#takashi x haruhi
athenasilver7 · 8 months
Could I request ohshc x reader headcannons (separately) where reader is being bullied and goes to them?
OHSHC (separately) x GN Reader
💙 Hikaru 💙
When you come to him crying about being bullied, he just about snaps.
When you tell him it’s been happening for months? He almost loses his damn mind.
“What do you mean ‘months’?! Why didn’t you come to me sooner?!?” He grips at your shoulders a little to hard.
Yeah, he flips out. Not his best moment, nor is it the best reaction to be having right now.
He feels so fucking bad when your crying increases, no thanks to him, obviously.
Hikaru takes a deep breath and calms down. He starts soothing you, holding you in his arm and rubbing your back, mutter a few apologies to you.
When you finally relax and are able to tell him all the details, well… let’s just say he makes a few calls.
Unfortunately, your bully stays at Ouran. So naturally Hikaru takes things into his own hands.
He starts pulling restless pranks on your bully until they get fed up and transfer.
🤍 Tamaki 🤍
Tamaki eventually catches you crying to yourself one day in the gardens. He’s obviously worried and rushes over to you and asked what’s wrong.
All you can manage to sob out is, “I-I’m getting b-bullied…”
He holds you tightly in a protective embrace, stroking your hair to soothe you as you cry against his chest.
He’s… quiet. Very quiet.
Tamaki waits patiently until you’re able to collect yourself. He caresses you cheek with a frown.
“My dear… Who is it? Who’s doing this to you?” His tone is low and his voice wavers as he talks.
You tell him who’s been bullying you.
He spends a few days conversing with your bully, trying to talk them in to changing their habits.
If you bully changes their ways, good. Tamaki won’t care for them, obviously, but he’s at least glad they’ve become a better person. And Tamaki will be practically glued to your side so this doesn’t happen again.
If your bully doesn’t change their ways, Tamaki will jump though hoops of several shenanigans to get them to stop and keep them away from you. If all that fails, he’ll reluctantly get his father to kick them out of the school. Ouran is no place for bullying, after all.
❤️ Haruhi ❤️
Well… that’s just not acceptable.
Haruhi, calmly, goes up to your bully and confronts them on their behaviour.
She’s unaware, but as she’s confronting them she’s roasting the hell out of them.
“I don’t know, bullying just seems like your lacking a hobby or something.” Her deadpan voice just makes the whole thing that much better.
Your bully scoffs and doesn’t let up as they continue to bully you the upcoming days.
Haruhi eventually snaps when she witnesses your bully trying to shove you into the fountain.
“Hey! Knock it off! Seriously, how childish do you have to be? Listen, clearly you have something going on in your personal life, and I’m sorry, but that’s no excuse to be taking it out on someone else. And if there isn’t anything personal going on in you life, then just screw off or else I’m telling the chairman!”
Your bully is baffled at Fujioka’s anger and backs off pretty quickly after that. Your bully even starts avoiding you in the hallways, keeping their distance. Haruhi just glares aggressively at them every time she sees them.
💗 Honey 💗
Tired from the constant bullying, you eventually spill your guts to him, bawling as you do so.
Honey is taken aback, but still obviously very concerned. And mad. Not mad at you, heavens no. Mad at your bully.
Granted, he maintains a calm composure on the outside to calm you.
He calms you by patting your head and whispering compliments to you, assuring you that the insults your bully throws at you aren’t true at all.
He offers you desserts and milk. You don’t want deserts? That’s fine, what do you want? You’re nuts if you think he won’t get you a crate of your comfort food.
The next day at school, all Honey has to do is walk up your bully, and your bully is immediately shaking.
Dude… Honey is practically a human weapon. Who wouldn’t be shitting bricks?
The glare on Honey’s face is not helping in the slightest.
Your bully is quick to run away, and transfers out of Ouran immediately.
🧡 Kaoru 🧡
Oh, sweetness… come here.
Lanky arms and legs wrap around you sloth-style.
He doesn’t know why you’re crying. He doesn’t need to know. He just knows that right now you need comfort, and he’s more than willing to give it to you.
I presses gentle kisses to your forehead and cheeks. “Shh, shh, shh… You’re okay. You can tell me anything.” He whispers.
And tell him you do.
He’s frozen for a moment.
He collects himself and goes back to comforting you, telling you how brave and strong you are, and that you should come to him sooner when you’re in trouble.
The next day, much like what Hikaru would do, Kaoru restlessly pranks your bully until they transfer out of Ouran.
Kaoru may be sweet and nice, but he’ll be damned if someone he loves is hurt and he doesn’t do anything about it.
🖤 Mori 🖤
You’re reluctant to tell him for a very long time. Mori is just so calm and tough, a-and… and you’re not. You don’t want to feel like you’re burdening him or relying on him, so… you bite your tongue and deal with it.
Mori, ever the observant one, is quick to notice your change in behaviour the past few weeks.
You startle as Mori’s deep voice breaks through the silence.
“…Yeah?” You slowly turn to face him, acting casual.
“What’s wrong.”
You don’t know how, but he managed to phrase that like it wasn’t even a question, he’s telling you to tell him what’s wrong.
You avert your gaze awkwardly and eventually spill the beans.
Mori listens intently, and when you’re done he hums and nods. He gestures you over to him and wraps a protective arm around you, rubbing your back and pressing a tender kiss to your forehead.
The next day at school Mori, calmly, punches the wall next your bully and glares down at them. “…Y/N.” He says.
Your bully looks up at Mori with wide eyes, visibly shaking. “Y-Y/N?” Your bully asks, confused.
Mori nods, leaning down face to face with your bully. “Leave them alone.” He demands lowly.
Your bully scrambles a nod and hastily dashes down the hall. Your bully sure as hell never bothers you again after that.
💜 Kyoya 💜
Now, he’s quick to notice.
Although, he feels like an idiot for not noticing the first few days it started happening. But as the days went on, your facade slowly fell, and he quickly pieced everything together from there.
“…Y/N, is there anything you would like to tell me?” He asks casually, scribbling something down in his notebook, his tone implying that you will tell him something.
“…No.” You mutter.
Kyoya sigh and pushes up his glasses. “Are you certain?” He asks again, a twinge annoyed.
You fidget with your sleeves for a bit before telling him everything about the bullying.
That’s all he needed to hear. He wanted to know just how bad the bullying is from your end.
At that, your bully just ‘mysteriously’ disappears after that day.
You squint at Kyoya suspiciously after a month of your bully not being at school.
“…Did you kill them?” I ask Kyoya with wide, accusing eyes.
He huffs in frustration and places down his pen. “No. They just decided to transfer.”
“…Because you threatened them.” You accuse.
Kyoya merely sighs.
OHSHC Masterlist
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gelus-ugs · 1 year
OHSHC members when you flirt with them
Prompt: “Did it hurt…when you fell from heaven?”
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Haruhi Fujioka
Genuinely confused
She has no romantic experience whatsoever, so she has no idea if you’re flirting with her or not
“Thank you..I guess?”
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Kaoru Hitachiin
His face turns SO red and he freezes
He basically malfunctions 💀
I wholeheartedly believe that this man has never been actually flirted with
“Thank you..”
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Hikaru Hitachiin
“Why, of course not. The very sight of your gorgeous face was enough to break my fall”
He redirects the flirting to you
He’s simply a pro 🤷🏾‍♂️ (and the opposite of his brother)
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Tamaki Suoh
“Of course not, my dear. I had you to catch me”
Flirts back 💀
You bet your ass he took a hold of your hand and kissed the back of it while making eye contact
Somehow a white rose ended up tucked behind your ear-
You can’t out-flirt the king 🤷🏾‍♂️
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Kyoya Ootori
Okay, I see this going two ways with this guy
“No, not really. You see, I happened to crawl from the very depths of hell”
He just ruins the mood and goes on about his day 😭
“Why, shouldn’t I be asking you that, darling?”
Flirts back 🤭
He’s so smooth w it too
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Mitsukuni Haninozuka
“Awe, thank you [Nickname]-Chan!”
He gives you a kiss on the cheek before offering you a slice of cake to show his gratitude!
He’s such a cutie 🥰
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Takashi Morinozuka
He doesn’t have a verbal response
But you can tell that you caught him off guard by his body language
His eyes widen and his cheeks turn red 🤭
He gives you a kiss on the cheek as a response before walking away
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thatanimewriter · 11 months
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➳ request: headcanons about arranged business marriage with the host club? Like are they trying to keep it under wraps for the sake of the host club or are they not trying to hide it at all?
➳ character/s: suoh tamaki, ootori kyoya, fujioka haruhi, hitachiin hikaru, hitachiin kaoru, haninozuka mitsukuni, morinozuka takashi
➳ warnings: swearing, marriage, reader is rich, established relationship (haruhi, honey, mori)
➳ notes: when is it my turn to marry mori-
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢�� 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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bitch can't keep a secret for more than 5 minutes
haruhi not being a girl is the only exception
he doesn't know a thing about you, but you're attractive and he's sure he can learn to love you
also he doesn't wanna disappoint his or your family by saying no
and he's very confident in his rizz
certain you will fall in love with him
but because he can't hide this from people, he did lose some customers
because some of the girls find it a bit too weird flirting with a taken man
rightfully so
and he pouted about it for a while, but also knows that as flirty as he does get with his guests
you are first priority
you're the one he's marrying, and he will be faithful to you
will actually reel his hosting back a little bit to give you more comfort
the club is partly responsible for that after expressing concerns
he probably never brought it up cause no one asked
even then, he's probably gonna lie and say you're not engaged
he won't do anything to prove otherwise though
it'll take a long time before he starts showing that he likes you in a remotely romantic way
never mind platonic
this is a business thing and a business thing only
is what he'd like to say
but after the club find out, they urge him to be more involved in this future marriage
will start hanging out with you more often and being a little more talkative at family dinners
he won't be affectionate with you past a simple kiss on the back of your hand
when he starts getting more involved in his father's company
taking over the company
he will open up a lot more to you because you were there and supported the journey even though you didn't really know him
it's a long journey, but it's worth it eventually
extreme patience with this man
100% a charity case
but you were dating before your parents said you should marry a commoner
to make it seem like your family aren't anti-commoner
it was kinda stupid, but hey, it meant you'd be allowed to marry haruhi so you weren't complaining too much
nothing in your relationship changed, because the people don't need to know of the business arrangement
haruhi is very much like
"damn rich people-"
but people never knew you were dating it the first place
only the host club knew and you had to duct tape tamaki's mouth shut
but since neither of you were out as a couple, you saw no need to tell people
and it was much easier to keep it under wraps
the host club did throw an engagement party for you guys though
there was no escaping that one
but it wasn't on campus grounds where someone could see
overall, pretty happy you didn't have to fight to marry the person you love
hides it because of the whole brotherly love thing
also because it'd be a funny prank to suddenly be married
what a whacky turn of events
even then, people would probably think he was joking if he said he was engaged
kyoya would be the one to tell the people (tamaki) that it isn't a joke
hikaru isn't really a fan of this arranged business marriage thing, but he's also not too fussed
just another person to prank-
he started to appreciate you more when you first told him apart from kaoru though
and then you did it again
and again
and every time since then
maybe getting married to you wasn't such a bad idea...
after the base getting to know each other, it's a much easier time bonding
because he knows you're not an asshole for sure
and you're not putting up with his shit, so he might as well get on your good side, i guess-
less likely to hide it than hikaru
but he's not gonna be overly vocal about it
because of the brotherly love gimmick-
he won't announce that you're ENGAGED
that's a big jump for everyone, especially tamaki
tamaki would lose his mind if he ever found out one of the shady twins was engaged
but kaoru will show you hints of affection
initially as teasing, but after getting to know you a bit more outside of business affairs, it becomes more genuine
still not massively open about it though
a lil affectionate noogie or arm around your shoulders
he won't pretend like he doesn't know you or that you guys aren't together to some extent
but he's not gonna go parading that around
would be kind enough to tell you about the brotherly love gimmick though
so you don't call off this engagement because you think he's genuinely romantically and sexually involved with his twin
when you first told him apart from hikaru, he was in love-
not capable of hiding it
he can't hide his love for you because he was gonna marry you anyway??
very cheery when you walk into the room
always feeding you cake, even if you can feed yourself
always cuddling you, will cling even if you're walking
his family are probably much more chill than the others
so he got to pick who he married, so long as it would benefit the haninozuka's
puts some serious boundaries in place if he continues to host though
platonic sessions only now
just a nice snack and a chat
will get more serious if any girl tries to push that boundary, especially if you're nearby
is constantly asking you to show off your ring to people
holds that hand all the time as well, because he can feel the ring
and be content knowing that he gets to marry you
doesn't hide it and would probably mention it when it first happened
doesn't wanna be heckled by anyone, but wants people to respect your relationship
an absolute gentleman
also doesn't have a super strict family in terms of dating
just as long as they make him happy and he makes them happy, and there won't be a scandal
often kisses your ring when you're just sitting together
tamaki screamed and probably broke the windows because how could he not know???
mori is probably a little bit more talkative in public when you're around
probably won't even host anymore, he'd quit once you got engaged, even if you said he could keep doing it
now he's just a honey bodyguard
he'll still talk to the girls if they ask him questions, but he wants them to know that he's off limits
does so many little favors for you, you're so spoilt (he doesn't go overboard)
unless someone outright asks him though, he won't disclose that you're to be wed
being in a relationship is serious enough in his eyes, and this was technically supposed to be business stuff anyway
maybe he'll show off a little at host club events-
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pinkluhvv · 1 year
Tamaki Suoh, Haruhi Fujioka, Mitsukuni Haninozuka, and Takashi Morinozuka [separately] x gn! reader [except in Haruhi's you are a girl]
                                                                                    Jealousy over small things
Tamaki Suoh
Talking to the Host Clubs members [aka The Hitachiin Twins]
“You guys just don’t get the point of personal space do you?” You asked the two boys as they towered over you. 
“We don’t know what you’re talking about.” They replied in perfect unison, a creepy grin on each of their identical faces. Straight faced as you were, a certain someone watched from afar anger burning in his head. ‘Those two creepy perverted twins!!’ 
“You two!!” Tamakis voice echoed through the music room. Thank god there were no girls in here; Tamaki wouldn’t be the only jealous one here.
“We didn’t do anything, boss.” The two threw their hands up in the same unison as always.
“You didn’t-! Liars!! You two are some sick perverts to think I didn’t see that.” He grabbed you by the arm and held you to his chest as he accusingly pointed at the two.
“Tamaki, calm down they didn’t do anything that bad,” You groaned pushing him away and walking off to talk to someone else. “you’re so overdramatic.” 
“Whaaaaaa-!” He was now sitting in the corner of the room, his knees pulled to his chest.
“Just proving my point further.” You said not sparring him a second glance.
Haruhi Fujioka
Lobelia Girls [attempting] to flirt with you
“My dear, you simply are a beautiful maiden.” Benio spoke as she was on one knee, holding your hand to her lips. You blinked silently, you were trying to enjoy your evening with Haruhi and the rest of the host club, but I guess you never did get any peace.
Though instead of saying anything the twins and tamaki just sat back and laughed until they couldn’t breath. Haruhi and Kyoya stood off the the side observing silently.
“She’s the silent type isn’t she Benibara?” Chizuru spoke caressing your hair. Hinako stood next to you admiring you from the side an awe struck smile adorning her face.
“Aren’t you gonna say something.” The vein on your forehead threatening to pop as you craned your head to anyone other than the Lobelia girls. Everyone stared at you like you were stupid. Haruhi groaned walking towards you.
“Can’t you see shes uncomfortable? Obviously she doesn’t like you three.” Haruhi spoke her hands on her hips as she pushed Benio away and stepped in front of you.
“Oh so violent against, Lady Benibara.” Hinako said helping Benibara to her feet. 
“If that’s what the young maiden wishes. We shall be off.” Benio said dramatically placing the back of her hand to her forehead. 
“Yes, please leave.” You said shooing them out the door.
Mitsukuni “Honey” Haninozuka
Eating cake with other people
You sat at a table with a few of your friends eating on a piece of [f. cake flavour]. ‘Is this heaven?’ You thought to yourself eyes closed in a blissful peace. 
“[f.name], are you okay? You’re awfully quiet over there.” Your eyes snapped open, as you stared at [friends name]. With a mouthful of cake you just nodded instead of spewing food everywhere.
“Mhm, mhm!” You nodded excitedly.
“Can I try some?” Your friend leaned over the table a small ‘ahh’ coming from her mouth. You took a spoonful of the cake and placed it in her mouth. She made a ‘mmm’ as she chewed and swallowed the cake. A very loud gasp shrouded the room and you jumped and looked to the side. A very betrayed looking Honey-senpai stood before you. 
“Di- Are you eating cake with someone else!?” He asked fat tears rolling down his cheeks. 
“Honey-senpai, calm down it’s not that big of a de-” 
“Wahhhhhh!!!” Honey jumped onto you knocking you out of your seat. You groaned and patted his back softly.
Takashi “Mori” Morinozuka
Getting confessed to [even if you refuse]
“So why did you want to speak with me, [name]?” You asked the boy who stood in front of you. 
“I.. I just couldn’t keep this to myself anymore.” He looked at the ground his face flushed red. Unbeknownst to the two of you there was someone watching front around a corner.
“And that is?” You tilted your head a little to dense to understand the intentions, you crossed your hands over your chest. 
“I-I really lo-” He was cut off by a deep ‘ahem’
“.. Takashi where did you come from?” You turned to your lover, a smile gracing your face.
“Over there.” He pointed somewhere random and turned the guy in front of you. “They’re taken.” He said placing a hand on your shoulder.
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host-club-hq · 1 year
Indeed: ~y/n's Promotion!~
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➼ pairing: kyoya ootori x reader
➼ summary: A long awaited promotion, indeed...
➼ word count: 7.4k
➼ what to expect: "Compose yourself, y/n, smile y/n."
➼ warnings: teensy bit of angst if you squint
➼ chapter navigation
➼ welcome to season 2 of Indeed! i thought we would start it off with a bang :)
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"Oh... dear God." You gawk at the dress placed in your arms by Hikaru, glancing up at him for reassurance. "You're joking." It's more of a plea than a statement.
"C'mon, surely you knew our theme for today was service staff by now." Hikaru scoffs, shaking his head.
"Honestly, Senpai, you're our manager dating our director... how are you out of the loop?" Kaoru tsks with a sigh.
You crane your neck to glance at your aforementioned boyfriend behind you, your glare worth daggers, "This was your idea?"
Kyoya's eyes merely flit to you for a moment, returning to his laptop quickly, "You know me better than that, y/n. Whose idea do you think it was?"
Another quick turn of your head to Tamaki, the same glare present. He sweats nervously, "Those idiots told me you'd look good in a maid costume! It wasn't my idea!" He defends himself adamantly.
You grumble, "Too bad we can't stick Haruhi in this dress."
"We can after club hours." The twins smirk devilishly.
"Senpai." Haruhi whines.
"Sometimes I forget why I didn't just go to London." You drape your costume over the back of a chair, threading your fingers through your hair with a sigh.
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"Because Kyoya-Senpai begged you to stay, remember?" Hikaru and Kaoru deadpan, appearing by your side once more.
You snort, "Oh, yeah. It was just Kyoya. Mhm." You cross your arms with a cocked brow.
"And I didn't beg. I asked." Kyoya pipes up, not bothering to meet your gazes when the three of you turn to him.
"You're delusional." You snicker, throwing him a knowing glance. He rolls his eyes, returning diligently to his work.
"Enough of your bickering. y/n, our guests are arriving soon- hurry up and put the dress on!" Tamaki whines, pushing you by your shoulders to the backroom.
"I don't understand why I have to wear everything that you wear! Can't I just wear black and white? I'm not even a host." You pout as Tamaki shuts the door behind you. You tear the dress from its packaging and begin stripping down.
"You wouldn't be-"
"-as cute that way, Senpai."
"I beg to differ." You grumble, stumbling as you slide the bodice of the dress up your torso. You, personally, think you'd look just as cute in black and white clothing, but you digress.
"Don't forget the headband!" You hear the door handle jiggle at Hikaru's voice.
"Ah! Don't you dare! Give me ten more seconds." You exclaim in a scolding tone.
"Back away from the door, Hikaru." Kyoya pipes up. Hikaru does as he's told, gulping. You nearly laugh.
"How do I look, Haru-chan?!" Honey tugs insistently at Haruhi's arm, forcing her eyes to fall upon himself and Mori dressed in their servant uniforms.
"You look great, Senpai." She nods with innocent eyes, straightening her own bow tie around her neck at the collar of her crisply white button-up shirt.
"Oh! Daddy's little girl looks so cute!" The telltale sound of Tamaki's fawning reaches your ear as you straighten the straps to your apron.
"Look at you in your tailcoat!" By the sound of Haruhi's groans, it sounds like he's smothering her.
You crack the door open and thrust your hand into open air, wriggling your fingers expectantly, "Where's the headband I must wear?" You groan.
"Come all the way out and get it." Kaoru teases.
"I don't have to wear it, you know-" Suddenly, the headband is placed in your palm and you snicker triumphantly.
"Thank you, boys." You chuckle, shutting the door promptly.
You slide the headband over the crown of your head and allow it to sit just behind your ears, straightening it the best you can and dusting off your apron before stepping out hesitantly.
You grumble, "This feels really demeaning." You pull at the ends of your dress, turning in a circle to get a look at yourself.
"Am I going to carry around a tray and do little poses?" You demonstrate your meaning by popping a leg up and holding a peace sign to your eye.
Your ears catch a light chuckle, twisting your neck to find Kyoya dressed in a black tailcoat tuxedo, straightening his clean, white gloves, shaking his head at you.
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"Well, don't you look fancy." You snicker as he moves a gloved hands to his glasses to adjust them on his nose.
"That is the intention, yes." With a somewhat knowing smile, Kyoya peers down at you in your own costume.
"Alright, men!" Tamaki claps his hands to gain each host's attention, and he does so effectively.
"And women." He adds secondly, continuing on with a coy smile, "Our guests will be arriving soon. Now, it is important that we all play well into our roles as servants for our ladies today. Today, we not only charm our guests, but we will wait upon them as well!"
"Now you get to experience what I do everyday." You nudge Kyoya in the ribs, earning a scoff from him. "I doubt it'll be difficult," he replies with a coy expression.
"I never said it was difficult. But remember, I never said you'd like it, either." You tease mischievously, offering him a soft pat to his shoulder as you waltz off to take your position for opening.
And as the first guest of many arrives, the club is there to welcome them warmly in perfect poise, hands folded diligently with deep bows.
"Welcome." The usual chorus of voices reaches the ears of the first guest as they enter, earning a second chorus comprised of gasps and soft exclamations of awe.
You bow traditionally, "Welcome, ladies. May I ask who you would prefer to serve you this afternoon?" In your one hand, a notepad, and in the other, a pen, as you await their reply.
The guests snicker to themselves, flattered by your sudden attention. One of them speaks up. "Hikaru and Kaoru, please."
You smile and gesture with an open hand for the girls to follow you, "Very good, right this way, please." You bring them to their seats as if you were a hostess. That very word causes your heart to flutter excitedly, but it quickly dies down as you focus on your duties that are simply those of a maid.
You continue to seat guests at the respective tables for each host.
The more and more guests you escort to Kyoya's area, the more you become confused. Your romantic relationship is more than common knowledge ever since the twins couldn't keep their mouths shut about the whole stunt Kyoya pulled on the last day of the Ouran fair. You assumed more guests would be devastated by this knowledge, avoiding Kyoya as a host, but it seems his numbers are skyrocketing.
"Kyoya, tell us how you saved y/n again! It's so romantic!"
Kyoya nearly loses his composure at the sudden inquiries flying his way, slotting a hand behind his neck awkwardly, "Well, I hardly think you'd want to hear about that. I'd much rather talk about you."
"But Hikaru says you fell off the bridge! And you confessed your love to y/n all at the same time!"
You can't help the own rosy tint that falls over the apples of your cheeks at the notion that the guests know all about your private affairs. Well, not so private...
"That is true, yes..." At Kyoya's confession, the guests crowding him squeal, faint, and shake each other incessantly.
Both you and Kyoya had discussed the possible repercussions of being together publicly, and he mentioned that he wouldn't particularly mind if his guests seemed to dwindle off into smaller numbers. But currently, you're looking at an insane influx of patrons surrounding him.
"Did you really dance in the water? Did you kiss her?"
"Oh, I wish someone would do that for me!"
"I can't believe she was going to leave!"
You make a mental note to bash Hikaru's head in when you get the chance, a more cherry tint spreading across your cheeks and inching toward your ears.
"Welcome, ladies! Can I get you some tea?" Honey approaches his table with a tray full of steaming teacups, one for each customer. "Oh! You know what would go great with this tea? Some cake!" he says, brimming with excitement. Mori appears at his side with one arm folded behind his back, the other gracefully carrying a tray of cake slices at Honey's suggestion.
"Thanks, Honey!" A guest says, graciously accepting his offering. "Won't you stay and enjoy it with us?" she requests curiously.
"Well... okay! But only for a little bit, because then I have to go back to waiting on you pretty ladies!" Honey leaps onto the sofa beside his guests and promptly munches on a slice of cake offered to him by the guest adjacent to him.
Tamaki glances over his shoulder, excusing himself from his guests for a moment, throwing in an excuse — something along the lines of bringing them more refreshments.
"Hikaru, Kaoru!" He hisses in a whisper, snapping his fingers briefly. The twins slide into view at his beck and call, saluting their leader and mimicking his tone, "Yes, sir!"
"Gather the others and meet me in the back room! Make sure y/n doesn't see any of you." Tamaki implores, shooing them away.
"On it!" they eagerly reply, bolting off to grab the first host in sight. Hikaru and Kaoru sweep up Honey first, who hums in question as they scoop him up effortlessly. Mori follows soundlessly after that, head barely tilted curiously.
"Thank you, ladies, I- hey! What are you doing?!" Haruhi stammers, suddenly feeling Hikaru and Kaoru's arms looped under her own, dragging her on her heels away from her guests. The girls seated in Haruhi's area blink disorientedly as she's whisked away.
Just as the twins are even thinking about taking Kyoya with them by force, he raises a definitive gloved hand, "No need, I'm coming."
They comply immediately, nodding shortly and making their way to Tamaki's designated meeting place.
And suddenly, when you glance around aimlessly for a host... there are none in sight. In fact... they're all gone. Guests slowly get up from their seats across the room, making their way over to you with curious expressions.
"y/n? Where did Tamaki go?"
"Yeah, and Hikaru and Kaoru are missing!"
Your eyes grow wide as you stand speechless in the middle of a sea of guests, all tilting their heads in your direction with questioning eyes.
"Uh..." You murmur, unsure yourself as to where you boys have wandered off to... all... at the same time...
Meanwhile, in another room, Tamaki throws his arms around Hikaru and Kaoru's shoulders on either side of him, forming a makeshift huddle as Mori and Kyoya remain standing upright, all the while participating in the discussion.
"Alright men, we need to think about this carefully," Tamaki begins.
"What exactly are we doing?" Haruhi glances to each host for an explanation, completely and hopelessly lost.
"Discussing the operation, of course." Kyoya vaguely mumbles.
"What operation? What's going on?" Haruhi looks to someone else for a clearer explanation.
"When we go back out there, we give y/n a run for her money! This operation is improv style- come up with whatever ridiculous request you can, and make sure she does it!" Tamaki whispers harshly, earning nods from his fellow hosts, who seem to be following along diligently.
Haruhi tilts her head, "Huh?"
"Yes, sir!"
"Alright, 'Operation: y/n's Host Trial' is a go!"
~y/n's Promotion!~
"Wait, what? We're making y/n-Senpai a host?" Haruhi asks with wide, incredulous eyes. Glancing to Kyoya's side profile, he gives nothing in return but a small, slowly forming smirk tugging at his lips.
"Hikaru, Kaoru: You know your jobs?" Tamaki inquires, pointing to the twins with a determined finger.
Kaoru shrugs, "Make y/n-Senpai-"
"-as busy as possible. We got it." Hikaru finishes, mirroring his brother's shrug.
Haruhi nearly pales, grimacing. When the twins are making someone busy, they're usually not doing it in a way that's particularly... tolerable.
"Are we sure that's a good idea?" Haruhi tries carefully, but no one seems to be listening. And if they are, they're intentionally ignoring her... which is definitely the case — Kyoya sees, hears, and knows all.
"Honey-Senpai?" Tamaki turns to Honey next, who salutes him immediately.
"Make y/n-chan take care of all of my problems!" He beams, contradicting his words.
"Kyoya, you are to-"
"Make sure y/n stays on task and doesn't get distracted." Kyoya adjusts his glasses, interjecting.
"By any means possible! Make y/n work!" Tamaki declares to the general group.
"By any means possible!" The hosts chorus back to him, save for Mori and Haruhi. They glance to each other apprehensively, exchanging concerned expressions.
"Mori-Senpai, I want you to keep a lookout for anything going wrong. Bring it to my attention immediately." Tamaki orders authoritatively.
Mori hums, but he doesn't necessarily agree... something seems off about this whole operation, and only he and Haruhi seem to be the ones who are not completely agreeing with everything Tamaki is saying.
"And Haruhi-" Tamaki begins optimistically.
"Look, Senpai, I don't know if I'm okay with working y/n-Senpai to the bone... she already does enough. Besides, hasn't she proved herself worthy to be a host already?" Haruhi implores, her expression quizzical.
"Nonsense! y/n has never actually hosted before. We need to see if she's up to the task!" Tamaki exclaims with an aura of dedication.
"... and to do that is to give her even more menial tasks than she already has?" Haruhi's shoulders slouch over in defeat when she realizes that Tamaki has absolutely no logic behind these trials... and the other hosts seem to be going along blindly. Which is... worrying.
"Senpai, I thought you were smarter than this." Haruhi grumbles, glancing up at Kyoya with an disgusted expression.
"I don't know what you mean by that. Besides, I don't see the harm in testing her a bit." Kyoya shrugs, not sparing her a glance.
"You realize that giving her hostly duties would be the way to do this? Not more errand girl duties? I don't even know why she still does those in the first place... she's our manager." Haruhi rubs her chin between her fingers in thought.
"She used to have a debt, remember? I just assume it's second nature to her by now to do all of those things." Kyoya proposes.
Haruhi hums thoughtfully, barely paying Kyoya any mind now.
As the two think out loud, chaos has been orchestrating among the trio of idiots with the addition of Honey.
"You all have your jobs, now get out there! We've been gone for way too long!" Tamaki ushers the twins out the door, followed by the rest of the hosts, and only two of them are starting to already rethink this horrible operation.
"There you guys are. What on earth were you thinking, all disappearing at once like that?" You huff, hands angrily on your hips as you approach them.
"Just discussing host things!" Tamaki assures, which doesn't make you feel any better in the slightest.
You raise a brow, irked. Rolling your eyes, you wave them off, "Whatever." You grumble.
Tamaki and Honey make discreet eye contact, and Tamaki nods subtly.
"Wah~! y/n-chan!" Honey wails, immediately gaining your attention.
"Senpai, what's wrong?" You appear to his table in the blink of an eye, brows furrowed in concern as his tearful eyes look up at you.
"I'm out of chocolate cake! Can you please get some more?" He hiccups, his hands drawn to his chest as he sniffles.
Your eyes fall on a perfectly full tier of strawberry and white cake, glancing back at Honey with an unsure expression, "But Honey-Senpai, you have plenty of cake right here-"
"But I want chocolate cake!!" He insists with a whine you rarely hear from him, especially in such an insignificant situation.
His guests chuckle nervously, offering you confused glances, and you return them with an apologetic smile.
"Alright, alright... I'll be right back."
You turn to head to the storage room, stealing a slight glance back at Honey as you go. It's common for Honey to act childish, that's his whole gimmick... but you rarely see him throw a tantrum like a true toddler. Maybe you shouldn't have given in, like a responsible mother wouldn't have. Well, a responsible mother wouldn't allow her child to eat as much cake as Honey does anyway, so that idea is long out the window by now.
Upon reaching the cabinets that store treats and sweets, you find that the host club is completely out of chocolate cake — not one slice to be seen.
You tilt your head. "Odd..." you say to yourself, quietly. You swear you'd seen an abundance of it just days before... Honey couldn't have possibly gone through that much chocolate cake in a few days... could he? Maybe you just need to stay more on top of things. No matter: you mark acquiring more chocolate cake on your mental to-do list and suppose that the academy's refectory will have to do.
You return to Honey, who looks hopeful at your arrival. You sigh, "I've got to run down to the refectory, our cupboards are barren of chocolate cake... I'll be right back."
Honey's eyes water, his prominent pout returning.
"I'm going now! I promise, I'll be right back." You swear.
And before Honey can burst into tears, which he looks like he's about to, you dash off, determined to reach the refectionary in record time... hoping that they either have chocolate cake on hand or that they can whip some up at lightning speed.
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With two armfuls of chocolate cake slices packaged in plastic, you push open the club doors and are immediately bombarded by a host.
"Where did you go? You were gone for quite a while." The not so melodic tone of your partner's voice reaches your ears, arms crossed.
"We ran out of chocolate cake and Honey-Senpai wants chocolate or nothing." You groan, adjusting your stature to better cradle the inconveniently shaped packaged cake slices.
"You still shouldn't leave us without warning, guests have been waiting for their refreshments." Kyoya follows close behind as you start your journey to the storage room.
You blink, surprised at his lack of understanding, "Kyoya, I was only gone for fifteen minutes, you can't pour tea yourself?" You try your hardest to laugh off the comment.
"It's not our job to pour tea."
You haven't heard him belittle your duties like that since he disregarded your debt... since before you were dating. But, before you can react, you're promptly whisked away.
"y/n, where have you been?" Tamaki circles behind you, pushing you by your shoulders to the back room, "Put those away and come out immediately, and bring the tea!"
You blink as Tamaki leaves you to the storage room, putting the cake slices in their rightful place in a sort of daze. The boys have scarcely ever been quite this urgent with you. Even if they are, they try their best to be as forgiving as possible if you're running a bit behind.
You arrange the pot of tea and matching cups on your familiar tray, hoisting it off the table and into your hands as you scurry out to meet Tamaki, who apparently so urgently needs you.
It seems as though every time you pass through a doorway, you're needed by a different host. This time, the twins are at your side in an instant the moment you enter the main room.
"Hey, Senpai, we need your opinion." Hikaru begins, both twins effectively blocking your path.
"Yeah, it's urgent." Kaoru nods with a seemingly forced intense expression.
"Um..." You grimace, fingers tightening around your tea tray, but you don't see the harm in humoring them only for a moment.
"What was it that we wanted to ask her again, Hikaru?" Kaoru inquires, fingers stroking his chin in thought. Hikaru mirrors his twin, humming.
"I can't remember, Kaoru... hm..."
"Guys, I really need to-"
"No, no! We'll only be a second, just give us some time to remember it." Hikaru interrupts you.
You sigh with exasperation, shoulders slouching as you semi-patiently wait for Hikaru and Kaoru to remember what they spontaneously needed your opinion for.
"y/n, what on earth are you doing? We needed that tea tray two minutes ago." Kyoya materializes at your side, checking his watch and beckoning you to follow him.
"Sorry, guys." You hastily apologize to the twins, following Kyoya at his heels.
"Here, Kyoya, can you bring this over? I really need to make sure Honey-Senpai has his-" You offer the tray up to Kyoya as you follow him, but he turns sharply and holds his hand out.
"Nonsense, I have my guests to attend to. I simply don't have the time." He informs you.
Your brows furrow, "Well, neither do I, Kyoya, that's why I'm asking you to do it. If I had the time, I'd-"
"I don't want to hear excuses. Deliver the tea, then attend to Honey-Senpai." Kyoya leaves you with that.
You're left bewildered at his choice of tone toward you, gawking in the direction he disappears in.
You inhale sharply and exhale just as quickly, shaking your head to yourself as you arrive at Tamaki's table, setting down the tea tray and adorning a bright smile, "Here's your tea ladies. Now, if you'll excuse me." You direct your glower in Tamaki's direction, putting a particular annoyed inflection on your words as you find him simply lounging on the sofa, surrounded by swooning guests. Tamaki grins sheepishly.
You turn on your heel to find Honey-Senpai, who seems to be having the time of his life entertaining his guests... until he catches your eye. Suddenly, he blinks in rapid procession and tears are streaming down his cheeks.
"y/n-chan, I need my chocolate cake!" He whimpers, arms flailing in a tantrum-like manner.
"Okay, just a second!" You call over your shoulder, rushing back to the storage room and throwing open the cabinets. You all but snatch a slice of chocolate cake... grabbing another for good measure, and dash out to tend to Honey's blubbering cries. Placing the slices in front of him, you anxiously await his reaction.
His sobbing subsides all too quickly, and he's left beaming up at you, "Thanks, y/n-chan!" And with that, he's devouring his sweets.
You exhale with an aura of relief, folding your hands before you, "Not a problem. Can I get anyone else anything? More sandwiches?"
Honey's guests shake their heads, smiling, "We're okay, y/n, thank you!" They beam politely. You nod and slip away.
But you don't get a moment to yourself for long before the sound of shattering glass catches your ears, silence falling over the room after a round of surprised gasps.
You turn to find Hikaru and Kaoru at the scene of the crime, both standing over a mess of what looks like two broken teacups... that seem to have fallen straight from their hands and onto the floor... at the same time...
"Whoops! Clumsy us!" They chorus, a certain undertone of mischief present in their voices.
"y/n, could you get that for us-?"
"- yeah, we've got other stuff to do." They link arms, sauntering away to attend to their guests who are just as confused as you are.
You groan all too loudly for Kyoya's liking, apparently, as you make your way over to the mess and start to gather the bigger pieces.
"Remember, y/n, compose yourself. You'll have to learn to be compliant with anything if you want to get anywhere." Kyoya reminds, carelessly scribbling in his notebook as you slave away on the floor over a pile of broken china.
"Compose yourself, y/n, smile y/n." You mock in a high pitched tone under your breath.
"I heard that." Kyoya lifts his eyes briefly from his half-written sentence to meet your sheepish eyes, your lips drawing into a thin line. Kyoya's unamused eyes bore into your soul.
"Heard what?" You don't give him a moment to answer as you're off to discard of the larger pieces of china, acquiring a broom and a dustpan for the smaller shards.
Watching from afar, Haruhi crosses her arms, "They can afford to break fine china. If I broke a saucer, I'd be paying it off for two weeks."
As you pass her slouching figure, you giggle, "Yeah, double standards, am I right?" You snicker, dumping the shards of china into the nearest waste bin. Haruhi beams.
After making sure your palms are clean of glass, you swipe a tired hand across your forehead, sighing in relief at the momentary break you receive.
The key word is momentary, and you're not even sure you can call it that, as you're leaping to attention when Honey wails deafeningly once more. You grimace at his volume, cautiously peering over your shoulder to see what could possibly be the matter now.
"y/n-chan, I spilled tea all over my pants! I need new ones!"
Surely enough, just as you arrive at his side, your eyes immediately fall on the dark stain covering his pant legs, still slowly growing. Luckily, you know Honey's tea has been sitting out long enough to have grown cold. Still, you cannot fathom how he would be comfortable in a pair of damp slacks.
"Did you pack an extra uniform, Senpai?" You question, tilting your head.
Meekly, Honey shakes his head no. You suppress the strong, strong urge to groan loudly, as that would only upset him further.
"And I suppose you want me to find you one?"
At your offer, Honey beams, "Yes please!"
You feel your eye twitch involuntarily, forcing a strained smile, "Sure thing..." You say through clenched teeth.
As you turn around and lose Honey's attention, you snatch a throw pillow from a nearby sofa and shove it over your mouth, muffling a loud, frustrated groan, stomping your foot.
You inhale deeply through your nose, quickly regaining your composure and putting the throw pillow back in its place. You clear your throat and dust yourself off before setting off on your new mission.
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The only solution you found for Honey's problem was nothing short of embarrassing... to say the least. You've managed to venture all the way to the primary school building, thoroughly out of breath and practically begging for one of the sensei's to lend you their spare pair of boy's uniform shorts that they keep around in case of the elementary students having accidents.
You return to the club with the fresh shorts slung over your arm, receiving immediate attention from Kyoya.
"Where did you run off to this time? You were gone for-"
"Give me one second, please, Kyoya, I'll never hear the end of this if I don't give these to Honey-Senpai now." You forcibly shove past him, leaving him to watch you approach the elder, feeling anxious at the new frustrated attitude you've adopted.
Cautiously, you gain Honey's attention by tapping on his shoulder. "Senpai, these are the only pants I could find you," you say, presenting him with the elementary school uniform shorts. Although they're small, you expect them to fit. And, well, they're dry.
You barely notice the way, Honey glances to Tamaki for approval, as he would be fine accepting the pair of shorts you are offering him, but his boss shakes his head discreetly, indicating that Honey must give you a reason to do something else.
He sniffles on que, "I'm not gonna wear little boy's shorts! I want my uniform pants!" He hiccups.
Truthfully, by now, the wet spot on Honey's pants is mostly dry, and you can't even see the liquid given that his slacks are black to begin with.
You sigh in exasperation, "There's really nothing else I can do. These are the only-"
"No!" Against his better judgement, Honey smacks the shorts out of your hands and to the floor. The room grows silent at his outburst and everyone is patiently awaiting the next choice of words from either of you.
"That's embarrassing, y/n-chan! I don't wanna wear elementary shorts!" He insists, brows furrowed.
Your teeth grind in a heavy effort to reel in your outrage, afraid you'll explode and say something you regret to the poor boy.
"Senpai," Your tone is wavering, eyes shut as you do your best to regain a steady composure. "Unless you want me to drive all the way to your house and personally select another pair of trousers from your closet and come back here, there is nothing else I can do for you."
Honey can sense the sheer frustration in your voice, so he doesn't say anything further. He's decided he's played too much of a part in this little game, and he doesn't think it's very fun anymore... someone else is going to have to step in.
And someone else does. Just as Tamaki is starting to realize that this little "trial" has gone too far, Hikaru opens his mouth.
"Come on, Senpai, isn't this your job?"
Even his brother's eyes grow wide, tugging on Hikaru's sleeve to tell him not to push you anymore, but Kaoru freezes while doing so as you turn around menacingly, your gaze tearing daggers through Hikaru as you fume.
"No, Hikaru, it is not my job to be your personal servant-"
"Don't you serve your dad all the time at home? Get to it, y/n, we don't have all day."
Your fury is replaced by absolute astonishment at Hikaru's choice of words paired with the insult of lacking an honorific.
"Hikaru!" Kaoru scolds with a gasp, seemingly pushing HIkaru's consciousness back into reality as he realizes what he's just said to you.
And that's when Tamaki realized this entire operation was a mistake, uncrossing his arms in a state of shock.
Haruhi's attention turns to Mori as he stands adjacent to her. His eyes are closed in disappointment, as if he knew something like this would happen.
With an indignant huff, your voice slightly breaking, you throw the elementary boy's shorts to the ground, as a loud smack! echoes through the silent room. You manage to suppress your tears as you storm past the onlookers and to the grand double doors, slamming them behind you and bolting down the hall.
Tamaki does his best to disperse the crowd, directing intrigued guests back to their tea and snacks with a polite smile. As the crowd dissipates, Tamaki throws a panicked expression in Hikaru's direction.
"When I said make y/n as busy as possible, I didn't mean make her busy crying!" Tamaki stomps his foot, fuming.
"I didn't mean to! I just wanted to make her mad!" Hikaru whines, feeling the immense weight of guilt pulling at his heart strings.
"She was already mad, you pushed her over into hurt." Haruhi pipes up, arms crossed. She could have guessed that this was exactly what would happen if you were pushed to your breaking point.
Hikaru hangs his head, ashamed of his words toward you as his heart pulses painfully. Kaoru clings comfortingly to his side. "Don't worry, I bet Senpai knows you didn't mean it," He assures. Hikaru only nods slightly.
"I didn't think she was gonna cry!" Honey cries, now bursting into genuine tears. Honey seeks Mori for comfort, lip trembling as his mind runs rampant with his intolerable behavior toward you. Mori places a still hand atop his head without a word.
"I think we'll have to move ahead with the plan a little early." Kyoya adjusts his glasses, taking hold of the reins of this operation.
"Tamaki, could you have the room ready by the time I get back? I'll go make sure she's alright." Kyoya tucks his notebook and pen away.
Tamaki nods, "Good idea, Kyoya. You heard the man, get to work." He orders, clapping his hands twice. The remaining hosts scurry away at his command.
As Kyoya withdraws from the clubroom, he has the slightest inclination as to where you might have run off to. Trusting his intuition, he sets off to the place he has in mind.
It's a bit of a longer walk, and Kyoya can't imagine that you ran all the way here, but his intuition was, indeed, correct. He nearly smiles fondly to himself when he finds you perched on the edge of a familiar fountain in your maid's uniform, knees drawn to your chest. Kyoya's chest aches painfully when you brush a stray tear from your cheek, sniffling quietly. He can barely hear you over the calming sound of trickling water flowing in the fountain.
Kyoya steps out from underneath the covered walkway and you notice him immediately.
"Oh." You straighten up, quickly wiping your damp cheeks and hoping your nose isn't too red. Luckily, your cheeks darken to the same rosy hue to match the tip of your nose.
"Want some company?" Kyoya offers gently. You nod wordlessly.
At your given consent, Kyoya sits on the ledge of the fountain beside you, craning his neck only slightly to peer over your shoulder as your back is turned to him.
"Are you alright?" He tilts his head.
You sigh, closing your eyes for a moment, "I know he didn't mean it, it's all part of some stupid charade you're all doing, but it still hurts."
If it wasn't for your last statement, Kyoya would have laughed. Of course you were aware of something going on, you're incredibly observant.
"I know. I'm not entirely sure where that came from, but it was unnecessary." Kyoya reaches out tentatively. His fingers gently caress your arm with an aura of hesitancy. He can't quite tell if you want him by your side or anywhere else.
Soon his uncertainty is settled, however, when you swivel your body and lean into him, still hugging your knees to your chest. Kyoya slithers a casual arm around your shoulders, holding you secure to his side.
"I don't want to go back in there," you say. Kyoya can practically hear the pout on your lips. He smiles softly.
"I think you'll be surprised." His optimistic tone brings your head up toward him to meet his eyes, looking hopeful.
Kyoya knows without a doubt that what they have planned for you will raise your spirits in the most wonderful of ways. He angles his head to face you, eyes landing upon your expectant irises. The warmth in his heart spreads across his whole chest.
And when Kyoya promises something, you don't have a doubt in the world. A faint tint of red spreads across the apples of your cheeks, reaching the bridge of your nose when Kyoya places a gentle kiss just below your hairline.
You sigh quietly to yourself, hoisting yourself from the side of the fountain, "I better go and give Hikaru a chance to apologize anyway, I bet he's worrying himself sick." You tease, walking closely to Kyoya's side and nudging his shoulder.
Kyoya chuckles, "You know him all too well." He puts a simple, guiding hand to the small of your back.
"Well who do I have to thank for that, huh? Back in the day when you used to boss me around..." You quirk a brow, grumbling.
"Something good came out of it, right? I know they're a pain, but they certainly hold you in high regards." Kyoya says, moving to shove his hands in his pockets.
"Yeah, I sort of figured that after they staged an entire fight to get the chance to visit my house." You scoff, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
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You reach for the handle to the clubroom, but you're quickly stopped as Kyoya grabs it before you. You glance up at him with questioning eyes, hand poised mid air.
"Allow me." And with that, Kyoya pushes open the door. It creaks all too familiarly, and unexpectedly, you're flooded with a surge of rose petals.
You swat stray petals away from your line of sight, thoroughly confused: "We already opened for the day, what's with the theatrics?" You blink, realizing the room is shrouded in darkness.
"... are you guys just sitting here in the dark?" You squint. You turn to find Kyoya for an explanation, but he is nowhere to be seen.
The echoing thud of a spotlight switching on turns you around, and Tamaki is standing illuminated under a beam of light.
Lining a pathway toward him is an additional, less spectacular row of lights that flash from above. Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi stand on one side in a row, and Kyoya, Mori, and Honey stand parallel from them. They all stand as if they're uniformed soldiers in their butler costumes, arms folded behind their back and eyes glued to you.
You blink, brows furrowed at their unusual formation. You haven't got anything planned... no special event or party that requires a dramatic entrance.
"y/n, would you please step forward?" Tamaki bows like a true prince would, one arm pressed to his chest and the other outstretched, head slightly angling up to glance at you.
Stunned to silence, your legs carry you to move closer to him, barely sparing each host an apprehensive glance on your way to the King.
You cannot even begin to fathom what is going on, a million ideas running through your head at a hundred miles an hour. Are you in trouble? Are they going to ask you to join a cult? Have they joined forces with the Black Magic Club and this is your initiation?
"You've proven yourself worthy against our trials, my dear." Tamaki announces in a royal tone.
"Trials?" You tilt your head to the side, looking curiously at the hosts around you.
"And so, I present you... with this." Tamaki looks to Kyoya a moment. Kyoya hands him a luxurious pillow, meant for ceremonies. Something is sitting a top it. It doesn't look too big, and it looks quite delicate.
When Tamaki is handed the pillow, he moves it into the light, lowering it to your level to reveal...
... a yellow rose?
"A rose?" You have to admit, it's quite beautiful, in perfect condition. However, you can't help but wonder what on earth he's giving it to you for... and in such a formal fashion.
"Your rose." Tamaki corrects in a gentle tone as if he were speaking to only you.
"My rose?" You parrot.
And then, it clicks.
Your rose.
Your rose.
The rose meant to represent you. To represent you as a host.
Your eyes tear from the beautiful flower to meet Tamaki's lilac irises, your lips parted in disbelief.
"Are you serious?" You absentmindedly take the rose with gentle fingers. The gorgeous pale yellow of its petals glisten under the sharp light above Tamaki's head.
"It's long overdue." Tamaki nods. He can't help but smile at your complete bewilderment.
With a cheek splitting grin, you let out a purely delighted laugh, surging forward and throwing your arms around Tamaki's neck, arms constricting tightly around him.
As surprised as Tamaki is at your reaction, his arms are quick to reciprocate, the warmth in his chest spreading to his lips as they smile fondly.
"Thank you." He hears you sniffle. He chuckles.
"It's wasn't my idea." As Tamaki gently lets you go, you know immediately who to look to.
Your gaze falls upon Kyoya's, already fixed on you with a soft simper.
He truly is a vision in his butler's tailcoat, arms tucked behind his back and eyes focused entirely on you with such an aura of adoration that it makes your heart pulse in the best of ways.
As you approach him, you can't wipe the smile from your lips, "You're really okay with this?"
Your consideration for his anxieties sets Kyoya even more at ease with his decision than he was before.
It's not necessarily the fact that you're becoming a host that excites you. Sure, it's a role you've longed for these past few years and you think you'd be an excellent candidate... but that's not the reason you're over the moon.
It would take only a bystander to realize how uncomfortable the notion of you becoming a host made Kyoya in the past. The idea of you catering romantically to anyone didn't exactly sit right with him, but that was when your combined futures were uncertain. That was before he knew the extent of your affection for him. It used to make him nervous to see you interact in such a way with others, but now...
Of course you're excited to become a host and explore the possibilities, but you're ten times more moved by the fact that you have gained such trust from Kyoya. A trust that exceeds his boundaries, a trust that allows him to put your ambitions above his anxieties.
And that is more important to you than anything he could have ever given you.
Such a notion brings a few tears to your eyes and your lip trembles in the slightest, a sound of appreciation caught in your throat as you reach toward him, hands cradling his jaw as you pull him down for a searing kiss. Although he hadn't expected it, Kyoya's hands quickly find their place caressing your waist, eyes slipping shut as he basks in the feeling of your lips pressed together.
Kyoya pulls back only just, gaining your attention and flicking his eyes behind you briefly, jerking his head in the same direction with a faint smile.
You turn to glance over your shoulder, making eye contact with the twins: particularly with Hikaru. He looks as though he might chew his lip off, eyes darting away from yours the moment he sees you looking at him. Kaoru nudges his shoulder a bit.
Kyoya turns you around by the waist and you take the initiative to make your way over to Hikaru.
Hikaru fidgets with his sleeve, "Senpai, I'm really sorry about-"
But as you lean up on the tips of your toes and peck his cheek, Hikaru's words catch in his throat, eyes growing wide as a flush spreads across his cheeks. He gulps as you flash him a charming smile.
"I know. Thank you." You nod, seemingly convincing Hikaru that you don't notice the profuse blush spreading to his ears.
"I'm sorry too, y/n-chan!" Honey exclaims, leaping into your arms. Although you have less than a few seconds to react, you quickly support his weight with ease, playfully grimacing as his hair tickles your cheek.
As you set Honey down, patting the top of his head, you glance around at the hosts surrounding you, "Who's going to do all of my chores now?" You inquire curiously.
"All of us." Mori declares, allowing the corner of his lips to twitch slightly upward when you turn to him with an appreciative smile.
"Yeah, we're all gonna chip in a little." Kaoru digs his fist into Hikaru's arm playfully, who rolls his eyes and rubs over the spot that Kaoru punched.
"It's the least we can do." Haruhi grins widely.
Tamaki sweeps in, taking you by the hand, "Without further ado, allow me to introduce our newest host type!"
Ever a lover of theatrical presentations, Tamaki turns you to face the rest of the hosts, bowing.
"The gentle type."
As your heart swells, gripping your yellow rose tightly between your fingers, the hosts erupt into applause.
"Does this mean Senpai has to flirt with our customers too?" Hikaru raises a brow.
"Guess we're gonna have more male patrons." Kaoru grumbles.
"Guys, your jealousy is showing." Haruhi deadpans, flashing you a knowing look. You return it with a smirk.
"Indeed." Kyoya teases, unable to suppress the smile spread across his lips.
"Now, y/n! Allow me to teach you everything I know about the art of hosting!" Tamaki takes you by the shoulder, casting his hand to the sky and starting on a monologue that you couldn't be paid to listen to in a million years.
Turning over your shoulders with a desperate call for help in your eyes, Kyoya merely shrugs. You roll your eyes.
"When talking to a customer, ask them questions about themselves! Everyone loves to talk about themselves-"
"Do they now?" You quirk an unamused brow. Tamaki completely overlooks your interjection.
You groan. It's going to be a long, long day...
🎵I run and run a thousand miles, and I am barely breathing. Only the fuel of a passionate heart keeps this body strong and moving forward.
Could it be I found a place to rest? How far until I’m OK?
Trees of the town reveal the time has come once again to shift our shade and colors. 🎵
🎵The world always changes around us but weakness will always remain;
Through all the pain, believe in who we are right here and now! 🎵
🎵Raise one hand to the sky; raise them both lift them high!!
And you’ll cut through the darkness make it go!
The time to start is now! And I can show you how.
Start with me, and the world will be even bigger than ever before. 🎵
♡Next time, on Indeed...♡
It's a certain someone's birthday who doesn't seem to share the same desire to celebrate it as much as everyone else...
♡We'll see you then!! ♡
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want to read more? here's my ouran masterlist 🌹
and here's my bts blog💜
want me to write something you want to see? request something💌
have any questions? talk to my characters!🙏🏻
Adieu~ 🌹🌹🌹
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Commoner foreign exchange student that is penpal/long time friend with Haruhi is a good consept
And what's more thinking of reader is from the country side where they from so they used to do manual labor and hard working
Meeting the host club would be a lot of them and what's more utter confusion of it but just roll with it
Country Side Reader | Yandere Ouran Highschool Host Club
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Like the thought of you just being low-key, relaxed 24/7, and uber-friendly is so hot
Haruhi has you during your exchange program and you both are pumped
But then she’s like ‘sorry can’t hang I have debt’ 
And you’re like ‘it’s cool I’ll help’ 
So she arrives to the host club with you in tow and their just befuddle
“Everyone, (Y/n) (L/n). (Y/n), everyone.”
“Hai Hai!”
The great thing is everyone thinks your cute
But their such sheltered rich kids that they don’t know what you're saying for a while
Your dialect is so different from theirs
Immediately you and Mori-Senpai hit it off
Whether its because he’s just more desperate to talk to you
Or he has some experience with living there
“Ah, Mori-Senpai how’re ya today?”
“Good. Did you finish your assignments from class?”
“Yeah yeah sure takes quicker than ma’ usual routine!”
Honey is  next 
“You talk funny!”
“Ack Honey-senpai! You can’t say that!”
“S’alright I get it.”
He’s not mean about it and he gets better at understanding you with time
Unfortunately, the thing with those two is that they start hogging all your attention
Kyoya being Kyoya decides to put your energy towards something someone else
Eventually finding out you have Honey-levels of strength
No matter your stature 
Tons are easy for you
And at their beck and call you can easily carry Tamaki who might be busy whining somewhere
Then comes the princess energy for Tamaki
“It’s a’right I’ll carry ya!”
Carry him once in bridal style and he’s now the princess
He loves it 
The Hitachiin Twins also love you 
They can convince you of a lot of things 
“You’ve got to be more skeptical, (Y/n)!”
“Yeah, you keep this up someone might come and snatch you away.”
“Well I din’t think it bad ta trust ma friends.”
“You’re right it’s not bad, (Y/n).”
“Yeah you can trust us!”
When you start saying goodbye and giving goodbye gifts they all get real snappy
Not with you but with everyone else
“You’ll have to excuse us (Y/n), it’s just that…we will all miss you terribly.”
“Awww it’s not for’ver though.”
“No, it won’t be.”
They’ve got connections and they're pulling strings
“Yay! Isn’t it great!? We get to spend some more time together! Maybe you can stay with me and Takashi!”
“Come on! (Y/n), stay with us…” “We have way better sleepovers.”
“No! Stay with me! (Y/n), please? If you want I can try carrying you this time!”
“Such fuss. I’ve already arranged a reserved room in one of the Ootori resorts. I’ll happily accompany you then.”
“Guys don’t overwhelm them! They’ll be staying with obviously.”
“But your house is barely large enough to stretch your legs out!” 
“Anywhere’s fine tho.”
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rilakeila · 16 days
intro: we challenge you!
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host club au! jjk x fem!reader x ohshc
gojo satoru is the head of jujutsu academy's elite high school host club with his friends: geto suguru, nanami kento, itadori sukuna, shoko ieiri, haibara yu, and of course, their princess manager. what happens when they go up against another elite host club on an exchange event with different schools? let's find out!
a/n: incredibly self-indulgent. i cant decide to do an entire series or collection of one-shots. however, even if i do a series, i'm always open to do an au within au !! lmk if y'all have any ideas and hope you enjoy this one! also it's def ouran vibes with how the scenes work out like nonsensical manners with the petal entrances and random objects appearing out of nowhere
(y/n) was already tired.
she knew the exchange event would triple her work as manager for her dear beloved buffoons and their work as hosts, but she foolishly accepted their offer to go anyway. between scheduling their events, accepting payments for various fan meetings, and then coordinating with both schools to confirm times and clothing - she was ready to retire. pension required and isolation from known society appreciated. at least distance away from the menaces called gojo satoru and itadori sukuna.
for once, to their credit, they weren't fighting each other. damages would be at minimal cost. good for her and jujutsu academy's reputation. although these two were never very concerned about the school's reputation.
and that's why they were about to duke it out with an intensely frivolous blonde-haired second year and what looked to be a very feral set of twins in their first year.
"they look so hot but so scary," murmurs surrounded the two groups.
(y/n) couldn't help but sigh, attention always seemed to follow them as they go. satoru naturally reeled in the girls, which would lead into the rest of the boys and shoko being noticed, ultimately turning it into a free fan-meeting for new potential customers. she wondered how she came to this predicament anyways.
"well, i'll be back. i just need to confirm some things with the head of the event," (y/n) flipped through her clipboard of papers, signing some things off.
"do you need me to come with you?" kento questioned, adjusting his uniform.
she shook her head, "no, i'll be okay. what i need you to do is watch over these buffoons."
both looked at the buffoons in question. haibara and shoko were already taking pictures in front of the flowers. these two that were least likely needed to be watched.
"this place looks so old," satoru complained a little too loud, earning a head shake of disapproval from nanami and (y/n).
"not too loud, satoru. you really should be more polite and humble, even if it looks garish," geto stretched his arms out before placing it behind his head.
"there's no places for shade," sukuna grumbled.
(y/n) pressed her lips together, pulled a parasol out and covered the pink-haired host, "okay, i'll be back. no funny business, kento is in charge."
"who put you in charge? do you have no respect for your president?" satoru seated his head on the top of (y/n)'s head, arms wrapped around her. she can practically see and feel the pout on his face, rolling her eyes.
she grabbed sukuna's free hand, placing the parasol in his hand to hold ("hmph."). she charged her head up, injuring the prince's chin to free herself from his grasp, "well, mr. president, i suppose you would like to go over some paperwork for the event."
"mommaaa, she hit me," he cried to suguru, who just hit the backside of his head.
"we'll make sure to behave, princess. come back safe," suguru waved her off. (y/n) looked at kento who just nodded, knowing that he was the only one she could fully trust. both throwing a thumbs up to each other.
after (y/n) leaving, the rest of the host club wandered around the grounds of ouran. there were multitude of yellow dresses and blue blazers directing other schools and vendors. kento was leading the group, watching yu and ieiri to ensure that they didn't get lost as they indulged in the small events that the ouran students were hosting. he trusted sukuna would keep suguru and satoru in check, mostly satoru.
kento paused in his tracks, hearing squeals behind him, 'there goes the president again.'
"he's so hot!"
"take your glasses off!"
"alright, alright, ladies. there's enough of me to go around," the dramatic movement just to take his glasses off was enough for kento to sweatdrop. the squealing increased tenfold. typically, suguru would line up the girls at their school for uniformity for their president. however, it looked he was preoccupied with his own set of girls. then, sukuna. and there is yet another group of girls.
"honestly, that took a lot longer than i thought," yu said, standing next to kento.
"that was inevitable, girls always fall for them, somehow, someway," shoko twirled her hair around her finger.
"hmm... as long as they aren't causing too much of a ruckus. we should be fine," kento huffed, shaking his head when yu offered him the snack bag that the ouran students were handing out as "freebies." what a word to have.
though, their heads snapped to a sharp gasp next to them.
a blonde with his jaw snapped wide open fainting backwards, only for a pair of orange-haired twins to catch him as he fell back. "boss!"
other than the blonde and the twins, there seemed to be a middle schooler and a taller man. another had glasses, and well, one looked ambigious, feminine-leaning perhaps.
"doesn't the blonde remind you of someone?" yu whispered to them.
"yeah, someone that we know... can't seem to think of who it is" ieiri questioned with yu, thought bubbles practically seen above their heads as they thought long and hard.
"what happened to him, kyoya-senpai?" the feminine-looking one asked.
"it may be due to the fact that his customers have been stolen," the glasses one answered. kento recognized him, kyoya ootori, as his parents frequently invited the ootori family to the quarterly nanami galas as a thanks to the partnership of two families.
"my princesses! how dare they look at another man," the blonde immediately rose from the ground in a familiar way to kento, yu, and ieiri. a dramatic point was directed to satoru, "you, white haired student! have you come to steal my customers?"
"that should be our cue to go to them," kento lightly tapped ieiri and yu's shoulders, signalling them to head towards their members.
the chattering from the female ouran students silenced. it was also as if the red sea parted, a direct showdown line between the two groups.
this is how (y/n) ended up, almost crossing down the half. luckily, she looked up in time to stand with her club, sweatdropping in between. she eyed kento with a 'i thought you had it controlled,' which was responded with a head shake and shrug.
"customers? you called these beautiful ladies customers? what a shame. would never think that you were their prince. who might you be?" satoru pushed his sunglasses back onto his face, causing "aww's" of disappointment from the crowd.
"excuse you, i'm tamaki, the prince of the finest club of this school. the ouran host club, of course," he offered his princely smile and a rose to one of the female student bystander, who squealed and seemed to almost pass out.
"i got it, they're one of the same," (y/n) perked her ears up to ieiri and haibara whispering to each other, raising an eyebrow.
"host club? must have fooled me, there's an entire child in your group," suguru laughed as he directed the attention to the small child with the bunny in his arms, only to raise an eyebrow once he saw the taller one behind him straighten up.
"i assumed these ladies wanted someone mature, refined," sukuna showed his signature smirk to the ladies to his left, some fainting and some reaching for him.
"we are refined, right? men?" tamaki questioned with certainty in his voice.
"well, we offer brotherly love and boy lolita, i'm not too sure if that exactly counts as refined and mature, senpai," the feminine-looking one said.
"additionally, we have female hosts to those who are interested," it felt like lights highlighted (y/n) and ieiri when suguru mentioned their female host services.
"well, we technically also-" the twins' mouth seemed to be tied up by tamaki with a sheepish smile.
"so, really, what is the point of this? we have a whiny prince on our hands that can't accept the fact his ladies are talking to actual elite people, well in terms of taste," sukuna scoffed.
"you're right, kuna, why waste time with this nonsense of a host club when we can entertain the ladies here on the way to our next activity. manager princess, lead the way to where we have to go," satoru winked at the ouran host club before allowing (y/n) to take the reigns as she normally does.
she was too far lost other than knowing if ouran's host club is anything like the one she is in, their pride was certainly on the line. the last thing she saw before she turned around was a defeated tamaki with the twins fanning him, where had she seen that scene before?
"wait, we'll challenge you during this exchange event with whatever there is to offer to see who's the better host club," tamaki called out to them, still kneeling on the ground
gasps were heard from their audience. the jujutsu academy host club (more so the guys, ieiri and (y/n) could care less about a hurt pride) turned and eyed each other, reaching a consensus.
"hmm.. we never back down from a challenge. when and where can we discuss the terms?"
"music room #3, 3 p.m. sharp."
"we'll see you there."
(y/n) surely didn't know what she was getting herself into during this exchange event. everyday was already interesting enough with her own club. though, let's see what happens.
till next time !
intro completed.
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nanawritesit · 1 year
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Being The Ouran High School Host Club’s Personal Assistant
After Haruhi became a host and was no longer the “errand-boy” of the group, Kyoya decided to hire a club assistant
You were a commoner from a local school who found the application online. Kyoya ended up hiring you because all the girls who applied from Ouran and other rich schools were only interested in getting close to the boys.
You didn’t even know who they were, and you had the perfect “commoner’s work ethic” that he was looking for
So, everyday after school, you’d walk up to the enormous gates of Ouran Academy to start your new part time job
Your job isn’t too difficult. You prepare tea and instant coffee, bake cakes, clean up at the end of the day, make runs to the grocery store, sell merchandise, and help Kyoya prepare for special events
The twins had some cute clothes from their mom’s fashion line brought in for you to wear as uniform
Speaking of the twins, they IMMEDIATELY take a liking to you (little devils)
They’re practically attached to your hip everytime they’re not with guests, asking you what you’re doing, what your school is like, how your grades are…
But that doesn’t stop them from accidentally giving you too many orders…
Tamaki tried to make you swoon right away, kissing your hand and offering you a rose
Kyoya had to shoo him away
“Tamaki that’s not a customer, please don’t make them fall in love with you”
But after that, Tamaki develops a fatherly persona around you, much like he did with Haruhi at first
He’s always applauding you when you do something difficult, worrying about your feelings, apologizing profusely when something bad happens…
But that also doesn’t stop HIM from accidentally giving you too many orders
Kyoya might be a little strict, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t feel a bit protective over you
One time when you were walking up to the music room a group of guys from Ouran started hitting on you, and Kyoya came up behind you and put his arm around your waist, immediately scaring them off
You’re wonderful at managing his stress. Often times after everyone goes home, you’ll find him buried in paperwork at his laptop, and you’ll just set a cup of tea down next to him and ask him what you can do to help
He really appreciates your hard work, even if he doesn’t really like saying it out loud. You’ll notice that he sometimes leaves you little gifts in the kitchen, like fancy tea cups or flowers 😊
Honey LOVES you. He jumped right into your arms as soon as you walked through the door.
Mori just scooped him up and apologized, telling you this was just how Mitskuni was
Honey is constantly jumping in your lap and snuggling up to you (partially bc you make his favorite cakes for him) and it makes all the other guys jealous
He says you make the best cake in the world, and even asks you to teach him how you make it!
And you’re the only one he lets hold usu-chan 🥰
Mori has a special relationship with you. You’ll often initiate conversations with him, and the other members are so shocked to see him actually opening up to you
He always compliments you on what a good job you’re doing, thanking you for taking care of them all so well ❤️
He also has a habit of just picking you up and carrying you away from the kitchen whenever he thinks you’re working too hard 😳
Haruhi literally becomes your best friend
She won’t hesitate to yell at Tamaki and the twins for ordering you around too much
She always offers to help you with your chores! She also had that “commoners work ethic” so she really doesn’t mind accompanying you to the grocery store or boiling some water while you frost the cakes
Tamaki gets SO jealous when he sees you and Haruhi hanging out at the mall on your own over the weekend
He actually ends up shyly approaching you to ask how he can get Haruhi to like him 🥹
Renge was a little jealous of you at first, thinking you were taking her job as manager, but when she found out you were a commoner, and an assistant, she felt more comfortable around you
She has you pull the lever for her rising platform, install new “powerful motors” in different locations for her to pop up out of, and bring her microphones
One time the generator died and you just stacked two tables on top of each other and held a fog machine in front of her 💀
She somehow gets you into some of her otaku interests, making you laugh over the character that resembled Kyoya
After a while you met Nekozawa
He crept his head out of the door and invited you over to visit the dark magic club, and your curiosity got the best of you
Kyoya noticed you were missing and burst through the doors to see you sprawled out on the floor over a pentagram, Nekozawa chanting overtop of you 💀
Kyoya immediately scooped you up and went OFF on Nekozawa 😳
“If you EVER try to use my valued assistant as a human sacrifice again I SWEAR the Ootori family will END you!”
God help you if you ever have any problems with bullies at your school
The host club will suddenly appear behind you and intimidate the heck out of them
You’re a part of the Host Club family now! They’re not going to let anyone push you around!
They also start lovingly intruding on your personal life (Haruhi will help you cope with this)
They’ll invite you on outings with them as well, like to the water park or on vacations with them
Overall, being the personal assistant to the Ouran High School Host Club is a lot of fun. It’s certainly an experience you’ll never forget :)
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sincerely-astra · 3 months
☁️Ouran High School Host Club: Tamaki Suoh x royal reader☁️
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The definition of, "M'lady ;)"
Legit, for the first time he saw you, he just knew you were different. Something wasn't adding up for him-
Then he found out you were royalty..., oh god...
It doesn't matter if you're a duchess, prince, or the actual ruler or your kingdom, this boy treats you like a god.
All his time, money, and Honey's sweets, go to you! Doesn't matter how upset it makes the other girls, let's be real, mostly Honey and Kyoya, he believes you should be treated like the royal you are.
If you even want him to tone it down a little bit, and potentially not get him kicked out of his own club, then you're gonna have to be hella blunt to his face. Even then, he'll second guess your decision-
He chills out after that and pretty much treats you like a normal guest..., well, except for the fact that he doesn't and he treats you like fine china compared to everyone else.
Atleast he's actually paying attention to other girls now?
Everyone else in host club dubbed Tamaki the, "Consort" to your royalty, really just goes with Tamaki's whole prince theme.
Honestly, he really tries hard to be your prince charming, even if he comes off more so as the damsel in distress.
When you guys aren't busy with the host club or school, he loves to take you to all kinds of places.
He gets that royal life is super strict, so you haven't had the chance to experience a ton of different things, and he wants to help with that! :))
He'll take you to the mall, festivals, and kind of just..., around town. Albeit, it is all still rich people stuff, but its probably the most social interaction you have gotten in your entire life.
If anyone for some reason tries to bother you two while you are out, either since its literally Tamaki Suoh or the fact that you're royalty, I won't lie in saying that he'll literally shoo them like a dog- It's sweet, but also lowkey embarrassing for you.
He'd stop in a heartbeat if you told him to.
Bro actually can not take any criticism from you- Like, he wouldn't be able to normally, but the fact that you're royalty makes him feel worse about it...
Give this man a hug and a kiss-
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queenpanpan · 1 year
Tamaki x Haruhi this Hikaru x Haruhi that…you fools…you absolute buffoons…they are all dating, the entire host club. All of them. They are all in love and dating each other. In this essay, I will
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cherrydriver · 1 year
Warnings: just fluff <3
This is so random and I greatly apologize. They just randomly came to my head and I decided to write them down lmao.
Takashi Morinozuka (Ouran High School Host Club), and Ushijima Wakatoshi (Haikyuu) are the kind of guys who would always have a hand on your lower back if you guys were dating.
They would just want to make sure that you were always okay and they never want to leave your side.
Also they would also be finding the most random things for little gifts. Like imagine them just coming up to you and handing you a rock that they thought looked cool.
If you’re sad? They are right there beside you, but if you needed to be alone they would give you that space.
Would always send you the cutest little messages throughout the day.
- “I love you.”
- “You look pretty.”
- “miss you.”
That kind of thing!
That was so random and I apologize again. I just love these two so much and I think they would be fairly similar in a relationship.
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athenasilver7 · 2 years
OHSHC (separately) x GN Reader
Scenario: When you cry.
There you are! He’s been looking everywhere for you! You really worried him, you know!
H-hey…are you okay?
What the..!
….Come here.
Stay still, just let him hold you.
Geez..he was all worried about you. Turns out you just wanted to cry in secret?
Tell him next time! He wants to be there for you!
Come on now. Let him wipe those tears away.
Shh, shh, shh.
You’ll be fine, this feeling won’t last forever.
He hugs you and pats you head.
….You got his shirt wet with his tears.
You owe him a new one.
Gentle hugs all around.
She’ll make some tea for you. She tells you tea always work for her.
She explains that she’s always going to be there for you.
She never wants you to go through something alone, especially if she’s around to help.
It’s okay, take your time.
Oh…oh no no no no..
Get over here.
That’s right, just settle yourself in his arms. It’s okay.
He can’t stand seeing you so vulnerable and hurt.
Please, tell him what you need. He’ll do his best to help you.
Here, let him cover you in blankets and pillows.
You need maximum comfort!
Here! There’s some cake and tea on the table if you want any.
Forehead and cheek kisses.
He invites you to lay down with him and rest on his chest.
He even tears up while holding you. It’s almost torturous to hear your sobs.
When you’ve calmed down enough, he reaches over for the remote and turns on your comfort show.
He cradles your face and wipes away any remaining tears.
Nose kiss.
He’s here for you, dear.
…Don’t do that. Don’t. You’re causing him physically pain with that expression.
He feels his heart shatter.
He immediately picks you up.
He knows you like being in his arms. He knows it makes you feel safe and secure.
You can stay in his arms forever if you want.
It’s hard for him to offer any words, so he settles for small gestures and gentle touches.
OHSHC masterlist
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gelus-ugs · 2 years
Host Club members’ reaction when they hear you cuss for the first time
Everyone thought you were sweet and innocent since you were rather quiet and tended to keep to yourself. What happens when your twin brother decides to piss you off like always - resulting in you unleashing a string of curses at him while he laughed and ran away from your rath.
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Tamaki Suoh
He immediately starts yelling at your brother
Your brother just looks at him completely confused-
“But Y/n’s like that all the time??”
Tamaki just sulks in a corner because his ‘innocent, precious, darling Y/n is now foul mouthed’
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Kyoya Otoori
Probably finds it hot
He just smirks as he listens to you cuss out your brother
He makes it his personal mission to hear you cuss more often
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Haruhi Fujioka
Either feels bad for you cuz she understands how annoying males can be, or finds it hilarious that you have a foul mouth
Tbh she probably has already heard you curse a few times cuz come on- who isn’t comfortable being themselves around Haruhi??
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Hikaru Hitachiin
Finds it amusing
Probably also finds it attractive
He annoys you more often bc he wants to hear you cuss at him
He thinks you look hot when you’re mad/annoyed
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Kaoru Hitachiin
Probably gets somewhat terrified??
He’s like ‘Man, I don’t wanna make Y/n mad like that 😭’
But he also has impulsive thoughts like ‘But what if..I annoy Y/n and she starts cursing at me? 😏’
He probably just wants to know what it feels like for you to be annoyed with him
But he doesn’t want to annoy you to the max where you’re yelling at him like you are with your brother-
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Mitsukuni Haninozuka
Lowkey he probably shoves cake in your mouth mid-curse and is like ‘Y/n, don’t say no-no words >:(’
He probably found it somewhat amusing though 😭
He just stood there for a while cuz he didn’t know that you were even cable of speaking over a slightly raised tone
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Takashi Morinozuka
Finds it hella amusing
He just stands there with a small smile like ‘That’s my Y/n’
However, if he feels like you’re about to legitimately stab your brother, he won’t hesitate to swing you over his shoulder and bring you somewhere to calm down 😭
Probably finds it kindaaaa attractive
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thatanimewriter · 2 years
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➳ synopsis: they ask you to be their s/o but you were under a different impression
➳ character/s: ootori kyoya, fujioka haruhi, morinozuka takashi
➳ warnings: swearing
➳ notes: i love ohshc to the ends of the earth and i will die for mori he is my husband, i wish he was real-
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  
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his eyes followed you as you wandered the floors of the music room, mingling with the hosts as you prepared for the ball. kyoya admired the way you seemed to glide across the room, and even better, you were actually doing work while you talked! not doing... whatever tamaki is doing in the corner.
he had to suppress a smile when you turned to face him as he called your name. the sunset that peeked through the windows illuminated your face perfectly and it was then that he decided he’d ask you to be his partner.
it probably would have been more romantic if you hadn’t gotten the wrong idea.
he knew he couldn’t do it with the other hosts around, because who knew if the twins or tamaki would just eavesdrop, so he needed to think of an excuse, to go with you somewhere private. thankfully, there was an order that had arrived that evening that he offered to join you in collecting.
walking through the courtyard, he stopped by the fountain, the water reflections gently creating patterns against his cheek. you looked at him strangely, wondering why he’d paused. kyoya took in the image of you in the sunset, the patterns of the water decorating your skin.
after considering going on a rant about how amazing you were and whatever, he decided to make it short, sharp and shiny.
‘would you do me the honours of becoming my partner?’ he asked, eyeing your expression to gauge your answer.
‘...were we not already a couple?’
‘are you fucking serious-’
she knew you were oblivious, but she didn’t think you’d jump the gun. throughout her time at ouran, you were probably the most tolerable person and she often found herself hanging back after club with you, possibly drinking tea or coffee and conversing with you about god knows what.
as you stood in the corner of the ballroom by the snack table, haruhi began to think about confessing to you. i mean, you’d really made the connection over her time in the host club and she honestly found you the best company out of everyone there.
however, things were never simple, because the moment she opened her mouth to say something, a girl came up to her to ask if she would dance with her. cautiously, haruhi looked to you to make sure that you were fine with being left alone, to which you nodded with a smile.
as she floated around the dance floor, she though about what she wanted to say to you, finding it easier than she’d thought because the girl she was dancing with was so star struck she never spoke.
when she returned, she smiled to see you still waiting for her.
‘hey,’ she began, ‘i was wondering that since we’ve been friends for a while and we’ve really connected, did you possibly want to... start dating?’ your wide, panicked eyes made her worried, and she quickly backtracked. ‘it’s ok if you don’t want to-’
‘were we not already a couple?’ you asked, intense confusion written all over your face.
haruhi paused for a second, taking in your reaction before mirroring it. ‘no?’
he was aware you knew about his feelings for you, but something must’ve been lost in translation. he was 100% sure you knew because mitsukuni accidentally spat it out in front of you during a game. he was maybe 60% sure you liked him back because you got closer after that.
mori always loved that you came to every tournament he had, and yet again, there you were by the entrance to the locker rooms after the match, drink bottle and towel in hand. affectionately ruffling your hair, he took the items from you and went into the locker rooms to wash up and change.
he returned your smile as he exit the room, walking beside you to leave the building. the moonlight softly highlighted your features and he couldn’t help but stare when you turned around to get into your limo.
‘are you ok?’ you asked, noting his dazed state.
he hummed a yes and you nodded, wrapping your arms around him, nuzzling your head into his body as he reciprocated the affection. gently pulling away, you turned to hop into the vehicle, but his grip on your wrist prevented you from doing so.
looking at him in attempt to read his expression, you cocked your head to the side, silently prompting him to speak.
‘did you want to go out tomorrow night?’ he offered bluntly.
you beamed at him and he gently let go of your wrist. ‘yeah, sure! what did you want to do? go to dinner, walk in the park?’
‘not as friends, as a date,’ he clarified, and you frowned at him.
‘yeah? so did you want to go for dinner or somethin’ else?’ you reiterated.
mori stared at you blankly, waiting in silence for you to say something else, but it never came. ‘i’m trying to ask you out, to be my partner.’
you looked at him weirdly. ‘were we not already a couple?’ you said it as if it was the most obvious thing ever. chuckling, mori ruffled your hair again, opening the limo door for you.
‘i’ll pick you up at 8.’
‘no, you tell me what the fuck we’re doin-’
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3K notes · View notes
What’s in it for me?
Chapter 6/?
Chapter 1 Masterlist
Pairing: Kyouya Ootori x Reader Author: see-the-fandom-imagines   Warnings: None at all.   A/N: I struggled a lot to see if I want to put the whole Okinawa beach thing in 2, 3, or 4 chapters and it turned into 3 more or less long-ish ones! None of this is beta-read, as usual, so let me know if you realise any major issues! I hope you like it :) Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46325452/chapters/116633701
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You couldn’t believe they had actually invited you to the sea. Haruhi had told you that they had been in a holiday resort from Kyouya’s family a few weeks ago, so you really did not have expected to be invited to their Okinawa beach trip. But here you were. Your aunt had been a little suspicious at first, asking why a drama club needed to go to Okinawa – you hadn’t had the guts to tell her the actual purpose of the club yet, and let’s face it with all the drama going on you were technically not lying – but you had managed to convince her in the end, saying something about how you and Haruhi helped out behind the stage to make her believe you, as she was well aware that neither you nor Haruhi were really talented actresses. Something told you that Kyouya also had something to do with the fact that you had been allowed to go, he probably had promised her to keep her updated on everything, but you didn’t care. The beach was the beach and you really needed a little vacation after the last couple weeks. Although vacation was a strong word. You blinked a few times, the sun in the blue sky blinding you, while you kept handing out drinks to the girls, smiling slightly, while trying not to spill anything. This is not how you had imagined this trip to go. But at least you got to see the ocean. You had always loved it. You had given away the last glass, and let your arm rest for a second, as two girls approached you. “(Y/n)-chan, it’s really nice to see you here, too!”, they said, seeming a little embarrassed and you smiled at them. “Yeah, when Kyouya told us, you’d be joining, we immediately signed up.” She blushed. “Yes, these two princesses are new members to our host club. When I told them you’d be coming they were very willing to pay our vacation fee.” Your face fell and you turned around to the host that had just appeared behind you, sending you a smile, while writing something up in his notebook. He seemed to be very pleased with all the different ways he managed to profit off of you being on this trip. Typical. You sighed. “Won’t you come swim with us?”, one of the girls asked, sending you the broadest smile and forcing you to turn around again. You hesitated. “Ah, the truth is, I didn’t really bring a bathing suit.” Maybe you would have brought one if Kyouya hadn’t told you last second and sent the twins to pick you up straight after school to bring you here. At least they gave you more comfortable summer clothes to change into, but somehow you got the feeling that you’d be charged for these, too. “Well, that isn’t a problem”, the voice of the Hitachiin twins suddenly rang out behind you. “Yes, we brought an arrangement of bathing suits for…” “… every occasion”, Hikaru ended the sentence for the younger twin and they grinned at you, already having grabbed you underneath your arms to pull you away, but Kyouya’s cool voice rang out, stopping them in their movement. “I am afraid that won’t be possible.” “Huh? Why not?”, the twins asked again in unison, turning around with you. You felt a little like a ragdoll, but at this point you were somehow used to it. “Because she is here to work, not for vacation”, he turned towards you smiling his ice-cold smile that never reached his eyes. “Didn’t you say you wanted to help Haruhi?” Your blood froze in your veins, but you managed to wriggle free from the twins’ grasp, although they did seem a little disappointed. “Is it really just that”, Hikaru started and a smirk grew on his face. “Or are you just jealous, Kyouya?” “Yeah, maybe you just don’t want other guys to see (y/n) in a bathing suit.” “She’d look awfully cute, wouldn’t she, Hikaru?” “Awfully.” “Well, I guess, he wants her all for himself.” “How terribly egoistical.” You could feel his gaze on you and you looked up at him. You knew the twins were just teasing, but your cheeks had slightly heated up at their suggestion. Suddenly you remembered the last week.
 “(Y/n).” You could hear a voice call your name. “(Y/n), wake up.” Sleepily, you blinked a few times, opening your eyes a little. But when you realized who it was that knelt just a few inches away from you, your eyes widened and you could feel the heat rush to your cheeks. “K-Kyouya-senpai?” Quickly you sat up, needing a second to adjust to the sudden change of position. You felt his hand on your shoulder, to stabilize you and somehow this made everything even worse. “You fell asleep during club hours”, he stated, unnecessarily. You were heavily aware of that. His hand left your arm and you mourned the loss of his touch for a millisecond. Your vision came back and you saw his expressionless face still closer to you than you wanted it. “Sorry”, you mumbled, looking around for your book and bags. Kyouya looked at you for a second, expression unreadable for you, before he got up, shouldering his own back. “Come on, hurry up, I have other things to do.” Quickly you shoved all your things in your school bag and stood up to, walking past him, your face bright red. “Sorry”, you mumbled, and wanted to start your flight, when you stopped in your tracks and sighed. “Thank you”, you added and bowed slightly, fully avoiding his eye contact, before actually leaving as quickly as you could.
You quickly avoided his glance, not ready to face the past embarrassment right now. “Sorry”, you muttered, “I’ll go back to get more drinks.” You smiled apologetically at the girls, who smiled at you kindly enough. You heard them talk about you, while walking away and you were glad that they had given you an excuse to leave the situation. “(Y/n) does care so selflessly over Haruhi.” “Yeah, she really does.” “Killjoy.” The twins accusing Kyouya was the last thing you heard before you were out of earshot.
“We are gonna play ‘Find Haruhi’s greatest fear’”, the twins proclaimed and everybody seemed really into the idea, especially after Kyouya had shown the possible price for the winner. “Did Ranka give you these pictures?”, you asked, eyeing them suspiciously. You had known Haruhi’s dad for a few years now and you knew how much he loved to talk about his daughter. “I like to protect my sources”, he solely smiled, watching the other hosts fawn over Haruhi’s pictures. “Ts”, you just scoffed, ripping them out of his hand. “If you guys don’t mind, I’ll hold onto these.” Kyouya let you keep them, but you were sure he had digital copies of them anyways. “(Y/n)-chan are you gonna play, too?”, Honey asked but you also shook your head and shrugged. “I know what she's afraid of. That wouldn’t be fair.” Also, you really didn’t feel comfortable with revealing her biggest fear to everybody just for a bet. You had found out years ago as she was staying over at your place and had suddenly vanished. Later that night you had found her in your closet. Immediately the twins cornered you. “You know?” “Well, tell us then!" But you just shook your head, stepping back next to Kyouya. For a change it seemed safe next to him. You had already been abducted twice today, a third time really didn’t suit you. “You wanted to make it a game. Let's see who wins.” Kyouya raised an eyebrow at you but smiled a little and yo"u tried to suppress the fuzzy feeling it triggered in your tummy. “Well then! Let the games begin.”
Kyouya had generously allowed you to sit down and relax with the girls for the rest of the day and while you were drinking some water, he stopped his writing, watching the other boys trying to find Haruhi’s biggest fear. “So, who do you think will win?”, you asked, trying to break the silence. He averted his gaze from the twins and turned towards you smirking. “What, are you willing to bet?” You scoffed. “Of course, I am pretty confident about this one. But it wouldn’t be fair, would it?” “I suppose not”, he admitted, looking at the huge transporter that had just pulled up on the beach. “Well?”, you asked, looking at him intently. The sun was highlighting the colour of his eyes, as he looked around, analysing the situation. He was in deep concentration, taking in every necessary detail. You just stared at him in slight awe. He really was beautiful you noticed. You knew you weren’t supposed to think these things, it was Kyouya after all, but you couldn’t help yourself. The way his dark hair contrasted his light skin, the way his face changed completely when he smiled. Really smiled. It didn’t happen often, but every now and then something caught his interest and then a real smirk appeared on his face. You were just glad that you had a reason to actually look at him, because otherwise you would have turned bright red, when he turned his head and caught you staring. He placed his right elbow on the table between you, resting his chin on the back of his hand. “Tell me first”, he said, eyeing you just as intently. You had caught his interest, you noticed slightly proud of yourself, while trying to withstand his intense gaze. “Is there anything Haruhi actually is scared about?” “Of course”, you shrugged. “Otherwise, would I ask you, who would win?” He seemed to think a bit, before he chuckled. “I do think you would.” “Only one way to find out”, you teased, keeping the eye contact. You were not going to lose this time. “I assume you’re not going to tell me?”, he asked, leaning a little closer toward you, his voice smoother than silk, one eyebrow raised. You had seen that move before, he had used it with some of the girls in the club, usually to make them buy another addition photo album. Nonetheless, your heart was beating a little faster. “You don’t actually think that works on me?” You held his gaze, trying to convince yourself that it actually didn’t work on you. He was just too handsome in-between. He chuckled and broke eye contact. “Well, given, that I am not part of the game…”, he hesitated, but then looked back at you. “Tamaki is going to win.” You raised an eyebrow at him. “Really? That guy?”, you said and pointed at Tamaki who was still running away from the snakes he had let loose on himself. “You’d be surprised”, he said, turning his gaze from Tamaki back to you. “So, who do you think will win?” “Easy”, you shrugged. “No one.” Kyouya tilted his head slightly. “So, you are saying it is impossible to find out?” “Well… not impossible, no”, you said, looking up into the clear-blue sky. “But very unlikely.” Kyouya followed your gaze and you were wondering if he had understood what you were implying. You knew that he could have won every single game of theirs easily, if he bothered enough to play. It made you wonder about whether he had in fact just let you win last week. He smirked at you, an eyebrow raised. “But you let them play anyways.” “Of course”, you took a sip of your water. “I wanted to see what they’d do.” Kyouya chuckled again, and you looked at him over the rim of your glass. There it was again. That real smile. When he genuinely seemed to enjoy something. “Don’t act like you’re any better than me”, you teased, but he just shook his head, leaning back in his chair, as well, watching the other hosts run around the beach. “Now, would I ever think that?” You left that question unanswered and took another sip of your drink as you saw Mori approach her with a huge harpoon. Where on earth did he get that?
You were strolling along the beach, enjoying a moment of peace and quiet and the feeling of the ocean air in your hair. You really loved the beach. Always had. You smiled slightly to yourself. Work or not, you were still really thankful they had brought you along. Suddenly you heard someone calling your name. “(Y/n)!”, the girls from earlier called you. They had climbed on top of a small cliff. You smiled up at them. “Will you come up to watch the sunset with us?” You thought for a second, but then decided that there was no reason to reject, so you climbed up the hill and sat down next to the girls. “Have you ever been to the beach?”, one of them, her name was Asuka you had learned earlier, asked, and you nodded. “Yes, a few times. When I was younger, my aunt sometimes went with me. I really like the ocean. The smell, the wind … It kind of makes you feel… free, doesn’t it?” When you were younger you had imagined how the ocean would keep you save, carry you away to strange countries you had never seen before. You smiled at the memory. “Oh look, Haruhi-kun is here, too!”, you heard one of the other girls say and wave down to your friend. You didn’t understand what Haruhi was replying, though, because from the corner of your eye you saw figures closing in on you. Three men, and they did not look like the friendly type. “Whoa, there are girls up here!” You felt the hairs on your neck stand up as they mustered you. Immediately you got up and stepped instinctively between the group of men and the girls. “Lucky”, one of them proclaimed, throwing away his beer. You didn’t dare to let him out of your sight. “Get behind me”, you ordered the girls, who immediately stood up, too, and did what you told them to. They were scared. So were you, but it was you against them and it was your job to protect them. Also you were somewhat used to this kind of behavior. “Let’s play together!” Your heartbeat sped up as they got closer, and you could smell the alcohol in the mens’ breath. They were drunk and if you had learned one thing about drunk people that they were unpredictable. Your breath quickened and your vision went blurry. Goddmanit, keep yourself together. You took a deep breath, this was really the wrong moment for a panic attack. But the smell, the smell was so familiar. Your knees gave away underneath you, but you didn’t fall, because you felt the strong grip of the guy on your wrists, pulling you up towards him. Fuck, you had reacted to slowly. “It must be dull, having no one but girls around, huh”, the guy who held you tightly by your wrists, asked, his face only inches away from yours. You felt sick, but you still couldn’t move. Your father’s face flushed before your eyes and you were close to passing out again, only the voice of the girls behind you keeping you awake. You took a deep breath and tried to get out of your stupor. You couldn’t let them hurt them. “Please stop”, Asuka tried to protect you. “This is a private beach.” But it didn’t matter what she said, for you saw from the corner of your eyes, how one of the other guys grabbed her. “What so you are rich girls?” You took deep breaths, biting your lip hard to stop the panic from creeping up on you. You needed to protect these girls. You were used to this, they weren’t. “Stop it!”, you yelled, your voice surprisingly stable, trying to free your wrists but the guy was too strong. In the matter of a second you decided to spit in his face and used the short moment of distraction to kick him in his balls as hard as you could. He let go of you long enough so that you could free your wrists and you turned towards the girls, ready to free them next, but suddenly you felt a hand in your hair, yanking you back painfully. One hand still buried in your hair, he wrapped his other arm around you. You could feel his hot breath against your ear and you smelled the alcohol again. It made you dizzy. “Little bitch”, he spat in your ear, pressing you tight against his body. Despite your kick you could feel the erection press against your leg and you wanted to throw up. This sick fuck was actually being turned on by this. You tried to wiggle free once again, but the grip on your hair was too painful. He let go of you with his other hand, forcing you to turn around to him and pushing you backwards a few steps. “You think you can just kick me like that, huh? You think you can play the little hero.” He let go of your hair, but he was grabbing your wrists again, painfully this time. You tried to step backwards, but stumbled, as you realized there was no more ground behind you. Out of the corner of your eye you saw the cliff ending. The only thing keeping you from falling was the guy in front of you and your breath quickened again. You were scared and you saw how it turned him on. His face came closer to yours again and your vision started to go blurry. It was all too much. The pain, the smell of alcohol, the fear. The fear. The fear. You had felt this way before, one too many times. You thought you had escaped; it had been four years since you had felt this scared, you thought, you had become stronger but instead you felt as helpless as you had felt your entire childhood. “Hey!”, you heard Haruhi yell, and the last thing you remembered was the man letting go of your wrist. And if you hadn’t been as dizzy as you had been, if you hadn’t been panicking this badly, you’d have safely fallen to your knees, but instead, with loosing the grip of the man, you lost balance and fell backwards. You had lost consciousness before you had even touched the water.
You woke up coughing and confused. Breathing heavily, you blinked so that your eyes got used to the sunlight again, and looked into the worrying faces of the host club. Right in front of you sat Haruhi and Tamaki. “Thank god, (y/n)!”, Haruhi yelled, but you could barely process it. You felt strong hands helping you sit up and as you turned slightly you realized it was Mori, hair dripping wet. You shivered slightly, realizing that you, too, were soaked. What happened? Haruhi wrapped her arms around your neck, not caring that she got wet. Oh right, the guys, Haruhi had tried to save you. “You’re alright”, you noticed breathlessly, and looked around, “how are the girls?” “Everybody is fine”, Tamaki assured you as Haruhi broke the hug to give you some space to breathe. “But you should rather worry about yourself. Haruhi told us what happened.” “We took care of these bastards”, Kaoru said, both twins noticeable angry. You bit your lip. You had had a panic attack. When it would have been your responsibility to be strong. “He was drunk”, you whispered, looking up at Haruhi, hoping she would understand. You felt how you started to shiver again, not from the cold, but from the memory of his breath on your face and felt Mori’s hand gently caress your back. “A doctor will arrive shortly”, you heard Kyouya’s cool voice speak out from somewhere behind you, but when you turned towards him, you realized he wasn’t looking at you. Was he mad at you? You turned the other way, to look at Mori, who was still staring down at you with worry in his eyes. His hand felt save on your back and although you knew you shouldn’t, you appreciated the touch. It grounded you and made you feel save. They couldn’t hurt you anymore. You watched a water droplet dripping from his hair and running down his face. He was the only one who was wet. “Did you save me?” Mori didn’t need to respond, you knew that he had. He really looked worried. “Thank you, Senpai”, you smiled weakly, and he nodded, helping you stabilize yourself as you were trying to get up, when suddenly you felt Kyouyas grip on your arm, forcing you to stand, while at the same time still stabilizing you surprisingly sturdy. “Let’s go”, he ordered, pulling you with him. You stumbled a few steps, but managed to follow. “The doctor will be in the house.” You looked back at the other hosts, who just watched you being pulled away and you were wondering why they just let it happen, but you didn’t have another choice other than to follow Kyouya. You didn’t see his face, as he had turned it away from you, but you followed. “No worries”, you reassured him. “I won’t trouble you because of this. I am fine.” Kyouya stopped walking for a second, taking a deep breath. You noticed he trembled slightly, before he pulled you with him again, grip as steady as it had been before. “Free of charge”, he said, still not looking at you. “You need to be checked. We don’t want the Host Club to get a bad reputation of not looking out for its members.” Surprised you blinked a few times but didn’t say anything. If you hadn’t known better, you would have almost thought he had been worried about you.
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Chapter 7
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host-club-hq · 9 months
Indeed: Kyoya's Celebration!
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➼ pairing: kyoya ootori x reader
➼ summary: It’s a certain someone’s birthday who doesn’t seem to share the same desire to celebrate it as much as everyone else…
➼ word count: 6.6k
➼ what to expect: "What? Who doesn't celebrate their birthday?"
➼ warnings: alcohol, depictions of being sick, slight angst
➼ chapter navigation
➼ japan lowered the legal age of adulthood to 18 in 2022 so... i win? but let's pretend that the year in this fic DOESN'T MATTER IT'S TOTALLY NOT 2006 STILL-
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Kyoya groans, swatting at the offending sensation tickling his nose as he rolls over for what must be the sixth time now. His brain is fuzzy with sleep and he can hardly comprehend the weight straddling his lap as he turns over and buries his face into his pillow.
"Come on, you lump." You mutter from your position above him, poised over his lap as you continue to gently run your fingers over his face, in order to rouse him from sleep as pleasantly as possible. Though, that task proves to be insanely difficult. Your boyfriend's sleep-ridden body seems to be reluctant in giving into your shenanigans.
You cradle his cheeks in both of your hands and turn his head to face you from his position on his side, squishing his cheeks and pouting at his sleepy face.
"Did you stay up all night again or something? Come on." You whisper to yourself, resorting to shaking his shoulders slightly instead of gentle caresses, as those seem to produce little to no result.
Kyoya has a valid reason for sleeping so deeply all the time- his hypotension renders him incredibly fatigued. That seems to be the most prevalent symptom, at least. He's usually on top of his eating habits to prevent feeling faint.
You are, of course, no stranger to dealing with the repercussions of waking him by force, despite being warned by the entirety of the host club. The only difference is that you're not afraid. Kyoya is all bark and no bite when it comes to his snarky attitude upon awakening. And you've dealt with enough of his remarks to steel yourself against nearly everything he has to say to you.
"You. Have to. Get up. Anyway. So. Get. Up. Now." You punctuate each word with a shake of his shoulders. It is, indeed, a weekday. And that means Kyoya has to get up for school. His alarm should be going off at 7:30 AM so that he'll be ready to leave his house by 8:00 and arrive at school at about 8:15 before classes start at 8:30.
But it's currently 7:00 AM. And you didn't spend the night, though Kyoya offered to spend the night at your house if you wanted to be in your own home to prepare for school in the morning. He found it strange that you insisted you each spend the night in your respective homes, since you haven't spent a night together for perhaps two weeks.
But you had a reason for that. Today is very special, and you wanted to surprise Kyoya this morning. So you showed up at his estate unannounced. Of course, he's dead asleep every morning before his blaring alarm clock wakes him (he often snoozes once or twice before scrambling to get ready). Therefore, you're not surprised to find him dead to the world.
"Wake up!" You exclaim slightly louder than the gentle tone you'd previously been using.
Kyoya groans once more, cracking a single eye open to glance at his bedside alarm clock. His vision is blurred with sleep and by the fact that his glasses sit on his nightstand rather than the bridge of his nose, but he can faintly ready the time. It is... definitely not time for him to get out of bed yet... so why are you even trying to wake him in the first place?
Also, why are you here?
"God, what do you want? Can't a man have a moment's peace?" Kyoya grumbles irritably, reaching up slowly to cover his face with exasperation and a heavy sigh.
"You know what you signed up for." You pull his hands from his face, forcing him to look at you.
"Besides. I came to tell you..." You trail off with a giddy squeal, reaching to his nightstand for your prepared treat. You present it to him with a beaming grin.
"Happy birthday!" You cheer, thrusting the plate of neatly arranged fruit in his direction.
Kyoya's brain slowly catches up with your exclamation, sluggishly sitting up so he can peer down at your intricate presentation. A variation of fruits surround frosted writing on a plate: Happy 18th inside of a heart.
"I know it's traditional to bring a cake but you don't like cake, and you don't have to eat the frosting. I just needed something edible to write with." You're still grinning widely from ear to ear.
Kyoya blinks, "y/n, we've talked about this..." He sighs, rubbing sleep from one of his tired eyes.
Kyoya tries to ignore the way your smile falters slightly, "Well- I know you've expressed distaste for your birthday in the past, but this is the first time it's come around since we've been dating... so I thought I would do something small." You lower the plate of fruit slightly, shoulders sagging.
Kyoya reaches blindly for his glasses on the nightstand and slides them onto his face. He can't deny the gesture has his heart racing and his cheeks flushing, but...
He manages a small smile, leaning forward to peck your forehead. Your nose scrunches. Cute.
"Well, thank you." He munches on an apple slice cut into a star shape. Again; cute.
"And, I thought we could have a private little celebration after school today." You climb off of his lap so that he can sit at the edge of his bed.
"Really, y/n, today is just another day." Kyoya musters the most polite tone he can, dreading celebrating anything at all today.
"Just so I can give you your present." You pout when he throws you a pointed look (mostly about celebrating his birthday, but also about buying him something), "Please, Kyoya? You're 18. That's a big one." You plead.
Kyoya sighs once more, his pajama-clad chest heaving dramatically.
"Can you at least celebrate it because I want to? I want to celebrate you. You're an adult!" You jest, leaning to wrap your arms around his shoulders from behind as he cranes his neck to press his nose against your temple. Kyoya hums.
"How does it feel to be an adult, huh?" You untangle yourself from him so that he can stand. You're already dressed and ready to go in your uniform, but Kyoya still has a lot of preparing to do.
"Same as yesterday." Kyoya shrugs. He doesn't understand why you think he'd feel differently than he did when he was a day younger. But he supposes everyone is asked that on their birthday.
"Yeah? Well how does it feel to be an adult dating a minor?" You quirk a mischievous brow.
"... you know, maybe we don't have to celebrate after school-"
"No, I'm sorry! I take it back!"
~Kyoya's Celebration!~
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"It's ridiculous. I mean, the nerve of some people."
"Well, you can't really expect much better from them, y/n."
You roll your eyes as Kyoya reaches for the door handle to the club room.
"What exactly does that mean?" You huff.
"I mean, they're teenagers. They're going to gossip." Kyoya clarifies.
"Oh, just because you're so grown now doesn't mean you're far off." You tease, nudging his shoulder playfully.
"You know that's not what I meant-" Kyoya's sentence is interrupted as a burst of confetti surrounds both of you upon entering Music Room #3.
"What in the-"
"Happy birthday!"
Your heart drops as the hosts chorus together excitedly, throwing their arms in the air and blowing party horns noisily.
You make a hasty slicing motion near your neck, shaking your head subtly as Kyoya rolls his eyes at the banner displayed above the hosts' heads. Tamaki's party horn deflates slightly at your panicked gesture.
You'd forgotten to inform the club that celebrating Kyoya's birthday was canceled. That's an important detail you conveniently forgot about during your school day. You rest your forehead in your palm, disappointed in yourself.
You laugh nervously, drawing Kyoya's attention to you, "... surprise?" You shrug weakly. He returns your meek display with an unamused glance, blinking twice.
"Guys, I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you, we're not doing this anymore." You stride over to yank a set of balloons from the air and hide them behind your back.
"Oh, right." The twins deflate, shoulders slumping.
"What? What do you mean?" Haruhi inquires curiously, a party hat strapped to her head.
"I thought this year would be different but I was sadly mistaken." You tease.
"Kyo-chan doesn't really like to celebrate his birthday." Honey informs, munching on a slice of cake despite the lack of cause.
"What? Who doesn't celebrate their birthday?" Haruhi quirks a brow in confusion.
"Me." Kyoya takes a seat at a nearby table, pulling out his laptop promptly.
"Just this once, Kyoya? Please?" Tamaki peers over Kyoya's table with a pouty lip and wide eyes.
"No." Kyoya is unamused, not missing a beat on his keyboard.
You roll your eyes, "What would you rather do, Kyoya? Watch Tamaki throw an extravagant party with the guest list a mile long and watch the club's budget go up in flames? Or we could come over to my place and we'll have a small, free celebration?"
You do have a point. If Kyoya refuses, Tamaki will go through with his party plans whether he wants it or not. He sends a glower your way.
"Fine. But it better be small."
You and the rest of the club beam, "Don't worry it! It will be!" You assure.
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Though Kyoya would have prefered a much smaller ordeal that only includes you and him, he allows the rest of the club to join you. They all seem much too eager to celebrate his birthday, anyway. And once Tamaki sets his mind to something, it's difficult to stop his endeavors.
It's not long after you arrive home with Kyoya that more vehicles park themselves in your driveway and the Host Club files out of them. You've dismissed your small gathering of help for the day, so that you won't be bothered.
"Do you guys want music?" You fiddle with your speaker, hooking it up to your phone and scrolling through music choices while you await a response.
"Let the birthday boy pick!" Tamaki claps Kyoya on shoulder, who shrugs indifferently.
"I don't mind. You can pick." He says.
"Oh, please don't let y/n-Senpai pick the music." Hikaru huffs.
"Yeah, it's always weird." Kaoru agrees with a slight giggle.
You roll your eyes, "Rude. Fine. I'll put it on a generic station." At that, music starts to flow through the speakers in a lo-fi fashion. Not too loud, but perfect background music.
You almost snicker at their stiff postures, "Here, I know what will loosen everyone up."
The hosts follow you with their eyes as you disappear down the hallway toward your kitchen. A few minutes and sounds of glass clinking later, you bring back a tray full of glasses, liquor, beer, and drink garnishes.
You're oblivious to the hosts' bewildered looks as you set the tray down on the coffee table near the sofa, sighing.
"... what?" You glance around.
"Japan's drinking age is 20, y/n." Kyoya informs at your confusion.
You blink, "Oh, that's right." You laugh at yourself.
"I've been drinking since I was 16 in Europe... well, truthfully, like... 14. I don't mind if we drink here." You jest, reaching for a shallow glass and a bottle.
"You drink?" Kaoru tilts his head, absently reaching for a bottle of soju on the tray, inspecting it curiously.
"Not excessively by any means. I've been to a few parties, my father has liquor around the house." You shrug, pouring yourself a shallow glass of wine.
"I can mix a few things if anyone wants to try something. I'd rather you drink in the house." You giggle as Kaoru takes a tentative sip from his bottle. He shrugs.
"There's no pressure, of course. I do have sodas and other things to drink." You propose.
The hosts murmur amongst themselves. Hikaru and Kaoru seem to be a bit familiar with soju, sipping from identical bottles.
"Want a recommendation?" You peer over Kyoya's shoulder as he twists the wine bottles to peek at their labels.
"Sure, if you have one." Kyoya turns to you with full confidence.
"Here. I think you'll like this one." You pluck a bottle from the wine selection and pour him a sip or so in a new glass, swirling it gently before handing it to him. Kyoya sips thoughtfully, raising his brows.
"It's good." At his confirmation, you pour him a shallow amount to start.
That reminds you, "Oh, before we get started, I'll bring out some snacks so we're not starving." The music fills up the silence as you move back into the kitchen to bring out and prepared snacks you can find.
As you rummage through the fridge, you feel a tug to your skirt. You yelp and turn to face Honey.
"y/n-chan, do you have anything sweet I can drink? I don't like the wine..." He pouts, a frown etched upon his lips.
"Oh, um... I should..." You hum, pushing through bottles in your refrigerator and pulling out a bottle with fruit on the label.
"I think this is sweet... I've never actually had it before..." You briefly catch the title before handing it off to Honey: Strawberry Soju.
"Thanks!" Honey chirps, twisting off the cap and skipping back into the living room.
You didn't get the chance to check the alcohol content... but you're sure it's fine.
Reentering the living room with snacks and leftovers, you find the hosts experimenting with the tray on the coffee table. Honey insists with Mori that his soju isn't going to affect him too much. Mori has barely taken a sip of his beer, nursing it slowly. Hikaru and Kaoru take turns seeing who can chug the most sake in one round (neither of them get very far).
Tamaki approaches you with a wistful sigh, "y/n, these drinks just aren't classy enough for a gentleman like me! I need something sophisticated, mature, something that would look good in my hand!" Tamaki demonstrates, perching on the sofa with an empty glass.
"Maybe something like whiskey!" He suggests.
You scoff, "Oh, no. No whiskey for you. I can... make you a mimosa." You offer, cracking open a bottle of champagne and a serving of orange juice.
"Oh, that sounds delightful!" Tamaki exclaims as you hand him a full glass (mostly orange juice). You're slightly eager to see how he handles his alcohol.
Haruhi has settled for a grape ramune soda, observing as her friends start to process the alcohol in their systems. You pour yourself a shallow glass of wine, approaching her.
"Not drinking, hm?" You slump down onto the sofa beside her, sipping quietly and awaiting her reply.
She smiles, "No, it's not for me. I've seen what it does to your brain." She quickly retracts, "Oh, not that you guys are gonna have brain damage... I'd just rather not." She chuckles nervously.
You smile fondly, "No, I get what you mean. I drink in moderation, but I agree, it's not the best thing in the world for you." You chuckle. Haruhi all but blushes.
"I can already tell someone isn't handling the alcohol well." You direct Haruhi's attention to Tamaki, who's bragging to Hikaru and Kaoru that he's a much more sophisticated drinker than they are (even though his drink contains a far smaller amount of alcohol than their sojus).
"Who's surprised?" Haruhi laughs, sipping on her soda.
"You and I are going to be the sober ones in the morning with no hangover and plenty of funny stories to tell." You jest, clinking your glass with her bottle.
"You got that right." Haruhi nods.
"And who knows... maybe Tamaki will get wasted and you'll have to see to it that he gets home." You tease, nudging her.
"As if I want that job..." Haruhi groans, but you don't miss the red that prickles the apples of her cheeks.
"Ah, come on. Look at him." Your statement draws both of your attention back to the blundering blonde, who's now in a full-blown argument with two uninterested gingers.
"You have to admit, when he's not being a complete idiot, he's very sweet." You lower your voice slightly, as Tamaki is constantly listening for his name.
"I guess you have a point." Haruhi murmurs, more to herself as she watches Tamaki make a fool of himself. You decide to leave Haruhi to her thoughts, bidding her a brief farewell before moving to pick a host to bless with your company.
Sighing, you plop yourself down next to Mori as he lounges with one arm thrown over the back of the sofa, the other with the very same beer you keep seeing from him.
"How're you over here?" You ask breathily. Mori firsts notices the faint flush upon your cheeks as you glance up at him questioningly. He blinks before moving his eyes to Honey, who perches himself in Haruhi arms with a bubbly, dazed smile. Haruhi nods along to whatever he's blabbering on about.
"Just keeping an eye on Mitsukuni." Mori replies shortly.
"I meant to tell him that strawberry soju could have an adverse affect to someone who's never had it... but I guess I never got that far." You purse your lips. You watch as Honey throws his arms into the air to embellish what he's saying, nearly flinging himself backward as Haruhi rushes to catch him.
"You feeling okay?" Mori inquires, turning his attention to you fully. He even leans forward a bit to get a better look at you.
"Huh? Oh, I'm fine. I should really not drink so quickly." You grimace, setting your glass of wine down on the coffee table.
Your breath hitches in your throat as Mori reaches over and places the back of his hand against your forehead. He hums.
"You're a little warm. Take it easy. Eat something." He reaches for a snack on the tray upon the coffee table, offering it to you.
You take it gratefully, watching as Mori resumes his casual position with his arm thrown over the sofa behind you, comfortably.
"Thanks..." You munch quietly, "You gonna make sure Honey-Senpai gets home okay?"
"Yeah." He nods.
"Good. Can I get you anything?" You rise from the sofa slowly.
"I'm okay. Thanks." Mori replies, rewarding you with a small smile.
You nod, departing to find your boyfriend.
After taste testing a few bottles, Kyoya seems to have settled on a favorable wine, sipping it slowly as he observes the idiotic trio as well.
"Are you enjoying yourself yet?" You settle close to him, thigh pressed to his as you lean toward him. He shrugs.
"I wouldn't say I'm having fun, but I don't want to go home yet."
You blink, rolling your eyes, "Want to play a game or something? We could liven things up a little." You suggest.
"What did you have in mind?" Kyoya's interest is slightly piqued.
You rummage through a drawer in the coffee table, pulling out a colorful pack of game cards, "We could play Uno. My friends in Europe would get insanely worked up over this game. I bet we could get some favorable reactions out of Tamaki and the twins. Maybe even Honey." You suggest with a mischievous glint in your eye.
This is how Kyoya knows you are the one for him. Stirring the pot indirectly- yeah, you're his girl.
"I've heard of this game. Never actually played it." He leans forward to read the tiny instructions on the back, one hand holding his glass and the other settling on your knee to steady himself. You don't think twice about it.
But it catches someone's eye, and they think far too many times about it. Tamaki has sought refuge in Haruhi's reluctant arms, already a little tipsy and easy to bring to tears. Hikaru doesn't like the way Kyoya lingers on your leg, it sits low in his stomach and simmers. He doesn't shy away from glaring daggers at Kyoya's hand, and it doesn't go unnoticed by his second half.
"What's wrong?" Kaoru nudges him, eyes swimming in slight concern.
It breaks Hikaru out of his glowering daze, and he tears his gaze from their pair of you with a haughty huff, "Nothing." He grumbles. Kaoru blinks.
"The rules are very unclear." Kyoya nearly grimaces, leaning back onto the sofa, but his hand remains where it is.
"The rules are whatever you can convince the group the rules are." You put a playful finger to your lips and stand up, waving the box of cards over your head.
"Anyone up for a game of Uno?" You settle in the middle of the floor on your lush carpet, opening the box and dumping out the cards into your hand. Kyoya soon joins you, crossing his legs. You deal him seven cards.
"How do you play?" Honey plops down, nearly toppling over as he sits Usa-chan on his lap. Mori settles calmly next to him, and you notice he's still nursing the same beer, but it's half empty now.
"It's kind of easy. Here." You deal them each seven cards.
"I'll flip over a card from this stack." You begin, halving the deck and placing it in the center of your makeshift circle, gaining Haruhi and Tamaki.
Hikaru and Kaoru hang back a bit; you ignore the way Hikaru's gaze is boring into you with slight distain. Kaoru nudges him, saying something to him, but it falls on deaf ears.
"And I'll flip over the top card. Whatever number is on that top card, the person who's turn it is needs to play a card with the same number, color, or a 'pick a color' card." You deal Haruhi and Tamaki their cards. You finally meet Hikaru's gaze.
"Care to join us?" You gesture to the circle with your cards. Honey snatches his up excitedly, smiling at his hand (though it doesn't matter).
Kaoru scoffs at his brother's behavior, departing from his side to join the circle giddily. You hand him seven cards, which he shuffles through curiously. Hikaru rolls his eyes, sitting beside him cautiously. As you hand him his share of cards, he says nothing to you; doesn't acknowledge you.
"The first person with only one card left has to say 'Uno!' If you don't say Uno and you have one card, someone else can say it for you, and that means you have to draw two cards."
"That's not a rule." Hikaru spits.
"I'm making it a rule. Like it or not, that's how we're playing. I've always played like this." You smirk.
"How do you win?" Mori interjects, drawing attention from Hikaru, who fumes in his spot.
"First person to rid themselves of all of their cards wins." You clarify, finally dealing yourself a hand of cards, smiling as you have nearly all of the colors. Everyone continues to absently sip their beverages or munch on their snacks.
"I'll start, and we'll go to my left." You flip over the first card on the deck in the middle, it's a yellow six. You have a green six, so you put it down.
"Wait, y/n-chan. I have a green plus two. Can I use that?" Honey is next, peering at you over his cards with wide, innocent eyes.
"Absolutely. That means Mori-Senpai has to draw two and we skip his turn." You snicker, watching as Mori compliantly draws two cards and organizes them in his hand.
"Sorry, Takashi!" Honey giggles. Mori smiles fondly.
Kaoru is next, slapping down a green eight. Hikaru grumbles to himself, wordlessly placing a red eight over Kaoru's.
Tamaki pouts, "What if I don't have the same color or number?" He whines. That earns a proud smirk from Hikaru.
"Well, you just draw a card, skip your turn, and hope you have a card to play next time." You shrug. Tamaki whines, drawing a card. Haruhi gently stacks a red four onto the desk in the middle. Kyoya follows with a red six.
"Now, you can stack cards that make the person to your left draw two, or four, but only if it's the same amount and the same color. It has to meet both rules." You demonstrate by places two red plus twos on the deck.
"That means Honey-Senpai has to draw four in total." You smirk.
"y/n-chan!" He whines, despite drawing four cards from the deck. You snicker to yourself, shrugging.
Over a few rounds, the card game has got the twins and Tamaki into heated arguments, Mori's ended up with nearly an entire deck of cards in his hands, and Kyoya has won... three times in a row.
"Uno." Kyoya says a fourth time.
"How the hell do you have Uno again?" You slam down your cards in frustration.
"Just luck, I guess." He suppresses a proud smirk.
You grumble, picking a card from the deck because you seem to only be drawing yellow cards this round.
Not to mention, Honey is nearly wasted beside you, on his third strawberry soju. He seems to have a fit of the giggles. Mori tries helplessly to get him to sit still and pay attention. He's not really playing anymore, just throwing random cards onto the deck that don't match. You've all ruled him out already.
Tamaki bursts into tears as Hikaru stacks four plus four cards onto the deck, which means Tamaki has to draw 16 cards. He wails his sorrows on Haruhi's shoulder, sniffling pathetically. Another player unofficially out of the game. You remind yourself not to make Tamaki any more mimosas.
Kyoya throws down his last card smugly. You huff, throwing your own cards on the ground, "Okay, let's play a different game." You start to gather the Uno cards to put away.
"Oh! Oh! I know! Truth or dare!" Honey exclaims, raising his hand like he would in a classroom setting.
Kaoru snickers, "More like truth or drink." He sips his soju.
"Not a bad idea. Truth, dare, or drink. ALthough, I don't think Tamaki or Honey-Senpai should play." In the last few seconds of your statement, Honey has slumped against Mori as if he were a sturdy tree, already in a deep sleep. Mori looks to you and nods in agreement.
Although Tamaki is wide awake, he looks as though a shot or two might take him out for the count. He doesn't protest.
You arrange a few shot glasses and fill them to the brim from the bottle of sake. The participants consist of you, Kyoya, Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi, and Mori. You isolate a shot glass and pour strawberry ramune into it, earning a grateful smile from Haruhi.
"Alright! Who's going first?" You prompt.
"I'll go. Kyoya-Senpai." Kyoya perks up at Haruhi's call.
"What do you write in your black notebook?"
Kyoya blinks; the group eagerly, anxiously awaits his response.
But it never comes. Kyoya reaches for a shot glass in the middle and slams it down, grimacing.
"Concerning." You grumble.
"Me next!" Kaoru exclaims. He turns to Mori.
"Mori-Senpai, I dare you to kiss y/n-Senpai." He giggles boyishly. Hikaru scowls at him.
"Kaoru." You sigh in a scolding tone.
Your irritation quickly morphs to shock when Mori tentatively leans over and pecks your cheek. It's brief, but your cheeks turn a deep shade of red and you touch your cheek in slight awe. Everyone looks from you to Mori.
Mori shrugs, "You never specified." He almost smirks.
Kyoya nearly smiles at your reaction. Your flustered eyes are trained on the floor.
More thought provoking questions are asked and ridiculous dares are given. And since everyone has caught on that Kyoya will not do anything they dare him to do, he's downed at least four shots by now. His cheeks are flushed and you notice his hooded eyes.
You've run out of interesting questions, but your turn comes around again, "Okay, um... Hikaru, do you... I don't know, have a crush on anyone?" You ask nonchalantly. You feel no shame in pulling a stereotypical question out of your ass for lack of a better one.
"What are you? 10?" Hikaru scoffs.
"Well? Are you gonna answer?" Haruhi prods, quirking a brow.
Hikaru says nothing. He rolls his eyes and reaches for a shot, swallowing it thickly with a frown. It even surprises Kaoru.
Suddenly, Tamaki leaps into the conversation, bright-eyed and eager, "Really?! You have to tell us!" He insists.
Hikaru crosses his arms, "No, I don't. I drank." He argues defiantly.
"Come on! You can't just drink and expect us not to ask!" Tamaki pries pleadingly.
They continue to bicker uselessly, resulting in you turning your attention elsewhere. It lands on Kyoya's less than amused expression, despite his pink cheeks and hazy expression. But you've noticed he sits a little less stiffly against the foot of the sofa, ankles crossed casually and sleeves rolled to his elbows. He must be getting hot.
You scoot back toward him, joining him in a separate conversation as this game seems nearly over. He welcomes your proximity easily, adjusting himself on the floor to accommodate you. Once again, his hand finds a spot on your leg to rest as you sit beside him.
"Are you having any fun?" You inquire hopefully, leaning into his side. You plan on taking full advantage of what seems to be 'loose Kyoya,' who rests his hand somewhere on your body when you're close to him, and loses a bit of control of his tongue. In other words: he'll tell you a lot more than you ask for.
"I suppose. Feeling the effects of the shots a bit. Should have just done the dares, they weren't all that bad." He continues to observe the idiotic trio as they bicker.
You can't quite tell how drunk he is, but you know it's a little more than tipsy. You stopped drinking long ago, feeling a bit too dizzy for your taste. Then again, you never liked being dizzy at all.
"I know it wasn't your idea of a birthday, but I hope it was alright. I can't believe you don't celebrate your birthday." You sigh, fidgeting with your sleeve absently.
"Not like it was any choice of mine. We didn't celebrate birthdays in my family. In fact, we still don't. They're not an accomplishment, so what is there to celebrate?" Kyoya shrugs, taking a sip of his wine despite earlier expressing his distaste for how the shots of liquor were affecting him.
You blink, lips parted in mute shock at his little confession. And he said it so casually too, you might have mistaken it for small talk.
"Of course your birthday is something to celebrate, Kyoya. It's a celebration of life, a milestone for being alive!" You turn your full attention to him, looping your arm with his and resting your hand on his upper arm.
Kyoya slightly turns down toward you, tilting his head.
"I honestly think more people should just celebrate getting through the week, which is hard enough. And you don't need to make it harder by putting all of these pressures on yourself to live up to something you already deserve." You know that his aloofness to certain aspects of life stems deeper than not celebrating his birthday.
Kyoya can't distinguish the buzz of alcohol in his system from the pulsing of his heart at your words. He feels overstimulated, but not necessarily in a horrible way.
"If your family won't celebrate you, I will. We will. And who could be a better family than..." You trail off, watching as Mori tucks Honey under a blanket in one of your armchairs, and as Tamaki throttles Hikaru while Haruhi tries her best to calm him down.
"... a bunch of morons." You finish sheepishly. Kyoya laughs at that, and it's the brightest smile you've seen from him in far too long.
"Just know that I love you and I'm happy you've made it to 18." You peck Kyoya gently on the cheek.
As you pull back, Kyoya doesn't let you get very far. He uses his free hand to cup your cheek and pull you back in for a tender kiss, his lips locking with yours and stealing your breath.
He draws back and pecks your forehead, murmuring into your hairline, "I love you, too. Thank you."
You smile giddily, resting your head on his shoulder with a beaming grin.
As your mind slowly catches up with your surroundings, you notice the twins are missing. You blink, "Where are Hikaru and Kaoru?" You ask aloud to no one in particular.
"Dunno. Oh, there's one of them." Kyoya points to Kaoru wandering into the room from a hallway leading to your closest bathroom.
"Kaoru? Are you alright? Where's Hikaru?" You sit up a bit straighter.
"That's actually what I was coming back for. I think he's had too much to drink, he's currently sick in your bathroom." Kaoru smiles sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh, no." You frown sympathetically.
"Yeah, I got this funny picture, though." Kaoru flashes you his cellphone. In the selfie, he's standing over Hikaru with a smile and a peace sign, while Hikaru is glaring at him over his shoulder, slumped over the toilet, looking disgruntled.
"Boys." You groan, getting up.
"Do you have anything like Tylenol?" Kaoru asks, shoving his cellphone back into his pocket.
"I should. Let me head to my bathroom and I'll meet you in there."
"Thanks. I also wanted to... apologize for him." Kaoru sighs.
"Oh? What for?" You have an idea, but you figure you'll ask anyway.
Kaoru shoves his hands in his pockets, "Well, he's been pretty short with you all night. I don't know what's up with him, but something seems to have set him off."
"You don't know?" You find it surprising that Kaoru has no idea what's going on with his other half.
"Okay, I have ideas, but I'm not completely sure. I'll ask him another time. When he's sober." Kaoru grins.
"Good idea. I'll be back in a bit."
You approach the bathroom the twins occupy with a cold pack, tylenol, and a glass of water to wash it down with.
"Doing alright in there?" You call out before entering.
"Yeah, Senpai-"
"I'm fine. You don't need to come in." Hikaru grumbles. But you can hear him dry heaving after his statement.
"I'm just here to help." You gently push open the door. Hikaru is sat limply near the toilet and Kaoru's soothing his hand over his back.
You set the Tylenol and the water on the counter.
"If you're feeling hot, use this." You hand Hikaru the cold pack. He begrudgingly takes it from you, slapping over the back of his neck. You can nearly see the relief his body exudes.
"Thanks, y/n-Senpai." Kaoru smiles sweetly. Hikaru grumbles something similar.
"If you two need anything, I'll be nearby." You wave slightly, shutting the door behind you as you leave.
Kaoru turns to his brother, "What's gotten into you?"
"Soju." Hikaru groans.
"You know that's not what I meant." Kaoru pouts.
"Yeah. I know." Hikaru sighs.
"You know you can tell me about anything." Kaoru assures.
Hikaru huffs, "Look, I don't really know either, okay? Can we wait until the drinks wear off?" He pleads.
"Fine." Kaoru acquieces, patting his back as Hikaru dry heaves into the toilet again.
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"You two get home safely, alright?"
Mori has placed Honey over his shoulder, whose cheeks is squished against Mori's strong shoulder, Usa-chan tucked under his arm.
"We will. Thanks for having us." Mori pats your head. He turns to Kyoya at your side.
"Happy birthday." And with that, he's parting from your front door, down the steps and to his driver parked and waiting for them.
"Thank you, Senpai." Kyoya calls after him.
"Come on, Senpai..."
You turn to find Haruhi dragging Tamaki along. You want to laugh, but you manage to control yourself.
"He offered me a ride home anyway..." Haruhi groans as Tamaki clings to her once again. You can't help but notice the way her cheeks prickle with a slight red.
"I'm sure he'll be fine. He's got his driver. Be careful, Haruhi." You snicker, helping her move along with Tamaki's useless weight hanging off her.
"Thanks, Senpai. See you next week."
Surprisingly enough, she does manage to get Tamaki off her long enough to shove him into his car, climbing in carefully after him. You smile fondly.
"Maybe that'll be the start of something new." Kyoya suggests.
"Doubt it, knowing them." You sigh. Kyoya shrugs.
"We're heading out, guys." The last two left are the twins. Kaoru wraps an arm around Hikaru's waist to steady him slightly. Though the bout of sickness has given him a bit more clarity.
"You sure you're okay?" Your voice drips with concern.
"He's fine. For now at least. Thanks for your help, and we had a great time." Kaoru assures.
"Alright. Feel better, Hikaru." You smile hopefully. Hikaru does manage to spare you a glance, but with an expression you can't read. He groans.
At last it's just you can Kyoya left in your eerily quiet home. The door shuts gently after you've made sure to watch the twins get into their car. You worry about Hikaru, not only for his condition but for his behavior. You're sure he and Kaoru will work through whatever's going on.
"You feel like going home? I don't mind hosting you." You glance up at Kyoya, watching him fight his heavy eyelids to stay focused on the conversation.
"It's Friday. I don't mind staying." Kyoya blinks tiredly.
"Poor baby. Before you pass out, I have something for you." You promptly take him by the hand, leading him along to your room.
"Oh?" He hums, curiously following you along.
Upon arrival, Kyoya spots it immediately. A neatly arranged basket sitting atop your vanity, filled to the brim and wrapped in a bow.
"I couldn't decide between... several things... so I didn't." You take the basket into your arms, shuffling through the items briefly.
"Just some things I thought you might need or enjoy..."
Inside are things like a new bottle of his favorite cologne, packets of spicy noodles, as anything spicy appeals to him, a new wristwatch, a packet of fountain pens, a few assorted cat toys for Noel, and a few graph notepads for budgeting.
All at once, Kyoya is enlightened as to why most people celebrate birthdays. It's not a matter of accomplishment or achievements that are worth celebrating, but rather showing the people in your life that you care about them. That you love them and that their existence matters. That you love them enough to set aside a whole day to shower them in affection and gifts.
Kyoya's heart swells at the gesture, his breath catching in his throat as your wide eyes perceive his reaction carefully.
"Do you like it?" Your timid voice pierces his thoughts and brings him back to reality, back to you.
Kyoya wordlessly takes the basket into his own hands, setting it back down on the vanity where it was before. Just as your heart starts to drop, it flutters back to life as Kyoya swoops down and places a firm kiss to your lips, his arms encircling your waist tightly.
"Mm! I'll take that as a yes, then." You giggle, your nose scrunching as he pecks your cheek.
"Yes, indeed."
🎵I run and run a thousand miles, and I am barely breathing. Only the fuel of a passionate heart keeps this body strong and moving forward.
Could it be I found a place to rest? How far until I’m OK?
Trees of the town reveal the time has come once again to shift our shade and colors. 🎵
🎵The world always changes around us but weakness will always remain;
Through all the pain, believe in who we are right here and now! 🎵
🎵Raise one hand to the sky; raise them both lift them high!!
And you’ll cut through the darkness make it go!
The time to start is now! And I can show you how.
Start with me, and the world will be even bigger than ever before. 🎵
♡Next time, on Indeed...♡
Hikaru has a hard time facing his feelings, but he doesn't have to do it alone.
♡We'll see you then!! ♡
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want to read more? here's my ouran masterlist 🌹
and here's my bts blog💜
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Adieu~ 🌹🌹🌹
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