are you supposed to learn about the human world if you’re cooped up in the Traveler’s realm all the time? Go outside and touch grass!”
“There’s grass in the realm, Paimon,” the Traveler points out. 
“Argh! You know what I mean!”
“Of course, I’ll be moving in with the Creator, ” Wanderer continues as if Paimon hadn’t spoken at all. “Someone needs to keep the other two clowns in check so they don’t wreck the nice home Their Grace will surely build.”
“And that someone couldn’t be anyone else?” you ask, and immediately cringe when his piercing eyes turn toward you.
He huffs with amusement. “Nobody knows them better than me,” he shrugs and shakes his head. “Plus, who knows what my second incarnation will get up to? We don’t know how Irminsul resolved his appearance in this world, so he may yet be part of the Fatui, for all we know.”
“If he’s like you after the Joruri workshop fight, y’know, after you lost the gnosis and all? He’ll probably be weak and powerless,” Paimon says. “Just completely incapable of fighting in any meaningful way. Yes offense.”
“Offense taken.” Wanderer replies with the same tone, shooting a glare at the sprite over his shoulder. “I’ll have you know I’m more than capable of wiping the floor with you, with or without a gnosis.”
“You realize you’re bragging about your ability to beat up the physical equivalent of a two year old?” you interrupt before they could start arguing. They both send you equally scandalized looks, and Paimon splutters and mimes stomping as she tries to defend herself from the accusation of being a child. 
“Guys, let’s all calm down for a second,” the Traveler sighs, rubbing their head just as Paimon launches herself at Wanderer and knocking over cups and the magic tea kettle, and Wanderer fends her off with one hand, balancing his stack of boxes with his other arm. He swings around to avoid her tiny fists, knocking over the table and chairs in the process as he dances out of her reach.
 “Guys, seriously! Tubby will be back any minute now-”
Just as the words leave their mouth, the adeptus in question suddenly reappears with a lovely little porcelain teapot in her wing-hands. She takes in the scene, of you and the Traveler standing with your arms outstretched to restrain, and Paimon and Wanderer having a spat amidst the wreck of her tea set and furniture.
With a choked gasp, she promptly drops the new teapot.
----- ⚘ -----
After some profuse apologies on everyone’s part, Tubby repairs your new teapot and her furniture with her adeptus magic. She hands you the teapot with reverence, quickly running you through how the Realm Within works (even though you already know) and then ushering you out of the Traveler’s teapot excitedly.
“I hope you like it!” Tubby chirps, feathers fluffed with happiness. “Your teapot spirit is a good friend of mine, I’m sure he will take excellent care of your realm!” 
You and Wanderer are ejected from the realm, finding yourselves standing in the glowing Irminsul chamber, outside the Traveler’s golden teapot with the stack of boxes and your porcelain teapot. Somewhere in the distance, you can hear Nahida speaking, likely addressing Scaramouche and Kabukimono.
“Okay! here goes nothing,” you exclaim, placing down the teapot reverently. You grab the realm dispatch that Tubby had given you, visually identical to the one you remember seeing in your game’s inventory but with a red and gold tassel.  You hold the strip of wood in your palm and allow yourself to attune to the magic inside it. 
Despite not feeling any different after a few moments, you hand over the dispatch to Wanderer, who attunes as well. Once the process is complete, the two of you place your palms against the sides of your teapot and allow yourselves to be warped to the new realm.
Immediately upon appearing in the realm, which you notice is modelled after the same landscape theme as the Traveler’s, a cheerful little basketball-sized grey and yellow teapot spirit floats up to you.
The spirit, looking very much like the little cockatiel-coloured finches from the overworld, greets you with a happy whistle. Where Tubby and Chubby are usually sitting in a fancy teapot-shaped vessel, this one is sitting in a small, but equally ornate, teacup. 
“Hi! Hello! Are you my new master?” the tiny adeptus chitters, clapping his wing feathers together. “I’m your teapot spirit! I’m so happy to meet you!” 
“Oh great, another one.” Wanderer snorts, then pushes past you and into the mansion with his boxes. You gently hold the teapot spirit to avoid him getting knocked back by the motion.
“Don’t mind him, he’s not very social,” you tell the finch, who looks up at you with adoration. “How about you tell me about yourself?”
The finch reluctantly extracts himself from your hands and floats in front of you, feathers twisting shyly.
“Th- this one doesn’t have many interesting things to tell,” he admits. “Not like Rain Calmer and Jade Seeker… This one hasn’t even been granted a small-name yet…” 
“Oh…” you reach out and pat his head. “That’s okay, I can give you a nickname if you really want one.” 
“Will you?” the finch gasps, and surely if beaks could smile…
“That can wait for a minute,” Wanderer calls from the mansion’s front door, leaning against the open door frame. “Can we get some furniture in here first? This place is emptier than Dottore’s soul.” 
“Oh! Of course!” The teacup spirit hurriedly follows Wanderer into the mansion, with you trailing behind them at a slower pace.
As you walk through the mansion, a collection of Inazuman and Sumerian-style furniture begins popping up around you. You follow Wanderer as he moves from room to room, decorating the first one in purely Inazuman decor, the second with a blend of Inazuman and Shneznayan furniture, and the last with simple Sumerian amenities. Satisfied, Wanderer dumps all his boxes on the floor of the third room.
“Okay, great.” He nods at the nervous finch, then points at the door. “Now you guys, get out.” 
You beat a hasty retreat with the teacup spirit in your hands, just barely making it out before Wanderer slams the door behind you. You peer down at the little finch, trying to smile in an encouraging way.
“How about we check out the other rooms while he settles in, shall we?” You offer, and the teacup spirit nods enthusiastically. 
You deck out the remaining rooms with whatever nation’s theme inspires the teacup spirit’s artistic expression. For your own room, the last one you two decide to tackle, you choose a mix of all the nations’ furnishings. It creates a bit of an aesthetic mess, but it seems fitting to want a piece of each place. 
You clap excitedly for the little finch, who blushes fiercely and coos under your attention. 
“Aw, shucks,” he warbles. “I was just doing my job…”
“Nah, you did great, bud!” You reassure him, patting his fluffy head again. “Now, how about that nickname, huh?”
“Wow, really?” 
“Sure thing! How about, hmm…”
You squint at the teacup spirit, thinking really hard about a potential nickname. You know Tubby and Chubby’s nicknames aren’t really related to their adepti names, but it still would seem helpful to have something to go off of…
“... Cup…” You mutter to yourself, eyeing his little teacup seat, and the finch spirit perks up at the sound.
“Hm?” The adeptus makes an adorable noise of confusion, head tilted to one side as it eagerly awaits your final decision.
“... Cuppy.” You finally say, more confidently. The newly named Cuppy vibrates with excitement. “Yeah, I kinda like that. Well, nice to meet you, Cuppy!”
“Wow! Thank you so much!!” Cuppy exclaims, crashing into you and doing his utmost to hug you with his stubby little wings. “I’ll cherish this name forever!”
“That has to be among the dumbest names I’ve ever heard, Your Grace,” Wanderer’s voice sounds behind you, and you turn around to stick your tongue out at him. 
“W-wait, Your Grace?” Cuppy suddenly lets go of you with a gasp. “You’re the Creator?!”
Before you can say anything in reply, the poor teacup spirit promptly faints in your arms. You quickly make sure Cuppy is alright before giving Wanderer the most exaggerated frown you can muster.
“What? Don’t look at me like that,” he scoffs. “That's what you get for picking such a stupid name.”
“Says the guy who came up with ‘country destroyer’,” you retort. 
“It sounded cool at the time!” Wanderer snaps, clearly embarrassed by his past self’s taste.
“Maybe for a ten year old.”
“Well of course it sounds dumb in Common, in Inazuman it’s a lot better.”
“Sure, keep telling yourself that.”
----- ⚘ -----
You and Wanderer exit the realm after Cuppy wakes up again, and you comfort the teacup spirit by telling him that you’re not mad at him and that he’d done nothing to displease you. Reassured, but only barely, Cuppy tearfully accepts your praise and promises not to let you down. 
You resurface in the Irminsul chamber for a second time, to the hilarious scene of Nahida restraining both Scaramouche and Kabukimono within glowing green cubes a few feet above the ground. Scaramouche is beating against the transparent walls and furiously shouting, from what you can tell since the cubes appear to be soundproof. Kabukimono is sitting in the far corner of his cube, sulking with his arms crossed.
“- and that’s why it’s important to try and let go of any leftover resentment you harbor toward one another,” Nahida appears to be mid-lecture, wrapping up one of her points as she addresses the two puppets. “Otherwise you will fill up with anger and anxiety like a glass of water that is overflowing, and you will eventually release the surface tension and spill all your negative emotions and make a huge mess that everyone else will have to deal with. You may not realize this now, but the result of your quarrel will be very tiresome to those around you. If you spill water on a very important research paper, or a valuable book, or even a quick pencil drawing on a napkin, you will create irreparable harm to those you have affected, no matter how big or small the consequence appears to be.”
“The metaphor got away from you again, Buer.” Wanderer decides he’s heard enough and brings his hand down on the small god’s head, patting her. She looks up at him with a patient smile.
“Wanderer, Your Grace! Have you sorted out the living arrangements?” She asks cheerfully, releasing the Dendro cubes and allowing the puppets in time-out to drop to the floor in ungraceful heaps. 
“We did!” You confirm with equal enthusiasm. “We even have a nice teapot adeptus named Cuppy who helped us out with the decorating and everything!”
“That’s wonderful!” Nahida nods and gestures to Scaramouche and Kabukimono to approach, which they do with some measure of caution. Especially on the Balladeer’s part. He eyes Nahida with newfound suspicion, making sure she doesn’t perform any more Dendro abilities on him.
“Are we going to teleport into your new house?” Kabukimono asks, eyeing the porcelain teapot with intrigue. “The same way you and the Traveler teleported earlier?”
“That’s right, you just need to hold this piece of wood for a minute so that the realm magic recognizes and authorizes you as a guest,” you tell him, holding out the dispatch. Kabukimono takes it delicately, staring at the dispatch with wide eyes even though nothing obvious happens.
After his minute is up, Scaramouche snatches the dispatch out of Kabukimono’s hands and grumbles in annoyance as he looks anywhere but at you guys, allowing the magic to attune to him as well.
Once everyone is ready, you bid Nahida a quick goodbye and show the two puppets how to use the teapot to teleport. As you feel yourself warp in, you watch their expressions.
Wanderer is the most composed, having grown used to teleporting thanks to the Traveler, while Kabukimono seems a little dizzy but not overly bothered. Scaramouche, on the other hand, looks positively nauseous, much to your amusement. 
The four of you land in varying degrees of balance on your feet, with Cuppy stuttering out a greeting and ushering you all into the mansion.
Kabukimono is most pleased with his room, plopping down onto the floor mat with a wide grin. An array of tools lines one of the walls, and the adjacent wall opens to a sheltered view of the outside and a small forge. You turn to look at Wanderer as an awestruck Kabukimono takes in his accommodations.
“... What?” Wanderer scowls when he notices your look. “I just know what he’d like, okay? Don’t think too hard about it.”
Scaramouche’s room is next, and he walks in a few paces, has a look around at the very specific combination of aesthetics, and then kicks the door shut in your face. You’re not sure what else you expected from him.
Wanderer’s room is last, and though you already saw it as he was having it customized, you have a quick peek into it.
The Sumeran decor, though relatively plain, is used to great effectiveness. A desk takes up half of the far wall, accompanied by a mostly empty bookshelf and a tall lamp. A few boxes are pushed against the bookcase, unopened so far but you can guess what the contents will be. On the other side is Wanderer’s dresser and bed, and while you know he doesn’t necessarily need to sleep it’s nice to know that he included a bit of comfort for himself anyway.
“Okay, see ya,” Wanderer says, but you interrupt him with a gentle tug on his sleeve. He looks at you with annoyance and mild confusion.
“Thanks for helping me with the decorating,” you half-whisper, a grin spreading across your face. “Who knew you had such good interior design taste?”
“Whatever,” Wanderer huffs and looks at the floor. “It’s just because I knew you would make a mess of it like you did in the Traveler’s teapot.”
“What? No I didn’t. My decorating was just fine!”
Wanderer rolls his eyes at you. “You have a room filled to the brim with random unrelated junk.”
“That’s my storage room,” you state matter-of-factly. “I needed to reach a certain level of adeptal energy to get the maximum currency reward.”
“You say that as if I know what you’re talking about.” Wanderer deadpans and crosses his arms. “It’s still just a room of junk to me.”
“Fine! I see how it is.” You throw your hands up in amused outrage and stomp out of the room. “I guess decorating is your problem from now on, since you’re so good at it or whatever.”
Wanderer nods with a satisfied smirk. “As it should be,” he says before pushing his door closed.
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endlessthxxghts · 5 months
we were written in the stars
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@swiftiscruff gift exchange ♡
I hope I’m not too late!! I’ve been looking at this exchange all weekend, and I’ve just been trying to figure out what I wanted to say. And after like 40 something hours… I think I’ve got an idea.
First and foremost, I want to say a big thank you to @swiftispunk and @joelscruff for creating such a beautiful little thing for all of us to come together and celebrate the beauty that is love and friendship. I also want to say that what you two have is truly beautiful, and it makes my heart so warm to see what this site has to offer us beyond the realm of the internet walls.
Second, for my gift exchange, I’ve created this little mood board in an attempt to encapsulate the pure welcome and love that everyone has made me feel from the very moment I began my journey on here. And of course, I had to include our favorite man because a good chunk of us, and a good chunk of our friendships, probably wouldn’t be here without him to bring us together.
There’s so much I can say. There’s so much I want to say. But there aren’t enough words or brain skills to truly articulate the way that I feel about the people I’ve had the absolute honor to interact with here on this site. From interacting with my readers (even in the form of a comment, a reblog, or simply seeing your blog in my notifications, I notice it all) to interacting with fellow writers on here, there’s something so real and so raw about the way this community harnesses love and creativity and friendship on here, and I really have never experienced anything like it. It’s beautiful, it’s breathtaking, it’s unreal.
This is getting long. I’m sorry. I guess, what I’m trying to say is: whatever path we’re on, however long it took us to get where we are now, one thing is for sure. The love and the bonds we’ve created here, I truly believe they— we were written in the stars. One way or another, our souls would’ve interacted in some kind of way, and I’m beyond excited to see what more our paths have for us.
You all have truly been my saving grace, in more ways than one. I love you. 🩶
Forever yours, L.
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Also ew sorry this looks so gross since tumblr is being weird with the tags right now lololol
@javierpena-inatacvest @janaispunk @katiexpunk @toxicanonymity @honeyedmiller
@joelsgreys @joelmillerisapunk @pedrosballsack @joels-shitty-puns @joeloverture @joelscruff
@beskarandblasters @bearsbeetsbeskar @beefrobeefcal @cerridwen007 @mrsmando @msjarvis
@pedritoferg @punkshort @morallyinept @sweetercalypso @pedge-page
@notjustjavierpena @clawdee @undercoverpena @tightjeansjavi @pimosworld
@chaithetics @survivingandenduring @getitoutofmymind @amanitacowboy @suzdin
@strang3lov3 @umadosedepascal @pedroisghostiess @sawymredfox @swiftispunk @rav3n-pascal22
@theweedisasterxoxo @djarin-desires @strawberry-pascal @kewwrites @joeloverture
I’m 100% sure there’s so much more that I can name, but I’m sure tumblr will fight me if I tag any more. If I didn’t tag you, it really was unintentional. If I could, I truly would tag every single 1.5k of you (yes, we hit a milestone guys!🥹 I’ll be posting the celebration soon). I love you all. I wouldn’t be here without any of you, truly, so thank you cat and han for giving me the chance to show my love and appreciation. My heart is so so so full.
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angelwhisp3rs · 7 months
༺♥༻ royals
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Pairing: re4r!leon x fem!reader
Summary: A regency era tale of two enemies lovers brought by a legend of the royal bluebell flower.
Tags: fluff; smut; p in v; fingering; leon is an asshole but just a bit.
This is the third part of my valentines advent! Check it out for the next couple of days for more stories!
Notes: I ALMOST DIED BUT IM FINE, feeling fresh after sh**ting and v**iting for two days!!! ALSO THIS WAS BASED ON A C.AI BOT AND I LOVE HIM
Those balls were all too pretentious, way too classy, and filled with people who pretended to like one another but, in reality, they were just hateful. It didn’t help that the event was being held in her enemy's territory: the Kennedy family.
The family was very prestigious and quite well known all around the realm, but they had a long-lasting feud with Ihelia, her family's kingdom - something about riches and lands centuries ago, but no one is quite sure. For now, they still didn’t see eye to eye for another reason: they were just way too snobbish.
God, especially the oldest, Leon. In a rare occurrence, the man was blonde with blue eyes - while some had one characteristic, this little asshole had both. To make matters worse, he was built like a freaking hero, his sparring abilities being renowned in all the kingdom. So yeah, the man was way too handsome and way too competent. To say he was egotistical was an understatement.
Her parents always told her she had to fulfill her duties as a princess to be wed, attending parties and mingling with the royals. Oh gods, how much did she hate it.
She was almost beginning to give up on keeping appearances as a nice old lady, the former queen of the Luterra kingdom - the one ruled by the Kennedys now. She was always known for her kindness, also being the one responsible for the truce period of Luterra and Ihelia. Doing a proper courtesy, she smiled at the queen mother. 
“Your majesty. It's a pleasure to attend such a beautiful event” Oh, how fake she was
“Oh honey, no need to keep up appearances. I always thought my son was way too obnoxious with his parties” she laughed, offering a welcoming pat on her shoulders.
The princess smiled relieved, looking at the former queen with the utmost respect. Gosh, what a wise woman. “I thought the lions were quite artistic. '' The princess jokes, as the queen mother laughs in agreement.
“So, you entered the age of finding suitors. Someone charmed you yet?”
“Not yet, your majesty. My father is busy telling me I should focus on the strategic side of relationships, while my mother just wants me to focus on a wealthy man”
“Oh dear, what about love?”
“Don’t think it is in the cards for me” the princess smiled apologetically.
“Of course it is. It's for everyone! Have you ever heard of the tale of the royal bluebell flower?”
The princess shook her head, curious about the queen's words.
“It’s a known tale in Luterra. Once in a lifetime, if destiny smiles upon you, you will be able to find a royal bluebell flower in the castle. Once you find it, the flower will guide you to your one true love if you still haven’t found it.”
“That sounds magical, your highness. Maybe I should roam around the gardens then” she joked.
For some reason, the queen gave the girl a knowing smile. The woman was wise beyond her years after all. “Don’t worry. Luterra lands are quite magical. They will lead you anywhere you are”
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
Roaming the party his dad threw, Leon almost seethed as he watched his beloved grandmother talk to one of the lowlifes in Ihelia. He never understood her high morals of talking to the people who tried to steal their money and land. They weren’t to be trusted - they tried to steal once, which could guarantee they wouldn’t do it again.
He approached them, gearing himself with a knowing smirk, looking dashing in his red and gold ornamental suit.  
“Didn’t know our parties could be accessed by anyone. I think I’ll talk to dad to reinforce security next time”
The princess rolled her eyes, while the queen just snickered. She quickly excused herself, giving Leon a warning look to “behave”. As the young royals were alone, his nice facade dropped - he didn’t want to appear like a complete jackass in front of his beloved grandma, after all. 
“Genuely, why are you even here?”
“I was invited, idiot. If I could, I wouldn't have come here even if I was threatened”
“I forgot how my dad invited even the most needed ones. Such a charitable man”
“If he was charitable he wouldn’t have brought to Earth a menace like yourself”
Before he could answer, the orchestra began playing a more romantic and slow song. Finding it as another opportunity to tease her, he asked for her hand, knowing that she would look distasteful if she ever wanted to refuse his hand.
“My lady. Do you accept this dance?”
If possible, that was the pivotal moment that she almost killed the bachelor. Forcing a smile to not drop her etiquette, she nodded and held his hand, letting him guide her to the dance floor. 
By destiny's irony, they fit like perfect puzzles, his big and calloused hand wrapping against her delicate gloved one. Their bodies moved in synchrony, and the dance wasn’t as awkward as it was between other bachelors.
“I’m surprised you know how to dance at all, it looks like even in poverty lands they appreciate culture”
“Your grandma is so sweet, how are you even related to her?”
“Grandma is too kind, she always respects those in need. She doesn’t see the scumm your family is” he said in a cruel smirk.
She maintained the appearance, giving him a forced smile. “It amazes how you call yourself smart and yet still hold a grudge - that isn't yours - after centuries.”
“Ha, is that the best you could say to me?”
“Honestly, no. The way you act is so beneath me that I don't think it is worth it to spend so much energy on you”.
As I'd on cue, the orchestra stopped the song, and she did another courtesy and left the dance floor.
However, she failed to watch Leon pale, but for reasons she would be none the wiser for a long time.
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
“Honey, the ball in Luterra must've been quite exciting”
“Ah, not much. Why do you say that?” The princess asks her father curiously.
“Because the oldest of the Kennedys just asked for your hand in marriage”
It was quite comical how her voice resonated in the castle, looking confused. 
“I know you might not like it, but it is a perfect marriage for you. It would solve the rift between the kingdoms and it would secure both households in influence”
The princess looked angrily at her dad, as he told the most absurd thing she ever heard, with even worse reasons.
“Do any of my feelings matter at all?”
“They do, but we have to be strategic. I'm sorry, honey, but I already accepted it”.
She lost her grounding, looking desolated at her father's words. It didn't matter what she felt or what she said, at the end of the day, she was a pawn to serve her father's wishes.
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
The change into his castle was even more terrifying. But what she could never count was the complete change in Leon's behavior. Although he still wasn't overly friendly, he was much kinder - he was the one who started that lunacy after all.
They still slept in separate rooms until the wedding happened, but he made an effort to spend at least a part of the day with her. Whenever she asked him for his reasons for wanting to marry her, he always gave her the same answer.
“Please ask me after our wedding”
After some weeks of curiosity, the ceremony happened, and it was perfect. To everyone watching, it was a wedding to be remembered for years. Hell, even she felt like a true princess.
She warmed up to Luterra, especially the castle and its staff. Her assigned maid was absolutely lovely, and she honestly considered the woman a friend. 
Still, she vehemently ignored her family in the ceremony. If they traded her like a pawn, they can play that game by themselves, she doesn't want to be a part of it.
By the end of the night, Leon and she were finally sharing a room. She looked nervous, sitting up in bed with him. He was the first one to break the ice.
“You looked beautiful today. You always do, but you shined even more today”
“Thank you. And thank you for being at my side the entire day. I'm glad I didn't feel alone”
“I would never. I will always choose you”
Some moments passed, and she bit the bullet.
“Leon… why me?” 
He was a coveted bachelor, every woman would want him. Why his enemy?
He smiled, and looked down at the sheets, as if he was embarrassed.
“Your hair ornament at the day of the ball”
“What? Just because?” I asked giggling.
“No. It was a royal bluebell. That's when I knew”
She looked at him surprised. Just the tale his grandmother told her at the party. That's why she looked so cunning, she must've realized the flower she had on her hair.
“But Leon, anyone could've worn something with the flower-”
“No. I didn't want to attend the event, but I heard a staff member talking about destiny's surprises. I was already late to the event, and you were the first woman I saw.”
“Jeez, you take these things seriously. You honestly think I'm your soulmate”
“Wholeheartedly. And if you don't, I'll spend the rest of my life proving it to you”
She was taken aback by his words. So moved, she pressed a kiss to his lips, surprising both at the spontaneity. Leon didn't waste any time and got over her - it was their honeymoon, after all.
In a mess of limbs and eagerness, both were naked as they explored each other's bodies, breathless and excited. Leon maintained eye contact and lifted her thighs to his waist, offering his fingers to her and letting her mouth soak them. Then, they moved down to her clit, circling and rubbing it slowly, drinking in the soft gasps of pleasure.
“So soft, baby… gonna make this pretty pussy love me just as much as you do”
As she was wet enough, one finger gently entered her needy hole, finding her g spot and rubbing it slowly, her entrance clenching around him.
His movements were slow but deliberate, and soon his pretty princess fell apart on his fingers. No time to waste, his other hand lifted her other thigh to his hips, giving easy access to her.
His hand pinched and circled her nipples, kissing her deeply as his tip began to slide in, causing both to moan in unity.
“Fuck, Leon… too much”
“You can take it, you are my good girl”
She clenched at the praise, making him smirk. He kept praising her, till she was ready to take cock. 
“My baby, gonna take care of you forever”
“Doing so good, just taking me so deep”
“Pussy made to be fucked by me
As he felt her more comfortable and turned on, he moved his hips at a consistent pace, the angled head of his cock hitting her spot just nicely. 
She scratched his arms and back, guaranteeing he henot be able to be shirtless in front of people for quite a while, but he didn't mind. He would take every mark she gave in, that's how much he loved her.
He moaned as his cock was swallowed by her gummy walls, her wetness granting a white creamy circle at the base of his manhood.
He positioned himself again, throwing her legs over his arms and bending her in half, letting him hit it deeper, making his wife tear up - in pleasure, of course.
“God, if you keep clenching I won't be able to hold back, baby”
“Please, please, just want you to cum. Please fill me up, husband”
Jesus, how could he resist? He was only a man after all. As his hips pistoned in her, he felt her contracting her walls and cumming all around him, triggering his orgasm.
She whined as she felt filled up, her body shaky as her orgasm just threw her on cloud 9. She smiled as he kissed her face as he came down too, appreciating and worshiping the body of his soulmate.
“Isn't that enough proof that you are my destiny?”
“Hmm, don't know that… maybe you should try again” She said smirking.
Leon didn't oppose her. After all, he had all eternity to prove his love.
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majorproblems77 · 25 days
Sacred realm competition entry!
This is my participation in the @zelda-the-sacred-realm's writing and art competition, for the theme Adventure. I love this comic so much and I love the characters. I've tried my best to characterise them based on the information we have.
We are sending our friend Link on an adventure today, and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it. (To be honest, i really enjoyed making this and ill probably continue it in the future.)
And a thank you to the creator, for giving us the opportunity to create stuff like this. This was so much fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else has come up with as well.
It will be Cross-posted to my A03 account (And my writing account)- As soon as I figure out how to tag it so it's findable
For now, I introduce
You're a hero too, a sacred realm short story
- 1705 words
“It’ll be an adventure!”
He was already on enough of an adventure thank you very much. According to Wind, they had come across a Temple entrance of some kind, and The young spirit seemed eager to explore its depths
“Uhh Sky?” Link asked softly. Standing behind the spirit as the sky hero walked ahead of the group.
“Look over there. You see that.” Wind bounced on the balls of his feet and pointed to his right towards a large-looking tunnel. Engravings curved around the wall.  “Theres a tunnel here. And where you find engravings like this. There's often a temple not far behind. With puzzles!”
“A puzzle?” Link asked. “Like from the stories?”
“Yeah!” Wind smiled, his eyes searching the wall. “Guaranteed there’s a puzzle in there.”
“Gods and spirits often leave things for heroes to find later. I got these from a temple!” Sky turned his head to show his earrings. The light of the hero's spirit shone across them as Link looked closer at them. “Originally these were fireproof earrings for my adventures through a volcano.”
“You think I’ll get anything like that?” Link looked back to the forest behind them as they entered the tunnel.
“Well, you are a hero.” Sky smiled. Placing a hand to Link’s back. Turning his head to look at him. “So I would think so!”
Link smiled softly, as Wind ran ahead. Ushering him forward. “Come on!”
Wind lead the way into the tunnel as the group entered the darkness. “Is it very long? Do I need a torch?” The realm’s hero asked, wringing his hands nervously as he continued to follow the group.
The tunnel opened out to large pit in the middle of the room. Decorated in red and blue torches the top of the walls had runes across it. Sunlight filtered through the ceiling, as the three separated. Time walked to one of the walls, investigating it. While, Link walked to the large pit which sat central in the room.
“Uhh… What do I do?” Link turned back to Sky, who had paused between the two. Looking to the ceiling above the hole, then down at it. He moved across the room to stand besides Link. Sky looked around the room. Eyes pausing on time for a moment. A hand raised to his chin.  “Well. If I had to guess…”
“Hang on.” Sky paused. Looking to Time who had a hand raised. Then to Link. “I think he should figure it out.”
“Why?” Wind raised an eyebrow. Crossing his arms. “We are here for a reason. Surely we should be helping him when we can.”
“And if there's another spirit barrier?” Time said, stopping the hero of the wind’s in his tracks. He pointed a finger towards the hero of the Sky. “You were out of action for a week by hopping into the fight.”
“Hoping into the fight was the right thing to do.” Sky shot back quickly. His voice not accusatory for the moment, but a hint of annoyance on the tip of his tongue.
“I had it handled.”
“Did you?” A pause. “Or did that thing inside the medallion have to save you.” Sky pointed to the item on Link’s chest. Eyes fixed on Time.
Link’s eyes widened at that. The spirit, which he’d nicknamed amulet, was still a mystery to him. Every time it entered the fray he felt helpless. Like a prisoner in his own body. He took a step back and lowered his head. Biting his lower lip as he looked down at the item in question. Placing a hand under it so he could look at it again. The lights of the hero’s spirits shining bright across the surface. Twilight, Wild and Worlds light’s shining dimly.
 The medallion was a warning and a burden, its golden surface a cruel reminder that he still had a lot to learn.
“uhh, guys.” Wind walked over to Link while the others locked eyes with each other. The tension cut with a knife. “Maybe you should wait…”
“Link.” Sky’s voice was immediately laced with guilt as he heard the spirit move around him. His eyes searched the walls below him and they met a small platform. About five feet below him. An eyebrow raised as he turned. “I shouldn’t have…”
“Now look what you’ve done.” Time stood with his arms crossed.
“I…. I didn’t.” Sky stuttered. Looking over to the man in question. Who was leaning over the edge of the platform. Having spotted the same one he had. “Link Wait!”
Link wasn’t paying attention to the spirit beside him. His eyes fixed on a platform below him as he moved around the pit slightly. Placing a foot right on the edge of the pit he took a breath.
Here goes nothing….
Link jumped onto the platform below him, and felt the feeling of shifting through a barrier. Another spirit barrier. The others wouldn’t be coming with him.
“Link!”  Sky’s voice above him he didn’t look up. “Link! Wait!” Slowly walking over to the edge of the ledge he was on allowed him to. He could do this. He could do this. He could…
Oh…. There was no platform there. There was no platform there! Nonnonononono.
He looked upward. Trying to see if he could jump back out. Taking a step back, The feeling of a plate pushing down startled him. He looked to his foot and spotted a pressure plate.
Oh no…
 The walls began to rumble and shake. The platform began moving. The sound of stone grinding as the platform began to retract into the wall from which it came.
“Oh nononono,” he slid backwards and scrambled to the wall. “Nononono, please stop please stop please stop.”
“Link! Link! To your Right!” Wind’s voice sounded over the noise. He looked up rapidly to see the hero of Sky pointing, “Down! And to your right!”
He looked right and saw another platform springing from the wall. A little lower. Panic rising he looked up to see Sky and Wind pointing to it. “That one! THAT ONE!” The spirits voice sounded worried. He appeared to be leaning down but recoiled as blue flames licked at his fingers.
He nodded, standing up on shaky feet he jumped down another five feet.
Another plate. Another shifting platform. As he jumped lower and lower.
The further we went the braver he became.
It was just jumping down a few stairs he’s fine. Well more than a few, but as sky said. He was a hero, right? He should be able to do this in his sleep.
Finally, he made it to the floor. Looking up from his spot he could still see the yellow glow of Sky and Time above him.
“Link! Are you okay?!” The sky hero’s voice echoed down the tunnel as the last of the platforms disappeared into the wall.
“Yes!” Hands to his knees he took a few deep breaths before straightening up. Looking around the walls were a deep grey, illuminated by the faint glow of lanterns dotted across the wall. The ground shifted around his feet, the sand falling away as he made his way around. Placing a hand to the wall he walked the pit’s perimeter to find a switch. But found nothing.
“There’s nothing down here!” He shouted up towards Sky who disappeared past the lip before returning. “I can't find a way up!” Looking across the walls they were decorated with random poles and circular patterns. He felt fear grip him.
Trapped. He was trapped.
“We can't get down to you from here!” Wind’s voice shouted down. “Think you can disable the spirit barrier somehow?!”
“I don’t think so!” He tried to keep his voice steady. Don’t want to panic Sky. “I’ll keep looking.”
“What do you see?!” Time also leaned his head over the pit, his face as stoic as ever.
“Just a bunch of Sand…” He looked to the floor and crouched. Brushing at the floor. More sand met him. The way it shifted made him pause. It didn’t seem all that deep. And there was an indentation buffed in the ground.
A door? A way out? Deeper into the ground. Great.
He began to dig around the edges of the square indented in the floor. If he just kept digging. And digging. And digging. Hoping He might find a way out of this mess.
His fingers brushed a latch as his digging became more frantic.
He revealed a door, and his eyes widened. “Guys! Guys, I found a door!”
His fingers latched the handle and pulled, opening a pit of darkness. The sound of sand falling into it filled his ears as the ground around him shifted. Looking into the darkness he could just about make out the floor below him. He’d have to jump into the pit, which would close the hatch…
A One-way drop.
“Sky! You guys better get back in the medallion!”
“What did you find?!” The Skyloftians's voice sounded. The outline of shining light filtered down towards him. A hand raised to his forehead as he squinted his eyes. “Are you okay?!”
“There’s a hatch in the floor!” Looking more closely he spotted carvings dotted across the wall.  “I think. I think Wind was right! I think it’s a temple!”
“Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!” Wind’s voice echoed around him as swirling wind shifted around him and light burst back into the medallion. His spirit shone as bright as ever along side the others.
The swirling sounds of fire and lightning echoing through the air rang in his ears as the spirits flew down the tunnel and nestled inside the medallion.
He wouldn’t be alone, he just had to remember that.
The door above him loomed red and blue dancing across the wall. He raised a hand to the surface and pushed. The door creaking forward darkness met him as he reached to his right. Looking between a red torch and a blue torch before grabbing the red torch, and holding it close to his chest as he took a deep breath. Walking into the darkness. One thought echoed through his mind.
Time for an adventure.
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meatballhead-usagi · 2 years
A Forgotten Realm (Barbarian! Bakugo x Reader)
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You have been an archaeologist for years now but ushered into the darkest and forgotten corners of the museum. Your chosen specialty was in the once renowned City of Musutafu - which unfortunately for you has been seen as a farce, bordering on the make-believe and whimsical in high society. But you know the forgotten empire that was Musutafu was real, it just had to be with all the fragmented evidence found over the years, but several journals discredited its authenticity and cited that there was no conclusive evidence that Musutafu was anything more than myths and storytelling from much greater (and more realistic) societies. You never regarded these setbacks, even when they landed you in the basement of said museum, cataloguing donations and doing the linguistic legwork your superiors were far ‘too busy’ to do themselves. But when a strange journal turned up on your doorstep, outlining the archaeological find of the century, you embarked on the expedition of a lifetime. To bring back something to show that Musutafu really did exist. But you didn't expect to actually find a forgotten world, thriving and hidden. Nor the crimson-eyed prince who ruled there.
TAGS: barbarian!katsuki bakugo x female reader, slowburn, reader is an archaeologist, archaeology themes, all characters are above 18, kidnapping you from your camp.  Word Count: 3.1k 
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Usually when people ask you what you do for work, you hesitate. You usually politely answer with anything other than what you really do. You say instead a scholar, or a linguist, that you work in the cataloguing department for the museum. You don’t say you’re an archaeologist for the pure fact that many of those around you have a completely different idea to what you do, than what the reality of it is. People imagine that you embark on adventures to unearth riches, march your way through jungle and over mountaintop to reach the forbidden mysteries withheld there, that you travel across the horizon to discover what may lay there.
You don’t. You, despite your brilliance and intellect, have found yourself holed away in the museum’s basement for years now. Going over dusty tomes and relics, cataloguing them for storage and rotating which artifacts are in the displays – all important jobs of course – but not quite where you imagined yourself either. You’re not entirely sure just how you ended up here, or why your work wasn’t taken as serious as your colleagues, but there you are. At your desk, alone, late into the evening as you dust through ancient Mesopotamian artifacts and package them for storage. “Don’t you ever go home?” A voice calls out from nearby, and soft footsteps cause you to look up from your work. You hum in response as a purple-haired man walks from his desk to yours – a tired look in his eyes as he examines the latest thing to have captured your attention. “Mh, of course not. Not when there is work to be done still Shinso,” you offer him a polite smile, “I won’t be much longer. Just have to pack these away.” You quickly begin to put your tools away and return the artefact to its bed of hay and secure box. “You work too hard, y’know. Don’t be too late.” Shinso gives you a soft nod before he yawns and cranes his head over towards the door. “Remember to lock up when you leave.” “I will, thank you.” You smile at him again and heave the box up into your arms, delicately holding it as if it were going to shatter with the slightest mistouch. “Get home safe, I’ll see you in the morning.” Shinso gives a satisfied nod as his eyes travel over your form curiously but he hesitates to move for a moment. He lingers as if he wants to continue the conversation before turning to leave. “See you in the morning, Y/N.” He calls back and throws his hand up in a casual wave as he turns to look at you over his shoulder. You wave back and almost lose your grip on the box in your arms quickly returning both arms to the box to hold it correctly before turning on your heel to put it in its designated storage spot. This definitely isn’t where you had imagined yourself when you decided to pursue this field of work, but it pays the bills and keeps you warm, fed and a roof over your head.  The mind numbing commute from work left you dead tired, and the trek up the four flights of stairs to your humble (albeit tiny) city apartment reminded you of the hours already spent on your feet. You’re practically collapsing as you open the door. The hinges were rusted and old as you threw your body weight against it several times to encourage the damned thing open. It relented. You kick your shoes off and hang your coat before your foot nudged against something. Something hard. Reaching down to pick up the strange parcel that had been somehow rustled through the mail slot, you cautiously examine the address of the sender. “No sender… Where did you come from?” You murmur and flip the parcel over to tear through the beige paper. “Down the chimney, of course.” That wasn’t your voice. You didn’t say those words. Who said those words? A lamp light clicked on and illuminated the silhouette of a young man. A mess of yellow blonde hair, with two longer face framing pieces were the first thing that caught your eye followed only by the smirk plastered against lips. He looked almost bird-like, but charming all the same.  “Wh-Who are you?” You demanded, mustering up your best attempt at bravery.It earned a modest smile from the avian intruder.  “My name is Takami. Keigo Takami, but you’re welcome to call me Hawks.” He rose from the seat he was in and adjusted the cuffs of his red jacket,seeming to take a nonchalant approach as to not intimidate you. Not yet, anyway. “I’m here on behalf of my employer. He believes that you may be able to help with that little package I’ve so nicely delivered into your dainty little hands.” Your eyes drift back to the package in your hands before flicking back up to the blond who had now crossed one arm over the other, watching you in amusement. “Well, aren’t you going to open it?” He teased with an admonishing chuckle. You go back to unwrapping the curious package in your hands to be met with a book. A book with Musutafu’s insignia inscribed on the cover. Your eyes are as wide as dinner plates now as your fingertips brush the cover. Its real. The lost city of Musutafu is real, and here is your evidence. You cautiously open the book and eagerly begin to skim the pages, taking in the words written and the imagery of the city. “Where did you get this?” You breathed out, barely a whisper, as you looked back to Keigo. He simply smiled and shrugged softly. “Found it whilst digging in a tomb. Thing is, no one knows how to read what’s in it. Not a single soul but you. Took a while to find an expert in the non-existent you know.” He stood straight and smiled reassuringly at you. “Suppose all those years in the basement of that museum really gave you time to study the language, huh?” You laugh. You don’t mean to – its almost like a knee-jerk reaction to the sudden thoughts whizzing into your mind. “Expert? I wouldn’t say I’m an expert.” You are cut off by Keigo giving you a look. A look saying you’re being too humble for your own good. “Shame then. We need an expert in gibberish to come with us.” He sighed and rest his cheek in his hand, very clearly baiting you into a response. “Come with you where?” You answer a little too quickly. “To Musutafu, of course. We’ve got a team assembled and we’re embarking on an expedition,” He says it as if it’s the simplest thing on earth, “And my employer has reserved you a seat on board, if you’d join us.” You don’t even hesitate to say yes.  
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When Keigo ‘Hawks’ Takami made his introduction in your humble apartment you didn’t expect to find yourself in a ship not even some 36 hours later, traversing along the thrashing waves of some godforsaken ocean surrounded by your newly acquainted colleagues; Hawks, who was second in command and charming as ever; a Commander Enji Todoroki who captained the ship Endeavour, and the expedition team for your financier - one Mr. Toshinori Yagi.
You also hadn’t expected a maelstrom to engulf your ship like the metallic meal it was, and spit it back out in an underwater volcanic cavern. But as the fates take, they also provide. Many good men and women were lost to the sea, and you were all reminded by Commander Todoroki that your team was that remained and you’re all to ensure you look out for one another.  Your enthusiasm hadn’t died, unlike the Endeavour, and it was visible to your colleagues. You were left in charge of traversing through this cavern to find a safe place to camp and allow time for the expedition party to recuperate and figure out how the hell you’ll be escaping from this volcanic shaft. You did so diligently, and as you led the few dozen survivors along a pilgrimage further into the cavern the fates blessed you again with a clearing - and a ruin. A sanctuary where you’d be able to regroup for now.  “And as water gives life, it also takes. Be safe and well with she who shelters from the tides wrath.” You muse aloud as you read an inscription on the entrance to a ruined temple, inspecting the polished stone for signs of danger before you gave the go ahead for other survivors of the wreckage to set up shelter within its walls.  “This seems like a shrine devoted to the Musutafan goddess of water, or of safe travels.” You say as you turn your attention to a crumbling statue in the middle of it all. The statue depicted a woman kneeling with her arms up in the air - offering something to the heavens above. Only her hands were empty, and all else that was visible was the waterfall behind her and the lush shrubbery that covered the long forgotten stone. It was beautiful. She was beautiful.       “Maybe the goddess can give us some luck then, or a blessing.” Hawks spoke as he carted a tent kit over his shoulder and past where you’d set up your own little workstation. Thankfully you had managed to shave your books by some miracle in the wreckage.      “We don’t need a blessing. We just have to get out bearings, collect something from down here, and get home.” Commander Todoroki’s voice was a lot sharper and pointed than he intended.  You look back to the statue, taking out a sketchbook and beginning to jot down her features. “And you’ll be able to get us home, Commander. But in the meantime I’m going to be doing what I was bought here to do-”  “Decipher the jibberish?” Hawks teased. You snort in response.  “Uncover what happened here, yes. Uncover Musutafu and show the world that it really existed.”  “There will be plenty of uncovering to do later, Miss L/N.” The Commander’s spoke again to stop Hawks from continuing with his jilting. “Right now you’re to get your nose out of those books and help set up camp.” You can only nod and hesitate to put your sketchbook down, looking out over the ruins once again. You couldn’t help but be amazed by them and believe this place was real. Something, however, caught your eye. There was a slight movement from far behind the statue, towards the back of the shrine and the cavern wall, but you brushed it off. Could have just been air from the waterfall moving a plant around. You turn and walk back towards the rest of the troops when Hawks called for you to come help him prepare a fire and portion out the rations to the sick and wounded.  Under the cover of the cavern’s darkness, eyes peered out from behind some very well camouflaged greenery. Teeth drawn and weapons sharpened as several figures watched from the shadows. You, and your people, looked strange to them. What was the odd garments you wore, and what was with the strange sticks the men carried? What was their purpose?  You were outsiders. Outsiders were not meant to be able to find this place.         A soft nudge from a red haired male drew the leader’s attention to you - a woman who sat away from the rest of the group inspecting the writing on the walls.  Bakugo’s eyes narrowed as vermilion orbs focused on your body language, trying to figure out what your purpose here was. You were isolated from the rest of the group, he figured they were all warriors or healers of some kind or another based on their actions. But you were willingly venturing away from the group, busy keeping yourself occupied with examining the writing upon the stone pillars of the temple. In this forgotten place, in the crumbling and lifeless old ruins and why were you fascinated by these old rocks?  Bakugo clicked his tongue softly as he turned to the members of the hunting party and signaled for them to surround the encampment, observe, don’t get caught. Several other young members of the party nodded and split up, following the young prince’s orders. His ashen blond spikes shouldn’t have been able to be concealed by the darkness of the cavern, but they were, and his boots shouldn’t have been silent as he stalked his way closer to you.       He stopped short when he was close enough to watch you without your notice, examining what you were doing exactly.  “Vahemna... What does that mean...” You spoke softly as your fingers traced over the words on the wall of the pillar. Bakugo’s eyes widened in shock when he recognised his mother tongue among the words that came from your lips.  Could you speak their language? 
Bakugo remained silent in his position, hidden by the foliage as he watched you. He was curious already with the way your mouth moved and the softness to your words as you navigated his mother tongue. He smirked to himself, fascinated by your own accent and how it melded with his language. You were from the surface. 
Once the camp began to sleep the war party began to move - the members tip toeing their way between sleeping soldiers and the wounded as they inspected the outsider's things. Several of the others found themselves stealthily digging through the various things in the camp - looking at the guns your Commander had bought upon insistence, the card game a few of the others had played over dinner, the medicines and first aid items which you'd all lugged with you from the watery wreckage. A few of them held up items to each other and goofed around, making silly faces before earning a stern glare from the prince. He didn't even have to say anything to exercise his authority. Bakugo was more concerned with you though as he approached silently. You were quiet as you slept on a bedroll, your back to him and your things as he began to examine them. He crouched down by your sleeping figure and picked up the book carefully, eyebrows furrowing when he recognised the insignia inscribed on the cover. "Nis forten ji grinnesh?" Kirishima whispered as he came over to the prince - his words were strained and hushed as the bulky male tried not to disturb you, but his eyes widened when he saw the book too. Bakugo tucked the book away securely in his fur cloak, nodding to Kirishima. You, however, stirred and sighed softly as you began to wake. The presence of the two people by your sleeping form was what roused you from your sleep, but also the sound of a whispered conversation. Your eyes fluttered open and met Bakugo's, wide in horror as you froze. These two men standing above you both looked at each other, and then back at you for a moment before jumping into action. The blond slapped a hand over your mouth and yanked you roughly from the makeshift bedroll, his muscly figure holding you close against him as he began to move quickly back in to the shadows and the plantlife. Your scream was muffled enough by his hand that your camp mates didn't seem to stir at all, and your jerking and struggling only made Bakugo's grip on you tighten as he moved faster. You could feel just how rugged he was, but you could also feel how he was holding back from using his full strength over you as he absconded. Left with little other option, you bit down on his hand. Hard - hard enough to draw blood. Bakugo hissed and removed his hand from your mouth and shoved you into the other male's arms, the redhead restrained your arms behind your back in another tight grip. A bubble of gruff laughter came from Kirishima's lips as he held you back. He was clearly amused by the face his friend was making. Bakugo was less than impressed as a fierce scowl darkened his face and this gave you an opportunity to take in his appearance properly. Aside from the scowl, his facial features were sharp and his eyes caused your skin to burn under his line of sight. He wore thick, white fur-lined boots, knee pads and a pair of dark blue pants barely secured around his hips with a thick belt of sorts. You took in the sight of his Adonis belt, the toned abdomen as your eyes trailed upwards. The prince was almost completely topless minus the fur cloak he had around his shoulders, and the beautiful layers of beads which drew your attention to his very board chest and large pecs. Bakugo narrowed his eyes as he examined his hand - the movement causing you to oggle and the orange material around his arms and the bulging mass of muscle that could rip it at any second if he flexed too hard.     "Tch... Iknoz kil wegge lys dira." He spoke in a low grunt. Your brain began to search your mind for the translation. "We should just kill her now." is what this man said to the others as he watched for a reaction.     "No!" You piped up and shook your head, jerking a bit in the redhead's hold, "Fhyro, fhyro di kil!" You plead. Please, please do not kill! Bakugo's scowl faded into into a wide smirk when you did open your mouth. You could speak the language. He had been right. This had Kirishima slowly beginning to loosen his grip on your arms as you fell to your knees. Bakugo crouched down in front of you and roughly grabbed your chin in between his thumb and forefinger, examining your face. He tilted it around as he examined your features curiously. You were certainly pretty for an outsider.     "Wyros rif nagae?" What is your name? The redhead asked quietly, craning his head to the side in curiosity to get a better look at you too. Bakugo gave a soft hum as he let go of your face and rose to his feet again. The rest of the war party encircled you, all faces were shocked to see you speaking their language.     "Nagae? Mi nagae ich Y/N." Name? My name is Y/N. You reply as you look around at your captors.     "Vha rih schok dus mi lykiri? Hah?" Why have you come to my kingdom? Bakugo crossed his arms over his chest as his intense gaze burned through you. You looked surprised. His kingdom? You didn't know how to respond in his own language. You looked troubled as you hesitated to answer that there wasn't supposed to be a kingdom here.
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Looking for more? Here’s the masterlist! 
835 notes · View notes
Charlie Actually Dies For Real
A Smiling Friends AU by @Scribbly07 / @ScribblyShipping
This pinned post will serve as a “hub” that’ll contain links to everything important in the blog!
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Plot: This AU serves as a fun “what if” scenario, where Charlie doesn’t come back after dying. (This means that no events after the episode don’t happen, too.) During his time in Hell, he progressively becomes more demonlike, with some unfortunate reminders of his death permanently stuck with him. He runs into some familiar faces along the way, too. Hes having a pretty hard time. And, despite what he hopes, things aren’t going so great in the realm of the living either.
I’m not too sure just how I want to tell this story yet. I have a basic plot rundown from beginning to end, but I’m unsure on how to tell everything and bridge the gaps. It might just be a mix of art and rambling posts, maybe even something more fanfic like if I can muster it.
I’ve decided that people can ask questions directed at the characters as well! You wanna know what Charlie’s up to in Hell right now? Go ask him!
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(Click on the links to see individual references and info!)
Other Notable Living Characters
Grim & Gnarly 
Other Notable Demons
######## (INFO NOT FOUND)
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Lore (in order):
As I publish more of this story, I’ll be sure to organize it here, so anyone new to the blog can pop in and catch up! There will be major plot events happening! ;]
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This will be updated as more questions come! But I wanted to get a few out of the way first.
Where’s Zoey?
Personally, I don’t really like Zoey, and will not be including her in this AU. She’s never really brought any sort of major impact in the show, so for all intensive purposes, she never existed within this timeline.
Where’s Mr. Boss?
Similarly to Zoey, I don’t really like him. He makes me uncomfortable on a much deeper level than Zoey, though. I don’t really want to touch him at all, so he’s just sort of in the background of this.
Where's Duncan?
Some as the two above this, I don't like him. His whole bit is being fat and throwing up. Why would I even give him the time of day?
Is there Charpim?
Well… they never got the chance to really make things official, but they were always very close, together on a deeper level than friends, but never found the words to confess.
Can I draw fanart?
OMG YES PLEASE! Feel free to tag this account and/or my main if you do!
Is selfshipping okay?
I would prefer it if people who selfshipped with Charlie or Pim not interact with this blog. But, besides those two, every other character is open range. I ask that you tag this account and/or my selfship blog if you create selfship art for the au! I'd like to see it :]
Can I make an OC/Include my OC?
Yeah! Anyone can make an OC for this or do something like make a demon version of your OC. However. Unless you're a friend of mine, your character will not be considered "canon" to this AU.
Can other SF Ask Blogs interact?
I've always dreamed of interacting with other ask blogs and roleplaying so YES! I will say, though, that characters like Charlie and Pim are ones I have very Strong connections to that I may be uncomfortable responding to depending on the interpretation. Don't be upset if I never respond, it's just a weird brain thing I have!
23 notes · View notes
damn-stark · 8 months
Chapter 23 You’re an Angel, I’m a dog
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Chapter 23 of Sugar
A/N- WAIT WAIT— “I’ll never be a son.” And “I’ll never be his favorite son.” Fits Choso and mc to a tea especially in this chapter!!!
Warning- Swearing, ANGST, FLUFF, spoilers, NFSW? Not really though it’s light, talks of miscarriage, SLOW BURN, heavy pining, long chapter
Pairing- Choso x Gojo!fem-reader, Suguru Geto x Gojo!fem-reader
Takes place during- Chapters 145 & 146, and the beginning portion of 203 & 207, of the Manga
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
This is Tengen? This tall pale thing?
You always imagined they’d be more majestic looking considering how old they are and the responsibility they hold, but they look more like a pale four-eyed alien.
“Aren’t you gonna say hello to me Tengen?” Yuki remarks after she was left out of his sudden greeting.
“This isn’t the first time we’ve met Yuki Tsukumo.” They finally address her and they sound annoyed. “Why did you close off the tombs of the Star Corridor? I was afraid you might be in alignment with Kenjaku. After all, I cannot see into the human heart.”
Kenjaku? Who the hell is Kenjaku?
“Kenjaku?” You probe and slide your hands off Choso’s arms now that your fear has subsided.
“The sorcerer who was Noritoshi Kamo and is now inhabiting the body of Suguru Geto,” Tengen shares.
“That name suggests compassion and salvation. Gimme a break,” Yuki snaps.
“Master Tengen, why do you look like that?” Itadori suddenly interrupts, making your eyes widen with bewilderment.
“Itadori,” you scold.
“What?” He asks you over his shoulder as if that question isn’t obviously rude to ask someone.
“You can’t ask someone that,” you whisper sharply. “Even if they are centuries old. You can’t ask that.”
“I was just curious.”
“I may be immortal,” Tengen cuts in, making both Itadori and you look forward, but that was a mistake considering they tug on a creepy-looking smile. “But I'm not immune to aging. After 500 years, you’d look like this too.”
You scrunch your nose in disgust and mentally groan.
You’d rather die than look like that.
“Eleven years ago, after failing to merge with a Star Plasma Vessel.”
“Riko Amanai,” you cut in bitterly, making all eyes fall on you, including all four of Tengen’s—“considering she died trying to get to you, why don’t you have the decency to actually say her name.”
Tengen looks into your eyes, and no matter how intimidating they actually look, you don’t falter, you challenge them and stand by your ground.
“Riko Amanai,” they give in. “After I failed to merge with her my aging accelerated and my self-awareness as an individual diminished. The very world became myself.”
“And that’s why your “voice” doesn’t proliferate,” Yuki adds before Fushiguro raises his hand and politely interjects.
“Excuse me, but…”
“We came to ask about Kenjaku’s objectives,” Okkotsu continues for Fushiguro. “And how to open the prison realm. Will you tell us what you know?”
Your face drops the annoyed hardened expression and paints on a hopeful one as you wait for a solution to your brother's predicament.
“I wish I could simply say yes,” Tengen crushes your hopes. “But there is one condition. Yuta Okkotsu, Yuki Tsukumo, Y/N Gojo…”
“…and the Death Painting Womb. Three of you must remain here to serve as my guards.”
You roll your eyes and press your hands on your hips as your annoyance returns.
For someone so mighty they still surely sound human.
And why do they need guards?
“Guards? Aren’t you immortal?” Okkotsu steals the words out of your mind.
“Are you worried about the seal?” Maki chimes in.
“No fair!” Yuki whines. “You haven’t even told us why or for how long we’d have to do it!”
“So then shall I speak of Kenjaku?” Tengen ignores Yuki and everyone else. “His objective is to force the evolution of all human beings throughout the land of Japan.
You nod. “Yeah, yeah, he yapped on about that,” you interject. “We want to know exactly what he intends. Why didn’t he use your barrier that time and turn everyone in Japan into sorcerers via Idle transfiguration?”
“He lacks the cursed energy to do that,” Tengen says. “Cursed energy that has been refined through Uzumaki cannot return to the sorcerer...”
Well, you knew that because of Suguru. You just thought Kenjaku would be different considering he’s old and he has the technique to jump into others’ bodies.
“…triggering an evolution in each individual with a cursed technique is incredibly inefficient. The method of evolution that Kenjaku has chosen is the merging of humankind and me.”
Is that…even possible?
“Is that even possible?” Itadori voices your same concern but in a much louder way.
“Isn’t that impossible for anyone but a Star Plasma vessel?” Fushiguro mutters his question.
“Yes,” Tengen nods. “The way I was before, but now that I have evolved for the past 11 years it would not be impossible for me to merge with someone other than a Star Plasma Vessel.”
Then they should have probably tried to protect Amanai more.
“But you’re only one person right?” Choso asks. “How could you merge with multiple people?”
“I am not what you see before you at the moment,” Tengen explains, making your eyebrows knot with confusion. “My evolved soul exists all around us. As I said, my self is now the world itself. A human who merges with me transforms into something greater than a sorcerer, as a new being that is both there and not there. I posses barrier techniques so I am able to maintain this form and self-control even after evolving. However,” they input. “If humankind evolves, and even if only one person rages out of control the world will end.”
You swallow thickly out of discomfort and shift your stance.
“Why?” Yuki inquiries.
“There would be no boundaries between individuals,” Tengen says. “So evil would spread instantaneously. The impurity of a hundred million people would flood the world. What just happened to Tokyo would happen to the entire world.”
“Why would Kenjaku do that?” You ask for the curious group.
Tengen shrugs stiffly. “I do not know. As I said, I cannot read the human heart.”
“So why don’t you just refuse to merge?” Maki asks something that should be simple to solve. Tengen wouldn't be needing guards if it was that simple.
“That is the problem,” Tengen proves you right. “Now that I have evolved I am more cursed spirit than human being. That makes me a target for cursed spirit manipulation.”
You gasp in disbelief and your world then falls silent, and all you can think about is if Miguel was right.
“Considering Kenjaku’s ability as a sorcerer he might be able to seize me the moment we encounter each other,” Tengen continues. “That is why my main body is rejecting everything at the tombs of the star corridor.”
Was it your fault? All this? All because you couldn’t even look at his body after he died?
“And the reason you want guards, right?” Okkotsu asks, making Tengen nod in agreement.
“Yes. Kenjaku is the second-most powerful barrier user after me. I don’t know when he will undo the seal of the tombs.”
Tengen surely fails to answer a lot of questions.
“Why now?” You step forward to ask with growing concern. “Kenjaku prevented a merging with a Star Plasma Vessel and forced your evolution, and wants to consume and control you through cursed manipulation.”
“Apparently he was also involved with Sukuna,” Yuki bounces in. “So he’s been a sorcerer for at least 1,000 years, so why now?”
“I,” Tengen points at their chest. “The Star Plasma Vessel, and the Six Eyes, are all connected by fate.”
You blink and slowly your confusion is replaced by disbelief while realization slowly seeps through.
“In the past, Kenjaku has twice lost to sorcerers of the Six Eyes. The second time, he took no chances and killed the Star Plasma Vessel and Six Eyes less than one month after they were born. Nonetheless, on the day of merging, the Six Eyes and Star Plasma Vessel appeared.”
“Which is why he sealed my brother away, I assume,” you interject with your thoughts.
“Yes, after that Kenjaku switched to sealing instead of eradicating the Six Eyes and began searching for the Prison Realm,” Tengen shares nonchalantly. “Because two bearers of the Six Eyes cannot appear at the same time.”
Hm. Well, thank the stars for that.
“But then the unexpected happened 11 years ago when Toji Zen’in intervened. He was physically gifted through heavenly restriction and on top of that he was an anomaly who had escaped from cursed energy.”
You try not to but you steal a glance at the son of Toji Zen’in, whom doesn’t know thanks to your brother's lack of sharing. It explains his lack of reaction now too because of it.
It sucks! You need him to know already!
“As a human being who had escaped fate through the power of restriction, he destroyed our destinies,” Tengen goes on. “Then came along a boy with cursed manipulation.”
You drop your eyes and frown sadly at the ground.
“Suddenly all the pieces had come together except for the prison realm. Then even that fell into his hands six years ago.”
Almost like fate. Cruel fate.
“So why is the Culling Games happening?” Fushiguro asks, a bit distressed.
“It is like breaking the body prior to merging,” Tengen tells all of you. “It is not impossible to merge with someone other than a star plasma vessel but is highly unlikely and would be incomplete at present. The Culling Games uses the players’ cursed energy and the boundaries binding barriers in a ritual for conveying the human beings of the country to the other side. Through that custom, he will begin the merging with me. However, in order to perform such ritual, Kenjaku has undertaken certain binding vows.”
You know your answer to Tengen’s previous request now. It’s costly for you because you don’t want to be stuck and play a waiting game, but with Okkotsu here, now you can focus on getting Satoru out. So you drown out what they have to say about the Culling Games. If you have to somehow participate in them then you’ll ask for the rules and conditions then.
All that truly matters about them is that the games will continue until every player is dead or until they all refuse to play and die, and that killing Kenjaku won’t stop the games; so that plan is diminished.
You only bring your attention back when Tengen cuts Itadori off to get the answer out of who will stay
“I will stay,” Yuki, Choso, and you volunteer at the same time, making you happy that you don’t have to be stuck with Okkotsu, and that you’ll spend more time with Choso….and Yuki!
You shouldn’t be so enthusiastic, you have your protests after all, but your heart can’t help but jump.
“Yuji, you absolutely need Okkotsu’s or this woman’s cooperation,” Choso interjects seriously so Itadori can understand his brotherly concern. “Especially if Noritoshi Kamo—if Kenjaku comes for Tengen. Ending his life means salvation for my little brothers.”
“And rest for Suguru’s body,” you input your decision, gaining the attention of the room. “So I’ll stay here to help kill Kenjaku, and get the answer on how to get Satoru out.”
“And I’m not done talking to Tengen,” Yuki shares her reasoning for staying. “Is that all right, Okkotsu?”
Okkotsu nods and his eyes almost gleam with relief and joy. “Yeah! I don’t want to leave the others.”
You focus your eyes on Okkotsu and squint slightly before you interject in a menacing voice. “Okkotsu, you help Itadori, understand? Keep the promise you made to my brother.”
Okkotsu eyes quickly find you and his relief and excitement are quick to fall and be replaced by discomfort and nerves.
“Y-yes ma'am,” he quickly assures you, causing you to scoff and then look away to avoid looking at him more than you have to.
“Thank you,” Tengen once again speaks as they begin to reach in a black portal. “This…” they trail off and pull out a dull-looking box with a stitch on one side. “…is necessary for freeing Satoru Gojo.”
You perk up and slowly fill with hope and relief.
“It is the back of the Prison Realm.”
You blink and shift your gaze back to Tengen. “Back?” You question.
“I’ve never heard of that,” Yuki muses.
“You mean like a back gate?” Itadori is finally the first to understand something instead of being the first one to probe.
“Yes, that is right,” Tengen agrees as he keeps the back gate in their large hand. “Before Kenjaku found it, the prison realm was outside my barrier. I believe it was overseas. By sealing this rear gate, I was hiding the existence of the “front”, but it was no use. Satoru Gojo Is also sealed inside the rear gate.”
“Then if we open it can we—”
“No,” Tengen breaks Itadori’s hopes. “The authority to open the gate rests with Kenjaku as the bearer of the “front”.”
Which gives you more reason to stay!
“Breaking it open requires either the inverted spear of Heaven that nullifies cursed techniques or the black rope that disrupts and cancels cursed technique effects.”
The back rope? Miguel’s destroyed black rope?
“But Satoru Gojo sealed the inverted spear of heaven overseas 11 years ago…or destroyed it! Why’d you do that Gojo!” Itadori exclaims and Fushiguro follows to do the same.
“And last year Satoru Gojo got rid of all the black rope! Why’d that guy do that?!”
Okkotsu laughs nervously and you bring your hand up to bite the tip of your manicured nail since you can’t smoke inside.
“Miguel went to Africa in search of more black rope,” you share with the group. “But he found none…isn’t that right, Okkotsu?”
Okkotsu nods. “Yes, it was a fruitless effort.”
You groan and snap your gaze to Tengen. “But there is a way? Right?”
“Yes,” Tengen lets you sigh with relief. “Among the players participating in the Culling Games is a sorcerer from a thousand years ago who calls herself Angel. Her cursed technique can extinguish any cursed energy.”
“She can extinguish cursed techniques?” Fushiguro questions.
“Yes,” Tengen reinstates. “The Angel’s cursed technique can open the “back” of the prison realm.”
“Do you know where she is?” You ask.
“The colony in the east side of Tokyo,” Tengen surprises you by saying, it seems they tend to not know a lot of important answers. “The game barriers reject me, so I don’t have any more information,” he finishes as he puts the back gate back in their portal, leaving Satoru out of arm's reach.
Yeah, you can’t get him out without the sorcerer and her technique, but you were comforted by the fact that he was close, that you could see a part of his prison, but he’s gone again. And so your worry regrows.
Choso seems to notice your disappointment and very gently pats your shoulder.
His gesture surprises you considering you’re the only one who’s given physical touch, but you welcome his comforting touch and thank him with a small but sweet smile as Tengen starts to give more information on the Culling Games. Something you probably won’t participate in because you’ll be here, so you hardly listen.
You know that if you enter a certain colony you’ll be added as a player, players get points by killing other players, and if that player's points remain the same then they could lose their technique. That's all you really gather as your mind goes back to Suguru and your impossible choice.
Guilt begins to bloom where there wasn’t any, while Miguel’s words echo in your mind.
“And you were supposed to cremate Geto’s body,”
If you had picked his body off the ground before you left, all this could have been avoided. All these problems and these outcomes would have not existed if you had given him a proper funeral. But you got swept up in your emotions and left him there.
He would’ve taken your body, Miguel was right about that too, but you couldn’t do the same. Now this is all your fault…your parents…were right…you are a weak link.
“Y/N, Yuki, and Choso will remain here to guard Master Tengen,” Maki snaps your attention back to the room. “I will return to the Zen’in clan and collect cursed tools. Soon after Satoru Gojo was sealed the Kamo and Zen’in clans cleaned out Jujutsu High's cursed warehouse. But Megumi is now the Zen’in clan's leader.”
“What?!” Itadori exclaims.
“I’ll explain later,” Fushiguro mutters to his friend.
“Thanks to that, it’s possible to search the Zen’in warehouse at length, but first, Master Tengen?”
You look between the two completely lost on what’s going on.
“Understood,” Tengen interjects. “Juzo Kumiya’s workshop right?”
“Are you sure you don’t want to go with Itadori?” You ask Choso as the kids discuss their plans. “Yuki and I can handle your father.”
Choso looks over at you at his side and responds. “I have to be the one to kill my father for what he’s done to my brothers. It's the only way they can be at peace. You,” he redirects. “Your people don’t need you? You’ve been gone from home for a while. And your daughter, will she be okay?”
The corner of your lips twitch to a smile as you hear his concern. “Yes, my people will be fine, I trust the people that are in charge, and Satori will be fine where she is,” you let him know. “We’ll just have to miss each other for a bit longer, but this is for the greater or good.” You sigh deeply.
“Hm, she’ll understand,” he tries to assure you.
“Yeah,” you whisper. “I hope.” You swallow thickly.
“Yeah, you guys go to Kinji as planned,” you hear Maki direct at Fushiguro, making you drift your attention back to the group of kids.
“Kinji?” Itadori asks for a person he could’ve met but didn’t because he was in his room the entire day.
“Kinji Hakari, a suspended third year,” Okkotsu lets Itadori know.
“Anyway we’re short-handed,” Maki adds. “So we got to rope in whoever we can.”
“Is that guy tough?” Itadori returns to the conversation about Hakari even after Maki tried to end it.
“Well,” you give your opinion. “He’s moody.”
Itadori slowly churns his head and looks at you with wide curious eyes. “You know him too?” He asks.
Choso and you share a teasing look, and then you nod. “Yes, he went to the house on the first. Not that you would know...”
“You were locked in your room,” Choso finishes your sentence.
Itadori narrows his gaze and looks between Choso and you as if trying to figure out what the two of you are getting at with your in-sync conversation.
“When he’s worked up, he’s stronger than I am.” Okkotsu shares, but he’s quickly turned down by Maki’s sly comment.
“That’s not true.”
You’d tell Itadori and Fushiguro to tell Hakari and Kirara that you sent them, even if you didn’t, but that advice wouldn’t be much help. So you just keep that to yourself and instead share something else that can help. “Hakari and Kirara are in an abandoned multistory parking lot in the Tochigi prefecture. He’s making money by becoming a bookmaker for gambling matches.”
“Gambling matches?” Itadori cuts in confused.
You nod with a proud smirk tugging on your lips. “Fights between sorcerers.”
Itadori’s eyebrows only furrow deeper. “What? That’s crazy. How do you know?”
“I’m his and Kirara's mentor. And when it comes to the fights I helped them finance the club.”
“Hm, so you’re like the Godmother?” He says without need for explanation which makes you excited.
Itadori’s jaw drops and he leans over. “Do you fight?”
You grin and show off. “I’m their jackpot, honey.”
You don’t fight often, you’ve only fought a couple of times, but when you do fight you use your family name so there's always an anticipating crowd and a lot of money.
“The spectators are…” Fushiguro trails off for you to finish.
“Basically non-sorcerers.”
Both he and Itadori look at you shocked.
“Doesn’t that severely infringe upon the Jujutsu rules article 8, which is to keep confidentiality?”
You scoff and quip, “so what?”
Fushiguro and Maki both look at you with annoyance and they both mutter, “she’s just like her brother.”
You scrunch your nose in disgust at their comparison, but you don’t say anything, you just give Fushiguro and Itadori one warning. “Among the participants of the gambling matches are some curse users, so be careful.”
Itadori is quick to nod and assure you. “Got it!”
You smile at him and Fushiguro and say your goodbye. “Take care of each other, hm?”
Fushiguro spares you a glance and gives you a stiff nod before he turns to leave with the other two, whilst Itadori gives you a thumbs up and follows the others out.
Albeit he then turns and calls out, “Choso!”
You look at said man with excitement for him, and he rightfully looks surprised by the call of his name from his little brother, but he’s quick to interject sweetly and with a charming grin. “Don’t die, okay?”
“Thanks. I appreciate it,” Itadori says before he throws Choso a wave, causing the nonchalant man to cover his face with his hand right away and sniffle?
Is he crying?
You give him all your attention and confirm your suspicion right away when you see his shoulders shake, and a tear slip past his large palm.
Yuki sees the same thing but she looks confused, whereas you can’t help but smile in admiration.
“Are you crying?” Yuki probes.
Choso waves her off, and you giggle and pat his shoulder to share your pride for the development with his brother.
“Oh, you could die happy now couldn't you, Cho?” You tease him as you lean your head over his shoulder.
He sniffles. “Just about.”
You chuckle and give his shoulder a squeeze.
At the feeling of your touch, he pulls his hand off his face and looks back at you with a watery gaze. “Can you believe it?”
You flash him a grin and nod. “I saw it. I’m sorry I couldn’t take a picture or a video. But there’ll be more times.”
“You think so?” He shares his doubts.
You nod. “I know it.”
His lips tug on a small smile and he nods in comprehension as he feels comforted by your reassurance.
Silence fills the room after that and welcomes an awkward tension. Not between Choso and you, or Yuki, Choso, and you, but between the three of you and Tengen.
“So,” Yuki rolls out. “Now what?”
“Where are we going to stay?” You ask as you look around at the white nothingness. “And what are we going to eat?”
Tengen sighs as if they're already over Yuki and you. “I have everything you need here,” they mutter.
“Hm. Okay.”
Well, this should be an interesting time…
“Oh, oh,” you exclaim and snap your eyes open to sit up—or try, you really strain yourself to sit up. “What about Cursed manipulation?” You muse softly.
Suguru slowly blinks his eyes open and sighs before he lolls his head to the side to look at you through the darkness of your room. “No,” he gently turns you down.
You pout and press your hand on his toned bare chest to lean closer. “Why not? That way you won’t feel so lonely with your technique. That way you can teach our child about your technique,” you argue your point.
A touched smile tugs on his lips and his eyes fill with love. “Baby,” Suguru coos. “I don’t want our child to share that burden. Having me carry that technique with me is enough. You know that.”
You drop your eyes on the beauty mark on his chest and gently trace it with your finger. “I know,” you whisper. “But I know how much you dislike your technique, and maybe a part of it is because no one understands. Having our girl have your technique will give you someone to bond with, a reason for your technique not to be such a pest.” You try to make him see the bright side you’re trying to let in.
But all Suguru sees is a more threatening darkness, and he doesn’t want his child to be cast with such an isolating and draining burden.
“What about,” Suguru rolls out as he slides his big and soft hand over your smaller one. “If she has your technique? Your technique is fun. A lot easier.”
You laugh softly and rid of all the lurking shadows Suguru saw crawling in his corner with a simple look in your eyes.
“It would be fun,” you go along with him as he pulls your hand to his lips to press a gentle kiss on your knuckles.
“Come here,” he reels you in so you can lay down on your side and rest your head on his chest so he can gently massage your head.
“If our baby girl has my technique she will be pursued by your family, you know that,” he adds a warning you’ve been trying to forget for your sake.
You swallow thickly and murmur, “Satoru wouldn’t let that happen.”
Or you hope so.
“Yeah,” Suguru doesn’t hesitate to agree, but he still continues with doubt laced in his voice. “But you know they’d find a way. My technique is the only reason they let us date when we were in high school.”
You manage a tender smile and nuzzle your head in his chest, but quickly find your position uncomfortable due to the baby growing inside you, so you flip to your back and wrap Suguru’s strong arm around your neck.
“So,” you change the subject so you don’t spiral in your anxiety that tends to poison you when you think of your parents taking your child. “Have you picked a name yet?”
Suguru leans his head on yours, letting you feel his throat vibrate on your head as he hums. “What about Satori?” He shares. “It means enlightenment.”
Just like Satoru’s name.
“And you were supposed to cremate Geto’s body,”
Those words keep ringing in your head like a bad and out-of-tune echo
You had made peace with the choice you made that day. You made his funeral with nobody to mourn and you were okay praying to his portrait in his shrine, but now your past plagues you and you can’t stop the guilt from consuming you.
All this death, this chaos is happening because of that one choice you didn’t make.
All the distress everyone’s living through is because of you?
You slowly twist your head towards the door and see an upside-down Yuki stopping under the doorframe.
“Are you done talking with Tengen or are you still glowering?” You remark teasingly.
Yuki scoffs and breaks away from her spot. Yet before she can join you on the bed, you quickly interject.
“Turn off the light. My head hurts.”
“Too much wine?” She quips with a snicker as she does as you ask before she moseys on over to jump on the bed.
“Yeah,” you groan and cover your eyes with your arm. “I was doing some work and was chugging that wine…”
“And now you have your head hanging off the bed,” Yuki finishes for you in a scolding voice. “I wonder why your head hurts.”
You slap your hand on your stomach and lose your gaze on the blue hue painted on your ceiling by the fake bright night sky Tengen made for all of you. Which is kind of neat and nice….you have to admit.
“You know,” you add as you get lost in thought. “It feels weird staying here. I mean we’re not above ground on school grounds, but we’re still here, and it’s weird.”
“Yeah,” Yuki muses. “Takes you back doesn’t it?”
“Hm—Oop I'm getting lightheaded now,” you mumble and throw your upper body up to drag yourself forward on the bed and then throw yourself down when you’re at Yuki’s side.
“I mean to have a cute guy fawning over you with their dreamy brown eyes is so weird,” she says in a mocking way you instantly recognize and try not to give into, but you can’t help it. You drag your eyes to your side and see she’s already passing you a teasing look.
“Har-har,” you feign a laugh and mistakenly prove her right, so she continues to push.
“Oh you could die happy couldn't you, Cho?” She changes her voice as she bats her eyelashes. “Now I’m going to bat my pretty white Gojo lashes at you, and speak in my very fancy voice which seeps with my lust for you.”
You bite the inside of your cheek and shoot her a pointed glare. “I don’t talk like that,” you remark and avert your gaze.
“You do,” she yells. “You talk in a very old money, old movie star kind of way, which if someone wouldn't know you, they’d think you’re snobby, but I guess he likes that because he drools over you with whatever comes out of your mouth.”
Your heart swoons and begins to dance all giddily, causing a smile to start tugging on your lips, but one you try to fight back.
“It’s not even like that,” you mutter in a very shaky way because of how bad you are at hiding the excitement that she is making you feel. “Shut up,” you blurt and flip around to give her your back. “I’m 28 now, I don’t giggle,” you grumble.
“Oh,” Yuki snorts. “You giggled.”
You don’t comment and watch the stars twinkling in the distance with a smile winning its territory on your face.
“Do you,” you quietly give in to your feelings, this once, out of excitement. “Think it’s obvious?”
“Not to him.”
You nod softly and welcome more silence as you let your heart gush over Choso and this conversation.
However, then Yuki's impression of you crosses your mind and you can’t help but burst out laughing. And as if in tune with your thoughts Yuki joins, and you both just laugh your asses off until you’re both out of breath.
When you collect yourselves you don’t continue to laugh however, your smile falls and you lock your feelings away, forbidding your heart from them.
It’s cruel, but it’s for the best. It’s for his sake. And no matter how much your heart weeps and begs for you to show it some sympathy, you won’t give in, you can’t give him more thought, or else you will fall and you’ll give into a happiness you don’t deserve to feel.
You prove that to yourself now, in the silence that fills the room once again, while your mind sinks back in your guilt.
Guilt you need to express before you’re overwhelmed. “Yuki…do you think…all that’s happening is my fault?”
Yuki shifts and her big brown eyes bore in the back of your head. “What do you mean?” She questions.
You let out a deep breath and turn around to face her with a watery gaze full of pain and guilt. “All that’s happening,” you clarify. “It’s my fault, isn’t it? Because I couldn’t burn his body when he died…” You trail off and feel your bottom lip tremble. “…he was my husband, I should've taken him with me and burned his body, but I left him there and Kenjaku got him because of it.”
Yuki looks into your eyes for a moment longer before she sighs and begins to share her thoughts. “You should’ve burned his body, that’s true…”
You gasp and feel like you’ve been stabbed in the heart.
“But,” she adds. “It wasn’t your fault. None of what’s happening is your fault. You should’ve burned his body because he was your partner, you should’ve given his body a resting place, but he was also the man you loved, y/n, losing him was hard. I understand why you couldn’t do it, but what happened because of that is not your fault. Kenjaku was probably already creeping around him, waiting for the right moment, it all would’ve happened eventually.”
Her answer doesn’t assure you, it doesn’t take away the agony you feel now.
“No,” she cuts you off. “What ifs don’t exist. What happened, happened, but you are not to blame, do you understand?” She presses with a threatening narrowed glare. “This is not your guilt to carry. And you know damn well your brother and Suguru would never want you to beat yourself over it.”
Tears roll down your cheeks and you answer with a soft nod.
“It’s not your fault,” she insists as if she could see your reluctance to let your guilt go. “It’s not your fault, y/n.”
Her words strike against the guilt and work to stop it from spreading, but in order to get rid of it indefinitely you’ll just need time.
“Okay,” your voice quivers.
Yuki offers you a sweet smile and grabs your shoulder to give it a gentle squeeze that makes you smile faintly in return.
“Thank you,” you whisper.
Her smile turns to a smug grin. “Of course. I’m always here for you, y/n.”
You reach for her hand and give it a gentle squeeze, letting the silence settle, and for a comfort to finally set in your heart.
Not only that but at least now you can sleep too without having to be attacked by all your thoughts, thanks to her. You really owe her a lot.
A knock raps on the door, pulling him from his slumber and putting him on instant alert. When he drifts his eyes to check the clock, the bright numbers read 2:06 am, so whoever it was must come with urgency.
Thus, he gets out of bed and walks over to open the door, and see that it’s you in your night attire.
“Y/N, are you okay?” He immediately asks with concern.
You assure him with a quiet response so as to not wake up Tsukumo. “Yeah, yeah, I just…” you trail off and glance at the ground. “I don’t want to be alone.”
Choso’s heart skips a beat and his mind completely falls blank at the sound of the vulnerability you were letting him see.
“I’m sorry if I woke you,” you quickly add as he stays with his mouth ajar. “I can go.”
“No,” he quickly finds it in him to snap out of his stupor. “Come in.”
A relieved smile grows on your lips and when you walk inside he sees your shoulders lose the tension they held, meaning you felt comfortable being in his presence, which makes him happy to see. He doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable when you’re around him.
“I’m sorry,” you repeat in a more sweeter and apologetic tone. “I know it’s late.”
Choso shakes his head and quickly assures you. “No, no, it’s okay. I don’t mind.”
You peer back and flash him a content smile before you turn and walk back toward the bed with a faint smirk. “Your hairs down,” you point out. “I like it. It looks nice.”
Once again his heart skips a beat in its rhythm, but this time a fluttering grows in his stomach that makes his face grow hot. Which is embarrassing to him, and it always happens when he’s with you.
“Thank you,” he mutters as he holds your gaze that lights his room in a way the fake night sky never did.
“Are you sure you're okay?” He makes sure to ask again.
You sit on the edge of his bed and nod. “Yes,” you smile. “I’m fine, Cho.”
The sound of that short nickname coming out of your lips sends shivers down his spine he never knew he could feel by the simplicity of a nickname.
“Okay then,” he says and glances at the bed and then at you. “You can take the bed, I’ll sleep on the ground.”
You laugh softly and drag yourself back to one side and pat the other. “Come lay with me, we’ve spent enough time together already for it to be weird.”
His face grows hotter and his heart instead begins to pound in his chest.
In all the times you’ve spent alone you're always sitting across from each other, on a couch, or at a small distance side by side, you’ve never shared a bed. He almost wants to say no out of respect for you, but he doesn’t want to wound your feelings. Plus you did say you wanted company, so he slowly approaches the bed and climbs back on his side.
“If you're not comfortable then don’t listen to me,” you let him know so he doesn’t feel forced. “Please.”
Choso turns his head and meets your red-orange eyes mixed with worry, so he assures you right away. “I don’t mind. I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
You share a soft laugh and he can’t help but let his lips tug to a faint smile.
“Choso,” you whisper now in such a soft and vulnerable way once again.
You let out a deep sigh and first roll to your side before you continue. “Will you help me? Keep me safe…please.”
You didn’t even need to ask, he already put himself in charge of that the moment he recognized you that night in Shibuya, but hearing you ask him this now just has a way to make the feelings he already has for you, intensify. He can’t even put into words how content he feels, and what other feelings are racing through his veins.
It’s like you set him on fire.
“Always,” he assures you right away.
Your lips tug to one of those sweet smiles he likes to admire on you, and suddenly, again, just like other times before, his eyes—no his whole being feels magnetized to your lips.
“I’ll always keep you safe,” he reinforces his statement.
“You promise?” You ask for reassurance as you, yourself can’t raise your eyes off his lips.
“I do.”
Instead of smiling this time, you lean in and he gives into the force attracting him to you and parts his lips to give into his desire.
Yet, before he can know the feeling of your plush lips on his, everythings gone in a flash and his eyes snap open to see an empty room, and his hard member bulging through the blankets. Again.
It seems that he always feels a pressure within him that lit his veins with wildfire whenever he thought of your lips, your soft skin under his fingertips, your body under him or over him, your perfectly sculpted face so close to him that he could feel your breaths unfurl over his lips, and or whenever he dreamed of you…like now.
And his dreams always varied. Sometimes they were sweet like the one now, but other times he dreamed of you in ways he figured out shouldn't be had by friends and always woke up with the same throbbing pressure that ached for you because of it.
At first, he didn’t know what it was he felt, his body just set on fire, making his blood rush, and causing his member to rise and grow hard to the point it throbbed when you appeared in his mind. It wasn't until he was being nosy one time and found his answer in some pages in a book he peeked in after he saw you keep smiling at it as if it held some juicy secret.
He just wanted to know what was so interesting and why you read it so much in your free time. He won’t do it again, he knows that for sure.
Now, as to how he cooled himself down? He waited sometimes for it to pass, or he went to go get some water and fresh air, hoping not to run into you.
Like he will do now because recently waiting hasn’t helped, all he feels is the need to relieve himself to the thought of you. So he gets up and leaves his room and hopes you’re not out there.
The night is cold, especially because you’re underground.
But that’s what you get for being here as some bodyguard to an enlarged four-eyed thumb.
You just want to go back to your house and finally sleep in your own bed! You miss it all terribly.
And you miss having a warm body sleeping next to you. Sometimes you’d sleep at the furthest edge to avoid the contact, but in the back of your head, you always knew there was someone there to comfort you. Now all there is a cold and empty spot.
Maybe…no, that can’t be possible. You’re too much of a horrible monster to deserve anything good. He’s too good and his heart is too pure. You’ll just corrupt him.
But—no! No.
“Ugh,” you groan and flip around to groan some more into your pillow and keep your face buried.
Maybe this way his handsome nonchalant face and his precious eyes will leave your mind alone.
Nevertheless, the door of your room suddenly opens and when you turn to face the entrance there walks in the man you were trying to stop thinking about.
“Choso,” you call out in confusion.
He usually knocks and waits for you to open the door, or for you to invite him before walking in, this time he just barged in completely out of breath.
“Y/N,” he speaks in a deep silky voice that makes goosebumps grow on your arms.
“Choso, what’s wrong?” You ask as he keeps looking at you with his eyes darker than usual.
However, he doesn’t answer you, he just walks to you and stops when he’s at the edge of the bed, making you grow more confused, but also causing your heart to start racing out of what you can only describe as excitement over his proximity and boldness.
“I want to be with you.” Choso breaks his mysterious mask and takes no time to climb over you on the bed. “Always.”
You swallow thickly and let your eyes flicker between his eyes and his pink lips that radiate his warmth and tempt you to close the gap.
“I want you to be mine,” he murmurs against your lips, making your heart burst, sending your blood to race through your veins and catch your body on fire.
“Choso,” you whisper and keep your eyes on his lips, refusing to lose sight of them, as if you were some addict seeking their next high.
“Will you let me?” He asks as he grazes his lips on yours, making you gasp and feel a growing need in your core that begins to weep for him.
“Yes,” you give in so easily and see him smile before he presses himself closer to let you feel his hard member against your throbbing core.
“You’re so…beautiful,” he muses and finally gives in to your temptation by pressing a kiss on your lips.
Albeit you can’t describe the feeling of his lips. It’s like nothing pressed against you. But instead of questioning it, you fuel your need and wrap your arms around his neck to smash his lips against yours again.
“Y/N,” he groans against your lips.
You listen to your heart and deepen the kiss, feeling his hips roll against you.
“Choso,” you moan in his mouth.
He utters your name and pulls back, but presses a hand on your cheek to not lose contact. He parts his lips again to say more but suddenly you can't hear him, and everything around him and you slowly goes to black until suddenly you’re yanked back into a void that blinds you for a second before you suddenly open your eyes and see the ceiling.
There’s no Choso and no warmth, just the ceiling, and an empty bed, meaning it was a damn dream!
A sex dream no less that just leaves your heart lonely and disappointed, and your panties wet whilst your pussy throbbed over nothing.
Great. Great!
You should’ve not even accepted the mission! Choso is everywhere now that you don’t want to think about him or his pink and inviting lips you want to taste. His pretty sunkissed brown eyes you can get lost in. The veins on his hands you want to see when he grabs onto your thighs, his defined shoulders you want to cling onto, and his beautifully sculpted abs you want to press kisses on…
Just maybe you can just think about him until you satisfy your need with your fingers…
No! No! What are you thinking?!
Why? Why now?
You can’t think of him like that! You can’t just let your body ache for him, you told yourself you wouldn't, so sorry to your heart, but no!
And if you stay on your bed you will fall into temptation, so you get out and march out of your room.
Alas, when you walk out you let out a sharp gasp when you run into Choso!
“Sorry,” he immediately throws out as he steps back and turns away from you. “I-I didn't mean to scare you.”
You clutch onto your heart for a different reason and quickly assure him. “No, it’s okay. It’s fine,” you murmur and make the mistake of meeting his gaze, but you can’t hold it so you yank your eyes away because of the dirty thoughts you just had of him.
“Are you okay?” He asks and that only works to reignite your desire.
“Yeah.” You nod and bring your eyes back to his gaze, and realize that he never looked away. He keeps looking with a deep intensity that you can’t look away from now and works to restart the pulse in your core.
“I just need…water,” you lie, making his jaw go slightly ajar.
“Oh,” he breathes out. “Me too.”
“Now I won’t be alone,” you play it off and lead the way to the kitchen in a loud silence in which all you can do is dart your eyes from his hands, the hall, his lips, ahead, his baggy shirt hiding his defined torso, and the approaching kitchen.
When you’re going to reach for a cup he beats you to it and reaches for two, causing you to watch how the veins form on his hands as he grasps onto the cups.
Before he can hand your cup though, to avoid letting him catch you staring, you walk over and take the water jar out of the fridge to pour some into the cups he puts on the counter for you. Once you fill his cup you pick it up and hand it to him, realizing when your eyes land on him that he’s been watching you.
“You know,” you fill the silence and turn away from him to lean back on the counter. “We might as well be drinking air, considering earlier today we walked into a white canvas, and moments after that a house appeared out of thin air.”
Choso shares a small laugh, making your smile widen.
“Well,” he says. “At least we'll go insane together.”
You chuckle with him and then say, “yeah, lucky us,” before you trail off softly and bring your cup to your lips to drink, missing the way Choso couldn’t keep his eyes off you.
When you bring your cup down you look over at him and he looks away and drinks. “Your hair’s down, it looks nice,” you tell him, making him gulp, and for his eyes to widen.
You think it's just him getting flustered so you don’t probe and instead continue and let your heart lead the way. “You know when we fought I saw you kind of lacked in hand-to-hand combat. I could help you if you want.”
Choso lowers his cup and shakes his head. “I wouldn’t want to burden you,” he doesn’t try to turn you down, he just doesn’t want to bother you.
“I don’t mind,” you quickly assure him. “I think it’ll be fun actually.”
Your eyes find each other and he unfurls a deep breath before he lets himself give in. “All right. Thank you.”
You walk to the sink and dump the water from your cup because it’s not water you needed, you needed air to keep your mind off him, but well…
“Good, we start at 8 am,” you let him know and leave the cup to turn on your heels. “Don’t be late.”
“Well,” he says lightheartedly. “There’s nowhere else to go, so. I couldn’t even if I tried.”
You laugh just like he wanted.
“Good night, Cho,” you tell him for a second time tonight.
He watches you walk away and speaks softly as if out of breath, “Goodnight y/n,”
You offer him one last smile over your shoulder before you leave the room.
Instead of returning to your bedroom though, you end up outside to finally catch some fresh air and lose your gaze on the beautiful wave of colors that rocked over the ground as if they were ocean waves, and slowly feel all your concerns and desires slip away like they would when you admire the lake by your house, or the oceans you like to travel to.
Even if you’re stuck underground, in a place that can weaken you, you don’t feel distressed, you feel…bliss in the peaceful silence.
And that is something you haven’t felt since October 31st. So you relish in it while you can before you’re faced with more disaster.
You could actually sleep out here, but in the back of your head, you do worry that something will come out of the walls, or from the surface and drag you to some depths of hell or something so you just sit back and watch the aurora borealis accompany the starry sky.
For a while longer at least because then you hear something creak behind you and you have to look out of fear it’s some kind of demon.
Luckily though it’s just your tempting desire that plagues your mind often; Choso.
“Are you spying on me?” You tease him with a playful glare.
“I,” he stammers as his cheeks grow pink. “No. I saw someone out here. I wanted to make sure it wasn’t unwanted company.”
You ease the teasing glare and offer him an assuring look. “I was just messing with you,” you let him know. “Now.” You pat the spot beside you. “Why don’t you forget we said goodnight to each other and sit with me.”
Choso steps away from the back door and shakes his head. “No, I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”
“Pft,” you brush him off with a flick of your wrist. “It’s our thing you know? Us being up late and keeping each other company. I’ve grown to really look forward to it, so come if you want I don't mind.”
You should mind. You really definitely should.
“Well,” Choso breathes out and hides his reddening cheeks by looking at the ground. “Only if it’s alright with you.”
“It is,” you reassure him.
Choso’s eyes flicker to you and he sees that you hold no ill will so he takes you up on your offer.
“You know,” you muse when he takes his seat. “That the brightest star, The North Star, is right there,” you share and point to the bright speck on the sky just above your heads. “And if you find it you’ll always find home.”
Choso’s gaze lingers on your smug little smile before he follows your finger to the biggest star in the sky.
“Or at least,” you scoff. “That’s all that stuck from what Kira told me.” You laugh softly. “They told me about all these cosmos and nothing really stuck, but that. So if you’re ever lost just find the star.”
Choso blinks and mutters, “what if I’m lost in the day?”
You snort and look at him with amusement. “Then you’re shit out of luck.”
Choso laughs and you laugh with him for a long moment before you clap and interject excitedly. “OR OR, you can always tell yourself this, Never,” you point ahead. “Eat.” You point east. “Soggy.” You point south. “Waffles.” You lastly point West and grin over the fact you remember that catchy phrase.
However, Choso doesn’t understand so he just looks at you with his thick eyebrows deeply furrowed.
“North, East, South, and West,” you clarify. “Belinda taught me.”
Choso nods in comprehension and nods slowly, but you can still see from his slightly scrunched-up nose that he’s still confused.
And you are too.
“But I guess it wouldn't make sense if you don’t know where North is…so,”
“We’re both lost?” He finishes for you as he meets your gaze with his lips picked up into a faint smile.
“Yeah,” you laugh. “We’re both lost, so it’s a good thing we have our mobile devices,” you mock him, and he catches that right away and shoots you a pointed look that only lasts for a second before he turns his head away as he can’t help but smile.
“No, but really, home is not far from here. Home is surrounded by trees to keep the community kind of hidden, it’s big for obvious reasons,” you say with a smile. “And, I actually thought of a perfect home for you and your brothers to stay at.”
Choso’s eyes snap to you admiring the colors in the sky turning from blue to red, and his jaw slightly drops. As if this is the first time he’s heard of this plan you told him hundreds of times already.
“It’s just above the lake, so close to me but not too close either,” you continue to say, letting him watch how the red hue consumes your face in such a majestic way—“it’s the house surrounded by the most trees so you get more privacy. And it’s not big enough to fit all of you, but you can build onto it. I think that’d be fun.” You look away from the sky and immediately find his softened gaze. “Don’t you think?”
Choso blinks repeatedly to break from the trance you casted on him, and shakes his head. “We’ll be fine,” he tries not to concern you, but you argue back right away.
“No, you’ll need your own space. You all will. Trust me,” you laugh dryly. “I know, because one, brothers date your best friends and break up with them, causing said friend to drop you because you remind them of your brother and they can’t handle that,” you ramble about your own past instead of actually advising him. “Two, they steal your hair products and always forget to buy you more after they finished them. They tease you until you cry and play cruel pranks in front of their friends to act cool. And lastly, they buy your child a pony without asking you first.”
Choso scoffs in a judgy way and queries the same without shame. “Your brother does that?”
You roll your head forward to watch the red hue become fiercer in color, and sigh deeply. “Yes. But you can’t blame him, we’re barely a year apart, so our dynamic shows that,” you defend your brother.
“Our parents got excited after they had their boy,” you share. “So they chose to try for another in hopes it would be another strapping boy, but I came out, cockless and became their headache.” You snicker.
There was so much Choso wanted to say to contradict you and comfort you after you just brushed off your parents disdain since he knows that feeling of saying you don’t care but deep inside it hurts. Yet he can’t form the words to say it the way he wanted, the way you would’ve comforted him, he instead tries to relate to you so you could know that there are similarities between the two of you.
“Sometimes I don’t think it matters what gender you are. I turned out to be a man along with the rest of my brothers, and Kenjaku didn’t care, he still left us like trash.”
Your heart sinks and your smile turns to a frown.
“Parents are like that if you don’t fit their perfect ideals,” he mutters.
You lay back on the grass and keep your eyes on the stars behind the red hue while your mind sadly agrees with what he said.
“Yeah,” you whisper. “They are, aren’t they? Do you…” you hesitate and let out a deep breath to let out some of that tightness in your chest that had begun to grab ahold of you. “Ever think what it would be like if you were ideal in their eyes? I think I would be less afraid, and I wouldn't have pushed myself so much.”
Choso stays quiet as he tries to come up with something he’s often thought about in his time in the void.
“I…would’ve been out 150 years ago,” he says softly but in a voice laced with spite and anger. “And I wouldn’t be as strong as I am now. I honed my technique because he left us.”
You look at aurora borealis slowly shifting to yellow above your heads and whisper, “I’m sorry.” Causing him to lay back to show his confusion better—“I must sound ungrateful and bratty compared to what you went through. That was real pain. I’m sorry.”
Choso’s eyes narrow to express his remorse before he interjects in the best way he can. “No, you don’t. Not to me.”
Tears fill your eyes and you can’t help but share a soft smile as you finally feel understood. Suguru tried to relate to you saying his parents never understood him and that they became distant, but that was just a teenage phase for him, he never really understood you. Not in the way Choso can.
It’s why it makes indulging into this dark topic a lot easier.
“Can I ask how it felt being stuck there?” You bring up timidly hoping it doesn’t upset him.
Choso lets out a deep breath through his nose and narrows his gaze on the sky, looking almost like he wanted to damn the sky because of the past that flashed through his mind.
“I’m so—”
“It’s okay,” he cuts you off before you can finish your apology, and clears his throat. “It was…dark. Like when you close your eyes and see nothing but pitch darkness. I felt my brothers, their presence, but I was still alone because we couldn’t talk, or exist, we just felt each other nearby. And the years for me didn’t pass quickly like it would for them, I felt every year pass by,” his voice quivers, and you see tears rush down his cheeks, making that ache you had already begun to feel only hurt deeper for him.
Even if you can’t know his pain, you still feel for him, especially as you see him cry.
“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” you murmur and wipe away the tears that broke out of your eyes to scoot closer to him and grab his hand, going unaware of his shiver the moment your warm hand touched his cold one.
“You’re here now though,” you try to comfort him. “You’re out, under the sky and with a beating heart, working every day to give your brothers peace.”
More tears run down his cheeks and you’re tempted to wipe them away, but that might be too intimate for you trying to avoid developing your feelings, so you just let your heart yearn and let him wipe away his own tears.
“Thank you, y/n,” he whispers in a sweet way that makes your heart start to race. “You’re sweet. You always have been to me. Thank you for that.”
“You deserve it, Cho.”
The corner of his lips twitch to a timid smile, and you hold each other's gaze for a lingering moment as all your hearts do is yell to give in to what you both so desperately want.
Alas, you both don’t listen to your yearning. You let go of his hand, and look back at the sky while you slowly grow somber as you grow the confidence to share something personal now that you’re being vulnerable with each other.
“Can I share something with you that only my best friend Kento knew?” You ask first.
Without hesitation, he answers. “Of course.”
You let out a shaky sigh and clasp your hands together over your chest to fiddle with your nails. “Last year a month before Suguru died, we found out we were expecting,” your voice grows softer and shakier as you fight your tears. “And then he died and…the baby went with him.
No matter how hard you hold back from crying, tears cloud your eyes and stream down your cheeks.
“No one knew,” you add. “It was too soon to tell anyone, so we kept it a secret we would have shared later on. It never happened of course…” you trail off.
“I’m so sorry,” Choso says right away.
You wipe away your tears and meet his worried gaze. “It’s okay, I've made my peace with it,” you say.
Choso’s hand twitches out of a need to cup your hand the way you comforted him, but you kept your hand on your chest and he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable by reaching over your chest, so all he offered you was assuring words even if his face expressed pity and agony because of the pain he saw in your eyes. “You didn’t deserve that.”
You could say otherwise, you could bring up multiple pieces of evidence, but you don’t want to argue so you answer with silence.
“But why,” Choso interjects, catching your attention. “Why did you share something personal with me? Me out of all people, I’m—”
“My friend,” you cut him off before he can talk bad about himself. “And I shared this with you because I find it easy talking with you. Because you’re someone I can confide in.”
Choso swallows thickly and leaves a longer silence than he intended because of his disbelief over your words which only heightens his burn for you.
“Is that okay?” You check in.
He blinks and nods softly. “Yes. It is. I find it easy talking with you too.”
You can’t help but smile and reach over to grab his hand. “Promise me something, Choso.”
Said man is left speechless so he nods.
You then proceed to fold his arm over his chest to press his hand on his heart.
“You have a good heart,” you tell him something you know he doubts. “Promise me you’ll never lose it. Hard times will come, but you’re strong, keep your heart. Promise me.”
Choso’s bottom lip trembles and his eyes glisten, only letting a couple of tears fall before he nods even if he's still hesitant to believe your kind words that have never changed.
“Good,” you whisper and let his hand go to rest yours back on your chest.
You did such a terrible job at keeping him out of your mind. You suck.
“We have to get up early today,” Choso reminds you after a few minutes of peaceful silence.
“Yeah,” you make no attempts to leave, and neither does he. “We’ll pay for it in the afternoon.”
His fists are too tightly clenched and he has his feet too dug in the ground. He’s too tensed up.
Which isn’t strange to see, when he uses his cursed technique he’s always fighting fiercely. But when he’s fighting hand to hand he needs to loosen his body up more to move swiftly when the need calls or else he’ll be an easy opponent. Like now.
Instead of advising him right away though, you charge forward. When you get close you spring forward and throw your knee at his face, but he manages to barely swerve and causes you to land with your back to him.
You quickly spin around and in that moment catch him trying to swing his leg at your head, but you manage to trap his leg on your shoulder and throw your leg forward to kick his crotch, causing him to grunt and pull his leg off to stumble back.
You don’t wait for him to get better, you lunge forward and kick him to the ground before you drop down and straddle his waist to swing your arm over his face. But stop just before you can actually hit him.
“Dead,” you exclaim with a proud smirk. “Again.”
“Tsk,” he complains.
You get off him and grab his arm right away to help him back to his feet and finally share your advice. “You need to loosen up. You're too tense.”
Choso reaches for your elbow, but doesn’t make contact, he lets his hand hover under your elbow as he listens.
“You’re an easier target that way,” you continue. “You make yourself harder to move.”
“Sorry,” he says as if he was in trouble.
“Don’t apologize, it’s training,” you assure him and let his arm go to pat his shoulder and walk back to your spot to continue. “Let’s go another time and then we can take a break so you can watch Yuki and me next.”
He sighs with disappointment at his failure, so you rebuttal.
“Cho,” you press and turn to face him across the circle. “It's okay, you'll get better, that’s why we’re training.”
Choso rolls his shoulders back and lifts his fists, whilst you bend your knees a bit and clench your fists.
“Lighter on the feet,” you remind him before you run at him and hop again to bring down the strongest part of your arm on him, your elbow.
However, Choso crosses his arms and blocks the impact, making you smirk and pull your other arm back to throw him a left hook that he blocks again.
“Good,” you compliment, and then use your knee to jab his stomach and push him away from you.
This time though he doesn’t give in to the dull pain. He counters by coming at you by swinging his arm, making you dodge, just like he wanted, and quickly follows up by overwhelming you and throwing his other fist, and actually managing to nick you on the jaw before you could dodge.
“Good,” you mutter with a menacing chuckle before you shoot him a pointed glare.
Choso mirrors your glare and gets ready for your attack. Albeit instead of meeting him with a blow, you actually wrap your arms around his waist and then swing your foot back to smack your heel on his face.
Choso groans from the pain in his nose, and you try to swing around him to hug him from behind, but he wraps his arm around your neck to keep you in a headlock.
You try to squirm away, but he squeezes tighter, making you groan and dig your nails in his skin.
Choso doesn’t react to that though, instead, he brings his knee up to your stomach twice. But, he doesn’t demonstrate a finishing move, so you swing your legs around his waist and rock up with all your weight, resulting in you on the ground and him on top of you in a very uncomfortable position only because of the way his arm is still clung around your neck.
Not like it mattered to your racing heart and your need for him though; a heat still unfurls within you. While he falters.
Yet neither of you give into your desires, you ignore them and use your strength to roll back on the ground and throw him over you.
The both of you then quickly get up to face each other again, deciding not to waste a second and charging at each other.
The moment you’re close you swing your left fist, but he claps his hand together and throws his arms up to block your attempt.
“Nice,” you say between pants and get a smirk from him.
Nonetheless, you proceed to shift to the side to smack your hand on the back of his neck and push him down before you wrap your arm around his throat and throw your knee up.
Choso however, manages to block you and smacks his hands on your hips to swing you around as he turns so you can let go.
And you do but you then show off how flexible you can be after years of training, and wrap your legs around him with your back still pressed against his chest, and flip you both to the ground.
“Nice, that was quick thinking,” he compliments you between his own heavy breaths.
You snicker and don’t let get him off easy, you throw a jab over his face and swing over him to throw another hit, but he snaps his head to the side and makes your fist slam into the ground.
“Damn,” you hiss in pain and get off him to stay on your knees. “Damn.” You complain again and shake your hand.
Choso pays you no mercy, which is good, he shouldn’t because this is training and the second complaint was fake in hopes he’d worry. So you’re proud that he swings his leg. But since you were faking it the second time, you throw your upper body back to dodge and plant your hands on the ground behind your head to swiftly hurl yourself back to your feet using just the strength in your arms.
Now instead of giving Choso time to counter, or even attempt to move, you swing your leg. Choso catches your action and puts his hands out and claps them together out of instinct to use his technique, leaving you with the great opportunity to kick his face and send him to his knees the moment of impact, just out of the pure strength behind your swing.
And just to finish this round you walk around him and point your fist at his face. “And that’s dead.”
You drop your arm and offer him your hand.
Choso meets your gaze with no ill feeling and takes your offer, letting you pull him to his feet.
“Did that hurt?” You worry about him now that the session is over. “I’m sorry, Choso.”
Said man holds his cheek and covers how red it’s getting. “It’s nothing that won’t heal. You were great, y/n.”
You give your gratitude with a sweet smile before you grab his wrist and yank it down to pull him over to the bench. “You won’t heal right away like I can due to my RCT, which means it stings. Trust me I know. So let’s just put some ice on it.”
Choso parts his lips to argue since he will heal, but he can’t turn you down so he lets you sit him down, and just watches you wrap a towel around cubes of ice before you very gently press the cool towel against his cheek.
“Those were some nice moves,” you fill the silence so you can avoid getting lost on his handsome face and his pink lips just inches away from yours. “I like how you grabbed my hips and swung me around. That was quick thinking.”
Choso sits up straight and huffs. “On that last move, before you hit me, I pointed my hands out—”
“I saw that!” You exclaim and jump out of excitement. “You were totally going for a piercing blood!”
Choso chuckles softly. “I was an idiot. I could’ve dodged.”
You laugh and nod. “Yeah especially because I kind of fumbled my footing there.”
“Really?” He asks and raises his eyebrows. “I didn’t see.”
“No.” You roll your eyes playfully. “Because you were going to shoot piercing blood.”
Choso snorts and snickers, making your heart skip a beat, and your smile to turn to a beaming grin.
“I…I did see a difference when I changed my stance and lifted some weight off my feet,” Choso let you know.
“Really?” You probe curiously. “You liked it? I know some people prefer the additional weight. It makes their swings harder.”
“Well, if I add the weight when I hit instead, I find it smoother,” he says and you nod.
“Yeah, I do that too, that way I can move fast without being too tense, but making my impacts harder when I use that weight with my swings instead,” you share.
“Hm.” He hums.
You laugh softly down at the bench. “I was trying to trick you after I smacked my fist in the ground,” you let him know.
Choso’s eyebrows quirk up and he shoots you a puzzled look.
“I faked that second damn to try and distract,” you explain.
“I knew that,” he now claims, making you chuckle and roll your eyes.
“You didn't know shit!” You argue and playfully push him away.
A teasing smile tugs on his lips and he just continues to say a bunch of shit out of the high of the moment you’re both stuck in. “I knew not to check on you.”
You shake your head as you laugh, and he furrows his eyebrows and brings up a question. “Does that usually work?”
You shrug. “Sometimes, depends on who I’m fighting. But it’s not to check on me, more so my opponent let their guard down because they think I got weaker.”
“Hm. Well, it’s smart then,” he tells you softly.
You mutter, “thanks,” sweetly, and then your phone suddenly starts to ring, so pull away and grab your phone from your sweater draped over the bench.
When you check who it is you smile when you see that it’s Belinda.
“I’ll go,” Choso tries to be respectful and give you space, but you grab his wrist to assure him it’s okay before you answer the phone.
“Hello?” You greet in a sing-song voice as all you see is a wood ceiling. “Who am I talking to?”
A few seconds of silence pass before you hear your daughter's sweet voice. “Mommy!”
You grin. “Chipmunk,” you greet. “What are you doing? Why am I looking at a ceiling?”
“Oh, right,” she mumbles before she picks up the phone and finally shows her face to the camera. “Hi,” she greets again with a wave this time.
“Hi,” you don’t fail to return. “What are you doing?”
Satori flashes you a grin and points the camera at some long strings of dough. “I’m making pasta noodles,” she reveals. “Belinda's mom said that it’s important I know because I’m a girl.”
Of course, that lady would say that. Tsk.
“Oh,” you feign a laugh. “That’s…cool. You having fun?”
“What are you doing?” She cuts you off and stares hard at her screen to try and figure out the answer to her question.
“I’m training,” you let her know, making her pull back and smile again. “Actually,” you add with a growing grin. “I’m here with my friend, Choso.”
You proceed to shift so you can show him off to your daughter.
“Choso this is Satori,” you introduce him to the most important person in your life. “Satori this is Choso.”
Choso glances at you nervously as if trying to make sure it’s okay before he looks at the camera and offers your daughter a small smile. “Hello,” he greets nervously.
Satori's dark eyes narrow as she studies his face for a moment before her face eases and she smiles sweetly. “Hello,” she manages to greet without shying away since she’s behind a screen. “Uh, my mommy talks about you a lot.”
Your eyes widen and you quickly turn away. “Satori,” you quietly scold her.
“What?” She asks without understanding why you’re acting the way you are. “You and daddy always said to tell the truth. I did.”
You sigh deeply knowing you can’t say anything about it now so you just bite your tongue and wait to correct her tomorrow.
“Anyway,” you change the subject. “Satori how was your trip to—”
“Oh, Mom I have to go, I'll call you before bedtime, bye.” And just like that she ends the call and leaves you hanging.
“Well,” you clear your throat and don’t touch on what she blurted to him. “You met my daughter,” you say and shift to face Choso and press the ice back on his cheek that isn't as red as it was moments ago, but it still is swollen.
“She looks like him doesn't she?” You ask.
Choso swallows thickly and drifts his gaze away to nod before he looks back at you with a timid but soft look. “She has your smile though,” he says.
You’re caught off guard and feel your breath hitch softly before you show your flustered smile to the bench. “Thank you,” you whisper.
You let out a small breath and then look back at him. “Does it hurt less?” You ask with concern.
Choso nods. “Yes, thank you. You’re sweet even though I will heal, I told you.”
“Pft,” you blow out. “Then heal right now.” You urge him to prove you wrong.
Choso narrows his gaze. “Well, it’s not how it works.” He argues.
You scoff and smirk. “Well until then I’ll worry if I want to.”
Choso’s chest rises and you know what he’s going to respond with so you beat him to it.
Choso shoots you a pointed look, making you snicker as you hold his gaze.
And since he wasn’t really upset, he can’t hold back from sharing a soft smile while he gets lost in your eyes, building the tension that had already made itself a home between the two of you and urged you to just break it with an act of a kiss, or a confession.
But neither of you do, you just torture yourselves and sit in silence where only the two of you existed before suddenly Yuki’s excited shout breaks you away. “Who's ready?!”
“Sorry I’m late,” you make your presence known as you slide the door open to the parlor room where you’re supposed to brainstorm a battle plan.
“We haven’t started…” Yuki trails off to scoff, making you pick your eyes off the ground to watch her stuffing her face with crackers. “You’re wearing a kimono?” She says teasingly.
You flick your wrist. “Don’t make a big deal,” you brush her off and sit beside her and across from Choso.
“I hardly see you wearing them,” Yuki ignores you as she props her elbow on the table and rests her chin on her hand to lean towards you. “What’s the occasion?” She asks with a smirk.
You shoot her a pointed gaze knowing this was only about one man. “I wear kimonos often, they’re comfortable, especially when I’m on my period, like now.” you don’t give in to her taunting. “Do you wear them?” You raise a brow.
“Sometimes,” she shrugs you off.
“Well,” Choso interjects, stealing your attention away from your mentor and notice that a soft blush painted his cheeks. “I think you look very nice, Y/N.”
You can’t help but smile as you smooth out the red robe that didn’t hang tightly around your body, it fit comfortably since you were just staying indoors today.
“Thank you, Choso,” you redirect softly.
Said man swallows thickly and offers you a soft nod as you continue to hold his gaze until you feel Yuki nudge your knee.
You pinch her back under the table, making her snicker before she pinches back a bit too hard.
“Ow,” you whine and smack her hand. “Some master you are.”
Yuki chuckles and takes a sip from her tea, whilst Choso just ignores your and Yuki’s doings, and instead directs his question to you. “Would you like some tea, y/n?”
You perk up and nod. “Yeah, thanks.”
Choso grabs your empty cup and gets up to walk to the kettle, causing Yuki to mock him speechlessly.
“Mature,” you mouth and just ignore her as you fold your arms over the table to rest your head on your arms. “You know I was supposed to go to a gala today,” you murmur sadly. “I was going to wear a beautiful and expensive gown, and get all dolled up.”
“Oh, really?” Yuki probes. “Were you going with anyone?”
You smile. “Nanami to introduce him to a model slash sorcerer friend, and Shoko to get her out of work for a while. And Satoru had invited himself along, so he was going to go too.”
“Ah the media would've eaten you and your brother up,” Yuki points out. “I can read the headlines now, the ever so mysterious model, y/n, finally showing off a bit of her life tonight at blah, blah gala.”
You snicker. “Yeah, and he would’ve gotten carried away.” You can’t help but share with a bit of actual sadness that you couldn't actually see this day through like it was planned. It would've been so much fun.
“Here,” Choso interjects as he falls beside you to hand you your tea.
“Oh, thank you, Cho.” You thank him while you reach for your cup, and accidently brush your fingers over his as you take it from his grasp.
Choso offers you a nod before he retakes his seat at the same time the door opens and Tengen finally walks in.
“About time,” Yuki remarks as she sits up and folds her arms over her chest.
“Sorry, there’s much to do,” they excuse themselves while they take their seat. “Since I am late, why don’t we save casual mingling for later.”
You scoff and bring the hot cup to your lips. “We weren’t going to mingle with you,” you say bluntly and take a careful drink, realizing at that moment that the hot tea that seeped into your taste buds is prepared exactly as you like it. It’s exactly how you prepare it…
Did Choso know this from just watching you prepare your tea during those nine days?
“Gojo,” Tengen speaks in such a booming and yet elegant voice. “I know what Cursed manipulation consists of, but some of your peers aren’t aware, why don’t you share what you know since you lived with Suguru Geto.”
You swallow your drink and put the cup down. “Well,” you sigh. “There’s no limit to how many cursed spirits he can hold, but last year in the fight people call The Night Parade, he unleashed a majority of his curses. Meaning,” you add hopefully. “Kenjaku shouldn’t have many, I mean Suguru spent his lifetime collecting them, so it’s doubtful Kenjaku could’ve restored Suguru’s stock in a year.”
“What about the religious facilities?” Yuki asks. “He got curses from the non-sorcerers that worshiped him.”
You drop your gaze to your cup and shake your head. “No, I closed them all down, there was no need for them after he died.”
“Then why does Kenjaku still dress like a monk?” Choso spats.
You look at him across from you and bounce off him. “That’s what I'd like to know. I mean sure before he revealed himself it was to keep up appearances, but now? Who knows.”
“Kenjaku is tactical,” Tengen interjects and ignores the conversation between Choso and you. “He’ll find a way to work with the curses he gathered and what he had left.”
“Then let me go first,” Choso cuts in, making your eyebrows furrow in confusion, while your stomach knots together out of worry.
“You’ll die if you do,” you blurt without thinking.
Choso doesn’t notice the concern laced in your voice or the perplexity behind your eyes. “Then would you and Tsukumo fight against Noritoshi Kamo, three against one with me?”
You and Yuki share a look, but rather than expressing nonchalance like her, you share your growing concern.
“I’d be in the way right?” Choso continues to share. “So I’ll go first, draw out his cursed spirits, and get him to reveal information. If I can get him to open his domain…”
Then he’ll die. Does he not want to see that? Does his life mean so little to him?
“Then Kenjaku will have difficulty using cursed techniques,” Yuki adds in for him. “That’s when Y/N and I strike.”
“Exactly,” Choso agrees.
“I’ll say it again then,” Yuki repeats. “You’ll die.”
Choso doesn't look bothered or upset by the warning, he’s fucking nonchalant and it starts to upset you. You can’t even try to fight it for the restriction you put against yourself. The concern you felt twisting your insides, developed into anger that seeped through your veins and slowly spread out.
“I don’t care as long as we kill him,” Choso argues nonchalantly, making that anger pulse and pump faster throughout your body—“For me, my brothers, and the sake of my mother's curse, which makes up half of me and my brothers. For Yuji’s future as well.”
That anger now makes your heart pound and your jaw clench.
How dare he bring up his brother's future if he doesn’t even plan to be in it? Does he not want to stay with him, spend time with him, and fight for his survival? Why does he want to throw his life away like it meant nothing? Like it doesn’t matter?
You should be asking yourself why it upset you so much. With him gone at least your desire will fizzle out and you’ll stop thinking about him and a future you lost sight of when Suguru died. But your anger reached your mind, and clouded your reasoning, judgment, and critical thinking altogether.
All there is is pulsing anger mixing with your concern, so you can’t keep your mouth shut anymore, you interject to express emotions. “So what? You’re just going to leave Itadori here? Alone? Without you? After you just found each other.”
Choso blinks and slowly sits up, whilst his face shows his perplexity over your emotions.
“Y/N,” Yuki tries to stop you.
“No,” you spat and pierce a glare into Choso. “Why should I sit here and listen to him planning to kill himself? There’s other ways. I can help you, you don’t have to throw your life away.”
“I’ve lost so many people I care about,” you cut Yuki off with your voice shaking with anger and…fear. That’s what you felt too. That’s what you recognize coursing through you too.
“All in a span of a year,” you continue, leaving poor Choso just more confused and baffled—“why should I let someone else I care about die?”
“Because,” Yuki argues, but you keep looking deeply into Choso’s eyes. “It comes with our lifestyle. You know that more than anyone. Sure, you had a privileged upbringing, but you also grew up in this world, it comes with sacrifices. If you don’t like that then you can leave, I told you that already. Do you want to leave?”
You hold Choso’s gaze for a moment longer, and he parts his lips and looks at you with just soft disbelief now. It seems he wants to add something, but you drop your eyes and don’t let him interject. “No, Master,” you mutter.
“Good,” Yuki sighs. “Now you two listen to our plan.”
You tighten your grip around your cup and pierce your glare in the light brown tea as Yuki shares a plan she came up with Tengen. You have no protests, you’re okay with what she planned for you to do, so you never interject, nor does Choso. He just chimes in after she’s done explaining.
“Hmm, dismantling the domain huh?”
“You come after that,” Yuki clarifies.
“No, I should go first,” Choso insists, making you roll your eyes but stay quiet now.
“Domains are powerful but burnt-out cursed techniques afterward,” Choso continues. “So there’s a risk that your cursed techniques will be hard to use after a while. I know you and Tengen want to exploit that, but he won’t open his domain if he expects me to leap in. Even if beats me once it’ll convince him that the fight is only against you, Tsukumo, and y/n.”
“Alright fine,” Yuki finally gives in. “Y/N?”
“Yeah,” you mumble and take a sip of tea.
“And Y/N can’t use her fire-snake technique,” Choso protests. “Noritoshi has the advantage of knowing her every move thanks to who he’s inhabiting, he’ll see it coming and kill her.”
You almost choke on your tea, but you manage to navigate down the right pipe before you finally break your silence. “He’ll try to kill me either way because of it, I won’t be safe regardless.”
“Then let me help you,” he volunteers without hesitation. “I’ll fight what he tries to throw at you.”
The words you were going to share right away get stuck in your throat as you breathe in sharply. And that anger you held for him is forgotten for a moment as you’re now shocked.
“No,” Yuki argues for you, snapping you out of your stupor. “We stick to our plan. Y/N can handle herself. You can help when it’s your time to come out if you want to so badly.”
“Right.” You clear your throat and let your anger rush back. “I have my supreme art technique that I never showed Suguru. Trapping Noritoshi in my domain won’t work, he’ll probably overpower me, so I’ll use my supreme art technique to tire him out for Yuki.”
Choso narrows his eyes and probes with concern laced in his voice. “And you’ll have enough energy to fight after?”
You nod as you swirl the tea in your cup. “Yes, I will,” you assure him. “I’ll be okay.”
Choso looks unsure about your reassurance out of concern, but he also trusts you and believes in you, so he doesn’t argue.
“Great!” Yuki exclaims. “So we all know what we’re going to do? No protests?”
Yes, one, Choso’s willingness to sacrifice his life. It still pisses you off and makes you want to cry and fight him, but you’ve been told off already. And he doesn’t seem to want to listen, so you bite your tongue and let the plan be. Even if your heart…begins to ache.
A/N- If you think about Choso and mc have not spent a day apart since Shibuya
Tagged- @deniseabad1928 @secondary-character-25 @starlightanyaaa @notsaelty @d4rno @moonnime @kodzukein @yozora7154 @heijihattorisgf @elegantweirdorchest
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hadesxpercy-events · 8 months
Percy Jackson/Hades Fest 2024
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Link to the ao3 collection is here.
Plain text, links and tag list below.
SFW (safe for work) Prompts.
One. “Ask me for sanctuary. I’ll protect you.”
Two. “Would you like pomegranate juice?”
Three. Hades pining after Percy.
Four. Free Day.
Five. Royalty (canon or AU)
Six. “I glanced at the empty, smaller throne next to Hades’… I wished Queen Persephone were here.”
Seven. “He was the third god I’d met, but the first who really struck me as godlike.”
NSFW (not safe for work) Prompts.
One. “The sea does not like to be restrained.”
Two. “I was tempted to take a nap at Hades’ feet. Curl up here and sleep forever.”
Three. Percy as the stereotype: “Daddy issues made me a whore for older men.”
Four. Free Day.
Five. “I immediately felt like he should be giving the orders… He should be my master.”
Six. Hades and/or Persephone read TLT written by adult Percy and find out that Percy thinks Hades is attractive.
Seven. “He lounged on his throne of fused human bones, looking lithe, graceful and dangerous as a panther.”
January 30th, 2024: Prompts are posted. The AO3 collection opens.
January 30th - May 26th, 2024: Creation Period.
May 26th, 2024: AO3 Collection works are revealed.
May 26th – June 1st, 2024: Posting period.
June 1st – June 15th, 2024: Submit event feedback. Join the Hall of Fame.
June 15th, 2024: AO3 Collection closes and the Hall of Fame is posted.
-Creators can make any kind of media: fanfiction, fanart, mood boards, playlists, etc.
-You don’t have to complete all the prompts – however many you want is fine.
-There are no alternate prompts listed, so if you don’t like a prompt in the SFW list you can steal one from the NSFW list and write it in a SFW rated fic, and vice reversa.
-No underage. If there’s sexual content between 2+ characters, both should be 18+. Feel free to age characters up as needed.
-No inc*st. Since this is Greek myths, this will be defined as no sibling x sibling or parent x child where one or both characters are mortal.
-Feel free to add Persephone to as many (or as little) of the prompts as you want! In fact, if you want to make fanwork centering around Percy x Persephone with Hades in the background, that’s fine.
-I would love to reblog your entries for this event! Please make sure that:
1. Any NSFW content is tagged/labelled
2. You tag the Tumblr blog in the post (@hadesxpercy)
-Please feel free to add your work to the ao3 event collection. The link is posted below the images.
-The ao3 collection name is Hadercy Fest 2024
-The ao3 collection tag is hadercy_2024.
Taglist, as requested in the google form survey:
@takaraphoenix @writingisgone @til-f @stackofstories @what-in-gaeas-realm @willothecrisps @incompleteth0ts @animefan22446688 @ifeelsosigma @rhaeblack66
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theresattrpgforthat · 9 months
Hello! Do you have any fairytale/disney-esque ttrpgs you could recommend?
Theme: Fairytale Games
Hello there friend! I sure do! We've got a really nice selection here to look at - and don't forget to check out the previously recommended!
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I’ll Be Taking That, by porchlightdusk.
You are a goblin, and you are what you hold close: discarded trinkets, unloved baubles, desperate comrades. These precious bits of flotsam give you courage enough to rummage through the treacherous alleys and howling wastes of this world. Venture out from whatever miserable hovel you sprouted and seek the shiny things of the world, oh little chaos beast!
I'll Be Taking That is a tabletop roleplaying game in which a narrator and several players tell the stories of rambunctious goblins in a harsh world. Play is rooted in narrative choices and collective, chaotic joy, supported mechanically by a lightweight inventory-as-skills action resolution system and overflowing random generation tables. IBTT is built on Caltrop Core by Titanomachy RPG and draws heavily on the philosophies of Powered by the Apocalypse systems, among others.
This is a game that situates you into the fiction very well in just the first few pages. Chaotic nonsense is definitely encouraged in this game, and I can feel the undercurrent of mischief sprinkled throughout the book. Trinkets are a core tenet of this game - you will accumulate them as you adventure, and risk breaking them on your worst failures. Your attachment to these trinkets will also rise and fade. If you want a game that lets you embrace your inner gremlin, you might want to check out this game, although be aware - it’s still in development!
Witchblood: Pulp Fantasy Fairy Tales, by Rose on Mars.
The Woods… …are dark and deep, but they are not lovely. Inch by inch, they close in on the villages of humanity. And in those encroaching wilds dwell the witches. Ancient, primeval, creatures from before the First Eve and still potent today.
In this world, where life is brutish and short, you stand tall. You are a witch's grandchild, or a disinherited noble, or a scion of the good folk. You are part of humanity, but also apart from it, by your own choice or otherwise. You are caught between the expectations of your birth and your own needs and desires. Run from your past, or chase it. Love freely, or not at all. Stand between the hearth and the wilds. They may not call you a hero, but your name will live on ever after.
Witchblood is a roleplaying game about who you were, who you are, and who you will become. Take on the role of a self-determined, tough-as-you-want pulp fantasy protagonist wandering a world of bloody -- but not always grim -- fairy tales. Wield the powers of birthright and destiny. Explore the darks of the forest and brace yourself against the bite of the wind. Do what’s right, or just what’s right for now.
These are the woods through which Little Red voyaged through; this is a fantasy world that might remind you of The Black Cauldron, or the brambles summoned by the witch in Sleeping Beauty. Character creation involves choosing options that look like classes, as well as pairing together identity tags that can be rated from 0-5, as well as pairing opposing Qualities, also rated from 0-5. You will roll d10s according to your Identities and Qualities.
This is a game where combat and conflict are expected, and stories can be expected to turn darker before becoming lighter. If you like traditional fantasy alongside fairytales of witches and darkness and danger, Witchblood might be for you.
Nexalis, by Cezar Capacle.
We invite you to step aboard your enchanted vessel and set sail on the ethereal ocean known as the Nectar. Nexalis calls you on an awe-inspiring journey across a universe filled with countless uncharted islands, each teeming with unique cultures, mysteries, and magical phenomena.
Nexalis is an otherworldly realm where islands drift amidst an endless cosmic ocean of magical plasma, the Nectar. The Nectar, pulsing with vibrant, ever-shifting colors, mirrors the celestial patterns that guide adventurers on their thrilling journeys. At the heart of this sea lies the Celestial Nexus, an entrancing vortex of astral energy that births islands and renews the world in a constant cycle of creation.
As you journey through the Starbound Isles and the shimmering Nectar ocean, you will encounter vibrant cultures, awe-inspiring landscapes, ancient relics, and enigmatic secrets. Guided by celestial constellations, you will brave untold challenges, learn valuable lessons, and forge lasting bonds with the people and places you encounter.
Nexalis is a bright fantasy game, a genre that focuses on themes of wonder, exploration, and camaraderie. It showcases a vibrant and diverse setting, filled with colorful landscapes and imaginative creatures. Stories in Nexalis tend to be character-driven, often revolving around personal growth, discovery, and the building of relationships.
If you liked movies such as Treasure Planet or Atlantis, this might be the game for you. The magic of this place feels ancient and yet unlike traditional fantasy. The gameplay is guided, meaning that you’ll cycle between two different modes, depending on whether you are in a high energy scene or moments of reflection and role-play.
On the Way to Chrysopoeia, by NessunDove.
On the Way to Chrysopoeia is an epistolary roleplaying game written by Morgane Reynier and illustrated by Marion Bulot. Together with a partner you will be writing a four-handed adventure, first by inventing its two protagonists and then by leading them on a legendary journey. It’s a different way to make up a story in your head: you’ll be reinventing objects and places you see every day, turning them into crucial ingredients for a Great Work of alchemy. 
Reality itself and your daily life will bleed into your characters’ fictional journey. What if your favorite museum was the headquarters for a league of mad scientists? What if the path you’re strolling along lead to an unknown city…? The journey is narrated through the exchange of letters between two characters: the Master and the Disciple. They walk the way of the Athanor— the alchemical Crucible, the pot where explorers melt their research and experiences. Each one is the keeper and judge of their partner’s progress. 
This is a great option if you don’t have a large play group but you have someone with whom you’d like to play with who lives in a different time zone. One of you plays a Master, the other a Disciple. The Disciple is on a quest. The Master is stuck at home, due to age or infirmity. The goal: to find Chrysopoeia, a mythic city full of hope and magic - although the specifics are up to you. This is a largely interpretive game, so if you like writing and world building, this is a game for you.
The creator of this game has also created a game called Chrysopoeia & All Around for group play at a table, borrowing from Lasers & Feelings!
Stormwild Islands, by Gizogin.
Welcome to [Stormwild Islands], a tabletop role-playing game. Set in the Stormwild Islands, a cluster of islands in the middle of a perpetual, continent-sized storm, this game explores the aftermath of a generations-long war and the magical damage done to the world as a result.
In terms of genre, [Stormwild Islands] fits most closely with “gaslamp fantasy”, an early industrial setting with a great deal of magic. Spellcasters are commonplace, and they work alongside new innovations like steam engines to create a world that changes very quickly. Golems - humanoid constructs with minds and wills of their own - have been instrumental in bringing about this new wave of industry, but their use in the war and their newfound push for independence might be even more significant. Alongside all of this is a world of spirits, otherworldly creatures who think and act according to completely different rules, and mixing spirits with humans or golems tends to cause all kinds of clashes.
This is a game for the folks who like moving little guys around on a map, especially if you’re familiar with games like D&D or Lancer and you don’t want to stray too far from the familiar. The cycle of play will fluctuate between combat and narrative moments, so expect your characters to be all about fighting their way towards victory. If you like combat and kicking butt, this looks like the game for you.
The player’s guide as linked above is free to download, but if you want the Gamemaster’s Guide, you’ll have to buy it.
The Fae Team, by Almost Bedtime Theatre.
Two years ago, a crack squad of the Sun Guard’s Human Intervention Division was sent to prison by the Faerie Court for a crime they didn’t commit. These woodland creatures promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Faerie Realm underground. 
Today, still wanted by the Sun Guard, they survive as freelancers. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire… The Fae Team.
The Fae Team is a role-playing game inspired by The A-Team television show, but puts the players in the roles of skunks, weasels, frogs, etc. and gives them magical powers before sending them through a gargoyle-generated portal into the human world to solve problems. As one does.
The rules of this game depend on a two-stat dichotomy, similar to Lasers and Feelings. You choose a number between 2 to 5, with a higher number indicating that you are good at calm and precise actions, while a low number means you are better at wild and physical actions. There’s also plenty of bits and pieces to make your character unique, such as your faerie gift, and the item that your characters carry around.
A session of this game can be fairly episodic, with an NPC contacting the group for help and giving them a mission that requires entering the human world. While the mission (and its complications) are expected to be generated by the Story Guide, the players are encouraged to describe the world around them and create elements that they get excited about. If you want a game that is lighthearted and magical, check out The Fae Team!
Sunderwald, by Long Tail Games.
In the center of the kingdom of Realm, there exists a dark and unsettling forest. It is known as the Sunderwald. 
This is a game about how the woods change us, and how we change the woods. It features a complete, stand-alone game with character creation, enemies, advancement, the whole deal. It is also a legacy tabletop roleplaying game. During play, you will physically and permanently modify this book. Do not be afraid. Scar. The. Book. 
The fact that this book is meant to be manipulated and modified makes it feel somewhat akin to a wizard’s grimoire, or a magical artifact. This is a book that asks you to make your own pieces of the world, and might also feel like a kind of achievement system by doing specific things with the game.
While most tasks appear to be resolved with a d6, playing the game involves so much more than rolling dice. Your characters have descriptive skills, might take upon themselves physical and mental scars and consequences, and will grapple with their inventory, wound threshold, background and magic. If you like unfolding a mystery together, if you like manipulating physical objects, and if you like fairy stories or tales like Alice in Wonderland, you might like this game.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
Hearts & Ravens, by Martian Machinery.
We’re All Mad Here, by Shanna Germain.
Wanderhome, by Possum Creek Games
Jack Kills Giants, by Andrew White.
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medusapelagia · 3 months
Seeds of Dreams, Seeds of Truth 11\11
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Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Tags: Alternate Universe - Medieval, Alternate Universe - Magic, Regent Prince/King Steve Harrington, Knight Eddie Munson, Prison, Sick Steve Harrington, Vomiting, Attempted Murder, Poisoning, Double povs, Panic Attacks, Magic,
And... it's... done! This is the last part of my @steddiesummerexchange fic written for @penny00dreadful! Sorry if it took forever and I hope you enjoyed it! I had SO much fun writing it! :)
Read it here or on AO3 - Now complete!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11
WC: 815
Steve is standing in front of the Sacred House.
Just a few steps and he will not be the Prince Regent but the King.
The official version is that King Richard died in his sleep after getting a disease that spread in the castle and killed many men. His last words were for his son; he asked for forgiveness and told him that he was proud of the man he had become.
Once more, Steve crosses the threshold, head bowed in submission to the old gods and the new, and a sling around his neck, ready to face the weight of the responsibility of being the new sovereign.
In front of him, there are two people: the old cleric that he had known since he was a child and a tall blond woman with a long black cloak and many crystals at her neck. They both give him their blessing, in the common tongue and in the old tongue, and then they offer him his regalia: the sword and the scepter.
The sword is not the long engraved blade it used to be. After the fight with Vecna only the hilt of the blade remained intact, but the wild iris shines brightly even in the dimmed light of the sacred house and Steve is pretty sure that it has something to do with Robin’s power. 
The cleric hums and then starts to pronounce the oath that Steve must take in front of their gods and their people, but Steve stops him and turns toward his people.
“Those oaths are old and they don’t represent us anymore. From today on we are a new Kingdom, with new rules, and new oaths. And I want to pronounce mine here, where everyone can hear me.” He declares, and Robin smiles proudly while the cleric stares at him aghast. “I solemnly promise and swear to govern all the people of our realm and treat them equally. I solemnly promise and swear to be a fair ruler and that I'll rule with my heart and my soul. I solemnly promise and swear to devote myself to the kingdom's well-being. The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep.”
“Nice words.” Robin says, finding Steve in the throne room. “Do you believe in them?”
“You know I do,” he confirms, without turning. Then he asks “You knew who he was, didn’t you? The monster that was hunting us down was the same hero we used to honor in our books.” Robin nods silently, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“As I told you before, there’s power in names.” She explains, “You needed to find it out by yourself.”
Steve raises an eyebrow but doesn’t comment.
“Are you still sure about the kid?”
The king nods, and his golden crown shines in the clear morning light. “I talked to his mother, and she agreed to send him to study at your home if you’ll let her come too.”
The mage nods. “Will has great potential, but I think that Joyce could become a good healer in no time.”
“What about those who will come?”
“Magic is like a seed that blooms where she wants, and I love picking flowers.” The mage replies with a soft smile. “I’m sorry that you consumed your little seed to follow Vecna in the realm of dreams, but I’m glad you did.”
“You always knew you, didn’t you?”
“I have seen glimpses of you in the flames since you were a kid.” She confesses, “I didn't know who you were or how you were connected to me, but I always felt that you were a missing part of me. When I finally met you I knew. You’ve got my blood in your veins.” She says, brushing some hair away from his face. “I had an older sister once. She had no magic seed in her soul, but she was brave and loyal. She was pregnant when the purge started. I thought I lost her forever, but it seems I didn’t.” Robin kisses Steve’s cheek.
“If you ever need your help, send a robin in the woods with your message, and I’ll come.” Then she smirks. “But with a loyal guard like Eddie I think you are in very good hands.”
The king's personal guard is standing near the door in his polished armor with a hand on the hilt of his sword.
The mage gives Steve another benediction and then she turns into a bird and flies away.
“Did you know that?” Eddie asks, getting closer.
“That I had magic in my blood or that she could transform?”
“No. I didn’t know either. But there is one thing I know. It was a very long day and my personal guard should take care of me. In bed. Now.”
Eddie smiles and lifts his king with no effort, paying attention not to jostle him too much. The golden crown falls to the ground with a metal clang, but neither of them cares about it. All they want now it’s to discover their bodies again, and again and again.
tag list: @katyawriteswhump, @themagicalari
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bubuslutty · 1 year
Day 4: baked salmon
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this is part 4, all parts
pairing: demon/angel!fem reader x 141
word count: 2.3k
tags: no use of y/n, 3rd person pov, proofread by me so sorry for any mistakes
warnings: none
summary: Angel accidently falls asleep under the sun and gets saved by a knight in shining armor, or an angel, it's the same thing in her head, both glowing and glorious. + imagine getting cockblocked by potatoes 🧍‍♀️
a/n: I know the chapters are called day 2, day 3, ect but it doesn't necessarily mean they happen one right after the other, it's just days of her interacting with the boys.
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Two days in the office as a sex therapist wasn't too bad. Angel actually likes working with clients because she gets to see humans and how they react to their environment and relationships, with others and themselves. Of course, she had to do a bit of homework and study to be qualified, but it’s nothing a couple of days of intense learning and superhuman intelligence couldn’t fix. All she had was to tap into her powers and suddenly, she knew everything she had to know.
How convenient it was to be an angel, or a demon in her case.
Angel’s usual wish assignments are more often than not related to earthly desires such as money, fame and lust, maybe love too, but she always had to realise wishes that were considered a sin in many religions. Greed, gluttony, lust. She has worked with all of them. And whether those wishes were good or evil, it doesn’t matter to her, because fate takes care of that, her job is to realise the wish and nothing else.
By human standards, she would definitely be considered a demon, a succubus even, especially now.
“I should get a tattoo…” Angel mumbled, lounging on her messy bed, laptop on her stomach, looking at images of succubus womb tattoos. Kuromi meowed, removing the woman’s attention from her laptop’s screen.
“Hm?” Angel hummed, looking at her cat, standing by her bedroom door. Kuromi meowed again, making Angel gasp, “Yes! You’re so right!”
The woman immediately closed her laptop and ran to her phone, checking the weather. It looked like today was going to be hot and nice, even though it was cold as shit the day before.
That’s typical British weather for you.
“You’re so smart, Kuromi.” Angel said and sent a flying kiss to the cat, who lifted her tail and walked out, completely unbothered. Angel opened one of her drawers that had multiple bikinis and swimsuits. She started getting naked on the spot, excited to change and go downstairs to sunbathe in her garden. When she changed into one of her bikini sets, she dug for one of her hats and got a random green bucket hat for the sun, shades and a bottle of suncream.
If there’s one thing she’ll never forget while being in this realm, is that the sun is unforgiving and harsh, unless you want to look like a baked salmon or get skin cancer, you have to protect yourself.
Angel hummed while walking down her stairs, going straight for the fridge and getting herself a small water bottle and a Coke in case she got thirsty, and then a random magazine that was left on her counter, a Bluetooth speaker and a yoga mat.
She happily started getting settled in the middle of her garden, where there was no shade. Angel could hear some of her neighbours hanging out in their gardens too, low music, people chatting, children giggling and dogs barking and elderly people complaining about the noise. She sat on her yoga mat and started rubbing sun cream all over her skin, making sure to not miss a spot, and struggled to get her back but ended up giving up, “I’ll do it later when I turn around…” She grumbled.
After setting up her music and lowering the volume, she laid down on her back, sunglasses and bucket hat on. Angel took a deep breath, loving the heat of the sun and closed her eyes.
“I’ll do it later when I turn around…” She, in fact, did not turn around.
Angel ended up falling asleep with her mouth open, right under the sun, in the process of baking. However, earlier, the sky was not the only thing that witnessed her stupidity in real-time.
Her very sexy neighbours all decided to hang out outside, to enjoy the sun like normal people when they saw her asleep in the middle of her garden. John came out in shorts and sandals, wearing his very stylish bucket hat and sunglasses, a book in hand when he saw her. Of course, he saw her, they literally had the shittiest, lowest fence ever, and it practically gave no one much privacy. But it’s not like they're going to complain when they get to see her looking like that.
“Steaming Jesus…” Johnny said, lowering his sunglasses so he can get a better look.
“What sort of shitty cliché film are we in?” Gaz laughed in disbelief. Not only did they have a nice house (minus the shitty garden fence), but a very hot, very friendly, smart and funny neighbour.
“Are you complaining?” Soap asked the man.
“Me? Hell no, that’s one beautiful woman.” Gaz said with a nod.
“Stop staring, you creeps.” Ghost came up from behind them and grabbed both of their necks, lowering their heads. Both Soap and Gaz whined at their superior, turning around and sitting in their garden lounge chairs, doing their own thing.
John already had his nose buried in his book while Ghost closed his eyes and covered his face with a cap. Gaz was playing music through a Bluetooth speaker and was knitting at the same time, humming to the lyrics of whatever song was playing, and Soap was doodling in a sketchbook, bopping his head to Gaz’s music.
20 minutes passed peacefully until John closed his book and checked his watch. His change in demeanour was immediately noticed by his men, even Ghost lifted the cap and peeked at his captain with one eye. “It’s been 20 minutes and she hasn’t moved an inch, how long has she been sleeping there for?” He said with a frown.
“That woman is literally going to bake under the sun,” Gaz said, looking at Soap.
“She will if we dinnae wake ‘er up.” Soap agreed.
“Why do you even care?” Ghost asked, surprising Price.
“Because we’re not shite neighbours, Simon.” Soap said in that annoying voice he thinks drives Ghost up the wall, but Ghost secretly thinks it’s cute.
“Yeah, don’t be a dickhead, Simon,” Gaz said, batting his eyelashes at the soldier, hiding his annoying grin behind the scarf he was knitting.
“Enough, go wake her up, Gaz.” John said, and Gaz placed his unfinished scarf in his chair and walked up to the fence, and cleared his throat loudly.
Angel didn’t move an inch and he turned around, to look at the others.
“Call ‘er name!” Soap whispered.
“Why are you whispering?” Ghost side-eyed Soap, who absolutely ignored him.
“Angel, wake up, please?” Gaz tried again, squinting his eyes to try to see if her chest was moving up and down. Call him paranoid but she wasn’t moving, and he couldn’t for the life of him see if she was breathing or not from his position.
Gaz immediately jumped over the fence and rushed to her side and placed two fingers on her pulse, at the side of her neck. Soap, Ghost and Price were all up now, standing next to the fence, and all sighed in relief when Gaz turned around and gave them a thumbs-up.
Gaz scanned her lax face and decided to lift her head with one hand and used the other to gently tap one of her cheeks, “Angel, wake up.”
Angel woke up with a gasp as if she was holding her breath the whole time, maybe she was, who knows, her body can do freaky stuff when it forgets it's wearing the skin of a human. When she opened her eyes, Angel was so confused, was she in heaven?? Because what the shit, this is a real angel right there.
“What time is it?” She groggily said, her hand going up by itself to cup Gaz’s cheek.
“Half past one. You were knocked out and we got worried you’d bake under the sun.” Gaz said with a chuckle, and reality finally hit her. Angel abruptly sat up and Gaz grabbed both of her shoulders, “Hey, slow down.”
“Water, Gaz.” Price reminded the man and Gaz immediately grabbed the now warm water bottle next to her, unscrewed the cap and poured a bit in his palm and patted her hot cheeks.
“Oh, that feels good.” Angel moaned, not realising how hot she truly was.
“That was dangerous, you know that right? Sleeping under the sun with no shade.” Gaz said, wiping his wet hand on his naked chest.
“I didn’t mean to fall asleep…” Angel sheepishly said, glancing at the other three men looking at her.
“I’m sorry for worrying you, and thank you for waking me up, Gaz.” Angel said, placing a hand on his, which was on her yoga mat, next to her thigh. Gaz’s eyes widened, looking at her hand on his and looked back up again. She was smiling at him, and his heartbeat sped up. Gaz could feel his guys looking at him, at them, but he couldn’t look away from her eyes and lips. Especially her lips.
“You don’t, uh” he choked out then cleared his throat, “You don’t have to apologise…”
“Okay.” Angel whispered, those big beautiful eyes staring at him like he was the sun and the sky, and Gaz felt like he was going to fucking die.
“Who fancies a barbeque? I feel like grilling, today.” Price spoke, breaking the spell. Gaz retrieved his hand and stood up, stretching his arms behind his head, trying to hide his flustered state.
“Oh yeah!” Soap grinned.
“That sounds really nice, enjoy your barbeque, guys.” Angel said, collecting her phone and Bluetooth to get inside, she had enough sun for today. Maybe she’ll watch a show on her laptop, or read a book.
“Where are you going?” Price frowned, stopping her in her tracks, all of her stuff clutched in her arms.
“You’re invited, Angel.” Price said.
“Am I?”
“Of course, lass! What type of neighbours would we be if we didnae invite our favourite neighbour?” Soap said with a huge grin.
“Soap, I’m the only neighbour you’ve spoken to since moving in.” Angel deadpanned and Soap shrugged with his arms crossed, the dog tags glinting over his hairy chest under the sun.
“I’ll go get the grill ready.” Ghost said, walking towards their shed.
“Hi, Ghost!” Angel quickly greeted him.
“Hi, Angel.” He replied, without looking back.
Gaz slowly walked up to the fence, “I’ll go prep the meat.” he mumbled and jumped over, glad to escape her hypnotising eyes and lips.
“Wait, I don’t know what to bring!” Angel’s smile fell when she realised she has never been invited to a barbeque before and has no idea what to bring, she has seen humans having barbeques but she doesn’t know what they would like her to bring.
“You don’t have to bring anything, honey.” Angel was now right in front of her fence, knees touching the scratchy wood and watching Price move the chairs around to make space for the grill.
“Uhm, Soap! Please come over and get stuff you guys don’t have.” Angel quickly said and grabbed for the man’s arm as if he’d run away. She really didn’t want to be rude and not bring anything to the barbeque, and she knows that Soap loves food and knows so much more about cooking than she does.
This is absolutely pathetic for someone with her powers, but she never claimed to be perfect, has she?
And how could Soap ever say no to that face?
“Of course, hun.” Soap grinned and jumped over the fence, taking the water bottle and unopened can of Coke away from her. “And these are going in the trash.” He said, walking inside her house and straight to the kitchen as if he always lived there.
“For how long are they supposed to boil?” Angel asked, frowning down at a pot with boiling water and whole potatoes.
“Leave the potatoes alone and come chop the chives.” Soap said, glancing up at the woman with amusement. Angel was still wearing her bikini and her cute green bucket hat, standing there in the kitchen with him.
Angel sighed and stood next to Johnny, grabbing the knife and starting to chop the chives. Soap watched the woman try to chop the chives and get frustrated that it was hard even though the chives were thin and small. Soap had to admit, she might be PhD smart and hot as fuck but she was actually useless with a knife.
Soap sighs, standing behind her and grabbing the knife away from her hand. “Watch, that’s how you do it.” He said and she nodded, watching him hold the chives with one hand and chop them with the other with ease. “See? Easy peasy, now try again.”
Angel grabbed the knife and tried again, and she was instantly better, a bit slow but better than her mediocre previous tries. “How long does potato salad take to make?” Angel looked over her shoulder and asked, looking at Soap, who was still standing behind her.
“Like half an hour? The only long parts are boiling the potatoes and chilling the salad.” Soap said, making her nod and turn back to chopping her chives.
“Do you have someone, lass?” Soap suddenly asked, making her look up from her chives and stare at the cupboard in front of her.
“Am I dating someone?” She repeated.
Angel noticed the change in Soap’s usual friendly and teasing tone, and placed her knife down on the chopping board, and slowly turned around.
“No, why?” Angel raised a brow and Soap kept looking at her with an unreadable expression.
“Just got a lad wondering.” He shrugged, crossing his arms over his glorious naked and tan chest.
“Just a lad wondering…” Angel hummed, touching his dog tags with one hand, “Are you dating someone?”
“No, why?” Soap slowly grinned and took a step forward.
“Just got a lass wondering.” Angel grinned back, pulling him forward by his dog tags.
A loud hiss startled the two of them and Angel panicked, “The potatoes!”
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tag list (pls ask to be added or removed): @obiwankenobis-lap @goapgrim @smalldemonlover @loveyhoneydovey @cutiecusp @pinkwigonmytv @mandythemint @itsberrydreemurstuff @tapioca-marzipan @fruitymoonbeams-blog @poohkie90 @chaoticevilbakugo @anubis-reed @thefairybird @skytacvia @marytvirgin @cynicalmnm @maechanexe @t0jis-worm @1800imgay @4ndjelij4 @multitargaryen @lilpothoscuttings @mysticalpandabear
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More | One-Shot
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“I would never compliment you just to get something out of it.” “I’m not asking what you’d do, I’m asking what you want."
You and Leon have some time alone in a closet.
Pairing: DBD!Leon S. Kennedy/F!Reader
Tags: Fluff, Smut, Blowjob (Giving), Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus (Receiving), P in V Sex
Notes: Hey guys! This one-shot was originally part of a collection, but I've decided to reupload it as a standalone. This is my first ever (posted) one-shot and smut piece! Enjoy!
Masterlist Catalogue
You wake up early that day, a plan forming in your head the moment you open your eyes.
You get dressed, something simple and comfortable, before you go about your morning routine.
After getting ready, you head towards the storage closet that holds all of the survivors’ extra clothes. 
You’re going to get a new outfit today. 
Hopefully something sexy, but easy to maneuver in. You aren’t sure if your little scheme would make much of a difference, but why not try?
You hear your name as you beeline towards your destination, the familiar voice pulling you from your thoughts.
When you turn, you find Leon standing beside you, clearly having to jog to catch up. “Hey, you look like a woman on a mission. Going somewhere?”
You laugh. “You could say that. I wanted to dig around in the storage closet. Hope to find something new to wear.” 
“You mind if I join you? I’ve got nothing better to do. Besides, I could use a change myself.” 
You’re a little surprised by the offer. You and Leon have started becoming friends over the last few months, but he usually keeps his distance unless you happen to be in the same space. You’re enthralled by it, however, as you’ve formed a massive crush on the young cop. 
“Sure! Maybe I could even pick it out for you,” you say, that last part more of a joke. 
“I can’t promise I’ll like it, but you can try,” he replies, chuckling lightly. 
You reach the closet, locking the two of you inside with the hook latch that was installed, put there to prevent anyone walking in on those changing in the small room. 
You ask Leon his sizes and make him turn around while you pick out clothes for him, informing him it has to be a surprise. 
You finish, telling him to turn back towards you, shoving the pile into his hands. He looks skeptically at the items before glancing at you with a raised brow.
“Well, go ahead. Try them on,” you encourage. 
“In front of you?” 
You roll your eyes good-naturedly, facing away from him as you reply, “I’m turning around, obviously.” 
He takes a few minutes but lets you know as soon as he’s done. 
You look over at him, taking in his appearance with a low whistle. It isn’t anything crazy, just an open flannel with the sleeves rolled up, hanging off a well-fitted t-shirt. There’s a pair of bootcut jeans that sit snugly on his bottom half.
“Looking good, Kennedy. I think this is a winner.” 
“I like it,” he responds, appraising himself in the full-length mirror on the back of the door. “Though the pants are a little… tighter than I’m used to.”
“C’mon, with a butt that cute, you can’t keep it all to yourself,” you tell him, giving him a mischievous grin as you get an eyeful. 
He scoffs. “Is that so?” 
“Mhm. Only rivals your face. In fact, you probably have the prettiest face in the realm.” 
You can see a blush spreading across his cheeks, but he hides it with a small smile. “Not half as pretty as you.” 
You quirk a brow at him. “Oh, so we’re lying now?”
“I’m not lying,” he replies, defensive. 
“So you’re not trying to butter me up for something?”
“No, I’m not. Are you usually this bad at taking a compliment?”
“Only when it’s from pretty boys like you.” 
He rolls his eyes at that, exasperated. “Just my luck, then.”
You laugh. “I’m sorry, I was just messing with you. I appreciate the compliment. On a more serious note, I guess I’m not used to being flattered like that. Especially by someone—oh, I don’t know—more on the conventionally attractive side of the spectrum?”
“Really? I don’t get why. You’re gorgeous.” 
“I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, maybe. But when I do get complimented by a guy, it’s usually because he wants something from me,” you explain, shrugging, before searching for your own outfit on the racks. 
“Like what?” 
You give a disbelieving laugh at his naivete. “Sex, Kennedy.”
“Oh… Well, I wasn’t trying to get into your pants or anything.” 
You turn back to face him, a dress folded over your arm. “So you’re telling me you don’t want anything from me?” 
“Of course not!” He seems appalled by your insinuation.
“Not even… a kiss?” 
“I would never compliment you just to get something out of it.” 
“I’m not asking what you’d do, I’m asking what you want.” 
“I don’t want anything from you! I swear!” 
“Hm. A shame. Turn around so I can change, please.”
Looking more than a little flustered, he does as you ask, though he can still see you in the mirror in front of him. He tries not to peek, but he finds it hard to avoid taking a quick glance at your backside, the soft curve of your ass making his fingers twitch. 
“Did you… want me to kiss you?” he prods, folding his arms across his chest and feeling suddenly diffident. 
“Well, I’d never deny you one,” you respond noncommittally, pulling the dress over your form. “You can turn around now.” 
He follows your command and you see his eyes rake over you appreciatively. The dress is flowy, the billowing sleeves cinched at your wrists and the skirt reaching just below your knee. 
What really catches his wandering gaze, though, is the tight bodice, which exposes an excessive amount of your cleavage. 
His face is turning hot as he forces himself to peel away his stare. “Wow. What’s the occasion?” 
You look at yourself in the mirror. “I thought maybe I could use this as a distraction for the killers in trials. Obviously, there are many that wouldn’t even care, but some of them still have… human urges… under all that monstrosity.” 
Leon laughs. “My concern would be distracting us survivors instead. Or worse, garnering too much attention from a killer.” 
“Hm,” you reply, swishing out the skirt. Regardless of its usefulness, you’re going to keep it. “I guess that would be a problem. Well, I’m going to change back.”  
Leon nods, turning around yet again. 
There’s a moment of silence between you and, against his better judgment, he says, “You know, I’ve thought about what it would be like.”
“Kiss you.” 
He meets your eye in the mirror as you spin on your heels, only in your underwear. He quickly looks away, ashamed that he was caught ogling you. 
Unabashed, you stride up to him, grabbing his arm to turn him towards you. “Is that so?” 
His breath is caught in his throat as he looks at you, now able to see your exposed front. You were in a bra and panties and he wanted nothing more than to touch you. 
“All the time,” he admits further, trailing up his gaze to your own. Your eyes are blazing, but not in anger like he worried. No, the look is determined. Challenging. 
Full of lust.
You get closer, trailing your hand up to rest on his cheek. He leans into the touch, entranced by how silky the skin of your palm is against his face.
“Well, would you like to make that a reality?” you ask, giving him an out. 
He would never take it, not when all he’s wanted since meeting you is dangling in front of him like this. He thought about the conversation you just had moments ago and felt a twinge of guilt. 
He’s a goddamn liar. He did want something from you.
No, not just something. Everything.
He doesn’t answer, instead surging forward and kissing you. 
It’s gentle, his lips soft against yours, but there’s a desperation and eagerness in it that catches you off guard.
He grabs your face in his hands, your own bracing against his chest as you open your mouth to him. He wastes no time in dancing his tongue against yours, a sigh trapped in your throat. 
After a while, you pull away and he looks down at you, confused. “Is something wrong?”
“No, of course not,” you reply, a little breathless. “I was just gonna ask if you wanted to take this further.” 
His eyes widen, shocked that he would be getting anything more than the taste of your lips. He drops his hands to his sides and glances at the door apprehensively. “What if someone wants in here?”
You giggle. “Well, it’s locked, so we have time to get dressed. Besides, people rarely come into this room. And no one knows to look for us here.”
He swallows thickly, turning back to face you, “I’ll be honest, I’m not exactly… experienced.” 
“Are you a virgin?” There’s no judgment in your tone, just curiosity.
He shakes his head. “No, I’m not, but it’s just been a while.”
“I’m shocked,” you say. “I figured someone like you would be getting tail left and right.” 
He lets out a soft puff of laughter. “Sure, there have been girls interested in me, but I’ve always been kinda particular about who I get intimate with. I've only had one girlfriend, back in high school. We broke up when she went to a college out of state and I decided to join the police academy. It took me a while to get over her, and I never really clicked with anyone else.”
“Are you insinuating we click, Kennedy? I feel special,” you tease, gently traveling a hand to his neck and caressing the hairs at the nape of it with your fingers.
His eyes are warm as he regards you. “I guess that’s exactly what I’m saying.” 
“If that’s the case,” you respond with an impish smile, backing away from him and leaping to perch on the dresser set against the far wall, “then there’s no reason to stop now.”
He follows you—because he knows now he always will, forever—and situates himself between your open legs, leaning down to kiss you again, even more fervently than before.
His hands lay still on your waist and you whine into his mouth before pulling away, “Touch me, Leon.”
He exhales a nervous breath as he slowly trails his palms up to press against your still-covered breasts. Feeling impatient, you reach behind you and unclasp your bra, revealing your naked chest to him. 
You let out a quiet, raspy moan as he touches you, looking at you with awe. He gently pinches your nipples to hear your noises again before replacing one hand with his mouth, sucking on the hardened peak. 
You pull his face up to yours and kiss him again, vigorously, before asking, “What all have you done before?”
He doesn’t stop moving his hands against your breasts as he replies, “Fingering. I’ve gotten a handjob a few times. Sex itself, obviously. That’s about it.”
There’s a gleam in your eyes, “So you’ve never been sucked off before?” 
He shakes his head, feeling embarrassed. 
You slip off the dresser and he worries he’s lost your interest due to his inexperience before you turn him to lean against the piece of furniture, kneeling on the concrete floor in front of him.
“What are you doing?” 
You look at him, trailing your hands up his clothed legs. “What do you think I’m doing, Leon?”
He shudders as you open both his belt and his jeans, pulling them down to his ankles before gliding your fingers across his already hardened length tucked behind the cloth of his underwear. 
You waste no time in freeing his cock from the confines of his boxer briefs, sliding them down to rest atop his crumpled jeans.
It jumps to attention in front of you, the length and girth of it practically perfect in every way, just like the rest of him. His pubes—dark blonde like the hair that falls over his eyes as he stares down at you in anticipation—are trimmed and well-groomed, which you take a second to appreciate.
You grab his member in your hand and give him one long, languid stroke, looking directly at him. He gasps, those beautiful pink lips parting into a lovely “O” as he grips the edge of the dresser. 
You continue to pump him in your hand for a few moments, using the pre-cum that beaded at the tip to slicken his shaft. 
You lean forward, lips ghosting along the head of his cock. “You ready for this, Kennedy?” 
He nods quickly, practically heaving from the suspense and teasing you’ve subjected him to. 
You smile and open your mouth, taking him as far as you could down your throat in one swift motion. 
He moans, the sound beautiful but far too loud in the small space.
You pull back for a moment. “If you’re so worried about getting caught, Leon, you should really be more quiet.” 
He looks sheepish, but the expression is quickly replaced with one of ecstasy as you take him back into your mouth, sucking and licking as you slide up and down his length. 
You fall into a nice rhythm, Leon’s knuckles turning white as he grips the wood of the dresser hard, trying to keep himself from bucking up into you or grabbing you by the hair and pushing you down further. What a gentleman.
After a few minutes, he does card a hand through your hair, gently. But instead of pushing you forward, he pulls you back. You release his member from your mouth and look up at him expectantly.
“I-I’m getting close,” he says, panting. 
“You don’t want to finish in my mouth?” 
He groans, clearly affected by your words, but shakes his head.
You stand up, palming his cock as you lean into him. “Use your words, Kennedy.”
He scoffs, but is clearly too invested to fight against your teasing, pulling you into a heated kiss before replying, “I want to feel you.” 
“Good boy,” you respond, peeling your panties off of you before sitting back on the dresser and spreading your legs. “But you could at least warm me up first.” 
His breath hitches as he looks at your cunt, now completely bare before him, bringing his hand between the two of you to slide a finger through your folds.
You whine as he teases you like that for a moment, a jolt of pleasure shooting through you as he rubs against your clit in a slow, careful circle. 
He dives his finger into you, curving it at a delicious angle as he pumps it in and out. He adds another finger, the slight stretch only barely scratching the itch you so desperately needed. Regardless, you can feel yourself reaching your peak and you had no plan of denying yourself that. 
To your dismay, he pulls those lovely, lithe fingers completely from your now-drenched core. You’re about to complain until you see the way he looks at the mess on his fingers, his expression curious as he brings them to his lips. He sucks them clean as you watch him, eyes lidded. 
“I want to taste more of you,” he whispers, waiting for your approval. 
“Please do.”
That’s all he needs as he falls to his knees in front of you, pulling your legs to rest over his shoulders. He kisses up the inside of your thigh as he reaches your aching center, desperate for his touch. 
Your eyes meet and he swipes his tongue through your folds experimentally. Your mouth falls open as you look down at him, the expression enough encouragement for him to keep going. 
He tongue-fucks you for a while as he traces a finger over your clit, the motions getting you near the edge, but not quite enough to push you over.
“More, Leon. Please,” you beg in a hushed voice. 
He switches up his movements, opting to return to using his fingers to massage inside of you as he sucks your clit between his lips.
You start rocking your hips forward against him, desperate for release, not realizing your moans were getting louder with every passing second. 
He pulls back and you cry out in frustration, his free hand pressing firmly against your hip to stop you from squirming, his tone snarky as he says, “Who needs to be quiet now?” 
You dig your fingers into his hair and tug his face harshly towards your dripping sex, a gasp escaping him at the rough action, warning, “Watch it, Kennedy.”
You feel him smirk against you, but he doesn’t push his luck, falling back into his previous ministrations. You keep your hand in his hair, your other one formed into a fist and pressed into your mouth, biting down on the flesh there to keep yourself from getting any louder.
Finally, you reach your climax, moaning against the skin of your knuckle as you offer a muffled, “I’m cumming, Leon!” 
A wave of euphoria washes over you, your back arching as you grind yourself against his face to ride out the high. 
He pulls back, fingers still moving inside of you for a few more moments until your legs stop shaking against his shoulders. He looks smug as he stands and wipes your juices from his face, your legs dropping to dangle in front of the dresser once more.
“That was really good,” you tell him, grinning as he pulls off the flannel and t-shirt, ogling the lean muscles of his body that are now fully exposed to you. “Hard to believe you never did that before.” 
“Well, I had to make up for the way your mouth worked me over earlier,” he replies, pressing his lips against your neck, softly nibbling on the skin there. 
“Ah, equivalent exchange. How civil of you.”
He pulls back, his hand now laying against your cheek, his thumb tracing your lower lip as he smiles down at you. “I’m a public servant after all, ma’am.”
You laugh and he chuckles lightly before pulling you into a deep kiss, hushing you. He wraps his arms around you and draws you closer to him. You do the same, your bare chests pushed against each other as you both squeeze tightly, your bodies and lips molding together perfectly. 
You pull from the kiss and he chases your mouth, tugging your bottom lip with his teeth before releasing it. 
“You still want more?” you ask lowly, running a finger along his spine.
You feel him shiver under your touch as he responds, “Yes. I need it. I need you.” 
You kiss him again before letting him go, leaning back on the dresser, supporting yourself on your bent arms. He sighs wantonly as he runs his hands down your sides to your legs, pulling them over his shoulders once more.
He grabs his cock with a single hand, the fingers of his other digging into one of your thighs to keep them apart. He slides the head through your folds before pressing against your entrance, not yet moving forward.
“You ready, sweetheart?” he questions, those beautiful cerulean eyes trained on yours, waiting for your signal.
You nod, desperate for this. “Please just fuck me, Leon.”
He hisses as he pushes slowly into you. You let out a whimper at the stretch, burning so good it makes you close your eyes, your head falling back against the wall.
“Fuck, this feels amazing,” he laments, pulling his hips back before snapping them forward again.
You start with soft gasps, but he picks up the pace, the sound of his moans triggering your own to spill from your mouth.
He seems to realize he lost himself for a moment, gripping the back of your neck and pulling you forward to kiss you so passionately, it makes your head spin, your legs moving to hook around his waist.
“Almost there, sweetheart,” he tells you, but you already knew he was close by the way he shudders against you. 
“Cum for me, Leon. I want you to cum inside of me,” you reply breathlessly, dragging your nails down his back, hard enough to leave marks.
He tangles the hand at the back of your neck into your hair, making you look at him, his eyes dark.
His other hand braces against your lower back as his thrusts become sloppy, pushing you farther onto him—his cock as deep as it can possibly go—as he cums with a groan. 
You kiss him as you cry out at the feeling, the two of you swallowing each other’s bliss. 
He stills and breaks the kiss, panting as he looks down at you. He seems to come back to himself and searches your face for any sign of discomfort. “Are you okay?” 
Heavy breaths beginning to calm, you laugh, pressing your lips to the corner of his mouth. “Just peachy.” 
He smiles lazily, pulling you back into a kiss. There’s less desperation in it, the movement of his lips slow and soft, but you can feel the sense of want that radiates from him. It’s so sweet and romantic, it almost brings tears to your eyes. 
Eventually—begrudgingly—he releases you from the kiss.
He’s about to pull out of you, but you stop him, not wanting to make a mess. “Could you grab that scarf over there?”
He looks over at the accessory, hanging close to the two of you from the left-hand rack, before grabbing it. 
You thank him and you both hiss as he gently pulls out of you. He quickly brings the scarf between your legs, catching the cum that leaked from your now sore sex. He wipes you clean, for which you’re grateful, and then tosses the scarf to the floor, the two of you changing back into the clothes you walked into the closet with in the first place. 
He gathers up his new outfit—the one he just fucked you in, to his disbelief—in his arms, watching you as you grab the dress you tried on and the scarf from the ground.
He looks at you questioningly and you say, “Would be pretty rude to leave it in here for someone to find, don’t you think?”
“Besides, I could always use another scarf. It’s so damn chilly here.”
“You’re actually going to wear it?”
“I mean, after I wash it, yeah.” 
He flushes a bit at that, realizing that every time he would see you in the accessory, he’d be reminded of what transpired between you. 
He wonders with a sudden fear if this was all you wanted to do with him. Would this be the only occasion he would get to share this intimacy with you?
You head towards the door to unlock it when he grabs your wrist. “Hey, was this just a one-time thing?”
“Did you want it to be?” 
He’s shocked by the question. Of course he doesn’t. He’s wanted you for months, and if you asked him to marry you tomorrow, he would in a heartbeat, no matter how stupid that would be. 
He doesn’t understand this feeling, how visceral it is. He loved his ex, he knows he did, but whatever exists between you and him is denser than a black hole and burns brighter than any supernova.
“No, I want…” How could he even word it? Could he ever explain this desire? This endless yearning that only seemed to grow in intensity now that he had the chance to be with you?
He can imagine what a life with you looked like, even despite the grim reality of the world you both were trapped in. Daydreamed about it often when he was alone in his room at night. 
He already did his best to protect you in trials, and you often healed him as thanks for taking a hit for you. But if you were his, he could see you fussing over him as you worked on whatever injury he would sustain, and he’d steal a kiss as you admonish him for not being more careful. 
He can see himself waking up to you in his rickety old bed, those lovely eyes of yours half-lidded as you look up at him. He can envision the way they’d crinkle at the edges as he tickles you, making you laugh that wonderful, musical little giggle he can’t seem to get enough of. 
All of it was laid out so plainly before him, but how could he manage to make you see it too? You’d probably think he was crazy if he even tried. 
“More?” you offer, smiling at him in a way that makes his stomach flip.
Maybe you understood after all.
“Yeah, if that’s okay with you.” 
You walk up to him, eyes bright, and pull him into one last, searing kiss.
It tastes like a promise. 
“I think I’d like that, Leon.”
And with that, you were out the door.
Masterlist Catalogue
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freewayshark · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
I straight up forgot to do teaser tidbit Tuesday after being tagged yesterday so I’ll do some wip wednesday fantasy au style. Tagged by @loserdiaz ☺️
He wants to ask her about King Edmundo. If he’s as beastly as they say. But he’s not sure how well he would handle it if her look turned pitying. So he approaches from a different angle.
“I don’t suppose it’ll be a long engagement?” He asks, struggling for a light tone.
The look Hen gives him isn’t pity, but it doesn’t ease him. “No, it won’t be. Eddie is awaiting our arrival. The two of you will be wed by nightfall.”
Gods above. He’d half-expected it, but to have it confirmed. It’s work to keep his expression calm.
Then he catches how she had referred to the King. Eddie. Not King Edmundo, not King at all. Eddie. He’s not sure he ever heard his own mother or father ever refer to the other by just their name with no title or honorific attached, and this woman has just nicknamed the most feared ruler of the realm.
Tagging my beloveds if you have something you wish to share today @fiona-fififi @transboybuckley @rewritetheending @alyxmastershipper @elvensorceress @gayhoediaz @911onabc @giddyupbuck @devirnis @eowon @homerforsure @transbuck @colonoscopys
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ourdramaqueen · 6 months
Writing Patterns
I was tagged by @realmermaid333 and @suchaladyy for this new (at least to me) tag game.
Rules: List the last lines of the last 10 fics you've posted to see if there is a pattern.
Note: I am omitting collaborations because I barely remember who wrote what!
10. A Very Addams Spring Break, Chapter 4/7 (WIP)
She smirks. “I am sure we can find a suitable place for me to chain you up when we’re back in Vermont…”
9. The Raven and the Hidden One
With that, Tyler stepped back and transformed into the creature again, and soon after, he was running through the woods with her safely ensconced in one of his arms, jumping over boulders and from tree to tree, Wednesday’s laughter ringing out like music.
8. Across Your Skin, On My Tongue
Food can wait a little longer.
7. Red-handed OR: Three Times Wednesday noticed that Tyler had an odd reaction to her gloves, and one time she did something about it
It sounds like a promise.
6. Anything
Tyler nods and squeezes her hand. “Let’s go home, then.”
5. Coming Clean
Wednesday took a deep breath. “I’m trying to say that I have neglected to mention a few details about my family, like the fact that they are wealthy. Very wealthy…”
4. Out of Breath
Tyler grinned and brushed a kiss against the top of her head. “Deal. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
3. The Poison in My Veins (Burns for Your Touch)
Wednesday lifted her head, leaning her chin on his chest. “Good. Give me ten minutes, and I’ll go get what we need.”
2. Going Under
“Sweet nightmares, my pet,” Wednesday murmured, kissing the top of his head before closing her eyes and following him into the realm of Morpheus.
Be a Good Little Hyde
Soon they would have to get off the hard stone floor and clean themselves up, but for now, they were too happily exhausted to move.
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