#sylki might be endgame
atomicradiogirl · 8 months
sylki aside natalie holt really went SO fucking hard on the score ‘stop’ when loki kisses sylvie it is so good. i mean come on.
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hansoeii · 7 months
Not a Sylki shipper, but do you genuinely believe they won't be endgame? Like I get it, it seems like Sylvie is not in love with him and they're kinda pushing Lokius (might be just mocking us), but don't you think they could do a 180 in the last episode? It would make no sense, but the writer is a cishet man, who ships Sylki. Marvel is not good at writing romance. I feel sad, because I'm seeing all these people say that Sylki is over, celebrating and I feel like they'll be crushed on Thursday. They could absolutely do a 180, rush the romance with "she was always in love, she was just pushing him away" and make them endgame. Again, it would be bad writing and it'd make zero sense, but the majority of the people don't care about the romance, including my irls, they only want to see the multiverse stuff. So they won't care. And I feel like Disney/Marvel don't care either.
Yes, I totally believe that Sylkie is over and that nothing will happen between them again.
What makes me say that? It's simple. All Sylvie wants is a simple life on the timeline, they've made that clear several times. She only ever follows Loki once that life and her timeline are in danger. And I can't blame her for that. She has no interest in Loki and his friends and what's even more important: she has even less than zero interest in the TVA. She's selfish, she admitted that herself.
The TVA is what's important here. The TVA has become Loki's home, it's the place where he found his family. He (and Mobius) is the heart of the TVA. And he won't part with it, and Sylvie would never willingly stay there for longer than necessary.
She has made it clear by telling Loki to write his own story that their stories are separate ones.
This season so far has been incredibly well written, and I don't believe they're gonna do a big 180 in the finale. I could totally be wrong, but I don't think it's likely.
I believe that Sylvie will be the one to restore everyone's memories in the last episode as her final heroic act and then once the timelines are restored, she will go back to her simple life.
And when it comes to Eric Martin: just ignore him. He's a troll, and I don't believe a single thing he says about any ships. He constantly likes Sylkie tweets and then suddenly switches to liking Lokius tweets. It's best to just watch the show and ignore what any of the creators have to say (besides Tom Hiddleston, I adore his commentary) about it, just draw your own conclusions! And so far, we have gotten 5 episodes that made it clear that there's nothing even close to romantic going on between Sylvie and Loki anymore.
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gomensnightingales · 8 months
feeling a little hopeful (and very terrified) for Loki ep 6. Luckily this season they didn’t play into the Sylkie romance, and so I’m optimistic loki and sylvie wont be made endgame in the last episode. Ofc writers might completely switch it up and make them confess secret feelings or make them kiss (pray this doesn’t happen) and in that case I will prolly not watch the hypothetical S3 bc ITS BASICALLY SELF-INCEST!! But Loki and Mobius are looking gooood so I’m excited!
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single-snail · 8 months
I don't like the spoiler i read abt episode 5 and 6 it sounds a lot like steve's ending in endgame
[i will be discussing the supposed spoilers for loki season 2 episodes 5 & 6 below the cut]
oh it totally does! it might even make less sense than steve’s ending, though idk if i’m willing to go that far. but yeah, abandoning the life you’ve lived for years and the people you know and care about and the cause you believe in to go back to the past to live a life that belonged to someone else? yup sounds like steve
even without the lokius of it all, a situation in which mobius goes to live on the timeline with a wife and kids makes zero sense. there is no life for mobius to return to. he can’t go back to the moment he was taken from bc the timeline would’ve been reset and a different mobius would’ve continued living. the only way for him to return to his life would be to replace that mobius by what? pruning him? literally killing him? he’d have to take away this mobius’ chance at life, the same thing that was done to him. no, he would never do that. it goes against everything we know about him and his and b-15’s stance after finding out they’re variants. he’s also definitely a different man than who he was on the timeline. even once he hypothetically gets his memories back, he will also have hundreds? thousands? millions? of years of memories at the tva. even just in the short time he’s known loki he’s changed a lot. he wouldn’t fit back in his life. it would make noooo sense.
based on reviews of 1-4, we will learn about his life on the timeline (tho i’m pretty sure people have said it’s dark, nothing close to a happy life with a wife and kids) and presumably we won’t have to wait until episode 5 for it. i think we will see mobius come to terms with what his life was, maybe mourn what he’s lost a bit, but ultimately continue doing what he’s doing.
also i just don’t see him leaving the fight against the tva/to reform the tva/to defeat kang. he’s not a passive character; loki gave him a spark to fight and i don’t think he’s gonna decide to leave it behind. i expect him to stick around a little bit.
luckily i’m not worried about these spoilers at all bc i think they’re total bullshit. the only people who know anything about episodes 5 & 6 are those that worked on the show, and i don’t imagine any of them are coming on here to anonymously leave spoilers in someone’s ask box. it’s just a troll, i’d bet anything on it. even if these things do happen, i don’t think it would prove the validity of this anon.
i didn’t talk about the sylki endgame part of the spoiler bc there wasn’t much to it and uh yeah that’s expected. i am actually going back and forth between whether i think they’ll go forward with sylki or just completely ignore it, but i won’t be surprised if/when it’s the former.
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eris-spicywicystuff · 8 months
guys I think sylki might be endgame so I'll just stop thinking too much abt it and enjoy it. so what loki likes mean women that beat him up. me too
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bisexual-panic · 8 months
will sylki be endgame?
i do honestly think that sylki will be endgame or at least the series will end with them being ready to start a proper relationship
there is only two options marvel: they either end up together ready to start living their lives or they die sacrificing themselves together (something like the scene at the start of episode 4 where they are accepting that they are going to die) and are fully aware and have talked about their feelings
the other possibility of one of them dying is something that would actually kill me to watch and fuck me up
that being said i have been thinking about the possibility of this and how i would like it to happen (i don’t)
if one of them were to die i would prefer it to be Loki, which is surprising for me as i used to watch marvel movies solely for Loki, i have a number of reasons for this:
out of the two of them the one that is more likely to be brought back (either because of the plot or fangirls complaining) is Loki
i would rather see Sylvie grieve for the loss of Loki rather then the vice versa because i think it would be more interesting and entertaining to see as we have seen Loki grieve for the loss of his mother and i want to know how Sylvie’s reactions would differ and because as much as I would like to see Loki going insane over her death i think it would make him very depressed and Sylvie would instead choose to help the tva in honor of him and get her revenge (it would make misogynists go crazy because they would be bashing a fem presenting character for something they would praise their male counterpart for)
in one of the promos or trailers we can see Loki walking on the bridge Mobius was on in ep 1 while Sylvie and mobius bang on the the door behind him (so something similar might happen)
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neyafromfrance95 · 8 months
to be honest, i'm sad and disheartened to be leaving sylki fandom and deactivating this blog.
i was excitedly looking forward to celebrating sylki endgame with everyone but it's not possible with what this fandom has turned into.
for those who don't know, i have committed two grave sins in my fandom history:
said in my post that i don't think sylvie getting pregnant and birthing loki's babies would be a compelling conclusion to her story in canon. me saying that apparently equals to insulting the fic writers.
jokingly said that sylki fandom is vanilla and i'd personally love to read a fic where loki is yandere. again, apparently by saying so i undermined the hard work and mastery of sylki writers.
committing these sins against the sacred hcs condemned me to the punishment of getting bullied by the people many of whom i once bent over backwards for in order to protect them from the antis and lokius shippers doing the same thing to them that they now do to me each time i dare to reveal my unpopular opinion.
rest assured, i won't ever come back to this fandom, it has become way too vile and aggressively heteronormative, with the shippers valuing the fanon babies over the well-being of a real person.
to the people who liked my posts and stuff, thanks and i wish you all the best. my one advice is to remember that the people, including your mutuals, you are vibing with here might turn on you and literally harass you if your fandom take doesn't align with theirs, so don't get too attached.
so, yeah... bye. i hope sylvie has a great ending in this season. 💚🗡
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sylkithecat · 7 months
Before the season/series finale, I just want to say that I've come to terms with the fact that sylki might not be an endgame, and I'm okay with it... As long as we're not going to get a jonaerys ending.
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like bruh... come on. let them be happy (together or not), they deserve it. also, I need my boss to be busy tomorrow morning at 9am, so I watch ep 6 at peace.  😂 
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brsb4hls · 7 months
Ok, so I was very very sceptical about Sylki engame (with both of them co-managing the time lines), although it narratively makes perfect sense, for the following reasons:
a) Sylvie might be an obstacle to Loki's further use in the MCU
b) spoilers show only Loki in regal get up controlling the time lines/time flow?
c) drama is considered more artsy than a happy ending, it's gotta be 'deep' and make people cry (insert eyeroll emoji)
Now with the latest Eric Martin interview, where he says he was free to write 'Loki' without taking further projects into account, a) has just been eliminated!
That means we're up to a 33,33 % chance of Sylki endgame as per my math and logic.
Let's celebrate!
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atomicradiogirl · 8 months
Sylvie is listening to I found a reason in the record shop scene. The lyrics speak for themself. So yes, queerbaiting ahead
the lyrics: “and i've walked down life's lonely highways hand in hand with myself and i realize how many paths have crossed between us” HELLO?
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andy-skull · 8 months
What the hell was this episode???
The plot conveniently skipped to when they find X5, then that for interrogation, the only good thing I got from it was Mobius snapping. I enjoyed that, adds more layers to the character.
But the reunion. What the f- was that??? The scene at McDonald's was awkward and angsty, yes. But the parking lot convo? Yes, Sylvie feels betrayed, she has a new life (not exactly as she's carrying HWR tempad at hand, lives in her truck and has her armour ready. She's not settled down really.) And this is fair, good characterization, but girl, didn't you kiss that guy and send him to safety because you got to care about him? You could have kill him and chose not? but now there's no ounce of any of that
While Loki is all business and questions. Dude don't even tell her you're there for her, address what happened, you've been obsessed on finding her and now is all TVA this or that, what were you doing in the future-? Is that all? Really???
Angst is when you know characters care about the other but keep falling apart, similar to slow burn. This was none of it
This reunion wasn't angsty, it was two exes arguing about the same reason they broke up.
Both were supposed to grow appart and figured themselves out but it's exactly the same THE SAME as the citadel in s01ep06. It's just repeating itself
Loki coming with "the TVA is the only defense" why?? How?? It's literally not, it's actually crumbling down, and it just proves to be
I can't believe I waited two years for this absolute garbage
I'm convinced man, Sylki won't be endgame. They might figure out their differences and get to be partners in crime, maybe. But this romance, that doesn't feel like that anymore, reached its expiration date
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thatnerdyfangirlcat · 2 years
Imma talk about Sylki *Loki Spoilers* *No Way Home Spoilers* *TW: selfcest and mention of incest*
It seems the Sylki discourse has returned due to a certain recently released movie, and uh...I'm kinda mad.
So, first things first, we live in a world where having any kind of relationship with an alternate version of yourself is most likely impossible. Meaning "selfcest"...isn't a real thing. Why are people getting so angry about it when it has no basis in reality? My argument here makes me a bit of a hypocrite, I suppose, cause I still have a big problem with Steve's time travel thing in Endgame, which also has no basis in reality, but I'm gonna keep going.
Firstly, I would like to point out that I have yet to see or hear of someone that makes the "selfcest" claim without also being a Lokius shipper, which...is kind of a problem for me? I get it, I shipped Loki and Mobius at first, up until Sylvie was introduced and I saw the romantic tension and the possibility for huge character growth for both parties, especially Loki. And it's fine to not agree with ships, and even discuss why you think certain ships don't work as well as others. But do you really have to villainize the shippers that are just trying to enjoy a piece of media? Just because your ship didn't become canon? Not to mention hating on the creators and even the actors that are working very hard to bring you a long-awaited and requested story, only for you to turn around and say "This doesn't live up to my very specific standards, therefore it is Bad." Shipping inspires discourse. I get it. But come on, at some point you gotta grow up a little and just move on when something doesn't go your way.
Next, I'd like to address something a little more sensitive. Something that bothers me quite a bit. In villainizing this (fictional) idea of selfcest, and using specifically that word, it kind of...compares selfcest to actual incest? This may not be the intention, but that's what it seems like to me. Which is kind of an issue for me, because people are taking this entirely fictional concept and equating it to a very real concept that is...not good. In doing so, though, it actually takes away from the seriousness of the actual real concept, which is probably not really a good thing. I may be the only person that feels this way, but...yeah.
Now for the No Way Home spoilers.
So, the three Peter Parkers are now considered brothers. But wait, I thought we established that Variants could have romantic feelings for each other? And now the feelings are familial? This doesn't make sense! Well guess what, different types of relationships exist. Not everyone will have the same feelings in the same situation. I mean, we saw it in Loki. Kid Loki and Gator Loki have a found family/best friend/pet relationship (and are, btw, of entirely different species), Boastful Loki has a purely self-serving relationship with all the other Loki Variants, President Loki has an authoratative relationship with some of the other Variants. It should also be noted that in declaring brotherhood, the Peters recognize that they are not, in fact, the same person. You wouldn't say that identical twins are the same person, would you? So if Loki and Sylvie are not, in fact, the same person in any way, shape, or form, genetically, physiologically, mentally or emotionally, except for their alleged place in the universe, why shouldn't they be allowed to have romantic feelings for each other?
I am personally quite fond of the whole self-love thing they've going on here, and the direct metaphor is kinda hilarious. Through Sylvie, Loki can finally understand how he actually affects those that care about him. In accepting Sylvie and all the other Loki Variants, he can finally accept himself and grow into the best version of himself.
Just be kind to each other about shipping. We're all just here to find pieces of ourselves in fiction, right? Maybe to escape this hell of a reality we live in? Might as well make it a comforting place to escape to.
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worstloki · 3 years
Dont like sylki but everyone is up their arms calling loki a narcissist for thinking a variant of himself might be a good person while endgame steve took our good captains virginity against his will looking at that ass like that and nobody said shit
steve on steve action is ok and tony on tony violence is always allowed (even though he's labeled a narcissist too). vision and white vision are allowed to grapple at sunset if they want bc they're robots and that's hot. wanda and vision even though they're the same soul or watevr is fine bc it's a love story ye they can have kids. 90% sure endgame thor and tdw thor could've smooched the depression away (just saying). nebula killing nebula was unfortunate. loki believing in himself in any way shape or form is ridiculous though :/
#honestly i wouldn't care for a genderbent romance if they didn't go out of their way to not make any of the lokis genderfluid#and the build up was terrible too??#it's written badly so the stunted awkward romance wouldn't be so bad if the rest of the writing was good along the way but nah#and then there's sylvie being the focus of the series from the end of ep2#Language!#L!#the story genuinely feels like it was made for sylvie which is cool i dont care if loki is a love interest in the series but then on top#there's wacky cinematography and notably so and the action choreography sucks and is directionless on lamentis#forget characterisation and properly establishing sylvie beyond surface level sure just tell us she grew up in apocalypses 🙄#the show just overall sucks imo#i enjoyed it a lot while watching because it made me laugh but throw the racist casting/roles and horrible pacing it's 😬#and THAT is without considering the literal queerbaiting and lies in interviews/advertising that came with the show#''it's about loki's identity'' no it literally wasn't#''loki grew in the show and these are new scenarios where loki has no control'' nice try but i watched thor 1 and 2#cringe humour too the general feel of the show does not have high standing in my eyes#i do love some of the concepts in the show though#the execution is what i take issue with#the 'twists' aren't twists and they end each ep on cliffhangers as if that'll build suspense when it literally wont (for me at least)#the narrative was not. it wasn't GOOD storytelling#i take personal offense at that#even though I plan to steal loki sylvie mobius c-20 b-15 and renslayer for personal use#not done well#im so happy i went in with no expectations bc i got to enjoy it XD#the Loki show#and it IS possible to introduce female girlboss characters well the show just didn't do it good imo
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
Your reaction to Sylki means a lot to me. Its my first ‘problematic’ ship and all these people telling me I support incest are not helping me feel less ashamed and revolted by the perverse intrusive thoughts I deal with because of mental illness... plus I think Sylki is supposed to be immoral and slightly unsettling...this is LOKI we’re talking about. Ya know, the horse fucking narcissist. The damaged supervillain...
Honestly the fact that you, who hasn’t even watched the show yet have a more reasonable reaction to selfcest (an already established Loki trope) than half the fandom really shows just how much the fans woobify Loki. He’s not some innocent baby boy that must be protected from all the darkness in the world...he’s Loki. The god who indirectly caused the apocalypse in the myths?
Plus I feel like they’re missing the whole point here? The whole show is about identity and self acceptance? It’s just wrong and surreal enough to fit the tone of the story? It’s well written and really in character? It might mean a lot to people with severe self esteem/self loathing problems...
I couldn’t care less if it’s endgame, I even don’t think it should be...but all this hate is making me so conflicted and frustrated.
Sorry if that was long...just needed someone to vent to.
Honestly, like, I have been stunned by the vitriolic reactions to sylki in this fandom lmfao. As if Loki isn't particularly infamous in comics canon for fucking a stallion and giving birth to a horse (and he also fucked a giantess and she gave birth to a fucking wolf and a huge-ass snake, Loki's family tree is something else lmfao), and yet people think it's somehow weird that he'd be attracted to and entertain the idea of a relationship with someone who is only 'him' insofar as she technically fills the Loki-shaped hole in another version of reality?
Come the fuck on lmfao.
I get that a lot of the vitriol is coming from the biphobic idea that 'if this canonically bi character, who expressed his queerness on screen in words' (no I haven't watched the show but I did watch that clip and I'm not interested in giving Disney or Marvel asspats but I will still take my rep where I can fucking get it) 'proceeds to become involved with a character the audience perceives as a woman, it's queerbaiting and he isn't Really Bi', but I also cannot express adequately with mere words how much rage that instills in me lmfao. A bi man in a relationship with a woman is every bit as bisexual as a bi man who is single or a bi man in a relationship with a man or with someone of any other gender. He is still fucking bi regardless of his relationship status. And the idea that this on-screen confirmation of his attraction to multiple genders just doesn't count unless he's making out with a dude pisses me off to no end.
Sorry for that tangent, but yeah, I absolutely agree with you. At the end of the day, Loki falling in love with 'himself' (although it seems to me like it's been fairly well established that Loki variants aren't really him in anything but name because they've all led very different lives, or at least Sylvie has, although again this is just what I've gotten from tangential fandom osmosis and scrolling through the tags a bit out of curiosity) as an act of self-love and acceptance could be a really powerful piece of storytelling, and I think the people screaming about how 'it's basically incest' don't understand a) what incest is and why it's actually harmful (and why it literally cannot apply to self-cest no matter how you twist it lmao), and b) Loki as a character.
Anyway, keep stanning Sylki--endgame or not, canon romance arc or not, it looks like they have a really rich&interesting dynamic to explore and I hope the show doesn't shy away from that just bc some people are idiots.
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discoscoob · 3 years
twitter.com/TONYSTARKyRDJ/status/1447688992506343429?t=X4k2d7i2Bimf2xIDk8lkoQ&s=19 someone made a poll wondering what will Loki's endgame be when it comes to romance. And so far Sylki's winning. You can vote on it if you want.
Also, I'm really side eyeing those who prefer Loki to end up alone. He said it himself he doesn't want to be alone and yet there are some ppl who'd rather see him end up totally alone than to be with someone he loves
“selfcest endgame” 🙄
I’m concerned about the fact some have genuinely convinced themselves that a crack ship will be endgame, I’m not against shipping them I only wish they would direct all that energy towards fanfics instead of the theories they will be canon because they’re fully setting theirselves and others up for disappointment and I worry what kind of reactions this might cause. I hope the new director isn’t on social media at all just like Tom.
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ao3feed-sylki · 3 years
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Loki (TV 2021), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Loki/Sylvie (Loki TV), Loki & Mobius M. Mobius, Ravonna Lexus Renslayer & Sylvie (Loki TV) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Sylvie (Loki TV), Mobius M. Mobius, Ravonna Lexus Renslayer, Thanos (Marvel) Additional Tags: I Will Go Down With This Ship, I think this is what you call WHUMP, Sylki is my endgame, Romance, Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Sylvie Needs a Hug (Loki TV), I have a problem, My obsession with these two is unhealthy, Soft Loki (Marvel), Time Variance Authority (Marvel), Kind of Canon divergence from s01e04 Series: Part 3 of Sylki Fics <3 Summary:
Kind of a Canon divergence from S01E04: The Nexus Event, after Loki and Sylvie get taken into the TVA
“If I might… interject.”
Sylvie was thrust through a red timedoor and found herself in a dimly lit spaceship of some sort. She blinked quickly to adjust her vision and instinctively ducked behind a metal column for cover. Her eyes adjusted and she clocked her surroundings, trying to figure out where the TVA had sent her.
Corpses. Asgardian, judging by the look of their clothing and hair. Littered across the floor.
“If you’re going to Earth, you might want a guide.”
That voice. She peeks around the corner of the column to double check.
“I do have a bit of experience in that arena.”
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