#surplus princess
kdramaxoxo · 8 months
Best underwater scene?
Nothing is as perfect a mix of high-stakes intense and sexy as underwater scenes in kdramas
More Importantly: Anon, what high-stakes intense and sexy underwater kiss did YOU see that made you ask me this cause I don't wanna miss out :D
I think the first underwater kiss I ever saw was the Legend of the Blue Sea mermaid kiss, and I really loved it because it was so gorgeous but also it was my first year of kdramas was I was just soooo into whatever I was watching at the time. I really loved that silly drama way back then...maybe I should rewatch??
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Speaking of mermaids, remember that adorable and funny kiss in Surplus Princess? Silly but also kinda sexy too? Maybe I'm weird ;-)
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The Empress Ki Kiss is so pretty with the rose petals and of course Ji Chang Wook!
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The most recent water kiss I saw that I loved was the one from The Eighth Sense when the guys are surfing and finally fall into their feelings :)
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stargazerexo · 11 months
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ahjuummas · 9 months
Korean Shows that will be 10 year old this 2024 to make you feel old
I Need Romance 3
Emergency Couple
Cunning Single Lady
Witch's Romance
Doctor Stranger
You're All Surrounded
Fated to Love You
Marriage not Dating
It's Okay That's Love
Surplus Princess
Liar Game
Birth of a Beauty
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hqbaby · 4 months
fifteen — maybe i do
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mess it up — gojo x reader & sukuna x reader
⁀➴ when i told you i’m fine, you were lied to. when the love of your life falls for someone else, you decide to move on—by pretending to date your best friend, the campus fuckboy.
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 2.2k content. profanity, alcohol consumption, mentions of sex
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It was a Friday night and you were all absolutely plastered. It turned out that a surplus of alcohol, a couple of no-shows, and a group of stressed college kids could only result in something on the edge of a mass blackout.
“We should have a wedding!” Suguru suggested. Or maybe it was Yuta. You weren’t really sure anymore.
It didn’t matter of course, because the moment the thought was spoken aloud, everyone fell into unanimous agreement, and your living room was soon filled with an alcohol-induced haze of last minute wedding planning. There was talk about using a bundle of pens as a bouquet, creating a wedding cake with some of your leftover cupcakes in the fridge, Nobara designating herself as the wedding photographer armed with a random phone—not even hers—as a camera.
“Who’s getting married though?” Maki, still managing to ask the important questions even if she could barely stay upright, offered up to the room.
It was Satoru who answered, raising his hand as he used the other to hold you to his side. “We’ll do it!” he said, then he looked down at you. “Right, princess?”
You nodded, grabbing your boyfriend’s shoulder to balance yourself. “Yeah,” you said with a goofy grin on your face. “Let’s get married.”
The girls quickly ushered you to your bedroom, rampaging through your closet until you found a white dress. It was definitely too slutty for an actual bride to wear but it also just so happened to be the only one you had. With much difficulty, Nobara zipped you up and patted your back as you marched over to the door.
“I can’t believe you’re getting married,” she said, sniffling a little. “You’re so beautiful.”
You gave her a little twirl, giggling as you stumbled. “I’m gonna fall over.”
“We’ll catch you,” Maki assured you as she leaned on Nobara for stability. She produced the pen bouquet from the pocket of her jacket and placed it in your hands. “Let’s go.”
When you stepped outside your bedroom, you found that the boys had lined the path from your door to the kitchen with potato chips—probably intended to be petals. They had also rearranged your furniture into makeshift rows that they sat on, all leading to the fridge where Yuji—the chosen officiant—stood with Satoru at his side.
Your boyfriend dried nonexistent tears from his eyes as you teetered over to stand in front of him. He took your hands as soon as you reached your spot and grinned at you. His hair was a mess and his eyes were barely open, but he looked as happy as he could ever be.
“Do you—what’s the words?” Yuji asked only to be met by shrugs and “boo”s. “Okay, okay, whatever. Where are the rings?”
Suguru, the designated ringbearer, pulled two paper rings from his pocket. He handed one to you and the other to his best friend. As you looked at the thing in your hands, you realized that it looked like it had been made by a five year old. Still, you couldn’t help but think it was perfect.
“You may now, I dunno, exchange rings,” Yuji said unceremoniously, gesturing for Satoru to go first.
Your boyfriend, clearly having just as much fun as you, slid the ring onto your finger—the wrong finger, but it didn’t matter. He lifted your hand to his lips and kissed it before holding his own hand out.
You took the ring you were holding, twirling it between your fingers for a moment before you slipped it onto Satoru’s finger. You beamed at him and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him into a kiss.
Your friends all erupted into cheers, drowning out Yuji’s protests of, “Hold on! I was supposed to tell you to kiss,” as your boyfriend picked you up and twirled you around, lips never leaving yours.
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You stare at the ring on your bedside table, where it’s been for months now. On the inside, you can see the faint scribble of “Satoru” in Yuta’s barely legible hand. You move your hand to touch it but you stop just inches away.
You’re lying on your bed, completely naked as far as you can tell, still adjusting to the morning light that slips through the curtains. Your blanket is pulled to your chin, covering your sore body as you stay there, completely motionless.
It takes you a moment to remember where you are. What happened last night. And who it all happened with.
You bolt up and frantically turn to the space beside you on the bed. You find it empty, only the indent of a body left in your best friend’s wake.
You furrow your brows. Where could he—
And that’s when you notice them. The faint scent of food being cooked. The quiet cracking of something frying. The little movements on the other side of your bedroom door.
Carefully, you get out of bed and put your slippers on. You go over to your dresser, find some underwear, and put it on. You grab the sweater folded on your desk and slip it over your head before heading out of your room.
The sight that greets you is both familiar and alien at the same time. Sukuna in nothing but sweatpants with his back turned as he works on your kitchen stove.
“Are you making me breakfast?” you ask in a quiet voice. Your throat feels a little sore and your face heats up when you remember why.
Your best friend turns around with an amused look on his face. “Nope,” he tells you before looking back at the egg he’s frying. “This isn’t for you.”
With a frown, you sit at the kitchen table, noting the slight sting of your thighs as you move. “What?”
“I’m making lunch for the kids.”
“Kids,” you repeat slowly. That doesn’t help at all. “What?”
“Your tennis kids,” he says, laughter bubbling beneath his words. “You’re teaching them today, right? It’s Saturday.”
Your eyes widen in realization. “I totally forgot.”
He laughs now, turning the stove off and sliding the egg from the pan to a plate at his side. It’s then that you notice the little bento boxes laid out on the kitchen counter, all full of rice and sausages shaped to look like tiny squids. Sukuna places a fried egg in each box before he washes his hands and walks over to you.
He crouches in front of you and smiles, resting one of his hands on your leg. “You sleep well?”
You nod, still shocked by this whole situation. “You made them lunch?”
“Yeah, I figured you’d be too tired to do it, so I went out and got a few things,” he tells you. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
You lean in and kiss him, slow and soft. “I can’t believe you did all that,” you say when you pull back. You scrunch your nose up. “Who are you and what have you done with Sukuna?”
He guffaws, getting up and going to put lids on the bento boxes. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Damn, my pussy must be real good to have domesticated you like this,” you muse, grinning now as you watch him scowls despite the growing redness of his cheeks.
“You’re so immature,” he tells you as he stacks the boxes and places them in a shopping bag. He sits in the chair across yours and huffs, crossing his arms over his bare chest. “I’m never doing anything nice for you ever again.”
“Oh, come on, don’t be embarrassed,” you say, reaching over to pinch his cheek. “I think it’s cute.”
Sukuna rolls his eyes, swatting your hand away. “Go get dressed or whatever,” he tells you.
You raise a brow. “Why?”
“Because I’m taking you out for breakfast, duh,” he says, holding up a hand to stop whatever teasing is about to spill from your mouth. “If you say another word, I’m gonna leave you to starve.”
You get up, still smiling, and sit on his lap, facing him as he avoids your gaze. “Thank you,” you say, pecking his lips. “This is the nicest thing you’ve ever done for me.”
“It is not,” he tells you. “I recall having to go into the girl’s bathroom once because you had to take a shit and you forgot—”
You cut him off with a kiss, snaking your arms around his neck as he kisses back and grabs your waist. There’s just something about seeing him be so nice and thoughtful that’s turning you on right now, so you grind your hips, vaguely aware of the fact that his dick is directly beneath your ass.
His grip on you tightens as he stills your movements. “I’m not gonna fuck you right now,” he mumbles against your lips before he pulls away.
You blink at him, lips falling into an “oh.” You draw your arms away and clear your throat. “Right, sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.”
Sukuna watches as your expression changes to self-consciousness. He shakes his head. “I didn’t mean it like that,” he clarifies. “I just—That’s what I do with all the other girls.”
You frown, defensive now. “Oh, right, because I don’t turn you on like other girls do.”
He shakes his head again, more fervent now. “No!” he says. “That’s not what I mean!”
“Then what do you mean?”
He looks at you sheepishly and sighs, running a nervous hand through his hair. “With everyone else, it’s always a rush to, you know, fuck as much as possible,” he explains, cringing when he realizes how terrible he sounds. “I mean, I don’t usually have plans to see them again afterwards, so I don’t—you know, it’s just—it’s different with you, okay? I just want us to take our time. Because, well, I was kinda hoping there would be more of it.”
You nod, smiling at him softly as you place a hand on his cheek. Your heart flutters when he nuzzles into your touch. “I get it,” you tell him. “And, uh,” you clear your throat, a little shy now, “I got what you were trying to say. I do, well, I do want more of… this.”
His eyes light up. Like he hadn’t expected you to say that at all. “Yeah?”
You laugh. “Yeah,” you say. “This is… good. Right?”
He nods, smiling now too. “Yeah. This is really good.”
You’re walking out of the coffee shop when you feel your phone buzz in your pocket. You pull it out and check the message, sighing when you read it.
“I gotta stop by the club office,” you tell Sukuna. “I forgot to give them the financial reports.”
He takes your hand and squeezes it. “It’s fine,” he says. “We have some time before you have to be at the sports complex anyway.”
The two of you make your way through the campus hand in hand. You’re both clearly still adjusting to this new development in your relationship—as evidenced in the way Sukuna’s hand is clammy in yours and the way you keep thinking, “Am I walking too slow? Too fast? Should I let his hand go”—but you manage to make it to the office intact.
“I’ll be right back,” you tell him, pushing the office door open.
The room is mostly empty, save for the boxes of unsold t-shirts by the door and the desks littered with gum wrappers and empty soda cans. Utahime would throw a fit if she saw the mess.
“Hey!” Emiko, one of the other club members, says from the desk she’s sitting at. Her laptop is in front of her and there are a few spreadsheets laid out on the surface beside it. “You got the reports?”
“Yup,” you tell her, pulling the envelope from your bag. You hand it to her and she puts it in one of the drawers. “How are you? I haven’t seen you in a while.”
She groans. “I know,” she says, resting her head on the desk. “I’ve been so busy with my other clubs, I haven’t really gotten to spend time here. That’s actually why Nanami put me on desk duty as soon as I ran into him in the hallway.”
You offer her a sympathetic smile. “That’s why I avoid him at all costs.”
“Good tip,” she says, chuckling. “Are you going on the trip?”
You nod. “Yeah! I heard you couldn’t make it.”
“You heard right.” She hums. “I’m heading back home for the break.”
“That a good thing?”
“Oh, yeah, definitely. I miss my mom,” she says. “I saw on the list that you were going with someone. Boyfriend?”
“Yup,” you tell her, the answer coming to you immediately. Is Sukuna actually your boyfriend now though? You should really ask. “It’s… new.”
“Oh, to be in love,” she swoons. “You should really give me tips some time.”
“No luck in that department.”
“Nah, I’m afraid it’s just hookups for me.” She stretches back and looks at her laptop screen. “I gotta get back to these MOAs. It’s so good to see you though.”
“You too,” you tell her, waving as you make your way out the door.
Sukuna’s leaned against the wall outside, head bent as he scrolls through his phone. He looks up as soon as he notices you. “All good?”
“Yup,” you tell him, stopping right in front of him and tilting your head to the side. “Are you my actual boyfriend now?”
He burst into laughter, slinging an arm over your shoulder as he leads you back to the parking lot. “I dunno, tiger,” he says. “Do you want me to be?”
You lean into his hold and sigh. “I dunno. Maybe I do.”
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notes. i’m refraining from leaving any incriminating author’s notes 🥰 CUTE CHAPTER THOUGH RIGHT????
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selineram3421 · 6 months
*is now craving sushi* Dang. 🍣
Other Worldly
Part 2
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Part 1
Alastor X Shy Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ selectively mute reader, food mentions-seaweed, song lyrics Drift Away-Trillian ⚠
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Alastor took the mer up to their hotel room, the halls empty as he made another water pun, which earned him a fin slap to the face.
"I could drop you, you know?", he said but continued to carry them towards the bathtub.
Setting them down gently, he made sure to get a towel and put it somewhere within reach for them to take when their legs returned.
"There you are dear!", he said before standing up straight. "I'll leave you here now. Don't try to get up too soon, you'll just flop right over!", he laughed and turned to leave.
"Wait.", they spoke softly.
Like an exciting rush, he felt chills run down his back as his body followed the command.
"Don't tell anyone about what you saw..", they paused. "Or what you heard from me. Please."
As soon as they were finished, the 'spell' had broken and he was able to move again. Glancing over his shoulder, the Radio Demon snapped his fingers and his coat was clear of the water spots they had left on him.
"Very well.", he said and began closing the bathroom door. "This will stay our little secret~", he placed a finger over his lips before shutting the door.
He stood there for a moment, hearing the mer let out a sigh before the water turned on.
Satisfied with his findings, the deer demon left their hotel room, making sure to lock the door before closing it.
As he made his way to his radio tower, he thought of ways to get the aquatic demon to sing around him.
I should ease their worries somehow.. He thought. I wonder if there is a way to lure a siren.
You hated the transition of your legs returning.
Every time, you felt like your tail was being torn apart. Your scales felt like needles piercing into you when they sunk back into your skin. The webbing on your fingers was the only thing that didn't hurt much, but your hands would cramp a few times the day after.
This is annoying. You thought as you dried yourself completely after taking a bath.
Next was the hard part.
Grabbing the edge of the tub, you slowly stood up. Your feet feeling like you walked many miles without rest, aching as you stepped onto the tile floor.
It hurt.
Step by step, it felt like you were walking on glass, thorns, or hot coal as you made your way into your room to get dressed.
As soon as you could, you dropped onto your bed with a whine, staying there for a moment before crawling under the covers. After turning off the lamp on the nightstand, you hoped that the red dressed demon wouldn't say anything of what he saw.
Yes, you told him a command but the other half was a plea.
Let's not worry about it. He did say it would be our secret. You thought before going to sleep.
The next day was a little odd.
After getting breakfast, the smiling demon began talking to you like you were old friends.
It confused you.
What did he have to gain from talking to a quiet person? There was nothing you could say without hypnotizing him.
It was simple.
All he had to do was get them used to him and they'd be comfortable enough to let their guard down.
What better way to do it other than talking?
Throughout a few weeks, the Radio Demon experimented with all kinds of food. Taking notice of their expressions and the amount of food that they left on their plate. Later, he noticed that they enjoyed snacking on seaweed.
He wasn't sure where they had got it from, but it was something that he made sure was kept stocked in the kitchen and at the bar.
"The fuck? Why seaweed?", Husker grumbled.
"One of our guests enjoys it and the Princess ordered a surplus of the snack.", Alastor said as he watched the cat demon put the box under the bar counter.
Of course, it didn't really work out like he wanted. They were still quiet, still just out of reach, wary of him and his every action.
So he tried a different tactic.
Continuing to talk to them in open spaces but once they left, he hid in the shadows and observed them.
And then it happened.
It was exactly what he was waiting for.
Though he was hiding within the shadows of a dark theater room, he still was able to catch them, to listen to them sing.
Dark brown wood and red velvet from the room had made the area darker than it really was, but they still managed to find a ledge to sit on. They started off with soft hums before a real note came out from their lips.
"Here in the garden
Let's play a game
I'll show you how it's done
Here in the garden
Stand very still
This will be so much fun"
Like before, he felt the pull in his chest, the daze their voice submerged his mind into.
"And then she smiled
That's what I'm after
A smile in her eyes
The sound of her laughter
Happy to listen
Happy to play
Happily watching her drift away"
His shadows held him back from crawling out of the darkness. Something he was quite grateful for as he didn't want to disturb their singing.
"You keep on turning pages, for people who don't care
People who don't care about you
And still it takes you ages, to see that no one's there
See that no one's there
See that no one's there
Everyone's gone on with out you.."
Such a peculiar thing. To feel what they felt through their song, waves of sadness brushing against his mind.
"And aren't I the fool to have
Happily listened
Happy to stay
Happy to watch her drift
They finished their song and sighed, wearing a frown.
Something Alastor couldn't just stand by for.
"You have such a lovely voice.", the deer demon spoke up.
They let out a noise of surprise and stood quickly , looking around the room like a frightened animal.
"It's a shame you hide it.", he continued.
He could hear how quick their breathing became as they backed away towards the nearest exit. Before the mer could touch the door, the Radio Demon came out of the shadows behind them and took their wrist.
They gasped and froze, not daring to look at him as he held them close.
Now is his grasp, he hummed in content and put a finger under their chin, lifting it up so they could look him in the eye.
His smile grew wider once they made eye contact.
"Let's make a deal~"
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I did not have sushi but I did get to eat seaweed.
~Seline, the person.
Part 3
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @repentant-repeller @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @preciousbabypeter @poppingaround @bishiglomper @darifes @random-3455 @+?
ML I Alastor🎙 | ChL OW🦀
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"If you are female, expressing hatred for your own body is not just acceptable, it’s practically de rigeur. Failure to indulge in the requisite amount of self-flagellation – my thighs! my skin! my face! – isn’t just negligent, it’s unfeminine. Self-hatred is fundamental to how femininity is constructed, more fundamental than any of the more obvious external symbols (dress, make-up, shoes). What matters is not that you are beautiful, but you know your place in the beauty hierarchy (and since every woman ages, every woman’s place will eventually be somewhere at the bottom).
Young women are encouraged to bond over their dislike of excess body hair, surplus flesh and “uneven” skin. They are meant to do so in a jovial way, egged on by perky adverts informing them what “real women” do: worry about having underarms beautiful enough for a sleeveless top, celebrate curves with apologetic booty shakes and cackle ruefully over miserable Sex-and-the-City-style lunches of Ryvita and Dulcolax. It’s a gendered ritual; men get football and booze, women get control pants and detoxes. We are supposed, of course, to be grateful. Hey, you don’t have to be perfect! Just know you’re not perfect and act accordingly, with the appropriate levels of guilt and shame!
Fairy tale after fairy tale tells us that what matters is being beautiful “on the inside” but what does that really mean? It means submission, obedience and the suppression of one’s own desires. Don’t be haughty and proud. Clean the hearth. Kiss the frog. Love the beast. Suck it up when you’re replaced by a younger model. Sure, you may look fine, but you mustn’t feel fine. You mustn’t be vain. You mustn’t be angry. All fury and pain must be turned back on itself. That way you’ll be a real princess: silent, fragile and never threatening to challenge the status quo."
– Victoria Smith, Almost Famous, real women and the normalisation of self-hate
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szasfuckingwife · 5 months
DESIRE- pt 1
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WARNINGS: arranged marriage, minor misogyny, dysfunctional family relationship
A/N: I am quite excited for this series, lets just see if I don’t give up on it halfway through, lol
series master list —> part two
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It was far late from noon when one of your ladies ran into your room. Just when you thought your duties for the day were done, here comes another. Although it may seem easy living in your estate as princess with a thousand maids at your beck and call, you were also being groomed and moulded to be the best queen for your country.
“Your highness, your father writes to you.” She has a white letter in her hands. Knowing her, you wouldn’t be surprised if she opened the letter and read it herself.
A sigh leaves your lips as you hear it’s from your father, the king. Feigning a healthy father-daughter relationship was harder than it looks. In reality, you hadn’t seen your father regularly since he sent you to live in Seymour Manor when you were four. The only times you recall seeing him is during galas and balls where his attention is caught between the fine port being served or being involved in a dance, not you.
Your thumb grazed over the red Royal seal that your father was known for. Reluctantly, you open the letter, reading the words carefully.
To my darling daughter,
I hope the standards and degree of the manor has provided you with the upmost guidance as you reach this new age of womanhood. I wish to see you again as we approach our new season.
However, I do not write you to discuss your wellbeing, unfortunately. I wish to discuss your betrothal to Sir Satoru Gojo of the Gojo clan. His father, the head of the Gojo clan, wishes to see you and his son marry before the year ends.
I will not hasten you, daughter. But, as princess of our great kingdom, I do wish to see what you will do once you become queen. More importantly, if you will produce an heir that will continue our great monarchy. I rest assured knowing the nannies and ladies at Seymour Manor have groomed you into being the perfect wife to Satoru and the perfect queen for our nation.
May God be with you,
Your father.
This is the 5th letter he’s sent about this Satoru Gojo since some months ago. You crumble it up and throw it behind you, like you’ve done before. Who is he to rush you into marrying a man you’ve never met? You’ve hardly ‘met’ with your father.
“Augusta, remind our mailman that I will not receive any more letters from my father-” “But, your highness..” Your maid interrupts.
You look at her softly, “My father must be having you all nervous. Trust me, Augusta, that man is not to be feared. Oh, are you scared? You shouldn’t be. Tell the mailman it is the princess’ direct orders.”
“Your highness…” She sighs. “A carriage awaits you outside from the palace. Along with your bags…”
She sees your features soften as you come to the realisation. The joints in your body stiffened up as you blinked at her a couple more times, trying to spot dishonesty. But, to no avail.
You were getting sent down to the palace, whether you liked it or not.
“My lady-” “Very well.” You purse your lips as you exit the room.
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The manor became smaller and smaller as you begin your journey. Memories of you playing with toys when you were a toddler and running around in the outside fields plague your mind.
It was home. No mother. No father. No worries. Just the maids and nannies raising you into the open minded woman you are. They were the mother(s) you never had. It made you fear how quickly your happiness could be snatched away.
“Excited, my lady?” Your father’s footman asked. God knows why he was selected to chaperone your travel. He saw you glare at him before returning your gaze back yo the window.
“Take this as an opportunity, your highness. Soon, you will be married and produce a surplus amount of heirs for your kingdom.” He says, a little too excitedly.
You sigh. “James?”
He sits up, “Yes, my lady?”
“Stop talking.” You sarcastically smile.
As you arrive to the palace, you see your father stand outside the front stairs of the palace. He looks mighty in his royal clothing, a proud smile adorns his face as your carriage comes to a stop, like he raised you.
It was unnerving seeing your father standing alone. It was just last winter where your mother succumb to a terrible illness and met her maker. If you weren’t in this predicament you’re in now, you’d count that as the most depressive moment in your life.
Your father’s footman offered his hand, helping you step out of the carriage. The king speed walked down the steps, grinning from ear to ear. You curtsey in front of him, almost second nature to you.
“Hello, father,” the words leave your mouth bitterly. “How are you?”
“Better now you are here, darling.” His eyes squinted as he smiled. “Please, tell me, how was your travel?”
Another fake smile plasters your face, “A little home sick. However, I was fine.”
His fave dropped, “Well, this is your home now, dear. You are at rest when you are here.”
You watch him as he takes a deep breath in, “That is good. Well, what are you all waiting for?! Accompany my daughter with her things as she settles into her new home.”
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You’re left with your thoughts as you sit on your new bed. The only thing that comes to mind is how your freedom is gone and now in the hands of this Satoru Gojo.
Wonders of his appearance come flooding into your mind. What would he look like? He could be some scrawny adolescent. No, your father couldn’t give the title of ‘King’ to a child. Maybe he was an old man. As old as your father. His belly round and his hair fading.
Goosebumps plague your skin as someone suddenly walks into your room.
“My lady, the garments have arrived.” A maid walks in.
Your brow raises, “Garments? I did not send for garments.”
She smiles, “My apologies, your betrothed sent them.” Some more people walk in, holding beautiful dresses. They contrast your everyday dresses you wear back home, where the thoughts of marriage never crossed your mind and days ended when you passed out in the fields.
“My betrothed..?”
“He sent these for you to wear tonight during dinner. It’ll be you, him, his mother and father and of course, the King.” She says merrily. “He must be enamoured by your beauty.”
Your brow rises, the fabric used is clearly expensive and foreign. Silky satin and the brightest purple that has ever met the eye. It was all too grand. A huge contrast from your country-house dresses you grew to love.
But beautiful nonetheless.
Whoever this Gojo Satoru was, he was playing his cards right.
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Everything tells you to run out of the palace gates as you head downstairs for dinner. If you took off your shoes, you could make it to the town hall. Or was it the boutique?
It had been so long you’ve forgotten what surrounds the palace. Soldiers would definitely catch you within seconds.
A sound of laughters interrupts your thoughts. It’s your father’s and someone else’s. Before you could even breathe into the room, you are held back as you remember you are to be announced.
“Her highness, Princess Y/N!” A butler announced.
All murmurs stop as you walk in the room. The Gojo clan stood up upon your arrival. You noticed the smiles of the mother and the father and then your eyes landed on a man no other suitor could compare to.
His hair was snow white, it reminded you of snowy days where you cosied up to the fire place. His eyes were cerulean, bright and blue. But his stare made you feel small. The way he looked at you, like he was analysing your demeanour, how you walked, how you carried yourself.
They all bowed as you took your seat. “Pleasure to meet you, your highness.” The head of the Gojo clan grinned. “Your father has spoken highly of you. He’s assured you will be the perfect fit for our son.”
So, this is the infamous Satoru Gojo. The way they spoke of him, as if he is the prize. It was hard to not be egotistical considering you were, quite frankly, the future queen.
“Yes. This is a momentous occasion. We are currently witnessing the start of the of the next generation. I’m confident that Gojo will be a great king.”
You sit there, waiting for your father to mention you and how great you will take care of your kingdom. But your wishes were never grabted, they moved onto another topic swiftly.
Throughout dinner, Satoru kept locking eyes with you. Even with the jokes and banter your father and his were throwing about, his eyes lured you back in.
“We are to discuss the date of the wedding, and then the coronation. It should be quick and around the same time, we don’t want to string this along any more than we have.” The king spoke with a certain dominance that shook the bones of everyone in the room, but you of course.
Gojo’s father nodded, “Of course, your majesty. And may I thank you again for recognising Satoru as capable of being king.”
You clearly have missed a plethora of conversations and rumours of Satoru becoming king. “Yes, I see Satoru as the son I never had. He’s most capable of carrying this kingdom to glory.”
Satoru smiles for the first time during dinner, “I’m sure I’ll do that with the help of your daughter, your majesty. Every king needs his queen.”
You want to scoff.
“Of course. And then, hopefully, we’ll see Princess Y/N withchild very soon.” His father spoke. It made you sick how they spoke about you as if you weren’t there.
Suddenly, you felt something wet on your lap. As you look down, you notice the burgundy red wine staining your blush pink gown.
Gojo’s mother gasped, “Oh no, your gown..” You wonder if she was even worried about you embarrassing yourself or rather the fact her family spent a pretty dime on was ruined by your carelessness.
You take a deep breath in, already frustrated from the lack of communication regarding your own marriage and your father’s lack of awareness. “Pardon my absence for one moment..”
The party watches as you stand up and leave abruptly. Satoru notices as your father mumbles something about you being dramatic and unladylike. “I shall go check on her.” Satoru suggests.
“Satoru, you shouldn’t-” “I’m only to check on her welfare. She seemed conflicted tonight.”
The Gojo parents turn to look at the king who is now slumped over in his seat, “Very well.”
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You seek comfort under the stars on a balcony, the atmosphere downstairs was too suffocating. It seemed you were a pawn in this big crown game.
“My lady.”
You gasp as you turn around to see the very man you grew to despise in a short amount of time. “Must you cut up my peace..?”
Satoru walked towards you slowly, “It’s a shame the dress is stained…This is the one I wanted you to specifically wear.”
His attempts at flirting made you sick. “I would thank you for the dress. But seeing its already ruined, I don’t think my appreciation would go far.”
Satoru nodded, “It is alright. Did you like your dresses? Were they a good fit? If not, I can get my men to-”
You hold up a hand, “Leave the other two. They are sufficient for gardening.”
He breathed out a chuckle, “Your highness, did I do something to offend you? If so, I do apologise. My father raised me to be a gentleman.”
Nothing leaves your lips as he responds. No smart remark, No rolling of your eyes, nothing. He was nicer than he seemed during dinner. However, you didn’t know what to trust. But something inside you told you to build some sort of relationship with him, considering you two will rule a nation together.
You scoffed as you remain your gaze on the environment, “Gentlemen? You…You hardly know me, why do you wish to be wed?”
“You are really magnificent, Y/N.” He whispers. The absence of formalities and honourifics threw you off immensely. He was now very close to you. It was only now you noticed how tall he was. “If I was just a commoner, I’d still want you as my bride.”
You blink up at him, “Satoru, if I am to be your bride, you can leave the theatrics at home. I’m not a child, I will not fall for such…dishonesty!”
“Dishonesty?” He chuckles once more, stroking the side of his face with his gloved hand, “Have you been like this with other suitors or just me?”
You look away. You’ve never had other suitors. Only him.
“Pardon me, Satoru, but I must go to my chambers. The sun is resting, and I shall rest with it. You don’t want to stop the future queen from receiving her sleep.” You begin to walk away from him.
“Trust me your highness, once wed, I plan to.” He mumbled.
Satoru sees you turn around swiftly staring at him with confusion. If it weren’t for his good looks, you would’ve sent the guards to behead him as quickly as possible. You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Instead, you walk away.
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theroyalsandi · 5 months
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British Royal Family - The Prince of Wales receives a get well soon cards from Volunteer Rachel Candappa for the King and Princess of Wales during his visit to Surplus for Supper. | April 18, 2024
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world-of-wales · 5 months
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The Prince of Wales recieved get well soon cards for his wife, The Princess of Wales & his father, The King during a visit to Surplus to Supper, a surplus food redistribution charity, at their headquarters based in Sunbury Cricket Club, in Surrey || 18 APRIL 2024
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theroyalsims · 3 months
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The Shang Simlan Imperial Court released a brand new portrait of Empress Alexandra this morning, to mark her birthday.
The new snap shows The Empress in a red dress, wearing her Shang Simlan royal orders and honours, as well as the whole Shang Simlan ruby and diamond parure.
The photo appears to have been taken at the Imperial Palace, judging by the lovely view of Shang Simla's famed golden hills behind The Empress.
The photo was captioned (translated):
"Let us all come together and wish our esteemed and beloved Empress a very happy birthday today."
As the caption suggests, the Empress has become quite loved in her new home. A nation-wide survey revealed that Empress Alice enjoys an 87.6% popularity rating, second only to her husband, the Emperor, who took the top spot with an 89.3% score. Princess Hanna, comes in third, with an 86.7% rating.
The Brindleton-born Empress (who we knew and loved as Princess Alice) saw an uptick in her popularity due to the many projects and advocacies she supports, including women's welfare and livelihood, children's literacy, and girls in STEM.
The Empress also recently launched a massively popular food bank, that encourages farmers and local companies to donate surplus crops and produce that can no longer be sold due to physical imperfections but are otherwise still safe to eat. The program has proven to be very helpful, especially in the poorer areas of Shang Simla.
While it's bittersweet that we "lost" such a wonderful and progressive Princess here in Brindleton, it is rather great to see our beloved "Alice" flourish as Shang Simla's Empress, proving time and again, that she is an asset to the Royal and Imperial Families to which she belongs.
Happy birthday, Your Imperial Highness!
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stargazerexo · 2 years
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finniestoncrane · 8 months
Hello! Totally not personal ask here, haha.
How do you think Arkham Riddler (or/any other riddler) would react to reader being a people pleaser?
Like they will do things that said they wouldn't do just because someone asked them to do, or that they will go way out of their way to do things that will make The riddler less stressed or angry.
Thank you so much for the work that you do. 💕
People Pleasing Reader
Riddler Headcanons ok don't be so cute you are too nice thank you ;-; ALSO hello??? i can't believe that i, a people pleaser, have not considered this yet lmao 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: not very much!, slight insinuation of taking advantage of someone's kindness
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i think more than anything, he's have a few choice words for you, a bit of advice he'd like you to consider very seriously
because he's been in a position where his desire to please only led to him being used and mistreated
granted he was trying, most of all, to please himself, but the realisation that others were using it to their advantage with no consideration for him? it hurt
so he's convincing you to be wary of your tendencies, and reassuring you that he would never take advantage of your kindness
young justice
he'd be surprised that someone was so willing to do anything for him that it would definitely knock him back a little bit at first, but i think he'd settle into it pretty easily
of course he's still going to approach you with his eyes trained to the ground, shuffling his feet, and muttering in a hushed voice
but every day he'll get a little bit better at asking you to do things for him, and it won't be long before you're being surprised by just how intimate his requests become...
it's strange how easily he's found he can charm people, given how much time he spent being overlooked and pushed around
and while you're maybe not the first to be lining up to buy matching military surplus boots and a mask, you're still more than happy to help him achieve his goals, even if they don't happen to align with your own morals
because who could say no to that stupid little face when he's got his wet eyes on and is asking you to help him torture someone to death? ;-;
it's people pleaser vs people pleaser, who will win?
i mean obviously poor sweet edward will, because as he's determined to make you happy
the back and forth between you both, doing your good deeds, owing and returning favours, offering any kind of assistance at any time, is a little bit ridiculous
but it means you're both living an existence that's almost devoid of any bother, living in complete and equal bliss, the true comfort for people pleasures
this isn't so much something he reacts to as much as it is something he expects from anyone who comes into contact with him in any way
if you're not there to serve him with undying and unquestioning devotion then what's even the point?
so your natural habit of bending to someone's will just to make sure they're comfortable will come in handy
especially if you're able to provide some well-deserved (and needed) stress relief before he gets to the point where he has to demand it from you
people pleasing goes well with his desire to be pleased constantly
to know that the minute he whines or looks even slightly sad that you're going to come running to him, pillows in hand, glass of freshly squeezed juice with ice, his favourite blanket, wearing that underwear he likes
he's a princess, well and truly, and it's a requirement he be treated this way
so the moment he finds out you're a bit of a people pleaser, to a fault some might say, he's using it to his advantage
what a terrible weakness for someone to have, and worst of all, you let the wrong man know about it
or are you so deeply entrenched in your compulsive need to make those you adore happy that you would knowingly put yourself at risk just to make sure he knew you were there for him, to do anything he asked of you?
either way, it's less people pleasing now, more "servant" because if he can get you to do his bidding with nothing more than a smile and a snap of his fingers, then he's not giving you up easily
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
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A timeline of the ruling princes and princesses of Dorne from Meria Martell’s death to the formal union of Dorne and the rest of the Seven Kingdoms in 187 AC.
Anything marked with a * means it’s a canon date. The rest are speculation and a lot of math on my part. I also made up the names for a few characters as well! Also rip the quality on this but when you click it, it looks better.
More explanation under the cut.
Where I ran into most trouble in trying to figure out this timeline when we have not nearly as much information as we do about literally every other major Great House of Westeros, is the line from Morion the Mad to Qoren Martell. There’s several quick changes in princes during that time and we don’t even know what their relation is to one another in several instances. So I tried working out the timeline in a few different ways - I tried it with Mara Martell, Morion’s heir, as his very young daughter, as a twin sister, as a younger sister, and I finally settled on her being his much older aunt as making the most sense.
I think it makes the most sense because Morion is considered young and yet his father was Prince for a very long time; it doesn’t make sense that a ruling prince would wait so long to have an heir unless in a parallel to Jaehaerys’ later issue, several of his heirs die and leave the line of succession a bit uncertain. So I concluded that Morion’s father, who I named Voren, had several older children that died, likely during the Vulture King’s first war (we know it’s suspected Deria was funding him) so when Voren died, the throne went to his reckless, dumb ass youngest son, Morion. With Morion dying without any children, the throne passes next to Deria’s second child, Mara, and the Nymeros Martell line descends from them. This also makes sense because in canon, Morion was angry that his father didn’t send soldiers to kick the Iron Throne out of the Dornish Marches during Lord Rogar’s War; if Voren had children that had died in a previous conflict, it would make sense that he’d hesitate to get involved again.
Qoren was also a bit tricky. He had to be old enough to fight in the Stepstones War against Daemon, but young enough to not be married yet and be considered a potential match for Rhaenyra two years later. After a lot of wondering how in the hell I make that work, I finally figured - again, similar to Cregan Stark and Jaeherys, that there was a surplus of heirs at this time. Mara would have come into her throne already old with children and grandchildren, and her heir would come into the throne also already old, same as Meria/Nymor/Deria. Makes sense that the prince before Qoren was therefore a grandfather or great-grandfather, and that Qoren’s father never took the Sunspear Throne.
I stopped at the unification of the Seven Kingdoms simply because we get absolutely no information on what was going on in Dorne until Doran’s mother. Apparently, Dorne was real quiet during the Blackfyre Rebellions, hah.
And as for names...
Voren - we have several instances of Dornishmen with names that end in the -en sound. Doran, Oberyn, Llewyn, Yoren, etc. It seems like a common naming quirk, similar to the Northerners being really fond of -on and -ard endings. I thought Voren sounded the most like a real name.
Ellario - We have Elia and Ellaria so I figured there should be a male version of the name. I didn’t want to use Elio, so Ellario was born.
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romchat · 1 year
My Journey to You Ep. 1-2, 24 visuals: Portraits of power and masculinity
I'm doing a rewatch of My Journey to You and I just can't get over how well the show introduces its two male leads, Gong Ziyu and Gong Shangjue. In under two minutes, these two scenes brilliantly establish one of the show's core themes around masculinity and power without a word of dialogue.
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Ok, so I gasped when the first glimpse we get of Ziyu's character, the protagonist of a wuxia drama, is a delicate shot of his bare feet. He's a nobleman's son in a sect that is revered by the rest of the martial arts world and yet look at what he's (not) wearing: no military regalia, weapons--just a thin robe and his bare feet.
He's also shown napping, sprawled across his seat like a Victorian woman on a fainting couch. And then when he wakes up, we see him staring longingly out of the brothel's window, his face gently cast in the morning light, like a fairy tale princess locked away in a tower.
Visually, the show immediately communicates to us that Ziyu represents a softer, more romantic image of masculinity, which is reinforced over and over again throughout the show with other feminine-coded symbols (e.g., Ziyu playing music, wearing a red couple bracelet, carrying a bunny lantern). He’s not meant to be seen as a strong son ready to lead his sect but as an overly sensitive playboy wasting his time away.
And then we're introduced to Shangjue.
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The music thrums menacingly as Shangjue rides into the Gong residence, his uniformed men carrying spoils of war behind him. As he passes through the main gates, we see each guard bowing in respect. All of this fanfare and the solemn blackness of his riding gear signal the important political role he occupies within the Gong family.
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(Side Note: Ryan Cheng's side-eye is magnificent and one of the sexiest things to hit Cdramaland in 2023.)
But what I love most about this scene is the use of high and low-angle shots and central framing. At 6'2’’, Zhang Linghe (the actor playing Ziyu) is a giant, and yet the high angle and surplus negative space around him makes his character look small, almost pitiful in comparison to Shangjue.
In contrast, the zoomed-in, low-angle shot for Shangjue communicates his intimidating persona. There’s something ruthless (even kind of malevolent) about his character, and the show tries to convince us of this first impression with repeated use of shadow and animalistic imagery in its early episodes. He embodies the type of masculinity a powerful sect like the Gongs would want representing them in campaigns with the outside world.
From the jump, Ziyu and Shangjue are set up as antagonists, both by how the characters dismiss one another in the script and also by the show's visual storytelling.
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Of course, as the show goes on, both characters gradually change their opinion of one another, and this change is mirrored once again in the visual storytelling. Their final scene in Episode 24 is a near reversal of what we saw in their intro scenes (many thanks to @kingsandbastardz for pointing out the costumes!):
Shangjue's hair is up in a ponytail, neck bare, his rich blue robes nipped in at the waist. He's no longer dressed in his villainous black robes and he doesn't look as physically imposing without his signature cloak. He is finally Ziyu's ally. And check out how the camera angle is also reversed, with Shangjue being shot from a high angle so he looks less dangerous--even fragile--while Ziyu is shot from a low angle to look more powerful.
Despite audience expectations about what type of man would make a strong leader, he has officially grown into the role of Sword Wielder.
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Trick or treat?
Happy late Halloween! Here's your treat!
Hero handed out candy to various trick or treaters. Hero gave out candy to little skeletons, ninjas, princesses, pirates, and even tiny versions of themselves. After a few hours, the number of trick or treaters dwindled, and Hero decided to retire for the night.
A knock on the door made Hero pause their movie, puzzled. Surely there were no more little ones at this time of night? Hero shrugged, and made their way to the door. A ghost greeted them.
“Hey buddy,” Hero said, looking down the driveway for their parents, “a little late to be out by yourself, yeah?”
As Hero put the last of the candy in the child’s bucket, they piped up.
“I can’t find my Parent,” they said, “can you help me?”
Hero blinked, surprise and sympathy mingling all at once.
“Of course,” Hero said, “let’s go together. They can’t be far.”
Hero closed their front door behind them and took the child’s hand, leading them down the street.
“I’m [Hero’s Name],” Hero said, trying to make conversation.
“I’m Child,” the child answered.
“What does your Parent look like?” Hero asked.
Child described what Parent looked like while Hero led them through the neighborhood. There was no sign of any adult that matched Child’s description.
“Sweetie,” Hero said, “do you know your Parent’s phone number? Their name?”
“Phone number?” Child asked, confused, “their name is Parent!”
Hero nodded, their stomach sinking. This might be a matter for the local police.
“Come on,” Hero said, “I’ll walk you to the police station, they’ll know where your Parent is.”
Hero led Child through the city streets. They had just reached the gate of a church when Child stopped.
“Parent!” they cried.
Hero whipped their head around but saw no one. Child yanked them by the hand into the graveyard. They stopped in front of a familiar tombstone. Hero froze. All the stone read was, “[Villain’s Name]”.
“Child, what are we doing here?” Hero asked.
“Parent!” Child exclaimed, hugging seemingly nothing.
A few moments passed, and a semi-transparent figure began to materialize, hugging Child back.
“Villian!?” Hero squeaked, their face pale as the sheet Child wore.
“Child, where were you?” Villain asked, “I told you to stay close to me!”
“I tried to find you, but I couldn’t, and you said if I was ever in trouble to go get Hero!” Child argued.
Villain looked up at Hero.
“Uh, hey,” they said awkwardly.
“G-ghost?” Hero asked.
“Heh, yeah,” Villain admitted, “only around Halloween though. Child really wanted to see the living world one more time.”
As Villain spoke, they took off Child’s sheet. A tiny, spitting image of Villain stared up at Hero. Child began to turn semi-transparent, just like Villain.
“Thank you for bringing them back to me,” Villain said, “I don’t know what I’d do if they became a wandering spirit.”
“Y-you’re welcome?” Hero asked.
“Happy Halloween, Hero,” Villain said with a smile, taking Child’s hand.
The pair waved to Hero just as the clock struck midnight. They disappeared, back to the realm of repose, leaving a very shocked Hero standing in a graveyard.
Tags: @mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog
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yeo-rims · 15 days
I know my name is kim sam son isn't the last romcom because queen in hyun's man exist, and there are shows that have romance/comedy but aren't romcom (2521) so i'm trying to think of a list of romcoms that actually cared about women in the last decade (or so).
here goes: i hear your voice (?) age of youth run on you are my spring (?) the matchmakers can we get married dali and the cocky prince (haven't seen it) be melo her private life into the ring marriage not dating not others (?) hogu's love witch's romance let's eat s1 surplus princess
? = don't know if i can properly call them romcoms
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