#sygin x loki
bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
Logyn appreciation week Day 4: Favorite Logyn Fanarts
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Fan Art By @inezwandita on Instagram
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Fan Art By @dank-art
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Fan Art By @nanigram
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Fan Art By @jellydoughnut72 on Instagram
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akirawrites24 · 1 year
WKAWFIWWK I just remembered the Loki had a wife
Can we get Akechi's S/O with Sigyn as her persona ? I Think it will be very cute to have some sort of similarities to there personas 🥹
Goro Akechi x female!Reader
Fandom: persona 5
Of course Loki was pleased with this, having finally found his wife again.
Akechi was at least in denial for the months he saw you in the Metaverse.
When he deceived the thieves in working with him to change Sam's heart, he had to refrain Loki from coming out more because he wanted to meet Sygin in person.
Akechi figured out that it meant the two of you are fated to fall in love with each other.
Futaba ships it, no further questions needed.
The rest of the thieves are worried that you are going to get hurt because they know how Akechi is.
In Maruki's reality, Loki simply wouldn't exist because Akechi is a good guy who did nothing wrong there.
What would mean you are no longer soulmates in that reality.
When Loki finally came out to play, he immediately went to Sygin's side and did a classic dance together. Akechi also needs to spend 20 minutes to get Loki back to work again each time he is fighting on your side.
"Loki! Let's focus on the mission damnit! No, we can not take her home!"
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the-princess-of-loki · 10 months
The Switching Gamble
A little twist on Loki and Sygin's wedding.
Part I: Illusion.
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Pairing: Loki x Fem!OC (reader)
Warnings: None, this is pure fluff. A little angst.
I was sitting on my dresser as five maids surrounded me, putting on the last details of my wedding attire. My wedding dress was a strapless white corset embroidered with the most beautiful jewels from all the realms and a golden cape hung from my bare shoulders. I didn’t want to look at the mirror in front of me. I looked outside the balcony’s window, instead, where the day was coming to an end as a metaphor for my own life. Every second that passed by, my heart was getting more out of control, my breathing more hectic and my tears’ threat to fall was stronger.  I didn’t know how much time I could take it, so I ordered in a voice barely above a whisper:
“Ask Prince Loki to come.”
I didn’t miss the way my maids looked between them as if they knew my real intentions. But they couldn’t. Nobody did. Not even Loki himself. After bowing to me, one of the maids went immediately to find him, and the rest kept silently doing their work. I felt a bit relieved to know that Loki would be here in no time, however, I didn’t know how much time I was able to resist. I kept watching outside the window, trying to find calm in the pink sky, and the soft clouds. Asgard was beautiful, no matter if at that moment it felt like a prison to me. I didn’t hold it against the realm, though. I knew who was the culprit. And I was planning to do something about it. It was my last resource. My last drop of hope. My last breath of air. My most kept secret. It could be my new dawn or my last twilight. 
When the maid returned, she told me that Loki was waiting for me behind the folding screen. I thanked her, took a deep breath and stood up carefully to avoid ruining my attire. I strolled across my room towards the entrance hall of my chambers. My maids followed me, all looking at the floor. It wouldn’t be appropriate to be alone with Loki in my chambers, even if it were the entrance. Even if we left the door open. However, as soon as my eyes set on those gorgeous green orbs, I said quickly:
“Leave us,” All of my maids gasped in surprise and one of them even tried to complain, but I didn’t let her start. I just looked at them until they left me alone with Loki. He was dressed in his green, gold and black armour, shining for this joyous occasion that was my wedding. His curly, black hair was a little messy, but it suited him. Neither of us said a word for some time. We just looked at each other’s eyes. Our expression didn’t give away anything, but our eyes spoke for us.
“I should not see you before your wedding, Jade. I should be helping my brother to get ready,” Loki said after a while, his green eyes betraying him. I smiled softly.
“Were you doing that?” I asked, knowing the answer already. He tried to repress his smile, but he couldn’t.
“No, I was not. That does not change the fact that I should not be here,” I took a deep breath. His natural essence invaded my nostrils, filling me up completely with a warm, fuzzy feeling.
“You do not care about that or you would not be here otherwise,” I tried to remain calm, although my voice came up in a higher pitch than normal. Loki looked at me with more intensity. He knew something was up. He was just waiting for me to say it. “There is something important you must know before this wedding takes place,” I finally declare, feeling my heart throbbing against my chest.
“Go on, then. What is this urgent matter that does not let the bride enjoy her day?” Loki was being ironic, but his eyes told me he really cared. He wanted to know if something was bothering me for real. I took a deep breath, getting ready to say everything I had been saving for so long a time.
“You must know that Thor and I are getting married today because that is what the All-father has ordered us. However, our feelings are merely friendly. He is not in love with me and I am not in love with him,” I started shakily, but my voice gained confidence as I went on talking. I took one step forward and lifted one trembling hand until I rested it on Loki’s chest. His heart was beating as quickly as mine. “I love you,” I whispered. Loki put his hands on my waist but still looked down at the floor instead of meeting my gaze. After a long while without him saying anything or moving, I whispered again: “Please, say something.”
“There is nothing I could say that would change the results of this day, Jade. Even if I were to confess my feelings to you, it would be useless. The All-father has spoken and there is nothing we can do against it,” Loki whispered, looking into my eyes. His teary green orbs gave me the courage to take another step forward and put my other hand on his cheek. I caressed it, our skin meeting making electricity going down my body.
“I still would like to hear it. Would you please me?” I asked in a whisper. Loki looked at me and sighed before nodding.
“If you really want me to humiliate myself and say it, I shall do it for you,” he shifted his gaze to fix it on my eyes. “I have been in love with you since the first day I saw you, Jade. I love you so much that every time we are not in the same space, my heart aches. My breath gets stuck in my windpipe every time I see you. I have to refrain from running after you like a lost dog. Your smile brights up my whole day. Your eyes are the lighthouse that guides my every step. You-”
I couldn’t take it any longer. I brought his face down to mine and joined our lips in a loving kiss. I felt like a phoenix, being reborn again from the ashes as his thin lips softly moved against mine. His big hands on my waist brought me closer to him, and I passed my arms around his neck. I could feel his heart beating wildly. His cinnamon-tasting breath invaded me as his cold lips moved with expertise on mine. I felt a rush of emotion that was both sweet and powerful. The kiss was like the first sip of a fine wine, complex and nuanced, with layers of flavour and texture that unfolded with each passing moment. It was a kiss that spoke of love and connection, a moment I knew would stay with me for a lifetime. 
Our lips parted for a second and our eyes met briefly. Even if it was just a second, I could see the brightness of his emerald-like eyes. Loki was as happy as I was. We kissed again, this time more passionately and forcefully. We have been waiting a lot of time to do this. As our lips met, a wave of desire washed over me. Loki’s kiss was intense, fiery, ravishing, all-consuming. I couldn’t resist his hunger and didn’t want to either. His hands on my waist pulled me even closer to him and I couldn’t help running my fingers through his wavy, shoulder-length, black hair. The kiss was wild and uninhibited, a moment of pure passion that seemed to ignite a fire within me. I lost myself in the moment, lost in the sensation of his lips on mine, lost in the heat of the kiss. Our tongues met and played together, as our kiss deepened. The last sound I remember hearing was a moan coming out of my mouth as his tongue danced with mine. I got completely lost, only feeling Loki. All my universe was just Loki.
I came back to reality when he broke the kiss, resting his forehead on mine as we were both breathless. He caressed my waist through my wedding dress, as I kept caressing his hair. I kept my eyes closed as I tried to recover my breath and then slowly opened them to meet his green eyes. I met his hypnotic stare and I found myself licking my lips, feeling nervous and excited at the same time.
“Run away with me,” Loki whispered as his gaze still haunted mine. “Let’s escape to a realm where the All-father cannot find us and be happy together. I beg you, Jade,” I smiled softly at him, caressing his pale cheek that now was a little bit rosy because of our kiss.
“We cannot do that, Loki. What kind of life would we live? Always fearing the sight of others. No, if we want to be happy, we need to do something else. I have a plan if you are willing to risk yourself,” Loki’s stare did not leave room for doubt. He was ready to do anything.
I explained everything to him, and Loki helped me to polish my plan so there wasn’t room for error. We couldn’t risk failing. Failing meant both our deaths. It wasn’t an option. We didn’t have much time to plan everything, though, since we had already spent too much time alone in my chambers and everybody at the palace would start to doubt. And rumours flew by too quickly. So we shared a final sweet kiss and he went away as my maids returned to put the final details to my wedding attire. I could only hope that everything went smoothly.
I waited for the doors to the throne room to open for me. I was wearing my wedding dress with my veil and my flower bouquet. Everything was ready. My heart was throbbing in my chest, my mind repeating like a chant that someone would discover my real intentions. It wouldn’t matter if it were only me: I could face death without fear. But there were more people involved in this, especially Loki. I couldn’t go on living if his life was at risk because of me. I couldn’t go on living without him, to be completely honest.
The great golden doors opened and I took a deep breath before I started to walk down the path that was created for me with rose petals on the floor. I walked calmly and with my head held high towards the throne where Thor and Odin were waiting for me. The first looked at me with a soft smile, his long blond hair perfectly combed backwards, while the latter monitored my every move with his only eye. I reached the base of the throne and bowed in front of the All-father, to show him my respect. Thor grabbed my free hand, caressing the back of it with his thumb and we both heard Odin pronouncing our wedding vows in Asgardian first.
“I, Odin Borson, All-father, declare you two united in marriage for the rest of eternity. No force in the universe shall break your bond, sealed by these marriage runes,” Recited the All-father while he drew the marriage runes in our palms, Thor’s left and mine right.
Once the marriage runes were drawn, I gave one of my maids nearby my bouquet and turned to face Thor. He gently lifted my veil, smiling softly at me the whole time. We both gazed into each other’s eyes. Thor first brought my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles tenderly. Without a word, Thor leaned in and pressed his lips to mine in a soft and loving kiss. I felt his love radiating through every inch of our pores, and I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be. As the kiss came to an end, we still looked into each other’s eyes. However, now I was looking into Loki’s green eyes. It was obvious that during our short kiss, Loki had lifted the illusion that made him seem in appearance like his brother. I didn’t bother to fake surprise, as this was my plan all along. However, the rest of the throne room fell in a deadly silence. One could hear the gasps of surprise from everybody in the room. Even Odin’s radiating fury was palpable.
“Loki,” the one-eyed said through greeted teeth. “How dare you disobey me!? How dare you steal your brother’s bride!?” Odin shouted, making the whole room tremble with the roar of his voice. Frigga quickly approached him, trying to calm down his temper. “Jade, princess, I offer you, in the name of my son, our sincere apologies. We shall rectify this situation immediately-”
“All-father, if I may,” I dared to interrupt him. I was feeling confident now that my plan had finally worked out and everything was perfect. “You have asked me to marry a prince, and I did. In your speech, you said that no force in the universe could break this bond. So I shall remain with my husband.”
Part 2: here.
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lokiprompts · 1 year
I don't know if you take orders but decided to ask one heheh <3
(oneshot) in which Sigyn was Loki's wife in Thor 1 and didn't imagine the things he was up to (she had her suspicions but didn't imagine it was something serious). He fell and she mourned along with frigga and was almost imprisoned by Odin until she discovered that she was pregnant and he granted her mercy by letting her live in the palace. (by frigga's interference) and in Thor 2 when he returns (and takes the place of Odin as king) he disguises himself as a maid and goes to Sygin's chambers and finds a cradle and unexpectedly a baby… a blue baby.
Hi! My requests are currently closed and I only do reader x Loki fics.
Anyone know of any writers accepting requests? @mochie85 @michelleleewise @muddyorbsblr @lokisgoodgirl
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Comic Sigyn was hurt by Loki as his abused wife then hurt again when she was brought back for that one shot where he called upon his friends to punch her into unsconsciousness (even tho she posed him no threat as she lacks magic or combat skills) and any Sigyn fan who actually cares about her as a character and not a self insert vessel would want her 9549 miles away from Loki since everytime they're near each other he finds a way to hurt her. But they don't, because they project onto her to live their fantasies of kissing Loki. They claim the writers just need to write her personality and dynamic with Loki differently, but if you have to change everything canon about a character to make it work it's because they don't actually ship canon Sigyn with Loki, they ship their self insert oc who happens to have the same name.
I recall seeing her use magic to help Loki on the few Simonson issues I have read. To be fair, Ikol is not the Loki she married. The exes all want revenge on someone who's no longer here (with the exception of a handful like Leah..). And yeah, they aren't good for each other and she's definitely a self-insert.
I have only ever read ONE good Loki/Sigyn fic that I enjoy where their relationship is the focus because Sygin actually has a personality and Loki was allowed to be awful in a way that was interesting rather than "evil incarnate". It reminded me a bit of "The Cruel Prince" by Holly Black. I am really not a fan of x Reader, x OFC, or x Sygin stories for the most part. Here's the good Logyn fic in question https://archiveofourown.org/works/44334754
I will warn it tends to bash Sif and the W3. So if you love those characters, I might avoid it.
They claim the writers just need to write her personality and dynamic with Loki differently, but if you have to change everything canon about a character to make it work it's because they don't actually ship canon Sigyn with Loki, they ship their self insert oc who happens to have the same name. Yeah. I have said I would only be fine with her coming back if their relationship and dynamic is retconned and rewritten entirely. I would argue that Sigyn has no personality and that's why she is the self-insert of choice...
I also don't appreciate the guilt-tripping some Marvel!Sygin stans do to try to make us care about some prop of a female character. Of course I would erase her if it benefits Loki's character and means I don't have to see her used as a prop to show how far Loki's evil goes. Loki's actually interesting and her being used as a prop didn't add anything interesting to his storyline and it was quite annoying. Of course we all have more investment in Loki as a character than Table # 5. We've already seen Loki being awful in more interesting ways. Plus, I feel he should get that specific relationship retconned/erased because comics always get retconned and the way most of the comics handled Loki annoys me ("evil from birth" narratives while everyone else is obnoxiously perfect are the bane of my existence). I am glad he's allowed to be gray rather than pure evil now and that's he's gotten some things retconned to avoid "evil from birth".
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dextivefanart · 11 months
Marvel server I made for that Sygin x Loki content (they'll be the main driving force of plot, lol). Naturally, I'm going to be Sygin. Come join the chaos!
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marvelsimp97 · 2 years
The Broken Princess (Loki x Reader) Part Three
Summary: Reader is a princess of a kingdom with a culture where women sit at home, cook and keep being pretty. She was never like that no matter how much her mother wanted her to be like that. However she gets engaged with the Asgardian prince, Loki. They don't like to be forced into it but not for the same reason.
Word count: 5148
Warnings: angst
A/N: I originally imagined Reader as a Chinese princess but throughout the whole story I never used any specific description for her like I usually do the same with every fanfic I write. Oh, and I have a little one-shot collection where I collect all of the requested works and whatever just popped into my mind. So if you have a request, feel free to send them to me! (Kylo Ren needs some love in that collection so pls feel free to request with him! <3)
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You were still curious as to what was your fiancée doing out in the capital city in the middle of the night. You wanted to ask Frigga about it but decided against it in case you would get Loki into trouble. You were grateful for the little peace between you two, you didn't want to ruin it to bicker around again.
Frigga was satisfied with your work with the children for them to develop quite fast. You were a good teacher and were patient with them. All of the little boys and girls loved you and by them their parents quickly learnt how good natured and kind you were. At the tea parties the other princesses now gathered around you in a large group while others weren't as happy with the news. But that was their problem. You and Loki met at the library often during at night and even if you didn't talk that much the peace and quiet was enough. You weren't uncomfortable with him sitting at the same table with you and reading in quiet while you did the same thing. Sometimes he even recommended books for you to read after he learnt how deep in love you were with literature.
The preparations for the wedding was getting started and today was the first meeting with the royal wedding planner. You sat on a sofa in the queen's salon with Frigga and Loki on your sides and forced yourself to seem not as bored as you were actually. There were sample of different types of decorations and each had various color schemes from lighter to darker shades. You saw how Frigga's eyes shined up at the light golden and cream decorations with bright red and white roses. You liked something little more pastel like light pink or green with light gold or silver. Loki didn't care he just wanted to get over this meeting to go and finish the paperwork Odin left for him to do. The king liked to give him the paperwork of the monetary affairs. Which Loki hated to do even if he was excellent in it and pointed out every missing penny. Last month he was able to detect a peculator in the court and Odin sent the man to prison immediately.
"We first need to choose the decoration type and its color scheme. You can change the flowers if you want I prepared a list of which flower matches the same decoration. The most popular nowadays is this one, called Perfect Day. I think that would not be the best choice, the royal family needs to be unique and a leader at everything. Every couple would want a wedding like yours after." the old lady smiled in front of you like this was the biggest choice in politics or strategy. You turned to Frigga.
"I trust your judgement, my queen." you said. "I saw you liked the one with light gold and cream. Do you think that would fit us?"
"It is your wedding, dear, you should be the one to choose." Frigga shook her head with a smile.
"I saw something right there!" you quickly started turning the large pages of the large album searching for the one you liked. It was a light apple green, almost white with light, platinum gold accents. The tablecloth was the light green while across the table was laid a long stripe of white cloth with shining platinum golden flowers and vines decorating the fabric. White fluffy snowball flowers in white porcelain vases and light green organza stripes hanging around the room at the large windows. You pointed at it smiling hoping, the meeting would end soon.
"Excellent choice, my princess! That one is quite exquisite and even if it's quite simple that is what gives it's luxuriousness!" clapped her hands happily the old lady. "Now as for the flowers..."
You wanted to groan but you kept smiling while she went through the decorations outside the throne room, the gardens and the dining hall. She asked you to choose the flowers for the ladies and the dress-code. When you saw how irritated Loki was you quickly saved both him and the old lady by saying that he had more important things to do, you can choose on your own. Loki nodded gratefully to you before leaving you three in silence.
When it was finally over you sighed tiredly and exhausted walking down the corridor towards the bedchambers' section. You spotted a small balcony and decided to step out onto it to cool your heated skin down a bit. The cold wind of the night – because it was already night time when you finally left the salon – tickled your skin through your hair and your lips pulled into a smile. You couldn't get enough of this scenery of the night city below the castle. Suddenly you heard the tapping of horse hooves on ground from the gardens and spotted Loki's retreating form in the night his long green cape waving in the wind like the ocean.
"Are you curious, my princess?" asked suddenly someone from the neighboring balcony making you jump in your surprise. You snapped your head to the woman standing there to see Lady Lynn smiling back at you with an evil satisfied smile on her lips. She was beautiful out matching every noble lady around her but she was like a snake and acted like it.
"Should I be concerned?" you sighed rolling your eyes not really wanting to hear her false words.
"The prince is visiting a lady whenever he can sneak out of the palace." she continued ignoring your reaction. You knew she expected you to get angry or jealous but you had no feelings for him and if he wished to see another you will let him. "I have heard that she is a beauty that has no match which must be ridiculous. Have you seen me?" she scoffed. "Anyway, they met here on a ball when they were younger. Everyone says they fell head over heels for each other..."
"And why would I care about it?" you asked coldly. "I am the one engaged with him. I am the one who stays in the palace. You should know as a noble that marriage for people like us never was about love. It is cold out here, you should go inside and leave me be if you wish not to catch a cold."
You lifted your hand and blew cold icy wind into her face. It wasn't magic, no. Ädranä's royal family were the ancestors of the ancient dragons who created their land. You couldn't change into a dragon of course but because you were their ancestor you had a little power over one of the elements and that was the air. Your brother was the river and your father was the earth. Your mother had no power like that because she was from a simple noble family.
Lady Lynn gasped and quickly went back inside in case you would decide to knock her off balance and over the railing of the balcony she was standing on. You sighed and returned to your chambers not long after. A lover. So that is why he left at night so often. You were surprised to feel disappointed. Why had you had feelings like that? He was nothing to you and will never mean anything even if you will be married to him. The fact that he could act civil with you didn't mean he could grow to love you. You admitted after thinking for a long time wide awake in your bed that maybe you were too careless and let yourself start to like him.
Time skip~
Your days were dutiful but you could still find a small free time to sit down and read. Queen Frigga decided to join you with some tea as company in the library. Your mind was racing with the questions you wanted to ask her but you wanted to stay silent for now. You were curious as to who this secret lady was. You cursed yourself for being so nosy but it was bothering you since you spoke with Lady Lynn and that was a few days ago.
"Something is bothering you, my child." spoke up Queen Frigga in the silence you two were sitting in since she arrived. Your cheek grew hot and you averted your gaze to the carpeted floor.
"There is something I wanted to ask you... since a few days." you sighed after a long silence. You slowly looked up to look at her beautiful face anxiety filling you. "Why is Loki leaving the palace at night?"
You watched her eyes widen and her lips form a surprised 'o' before her expression grew sad and apologetic. She slowly put her book down, placed her cup back down to the small plate on the silver tray and leaned back in her chair putting her hands in her lap and staring straight forward. Your brow furrowed and tried to hide your worry.
"I should have informed you some time ago about it but... I could not do that to you." she sighed. "A long time ago, when my son was in his adolescent years, he met a girl around his age on a ball which we organized for the commoner. It was a great celebration for the victory of my husband over Vanaheim. Loki met this girl who was no one of importance and fell in love with her beauty and kind-heartedness. She had platinum blonde hair and beautiful cerulean blue eyes with plump pink lips and fair white skin. She was like a porcelain doll. But she was sickly that time already. Their relationship grew as their love. My husband never approved of it and even if I do not mind I never encouraged it supporting my husband. Many years passed and the girl grew more and more ill till she could not leave her room and now... she cannot leave her bed even. The best healers of the realm I have sent to her have said that she has a few months amongst the living yet."
"Oh..." you mumbled shocked and sad. A true fairy-tail without a happy ending. "How is Loki?"
"I believe that... he stays alone in his chambers just to avoid someone noticing his sadness. He believes it to be weakness to feel... to be sensitive about losing someone you hold close to your heart." Frigga smiled sadly at you.
"Can I meet her?" you asked without thinking. Your curiosity was stronger than you but you were eager to meet her. She sounded like a good person and if she could bring happiness into your soon to be husband's life than you will be happy for them and will thank her. That was the only thing you could do.
"Of course, my child." nodded the queen with a confused glint in her eyes.
"Will you lead me to her, my queen?" you stood up with a happy smile on your lips. Frigga stood up from her seat hesitantly and the two of you went down to the carriages to go out to the capital. Since the day you arrived you haven't spent a day down there and you were eager to see the commoner hurry on the streets, living their busy lives. How simple their lives must be. No scheming, no evil plans, no bad intentions, no corruption or deceit. No one to stab them in the back from their own family.
You stared out the window watching some commoner stop and stare in wonder at the royal carriage zip past them. Your mouth watered at the sight of cakes and biscuits and fruits near the market and your eyes shined up at the sight of a shop selling notebooks and pens. Frigga chuckled at your wonder but stayed silent till you arrived. She waited for you to leave the carriage in front of a small house. It was built from stone and its was not bigger than a cottage. You saw crackling fire through the single window at the front while Frigga knocked on the door waiting patiently for someone to open it. An old lady came out opening the door just a crack. Frigga smiled down to the old lady and asked for entrance. You stepped up to the queen to greet the old lady but earned a nasty glare from the elderly.
"Why are you here?!" she asked unfriendly as she looked you up and down.
"I just wished to meet the one who holds Loki's heart." you smiled kindly down at her with no malice. "Please, let us in... I wish to thank her for making him happy."
"I will stay in the room as the queen too. If you try anything..." she threatened as she opened the door to let you two in. You bowed to the old lady as you were taught back in your home giving your respect to elderly. Her eyes only narrowed at your behavior and you knew that you probably couldn't do anything to make her see that you came in peace. She led Frigga and you up on the stairs to a small room. You heard soft coughing coming from the room and when you stepped inside you spotted a delicate young woman around your age draw something curled up on the window seat in a white night gown. Her platinum blonde hair was messy and dry, her body thin and weak. When she looked at the visitors her eyes widened and she quickly got to her feet bowing to Frigga and you. Her balance was however not as good and easily fell on her side from the sudden movement.
You jumped into action without caring what the old lady thought or how she would yell at you. You rushed to her side and helped her up and back into a sitting position on the window seat. She looked up at you in surprise and with a grateful smile on her lips. She was beautiful. Even if she was bedridden. You felt a pang of jealous at how you were pampered by maids for two hours each morning but here she was so beautiful even when she had dark circles under her eyes and sickly pale skin. You smiled back kindly and stepped back from her.
"Are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?" you asked gently.
"N-no... thank you." she replied coughing a little. You didn't wait for permission and pulled out the chair from the desk in the corner offering it to Frigga. She thanked you and sat down before you pulled out another chair from the bedside. "M-my queen... did something happen to Loki? Is he alright?"
"Yes, my child, he is quite well." chuckled the blonde woman as she patted the other's knee. "I came to visit you with Princess (Name). When she learnt about you she wanted to see you."
You saw the white haired young woman's beautiful face fall as she glanced at you in panic. Your eyebrows curled in sadness that another person was thinking of you like a threat.
"Please, do not fret. I only wanted to say... thanks for caring about him." you said quietly surprising her quite some. "At first Loki and I... did not get along that well... but eventually I could make him see that this marriage which was forced on him was forced on me just as well. I am glad I can call him a friend nowadays and I am happy that he has someone who loves him dearly. Thank you for it."
"Wha-" she opened her mouth but couldn't find any words.
"I am sorry I startled you. Please, forgive me." you bowed your head a little as you sat on the chair your hands in your lap.
"You are really... that kind?" the girl breathed in disbelief.
"Um... I cannot tell you that I am kind to all... but I can see difference between friend and foe. I hope I can call you the former in the future." you smiled warmly back at her.
"You have to forgive me for doubting your kindness but this is so sudden..." she placed a hand in front of her mouth as she stared forward.
"Sygin, I can reassure you that there is no malice in her actions. (Name) was only curious to know you. You should see how all those children love her at the palace. She is doing an excellent job with teaching." smiled the queen at Sygin trying to end her doubts.
"I... I do not know what to say." sighed the white haired woman.
"Only that you will try to get to know me before judging." you stood up from your seat. "My queen, I believe it is time we leave Lady Sygin to rest. I wish not to disturb."
"Alright." smiled Frigga at Sygin as she stood up as well and left the room with you. You tried to not take it to heart that she couldn't trust you. You were however determined to get to know her and show her that you were only grateful for her to take care of Loki. You knew you would never get the chance to do that.
The ride back to the palace was quicker than the way out. You exchanged no words with the queen as you thought of how could you change Sygin's mind about you. You expected her to tell Loki about you and when that would happen, you had to be prepared for whatever words he would throw at your head.
Time skip~
Weeks went fast and each time you saw Loki leave the palace at night you wished to not receive his rage the next day. You decided to give Sygin some time to think before you would visit again. You went down to the kitchen to see the chef. Of course all of the cooks and chefs were afraid of what you would want when you showed up at the door of the kitchen. You laughed at how their hands stopped and eyes widened at your sight at the door.
It took them some time to see that you were not going to yell at them. When you asked one of the chefs to teach you how to make muffins he paled. You had to reassure him that Odin would not punish him for anything.
"No, no, no, no, no! I am not here to test you or anything of the sort!" you lifted your hands and walked up to the man who grasped at his chest. "I have friend who I promised muffins by my own hands and I wish to learn how to bake them. Could you teach me?"
"B-b-b-b-ut, your highness, there is no need for you to bake them yourself! We can do it for you, you just need to ask." he protested. You huffed a little annoyed.
"I am not my fiancé, alright?!" you narrowed your eyes. "I will never send anyone to jail for something that is not their fault or a fault at all. I am only asking you to help me out. I promised my friend that I can learn something which I have never done. I wish to fulfill my promise."
Norrec as he was called sighed defeated but somewhat relieved and agreed to it. You smiled brightly at him and followed him further into the kitchen following his every order. Someone strew some flour on your dress and immediately everyone paled. You looked up and started laughing.
"Oh, look at your faces! Ahahahaha!" you laughed. "I am sorry! I just- ahahahaha! Please, do not-, you do not need to apologize. It can be washed out. It is just flour."
"Are you really not mad at... me?" asked the cook who strew the flour on you surprised and more like out of shock.
"No, no. Everything is alright." you patted his shoulder with a kind smile. Your face fell a little as an idea popped into your mind. "Um... I have to ask. Are there rumors about me? Or is it about that every royal member treats you unkindly?"
"Well, Princess... yes. You are of royal blood. Usually people from your level only polite with each other. Queen Frigga of course is different but... she is still of royal." spoke up Norrec. "Your actions are not... usual."
"That is sad... I was taught to appreciate my people. That I should be thankful for all of you and be kind to you. No harm was done by a little flour falling on my skirt. And please, do not fear to approach me with anything." you smiled warmly at them. You noticed how their behavior changed quickly. They turned friendly from distant and you felt happy. When the muffins were finished you clasped your hands happily and gave a kiss to Norrec on his cheek making him blush.
You quickly changed out of your dress into a clean one picked up the small basket filled with the muffins from the kitchen and left the palace. You only asked for a horse and quickly fled the scene. You never had official riding lessons however you pleaded with your father's best swordsman until he sighed an agreed and taught you. As you rode you tried to turn the right corners and when you felt lost you jumped off the horse and asked a woman of where you could find Sygin's house. She was frightened that you were so straight forward but couldn't help but smile back when you said your goodbyes and wished her a good day. You quickly found the house and your heart pumped loudly in your chest as you approached the door. You knocked on the wooden surface and waited until the old lady opened the it.
"What do you want?!" she asked rudely.
"I thought I could show you that I came in peace? I brought muffins!" you beamed down at her but she slammed the door in your face. You sighed defeated. You turned back to your horse and petted her smiling sadly. You jumped back on her and went back to the palace. You gave the muffins to your maids.
Every second day you made muffins down in the kitchen every time brought to Sygin and was rejected. You were a little disappointed but decided to not give up. You will try until they would hear you out.
Sygin's PoV.
She came back. Everyday she came back with a basket in her hand. Sygin didn't know what to think of the princess but her determination impressed her. The young woman couldn't decide what the princess possible could want from her. Why would she want to know her? She was in the way of her marriage. She was in the way of her happiness. To grab the power or whatever noble people fought for.
As days passed and Sygin watch the princess get rejected by Holena again she noticed something glistening (Name)'s eyes. She sighed, pinched the bridge of her nose, took a deep breath. She was standing there for a long time, Sygin thought she wouldn't leave and would bang on the door forcing her way inside when the princess was approached by children. The children tugged at her beautiful dress and it seemed like they tried to comfort their princess. The white haired girl had to hear what they were talking about and opened the window looking out to the street below.
"Please do not cry, your highness!" tried to hug a little girl (Name) around her large skirt at her legs. It made (Name) giggle and crouch down to the children's level. She patted her blonde hair and hugged her to her chest. The other children hugged the princess too.
"How sweet this is of you all!" smiled brightly at them (Name). "I am afraid that I will never get to know the one who I thought could be my ally. She seems so kind, so good-hearted. And she is so beautiful... I am so jealous of her beauty sometimes. But she makes my friend so happy. I feel the need to show my gratitude to her."
"But Loki is your fiancé... not your friend... you will marry him!" furrowed her eyebrows confused another little girl with brown hair and green eyes.
"None of us was in love with the other when we were engaged. I tried to run away, to hide in the tiniest place to never be found again. We do not love each other and even if I would love Prince Loki... I know he would never love me back. He already loves someone who makes him happy. And I cannot wish anything more for myself than to see him happy even if it is with another."
Sygin wanted to think that it was all an act, that the princess paid for the children to gather around her and make an act but she couldn't. She saw the tears that left the princess' eyes, running down her cheeks. Sygin couldn't agree with the princess however. She wasn't as beautiful as (Name) said she was. She was jealous of the princess of how close she could be all day to Loki and how she didn't need to stay in bed all day.
"You trust her." spoke up suddenly Holena behind her but she didn't flinch.
"You still think she has malevolent intentions?" Sygin asked back still looking down at the princess talking to the children smiling at them brightly and hugging them before standing up and making her way to her horse her basket now empty. Sygin knew she had to act. "Hey, princess (Name)! Maybe we should talk!"
Her voice was weak and she cursed that she erupted in a coughing fit. Holena helped her back to her bed and went to open the door. When the old lady came back (Name) following her Sygin nodded as a greeting to the princess. (Name) erupted in a bright smile and lifted her basket.
"I made all of them for you but... there is just one left. I hope you accept it even if it is not much." she smiled apologetically at Sygin. The white haired young woman couldn't understand this princess. Why was she so kind? So straight forward? So approachable?
"You made them?" Sygin asked in disbelief.
"I... uh... yes..." she lowered her head. "Maybe they do not taste as good as the royal chef's but I followed his instructions. Maybe I was bothering him by following him around until he let me do it but... I hope they taste alright..."
"Do not just stand in the door, girly." spoke up Holena surprising both of them. "What? Now that you are inside you should stay a little. Sit where you can."
The old lady left the two of them along in a nervous silence. Sygin closed her eyes before she reached for the muffin in the basket. She carefully pealed the paper off and took a small piece off of it with her fingers. She put it in her mouth carefully and chewed slowly. It tasted so good she almost couldn't suppress a moan.
"So? Is it okay?" asked eagerly (Name) her eyes sparkling excitedly.
"Y-yeah..." furrowed her eyebrows Sygin. "What do you really want with this?"
"I just... I just would like to get to know you a little better... and show you that I do not want to cause you harm or would not hurt you with my words." (Name) answered sadness showing on her beautiful face.
"You are a princess. People like you always has something behind their words and actions. A purpose, a reason, a goal to achieve." rolled her eyes Sygin. She watched the princess' features' turn hard and disappointed.
"I came from a different culture than you, my lady... You all speak like you know that there is something behind my kindness. What if I am just kind? What if I have no purpose? No goal? I have met those kind of princesses you are used to and I have to agree you are right to not trust them. But would any of them try so desperately to know you? They would call you a commoner... and even if you are, that does not mean I can look down on you just because I have royal blood in my veins." (Name) replied.
"But even if that is true... why would you want to become my friend? You must have your friends." asked further Sygin.
"It is not I who need friends." (Name) shook her head. "I have friends who I hold dearly to my heart. Do you have friends who visit you from time to time other than Loki? Did the ones you had stay on your side when they learnt that you were sick?"
"Then go back to them." hissed Sygin at (Name). A long silence took place between them but none of them moved. The princess stood up and went to the window closing it before picking up the drawings from the window seat.
"You are alike, you know?" asked (Name) with a smirk on her lips. Sygin looked at her confused as the princess looked back up at her. 'With Loki. He doubted my intentions when I arrived... he was rude and ignored me if we were in the same room. I wanted to change that but not for him to grow to love me. Oh, no. I know I am not like someone he would ever love after meeting you... but now that we will be forced to live our lives bonded together like that... I wish to not bicker around with him all the time."
"You will still live your life with him... which I can never do." tears gathered in Sygin's eyes as she looked down at her lap knowing... feeling the end coming to her. Each night she went to sleep with the thought of never getting up again. Death still frightened her and her heart was aching for Loki. She didn't want him to feel sad, to feel the pain of losing her. Yet she was so selfish to wish he would visit her again to talk all night long, to kiss his lips, to hold him tight. Gentle arms snaked around her and pulled her tight into a warm embrace. Soft (h/c) hair brushed against her cheek as she was hugged by Princess (Name).
"I am so sorry..." whispered the princess rubbing her back soothingly. Sygin's eyes widened as she felt something familiar coming from (Name). Something like her mother would've been who died when she was young. Sygin held tightly to (Name) as she cried sobbing and shaking violently. They sat there for a long time until she calmed down into a sleep.
To be continued...
Taglist: @caniputmyballsinyojahws
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lis-likes-fics · 4 years
Pairings: Loki x Sigyn, Loki x Reader Warnings: Angst, unrequited love Author’s Note: Idk, enjoy! :)
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You sat in the library of the Asgardian palace, reading a book to occupy yourself while your father performed his duties. When you looked up from the pages of your book, you were startled by a figure standing in front of you, facing the shelf.
You jumped up and held your hand to your heart. You looked up to see who the person was, them now looking at you from your sudden movements. When you saw the raven haired man standing there, you jumped to your feet, setting your book to the side gently and doing a little curtsy.
"My prince." You greeted, keeping your head bowed. He nodded to you as a greeting. You looked up, seeing his face. Since you were no a maid, you were able to see his face.
Prince Loki asked, "What is your name?"
You told him, "I’m Lady Y/N. Daughter of Axel."
The prince tilted his head, "The nobleman?"
You nodded, "Yes, sir." He nodded, looking toward the book you were reading. "What are you reading?"
You looked toward the book that was sitting on the side table and spoke, "The Discovery of Dragons Throughout the Nine Realms by Astrid the Traveler."
Prince Loki nodded, "I'm more of a poetry man, myself."
You chuckled, "I prefer poetry over anything myself, but I'm afraid I've read most of the works in the library. Anything I haven't read has been retrieved by another."
The prince chuckled himself, the sound almost making him swoon, "Yes, I face that same issue, myself."
You both stood there, awkwardly smiling. To break the silence, you spoke up, "My father and I are to go to Midgard for the week actually. I look forward to purchasing some of their works."
Prince Loki scoffed a little, "Midgard. They are all a bunch of mewling quims, if you ask me." You frowned a little, "Well, I've heard some things about them but that title doesn't pop up too often. I hear they do well with literature. I'll bring a few copies back for you and see how you like it."
Prince Loki shrugged, "I don't I will find it intriguing, but by all means."
You chuckled and began to say something when the sound of heavy footsteps came into the library. You looked over to see your father and smiled. "Hello, Father." You greeted him with a hug.
He wrapped an arm around your neck and brought you in, placing a kiss to your forehead. You smiled and placed your hand on his arm.
He saw Prince Loki and bowed his head, "Prince Loki. I trust that you are having a fine day today?"
The prince nodded, "Yes, I am. The same for you, nobleman. You have a lovely daughter." Axel looked down to you and smiled, "Yes, the light of my life, this one."
He then turned to you completely, "You have all of your belongings together for you trip. We leave in a few moments.
"Yes, I do, Father. The question is, do you have your belongings together. You are more forgetful than me." You said, your hands on his shoulders. He let out a laugh, "I have my things together."
You reached in your pocket of your gown and pulled out his glasses, "Then why are these in my pockets?"
He pulled them from your hands, "Ah." Placing them in his bag, he told you, "Because you, my little trickster, took them from my bag."
You laughed and you both began to leave, bidding Prince Loki goodbye. "Save travels to Midgard." He told you. You thanked him and you and your father were off.
At the week's end, you and your father returned to Asgard. You held two big boxes, filled to the brim with books that you had purchased while on Midgard. Your father had two guards carry the boxes for you when you arrived on Asgard after you insisted that you could carry it on your own.
"Why don't you get souvenirs when we visit other realms?" Your father questioned.
You laughed, "The books I buy are the souvenirs. And, besides, I try and get something else as well. This time, I got an 'electronic device'. Prince Thor suggested it himself. He said to grab one with lots of...'mobile data'. Whatever that is."
Your father shrugged. He grabbed the phone form your bag and poked the front, "You couldn't have gotten something more...understandable?" You shrugged and continued walking up to the palace.
When you got to your chambers, you placed your belongings on your bed and grabbed the piles of books you'd gotten from the Asgardian library to return them and get started on your Midgardian collection.
As you turned them in, you saw Prince Loki walking into the library, his nose buries in a book. You turned to him and said, "Prince Loki." You curtsied and he chuckled, smiling at you.
He grabbed your hands, kissing one, and saying, "Lady Y/N, welcome back. How were your travels?"
You smiled and tried to hide your blush, "It was fine, fun actually. I have two boxes of books in my chambers from Midgard. I'm turning in the ones I forgot to check back in before I left."
He smiled, "I suppose you want me to come and get a few of the Midgardian books?"
You shrugged, "I would like you to. I've read a couple and, I have to say, Midgardians are certainly talented."
"We shall see." He said. You directed him from the library, taking him to your chambers to give him the selection.
When you arrived, you opened the doors and went straight to one of the boxes.
Prince Loki looked around your room, smiling, "I like your style." You blushed a little and said, "Thank you, my prince."
Your room was a nice mix of pastel (favorite color) and black. You had a few souvenirs from different realms that you had visited, along with a tall bookshelf of the pieces of literature that you had picked up from those same realms.
You dug in your boxes and grabbed five different books for the prince to read. Three of them were written by a Midgardian named William Shakespeare, one from Edgar Allen Poe, and another from Mark Twain.
"Here are some that I thought were really good. Some of the best that I've chosen from." You said, carefully handing over the books. Prince Loki smiled and grabbed the books and looked through the selections.
"I will give them a try, Lady Y/N." He told you. You smiled and nodded, "That's all I ask."
It had been two years since you and the prince met and you had become the best of friends. You enjoyed being around Loki, you loved being around him. But you wanted to be more than just his friend.
And being his best friend was worse. You don't get out of the best friend zone.
You and Loki sat in the library, reading books and commenting about what you thought about specific parts. You laid across his lap on your back, him setting his book on your stomach as he read.
As you read your book, Loki looked at you, "Y/N, I have something to tell you."
You looked up at him, raising a brow, "What is it, Loki?"
He took a breath before saying, "I have feelings for someone."
Your heart sank in your chest. He'd said what you had always hoped he wouldn't. You put a smile on your face, not wanting to let him know just how much this hurt you. You would support your best friend, no matter how much it hurt.
You told him, "That's great! Who's the lucky guy?"
He gave you a look and you laughed it off, using the joke to distract him from what your moment of hesitation might have meat. He shook his head and said, "Her name Sigyn."
You furrowed your brow, moving from his lap and in the spot next to Loki, "The goddess, Sigyn?" He nodded, smiling the adorable smile that made your heart soar.
Well, no wonder he fell for her. She's a goddess. All you were was the daughter of a nobleman.
You smiled and told him, "I'm happy for you. How long have you liked her?"
He shrugged, setting his book to the side, "A few weeks. I'm thinking about asking to take her someplace. What Midgardians call a 'date'."
You forced a smile and said to him, placing a hand on his, "Go for it. She's a lucky girl."
Loki smiled and nodded, he picked up his book and said, "I'm at a really good part. She's about to confess her feelings for him and he doesn't feel the same way."
You looked away from him, staring at your hands as you held your book.
Come on.
It had been a month or two since Loki told you about Sigyn. He's been telling you of the outings he's been going on with her, the sunsets they had watched, the kisses they'd shared together...
Every word he said about anything he'd done with her made your heart cry out for some sort of relief.
He was truly in love with her and, as his best friend, all you could do was stand there on the side and support him as your heart broke over and over and over again.
You'd always hoped you'd be the one to hold his heart, the one to share his kiss, the one to share his life with.
But instead, he held your heart and didn't even know. He didn't know how hard he'd been squeezing, keeping it in a suffocating grasp where you couldn't breathe.
Being in love wasn't easy, because that one person your life revolved around had the power to hurt you like no other.
The part that hurt worse was that he didn't know he was hurting you. He didn't know you were in such pain. All he knew, was that you were his friend, and that you'd stand beside him, no matter what happened.
You wandered around the palace gardens, finding yourself in a secret part known only to you, Loki, and Queen Frigga. He never even told Sigyn about it, and you were glad because it was the one place that belong to just you and Loki.
And you think he knew that in his heart enough to keep it secret.
As you wandered, you heard small, light footsteps and turned around. When you saw the queen, you curtsied, bowing your head. "My queen." You said politely.
She smiled, giving a little chuckle as she said, "Y/N, you need not address me so formally." You stood and smiled, "I know."
She shook her head with her soft, kind smile, "Walk with me."
You linked your arm around hers, walking together as she spoke, "What troubles you?"
You tilted your head, "What do you mean? Nothing troubles me."
She tilted her head then, looking at you knowingly, "My dear child, you only wander around this part of the garden without Loki when you are troubled. So, tell me, what is the matter?"
You sighed, Frigga definitely knew you. You shrugged, "I'm happy for Loki and Lady Sigyn, I really am, it's just..."
"You're in love with him, as well." She said.
You looked at her with surprise. She chuckled, "I am not blind. Even a blind man could see how much you love my son."
You looked down at your feet, embarrassment on your face, "I'm hopelessly in love with him."
There was silence before you found yourself confessing everything to her.
"But...what am I to do? I'm his friend. She's a goddess, an actual goddess...I am just the daughter of a nobleman."
Frigga stopped, turning to you with her hands gently on your shoulders, "Y/N, my child, listen to me. You are a strong, intelligent, beautiful young woman. My son, as blind as he may be sometimes, knows this. He may be in love with Lady Sigyn, but he loves you, too. You may be his friend, but if he had to choose between you and her, you would come first."
You frowned, "How can you be so sure of that?"
She smiled a soft smile, "Because you, my child, are the only person who saw him for what he truly was as soon as you met him. A good man. Even Lady Sigyn had her doubts. But you did not. You gave him a chance, something he is not offered at first glance. Give it time, dear. He'll come around."
You asked, "Are you sure?"
She nodded, "Positive."
Just then, a voice came from behind you both, "Mother?"
You turned to see Loki, your heart pounding heavily in your chest as you watched him. Frigga smiled, "My son, how are you?"
He smiled, "Quite well. I was actually looking for Y/N. What were you talking about?"
You panicked and looked at Frigga, who gave Loki a calm look and said, "Oh, nothing and everything."
You smiled and she said, "Well, I'll give you two some time alone. Farewell." Frigga left and, as she passed Loki, she gave you a wink.
Loki stood in front of you, holding your hands, and telling you, "I have great news, Y/N."
You forced a smile, "Really? Is Thor taking a trip to another realm for a few weeks or something?"
He rolled his eyes with a chuckle that made you lose your breath. "No, I proposed to Sigyn...and she said yes."
Now, your breath was gone for a different reason. You almost choked then and there, trying to suck in a breath, but no matter how much you got, you still felt like you had been drowning in your pain.
There he was again. Squeezing your heart in his iron grip as his excitement took over him.
As you forced words out of your mouth, you responded then. You expected to your voice to sound like a cry of pain, but it came out like a happy cheer of a child, "Wonderful!"
Loki's smile widened and it was the only thing keeping you from dying on the spot. Loki continued, "And Sigyn wanted to know if you would be her Maid of Honor."
You swore you had died then, your heart being crushed, shattering into a million tiny pieces that could never be reunited.
You forced another smile, a mask for the pain of it all, "Of course! I would love to be! I'd ask for nothing else but to be there for you on your special day!"
He smiled, pulling you in for a happy hug. You took that time to take a breath, it being the only possible thing that could calm you down.
Loki's familiar smell filled your senses and your body relaxed a little. It was as if you could finally breathe, even if it was only for the brief moment. As soon as he pulled away, you were again surrounded by the water that drowned you in your sorrows.
You gave him a reassuring smile that he mirrored. "I must be going, I have preparations to take care of, for the wedding is in a few days."
You nodded, choking out the words, "Great! You attend to your duties, I'll stay here to walk for a little while longer."
He gave you another hug before leaving swiftly, excited to start his new life with Sigyn.
When you knew he was out of the gardens and there was no one else around, you collapsed to the floor.
Tears freely fell from your eyes as you cried, now knowing that you would never hold a place in his heart like before. Sigyn was his Number One and she would always be.
You would be nothing but the friend, the third wheel, the one who wished for way more than she'd ever get.
Sigyn would be the Goddess of Victory, the wife of the God of Mischief, the woman who lived up to her title.
Now, you were nothing more than just Lady Y/N Axeldottir. The daughter of a nobleman and the friend of the God of Mischief.
You were nothing more than just Y/N.
The wedding had taken place so fast, your head had begun to spin. The whole kingdom came and saw as a god and goddess wed and became one.
You watched, pain tearing at your heart as you sewed it back together, knowing you were doing the right thing.
Sigyn and Loki looked so happy together, and it made you happy to see Loki with such a smile. You just wished you were the reason for it.
The wedding had passed and your time with Loki had shortened. He spent so much more time with Sigyn. When you did get time with him, you both spent it reading together and catching up on what you missed.
As the months progressed, his side of your catch-ups weren't the best things you liked to hear.
"How has it been with you and Sigyn lately?" You asked, hopeful that he had something good to say.
He shook his head a little to show you that things weren't going so well. He rubbed his face with his hand and told you, "I don't know really. She seems a little...distracted. As if I boring her."
You gave him a sad look, focusing on only him.
"After we got married, she began taking a little more control over me. She tells me what to do, what not to do. It's quite annoying to tell the truth."
You placed your hand on his, curling your fingers around it and reassuring him, "I'm sure things will be okay. It will turn out, you'll see. And, if they don't, you know I will always be right by your side to help you."
He looked at you with a soft smile and gave a little chuckle, "I know you will. You always have been."
You smiled and went back to your book. Loki's gaze lingered on you for a moment before doing the same.
Time passed and Loki seemed to be at the library a lot more often, in hopes of finding you.
When he hadn't seen you once for a week in a row, he began to worry wondering if you were okay.
When you'd returned, you told him that you had gone with your father to visit Vanaheim to see old friends.
"I had been meaning to tell you before I left, but I was unable to get a hold of you. You were off with Sigyn before I get to you." You explained.
He told you, "I'm sorry. I have been so distant with you lately."
You smiled, placing your hand on his shoulder, "It's okay. Next week, my father and I are to visit another realm. Would you like to come...if Sigyn allows, of course. My father would be thrilled to have you join!"
He smiled, placing his hand on yours and said, "I'd love to. I can't wait." You gave him a warm smile and left, going to catch up with others.
Next week had come, Loki could not.
When you saw him after you returned, he had told you that he and Sigyn had gotten into a fight.
"Oh, no! Are you okay? What happened?" You asked, giving him your full attention.
Loki sat with you and explained the fight. "She said she didn't like how I was trying to spend more time with you than with her." You took in a slow, empty breath, trying to keep your anger at bay as you did not wanting to show how much it pissed you off that Sigyn continued to hurt Loki like this.
You said with a sigh, "I don't want to be the reason your relationship with Sigyn doesn't work. I can step away if you want me to."
You grabbed your hands, pulling you closer, "No!" You froze in your spot, startled by the reaction.
He sighed, "No. I don't need you to step away. I don't want you to step away."
You nodded, placing your hand over his, "Then I won't." You squeezed his hand, looking into his eyes in a silent promise.
The next week marked the one year anniversary of Loki and Sigyn. At their anniversary ball, you barely noticed the two get close to each other. If they had to be, they never touched.
You wanted to see what was going on, but the party ended so late in the night that they retreated back to their chambers before you had a chance to talk with Loki.
You grew more concerned, not knowing why this was happening. You didn't want to see Loki hurt, you'd do anything to make sure he was safe and happy. You'd sacrifice anything you could.
The next morning, you found out why Loki and Sigyn were so distant.
You were in the library, reading another Midgardian book when Loki found you. You smiled as you greeted him, "Hello, Loki. How are you?" You patted the spot next to you for him to sit down.
When he didn't reply, just sitting next to you in silence, you knew something was wrong. "What is the matter?" You asked, your book long past forgotten, and all of your focus shifting toward Loki.
Loki spoke in a plain voice, "Sigyn and I are no longer together."
Your heart stopped.
You didn't want to admit it to yourself, but you felt happy. You felt like a weight had been lifted off your chest.
You felt like Loki loosened his grip.
You frowned and asked, "What? Why?"
He told you, "She claimed that I was distracted. I was spending too much time with you. She said I was too close with you."
You tilted your head and listened. He turned to look at you, a sort of glint in his eyes as he said, "I can't help but think she's right."
Your breath stopped in your throat. What?
You felt his grip tighten around your heart, squeezing so hard you assumed he was finally finishing you off after over a year of this pain.
He turned completely toward you and said, "Y/N...I don't know how it took me so long to realize this...but...I love you."
Your breath came back like a fierce wind. You inhaled so deep, you felt like you'd never breathed in your life.
Loki had pletely loosened his grip. Though, it was no longer a grip at all. Instead, he was holding his hands open, giving you space to love him.
A tear slipped from your eye as you pulled him in to a hug you didn't want to let go of. Loki wrapped his arms around you, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
When you finally pulled back, you told him, "I love you, too, Loki."
He smiled, "From the moment, I first saw you, I knew there was something about you that was different. It's a shame it took a failed marriage to see that the person that was right for me had been with me the whole time."
You cried as you told him, "I've loved you for three years. From when I first met you, to now and beyond."
You said, "I stayed in my place when you said you had feelings for Sigyn. I wanted you to be happy, and I didn't want to ruin that happiness by telling you that I loved you, having you hold this guilt for not loving me back.
"When you told me that you were to be married, when you asked me to be Maid of Honor, when you told me of your problems, I supported you because I wanted you to be happy. I didn't want you to hurt, so I kept my feelings a secret and helped you with yours."
Loki gazed into your eyes, those beautiful orbs that held sadness, truth, love, and pain in them. He didn't want you to hurt. Not anymore.
"But...Loki...I can't hold it anymore. I-"
A pair of lips smashed against yours in a kiss you'd been longer for since the day you met Loki. You wrapped your arms around his neck and tilted your head to the side.
You savored every moment of this, scared that it was all a dream. That you'd wake up and no longer be here with Loki in this moment.
But when you both pulled away for air, opening your eyes, when you saw each other staring back, you smiled and held him tighter.
"Y/N, I've known you for three years and you've been by my side for the whole of them. You've shared my happiness, my sorrow, my triumphs. You've supported me every step of the way, no what it costed you. And I love you for all of it and more. So, will you, Y/N Axeldottir, be my bride?" Loki said.
You smiled wide and more tears fell, staining your face, "Yes, Loki! Yes! Of course!"
He smiled and hugged you to him once more. "I love you so much!" You told him.
He confessed, "I love you most."
Within a week, you and Loki were married. Your father was so proud and Frigga was so happy for you.
She had told Odin of the story of you and Loki. She told Odin of your story. What he had done about it dumbfounded everyone.
Especially you.
King Odin stood from his throne after the wedding and people turned their attention toward their king, putting a stop to the party to listen.
He announced in his loud, booming voice, "Everyone, thank you for coming...to celebrate the union of my son, Loki, and his new wife, Lady Y/N."
You turned to Loki, wrapping your arm around his and smiling.
Odin continued, "After hearing of the magnificent story of how their love came to be, I am undoubtedly moved by it all."
Odin looked at you, motioning a hand for you to come closer. You let go of Loki hesitantly and walked forward, meeting Odin in front of his throne as he said, "Lady Y/N, you put your love's happiness before yours. You supported him through every he'd been through, the good times...the bad...the joyous...the sorrowful...and any experience he had to bear."
You smiled, remembering all of your good times together.
Odin boomed, "You would endure the worst pain in all the nine realms...if it meant he would be happy. That kind of sacrifice...is one I'd never seen before...in all my centuries of life."
His hand moved to his side, grabbing the hilt of his sword, and pulling it out in front of him.
You looked back at him, curiosity written all over your face. He held the sword out in front of you and said, "Lady Y/N, as the Allfather of this realm, by my royal decree, I now pronounce you...the Goddess of Sacrifice!"
The great crowds of Asgard cheered as Odin tapped both your shoulders lightly with his sword, concealing his words.
You gasped and Odin said, "You may rise." You stood and turned around, facing everyone.
You saw Loki, the looked he gave you was one of happiness. You ran to him as fast as your gown would allow, throwing yourself in his arms.
He spun you around, setting you on your feet and pulling you in for a kiss.
When you pulled away, you cheered, "I'm a goddess!"
Loki smiled lovingly, "Loki, I'm a goddess!"
He told you, "You've always been a goddess to me."
You smiled and pulled him close to you, never wanting to let go.
For the first time in so long, you felt like you could finally breathe.
Years passed and you and Loki were happy. You had two little children. A girl and a boy, Nicole and Alistair.
The little ones would run around the gardens, read books, and enjoy their time together.
Axel loved telling them stories of his adventures and visits to other realms. Frigga loved to sing and read to them.
A little but after being given your godly title, you were blessed with immortality, the magic you trained with the make stronger, and your weapon, Herleifr, a bow and quiver.
Though, being with Loki was all you ever wanted. Now that you were finally with him, you didn't care much for the things that came with it.
Like the Allfather said, you would endure the worst pain in all the nine realms if it meant Loki would be happy.
Your family was all you needed and you had it.
You were finally breathing.
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Loki’s Subjects taglist: @fadingcoast​ @eloisestarksdottir​ @shining-loki​ @lokistan​ @nekoamamori​
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After Thor TDW - comic/fanfic part 1
I need to clear that i don't own this fan art in any way, this incredible piece of art belongs to DKettchen from deviantart... here's his account:
(check if you want) there is a lot of good work there!
I just realized that there is not much from this ship on tumblr and i thought it would be fun to share it, with anyone interested!
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I think More Than Just A Look is one of my favourite fics of yours. It captures the relationship well and I think it's exactly how Thrawn would act in a situation like that. I just find it really well written and end up kind of forgetting it's not Canon. The same goes for your Sygin and Loki works, they fit so perfectly that you forget it's not a Canon relationship or scene
I'm actually really proud of this one despite it being over a year old. I'm so happy to know its held up.
And thank you so much for loving my Sigyn and Loki works! I'm never sure if I'm just writing them into the void or if people are enjoying them. Thank you!
More Than Just a Look
Loki x Sigyn Masterlist
What is your favorite story of mine?
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
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Instead of waiting around for Ragnarok to begin, it’s time for the EVER LOGYN APPRECIATION WEEK 2022, which will run from November 7/11 to 13/11
This is a week to show appreciation for the canon couple from Norse Mythology —Loki and Sigyn (Logyn) — whose story is iconic with Sigyn choosing to remain by her husband’s side and protect him from snake venom. However, it is often twisted or overlooked by Pop Culture Media and not much of their story survives from the texts. Hence, we want to show our love and appreciation for a couple whose story has more to it than we know. 
So, create content for Loki and Sigyn - gifsets, edits, visualosities/aesthetics, fanart, fanfiction, meta, headcanons, fanmixes/playlists, rec lists, videos, anything you like!
Please tag everything with #Logyn appreciation week. Also remember to tag your triggering content such as blood or gif sets for people who need to block them out for safe tumblr browsing!
Day 1: Favorite Comic/Book moment 
Day 2: Favorite Logyn Fanfiction/Literature
Day 3: Favorite Depiction (Marvel, Mythology, The Bifrost Incident, etc.)
Day 4: Favorite Logyn Fanart/Edit (Please be sure to GIVE ORIGINAL ARTIST CREDIT and link it back to them)
Day 5: Which song or piece of music makes you think of Loki and Sigyn?
Day 6: If you had the opportunity to make a film about Loki and Sigyn what would it look like (actor, film genre, book or comic template...)
Day 7: If you had the opportunity to speak with Loki and Sigyn in person or write them a letter, what would you tell them?
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holderofthebowl · 3 years
Chapter Ten: If You Had But Asked
- Chapter One: In the Service of the Queen - Chapter Two: Peace Offerings - Chapter Three: Salve for the Soul - Chapter Four: Kings Guard - Chapter Five: Not a Door, but a Window - Chapter Six: Typical Æsir Arrogance - Chapter Seven: For Odin’s Sons Are We - Chapter Eight: A Demonstration - Chapter Nine: What the Gods have Joined, Let None Put Asunder -
Summary: The start of a multi chapter origin story for Loki x Sigyn in the Marvel Movie Verse which will incorporate both mythological elements and elements from her comic backstory. This takes place between the Avengers and Thor 2 during his imprisonment.
Author: holderofthebowl
Which Tom/Character: Loki
Authors Note: Well it’s been almost 5 years... hahaha sorry about deserting you all, in the middle of the climax and everything. Med school and then the first few years of being a real grownup with a big kid job, moving back to the states and 1000 other things in life and such. Anyhow, if you are new to this fic start at chapter 1 or you are gonna be real confused. Sorry if I’m a little rusty, but an update 5 years later is better than nothing :) Anyhow ‘So I made you some content, daddy made you your favorite open wide’ I hope you enjoy. 
Rating: PG, A slow burn but we’re finally there. A whole kiss in this chapter and everything. 
Sigyn’s slippers clicked with purpose as she marched down the marble steps toward the dungeon. She angrily whipped both her cheeks with her palms. Her tears had changed from mortified embarrassment to red hot anger. The long train of her heavily embroidered and laced wedding dress draped along the steps behind her. 
She turned the corner toward Loki’s cell. The scene there did not surprise her. Four Crimson Hawks were upon him. Two of them pointed their weapons at her dark haired bride groom’s back. The other two, were pinning him to the bed, one was clamping manacles to his wrists, the other leaned an elbow across the back of his neck, holding him in a kneeling position with the side of his face to the mattress. No doubt trying to pull from him the location of their missing comrade.
“Where is he?” Sigyn spat at her now husband, with a level of venom that startled Odin’s soldiers slightly from their own interrogation, as they all turned to meet her gaze. 
Loki beamed at her, speaking as though there weren't soldiers leaning on his neck. “Sigyn, what a fine ceremony that was, beautiful, I especially loved the floral arrangements. So very sorry I wasn’t able to stay till the end. By any chance, would you be willing to tell me how it went?” 
Sigyn ignored his question. “Where is he Loki. Did you kill him? Is he dead?” She moved closer to the force field in front of her, her hands clenched at her sides, her nails digging into her palms. 
Loki chuckled “ I mean, one can only hope.” he said shrugging, The man above Loki snarled and increased the pressure on Loki’s neck causing him to wince. Sigyn pursed her lips before addressing the Odin’s men. 
“I demand to speak to my husband. Alone! Asgardian law gives me that right!”  Everyone in the cell froze. None had been there for the conclusion of the ceremony and for a single moment, the entire cell of men was shocked, including Loki. It was he that cut through the silence. A deep full laugh that reverberated down the stone hall, only slightly muffled with half his face pressed into his linen sheets.
Slowly the soldiers withdrew, undoing the manacles, letting Loki push himself into a standing position. He dusted himself off with dramatic flare, his face beaming. The Hawks lowered the barrier allowing Sigyn to enter. They shot her looks as if she had grown a second head, too shocked to be upset about the betrayal of their brother in arms. She walked past them trying not to notice. She doubted this would be the end of looks and side glances she’d receive, likely for the rest of her days on Asgard. 
Loki approached her arms out, as though he thought to embrace her. The sound of the slap reverberated across the cell. Loki took a step back, and rubbed his cheek, but his smile didn’t dissipate. “Where is Theoric?” Sigyn demanded crossing her arms. 
Loki let a noise of irritation slip from between his lips and rolled his eyes. He threw a hand up in a gesture of dismissal. “That’s not important right now. What’s important is...”
“It’s important to me Loki.” she cut him off. Loki ignored her plea 
“And Odin really let the marriage stand? Ha! I can’t believe it worked. I can just imagine the row that caused. Was my brother there? I didn’t see him in the crowd beforehand.” Sygin watched him start to pace, he was having a difficult time keeping the energy of a successful scheme contained. 
Her shoulders slumped slightly and she sighed. This was not working. She was going to have to find a different tactic. Why she thought insisting Loki do anything directly would work in the first place was beyond her. Threats and orders were not in the prince’s nature to obey. She thought a moment. “Well, I guess there is one benefit to him being dead..”
This comment stopped Loki cold, and he turned to her. “What benefit?” he asked. Good, he was confused. He hadn’t expected that. He didn’t like being confused. 
“I mean at least I won’t have to tell him.” she said shaking her head. Loki lifted a single sculpted black eyebrow. “You know, I won’t have to tell him how you tricked him into missing his own wedding day. How it caused a huge scene, humiliating him in front of the All Father and the entire court of the Æsir. And then, how in front of his family, and his friends, at his own wedding, I married that man instead.” She paused for effect, allowing Loki to contemplate that a moment. “You’re right, I’d rather not have to break that news to him. Can you even imagine how humiliating that will be?”
Loki was still for a moment, and then the corner of his mouth began to drift upward. “Oh, no my dear. You are right, that’s much better.” He turned and strode away to her toward the corner of the cell, addressing the Crimson Hawks who had been standing back, eavesdropping no doubt. “Tell Heimdall to cast his eye toward Svartalfheim. He should find your man there. If he didn’t die falling through the portal, or succumb to something on the planet.” Loki chuckled to himself. The guards left to find their fallen comrade. And they were left alone.
“Thank you” said Sigyn, some of the tightness dissipating from her chest. 
“Are you happy now?’ Loki asked.
Sigyn narrowed her eyes and stepped towards him “Am I happy now?” she parroted back her hand balling back into a fist. All her previous rage flooding to the forefront. Loki instinctually took a step back, his eyes flicking toward the hand that had slapped him with earlier. “You humiliated me, that was mortifying. That was possibly the worst thing anyone has ever done to me.”
Loki face contorted suddenly into confusion. “But, you said yes? You still married me?” 
“Of course I married you. If you had just spoken to me, but once, anytime during the months we’d spent together, before I ended up in front of the All Father. If you had given me any indication that...” the words were getting stuck in her throat now, fresh tears on her cheeks.  “If you had said anything, anything at all about how you fel...” she cleared her throat to choke back a sob. “But no, talking to me like a peer, a person would have been too difficult. Instead you come up with some grand scheme to get your way. Consequences to others be damned. You arrogant emotionally stunted child!”
“You wouldn’t have married him. If I had but asked you not to?” his voice was quiet. An innocent honesty to it as he searched her face, so profoundly uncharacteristic and sincere. 
Sigyn felt the angry leave her body, she let it go with a breath. “I wouldn't have married him.” her reply was simple. 
It was all she needed to say. He closed the distance between then so quickly Sigyn barely noticed and then his lips were on hers. He pulled her in tightly, arms warping around her back. She leaned into him, her hands finding his dark hair and kissed him back, just as hard.   
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(Loki x Reader Medieval AU)
Chapter Summary: Time to meet Asgard!
Warnings: Mentions of war, 
Word Count: 3,259k
A/N: I’m having a lot of fun figuring out how this world works and figuring out the lore! Let me know what you guys think!  
"Do you know when your brother and Lord Strange will arrive?" Wanda asked as she folded the sheets of your bed.
"With any luck, between today and tomorrow." You answered, absentmindedly turning a page of the book Loki had given you.
It was a most interesting read. It reminded you a lot of Victor Hugo's, Les Miserables. However, this wasn't fiction about a revolution in one of the provinces of Midgard. This was based on a true story of 6 people's lives who intertwined and ended in a tragedy.
How the author had come about the documents to write this story left you utterly baffled. It was so descriptive, so precise, that she must have been an eyewitness. 
But the fact is that upfront, she had said that this was based on a story from the beginning of Asgard's ascent as a kingdom. She wasn't alive then, you had rushed to the library to confirm that after finishing the third chapter.
It was a beautifully written piece of history and literature.
"I take it prince Peter will be excited to see you."
Oh, right. You should probably pay attention to what Wanda is saying.
"I think so too. He had that look on his face, you know?" You placed your book on your lap, a leather bookmark in the place where you had left off. "Kind of like when I would leave him in the library when he was very little. Like I wasn't going to come back."
A small pressure was on your chest. A sense of longing for those older days. When you were a teen and the worst of your worries was a good posture for Pepper and a charming smile for your father.
"Well, to be fair you did threaten him a couple of times with doing so if he didn't behave." Your friend laughed.
"That I did!" You laughed alongside her.
When it died down, you looked at the red-head earnestly. "How long has it been since we spent an afternoon together?"
She pursed her lips, thinking back. "With all that's been going on... I would believe at least a month."
You clapped your hands, with newfound resolution. "Well, since the Asgardians seem to think I am just a walking trophy, let us spend one evening together."
"But, don't you have to meet up with prince Loki tomorrow?" A bit of worry was on her voice.
"Of course, but he said he was going to be busy for the rest of the day and I am far beyond the chapters he proposed." You smile, a flare of mischief in your chest.
Wanda, quick on her feet, fluttered over to where you sat by your window with excitement and sat next to you.
"What are we to do, then?"
"Whatever we wish for, my friend."
"Are you sure this is it?" Sigyn asked the red-head in front of her.
"Yes, Lady Sigyn. These are all of the loaves." He cleaned his hands in his apron. 
About 100 loaves of bread were sitting on the counter in front of her. Maybe she should have brought more baskets.
"Alright... I might need to make a couple of trips, Kassian" She smiled sheepishly.
"Oh, you don't have to worry!" He walked towards her, starting to place some of the loaves in a huge basket that you could strap to your bag. "I'll help."
She rushed forwards, "No, please don't!" He looked back at her with curiosity. "I know your father is usually busy around this hour, I wouldn't want you getting in trouble my dear friend."
"Don't worry! I've helped some of the other servants before, it will be no problem!"
His smile was kind, and although she was still a bit hesitant, in the end, Sigyn nodded and began helping Kassian pack all of the loaves.
The hike back up the castle was much easier with the help of the friendly baker. Walking along the narrow streets and up the stairs that led to the kitchen, both quickly made it to their destination without much chatter.
"Thank you, Kassian."
"It was my pleasure." He seemed to smile a lot.
"I'll go by later to pick up my own order for the week. Is that okay?" She asked as she unloaded the bread from the make-shift backpack.
He nodded. "Of course! You know you are always welcome home."
Soon after finishing the unloading, they said a quick goodbye, and Kassian scurried out of the palace. Sigyn began humming a tune as she stocked the cabinets that held the bread, and taking out the older ones.
It's not that they were moldy, in fact, the oldest bread in the palace was only three days old. But by order of the king, they had to restock every single day on many things. That included bread.
"Was that Kassian just now?" Sigyn heard a voice entering the room.
"Yes. He helped me carry some of the bread up here." She said, turning to find Astrid, the head baker, standing there.
Despite her young age, she was one of the best bakers that Asgard had ever seen. 
"That's quite nice of him. Usually, his father is too busy, or in too much pain to help the one in charge of bringing it."
"That's a shame."
In fact, this was the first time Sigyn had ever gone to pick up bread. She wasn't part of the cooks, so she usually didn't have anything to do with the kitchen except taking the dishes. But since Princess Stark had her own assistant, she had found that she didn't really have much to do. Each morning, when she came by, Wanda had already prepared you and there was not much left for her to do. You were an early bird, that much was for sure.
But she needed her mind occupied. Otherwise, she felt as if a dark void would consume her with despair.
"Your majesty?" Sigyn suddenly heard Astrid squeak, and she turned to find you and Wanda, your assistant frozen in the middle of the kitchen. As if you were two children being caught doing something they should be doing.
"Hello!" You chirped. "We were just- Does this door lead to town?" 
Both your maid and the baker looked at you in surprise. "Well, yes. But, your majesty-!"
"Ah! Wonderful. Then shall we go on Wanda?" You pulled on her arm trying to coerce her to keep moving. 
"A-Ah. Yes! Let us go." She said and you both scurried off through the door and down the passage.
Astrid turned to Sigyn, concern obvious on her face. "What are we to do?"
Sigyn furrowed her brow. She had to admit that even though you had been kind to her, she didn't have a certain resentment towards you. After all, you were the one that was going to marry her beloved. Even if you had no say in the matter.
It should have been her, not you.
"I do not know. But it would serve them right if they get in trouble. They should not go out unaccompanied."
Astrid seemed to descent into panic as the seconds ticked by. "But we saw them leave! If something happens to them, don't you think the king could hold us responsible for not saying anything or accompanying them!?"
Sigyn drew in a deep breath. Despite her personal biases she had to admit that getting in trouble with the king was probably not the best idea.
"I shall follow them. I will offer them to act as a guide. If we are not back by sundown, call for an audience with Prince Loki. He will act right away."
Astrid nodded, and then she proceeded to head out the small door to keep an eye on your little escapade.
You and Wanda were "sneaking" past the guards. In all honestly, you were just stumbling around in a fit of giggles. But you were having fun, so you didn't mind that your cover might be blown.
"Your majesty?" Speaking of.
You turned to find a stern-looking Sigyn standing behind you. "Oh, hello! How are you doing?" You smiled, a bead of sweat rolling down your neck.
 "Your majesty, I'm sorry to say this but you two shouldn't be here alone." She completely ignored your question.
"You do not have to worry, my dear. We'll be fine."
"I must disagree. You two are strangers in the land and know very little of the streets and people of Asgard." She tried to interject. "Besides, I could get in trouble with the king."
"He doesn't have to know." You smiled at her, mischievously.
"But he will. And if something happens to you and he finds that I let you go out unaccompanied, I will be in deep trouble with him and the prince." She stepped closer to you two.
You turned to look at Wanda who gave you a look, as if to say, listen to her.
"If you must insist, then we'll be happy if you acted as our guide." You chirped.
The blonde seemed to want to sigh, she had a look on her face as if she had to keep it together. Her expression changed as soon as it was there and she plastered on a pleasant smile.
"Of course." She held up some dark fabric towards you. "But you must wear these."
"Cloaks?" Wanda asked as she took the items.
"To better conceal your identity. We would not want bandits to be hot on our trail, would we?" She asked, seemingly with a reasonable expression, but you could feel how little patience she had just judging by her posture. She didn't want to be here.
You just smiled kindly at her and wrapped the cloak around your shoulders. "Of course not. Thank you very much, Sigyn."
"Oh, how precious!" Wanda was inspecting the jewelry that a vendor was offering to her. 
The bustling market was alive in its own way. Vendors yelled for the attention of the passing costumers. People went to and fro about their daily lives. The smell of spices and fish was seeping through the air. Corridors that led to other parts of town were decorated by hanging clothing. Kids rushed through the streets, chasing each other at play. 
It was absolutely mesmerizing.
"Thank you so much, my dear, for accompanying us." You spoke to Sygin who stood by your side as you inspected the textiles that the lady was trying to sell to you. They were very pretty, maybe you could make something to keep yourself occupied in the upcoming weeks.
"No need, your majesty. It is my duty." She responded, dryly.
"Ah. Your duty." That was a word that had been thrown around a lot lately, wasn't it? "I understand how I must seem."
She turned to look at you with a puzzled expression. "Pardon me?"
You paid for a couple of yards of fabric and the lady placed it on a bag for you, which proceeded to rest under your arm. Then you began to wander again, a confused Sigyn still following you close.
"How I and my companion must look like in your eyes, of course." You began. "A pair of strangers drawing entertainment from the peasantry."
"I-I don't-"
"It's alright. I've heard it all before," You winked at her and flexed your arm. "I'm a tough girl."
That seemed to relax her since a confused breathy laugh left her lips.
"Wanda and I used to do this all the time back home. Asgard and Midgard are not quite that different in that regard." Your eyes wandered throughout the bustling area. It filled you with homesickness, while at the same time, it felt eerily similar.
"You must miss your home." Sigyn offered timidly.
"Very much. Being with the people was something I always loved to do. It is where I belong. Not among the royalty, and the fancy parties, and dances." 
Sigyn saw something in your eyes, something fiery as you uttered your next words.
"My place has always been with my people. On the battlefield and in the streets is where I feel most at home."
"On the battlefield?" 
She couldn't place you on a battlefield. She just couldn't. You, with a gentle smile and patient retorts? With a fancy dress and gliding through the dancing hall? In bed curled up with a book or in the market with fabric under your arm? She just couldn't.
But your gaze told her it was true. There had been a hidden fire in your eyes, behind your politeness, that she immediately saw through. Because she had learned to see it on someone else.
"You don't know, do you?"
Sigyn shook her head. The war between Midgard and Jotunheim wasn't a wide known conflict. Everyone knew that Asgard and Jotunheim weren't exactly friends, but Midgard never was something considered in the equation when discussing the subject.
You pointed to a nearby bench where both of you could sit down and Wanda would be able to see you and sat together.
"Ever since my grandfather was a child, the war against the Jotuns has been in motion. That is four different generations. Maybe five. That have been submitted to an ongoing conflict." You began. "The battles haven't been many, but the ones that have occurred have been terribly gruesome."
Sigyn remained silent, it wasn't every day that a princess got to tell you her firsthand experiences.
"I, myself, have been able to be on the strategy meetings and helped keep trespassers off the city limits. Even if that meant getting my hands dirty." You continued. "I remember the first time I came face to face with the enemy. I was probably around... fifteen years old..."
The material of your cloak brushed against your hands, the snow and wind blowing past you as you ran across the mostly empty streets of the desolate town.
You sneaked past the ten where your dad was with his counsel, Steve following you close by. He kept guard beside you as you whispered into the ear of the man in front of the tent that was right next to your dad's. He looked at you with suspicion, but you were the princess so he allowed you passage.
"Come on!" You pulled Steve behind you. 
"Are you sure we should be doing this?" He asked, worry in his expression.
"Of course! It'll show my father how serious I am about all this stuff!" You beamed at him as you turned to grab one of the crates full of fresh food.
You grunted and struggled as you tried to lift it. "H-Hhgk!"
Steve chuckled behind you. "Need help?" He asked kindly, but with smugness in his voice.
You pouted in his general direction. "No! I'm fine!"
He grabbed one of the handles of the crates and with little effort he lifted it. You directed him a pointed look but grabbed the other handle with both your hands. 
"Oh, hush." You teasingly glared at him.
Walking backward, you exited the tent. Crate separating the two of you. Those distributing the crates of supplies seemed apprehensive of letting the princess do heavy-duty, but after insisting they had no choice but to comply.
They pointed towards a rundown house and said you could take the crate to that family. After wobbling all the way over there, you knocked on the door.
A lady in raggedy clothes and with a child on her arms and another one standing by her side opened the door.
"Who are you?" She asked, apprehensive.
"This a delivery from the palace, ma'am. Some supplies for you and your family. We know the northern families have been going through a lot, so we brought this for all of you!" You beamed at her.
She looked at the crate and back at you in disbelief. "W-Wait... Are you...?"
"I am like you." You cut her off. When people made it about you being a princess annoyed you. "And since I can help I wanted to bring this to your family!"
She seemed on the verge of tears. "T-Thank you... Your majesty, thank you..."
"It is our pleasure." A voice behind you spoke up. You tensed up at the sound of it.
The woman took the crate inside with Steve's help, and then you felt a tug on your arm. Just as you suspected, you found your father when you spun around.
"What are you doing out here on your own, young lady?"
"I'm not alone. Steve is here." You tried to excuse yourself.
"Sorry, that doesn't work with me. Missy, in case you haven't noticed we're in the middle of a war zone. You shouldn't be outside without supervision." He spoke with controlled frustration.
"We're not in any danger, I swear!" You tried to convince him. "I just wanted to help..."
He kneeled down to your level. "I know kitten. But you can't go away without me knowing." Steve exited the house and you heard him say goodbye to the lady behind you. "If anything were to happen to you, or Pete I-"
He didn't have time to finish, around you the horrors of war suddenly displayed.
A surprise attack...
You stayed silent. The words were in the tip of your tongue but for some reason, they seemed to have gotten stuck there. They wouldn't come out. 
But then again.
Who likes talking about the horrors of war?
You took in a deep breath. "I never saw that woman again. The soldier in front of the tent of supplies died too."
Sigyn seemed shocked. Like a dam of emotions had opened up. "Y-Your majesty... I-I-"
"You don't have to say anything. It was a long time ago." You reassured her. "And besides, if anything it helped me realize what was at stake. Who our enemy was. Who I was protecting."
You pulled down the hood of your cape and showed her a scar at the nape of your neck. It was ugly and you knew it, but you wanted her to see it. "This is a reminder of that day. Helps me keep my eyes on the prize."
Sigyn had seen it, but you usually kept it concealed with makeup. 
"Why are you telling me all of this?"
Pulling your hood back up again you smiled. "I rather have you as an ally more so than an enemy. And for that I want you to know my intentions. I know that the lower classes tend to mistrust royalty. And you correct in doing so. Many in power are greedy and could care less for the people. But I want to help, and if you help me I'll be able to do so."
She looked at you with skepticism. "What do you want?"
A smirk was painted across your face, clever girl for not trusting in your every word. "I was told by someone that the wolves tend to feed each other with gossip. And I would be fully interested in finding out what's being said behind closed doors."
A second passed, then another. An informant. But could she...
"And what would I gain?"
"What would you like?"
Loki. Was her first thought, but she couldn't really say that now, could she?
"Could I come back to you on that?"
"Of course." You agreed, "After all, we ladies need to help each other, right?" You took her hands in companionship.
Sigyn laughed, it felt like you two were conspiring or something of the sort.
You really weren't what she was expecting, were you?
@chxrryycola - @midnightmystic  - @deathkat657 -  @thatonefangirl111​
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flowerpersephone · 4 years
Old Myths , Loki x Reader
Prompt: old books, Loki
A/N: ok I know I said I will be participating into the June blackout but I had to do @gingerwritess writing challenge… It’s literally bc of her that I’m writing on Tumblr now.This piece is set when reader and Loki are moving together btw! It’s not my best but I hope you’ll enjoy it!
Warning: none , only fluff here 
Masterlist is in my pinned :)
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Boxes, so many boxes everywhere around the small apartment and in the middle of those boxes there was at least four piles of books all worn out and used but well loved by their owner.
Behind those piles stood their owner: you, trying to sort them by categories which one you’ll keep and which one you’ll give to charity. Beside you, your phone was playing a podcast, the radio being already packed with your other belongings.
Of course you weren’t alone, your godly fiance Loki was here to help you packing. You both worked in silence most of the time, only speaking to poke fun of one of the book you used to read. There was a sense of peace between you two as you worked together in harmony, exactly knowing what the other needed without them having to speak out.
But the quiet was soon broken by your gasp as you hold a used book, the cover almost falling apart and where some child had decided to color the blank detail on it with an orange sharpie. Fortunately the title was still readable covered behind the orange drawings.
Loki, now curious to see what book caused you to react like that, leaned against you to see what you held in hand.
“ Norse Myths for children?” he asked raising a brow while an amused smile crept on his lips… Oh this will be way more fun than he thought.
“Yes!! This was my favorite, believe it or not but I had a weird viking phase when I was 6” you quickly explained while opening the books trying to find what you reminded as the myth you liked the most.
Instead, you ended on a page that explained some of the majors gods: Odin, Thor, Frigga, Sif … and of course Loki the trickster god.
This one was much different than the one you knew, he was represented like a fire trickster with flaming red hair, the most accurate part was his mischievous grin.
“Is that me?
- Seems so but you’re more handsome than I remember” you replied before quickly kissing his cheek and go back to reading the page.
“Damn, according to this you have at least 5 children and one of them is a 8 legged horse … And I thought my teenage years were bad
- What? That never happened!
- Yeah sure and Narfi,Vali, Fenrir, Jörmungand, and Hela aren’t your kids…” you replied jokingly, trying to tease him but you didn’t got the reaction you hoped for.
Instead of an amused grin, all you got was a small frown from Loki when he was visibly trying to place all the names you just trowed at him.
“I don’t any Narfi nor Vali, but Jörmungand is supposedly the snake that want to eat your poor little earth and Hela is the goddess you mortals see in the doors of Hell alongside with her wolf Fenrir… That’s what Odin learned me when Thor and Thor were just young boys.” he finally answered, watching your reaction which was just an admirative stare as you listened to him.
He would probably never admit it in front of you, but when you looked at him like that, he felt like his past actions were washed and that he finally got what he deserved in life:you. That’s why he continued to speak about the story his mother told him at night, the one of brave battles to save Asgard or the tale of how the nine realm came to be.
Even with all his tales, you had a question about a detail you just remembered when rereading the page dedicated to Loki, it wasn’t mentioned here but a few pages later when the Ragnarok was explained. It was only three words, but those three words birthed a question in your mind, a question that needed to be asked out loud.
“Who is Sygin? It says here that she’s your wife.” you finally asked as you showed the page, oddly nervous about his answer… So far the book has been clearly wrong so why would it offend him that asked such a question?
He then frowned, trying to remember a certain Sygin… Sure, he had some fling in his youth but never had he consider marrying someone until you came along and he didn’t anyone named like that.
“I don’t know… I think she’s totally made up, mortals seems to like romance.” he finally answered.
You simply nodded, kissing his cheek before returning to the big pile of books in front of you. He did the same thing and the silence was here again.Only to be broken by Loki, nearly ten seconds after you put the book away in a box.
“What if you were Sygin?” he suddenly asked causing you to look at him with a raised eyebrows, not convinced at all.
“Loki, she’s a goddess and probably fictional …
-I know it’s silly, incoherent and probably not real but I can’t help of thinking like that… I love the ideas that our destiny are both intertwined like that.”
Loki gently took your hand in his, a small smile as well as a loving gaze on his eyes making you literally melt.
“So you’re just a big romantic?”you asked with an amused smile.
“I’m afraid that I am, my love” he answered before kissing you, the both of you totally forgetting the pile of books next to you.
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Her Pillow
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x reader
Request: (Y/N) is part of the crew while filming Ragnarok and they get on very well and everybody loves her, she’s got great style. She’s been sleeping bad a few days and ends up falling asleep on Tom’s lap “be my pillow please” and Tom’s like “I love this girl.”
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Pulling your hair up into a bun, you feel your pencil rest safely against your left ear. Reading through your script you make little notes as how to go about your character, Sygin. She doesn’t have the biggest part but she was momentarily introduced in The Dark World as Loki’s best friend who has a crush on him. In Ragnarok Sygin ended up in Sacar with Thor and Loki trying to find a way back home.
             You know people really want the two characters together and you don’t want to disappoint. The directors love the idea plus you and Tom have amazing chemistry which leaks in through the scenes. Unfortunately you haven’t been getting any sleep the last few nights stressing over the movie, and the lack of sleep is affecting your acting. Dismissing the idea of sleep from your mind you scrunch up your nose. It is a habit you’ve had since you were a kid. You have tried to stop but in the end it is just pointless.
             Out of the corner of your eye you see Tom watching you from a distance. This is another thing keeping you up at night. Hemsworth has teased you countless times about Tom liking you, but you’ve never believed him. Tom is nice to everyone, even goes around set making sure he has talked to everyone. You and Tom have gotten fairly close from shooting this movie, and you may possibly have a crush yourself but you don’t want to get your hopes up.
             Scrunching your nose once again you self-consciously glance around the room to see if anyone has noticed. Locking eyes you find Tom with a slight smile that lightly pulls at your heart. Even the slightest smirk of his is contagious and you feel one form against your lips as you see his expand to a full-blown smile.
“(Y/N)! Tom! We want to try running through the scene where you both land on Sacar.” Takai announces.
             Taking your spots you nearly trip over your own feet. Tom puts his arms out to steady you, one around your arm and the other securely wrapped around your waist. Regaining balance you look up to thank Tom but find air caught in your lungs, keeping your words at bay. A deeper look of concern washes over Tom as he sees dark bags under your eyes that the crew attempted to cover up with makeup. But Tom can tell, Tom always notices.
“(Y/N) are you alright?” Tom whispers.
“Yeah,” you release yourself from his arms. “Just haven’t been sleeping very well.”
             Before Tom could respond you hear someone shout “action” and you try to pull your mind into the world of the movie. When Loki and Thor went to search for their father Loki took Sygin with them. The three had grown-up together, Sygin was always closer with Loki and was the only one that knew that he wasn’t actually dead. When Hela came Loki called for the Bifrost but the two of you ended up falling onto an alien planet together with no known way off.
“Sygin!” Tom shouts while sifting through the surrounding wreckage for your body.
             Seeing your gold bracelet reflect the sun Tom shouts your character’s name one more time as he dives to the ground to retrieve your body. Even with Tom pulling at you the lids on your eyes are beginning to feel heavier by the second.
“Cut!” The voice booms through the set. “Sorry guys it is just the lighting. Once it’s fixed lets take it back from the top.”
             Struggling to get up, Tom places a hand out to help and you gladly take it. Dizziness takes over your senses as spots blind part of your vision. An unpleasant moan whispers passed your lips just loud enough for Tom to hear.
             Tom’s fingers trail through your loose hair. His touch lures your head against his shoulder as you close your eyes and focus on him. Mumbling an inaudible thank you Tom’s other arm encircles you as well and rubs a small circle in the middle of your back. Completely entangled in his arms you feel yourself start to step farther to an impending sleep.
“Take your places!” The voice makes you jump and your eyes fly open.
“If you want I could see if we could do a different scene. You should get some rest.” Tom lightly presses his lips to the top of your head. You can sense his hesitation and can’t help but smile. He is always a gentleman.
“No it’s okay.” You slowly pull away from Tom’s arms and send him an affirming smile.
             Laying down, stage workers come and place contents around your body to partially cover you. Some ask if you are okay, others send you knowing looks from your exchange with Tom. You assure them that everything is okay and wait for the scene to start rolling.
             You hear Tom shout your character’s name again like before. Eyes closed like before you feel Tom’s arms around you and the sweet slip of sleep begins it’s race where it left off. Tom’s light touch moves some hairs from your face and brushes them behind your ears.
“Sygin please wake up.” Tom chokes back sobs as he cradles your face. “I lost everyone else. I can’t loose you too. Please wake up.”
“Loki,” you croak tiredly. “You’re such a drama queen.”
             Eyes still closed you hear a Tom-like chuckle escape his lips and then suddenly feel a kiss on your forehead. Shocked you open your eyes as Tom begins to pull away. His eyes shimmering from the set lights you can tell he isn’t acting, the kiss isn’t even in the script. Snaking your arm up your thumb rubs circles on the back of his neck. Giving a suggestive nudge Tom gets the hint and leans down once more but this time kisses your lips.
             People cheer behind you two but Chris’ voice was the loudest of them all. Breaking apart the director calls cut and you and Tom laugh at everyone else’s reaction. You can’t believe that this is happening.
“It is about time!” Chris says once the noise dies down. “Been rooting for you guys for like forever.”
             Tom covers his face slightly embarrassed but you find it endearing. Still laying down you hear the directors and producers discuss if they should keep the kiss. Not sure what to do you and Tom just stay in your original position with your head resting against his lap. Tom traces your face with his fingers which lures you again to the idea of sleep.
“Be my pillow please,” you whisper. “I think I’m… I’m asleep.”
“Sleep darling.” Tom kisses your forehead once more. “I won’t move. I promise.”
             He doesn’t move an inch. While you sleep Tom memorizes your face, the color of your hair, the way your brows lightly knit together as you dream. Tom can’t help but think I’m in love already, all while you get the best sleep you’ve had in months.
Taglist: @drabby-abby
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marvelsimp97 · 2 years
The Broken Princess (Loki x Reader) Part Four
Summary: Reader is a princess of a kingdom with a culture where women sit at home, cook and keep being pretty. She was never like that no matter how much her mother wanted her to be like that. However she gets engaged with the Asgardian prince, Loki. They don't like to be forced into it but not for the same reason.
Word count: 2753
Warnings: angst
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Dark clouds gathered around on the high sky today. You looked out of your balcony doors thinking about your visit at Sygin's house. She was so terrified of dying it broke your heart. You were needed in the palace now for days and it frustrated you that you couldn't visit her to check if she was alright.
Loki still didn't seem like he knew about your visits or if he knew he acted like he didn't care. You talked with him a lot now, like normal friends and you were happy with that. Frigga told you an oncoming ball organized because of the Celebration of Yphy. It was the first day of summer if you remembered correct. Someone knocked on your chambers' door turning your attention to the visitor to see Loki enter. You smiled at him friendly before you noticed the seriousness in his handsome features.
"Loki?" you spoke up.
"You were there." he hissed angrily as he stopped in front of you.
"What?" you asked trying to stall.
"Mother told me, do not pretend you know not of what I speak of!" Loki grabbed your wrist and shook you violently making you wobble on your feet. Your face paled as you looked up at him in pain and shock. "What do you want from her?!"
"N-nothing!" you stuttered. His hand goes to your throat and you feel your lungs start to burn for air.
"Do not lie to me!" he yelled at you as tears ran down your face more from the pain than the shock. The door slammed open and Frigga hurried inside Thor and Odin in her heels. Thor pulled Loki away from you while Frigga held you to her chest soothing you.
"I-I did not..." you mumbled.
"Hush, my child! Everything is alright." she rubbed your back but you broke free from her embrace and walked up to Loki who was held back by his blonde brother. The dark prince of Asgard could've killed you with his eyes if he would've been capable of something like that.
"Listen to me, Loki..." you started.
"What has she done to you? Did you threaten her? Did you hurt her?!" he screeched because he was so angry.
"She has not done anything!" exclaimed the queen surprising her son. Frigga's eyes were sparkling with anger. "(Name) wanted to get to know her. She has no grudge against Sigyn. Go and ask her yourself."
"Are you on her side?! You all hate Sigyn so much just because she is of no royal blood!" kept yelling the raven haired prince.
"I will break the engagement off if she cannot deny your suspicions." your voice was calm and quiet but effected everyone in the room like a shockwave. After a long silence Loki broke himself out of Thor's grasp and hissed at you.
"If just a single hair of hers is different because of you... there will be no realm, no hideaway I will not find you in!" Loki threatened and you just glared right back at him. You did nothing wrong, you were not guilty of anything. And if she tells him otherwise, lies to him, you will give up being her friend and will leave them in peace. Loki stormed out of your chambers slamming the door shut. You stood in your place not moving, staring at the ground with a blank expression on your face.
"Is this true? You visited that woman?" spoke up Odin on his booming voice. You slowly looked up and nodded. "Why?"
"I wanted to thank her for loving Loki the way I can never do." you replied smiling sadly.
"My daughter..." sighed heavily Odin as he walked up to you with pity in his eye. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "You are from a different realm with different culture. Frigga and I have been learning about your culture. Maybe, you will be able to get along better with other noble people of Asgard if you learn about Asgardian customs."
"Odin... I believe Sygin will realize her mistake for judging (Name) just by her title." crossed her arms Frigga stubbornly. She grew to like you quite some and Sygin's behavior disturbed her quite some. The queen always knew the young girl as a kind-hearted, bubbly person not a cold and angry one.
"Sygin is quite scared... to die." you spoke up drawing all three of the royal's attention to you. You all stood in melancholic silence for a while. "I will visit her in a few days if Loki's mood has changed. What is her favorite treat?"
"Sponge cake." answered Thor with a smile on his handsome features. You nodded before you left your chambers with them following Frigga to the library to have your lesson with the children.
Time skip~
You haven't seen Loki since he stormed out of your chambers and you were worried. You tried to stay optimistic, that Sygin wouldn't tell him a lie about your visits. Loki was your friend and you wanted to keep it that way. You decided to accompany Thor and his friends to a ride today traveling to the seashore. You haven't seen the ocean since you stepped through the BiFrost and back home there were only beautiful snow covered mountains.
Fandral was the least pleasant company but sticking to Sif was easing your discomfort about him. The warrior woman was kind to you and you always had to correct her to call you on your name instead of your title. You learnt a lot about them and their days as youngsters while you shared your own childhood memories with them. You told them about your brother, who always teased you and ruined your life, your mother who was cold and counting, a real snake and of course about your dear father who you held close to your heart. He was always wise and thought through his actions and decisions. If you were honest, you were quite like him. Kind, smart and calm. Even if you missed your father, you didn't miss your home.
"Why have you visited Sygin?" asked suddenly Hogun quietly as he led his horse up to yours. You turned to him surprised from the conversation you had with Sif.
"Do you guys always have to be rude to her?!" rolled her eyes Sif.
"I did not mean to be rude... it has just... could not leave my mind since I have heard about it." replied Hogun calmly. "Will you forgive my-"
"No need to apologize, Hogun." you shook your head. "And... as I told the All-Father, I wanted to meet her to say thanks for caring about my fiancée. I know there will never be feelings of lovers between us and I believe Loki deserves to be loved. She clearly loves him and cares for him. If she makes him happy, then I can only thank her for it."
"You are too kind hearted, my princess." frowned Hogun. "I fear that there will be people who will try to use it against you."
"I am kind, yes, but not blind, my friend." you smiled at him. "If I learnt something from my mother that was to look behind my back all the time especially in the company of other nobles. For example, Lady Lynn already tried to make me jealous of Sygin the other night."
"I imagine what face she must have now that rumors spread that you brought Sygin muffins." laughed Sif. "Oh, please, let me be there when you two meet next."
"I can see that she is not close to your heart." you chuckled.
"That is an understatement, my princess." snorted Hogun. "All of us hates her but can do nothing to get her out of court. She has too much power for anyone to do that. Maybe Odin would be able but... he is too occupied with tending to the realm."
"He only needs a reason to get rid of her..." you furrowed your eyebrows trying to form a plan in your head.
"Do you have something in mind, (Name)?" quirked an eyebrow the brunette woman.
"I will need some help but maybe there is a way we can get rid of her." you smirked back at her.
"Loki should have fallen for you, my princess." said Hogun. Your eyebrows shot up on your forehead as you lifted your attention back to him. The almond shaped eyed warrior coughed nervously before explaining his train of thought. "Sygin as we know her is kind-hearted and a lovely woman but too simple. She is not Loki's equal even Thor can see it... but you, my princess, you would lead him in the right ways."
"Right ways?" you repeated confused.
"Erm... he has done things... crimes. Tried to kill Thor, tried to take over the rule of another realm... it is a miracle that the All-Father have not sentenced him to be thrown into a prison cell." replied Hogun. Your lips formed an 'o' in realization and surprise. However, you didn't feel repulsed by these facts, nor felt angry with Loki. You wanted to understand him even more now that you learnt about his past.
"(Name)! Come see for yourself! It is beautiful!" shouted over Thor beaming at you as he pointed at the horizon. The ocean was cerulean blue as the waves crashed against the sand on the shore. Above the water was the sky with many bright white clouds on it swimming peacefully from right to left. You jumped off your horse and kicked your shoes off running into the water giggling like a little girl. The others were surprised but when you motioned for them to join you with your bright happy smile they could no longer resist and ran into the warm water.
The six of you played in the water kicking it on each other and pushing each other into the sea. You found yourself next to Thor who splashed you with a big wave of salt water hitting your whole torso. You gasped in shock wiping your now wet hair out of your face.
"This means war!" you cried out and started pushing at his chest to send him into the water but the large man to no surprise didn't budge. You heard the others snicker at the sight as Thor crossed his arms smiling at your attempt. You turned to the others. "Anyone would like to give me a hand?"
"With pleasure." grinned Sif and she jumped on Thor tackling him into the water with her body. You were glad for you chose riding attire to venture out of the palace today. When all of you felt exhausted you simply laid down on the sand and tried to calm down. It was noon when you made your way back through the capital to the palace. Your expression didn't go unnoticed by Sif when you passed Sygin's house. She already knew of the feelings you developed for Loki which you denied.
You had to deny them. You couldn't fall for him because you knew he would never love you back even after Sygin's death. You tried to hide your envy of her relationship with Loki by telling yourself that you were envying her for her beauty. You knew if you would accept your feelings, you would get hurt.
Sif pulled you back into reality by patting your shoulder with a sad smile on her lips.
"I know Sygin is jealous of you and that means she can see the potential in you to be someone Loki would love one day... maybe sooner than both of you can imagine." the warrior woman said gently but you could only answer her kindness with a sad smile as you rode with them back to the palace.
Time skip~
Dinner was served already when you were dressed properly for joining the others at the dining hall. You wore a long, dark green dress with long sleeves and a deep V cut. Your high heels were clicking against the marble as you walked down the corridors. The sky was already darkening even if it still had a slight orange and violet hue to it while the stars were already showing. You stopped at a balcony to admire the beauty of it. You stood there just staring out at the sky. Your thoughts wandered back to Sygin. You were sad for her and Loki for having to say goodbye so soon. It made it more painful for them that it could be any moment.
You exhaled heavily and closed your eyes trying to will away your own selfish feelings. You didn't know why you were having these feelings. You didn't know Loki that good, you weren't that close for you to develop feelings but here you were standing alone on a balcony trying to seize your foolish feelings. Silence surrounded you. It was so peaceful. Your hands grabbed the railing tightly as you leant forward taking a deep breath of the cooling air. The wind blew in your hair which was simply let out and it brought the smells of the city below.
"You should step back from the railing, (Name)." said suddenly the smooth, deep voice of Loki's. You yelped in surprise and put a hand to your chest as your heart was pounding against your ribcage with a million miles per hour.
"I guess you like to scare me to death." you mumbled and earned a chuckle from the dark prince. Your eyebrows shot up to your forehead as you heard the unusual sound, not like it wasn't pleasant to hear. You cleared your throat. "How have you decided about my fate?"
"I am afraid I cannot follow." Loki furrowed his eyebrows.
"Have you visited Lady Sygin?" you asked straight forward and watched his features sadden.
"About that... I need to apologize." sighed the raven haired prince walking up to you looking out to the scenery below and over. You watched his profile trying to figure out what he was thinking. "Sygin told me that you were truly just visiting her... but there is still one question I have. Why do you want to know her?"
"Yes, I should explain it to you." you replied quietly. You played down this conversation over in your head a million times and you wanted to say it with certainty but couldn't. "We were both forced into this marriage. I know, that two people cannot just start to love each other from one moment to the other and I know, that... maybe even after a long time we would not love each other that way. I felt the need to thank her for loving you the way I maybe can never do. You deserve to be loved and if I cannot give it to you then I should not stand in the way of your happiness."
"Everytime we speak... and I get to know more about you... you amazes me." shook his head Loki with a sad smile on his thin lips. Oh, how you wished those lips would ever kiss yours the way they kissed Sygin's. You had to avert your gaze before he would see the beginning of your tears pooling in your (e/c) eyes. Loki turned to you and pulled you into a gentle friendly embrace. Your fingers hooked into the fabric of his over coat on his back as he rested his chin on your shoulder. "Thank you for... being so kind."
His voice was sad and tired and you had to blink a few times to get the tears away. He noticed but thought these were tears of sympathy. Oh, how wrong he was.
During dinner you and Loki spoke with Frigga in a casual way not showing anything of your true feelings. Loki apologized to you again at the table in front of the royal family satisfying Odin and Frigga. That night you shed your first tears for Loki... for the love that you couldn't have nor will.
As days passed your appetite grew smaller and smaller. You still kept a happy smile for the children during the lessons but they could sense something has changed about you. You visited Sygin and she pointed it out.
"(Name), what is wrong?" she furrowed her eyebrows as you two sat at the window seat. With every visit she trusted you more and more letting you closer and the two of you became friends.
"I have fallen in love I think' you sighed smiling sadly as her eyes widened.
To be continued...
Taglist: @caniputmyballsinyojahws
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