chaos-company · 1 year
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It’s time for Swoon June once again!! 
Please post only your own original works. Use the #SwoonJune2023 and post with the following format: #SwoonJune2023 #Fandom #CreationType #Day #Prompt . For Example: #SwoonJune2023 #StarWars #Fanfiction #Day1 #Dreams
You don’t have to post for every single day to be a part of the event, but those that do will get a shout out at the end of the event if they send in an ask!
We also have an ao3 collection: Swoon_June_2023 so don’t forget to add your Swoon June ao3 works to the collection!
Our mods this time are @ilonga​ & @starkskypines​ If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask on the Chaos Company tumblr!
Text-only version of the prompts below: 
1. Dreams 2. Role reversal 3. Domesticity 4. Star-crossed 5. “Would you go with me?” 6. Soulmates 7. Dancing 8. Pouring Rain 9. First Kiss 10. “You’re it for me.” 11. Forced Proximity 12. Fantasy au 13. Date Night 14. “Do you trust me?” 15. Enemies to Lovers 16 Cooking 17. Reading Together 18. Enchanted 19. Movie Watching 20. “I’ll be here as long as you’ll have me.”   21. Royalty au 22. Growing Old Together 23. “I never pick favorites, but, darling, you’re mine.” 24. Destiny 25. Forehead Kiss 26. Love languages 27. “Who did this to you?” 28. Eye Contact 29. Battle couple 30. Festival
Taking care of each other Hug Flower language Rom-Com Pride
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zombie-honeymoon · 1 year
Posting fic against my therapists recommendations.
Wrote this for Swoon June, Day 17 - Reading Together Summary:
Kakuzu happens to find Hidan reading in bed and it is quickly apparent that what he's reading is porn.
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starkskypines · 1 year
truth in the angel’s garden
a little sabriel for swoon june day 16: alternate prompt: hug
Sam breathes out a quick breath and then another and another and tries to get a handle on his raging emotions. It’s dark in his room and that’s a hindrance to his breathing, so he reaches for the light switch as quick as he can, letting the thundering in his chest remind him that he’s still alive. The light flooding the room is too bright, like staring into the light of Gabriel’s angel grace before Sam forces his eyes shut lest he goes blind, but it beats off the demons well enough. Figurative ones that is. The ones that haunt Sam’s dreams until they become nightmares that leave him waking terrified like this.
It’s a consistent thing now with him being a hunter for so long. He’s grown used to nights like these for the most part. As much as one can get used to something that no normal, sane person would ever be used to. He’s used to them enough to be able to get some rest at night. He has his routine at this point, and it works to calm him down. He focuses on the light both literally and figuratively. The lightbulb provides light to fight off the darkness in his room. The warm images of Dean and Cas and Jack and Gabriel provide light to fight off the darkness in his mind.
Tonight, he focuses on the memory of him and Jack looking for the perfect flowers for Castiel’s garden. It was only a few days ago that they went flower shopping. They went through the farmers market first and then the greenhouse a few blocks over. Jack was very specific about getting the right flowers for Cas and scared of disappointing him. Sam told him that this wasn’t something that could end in disappointment. If they got the wrong flowers, Cas would love them anyway because of the gesture. Jack believed him eventually, and they left with a trunk full of a variety of flowers. From daffodils to sunflowers to tulips. And even ferns and a climbing vine of some sort that Sam didn’t quite understand the appeal, but that Jack knew was something Cas spoke of before.
And of course, Cas did love the flowers and the gesture behind them, and he planted them almost immediately in his flower garden right outside Sam’s window. Well, right outside the living room window downstairs, which Sam is above and which Sam could go to right now. He could let the rich scent of dirt and the lingering floral scent wash over him like a tide across the shore of a beach he secretly calls home because he’s never been able to call a burn-blacked house in Kansas home.
Sam spent the night at Dean and Cas’s for the weekend before he heads back out to California for a few weeks, though on nights like these, he wonders why even bother going back to his empty apartment there. He doesn’t truly miss California enough to keep returning, but he doesn’t have reason enough to impose his stay here.
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the-13th-battalion · 1 year
Finally finished my fic for day 7 of Swoon June!! Please enjoy some Vashwood dancing fluff <33
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Hetty and Granger have a date night.
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fanfictasia · 1 year
Swoon June Day 13
Date Night
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from The End of Everything
The night for the wedding comes much too quickly. Ahsoka doesn’t know if it’s worse or not that she won’t even know the person she’s marrying until she meets him there. Maybe they can “bond” over hating the arrangement and not even knowing each other.
She could almost snort out loud at the thought. Not likely.
Ahsoka’s never had issues with interacting with people, per se, but she often doesn’t know how to communicate with them, either way. She doesn’t understand people all that well. She doesn’t really… understand social norms, and none of the things people consider normal. It never mattered as a Jedi. It matters now, apparently.
Most people have time to know their… whatever did she hear it was called again? Spouses? Or something? For years before getting married. Or. At least a few days. This is ridiculous. And Ahsoka doesn’t trust people anymore.
Anakin would be laughing at her if he was here.
He’d laugh and tell her that he’s still here and she’d snippily point out that he’s just lucky it wasn’t him. Which. He is. But that doesn’t make her feel better about any of this.
She doesn’t want to get married to some random somebody when she doesn’t even know what that means. Why’s that so hard to understand?
Don’t most people do this weird thing called… dating or something? She sort of gets why now. But neither of them had any desire to see each other before the wedding – well, Ahsoka didn’t, anyway. She’d rather not risk being exposed until after the treaty’s been completed.
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chaos-company · 1 year
Swoon June 2023 Is Done!
Thank you so much to everyone that participated this year!! I hope you all had fun with the writing prompts. We loved seeing all the fics and art that the prompts inspired. 
A special shoutout to those that completed the entire 30 day challenge!
Everyone is free to keep using the writing prompts whenever you want, but submissions won’t count toward the challenge. 
Again, thank you to everyone that joined this year! 
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starkskypines · 1 year
but for some, it was paradise
written for day 7 of swoon june: dancing 
this would not be here if @the-13th-battalion did not post a vashwood snippet that inspired me to write this <33 much love to you, emma dear, for continuing to write amazing words!
Cas moves his hips in beat with the music as he washes the dishes. He’s not one for dancing, not really, but swaying his body with the music is relaxing. It’s one of those human things he never understood until he suddenly did. It’s like love or rain. They both are familiar concepts but they take on an entirely different meaning within the human context. Humans like to play with love and throw it around like it’s a baseball, not caring for what shatters along with way. Humans like to stand outside in the pouring rain until they’re soaked to the skin and still stay outside longer.
Cas is not human, but he understands them now in ways that he hasn’t before. He credits that to Dean.
Dean is pouring rain on the windshield of an old car, and music playing in the kitchen of an old bunker. Dean is love wrapped up in anger and pain.
As the beat of the music continues and Cas lets his body fall into the music, he thinks of what it would be like to be loved by the force that is Dean. Dean would drown his lover. Dean perhaps has drowned his past lovers. Drowned them or left them in drought. His love is not something that can be simply human and yet it is because Dean is human. But Dean is also a torrential downpour, a hurricane spinning in the Atlantic. He would not drown Cas, but Cas wouldn’t survive the winds to get to the rain.
Dean will not allow himself to be loved now.
Cas can understand that. The appeal of drought to a desert, but Cas believes he could convince Dean that to be loved is worth the pain of loss. To Cas, it certainly is. He loves Jack and he’s lost Jack, and he’s found Jack, and lost him and–well it goes on and on. It’s painful, yes, but it’s worth it. The rainforest may leave the dead to rot instead of burn, but the richness of the living is worth it.
Cas would let his skin and bones rot and rot and rot. He’d let the bugs come and the fungus grow, and it would be worth getting to spend his life in the sticky humidity and tap tap tap of rain.
He supposes this is why they are fundamentally different. Like sunshine and midnight rain. Cas wants and Dean will not allow himself to.
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starkskypines · 1 year
i’m finally here five days late to post for day 1 of swoon june: dreams! this is the start of a merthur fic and one i’m excited about! 
meet me in a different dimension 
Arthur blinks awake to the phantom touch of hands on his chest. Hands with rough calluses on the fingertips and palms that oh so often grace across Arthur’s shoulders and neck when he’s helped with dressing in the morning. Hands that would never think to touch Arthur the way they had in the dream.
Arthur rolls over and sits up on the edge of the bed, letting his eyes take in the sunlight peeking through the drawn curtains. Any second now Merlin will enter and open those curtains letting the sunlight dance across the room in freedom. If only Merlin could draw back the curtain and let Arthur dance around in freedom too.
But Arthur is king now, and he has no space for dancing even if Merlin were to somehow provide him a place of safety to lay down his masks.
Arthur doesn’t analyze why he thinks out of everyone Merlin would be the one to give that to him. It probably has something to do with the frequent dreams Arthur’s been having of Merlin. Dreams where Merlin touches him softly and tells him that just because he’s king doesn’t mean he’s not still Arthur. Dreams where Merlin leans forward and presses warm lips to his, lighting Arthur up and giving up hope that maybe they can simply exist as they are forever.
But Arthur always wakes up and Merlin never touches him like that.
The scrape of the door opening echoes through Arthur’s room, and he turns to look over his shoulder as Merlin enters. Merlin’s eyes meet his across the room, and Merlin offers a small little smile in greeting.
“You know ever since you became king I don’t often have to wake you,” Merlin says as he enters the room and moves straight to the curtains. He draws them back, and Arthur is content to watch as he moves around.
It’s the same routine for them every morning, so there’s nothing exciting about it, nothing that warrants Arthur’s staring, but he can’t seem to look away.
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starkskypines · 1 year
in my hour of need (you were there)
when i tell you they are all that i think about i mean it. cw you will never be forgiven for taking them from me. 
Stephanie falls to her knees, using the alley wall to keep her from completely falling forward. She doesn’t think she’s going to be able to make it back to the belfry with the pain ricocheting through her body. She reaches a hand up to activate the comm in her ear, but her arm feels ten times heavier than it should. 
She knew going out was a bad idea. And Robin had it all under control, like she said she did, but Stephanie was tired of inaction and wouldn’t let her own inaction hurt anyone ever again. This time action got her hurt, but how was she supposed to know there’d be a gun toting maniac waiting right outside the warehouse doors. She was trying to leave just like Robin said to do. 
Now, she’s here, about to call for help, and take more of Robin’s attention away from the fight she’s in. Luckily it’s not Court of Owls level of crime, just a gang moving drugs. Steph let’s her hand fall. She can’t take Robin’s attention away from keeping drugs off the streets. She knows what drugs to people, and she won’t be in anyway complicit in more of them making their way to Gotham citizens. 
She can do this. She can. She’s five blocks away from the belfry. That’s not that far. 
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starkskypines · 1 year
chapter 2 of meet me in a different dimension is here for day 11 of swoon june: forced proximity 
Gwaine’s laugh rings out, and the rough timbre sets Arthur at ease. Then Merlin’s laugh follows–happy, content, warm–and Arthur doesn’t stop his steps in time. He freezes in the doorway, drawing Gwaine and Merlin’s attention from where they are sitting on a bench sharpening swords.
Merlin averts his gaze and sets down his sword. “Well, I should be going.” The laughter is gone from his voice, something chillier taking its place and Arthur hates it.
“Actually,” Gwaine draws the word out as he stands, putting his sword in Merlin’s lap. Merlin goes from passive to affronted in the span of seconds, and he goes to move the sword while Gwaine continues his sentence. “I think the two of you need to talk.”
“Gwaine,” Merlin begins with warning in his tone, but Gwaine simply steps over to Arthur and pats him on the shoulder.
“I’ll handle the knights' training, sire. And I’ll see the both of you after training. Don’t stab each other.” He darts past Arthur’s outstretched hand and out the door. There’s the sound of something heavy moving and thumping into place, and Arthur steps forward and tries the handle while dread sinks into his chest.
“Gwaine. What are you doing?” Arthur shouts. Gwaine cannot mean to force him and Merlin to speak. Merlin clearly does not want to speak with Arthur seeing as how he hasn’t sought Arthur out in days. Arthur is respecting that decision, but now Gwaine wants to ruin all of Arthur’s hard work at holding himself back from finding Merlin.
“Getting the two of you to talk. I’m tired of hearing both of you complain about something that can be easily solved with communication.” Great, so Gwaine does intend to mess up all of Arthur’s hard work.
“Gwaine. Let us out.” Merlin’s voice is steady, like he’s used to giving commands despite being a servant. Arthur watches him stand as he speaks. There’s power and confidence in the lines of Merlin’s shoulders. Merlin’s always been confident in the way he carries himself, but this is more than that. This is Merlin with the power to ensure that his commands are followed.
“I would but…I’ve got training to oversee. Have a good chat!” Arthur hears his retreating footsteps and can only stare at the door as he tries to think of something to say or do. The armory isn’t a big room, so it’s not like he can avoid Merlin the way Merlin’s been avoiding him. There’s a bench in the center of the room and a variety of swords and weapons along the walls.
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the-13th-battalion · 1 year
New one for Swoon June!!!! Some Vashwood written for "domesticity" <33
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starkskypines · 1 year
i’ll spend forever wondering if you knew (i was enchanted to meet you)
written for day 18 of swoon june: enchanted! i am obsessed with gotham knights rn and sharper has my entire heart <33
“No, but when she smiles…” Harper trails off just thinking about the way Stephanie’s smiles make her entire face take on a brand new kind of light. It’s not sunlight breaking through the clouds but something more something astronomical, like a sun appearing from behind a dark purple planet. Or a thousand stars twinkling in a pattern that matches the beat of Harper’s heart. “She makes me feel things. Like a thousand things all at once.”
Harper is running out of words by this point to describe Stephanie. She already talked about Steph’s kisses, and Cullen asked her to “please, stop before I have to bleach my brain,” so she did. But she’s never not thinking about those heartstopping kisses now that she gets them daily. It’s a wonderment that they’re allowed to exist like this together in this lifetime, and Harper thinks she has a right to go a little insane about Stephanie every once in a while.
It’s just…Steph’s bright blue eyes when she figures out a solution to a problem. They light up in such a way that makes Harper want to capture that look and hold onto it to pull back out when Steph’s face crumples into tears when she thinks about her parents. Harper doesn’t think there’s anything in the world that could take away from Steph’s beauty, but her tears over her deadbeat parents come close. What Harper wants to do when Steph cries is kiss the tears from her cheeks one by one until Harper is all that she’s thinking about. She wants her gentle kisses to replace the pressure and lies and abandonment of her parents. It doesn’t work like that, but Harper wishes it would.
“When she lets her emotions show on her face, it’s so expressive and it’s such an act of trust that I’m blown away,” Harper continues. Steph’s parents made sure their kid could pull a mask over her expression like a professional actress, but Harper and the rest of the team have left Steph space where she doesn’t have to always be on stage. “And when she’s angry, there’s something about her that’s just so damn captivating,” Harper groans.
Cullen shoots her a sympathetic look, and Harper’s never been more glad for a brother that will listen to her talk about her crushes without complaint.
“Maybe, you should take some time and do something with her,” Cullen cuts in before Harper can keep going with describing what exactly Stephanie makes her feel.
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chaos-company · 1 year
Just curious, but if you're doing Swoon June this year, when do you think you'll release the prompts? :)
Hi! We are doing Swoon June again this year and we will be releasing the prompts by the end of this week. :)
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Hetty was worried when she saw Granger come into work clutching his shoulder.
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When it came to other ways of saying ‘I love you’, 2 simple words meant it to 1 particular couple: ‘Be Safe’
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