#tabs rambles about their hyperfixation
wannaeatramyeon · 9 months
Goo Kim x Reader: Suspicious
G/N. So so stupid.
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Your boyfriend is indulging in suspicious behaviour.
More and more, you catch him smiling sweetly at his phone, chuckling. At times you think you might have heard a squeal. He's always staring into it late at night, first thing in the morning, hiding his screen away from you.
Which usually would put you on edge if he was anyone else. Leave your imagination running wild, cause your insecurities to rise to the surface.
But you know Goo. He would have no problem kicking you out of his bed, his apartment, his life if he didn't want this anymore.
Except this isn't that. He's still as clingy as ever, still a mischievous menace. A brat, feral and needy, showing his own brand of affection and fondness.
You're almost certain that if you asked, he would shave his head for you. His precious blonde locks. That's how much he loves you.
However. The behaviour is peculiar, odd. You don't know what to think.
He's engrossed in his phone even more than usual this evening.
He didn't hear you come through the door, pad through the apartment, sneak up over his shoulder, almost breathing into his ear, eyes briefly scanning over his screen until-
"What's this?"
Goo yelps. Jerks away violently and with such force his glasses clatter onto the floor.
"Shit!" You hear him mutter under his breath as he tries to discreetly click his screen off and bend down for his glasses.
You're pretty certain you saw what you think you did.
…Really? Is this what he's been hiding from you?
Tentatively, because it's obvious this guy is touchy as hell about this, you ask, "Is that-"
"Nope!" He snaps, a very uncharacteristic blush blooming over his cheeks.
"Goo," You grin, eyes crinkling. "Are you embarrassed?"
He puts his glasses back on, adjusting them as he peers over haughtily at you, regaining some of his composure. "No cupcake, I don't get embarrassed."
You put your hand on your hips, raising an eyebrow. "Sure. That's why you've been sneaking around with your phone."
"I have not been sneaking."
"Sneak. Ing." You emphasize each syllable, then ready your fingers at his forehead. "I may have thought you were up to no good." With that, you give Goo a light flick that he grossly overreacts to and screeches.
"So what?" he rubs his forehead with a pout, "I'm always up to no good."
That's true. You admit it with a sigh.
He pulls his phone out of his pocket, clicks it back on sheepishly. "They just... They love each other."
"I know." You tread carefully, not sure which of his manic moods he's rapidly approaching.
"And they both die in the manga." You swear you see Goo's lip wobble, "I just want them to be happy."
Ok, that was definitely his voice cracking you heard there as he shows you his browser, tabs upon tabs of fanfiction open-
Really, goddamn. That is a lot of fanfiction. Although you understand the grip of a hyperfixation all too well.
Maybe you should have seen this coming. You know Goo loves his manga and anime, and you know he loves this particular one. You just didn't know how much. You didn’t realise he indulges in fandom activities.
Did he not realise you loved it too? The amount of fanfiction you gorge on? That there was no need to hide this from you? You wouldn’t have ever made him feel ashamed of this.
"Hey,” You give him an encouraging smile and a nudge, “Did you read the college AU one? Where they're both-"
"PROFESSORS AND MARRIED!" Goo interjects, eyes widening in realisation. 
"Cupcake!" He purrs, any embarrassment or hesitation a thing of the past. The distant past. He throws his arm around you. Ecstatic at finding new common ground, starts to ramble and talk about his favourite fics, his least favourite. The tropes he loves, the tropes he hates. Mouth running a mile a minute.
When he finally pauses to take a breath, he smooches you on the cheek. Reading between the lines, as a way of apology for his suspicious behaviour.
And continues, until you interrupt him and tell him that your favourite ship is actually these other characters and-
"Ugh. Tasteless." Goo scoffs, removing his arm from you and stepping away as if your terrible taste will infect him.
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99pm-e · 5 months
Nona (19, she/they)
I post drawings and fanarts about things i like/hyperfixate on. Currently into COD and TF2.
My english is not 100% and I'll sure make some mistakes since it's my second language. Also I'm a Pharmacy student, so my posts schedule may get slow from time to time due to my finals.
Keep in mind that I may draw suggestive art every now and then. Please proceed with caution.
What I use for art 🎨
Artisul D16 pro and Tab S9 FE
Clip studio Paint
My cats furr for emotional support
Commissions: Caard & Ko-fi (status closed)
Inbox/Asks are open, feel free!
Art requests are open. (I do them slowly)
#99pm -> my art
#nona rambling -> im probably talking shit lol
#the real 99pm -> pics of miomio (my cat)
#studying and struggling -> art studies
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A Very Long, Personal [but positive] Ramble about Neurodivgerency and Character Hyperfixation
[u can ignore this if you want this is just an ADHD ramble - this is a kinda 'mask off' talk about ADHD, autism and my personal history with it all. I also talk about the upsides and downsides - and the importance of Hobie to me personally - I just wanna normalize this stuff lol]
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a.k.a The story of how I sent from obsessing over him to HIM in 10 years (what a glowup on my part ik)
(I know a lot of peeps on here can feel self-conscious about being neurodivergent and character connection or whatever you wanna call it and so do I! So I wanted to write it out or just ramble for my own sake)
I don't know if it's obvious or not, but I LOVE HOBIE BROWN. I'm going to be completely candid - I think about him maybe 85 percent of the day if not more, and that's in no way an exaggeration.
No matter what I'm doing, there's a least one tab open in my brain thinking about him. It may not be the focus, but it's there.
That's just how I operate. And I've been this way for a LONG time. In fact, Hobie isn't my first 'total focus' character in Marvel.
I gain VERY deep hyperfixations on Marvel Characters, many lasting years. And there's nothing wrong with that - in fact it's rad!
!!!! ATTENTION: This is a whimsical care-free zone. For Happy Funny Folk !!!!!!!!!
Loki - My introduction to hyperfixation with characters
I don't know if this is surprising or you'd be like 'yeah u seem like the type' but I use to LOVE Loki. For YEARS.
I'm AuDHD and when I was 13/14, a freshman in HS, he was my hyperfixation. Eerything I do for Hobie, I did for Loki. I even had a Loki blog for like 3/4 years.
This was back in 2012-2013, when Avengers had just came out, and the MCU wasn't - well, the MCU yet.
But even back then, the Loki fandom was HUGE. I have no idea who was also on Tumblr back then but it was gigantic. Because movies weren't coming out every 3 months, it went on for yearrrrsssss. Art, edits, fics, everything.
I was soooo into, I loved Loki. Like Hobie, I probably thought about Loki maybe 85-90% of the day.
And sure I was doing a lot of other stuff but in the back of my head there was always the oc x canon storyline running in my head, or replaying scenes from memory and analyzing, or wondering and speculating about his character.
I mask very minimally or not at all - so everyone in my school knew me for it. And at the time I didn't know I was neurodivergent, but that didn't stop me - I was genuinely proud of it.
I wore Loki shirts to school and brought the Avengers DVD the day it dropped (this was back before streaming in ye' old 2013). I knew the Avengers movie back to front.
I saw Thor: The Dark World the day it released and SOBBED openly in the theater when he 'died'. (I remember my mom leaning over and whispering 'Do you wanna leave?' cause I seemed that upset lol)
And everyday I use to wear a necklace like this -
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(credit IJSY on Etsy)
But in black, until one day I had it in my pocket and I sat on it in class and broke it in two. And people around me deadass were like 'daammnn I know that shit hurt in ur soul' cause I LOVED Loki and people knew it. And I didn't care if they did.
And I was like that for years. Overtime the Loki fandom fizzled out, especially around Phase 2 when things like GOTG first came out.
But I had a Loki fixation like maybe up until the show came out. And even then I've seen the whole thing (I ain't even like it that much 4.5/10) and I'm gonna watch the second one (I'm a fool)
But any way like to this day I still remember the first time I saw Loki and how it made me feel and I can like picture it in my head and I consider it a pretty influencial albeit mundane moment in my life.
And it was a very specific feeling but it was like as soon as I saw Loki's first scene in Avengers, I was plugged into the screen.
Other Hyperfixations - Charles Xavier, Peter Parker
All of my hyperfixations are on men in marvel and they have always been. There's been others I've cycled through, usually based on the newest movie. I even went through a LENGTHY and very in depth K-pop era (don't get me started).
Charles Xavier was a favorite of mine (from X-Men First Class), and I LOVE MCU Peter Parker. I still do. But none hit like Loki did.
There was never THAT feeling, like the fantastical electric feeling.
And I had never felt that feeling again UNTIL I SAW HOBIE (i wanna cry)
My fixation with HOBIE BROWN HOBIE BROWN HOBIE BROWN (sorry I can't say his name only one time im too excited)
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In the theatre my jaw genuinely dropped like I'm pretty sure I said 'OH NAH' to myself when i first saw him
Cause he was the prettiest character I've ever seen and I mean that
I didn't recognize what that feeling was until just now like YES, it's the same feeling. And I can't even describe it.
It's like every other character is normal but as soon as you lay eyes on this character for the first time it's like suddenly they're under your skin and curled up in your heart and you can FEEL them and the weight of them PHYSICALLY like not body wise but like astral personhood wise (do I sound unhinged)
And Hobie was just so pretty.
First of all - I didn't know he was black fgsbtgtuiuigs id never heard of spiderpunk
The wicks were what caught me off guard first. I know what wicks are, I've seen them before. But never animated.
And although Miles and Gwen and Pavi all look realistic - Hobie looked real to me. The high cheekbones and broad lips, the raised brow ridge and wide set eyes - he looked different from them, not just in art style but like - I DONT KNOW.
But that's how it is, you know what I mean. There was just something in my brain that was like 'he has meaning to me'. Like 'Idk who this man is, but whatever story he's writing, I'm reading it'.
That's what hyperfixation feels like.
And Hobie in specific held and holds so much more weight for me IN ADDITION.
I started falling out of my Loki phase around Thor: Ragnorok in 2017 - which is to say I was varying degrees of 'obsessed' with Loki for about 5 years.
Around that time, maybe starting in 2015, police brutality in NYC picked up. Me and my friends started getting more radicalized, going to protests, and identifying as communists, anarchists, or both.
One of my favorite things at the time was The Black Panther Party handbook I'd found at a second hand-book store. And for a while the Black Panther Party was a special interest of mine.
It made me really interested in the 70's, the civil rights movement, and the rise of punk that happened at the same time. Around this time, I made my first 'battle jacket' with a patch that said "Black Lives Matter, Bitch." and begged my parents for a pair of doc martens.
I didn't have Hobie back then, but I have him now. And he still resonates.
There was very much a time where I was that homeless, punk teen, angry at police, who wanted to be taken in by my favorite heros.
My admiration for Hobie comes from like - everything he is. Everything he stands for and represents. I don't need Hobie like I would've as a teen. But I know deep down the healing he could bring other people as a comfort character.
Or even in terms of a good political example, or great rep for alt black people. All of it.
That can't really be said for Loki. Or Charles Xavier (even if X-men is a race allegory), or even Peter Parker.
I grew up in NYC all my life, and I LOVE Spider-man, but I never felt Connected to Peter Parker as if we lived in the same city. I never felt something in common with Peter even if he was broke too.
Hobie's just different, y'know.
The Downsides
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It's easy to feel really embarrassed by all this - and even now I'm feeling shy even describing how it feels.
Cringe culture gets in your head before you know it. I'm CONSTANTLY telling myself 'no, Hobie would understand that you're neurodivergent and this is you expressing yourself he wouldn't think youre cringe youre not cringe okay' As if my comfort character Hobie Brown thinking I'm cringe is like jksjfkjf the worst thing ever - i can't, i can't with myself.
I genuinely want to hug Hobie more than I want to huge most celebrities or influential real-life people.
I genuinely think hugging him would be more healing to my being than hugging the Pope or the Dhali Lama or something. I admire him and care about him but he's NOT REAL. It's PARASOCIAL And like duh, I know that - i'm grown as fuck.
Sometimes it can genuinely get you down that you care about this character-person and you can't be with them
It's like you miss them. But they're not real and you don't know them. And I know that sounds tragic or bizarre. But it's kinda just weird. It feels weird not in a sad way, but in a 'why brain?? why is this possible in my brain?? huh???' way.
Like...I know it's parasocial, but like it's not like a fan and a youtuber. He's not real, I'm not giving him money or hurting anyone. I know there's nothing to be ashamed of, but it's just WEIRD.
Like... I know my cat isn't a person and mentally I don't see them as a person and can't like analyze them like a full formed person even if I wanted to. But with Hobie - someone who is not a person - my brain can???? Like I've never met him but like... I can imagine a full conversation with him beginning to end in his place of residence I've also never seen before??????? SO WEIRD.
Also theres that thing of him running in the back of my head 85% of the time.
Even if I'm talking or cooking or something, I'm still daydreaming about him - I have ADHD. And during those times if i'm interrupted and someone give me a THIRD thing to do (besides thing 1 and thinking about Hobie) I get irritated. Because now I have less brain room for Hobie stuff.
The Upsides
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Now reading all of this you might be like 'sib this sounds like nothing but a problem r u okay' but I PROMISE ITS REAL FUN SOMETIMES
And it's nothing to feel ashamed of!
Now the last part was just a list of downsides, but the upsides are more things I can do because of my hyperfixation on Hobie that makes me happy
Like I said, I daydream a LOT. Like a LOT.
Mainly with OCs You can probably tell how much I like OCs, and how much OCs - even others', mean to me. And usually, my OCs are the ones who I see the in-media universe through. I don't have to think about making an OC much, for me personally they come fully formed. Because of this, while I'm watching movies I begin to have involuntary daydreams of where I can add in an OC, or what they'd be doing. I typically only do this for Marvel though. Hardly DC or any other media other than maybe Batman. For Loki, it was a character named Asdisira Heimdaldottir who I shipped with him. And for Hobie it's Diane Pastors (Disco-Spider).
And although I am in completely control of what these daydreams are, they are vividly realistic, and can come on at different times.
For me, it's while listening to music mostly. But anything can trigger it - from a good text post, to hearing a phrase. And these daydreams are extremely vivid. Most times, you can visibly see when I'm doing it. My eyes will glaze over or start moving as if I'm trying to remember something. Sometimes I may say 'random' phrases. I say lines from the scene I'm in outloud. (Like saying 'How could you!' in an offended tone to myself, if that's what the character in the daydream is saying). I also make facial expressions. I can do it on purpose, like hitting play on a movie and resuming where I left off. Usually, when I do this, I close my eyes. I much prefer to sit and do it without multitasking, but I often do it while doing something else.
These daydreams connect, and arcs/storylines can go on for months/years.
Usually these stories go on for months in IRL time, and span the whole history of the character. For Loki, I probably has Asdisira for 4 years at most. Which is still a LONG time. These arcs can take different pathways, and I may imagine a scene multiple times - in different ways, but usuall the timeline of the oc x canon stays overall the same. Sadly, I almost never write these down. I would pull my hair out and theres not enough time in the world for me to write Diane and Hobie's full narrative down in detail that does it justice. I wanna make a bullet list of their narrative but i dont wanna clog dashes
I can genuinely use them as a comfort character.
I don't need this much now, and nowhere as much as I needed it in high school, but having the ability to daydream vividly at will about a character you feel safe and happy with - it's dope. Sometimes it really helps. There were a lot of times I imagined Loki comforting me or showing me kindness or helping me calm down. And sometimes you can do it just for fun. Like, as a treat. Whenever. I'm imagining Diane and Hobie at a fish n' chip shop right now. It's drizzling outside and it smells like oil and Hobie douses his chips in wayyy to much vinegar. It's like I'm there. Like...I just do that. thats rad as hell. (and I don't know how to describe it if you can't do it but hopefully others know how it is but it's VIVID, like wayyyy more than any dream.)
Literally a walking fact book about them.
I'm smug AS FUCK. I use to love when dudes in high school challenged me about the MCU cause I wore a shirt. Like, oh buddy. Oh pal. Just you fucking wait. I know this character better than you know your own mother - try me hoe. I love reading characters like a book and rewatching scenes, breaking down motives, watching their movements, looking for patterns and drawing connections to real world history, cultures, or psychology. I LOVE watching behavior and personality in the movies, and making conclusions about where they'd come from, reasonably, for the character, and how it affects them outside the scope of the film.
And most of all - It's Free Joy we're almost at the end I promise
This is long as all hell and unlike my other posts there really isn't a neat little character study but uhhh I wanna end with this I guess -
The best part of it, is it's free joy. Literally.
My brain can do something a lot of others can't. I can feel a kind a comfort and understanding with a character, I can entertain myself and come up with amazing stories that have mean to me.
I can make wonderful worlds and all that without lifting a finger, and hangout with my favorite characters just by going
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(literally how i be sitting there - professor x headass)
I hoping the fucking multiverse with my mind.
But there's nothing cringe about that. And there's nothing cringe about drawing Hobie for hours on end, by himself or with an oc. There's nothing cringe about thinking about them a lot, or wanting to buy or make a lot of merch.
We aren't hurting anyone. It's not like a celebrity or a youtuber. Nothing we're doing is taboo or anything we're literally just being happy. And squealing about a character we deeply love
Like..Golly if more mfers in this world were squealing like us once a week maybe they'd be happier, you know what I mean. People be walking around mad as hell at the world...like why don't you look at this picture of Hobie and calm down? That's what makes me calm down.
Anyway uh this is LONG and not connected much to ATSV but if you read down this low THANK YOU so deeply it means a lot. If you relate to this at all I'd love to hear.
And if you think I'm unhinged. Absolutely. But that has nothing to do with this and ain't nothing wrong about it, in the words of megan the stallion... 'ah'.
I leave you with this pic of Hobie goodbye :)
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im using my magic autism powers to hold his hand :) now im giving him a hug im having fun
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// 🎙️ hmmm how did you come up with your silly guys? sprite, beedrill, mari, etc
did you start off with a solid idea for them or did they kinda just form as time went on or smth else?
I've rewritten this so many times because I kept making it too long but its still too long but jsnjkfskv.
So !!
I played pokemon crystal off of a piracy website in 2023(?). Off of one tab on my computer. I had to keep restarting the game bc I kept accidentally closing the tab I was using. Ah the fun times.
And it fucking reignited my pokemon hyperfixation with a vengeance (and its still going as my main media interest).
But! I spent!! Like actually the most time in the entire game trying to beat the elite 4. Like embarrassingly long. Too long. way too long.
And I went. realistically I would've just. given up by now and gone home with no money or anything. And then I went! Huh! What if i made an OC about that.
For most of the first few months of sprites accounts it was just make shit up as you go along (has since changed to be pretty structured and the stories very planned along with solidified lore. I did not know what i was fucking doing at first), but one of the few planned bits of sprites backstory. was mari.
And as much as I love her, Mari isn't really my oc (or at least one I created), she's my friend @/marithefriendlyghost 's, who saw my silly pkmn irl account and wanted to join in making pokemon oc's. I drafted up an idea for why sprite and mari weren't friends anymore and they agreed, doing most of the writing for mari before her account (for her blog takeover for sprite and asks and such). Back in the early days, me and Ghost joked that Mari was voids "Bitchsona" since she was much crueler in her early days.
Beedrill's character was inspired by an IRL friend of mine who is a tech whiz, but thats where the similarities end I promise. He's developed so far from the original idea I had for him that it's insane, he's entirely unrecognisable. Beedrill originally went by the alias of 'anonanon' or 'beedrill anon' and sent strange asks, and also pelipper mailed people weirdly spesific meme shirts. Team Fauna was always in the back of my head while writing him after he actually became a character that appeared on sprites blog sometimes, but looking back I don't think I did enough to foreshadow it.
Ahhh I've been rambling! anyways !! Thanks for asking
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windstir · 1 year
why strawberry crepe cookie is very autistic coded
by: yours truly, an autistic person who happens to like the pink cookie a lot! 🌸
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the chart above is what i will be using as a base for some of the behaviors they express. though i'm letting you guys know beforehand that autism looks different in everyone (obviously) and that some traits might be influenced by traumatic events in your early years of life (like what happens with Crepe.)
most of the information has been taken from canon events and stories, and some other things are just based on my own interpretation of their dialogue and the few things we know about their backstory!
we will go in parts, describing each tab in as much detail as i possibly can ...
that being said, sit the fuck down, grab some snacks, and listen to me ramble about the little pink cookie, because that's what autism made ME do. some people solve math problems, i talk about my little pink thing while i rotate them around in my head like a microwave.
before i start: spoiler warning for pretty much everything regarding Strawberry Crepe Cookie and cookie odyssey.
i. fixations -
the fixations tab is the easiest thing to explain from this mess, since it's most of their character: robotics!Crepe shows a high interest in wafflebots! being pretty much one of the few things they talk about freely (and something they're very passionate about as a whole) and being something that takes up most of their day and routine.
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there are many parts where they start rambling about the bots, being most noticeable during the cookie odyssey (they have many of these moments during their parts of the story! 🎶)
(they also seem to be messy as mentioned by Clotted Cream Cookie at some point in odyssey, unless it comes to their tools! which is. something i relate to deeply lmao. i find organizing my clothes and things pretty boring, but i enjoy organizing my art supplies for example. relaxing activities ~ i'm not sure if it IS part of a fixation but i still think it deserves a spot.)
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ii. noise sensitivity -
this is also easy to explain: they don't like noise. one of their "default phrases" is. just that. them complaining about the noise (and mentioning that their bots are more quiet, once again tying things back to their special interest/hyperfixation.)
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and this new comment from the spring 2023 event.
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iii. aggression -
while also having canon arguments to back up this one, it can't really be used as a way to say "oh Crepe is autistic". why? because crepe has gone through trauma and was exposed to violence as a fairly young kid, specially since it wasn't really explained to them that what they did was wrong.
they are aggressive, having threatened others before ... but is it an autistic thing, or just a trauma response of some sort? i can't really tell, honestly. so i'm going to replace it with:
🦄🌸 the inability to properly identify their own emotions, something i've struggled with since i was just a little guy !!!! 🌸🦄
(or, in proper terms, i think it's called alexithymia! if this is wrong i will correct myself.)
when Pure Vanilla mentioned the time period they were alone (or with DE) they responded with: "well ... it WAS boring!"
boring, a word that seems to be quite common in their vocabulary and mine (especially as a kid, we're talking a 5-8 y/o child who struggled to properly identify their emotions and was pretty disconnected from them)
i remember always complaining of boredom, and i sometimes still mix boredom with sadness, understimulation ... you call it.
and the fact that they used the word "boring" to describe a (definitely) traumatic period of their life is. quite interesting to me!
were they truly bored, or were they sad? anxious? scared ...?
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and then, once again, in the spring 2023 event, we get more of that:
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it happens after the group of kids they're playing with don't listen to their attempts of communicating their discomfort and stress over the situation they're in, Crepe was trying to communicate that they weren't happy with the noise they were making and the fact that everyone was walking in different directions. (and one of the kids was being particularly hyperactive too)
so, they lashed out.
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pretty self-explanatory. Crepe also isn't very good at expressing and controlling their negative emotions.
so yeah! back to the ACTUAL chart now ...
iv. social difficulty -
yeah, another obvious one. they struggle with socializing and seem to prefer the company of their robots and small crowds. (or older people, they seem to be a lot more nicer around Espresso. like in the christmas 2022 story)
not much to say, their socializing skills may also be affected by their trauma. (they were frozen for years as a child, abandoned by their village and then by Dark Enchantress, leading to a pretty lonely life before the events of chapter 9 and odyssey)
but i do think they're genuinely just an awkward little kid, and that's fine! they're learning at their own pace as i've mentioned in another post :)
v. speech pattern -
... it may be me, but their way of speaking is different of the way kids around their age express themselves usually, so i say they got an abnormal speech pattern.
they use big words and know what they mean, end of the speech tab. i don't know how a normal person speaks so i can't really say "this was supposed to be abnormal speech? but I speak like that!"
vi. depression / anxiety -
the depression and anxiety tab are mainly based on headcanons i branched out based on their backstory, but they may be enforced by their crunchy dreams story and their fortune: "you're not alone: love surrounds you."
it's probably not related to autism, though. it's probably because of their trauma and abandonment issues. either way it's there.
to need reassuring in something like this means that they probably cling compulsively to certain thoughts/beliefs.
which, if i remember correctly, is a thing that sometimes happens with autistic people according to other autistic people. it's like a weird fixation of sorts, i'm not 100% sure ...
the only time(s) i've seen them have some sort of anxious behavior is during their battle speech, where they panic after losing to Gingerbrave's team.
then during the spring event of 2023, where they say that they "can't think straight" because of the noise Pancake Cookie is making.
i'm not sure if they got any tics and fidgets, i haven't noticed anything that can classify as such, so it's one of the lowest tabs.
same with the abnormal posture. and if they got it is probably because of the being frozen thing weakening their body to an extent.
in conclusion! after tumblr deleted part of my post from my drafts ... _(:3」 ∠)_
i wholeheartedly believe Crepe might be an autistic coded character, whether or not is something the writers intended to do isn't clear to me, but they show SO many traits that i wouldn't be surprised if they canonically were! most of the things i mentioned are also based from my own experience and the bits i can remember form my own childhood as an undiagnosed kid, but yeah!
i hope you enjoyed this painfully long rant <3 i might make one eventually about how i think Crepe might also be physically disabled (implied), but for now, have this.
okay bye i can't post more pictures because the app sucks.
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If Tumblr cares so much about discoverability why doesn't the Tags tab show everything that's posted in the tags I follow? I follow tags because I'm a hyperfixated weirdo, I want to see every ramble posted by someone with five followers as long as it's relevant. @wip @cyle
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rickybutlersays · 2 years
a ramble because i need to express my feelings and i feel self conscious doing it on instagram.
i have been having hyperfixations my entire life. from when I was young until now. my longest running hyperfixation was from the age of 6 to the age of 17, which was harry potter. i remember the time i picked up the first book, and i remember the last time i put down the deathly hallows. it was most of my life. and nothing has ever been the same as that for me.
but, unfortunately, now, i have...a horrible feeling that star trek might give my harry potter fixation a run for it's money. with my hyperfixations, I understand the depth of them. I flicker around different things and usually my hyperfixations last a month at most. we're now getting onto 2 months of me obsessing over star trek and I've only felt burnout twice so far. I keep taking breaks because watching 90 hours straight of men fighting for their life on a polystyrene set is quite overwhelming. and I've been reading the books to separate me watching the show too much. and it's working reasonably well. im editing often, I'm currently making my twelfth star trek edit. I'm also writing fanfiction. I'm using all my available outlets. this account is also an outlet, and seeing people in this fandom is so heartwarming.
but basically I know that I'm fucked and that star trek is here for a long time because I just had a breakdown about Spock and McCoy. I don't often actually cry about characters. I will say "I'm crying" in a very loose way. but today I'm actually genuinely crying over both DeForest and Leonard Nimoy. That's how I know I'm fucked. no other characters or actors have made me cry like this in a long long time. I actually don't remember the last time that happened. I also have had two dreams which have included Spock since I started watching the show, I've got 9 tabs open and all of them are different star trek ships on ao3...I've got four books on my desk, two having been annotated....I'm just sinking into this hyperfixation whether i like it or not. it's been gradual, too. I don't trust when I slowly sink into something. it ends like this.
I'm obviously happy that I'm in a hyperfixation that is lasting, but it's also a lot for my mind to process. it's intense. hyperfixations are intense. and this one is something..I'm not actually used to. I'm going in a bit blind, honestly, and that's fine. it's interesting seeing where it will go, but it's a significant change in routine.
anyway yeah i love star trek tos
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neurodivenport · 2 years
Chase and Kaz info dumping about their hyperfixations to each other, because of this they spend a lot of time together privately. Oliver gets suspicious about them sneaking off together all the time and starts to think that they’re doing *stuff* together. When Chase and Kaz find out that this is what Oliver thinks they’ve been up to they both think it’s hilarious. Now every time they want to go and ramble about their interests they say ‘yeah, we’re going to do some horrific shit in there’ just to take the piss out of Oliver (lovingly). The ‘horrific shit’ thing is inspired by Tabs’s Spike Fright fic on AO3
oliver is consistently traumatized
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frostbite-the-bat · 2 years
wait wait you really use your likes as like.... a "saved/read later" thing??
i always used it as like.. yea i see you there mutual but im not gonna reblog your personal ramble. or like. hey i love this art but i dont want people to know im into it because i dont want to talk about something if im not sure its just a short hyperfixation. maybe ill reblog it again later (usually in the for you tab which i can admit i go to when nobody else is online and i am too scared to check tags for things i like bc of weird content). or like. i tend to like and reblog at the same time thats what i do most often
like... a double appreciation? why are people so mad over this, and i literally stand with reblogging other people's art otherwise it's not gonna get anywhere....
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spoiledleaff · 2 years
🍰 and ✨ for the ask game <3
haha!! you always know how to cheer me up, don't you :) thank you for always indulging my ever present need to be asked questions, love!! <3
🍰 : name a favorite comfort fic!
'philosopher's stone' by st_danger on ao3. i come back to read this one so often that i keep forgetting to bookmark it it basically has its own permanent tab dedicated to just reading that fic on my phone. i- listen. haha!! i'm a simple man, okay? and, knowing me, i feel like this shouldn't be much of a surprise, haha! there are a couple fluffy /reader fics that i do adore, but this one is my secret hoard of precious words and literature that i don't know if i'll ever stop read it, haha!! <3
✨ : three adjectives to compliment my own writing!
kinda wanna strangle you (affectionately) for this, haha!! you know how i feel about my own writing >:( ughhhh!!! fine!! haha! <3
flowery ; i do get this compliment(...?) a lot, and i have to agree! i have a habit of using bigger words and writing more, uhm, complex? i guess?? sentences to try and really illustrate whatever scene or emotion or imagery or whatever that i'm really trying to convey. i like to think it works!! sometimes... haha...
characterizing ; oh! one thing i do kinda pat myself on the back with is how i project my characters! one of my major hyperfixations or interests or whatever you may wanna call it? has been creating my own stories and headcanons for existing characters!! those of you who may be in the ghiscord with me, uhm, know how deep and engrossed my random hcs can get for some characters, and i deeply apologize for my ramblings haha!! i do also have my own original characters that i do this for as well, but that's for another time! :)
stimulating ; i mean... i primarily write smut, ya know? ;) <3
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therapycord · 16 days
❝ 透過、「また会いましょう」 ❞
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❝ 天国も地獄も無いのなら ❞
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riri ♡ they/he/she ♡ istp ♡ akito & shizuku kinnie ♡ nagi seishiro & keqing fan
♡ hi! I'm Riri and this is just an archive for all of my ao3 fics since my ao3 page has become a very large mess :)
━━ ♡ please read the full pinned post, thank you!
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★ ! '07 · bllk · literature ! ★
— 🎧 !! 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑛𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑎 !! 🎧—
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୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. ABOUT RIRI !!
♡ please refer to in 3rd person or use the they/he/she pronouns
♡ minor, high school 2nd year, biromantic asexual
♡ very big fan of Keqing (genshin), Baizhi (wuwa), Nagi (bllk) and Mizuki (prsk) so please don't slander these characters in front of riri
♡ hyperfixations and adhd
♡ likes to yap about their interests a lot, please use tone tags when speaking with them since they're terrible with social interactions
♡ uses CAPS LOCK while typing and rambling. likes desserts, animanga, vocaloid and badminton. dislikes spiders and mornings
♡ absolutely adores the hirakagi/kagihira and kyoru ships
♡ akiyama mizuki (prsk) and mitake ran (bandori) oshi but never gets them in game </3
♡ really loves to read novels, classic literature and manga! always open for recommendations to add to their to-be-read list!!
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୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. ABOUT THE BLOG !!
this blog is for two purposes: 1. to archive and keep track of all of my ao3 works 2. to post my opinions on manga i've been reading recently this blog is mainly to keep a track of my ao3 works since my ao3 page is extremely disorganized and a mess with over 200 fics (some aren't even completed) i will be using this blog ( and another priv. blog) to post my opinions and review on manga - mainly so i can finish reading all the manga i own. the manga review is for a school project.
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୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. FANDOM WORKS !!
Project Sekai Colorful Stage ft. Hatsune Miku
Fruits Basket (anime + manga)
Hirano And Kagiura
Miraculous Ladybug
Genshin Impact
My Hero Academia
Haikyuu !!
Assassination Classroom
━━ ♡ plus a lot more but they all have like 1~5 works so I didn't bother including links
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୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. SERIES !!
Fandom Snippets!! (Completed)
Violet Ballroom (Fandom Snippets Part 2, ongoing)
Kagihira Week 2024 (Completed)
━━ ♡ I have a few more series posted but they're mostly incomplete so I didn't bother. They can be found under the series tab on my ao3 profile.
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♡ Please include the title of the fic + author when submitting fics for me to read and add to my bookmarks, it's super helpful!
♡ You can submit nsfw fics but please put a trigger warning before you add the link so I'm aware, thank you!
♡ Include trigger warnings if the fic involves triggering/dark topics (that aren't horror)
♡ I read fics of any and every fandom so don't be afraid to submit fics from fandoms that aren't animanga or video games! I'm always looking to expanding my reading horizon :)
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♡ Feel free to ask me anything that aren't the following:
my age, where I study, my birthday and other personal information
♡ I will do my best to answer any questions!
♡ When requesting, please write out the full name of the fandom and particular ship you want me to write for. I accept rarepairs as well.
♡ And please make it clear what you'd like: fluff, angst, crack or a combination when requesting.
♡ Unless it's for my own self-indulgence, I will NOT be writing nsfw.
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୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. HASHTAGS !!
fanfictions = » eulaexe
original character stuff = » therapycord
project sekai = » pjsk🎀
bandori = » bandori🎍
enstars and other rhythm games = » es+others💿
gacha games (genshin, hsr, wuwa, etc) = » gacha🔮
manga reviews / posts = » manga review📖
unrelated rambles / random posts = » chaos
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୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ. EXTRA STUFF !!
♡ favorite song(s)
とっても素敵な六月でした (It Was A Very Beautiful June) - Eight Piya O Re Piya - Atif Aslam, Shreya Goshal JUDGEMENT - ASH DA HERO STORMY - Nissy x SKY-HI
♡ carrd
♡ ask to add me on genshin (asia server), honkai star rail (asia server), wuthering waves (asia server), roblox, ensekai and jpsekai !
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天国も地獄も無いのなら こんな泥塗れの現実を誰が裁けるの
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harengon-of-ilmater · 10 months
Nobody Said Life In the Forgotten Realms Was Easy
Welcome to the blog I made for the story featuring some of my D&D OCs, Harengon of Ilmater! The story follows a harengon paladin of Ilmater who lost his family to a cult of Loviatar as a kid.
Origin of this story:
I struggle to make comics, so I figured I'd take the advice of some comic creators and make a shorter comic. This comic? A fancomic for D&D: Honor Among Thieves. I still plan to make the fancomic, but since drawing the first page I got hyperfixated on one of the panels, in which I drew this silly guy.
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I got super attached to his design, so I decided to develop the character, and Avlan the paladin was born. I'm planning to write his story as a written story instead of a comic, but I also plan to do some animation memes to drop some little crumbs for his story (as well as other characters in his life).
Tags for navigation:
#reference - Reference sheets for characters (or locations if I feel like it) featured in the story.
#backstory - Any information I feel like sharing about characters' backstories.
#oc lore - Lore specific to certain aspects of the story (for example, how the cult of Loviatar that Avlan lost his family to functions).
#asks - Any answered asks. I'll try to add the url of the asker (when they aren't anonymous) to the tags too!
#jinxed art - Art that I do of the story's characters!
#jinxed animations - Any animations (animation memes or not) that I do of the story's characters.
#harengon of ilmater fanart - Self-explanatory; any art other people do of any characters in the story.
#jayce's ramblings - Any miscellaneous chatter. This can be anything from lore-dumping to trivia.
Content Warnings*
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*More in-depth content warnings will be added to a future link/tab on the blog at a later date.
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causalitylinked · 2 years
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changed Rana to ‘Primary Muse’, Ryuto to ‘Secondary Muse’, and changed Fang/Galdo to ‘Tertiary Muses’. You are still allowed to request either Fang or Galdo for interactions, though! But until Fairy Fencer F: Refrain Chord gets localized in English, please don’t expect me to have much muse for them.
finally got around to updating my relationships tab! Of course, aside from maybe @afflatui and @birdcagcd, I didn’t add any muses my blorbos have interacted much with yet, but on the off chance you would like yours added, please let me know, cause even if we have never interacted, I don’t mind having more pre-established connections for them.
All replies for @spiritpyro, @more-than-a-princess, @barmeciide, and @birdcagcd​ have been queued! Thank you for bearing with me as I neurodivergently rambled about my blorbos on your dash. /nervously sweats at all the headcanon prompts I answered instead of doing actual writing Of course, I still plan on continuing Rae’s asks into threads... eventually, but whenever I wasn’t hyperfixating over Ryuto/Kobato, I’ve just been, busy, tired, and in much physical pain, I only just mustered enough energy to write today, OTL.
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Hi! I absolutely love your levihan stories! The way they care for each other is just gaaahhhhh.
I wanted to make an ask for a while, but I didn't have an idea. I was reading a story and got this random idea suddenly. How about Levi slipping in the bathtub and nearly drowning, but Hange hears the thud of his head hitting the edge or something and has to kick the door down and finds Levi submerged having breathed in water and with a bad gash where his head hit the tub?
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Title: Triage
"Levi could count with the fingers on his two hands, and maybe some of his toes, the few times he had seen Hange angry—very angry. Those rare times, she was a full blown tornado of screaming, shouting, kicking, rambling.
Albeit terrified, Levi had to note, Hange never raged for shallow reasons. Her terrifying rage, that came once a blue moon, always seemed to have a very good point."
For the first time in many years, Levi witnesses Hange's rage again.
Notes: I took some liberties with the prompt but I hope you still enjoy. Feedback is very much appreciated :D
I wanted to make an ask for a while, but I didn't have an idea. I was reading a story and got this random idea suddenly. How about Levi slipping in the bathtub and nearly drowning, but Hange hears the thud of his head hitting the edge or something and has to kick the door down and finds Levi submerged having breathed in water and with a bad gash where his head hit the tub?
NN from the last request: maybe he slips in the bath because of his broken leg from when he and mikasa saved Eren from the female titan?
Levi could count with the fingers on his two hands, and maybe some of his toes, the few times he had seen Hange angry—very angry.
It wasn’t something he liked to remember vividly, but it was something he ended up remembering anyway because of how jarring the whole scene of Hange’s rage was. She, who was usually more of like a whirlwind anyway, would suddenly transform into a full blown tornado.
A full blown tornado of screaming, shouting, kicking, rambling.
In whirlwinds and in gusts of screaming, shouting, she clarified logical points, rehashed commands, asked questions. At first her anger was chaos. When the dust cleared though, the haze dissipated, some poor sap always came out of it a learned man.
Her anger, that came once a blue moon, always seemed to have a point.
All completely comprehensible and thus, Levi could easily see reason and consequently be able to summarize the most anger inducing situations to two: One, any utterly stupid move that Hange cannot seem to understand which could cost hundreds, or thousands of lives. Two, utter negligence that could also cost hundreds or thousands of lives.
Notably, Hange would never release the uncontrollable storm for just one person. She had always been fun loving, peace loving. Although her sudden rise to the commander position had mellowed her down just a little, Hange always had a way of building camaraderie with even the lowest from such a high position, while at the same time demanding authority.
Maybe she mastered it, maybe there had been little to no reason to show that side of herself when she was constantly dealing with peace treaties and diplomacy issues.
At times, Levi wondered though, if that part of her had ever left.
It was something he pondered on, grappled with, when days were longer and workloads were kinder. Strangely, one day in late autumn, when the days were longer, when everyone was cramming as much work as they could before the holiday season came, Levi was reflecting on it for a little bit longer.
“Hange, are you okay?” The question forced itself into the conversation uninvited. Levi liked to blame the question for popping its head in like some audacious prick. Really, it had been his own fault at having downed one drink just too quickly that had gotten him at that. Of course, that hyperfixation on Hange, who was starting to look a little pink in the face too, had been at fault as well.
“I just have to go back to the office after this,” Hange slammed the glass in front of her. “Just one drink.” She added. This is the only drink I’ll have tonight.” She added again, after a few seconds.
She had a tendency of turning a little pink with just one cup. Levi wasn’t too nervous about it. Inebriation made him much quicker and much more confident about brushing problems away. “Do you really have to finish looking into those extra papers tonight?”
“Jean will be coming for them first thing in the morning. I don’t wanna keep any more diplomats waiting,” Hange explained. Her tendency to overwork was almost understandable. After all, Paradis was decades behind the rest of the world. With the impending war, Levi could only accept, while affording her a half smile.
They agreed on just half an hour, exchanging half baked ideas over one cup for Hange, two for Levi. Not enough for any of them to end up wobbling towards the exit. Levi hadn’t drunk in years though, having abandoned it after the adults in the survey corps had dwindled to just them. He just didn’t expect that just a sip of his second cup, would have him cross eyed for a moment. Luckily, he easily forgot about it with just a few quick blinks and a quick shake of the head.
“I should be asking you if you’re okay,” Hange said wryly. Her face had an almost pensive touch to it and Levi didn’t want to contribute to any more stress or sadness she might have been harboring then.
So he kept his answer brief, no room for questions. “I’m fine.”
Hange furrowed her brows at him. “Sure…” She started hesitantly. Then, she huffed. “Just make sure to go straight to the barracks… Okay?”
Before Levi could formulate a reply, Hange’s attention was suddenly elsewhere. She turned to her right. Levi followed suit to get a good view, only to be taken aback by the scuffle that had started only a few feet away.
Maybe drunkenness had him blending songs, conversations and scuffles all into one lively sound. The bar fight only stood out like a sore thumb when he focused on the two men, one carried a poor boy by the back of his hands, while another man readied his fists.
Before Levi could process the scene for just a little longer, Hange had come in between them. “Why don’t you keep fights to people your own age? You know this boy can’t beat you.”
“This kid’s parents are in debt,” one explained, his tone aggressive.
“Then send a payment request to his parents.” Hange kept her cool.
But for how long could they maintain the peace? Levi pulled himself up from his seat and wobbled closer to make more sense of the conversations
“We can’t collect…. They’re dead…”
There were many things Levi could stomach. Abuse, unnecessary bullying weren’t among them. Particularly when the child, an orphan at that, was much weaker than they were. He was ready to blink back his own dizziness to get at least one precise kick into the most proper place for a male asshole.
Hange though had been quicker, she had bent down. It turned out she had been dodging a punch. Everything after was a flash of movements Levi couldn't comprehend at his current state.
He stepped just a few feet back, enough to take better stock of the situation. The bar was crowded that night. A bar teeming with burly and most likely ill-intentioned men wasn’t anything new and he had made one mistake in his drunken state. He focused on two men, just among the others, separating those two from the crowds in the background.
Hange was balancing everything at once, keeping the kid safe, while delivering blows when necessary. She was skillful but with two men becoming roughly ten in just a split second, there were only too many ways she could defend herself.
So Levi bit back the alcohol that lingered in his mouth, the light pounding in his head and the way the lights and the quick motions just lingered for a little longer in his vision. He put one foot forward, ready to strike at the man approaching Hange. Defense and offense at such a state, when he was still working to get his flow and his bearings had him careless, receiving a sock to his upper left. He swallowed the bile that rose at his throat, closed his eyes for a second, blinking back the lights that settled in the black.
He managed to pull out before it could have been anything worse. His fighter instincts from the underground started to kick in soon after, ignoring the protests from his left side. They undermined whatever orders his injuries were screaming then.
Maybe that had been a good thing. In the end, humanity’s strongest had taken down ten men in the bar. Hange and the young boy had come out of it completely unscathed. The adrenaline had him breathing hard.
Levi still had his bearings. He turned back to Hange and breathed out. “Pay the tab. We’re getting out of here.”
The young boy was quick to introduce himself as they turned the corner of the bar, and made their way far from the store lined streets.
“I’m Joseph,” He started. Soon his words transformed into some over apologetic and grateful babble. Some Levi willed himself to comprehend, others he had been too disconcerted to pick up.
There were words he picked up more than others.
Orphanage. Illness. Mother. Dead. He soon put the puzzle pieces together himself.
Joseph had been staying in an orphanage just a half an hour ride away. His mother suddenly died from illness and before he even transferred to the orphanage, the men had ransacked his house for anything worth more than a penny, to help pay back the debt of his late father.
He just wanted a locket back, a last memento of his mother.
“I’ll coordinate with the other soldiers, see what I can do for you,” Hange said, coiling one hand around the boy’s shoulders.
“The police don’t listen,” he said in between tears.
“I’ll make them listen.”
The boy believed her, maybe he didn’t. Levi saw it appropriate that he himself stayed quiet. If Hange couldn’t convince the young boy, who could? Besides, his upper left side was killing him, his breaths were coming out in some strange rhythm and if he talked, would it make it come out as any worse?
“I’ll take you back to the orphanage first and I’ll see what I can do,” she consoled. “As soon as I get anything, I’ll make sure to send it over.”
“Those men are mean, please don’t hurt yourself.” Surprisingly, the boy seemed mature. Levi though was familiar with that trend, adversity seemed to do that to people.
“I won’t.” They turned another corner and Hange quickened her pace towards the barracks.
Levi followed behind, almost painfully. The quicker strides expected of him made him a little less tolerant of pain. He pressed his hand to his side for just a second. The sky was dark and pressing his side was a flash of movement, nobody should have noticed it except him. But somehow, he was self conscious.
Hange walked ahead though, the rhythm in her stride undisturbed. She hurried towards the stables but only pulled one horse out.
“You don’t need me to come with you?” Levi asked.
Hange shook her head. “It’s a short ride.” She helped the young boy on the horse and plopped herself lightly just right behind him. “I think I’m gonna spend some time in the headquarters tonight, do some research...” She looked pointedly at the kid.
“I’ll wait in the office---”
“No, go to the hospital.”
“Wait.. Why?” Levi spat.
Just a while ago, a few blows connected,” Hange said in a more serious tone. “It might be better if you have them checked out, just for some extra reassurance.” She turned her head toward the direction of the hospital only one block away.
“I think I have a few bruises,” Levi said. “But we’ve gotten much worse on the field.”
Hange gave him a pensive smile. “Just have it checked out, for me? It’s free for soldiers and I don’t think a free cold water compress could hurt.”
“I’ll just make one in your office.” They had a teapot and a kettle and they had some ice as well.
“I’ll pick you up from there on the way back.” There was no room for argument with that tone.
“I’ll wait then,” Levi said. He didn’t say anymore as he turned on his heel. Instead, he focused on the clip clop of the hooves as Hange galloped away. That was a sound that grounded him and when he kept his ragged breaths attune to that rhythm. Levi found that a constant rhythm made it much easier to focus on the road.
Either way, it looked like the walk would last an eternity.
For any sane person, it was a short convenient walk. Levi though was in this seemingly eternal trance of just overestimating then underestimating himself. Again and again.
He found ways to ground himself by focusing on the lights that dotted the corridors on the way to the hospital entrance connected to their barracks. He looked at the corridor leading to the commander’s office, almost tempted to turn the heel and treat for himself whatever injuries Hange might have seen in him.
I’ll pick you up from there on the way back. He didn’t have any way to coordinate with Hange then so he trudged straight ahead. The way to meet up with Hange much faster was to just bite his lip and brave the hospital over a few seemingly small injuries.
He had to work harder to contain himself as he saw the crowds from the crack through the half opened door.
Joy. Levi thought to himself. The emergency room was completely full on a weekday night. He settled for one of the benches at the back. The nurses were going around distributing forms and fortunately, he didn’t have to go up to sign anything.
“Some bruising,” Levi answered.
“Understood sir. We’re a bit full tonight so we might have to put you at the bottom of triage.”
Levi only nodded in acceptance, not wanting to waste any more energy or time coming up with something more polite to say. He leaned his back on the bench and stared up at the ceiling. It would be a long wait.
As soon as Hange came anyway, it would be a less tortuous wait, he was sure. She’d find some way to liven up the waiting room with her own chatter. Or maybe, she would see the line, realize it was a dumb idea and have him go back to the barracks and rest.
Levi must have dozed off. He jumped on his seat, biting back the white pain that flashed through him at the abrupt movement that pulled him out of stupor.
“Fucking hell, Hange,” Levi hissed.
Hange made herself at home right next to him. She put a hand to his forehead. “You still look a little tipsy.”
“And being tipsy doesn’t merit a trip to the emergency room,” Levi argued.
“It’s not that…” Hange said. “How long… before they call you?” In reply, Levi looked around the room, then back at her. “It depends how pressing the situation is, right? That’s how hospitals work when too many people are injured at once,” he said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“I’ll see what I can do.” Hange stood up, walked ahead to the counter with the nurse. Soon, a doctor approached her and Hange was discussing, gesticulating, and she put a hand to her side.
You’re overreacting. Levi allowed himself a weak smile as he mimicked her actions, pressing his hand to his upper abdomen. He let out a hiss and swallowed once again whatever had climbed up to his throat.
It was as if Hange teleported back to the seat next to him. “I talked to the doctors, explained the situation. They should be coming back here anytime soon.”
Levi didn’t reply. He saw that as a cue for her to leave, focus on whatever was at hand. She was twiddling her thumbs, she started to play with the wood splinters that stuck out of the bench.
And Levi was constantly reminded by her own restlessness, she had things to do, she couldn’t waste her time there when she had documents to prepare, diplomats to please and some locket she promised a young boy.
His insides were on fire, his breaths were coming out uncontrollably but he saw enough reason to muster a firm order. As her friend. He reminded himself. “Go back to the office. I’ll meet you there.”
Hange was surprisingly easy to convince. All he needed to do was get through the quick back and forth that followed.
“I’ll pick you up a bit later?”
“No, just go up. Go back to work.”
“What about---”
“I’ll meet you in your office.”
Soon, Hange had made a quick trip to the counter, had a quick exchange with the nurses.
“I’ll meet you at the office,” Levi said again for emphasis. That second time was notably harder to let out though.
“I told the nurses to alert me if anything happens.”
Overreacter. “I’ll meet you in the office,” Levi said once again.
Hange walked away with nothing more than a nod. At the least, that was one source of pressure out of the way.
The wait didn’t last much longer after that. He was led to a room, no time for pleasantries.
There were many others waiting. Soon after that brief check up, there would be someone else waiting. Maybe they were outside the room already.
The doctor asked him to undress and Levi focused on whatever glimpse of his chest he could get then as he removed his shirt. His chest was still a raw red, maybe there were beginnings of bruises among them. Levi couldn't even bring himself to look down for fear of sending another rush of nausea through him.
“Are you feeling nauseous? Any dizziness?”
“Yes,” he admitted.
“Commander said, you got involved in a fist fight…”
“At a bar…”
“And you drank?”
“Just two cups.”
The doctor sighed, handing him back his shirt. “I’ll have the nurse prepare an ice pack for whatever bruises you sustained. You should be clear to leave.” The doctor scribbled something on his notebook.
A few minutes later, Levi had a cold compress and a prescription for rest and painkillers. Fortunately, he had the freedom to not be in the hospital so he headed for Hange’s office, gripping the ice pack just a little harder. It did some work to manage his overall soreness and the throbbing pain in his upper right. Levi bit his lip.
It took him thirty minutes to reach the office. He had expected it to take five minutes. Levi though had taken some breaks in between, leaning back on the wall, taking in breaths much stronger than usual.
He opened the office door with a creak and it looked like Hange hadn’t been too engrossed with whatever she was reading like she usually was. Strangely, she looked up at him, her eyes wide. “You’re here…” She said.
“You don't want me to be here?” Levi asked. He used that blessing of the moment to lean on the door to subtly catch his breath once again.
“No it’s just that… Did the doctor say anything?” Hange stood up from her desk, and quickly gathered the papers in front of her.
“Bed rest and to ice the bruises.”
Hange moved quickly. Levi didn’t even notice her come closer until she had tapped her hand on his shoulder. “I’m gonna work in the bedroom.”
“Wait, not in the office? You can’t concentrate in the bedroom right?”
“I think you should rest there for the night, and I think I’ll be better able to concentrate, knowing you’re okay.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re resting in the bedroom, that’s an order,” Hange said firmly.
She was playing the commander card again. By the looks of it, she would be hard to sway. She had gathered all her paperwork, slipping the thick wads of paper just under her arm. She had turned off the lights and when Hange walked a few inches ahead with that much confidence while gripping his wrist tightly, he saw no choice but to follow.
There was a nice bathtub in the commander’s room and Levi insisted he get enough time to himself to clean up the muck, the alcohol and the sweat that came with the fist fight. Hange had insisted he didn’t lock the door but a need for privacy had him a little naughty and a little assertive.
He pressed on the lock on the door slowly, enough to spit the sound of the click into three careful movements.
For the first time in a while, he was grateful for Hange’s pile of work. She didn’t seem to notice.
Stripping off his clothes was a methodical task and Levi realized, if he focused on the slipping movements more than the actual searing pain that followed, he could get anything done. Maybe even cover the few feet that separated the door from the bathtub.
He started off by biting his lip and bending over just far enough to be able to fiddle comfortably with the faucets. He couldn’t bring himself low enough to reach for the plug but even before that, he had made sure to twist both faucets to full blast so he wouldn’t have to deal with the bath emptying too quickly,
The soap was on the other side of the tub and Levi decided to put off grabbing it until he was submerged on the tub. He had spent just a little too much time staring at the soap bar and maybe the gears in his head were turning a little too fast, coming up with the best way to stretch out and reach for it.
There were more pressing matters at hand like the nausea, the pain at his side, the pounding in his head and his utter inability to focus. When he was dealing with those all at once, it was only natural he would run out of mind space.
The slippery part had been something he failed to consider. The last thing he remembered was stepping onto the tub, his eyes fixed on the soap in front of him. And before he could even consider anything else, his foot lost grip on the slimy bathtub.
Then his feet weren’t connected anywhere and he was free falling.
Everything blurred around him as something pulled him forward, into the water. He instinctively put his hands in front of him, once again neglecting the rim of the tub for one fatal second.
One fatal second that ended with a burst of white hot pain.
Pain had been kind for a while after that, settling as something dull at the back of his mind. It had done wonders as well to consume whatever throbbing sensation was eating at his abdomen then. He soon realized, if he closed his eyes, the pain only settled deeper into him, as something almost comforting.
And he realized there were warmer things, there were kinder things surrounding him, like the water that tickled at his sides.
Hey are you okay? There were knocks on doors.
“I’m fine.” He would have liked to muster. The water though that started with a tickle, continued to climb, up to his ears, then up to his mouth.
Her voice deadened to something faint. Faint shouts? Slams of doors. Faint, but annoying loud.
The water had done its part to blanket him, protecting him from the most annoying sounds.
Then when it deadened into nothing. Levi couldn’t help but be just a little relieved.
On most days, Hange was a whirlwind. On other special days, Hange was a cyclone.
Recently though, she had mellowed down into something less assertive, tamer, more predictable than a whirlwind.
Maybe a windy day? Levi would surmise when he thought comparing Hange to weather would be a good way to pass the time.
That had become a strange habit he would indulge occasionally. Something quick. Something subtle. Something he didn’t think too much of until he had enough time to be a little more observant of the weather patterns around him.
It was only when he woke up with bleary eyes, still too groggy to even do much but turn to his side, to the narrow white door, did he realize for himself. It was only when despite all that, Levi was attempting to listen intently to whatever scuffle was on the other side of the door, did he realize, god he missed that Hange.
He made out her voice, much wilder than before, her tone more dynamic and Levi was perking his ears up, attempting to break off from that sleepiness to pick up what he can.
He hadn’t heard that Hange in years. It could have been a dream for all he knew.
“The medical technique from Azumabito…. Saved his life….”
“You wouldn’t have had to rely on it if you caught it early on!”
“It was a busy night commander. He seemed fine at first---”
“Believe me… I understand but… Any other day… I gave you my own speculation doctor.” Hange’s voice had mellowed just a little bit. She had clipped the assertion with a title at least. Still, Levi couldn’t help but note that the tone sounded more like a ‘Hange’ than a ‘Commander’
“No, listen to me… I may not be a doctor but I think the best course of action there was to have felt for any tenderness on his side right? Did you do that?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Then why did you say you did it a while ago? Believe me, if you did, if you caught this early on, I’m sure he wouldn't be in as bad of a state as he is now.”
“Still, we’re grateful we were able to---”
“Catch it on time? He. Could. Have. Died.” There were slams of feet, slams on the wall, accenting every syllable and Hange said every word like it was bitter to her lips. “I’m honestly fucking grateful he slipped on the bathtub. At least, it brought him back here and you had to give him a full body examination. I don’t think you would have done it any other way!”
“Commander, please calm down.” The voice very much sounded like Moblit. A nostalgic but also very wistful thought. Of course it wouldn’t be Moblit. Moblit was long gone.
When Levi listened for a little longer, he picked it out in the midst of Hange’s tirade. “Jean?” Even saying a one syllable name turned out to be an ordeal. He painstakingly turned his head back and stared at the ceiling, blinking a few more times, an attempt to focus.
Focus came quickly a second later, with crashes and slams of wood on wood right after the other. Enough to have Levi shift the weight to his elbows, sit up for a second long enough to realize he couldn’t stay up for longer than that.
“Jean… Carelessness...negligence….” Hange’s voice was softer than a while ago. Still, it was sharp, words were emphasized. Words he had managed to pick out, just by listening closely.
The door to his room opened and Hange entered. Surprisingly, it didn’t close with a bang. Whatever remnants of anger was still very much apparent on her face.
Hey four eyes. By god, he wanted to call her four eyes. She seemed more like a ‘four eyes.’ The anger, the aftermath had left Hange looking more like the Hange back then. So Levi stared a little longer, willing himself to find that balance between widening his eyes and squinting, just to get the clearest possible picture of her.
Hange’s eyes widened as he caught her gaze but she didn’t look too happy to see him. “You should go to sleep,”
How long was I out? “How long…” He managed to say.
“You had surgery just a few hours ago. You slipped on the bath tub and the door was fucking locked. I had to break it down. And god, Levi, you almost drowned....”
To his shock, he realized he didn’t even remember much of what followed the slams on the door.
Hange continued on, her voice echoing against the four walls. “Hell, you’re not even supposed to be awake.” A bout of realization in her eyes. She put one hand on her mouth. “Was I loud? Did I wake you up?” Hange’s question was laughable and if Levi had any more energy in him, maybe he would have let out a light chuckle.
He spared a subtle smile instead.
“I was huh?” Hange said. “Sorry about that.”
Suddenly, Levi had the motivation to shake his head and spare three words despite the pounding in his head. “I missed that.”
“MIssed what?” Hange asked.
By that point, Levi didn’t have much energy to reply. Instead he let his eyes dart from left to right, trying to take in as much as he can of her at once. He trusted Hange to be perceptive of that at least.
If she did notice it.
“You’re gonna have to take more time to explain that,” Hange admitted. She dropped one light hand on his forehead. “But not now, I’d rather you took this time to rest first.” She mellowed again and Levi had to painfully note that the voice had shifted to something more serious once again.
The faint recall of the old Hange justa moment ago, behind closed doors was all he had.
Don’t be ashamed. Be yourself. Don’t be too hard on yourself. There were too many things Levi would have wanted to say at that moment. The words dried up, crumbling into sawdust even before he could completely open his mouth to say it.
He closed his mouth again, ready to restart the painful process of attempting to speak. Someone knocked and the door opened again way before he even started to feel some strength.
“Commander. The military police came to pick up the documents. I kept them posted on the situation. They’ll look into it now, process the paperwork…” Jean’s eyes were on Hange as he spoke. They soon fell to Levi. “Captain, you’re awake.”
“He’ll be going back to sleep soon,” Hange said, as if it were an indirect order. It wasn’t too hard to follow. Sleep was like a phantom looming over him. He just had to let it do its work.
There were still things he hadn’t completely comprehended and curiosity was good at keeping his surroundings lucid. He reached for Hange’s hand, in one swift motion enough to even leave his hand dizzy.
Hange turned back to him. “Levi, rest.”
He didn’t have to speak. All he had to do was blink, nod his head and Hange pulled the chair to his bedside.
“If I humor you now, will you make sure to rest?”
His energy was limited but if he pickled the right words, the right syllables he could get the answers he needed.
How bad?
Hange was his closest friend for a reason. She knew it at first glance. “I rushed you to the hospital as soon as you fell unconscious.” She put a hand to her head. “You had a concussion… But you know, it wasn't the concussion that was life threatening. Your spleen… it completely ruptured. They had to take it out. You’re gonna be out of it for a while…”
If the survey corps did anymore combat, maybe Levi would have been more worried. Recently, work usually consisted of paperwork anyway.
How long?
“You’ll be here for a few weeks maybe. Then more rest when you get discharged. You’re in really bad shape…” Levi looked behind Hange to see Jean standing awkwardly. There were only too many coherent ways to ask about the kid. He moved his hand up to his chest and drew a shape.
The locket?
“We got the issue with Joseph under control,” Hange said.
Jean stepped forward, moving closer towards the bed. “Commander Hange managed to find some records on them. Joseph’s father used to work with the Reeves company. He got involved in the underground, got blackmailed into dishing a lot of his pay for their silence. With the right investigation, we might be able to turn the tables around, get them to confess and maybe return the money or even more to their son but it’s gonna take a lot of meetings, negotiations---”
As if they had heard the word, some almost recognizable recruit entered. “Commander Zoe, the military police want to clarify a few more things about the papers submitted.”
“Give me a minute.”
“They’re waiting outside, commander.”
Hange sighed. “I’ll meet them now.” She turned back to Jean. “Watch over Levi first.”
Within an hour, Hange had shifted from the angry Hange to the mellow Hange then to the serious commander Hange. Levi watched her go for a few seconds longer, noting the strides that exuded the confidence and professionalism that came with her position.
Jean took up the empty chair Hange left and Levi was slightly ticked that she could have been replaced so fast. Somehow, his head was still keeping the screaming Hange on the other side of the door on replay.
“How are you feeling captain?”
“Commander Hange said you should be resting.”
Levi managed a light nod.
“Please rest,” Jean said.
Levi started to notice it then with him much nearer. His shoulders were tensed up, his hands on his lap and his voice, his smile both more stiff than usual. He furrowed his brows as if to say “are you okay?”
Jean was definitely rattled. “I don’t think I’d wanna see our commander like that again...” He admitted, a weak smile on his face but Jean’s eyes showed fear more than anything else.
No shit. Levi was very familiar with that Hange, having had his own fateful encounters with her over the years.
“Before you woke up… She got mad… Very mad… ”
Oh? Levi mouthed.
Jean was starting to flail his hands a little more. “God she was like a tornado. She was kicking benches. She was slamming walls…”
First time?
“But I don’t blame her… It was really negligence on their part. Apparently Hange had told them a while back to give you a thorough check…” He gave Levi a onceover. “Turns out she was right.”
Levi put one hand to his side, noting the tight bandaging and padding, Even a light tap was enough to send painful sparks through him. He stifled a wince.
“Be careful.” Jean clutched his hand, guiding it back down to the bed. “She might just get angry again if you disobey her.”
She wouldn’t. Hange didn’t get angry like that anymore. He couldn’t help but think though, he would have liked that. Levi didn’t let that thought out as anything more than a surreptitious smile. He looked back up at the ceiling and allowed himself a ragged exhale.
“She won’t,” Levi managed to say. “She mellowed down already.” The last few syllables came out more like a raspy cough.
“Captain, don’t hurt yourself.”
When Levi bit at his lip, cleared his throat, he realized he could muster a few more words. He gave Jean an indignant look.
Jean sighed, dropping his shoulders in defeat. “Something tells me you’ve seen her like this before. You know her best... What makes her angry? You know, so we can avoid it in the future.”
Negligence. Competence. When hundreds of lives were on the line.
Levi could have answered Jean’s question clearly or maybe it came out as mumbles. When everything was starting to blur against each other, it didn’t make it worth clarifying how much left his lips.
“When hundreds of lives are on the line?” Jean asked.
With Jean’s question hovering above them in silence for a second longer, he started to doubt himself. There was negligence, incompetence involved but hundreds of lives on the line? He was just one life.
Maybe he had been a little too hasty in concluding what went on on the other side of the door. Those last few moments before he let exhaustion take over, Levi became aware of the taste of sawdust on his lips, the smell of alcohol and his own utter sleepiness.
“I’ll have the nurses come in to refill your pain medication. For now, you should rest.”
Right. He was on medications. So his mind started to shake with questions. Ones he would have liked to answer before he gave in to the trappings of sleep.
How much of what went on behind the doors was real? Did Hange really kick, slam furniture? Did she scream like a mad man? Was she a full blown cyclone?
He would never know. Besides, there was a door between them. All he had was sounds, his own facilities marred by whatever medication they were pumping him with and his own memory to make conclusions for himself.
He fell back to bed with one conclusion, one he had built for himself over the years and came back to him as one musing before he fell back to sleep.
When Hange was angry, very angry, she was a full blown tornado of screaming, shouting, kicking, rambling. She was a full blown tornado that had the rare quality of just making sense.
Her anger, that came once a blue moon, always seemed to have a point.
At first, Levi had managed to summarize the most anger inducing situations to two: One, any utterly stupid move that Hange cannot seem to understand which could cost hundreds, or thousands of lives. Two, utter negligence that could cost hundreds or thousands of lives.
Maybe there was a third anger inducing situation that only bared its fangs then, powerful enough to release itself even outside the commander facade. And maybe it didn’t have to be a hundred lives on the line for that monster to show itself.
Half asleep, his memories a blur and with the white door between them, he couldn’t be too sure if that had really been the cyclone he had witnessed a few times before. So he left it as speculation, something to indulge.
He focused instead on sleeping, on the rustle of pages and the wind that streamed through the window.
Reminiscing on the old Hange could wait. He still had lots of recovering to do.
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broken-clover · 3 years
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
I have the Valkyrie Garden fight saved and tabbed because I go back and watch it so often. Swear at this point I could make a damn thesis paper on its narrative themes. The bar porch scene is also a favorite though that's less for it being deep and complex and more because I like seeing Sol and Axl interact
Also lowkey Happy spinning around in the chair and monologuing but not because I thought it was interesting and philosophical but more that it was like watching a zoo animal I wanted to throw pebbles at
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
Anything I could say about my usual big three (Bedman, Faust, and Zappa) I think would be redundant so I'll do another I don't ramble about as much even though I should.
Axl! My beloved trash man. I do genuinely love basically everything about this disaster. The shitty clothes are endearing. He's a dork. He's trying so so hard to be cool and failing basically every time. He's friends with some random vegetable vendor. He can absolutely be smart and thoughtful when need be but when need not be oh my god is there nothing going on up there. And I'll always love the concept of a fantasy world with extreme stakes and complicated lore and then there's just Some Guy uninvolved in basically all of it. He's just here.
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
Zato. I shall not continue because otherwise we will be here all day.
And though I always felt kind of iffy about her I've developed a dislike for Jack-O, I just really don't care for her personality and presence in Strive, plot-wise and gameplay-wise. She just rubs me the wrong way in so many regards.
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
Man, what haven't I already yammered about the kingdom come? I'll try and think of a couple
-President Vernon in the English Dub is voiced by former Dolphins member Anthony Alabi, which funny enough iirc Vernon mentions being a fan of American football.
-So far Ky has had a different dub actor for every mainline game that's had one- Liam O'Brien in Overture, Sam Riegel in Xrd SIGN, and Sean Chiplock in Strive, making him the character with the most number of VA's in terms of dubbing
-(Maybe less trivia and more just fun coincidence but I like that in Breath of the Wild Revali says he dislikes blonde knights with holy swords and went on to voice Ky who is literally all of those things)
-Bedman has the same voice actor as Marth in both English and Japanese
-For some reason in his AC art Zappa has six fingers on one hand and I'm not 100% sure but I don't think that occurs in any of his other character art or in his Xrd model
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raevenswritingdesk · 3 years
Hello there..
General Keno-
Welcome to this shit show of a blog!
I’m Rachel, feel free to call me Rae or Rach or whatever name you can think of lol. My pronouns are she/they or whatever really. On here I post memes, art, writing, rants, activism for causes I care about, you name it honestly.
I’m a student studying to become a screenwriter/producer or a writer in general, but I also study art in my free time. I mostly keep my art and writing to myself as I forget to post it and get bashful around it but I occasionally do and intend to do so more often when I can so stay tuned.
I’m very multi-fandom and have ADHD so expect a variety of pretttttyyy much everything when it comes to content I post as I spin the wheel-of-hyperfixation daily ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(It’s kind of mess but hey, it adds ✨character✨)
Tags for your convenience
reblogging time - reblogs
rach rambles - random blabbers and whatnot
rach scribbles - my art
rach writes - my writing
rach rants - rants, vents and opinions
rach theorises - theories and ideas
There’s other tags too but I’m sure you’ll find them in the navigation tab if needed :)
Hope you enjoy your stay, however long it may be, and make sure to stay tuned for gay shit and memey stuff
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