#swept and mopped the kitchen n bathroom
duskythesomething · 7 months
it is Whole House Cleaning Day
...will I die later? yes.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 4 months
New to Mother's Day – Joe Keery
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I woke up to my son, Charlie, screaming from his nursery. Tears filled my own eyes as I got out of bed at 2 in the morning and went to his aide. I've been married to Joe Keery for two years. Six months ago, we had a son. One month ago, Joe left to guest star in a TV show. And every day since he left, I have felt like a complete failure.
I went to Charlie's nursery and grabbed him out of his crib. I sat on the rocking chair and began to feed him. When he was finished, I rocked him back to sleep and gently put him in his crib. I went back to my room and collapsed into bed. It felt like I had only slept ten minutes before my alarm went off again. When I looked at the clock, it read 6 am.
Joe was coming home and I wanted to get some of my usual cleaning done. In between taking care of Charlie, I did the laundry, vacuumed, swept and mopped, did the dishes, and cleaned the bathroom. Charlie was taking his afternoon nap and I had finally finished the chores.
I walked in and checked on Charlie. I let out a sigh of relief when he was still sleeping soundly. I went back to the family room, sat on the couch, closed my eyes, and enjoyed the peace and quiet. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.
I woke up to someone gently moving some hair off my cheek. My eyes fluttered open before finally focusing on my husband.
"Joe!" I gasped. He laughed as I jumped up and wrapped my arms around him. He caught us and stopped us before we could fall.
"I missed you," he whispered.
"I missed you too."
Without letting go of me, Joe stood up. I giggled when he lifted me up and spun me around. He put me back down, leaned in, and pressed his lips to mine. I let out a small moan as our lips started moving in sync. We broke apart when Charlie started to cry.
"Your son knows you're home," I chuckled. Joe gave me another quick kiss before heading toward Charlie's nursery. When I got there, Joe was holding our son, slightly swaying back and forth.
"Were you good for your Mommy?" Joe asked sweetly.
"As good as he can be," I shrugged. He looked up at me and sent me a small smile before turning his focus back to our son.
"What should we do for Mommy tomorrow, buddy?" He asked him. "We gotta show her how much we love her on Mother's Day."
My heart sank into my stomach. I completely forgot tomorrow was Mother's Day. I used to love the holiday. My siblings and I always spoiled our Mom on Mother's Day.
This year, it was different. This year, I was a Mother. And I was failing. Joe and Charlie would be doing sweet things for me tomorrow, all while I felt like I didn't deserve it.
"You don't need to do anything," I brushed off.
"What?" Joe chuckled. "Of course, we're going to do something. It's Mother's Day."
"I know," I said, clearing my throat. "But you just got back in town. You're tired and I am too. We should spend the day, at home, hanging out with Charlie. We don't need to do anything."
Joe walked over with Charlie in his arms. He grabbed my hand and pulled me close to them.
"We are going to celebrate Mother's Day, gorgeous," Joe whispered. "You have been a mother for a little over six months and we both love you. We are going to celebrate that."
"And I'm saying that we don't have to," I whispered.
"Y/N," he said as he studied me. "What's going on, baby girl?"
"Nothing," I said a little too quickly. "I'm just. . . It's been a long month with you gone. I missed you. Charlie missed you. I want to spend the weekend focusing on you being home. Is there something wrong with that?"
"Of course not," he sighed. I started to walk away, but he grabbed my waist. "Y/N, you would tell me if something was wrong, right?"
"Yes," I smiled, trying to lighten the tension. "You know me, Joe. I tell you everything."
I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek. I booped Charlie's nose, making him giggle, and headed to the kitchen to make dinner but not before I heard Joe whisper something.
"There is definitely something you're not telling me."
* * * * *
Later that night, after we had put Charlie to sleep, Joe and I opened a bottle of wine. We spent the night talking about the project he just finished. When we finished the bottle, Joe took me upstairs. We made love that night like we usually do when he returns home. Joe fell asleep after we finished, but I couldn't. I stayed up most of the night, going over the last six months. I fell asleep, overthinking every decision I've made since I became a Mother.
"Happy Mother's Day!"
I jumped up, a smile forming when I saw Joe carrying Charlie into our room. He leaned over and kissed me before handing me our son.
"Thank you," I chuckled.
"Come downstairs," Joe jumped eagerly. "Charlie and I made you breakfast. Then we're going to get you a coffee, take you on a shopping spree, and then to lunch. After that, we're gonna do a little more shopping before taking you to a salon."
"There's a salon open on Mother's Day?"
"Yep," he laughed as he grabbed Charlie. I got out of bed and listened as he continued to plan out our day. "They have a Mother's Day Special. Which you are getting! Full mani-pedi and a blowout. . . Whatever that is."
"It's for hair," I chuckled.
"Well, you're getting it," he smirked. "Then you, me, and Charlie are going to go out to your favorite restaurant for dinner."
"Of course," he said in a teasing tone. "After dinner, we're gonna take a walk to that ice cream parlor at the park. Then we're gonna come home and put Charlie to bed together."
"And then?" I asked when he paused. I laughed when he covered our son's ears.
"Then I'm gonna put you to bed," he winked. "Again."
My heart sank into my stomach. The happiness I felt suddenly went away as my thoughts went back to last night. Joe sensed my change. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.
"We really don't have to do all that."
"But. . ."
"I'd be just as happy staying in and hanging with my boys."
Before he could object, I kissed his cheek and took Charlie. As I went downstairs, Joe grabbed his phone.
Joe's POV
"Hey, Mom," I greeted. "Happy Mother's Day."
"Thanks, sweetheart," she chuckled. "What do you have planned for Y/N?"
"Lots," I tried to laugh.
"What's wrong?" Mom instantly asked.
"I don't know," I confessed. "Y/N's been. . . Weird."
"What do you mean?"
"She keeps saying that she doesn't want to celebrate Mother's Day," I sighed. "She says she's fine, but I don't think she is, Mom."
"It's been six months since Charlie was born, right?"
"Yeah," I said slowly. I furrowed my eyebrows when Mom hummed. "What?"
"It's completely normal for Y/N to be feeling like this," she said simply.
"It is?"
"Look, Joe," she sighed, "being a parent is hard. You know that. It's even more difficult when you're alone."
"But she's. . ."
"Sweetheart," she cut me off, "I know she isn't alone alone, but she will occasionally be alone. You're going to be out of town every once in a while and she will have to take care of Charlie on her own. It's part of your and her life. She knew that when you first started dating. She knew that when you got married. She knew that when she got pregnant."
"But what do I do?" I sighed. "Mom, she looks. . . She's so. . . I don't know."
"You tell her she's an amazing mother," my mother said softly. "All you have to do is be there for her and remind her that she is a wonderful mother and she is doing the best that she can. No one is perfect."
* * * * *
We went through the day just like I told Y/N this morning. There were moments when Y/N was smiling and laughing, but every once in a while, she'd lose it. She'd get in her head and shut down for a few minutes.
I tried my best to catch it whenever she had one of those moments. As soon as I noticed she was in her head, I'd do something to pull her out. After we put Charlie to bed, I pulled Y/N into our bedroom. When we got to the door, I kissed her. She moaned as I picked her up and carried her to our bed.
"Wait," she gasped when I laid us down. "Sorry, baby. But. . . I need to use the restroom first."
"Of course," I said, leaning down and kissing her before getting off of her. I sat on the bed and waited as she went to the bathroom. Eventually, I noticed it was taking her longer than normal. After a brief moment of panic, I jumped up and went to the bathroom.
I peeked into the bathroom and sighed when I saw Y/N standing in just her underwear, overanalyzing her body. My heart sank when I saw her put her hands on her stomach and tears filled her eyes.
"There you are," I said, trying to sound light-hearted. I ran over to her and gently grabbed her hands, pulling her close to me. "What's wrong, darling?"
"Why do you love me?" She said, her sob starting.
"I'm so ugly," she sobbed. "I'm fat. I'm disgusting. I'm horrible."
"Whoa," I whispered. I wrapped my arms around her and let her sob into my shirt. I reached up and started running my fingers through her hair. "You are beautiful, Y/N. Every part of you is beautiful."
"I'm a horrible mother!" She sobbed louder. I tightened my arms around her and gently shushed her.
"What are you talking about?" I teased lightly.
"I feel like I never know what he needs," she continued. "And whatever I do, it's not enough. I can never tell if he's happy or hungry or needs attention. I don't know what I'm doing."
"You are a wonderful mother, Y/N. Charlie loves you." I pulled out of our hug and caught a stream of tears with my thumb. "You are an amazing mother," I repeated. "I know it's been overwhelming and I'm sorry I haven't been here. But you are an incredible mom."
"Nothing I do is ever good enough," Y/N whispered.
"That's not true," he said instantly. "You are an amazing mother. You are an amazing wife. You are an amazing woman, Y/N. Everything, and I mean everything, you do is enough. Being a new parent is overwhelming. I get overwhelmed."
"You do?" She stuttered.
I reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, my hang lingering. "Of course, gorgeous," I softened my voice. "The last month, I have felt like a complete failure of a father. I felt like I abandoned you and Charlie. See? We both have moments like that. The important thing to do is to come together and lift each other up."
Y/N stood on her toes and kissed me. I let out a small moan as I kissed her back. When we broke the kiss, I leaned my forehead against hers.
"I love you so much, Y/N," I whispered. "You are an incredible woman and an even better mother. You are the only person I want to mother and help me raise my children."
"I love you too, Joe."
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Would you take a request for non-ship Canada and America? (Or Matthew and Alfred)
Like, the two of them just being twins and doing twin stuff?
And, um, if it comes up, I like Canada as the older twin...
Sure! Love me some family stuff! I hope you don’t mind, I got a bit of NedCan brainrot when writing this so there is a little bit of NedCan at the end. 
Rating: T
Relationships: NA bros, NedCan
Word Count: 1398
Finally Free
It was summer once more, which meant regular trips up to their cottage whenever they had free time. Alfred and Matthew always kicked off the season by taking a couple of weeks off and heading up near North Bay to their cottage for some much-needed downtime. They often invited their family and friends, but the first week was always dedicated to just them as well as preparation and cleaning up. 
“But I just want to go fishing,” Alfred whined as Matthew handed him a mop. “My bosses have been cooping me up for months. Can’t we just clean tomorrow?”
“No,” Matthew replied sharply. Strangely, the normally quiet and passive man had been quite irritable the last few days. Alfred wanted to protest since he saw no good reason as to why they had to finish their cleaning today, but he knew how scary his brother could be if pushed too far. So begrudgingly, he started sweeping the kitchen while Matthew focused on loading the fridge.
Not even ten minutes in, Alfred’s mind began to wander to blue skies, fresh air, and the calming rock of the current as it pushed against him in the water. He couldn’t keep this up, angry Mattie or not. Cautiously, he looked over at his brother. Matthew seemed completely focused on making all their (Alfred’s) food fit. Without making a sound, he propped the broom against the wall and began tiptoeing towards the door. 
“Nice try Al,” Matthew called. When Alfred turned back around, Matthew still had his back to him. He couldn’t have been that loud to notify Matthew. Could he? Whatever it was, he had been caught. Maybe he could make a run for it.
“And don’t think about running. You know I can catch you.”
Alfred groaned, picking up the broom once more. 
Once the fridge and cupboards were stocked, Mathew turned his attention to wiping down the counters. Alfred continued his half-hearted sweep. Despite Alfred’s lack of enthusiasm, the two finished everything that needed to be done in the kitchen. Next was the bedrooms. “I’m thirsty Mattie. Can we take a break for drinks?” Alfred asked. 
“Fine,” Matthew agreed without much fuss and headed over to the fridge while Alfred got glasses. As they sipped their juice, Alfred got another idea. He placed his drink down and reached over to the fruit bowl Matthew had put out, but as he reached, he “accidentally” bumped over his drink, making a mess. 
“Shit, I’m sorry Matt,” Alfred exclaimed.
Matthew took a moment to take a breath before replying. “Just…Just move onto the bedrooms, and I’ll be there in a minute.”
“You got it, bro!” But instead of heading upstairs to the rooms, Alfred headed straight out the back door. 
He had almost made it to the dock when he felt someone grab his collar. “Nice try,” Matthew stated tiredly, “Do you really think I wouldn’t hear the back door close?”
“Come on, we’re preparing the bedrooms– together.”
Alfred was dragged back into the house by Matthew, up the stairs, and into the first bedroom. He was handed a broom once more, and, dejected, he began to sweep. As Matthew put out fresh sheets and bedding, Alfred sulked around and swept. Surprisingly he finished the room just as Matthew was beginning to set up the bed in the next one. In the end, Alfred had successfully swept two of the five rooms before he felt the call of the lake once more. But how could he escape? 
As he made his way to the third bedroom, he passed the bathroom. “Hey Matt,” He called to his brother, not taking his eyes off the bathroom door.
“I just have to go to the bathroom. The soap is out up here so I’m just going to run downstairs.”
“Fine, but no funny business,” Matthew warned.
Alfred dashed down the stairs and into the bathroom. He took a minute before throwing open the window and climbing out it. Unfortunately, Alfred had overestimated the size of the window and ended up getting stuck. He tried his best to wriggle free, but it was futile. He couldn’t call for Matthew or else he would be caught for a third time. So he kept wriggling. 
After about fifteen minutes he heard footsteps coming towards him. Matthew came around the corner with a smirk on his face. “I should be mad,” He chuckled, “But I’d rather see this as karma.”
“Just get me out of here,” Alfred cried.
“Hmm…I don’t know. You’ve kind of been an asshole since we got here.”
Matthew leaned against the wall, ignoring his brother’s plea.
“Fine! I'm sorry! I’ll clean! Just get me out of here.”
Matthew gave him a pleasant smile. “That’s all you had to say.” Matthew ran back into the house and barged into the bathroom. With a few quick tugs, Alfred was free once more. 
Alfred kept true to his word and cleaned the rest of the rooms before heading down to the living room. Matthew soon joined him, wiping down the coffee table, end tables, and mantle before heading into the kitchen once more. Alfred quirked a brow. Why was Matthew going back in there? After pondering for a moment, he figured it was probably nothing and went back to his duty. The sooner he finished, the sooner he could head down to the lake. 
Just as Alfred was finishing up, Matthew returned to the living room and began wiping down the tables and mantle again. “Matt, I’m pretty sure they’re clean,” Alfred remarked. 
“You can never be too sure. We haven’t been here for months.”
“True, but don’t you think you’re overdoing it? Who’re you trying to impress? Francis?”
“N-No…I’m done doing that.”
“Hmm…I know Arthur likes things to be clean and orderly, but not so much so that you need to–”
“Jan is coming tomorrow okay,” Matthew snapped.
Oh, so that’s why Matthew wanted to get everything cleaned right away. “Ooooh finally confess?” Alfred asked, nudging his brother’s shoulder. 
“No,” Matthew replied through gritted teeth, “That’s what this weekend is for.”
“Aw Mattie–”
“Don’t start. Just finish cleaning in here, and then you can go do whatever you want.” With that, Matthew rushed back into the kitchen (most likely to wipe it down again). Alfred could tell his brother was nervous. Why else would he be so crazy about cleaning? Why else would Matthew have been so tense since the beginning of the trip? Maybe he could use this to make it up to Matthew for being a pain earlier today. Finishing up his chores, Alfred grabbed the car keys and headed into town. 
When Alfred awoke the next morning, Matthew was just leaving to pick up Jan. As soon as he heard the car pull out of the driveway, Alfred got to work. He took the bouquet of tulips and bag of decorations he had bought yesterday to decorate the living room. He placed the bouquet on the coffee table before taking out the flower garland and stringing it on the mantle. The final touch was a new floral pattern blanket Alfred had picked up. He draped over the back of the couch and straightened it out before surveying his work. It wasn’t much, but Jan seemed to enjoy flowers, and hopefully, he’d like the little surprise. 
Just as Alfred was finishing straightening everything up, he heard the car pull in. He dashed into his room and hopped onto his bed as if he never left. He heard Matthew gasp when he reached the living room. That was his cue. As if he had just woken up, Alfred stumbled out of his room. 
“Matthew, you didn’t have to do all this for me,” Jan said as Alfred entered the living room. 
“I told him that, but he insisted,” Alfred interrupted, failing to hide his growing grin, “You’re very special to him, you know.”
Though his expression remained ever stoic, the slightest hint of blush reached Jan’s cheeks. Matthew, on the other hand, threw his brother a not-so-hidden glare. 
“I’ll leave you two alone for a bit. I didn’t get the fishing in like I wanted to yesterday.” 
As Alfred made his way to the back door, he gave Matthew a wink before heading down to the lake. He would get his thanks later. Right now, Matthew and Jan needed some privacy.
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lovelybnhaimagines · 3 years
Summery: You and Bakugo had just broken up, and you are in pain because of it. Your friends try to make you feel better, but the memories of your relationship haunt you. You didn't know what to do
Notes:Hey guys! I wrote this on the side of my other works. I was listening to Youngblood by 5SOS and was heavily inspired to write this fic. You should listen to it while reading. Or before. Or after. It might be a little f!reader, but I tried to keep in GN
Pairing: Bakugo/Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking, Unhealthy Relationship
You don’t remember how many days it’s been since you and Bakugo broke up. Your heart still hurts every time you look at the photos you’ve taken. The clothes he left at your apartment still smell like him.
The words that were said still stung. You tried not to think about it.
After mopping in your bed, you got up to see one of your favorite photos on your dresser. You went to the beach with Bakugo.
“Katsuki! Quit moving. If I don’t apply it all, you’re going to get sunburnt!”
“Yeah, yeah I know.” He was grumpy. Bakugo didn’t really care for the beach, but he saw how excited you were for the trip, “You sure you want to hang out here?”
“Of course! We can collect seashells, and we can play in the water,” you finish rubbing the sunscreen on his skin. The shade protected you until you ventured out to begin your vacation. Even though he didn’t want to be here, he followed you pretty quickly.
You walked across the shoreline picking up every pretty shell that you saw. You remembered a crab being under one of those shells, and you freaked out, running to Bakugo for protection. He got a smirk on his face, picked up the crab, and began to chase you with it.
“Katsuki, stop it!” You laughed through your panting breath. You knew he wouldn’t really let the crab hurt you, but this is just how he was. One minute he’d be grumpy and unenthusiastic about anything; but with you, it was different. Bakugo was sweet and playful.
He dropped the crab and sprinted. He was faster than you, so he caught up. You were swept off your feet, being held in his arms. You were surprised thus you let out a shriek. It quickly became laughter though.
“That’s not funny, Katsuki,” You hit him on his chest, but he just shook his head.
“Your too cute in your bathing suit for me not to pick you up and cuddle.” You blushed. Though you didn’t know he walked into the ocean until the warm water hit your legs.
By the time you realized, he threw you in.
“Katsuki!” You were playfully mad, and you started to splash water at him.
“This is childish.”
“You’re the one who started it.”
The rest of the day was filled with the same kind of fun and excitement. You ate at so many good restaurants and went to the carnival. He got you a bear to which you said it looked like him. A big ol grumpy bear.
You still had it.
You place the photo back on the dresser, trying to suppress the memory of being with him.
You heard your phone ding, and you saw that it was from Mina.
You still doing ok?
It sucked that she was still in Bakugo’s friend group. So was all of your friends. Even though they would still be friends with him, you didn’t want to lose them.
Yeah, I think so
Well, you want to go out tonight?
Will Bakugo be there?
Of course not! It’ll be just us and everyone else. We just want to cheer you up.
That sounded like fun. It might help you take your mind off of Bakugo. Sending a text back to Mina, you threw your phone on the bed. After a couple of days, you finally took your first shower.
After finally trying to get the depression off of you, you put fresh clothes on yourself. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you saw your eyes were still red and puffy. There wasn’t anything you could do about it, and you fought back tears already. Bakugo would be here to tell you how sexy you looked. It didn’t matter what you wore. He would tell it to you every time.
Rubbing your eyes, you went into the kitchen and finally ate your first healthy meal in a while, reliving your stomach from digesting terrible food.
For once, you started to feel better.
You met up with Mina in front of the bar. She waved you down. Walking over to her, you gave her a big hug. It felt like an eternity, but it had only been a few days. You gave small talk, mainly telling her you were alright. It was a half-truth and a half-lie.
Walking in, you saw familiar faces that made you smile: Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero.
“Hey guys! It’s been a while.”
“Yeah, I know. Long time no see,” Kirishima gave you a comforting hug. Kaminari and Sero gave you a pat on the back. You and Mina sat next to them on their left. You looked over at Kaminari, and he looked panicked, like he was scared the world was about to end.
“Hey Kaminari, you’ve missed me that much? Why do you look like I’m about to bite you?”
“Because you are.” A familiar voice that made your heart drop to your stomach. It was Bakugo that came back from what you presumed the bathroom, “What the hell are you doing here?”
“Kaminari!” Mina shouted also panicked.
“I thought we were meeting up with (y/n) on another night!”
“No, it’s fine. Me and Bakugo can be civil about this.”
“Yeah, fucking right, you’ll just break down and cry. Just like you did at everything else.”
You bite your lip, trying to hold back venomous words. His face made you sick, and you felt like you were about to vomit.
“We can go to another bar!” Mina said trying to save it.
“No, I want to hang out with my friends. It’ll be his fault if we have a bad night.”
“Whatever bitch.” It stung. The Bakugo you knew would never call you that. You guessed people do change.
You both sat back at the bar. It became awkward; no one said anything. The bar tender asked what you wanted.
“A dirty shirley, please.”
“I see you still drink that shitty drink.”
“Why don’t you shut up for once?”
“Guys!” Kirishima interjected this time, “Hey, have you seen that new superhero movie? All Might is such a great character.”
That seemed to steer the conversation away from an argument. You turned to Mina, and the group became segregated. You only talked to her for most of the night, but you could still hear Bakugo’s voice. You missed it so much.
“Thank you for bringing me out tonight Mina; I had a good time.” A lie. You wanted to go back to your apartment and just break down in bed again. Going out was a mistake.
“Yeah,” Mina didn’t sound convinced, “hey, why don’t we go shopping tomorrow? Get away from these boys.” She said the last line jokingly, but a part of you didn’t want to leave the boys tonight.
“Yay, girls day!” Kaminari jokingly said, pretending as if he was going with you.
“Why would you want to go with her?” Bakugo finally pushed you over the edge.
“Why don’t you get your head out of your ass and act normally?”
“I am acting normally. You’re the one who’s too sensitive. Always upset about something.”
“You’re insulting me! You think I’ll take that lying down.”
“You take a lot of stuff lying down.” You saw red when he saw that. You walked over and slapped him across the face.
“Shut the fuck up Bakugo!” He looked at you. You could tell he was more upset about you calling him by his last name. You quickly walked out of the bar with Mina following you. There was someone else following you.
“Why the fuck are you still here?” It was Bakugo, following you into the street, “Why do you have to hang out with my friends? Oh wait, you’re too much of a bitch to make more friends.”
“I don’t know why they’re still friends with you. You’re nothing but a big dick who doesn’t have a single ounce of empathy.”
You turned around to walk away from the bar, wanting to anywhere but there. The tears were already falling down your cheek. Your voice was starting to crack and waver.
“I don’t even know why you’re still here if I hurt you that much.” You stopped at that line and turned around to face Bakugo. His face was softer, “Tell me to fuck off. You want me out of your life”
You couldn’t. You wanted him to be here with you.
“Or tell me you want me back in your life.” You started to breath heavy, unable to get any words out. You didn’t know how to answer.
“Figures,” Bakugo walked away at your lack of response. You crumbled to the ground, squatting down with your head in your hands. Mina was quick to comfort you; the sound of her high heels brought you out of your anxiety attack.
“Come on, let’s get you home,” She said helping you to stand up. She called a taxi and both of you got in.
The tears finally stopped. You were able to see the passing streetlights on the way back to your apartment.
Mina walked up with you and helped you get ready for bed. She tried to find a t-shirt that wasn’t Bakugo’s, but she was having a hard time. Finally, she settled on this shirt you got from high school. It was a little tighter than it used to be, but it was the only thing you could wear.
“Give me a call if anything happens. I’m only a phone call away. I’ll come get you in the morning so we can go to the mall.” Mina leaned down to give you a kiss on the forehead. It was comforting. Bakugo used to do it to you.
She left. For now, she had Bakugo’s spare key to make sure she could check on you.
You rolled around your bed, before you checked your phone. It was apologies from the rest of the group. They thought you would hang out with them another night and should’ve remined Mina. You responded to each of them so they wouldn’t worry about you.
You scrolled down social media and got a dumb idea. You scrolled down Bakugo’s, trying to find something to give you closure. It didn’t. You saw he didn’t even change his relationship status. You knew he didn’t use it much, but it still surprised you that he hasn’t put it to single.
You fell asleep, only to wake up to your phone ring. You must’ve fallen asleep with it in your hands.
It was Bakugo’s number. You’re heart became elated that he called you.
“What do you want?” You said, cursing yourself for sounding a bit to mean.
There was some silence. You could hear people in what sounded like a bar. Bakugo must not have left. You checked the time, seeing that a couple of hours have passed.
“Hello? What do you want?” You asked again, hoping to get a response this time.
“Nothing.” The word was slurred, then the line disconnected.
Your heart deflated. You couldn’t even cry more than you already had that night.
You arrived at the mall. Mina tried her hardest to make you happier. She would take you to a store that sold bath bombs, and you bought some that smelt nice. Ones that didn’t remind you of Bakugo.
Eventually, you ended up at one of Mina’s favorite department stores. It was a nice one, where someone was actually playing a piano in the store. Mina picked out some clothes out and dragged you to the dressing room where she promptly went in to try some of the dresses.
“Isn’t this cute?” Mina said coming out of the dressing room with a sundress on. You nodded in agreement. She tried to give you clothes for you to try on, but her efforts were futile.
She noticed that you still weren’t happy. Going back to take the clothes off, she came back out to clasp your hands in hers, “Why don’t we get some ice cream? We can get wine on the way back to your apartment?”
You nodded your head. You felt bad for staying quiet the entire trip to the mall.
You both walked to the food court and wait in line to get some ice cream. Mina was talking to you (or you should say at you).
In a moment, your heart stopped. You saw Bakugo, and you could say what you wanted to say to him. When you turned around, it wasn’t him.
“What’s wrong?”
You shook your head at a worried Mina, “It’s nothing.”
It wasn’t nothing. You kept seeing him in the strangers around you, causing you to feel like you’ve gone crazy.
You both decided to grab the ice cream to go and grab wine in the convenience store by the mall.
You tried to make small talk, but your words felt superficial.
They felt empty once more.
When you got back to the apartment, you both decided to order a pizza, watch shitty chick flicks, and cuddle under a fuzzy blanket. It was comforting.
So was the wine. Mina got a big bottle of it, and you kept drinking glass after glass.
“Hey, shouldn’t you slow down?” Mina’s voice was full of concern. You shrugged your shoulders in response.
“Maybe I should, but it’s nice,” you said. It finally gave you a nice, fuzzy feeling in your core. It was something other than pain.
Eventually it got too much, the pain came back full force, and you became a crying mess. You fell down into Mina’s lap wailing.
“Why doesn’t he want me anymore? Why does he hate me now?” You screamed. Mina just petted your hair, trying to give some comfort, “I want him so bad.”
“I know baby,” she said; her voice was full of concern, “No more wine for you. I should put you to bed.”
And that’s what she did. Once more, she put you to bed, but this time she stayed with you. It wasn’t unusual for her to stay over and sleep in your bed. The place where Bakugo used to sleep.
Your eyes that were sore started to close. You felt yourself sleep but not dream.
When you woke up, it was still dark. You felt more oriented and aware. The alcohol must have worn off. Your phone read it was around 2AM. You didn’t want to disturb Mina, so you left the bedroom.
When you saw the bottle, you were surprised how much you drank and how you weren’t sick right now.
You sat down on the couch, covering yourself with the fuzzy blanket that was left there.
You took your phone to scroll down your social media feed. There were so many pictures of your friends who were in happy relationships, but you kept seeing Bakugo’s face. No matter what photo, he was there.
The pain kept coming back to stab your heart. You felt like you were bleeding out. You then remembered that Bakugo called you yesterday.
Mina would be so upset, but you clicked his name to dial him back. You kept hearing rings and then voice mails. You kept calling, over and over.
Finally, you got an answer.
“Yes?” He was fully awake and didn’t sound concern.
“I miss you.” Was all you said, then he hung up on you. You expected as much.
“Well, I gotta go to work,” Mina said holding your hands. You both were standing in the archway of the entrance to your apartment, “Will you be ok?”
“Yeah, I will be.” Another lie. Even though she didn’t look convinced, she left. You closed the door and fell on the couch, burying your head in one of the cushions. Instead of good memories like the other day, you remembered the fight that started this all.
Bakugo tried to love on you. He was kissing your neck. You enjoyed it, but you didn’t want it to go where he wanted it to go.
“Hey Katsuki,” you started. He gave a hum in response, letting you know he was listening, “Can we do this another night?”
He got off you and rolled his eyes, sitting up. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing.” His voice sounded annoyed. You furrow your brows, getting frustrated yourself.
“It’s obviously not nothing. What’s wrong?” Your voice was stern. Sitting up on the couch, you looked at him with intent. He stayed silent, “Goddamn it Katsuki, out with it.”
“’Out with it’” he mocked you, “Why do you always need to know why I’m frustrated? You should be able to figure it out yourself.”
“Well sorry I want clarity. Is this over sex?”
“Fuck no. I just hate you never thinking about me. You always pry at me when you need something. You need me for this. You need me for that.” He motioned his hands to match his words, “Do you ever ask what I want?”
You didn’t realize that you hadn’t. “That doesn’t mean I don’t care Katsuki.”
“I know you care, but my god isn’t it fucking annoying,” he got up off the couch to storm off. You followed him.
“Where are you going?”
“Isn’t obvious, I’m in the bedroom.” You felt more warmth building in your body, feeling it warmest and tightest in your core.
“I know that, but why are you walking away from me?”
“You want to know everything don’t you. You can’t figure anything out for yourself?” Your mouth slacked open not knowing how to respond. He paced around the room, running his hands through his hair.
“At least I care,” you started shouting, “What’s wrong with you Katsuki?”
“Sometimes I just want to be left alone, but no you have to come follow my ass like puppy.”
You started feeling tears well up in your eyes, “Are you calling me a dog?”
“No, I just-“ He clenched his fists, “You just don’t understand me.”
“I do understand-“
‘No you fucking don’t. You’re only concerned about what you want in this relationship. Maybe I should compare you to a dog, because you’re a bitch!”
“You’re calling me a bitch? Why don’t you look at yourself in the mirror and see what a massive dick you’re being?” Your voice was starting to break. You felt pins and needles in your arms, shaking them unconsciously as well, “I put a lot of care in this relationship. And you’re saying I don’t?”
“You know what, you don’t. I’ve been telling you that you only care about yourself, and look what you do. You’re only concerned about you.”
“Oh my god, you keep blaming me. You’re the one who started this all!”
“No, it was you! You’re the one who chased after me, thinking you could solve this now.”
The tears were now falling down your cheeks, and your jaw started to clench. “I care about this relationship. You think I want this to fall apart.” Your words were said through your teeth.
“Yes, I actually think you fucking do.” Bakugo shouted even more. You’re sure your neighbors were going to put in a noise complaint in the morning, “I do most of the work in this relationship, and you just pretend everything is ok. You didn’t even notice how I was fucking feeling this entire time. You were just in your own little world. You know why, cause you’re a bitch, and you’ll always be one.”
You walked up to him and smacked him across the face; he then grabbed your arms and pinned you against the door, “You think you’re so tough?”
You spit on his face, and that was it. He stormed out and never came back.
You wished you could take it all back. You wish you could do it over.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. You open it to see Bakugo.
“Kat- I mean, Bakugo, what are you doing here?” He looked annoyed and started to lean against the door frame.
“You called me last night. Well, I’m here.” His words were softer than you expected.
“Well, I don’t know what to say-“ you started.
“You’re the one who said you missed me.” He didn’t look you in the eye, “So what do you want?”
You didn’t know what to say. He mumbled something under his breath and started to walk away. You panicked.
“Wait! Don’t go.” You reached out to him. He came back and looked you in the eye.
“What do you want?” he repeated. You swallow the knot that developed in your throat.
“I don’t know.”
“Then it’s over.” He said walking away again. This time, he didn’t come back.
You closed the door and cried about your relationship finally being over for good
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sooniesspot · 3 years
Fluff Drabbles
☁️ Namjoon Fluff ☁️
A/N: I just really wanted soft joonie 😣 imagine coming home to him after a horrible day 🤧
word count: 2.3k?
no warnings just super soft and sweet joonie
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"bad day, sweet?"
After a long day at work, all you wanted was to get home. You promised your boss you’d stay late and finish paperwork that needed to be sent out first thing in the morning. Leaving the building after 7pm you waited on the corner at your normal bus stop, awaiting the bus. Rain heavily pouring down around you, luckily sheltered by the canopy of the bus stop. Of all days, you had forgotten your umbrella. Waiting for the bus after 10 minutes, the clock ticking. You finally saw a bus in sight and you held out your arm for it to stop. It began to pull into the layby and you misjudged the distance from you to the curb. A tidal wave of water cascaded over you, soaking your clothes through. You blinked heavily, wiping your eyes. So you could see your way onto the bus. Handing over your ticket to the bus driver; already rushing you onto the bus.
You found a seat and sat there. Clothes sopping wet and hair dripping wet. Your skin, cold to the touch from the water. Fishing for your phone in your coat pocket to check any damage as you slung your bag onto the empty seat next to you with a huff. Only a few water droplets on the screen you smudged away; creating a waterline. A flash of your phone screen shone before the screen went black; signalling the phone dying. You grumbled to yourself, wishing this day would be over. That morning you had managed to spill your bosses coffee down your white blouse and almost broke your ankle walking on freshly mopped floor as you headed past the janitor on your way out of the building. Could this day get any worse? You thought to yourself as you gazed out of the window to the busy streets outside. Night drawing in as the sun set behind the clouds.
Your stop couldn’t come soon enough as you stepped off the bus not bothering to thank the rude bus driver as you walked awkwardly along the street towards your apartment block. Rounding the corner your apartment block came to light. Crossing the street you opened the door and made your way over to the lift. ‘Out of Order’ you whined as you turned to use the stairs. Travelling up 3 flights of stairs, pulling yourself along. Eventually reaching your apartment. Fumbling for your key in your oversized bag that was now porous from the typhoon of water you received at the bus stop. You groaned in annoyance before finally finding them at the bottom.
Putting the key in the lock the door swung open to reveal your dimpled boyfriend, in an old grey hoodie and gym shorts, barefoot and mussed hair looking down at you with a smile before it faltered. Taking in your ‘drowned rat’ appearance. He beckoned you in, quickly shutting the door behind you before pulling your bag off your shoulder and peeling off your coat. He looked back down at you, his dusty blonde hair falling onto his forehead slightly as burnt umber eyes stared through you; sparkling. He looked at you in endless wonder. You never failed to take his breath away. Even when your clothes were translucent and hung off you in heavy collections of water. Even though your makeup may have run slightly across your cheeks, your hair darker than usual due to the water. He still looked at you with that same sparkle in his eye. He looked at you and instantly felt at ease. You calmed his racing heart, that raced because of you in the first place. An endless cycle he had committed to memory in every waking moment spent with you.
The way you would scurry around the apartment when you were late for work. The way you danced to your own tune stuck in your head in the kitchen when you made your first coffee of the day. Even in the early morning light, your body tangled in the sheets amongst his, glazed eyes would open and look so lovingly up at his own he felt his heart could burst. He loved you, and he hated seeing you upset.
A strong hand speared through your hair, pulling wet strands off your face.
“Bad day, sweet?” he mumbled, voice rich and deep.
You whimpered with a nod before he pulled you into an embrace. His chin resting on your head as his arms pulling you against his chest; hands rubbing against your back.
“Oh, you’re cold.” He pulled you tighter. You managed to attach your arms around his waist, thankful for the comfort he brought after a long day. His hands began wringing out your hair of excess water and that made you chuckle lightly as you heard it pool to the floor. You Inhaled his scent; old books and pine trees. A hint of burning that was new to you. Setting off a curious tone.
“Joonie?” you rasped against his chest, trying to breathe.
He hummed in reply to you, not wanting to let you go just yet as he held you to his chest, in fear you’d float away in the drizzle of the rain outside.
“Are you cooking?” you asked.
His arms immediately retracting as he hopped into the kitchen at a million miles an hour muttering curse words and the like. Taking off your heels you followed him with shaky feet watching a billow of steam from a saucepan on the stove. Namjoon turned to you with a bashful look. Melanated skin-tinged pink at his cheeks and neck.
“I made dinner.” He cringed; stroking the back of his neck with his free hand. The other hand holding a saucepan with burnt ramen in.
You chuckled as you made your way over to him slowly; kissing him lightly on the lips. “You mean you burnt dinner.” You giggled as his blush grew a deeper shade of crimson.
You took the saucepan from him beginning to hobble over to the sink and dispose of the burnt ramen when he noticed. You felt hands on your forearms as he spun you around taking the saucepan and placing it on the worktop.
“What happened with your foot?” He questioned, earning a sheepish look from you.
So you told him about your day. The coffee, paperwork, the wet floor, the bus, your phone dying and having to take the stairs on a worsening ankle. Hearing you grumble he didn’t once interrupt you or laugh, although when you told him about the puddle you could see the corner of his mouth trying to turn up into a smile. He listened and that’s all you could ever ask of him. He was so considerate you honestly didn’t know what you had done to deserve him. He gave you a final nod and caressed your wet hair again, pressing a kiss to your forehead when suddenly he had swept you off your feet, quite literally.
He carried you bridal style into the bathroom. Placing you delicately on the side as he ran you a bath. Softly humming to himself, making sure to fill it with lots of bubbles and make sure the water wasn’t too hot. He helped you out of your soaking wet clothes and told you he would sort out the mess in the kitchen while you soaked in the bath and that is what you did. He took your drenched clothes and placed then in the wash while he cooked another batch of ramen. ‘The food would be safe because you can’t distract him in here.’ He had said before you challenged him with a suggestive eyebrow, gesturing to yourself in the bath. Abruptly he turned and left, your laugh echoing down the hallway after him.
You lay your head back on the edge of the bath and welcomed the feeling of warm water on your skin, stopping your teeth from chattering intermittently from the cold you were subject to outside. Your ankle already feeling much better as it got to soak in the water, not having to bear any weight on it. You liked moments like this. Moments alone to sit and relax, eyes steadily shutting until the door opened again, Namjoon peering in, a warm towel in his hands as he placed it on the side of the tub.
“Ramen is done.” He smiled before. “Not burnt.”
Sarcastically giving him a round of applause he rolled his eyes at you with a scoff.
“Let’s wash your hair first.” He mumbled, planting a kiss onto your forehead.
So wash your hair he did. Fingers massaged your scalp as he lathered the shampoo through your hair. Making sure to not get any in your eyes, never resisting a kiss on the tip of your nose or your forehead when you’d look back up at him. A sigh of contentment sounded through the bathroom.
All washed and bundled up in a warm towel with an extra one wrapping up your hair, Namjoon insisted on carrying you back through to your shared bedroom although you said that you could manage. But he protested. Like he always did.
“My baby has hurt her foot. I’m carrying her.”
You huffed but were secretly loving being held like this by your boyfriend. He helped dry and dress you, even drying your hair with the dryer. He would hum to you as he did so and finally, he grabbed a cool pack from the freezer along with bandages and the 2 bowls of ramen and successfully bandaged your ankle up with the cool pack against the swollen area. Grabbing his bowl from the bedside table after tucking you both into bed.
“You can bandage an ankle but you burn ramen.” You giggled as he gave you a pout shovelling ramen into his mouth.
Laughter overtaking you at the notion. It was just so him.
“I love you for that.” You planted a kiss against his pouty lips and he grinned, dimples on show as you both continued to eat.
“I love you too, sweet.” He ran his fingers through your hair before giving you a kiss to your lips.
Continuing to eat in comfortable silence, gentle pitter pattering of rain outside the window that made you grimace. He noticed your discomfort and gave you a reassuring smile.
“You’re taking the day off tomorrow.” He pointed at you.
You began to chastise him until he reasoned with you.
“You can’t get the bus and walk to work with a swollen ankle, baby.”
You knew he was right so you decided not to argue. Finishing your ramen you both went to brush your teeth. He insisted on giving you a piggy back, to this you laughed. Finding your reflection in the bathroom mirror thoroughly amusing as you both brushed your teeth; you still perched on his broad and muscular back. He watched through the mirror. His frame holding your tiny one on his back. Toothbrush in your mouth as you giggled; music to his ears. Trying not to slip down his clothed back as his one arm still gripped your thigh firmly; holding you still. He had given you one of his shirts that dwarfed you, legs bare and smooth against his skin. Feeling your heartbeat against his back was all the reassurance he ever needed. Your hearts beating as one. A dimpled smile flashed your way in the mirror once teeth were clean. You ventured back into the bedroom as your breathing tickled his neck, both of you erupting into giggles as he struggled to hold onto you; knees buckling at the sensation. Finally dropping you down on the bed softly making you bounce.
Turning to tuck you in. Clambering over on his side of the bed, shifting under the covers. He smiled after reaching for his glasses, now on the edge of his nose; book in hand. Planting one more kiss on your lips and then your forehead as you shuffled down the bed more, resting your head against his chest; an arm curled around your shoulders as he began to read aloud. Soft hand caressing your hair as you were cradled around him. Hearing his heartbeat against your ear. Lulled to sleep dulcet tones. You were thankful for your boyfriend. He could always make a bad day better.
© sunnysidejoon - 2021 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
Hope you guys enjoyed! I take requests so please do ask 😊
Love Always
Mac 🧡💜
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lokis-army-77 · 3 years
If You Please
Chapter Fifteen
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 3060
This is technically a reader insert but without the (y/n) and all that. She also has no name mentioned so feel free to imagine as you please.
Follow the reader through the events of the Captain America movies and experience her love for Bucky Barnes.
Warnings: Bucky has a nightmare and one thing blows up, that's it.
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We had been flying for a while now and the sun had finally gone down. I had cleaned up the bullet graze on my side earlier with the onboard first aid kit, it had now started to heal itself seamlessly back into my skin like it was never there to begin with.
Bucky had never once taken his eyes off the sky since we took off. I had asked him a few more questions right after we started flying steady, but he just pressed his lips into a firm line. He was like an impenetrable wall and it was throwing me off. What had they done to the Bucky I grew up with, where was the bright, smiling love of my life? I sat there staring at the parts of his face that peaked through the mop of messy brown hair he had.
“Stop staring at me.” The sudden sound of his voice startled me enough that my elbow slipped from the place where it was perched on my knee. I quickly turned away from him in my chair and started to look out of the window into the dark.
“Sorry, it’s just,” I stopped short to think of what to say next. “It’s just that I thought you were gone. Steve watched you fall from the train. I mourned you, I was still mourning you. Now you’ve shown up and I barely recognize the man in front of me.”
He took his hands off the yoke and pressed some buttons to presumably turn autopilot on. “I have no memory of any of that. Flashes, yes, but never anything substantial.”
“I know and that’s okay, it’s to be expected. I followed you for a reason and help you remember is part of that.” I told him softly. I had no clue what he had been thinking for the last seventy years, but I knew it wasn’t something that could be fixed in just a couple of hours. The fact that he was talking to me with less hostility than before gave me the hope that I needed to know that I could help him.
Turning his head away he lets out a gruff sigh. “We’ll be landing in a couple of hours, get some sleep.” He gave me a soft look through the curtain of hair before going back into that stone-cold guise.
I nodded in acceptance and slowly stood and made my way to the bench that lined the side of the cabin. I laid down on the cold metal and let the sounds of the jet lull me to sleep.
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When I woke up the cabin lights had been turned off and it was almost completely pitch black, save for the few flashing buttons on the control panels. I sat up and noticed that the jet was quiet. The noise from flying was long gone but the sounds of the night could be heard throughout. I looked around the cabin groggily to see that the back ramp was lowered to the ground. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stood up. Squinting in the dark I could faintly see something standing a few feet out from the ramp in the grassy field.
I made my way down into the tall grass and stood next to Bucky's statue-like form. He was silently looking up at the sky. We stood there like that for a few minutes before he slowly bent down to reach into the duffel bag we had packed earlier. It was sitting on the ground with a few other bags from the jet. Standing back up he reached out his hand toward me and I brought my hand out to meet him, he gently placed one of the grenades into my palm.
“What’s this for?” I asked while examining the device.
“Were destroying the jet.” He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“Uh, why?”
“Unless you want HYDRA to come to find us, I suggest you pull that pin and throw.” At that, he unpinned his and tossed it into the jet cabin. It took me a second to comprehend what was happening. I was still half asleep as he snatched the grenade away from me and tossed it in as well. Just seconds later I was thrown off balance from the large explosion.
“You’re lucky none of my things were on there,” I spoke up while watching the flames encompass the dismantled jet.
“Quit talking and grab a bag, we have a long walk ahead,” he said in a scolding tone. I turned to watch him grab the large duffel bag, leaving me to carry the smaller backpack. I grabbed the strap and hoisted it up onto my back and slid my other arm through the second strap then started after him.
“Where are we exactly? I questioned as we maneuvered around a giant hole in the field.
“Maybe a three-hour walkout of Bucharest.” He stated. I groaned after hearing that. I just woke up, walking for three hours to get to the Romanian capital in the middle of the night wasn’t entirely my idea of fun. But I put up with it, barely entertaining myself by picking flowers growing along our path and then plucking off their petals like I used to do as a child. That only lasted for so long before I started to get bored, the next thing I tried was to kick a rock I had found when we had made it to a paved road. I had to stop kicking it after I had accidentally hit Bucky in the back of the legs. His sharp glare stopped me in my tracks.
The sun was coming up now, as we topped a hill that looked out into the capital city. I slowed my walk to take in the awakening city, there were severely cars driving the roads, probably going off to work. I sped up my steps as soon as I realized that Bucky had just kept going and didn’t stop to take in the morning splendor with me.
I spoke as I came back up to his side, “So what do we do now?” He let out a frustrated puff of air and I could tell that he was getting annoyed at all of my questions. He never answered me, just kept walking down the street and into the heart of the city.
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It must have been past lunchtime when we finally found a shabby almost decrepit-looking apartment building. I could feel and hear my stomach rumbling as we ascended the long spiraling set of stairs to one of the topmost apartments. We had no key to get in so Bucky kicked the door in and shuffled inside. I doubted that anyone would even realize that we were here, the whole thing looked almost completely vacant. I walked through the threshold and into the tiny living space. It was just one small room, just big enough for one or two people to live comfortably, and a singular closed-off bathroom right after you came through the front door.
Looking around some more, the more I realized this apartment building truly was abandoned. The sheetrock walls were chipping along with the paint. In the kitchen, the backsplash was cracked and missing in some spots, the fridge looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in thirty years, the same as everything else in the almost empty room. The only thing in the place that wasn't attached to anything was a small square dining table and two chairs with several years of dust caked onto them. The windows and the door to the back balcony had been covered up with various newspaper pages, adding to the dark and dingy aspect.
Bucky sat the duffel bag onto the table, I placed the backpack down as well. Walking over to the kitchen and flipped the light switch, amazingly the bright strip light above the sink on the far wall came buzzing to life. I gave a silent prayer in thanks for that. I was startled a bit when I heard a loud splintering noise beside me. Turning quickly I spotted Bucky ripping up the wooden floorboards in the kitchen.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Hiding the weapons, what does it look like I’m doing,” He quipped back sharply as he reached for the bags on the table just a few inches away. He shoved them into the hole he had made and then placed the broken planks back where they had been. He stood up slowly after that and began walking for the front door. “Stay here,” he gave a stern look then stepped out into the stairwell, slamming the broken door shut.
I just stared wide-eyed at the door. ‘Did he really just leave me here?’ I asked myself. I went over to the door he had left from and opened it, his footsteps were long gone. I raced to the first window in what was presumably the living room and tore a piece of newspaper from it to look and see if I could spot him but the wall of the balcony was in my way. I gave a long and exasperated huff before turning around and giving the room another once over. ‘Well, it can't hurt to clean a bit. There had to be at least something in here that I can clean with.’ And I was right, I found a stack of four washcloths along with a couple of bath towels under the bathroom sink and a very old broom sitting just outside the back door.
It took almost two hours to scrub the grime from the floors after I had swept the thick layer of dirt and dust-up, and it took even longer to scrub down the kitchen appliances. It had been nearly five hours and Bucky still wasn’t back yet, I had cleaned everything I could until it was almost spotless. It had helped me keep my mind off of where he was and what he was doing, it also helped to keep me from remembering how hungry I was. But now that everything was almost sparkling clean I had nothing to stop my mind from wandering. ‘He wouldn’t just leave, would he? No, not after hiding all the guns. What the hell is he even doing out there? I swear to God he better bring back something to eat, five hours is ridiculous, it's already dark outside.’
I reached my hand up to fiddle with my locket and ring absentmindedly. Fear started to creep into my thoughts. I paced up and down from the front door to the back over and over again until the door suddenly flew open. Swiveling around from my spot just past the bathroom I watched as a mattress made its way through the door. I hurried over to help maneuver it into the tiny hallway, it smelled horrendous like it had been outside for a while. After struggling to pull it into the living room and throwing it to the ground I looked up at Bucky who had been the one to bring it in. He was standing awkwardly at the edge of the room with a few plastic bags around his wrists. Shaking his head a little he made his way to the dining table and placed the bags down. Whatever was inside made a soft clicking sound before falling out of the top to reveal a jar of chicken soup.
I practically ran to the table and snatched the can up. “I forgive you for being gone so long since you brought back food,” I said as I made my way into the kitchen to turn the stove on. We had no pots at the moment so I cracked open the can and placed it in the middle of the eye to heat it up. As I waited I went back over to the bags he laid out and rummaged through them, taking all the cans, bagged food, and the few pieces of silverware out and placing them on the table. The last bag, closest to the wall, had a couple of items of clothes that looked to be in both of our sizes and a few toiletries. “Where did you get all of this?” I asked as he sat in one of the chairs.
“Soup kitchens and shelters,” he said pointing to the food, clothes, and toiletries, then he pointed to the mattress, “and the side of the road.” My face scrunched up at that. There was no telling what was all over that filthy thing. From where I was standing I looked like it had been dropped in the dirt a couple of times. I was going to have to find something to get that smell out of it before I even considered sleeping anywhere near it.
“Do you want some of this soup?” I turned back to the stove to check on the can.
“No,” he responded gruffly before standing to his feet, grabbing his pair of fresh clothes and the soap from the table before heading into the bathroom. I watched after him until the door completely shut behind him, by then the soup was at a nice simmer. I took it off the eye, using one of the washcloths as a potholder before it began to boil over. Grabbing one of the spoons Bucky had brought back I settled down at one of the chairs and began to eat my nice warm dinner. Halfway through scarfing down the soup, I decided to put some on for him even though he said no.
After I finished eating Bucky emerged from the bathroom with sopping wet hair in a pair of loose grey sweatpants and a red long sleeve henley. I eyed him before getting up to throw my can away and set the used spoon in the sink. I grabbed the now warmed Chicken soup from the stovetop and walked to place it in front of him without saying a word. Then I moved to grab the extra pair of clothes he had brought back and headed for the shower.
Finally being able to take off the suit was a big relief. Yes, it was made to be comfortable, but it wasn’t made to spend two days in. Turning the water on and stepping into the warm stream felt even more wonderful, the sweat and grime of the fight the day before began to rinse from my hair and off my body. I stood there, unmoving for what felt like hours before grabbing the three in one body wash from the side of the tub. I shook my head, if we were going to be living here for a while, and I had a feeling we were, I was going to have to find some real shampoo and conditioner, but hey, beggars can't be choosers when you’re on the run and in hiding.
When I felt as though I was completely and thoroughly clean, I stopped the water, rung out my hair, and grabbed one of the bath towels I spotted under the sink earlier to dry off. Then I got myself dressed in the fresh pair of underwear, which I was surprised to see, a long sleeve black t-shirt and an identical pair of gray sweatpants to Buckys, only smaller. Making my way out of the steaming bathroom I noticed Bucky wasn’t at the table anymore. I glanced around, finally landing on him lying on his back beside the mattress, looking like he was sleeping, which he most likely wasn’t. I smiled fondly, he must have wanted me to take the mattress for myself. Although I didn’t want to be rude by not sleeping on it, I chose to find a spot on the floor until the thing could be as thoroughly cleaned as I could get it.
Laying down on my side facing Bucky, I watched as his chest rose and fell with every breath he took. It was hypnotic, that with the quiet faint sound of his heartbeat, I began to fall asleep.
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I awoke a couple of hours later to the sounds of small shouts and heavy, labored breathing. I snapped up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Turning my head to Bucky I took in the sight of him thrashing in his sleep before slowly crawling over to him. I tenderly placed my hand on his shoulder in hopes that maybe it would help calm him.
“Bucky,” I whispered close to his ear, “Bucky woke up. It’s just a dream.” Gently moving my right hand up to remove the sweat-dampened hair out of his face. As my hand came to rest on his clenched jaw, his metal arm came up to seize my wrist. I gasped at the force but didn’t try to snatch my hand back. His eyes were still closed, he was still asleep. He was mumbling something incoherent, I leaned in closer to see if I could hear him better but it was still unintelligible. “It’s okay Buck, I’m here, I’ll always be here. Shh.” I tried to quiet him, and it worked for a few seconds before he started to thrash his head from side to side and his grip on my wrist became stiff and unyielding. All I could do was sit there and whisper into his ear as he gripped onto me for what seemed like dear life.
Several minutes of on and off thrashing about I heard him say something that made my heart stop. He called out my name. I hadn't told him my name at any point in the past two days. The sound of it coming off of his lips sent a spark through me, my heart fluttered and my stomach tightened. He remembered, even if it was subconsciously, he still remembered. I smiled at that before going back to trying to calm his sleeping figure.
At some point, he calmed down to the point where I no longer had to kneel next to him and calm him. He never let go of my wrist throughout the whole ordeal, even now he was still gripping it like a vice. I just left it there as I laid back down on my side and let sleep consume me once more.
The next morning, he was nowhere to be found.
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Tag List: @ginger-swag-rapunzel @underc0vercryptid-reads @geek-and-proud @intothesoul @leyannrae @starkleila @andy-is-gay
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
A/n: If you can’t tell, Hinata is my favorite sunshine ever, and I adore him with my entire being. Here’s a little something for him because it’s always missing Shoyo hours - there are manga spoilers from around chapter 371 onward though, so be warned!
Pairing: (Brazil timeskip!) Hinata x Reader
Word Count: 2070
The blazing sun of Rio set below the horizon, allowing a taste of salvation to wash over as a cooler breeze swept the bustling city. You sit perched on a plush bed, with brush in one hand and a blow dryer in the other. A towel snugly wraps around your body, but it’s quickly opted out for soft pajama shorts and a flannel that smell uncanny to tangerines and sunscreen. The scent invades your senses like a summer’s afternoon spent at the beach, and you welcome the comforting feeling that settles in your body as the oversized fabric ends at your thighs.
Idly scrolling through recommended shows on your laptop and humming softly to a relaxing song reverberating throughout the room, you don’t register the sound of the front entrance being unlocked nor the shuffling of feet in the living room. When you finally think you’ve decided on something to watch and go to pause your music, the bedroom door opens and filters a warm glow of light into your sitting space.
A smile graces your features when you recognize the figure leaning on the doorframe, his brightening presence ever more highlighted by the rays of the living room behind him.
“Is that my flannel?” he grins, taking notice of your chosen apparel.
“Why hello to you too, Shoyo,” you reply with an air of sarcasm, although the glimmer in your eyes indicates him to your amusement.
The Karasuno alumni pads over to the bedside before unceremoniously flopping onto the mattress, his unruly hair even more of a mess from the baseball cap he’s likely had on all day. “Hi, angel.” His greeting is muffled by the comforter below him, but you can hear well enough what he says. You stifle a laugh and reach a hand over to smooth out his tousled locks. “Tired?”
He groans in response, turning his head to face you with a pout. “Sand is stupid sometimes.”
“If you say that, the sand isn’t going to like you very much.”
“Too bad, it can deal with my annoyance in stupid sandy silence.”
Hinata props himself up on his elbows to examine your setup, a cheeky smile returning when he toys with the fabric of the flannel you decided to wear - yeah, most definitely his.
“You’ve sure settled in nicely,” he notes.
“And you’re sweaty as heck and lying on the bed,” you retort, eyeing his drenched athletic shirt as he splays out on the mattress.
He hums in acknowledgment, but makes no effort to move from his position, instead resting his chin on his palm. He gazes at you with bright eyes.
“Wanna shower with me then? Conserve some water?” he proposes, and you snort at his attempt to sell the idea.
“I just took one actually, but good sales pitch,” you grin while gesturing to your damp hair, still slightly wet despite using the blow dryer earlier.
He whines like a puppy being denied attention.
“Well that’s no fun,” he mutters.
His other hand skims over the back of your own, pulling it towards him and placing a gentle kiss on your palm.
“Did you already eat?” you inquire as your thumb strokes his cheek, temporarily choosing to put aside the fact that the he wanted to distract you from his (very necessary) shower. “Pedro brought back some dinner before he went out to study, so there’s still some left in the kitchen if you want.”
“I got something before I came home, but thank you,” he gives you a hazy smile. “Sleep well today?”
“Yeah. That early morning arrival at the airport ended up working out, since I woke up at a good time this afternoon.”
“If you’re up for it tomorrow, I can show you around the city. Maybe sit at the beach for a bit while I practice too?”
Your eyes light up at the idea, and Hinata chuckles at your excitement. “That sounds nice.”
The male leans towards your face and presses a soft kiss to your lips, full of tender affection and pure warmth. Gentle touch grazes the side of your face to pull you closer, skin on the pads of his fingers quite rough, but his touch still captivating you easily. That scent of sunscreen and sandy shores strengthens with his proximity, and you poke his chest with a giggle after grasping the strength to pull back.
“Don’t think I don’t know your games, sunshine. Shower,” you insist, drawing out the word.
He groans, rolling off the side of the bed and trudging towards the bathroom, snagging some clothes from his drawer to change into. “I was this close to making you forget.”
“Sure you were.”
He was very close to making you forget, actually, but you don’t tell him that.
The gentle cascading of water sounds from the bathroom connected to Hinata’s room, and you turn your eyes back to your laptop. Pressing play on one of your sitcoms, you relax into the many pillows stacked from behind and pull your boyfriend’s flannel even tighter around you. Despite declining his offer to shower earlier, you find yourself sneaking a glance at the bathroom doorway more than once, already missing the soothing warmth he brought with his mere presence alone.
During one of these occasional peeks at the door, your eye catches the glare of a picture frame sitting on a nearby desk, and you smile fondly at it from across the room. Even without being very close, you can tell it’s a graduation photo from the striking amount of orange in the frame, some being Hinata’s hair, and the other being a giant bouquet that he gave you after the ceremony.
You had your arms thrown around him, flowers clasped between your hands near his waist, and both of you were smiling like idiots in the shot. The photo was one of your favorites, and it was proudly on display in your room back home. In return for the bouquet, you gave him a big crow plushie - a gag gift that you didn’t expect him to hold on to for long, but you soon found out that wasn’t the case when it appeared in a facetime call during his first week in Rio.
It reminds me of you, he had said, hugging the stuffed animal tightly to his chest.
The bathroom door opened abruptly, promptly breaking your attention from the photo on the desk. You hadn’t even realized that the shower water had turned off until now. Hinata ruffles a towel over his hair, bringing his mop of orange locks back to its more typical volume, despite it being just as damp as your own. He’s only in a pair of sweatpants, and you are definitely not complaining at the sight of a shirtless Shoyo, sun-kissed skin and toned body very much on display.
Thank you, beaches of Rio.
“See? It feels nice being all showered up,” you nod approvingly, trying to keep your eyes from raking over the male’s upper body - you’re failing quite miserably. Fortunately, for your sake, he decides not to comment on your staring.
“I know, you’re right,” he sighs out, “I just wanted to catch up on lost time with you.”
As he situates himself back beside you on the bed, you give him a quick peck on the nose that leaves his ears a light pink. Even after all this time, he’ll get flustered at the smallest of affectionate gestures with which you surprise him.
“Well, you’ve got me to yourself for two whole weeks, so there’s plenty of time,” you point out.
“Kenma was really generous with all that vacation time at once.”
“There’s a backup editor that he’s been looking to test out on the channel, so he told me to take a break while that happens.”
Kenma - AKA Kodzuken - is indeed your boss, and a very great one at that. He lets you handle all the video editing for his channel, and you’re also invited to come along with him on business travels whenever you’re able. He knew you’d been working diligently when it came to your job, and saw testing the backup editor as a perfect opportunity to give you a break.
When he heard you were planning a visit to see Hinata sometime soon, the former Nekoma student practically forced you to take a vacation and ‘check in on my favorite sponsor’.
You constantly call him Shoyo’s sugar daddy, at which point he’ll chuck his cat plushies at you, but he doesn’t necessarily object either.
“What’re you smiling about now?” Hinata inquires, poking at your cheek.
“I just remembered something funny,” you wave it off, knowing Kenma would come after your ass if you said anything referencing the streamer’s nickname.
Hinata slides over and pulls you into his side, and your head instinctively lands on his chest. The gentle thrum of his heartbeat resounding in your ear relaxes you immensely. His hand traces lazily from your shoulder blades down your arm, and he takes your hand in his own with a squeeze.
“I missed you like crazy, you know,” he murmurs, and you feel like you’ll start melting into a puddle at any moment.
“I missed you too. So much,” you respond, earning another squeeze to your hand.
“Want to stay in my room instead of the guest one tonight?”
You nestle yourself into him even further, eliciting a chuckle from the Karasuno alumni. “Yes please.”
The both of you remain that way for a long time, barely paying mind to the show on your laptop. Warm hands glide gently through your hair, and you trace small patterns on his arms as he does so, just basking in the long awaited presence of his light, that sun-kissed skin so inviting against your fingers.
The next thing you know, the sound of birds coaxe you awake, eyes fluttering open to find strong arms wrapped around you. A pair of legs are intricately tangled with your own beneath cloud-like sheets, and steady breaths gently fan against your neck. You spot your closed laptop on the bedside table in front of you and realize that you must have fallen asleep at some point last night, Hinata likely taking care of things and getting you properly into bed.
A smile breaks out on your face at the thought of him gingerly placing you under the covers, before quietly getting in next to you. Elated emotions from said imaginations only grow when you feel lips pepper the back of your neck in soft kisses, notifying you that your boyfriend is also up.
“Did I wake you?” you ask quietly, hand reaching back to smooth out Hinata’s messy bed hair. You didn’t even have to be facing him to know that the orange strands were sticking in every direction.
“No, I was already half-awake,” he rasps, voice not yet void of its morning grogginess. You find that you missed the sound of it more than you initially realized.
You turn your body around to face a sleepy Hinata, a hazy grin playing at the corners of his mouth as you let out a yawn.
“Morning, pretty thing,” he chuckles, before stifling a yawn of his own. “Breakfast?”
“Five more minutes,” you groan. Limbs latch around the orange haired male like a koala bear, a lazy attempt to keep him in bed for just a while longer. You know that Shoyo had picked up a habit of getting up and ready for the day at early hours, but you were determined to make him stick around to cuddle - if even for just a moment longer.
A lingering kiss is pressed to your forehead once you’re settled again, and you can sense Hinata’s face breaking into a sunny smile. “That’s perfectly fine with me.”
Even if every blazing star in the sky fizzled out and ceased to shine, you’re certain that wouldn’t matter to you. All the warmth and light you’ve ever needed or wanted could be found in your reach - encasing you in a love so raw, yet you knew it would never burn you. Sun-kissed skin embraces your entire being, and you hardly notice the incoming daylight streaming over the streets of Brazil.
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sinfullystanning · 4 years
Matt Murdock x Reader
Genre: Fluff
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A/N: I just finished Daredevil and I’m so whipped for Matt Murdock so expect lots of new content... The title is inspired by the song “Nightlight” by The Sam Willows.
Matt Murdock creeps down the stairs from the roof as quietly as possible. He had heard your even breathing and smelled the sweet yet subtle scent of your shampoo from almost a block away. A small smile had teased his lips at the idea of you waiting for him at home, even if you were fast asleep. As he reaches the living room he realizes that your breathing isn’t coming from his bed. From what he could tell you’re fast asleep at the dinner table. His brows furrow in confusion and concern as he crosses the room to where you’re slumped over the wood, a blanket slipping off your shoulders.
You hadn’t planned to fall asleep. You’d shown up to Matt’s with takeout and a bottle of wine hoping to catch him before he stepped out for his night job but after silence had answered your knock at the door, you’d fished out your key, shoulders slumping as you pushed the door open with your shoulder as you did your best not to drop the contents of your full arms, shuffling through the entryway into the apartment, being careful not to let your clumsy feet catch on any of the furniture as you made your way to the kitchen where you deposited the food onto the counter before making your way back to the front door to lock up and deposit your shoes by the doorway. You check the bathroom to make sure Matt is really gone before letting out a sigh as you stand in the middle of the empty apartment, alone with your worries and thoughts. You try to push the latter away as you absently wander through the two rooms, looking for something to tidy up while you wait for Matt to come home.
A few hours later, you’ve folded a few stray shirts and pants you found uncharacteristically strewn in Matt’s bedroom, probably from a busy day, hauled the cleaning supplies out of the tiny closet that never gets opened and swept and mopped, the floors, scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom top to bottom, and dusted. You collapsed on the couch, staring at billboard outside that had lit up while you were cleaning, bathing you in a warm pinkish-blue glow. The apartment no longer smelled like Matt, instead, the sharp odors of cleaning solution and Pine-sol pierced your nose and you wrinkled it in discomfort. Rolling off of the couch you pad over to the kitchen, finally untying the now-cold takeout bag, methodologically pulling out the small cardboard cartons, cracking one open to deeply inhale a more comforting, welcome smell. Closing the box again, you glance at your phone, sighing at the time that reads past midnight. Begrudgingly, you turn and open the fridge, what you’d intended to be dinner would probably end up being breakfast.
You can’t help the way your eyes roll at the contents of Matt’s fridge. It’s almost post-apocalyptically empty, a few bottles of beer its only inhabitants, a stark contrast to yours at home, full-to-bursting with every edible vice known to man that your budget could afford. After depositing the takeout inside, you decide to check the freezer and open it to come face to face with an old friend. You snort as you fish out the half-empty quart of strawberry ice cream from a casual date night a few months ago. A split-second decision later and you’re sitting at the kitchen table, a spoon buried deep in the remaining ice cream. The ice cream disappears faster than you’d care to admit and you toss the empty carton into the trash, washing the spoon for lack of something better to do, your mind creeping into unwanted territory.
Matt hadn’t mentioned anything serious going on with his night job recently, so tonight should have been just a regular patrol night. Long story short, he should be home by now. The words that you’d forbidden yourself from thinking all day branded themselves into your brain. You shake your head, trying to shoo away the dark thoughts threatening to collapse your mental state into a useless cycle of worry. Your wandering eyes catch on the bottle of wine that you’d brought but you decide against it. Nothing like alcohol to trap you in your own head. You settle on making tea, doing your best to keep your focus on the task at hand and away from the tempting thoughts that were now accompanied by images. Matt unconscious on some rooftop somewhere where no one would find him. Matt half-dead in a dumpster where anyone could find him. You tighten your grip on the kettle as you drag your focus back to the present.
While you wait for the water to boil, you dig through the contents of a small shelf, looking for the candle that you bought Matt for Christmas, finally feeling your fingers curl around the small jar. Smiling slightly, you pull it out and set it on the kitchen table, grabbing the matchbox from the kitchen, coaxing the candle to life, a small trail of smoke and a warm, woody scent filling the room, easing your tense nerves. The kettle whistles and you head back to the kitchen to finish making the tea.
Eventually, you settle at the kitchen table, a mug of tea wrapped in your hands and a blanket wrapped around your shoulders, Matt’s voice in your head fussing about you catching a cold. The flame of the candle dances in front of you, small but strong and you smile to yourself, letting it bring you peace as you wait for Matt to come walking down the stairs from the roof.
As Matt approaches the table he feels the slight warmth from the candle, his nose twitching slightly as the scent from the candle mixed with the chemically clean smell that seems to coat the apartment. Pulling off his mask with one hand, setting it across the table from you, he reaches his other hand to brush against your hair gently. You stir in your sleep at the delicate touch, and Matt retracts his hand, not wanting to wake you. He’s turned away to go slip into the shower when he hears your sleep-addled voice, “Matty?”
He turns back to you, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you.”
You shake your head a few times to brush off his concern and shake off the sleep. “No, no I’m sorry I fell asleep. I was supposed to be waiting for you.” You stumble to your feet, your brain thinking faster than your limbs could follow and your foot catches on the leg of the chair and you stumble. Thankfully, Matt moves fast and you fall against his chest.
“Hey, be careful. You could have hurt yourself.”
“Look who’s talking.” You slur slightly as your tongue attempts to rouse itself from its deep sleep. “You should have been home ages ago.” You pout, half-playful, half-serious. You see the guilt in Matt’s expression as he tries to turn his head away, but you reach a hand up and lay it against his cheek while winding your free arm around his waist. “Hey, it’s okay, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said it like that. I just missed you, and when I miss you, I worry about you.” You move your hand off his cheek and let it join your other arm around his waist. Matt nods, letting his head rest on yours as he shifts his grip from holding you up to holding you close.
The two of you stay like that for a while, listening to the silence and the sounds of each other’s heartbeats and breathing, letting them convey the feelings that are too much to put into words. The moment ends when Matt’s stomach growls into the silence and you giggle at the sound, disentangling yourself from Matt. “Sit down, there’s takeout in the fridge.” You say with a smile as you head to the kitchen. Matt stops you, however, wrapping his arms around you from the back and burying his face in your hair.
“You’re an angel.” He murmurs. You roll your eyes.
“It would have been warm if you were home on time.” You answer as you wiggle out of his grasp and fish the takeout containers from the fridge, scooping a generous serving onto a plate and placing it into the microwave, finally turning around to smile gently at Matt. It was both odd and endearing to see Matt in his Daredevil suit doing something as mundane as sitting at the dinner table and you tuck the memory away for a rainy day as the microwave announces that the food is ready with an exuberant ping. You bring the plate over to the table and place it in front of Matt before retaking your seat across from him. “Your candlelit dinner is served.” You say with a dramatic flourish of your hand.
Matt laughs and your heart warms at the sound, feeling full and content, the worry from before, long gone. Matt Murdock is conscious in his apartment with you. Matt Murdock is alive and eating dinner across from you. After a few bites, Matt speaks. “Sorry about tonight, there’s really no excuse for how late I was.” He pauses. “If I knew you’d be here, I’d probably have been home sooner. I guess,” a longer pause this time and you reach out to cover his free hand with yours, tracing the ridges of the glove that’s still on his hand, “I guess I just didn’t want to be alone in here.” The two of you sit in silence for a few minutes, letting his words fill the empty space.
“Thank you,” you whisper, finally, as the words begin to go from a comfortable warmth to taut awkwardness, “for telling me that. I didn’t know.” He nods and you lapse into silence again before you test out the words that have been stewing in your mind all evening. “Maybe,” Matt raises his head from where he was boring a hole in the table with his unseeing gaze to look in your direction, “maybe, I could be here more often.” You shift in your chair, nervously, “and maybe I could leave a night light on,” you suggest, your voice so quiet that it’s almost a whisper, but you know Matt hears it.
“I think,” Matt breaks the silence. “I think I’d like that,” he turns the hand in your grasp over to lace his fingers with yours, squeezing gently. “And,” he hesitates, and it’s your turn to look at him, nerves dancing in your chest, “you are my night light.” He says, his lips curving upward into a shy smile. You smile back and that night, you don’t feel as lonely when you blow out the candle.
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whorderofthepheonix · 5 years
Yes, Sir: Part 1 of ? || Ransom Drysdale // Knives Out
A/N: I’ve missed writing for you guys! I hope you guys enjoy this! If you haven’t seen Knives Out, you can totally still read this. It doesn’t have any spoilers! (Except maybe character descriptions, but that’s it). (TAG LIST IS OPEN!) YOU MUST AGREE TO REBLOG W/ COMMENTS TO CONTINUE TO BE ON THE TAGLIST! NO EXCEPTION
Words: 3.8k
Warnings: (18+) Angst (Ransom’s a fucking asshole), Smut (Fingering, oral, etc), Classism, Swearing, Humiliation
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Raquel’s POV
(Set a year before the events Knives Out)
Harlan Thrombey is the kindest employer I’ve ever had. Scratch that. He’s the kindest person I’ve ever met. He was respectful, fun, and he’s incredibly generous. A few years back, I was simply looking for a part-time cleaning job to help pay for college, and when I met Harlan, not only did he hire me as one of his housekeepers, he paid off my student debt ENTIRELY. I wasn’t very close to my own family so Harlan and the other people who worked at the mansion were my new family. It was always kind, loving, and fun to go to work everyday.
Except when his family would visit.
A small percentage of the Thrombey clan treated me like a human being. I didn’t wanna say they were racist but... They were extremely racially insensitive. Especially to me and Harlan’s nurse Marta. I once got dragged into a very uncomfortable discussion about being black in America which Richard Drysdale, Harlan’s son-in-law, swore he was an expert in. I bit my tongue as Richard and Walt Thrombey insisted that “nigga” was just a word and that everyone should be able to say it...
Okay. They were racist as fuck.
But believe it or not, I’d rather deal with their racial ignorance than deal with Richard and Linda’s son, Ransom. Well to me, he was Hugh, because he ordered “The Help” to call him Hugh. Lord help any staff who called him Ransom to his face. The gardener, Luiz, did once and Ransom went berserk on him. He had him fired and I believe he tried to have him deported. I shook the memory out of my head and continued dusting. The Thrombreys were coming to the mansion tonight to celebrate Linda’s biggest sale to date. They’ll think of any reason to throw a party at the estate. According to the guest list, the entire family was to be in attendance. Ransom included. They were gonna be here any moment. I had cleaned the bedrooms twice (Ransom’s 3 times), swept, mopped, and vacuumed every room, and even polished the doorknobs. I was praying that the first set of guests would be tolerable ones-
“Hello, hello!” Joni Thrombey, Harlan’s Daughter-In-Law, called as she entered the house with bags galore.
“Miss Joni,” I smiled. “Welcome! May I take your bags up to your room?”
“Thank you so much, Raquel, and please just call me Joni” she handed me her bags. “Please be careful! My dress is from Armani! Just hang it up in the closet.” I nodded and lugged her bags up to the second floor. Once her dress was in the closet, I started to unpack her bag as the door opened up again. Meg Thrombey, Joni’s daughter and Harlan’s Granddaughter walked in, happily. We actually attended the same college and were best friends, even though she’s a couple years younger than I am. She’s the one who got me this job.
“Meg!” I gushed hugging her tightly. “I’m so glad you’re here!”
“Rocky! I’ve missed you!” She smiled. “Emerson is so boring without you!”
“Sometimes, I miss it,” I frowned. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m so grateful to have this amazing job! I just wish I could do more.”
“I totally understand that! Listen, the old gang wants to hang out later tonight. Wanna join us? We’re headed down to the pier.”
“That would be amazing!” I squealed. “As soon as I’m done working-”
“Um, HELLO?” Linda Thrombey’s voice called from the first floor. “Where are the housekeepers? Can someone please get my bags?!”
“Shit,” I whispered. I dashed out the room and down the stairs. “Miss Linda, hi. I’m so sorry. I was just unpacking Miss Joni’s things-”
“Oh, heaven forbid you help my dad’s actual daughter!” She rolled her eyes. “Let’s not forget, this party is for me!”
“Yes, ma’am. I’m so sorry, it won’t happen again,” I reassured her. Linda walked into her and Richard’s bedroom, which was located on the first floor. Richard walked into the house seconds later.
“I apologize Rachel,” he sighed. ‘Raquel’ I corrected in my mind. “She’s under immense pressure from this deal. I’m sure she’ll lighten up.”
“It’s really okay, Mr. Drysdale,” I insisted. “It was my fault.” I take his bags and well and bring them into the bedroom. Linda was smoking a cigarette and yelling at someone over the phone. Harlan knew his children smoked but he never allowed it indoors. But considering that Linda was being a bitch right now, I decided to leave it alone. As I unpacked their things, I heard the sounds of Walter and his family arrive. Fran, the other housekeeper, must’ve been helping them since I heard them go upstairs without complaint. When I was done, I stood in the doorway ready to go.
“Is there anything else you need, Miss?” I asked.
“Yes, bring me a scotch on the rocks,” she said without looking up from her phone. I nodded and went out to the bar. As I was making her drink, the familiar sound of tires screeching came from outside the house. Fran ran over to me.
“Not it,” she whispered before running into the kitchen. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what was about to happen. Ransom Drysdale walked into the mansion, sunglasses on, leather duffle bag in one hand, his phone in the other.
“Where the hell is The Help?” He hissed walking into the parlour. He spotted me and strutted over. “Hey, Maid!” He called. I placed Linda’s drink on a tray and looked at him.
“Hugh,” I said blandly.
“I’ve been here for 15 seconds and you haven’t taken my bags,” he hissed.
“I’m not sure if you noticed but I’m doing something- Hey!” I protested as he took the scotch off the tray and sipped it. “That was for your mother...”
“Well, it looks like it’s for me now,” he smirked and threw his jacket me. I pulled it off my face and threw it to the floor. He sat in an armchair and watched me as I made Linda another drink. “Your ass looks great by the way. Those leggings are working well for you.”
“Your grandfather told you you’re not allowed to say things like that to us, anymore,” I reminded him. “It’s sexual harassment.”
“I can do whatever the fuck I want,” he laughed. “What’re you gonna do? Sue me?” Just then, Linda entered the parlour.
“Jesus, Rachel! How long does it take to pour a scotch?” She groaned. Then she saw Ransom sitting and her whole demeanor changed. “Ransom! My baby! How are you?” She peppered his face with kisses.
“I’d be a lot better if Grandad hired decent Help,” he rolled his eyes. “She was just standing at the bar when I got in. Didn’t greet me or anything.”
“Oh sweetheart, I’m so sorry,” she frowned. “She had your father and I waiting at the door as well, don’t take it personally.” Then she walked over to me and hissed, “You owe Ransom an apology! He shouldn’t have to deal with this while visiting his family!” She snatched her new drink from the bar and noticed his coat on the floor. She picked it up and shoved it into my hands. “And hang this up!” I took a deep breath and bit the insides of my cheeks.
“Hugh, I apologize for keeping you waiting,” I said through my teeth. “It won’t happen again.” He smirked as I picked up his duffle and carried it up to his room. He didn’t actually have a room here so he was just occupping one of the many guest rooms... The biggest guest room in fact. It was originally his parents’ room but he made the trade. I unpacked his bags and made sure everything was perfect as he came in the room. He looked around, nodding.
“Looks good. Now get the hell out, I’m gonna shower,” he ordered. “Unless you care to join me.” I desperately wanted to tell him to eat shit, but I swallowed my pride and left the room.
As Fran and I set up the decorations, Marta came downstairs, looking uneasy.
“You okay, Marta?” I asked.
“Um, Hugh is upstairs asking for the maid,” she told us. “He says come now.”
“Fine,” Fran frowned. “Raquel, you dealt with him earlier so I’ll-”
“He says... He says he wants the Black Maid,” Marta whispered. I sighed and stopped folding napkins.
“I’ll be back,” I sighed. “Hopefully, I won’t be too long.” I went up to Ransom’s room and knocked on the door. “Mr. Hugh?”
“Come in,” he told me. I opened the door and looked at him. He was only in a towel sitting on his bed and looking through his phone. He didn’t look up as I entered. “Why are you just standing around? The bathroom needs to be cleaned again. Hurry up.” I opened the bathroom door and sure enough, he had destroyed it. All the towels were used and thrown on the floor, the floor was soaked, and the garbage turned over. I sighed and got to work. God he was such an asshole... He was definitely doing this on purpose. Ever since I got hired, Ransom wanted to make sure I knew my place... Which was below him. I was mopping up the water when I heard grunting coming from the other side of the door. I cracked it open and looked out. I pulled my head back in quickly when I saw what it was... Or was it? To double check, I peeked out again and confirmed what I had seen. Yup. I was right.
Ransom had dropped his towel and was facing the wall, jerking off. His back was to me and his hand was pressed against the wall, keeping him upright. I couldn’t see what he was working with, if you know what I mean, but I didn’t want to get caught watching my boss’ grandson masturbate. I went back into the bathroom and finished up, so I could leave without him knowing. I was almost to the bedroom door when-
“Wait,” Ransom grunted. I turned around. He was still holding onto the wall for support. He muttered something under his breath then moaned loudly. He picked up his towel from the floor and wrapped it back around his hips. He walked over to me and smirked. “You missed a spot.” And he nudged his head in the direction of where he was standing. Sure enough, the content of his solo exploits was running down the wall and dripping onto the floor. “Well? What are you waiting for? Get to cleaning.”
“You’re such an asshole, Hugh,” I hissed.
“I know,” he shrugged. “I just like thinking of ways to embarrass you. But don’t act like you didn’t enjoy watching...” He winked at me. “Now hurry up-”
“No.” I hissed.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” He asked stepping closer. “I don’t think I heard you correctly-”
“Then read my lips, you entitled prick!” I hissed. “I’m not fucking doing it! In case you’ve forgotten, you don’t live here, therefore, I don’t fucking work for you!” I threw him a rag and opened the door. “Clean it your fucking self!”
When the party actually started, I changed into the outfit Linda requested I wear. A button up blouse and a knee length skirt that she so kindly gave all of the Help. Linda was also in a better mood. My guess is, she remembered everyone was there to celebrate her and she would be the center of attention... Which she loves. I hadn’t seen Ransom since earlier. He was gonna arrive late, probably cause a scene, argue with Meg, then retreat to the guest room with one of the long legged blonde attendees. I was handing out hors d’oeuvres in the foyer when Ransom approached me.
“Go away, Hugh,” I said. “I’m working.”
“Relax. I came to apologize,” he sighed. I looked up at him confused. “I may have been... A bit obnoxious when I first got here. And what happened in the bedroom before... I crossed the line and I’m sorry.” I was shocked. Never, in the years that I’ve worked here, have I heard Ransom apologize!
“Oh... Wow. Thank you, Hugh,” I acknowledged him.
“Call me, Ransom,” he shrugged. “Just don’t let the other Help hear you.” I smiled slightly and nodded.
“I should go... I have to refill my tray,” I told him. “If you’ll excuse me-” He grabbed my arm and stepped closer to me.
“Did you like it?” He whispered.
“I’m sorry?”
“Watching me... Did you like it?” He repeated. I didn’t know how to answer... I never saw Ransom as someone I could be attracted to because his asshole personality would always cloud any other perception of him... But now that I think about it... He was sexy as fuck.
“I... I wasn’t watching you-”
“Don’t lie,” he smirked. He tilted my chin up and made me look into his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes. “You liked it... Didn’t you?” My mouth was dry and my heart was racing. “Tell me you liked it...” I had to get out of there.
“I have to go,” I whispered, scurrying out of the foyer. I ran into the empty hall and took a deep breath. I leaned on the credenza for support. What was going on? This was Hugh! He’s a pig, he’s an asshat, he hates lower class people, he... Was coming this way. I made it look like I was busy doing something as he approached me. “Ransom... Hugh. I need to keep working. So please just-” He pressed himself against me, making sure my butt was pressed against him. My breath hitch and I was panting softly. His fingers danced up and down my arms, sending tingles all throughout my body.
“Why are you running from the truth?” He asked, leaning in close to my ear. “You’re so fucking sexy... Just the thought of you watching me...” He pulled me closer to him and pressed his erection against my butt. “Makes me so hard...” I grabbed onto the fabric that laid across the credenza, breathing harder. It was like my body was betraying me. I clenched my thighs together trying to release the aching in between my legs. Ransom noticed and ran his hand up my leg. “Uh-uh. Let me help you with that...” He spread my legs and traced my inner thighs lightly. His other arm, wrapped around my shoulders and his fingers lingered on the base of my throat. As he caressed my thighs, his fingers kept brushing against my core. I bit my lip to stop from moaning out. It had been a while since I’ve been... Intimate with another person. My body was extremely sensitive to his touch. So sensitive in fact, that when he slipped his hand down into my skirt and past my panties, I nearly lost it. I grabbed his wrist and moaned out loud. It’s like his ‘Dominate’ switch was activated when I did that because he had a loose grip on my throat, putting minimal pressure, and he pulled me fully back against his chest. “That’s a good girl...” He whispered in my ear. “Such a good girl...” I felt myself on the edge already. He wasn’t even doing much. Just rubbing me gently.
“Fuck,” I moaned, quietly. But footsteps coming from around the corner made Ransom pull his hand out my underwear and stand up straight. Linda came scurrying down the hall.
“Ransom, honey, there are some people I’d like you to meet,” she grinned.
“I’ll be right there,” he told her. “I just need to finish having a word with this one.” She turned around and went back into the parlour. He turned to me. “In an hour, go up to my room and wait for me... I’ll finish what I started. Don’t draw attention to yourself. Is that clear?”
“Yes,” I nodded. He tilted my chin up.
“Yes, who?”
“Yes, Ransom,” I agreed. He leaned in close.
“Next time. Call me Sir,” he whispered, before biting on my earlobe then disappearing around the corner.
I couldn’t keep a steady thought throughout the party. Ransom didn’t make eye contact with me the entire time. His eyes stayed glued to his phone, even when his mother was making a toast, whilst antagonizing Meg, and when Harlan came down to greet the family, he looked up for a second, then was back to his phone. I glanced at my watch. 10 minutes until the rendezvous and my heart was racing. To calm my nerves, I cruised around the parlour, collecting dirty dishes. Linda, Walt and Richard were having one of their “cultural” discussions and I knew I had made a mistake once I stepped into the room.
“Oh, Rachel!” Linda spoke. ‘Raquel’ I corrected in my mind. “I’m so sorry about how I acted earlier! I wasn’t feeling like myself and I truly apologize.”
“It’s truly no problem, ma’am,” I smiled weakly. I picked up the dishes and tried to leave the room.
“Rachel, a moment?” Richard called. I took a deep breath and turned back around. “How old were you when you first came to this country?”
“Excuse me?” I gasped. I was used to the microaggressions like Joni asking me where I got my lips done or asking to touch my hair, but THIS SHIT was going to far! “‘When did I come to this country?!’” By now everyone in the room, including Ransom were looking in our direction.
“I’m sorry... is it a touchy subject?” He asked. I put the dishes down and turned to him.
“I was born in Cambridge,” I told him. “And before you ask, my parents were born in New York City. What gave you the impression that I wasn’t born here?” ‘Besides the color of my skin.’ I wanted to add.
“Oh... my mistake,” Richard nodded. “I just thought that-”
“You thought wrong,” I sighed picking the dishes back up. As I walked out of the room, I noticed Ransom snickering from behind his phone. I knew my comment might cause some drama so I decided to get out of the party atmosphere and upstairs to Ransom’s room. I waited patiently and looked around. He kept it tidy. The wall was cleaned from earlier and his clothes were folded neatly on top of the dresser. I looked at my watch. Just a few more minutes until Ransom joined me upstairs. I’ll freshen up in the meantime. I walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. My heart wouldn’t stop pounding against my chest and I felt nervous. I splashed some water on my face and took several deep breaths. I heard shuffling coming from the other side of the door and I knew it was Ransom. I turned off the sink, dried my face, and went into the next room. He was adjusting something in his wardrobe when he noticed me. He walked over, smirking.
“You know, I said don’t draw attention to yourself,” he chuckled. “Telling my father off counts as drawing attention to yourself.”
“Sorry about that,” I nervously chuckled. “You dad is just... He’s a lot sometimes.”
“Trust me, I know. But enough about him. I think we were in the middle of something...” He bent down and kissed the nape of my neck, his hands roaming my body. I was moaning instantly. Being with Ransom made me feel dirty... But in a good way. I felt like a naughty girl hooking up with the bad boy next door. He was fondling my breasts and his knee kept my legs parted, rubbing against my vagina. He started to undo the buttons on my blouse when I had a sense of panic.
“Wait,” I gasped. He looked at me confused, still unbuttoning. “We shouldn’t do this... This is wrong-”
“Does it feel good?” He whispered, grinding me against his thigh. I moaned and nodded. “Then what’s the issue?” His hand went up my skirt and he pulled my panties down to my ankles. I don’t know why I was SO sensitive! The moment his fingers made contact with me, I grabbed onto him and moaned loudly. “Shit! You’re so fucking wet...” Ransom’s middle finger entered me while his thumb rubbed circles on my clit.
“God, yes!” I moaned. While his right hand worked wonders on me, his left hand finished undoing my top then began kneading my breast through my bra. “Fuck... I’m so close, Ransom...”
“No, not yet,” he told me.
“I can’t! Please don’t make-” He grabbed my face harshly and stared into my eyes.
“You better hold onto it, Raquel... I mean it. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, Sir,” I whispered.
“Good girl,” he smirked. He removed both hands from my body, leaving me feeling empty. But then he dropped to his knees and helped me step out of my panties before hosting my leg over his shoulder and placing his tongue expertly on my core.
“Fuck!” I cried out. My fingers combed through his hair and my legs started quivering. While his right hand was holding my leg, his left hand slipped under my bra and pinched my nipple. “I’m gonna cum!” He pulled away from me and started using his fingers again.
“Beg me,” he looked up at me. “Beg me or I’ll stop. Say ‘Please, Sir, let me cum.’”
“Please, Sir, let me cum,” I repeated.
“Beg better. Say it again.”
“Please, Sir, let me cum.”
“Please, Sir, let me cum!” I begged.
“Tell me I’m the boss of you.”
“You’re the boss of me,” I panted.
“Tell me you work for me,” he told me. I snapped back into reality and looked down at him.
“What did you just say?” I asked. He stood up and grinned. He tilted my chin towards the opposite wall.
“Look into the camera and tell me you work for me,” he whispered. “Jacob?” The youngest of the Thrombey clan exited the wardrobe, his cell phone in hand. I jumped back and fumbled trying to close my blouse.
“What the fuck is going on?!” I gasped. Ransom took the phone from Jacob and glanced at the screen, smiling.
“Well, it looks to me like you’re getting your pussy eaten by your boss’ grandson,” he smirked, turning the screen to me. “I wonder what would happen if he saw this... She’d probably get fired, right Jacob?”
“I’d fire her,” Jacob nodded.
“Please don’t do this,” I pleaded, trying to fight back tears.
“Don’t you mean, ‘Please don’t do this, Sir?’” Jacob mocked, making them both laugh.
“So, by the looks of it, it seems like you do work for me, Maid,” he got in my face. “And I’d watch your step from now on. Wouldn’t wanna accidentally send this to Grandfather...” I couldn’t hold back anymore and I burst into tears. Ransom looked at me confused. “Are... Are you actually crying...?”
“Go fuck yourself, Hugh!” I cried. I stormed out of the room, buttoning my shirt, tears streaming down my face.
A/N: Lmaoooo what did you expect?? Ransom is an asshole in and out of the movie. But it gets smuttier so... Stay tuned 😈😈😈
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
“Aunt Marge Visits” || YEAR 3 – Ch.2 (HP au)
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Day posted: 7/14/2020
Word count: 3,063
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Heather let Hedwig and Errol out of their cages, not wanted them to hoot or screech while Aunt Marge was over, “Go to the Burrow for a week. You’ll have a much better week than we will.” Heather opened the window for them.
Harry was making sure all their stuff was in the floorboards, when he remembered the growling book under the dresser, “What do we do about that?”
Heather moved one of the boxes slightly to see if it’d come out and to her horror, it had chewed through into the very box she had pulled away, “It’s in here!”
Harry opened the box flaps and looked inside, “It’s asleep,” he whispered, “Hand me my belt.”
She handed it over and watched him make a loop and lean inside. There was a growl and a quick yelp from Harry followed by a sigh of relief. He took out the growling book, bound together by the belt, and placed it under the floorboard as well with the other one.
“COME DOWN NOW!” Aunt Petunia called from bellow.
“Why do we have to greet her? She hates us.”
“Because she loves making fun of us,” Heather held the door open for Harry and they both made their way downstairs.
Heather stood next to Dudley and snorted trying to hold in a laugh at his stupid necktie. Dudley turned to her and stomped on her foot suddenly.
“Quiet! She’s coming,” Aunt Petunia opened the door and smiled, “Welcome!”
There was a CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH of the gravel and then Aunt Marge was in full view as she walked through the open door, looking as if she smelled something foul and sour in the air. She gave a polite smile to Aunt Petunia and set her chunky dog down on the ground, opening her arms wide to hug Dudley.
“MY DUDDERS!” she scooped him up with both arms and squeezed very tight.
Dudley’s feet dangled and it was amazing watching Dudely’s self-restraint. Heather knew he wanted to yell and scream to be put down, but he had a mission, and the reward for it was dessert, no doubt. Aunt Marge finally set him down and turned to Heather and Harry, frowning like she’d found what smelled so awful.
“Marge, there’s some tea in the kitchen,” Aunt Petunia quickly led her away from them.
Uncle Vernon came through the door next, carrying all her cases. “Carry these to your room,” he pushed the luggage at them.
“Our room?” Heather looked at Harry urgently.
“Isn’t she staying – ”
Uncle Vernon closed the door and grinned, “It must have SLIPped my mind. There’s a tent set up for you two in the back.” He made his hand into a chubby walking man motion, “So walk these on up and do as you’re told for the week. Then it won’t SLIP my mind what our deal was.” He left them in hall and closed the door to the living room.
Heather kicked one of the cases, “We should have known.”
They split the workload and dragged everything upstairs and set it in the corner of the room. Luckily, they didn’t get their brooms out and the loose floorboard was right under the bed. Ripper – the favorite bulldog Aunt Mare took everywhere – hopped right onto the floor mattress and growled when she tried to kick him off.
“We get to keep our pillows. At least.” Harry grabbed them both and they headed back downstairs to set up the tent.
After the last rod was in place and all the spiders were kindly removed by Harry, they washed their hands and sat for dinner, across the table from Aunt Marge and Dudley. At first she pretended not to notice them, until Heather decided to go for seconds.
“I see that school of yours hasn’t taught you a thing,” she moved the bowl of cooked greens towards her. “Gluttons and freeloaders. The pair of you.”
It was hilarious, watching Aunt Marge yell at them about eating too much as she spooned a mountain of gravy into her mouth. All while Dudley laughed with his mouth open at them.
“Petunia, you should write to them – obviously their lessons aren’t sticking. Maybe it’s time for a more aggressive approach.”
The rest of the week went more or less like how it always went. Once a day she offered to beat them to “really show them who’s in charge,” or would comment on their appearance. Despite complaining about them eating every time they did so – which was only twice a day – she commented on how weak they looked and how it had to do with their genes.
Twice she had to stop Harry from talking back. She knew every time Aunt Marge bordered on bashing their parents, Harry was ready to giver her a piece of his mind. She often times looked at Aunt Petunia, to see how she reacted to almost being insulted since she was the one actually related to them. If she was bothered by it, she never showed it, nodding and agreeing with everything Aunt Marge said about them.
“In breeding they take those things very seriously,” she was saying to Uncle Vernon over dinner that night, “You can’t make any old mut a dam or a sire, or the whelp will turn out ill-tempered and bad-mannered.” She looked at them, “Which must have been the case. Just compare these two to my sweet Dudders over here – ”
Just then Aunt Marge’s whine glass exploded, covering her in red wine and staining her overly embroidered suit jacket and brown top. Everyone but Aunt Marge looked at Heather and Harry – though mostly Harry since he’s always the one to lose his cool first.
“I’m so sorry, Petunia. Sometimes I forget my own strength,” she laughed. “One of those two can get me something. I’m sure they’re capable of at least that.”
Heather and Harry walked into the kitchen together, gave her a couple of napkins, and excused themselves from the table. They walked out of the room and ran outside. Heather made sure the glass door was closed shut and dove into the tent after Harry.
He was curled up in the corner with his arms crossed, “I know. The forms. I’m sorry.”
“Harry…” she sat down close to him, “I hate when she says that stuff too… But you shouldn’t care what she thinks or says about… about them. Even if she calls them muts.”
“You only don’t like it ‘cause you hate hearing about them! You don’t even care what anyone says, good or bad.”
Heather clenched her jaw, knowing they were bordering on an uncomfortable subject for her. “I just… We have to live our life now. And that means going to Hogsmeade. The past is the past and nothing anyone says now or ever will change that.”
“It does change things!” he sat up and smacked his hand on his pillow, “You act like they left us on purpose – ”
“But they didn’t! They were taken from us! They didn’t leave you – ”
“Harry I SWEAR – ”
“But you have no problem leaving them!” Harry frowned and wiped tears from his eyes, letting silence fall on them for several minutes. “You’re the one whose leaving them.”
Heather punched his shoulder as hard as she could and ripped the tent flap open, “I’m sleeping outside tonight. Until you APPOLOGIZE.”
She stood up and stepped out, zipping the flap as fast as she could and walked over to the far left of the house, away from all the windows and from view of the tent. She fell onto the dirt and started sobbing, kicking the fence as hard as she could until a crack appeared in the perfectly white picket fence.
“I’m not leaving them,” she growled into the wind.
There was a rock to her left and she imagined angrily flinging the rock over the fence and hearing it smash to pieces onto the street and before her eyes she watched it follow her exact imagined trajectory. She heard it hit the street on the other side and skid a few feet before hitting something hard. Her anxiety about being caught doing magic ruined the moment, knowing two accounts of underage magic would be showing up for the evening. Two more than what was allowed.
It only took an hour for Harry to apologize for what he said. Heather nodded but kept quiet the rest of the night and some of the morning. It was during breakfast that Harry finally made amends by offering up his slice of bacon to her, which she cheerfully accepted, despite the disgusted looks Aunt Marge was giving her.
“You’ll be lucky to find any kind of husband willing to put up with you,” she shook her head, “And if you want a wife you’ll fix that mop of yours atop your head!”
The twins nodded, not really knowing how else to respond to that kind of attack on their future selves. The day felt like a copy of the last, having to sit around the room near Aunt Marge while she barked orders and spit out insults.
Heather excused herself to the bathroom for the fourth time that day and headed upstairs. She was walking past their bedroom door when she heard a familiar clicking. She looked over the railing quickly before opening their door to a large majestic owl pecking at the closed window with a light green scroll tied to its leg.
She crossed the room and pulled the window open to allow for the owl to enter. It stretched it’s leg out and the second the rolled up letter was pulled free, it swept away, as if unable to be in the vicinity for much longer.
“WHERE IS SHE? You know drugs can be done at any age? I’d check the tank if I were you…”
Heather rolled her eyes at Aunt Marge and stuffed the letter in her pocket. She left the room quickly, closing the door behind her quietly and made her way back into the room where Aunt Marge was now commenting on Harry’s “glassy” eyes.
She could hear Harry muttering under his breath, “Focus on the form,” over and over to keep his cool. The only thing getter HER through it all was the fact today was Aunt Marge’s last day here. They would get their room back, she could study some more, take a long shower… and she’d get to clean that gross mattress Ripper had been sleeping in all week.
Heather and Harry were drawn back to reality by the snapping Aunt Petunia was doing to get their attention.
“Maybe they were dropped on their heads,” Aunt Marge howled with laughter.
“Go set the table,” Aunt Petunia called from the kitchen.
While Dudley entertained Aunt Marge – who had been slipping him twenties every so often throughout the week – and Uncle Vernon uncorked several whine bottles, they set the table and got it ready for Aunt Petunia’s fancy dinner. They all sat down and Heather and Harry watched everyone dig into the meal before they served themselves.
Sometimes Heather wished Aunt Petunia had been nicer to them, she admired her cooking and thought it would have been nice to learn from her, though she knew the reality was they wouldn’t be able to stand each other for even a second. If Heather complimented her cooking right then, she would have been sent away for mocking her somehow. In the end, their relationship is best left well alone, along with the rest of the Dursleys.
“Fancy some more, Marge?” Uncle Vernon held up the last bottle of red wine.
“A tiny bit more won’t hurt,” she pushed the glass and kept motioning for him to keep pouring until there was no more coming out. “That’s alright, then.”
Would it be so bad if they disappeared during dessert? She kept eyeing the door with Harry but Uncle Vernon made it incredibly clear they were not to move an inch, quietly slamming his fist down while his sister downed the wine.
“That hits the spot,” Aunt Marge set down her wine glass and pet Ripper under the table and looked at Dudley on his third cream cake serving, “Dudder’s you’ll be a healthy beast-of-a-man when you grow up, just you wait,” she winked at him. “But you two,” she started.
Heather noticed Harry start to mumble again, something about the broom servicing kits.
Aunt Marge pointed her cream-covered spoon at Heather, “Gotta watch out for ones like her in their teenage years. My horrid neighbor – the one I was telling you about, Petunia – she had a bitch once – she kept seeing all sorts of strays in the neighborhood, wondered why – well I knew just why. It was only a shock to her when her bitch gave birth to a dozen mutts – and who knows what dog was to blame.”
Heather clenched her jaw and squeezed her fork tight. They were all lucky Harry and her were going to Hogwarts, or she would’ve had nothing to lose just then.
Marge spooned some more cake into her mouth and turned to Harry next, “And this runty-one – what kind of boy is shorter than his sister – It must be to do with THAT blood.”
She was starting to jumble her words, but Harry understood her perfectly.
“What blood,” Harry asked, setting down his fork.
Heather looked at him with wide eyes, wishing she could flick his nose or ears or anything to keep him from starting something everyone at the table would regret, but mostly him. Dudley had now looked up from his cake again, grinning and happy to hear about how awful his cousins were.
Marge squinted her eyes at Harry, “That sister of yours, Petunia, was clearly a bad egg, but the rotten egg was obviously that Potter boy she ran off with. You’ve got the results of bad blood mixed with rotten blood right here, and you can see it in him.”
Harry shook his head and pushed the small cream lumps around his plate. Heather’s heart was beating out of her chest and sighed with relief at his calm reaction. She kicked his foot under the table and nodded her head slightly when he glanced over, trying to convey her approval.
“What was it this rotten Potter boy did, again?”
Aunt Petunia hesitated for a second, “Nothing, he had no job – ”
“Of course he didn’t, why would he. That layabout was nothing but a filthy bum – a pimple by societal standards – and good riddance. I’d say be thankful there’s no chance for them to be coming around begging for money but now look what they left behind. That Potter boy was filth – ”
“No. He wasn’t!” Harry slammed his fist down.
“MORE WINE, MARGE?” Uncle Vernon quickly stood and ran to the wine cabinet.
Marge ignored her brother, “What else would you call a good-for-nothing moocher who goes and kills himself and his wife and leaves you two accidents on the doorstep of two hardworking people too good and decent to kick you off their property, hmm?”
“He didn’t get anyone killed!” Harry stood, knocking his chair back.
“Oh, going to get all tough on me, are you boy?” Marge sneered and stabbed her spoon into her cake, “You and your sister are both ungrateful little RUNTS – ”
Heather looked up from her hands – previously pressed against her face in horror – and stared at Marge the same as everyone. She had suddenly stopped speaking and the red from her face was spreading down her neck and onto her hands. Everywhere she turned red, it looked like she was swelling like a great big balloon until her buttons all popped off her clothes and her belt buckle broke in two, allowing what little waist she had before to disappear entirely.
Heather stood as Marge began to lift from the table, grasping at the corners and looking around utterly confused.
“NO! MARGE!” Uncle Vernon came running back to the table and tried to sit her down into her seat.
She looked like a hot air balloon now, rising up out of her seat despite Uncle Vernon’s attempts at keeping her down – Aunt Petunia only looked on in horror with Dudley cowering behind her, looking at Harry and Heather.
Harry grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from the table and out into the hall. She made to run upstairs for the lock pick kit but just as Harry reached for the knob, the door burst open and all their things fell out.
The living room door was rattling as if someone was trying to get out – likely Uncle Vernon ready to yell at them – but despite there being no locks, it would not open. She couldn’t help but stare at Harry as he stuffed all his things in his trunk and then Heather’s. Did he know what he was doing? Did he mean to do it? She hadn’t seen anyone else use all that magic without a wand at school… and she hated to think it… but was he really the powerful wizard everyone claimed he was?
“Are you going to help?” Harry hissed at her.
“Wh-what are you doing? Why are you packing? We should get a hold of Mr. Weasley and ask how to reverse whatever spell you used – ”
“We’re LEAVING, Heather. Why would we stay here?”
She blinked and turned back to the door being pounded on heavily. Even the kitchen door was jammed shut with something.
“Leave where? Where would we go? We have no one!”
She pulled him up but he pushed passed her and ran up the stairs. She stood frozen in place as Harry collected their things from under the floorboard and came back, pouring their belongings into their trunks. He shoved her broom into her hands and dragged his trunk to the door, flinging it open – this time manually – and exited the house.
Just then the kitchen door flew open and Heather jumped, grabbing her case and following Harry out the door as Uncle Vernon yelled for them to come back and fix Marge. She ran to catch up to Harry, who now had his wand out and ready.
“Why do you have that out!”
“In case they try to stop us leaving. We aren’t ever coming back.”
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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mynameisjaxx · 4 years
Daichi x Y/N
(Stuff happens, so read if you want to.)
I'm currently a first year at Karasuno and it's almost time for spring break. Since starting at the high school, I had special circumstances at the beginning of the year. Mostly because my parents had just died and I had no other living relatives or god parents to take care of me. Due to the fact that I was 15, I was given the choice to stay at a half way home or to go out on my own. Knowing full well, I would never get adopted for being a teenager, I decided to opt out and remain living on my own. For the most part, it was okay, I would crash at a few friends houses every so often to wash my uniform in a place that had actual laundry detergent. It wasn't long until the manager at the store I worked at started letting me have the left overs that didn't sell.
I guess, he got the hint that I was shedding pounds like no tomorrow. So one night, he flipped the sign to close and asked me to step into the back room.
"Hey, kid, how's it going?" He started.
"I'm okay." I shrugged.
"Don't lie to me, now." He  lit up a cigarette.
"Well, if you gotta know, I'm currently living with the snacks I you let me have and couch surfing." I narrowed my gaze.
"What happened with your folks?" I look up and through the wisps of smoke, he was looking into my eyes and waiting for an answer.
"They're dead."
Silence. It last a few minutes and then he took a pull.
"Sorry, kid."
"Yeah, it's not something I'm ready to talk about." I wipe the single tear that fell from my right eye.
"Alright, I have an idea, but only if you feel absolutely 100% comfortable with the idea."
"I have a spare room, if you want you can stay there, instead of couch surfing or staying out in the streets." He takes another pull.
"I don't know, I don't feel right about just staying there. Is there someway for me to repay you?" I look up to him determined.
"Well, you can take on some extra chores around the house and we can call it even." He shrug.
"Alright then Mr. Ukai, thank you so much!" I bow.
"Don't worry about it kid, I just don't want you to end up hurt somewhere. You've been really good working for me the whole summer, and I see you like a little sister." He puts a hand on my shoulder with a light squeeze.
"I promise that I will do my best to not be a burden." I declare.
After our chat, I spend my time minding the store until closing time. I double check the floor and restock what's low and keep the journal of the day's sales. I make sure to keep everything organized before putting together a list of the things we need to order for the next week. Keishin came out with the broom and the mop, he swept and I mopped the floor behind him. We were done rather fast and put away the cleaning supplies. Stepping through the back of the store we take out the trash to the dumpster and then walk a little to the house behind the store.
"Well, this is home." He says.
"It's very nice."
"Thanks." He closes the door behind us, we remove our shoes and I walk in barefoot, taking my socks off and feeling the cold floors.
"Hey put these on, they should fit." He hands me a pair of gray slippers that seem my size.
"Thanks." I slip them on and he shows me around the house.
"So, living room is here, to the left is my room, the right is yours. The kitchen is down the hall and the bathroom is also down the hall. The is a small backyard if you ever want to sit outside and take a break." He rubs the back of his neck.
"Wow." Amazed at how neat and warm the house felt.
"Yeah, I haven't the heart to change a few things because its the way my mom left it. I just do upkeep." he shrugs.
"Well, I will be sure not to move things too out of place on cleaning day." I make a mental note.
"I appreciate that. For tonight, I'll make dinner. What do you want to eat?" He peers into the fridge.
"How about I make dinner and you tell me what my chores are while I work?" I counter offer.
"Oh, Okay." He steps aside.
I pull out the left over rice he has in a tupper ware, the shaved steak left overs, 3 eggs and a mixed veggie tray. Julienning and then sauteing them for a little color, I add the shaved steak to mix in with the juices from the veggies, adding a pinch of onion powder and a few dashes of soy sauce, I stir until the white rice has an even browning.
"So, we would be alternating cleaning duty, you'll get bathroom and kitchen and I'll do living room and front of the house. Following week, we switch. Cooking is up to you. I'm limited in what I know how to make, but it seems like you can definitely throw down in the kitchen." He motions to me.
"Well, I had to learn while my parents were at work, I made myself dinners." I smile.
"That's very smart." He compliments.
Adding the rice into the meat and veggies and adding a splash of water to make the rice a little fluffy again, I cover it. Cracking the eggs into a bowl and scrambling them before hand.
"So, you learned all this from being home alone?" He grabs plates out of the cupboard.
"Yep, we would have left overs and I'd take them to make them into a meal for myself. I hope you like it." with a half smile as I add the eggs to the same skillet. While the eggs cook into the fried rice, I clean all the utensils I used to cook, leaving just the wooden spoon I was using to help mix everything. Almost like a 6th sense, I could feel that it was ready, so I turn off the heat and proceed to spoon out a few into each bowl.
"It smells delicious!" He takes a whiff before carefully putting the steaming hot food into his mouth and hums something that sounded like 'yum'.
"Glad you like it." I laugh a bit.
That was my first night, it was very nice. It really did feel like having an older brother, despite knowing that I was practically alone in every sense of the word. He really made me feel welcomed. We worked out a deal for when I would get to school.
So while I did some early morning shifts to help prep all the sandwiches and meat buns to be sold for the day, he would take care of the store and then I would do homework while I worked the counter and he would take his break and go over to the house and prep dinner for us later.
It's been about 2 months with the same routine and there was this man, Takeda. He comes in once a day to ask where Keishin was and if he could spare a moment, everytime, he was turned away until yesterday. Kei actually agreed to whatever that Takeda man asked him to do.
"I'll be at the school gym tomorrow, so I want you to go there straight after practice. I'm not letting you out of my sight, kid." He sighs as he goes towards the back room.
"Oh, okay, but who will mind the store?"
"I'll get my nephew to watch the store." He pulls out his phone and dials a number.
"Alright, well, I'm off to school, sandwiches are ready to be stocked, coffee is in the machine brewing for the day, and the meat buns are in the steam tray." I put on my shoes.
"Alright, hon, have a good day at school and don't forget to meet me at the gym." He shouts after me as I jog out to school.
The school day was boring and quite frankly, I was just hoping to see what was going to happen after school, but I still managed to take down good notes in class. I wonder why Takeda wanted Keishin. Guess, I'll find out later.
The day ends and I bolt out of class and head to the gym, right outside is Takeda and Keishin, talking a bit.
"Hi, y/n." Takeda bows.
"Hello, Takeda Sensei."
"Lets see what we are working with." Keishin grumbles and puts out his cigarette.
Inside were boys, shouting and running around. They were playing a 3 4 on 4 game of volleyball. There were 3 boys I recognized as my senpais since one of them gave me a tour around the school my first day and introduced me to the other 2. Sugawara was very nice and detailed with directions, Asahi was super shy and told me I was scary until we spoke a bit more and then there's Daichi. He was just, woah.
Suddenly I'm down on the ground, my chest hurt a little. I wasn't sure what just happened. I definitely got the wind knocked out of me, somehow.
"Woah n/n! Are you okay??" Keishin bends down to check on me.
"Y/N!" Daichi runs over and slides right beside me.
"We are so sorry." I hear the boys shout in unison.
I cough a bit trying to breathe. Daichi helps me sit up.
"Hey, Kiyoko, toss me my water bottle!" Daichi looks at the blue haired girl.
She nods and tosses the water bottle at him and he catches it with ease.
"Here drink some. It'll help" I nod and do as he says.
A sip and I try to breath but it sounds like a heavy wheeze. He takes my loose hairs and tucks them behind my ear.
"It's alright, take your time." He stands.
"Alright, Ennoshita, sub for me. I'm going to look after her during this set."  He takes my hands into his and helps me to the bench. He sits straddling the bench and pats the space in front of him.
"Sit with your back to me." He orders.
I do and his chest is warm. I hum.
"Alright, I'm going to rub your upper arms and I want you to take deep breaths with me." He whispers into my ear.
I could feel my face turn red and my chest tighten, but I nod.
After a few breaths, I feel much better. At some point I had closed my eyes and he had stopped moving his hands on my arms and just held me.
"Hey, earth to y/n. You okay now?" He whispers, bringing me back.
"Yes, thank you, senpai." I reply.
"Please, call me Daichi." He insists.
"Well, now that you are a bit better, please go to the bathroom and check if you're bruised, if you want take Kiyoko with you. She'll be able to help with ice or if you would prefer a salve." He motions to her and she comes over.
"Okay" meek and quiet, I leave with Kiyoko to the bathroom and she comes in with me.
Unbuttoning my school uniform, I see the yellow and blue starting to form.
"What would you like for me to do? Salve and bandage or just an ice pack?" She offers, cleaning her glasses on her volleyball jacket.
"Whichever would make the bruise slow down faster." I shrug.
"I'll get the salve and bandage, wait here." She hurries out.
She returns and quietly buzzes about, tending to the bruise.
"Thank you, senpai." I mumble.
"Of course, let me know if you have any discomfort." she guides me back to the gym and I sit quietly on the bench and watch the rest of the 'set'. In between sets, Daichi comes back over to me and asks me once more if I was okay and I nod, choosing to keep talking to a minimum since my chest was still in some pain.
"So, you have yourself a coach, Takeda." I over hear Keishin shaking hands with Takeda Sensei.
"Thank you. The practice game with Nekoma are in a few weeks. Here's the details and I will need you to come by the office tomorrow so we can formally fill out your paperwork as new head coach of Karasuno's boy's volleyball" He's super excited.
"Alright boys, line up." Daichi commands.
"Thank you for coming." They say in unison.
"Boys, let me introduce you to your new coach. Coach Ukai. he's the former Coach's grandson, he also happened to play for Karasuno when he studied here." Takeda lets Keishin take center stage.
"Alright, so the rematch against Nekoma won't be for another few weeks, and I have 'til then to whip you into shape to even be close to a tied game with them. I have faith in what I witnessed today that we will beat them. Maybe not in our first game but definitely in our second." Keishin riles them up.
"Come on, clean up and then you are free to go home." Daichi claps.
The boys grumble. Just like that time passed in a flash, somehow in that time I became the co manager of the team with Kiyoko and we've become really good friends. Though I know I won't see her around much after this year, with her being a third year and all
The practice game came and the boys played their hardest, in the end, they lost making it really close to a tied game. They were absolutely devastated but definitely not discouraged. After the game, Keishin treated them to dinner. As a way to show them that even in their losses they will learn and adapt, but for now eat and work on your strength. Some of them cried and others remained stoic.
It was weeks later that Takeda slipped by the door and announced that Nekoma had invited us to join in on their training camp. Takeda and Keishin shared a glance, one I knew all too well. 'The I'm not sure we can afford it' look. An idea popped into my head, so I decided to go up to Kei and whisper it.
"Doesn't sound bad, I bet if you got the guys to help then it would definitely go a lot faster. I mean you've got the skills." He nods.
"Takeda, I'm not sure if you know, but y/n is a wiz in the kitchen, can they borrow the cafeteria on Thursday night? Y/N wants to have a bake sale for the team. Of course if the boys help out then I know they'll be in good hands." He pleads.
"What a splendid idea, I'll run it by the principal tomorrow morning and have an answer by practice. Just give me a list of what you wanted to bake and what the cost to profit is, I'm sure it will work out just fine." He looks at a determined y/n who's already scribbling away in their notebook the recipes and how much the items would cost, specially through the store as a vendor they knew they could get a bit of a discount.
On a new sheet of paper, they write down the cost to profit and hand over the menu to Takeda, who looks in awe of the menu.
"Are you sure you can make all this?" He asks.
"With help, of course. I just need to know if I have permission before I go asking the team for help." I nod confidently.
"alright then, I will pass this along." He puts it into his folder of to-do.
The following day at lunch I got the approval of cafeteria use for the thursday night which was in 3 days. Yachi who was the other new co manager created posters to put up around the school and town. The school wrote a check for the cost and I gave it to Keishin when we ordered the ingredients. The entire team agreed to help, even salty Tsukishima. It was a nice night, we took off of practice and spent the evening working hard. The boys followed my every order, I was running a tight ship that night.
By nightfall, we were all packing up the small bundt cakes in the wax paper and twine. The muffins were placed into boxes to contain them for the night and the sweeter things we baked, we left for the afternoon. The entire day Kiyoko and I were manning the cash box, and thanking students for buying and donating the change.
At the end of the day we had made back what we spent on ingredients and more than tripled our profit. We gave back the initial investment that the school spent and we took the rest to the bank. Got the coins changed into larger bills. Gave the money to Takeda who in turn, put it towards the bus to take us to the training camp and food for those two weeks. Even after that we had a little left over, which we had decided we would save for any club emergencies.
"We did it!!!" We announced.
"We're raised enough money to go to the training camp!" Yachi jumps up high like Hinata.
"Yay!" He jumps even higher.
"Rest up, we leave next Friday after school and get there by evening. We are going to be there for 2 weeks." Keishin reminds them.
Time flies and it was just a a few hours by bus to get there. It was finally here, training camp weeks with Nekoma and Fukurodani. Being the last to arrive, the Nekoma team are the ones to greet us.
Everyone is polite enough, though the tension between the captains is so awkward. It makes me want to be a turtle and hide inside my shell. Being here was incredible. The days were spent between exercise and practice games. There were many losses for the boys, but with each game they learned more about their opponents, which in turn they adapted their strategies.
The night before the last day Daichi approached me with a concerned look.
"What's wrong sen-Daichi." I tilt my head.
"Well, tomorrow there's the barbecue and I think we have enough, but I'm not sure. If there's a shortage would you mind going to the store with Kiyoko and two of the boys to help you bring things back?" He places a hand on my shoulder.
"Of course, what kind of a manager would I be if I didn't take care of my team." I laugh it off.
"Thank you for taking such good care of us, if it weren't for your idea, we probably wouldn't have been able to participate." He squeezes.
"It's no big deal, besides, Yachi's posters were also a tremendous help with donations and you guys helped me back and pack all those tiny pastries. It's my pleasure, honestly." I raise my hands in front of me.
"Thank you." He smiles and walks away.
Practice felt like it flew by and the coaches had already started the grills to heat them up. The captains of each team was manning the grills and making sure that everything was cooked to perfection. Daichi gave me the look so I took Kiyoko's wrist and she understood. Looking around the only two boys that seemed the least busy were Tanaka and Nishinoya.
It was a short walk to the store, but while we were there, we had a slight hiccup. Some guys from Fukurodani's regular students were there. They had chosen to hit on Kiyoko and she looked uncomfortable. I tried to distract them from her, but failed. It didn't help that Noya and Tanaka got involved, until I stepped in between and diffused the situation a bit.
"Listen guys, I know she is really beautiful, but she can't go out with you, because she is with me." I step in.
"Yeah, sorry boys. Can't split up the happy couple." Tanaka makes his iconic intimidation face and Noya has a demonic look in his eyes.
"Now, if we can all go about our respective days, that would be amazing." I insist and drag the boys away with Kiyoko and the food cart in tow.
We paid and we left, thinking it would be the last of it. We got back in time with the meat and more soda. The boys celebrated our return and immediately took the items out of our hands and began prep work while the last of the meat had just been put on the grill, but the time it was cooked, the meat we had brought was being put on. The rest of the afternoon goes on with lots of laughter and a light atmosphere.
It was evening by the time the teams had began slowly breaking off to go shower and hit the sack. The captains and a few members stayed behind to help with clean up. Between us we finished up in an hour and placed the trash into the dumpster. The sun had already set and the navy blue sky, like a blanket being pulled over the day to rest.
I wasn't tired so I didn't go back yet, instead I decided to walk around a bit, take in the last views of the school before morning, since we'd be leaving around 7 am to get back by noon and send the team home to rest and study for the exams the rest of the week had instore for us. Thinking over the checklist of things that I could do to kill time, I thought it would be a great idea to go to the store for a last minute run, pick up some cereal bars, or jell-o cups, some kind of snack that didn't need much prep incase the team got peckish on the ride home. Mostly because we weren't going to make breakfast, just pack up, clean and leave.
Apparently the boys from earlier just didn't know when to stop. They just had to follow me at a distance, but I didn't even realize it. It wasn't until I had gotten closer to the gym that they started vandalizing school property. I saw them, with their trash and the faint smell of alcohol hit my nose. I took out my phone and dialed Keishin but he didn't pick up, so I called Daichi.
"Hey y/n, what's up?"
One of the guys had ran towards me and I dropped what I had in hand and my cell phone, luckily it didn't cut off the call.
"Hey, back off, you can't be here."
"Like hell, we can do what we damn well please," one of them slurred.
"Come on cutie, drop the bluenette and come have fun with us instead."
That was all he needed to hear to grab the team and race outside to where I was. Surrounded and trying to find a way out. Nothing seemed viable so I did what I thought and tried to duck under their arms and run, but they caught me by my jacket. I unzipped it and left it in their grasp. I ran until I bumped into something that was soft but sturdy.
"Where are they?" A stern voice.
"Back that way" I answered with my eyes closed still waiting to hit the floor.
"Noya, Tanaka, and Suga, go in first. Rest of you, stagger in." He orders.
"Hey, they didn't touch you right?" He lifted my chin up and I opened my eyes.
"No, but it was really scary." Tears pinching the back of my eyes, just thinking about what could have happened had I not worn the volleyball jacket.
"Shhh, it's okay now. You're safe." He tried to comfort me.
"I tried calling coach but he didn't answer."
"It's okay, we told Kiyoko to stay behind and look for all 3 coaches." He pet my hair.
We stayed like that for a moment until he pulled away first.
"I don't want you walking back alone so come with me and stay behind me. I'll make sure they don't lay a hand on you." He promises.
"Okay" I hesitate.
So of course it caused a commotion and a brawl broke out. Someone called the cops and Noya, Tanaka and I were taken in because of the fight. Daichi had driven to the station with Keishin and Coach Nekomata. While there, the boys were placed in the holding cell while Noya and Tanaka and I were sitting, cuffed on a bench.
"I'm taking the fall, you guys just say it was me that did all the fighting and that they tried to attack you so it's self defense. Okay? I started the fight. You guys can't get into trouble, they'll kick you out of school or something. I'll be fine. So don't fight me. I am your manager and I will hear no protest." I turn to either side of me and they nod in defeat.
After questioning about what had happened I made up a story. About how I was walking back to campus and they were just drunk and spewing nonsense. I tried to get them to leave until one of them grabbed my wrist and I pushed him off as defense, which escalated when his buddies joined in and I fought back, having called my coach to alert him of what's happening. Noya and Tanaka said similar things so the detective gave us all breathalyzer tests to fact check.
We we let go after a few hours.
"Kids!" Keishin is waiting in the lobby to pick us up.
"We're okay coach, a little shaken and roughed up, but we'll be fine." Noya answers.
"Let's go back to campus and you can retell what happened." He looks me up and down to make sure I was okay.
Once back, we went to an empty class on a different floor than the one where everyone was sleeping. I retold what actually happened and the lie we told the cops.
"But, they didn't touch you, right?" Kei knelt in front of my seat.
"No, Kei, I'm fine. Scared, but fine." I assure him.
"God, kid, I don't want to think about what could have happened." He engulfs me in a hug.
"I know" muffled into his chest.
Headed to the floor where the rest of the team was, they couldn't sleep. Too anxious about what happened. They try not to crowd me and I bow.
"I'm sorry for worrying you." A few tears slide down my cheek without meaning to.
A chorus of 'don't' could be heard and I couldn't help but feel relief. They ended up giving me a group hug and then they let go after a little. I smile and wipe the tears.
One of the boys managed to grab the things I had dropped and brought them inside. The bag from the store was pretty intact, but my phone sadly was not. It was cracked and had a few scrapes on the exposed metal.
I take my phone and put it in the bag with the things I got. Leaving to the managers room, the tears flow freely. It was scary. I was alone until the guys came to my rescue. I was too scared to lash out. I couldn't move. God I was so stupid.
"Hey, hey, you're safe now, honey." I heard a soothing voice.
"I know, but I could've screamed, done something."
"No, no, none of that. You called us, you did do something and escaped them before we got to you." He cups my face.
I sob a little, but he leans close and looks into my eyes. Its like I was over come with warmth. Like a security blanket wrapped around me. Taking even breaths he thumbs away my tears and gives me a small smile. I flush and my cheeks start getting warm, feeling the blush spread, I look away but he follows my gaze. So I place my hand on his wrist.
Suddenly our lips are just whispers away from touching.
"Are you sure, because I don't want you to feel pressured." our noses grazing each other.
"Kiss me"
It was the sweetest kiss. So soft and gentle, he was treating me like a fragile, porcelain doll.
"How about when you feel up to it, I take you out on a date. I'll make it special."
"I would like that." I blush having forgotten all those scary thoughts.
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clydelogan99 · 4 years
Clyde Logan x Reader
No warnings it’s just first meeting an some fluff. If theres more interest shown I may make a part two <3
Monday ------------
It was a slow day at Duck Tape. You were working there for about a week and figured out fast there weren't many visitors to the place, not until the weekend anyway. Earl was always here, Jimmy stopped by here and there but it was only to talk to Clyde for the night, and you? You were the places second out of two waitresses in the whole building and you only worked part time. The other lady that was there with you worked the day light part of the day since you'd been taken on. You were washing tables, taking notice of the time. Clyde had said he'd be back soon but he'd left with Jimmy about an hour past. It was an hour til closing time and it was strange for him to be gone longer than half an hour if he was out getting product or out seeing what Jimmy wanted now. Last time, Earl had recounted, Jimmy got Clyde planted in jail for 90 days, place had to be closed the whole time he was gone. Man you hoped that wasn't the case this time.
Almost on cue the quiet tower of a man walked through the door, he didn't seem happy but he really never made any other change in expression either unless he had to kick out someone who had a few too many.
"Earl, I'm closing early." He said in his slow and careful way he always spoke, specially when he had other things to do for the night. He made sure the guests were gone before he started to clean, Earl long gone. It was just you and him so you decided you'd come ask him why they needed to close early.
"Mister Logan, is there a special reason the place needs to lock up so early today?" you asked, just curious but you noticed he stayed still for a moment before he turned to face you.
"No, nothing too special." He said as he took his gaze away from your face almost as soon as it was placed there, turning instead to wipe down the bar counter top, putting the wiped down glasses back overhead and the martini shaker into the little cubby area it went near the floor.
"That doesn't quite answer my question Mister Logan." You said, concern lacing your words, wondering if something bad had happened while he was out. You'd come to have a little crush on him, the way he walked and talked made you blush ever since you started here and it was only natural you were concerned for his well-being.
"Well... I guess you're right. If ya must know, Jimmy brought his daughter over to see me and I don't want her in the bar." He said slowly, his drawl lacing his words beautifully as he spoke, almost with a purpose but he always spoke like that. Well from what you knew anyway he did. See, you weren't from around this neck of the woods. You were from a little town near Cincinnati Ohio, not many people you knew spoke like him and the southern accents were a little tricky to get used to the month you'd been here. But he seemed to always take his time to talk to you especially, not in any rude meaning way but to make sure you could understand him. He didn't like repeating himself much.
"Oh! Your niece? Well, I hope you have a good night visiting! Lets get this place cleaned up a little faster, don't want to keep them waiting do you?" You asked with a soft smile, taking a rag from the sanitizer bucket you walked and wiped down all the tables, booths and chairs while he washed down the bar. You even took it upon yourself to clean the bathrooms, sweep and make the place look neat. It didn't take you very long at all and when you turned to ask him if there was anything else you could do you caught him darting his gaze away. Had he been looking at you the whole time? No couldn't be, maybe he was just thinking of something to say or got lost in his mind for a moment. You walked back to the bar, everything was clean, he'd even swept as good as he could. "Should we mop too or is this good enough? I don't think anyone got sick on the floor tonight. That's new."
"No, we don't have to mop nothin' today. You're free to go for the night, see ya tomorrow." He said as he went to leave, holding the door open for you as he locked up. You said your goodbyes again as got in your car, that was the most you'd talked to him in about the whole week or more you'd worked there and you felt a little flutter in your chest, a tinge in your cheeks and your breath coming slow and easy as you watched him drive off. You were happy with yourself, smiling softly to your steering wheel as you started your car, leaving for home.
Tuesday ------------
You drove into the lot for your shift, the sun looked ready to set as you stepped out of your 2014 Dodge charger. You locked it and went in, you did your hair all nice, put on a little extra makeup other than just eyebrows and mascara for once. You had dolled yourself up, for what? To try to get Clyde's attention? You felt silly, but when he looked up at the door when you walked in, the bell chiming to alert him, you saw something in his eye you couldn't quite place. It wasn't bad that was for sure.
"Good evening Mister Logan." You said as you clocked in, he looked at you from a side glance as he cleared his throat to greet you as well. He seemed a little nervous. A bit more stiff than you noticed he'd been the past week. He excused himself to help a customer while you got ready for your shift, putting your little half apron on and getting out your pad of paper and your pen, straws and some silverware wrapped in napkins in your makeshift utility belt. You sat a regular, got their order ready and took their ticket to the kitchen to have their food made before your went to the bar to have a little word with your boss. He seemed off.
"Mister Logan, how are you tonight?" You asked as you leaned over the counter, you had the top two buttons of your work shirt undone, leaning on your elbows as your long hair laid over your shoulder in the pretty ponytail you had it up in.
"I'm well. You?" He asked as he poured a shot of tequila for a patron, setting the bottle back down as he looked at the counter, avoiding your eyes and any part of you he could. It was almost adorable how shy he had gotten at the change in looks, you wondered if he was like this with all women that looked all prettied up but you and yet to really see him get this way over a lady. And a good bit came in on weekends and he wasn't one to falter at the sight of a pretty lady quite this bad.
"I'm doing well. So, Mister Logan-" You were cut off by him as soon as it left your mouth.
"You can call me Clyde. Sorry... Continue..." He said as he looked down once again, idly wiping down the counter top.
"Clyde. Do you have any after work plans?" You asked softly as you watched his hand stop abruptly, stilling before he looked at you, almost trying to make sure he heard you correctly before he cleared his throat and pursed his lips a little in a slight pout like he was thinking really hard about how to respond.
"No, why do ya ask y/n?" He asked, those sweet eyes looking to your face for a moment, they seemed filled with a sad hope, like he's been asked this as a joke so many times it was going to break him to continue the line of question.
"Well, I wanted to see if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight? We can go to my apartment or your place. whatever is better. That is is you take my offer Mist- Clyde." you said softly, now you were getting nervous, but the softening of his eyes when it seemed to dawn on him you weren't playing games with him gave you some hope as he straightened up, face coming to light with a soft tingle of pink at the apples of his cheeks.
"No one's ever invited me over before... Um, Yes... I'd like that. Your place if that's ok Miss." He replied, a little bit of confidence in his deep voice, the light in his eyes growing a little more as a soft smile crept onto his face. It made your feel good that you could put that to work, those feelings in him. You hadn't seen him smile at all since you started and you almost believed he couldn't until he proved you wrong.
"Well, consider it a date then, I'll make us something quick and we can watch something you like for a bit." You smiled as you went back to work, butterflies in your stomach as you worked with a new sense of purpose, waiting for closing time. When it finally came you almost jumped in excitement, helping him clean up. He opened the door for you again, letting you out first, locking behind you.
Tuesday evening ---------------------------
He followed you home to your little rental property about twenty minutes away, pulling into the drive behind you as you collected your bag. You hadn't noticed when he'd come over to the car but when your door opened and he nodded a little you smiled and got out. Thanking him as he shut the door you locked your car, getting the key to let him into the house. He slipped past you, standing in the entryway as he waited for you.
"Please, have a seat if you'd like, beer is in the fridge. I'll get something whipped up for dinner." You smiled, watching him slowly shuffle toward you, silently opting to come help as best he can while you walked to the kitchen to get started. Making dinner with him was fun, he helped make the sauce while you made the noodles for some spaghetti and garlic bread, he even set the table for you when you told him where the plates and silverware were. The napkins were on the table. He'd talked a bit while you cooked, talked about his brother and the bar mostly. But he got the most excited when he saw your bookshelf, walking over to it to see what all you had as he remarked he'd read a good bit of what you collected. You decided to put on some Patsy Cline, you'd heard it enough on his jukebox at work to know she was a favorite of his and as soon as one of her songs started he turned. He had a book in his hand and he was looking at the little CD radio you had on your counter top, and he was smiling ever so slightly as his eyes seemed to beam with light.
"You like her? So do I, she has a nice singing voice. What book do you have there?" You asked as you drained the pasta, leaving a little water in as you combined it with the sauce and set it on the stove again to mix it.
"Yeah... I play her at the bar a lot, and its the 'Odessey' but modernized. I haven't read the modernized version yet, is it ok if i borrow it?" He asked softly, sitting down as you sat the pot of spaghetti down and the bread in a little basket. You humme din response, nodding a soft yes at his question as you put food on his plate, giving him a good hardy serving due to how big he was. He needed to eat more because of his height and as you could tell he worked out a little so you didn't mind giving him more. You plated your food at got a glass of sweet tea, a timid little voice asking if he could have some too came from behind you and you poured him a glass as well, half expecting him to ask for beer but happy he chose the tea. you made it that morning.
He gave a soft thank you and the night went on smoothly, you ate and talked and laughed, gushed over your favorite books and music. Hell you even got him to smile a lot more than he did in the bar, laughing too toward the end of the night. When it was time for him to go home he stood with you on the porch.
"Thank you for dinner y/n." He said as he shyly looked to his shoes then back up at you, giving a little smile when he saw yours. He seemed to jump a little when you took his hand, playing with his lucky horseshoe ring as you looked at it and sighed, bringing your gaze to meet his.
"Your welcome Clyde. It was nice having you over for dinner, if you'd like.... You can come by for dinner again tomorrow?" You asked, hopeful as your cheeks painted themselves red.
"I'd love to." He said certainly, giving your hand a soft squeeze as you moved to put a hand on his chest. You got him to lean down to kiss his cheek, he was still again before he put his bear paw of a hand on your waist and moved for a real kiss. You stayed like that for a while, kissing under the porch light before he moved off of you, face red and a smile plastered on his face.
"I'll see you tomorrow Clyde, I'll be early." You smiled as he nodded and walked down the steps to his car, turning to you one last time, almost to make sure this had actually happened, like he didn't believe someone as beautiful as you liked him like this.
"Goodnight Darlin'."  It was soft, but it made your face red, blowing him a kiss as he got into his car and drove home. You knew it then, you were in love with Clyde Logan
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Your Dark Secret
Sam Winchester x Reader / Patron Benefit Fanfic!
Author’s Notes: This fic took an interesting turn when I made it a Sam fic. It seems like it has a little of everything, fluff, comfort, a lil angst... This is for @abbessolute
Summary/Request:     Anything for insomnia? I didn't fall asleep this morning til 8 am because my mind was telling me to be afraid of the dark
Word Count: 1800ish
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The new semester at Stanford brought with it a chill to the air and the crisp smell of autumn and falling leaves. Sam Winchester comes to class in a sweater and scarf, looking like something out of a hallmark movie or an episode of Gilmore Girls. His thick brown hair sits on his head like a mop, swept to the side by the wind and a nervous tick. You love it when he tucks his hair behind his ear. It’s not long enough for that, yet.
Sam has taken to a routine of meeting you outside of your last class of the day on Fridays. He walks with you to your car--a long walk...you know how bad parking at college is.
“So get this,” he says, “My roommate is gonna be gone for the weekend and, um, I thought maybe if you want, we could study at my place tonight?” Study, on a Friday night? Surely this was Sam’s attempt at asking you out. Finally. “And maybe after, we could watch some movies.”
“Sure! I’ll bring the beer,” you respond.
“Great! I’ll make you dinner,” he said with that sweet smile. There was a hint of promise hanging in the air, suspending the falling leaves for only a moment.
It was going to be the first time you stayed the night at Sam’s apartment. You didn’t know that yet. If you did, you might not have gone.
You’d spent many nights together, watching movies, studying and staying up until the crack of dawn, but tonight was the night that Sam had insisted on making you dinner. It wasn’t a total deviation from your routine with your *sigh* friend. It’s just that instead of ordering Chinese or picking up burgers, this time Sam did as promised, cooking dinner in that rinky dink kitchen of his. You didn’t have the heart to tell him how particular you were with your food, but somehow he made something with all the right ingredients and you’d actually enjoyed the meal.
There was no studying to be done on a Friday night. Sam kept up that ruse for maybe five minutes. After dinner, you watched a movie: a rom-com that he had finally relented to watch. What’s crazy is that he’d seemed more interested in it than you! You nearly dozed off once or twice.
“Is there a sequel?” he asked when it was over, getting up to get more popcorn and grab two more beers.
“Yeah, it’s called My Big Fat Greek Wedding...2.”
He found it online and hit play.
Apparently it was a double-feature night.
The romance of the film was endearing, no doubt, but it seemed like the part Sam enjoyed the most was the depiction of the crazy family. How involved they were, how much they cared for each other, and how much of their life revolves around the family. He couldn’t exactly relate the characters to his own family, from what little he’d mentioned of them. Though he did say they played the ‘We’re family, family is the most important thing’ card hard and often. You’d only heard him mention his brother Dean, that his mom had passed when he was a baby, and that his relationship with his dad had been tense when he went to college. It was a brief family history and maybe you wondered if there was more to it, but then sometimes it seemed like that was all there was. You didn’t press him on that. You were friends but you didn’t want to ask too many questions.
Everyone was entitled to their secrets.
“My family isn’t exactly like this...but it has its own brand of crazy.”
“Don’t we all,” Sam chuckled. He let you steal the bowl of popcorn, plopping it in your lap and readjusting the blanket you were sharing. Then, oh-so-casually...he stretched out until one of his arms rested on the back of the couch, around your shoulders.
You looked at him out of the corner of your eye. Sending a cheeky smile in his direction, Sam pretended not to notice your attention on him, but the corner of that perfect mouth was tilted up just slightly.
“Sam...middle name...Winchester,” you said teasingly in a whisper. He snorted at your omission of the name you didn’t know. “Are...are you making a move? On me?” He turned to look down at you; even sitting down he was a head taller than you, the perfect height for you to snuggle into his side. His hand on your shoulder pulled you in for exactly that.
“And if I was?” he asked in a hushed tone. His hazel eyes seemed to turn dark in an instant, the sudden change sent a thrill through your entire being.
“I’d say it was about time,” you smiled as you leaned in and pressed your lips to his. He responded instantly, pulling you into his lap so that he could wrap his arms around you and deepen the kiss.
The movie was forgotten, cast aside for your own little moment of romance.
You didn’t go any farther than kissing and maybe a little groping. A few words between kisses established that your friendship was too important to risk right away.
“I could kiss you all night,” Sam hummed and you indicate your agreement by holding onto his shirt. You’d been lusting after the man ever since he’d walking into your sociology class. The man took notes and contributed to the lectures like a pro. He was almost as smart as you. Almost.
Sam tried to lay back on the couch but his body is far too long for it to be comfortable.
“Wanna go to my bedroom? I won’t go any further if you don’t want to,” he reassures you, slightly breathless between kisses.
“O-okay,” you say with nervous energy, the good kind.
Once on his bed--which still didn’t seem big enough for his frame--he made no other moves to do more than touch your body and explore your mouth. When the kisses turned to slow, lazy, and sweet, the two of you snuggled deeper into the bed.
“Stay the night?” he asked, his arms around your waist and his lips pressed to your hair.
“Okay,” you said, without much thought. Until a few minutes later…
When the movie was turned off and the lights went out.
He’d offered you one of his soft cotton t-shirts and there may have been a shy moment as you’d exited his bathroom and crawled into bed. But as Sam drifted off to sleep...you didn’t.
You couldn’t.
You couldn’t sleep. And you couldn’t figure out how to tell Sam.
You were in an unfamiliar room, with no sound other than the soft snores of the man beside you. There wasn’t a single light on in the whole apartment, not even the dim glow of an alarm clock.
The longer you lay there, awake, the more you start to hear things. The floor creaking like someone was walking in the kitchen. The moments when you thought you could no longer hear Sam breathing, so maybe he wasn’t? The door to the bedroom was left open to the living room. Did you see something in the shadows? You imagined whispers and silhouettes.
You were right back in your childhood room. Scared and afraid of the dark. And alone.
With a man like Sam sleeping by your side, you still felt alone. How could he sleep through this? Could he not hear the footsteps outside his window? Didn’t he feel the sudden drafts passing between rooms?
You rolled over and buried your face in Sam’s chest, trying to drown out all of your senses, overwhelm them with the sound of Sam’s heart, the feel of his chest rising and falling with every breath, the way he smelled and the soft fabric of his own shirt.
The shirt soon became wet with a few of your escaped tears. You were shaking, but maybe it was the damp fabric that woke Sam up.
“Hey,” he whispered, groggily. “Y/N, you okay?” You didn’t answer, only burrowed deeper into his embrace. He stretched out one arm to turn on his bedside lamp and the change was almost immediate. You looked around the room, clocking all the things that could’ve tricked your senses. “Sweetheart, are you okay?” Sam asked once more.
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered. “I’m so sorry.”
“About what? What’s wrong?” He kissed the top of your head and propped himself up on one arm to see you better.
“It’s just...I can’t...I don’t usually tell people. You’ll think I’m stupid.” Your tears fell easily but you were actually proud that your voice wasn’t shaking.
“Y/N, I could never think that. Tell me what’s going on? What can I do to make you feel better?”
He didn’t even know what the problem was and he was willing to help.
You looked at the clock on his nightstand. In the light, you could see that it was 4 am. You’d been lying awake for over three hours.
“It’s never been a problem before. We were pulling all-nighters, staying up late, sleeping in our own beds.”
“Did I move to fast? Do you want me to take you home?”
“No, no it’s not that. It’s just…” You closed your eyes, wincing. “I’m afraid of the dark,” you said rapidly, “so sometimes I don’t sleep at night or I sleep with all the lights on. And I know it’s silly and maybe a little childish but when I was a kid, I swore I saw something in my room and no one believed me but...” You were working yourself up, breathing quickly and lips trembling. Sam pulled you into his arms.
“Hey, shhh-shhh. It’s gonna be okay. It’s okay. I understand. You don’t have to say anymore if you don’t want to. I’m here for you. Okay, I’ll keep you safe. We can stay up for now and sleep in the morning or I can leave the light on. Whatever you need. I want you to feel safe. And I want you to sleep.” He kissed the top of your head, speaking words of reassurance. “I’m here. I’m here for you. No one can hurt you,” he muttered as you started to calm down, focusing once more on the heart pounding in his chest until it, too, slowed down to a steady beat.
You didn’t get a chance to tell him which solution you preferred. A few minutes later, in the warm glow of his bedside lamp, you’d fallen asleep with your cheek pressed against his chest.
Sam settled down as well, ready to drift off and consciously reminding himself to leave the light on. If that’s all you needed to feel safe, it was the least he could do. He reassured himself even further by recalling the placement of a knife in the drawer next to him.
Because of course, how could he possibly tell you the truth? How could he tell you that the dark was something worth fearing? That the ghosts and monsters were real?
He couldn’t. He hoped he’d never have to tell you. And if the day ever came, he knew that he would do everything in his power to protect you.
Tagging: @abbessolute @autoblocked @book-loving--anime-chick @karazoiel @overlyobsethed  @therealcap  @whoopxd  @bookworm4ever99 @geeksareunique @pottxrwolff @barry-writes @ravenhaviland @clockblobber @softdudebro @melaninspice11 @parkerschurros @woaahkelsey @montytheravenclaw @sanya-gryff @smutfornerds @fabinapercabeth4179 @faithtrustandpixiedust95 @thinkwritexpress-official @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @percyjackson886 @mrswhozeewhatsis @saxxxology
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minhoslut · 4 years
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♡ summary: Y/N is a fairy in a world of magic hating humans, who moves into a house with seven young men after being kicked out of her old dorm. She learns about all their secrets while hiding hers for as long as she can. Lots of parties, games, sex and maybe even love.
♡ pairing: ot7 x fem!reader, fem!reader x various idols
♡ chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | ? |
♡ series warnings: alcohol consumption, blood mention, drug use, mxm, fxf, threesome, foursome, orgy, swearing, anxiety, depression, past trauma, past abuse
♡ series genre: fluff, smut, slight angst
♡ series rating: R
♡ word count: 2528
♡ posted on: AO3
♡ chapter eight: daily life
When you woke again you began by stretching your body, then you peeled yourself out of the damp bed. Why was it damp anyway? Ah. You looked down. The swimsuit. Groaning you peeled the still slightly wet suit off your body and dug through your wardrobe. A pretty light blue wrap dress with a floral pattern was the choice as it was simple but cute . It was 10 am, so you weren't sure who would be awake, faintly recalling Jin mentioning something about 4 am when you had gone to bed. Heading to the bathroom, you washed your face and brushed your teeth before heading downstairs.
It seems only you had awoken as it was still silent on the main floor. You surveyed the area and decided to take it upon yourself to clean up this mess. You were awake anyway, and not quite hungry yet. Humming softly, you picked up various empty bottles and cans, threw away garbage, swept and mopped up sticky messes. Satisfied with your work, you wiped your brow and boiled some water for some chai tea. A hand on your waist startled you, "Just me, sorry." Yoongi's deep voice came from behind you as he reached over your shoulder to grab a mug from the shelf. He moved to the coffee maker and began to brew some, "Did you clean up all on your own?" He asked as he looked around.
You nodded, taking your mug over to one of the seats on the island and bouncing the teabag in your cup lightly. "We could've helped once everyone was awake..." Yoongi said sounding sheepish. You waved a hand, "I wasn't doing anything anyway, plus you guys have all been so kind to me as I've settled in." Taking a sip of your drink you smiled at him, "Does Namjoon have a habit of getting undressed when he's drunk or is that new?" Yoongi chuckled and came to sit beside you with his now full cup of coffee, "That is new for sure. I was surprised to find him in his boxers but whatever, not like I haven't seen it before. Must have been a shock for you though."
You giggled, "Hm I don't know about shock, he has a nice build. It was just so funny!" Yoongi smirked at you and raised an eyebrow, "Nice build huh?" You stuck your tongue out at him then turned back to your tea, ignoring Yoongis soft laughter. "Y/N~ Goodmorning~" Jimin sang as he came into the kitchen, grabbing a mug and filling it with coffee. "What am I? Chopped liver?" Yoongi grumbled from beside you, making Jimin and you laugh. Jimin set his mug down and came behind Yoongi enveloping him in a tight hug. "Good morning to you Yoongi!" He said, ignoring the older mans attempts to shake him off.
Seokjin and Hoseok came into the kitchen then and began fetching their own drinks of choice. “Were you still wet this morning after last night Y/N?” Jin asked, taking a gulp of his tea. You choked on your own mouthful and looked at him incredulously. Seokjins ears went bright red as he realized the connotations of his words, “Not like that!” He sputtered, “Because you went to bed in your swimsuit!” You nodded, “Sure that's what you meant, not that you wanted a repeat of Friday?” You said boldly with a wink, making the four men gawk at you. “Anyway, do you guys do a Sunday party too?” Hoseok cleared his throat, “Yeah we do, none of us have Monday classes anyway. It can either be batshit crazy or a bit more mellow than other nights.” You made a noise of understanding and put your now empty mug in the sink.
By now it was close to 1 pm so you decided to make bibimbap for lunch with the help of Jin. The two of you shooed the other boys out of the kitchen to wake up the still sleeping men because they kept stealing slices of the ingredients while you were cutting them up. When the two of you were satisfied with the plating and table setup you asked Yoongi, who had opted to work on his computer on the couch, to go let the other boys know the food was ready.
You tried to keep in the snicker you felt when Namjoon came to sit beside you in his plaid pajamas and messy bed hair. Carding your hands through his hair, you made it somewhat presentable, earning a satisfied hum from the barely aware man. The other six laughed at his state, but poured him a glass of water and made sure he ate his lunch. After he had eaten Namjoon was much more aware and so the boys began their relentless teasing of his impromptu strip show the night before.
Namjoon banged his head on the table, “God, I am so sorry Y/N.” But you shook your head and gave him a smile. “She thinks you have a hot body Joon, don’t worry.” Yoongi said as he began to clear the table. You gave him a look but he just laughed while Namjoon looked flustered. “Y/N~ Play a game with me and Kook.” Taehyung whined coming to tug on your arm, you rolled your eyes and let him drag you to the games area. Jungkook sat beside you and rested his head on your shoulder as Taehyung set up the console. Jungkook smelt good and his hair was still the tiniest bit damp, so you assumed he had showered before lunchtime.
Taehyung came to sit on your other side and the three of you began your intense game of Mario Kart. Well, intense between Jungkook and Tae that was. Of all types of games, racing games were your biggest weak spot. You struggled to keep up with the two, and after a few hours, you gave up your remote to Jimin and instead cuddled into Jungkook. Pulling out your phone you looked at the mostly empty home screen. You’d deleted all your social media apps when you’d left your old dorm, the pain of the memories had been too much for you to even block them. Pocketing your phone once more, you inhaled Jungkooks scent and felt much calmer. You hated the effect your ex-friends still had over you.
Stretching, you left your spot, stepping over Jimin who was sat on the floor and headed to the back yard. Jin and Namjoon were both reading on the outdoor wicker couch while Yoongi was clacking on his computer in one of the matching chairs. Hoseok was doing yoga on the grass which made you raise a brow. “No one is gonna join poor Hobi in his yoga?” You said stepping out onto the deck. Jin and Namjoon both made a face while Yoongi completely ignored the comment. You shook your head and made your way over to where Hoseok was. “Bunch of losers.” Hoseok said as you came to stand beside him, copying his pose.
It felt nice to do the slow stretches in the soft sun of the afternoon, Hoseok was patient as he taught you the proper techniques. Occasionally he would move your limbs with his hands, his grip gentle but direct. It was a strangely intimate thing, but you both spent a lot of it giggling with each other as you attempted the more difficult moves. When you had finished with yoga, Hoseok turned on a speaker and began to dance. You watched his fluid movements and joined in slowly as you picked up on the beat. The dance ended up getting silly very quickly and soon the two of you were collapsed in a pile of laughter on the grass.
You sighed sitting up, “I suppose we should make dinner now then.” Hoseok hummed but made no move to get up from his position on the grass. You watched Jin stand up from his spot, “Me and Yoongi will make fish and rice so you guys can stay out here.” He said, pulling Yoongi to stand with him. You gave him a huge smile and a call of gratitude before laying down so only your head was beside Hobis. "We've been let off the hook, though I'm not sure you were going to be help anyway." You said with a giggle. Hoseok sat up and looked at you, "Hey! I can help better than Namjoon and Jimin!" He argued, making Namjoon give a shout of indignation from his seat on the deck.
You laughed harder. "You think that's funny? How about this!" Hobi began to tickle you and you screeched with laughter. "Oh, ticklish are we? Admit I'm helpful!" -- "Never!" You struggled to say in between his attacks. You were wheezing and could barely breathe as he tickled you, but you never backed down from a fight of any kind. Hoseok chuckled evil, "Not giving in hm? How about this!" He snatched you into his arms and began to spin around as fast as he could. You shrieked as he did so clutching to his arm and shoulder tightly. You heard Namjoon yell to Hoseok to leave you alone and not to fall, but he was clearly ignored.
When Hoseok finally slowed and put you on your feet the both of you were so dizzy that you fell right on top of him and took him down with you. "Who's trapped now?" You said with a sly smile, then you pressed a quick kiss to Hoseoks lips before running away into the kitchen with a cackle, leaving the man stunned on the ground. "What's got you all messed up?" Taehyung asked brushing your hair back into place when you nearly collided with him running into the room. "Oh, just a little play fight with Hobi." You said with a wink. "Well, foods ready anyway so sit." With that, he left to get Namjoon and Hoseok inside.
Dinner was delicious and everyone was in high spirits, you were shooed away from dishes once Yoongi spilled that you had cleaned the house alone. You took a quick shower before heading to your room to pick an outfit. Flicking through your hangers you came across a pretty lemon yellow silk dress with a cowl neckline , sliding it on and tugging it down so it sat how you wanted on your curves. Glittery lip gloss, a gold highlight, and a dramatic lash was your makeup for the night. Brushing through your hair and giving it a quick blow dry, you were ready and headed downstairs.
Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook were back on the couch playing games when you reached the ground floor. Taehyung was wearing black slacks, a matching belt, a white t-shirt tucked in, and a black, red and white striped dress shirt set over top , looking dashing indeed. Jimin was in a simple black long-sleeved top with a cut down the center that revealed just enough skin, tucked into black slacks and cinched at the waist with a belt as well . Jungkook had on ripped blue jeans with a white tee tucked into them, a black belt sat around his waist and a light tan button-up over it . They were too involved in their game to pay you any attention, whooping in excitement at the screen.
You walked by them and into the kitchen where Seokjin and Yoongi were pouring various drinks into a glass on the island. Seokjin was dressed fairly simple, black slacks and a blue long sleeve button up with white stripes , classic but handsome. Yoongi was in black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with white graphics on it, a blue floral patterned jean jacket to pull it all together . “What are you two up to?” You asked, propping your elbows on the island and resting your head in your palms. “Y/N! Wow, you look gorgeous as ever.” Jin complimented, making you crinkle your eyes in a bright smile. “Thanks! You too are looking dashing as always~” Jin laughed at your words but you saw a slight blush cross Yoongis face before he cleared his throat.
“We are making the punishment drink for the loser of their Overwatch game.” He gestured to the youngest three on the couch. “Oh? I pity he who ends up in that spot!” You chuckled. “Do you want something, I can mix you up something fun?” Jin asked with a wiggle of his brows. “Surprise me then Master Mixologist~” You cooed. “Jin’s making drinks? Make me and Hoseok rum and cokes.” Namjoon said as he came to stand beside you, while Hoseok came to sit on the kitchen table. Namjoon was wearing black jeans secured with a black belt, a red tee tucked in, and a jean jacket, while Hoseok was in tan slacks and had a light blue button-up slightly tucked in and undone a few buttons at the top.
“Fine, fine, I’ll make your drinks. What a waste of my talent...” Seokjin grumbled, you giggled knowing this probably happened often. Jin handed you the now finished drink which was a pretty pinky-peach colour. “A Love Potion for the lovely lady.” He said with a wink as you took a sip. “This is perfect!” The sweet and tangy cocktail fit your taste exactly, “What's in it?” You asked Seokjin as he poured the drinks for Namjoon and Hobi, “Peach schnapps, vodka and grapefruit juice, guaranteed to make you fall for the person who made it for you.” He answered suggestively, making you smile. “These will make you love me too, though!” He said handing Hoseok and Joon their drinks, they just rolled their eyes at his comment though.
A wail came from the living room and you all looked over to see Taehyung and Jungkook dancing as Jimin sat on his knees, head in his hands. “Seems like the winner has been decided.” Yoongi said, crossing his arms with a smirk on his face. A very dejected Jimin came to the kitchen dragging his feet as Jungkook and Tae whooped along beside him. Yoongi presented the nasty concoction of various alcohols with a lime slice on the edge of the glass. Jimin grimaced and picked it up, gagging when he got a whiff of the drink. “This smells like alcoholic acid.” He deadpanned, making the rest of you howl with laughter.
Jimin pinched his nose and downed the drink while you cheered him on. He looked a bit sick as he finished it but chewed the lime triumphantly while the boys tackled him with hugs. “You’re all ridiculous!” You said through your laughter, shaking your head at their antics. “So you’re not proud of me?” Jimin said with a pout, his eyes big and shiny. “Proud of what? You losing?” You teased, taking a sip of your drink. Jimin gaped at you like he couldn’t believe his puppy dog eyes hadn’t worked. “Looks like you’ve met your match Jiminie~” Yoongi said with a smile. “We’ll see about that…” Jimin said, a mischievous smile on his lips.
There was a knock on the door at that moment and you downed the rest of your drink and smiled.  “Let’s get this party started!”
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Only For A Moment Ch. 18
Master List | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17
Only For A Moment Playlist on Spotify
Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Summary: For most of your life you’d been able to keep your abilities a secret, that is until Hydra got wind of you. After years of being in their clutches, you break out when The Avengers expose SHIELD/Hydra. Since then, you’ve been on the run. Things are going as well as you could hope when you see a familiar face… Could the Winter Soldier really be in Bucharest too?
Warnings: None (I don’t think.)
A/N: Y’all are making my heart swell so much with the outpouring of love this week. Seriously, it’s just been so awesome to hear how much you’re enjoying this story and how you feel about these two. I’m right there with ya because they have me all in my feelings. 
I hope you enjoy this chapter it’s a little fluffy but there’s a lot coming up very quickly. 
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You eat an apple from the bowl of fruit but can’t really bring yourself to ingest anything else. You’d been alone for months and been fine yet now… the silence felt oppressive, unnerving. Slowly you make a round of the apartment, studying everything, sipping on another cup.
His makeshift bookshelves of cinderblocks and scrap wood oddly cute. The curbside furniture and hodgepodge assortment of kitchen goods he collected show someone, trying, really trying, to build a life.
Suddenly you’re ashamed. How much more had he endured and yet here he was living, or trying to. More than that he was helping you learn how to live too… trying to lift you up beside him for no other reason than that he was a good man…
You plop on the couch feeling like a complete piece of shit. From between the cushions, his book of E. E. Cummings poetry peeks up. For a second you think you shouldn’t open it, that maybe it will be private but your curiosity is stronger than your sense of honor.
This isn’t like the other books which have been annotated and marked like a student furiously researching for their dissertation. He’s underlined some lines, circled others. Snippets that reveal bits of him to you in the way only poetry can:
“The peaceful terrors of the snow, and before your dead face which sleeps,a dream shall pass)”
“and my little sister and i will take hands and looking up at our beautiful tree we'll dance and sing "Noel Noel””
“but i have seen death's clever enormous voice”
“in the mirror i see a frail man dreaming dreams dreams in the mirror”
“delirious, indivisible grace of dancing”
“he is called death.”
You slam the book closed after your eyes see that final line circled in red pen so hard the page has torn a bit.
The guilt is fucking palatable. You hate that you invaded his privacy but…
You begin to pace. Did he remember Christmases with his family… That bit had a neat little box around it. Dancing. Did he like to dance… Did he see himself as frail… Then there were all the mentions of death. It made sense… Peaceful terrors of the snow. A chill snakes it’s way up your spine. The Winter Soldier.
Nope. This is doing absolutely nothing for you. Your feet have aimlessly taken you to the cramped kitchen. Suddenly you desperately want to cook. When you’d had a particularly shit day you’d always cook an extravagant meal, invite everyone over, send them home full with lunch for the next day and satisfied smiles on their faces.
The fridge is sparse save for some half and half, milk, a couple of eggs, and your leftovers from the night before. The cabinet reveals cornflakes and a small bag of sugar. You smile remembering he bought that just because he wasn’t sure how you took your coffee.
Cooking was out.
Under the sink, there are basic cleaning supplies. A small, previously unexplored, closet near the front door gives up a mop and broom and in his closet, there’s a small battery operated AM/FM radio.
When Bucky walks in two hours later he’s faced with the full force of a classic anxiety fueled Y/N cleaning spree.
You had organized the kitchen, cleaned the inside of the refrigerator, dusted, swept mopped, organized, opened the balcony door to let in fresh air, and now you were cleaning the bathroom in one of his white sleeveless undershirts and your boxer briefs.
Static laced notes of Foreigner’s Hotblooded fill the small space from the little radio that was, seemingly of its own accord, floating about seeking the best angle to catch the random classic rock station you had found.
The door slams, you jump, freezing mid air-guitar. “It’s just me,” he bellows over the music. Immediately your hackles lower. Peeking around the corner you see him wave his hand around the floating radio fascinated.
“No strings attached,” you shout.
“What’re you listening to?” He asks, his tone jovial.
“You’re kidding?” You ask shocked before you grab your mic-stand-mop and begin mouthing along to the final chorus.
Well, I'm hot blooded, check it and see
I got a fever of a hundred and three
Come on baby, do you do more than dance?
I'm hot blooded, I'm hot blooded
He can’t help but laugh at your over exaggerated performance. You slowly sink to the ground, in full tired drunken rockstar style as the song fades out and the radio floats over to you so you can turn it down.
He’s clapping, wearing that incredible smile, as he looks down at your panting form on the floor. “Not bad for my first rock concert.”
You laugh, “Best one you’ll ever see.” He extends his right hand you take it and rise off the floor. “You really don’t know that song?” The question is out before you can stop it.
He gives you a half laugh as he grabs some grocery bags from by the front door, “I’ve, uh, missed a few decades.” When he turns back you’re worried he’ll be cloudy but he’s still smiling.
“Well, that’s not going to fly.” You lean on the bathroom door frame. “I will personally take on the task to begin your musical education Mr. Barnes.”
He drops the bags on the counter, “I’d like that,” his eyes meet yours and your heart skips a beat.
“I hope it’s ok I went a little clean crazy,” you walk to the kitchen, “it’s something I do… used to do when I’m… anxious,” an awkward laugh sneaks out.
“Why were you anxious?” He asks pulling assorted vegetables from the bags.
You chew on your bottom lip before shrugging, “When am I not anxious these days…” he looks at you for a second questioning, “I guess… after… not being… alo-“ He cuts you off pulling you into a tight embrace. Immediately you relax against him, breathing in his smell, not caring that you’re a mess from cleaning.
“I felt… off on my own too,” he sounds just as taken back by the feeling as you and you squeeze him tighter. You glance around him to the kitchen.
“So are you planning on making a feast?”
Releasing you he looks back and chuckles, running a hand through his hair. “Well… Not sure,” he returns to the bags. “I’m not much of a cook but I figured with the basics I could… I don’t know… work something out.” Gesturing to a paper bag by the laundry, “I did get us some sandwiches for lunch, so at least if dinner’s a disaster we had one good meal.” That awkward laugh does you in, he’s trying so goddamn hard.
A laugh escapes you. “What’s so funny?”
“I just… really wanted to cook earlier and here you are like grocery Santa.”
“You like cooking?”
“Love it.”
“Have at it,” he makes a presenting gesture toward the counter. You smile and he watches as you take stock of what he bought. “What do you like to cook?”
“Honestly,” you pull a whole chicken out, “a little of everything.” Large onion, head of garlic, you’re putting the pieces together like a puzzle.
“Ok, well what’s your favorite thing to make?” He’s perched on the arm of the couch.
“That my friend is a loaded question.”
His eyes crinkle, “Are we friends?”
You hold his gaze, unable to contain your smile. “Yeah. I think we are… something like that…”
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I’m pissed because my house is D I S G U S T I N G right now. Ian’s been stressed / hung over / sick for like a week and has hardly picked up anything. I’ve been on my period and working with limited ass energy after work, it’s actually been busy there so my shifts I don’t stop for a second save for my break or sneaking out to take a piss/shit. The other day he was super sick and had one of those days where everything breaks on him when he’s just trying to leave the house for work so I had to come home and clean up random shit like washing the bench mat in the entryway bc it was soaked with laundry soap. The dish mats need to be scrubbed and bleached along with the silicone sponge, the bathtub drain needs to be snaked and the whole bathroom then scrubbed and disinfected and cleaned. The kitchen is filthy, the dishes need to be done and the floor needs to be swept and mopped and new poison put down. There’s both clean and dirty laundry all over the bedroom floor because neither of us have had energy to fold or carry crap to the laundromat. THANK GOD I am going to a metal show tonight!! I seem to go only like once a year now but I really need this fucking RELEASE !!!!!
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