#tag time yayyyyyyy
ao3screenshotss · 8 months
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voidsaber · 7 months
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#6 i don't use this blog really anymore because i was overwhelmed by the sheer cringe and i'm not strong enough to defeat it right now but when i do post it's very important things like this
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smoosnoom · 1 year
watching the first maze runner movie 🥳 ive only ever read the books .
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tmntxthings · 6 months
Ok so, hi! I hope you're doing well! I really really like your blog and was wondering if you're still taking requests? If your not thats completely fine.
but If you are could you please please do a the rise boys with a reader who's like their little sister? i cannot for the lofe of me find very many of these, and I adore them.
Your writting is AMAZING btw! Make sure to eat food, drink water, and get some sleep! <3
Big Brothers
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author’s notes: :D am i doing requests still? …yes?! it may not seem like it but I look over them all… just lacking in the motivation department rn, esp with this semester, but booyakasha we ball xD thanks for requesting <3 author's note 2.0: I wrote Raph's part in JANUARY and i finally finally finally had the will power to finish Mikey's tonight, the semester is over yayyyyyyy!! Hopefully my motivation will rejuvenate and I'll be writing way more consistently... hopefully lollll hope you enjoy~~
warnings: none to note, unedited, mayhaps a curse word ?
Where do I begin? He’s always the type to protect those around him. It doesn’t matter whether you’re just a regular citizen or someone he knows and loves, this turtle will protect all! He’s got a big heart.
Much like April you stumbled into the boys life at an early age. Yet unlike her, you were younger than the entire group. As a tot, Raph made sure you were never left behind, hiking you up on his shoulders along with Mikey.
Both of you giggling about the height and saying “look look I’m flyingggg!!” making superhero poses, just the works. Standard oldest brother material. He was still a kid too so there were some accidents, of course you fell off once or twice.
But he was quick to distract you from any boo-boo’s, swooping you back into his arms and snuggling his head close profusely apologizing for getting a little too rowdy. “Don’t cry!! Look Raph’s gotcha! All safe and sound!”
“Does it hurt bad? Let’s go get patched up by Lee hmmm? Raph bet’s he has the prettiest bandaids for you!”
If the group is playing a competitive game, like tag or hide & seek, Raph’s making sure you’re having a fun time. Not feeling left out or being picked on too much. In tag he may run a little slower so you are able to catch him, he would happily be ‘it’ a thousand times if it meant you beamed that mischievous smile. “Tag Raphie!!! Hehehe”
In hide & seek he’ll hide with you or better yet find you the best spots to hide. “Okay Raph’s going hide now too, goodluck and don’t make any noise!!”
As the group grows from tots to teens and the world isn’t as sparkly, and dangers lurk every corner Raph becomes more concerned with your safety. Though there’s not much he can do while your at school, any time you hang out with the bros other than the lab he’s always got a watchful eye.
“Ohhhhh guys look at this!!” Window shopping being one of your favorite past times as they walk the streets of NYC. Raph can’t help but call out for you to “Wait!” or “Watch out!” Something about those sidewalks cracks that always trip you up. And don’t even get Raph started on how many times you’ve bounded ahead of the group only to get lost.
“C’mere you!” Raph’s pulling you close and giving you a noogie. Definitely not caring as you screech about your hair. “What’d I tell ya about running off??” He continues messing with you until you either slip out of his grip or call out mercy. “You had me worried!” He breathed out with a stern look. “Awww Raphie I’m not little anymore!” You teased, but to him you’d always be his little sister. Just like Mikey would never escape being the little brother.
Oh my lord the trouble you two get into. Pranks? Yeah. Lots of them. The two of you are menaces together, and unlike Leo, you get off the hook with batting your sweet innocent eyelashes. “Whaaaaa Leo told me to!!” And he’d scoff, yelling out traitor as you stuck your tongue when Raph’s back was turned.
Despite always slipping away from punishment, Leo didn’t mind you throwing him under the bus. In fact he was quite impressed with your tactics. One of these days he’d catch you on video being a brat behind Raph’s back! So count your days because they were numbered.
While Leo is down for throwing caution and safety in the wind, if things get serious.. let’s say someone threatening you? Whoever’s spouting such nonsense better run for the hills. He doesn’t deal kindly with those who hurt his family. Especially his little prankster of a sister. “Run that by me again? You said what about my sister??” Fun, silly, charismatic Leo is gone! He’d have a glint in his eyes that scream ‘you’ll pay for that.’
What else?! Though he claims he’s nothing like Raph in regards to being wrapped around your pinky finger, he totally is. “Hey Lee can you portal me to school?? I don’t feel like walking!” He’d complain saying how you’re using his rad powers for such a lazy reason (even though he’s guilty of such a thing) but after he gives you an earful of complaints he’s opening up a portal.
Don’t think he won’t waltz in right after you. Much like those older siblings who love to embarrass their little siblings. Calling after you to “Have a greaaaaaaat day!! Big brother wuvs youuuuuuu!!” And it’s similar if he’s picking you up from school. He’ll portal in with a speaker and blare music, mostly Nicki Minaj.
Those little puppy dog eyes you can pull off with Raph have no influence when it comes to Donnie, he has footage of your two-faced nature, having big crocodile tears at one moment and an evil grin at the next, unlike Leo who has never been able to successfully capture you in the act, Donnie has and he lords it over you as blackmail for most things, like a big brother usually does
He only brings it out when absolutely necessary, mainly whenever the two of you are in a back and forth banter that has gone too far, "Oh yeah? I seem to recall a certain purple turtle reading some very interesting fanfiction with Atomic Lass last night!" You puff up satisfied when Donnie gasps at such a true accusation, the utter betrayal! "C'mon guys don't start fighting" Raph will speak up as Donnie whips out his phone going for his passcoded camera roll.
"Oh Raphala I have something to show you!" Donnie will sing as he turns the phone over to reveal the beginning of a video of you and its one that has you immediately screeching. Jumping up from your spot to run and try and tackle Donnie to the floor, but he expects this as his battleshell takes off into the air, putting himself and his phone out of reach. "Turn it off!!! Stop it Dee!!! I never said what exactly you were reading!!" You plead as he swoops and dodges the pillows and really anything you can get your hands on to throw.
So yes, he has the dirt that you would hate Leo to get his hands on so Donnie and you have a bit of an understanding of one another. Other than that though you can find solace in his lab anytime. He doesn't mind your entry because unlike his brothers you don't start touching or breaking things. You treat his inventions carefully and he has fun explaining to you their potentials.
As tots Donnie was definitely quizzing and spitting out random facts to your malleable brain, a lot of it ended up sticking so you understood him to some degree on an academic level, but most of all he had prepared you for school to which you were forever grateful
Now you may not say so in words but with each passing grade you would go down to the lair and find Donnie specifically to show off your assignments, beaming proudly as he would smile and singing his praises about how well he had taught you. He realized that maybe he had taught you too well since you were a master manipulator when it came to tear ducts but he couldn't help but smile at that, proud to have another evil genius in their midst
He knew what it was like to be treated like a baby despite being only a few years younger, so it came as no surprise that he would agree with you whenever you wanted to do something adventurous, something on your own, "Guys, she's old enough to go out to the movies with her friends!" Even if he sort of knew your crush would be going as well, Mikey was not going to be the brother to hold you back from falling in love!
Now heaven forbid that little heart of yours gets stomped on. The person who did so will obviously be on some sort of shit-list by all the turtles, but I think Mikey would be the one who has to be watched out for the most, he destroys people who hurts what he loves, that pizza place episode with the rock band is a prime example! He'll turn savage, lunging for violence, striking to enact karma on those who deserve it the most
Of course he will be the best brother to go to if you want to have some deep emotional talks, Dr. Feelings to the rescue, and though it hurts him to know you've been stabbed in the heart, he will be there through the whole break-up process! Cry session with tubs of ice cream or whatever sweets you desire, Mikey's a great cook so baking isn't that hard for him. He will listen to all the rants and raging that you need to get off your chest, adding in quips when necessary. Then when its time to detox fully, delete pictures, unfollow on all social medias, block their number, get rid of the gifts and physical reminders, he's there with a box, repeating how strong you are and that you don't need them nor these things!
Unlike Leo, if you and Mikey wanted something, a pair of puppy-dog eyes was better than one, even Donnie could not hold out for long if the begging was done by both of you at once, "Donnie c'mon pleaseeee set up the switch! We wanna play Mario Party!" "I thought we were gonna be playing Minecraft-" "You guys its easy you don't need me to set it up." "PLEASEEEEE"
And no doubt Mikey is whipping up your favorites in the kitchen. He loves to hear your heartfelt "thank yous!!!" and "Angieeee it's so tasty! 10 out of 10!!" You know exactly how to curry his favor when you go topside and grab him new ingredients to use. That and shooting compliment after compliment his way. Sometimes he will trust you to stir or cut up veggies when he has too many things going on at once in the kitchen. The vibes are immaculate when you get the aux cord to the speaker in the kitchen, the both of you singing out all kinds of music and going into little dance breaks when a song is just too good to not groove to!
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fangirleaconmigo · 27 days
Hi, I’m writing the Geralt/Jaskier daemon fic and wondered if there were any kinks you do wanna see/absolutely don’t wanna see. And like overall what tags you’d wanna see for this fic? (It’s already 3.4K because apparently I can’t write pwp, it always needs plot)
ooooooo YAYYYYYYY. I'm so excited wooot! For those just joining us, this is about this prompt of Paladin Geralt and Demon Jaskier. (I was inspired by a piece of GhostSoap art on twitter which is in the rb)
So, first of all, you are so sweet for asking. I know it was my prompt, but it's your fic, so ofc you don't have to tailor it to my preferences.
BUUUT you asked, so here goes:
What I adore about the idea of Paladin Geralt/Demon Jaskier is the concept of a very straight laced honor bound Geralt being teased and tormented (in a good way) into snapping or melting or some kind of reaction that only demon Jaskier is able to get out of him. Him being completely shocked that he or his work is inspiring that in someone.
And of course I love a young demon who just sees the tying of ropes and the tugging of tails and horns and the quiet gorgeous Paladin, and goes....yeah that's my kink and I'm gonna make it his problem.
I'll put the hard no's under the cut for those who would like to be excluded from the narrative.
It is always difficult to explain your kink fic preferences because there are always exceptions, right? I could say I hate something but with the right author and set up it can work.
But I would say my usual hard no's is I don't like hard noncon. I can't, it's too bleak and depressing for me. I like consensual noncon and dubcon if it's a porny fantasy thing where we all know they are all having a great time. And enthusiastic consent is good too ha. I like BDSM fics with all the usual emotional fuckery and power imbalances and dirty talk and basically assume I like it lmao
The things that give me the icks are oviposition, though that wouldn't be in this one I don't think, also gore, sounding and water sports, which I also don't think this prompt lends itself to those things, so probably not relevant anyway.
I know you can never think of or cover everything, and again, this is coming from your brain so it has to be what inspires you, but since you asked, that is my best stab and explaining what I like.
Also, pls send me the link or give me a tag when you write it, I can't wait, i'm hyped. weeeee
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porcelainvino · 4 months
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thank you @kurtsascot for the tag :D i wasn’t able to do it last time because i deadass didn’t dRAW ANYTHING
1. santana
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2. kurt tee hee
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3. tina with a haircut i want REALLY BAD but i don’t want to grow out my hair ermm might just buy extensions
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4. nerd santana… what else am i supposed to draw
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5. genderbent dalton blaine.. wHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO DRAW-
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6. tina and shirtless kurt at first i liked it and then i hated it but it’s okay now i think 😁
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idk who to tag but do it if you want yayyyyyyy
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winkle-pickers · 2 months
Tristan for the character bingo?
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The fandom isn't actually that mean to him lol, I'm mostly joking. They were meaner 20 years ago but nowadays there are far more Honda Appreciators, bless you all. ALSO NO I'M NOT KIDDING ABOUT THE AESTHETIC AND GENDER SQUARES I OWN SEVERAL CERTIFIED HONDA OUTFITS, that guy dresses like a greaser bisexual, is that me projecting YES, oh WELL, let me live in my world!!
I think out of all the YGO characters I have the most Typical Blorbo Impulses towards Honda like I want to beat him up in fics then patch him up after, put him in Situations, create elaborate backstory details for him that follow the sort of Internal Logic Train that chugs ever onward in your brain when you're way too obsessed with a minor character, and maybe the train tracks have skewed off a bit from both canon and reality, but really is it MY fault that the poor guy is in every single episode and is still somehow considered a minor character, you are putting him in front of my eyeballs and ASKING for me to think about him but not giving me substantial train tracks so I have to build my own, jumping christ I lost control of both this sentence and this metaphor. Anyways yeah love this dude and big ups to my friends, beloved mutuals, people trapped in servers with me, etc who will sit in a circle with me and join me in trying to set him on fire with a magnifying glass. P.S. I mean "He Sure Does Exist" in the absolute best way, it is my firm belief that every shonen anime needs some Dudes that Exist, it's a vital part of the shonen anime ecosystem. How insane does Kaiba look REALLY if there's no Hondas in the biome going 🧍'man WHAT' (and also Honda has his own moments of drama and ridiculousness but I will cap myself here or else I'll have to submit to the indignity of a read more tag.) P.P.S. the "canon isn't real" square is about the love triangle with Shizuka and Otogi in Virtual World I DO NOT SEE IT just remove poor Shizuka from the triangle please save her she doesn't need to be in there
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rosewatergrapefruit · 7 months
@shineswithyou tagged me a million years ago to list 13 songs I’ve been enjoying, ty <3
1. I Am The Resurrection - The Stone Roses
2. Fool’s Gold - The Stone Roses. Lol
3. Slide Away - Oasis. AHHHHHHHH you know
4. Chequeless Reckless - Fontaines D.C.
5. Oh Caroline, No - The Beach Boys
6. Kooks - David Bowie
7. Cloudbusting - Kate Bush
8. Like ten Beatles songs honestly I can’t even list them, just fyi the last three weeks we’ve hit rubber soul - revolver - sgt pepper in succession (likely order to do them in isn’t it.) so it’s been that stuff
9. Moussoulo - Oumou Sangare
10. My Ever Changing Moods - The Style Council
11. I Love You - Fontaines D.C.
12. Acquiesce - Oasis
13. Time (Clock of the Heart) - Culture Club
Yayyyyyyy I tag @sallycinnamons @girlbloke @horsegirl @camusgirl2000 @discotec @missrayon @judelaws-hairline and anyone else who wants to do eet
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frostedpuffs · 2 years
wip challenge
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Rules: “post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!” tagged by @izanogi
i have so many art wips and a few fic wips so feel free to ask abt any of them though i can't promise they're all coherent lmfao
fic wips:
peach time
adrien sentiments
prpr fic beginning
The Hotel™ sexual tension prpr the fuck idk
drunk convos that reveal too much (a simple suggestion)
obligatory horny fic (sorry in advance if u ask about this one bc im not sharing much outside of friend servers LMAO, but it's barely considered a wip and mostly just bullet points anyway)
art wips: (gonna preface this by saying that most of these are just sketches that i will most likely never finish so idk if they count as "wips")
potty humor
boy vs boy
relevant doodle
i frew up
she haveth baby
ur my kitten
cat and bug team yayyyyyyy
marinette redesigns
a doodley
cat and bug
tagging some mutuals off the top of my head (no pressure to fill this out if u dont want to/dont have any wips tho and also sorry ifu have been tagged already im not keepin track)
@gentil-minou @miabrown007 @ladyofthenoodle @heartfulselkie @chatonnoir
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mystristages · 4 months
tagged by @scorporia tyyyy ^_^ answering 15 questions and tagging 15 people in my mind bc I'm #scared
1. are you named after anyone?
my aunt and I have the same name :]
2. when was the last time you cried?
like 2 months ago
3. do you have kids?
no thank you
4. what sports do you play/have played?
I used to be on a soccer team when I was really little. marching band for like 3 months in hs if that counts
5. do you use sarcasm often?
I don't think so
6. what's the first thing you notice about someone?
their clothing
7. eye color?
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8. any talents?
I can draw
9. scary movies or happy endings?
10. where were you born?
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11. hobbies?
I draw I play piano some times. I've been getting into reading lengthy science papers about spiders recently
12. any pets?
not rn but I want a tarantula so badly it's not even funny
13. height?
5'3'' (160cm) short kings rise
14. favorite school subject?
grade school: art history. college: ethnobotany/genetics
15. dream job?
man just put me in a lab where I can sort seeds and I'll be happy
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jwowwsboobs · 4 months
tagged by @therearecowboysinmysoul & @lemonfloatz & @junkyardromeo ty guyz <3
shuffle ur music to predict how ur 2024 is gonna go, no reshuffles
january - girls just wanna have fun by cyndi lauper: yeah fax girls do just wanna have fun … didn’t always work out but u know thts just how it goes sometimes february - this years most fashionable sign of weakness by drowningman: hmmmm interesting … think this means seeing thru ppls lies. thats good! march - yr death makes me wish heaven was real by frail body: too spot on :( april - too old for the dumb shit by ICE-T: okay LMFAO fair enough !! #19thbday may - blow - kesha: LMFAOOOOOOO ... so im too old 4 th dumb shit but i am NOT too old 2 go party. GREAT way 2 start off the summer tho june - toxic waltz by exodus: YAYYYYYYY CONCERTS. wont hold my breath 4 exodus but u nvr know july - malibu by hole: heartbreak? melancholy? :\ august - voracious souls by death angel: YAY THRASHIN this better mean good times september - kill harry holt by no model: omg if i get 2 see no model again ill b so happy. BOMB band. if not i hope this means plenty of hardcore shows in sept🩷 october - epilogue of a car crash by orchid: hmm hard 2 say wht this means. mayb i get in a crash but i hope not november - stranglehold by etown concrete: fax. but i hope this means i get out or at least get even december - heroin by the velvet underground: ok. well thats great news😭😭
tagging @antiquesintheattic @cliffburton @born-to-lose
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mattithecatti · 7 months
uhhh intro post time yayyyyyyy :D
hi! i’m matti, i like to draw and write and i’m working on a story tagged with #supernatural supper club
i’m a minor! so no creeps
thai american
also some stuff i like:
-nyan neko sugar girls
-the mysterious benedict society
and my dni
-racists, terfs, transmeds, sysmeds(this blog is endo safe!!!), “contradictory label” exclusionists, ableists(this includes fakeclaimers), pretty much bigots of any kind in general
-centrists, ur too close to the end of the fishhook
-exclusionists!!! mspec lesbians are valid
-proshippers, people who say “fiction doesn’t affect reality”, zoophiles, MAPS, you are weird and pls go away thank you very much
byf stuff:
-my reading comprehension is quite bad and i’m genuinely sorry about that
-i reblog a lot of trauma related stuff and vent posts due to some trauma of my own, and that’s tagged with #vent in case you don’t wanna see it
-if somebody likes my post or follows me, sometimes i’ll scroll through their blog to reblog some stuff! or everything
-i am eepy
i’ll probably make a new one of these when either i start commissions, or i get that oc askblog set up
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burnt-kloverfield · 1 year
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I posted 30,854 times in 2022
133 posts created (0%)
30,721 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,907 of my posts in 2022
#0 - 86 posts
#pretty clothes are pretty - 283 posts
#goncharov - 181 posts
#unreality - 161 posts
#mormon - 66 posts
#i want to live with the muppets - 45 posts
#tumblrstake - 42 posts
#naddpod - 41 posts
#star wars - 41 posts
#art - 33 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#like it was such a silly scene that made perfect sense in universe from the smallest detail of her slapping a bag of candy down in a storw
My Top Posts in 2022:
So I'm caught up on Naddpod, and finally have to actually wait for new episodes now which is crazy because it's been my hyperfixation since I discovered it like last May (a year of naddpod woot woot) but just finished listening to this week's episode and it still just feels like coming home and hanging with your friends. Naddpod is comfy. Comfort media. Comfy comfy podcast.
24 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
Look, I love the Goncharov x Andrey interactions, and Katya is my girlboss, and Ice Pick Joe is my poor little meow meow, but everyone is leaving Sofia out to dry? She's so integral to the character arcs! Not just because of the red dress, but because of how she's somehow made an impact on their whole trajectory just from a single conversation with Katya! She's the instigator of the whole entire plot!
29 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
So, I've spent a miniscule amount of time adjacent to deaf/hoh culture, so I picked up a couple small things like a name sign, but I also picked up the sign for clapping? You know, where you're wiggling your hands? Similar to jazz hands. And I just do it, all the time, more than clapping. Because it's close to hand flapping, like how my little brother stims, and it feels good to me to go "Yayyyyyyy" *sign clapping* and allllll the time when I'm in zoom meetings for work and I have myself muted(or when I'm not) because it's so friendly to have a visual representation of celebration and appreciation.
34 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
Very important question: in a Muppets rendition of Goncharov, which muppet plays who, and who is the token human?
Katya, of course, is played by Miss Piggy.
279 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I'm really loving this new tumblr mobile glitch of putting the asker's icon as the responder's icon, because it took me a little too long to realize that Neil Gaiman had not in fact changed his icon to nonbinary Howl
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364 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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arecipeforfeels · 1 month
Got high and decided I’m watching ca:tws so be ready for incoherence:
Marvel movies used to MEAN SOMETHING
They did however always live in the pocket of the military
I don’t care I would eat this movie if I could
They were so insane for it and they had to do civil war as the worlds worst no homo ever
I hate everything
I also am not immune to an action sequence and some fun music….
Also it is very impressive how violent they can make these movies and completely get away with it if there’s no blood splatter
Bad guys r French, more at 10
I took a kickboxing class in like 2013 bc I thought black widow was hot and wanted to also be hot
(Sidenote, I also played basketball for five years bc of high school musical. I have never had an original thought in my life)
This is an iconic one cos it’s the one where he puts his shield on his back to fight for Even Footing (and also ON VA VOIR U WILL ALWAYS B FAMOUS)
people went so bonkers for that
Tag urself Im the giant harddrive
Okay goofiest admission ever: in this movie there’s a bunch of time spent in this one big building that’s supposedly located in dc. But it’s got this big giant atrium with a huge high steel and glass ceiling, and at some point during this movie someone hits it or crashes through it or shoots it. And every time I hear the words “glass ceiling” I think of this fuckin movie
“Wow yayyyyyyy war machiiiiiiime!! For sEcUriTy”
US Army wet dream while still trying to keep Cap there as a voice of reason
It’s a fascinating dichotomy
Air and spase! Museum (great night at the museum 3 reference)
Also I cannot believe he goes to his own fuckin exhibit
...actually upon reflection I too would go to my own exhibit
The endgame revisionism of him going back in time is soooooo stupid she does not exist to me
It’s such character assassination of everyone involved
(I don’t care, I say caringly, as I care deeply)
I also had (had??) a massive crush on Hailey atwell
Robert Redford is here
Weird joke about Algerians and the French
This movie is also a Chevy ad
Also I remember seeing the big SUVs in this movie and being like “damn those are tanks” they are also nothing compared to what’s out there now
This movie also feels so much more grounded in actual life
Like we talk abt all the CGI coming in later movies, this one feels gritty in comparison, on simply a mechanical level
Speed tour of dc
We have reached the civilian casualty stage of the movie
I can’t imagine how much money Samuel L Jackson has made off these movies
THE CAR FLIP SHOT W BUCKY IIIIIIIIII (editors note: this is where the coherence begins to go downhill. You can sense the trend)
god this movie
Elevator scene lets fuckin goooooooooo
the tension build is so good
Everyone say thank u Steve rogers for breaking the glass ceiling
This movie is also an apple ad…2014
Look the fuckin Natasha Steve bromance in this is lovely
Buddy comedy
I will say this was such a moment for the MCU, the hydra reveal
Esp cos like agents of shield was in its heyday etc etc
2014 sure was a time
This man [Toby Jones] has been so comically typecast forever
This is so fascinating to me Bc it’s like “Here is how we revisionize the United States’ history of interfering in coups etc etc it was bad guys in the government doing it etc etc”
“What we need to to is get back to the good government”
Sam Wilson the man that you are
Bucky shows up at any time in this fucking movie and I start barking
I am also always thinking of the “we shot him in ze legs” vine
This is my Roman Empire
“I knew him” oooouuuuugggHHHH
RIP Stan Lee
Bucky yeets a guy into a jet engine and by god does he look good doing it
This stupid movie (editors’s note: caught in a miasma of 2014)
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square-blunt · 3 years
Don't trust english boys with far too much free time (SPOLIERS FOR 3RD LIFE SMP)
its that time again, i wrote a fic run in here come get y'alls juice. 3rd life smp fic that i threw together rq. (HUGE SPOILERS) Basically, during Scott's 7th episode, I make everything worse than it was.
Tw- Death, major gore/blood mentions, suidical intentions, but it's only a few lines and it's nothing explicit, and overall hurt. Wc: 2994 AO3: here!
It had all happened so fast. The battle of- Scott couldn’t be bothered to remember what Grian had called it. Why should he? It was the battle where he lost everything. Fuck, it had all happened too fast. He and Grian were killed. Him by Ethos, Grian by Martyn, and then- and then Jimmy. Jimmy was shot by Skizz. Scott had respawned somewhere outside of the flower kingdom, running back to the desert as quickly as he could, but when Jimmy’s- when the message popped up- Scott stopped running. He could feel it, too, a ringing in his ears, a phantom pain in the right side of his head- he didn’t need the message to know that his husband was dead. He becomes lightheaded, vision blurring, and he stumbles into and leans on a tree for stability. He- he didn’t- he couldn’t- he shouldn’t have- just left Jimmy there- how could he have been so stupid? If he just hadn’t died- if he had just told Jimmy to stay home- if he had just told Grian and Scar to fuck off- he stumbles down the hill towards the desert. Why hadn’t the TNT gone off yet- Scar wasn’t dead why hasn’t he pulled the lever? As the desert comes into view, Scott sees that the lever had indeed been pulled. Dogwarts just got lucky. None of them died. He sees some of them still hanging around the bunker where Scar and- no, Jimmy- Jimmy- his husband was more resilient than that- he- Scott knew- Jimmy wasn’t dead he couldn’t be that wasn’t how this worked- no, no, no. No- no- it’s not- he’s not-
/msg SolidarityGaming: [This user doesn’t exist]
No- no, fuck-
“Jimmy?” Scott whispers to himself. He needs- he has to- Jimmy’s name- he needs to hear someone say it. If he has to say it himself then so fucking be it. “Jimmy- Jimmy, Jimmy I’m so sorry, Jimmy- please- I’m sorry please, Jimmy, please come back, Jimmy, I can’t-” he doesn’t want to alert the Dogwarts people- he has extra potions behind the desert house. He avoids any Dogwarts that stayed behind and snags his extra potions. He feels numb. He doesn’t know where Scar is, he doesn’t know where Grian is, he doesn’t know what’s gonna happen next but quite honestly he doesn’t care. He doesn’t want to go back to the bunker- but he doesn’t have a choice. He makes his way back over, and he hears Grian worrying over Scar inside,
“Grian?” Scott is surprised at how horse his voice is.
“Scott? Scott- what- it- what happened? ” Grian climbs out of a hole in the sand, dirty, bloody, and worried
“It all went- horribly, horribly wrong-” Scott pushes down the massive pit in his stomach, and tries to put some lightness in his voice.
“Oh- all is- all is lost- what happened? Did the explosion- the explosion- what-” Grian starts to sprint towards the massive crater in the desert- and Scott follows closely behind.
“The explosion went off but it didn’t kill any of them- Cleo was shot by Ren??” Scott sees the message pop up on his communicator- the pit in his stomach expanding as he tries not to look up at- or not to think about what Bdubs might be thinking. He ponders reaching out- but he doesn’t think he could handle that right now. He knows Grian is talking, probably going on, and on about the explosion, maybe wondering where Scar went- if he was anywhere he’d be in the bunker- where Jimmy…. Where Jimmy was supposed to be. The ringing in his ears grows louder.
“-all is lost.” Scott slowly regains his bearings and hears Grian fretting over… everything that’s just happened. “We must- Do- ugh- Is there any stuff here to get back? Are we completely dead?”
“Um, I have this, I- I’m- I was smart in my excess potions, I put away-” Scott says, opening his bag and handing a few to the other.
“As you can see I also had a backup room-” Scott does notice that Grian has iron armor, which was more than him at least.
“Yeah, I have a few more diamonds- oh-”
“Tango was shot by Ren- Tango is out-” Grian says, calling attention to yet another death message.
Scott responds, but he doesn’t know what he said, he doesn’t understand what Grian says next, because they’re standing at the doorway to the bunker. It wasn't the doorway Grain had built, just a hole in the wall. 2 blocks high, one block wide, beckoning for Scott to go in, to see what had happened. Scott knows his husband is on the other side of that wall.
"-Scott?" Scott snaps back to reality when Grian places a hand on his shoulder.
"I’m- I'm okay, really-" Scott rushes, feeling a familiar sting in his eyes. Do not cry do not cry do not cry-
"Do you want me to go in with you?" Grian says, as soft as can be. Fuck, he hates that. He's supposed to be this battle-hardened warrior- do not cry do not cry- Grian wasn't supposed to remind him of how vulnerable he is. Grian wasn't supposed to see how vulnerable he could get.
Scott shakes his head, putting on a smile, do not cry, "What do you mean? I'm just gonna go see if there's anything we can salvage-" his voice shakes, but he hopes Grian doesn't notice.
Grian notices
"Scott, I'll be waiting out here." Grian gives Scott a friendly smile, "Here." Grian offers him a water bottle and a washcloth. Scott chokes back a sob and takes it, his smile wavering. He nods, not trusting himself to speak. Grian walks a few paces away, out of soft speaking distance, and Scott turns back to the gap. He takes a deep, shuddering breath. Fuck, he doesn't want to do this. He wants to turn around, run back to his kingdom, lock himself inside his house and pretend that all of this never happened. That Jimmy- that Jimmy was still across the pond, making a fuss over the cows and the chickens, asking him to mine, and then mining for hours and finding nothing but companionship. Scott wasn't ready to face the truth. Scott wasn't ready to face his last two lives without him- Scott wasn't ready to face anything without him. He takes another breath, and steps in. He looks down at his feet- that was a mistake.
There's so much blood.
It's everywhere he looks.
Everywhere he looks is just… red.
Fuck, there's so much blood.
It's smeared on the floor, a sign of struggle? There are footprints. Maybe- no, the footprints lead out the door- they're Scars. Any hope Scott had left leaves his body in a sob. He covers his mouth and backs up against the wall, squeezing his eyes shut.
He knows what's in this room.
He knows.
He doesn't want to accept it but he knows.
He opens his eyes, and it's like a stab to the gut.
He can't look further than Jimmy's hand.
That hand that Scott took as he pulled him out of a hole the first day, the hand that Scott shook to promise friendship, the- the hand that Scott held, last night, under the stars, listening to an owl far in the distance, trying not to fall asleep, confessing to each other that they might be more than friends. The hand that quickly fashioned a makeshift ring out of a red tulip stem. The hand that couldn't build for shit, but somehow built the most important thing to Scott- a bond. The hand that laid limp, lifeless, grey, covered in its own blood.
Scott wishes it were him.
Scott wishes that he was the one whose blood was all over the floor, the walls, the ceiling.
Scott was tough, blunt, sarcastic but Jimmy was bright and happy and his smile lit up the entire world- he was Scott's entire world- fuck, why'd it have to be Jimmy? Jimmy was so… unapologetically loving. Scott loved few and far between. Jimmy was carefree. Scott was a pushover. Jimmy couldn't give two shits about what other people thought of him. Scott was meticulous and worried over the slightest details. Jimmy was willing to hear everyone out, to give people second chances. Scott was toxic and everyone knew it. Jimmy was loved by everyone. Scott was loved by Jimmy. Why did it have to be Jimmy?
Scott's stomach is turning itself inside out, his head is spinning, his lungs won't take in enough air, he sobs again. He falls to his knees. He can taste the salt and iron that hangs in the air, its sting seeping into his skin. His hands are stained with blood- with Jimmy's blood- he crawls over to Jimmy. Grasping his hand- somehow it's colder than Scott remembers. Jimmy's hand was already cold due to him being a red-life but now it's so cold that Scott can barely take it. He sobs again, but this time he can't stop. The sobs won't stop, the tears won't stop, the pain won't stop- as they roll off Scott's cheeks and fall to the floor, to his hand, to Jimmy's hand- they fall and clear circular patches of blood away. It reminds Scott that the blood hasn't had time to dry yet.
Scott sobs harder.
Scott makes the mistake of looking up.
Jimmy really does look like he's sleeping.
His eyes are closed, his lips, soft and slightly parted.
He'd look so peaceful.
If it weren't for the arrow in the side of his head, and the gashes in his chest.
Those fucking- they raided the bunker and made sure- that's where all the blood came from- they fucking- Scott moved to cradle Jimmy's head in his lap, wiping away the blood on Jimmy's face. Scott wants to believe he's sleeping. Jimmy just… fell asleep in his arms. They were up on a ridge top somewhere, and Jimmy just fell asleep. He can almost feel the landscape around him, the cool breeze… he can hear Jimmy's laughter and indignant protests over the simplest things, he can't feel a phantom hand cupping his cheek. He can hear Jimmy say 'I love you'.
Scott screams.
Scott screams until his voice feels torn to shreds.
In honor of a voice he'd never hear again.
He screams as many 'No's and utter denials and one can muster, he screams at those- those bastards that took Jimmy from him, he screams 'If I had' after 'If I had' after 'If I had', he screams for the tears that drown his vision, the tightness in his chest that feels suffocating. He knows Grian can hear him through the sandstone walls but he doesn't care. He hadn't cared for a long time. Not until Jimmy. Jimmy, his fucking starshine, his morning glory, his fucking dumbass husband, who didn't hesitate to protect Scott from the most powerful people here- because Jimmy didn't want to lose him.
It should have been Scott.
But the universe is cruel.
He hunches over, sobs tearing through his body, protecting what's left of his husband, watching his own tears leave clean streaks in the bloody mess. He takes the water and the rag and wipes away what he can. Scott clears Jimmy's face, his beautiful fucking face, wipes the blood from his lips, nose, hair. Oh, his hair. Jimmy never did anything with it. Never brushing it, leaving it in whatever state it was in when he woke up, starting a few days ago, Scott would hold him down and fix it for him. 'No husband of mine is going to walk around with hair as bad as that.' It didn't matter, Jimmy's hair was still matted to the side of his head. Scott couldn't even look to that side of his face without almost throwing up-
The arrow despawns.
Scott pulls his sword from his inventory with hysteric breaths and unforgiving sobs. He holds it at arm's length. He's still a yellow-life, this wouldn't fix anything. He'd become a red-life, and then have to do it all over again. He doesn't have the energy. He wishes he had the energy, but… he knows Jimmy would be appalled. That is, if the afterlife would be kind enough to put them together. But Jimmy would still be upset. That's one of the many things he loved about Jimmy. If you did something for him, a gift, rebuilding his house, doing his hair, he'd get so flustered. He'd get red in the cheeks and would start stammering and it was the cutest thing. Scott would start teasing him about it and Jimmy would sheepishly smile and hide his face in his shoulder.
But that smile is gone now.
Scott lets the sword clatter to the floor.
"I'm so sorry, Jimmy" Scott whispers, rocking back and forth, his thumb circling Jimmy's cheek. "I never wanted it to end this way." Scott lets his head hang, his hair brushing Jimmy's forehead. Jimmy loved Scott's hair, too. He would constantly tuck it behind Scott's ear for him, sometimes adding a flower. He would constantly complement the blue, make up little nicknames. Jimmy's favorite color was blue.
"It's because of you," Jimmy had said, "blue being my favorite color, it's because of you. Your eyes, your hair, everything about you is blue in the best way. The flowers are jealous." Scott saw blue in everything after that. He sees something blue in his jacket pocket that hadn't been there before-
It's a hyacinth.
Jimmy must have slipped it in before the fight, how it stayed in his pocket he has no idea, but it's the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for him. He gingerly pulls it out, some of the petals are stained, but it doesn't matter to Scott. Jimmy put it there. Jimmy put it there. Jimmy saw this flower, thought of him, snuck it into his pocket, and- maybe Jimmy thought it would bring good luck? Scott starts to sob again, holding a simple blue flower in one hand, his best fucking friend in the other.
Scott tucks the flower behind Jimmy's ear.
Scott's chest and hands and legs are red, his eyes are red, he is broken beyond repair. But he still sees the blue. It stands stark against the red. The blue in Jimmy's clothing, the blue of the hyacinth blending with his hair. Jimmy's eyes were blue, too. He wants to see that blue again more than he's wanted anything in his life. He wants to be mad at those who took it away from him. He can't bring himself to be mad. He should be blind with rage, but he's just tired. If Jimmy were here, he'd make him tea and tell him to stay inside, Jimmy might have even stayed with him instead of going out to farm or mess around with Joel or Impulse.
Why, why, why, why did it have to be Jimmy. Jimmy was the last person who deserved this. Jimmy honestly deserved the world. Jimmy… he made the world a better place. The world feels wrong now.
"I'll be back to bury you, my love, but I can't stay," Scott whispers. He lightly kisses Jimmy's forehead. "We've had each other since the beginning, I will see this through to the end. They won't get away with this. I can't let them. You were everything to me, you still are. I love you with everything I have, even now that death has parted us, I can't stop loving the memories we shared." Scott can't recognize his own voice. It's strained and raspy and it hurts to speak. It hurts to breathe. It hurts so fucking much. Scott has to tear himself away. If he had his way, he would stay there until someone came along to kill him, too. But Grian still needed him. He- he let Jimmy down, he wasn't going to let Grian down. Scott kisses Jimmy's cheek one last time and picks up his sword, planning vengeance. He'd have to survive that long, but he would. He can't give up. He only realizes how bloody he is as he steps out of the bunker. Sure enough, Grian is waiting for him as promised. Before Scott can say anything, Grian runs over and scoops Scott up into a hug.
"You're gonna have blood on your clothes now, too" Scott rasps, Grian laughs lightly.
"I'm so sorry. We'll kill Skizz, I swear on it." Grian says, rubbing Scott's back. Scott tucks his head into Grian's neck.
"What am I supposed to do without him?" Scott whispers, barely audible to either of them
"Kill Dogwarts. Bring them down. Make them regret everything they've ever done." Grian whispers back. No one's around, they have no need to be whispering, but neither of them wants to raise their voice.
"They deserve it, they're homophobic," Scott says, some of his trademark sarcasm creeping back into his voice, Grian giggles.
"There he is. I missed you, Scott." Grian smiles, pulling away.
"This is gonna suck, isn't it," Scott says, sniffing, chest tightening again, a sad smile on his face.
"It might- hey, hey, it might, but Scar and I are here for you. We'll fight tooth and nail for you, and for Jimmy, I swear." Grian offers some armor, which Scott gladly accepts.
"Well, we have to find Scar first," Scott and Grian both laugh, "I'll come back for him, to take him and bury him back home. But… I just can't do that right now." Scott sighs.
"Take all the time you need, Scott," Grian says. Scott was lucky to have him and Scar. Scott knew they were his friends, his allies, and Jimmy trusted them until the end, and so too would Scott. They- they were all he had left of Jimmy.
He wasn’t gonna lose them too.
He can’t.
He couldn’t.
He didn’t.
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thesnowqueen · 4 years
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taylor swift 30 day song challenge
day 7: favorite song from red (2012): how cliche would it be if i said all too well? very cliche? well too bad cause it’s my favorite (honorable mentions: state of grace, red, treacherous, we are never ever getting back together, stay stay stay, holy ground, the lucky one, starlight)
(also i feel obligated to say that i think it’s a lot to ask me to say my favorite song out of her whole catalog on the first day, before i’ve had the chance to figure out my favorite song from each album one by one) (this was originally in the tags but then i went on this huge tangent and reached the tag limit before i finished saying what i wanted to say so i had to put it here. i’ve never reached the tag limit before lol. sometimes i have nothing to say and then sometimes i’m cat valentine. i didn’t take my adhd meds today maybe that’s why lol)
i’ve never done one of these before so i figured why not? this was made before lover but i couldn’t not include it so i made some changes and moved everything ahead one day and took out favorite unreleased song cause i don’t know any unreleased songs of hers. i got the idea from–ok i tried to find who i got the idea from but i can’t find the post so if i do find them, i’ll credit them
#taylor swift#taylor swift 30 day song challenge#thesnowqueen taylor swift 30 day song challenge#also yeah i know i'm posting this at 2am on what is technically day 8#but i was watching one of my favorite movies#that i only saw for the first time this past christmas#it's called anna and the apocalypse#it's a christmas movie musical about a zombie apocalypse#i wanted to see it again cause iT FEELS RELEVANT RIGHT NOW... in a way#it's a horror comedy but it mixes the horror with the comedy really well#i'm very particular about my horror-thriller/comedy movies#they can't be like oh a character in the movie just died let's make dick jokes now#like the sad parts need to be sad#the characters need to respond to the situations like a normal fucking person would#but yeah it's great it's also british so it's got that extra existentialist snark to it#i love british things#and between you and me person who reads tags#there's this one character who i think is really hot#and she's the first character that i've realized i think is hot#after realizing i'm bi so yayyyyyyy#well the first live action character at least#but i don't think animated characters REALLY count?#idk do they maybe they do i'm tired#extra points if you can guess who the character is#for real tho send me an ask on or off anon i don't care with your guesses#i know i'm not gonna get any but eh whatever#oh wait even more extra points if you can guess the first female animated#character i got a crush on#anyway all too well is my favorite song from red thanks for coming to my ted talk#i think this is my longest post ever but it's also one of my favorites
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