#swiss perfect
euphoric-deadlights · 6 months
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RIchard Dean Anderson - Macgyver ft Swiss Army Knife 🤎
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saintjezebel483 · 4 months
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Ah fuck, because shit his nose makes me tickle internally 🫠
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coffeeghoulie · 6 months
for the kiss prompt, 20 with aeon/Swiss?
Ah yes, my darling boys (gn). This one got a little bit angsty, mentions of some Siblings being cruel and a little bit of implied murder ghouls at the end. Hope you enjoy!
#20: on a scar (also this prompt sent me when i looked up what number it was, I literally had to cover my mouth at my desk to keep from squealing, it's perfect for them)
Prompt from this list
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Swiss finds Aeon in their shared bathroom, leaning heavily against the sink counter. Their knuckles are almost white with how hard they grab it, and they stare quietly at their own reflection in the mirror. The air is bitter, Aeon's scent radiating sheer distress, and Swiss's hands tense.
They flinch slightly when Swiss presses his chest to their back, hooking his chin over the top of their head, hands gentle on their waist. "There's my buggy," he hums, pressing a kiss to the crown of their head, where black hair meets white. "I've been looking all over for you. Thought you finished chores ages ago."
At the mention of chores, Aeon flinches harder, their good eye darting up to his reflection. "I did," they whisper, voice smaller than Swiss's heard it in months.
Swiss hums again. "I'm not very good at this, bug, but I don't have to read your mind to know something's wrong. What's troubling you, sweetheart?"
Aeon tenses again, gaze turning to the left side of their face, where the long-scarred claw marks rake over their blind eye, marring their cheek, their forehead, one of their horns. Their breathing begins to quicken, and Swiss can feel their pulse racing.
"Swiss," they begin, voice a little shaky. "Is there any way for us to change what our glamour makes us look like?"
His brow furrows, leaning down to press another kiss into their hair. "No, bug, it only hides the parts of us that don't pass as human. Horns, teeth, tails, things like that. I'm sorry. What's wrong with your glamour?"
Aeon makes a choked little noise, their eyes suddenly glassy and wet. They turn in Swiss's arms, and Swiss only just barely dodges their sharp little horn as they bury their face in his collarbone. "I think they thought I couldn't hear them," Aeon whispers just loud enough for Swiss to hear. "I think they thought because I'm blind on my left side, that ear doesn't work either, but it's just torn, I can hear just fine."
Swiss hums, a low distressed tone. His hands trail up between their shoulderblades, holding them close. "They? Buggy, sweetheart, what's goin' on?"
He can feel more than hear the barely stifled sob they let out, swaying gently with them as he tries to soothe them.
"Some of the Siblings who were cleaning the chapel with me," Aeon whispers. "They keep talking about me and my scars. Said they made me look like a freak. And they've called me other names, that I don't wanna say."
Swiss can't help it. His grip around them tightens, pulling them closer to him, and he feels the growl bubbling up from deep in his chest. Aeon squeaks, struggling in his arms, and Swiss feels his heart shatter like a wine glass thrown against a wall. He relaxes his grip, chuffing apologetically into their hair. "Not mad at you, promise I'm not mad at you, sweetheart."
"Swiss," they whisper, bringing a hand up to scrub at their eyes, wincing as they press too hard on their damaged left eye.
"Hey, hey, can you look at me?" Swiss breathes, hands shifting to cup their cheeks, stepping back just far enough to tip Aeon's chin up.
Aeon's lower lip wobbles, but they meet his eyes. He smiles, soft and warm, thumbs smoothing away a tear threatening to fall.
"There's my buggy," he coos, leaning in and kissing their cheek, just over the scar that runs over their eye. "What those Siblings say doesn't mean shit, Aeon. I'm sorry they can be assholes. You are not a freak, bug. We love you so much. I love you so much."
Aeon offers him a little smile, leaning into his touch. "Love you too."
Swiss grins, bright and a little wild. "Do you know who it was? Who was saying awful things about you?"
"I know a couple names," Aeon whispers, their good eye darting across his face.
"That's very good, buggy," Swiss says, an expression he knows Aeon's never seen twisting his grin, a particular kind of glint behind his gold eyes. "Because one of the best parts of being a ghoul in Papa's pack at the Ministry? We can make sure they never say anything like that ever again."
In his arms, Aeon grins.
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The first time Mountain wore makeup casually, Swiss was the first to take notice. He recalled how the earth ghoul always looked at him and the ghoulettes in a longing manner, not for them physically but for the secrets to beauty that they previously hadn't known. He saw the joy in the earth ghoul's expression every time they caught a glimpse of themself in a reflective surface.
The following morning Swiss sat with Mountain as they both applied their makeup for the day. A quiet moment of solidarity between the two ghouls. Mountain passing an eyeshadow palette to their counterpart, wordlessly asking for help opening it. Swiss passing them a spare set of eyelash curlers. The way the ghouls mimicked each other's movements, checking the application of their most favorite products in the morning sun.
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papaandtheghouls · 10 months
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That killer smile
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this knife I bought matches Plushiemer’s proportions so well it’s making me hysterical
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chivapiano · 7 months
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forlorn-crows · 1 year
Hey Crow! :D I think this might be my first time sending you a ficlet request, how fun! I feel like your style would scratch a specific itch I have so well ❤️
So listen, I've been having this persistent migraine for *days*. It's not constantly blasting me with pain, sometimes it lowers into just a fuzz for a few hours and I think it's gone but then it builds back up and it smacks me in the face again. I'm very tired of said migraine loop and in need of my projection ghoul going through it and the pack helping them. May I please request Swiss dealing with a shitty headache and getting some comfort from someone? Any other ghoul is fine, or a group of them, all good, I just want my projection boyo being comforted and cared for. Can be gen, can be smutty cause Satan knows some fun play time can take your mind off of a headache alright, it's up to you.
If that's something you'd be interested in wreiting of course, no pressure!
Mushy May Day 11: Unspoken 'I love you's
a little quip about Swiss' raging headache coming up! featuring Aether and Sunshine. what says 'i love you' more than helping your packmate ease their pain without being asked?
Pairings: Aether/Swiss/Sunshine
Words: 715
Swiss grumbles in Sunshine’s lap, begging her thighs to smother him so he doesn’t have to feel the incessant throbbing behind his eyes anymore. He claws into his own hair as a spike of pain sears through his right temple, knocking his breath right out of his chest. 
Sunshine gently pries his fingers out of his hair and redirects them to latch onto the hem of the blanket scrunched around his shoulders instead. She pets his hair with soft, flat palms, offering what little warmth she can conjure. 
“Fuck,” he hisses in their infernal language, the curse sounding more like a hex on his tongue. 
“That bad?” Aether asks from the hallway. When the waves of pain emanating from his packmate started branching off in sulfuric tendrils across the void, the quintessence ghoul roused himself from the comfort of his bed, unable to relax while Swiss was suffering. 
Sunshine nods. Her expression is one of empathy and concern, eyebrows upturned as she regards Aether across the room. “Going on hour three, now,” she says, still running her hands across Swiss’ tight curls. I’m trying, she mouths with a sad smile. 
I know, Aether mouths back, genuine. 
“Brain feels like it’s in a fist fight with my skull,” Swiss mumbles. 
Aether motions for Sunshine to let him switch places with her. She settles on the other end of the couch, lifting Swiss’ feet into her lap. 
“You’ve just got such a big one,” he jokes in hushed tones. “Okay, marshmallow,” he soothes as Swiss grumbles at the displacement, “there you go.” 
Swiss buries his face into Aether’s lap just as deeply as he had with Sunshine. The quintessence ghoul runs a hand down his neck, running between his shoulder blades and back up again in long, slow motions. 
“These bodies of ours,” he begins quietly, “are fragile. The magick that runs through all of us, in each varied way, hits a limit, in which it has nowhere productive to go.” Aether’s fingers sparkle with that telltale ultraviolet hue, floating just under the base of Swiss’ skull now. “So it manifests as pain. You’d do well to let that glamour go sometimes, give that soul a little more room.” The words are targeted at Swiss, but it serves a gentle reminder for all of them, really. 
The multi-ghoul sighs heavily as Aether brings his hand to the crown of his head, pressing gently with his fingertips. Sunshine tentatively rubs little circles into his calf muscles. She observes the way Swiss’ shoulders melt into Aether’s lap at his touch, quintessence seeping into the pain-filled crevices of his brain and scooping it out with its magick tendrils. He groans with relief, tail finally uncurling from around his own thigh. The spaded tip falls limp to the floor with a soft thud. Sunshine can’t help but trill happily at the sight of Swiss finally relaxed. 
“But,” Aether continues softly, “we can’t face the burden of pain alone. As I’m sure Sunny already told you, marshmallow.” The ghoulette nods in agreement, having done her best to usher a curled-up multi-ghoul into her lap after breakfast once he started wincing.
“I know,” Swiss whines, voice muffled by Aether’s legs. Aether just chuckles, continuing to massage his magick along his scalp, trailing down his neck and shoulders every so often. But he knows there's an unspoken thank you in there somewhere.
The three sit in silence, Aether and Sunshine running their warm loving hands over their packmate until a low purr kicks up in his chest, the multi-ghoul finally and truly relieved. 
“Hey Aethe,” Sunshine chirps inquisitively after a while. 
“Hey Sunny,” he parrots back.
She giggles. “How come you call Swiss ‘marshmallow’?” Swiss snorts a laugh in Aether’s laugh. 
“Well, couple years ago there was this little packet of hot chocolate in one of the hotel rooms—you know, the drink Papa likes to carry around during the winter time and insist it’s actually coffee?” Sunshine nods. “I don’t know why I noticed it. But the brand was ‘Swiss Miss’.”
“The kind with mini marshmallows,” Swiss chimes in. 
“So,” Aether gestures vaguely, “marshmallow.”
“So dumb,” the multi-ghoul mumbles amusedly.
“I think he secretly likes it,” Aether stage whispers across the couch. Swiss shakes his head in defiance, rubbing his face in the quintessence ghoul’s lap, but Sunshine can hear him holding back laughter. 
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fieriframes · 5 months
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[There is perfect love in Heaven!]
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ghcstcd · 2 years
Dewdrop is the height he is because it's perfect for holding people's waist.
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yeswearemagazine · 1 year
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Absolutely stunningly poetic. Deserves the total total best, for the third YWAMag selection of the Swiss François Meylan. Untitled, Switzerland, April 2 023 © François Meylan :
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lulu2992 · 8 months
Ask meme!
I was tagged by @glowwormsmith! Thank you :)
Rules: Spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse/OC/pairings, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
My URL isn’t the best for this game because it simply consists of the same two letters twice (I didn’t take the numbers into account), but I still scoured my entire music library to find titles that worked! I chose my OC Taylor Rook, John Seed, and the couple they form in my heart because of course I did. There are four letters in my username so I’m tagging four people: @cassietrn, @laindtt, @simplegenius042, and @strafethesesinners (only if you feel like doing this, of course)!
(Not all the tracks I wanted have lyrics, so I did this a little differently than you did and wrote a little “story” instead):
In Hope County, Taylor really became a “Lurking Danger” [Yoko Shimomura - Final Fantasy XV] and had to walk along many “Unfamiliar Paths” [Cliff Martinez - Far Cry 4]. John kept telling her, “Let The Water Wash Away Your Sins” [Dan Romer - Far Cry 5], but she remained “Untouchable” [Niels Bye Nielsen - HITMAN 2]. As for the Baptist, deep down, he was just a “Lost Child” [Brian Tyler - Far Cry 3], but on the outside, the thing most people noticed and talked about was his “Unsettling Aura” [Yoko Shimomura - Final Fantasy XV]. I wish he had had time to “Learn To Let Go” [Kesha - Rainbow]*, but all he did in the game was try to be “Unstoppable” [Sia - This Is Acting]*. Their story didn’t end well, so in another world, one that only exists in my head, they decide to “Let It Go” [Demi Lovato - Frozen] and stop being “Under The Gun” [Motörhead - Kiss of Death] all the time because I just want them to sing “Love Me Forever” [Motörhead - 1916]* and “Underneath Your Clothes” [Shakira - Laundry Service]* to each other instead!
*actually for these the lyrics also work
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tanaudel · 1 month
The real suffering of long-haul travel is that at the beginning of the Hong Kong to Australia leg I (finally) watched Tremors, and then realised no other movie could possibly follow it.
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discoscoob · 1 year
One of my favourite films is Swiss Army Man, but I’m imagining if it had been made with Keanu and River
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chivapiano · 7 months
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golden-rats · 2 years
Prompt: Swiss x Rain - bathtub encounter - that is all.. everything is flooded.
I'm so very sorry it took so long! It's not my best but I tried getting myself out of a little art/writers block. I hope you'll enjoy regardless :)
Words: 1.2 k Warnings: NSFW so MDNI Tags: Bathtub sex, no preparation, crying
Oh how Rain loved bubble baths. Especially after a full weekend of practice and shows. It was his time to wind down. Just getting soaked in all the warm water, sweet scented petals floating alongside the fluffiest white foam, aromatic candles being lit all around him. This was peace. 
If they didn't all share a community bathroom. Well, at least that was the only one with a tub. They all had their own little bath connected to their rooms. But it was mainly used to get ready in the mornings, not very spacious.
Usually that wasn't an issue. They could lock the room and it rarely happened that multiple ghouls wanted to use it at the same time. 
Of course it was different today. And to the water ghouls surprise, Swiss stood in the doorframe. Naked. Well, he did have a towel around his waist. But Rain refused to let his eyes wander down deeper than his chest. Covering his face with his hands. Why? It's not like he hasn't seen everything the ghoul had to offer. Felt it even. But somehow this felt.. private? It was unexpected.
"Ah shit, sorry. Didn't know you were in here Rainy." Turning right around to leave, his hand lingered on the door handle for a bit too long. Glancing over his shoulder to the blushing water ghoul. Wanting to catch a last glimpse. 
Shaking his head, hair loosely tied up with a few strands framing his delicate face, Rain took down his hands. "It's alright! Uhm… The tub is big enough for two, you know. I mean, if you want to. It's fine if not. I wouldn't mind. If you don't mind."
Swiss lips curved into a smile. Crossing his arms in front of him as he turned around. Eyeing the ghoul as he stepped closer. Slowly. "My my, I didn't think you'd be into that, Rainy." He was just teasing. Getting his friend flustered was too easy.
"Oh shut up Swiss.." Rain could barely hide a smile. Shifting his position to make some space for the other. He let the towel drop from his hips onto the ground. Stepping into the warm water and lowering himself between the water ghouls legs. Leaning back against his chest.
"You really know how to set up a relaxing bath.. Must be nice to never run out of hot water eh?"
Rain wrapped his arms around him and buried his face in Swiss hair. Letting out a content sigh. Feeling the multi ghouls chest rise and fall under his touch. Swiss hands tracing patterns on his thighs, raising goosebumps wherever his fingers ghosted over. His head falling to the side, resting on Rains shoulder. The small ghoul kissing his neck, feeling the pulse beat under his lips.
"Mhm~ Rainy you're driving me mad with this, you know that, right?"
"Maybe." A soft giggle against his skin. The embrace tightening.
Swiss shook his head lightly. A grin spreading across his lips. Pressing his lower body more against the other ghoul. Teasing. And immediately noticing the desired effect. Feeling Rain rolling his hips. Water swaying around them. 
The multi ghoul let his tail trail up. Across the stomach behind him. Over his chest. The tip flicking against sensitive nipples. Drawing a surprised yelp from the sweet ghoul, followed by a shuddering exhale. 
"Swiss I-" He was cut off by the hands of the mentioned ghoul reaching for his. Guiding them down until he could feel between his legs.
"You see what you're doing to me Raincloud?"
A blush tinted the water ghouls cheeks and the tips of his ears a nice purple against his soft blue skin. Grabbing at the hardening dick before him. Feeling his own still pressed against Swiss' behind. 
"Will you help me with that?"
A nod.
Then the multi ghoul smiled once more.
"That's my sweet boy.." 
And with that, he turned around. Maybe a bit too quickly, letting water splash over the sides of the tub. Leaning over and placing his hands left and right of Rains head on the wall tiles. Flustering the little guy even more.
Then he sealed their lips. It was a careful kiss. Growing passionate with time. Working together with hands roaming over the towering ghouls chest. Rain spread his legs so his lover could fit between them more comfortably. Their dicks touching as Swiss came closer. Drawing a soft whimper from Rain, caught in their kiss.
The water ghoul lifted his hips slightly. An invitation. Taken almost to quickly as an arm snaked around his waist. Supporting him while simultaneously dragging him closer to the other.
"You're so good little one. I'll reward you by turning you into a puddle."
Rains hands gripped tightly onto the shoulders above him. 
"Surely you don't mind taking me fully right away?"
The smaller ghoul couldn't even answer. His lips parting in a silent moan as he felt the tip entering him. This angle made him feel too much too quickly. He held on, squeezing his eyes shut as tears were forming in their corners. Swiss was sinking deep, filling him, stretching him. It hurt. But it was a good type of pain. Mixing with arousal and pleasure. The water mimicked their movements. It even seemed to start bubbling as the multi ghoul started to move. Reflecting the bubbling feeling arising in Rains chest and stomach.
“S-Swiss…” It came out half a sob, half a moan. It was incredibly erotic. Turning Swiss on more than it probably should. Increasing the speed of his thrusts. Waiting for a second every time he reached the end. Letting Rain warm him.
Claws started to dig in and break his skin. The little ghoul desperately trying to stay grounded. Hold onto. Drawing a growl from the multi ghoul. The rhythm of his thrusts stayed the same, yet they got deeper. More harsh.
The air around them filled with thin fog. As Rain got stimulated more and more, his body temperature rising, his mind clouded and dizzy, voice getting raspy- The water ghoul turned the bathwater into steam. Getting carried away. “You like that baby? You wanna come?”
He nodded.
“Use your words princess. You have a mouth. I heard those pretty sounds.”
“P-Please…” Another thrust.
“Please what?”
And another.
“...Let me come. Please l-let me come!”
And another.
That was all he needed to hear. Additional to the bucking and rolling of his hips, one hand reached down and closed around the twitching cock between them. Pumping steadily, squeezing lightly. Stroking his thumb over the slit. Along the veins. Pressing under the head.
Feeling the trembling and shuddering beneath his touch, Rain tightening around him. It helped Swiss nearing his own orgasm. Their moans syncing.  The bathroom floor was a mess at this point. Flooded like Rains insides. The multi ghouls hot cum spreading. Barely feeling the others leaking. 
Kissing him again and again. Stroking Rain through his climax. Soaking in every little sound and motion. 
As they both came down from their high, their lips parted. Looking into each others eyes. Breathless panting. Smiling. Their adventure was short but satisfied all their needs. And they were in a perfect position to clean up.
At least themselves. The rest of the room would be an issue for later. Once the steam lifted and they could feel their legs again.
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