#take it as a teaser for the third part of my Heroes and Villains series
yujeong · 10 months
Fic snippet #7: Porsche&Pete
“I want to support my friend, Kinn.” “Your friend? The one who left my family to go be with my psycho cousin? The one you forgot about? That friend?” Porsche's instinctive reaction was to get defensive. “You forgot about him too.” “Who persuaded me that everything was fine Porsche? Who assured me it was fine that he asked for vacation the way he did?” Porsche didn't answer.  Kinn sneered. “But by all means, go support him. I'm sure he'll appreciate it, coming from you.” There was a burning sensation at the pit of Porsche's stomach. There was something there that was making it difficult for him to breathe. He didn't know what it was.
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etaleah · 1 year
My Sonic Predictions and Hopes for 2024
Admittedly some of these are things I want to see happen rather than things that are likely to happen, but what the heck, I’ll list ‘em out and see if any of them end up coming true. 🤷🏻‍♀️
A one-shot for the comics involving either springtime or Valentine’s Day. I think spring is more likely since (1) they’re avoiding romance and Valentine’s Day is a romantic holiday, and (2) having a springtime one-shot nicely follows the trend of having Endless Summer and Winter Special one-shots.
I’m pretty pessimistic about the third movie still happening in 2024 given how stubborn the studios are being about the strikes, so I’m guessing the release date will be pushed back to 2025. However, I do think 2024 will bring us a trailer/teaser with some news about casting and whether any new characters besides Shadow will feature.
Part 3 of Sonic Prime, which will likely involve something bad happening to Shadow for reasons explained here. PLEASE LET THIS ONE BE TRUE I NEED PART 3 NOW
A DLC, update, or some kind of “Plus” pack for Sonic Superstars since that seems to be the trend now.
I doubt we’ll see much more for Frontiers since it won’t really be a new game anymore and will have already had a big update. Maybe a few minor tweaks like a new outfit or pair of shoes.
A new Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games title since 2024 will have the Paris Olympics.
More Sonic Symphony tour dates, one of them probably being New York since that’s a really big city for them to leave out.
More merchandise, possibly featuring Shadow to tie in with the third movie.
The Knuckles TV show released on DVD (hopefully).
The comics will take a darker turn again. They seem to alternate between dark, serious arcs and fun, light-hearted arcs. Right now, they’re on Misadventures, which is fun and light-hearted, so I suspect that at some point in 2024, things will turn serious again.
I also suspect that Starline might be revealed to have survived after all, but that could just be wishful thinking on my part since I like his character and was sad to see such a cool villain go so quickly.
Another visual novel or some kind of storybook thing that builds on the success of Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. No way is something that successful gonna be a one-time deal.
A remaster or re-release/port of an older game. The titles I think are most likely are Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, and Sonic and the Black Knight. Adventure 2 would tie nicely into the release of the third movie (especially if they’re adapting its storyline) and they clearly know how popular it is since they released a new figure for it and put City Escape in one of their other games. Heroes is possible since it’s 20+ years old, had some songs included in Frontiers, and the franchise as a whole seems to be leaning toward having more playable characters and team/partner-based play. Murder and Superstars lean into this hard, Origins added Amy, and Frontiers will soon have other playable characters too, so I think they’re testing the waters for a game with an ensemble cast. The launch of the Fast Friends comic series on their socials also shows a lean in this direction. Black Knight is possible since 2024 would be the game’s 15th anniversary, the storybook setup was well received in Murder, and they seem to be calling attention to it by putting its characters in their mobile games.
Again, these are just guesses and I could be wrong about all of them. We shall see… 👀
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catchester · 3 years
Guardians of the Galaxy, Ragnarok, and Classic Loki
I was discussing Classic Loki's costume with someone online and I admit, in the small teaser, I was really disheartened.
Yes, it was a faithful copy of a classic Loki costume, but comic book costumes are ridiculous, especially older ones. And if that wasn't bad enough, his pants looked like a nappy.
I'd been mostly impressed with the mixture of drama and comedy but this outfit was just a step too far for me. I was not confident in where the series was going.
Then in the next episode, they took this walking visual joke and gave him not only a full, but a fulfilling character arc.
I admit, Classic Loki is my second favourite variant, just pipped to the post by alligator Loki.
And isn't that weird? Alligator Loki is objectively more ridiculous, not in his costume but in his whole character. He's a freaking reptile FFS! But I love him.
And that reminded me of a discussion I'd had with a Ragnarok fan who would hear no wrong said about her movie. The points i brought up with her had nothing to do with Loki, I chose the slavery
It's on Sakar
Valkyrie is a slave trader selling people into certain death because no one wins forever, but somehow a hero,
And that Odin build Asgard using slave labour.
And there's the colonialism, related to the third point.
Both of these issues went totally unaddressed in a movie that didn't even need them. They could have written it a different way and still had a good movie.
I mentioned how T'Challa went into the afterlife to berate his father and ancestors for their wrongs and promise to correct their mistakes, while Thor went to his colonising, slaver father and... asks for advice? Really? That's like showing Thor asking Robert E Lee for advice.
She of course, argued that they were making entertainment, not the colour purple or 12 years a slave. Of course that's a straw man argument, but I reminded her that Black Panther had plenty of humour, and GotG literally sends itself up all the time, and even has a goddamn dance off with the villain, yet it still made me care enough to cry about the death of a tree!
Ragnarok had me wondering why Thor tortured his brother, do heroes do that now? Thor isn't even an anti-hero, he's just straight up hero. That scene just left me cold, it wasn't funny and because it was played for laughs, I didn't empathise with Loki. I mean, he just looks constipated.
You all know how much I love Loki, I've written enough stories about him, after all, but Ragnarok Loki is just meh. I care that he was being tortured from an intellectual perspective, because it feels wrong for the hero to do that, and his betrayal of Thor cam out of left field, but I don't feel sympathy for him. I can't relate to him, I feel neither love nor hate for him, I'm just indifferent (to all the characters actually).
The only thing that rouses any emotion in me is Taika and the rage his mishandling of important issues and dismissal existing character arcs brings out in me.
Contrast this torture scene with GotG, which had me sympathising with Nebula while she was being tortured because, sure she's a bad guy, but she's also a well rounded character and her torture wasn't being played for laughs. We know she's been tortured, in one way or another, her whole life. Yes, she's bad, but I can relate to her because I understand her.
Then this Taika fan said something that was more telling than she knew, and was actually 100% correct. Taika thinks comic books are ridiculous, and he's out here making a Road Runner movie.
And it suddenly hit me, she was right.
Everything in Ragnarok is treated the same way an anvil falling on Wile.E.Coyote's head is treated. There are no consequences. There are no lessons learned. There are no character arcs. At the end of the Road Runner series neither the roadrunner or the coyote had changed in any way. They were 2 dimensional, both literally and figuratively.
Unfortunately for her argument, 30 years ago we had what is still arguably the best cartoon Batman series ever, Batman the animated series. It took it's two dimensional animated characters and gave them three dimensional personalities. 30 years later it's still hailed as brilliant.
And I think that's why Classic Loki and GotG can take utterly ridiculous characters (let's face it, all superheroes are ridiculous to some extent) but while some even acknowledge how silly their comic book heroes are, they actually take the characters, the story, and the issues raised seriously.
Yes, Classic Loki looks like a joke, but he's never viewed as one from the crew's perspective.
Alligator Loki is even more preposterous! Who even made his horns, and who puts them on for him? But while the show acknowledges how silly he is with our Loki's questioning, he's a Loki and everyone treats him as a Loki. Yes, he injects some comic relief, but the laughter is never at his expense. He's even shown to be able to hold his own in a fight.
Rocket is a talking raccoon, but he's never laughed at. In fact he's even pitied once you learn what happened to make him that way. He's ridiculous, but he's not a joke. And yes, he makes jokes about how ridiculous they all are (bunch of jackasses standing in a circle) but while a comedic character, the joke is not on him. He's a fully formed, well rounded character. We care about him.
Yes, Star Lord is an idiot at times too, but his heart is in the right place and he wants to do the right thing. So you think he's gone mad when he has a dance off with the villain, but you quickly realise he's being an idiot for a very good reason and is playing to his strengths (and using idiocy as a strength is clever). I think we also understand, because he's a fully formed character, than his humour is a defence mechanism. He plays the fool because that's the niche he's carved for himself to help him cope, but that doesn't mean he is a fool.
Ragnarok wanted to be GotG, but Taiks forgot the part about while it's ridiculous and fanciful, the characters aren't a joke.
To Taika, if it doesn't get a laugh, it's not important. The few serious or touching moments we get are as a result of the MCU bigwigs forcing changes in reshoots, or forcing Taika to stick to the script.
There are no character arcs. You could argue that Loki goes from villain to hero or anti-hero, but he's already been through that journey in Dark World. Why did he regress? Who cares, it's not funny, he's just a bad guy again, forget about the plot holes and just laugh at the guy being killed smelling like toast!
Thor turning away from his father's teachings, like T'Challa did, would have been a wonderful character arc. Seeing his dad, realising his dad was wrong that and he needs to do better, and calling on his own inner strength to protect his people. That would have been a fulfilling arc. Instead he still needs advice from his colonising, slaver father. And this is actually one of the few scenes that wasn't played for laughs. It had so much potential, yet Taika just didn't care enough to reach for it.
Ragnarok is a road runner movie where our heroes toss a series of ACME anvils and dynamite at each other and the bad guys, but like the RR cartoon, there are no consequences. Just like Wile.E, they get straight back up again and lob another anvil at someone.
Hulk has been murdering innocent slaves for quite a while now, but he doesn't care. You'd think Bruce Banner might care about what his alter ego has been up to but no, this good, gentle, introspective, intelligent and caring man doesn't give one single fuck, because it's ACME Hulk and murdering innocent slaves has as many consequences as crushing them with an ACME anvil.
And I think that's the difference. Yes, your characters can be utterly ridiculous, but the crew must take them seriously and make them fully rounded characters who face consequences. Consequences are how we learn and grow.
And if they don't take the movie or characters seriously, you end up with a 2 dimensional story that no one cares about, because you haven't given them a reason to.
I don't care why Wile.E is trying to kill RR. I don't care what his motivation is. I don't care when he gets squashed or blown up, or falls off a cliff, because he's not a character, he's a caricature.
Ragnarok is just a collection of caricatures.
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scftizuku · 4 years
Big 3 vs Wonder Duo (Which one will end happening in My Hero Academia)
Okay this topic has been on my mind for awhile now i mean their is evidence for both the wonder duo and the big 3 (especially from the vibe that I’ve been getting from the war arc) So i’ll try to break down evidence for both sides and come to my final conclusion on what might actually happen at the end of the meta analysis
Big 3:
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Alright lets start with the Origin trio. This trio first became a official hero combination from the Endeavor Agency arc. Within that arc we as readers were able to learn more about Shouto as a person and his family dynamic. Now you could say that Deku and Bakugou being their was due to the fact that they are the protagonist and deurotagonist (which are valid points since it would make sense for them to be present in the Todoroki family conflict since one Izuku has helped Shouto a lot since the Sports Festival and on Bakugou’s end he got to bond with him during their remedial license exams)
The Endeavor Agency arc is the first time that we got a hint towards a possible three way combination in terms of skills. Izuku and Katsuki learned more about Shouto’s home life and we even got Fuyumi thanking Izuku for being his friend (which was important in terms of a successful hero trio working in the near future) having all of the members in it have something that binds them emotionally will ensure the strength in their bonds.
Let me break down 2 dynamics within the Origin trio (Im saving Bakugou and Midoriya’s part of it for the Wonder Duo section):
Todoroki Shouto and Midoriya Izuku:
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Izuku telling Shouto that his power isn’t his fathers but his own helped Shouto embrace himself. This big moment helped fans understand Izuku as a character and that he didn’t care about winning but being able to help Shouto accept himself for who he is.
When Todoroki and Bakugou fought at the Sports Festival Izuku was showcased to be cheering Shouto (who at that moment was hesitant to use his full power) this ignited his flames to come full force which was big for Shouto’s character
During the Stain arc Izuku sent out a signal to his location (which Shouto saw) and we see him worried for his friend and he makes his way to Iida and Izuku
During the aftermath of the stain arc Shouto showcases his worries and protectiveness of Izuku and Iida.
In the Forest Training arc Izuku was having trouble connecting with Kota and Shouto was able to give him advice by stating “ "Even he's told all the right things, if you don't know his background then you'll only succeed in annoying him" and continues with  "The important thing is, what the person who's saying it has done...and what they're doing now. I think that words are always accompanied with deeds.",
Shouto’s advice to Izuku showcases how much Izuku trust his advice and judgement (again a big change from where they were from the Sports festival)
When Izuku fought Muscular Shouto’s words came back as a form of encouragement which helped him defeat the villian and become close with Kota.
"Even heroes cry sometimes." which was a quote Shouto said as a mean to help comfort Izuku who struggled when learning about all the horrible things that have happened to Eri. That scene showed how perceptive Shouto was in the feelings of others and also showed his method of trying to help someone.
When Shouto fought against Tetsutestsu in the Joint Training arc the symbolic moment that started the beginning of their bond which was the reminder of Shouto’s quirk being his own helped him with his fight
We also have their friendship being stronger when Izuku talks to Shouto about his path to forgiving his father and saying that he is kind (Endeavor Agency arc)
Izuku saves Shouto from Dabi by using black whip and states that Shouto is his “precious friend.” which that signified how powerful their bond is
I wont mention all the moments that they share as I am saving more on the shipping aspect for another blog post but my point on these two supporting each other endlessly still stands. Izuku has helped encourage Shouto when using his quirk and in return Shouto has given Izuku such helpful advice when stuck between a crossroad. From canon alone Horikoshi showcases their unconditional support for each other.
Todoroki Shouto and Bakugou Katsuki:
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From what canon has given us in terms of the introduction of their bond Katsuki has viewed Shouto as another rival of his while Shouto isn’t scared of Katsuki and his temperament at all.
Shouto and Katsuki are usually shown to bicker and banter with each other which is usually fun to see when observing their dynamic
Katsuki overheard Shouto and Izuku’s conversation after the calvary battle (which in a way foreshadowed his bond with Shouto getting stronger since it was able to connect him to the other two)
The Forest of training arc was the first arc that showed how natural Katsuki and Shouto were with one another (as compared to the Sports Festival)
Their friendly bantering continues when they both have to retake the license exam again. The running joke of Todoroki insisting that they are friends and Bakugou denying this is always a joy to see.
Bakugou was one of the first people (alongside Deku) to understand Shouto as a person when they were interning with Endeavor
Bakugou and Todoroki in canon both notice each others strengthens and made multiple comments on this. One example of this is when Todoroki used one of his well known attacks from the Sports Festival against his fight with Deku and Bakugou states this while bantering with Todoroki which he quickly responds with “I weakened the blow by a bit. Are you hurt?”
During their retake to get their hero license Bakugou opens up to Todoroki about how he was raised and that violence is needed against their challenge with the children which Todoroki comments that there is a better way that they can get through to the children.
Just from canon context alone these two have such a playful yet rival like bond and even to the current point of the manga we never really see these two break out of their usual bickering and bantering. I wont elaborate much on this since I plan to do a post more in depth about all the personal relationships. In canon we don’t really see a lot for them being explored but the potential for them to bond more is their and I have no doubts that Horikoshi will do this justice (especially if the big 3 route is endgame)
The timeline of where the third MHA movie will take place can play a factor to this as well. If the movie takes place during the Endeavor Agency arc then it wouldn’t really leave much room for fans to interpret Shouto’s role after he finds out about OFA. However, if the movie takes place post war arc “All for One and One for All.” which was the movie teaser’s highlight it could solidify the importance that Shouto will have once he finds out what Katsuki already knew about Deku.
Big 3 Evidence:
Deku, Katsuki, and Shouto were all shown to admire All Might when they were younger. 
Ever since the concept of the big 3 was introduced (Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire’s debut) it gave fans the idea that a future big 3 will come into play. It was just a matter of who would be apart of it
War arc hints that Shouto will be let in on the OFA secret (which was something that binded just Deku and Katsuki before) with this knowledge it will connect the three of them 
With quirks alone all 3 of them are compatible and would be an ultimate tag team
Endeavor Agency arc once more hints of the potential trio with Katsuki and Izuku fighting alongside Shouto in order to save Natsuo from Ending. The first time we got to see these three join forces and showcase everything that they’ve got
Small parallels between them and the current big 3 (Mirio and Bakugou) (Deku and Amajiki) and (Shouto and Nejire) I might make a post on the comparisons soon if you guys are interested.
Trios have been shown in the My Hero Academia universe (examples: rooftop trio which consist of Aizawa, Shirakumo, and Present Mic) which considering that the three of them wanted to open up their own agency as pros but sadly could not it wouldn’t be surprising that the Origin trio ends up doing so instead.
Endeavor hints on this possible trio by saying that the three of them need to have the three fundamentals which are rescue, evacuation, and battle. Izuku (Rescue), Shouto (evacuation), and Katsuki (battle),
Wonder Duo:
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Shifting perspectives let’s discuss some evidence of Horikoshi ending the series with the Wonder Duo. Now with this hero combination it was stated at face value during Deku vs Kacchan 2 ( chapter 120) by All Might who says “If the two of you can recognize each other and honestly raise each other up, you can become the best heroes who both win and rescue.”  This was the first indication that not only could they become a hero duo but also that these two would rekindle their broken bond by the conclusion of the series.
Bakugou Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku:
From what we know prior to the beginning of the series Izuku and Katsuki knew each other since childhood and that their relationship started off rocky (since they were set up to become rivals) 
To show the closeness of Izuku’s connection to Katsuki he calls him “Kacchan” while even tho Katsuki’s originally meaning of the word “Deku” meant worthless Izuku took that name and made it his hero name.
For seasons 1-3 (before Deku vs Kacchan 2) Katsuki believed that Izuku had always looked down on him hence him pushing him away which he yet again confirms in the war arc that because of his weakness he ended up bullying Deku because of it
When Bakugou got kidnapped from the villains he states “stay back Deku.” and as a result we have Deku screaming out in agony when the villains took Bakugou away during the training camp arc
Following his kidnapping scene Deku cries at the hospital about not being able to save Katsuki (despite during that time of their development Katsuki wanted to push Izuku away)
When Deku vs Kacchan 2 occurred fans got to see Katsuki become vulnerable for the first time talking about why had it been him that ended All Might’s career. This following with Deku stating that he is “the only one who can accept Kacchan’s feelings.”
"to the same extent of all your unpleasant traits, your sheer amazingness at everything you do was so brilliant to me, it was blinding!" (quote from Izuku during the fight) followed by "You, who had so many things that I never had... to me, you were an amazing, inspiring person, who was even closer to me than All Might!"
Deku vs Kacchan 2 was the pivotal fight that changed the entire course of their dynamic since it was the first time that fans got to see the two of them unleash all their emotions that they had been keeping in for years
In Heroes Rising Deku shares OFA with Bakugou and commenting that "It's okay if it's you," when talking about having his childhood friend hold that power and also showcases Izuku’s trust in him.
During the Meta Liberation War arc when Izuku tries to find Shigaraki and try putting a end to all of this Katsuki notices this and follows him commenting “because being a hero means protecting everyone." foreshadowing the save mentality that Katsuki has when he put his life on the line to protect Deku from Shigaraki’s attack 
Link to a perspective that tackles the possibility of Bakugou and Midoriya being a hero duo in the future.
Wonder Duo Evidence:
During the provisional license arc Aizawa talks to Mrs. Joke about how Bakugou and Midoriya encourage and inspire the rest of the class (with a screenshot of the two of them while he says this)
During the Final Exams arc Midoriya and Bakugou were partnered together to take down All Might and that fight showcased the miscommunication the two of them had (despite them winning against him in the end) the fore shadowing of these two working together could be hinted as far back as the final exams arc if thinking about how shounen writing sets up rivals.
All Might’s quote about the two of them being the types of heroes to “win and save” made a return as we are shown during the war arc of Deku trying to achieve victory while Bakugou gained a quirk awakening because of his desire to save Deku. In other words having them switch perspectives in the current point of the story really does come a long way
Horikoshi mentions that Heroes Rising was meant to be the original ending for the series which could mean that a) the scenario of Bakugou and Midoriya working together in the series finale would stay and that the main difference is that they would be pros or B) the duo would be changed to a trio and that Shouto’s involvement might be intertwined with Izuku and Katsuki... still unsure on which route)
When All Might vs All for One happened we had a screenshot of the two of them calling out for All Might to win. Showing not only their significance to All Might but also foreshadowing them working together in the future
Throughout the series Horikoshi highlights their bond as one of the focal points in the series by not only setting them up as proper rivals but also being able to repair their broken bond (which in turn all goes back to All Might hinting at them becoming a hero duo)
We’ve seen some duo combinations as well as trio ones in the series example being Hawks and Endeavor during the pro hero arc (it was temporarily but the point still stands that as fans we were able to see how successful a duo could be in the series)
Foreshadowing can come a long way since the series has started with Midoriya and Bakguou through middle school it very well could end with them finally fixing their broken bond and become the heroes that will win and rescue.
Sorry this took so long everyone I was just gathering my thoughts on this interesting discussion. I can see Horikoshi going with either route but as of right now its possible that we could get the big 3 while Deku and co are still teenagers and then have the wonder duo happen when they become pros (which if this were to happen then there would need to be some explanation on what happened to Shouto during all this)
Im unsure of whether the big 3 would happen when they are pros or only for the time that they are still teenagers.
I could also see Shouto being in charge of his father’s agency and allowing people with all types of quirks to intern there (especially if Endeavor ends up passing away before the conclusion of the series) which might be the likely explanation we will get if the wonder duo route is still something Horikoshi stands by.
Final thoughts: As of everything we have so far I will go ahead and say that we will actually have both with the big 3 being officially confirmed as the Origin trio while they are still teenagers but the wonder duo happens when they become pros. This topic was such a fun and interesting one to dive into so regarding personal bonds i’ll do another post.
This post is meant to view them as hero combination not shipping wise so with that said I hope this post was worth the wait.
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fanfictionlive · 5 years
Which of these SI ideas do you want to read about?
What it says on the tin. I'm in the middle of a writing binge but I have so many plotbunnies and don't know where to start. Here's a list of things I'm in the mood to work on. Please, tell me which one catches your attention! If you got an idea/trope/headcanon of your own that I have your permission or liberty take, maybe twist, or implement in one of my wips, feel free to add them too. I'll credit you, of course 
Male!SIOC as the older brother of Sirius and Regulus Black and heir of the Black family.
SI of myself; I'm a muggleborn girl in the same year as the Weasley twins.
Male!SIOC with a twist; he's an Auror from the 2010s who time-travels to either the Marauders era or canon era. He accepts a position as teacher at Hogwarts.
SI as Percy Jackson. Realistic rewrite of the series. Will stay true to the nature of Greek Mythology (the gods are fudging terrifying and not troll parents)
Male!SIOC in Sunagakure. Grimdark. Lots of worldbuilding. The journey from cannon fodder to capable shinobi. He's a year or two older than Kakashi.
Female!SIOC at the end of the Third Shinobi War. Focuses on the civilian side of things and the spying/seduction game. She wakes up in Tanzaku Gai and earns money by continuing her previous part-time job: pole-dancing. She takes to Jiraiya like a baby duckling and follows him in his travels. (She'll never be anything stronger than genin, if even that).
SI!Robb Stark. Enough said.
Male!SI as Balerion, the Black Dread. ( yes, he turns human at one point  )
Crossover/reincarnation, although no prior knowledge of Naruto is needed. Uchiha Shisui is reincarnated as the trueborn son of Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon. He's crown prince
Female!SI(OC) as the daughter of the one who launched the Tourney of Harrenhal (when Rhaegar crowned Lyanna instead of his WAIFU). She has 3 older brothers and her uncle is Oswell Whent, a member of the Kingsguard. Looooots of humor, while keeping in mind the stakes of the world. I kinda see it as romcom in Westeros?
Male!SIOC as the younger brother of Aerys II Targaryen, the Mad King. I've already written a teaser for this one; read it under the list!
Male!SIOC. Kinda a crossover? Kinda portal fantasy? Bo prior knowledge of FF7 is needed. Premise is: a SOLDIER from Final Fantasy 7 (already a reincarnated soul from our world) falls into the Lifestream (it's green) just before Sephiroth goes Ragnarok on everyone. He ends up stuck to an elf for a years or so, invisible and intangible. The elf is the one who stumbles upon Divine Justinia being threatened at the Conclave but just before he picks up the sphere, SIOC does it for him. BOOM. He's the Inquisitor instead of Lavellan.
Male!SIOC as a Lantern. That's all I have for now so if you got suggestions... I'm eying the Violet Lantern like a thirsty dog, though. As for the universe... Injustice is winking at me ahdgjsjs
SI as Aquaman. The comics were soooo frustrating but I love Arthur to bits. Can't wait to get my hands on Atlantis. Worldbuilding a fish city? I volunteer!
Male!SIOC as Bruce Wayne's younger brother (he's one year old when their parents die, so eight years younger than Bruce). Bro. BRO. This wip is my BABY. So much worldbuilding. So much nostalgia. I've actually nearly managed to make a decent timeline of events. ALL major DC events are in this monster of a wip, from Countdown to Infinite Crisis to Blackest Night to Flashpoint. ALL beloved villains and heroes, from Cyborg Superman to Jason Todd to Kilowogg. It spans from the Wayne brother's childhood filled with shenanigans (baby catwoman, black mask and twoface helping Bruce solve a crime? It's more likely thatn you think!) to Nightwing proposing to his love (this is when I'll be annoying and say "read to find out who it is!!" Lol)
Disclaimer: All of these ideas are mine!! Their worlds are not ( for the most part lol). They're not up for adoption. If you really want to take one and write your version of it, please tell me. Some are already named, some already written, some are barely a vague aesthetic in my head.
Warnings: All warnings apply with my fics. I write everything, and some topics/tropes/plotlines will offend you, or make you uncomfortable. My wips, besides being lgbt-friendly, often reflect my thoughts, which you'll probably disagree with in some cases. They also, in some cases, contain DARK themes, and while I may not always write explicit scenes, I do make the characters feel the consequences.
submitted by /u/LuceLucky [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans https://ift.tt/2rwYcWA
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redrobin-detective · 7 years
why is conversations with a cryptid 'stunningly good'? ~anon
I freaking love Conversations with a Cryptid and I have so many feelings and I'm trying to articulate for a comment and alllll the theories. And then there's the knowledge that Izuku isn't right about everything so we have to try and figure out where he has gone wrong. And there's so many details that may or may not mean anything like the fact he's been sick for so long like is it stress or something else? And the cliff hanger from this chapter ahhhhhhhhh @tabletoptime
*asks you about it* @loxare
Ask box is still broken so I must resort to a new text post.
Conversations with A Cryptid by AMournfulHowlInTheNight is a BNHA/MHA AU story where Izuku begins having weekly sessions with All For One (AFO) following his capture. It's such a simple concept but it's done so well.
First off, Izuku's analytical skills are given their due and there's some fascinating meta on AFO and quirks that wrapped elegantly into the story. It allows Izuku's brain to take center stage which isn't something you see a lot in fanfiction.
Second, AFO isn't so much a person in the little we see of him in the manga so much as an entity of evil. Conversations really brings him to life, gives him a personality (albeit a cunning, sadistic one) and makes him a believable villain who truly believes the ends justify the means. There are several times where, despite admitting to murder, human experimentation, kidnapping etc, that I find myself sympathizing with his ideals. As a villain and a person, he is done immensely well.
Third, though the story is really about Izuku's meetings with AFO, it's not the entire story. We catch glimpses of his life at UA, in his dealing with All Might, with his outside investigations in AFO's activities. The glimpses we catch of the rest of class 1-A, All Might, Tsukauchi and Inko are all in character and really put this story in context. You really get the understanding that though the story IS these meetings, it's only a small part of Izuku's life. Izuku himself is incredibly well written, being more sassy and stern then usual because a) this isn't him in a normal setting and b) it becomes increasingly clear the boy is overworking himself and becomes more tired and snappish as the story progresses.
Fourth, so about halfway through the story, you'll get an idea and think "would it be interesting if they're hinting at this?" More little clues pop out and you think about it a little more. As the clues mount up and become more obvious, it goes from an idea to a certainty. And by that time all hell breaks loose. It's dramatic irony at it's finest where you KNOW damn well what's going on but Izuku and the rest of the cast keep missing the obvious. The last few chapters all but strangle you with the obvious tension of avoiding the elephant in the room as you scream about how they could be missing the obvious conclusion. The last three chapters have involved me screaming because the tension will not stop and some of the dialogue is dripping with hints and miscommunication as there's basically two or more interpretations to each sentence. I shan't spoil since discovering it is half the fun but it's such a wild ride and well worth the journey.
If you like boku no hero academia/my hero academia in any way I certainly recommend it. Even if you don't really like the series, the story is so well done that it doesn't really matter. The story pretty much explains itself as he gently leads you along before going from gentle teasers to punching you in the face. And you'll be thanking them .
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avengerstvshow · 4 years
Changes/Bonus Material
I decided to make a few changes and add some bonus material.
1. Throughout Season 1, the Hulk material builds as teasers and stingers.  I used a lot of deleted scenes to help to build suspense for the Hulk’s eventual reveal, using the perspective of those around Bruce without ever showing Bruce himself, to avoid dealing with the casting change.  My favorite addition was the stinger to S1E1, where we see Bruce in the arctic and his suicide attempt, along with brief glimpses of the pain and longing that have driven him there.  I also LOVE the deleted/extended scenes with General Ross; they’re beautifully written.  I think these scenes were deleted for fear of slowing the film down too much, but to me, allowing the characters to wax poetical about their world-views is so compelling that I just had to include them.
2. In S1E3, I cut the entire third act of Iron Man.  This was a very radical change, but I made it for a good reason.  Most origin stories pit the hero against a darker version of himself.  While this was very clear with Iron Monger in Iron Man 1, this trope was basically repeated with Whiplash in Iron Man 2.  Although the plot of Iron Man 2 was very crowded and did not give Whiplash his due, given how intertwined the plot lines were, and how the struggle to outsmart Whiplash is so instrumental in driving Tony to delve into his father’s past, I felt that it was more important to set him up as his first major villain.  My hope is that the confrontation with the terrorists will suffice as Iron Man’s first victory, given the series format.
3. In S1E5-6, I added a few deleted scenes.  After the Thor prologue as the teaser, I chose to begin the episode with the deleted scene of Thor & Loki talking before his coronation; I felt that it was important to establish the adult versions of these characters as brothers before the plot continued.  I also added the extended conversation between Loki & Frigga at Odin’s bedside, as well as Loki’s coronation.  The original ordering of the dialogue really seemed to flow much more smoothly, and to end it with the actual coronation moment gave Loki a bit more of a bridge from scheming brother to power-hungry tyrant.  The brief conflict in Tom Hiddleston’s performance is breathtaking.
4. In S1E7-9, I added a few Cap deleted scenes.  The first is his extended introduction to the present day.  While this scene was unfinished, and the final product isn’t perfect, I felt that the extended dialogue between Cap and Nick Fury was important, as this scene now takes place later in the series.  I also added the extended Cap sequences dealing with the present day, including much of his interactions with the waitress/saving her in the Battle of New York.  While these scenes slowed the pacing in the film, I personally felt that we could use the character development for Cap here; his struggle to adjust to modern life, while expounded upon in Winter Soldier, needed more time to really sit with the viewer, as this was the season finale.  I also loved how the waitress provided an everyman perspective and connection for the Avengers as a whole, with her “thank you” line at the end becoming a great payoff.
5. In S2E1-3, I used the brilliant “TDW: Hard Forged Edition” fan edit as my base for the Thor arc.  This edit includes masterfully integrated deleted scenes that really flesh out the characters and soften some of the edges around the writing.  A few of my favorite moments are Thor and Frigga’s brief interaction in the first act, and Thor and Jane’s interaction before her arrest in Episode 2.
However, I did add one moment myself.  This fan edit moved the prologue from the beginning of the film to Odin’s discussion of the dark elves with Thor and Jane in the library (Episode 1).  To drive home the theme of this season (dealing with demons), I reinserted an unused moment from the prologue.  After Thor reminds Odin that he was told that the Aether was destroyed, we see a quick flashback from Odin where his father says to bury it where no one will ever find it.  It’s really this decision from Thor’s grandfather that allows the Aether to reemerge during the Convergence in the first place, so I felt that it was important to clarify that moment as the original sin; Thor is now dealing with the consequences of that decision.
6. In S2E2, I added some Iron Man 3 deleted scenes involving EJ, the kid who bullies Harley.  I’m still going back and forth on this one.  I decided to include this scene for two reasons.  First, it directly compares Harley with Tony, facing their personal bullies.  Second, at the end of the extended sequence, Harley literally saves Tony’s life, giving more weight to their relationship and actual reason for Harley to say “I saved your life.”
7. In S2E3, I added in part of the alternate ending for Thor: The Dark World, found on the Infinity Saga Box Set bonus disc.  Originally, this ending included  scene with Odin on Earth and Thor taking his place as King of Asgard.  However, to keep with continuity, I selected the middle part of this scene: when Jane breaks up with Thor.  I added this conversation in for a couple of reasons.  First, the dialogue is quite good, given the journey they’ve been on in this film, and since we never got any kind of heart to heart between the couple in the theatrical cut, I felt it was needed to give their relationship arc some closure.  Second, I felt that it was important to set up Jane’s reasons for eventually actually breaking up with Thor, as it’s kind of shrugged off in Ragnarok.  Following this scene, I continued with the theatrical ending of Thor giving up the throne.  Even though it contradicts the conversation between Thor and Jane, in my head canon, Thor sees Jane’s reasons and at first, he agrees to go to Asgard.  However, when he is in front of his father, he realizes that being king isn’t who he is anymore.  He doesn’t know where his future will lead, but he chooses Jane in that moment.  To me, it seemed natural, and it adds layers to Thor’s journey at this point in the series.  The episode is then capped off with his implied return to Earth.
Also in this episode, I added the deleted scene where Maya Hansen sends the AIM data to Tony and is killed via the Extremis plant.  To be honest, I felt this scene should have been in the movie.  It gave more weight to Maya’s character arc and provided an ironic death; the very thing she worked so hard on took her life.
8. In S2E4-5, I used Bobson Dugnutt’s “WS: Defrosted Edition” as my base, adding in many of the deleted scenes from CA: Winter Soldier.  To me, these scenes fleshed out important moments for these characters that better set them up for the future.
9. In S2E6-7, I used several fan edits as sources in order to add in several deleted scenes from the film to slow down the frantic pacing and to better set up future plot points.  This includes Thor’s vision in the cave, to which I also made a subtle change to briefly include Thanos himself; this marks Thanos’ only appearance in Season 2 after the brief stinger in Season 1, and I felt it was important to establish him as a looming threat.  The power stone is also deleted from this moment, as it has not yet been introduced in the series.  I also added some moments for Bruce Banner’s vision before he goes on his rampage to tie him back to his origins in Season 1, and I cut most of Black Widow’s relationship moments with him, especially “the sun’s getting real low” stuff.  My goal was to make their relationship much more subtle and to distinguish it from Bruce’s relationship with Betty.
However, I did decide to include their interaction in the bedroom at Hawkeye’s farm.  I decided this scene was merited; in my head canon, Black Widow is shaken by her vision, so she reaches out to this other member of the team she’s slowly been connecting with in a moment of weakness/loneliness/desire.  I also really struggled because of the controversy around Black Widow’s “monster” line.  I eventually came to the conclusion that she’s referring to herself as a monster not because she can no longer have kids, but because she’s been mutilated so she can be a better killer.  To her, that’s monstrous.  While I do think the scene could have made that clearer, I really appreciated the sentiment she’s conveying here, so I chose to leave it in.  
One final change I made with BW/Hulk: I re-edited the BW rescue scene so there’s no longer a kiss/push to make Bruce transform into the Hulk.  I wanted to give Bruce as much control over his changing as possible so it was easier to track is growth since his origins and set his rage transformation from Scarlet Witch’s vision apart.  In the theatrical cut, it’s implied that BW broke trust with Bruce because she needed Hulk.  Now, Hulk decides to leave in the end because he can no longer trust Bruce; Bruce views Hulk as a monster and wants him out.  Hulk doesn’t trust Black Widow to accept him either, as she hates the monster within herself, so she’s just like Bruce.  In my head canon, when Hulk reaches out to touch Black Widow’s face on the screen, that’s Bruce, but then Hulk claims control, shuts off the screen, and sets out into space.
10. In S3E3, I added a brief deleted scene where Janet Van Dyne explains to Hank that the Quantum Realm was more complex than they imagined.  I added this because I have a feeling the Quantum Realm will continue to play a larger role in future MCU plans, so I wanted to set up its importance a bit better.
11. In S3E8, I added the alternate ending for Doctor Strange, also found on the Infinity Saga Box Set bonus disc.  Thanks to fan editor Bobson Dugnutt for his splendid reasoning in going with this ending.  Since this film is centered around Doctor Strange, it made perfect sense to me that the final scene should come full circle, playing on Doctor Strange’s love of music and his playful relationship with Wong.  To me, this is a much more character-centric ending.  I moved the the theatrical ending to S3E10 as a stinger scene to emphasize the importance of the time stone.
12. In S4E1-2, I restructured Captain Marvel just a bit so that the audience discovers more about Carol’s identity with her.  I moved most of her scenes pre-Earth to a brief flashback sequence.  I also added a deleted scene where Yon-Rogg talks to the Supreme Intelligence in his own image.  I felt that this was crucial to really SHOW, not TELL, how the Supreme Intelligence appears to the Kree.  It also really adds some much-needed depth to Yon-Rogg.
13. In S4E3-6, I pruned some of the jokes/gags in both Guardians 2 and Thor: Ragnarok, just to space out the laugh moments and allow the scenes to breathe a bit more.  I also had to edit around the “sun’s getting real low” gag, since I cut it in Season 2.
14. In S4E7, I chose to introduce the episode in the teaser with the Guardians’ perspective, when they first come upon the Asgardian shipwreck.  This was mainly because we have been following the Guardians more consistently than Thor since last seasons’ finale.
15. Finally, in S4E10, I chose to include a small portion of Black Widow’s alternate death scene, specifically, a small piece of dialogue at the beginning of their conversation.  Fact: this scene is one of many Endgame Deleted scenes that are exclusive to Disney Plus, so I had to use a number of methods to obtain HD footage.  Unfortunately, the audio isn’t amazing, but it’s the best I could get.  The reason I chose to use this opening bit of dialogue was because I felt it established very quickly the logic of Black Widow’s thinking.  I felt like the conversation would flow more naturally from intellectual reason to their love for each other.  
The reason I chose to stick with her theatrical death is because the creators chose to make that change, and I agree that maximum emotional impact is driving from character rather than plot.  I feel like even though the scene has its problems, it’s the closest we have to this beautifully tragic scene that Black Widow deserved.
0 notes
xtremedespair3d · 5 years
My 10 Year Journey
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It’s here. The end of the 2010 decade is finally here and now we’re finally gonna enter the 2020 decade! Although technically the decade won’t start until 2021, but who really cares? I’ve seen people hyping “Best things of the decade” and whatnot, so it still counts.
This post isn’t just going to be a 2019 year review with what to expect in 2020, the year and the decade, but I’m also telling a bit of my life over the last 10 years, though I may vaguely remember what happened, so this is going to be my longest post yet.
Also, this is going to be my final post I’m going to publish in Tumblr, I’m quitting for good. You’ll find out why when you read this post.
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First, let’s start off with my usual Top 10 (and 20) lists of everything that happened this year:
Top 20 Best Anime:
20.- Virtual-san wa Miteiru
19.- Kaguya-sama: To be honest, I wasn’t quite impressed with Kaguya-sama, I didn’t like it as much as everyone else but I did like parts of it. And I of course agree that Chika is best girl. Maybe season 2 could help me change my mind.
18.- Fire Force
17.- Watanuki-san Chi No: This one’s more calssified as a dorama instead of an anime like Virtual-san wa Miteiru but whatever. With this and Virtual-san wa Miteiru, I’m still optimistic about the future of VTuber anime because I want to see more.
16-  Dumbbell Nan Kilomoteru: I really need to go to the gym again or try to practice the home exercices as shown in the series.
15.- Tokunana
14.- Fate/Grand Order Babylonia
13.- Lord El-Melloi II Case Files
12.- Ikki Tousen: Western Wolves
11.- BanG Dream! S2
10.- Quintessential Quintuplets
9.- The Promised Neverland
8.- Rising of Shield Hero
7.- Isekai Quartet
6.- Bungou Stray Dogs S3
5.- W’z: Yes, regardless of the hideous visuals GoHands has somehow fallen to grace, I really liked it so much that it helped redeem myself on Hand Shakers as a franchise because of its story.
4.- Girls’ Frontline Healing Chapter
3.- Fruits Basket
2.- Mob Psycho 100 II: Mob Psycho 100 is in a better hands than One-Punch Man has. No studio changes bound and Bones continues to deliver amazing animation that exceeds ONE’s art.
1-C.- Azur Lane: The Animation
1-B.- Kemurikusa
1-A.- Kimetsu no Yaiba: Ufotable wins for the second time in a row since 2018′s Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan series with this year’s Kimetsu no Yaiba!
All of the praise there’s been towards Ufotable with Kimetsu no Yaiba just make their other works (aside from Fate) otherwise forgettable (which is sad and I shouldn’t say that because I’m a Ufotable stan).
But, that’s not the end of the journey, there’s a film based on the Infinite Train arc happening and, surprisingly, it’s actually happening! It’s not a vaporware like the Katsugeki Touken Ranbu film or even Girls’ Work!
I’m still worried about Ufotable’s future given the tax fraud investigation, but whatever the case, I hope they can manage to clear things out and still running with marvelous projects, whatever they have in store (and literally in the shelf with the aforementioned Katsugeki Touken Ranbu film and Girls’ Work)
I had entries #1A to #3 and #20 figured out, but good lord! Figuring out what should #4 to #19 be! It took me forever!
Honorable mentions:
-Attack on Titan S3 - Part 2
-High Score Girl II
-Kakegurui XX
-Danmachi S3
-Manaria Friends
-Lupin III OVAs
-Welcome to Japari Park: This is a 2018 series but it has kept me on high spirit than Kemono Friends 2 ever has, it has given me depression instead. However, that doesn’t mean it tops the original Kemono Friends, this remains like my #2 favorite Kemono Friends anime. By the way, I didn’t know it was a two-cour series which the series got really interesting by the second-cour.
I really hope there’s another season, that teaser at the final episode has so much potential for them to not make any more Welcome to Japari Park!
UPDATE - February 1st 2020: As of the editing of this post, there’s still no season 2 to be found, or worse yet, I think it might not even be made at all. Well, it was quite a ride. F.
Top 6 Worst Anime:
6.- W’z
5.- Virtual-san wa Miteiru
Yes, I know I already had put W’z and Virtual-san wa Miteiru in my Top 20 Best Anime category, I had to include them as the worst because not only sometimes I do feel they’re kind of bad in their right with their visuals, but I’m mainly doing it for the sake of not looking like a lunatic. But there are 4 other anime that definitely need some of their own commentary.
4.- Mini Toji: Speaking of the Toji no Miko franchise, I heard that there’s gonna be an OVA based on the mobile game and my god, I really wish Toji no Miko can just die already.
(To be honest, I don’t know why I’ve grown to hate Toji no Miko if there’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just an instinct or something like “I don’t like your guts”.)
3.- Granblue Fantasy The Animation season 2
2.- Miru Tights: I really wanted to like Miru Tights because it’s Yomu anime, but the show itself was pretty boring and tries to push the tights fetish so far that completely turns me off, but the worst thing yet is that TRUSS (The studio that made the series) privatized every episode as weeks went by! I thought watching the series on YouTube with English and Chinese/Taiwanese subtitles was a great accessibility for everyone to watch it! I thought they were considerate to do that but I have to take that statement back on having every episode privatized.
This is why I absolutely prefer stockings/knee-highs over tights/pantyhose, I love me that absolute territory so much.
1.- Kemono Friends 2 and One-Punch Man 2: That’s right, a tie between these two.
With One-Punch Man 2, the visuals are a major disaster and it nowhere near follows the heart from the original by Madhouse despite having some decent sakuga moments but still tries really hard and gets ruined with motion blur. Story is relatively faithful to the manga (because I do read it, unlike you RedMakuzawa), but it just wasn’t told properly with its horrendous animation.
I’m glad that pretty much everyone is saying that One-Punch Man 2 was a disappointment.
Kemono Friends 2 is obviously the biggest thing I truly hated the most this entire year. I never asked for a completely new storyline that won’t even follow the teaser from the first season’s ending, I never asked for a completely new human character to take Kaban’s spot as the main character (I’m happy that Kaban is still here but I’m not happy with her role), I never asked for Kemono Friends 2 to exist at all!
Although, come to think of it, there were like quite a lot of good moments, but most of the time, I couldn’t care less for certain characters like Kaban and Caracal and this entire recycled plotline, not to mention the occasionally inconsistent framerates in the animation too.
Both were destined to become my worst anime of the year, no thanks to studio changes.
Top 10 Best Movies:
10.- Captain Marvel: Let’s start with a little controversial. As a Marvel fanboy, I just tend to watch every MCU movie because of the story, regardless of quality and whatever, and I’m pretty sad that pretty much everyone hates it, even my older sister. At least there’s two friends I know who did like the film and it helps make me feel better.
9.- Once Upon a Deadpool: This is a 2018 release but I happened to watch it on January 2019, so I had to include this here. Yes, it’s Deadpool 2 but with the gore and profanity cut off, but it was worth rewatching the film even toned down.
Except I wasn’t prepared for the Stan Lee parts. ;_;
8.- X-Men: Dark Phoenix: I did enjoy the film, flawed (?) for sure but it wasn’t objectively bad. The way I think it’s flawed it’s because it just made me ask a lot of questions and lacks context about who the villains are, are they Skrulls or not?
(Wow, three Marvel movies in a row.)
7.- Detective Pikachu: So I’m not a big Pokemon person, but I’m sure this year was pretty much Pokemon year, from Sword & Shield, Ash finally winning a Pokemon championship and new anime series, and of course, Detective Pikachu.
This was quite a very good video game movie with appealing realistic Pokemon, albeit the pace was a little too fast.
With that said about how the Pokemon look, I think I’m definitely gonna see the Sonic movie. I’m pretty sure it’s not gonna be as great as Detective Pikachu in terms of story, but at least seeing Sonic’s new design is something.(We do not talk about Sonic’s old design)
6.- IT Chapter Two: There’s really nothing wrong with the film. It’s just as good and keeps up the same pace as the first film!
5.- John Wick 3
4.- Shazam: DC has been quite in a roll this year since Aquaman, things just gets better with Shazam and Joker (although Joker is its own self-contained universe and Shazam is DCEU). I nearly cried on the part where Billy’s adopted family turned into the Shazam family! Quite some comic book inspirations!
3.- Fate/Stay Night: Heaven’s Feel II. lost butterfly: This was truly the most chill anime movie experience I’ve ever had in the cinema. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Resurrection was also a decently chill but at times people did yell but not super loudly compared to the other films I’ve seen.
The worst part about my experience is that I was literally dying from the very second half of film! My god, I’m definitely not drinking a lot of soda very often, I even went to the bathroom earlier. I’m blaming it on the Takis popcorn we always eat!
With that being said about the crowd in my cinema, I actually wanted to get a very lousy crowd because I started audio recording my phone so I can share to people how annoying Mexican weebs in my cinema can be, especially at that Shirou x Sakura scene, but it turns out there wasn’t a whole lot of people and the theater was in absolute peace, so I pretty much recorded the entire film in audio.
Anyways, the film itself was still pretty nice, can’t wait for the third part and at this point, I probably shouldn’t be begging for Konnichiwa (the distributor) to bring it, I’m pretty sure they’ll definitely will given that they released the first two films so far.
2.- Godzilla: King of the Monsters
1-C.- Spider-Man: Far From Home: I really quite loved Spider-Man: Far From Home and because I’m heavily biased to Spider-Man films and MCU films for this to become either second next to Avengers: Endgame, the next film just took its place for a good reason.
1-B.- Joker: This was an absolute masterpiece of a movie I’ve ever seen in my birthday! The Murray Franklin interview scene is my favorite scene in the entire film because the Joker monologue where he talks about the three subway dudes he killed and society in general just really speaks to me, it sounds similar on my existential crisis rant I fussed over on Discord servers EARLIER.
Venom was also a good birthday movie I got last year, though it came out a day later and I’m kinda sad, but Joker, since it came out exactly on my birthday, is definitely a gift I wholeheartedly deserved it! I want my movies to be released right on time! I also need more villain movies in my birthday in my life! (Though it depends which character because I’m sure I won’t be as convinced as Venom and Joker)
However, even if it was one of the best birthday gifts I’ve had in my birthday, I DID NOT let Joker to dethrone this next film...
1-A.- Avengers: Endgame: My #1 most anticipated movie of the whole year finally arrived and the one I seriously did not let this film get dethroned like last year with Spider-Verse over Infinity War! Wouldn’t you know it, this film literally brought me into absolute tears, hit me in the feels, EVERYTHING!!!
The way the film was marketed, the secrecy behind it and everything, and while the film delivered, all that stuff we previously believed has all been a lie and it was quite a surprise! They did not mess around with how important this film was going to be!
Ugh, whatever. At least I didn’t hear that many complaints that left me a sour taste anyways.
Marvel just went so far with rereleasing Avengers: Endgame but with extra minutes of footage with cut content! That really sounds amazing, and it gets better when it was a worldwide release, including Mexico! Although... I really would have loved to rewatch the movie, but the schedule turned out to be at 9 PM, so for 3 hours, I would have gone around 12:30 or 1 AM and that’s a big no-no, I would have been killed. I also wanted to see it with my older sister but she was hospitalized at the time, and we couldn’t anyways because of the late ass schedule, so we had to wait until Spider-Man: Far From Home instead.
I don’t really care if those extra minutes are rough unfinished CG stuff that we can just see from the Blu-Ray (which I’ll never get), I just wanted to rewatch everything in the cinema, but I couldn’t because of the ridiculous schedule my cinema chose.
The moment Captain America said “Avengers... Assemble!”, I literally started bursting into tears, and so were the crowd being hype as fuck! My god, what else can make me cry from something this hype?!
There’s just a lot of stuff I want to discuss about Avengers: Endgame but I really can’t just process it! This was my absolute #1 favorite movie of the year and I definitely did not let any other film dethrone it! I love it 3000!
Honorable mentions:
Toy Story 4: I enjoyed the film regardless of everyone saying “Toy Story 3 should have been the final movie for good and this is just a cashgrab” or whatever, thankfully I didn’t cry at the ending, but I’m sad that my older sister didn’t like it for some reason.
Promare: I’m seriously disappointed that Promare didn’t come out in Mexico while America were seeing the film. I’ve been seeing fan arts galore and maybe a bit of spoilers, though I’m kind of in the dark about it. I really hope Promare comes out in Mexico next week! Just as long as the crowd isn’t absolutely noisy, though I had such experiences before, but I heard that America is much worse on noisy people in the theaters when the film was rerun a couple of times, jesus...
Top 10 Best Games:
This might be my most controversial category yet because I literally haven’t played any single of these games (except for two) and I’m heavily biased towards franchise I care the most, developer(s) I care the most, aesthetic, etc., not so much about quality and most importantly, experience by having played them at all. But even so, I want to congratulate them by their existence.
10.- Persona 5 Royal: As much as I like Persona 5 from how it is, the aesthetic and everything (I haven’t played it myself, I’ve seen my older sister play it), but it has turned somewhat of a controversial topic for me, because literally everyone I know has quite some harsh feelings on the game and it just affects me so much given how much praise I have seen, so I kind of walk away from P5 nowadays.
But now, there’s Persona 5 Royal! Not only has some cool new content, but I hope it improves some issues the vanilla version has left behind!
(I only want the new content, to be honest)
I wonder if Persona 4 had this kind of similar backlash, because I see Persona 4 Golden in a different light where it just simply adds new stuff and not try to fix the issues from the vanilla version (it does but it’s not how I see it)
9.- Kingdom Hearts 3: I’m not a Kingdom Hearts person but I’m happy that the long awaited KH3 is finally out, although it might be quite divisive because of the story and its issues, but it seems like ReMind is going to fix these issues.
8.- Pokemon Sword & Shield
7.- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
6.- Fire Emblem Three Houses.
5.- Untitled Goose Game: HONK!
4.- God Eater 3: I wanted to tie GE3 with Code Vein, but I was eager for Code Vein the most than God Eater 3 and I haven’t seen much of it honestly, but I’m still including it here because I like the God Eater franchise but I’m not quite an avid fan, at least until I play GE2 and of course GE3. I just need to grow some interest with God Eater some more because I really like the post-apocalyptic aesthetic and everything.
3.- Azur Lane: Crosswave
2.- Resident Evil 2 Remake: Capcom’s redemption arc continues! And with its success, it’s even lead to the development of Resident Evil 3 Remake which it’s gonna come out next year, and I’m surprised that they’re working on it already.
1-D.- Code Vein: I’ve become quite furious when the reviews for it came out. The Metacritic shows that the game is average at best and people be like “This is garbage, I’m out” and my god, I’m seriously frustrated with all that shit. I waited for a fucking year and I don’t want to get disencouraged when I’ll ever have the chance to play it.
But thankfully it didn’t stop me from seeing people playing the game and it makes me more than happy that they do.
I had to go so far on spoiling myself and... what I heard was one of the best things ever, which I’m probably not gonna spoil for you.
1-C.- Astral Chain
1-B.- Devil May Cry 5/Travis Strikes Again: I have to make this a tie for two reasons, they’re my biggest franchises in my life, but they have differing levels of my personal importance.
With Devil May Cry 5, I never thought the good DMC will ever come back, after having to suffer through DmC, there was also DMC4: Special Edition released in 2015, but that’s kind of whatever, but then, shit just got real when it was revealed in E3 2018!
Anyways, let’s talk about post-release, the story is absolutely nice, they went with throwing a bit of throwbacks and it just screams everything absolutely worthy for answers and pay-offs, though the ending feels kind of inconclusive, seems kind of they’re going to be open with maybe a Special Edition of DMC5 or even DMC6, but who knows, but then hopes get ruined as Capcom announced they were done with the development of DMC5 after the Bloody Palace release, which means no more Vergil, Trish and Lady DLCs, which it’s utterly disappointing! (But will there still be a Special Edition? It took 7 years for DMC4 to get one (2008-2015))
One other problem I have with DMC5 is that Capcom might have done a very poor job on keeping Vergil a very big secret. I think it was already known that Vergil might have going to appear in DMC5 for so long, from Dan Southworth’s (Vergil’s VA) Facebook post with the #DMC hashtag, from people editing Urizen’s voice and they found a match on Dan’s Vergil voice, to Capcom outright releasing a spoiler trailer! Sure, people sure want to avoid that trailer, but really? Weren’t they supposed to treat Vergil like he was a really huge deal for the game that’s not worth spoiling at all?
Also, the game continues to be extremely stressful with the harder difficulties, but since I have played DMC3 a long time ago, my skills haven’t gone out of practice!... Mostly.
Now, let’s talk about Travis Strikes Again. The moment it was announced on the Nintendo Switch event in January 2017, I literally started bursting into tears and yelled out loud! Later in August, at PAX, a new trailer was revealed and even if it was a teaser CG video (it’s the first game’s opening post-release) and my god, it looked gorgeous. Then things started to get sour as Atkin Downes tweeted that he was “disappointed”, that he wasn’t brought back to voice Travis or something, and I was utterly disappointed, but things changed when in December, it turns out that Robin Atkin Downes was returning to voice Travis, not only him but the original voices for Shinobu and Bad Girl are returning as well, my hope was restored! (Though I was already gonna see how the game would turn out regardless)
The game came out and at first, I saw seeing Grasshopper‘s Twitter account retweeting positive reviews from lesser known articles, which I was good at first, but then someone posted the Metacritic where it has mixed reviews, like at 70 something (under 75) and I was kinda sad.
Some people may say that the game is a disappointment and the gameplay is repetitive, and boy, I don’t give a SHIT about what these fuckheads (see what I did there?) say about the game. Though I still have yet to experience the gameplay myself (chances are that I wouldnt really find it repetitive. Pretty much every game is. Uh, hot take), but when I watched walkthrough videos of the entire game, the Travis Strikes Back segments (a visual novel-inspired segment) are what brought me ABSOLUTE HOPE for the game overall, the story pretty much has! The lore and everything that explains what happened a little with Travis’s disappearance from Santa Destroy, he’s even got kids with Sylvia, Badman’s origin story from Badman Strikes Back from the DLC, EVEN THE EASTER EGGS LIKE FUCKING MONDO ZAPPA FROM KILLER IS DEAD, ALL THE EFFORTS SUDA PUT INTO THIS IS JUST AN ABSOLUTE LOVE LETTER FOR ME AS A NO MORE HEROES FAN (And for general Suda fans too, though I’m not the most hardcore Suda fan as I haven’t played The Silver Case and other games to understand the references).
The second patch of the game came and there’s a brand new opening featuring Killer7! And this just changes the No More Heroes Universe, no, the Sudaverse!
My god, there’s a lot of stuff I want to say but can’t process, but let me just say this: Even if you didn’t like the game, or you find it disappointing, you’re wrong! The story and the lore should be the biggest redeeming factor of Travis Strikes Again!
Just when I thought I want to get a Switch to play Travis Strikes Again, a few months later, a rerelease of the game with all of the DLC for PS4 and Steam came out in October and oh boy, that gives me a huge opportunity to play the game, either on my shitty ass laptop or in my PS4 (which I finally got it after so long and I’ll later explain why)! I really hope it goes the same for No More Heroes 3--WHICH BY THE WAY, there was a bit of problem around Travis Strikes Again where people thought NMH3 was going to be sequel bait when Suda said that if TSA sold well, the development for NMH3 would start, but I didn’t care if it was a problem or sequel-bait or not, I just wanted people to buy this game as much as possible, especially when the post-credits scene straightup teased NMH3!
One other thing I find it weird about TSA’s existence, is that Suda says that this isn’t much of a numbered sequel or a spin-off, I don’t really get what Suda means on what TSA is, but I’m still treating it as a sequel storywise, considering that NMH3 takes place after TSA. The post-credits scene definitely doesn’t mess around!
Anyways, I’m done discussing Travis Strikes Again.
I put these two games as a tie for big reasons: They’re both my favorite franchises I hold dear the most (though I absolutely hold NMH at the very bottom of my heart more than DMC), both games are fighting between their pros and cons, one I definitely have played (DMC5) and one I haven’t (TSA)...
Let me point out their pros and cons real quick:
Devil May Cry 5:
Amazing gameplay and graphics.
Amazing soundtrack.
Amazing story with neat throwbacks.
Development finished, so don’t expect any more DLC.
Travis Strikes Again:
Story that’s a much bigger love letter, helps explain what happened to certain characters after NMH2, etc. And even features Suda51 easter eggs.
Two DLC expansions than DMC5 will ever have.
Kind of whatever gameplay. (for other people, not for me)
I do think Travis Strikes Again is much better in terms of content than DMC5 but it’s kind of a debate. They’re still amazing games regardless!
1-A.- Death Stranding: A Hideo Kojima Game = Instant #1 winner. And perhaps this is the most surprisingly divisive Kojima game I’ve ever seen in my life (Perhaps more or less divisive than Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain), at least with the reviews alone (At least in America, Europe and Japan have 9s, 10/10s), that doesn’t stop from seeing quite some cultural impact already, memes, fan arts and stuff.
I’m disappointed that it didn’t win Game of the Year in The Game Awards because obviously it’s such a big game, though not everyone really cares and it makes me sad, at least it’s still won some awards and won GOTY in other not-so relevant award shows.
The game is pretty much filled with an excellent gameplay, with a bit of realism where you trip yourself with rocks and everything, the game is filled with quite some originality, the actors, easter eggs, pretty much the most ambitious Kojima game ever and I’m having a damn fun with it!
As of the writing on December 28th, the day before I just beat episodes 4 and started episode 5, so it seems like I’m still long ways off on finishing the rest of the game and I still haven’t finished through the story (which I don’t find it confusing, by the way).
Part of the gameplay definitely reminded me of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, the controls and everything felt familiar and it was really neat, even if it’s something for a completely original IP, part of the gameplay was still familiar with some MGSV vibes.
For those of you who think that Death Stranding is a disappointment or whatever (looking at you WatchMojo and everyone else), you are absolutely dead wrong! I don’t know what kind of Kojima game you definitely expected to be so bad but turned out to be something else, just get out of here and try to focus on something else, maybe you’re better off with seeing Kojima things with Metal Gear! Death Stranding definitely isn’t for everyone alright, especially for assholes like you!
I definitely expected Death Stranding to come out on 2020, but I enver thought it might already come sooner in November 2019 (Although Kojima did tease it might come out in the “year of Akira” (being 2019), so I guess I should have seen that coming, I completely forgot about it). Kojima has come a really long way with making his new studio, hiring people, finding studios to cooperate and make Death Stranding, everything in just 4 years and it was amazing for him and his team to put all of their efforts when it comes to making this and the wait was definitely worth it!
Honorable mention:
Custom Order Maid 3D2 English version: I had played the Japanese version before and I see there was a trial version for the English version. I hadn’t really thought it was gonna be an actual thing until I started seeing a Custom Maid Twitter artist retweeting a tweet of a Japanese gaming news site that the page for Custom Order Maid 3D2 was live.
Things around the English version of the game are relatively fine, but that is until the CR shop maintenance, talks about how to improve it, and even considering outlandish requests people make which aren’t on the original Japanese version of the game, the kind of original content just screams a huge insult for the Japanese Custom Maid community. Shit gets worse when the people I have talk with can’t even access the Steam page!
With all of the content that’s way behind and everything, I decided to go back to playing the Japanese version (especially when I found a torrent of CM3D2 + COM3D2 with all of the DLC until Spring 2019 or something). Except that given that it has way too much content, it’s so fucking slow for my laptop. But at least I’ll use the JP version for making characters and screenshots and I’ll play the English version for the campaign.
Whatever brand new original items might end up being, I hope they might be interesting enough for me to start begging for them to come out on JP so hard.
Alright, here’s a non-biased GOTY list with new releases that I HAVE actually played and some older games too.
3.- English Custom Order Maid 3D2
2.- Death Stranding
1.- Devil May Cry 5
Honorable mentions (Older games):
Valve games: Half-Life, Portal and Left 4 Dead games.
VA-11 HALL-A: I’ll explain the story of how I came to play this game later down the line.
Saya no Uta: Steam release. I know I probably shouldn’t rely on official Steam releases and go for the fan made translations especially when they don’t have the adult content, but the thing is I didn’t have trouble buying the adult patch, and it was super cheap too. Besides, I don’t have any trouble with the translation so far, even if I don’t really speak Japanese, even if the little I know I definitely understand with the official English translation, so I’m not really dumb.
Melty-Blood: This is the first fighting game I have played for a bit in a long time when I’ve grown to be less of a fighting games person. I haven’t played the story campaign nor I would want to right now because I’m going to save it until I play Tsukihime just so I can understand some characters and other things.
There, you happy? (I’m definitely not using this non-biased list at all and honestly, it’s a hard tie between DMC5 and Death Stranding because I love these games right now)
Dishonorable mention:
Left Alive: I’m not really mad about how bad it is, but it sure looks quite unplayable. How did the developers even get away with making a broken game like this? The only things I can appreciate this game is how good it looks (at least on still), and of course the Yoji Shinkawa art.
Instead of doing a traditional review focusing on 2019 alone, I’m going to explain my journey I went through for the last 10 years, of course I’ll review the year 2019 in there, and after that, my resolutions and what awaits me in 2020. I may not remember everything, I only remember the biggest parts of my life.
Worst game:
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG: Every time I look at the game, mainly from the writing, I can’t help but think the game just gives me an existential crisis, because if I pull some shit like how they referenced a real life death of someone and among other ludicrous things, I think I’m definitely walking away from joining the industry and for my creativity to exist.
Song of the year
“P.S. RED I” by TK from Ling Tosite Sigure: Spider-Verse was a 2018 film, but it didn’t release in Japan until March 2019 and what better way to promote the movie is having a kick-ass theme song by TK! Seriously, ever since I’ve been seeing the Japanese trailers and I heard a portion of the song, I was absolutely eager to check the full song, and once I started listening to it, I couldn’t stop listening non-stop! I’m not sure if it’s actually featured in the movie, but even if it’s not, at least this song is still something!
Ling Tosite Sigure (The entire band) also made another Spider-Man song this time for Spider-Man: Far From Home titled “Neighbormind”. With these two songs, I want TK/Ling Tosite Sigure to make Spider-Man songs forever!
Sorry, Devil Trigger, even if Devil May Cry 5 is a 2019 game, you already came out last year.
Artists of the year
(NSFW content warning)
Ogata Tei: I sure am super fixated on Ogata Tei’s Childhood Friend series because at the beginning of the year, I really couldn’t care much for his new works, but until Summer, my spirit has been lifted where Ogata is still delivering more of the series, not just once but twice in two Comikets in a row! I seriously can’t wait for more Childhood Friend series to come out and buy every single one of the doujins! (If possible, I also wish Ogata Tei wouldn’t be so slow with the DMM FANZA releases because the previous two doujins took about a year for them to come out digitally) (Also, please, I’m not a stalker)
Hinosuna: This one is truly the best Custom Maid 3D2 artist I’ve ever seen and met, not only he makes amazing futanari CM3D2 pictures and he’s quite a gamer too. He’s also the first Custom Maid person to make collab pictures with my characters and he did some in July and for my birthday, and he event went so far for gifting me VA-11 HALL-A on my birthday and boy, that was one of the best surprises I’ve ever gotten in my life!
I’m really sorry, Souryu, no more Kouiunogaii, not worth mentioning you here.
(This is probably gonna be the last time I’m going to do this category)
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And now, we’re finally done talking about our Top categories! Now let’s finally start talking about a bit of my life in the last 10 years, and then my 2019 review and what to expect in 2020!
2009: Let’s start off with a little silly but upsetting, this was the year where I made my definitive Roblox account. I have played Roblox like a year or two prior as a guest but I finally started to play as a full account or something. I’ve always been making like a few but I wasn’t getting satisfied with them, probably because the usernames had really long numbers, e-mail or password, something like that, but then one of the usernames with really long numbers stood out, and I decided to make into the Brandon2126 account, I played it non-stop until I stopped playing Roblox for good in 2013 the moment I got my PC fixed for like the 5th or lost count for how many times my old computer kind of got messed up, but this one had finally has Windows 7 Home Premium and my sister was like “No Roblox.”, and it magically made me stop playing Roblox anymore. And in the process where I was making the accounts, I was genuinely being yelled at and beaten and even threw water on me in the process... yeah.
There’s another bad memory in 2009 I have, and it’s where I was watching Life in Portal: Madness on Newgrounds, this predates Avengers: Infinity War with the most ambitious crossover 10 years ago, but for some reason, this kind of encouraged me because I kind of hated how they killed Eddsworld (or just Tom), my mom started talking to me and at some point, I yelled at her to the point that I legit made her cry... yeah... this was probably like the first time, even at almost 10 years old at the time, I was becoming a human trash like I partially become today...
Okay, what a lovely way to start my 10 year journey from 2009 with some bad memories, but now we’re moving on to the next years with short but good memories... that is until you reach 2012 or 2013.
2010: I don’t really remember much of what happened this year, but the only thing I remember is that in Halloween (October 30th or 31st), I went to an anime convention with my older sister, it was really neat but then I saw a booth with a screen playing Highschool of the Dead, and the one frame I remember is the bloody floor from episode 2.
I wish I can go to these local conventions very often but at the same time I tend to think how kind of cheap and poorly made are by my city’s standards or something...
2011: This was the year where I started to finally get gaming consoles, starting with the PSP Go, and it’s where I first started playing Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, and I believe this was my genuine first Metal Gear game I started playing. I grew up with Metal Gear with Egoraptor’s Awesome series but I definitely haven’t played any of the games at all.
2012: I vaguely remember what happened to me or what were the most special things that happened and did, but all I can remember is that I’ve had some really bad problems with DeviantArt. Going by BMT2126StudiosMK, I had some seriously bad behavior during those times, to the point where I was kind of like straight-up method acting or something like that, and thinking about it just grosses me out and wish I can go back in time to stop myself for how I was back then.
2013: My problems with DeviantArt start to get much worse when this shit happened. Geez, 13-14 year old me was the absolute worst, ever.
That aside, ever since I played Metal Gear Rising, I can’t help but think that the game has gave me so much inspirations for the projects I want to make, it pretty much boosted my creativity in terms of the weapons, the technology, everything else in MGR.
2014: This year was my worst yet. It started with one of the best moments of my life early that year, because I get to watch Highschool of the Dead in my own cable TV with my older sister. I happened to notice that HOTD was coming to Mexican TV from a Facebook group about people who want to change Cartoon Network LA by removing the censorship and every other crap the channel has, if it weren’t from that group, I wouldn’t have ever known about it.
But in a few months later (I forgot specifically when), one night, I was watching La Sopa (Mexican version of The Soup), and when it was on commercial break, I checked my Twitter a bit, but when the show was back on, my sister came back and spotted me using Twitter, she yelled and then I ran away to my bedroom upstairs... There’s a lot that happened after that and either I can’t remember or I don’t really want to talk about it. Anyways, long after this happened, my family scolded me for who knows how many times I’ve been through this hell, the following weeks I’ve spent my life trying to make alternate accounts just so my sister won’t notice, but she ultimately has.
2015: This is where I finally started to become independent, like I was finally free from using my computer right next to my older sister, it happened like early in the year where I got to watch anime on my own and then watching seasonal anime ever since, starting with the Kancolle anime. (Regardless of what everyone says about it nowadays, I still enjoyed it)
2016: Here is where starting with Batman v Superman is where I had a hatred for critics. Every time a movie came out, they’re rated as trash, but when I saw them, they’re not really trash at all.
2017: This year has become my breaking point and I turned into the person I am today, someone with an absolute vendetta against opinions, I even had to make a post about my problems with them nowadays.
2018: You already know by now what a painful year 2018 was, and I can’t even bother to transcribe pretty much what happened, so I’ll leave my review here.
There were a couple of great moments, but the majority were painful moments after another, but still some positive ones somewhere.
If all my stories from all these makes make you disgusted at me as a human being, you’d better stop getting along with me now.
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Alright, time to finally discuss everything that happened to me this year and before we do that, let me give you a small headline of the year overall:
2019 is just as bad, if not, MUCH MUCH WORSE than 2018
Life continues to be a dumpster fire to the point where I’d really like to time travel and just stop everything. one can only dream. Anyways, let’s discuss why 2019 was my worst year yet, starting with:
The worst moments that drove me insane and nearly destroyed my life
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For starters, the first two months were a hell of a rough start with my usual problems with my obsession with personal opinions and lack of progress in my novel; as for the latter, I had my older sister give me feedback on a few elements, but she later suggested me some ideas I’m not super comfortable at all, like not using real locations, nationalities, etc., literally make the entire world of my novel fictional, I had told her to not make me ruin my baby any further, she replied “good luck”, so I gave up on talking to her on my project for good.
Then in late March, one of the most heartbreaking incidents I’ve ever witnessed was that artist LOLICEPT and all the harassment he went through by one or two people thinking that one of his pictures was a poorly timed joke for the earthquake. I wasn’t aware of this until I saw hews tweeting about it, I was wondering what’s going on and I was looking at replies of that tweet hews made about LOLICEPT.
Then, I started tweeting thanking hews about a bit of context, while he wasn’t like 100% sure first, I thought that it was still something of a clue. Someone got in our conversation saying that they’re writing a thread of what’s happening and I was on board with the idea, I waited a little while and the document went live, I read the whole thing and I couldn’t help but feel heartbroken about what happened.
There was like a lot of shit that happened, but later on, I noticed that LOLICEPT was still active on Pixiv under a new name: Belko, he started like a day after the incident happened and deleted his old LOLICEPT accounts and I was late into that. Then on May, I noticed that he had a Twitter too, I thought he wouldn’t return to Twitter anymore but now he has, now my life seeing LOLICEPT again, even with a new name, is all I need, and I’m glad he’s still drawing which it’s the most important thing... although I have a complaint and I made a thread about it, but regardless, I’m glad he continues to draw, that’s it.
Now, there’s another issue that happened to another artist, I saw this tweet where it was an artist named kun0 and his girlfriend insulting DreamNekoTV’s art style live on Twitch, and that is not something you should do, you do not criticize artists like that. As someone who hates criticizing art and artists (well, I do have my rights to criticize whatever they make sometimes, I vent them out on my private server, but I do have a rule of NOT criticizing right AT them or anything; Okay, maybe art critique should still exist, but not like this, okay?), I just really can’t stand people criticizing whoever artist and their art style and stuff, because, well, that’s their art style and they all try their best (that is part of why I was never fond of the Saberface jokes on the Fate/Type-Moon community, same face disorder jokes is not something that should be ridiculed). This backlash was very big that not only fans, but even creators like Jacksepticeye, DrLupo, Joey The Anime Man, and many others have expressed disgust over this, and with that, DreamNekoTV has gained over 40k followers at the time (Right now she sits at ???k at the time of uploading this post).
So 2019 wasn’t the best year for artists.
With the kun0 controversy, I wish it had a much MUCH bigger impact, not only for the art community, but like the entire world as well, for non-artists like the creators I mentioned above have expressed.
But wait, things get a lot WORSE in the art community!
An artist under the name @Naju075 made this picture of Nessa and there’s nearly a thousand comments, most of which are people talking shit about “neSSa iS nOt BlAck eNOugH” or something like that, then there’s people who of course defend the artist, telling the artist to ignore the haters and even a meme of the art police who think they are vs who they are in reality (the former is they’re being like normal cops and “making things right” and the latter they’re straight-up clowns). This kickstarted a running gag amongst the art community where artists would occasionally make pictures of Nessa with intentional different color skins, including one from BOW with a rainbow Nessa, and even one from hews with a completely white Nessa intended to bait.
But that isn’t the worst of all, the next thing I’m going to discuss is the grandest worst thing from the art community yet:
Tutorial artist Manga Materials had posted a “Difference on a beginner and a pro’s line strokes” tutorial (which you can see on her Pixiv Fanbox now), this had caused controversy by a couple of assholes (Here are the culprits compiled by Andyface) were harrassing her because they thought her tutorial was “offensive” for the “beginner/pro” part. This harrassment was so bad that Manga Materials herself lead to close her English Twitter account for good, and she’ll continue doing tutorials on her Pixiv Fanbox account. She still has her Japanese Twitter account but she’s taking a break from it for a while and continue her work on Fanbox.
(Messages from her Fanbox: 1, 2. (Even though that second one is similar, but there’s still a different message in there))
This was the second artist scandal that pissed me off so grandly, it breaks my heart seeing artists suffering like this. I wish I could continue supporting her and see her tutorials, but I hate Pixiv Fanbox because it won’t let me use my debit card, and her subscriptions can be... quite expensive to say the least.
Like the LOLICEPT incident, as I mentioned that Manga Materials had deleted her Twitter, I don’t want to judge her decision, especially for a very sensitive person, I just would really like to see her pictures archived or anything. We’re going back to square one with the archive thing I mentioned with LOLICEPT above. (I wouldn’t like to be repetitive)
There’s another artist controversy that happened on early July, but it isn’t much about harrassment, it’s about plagiarism. Sky-Freedom had posted an Oneshota series titled “Rich Thots” starting on January this year (or late December because there are some pictures that Sky-Freedom hasn’t posted on Twitter; and the series wasn’t explicitly called Rich Thots, but the first pictures had “rich_thots” as the filenames so people took that as the series’ name), I never got to see the NSFW pictures from his Patreon until late June, I managed to save every picture right on time. Then, on July 1st, I checked my mail and I saw a picture Sky-Freedom posted, then I visited his Patreon... and every single of the JK oneshota pictures are gone. Sky released his apology and I was utterly shocked. It turns out that the first picture Sky made was a straight-up copy from a similar picture made by an artist called Shinjiro (@shnr2626/@shnjr4545). To think that Sky-Freedom himself would copy from another artist... This is hard to believe.
I want to keep supporting Sky-Freedom, but at the same time, I don’t want to anymore. Not because of the fact he plagiarized, I want to keep supporting him but I can’t even bother to care for his other content, such as Tejina Senpai and Azur Lane doujins which he sold at C96 like fire.
I wanted to ask Sky and Shinjiro about it but Shinjiro blocked me on Twitter (at least he blocked me from his talk account, I’m still following his art account fine), my obsession was so great that I even went so far on making a Twitter account (It was originally @JKOneShota but I changed it to @SkyOneShotaFan to be more a direct reference to being a Sky-Freedom JK oneshota fan account) to try to spread word and try to make both artists to communicate each other a lot more with the help of my feedback as to what I believe in the pictures themselves, unfortunately the account hasn’t met my expectations on spreading word and everything like I wanted, I want to delete the account now but I’ll leave it for historical purposes, even though it was meaningless. At least it serves as an informative account or something.
August 28th, 2019, the shnjr4545 Twitter account posted a new tweet, I signed in the Save Rich Thots Twitter account and spammed “ JKおねショタを復活させる” (Revive JK Oneshota) to that tweet, as well as the previous one (Seeing this image just adds fuel to the fire on the controversy) and... got blocked. I thought this was a pure art account and didn’t give a crap on people, yet here I am. 😂
So, yeah, Shinjiro pretty much doesn’t want you to talk about the Rich Thots series at him, or else he’ll block you. Don’t asking him anything about it, just stay silent.
But wait, after all that ranting with Sky-Freedom vs Shinjiro over Rich Thots, on October 7th, Sky-Freedom has revived the Rich Thots series and OH MY GOD, I COULDN’T HAVE BEEN HAPPIER. My heart and faith on Sky-Freedom has completely restored! (So much for that “protest” account. Although from October 7th to November 18th was kind of disappointing but I hope the next few weeks will start to get better. Even with the two new onee-sans featured lately, I wish Sky can reuse the other three girls before the plagiarism bullshit. At least change the two black haired girls a little bit and the blonde gyaru is 100% original)
Another thing I want to talk about artists is how at least two of them have been driving me insane with their art block. Moisture and sub_res, but the latter is the absolute worst). There isn’t really much to talk about with Moisture other than he just complained a lot about his “inability” to draw and stuff, I forgot when it happened but at least he’s stopped complaining. Now, moving on to sub_res and boy, I seriously hate this guy now. He complained literally every single day about his art block, his inability and all that stuff and no matter how many people tell him his art is fine and all that, sub is very neglective about listening to his fans and everything. He’s still going and at this point I really don’t want to follow him anymore if he continues to whine like that.
I seriously shouldn’t underrestimate the struggles artists have because I’m an expectator, but even if I’m a hobbyist artist, I do have my struggles to, but I do deal with them, I’m more confident with whatever I draw than sub does, especially when I don’t have such a mentality when I see some fine ass drawings as utterly shit (well, sometimes but most of the time not really) like sub.
There’s yet another artist drama around early November with artist Piukute062. It all started with him uploading this NSFW looking picture which it became the loading screen for the English version of Azur Lane. When I saw this picture, I thought it was super hot, but it was NSFW enough to be in a Azur Lane loading screen contest, and it happened... but only for an extremely short period.
As soon as the loading screen went live, it got removed out of the blue. Then a day later when Piukute posted a WIP for his next art piece, he stated that it got removed for the R-17 art, which it was expected because I always thought it was NSFW enough to be in the contest, but at the same time it sucks that it got removed. Two days later, he released an apology note to put an end to this drama for good.
Now, I’m glad that he’ll continue to do artwork for Azur Lane, whether fan arts or official, and he’s learned from this drama, but to be honest, I’m kind of conflicted about this...
Seriously, 2019 wasn’t the best year for artists.
Anyways, sorry for dragging all my talk with art and artists, but this shit matters for me as I’m more of a hobbyist artist. Anyways, let’s move on to even worse things that happen in real life.
On May 22nd, I went to Walmart with my mom and older sister, I find the Matchbox Jurassic World cars I wanted to buy, and we did, but when we were checking our bags when we were about to leave and pick the taxi, the cars went missing and we went rushing on searching for them, then a man came and and asked for the cars, and we were glad that this man came to give us the cars, but my mom and sister were in an argument and yelled at me that I need to be more careful, I felt a little sad and broken I had to make a thread about what happened, then my older sister messaged me on Discord and said that her friend saw what I posted and then she apologized. A friend of my sister, okay? Uh, okay.
Before I continue, let me address something: I think around early June or something (It’s been a while and I forgot), I was in the RPG Site Discord server and people talked shit about Persona 5, and pretty much everything they say about the game just hurts my soul so much that I decided to make a TwitLonger post about why I’m practically done with the Persona series for good. Later I made a bit of off-topic rant, going a bit existential and then I went to sleep. Then at 7 AM, my mom just came to my bedroom and she argued with me about the depressive stuff I write, she even went so far that the government was watching me. (Now that I think about it, there’s no fucking way that’s true). Later I checked Discord and my older sister DM’d me saying “My friend saw your stuff again, you need to lay off the internet for a while. You take people’s opinions too seriously.” It seems like my sister’s friend was apparently my stalker, this was starting to feel like 2014 all over again when I got stalked by one of my sister’s old friends. Wow, way to keep ruining my life for my “own good”... Thankfully a while later, they got suspended, and when they got back, they stopped following me. Moving on...
Etika... What happened to Etika was really sad. I don’t really want to talk too much about Etika because I’m scared that I may speak ill of him, but everything that happened to him leading up to his death sucks. Then there was also the Kyoto Animation arson, which that was an absolutely horrendous even to ever happen in Japan in recent years.
Around the same time Etika died, and I shit you not, a few days later, my older sister was hospitalized for her behavior, I don’t really know what happened but I remember hearing my mom having a phone call with the hospital and then i heard my older sister yell “WHO ARE YOU CALLING TO?!” and then they left and she got hospitalized.
Then around the same time, there was quite some problems with a DM group made by one of MysticDistance’s friends. First off, I’ve had quite some rough times with MysticDistance’s DM groups and I seriously feel bad because I hate being the way I am with my opinion vendetta, I can be quite a bitch. Anyways, with this new DM group by one of Mystic’s friends, first thing was that when my older sister was hospitalized, I spent most of my money buying stuff from Steam because it had the Summer Sale at the time (and bought other things that was a little expensive like Wallpaper Engine), then when I noticed my debit card’s wallet (Yes, I finally got a debit card, more details later), I started... e-begging, to get a bit of money so I can get like 300-400 pesos back because I needed the money for the three of us to go see Spider-Man: Far From Home, someone brought up the subject of our finances and one person got really mad at me because when I had shared my PayPal.me link about my financial struggles, someone else shared the other person’s PayPal link about their... cancer donations, and the person who made the tweet linking their PayPal for cancer donation really lashed out at me real bad, later I eventually clarified and all seems went to normal.
There was another situation in that DM group but we’ll get into that later.
Also, let me rephrase that, when my older sister was hospitalized, I spent most of my money I was supposed to use for Spider-Man: Far From Home buying shit from Steam! Man, I can’t get any worse. But don’t worry, my financial struggle quickly got fixed as one of my friends definitely volunteered to give me 20 dollars, which equals 400 pesos! The dude just saved my life.
My Summer vacation was the most boring and shallow vacation I’ve ever had in my entire life.
August came and went, and while the first few weeks were fine, like around the middle of the month, it just turned into absolute hell: Spider-Man leaving the MCU... but then that quickly got resolved a month later.
September came and there really wasn’t much big things to talk about, moving on to October boy, my 20th birthday was the absolute best I’ve had in my life. Still nowhere near the kind of birthday I always want, but I got some surprises and stuff that I’ve always been looking for. I’ll address this later in the positives of the year. Although there’s something I have to say which made me sad, but thankfully happened a day after my birthday: One of the Custom Maid 3D2 artists I’ve liked, kirishima_ss (NSFW, click with discretion) blocked me on Twitter after I tweeted them that yesterday was my birthday. Like... seriously dude? I just turned 20! Did they block me for the sake of not getting suspended from young accounts interacting with mature ones?! Or are they racist?! I kinda want to tell the other Custom Maid 3D2 artists who follow me but I don’t want to get them in trouble and they’ll end up getting blocked too...
Then like at the end of the month, I also got kicked out from the one DM group because I shared one of MysticDistance’s tweets saying something about popular series and whatnot, I asked what do they think and everyone proceeded to give answers like “I don’t care” and such. Me bitching out, I was like “...Really? Try to put some more heart to it” and one of the guys used me as an example of if a series is popular I kinda get angry with opinions and something like that, I asked that if that was really necessary to use me like that, and then I noticed that I got kicked out of the group out of the blue. I asked SAL about it and it appears that one of the people who was in the chat blocked me, I immediately thought of this one person and she did indeed block me. Well, okay, I always had the feeling she hated me anyways. (ROT13 message incoming)
Ebfr naq Wnevq, vs lbh obgu ernq guvf, ab, V'z abg tbvat gb haoybpx lbh. Jryy, V qvq sbe gur fnxr bs lbh ernqvat guvf, ohg bapr lbh qb, lbh'yy creznaragyl erznva oybpxrq sbe gur erfg bs zl yvsr orpnhfr V qba'g jnag gb frr lbh nalzber.
Wnevq, lbh'er fbzrgvzrf qvssvphyg gb gnyx jvgu, ohg Ebfr, V'z fhcre fpnerq bs lbh xabj gb gur cbvag jurer V ernyyl pna'g nccebnpu lbh ng nyy, V nyjnlf unq gur vzcerffvba lbh fgnegrq gb ungr zr rire fvapr gur gvzr V r-orttrq, naq abj lbh qb ungr zr naq lbh whfg xvpxrq zr bhg bs gur QZ tebhc, irel sbaq bs lbh gb trg evq bs crbcyr yvxr zr, V ernyyl tbg bire lbhe areirf jvgu gnyxvat nobhg gur fnzr vffhrf V unq sbe gur ragvergl bs gur lrne be whfg orvat n cynva nffubyr.
V qba'g ernyyl pner vs V'z xvpxrq bhg bs gur QZ tebhc abe V jnag gb erwbva, V jnf trggvat gverq bs frrvat zl Zrffntrf gno trggvat gur 1 vpba rirel qnl. Fb ybat.
November went by and nothing very big, but I have to say, and this isn’t much of a positive nor a negative thing but I need to address this here, on par with the first paragraph of this segment: When I opened Chrome and started checking on my WordPress site for my project and under my pen name, I came across two which were posted on October and I really have never noticed it in a month. The first one was just a guy saying “Hype!” because he was intrigued with my project, but the second comment from the same guy... was quite a long harsh feedback I’ve gotten so far. (Not the first or the most unhelpful (although it kind of is) but come on). The only feedback I genuinely care for my future as an author is I want grammatical issues, narrative issues maybe so I want everyone to give me suggestions on what do I do with certain characters I’m not sure about, but issues about the concept?
Let me real about this, the only kind of feedback I care about are grammatical issues, narrative issues maybe because I want to fix some character backstories and other things I’m not really sure with, but issues with the concept and everything? I don’t give a shit. Can’t there ever be some liberties with having to make some things without considering too much backstory or anything?
Oh, I almost forgot to tell something from November, I FINALLY GOT MY PS4!!! Though... the outcome didn’t turn out as hype and peaceful like I wanted. My mom and my older sister started arguing because mom used all of my sister’s money, and my sister got aggro. After seeing my mom and sister argue, my mom told me to come with her to go back home, but I turned and walked away from her and I said “I’m not going because you’re useless”. But then, I immediately felt bad and tried to search my mom around the plaza, but whatever, I decided to go home once and for all while my older sister was still hanging around in her own.
Later that day, my sister came back home, she and I finally set up the PS4 and I started playing Dark Souls 3 (Yes, I now understand how Git Gud feels like), but then mom came back home and she and my sister started arguing again, they even went so far to return and sell the PS4 back, then I (tried really hard to) pillow yelled that they were gonna sell the PS4 as soon as we bought it. But then, the next day, all got resolved and it turned out to be my sister’s fault for something. I have no idea what just happened, but hey, we’re not selling the PS4 anymore!
Seriously, my mom and sister are incredibly stupid, I always think their chemistry sucks. I wish either of them are dead already if this kind of shit continues to happen.
Anyways, moving on. December came and went, and the biggest thing that first happened and must talk about: The Game Awards. This was the biggest waste of time I’ve ever been, and the absolute worst one yet. The only things that I cared about were the No More Heroes 3 trailer (which I’ll talk about later), DMC5 winning Best Action game, and Death Stranding winning a couple of awards (I’m truly disappointed that it didn’t win GOTY, but at least it was something), everything was maximum sleep.
Anyways, Christmas came and I got some decent gifts: I got me a fluffy blanket, a new wallet and 500 pesos from my aunt. I got a new bath coat and a wristband from my mom. They’re good gifts but they certainly don’t top last year’s Christmas gifts where I got a new phone and Spider-Verse. (Speaking of which, I wanted to buy the Spider-Verse wristband but mom didn’t want me to because she thought “nobody wears wristbands”, and somehow she changed her mind with the one she just gave me. Now I need a ring so my hands look cool). I hope next year I get much better gifts, something crazier and expensive, though I might be asking for too much. Same with my birthday. But hey, at least the chocolates are always a nice side-gift (?) to get. (We always get bags full of various chocolates for Christmas, and got one for my birthday too)
This last paragraph wasn’t so much of a negative thing as it is more for positive, and this category is more like a long telling of my life in general throughout the rest of the year anyways.
And now we’re finally here, New Year’s day and, what else? You’re reading this post talking about my life throughout the decade and my long 2019 review.
Seems like there’s nothing else to discuss, so I think we’re done talking about the mostly negative things that I’ve been through in my entire life this year. But we’re just getting started...
The positives
For the most part I have pretty much discussed a lot of very negative things that happened in my life, but I had to do it so I can get it out of my way and I want people to understand what I’ve been going through in my life this year. It may or may not be worth getting sympathy over something that’s always my fault and stuff that is common in life, but at times it really drives me to give up on achieving my dreams and kill myself, but now the entire year wasn’t that bad like I think it is, so let’s discuss my biggest positives:
Starting around January, I finally got to have my own debit card and that seriously changed my life... For the better and for the worse. You see, the one thing I always do with my money is spending over 100 pesos on supporting artists, mainly on Fantia every month(Sometimes on Patreon when their pages are the ones that take away my money instantly, I’ve seen some that don’t really take away the moment I subscribe to one of their tiers), I also bought porn illustration CG sets in DMM FANZA. At some points, I went into a serious financial struggle. So yeah, I pretty much always spend my money with porn every month. I kind of wish I could try to save my money a bit, but sometimes, the Fantia artists’ content is too good to ignore them (Some pages have their contents posted limited for a month, others are unlimited).
I haven’t spent my money only on porn alone, I also bought games on Steam, especially during the Summer Sale. I bought various Valve games, Melty-Blood, etc. Even long after the Summer Sale, I managed to buy Killer7, Saya no Uta and Custom  Order Maid 3D2 (English Steam).
Man, my debit card is my best friend, I can finally start buying stuff and supporting artists I really care about, though the only problem is that I want to support artists on Pixiv Fanbox but Pixiv (Yes, all of Pixiv) won’t allow me to use my debit card at all. Sometimes Google Play is for some reason broken because when I try to buy stuff from Fate/Grand Order and Azur Lane, I always get an error despite putting my information correctly, but I hate Pixiv the most because they definitely strictly want credit cards. Sure, I can still use PayPal to support artists on Fanbox, but there’s no way anyone would ever give me money on PayPal.
Another best thing that happened in my life is that I finally achieved one of my long gaming dreams, I finally own a PS4 after years! Though, like I said, the outcome turned out grim, but still, I finally own a PS4 after so god damn long! My first PS4 games are Dark Souls 3 (We bought it along with the PS4 from some promo in the RadioShack we bought the PS4 from), Devil May Cry 5 (I never expected my older sister to buy DMC5 from Amazon a few days after buying the PS4 already), and lastly Death Stranding in December. November was basically Buen Fin (Mexico’s less chaotic Black Friday), so that’s how we got the PS4 after so long! (Though given how much I play DMC5 and Death Stranding lately, I don’t think I’ll ever touch Dark Souls 3 ever again). Man, I really hope I get enough money to buy so many releases we missed over the years!
About my novel I always wanted to make... Well, don’t really get me started on it. I still haven’t started publishing chapters of it at all. But still, early this year, I started making accounts with my pen name my older sister come up (I told her that I want her to help me out but as her feedback grew ludicrous, I gave up and decided to follow what I want to make myself), I’ve also been making a site with Wix, but several months later, I gave up with Wix and decided to make another one with WordPress.com and it’s so much better.
Even if I haven’t started publishing my novel’s chapters, at least I have been trying to write some of the prologue alone! So that’s something, I guess...
One of the best things that has happened to me on Twitter so far is that I’ve been getting followed by a few Japanese illustrators, but mostly Custom Maid 3D2 artists, and I can’t believe I happened to be friends with at least two who I really like talking with the most. Not only that but some also made collab pictures using my OCs and boy, I couldn’t be any happier. (See the collabs here, NSFW). This is how it feels like when having your favorite artists follow you but they also make pictures of your OCs. I’m very grateful that these Japanese artists are following and even talking to foreign nobodies like me, let alone Mexican.
Oh yeah, there’s also the fact that I’m attending fine arts school now, but it isn’t my best positive thing, I honestly feel mixed about it because my mom forced me to go to school again after a year being a NEET. But then, around earlier December, I got some scolarship money and just when I was thinking that I wanted to give up on attending this school after a year, the money just convinced me, so I think I have to stay a little longer, I guess...
And now, it’s time for the one big speech I want to make so my soul can finally be clean and set free once and for all!
My current mental health and trying to get my last laugh on everyone
As you probably might have guessed, my long struggle of dealing with people’s opinions and criticisms is never going to stop. No matter how much you tell me to ignore people with what they say and still try to like what I like, no matter how much how much you’re gonna tell me that I need to take a break from the internet for a while, none of that shit is going to happen.
I won’t take off the internet for a while because I don’t know what else to do (besides gaming and other things), I’m gonna get bored to death and there’s a lot of things that makes me happy, being fan arts and porn.
No matter how much you tell me and I promise to myself that I need to behave myself, I won’t keep my word and I will always continue to make fuss about everything about people’s mentalities when it comes to what they say and everything else in this life.
Everything I was a loner in 2015, as years went on, I’ve started to become more socially active and I have made more friends. But now, I’m not grateful for it. I wish I hadn’t made friends. I wish I remained an absolute loner for the rest of my life.
Let me try to make one last rant and hopefully somebody will understand and I will be free.
I don’t know what the hell is wrong with everyone, everyone always tends to attack some things I really find okay with or for no reason. Everytime I watch something bad, I’m like “Hm, okay, that wasn’t so bad”, and then literally everyone goes way too far by being insecure asses yelling at everything on how offensively bad these things are. I know I had some experience too, but most of the time, I don’t really care, either from fandoms or just general communities that have some things in their interests.
Even if people tell me that they don’t have problems that I like what they don’t, that doesn’t change their hypocrisy, they’re cynicism! It’s not just one person that has a contrary feeling to mine, it’s always, ALWAYS a god damn circle of cynics that I can’t even want to interact with them and get along!
The biggest problem is that even if I were to enjoy what I enjoy and ignore people that they don’t, there are people that are even precious to me, but my hopes and dreams immediately get destroyed the moment they say one bit of negativity around something I hold dear the most in my life and it’s an absolute red flag an absolute offense for me!
Talking about things, for example, Overwatch or even Star Wars with Rise of Skywalker, or even the Fate fandom, pretty much any community is absolute cancer. Even for general communities, hearing and reading what people are saying about stuff you like but then they proceed to say things that they expect you to believe is nothing but a social taboo! There is no fucking way that I’m gonna agree to literally everything you say and my means by disagreeing opinions is always by lifting my voice and fight for it! It’s a social taboo to the point that we’re not even “mutuals” because we have nothing in common!
If you even dare to tell me that you’re not forcing your opinions or anything, then don’t even bother telling me to not force my opinions because that’s what I pretty much want! I want to force my opinions towards people until they give up and admit that I win!
It’s even worse when there are “fans” out there that are just outright bashing things for absolute no reason! If you do that, you’re basically destroying your pride for that series you’re supposed to be into, what it means to you, what it represents you! Sure, I may have some issues with certain things, but at the same time, I don’t really have problems with anything nor I even care to think or even agree to anyone with whatever bullshit they say. I don’t give a shit whether nothing is perfect, well it is for me and my heart, as long as I have fun or don’t have problems, that’s it!
People think they’re fans of a certain franchise they represent, but no! Why can’t anyone become real fanboys to the point that they’re more like blind fanboys like me where I tend to support literally anything regardless of some situations!
It’s even dumber that there are people asking for people to make “good” things or anything that they think it’s “good”. First of all, please for the love of god, define “good” because you clearly have no idea what do you even mean or even want. If you think you want people to make “good” things as a general principle of life, you’re dead wrong! There’s no way anyone would ever make “good” things or whatever you want, instead, you might be thinking that the good stuff you want is stuff for you. So stop abusing the word “good” as a means of a principal rule for every creator to make, and instead try to find some things that you may find interesting, things that speak to you, by yourself!
The worst thing yet is that people abuse their opinions as “facts”. Like, seriously?! You do not use your opinions like that and call them “facts”, no way in hell anyone will ever believe you!
I always thought that people expressing their opinions by text is just harmful for me but I’m sure if anyone are able to speak it out by voice, then I wouldn’t have any trouble, but voiced opinions are no different because of the god awful tones people make with their voices! (This is part of why I don’t like watching The Unreal Bruhcast anymore)
So from now on, I don’t really care about pretty much everyone’s opinions. Not from friends (Belsheber Rusape, Pixelbuster), not from family (my older sister), not from YouTubers (Jacksepticeye), not from artists (Akai Riot), anyone! I’m really sick of anyone voicing their opinions, mostly expressing hate for everything I’m curious of, and what I hold dear the most, because I hate everyone, I really hate everyone so much!
You people have failed me! You have failed me! As friends! As mutuals! Everything! I have thought really high of you but then you always blew everything up the moment you start talking shit about the stuff I hold dear the most! I don’t want to be with you anymore! You always try so hard in trying to convince me by heart to ignore whatever bullshit people say with your empty words! Either that or I will seriously never learn and I will continue to talk shit right back at you!
By the way, @BrinkOfMemories/@BrinkArtist was one of the pioneers for developing my hatred because, my lord, every time I read their opinion tweets, they always gave me an absolute headache and I want to punch them so bad!
Now, let’s talk about my desire and my future of becoming a creator (artist, author, etc).
Every time I see people talking shit about stuff like Kojima’s writing, or any kind of poor writing people talk about, I always think that I would like to walk away from becoming a writer. why? Because I know nothing about the most basic things of “good” storytelling!
Seriously, who the hell do people think they are? They think they’re trying to be better than most of the creators (artists/writers/game devs, etc) are trying to be and what they make? Do they seriously can even understand the thought process of what people tend to make? Why do people always be like “This franchise needs to be this, the core” and all that shit. And what’s with all this “These characters need to be relatable to a lot of people”, “this story doesn’t follow the core of the original“, “this story is predictable”, like, what is all that garbage vocabulary?! This is why there’s no creative freedom anymore!
Not a single fan is even civil with the creators they respect anymore! Nobody really thinks what it’s like to be the creators they love and hate like I do, as someone who wants to get in the entertainment industry in some way! They can’t even think what it feels like to be the creators they inspire/aspire to be!
You think people like you who think they’re better than most creators do and even go so far by fixing some of their works because they’re incredibly flawed and all that shit, to be somebody but the fans themselves, they don’t! They think that people should make stories or anything and expecting them to be great instead of developing any sort of trust and cofidence and even try to be more hyped to check their works out regardless of quality, and then let everyone have their creative freedom!
I’ve had some really harsh feedback where in my project I want to make so bad that I tend to draw characters only to be shoved in the story by just showing them off and don’t have any real purpose, I don’t really give a shit! I’m just trying my best to figure out what kind of characters do I want to make or whatever! This is the kind of feedback that affects me so god damn much to the point where I seriously try to give up on making my project a reality! When that shit happens, I always think that I should give up in making my project beacuse nobody deserves to see my masterpieces I have in mind, my magnum opus I’ve been trying to develop for years! All because of your stupid intellect and you seriously think you have the means to make a “great” story with great storytelling, memorable characters, and everything that makes you think they’re so good, why not try to make that story with said things or even try to write my project yourself?! This is my kind of creative freedom I want to have and you people always destroy it! Not to mention that you always ask me what’s it even about and I seriously can’t process to answer what it actually is! It’s nothing but peer pressure!
Then there’s also another feedback I’ve gotten about my project as the “Why this?”, I get asked a lot of “Why...?” because people always want to look for a purpose for literally EVERYTHING and it makes me sick! Sure, I do have some things in mind for some things having a purpose, but dear god, can’t you just let anyone try to make anything without having to think of a story way too much?!
Speaking of which, there’s always these kind of people who are like “This character is my favorite because of their great actions” and whatever, and I’m literally the only one who’s just like picking a character and calling them my instant favorite from their designs alone! I may be a simpleton of a brainlet who thinks that way, but if you’re gonna force your opinion that the character I like is terrible, get out of my sight! Isn’t it something like a friend tells you “Hey, see that guy/girl over there? I think he’s/she’s hot.”, huh?! Shouldn’t it be the same for fictional characters as well?
If there are tons of things you hate in fiction so much, then I’m bound to make the same mistakes as everyone else! Make a gacha or any other things you hate that are being inserted in fiction! And do you have any idea why do creators keep putting things you hate? Because they have creative freedom! They can do whatever the hell they want! Why not let them be?! What about yourself?!
And then things get worse, there’s always a bunch of SJW assholes who always attack artists because they “promote pedophilia” when they draw shotacon/lolicon stuff? That kind of shit ALWAYS happens and it seriously need to stop! You seriously have to think that all what they do is ONLY FICTIONAL, you should keep that up in your god damn asses and never show up with these artists ever again! That’s the thing, aside from writing, why not let anyone draw whatever they want to?! Don’t you people know the rule that you should separate art from artists at all costs?! I draw gore and some dark shit a few times, but that doesn’t mean I’m an emo or edgy person! I just draw what I like!
Oh, and if anyone’s going to attack me because of my insecure opinions like this or even call me a p3d0 because I support shota/loli art (keep in mind this is strictly FICTIONAL), please don’t do that and get out of my sight!
Going back to the topic of my project, the project is absolutely top secret because if I become big enough and even under a different name, if I tell and suggest everything to everyone I know, it’s unlikely but some might make allegations about my rude behavior and how much porn I retweet, I’m basically gonna get cancelled and I don’t, for the faint of heart, I DON’T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN, PLEASE! So for all the people I tell everything about my project, I’m grateful for you to support me, but it’s time that I really wish you should forget about me and everything I said and just wait to get surprised!
After everything I just said, let me give one last fuck you to everyone I’ve grown to meet, like and hate
One last time...
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I’m never going to be like you! I have my own reasons and I have better issues to be mad about and they’re not something everyone knows or even cares!
I think I am definitely done discussing what I always want to discuss and I really hope you will understand my feelings. Thank you.
Now, let’s finally move on to...
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What to expect in 2020: The year and the decade beyond
Now that I’m finally done making my long review for 2019, let’s now finally talk about what am I gonna expect for 2020, mostly about the year and a little bit of the decade beyond!
Although, to be honest, I don’t really have high hopes on what the year and the decade has in store, because we’ve come to the point where we’re now in the age of extinction, pretty much everything and everyone we loved and care are disappearing, so I’m really scared of the future. Sure, I could move on but sometimes it might be hard thinking back on the stuff and people you used to admire not being there anymore...
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Anyways, even if I’m going to lose the people and things I care the most in my life, there are still some new things I’m going to discover, so there’s that.
Now, let’s get started with talking about the 2020 things!
Like I said, I’m not really looking forward with making resolutions because I already know that I won’t be able to keep my word, pretty much anyone else might, but for me it’s kind of a big deal. I’m still gonna try to mention what are my resolutions are, and it’ll probably be the last time I’ll do this, so just in case, here they are. If I seriously don’t accomplish these at the very first days or anything, I’m basically doomed:
Release my novel once and for all: After my long ass rant about my future as an author with my project. LIke I said above, I seriously may still have not been able to start publishing at least my prologue alone, at least I’m still writing like 3/4s of it the best I can.
I’m publishing my novel as a serial on my WordPress site because I don’t want to publish them on Wattpad or Royal Road for one because I don’t have a cover, I don’t have the money to pay for an artist I want to make a cover for me nor I want to make like a placeholder at the moment.
Speaking of the cover, after making my pen name, all I did was asking a lot of Japanese artists if they can draw me a cover for the novel... When I’m already aware that I DON’T have money at all (I was asking for spec work). Thankfully some of the people I asked have turned down and most haven’t responded at all.
Let me tell you a little bit of my project. I used to dream of wanting to make this into a game, maybe an RPG Maker one right now, but I had no idea what to do with RPG Maker nor I think I would like to make my own textures and assets, I don’t think I would have gotten patience. But then about 3 years ago, I wanted to write the script for the game, but that turned out to be more like a character encyclopedia book because I really had no idea what kind of scenarios I wanted to write. Also, most of the character biographies was written by a friend who I regularly about my project with. So I gave up on my dream on making my project into a game. Besides, I don’t think I might ever learn game design or anything.
Then like two years later, I just somehow realized and learned the importance of books getting adaptations and stuff, I decided to turn it into a novel instead mainly because I want people to adapt it. So my dream of wanting my project to become a video game is still there, but all I have to do is make a novel and try to talk stuff like how I want to get it adapted or something.
(I’m not sure if that sounds like the best plan for you, writing a novel only for the sole purpose of getting adaptations, but that’s what I really want, to be honest)
I always thought that writing a novel was going to be easy as pie, but trying to figure out how to write the scenarios, describing them, the action scenes and everything is a nightmare!
I have researched quite a lot about the writing process, and the one advice that stucks to me is “You don’t have to write perfectly, just try to write something no matter if it’s garbage”, and that’s what I’m kind of trying right now.
Anyways, here comes the one thing I’m sure I might regret this, but I think it should be time to talk a LITTLE bit about something from my project.
Do you really want to know the name of the project? Well, I can’t give you the full title, but here’s a working title of sorts:
“Cebwrpg SZJ” (Definitely not used with something XIII)
(This is just to throw people off. The people I talked about my project with of course know what it means. And if someone figures out what it means, I’m probably gonna keep quiet. Although I think it might already exist somewhere...)
I’m afraid I can’t tell you what the project really is about, so I might have to leave you in the dark until I publish the novel and there’s a lot of attention and it becomes big, so that’s all you’re getting for now.
I have quite some ambitious goals which you may or may not believe me and might laugh at me but hear me out: I want to become the new SCP, Type-Moon and Marvel.
I want to be like the SCP because every time I look at the website, the creatures and everything, just truly inspires me, I’d love to do something like the SCP with writing a ton of information about my characters and stuff, but the big problem is that I really have no idea how am I gonna translate my thoughts or things into words to make lengthy profiles or something. I’d like to be like Type-Moon because... all I can think of is doing nothing but Cebwrpg SZJ as much as TM is doing nothing but Fate, but then they’re also toying with the idea of the multiverse, even though they never explicitly ever address if the Fate projects are multiverse because most of them tend to have their self-contained universe, it’s a general comic book concept of multiverse with different incarnations of characters I really can’t stop using the comic book things with Fate. Lastly, I’d like to be like Marvel because, we’re going full circle with the multiverse talk, but I’d also like to be like the MCU (Pretty much everyone else is) with shared universe and everything galore. Although for me, it’s not just going to be MCU, it’s also going to be more like the Disney/Pixar Universe theory. I just like shared universes, okay?
I would also love to become a Virtual YouTuber, just to conceal my identity and hide my public appearance, but at some point, I would still like having public appearances in conventions or any sort of these events anyways. The kind of VTuber I’d like to be is just all by myself, I wouldn’t like to be like Nijisanji or Hololive where it’s everything under corporate control and I wouldn’t like to play a character with features I’m not really sure with, I’d like to make and be my own characters.
This is the real job I want to start doing right now, and there’s no way I’m making my novel writing hobby for free, I really gotta get serious and try to make some money off from donations from chapters and eventually the full book release. (I’m planning to publish it on KDP, by the way)
I just want me and my franchise to become something big for the 2020 decade and for the Reiwa era, I want to be something! I want to achieve my dreams as soon as possible and I’d better make it fast! (I only have 10 years to do so)
Also, here’s my retirement announcement for you to read because there’s a reason why I want to stop writing blogs in Tumblr for good.
Try to behave better and be more respectful: Aside from taking people’s opinions seriously, another recurring problem about my behavior is that I always fight with my mom every time I do my older sister’s homeworks. There’s just really something from her that really frustrates me. I do feel like I really start lifting my voice at her for no reason, but my brain just feels like it’s tired of her shit, or that doesn’t want to be reminded or whatever, so I hope I could try my best at trying to have some more patience, but I still have to fight for it.
Get in shape: I gave up on going to the gym at the beginning of Summer because I wanted to rest and because I was gonna attend the fine arts school I go now because I wouldn’t have the time to go to the gym right in front of my house but I get back home exhausted and I want to save hundreds of pictures I retweet on Twitter and bookmark on Pixiv. But then Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru came and I immediately regret stopped going to the gym.
But it’s fine because it does show exercises you can do at home, and probably the most basic thing I can do to reduce my fat belly when having a decently fit body is doing crunches. Probably 3 sets of 20 will do, and I really hope I can do this every day. Not just crunches, I also want to do planks, but sometimes I’m not really sure if it’s effective or anything because I want to feel that my abdomen is getting burned or something.
Draw regularly until I improve my art drastically: Back in 2012, I used to draw comics mindlessly, now I’m feeling kind of tempted to draw comics again but this time it’s going to be focused with the Busujima Sisters. As much as I think that I would like to do so, I’m not really sure if I’m prepared to be drawing comics again. I mean, I do have ideas for some panels but I need some time to think better on how to structure things out.
I’m mostly a traditional person, but I really get frustrated on how the graphite is like really buried on the paper and I can’t erase anything no matter what, it’s even worse with lighter pencils, so I think I should also try to learn and have more patience with digital art. It drives me nuts on how digital art works, from brush size vs. canvas size (The bigger the canvas, the smaller even the bigger brushes are going to be) and my least favorite, layers.
So I think I might become a full-fledged artist account, not only by doing Custom Maid 3D2 pictures (Though I’m not really sure because I downloaded a torrent with CM3D2 and COM3D2 with most of the DLC and when I open COM3D2, it’s extremely laggy to the point that it might even be unusable for my laptop), but by posting doodles or even fully colored illustrations (if I have the patience) as well. I have posted pictures a little bit, but I think it should be time for me to become a full-fledged regular artist.
Choosing between traditional vs digital is a straight-up 50/50, but it’s going to be worth the try with both if I were to draw literally every day until I run out of sheets from my sketchbook because all I do is just doing doodles, but that’s the point.
Try to retweet less: This is one goal I’m not really 100% sure if I really want to do and I’m still gonna write it and not fulfill it anyways, so I’m just gonna write this here just in case. I’m always retweeting a lot of stuff, mostly porn, and I’m really concerned about my followers who might see the porn I constantly retweet a lot and they see my name everywhere, some don’t really mind but I seriously need to try to stop that habit for a bit.
Although even if I would stop retweeting, liking tweets is no different, I always retweet because I really like going to my profile and see the tweets I retweeted and everything. Retweeting tweets means keeping the person’s tweets to yourself, that’s what I always believed in my retweets. And yes, I’m lazy to go to my Likes page but I always tend to like replies, so they’re going to be a hassle to get through.
Most anticipated releases
It’s finally time to talk about my favorite part of every year, new releases! I’ve seen some stuff aimed for a 2020 release, but I’ve even seen some that are slated for 2021 and beyond, but for now, let’s talk about what this year has to store.
Although, I may vaguely remember what am I looking forward the most, but I’m just going to talk about the ones that comes to my mind first.
Also, better keep in mind that while some things may have their 2020 release dates, delays are always bound to happen, but we still have to count in some things anyways.
There’s just so many anime coming out that I think I might have lost track. Sure, you can look at my previous Fall 2019 Final Impressions post to see what are my upcoming Winter 2020 anime, but here are the biggest shows for 2020 I’m excited for.
Attack on Titan season 4: This is going to be the final season of Attack on Titan and we have come a long way for the finale, especially that the manga is going to end soon as well. Don’t worry, this is slated for a Fall 2020 release, so as of the writing and publishing of this post, we have 10 months for S4 to come out, especially when the manga will finish by then. It’s to be determined if it’s going to be a one-cour series or a two-cour series, but what I expect the most is that it should at least adapt the finale, kind of like how Tokyo Ghoul:re the anime happened a while after the manga had ended or something, except Attack on Titan S4 is going to be faithfully adapted of course.
Akira remaster and new TV series: A 4K remaster of Akira is something I’m quite curious on how it’s going to work, but a new TV series is what I’m the most curious. Apparently, the new TV series is being made so it will fully adapt the manga where the film didn’t (the creator directed the film but the manga hadn’t been finished at the time), animated by Sunrise. I wonder if the Akira TV series will capture the original film’s style or something.
2020 sure sounds like it’s going to be the year of Akira, though 2019 was the year Akira (and Blade Runner) is set and then the Taika Waititi live-action film is going to be released in 2021.
Also, with that being said about an Akira TV series that adapts the entire manga, I think we’ve come to the point that we’re getting anime remakes with the sole purpose of adapting the manga to its ending, see Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Fruits Basket 2019. Speaking of which...
Fruits Basket season 2: I haven’t read the manga or watched the original anime, but just with season one of Fruits Basket 2019 alone, I was impressed, so with the second season, I’m looking forward on how will TMS adapt the ending!
Fate/Stay Night: Heaven’s Feel III. spring song: At this point I definitely trust Konnichiwa (the Latin American distributor) and of course they’ll bring it to Mexico and Latin America like they did with the first two films so far, I shouldn’t be begging way too hard on wanting to see them. (I am with Promare if it’s gonna happen)
Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0: It’s been years since we have last heard of Evangelion 4.0 ever since the film got delayed because Hideaki Anno was directing Shin Godzilla, now, the film is finally happening.
This is the one film that I’m sure fixated on wanting for Konnichiwa to bring it, I see Konnichiwa as the kind of distributor that brings big franchises and big hits and Evangelion is such a big franchise for another distributor to bring the film to Mexican and Latin American theaters!
UPDATE - February 1st 2020: As of now, Konnichiwa have announced the following movies they’re going to release throughout the year:
Violet Evergarden
Human Lost
Fate/Stay Night: Heaven’s Feel III. spring song
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
So... None of them are either Promare or even Evangelion 3.0+1.0, at this point I truly lost trust with Konnichiwa, they definitely lost me. Although it’s good that they’re still bringing Fate/Stay Night: Heaven’s Feel III and My Hero Academia, but no Promare or Evangelion? Really? Come on! Human Lost of all movies?! Who thought it was a good idea?!
Keifuku-san: As of the writing of this post in December 30th, this is a surprise I really never expected to see! I saw Marissa Lenti’s tweet about “new Tatsuki anime” and the tweet she was quoting was of the Crunchyroll news where Tatsuki teases a Keifuku-san anime, and I freaked out because I’m excited that he’s already working on a new anime already based on his shorts. The teaser was posted two days ago and I seriously hate that I missed it!
With the success of Kemurikusa 2019, I think we’re seeing some sort of a post-Kemono Friends reinassance with Tatsuki by making remakes of his old classics, except Keifuku-san is his most recent short but I’m glad he’s turning into a full-fledged series, I want more Tatsuki! More Tatsuki More Tanoshii! (This is the polar oppososite of “No Tatsuki No Tanoshii” and I hope everybody gets to make a similar phrase)
UPDATE - January 4th 2020: That mystery anime from Tatsuki turned out to be Hentatsu and it’s out today. What in the world did Crunchyroll think it was Keifuku-san though the box did imply it might have been Keifuku-san. But it’s fine, Hentatsu going from shorts to a full-fledged TV series is cool too!
Golden Kamuy season 3: Just when I thought there wouldn’t be anymore Golden Kamuy, it is indeed happening and I’m happy that it is!
Zombieland Saga season 2: I’m impressed with the first season and I’m happy the second season is happening and I hope it’d better pay off the final episode’s teaser, that teaser is just too good to pass it up!
No More Heroes 3: Easily my #1 most anticipated game of the year! I’ve been a long time No More Heroes fan and I’ve been waiting for a third No More Heroes game for so long! Although the one big thing I’m skeptical for is the soundtrack, since there’s a new composer, being Nobuaki Kaneko, and it’s no longer Masafumi Takada and Jun Fukuda (Though he’s still working with sound design, so that’s a plus), I’m pretty sure the soundtrack will be nowhere near as good as the first two games, and hearing the composer’s tracks in Spotify, my skepticism grows stronger, but we’ll see. Overall, I’ve been waiting 10 years for my whole life for NMH3 and it’s finally happening!
I just need to get a Switch as soon as possible so I can start playing it on launch, but getting a PS4 was my long time biggest priority. So I really hope Suda will do the same with Travis Strikes Again by releasing NMH3 on PS4 and PC!
Resident Evil 3 Remake: With the success of RE2, they immediately started developing Resident Evil 3 Remake, and with the trailers released, I’m absolutely impressed, and it uses the same gameplay as RE2 Remake. Also, Remake Nemesis is looking good. Though, honestly I’m not really sure about the nose, but if there’s one thing that I really love about Nemesis, is his teeth.
Tsukihime remake: The Tsukihime remake is the most infamous and meme-worthy vaporware from Type-Moon that it’s not even a contest between it and Half-Life 3, if “See you in 10 years” thing may be true, then there’s already signs of its existence right now, with confirmation of test plays. So there might be hope that we’re finally going to see something about the Tsukihime remake in the light of day, and even a release date eventually!
(I’m a terrible historian, I don’t really know much about the Tsukihime remake’s history)
Also, when there are news about Tsukihime Remake’s release date, I’m going to play the original! (As long as I finish Saya no Uta because I need to finish that one first)
Half-Life: Alyx: It still may not be Half-Life 3 as mentioned with the Tsukihime remake, but I’m surprised that Valve is finally doing something with their old IP after all these years, it may be a VR but it’s still going to be something interesting. I hope it’s going to kickstart a new reinassance era for Valve if they continue to make amazing games again after Half-Life Alyx, hopefully we won’t see any repeat with Artifact.
Death March Club: This is the very first project Tookyo Games (new studio by Kazutaka Kodaka and Kotaro Uchikoshi) is releasing. Looking back, I was really not aware that Danganronpa V3 was going to be the end of the Danganronpa franchise for good and it makes me sad, there’s so much potential for V3′s univverse to be developed, but it appears that this might be it. I really hope Spike Chunsoft will do something about Danganronpa in its 10th anniversary, hopefully something new and good and not just some lame celebration messages or whatever, I want a new game or a new anime, something new Danganronpa! ;_;
Anyways, even if there may not be any more Danganronpa, I could still follow Kodaka‘s new developments with his new projects (along with Uchikoshi). Teased back in 2018, there are two projects featuring Rui Komatsuzaki’s art, one is a new game and the other one is a new anime by Pierrot, and I’m seriously the most excited for these two!
Black Widow and The Eternals: I haven’t kept track with the upcoming Marvel releases right now, so I’d better keep a careful eye out for them. Not only Black Widow and The Eternals are coming out, there’s also going to be the MCU TV series in Disney+, like Falcon and Winter Soldier and WHAT IF...?. I’m especially intrigued for Falcon and Winter Soldier right now.
And for those who are like “Welp, time to stop caring about the MCU because all they want us to do is use our money for the movies and for paying Disney+” when there were news that Kevin Feige says that the Disney+ series are going to be crucial for the MCU, fuck you. (I’m talking to you, Pixelbuster and Macuelos. You boomers)
As for Black Widow, I’m concerned that it’s going to be Captain Marvel 2.0, not only for having SJW trolls (which that wasn’t the biggest deal for Captain Marvel), but rather even normal people bashing it out for its quality, the biggest thing people have criticized at the first trailer so far is Taskmaster’s costume where it looks nothing like the comics. That shit is seriously none of my concern and I really think Taskmaster looks really cool, it reminds me of Crossbones and that’s what makes their military aesthetics so special. (And please swallow that)
Venom 2: I’m supper happy that, regardless of its critical reception, the first Venom movie became a financial success and a cult hit with Eddie x Venom shippers. With that being said about making a lot of money, I’m really happy that they’re working on Venom 2 right away! That post-credits teaser with Carnage is just too good for a sequel to not be made!
I don’t care if it’ll “improve” the first film, I do think Venom 2 is going to be “better” but in a sense of topping the original because of Venom and Carnage, not because of improving the first film’s issues and all that shit! Give me more Venom movies and Venom vs Carnage and I just want the second film to be at the same pace as the first film which my older sister and I loved it!
I really hope the film will still come out in October, especially that in October 2020, my birthday is going to be on Sunday, which that means I’ll finally get to see a Venom movie DIRECTLY on my birthday just like with Joker this year!
Morbius: This wasn’t high on my anticipated movies list, but the trailer was released on January 13th 2020, I must talk about it now: The trailer looks interesting and I’m definitely going to see it, but the biggest surprise yet is that there’s Michael Keaton’s Adriam Toomes/Vulture from Spider-Man: Homecoming at the very end of the trailer. Seems like this is definitely setting up some small ties to the MCU with the Spider-Man characters, and it all depends if Tom Holland’s Spidey will appear in some form with either Morbius or Venom 2, most likely Venom 2 but we’ll see about Morbius.
Wonder Woman 84 and Birds of Prey: 2019 was sure the best year for DC with Shazam and especially Joker, though I’m concerned that the good DC movies period is already going to be over with Wonder Woman 84 and Birds of Prey where people aren’t going to be fond with these films, but I’m still going to see the films regardless. (Especially Wonder Woman 84 because a lot of people had trouble with the first film’s ending smh.)
There’s also going to be major events like the Tokyo Olympics 2020 and I’m curious to see how much of the anime pop culture there’s going to be for global television, but I’m also worried if the way they’re going to handle Comiket without using the Tokyo Big Sight because they are going to use it for the Olympics, and there are also news that they’re removing porn from convenience stores, basically the porn in Japan is being removed for the Olympics, but the biggest thing I’m concerned is that if Comiket 98 taken place in May is going to be the last Comiket for good because I haven’t seen like any news about it and that’s all what the Wikipedia page has, I really hope there’s still more Comiket in the future, even when I don’t really go to Comiket at all because I don’t live in Japan, but I really love seeing artists setting their circles and having their doujins all sold out.
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There’s also going to be the Playstation 5, which it may or may not be the best thing in the world to happen right now considering that I just got my PS4 in November, although Sony did confirm that the PS5 has backwards compability with PS4, but then there are also reports that it’s backwards compability with all the previous Playstations and that smells like bullshit to me.
Anyways, I’m definitely not buying the PS5 at launch, I’ll wait in a few years until there are some really interesting exclusives, or even if there devs making new games for the PS5, they’re still bound to be released on the PS3 as well. Just like I did with the PS4, we never bought it at launch and we waited for a long time for cooler releases to get there and that’s where we finally decided on getting a PS4, albeit several years late but whatever.
The PS5 won’t be coming out until the Holidays 2020, so I have an entire year to play with my PS4 and take my best advantage of it, in the meantime, I’ve been playing Devil May Cry 5 and Death Stranding, and hopefully we can get to buy the many other releases we missed over the years.
Ugh, I don’t know what else is coming out in 2020 with different media, but I think that’s enough about my most anticipated releases that I could think of! As time goes on, whenever news about some things pop up, I’m of course going to keep track of those releases!
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We have at least reached the end of this long long post I have made yet, I’m sorry if I made you through read all of this insanity, but I really hope you might have skimmed through some parts and read a little bit of the most important pieces, the ones that you find the most interesting.
This was an amazing yet painful but still a fun wild ride with this decade. I’ve had plenty of fond memories and developed lots of new interests, though having lots of suffering in the process, but still, it was a joy to live through out this decade. Can’t wait to see what will the decade have in store. Still not expecting for real life to become the future like we see in pop culture, but I’m sure there’s still going to be some great technological advancements and most important of all, lots of amazing pop culture! (I know lately has been mediocre with neglectful creators and corporates and cringey memes inserted by old men, but who really cares?)
I’m really hoping for a far positive 2020 decade, but as you would expect, countless groups of SJWs attacking innocent artists, scummy corporates, cringeworthy memes and pretty much everything else will remain unchanged.
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But regardless, there’s still going to be amazing new things we’re going to discover to love and hate this decade and the Reiwa period!
As I said at the beginning of this post, this is the last post I’m going to make because lately I’ve seriously been getting burned out by writing the same posts and the worst part is that I’m always trying to make them huge and I really have no idea to process these posts. Another reason why is that I want to start focusing on my career as an author, I just need to get over this blogging side to be over and I’m sure it’s going to be even more painful than blogging, but that’s something I really want to focus and don’t want the blogging to get in my way.
As for the future of making posts like these, I’m just going to make like a thread of tweets of my top 10 anime/games/movies of the year with 4 pictures of my top 4 or make a TwitLonger, to make things simple because I’ve really been exhausted on making this post even when I had this MONTHS in the making. Man, I seriously need an agenda so I won’t try to remember certain events that happened.
Anyways, thank you all who supported me over the years and I hope we can continue to support each other out throughout this next decade, whether I succeed with my dreams or not. I love you all. Let’s all do our best, and I so hope I’ll do my best as well, until the day I die!
And just like that, good bye Tumblr. My time is finally done.
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UPDATE - February 1st 2020: Nobody is definitely noticing this but every now and then, I’ve been adding some new words into this post. February and I’m still editing this post.
By the way, January was already dismal: I nearly lost my cool with personal opinions again, but my worst nightmare yet is my eternal procrastination. Although I have at least been writing like over 100 words every few days, my constant headache from perfectionism and brainstorming a decent, cohesive and believable story will just never stop.
Not to mention that I haven’t been drawing as regularly like I wanted, and recently, I went back on using my Wacom Bamboo pen tablet and I immediately regret it.
Better not worry, we’re still early into 2020, we only have 10 months to survive and I know I mustn’t rush things, but I really hope I get to be a little more productive as soon as possible.
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My Carrd.
0 notes
Voltron: Legendary Defender season 3
Live-reactions to season 3 of Voltron: I have a bottle of wine and a whole night ahead of me, so let’s do this! <3 Heavy spoilers, meta thoughts and a lot of caps lock under the cut!</p>
1. „Changing of the guard”
I am very much in love with how everyone is behaving (look at Lance and Hunk being awesome, look at the Blade of Marmora finally helping, look at Allura being a teen: yes, yes, yes!), but I am upset that only Keith is taking Shiro’s disappearance so badly. Like didn’t he have a strong relationship with Pidge…? And she is is only focused on finding Matt…? What about her father? And wasn’t Lance something like his no.1 fan…? This is like a classic example of: what the fuck hero?
Though I am happy to see Lance having friendly moments with everyone: from random alien girls, to Pidge and Hunk and Keith. Let my bby boy have all the love and friendship he deserves. No more 7th wheel bullshit please.
I’m already in love with Lotor and his Generals (the trailer nor the pictures didn’t prepare me for the affection I feel towards them) and I only hope for a sword fight between Lotor and Keith. Also, could the by like half-brothers, maybe? Or cousins? I would like that. Or maybe one of the Generals could be Keith’s mother. I just want a badass Keith-Lotor confrontation. I don’t even care who would win *cough* Lotor *cough*
Also, Lotor would make a fine Paladin. Just saying, with such speeches? Such manipulation skills? With that smile? And… Yeah. Great character there. Yep. Sorry, I will be biased.
ALSO LANCE I LOVE YOU, I KNEW YOU WERE MY FAVORITE, YES YOU ARE. That “hey, listen man” broke me. Jeremy you are such a good VA, that was awesome, my kudos to you. That whole scene was great: from the emotional aspect and how everyone looked at someone else and Lance didn’t, he was just looking ad Keith and thinking what to do and he knew it had to be him and… YES THAT WAS GREAT. LET MY BLUE BABY BE THE GLUE THAT STICKS THEM ALL TOGETHER AND HELPS HIS FRIENDS OUT AND AAAAAAH. I love Lance, okay? I loved that scene as a whole thing: I just feel it should have happened sooner? IDK.
2. “Red Paladin”
I swear to God, my first thought was: They are awesome, I am so gay for that one General, Ezor. She is exactly that batshit crazy friendly type that I’m scared of. Acxa is also great (so loyal <3) and so is Zethrid (I look at her and think of Overwatch’s Zarya). I think that I’m too confused about Narti to have an opinion on her, but I do love her fighting technique. Basically: I love them all. And that is not a good reaction, I think *sobs* Now imagine Voltron as Lotor and his 4 General Ladies. That would be badass. Not really good for the Universe, but badass.<br>
Ahem. This whole taking planets by friendly manipulation business, for me, as a Pole is such a great concept, that it makes me applaud the creators for taking that route. We know from history that this works. We know that in the tie of need the overtaken planets have to ways of behaving and maybe the societies will split because of individual decisions of people. But it is such a nice concept and it does make Lotor an awesome villain. Way better thank Zarkon in my opinion. And way better than his 80’s counterpart, that’s for sure.
Please don’t categorize Lance as a goofball. Please. Think of his self-esteem.
Pidge, you are way too smart for this.
Keith I love you, but don’t be so emo. Also, why didn’t anyone say that either him or Lance or Hunk are the pretty boys of the squad? BECAUSE THEY ARE.
The trying out Black Lion thing was both hilarious and insightful, because yeah: that is exactly what I expected and wanted and yet I couldn’t even try to imagine Pidge having seating problems and I feel you girl, I’m fucking tiny, I laughed my ass off so much, I had tears in my eyes. #short people problems.
ALSO FUCK ME, KEITH IS BEING SUCH A GREAT CHARACTER. LOOK HOW FAR DID HE COME FROM 1st SEASON. YES. Also Steven’s VA is A+ and I am swooning at that “please, no” with a small vibration and lots of pain in his voice and ugh. Such an awesome cast, such a great show.
OKAY SCRATCH THAT, SOMEONE HUG ALLURA. JFC, I shouldn’t get so emotional over this, but. Good writing is good.
BLUE, YOU SMART GIRL YOU, WHO IS THE SMARTEST LION? YES YOU ARE! YES YOU ARE! <3 I was wondering how they will solve this Lion shenanigans, I think I really love the solution. That and Lance trying pick-up lines on Blue. That was amazing. What wasn’t so amazing: the other kick to my gut to the line of ‘do you hate me now’. Ugh.<br>
Oh look at that. Lotor definitely wants to be a pilot for Black. No wonder he has 4 Generals. SO my idea about badass villain Voltorn is pretty much confirmed by that. *James Oliver voice* cool.
Okay, but I still very much love Blue and Lance together? Like hey, don’t split them up, I know this is temporary, but… I really hate seeing him and Blue split up and Red and Keith split up and… OH HEY A LANLLURA MOMENT <3 (help what is their ship name????)<br>
Thank God, all of the episodes are streaming, or I would literally die if I had to wait more than 1 minute after each episode.
3. “The Hunted”
Okay, I need more of this Lance being concerned by his fellow Paladins thing, because it’s doing wonders for my psyche. Also: Hunk is the most adorable Paladin, no questions asked.
Though this whole situation is making me miss Shiro. Not because Keith is hot-headed or that I agree that the Paladins aren’t used to their new lions, it’s because there is no calming but stern presence on the team? I though Allura would bring the calm, while Keith would have the stern part, but really, this right now is as far from ideal as possible. Voltron is a very fast-paced show and here, in situations like this it shows that it is somewhat a flaw – not from a narration standpoint, but from ‘how it should have been handled’ viewpoint: remember how long it took them to train and do the mind-meld? And Allura is completely new to this, unlike Lance and Keith, who at least know the ropes. That – I do not like.
And I fucking love Lotor. Shoutout to RvB fandom: he’s like a sophisticated Felix, don’t you think?  A villain you hate to love or love to hate and just. Ugh. Such a good character, seriously – I had no idea I would enjoy him so much. Especially since the way fandom started describing him just after the teasers with him, made me not really hyped about him. But we got something really great.
Well, at least it proves my point about training. We’re back to the point where Voltron sucks. *back to John Oliver’s voice* cool. I knew it would happen and can’t believe nobody thought it would happen in-universe and just… um. I have really mixed feelings about it. Like, we get character-development in this series and we get in-universe examples of learning on their mistakes… So what is exactly this? What is this episode?
But Keith, baby, you fucked up. And I mean it: if this won’t be addressed and you won’t own to this, if this whole thing will be pointless and will just leave us with ‘oh, better not to be so hot-headed next time, hahaha’, it will seriously piss me off. I already had a moment ‘oh, he got it!’ and then it was crushed in disappointment and. I get it, that’s his character, but. Also it’s not? Trauma aside, he should be smarter than this? Again: what the fuck hero? I mean, oh now, we got a teary admission at everything will be okay again? Please tell me, it won’t end like this.
And once again: let’s take a moment to appreciate Lance. Not only he is the voice of reason and the only one who can get to Keith, he is literally like the leader now. I am so happy.
But the visuals, animation and music are so amazing and beautiful. This has to be the prettiest animated show right now. Seriously: wow.
Also on a meta level. Does this also mean, that the closest one to Shiro is Keith, the closest to Keith is Lance and the closest to Lance is Allura? If yes, then that is a love-square I am not ready to tackle.
4. “Hole in the Sky”
How come we are not addressing the ‘betrayal’ from the second episode? Oh and look at that: we are not addressing Keith’s fuck-up either, apparently his teary ‘it’s my fault’ was enough. That’s… disappointing. Maybe at least when we get Shiro back and he’ll be all “I knew you could lead Voltron”, Keith would be “Nope, no, not me, I fucked-up, I was the worst, never again.”. Still: meh.
This is much more than I could have expected. Bonus points for Pidge’s dubious glances from time to time at the Alteans. Good stuff, yes.  
Oh look, this time we’re getting an ‘Allura will fuck it up’ moment instead. Like. HELLO? Character development? Learning from mistakes? Isn’t that a thing in Voltron?
And of course, Slav didn’t figure out that this reality will be screwed. Of course. I’m starting to silently cheer for Lotor. At least the guy has the brains and a plan.
5. “The Journey”
As the credits roll: At this point I’m acknowledging that this season we won’t get any real resolutions, just a lot of team-building and learning how to fuck up in every possible situation.
As the bubbles come out: Oh, mermaids again?
A second later: LSADHGADFLAHSD AS YES. HELLO, MY DEAR. I MISSED YOU. LET ME LOVE YOU. I was not expecting this.
So turns out Shiro with long hair and a stubble doesn’t look as hot as the fanart made me accustomed to… No, wait, I take that back. It’s just that ‘I hadn’t slept for weeks bags under his eyes, which are actually nice when you’re used to liking RvB Agent Washington. Anyway…He still looks good and almost healthy, however, fucked up that sounds. I always wondered how he maintained the same hair all the time while in prison.
Okay, serious talk though. Where did he get the bandied? How did he start a fire? And can we stop making him suffer? At last? JFC, he needs a thousand hugs, and a lots of love and just happiness? He doesn’t deserve this, any of this. Again A+ voice acting, this time from Josh. That scream gave me shivers going down my spine and I was breathless and wow. That was powerful.
Give Shiro a Break 2017. And Save Shiro 2017. JFC, I teared up at his pained face.
You do not do this kind of things. I have legit tears in my eyes. No, this is not fair.
This is already my favorite episode this season. I’m crying.
THEY GOT SHIRO BACK. THANK HEAVENS. Does this mean we will get ponytail!Shiro now? Y/Y?
6. “Trailing a Comet”
I love Lance, I love Keith, but GDI, Keith let Lance have his fun too.
AND SERIOUSLY??? THIS IS IT???? Where are my hugs? We are tears? And happiness? And… IDK, emotions? Why. WHY???
I like this thing where we don’t know who the leader is and what is the status-quo. I like that there isn’t anything smoothing up and getting back into position, with Shiro back. I don’t like the fact they don’t talk things out, that they do not communicate with each other and just… I feel like they’re falling apart, which is ironic because they just got back together. I don’t like the fact Black isn’t responding to Shiro. The last thing we need is him getting into the same mindset as Lance, seriously. I mean, yeah it’s all great that Allura is a Paladin that is great for Blue but… what about all the bonds? Is this going to be addressed or not? I feel like a lot of things are not getting addressed while they should be.
OH NO. IS THIS A SHIRO WILL FUCK UP MOMENT? Please no. Look at Keith. No, no, no. Oh, this will end badly.
So, is Acxa Keith’s mom? I bet that’s Keith’s mom. That would be juuuuuust perfect. Also my girl Ezor is perfect, yep, she is <3 And I should really stop cheering for them.<br>
…I am getting confused as of ‘which one fucks up moment’ is it. Keith or Shiro’s. Or both? Or like the whole teams? Seriously: WHY? Well, at least you have to admire Lotor. He is fucking amazing.
YEP SHIRO, YOU DID GOOD TOO. Just don’t get self-esteem issues, I beg you.
7. “The Legend Begins”
The last episode this season and then the wait till October begins. On the plus side: October! Yaaay!. On the minus side:  October! Two fucking months.
If that cute girl Haggar had seen was for example: Allura’s mother. And for example, the person Zarkon loved, I will flip off. Seriously. I was getting used to the idea of Haggar being Lotor’s mother, but if he and Allura are half-siblings, I will be pissed off. It would make sense though, in a way. I think. Oh God, please let it not be true.
Honevra? OMG, she is changing, please tell me it’s not Haggar n the future.
Goodbye Alfor, the Blue Paladin, hello Alfor, the Red Paladin. I am not complaining. Pretty much since Allura’s speech, I thought he had to be the Red Paladin, instead of Blue.
Okay, this might be my favorite episode this season.
I both understand and already fear Zarkon. Wow. A+ writing on getting me to like him. At least his before!betrayal thing. Blue Paladin is still my fave from this line-up <3<br>
SHE IS HAGGAR, HOLY FUCK. It’s not Zarkon. It was never Zarkon, I did not see this coming. It was her, all along, it was her. Wow. WOW. Also, I really feel sorry for Zarkon now? He… he just fell in love? He wanted his beloved to live and be happy? He got corrupted…? Can we cure him? Like, I did not see that coming. I am actually speechless. And that music in the background was enough to make me tear up. That was… Beautiful.
Also… This brings the ‘power of love’ to a greater, but different meaning.
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turntothree · 7 years
Ry& Reaction: Wolves & Shepherds
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E3 came early this year! ...OK, it didn’t but it certainly felt that way, kind of.
It seems in recent years, game publishers have been tripping over themselves to take up valuable space on that pre-show hype train. I’m talking teasers, press releases, cryptic tweets and anything else they can think of to score some attention before the big three step in and snatch the spotlight. Hell, we’ve seen E3 grow an extra couple days to accommodate more publisher-sponsored events.
Editor’s Note: Really looking forward to that keynote, Devolver Digital!
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A few weeks back, Ubisoft decided to do things its own way and steer the train in a slightly different direction with a bombshell announcement most other companies would save for the trade show.
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Editor’s Note: NO! NO! That wasn’t released, it escaped!
Damn, man. I was just kidding. It’s going to be alright.
Anyway...this is what I’m really talking about.
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Yup, the French gaming giant casually name dropped one of its top secret E3 reveals in a nonchalant tweet, a whole month before the show. But it didn’t stop there. One week later, the aforementioned Youtube suite released a...let’s call it “tourism video” for the humble little town of Hope County, Montana.  
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Editor’s Note: I have a “MIGHTY” fine feeling about this place.
What? You’ve got crisp country air for breathin’, plenty of wild game for huntin, a nice clean creek for fishin’ and plenty of big ol’ green acres to roam. Of course, you’d have to overlook the constant bear attacks, air strikes, ominously empty streets and the prospect of being randomly murdered, but what town doesn’t have its share of problems?  
Editor’s Note: Wait...wasn’t Far Cry 4’s announcement handled in a similar fashion? Letting the fanbase sneak a peek behind the curtain; then slamming the curtain back down until a good and proper reveal at E3? Isn’t that what’s going on here?
You’d think so, but...
Dateline – May 26, 2017
IGN’s Daemon Hatfield and Marty Silva greeted the California sunrise with a live (and exclusive) reveal of Far Cry 5’s first proper trailer. In it, would-be players are told the sad tale of how a struggling working-class town was taken in by a wealthy con artist who promised the world.
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This self-proclaimed “prophet” Joseph Seed and his twisted family of disciples preached of peace and prosperity; instead they delivered onto his flock a life of servitude and unabashed cruelty. He used his good fortune to giveith himself their property. He used his cultish militia to takeith away their free will. The chosen among “his” townsfolk would be baptised into his parish or they would surely perish.
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In a town past the edge of civility, a brave few in the community have chosen to fight back against Seed’s ghoulish gospel and reclaim what’s theirs. In this holy war for the soul of America’s heart land, it is up to the player to lead the resistance. 
That’s the story (at least up to that point)...as for gameplay, the trailer didn’t show too much, but it caught fans a quick glimpse at some old and new tricks alike.
As said previously, the hunting mechanics are back, but with a new batch of wildlife to track. Bears, deer, wolves, cows and bulls are among the critters in the mix. In a similar vain, fishing will be implemented into the series for the first time. Catch and fry up some bass for hit points!
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Also returning are the conveniently placed vehicles. Fast travel and open road/seas/(and for the first time) sky combat will be a breeze with your choice of motor boats, ATVs, 18 wheelers, muscle cars and fighter planes. 
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Of course, the series’ standard first-person gunplay will remain locked and loaded.
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Oh and the world-wide release date for Far Cry 5 has been set for February 27, 2018. The platforms in which it will be made available are as follows: Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Sorry, Nintendo fans. No Switch port is planned.
Editor’s Note: That’s a fair bit of information. Surely, that’s enough to appease fans for now.
Actually, Ubisoft continued the Youtube rollout with three more trailers; specifically the stories of the three main support characters as told by them in direct conversation with the player.
Meet Nick Rye: A third-generation fighter pilot who had been fortunate enough to have never seen combat, but when “Eden’s Gate” comes knockin’ on his doorstep, Nick is the first to enlist in the resistance.
Meet Mary May Fairgrave: A bartender pushed to the edge after both her brother and mother are kidnapped by Seed’s followers; now her family-owned establishment serves as a home for anyone looking to bust a cap in “Eden’s Ass!”
Meet Jerome Jefferies: The local pastor turned shepherd in wolves clothing; charged with the task of taking back the flock “father” Seed had led astray.
Monologues aside, the folks at UbiBlog also had the chance to catch up with Far Cry 5 Creative Director Dan Hay, who discussed the modern day anxieties, urban legends and Montana road trip that inspired the game’s theme and setting. That interview was also posted to Youtube.  
Editor’s Note: ...Anything else?
Then the press releases rolled out and the media was all over it.
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Details of full campaign co-op; a customizable protagonist (who also happens to be the sheriff’s deputy); and so much pending controversy plastered the headlines.
Oh yeah, and there has also been some talk about melee combat specific scenarios being worked into the game. New weapons such as baseball bats, sledgehammers and pitchforks will be implemented as part of the series’ inventory.
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image credit - 20th Century Fox
Editor’s Note: Wow! That’s an awful lot to tell so soon. What’s left for the E3 showing?
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Actually, there’s still plenty to juicy reveal tidbits to share. Like say, an in-depth look at “Eden’s Gate”. We know so much about the heroes, but we haven’t really seen much of anything concerning the big bads, nor do we know the why or how of their hostile takeover.
There’s also the new feature Ubisoft promised to show off during its presser. If I had to wager a guess, I’d say it’s either the campaign’s co-op option or the flight mechanics.
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Editor’s Note: Even still, why reveal so much about the game now? Why not leave it all as a major E3 surprise?   
My theory, the publisher wants the press to focus its collective energy on whatever new Ubisoft IPs (and or Assassin’s Creed sequel) premier that fateful day, so it’s trying to answer the more common Far Cry questions ASAP. Also, all this Far Cry hype sure makes for a damn fine centerpiece.
Editor’s Note: Thoughts on what you’ve seen and read so far?
 *Sigh* I guess I should start off by addressing the elephant in the room – the story.
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For all of the hullabaloo, it’s nothing new. The town overrun with zealot cultists ranks among the classics of horror tropes, and stories (subtly or not) inspired by political unrest are certainly commonplace, even in the world video games.
Editor’s Note: And they’re only going to get more common over the next, let’s say four years?
While these character archetypes and plot devices may seem a tad (or more) over done, that doesn’t mean they can’t be used to tell a good story. In fact, I trust Ubisoft Montreal to do just that. That’s not to say I didn’t have any reservations or crack a joke or two at first glance, but the deeper the Youtube showings went, the more invested I got.
Hearing the stories of Nick, Mary and Pastor Jerome gave me Goosebumps, and I instantly wanted to know more about what was going on and how they aimed to deal with it.
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Editor’s Note: Forget this customizable protagonist nonsense, Ubisoft. Rip-off Rockstar so I can swap between these three heroes!
The villains on the other hand, I have no real opinion of, yet. Sure, Ubi is more than capable of creating the type of sinisterly charismatic baddies this plot calls for (shout out to Vaas and Pagan Min), so I feel “Eden’s Gate” has plenty of potential. However, I can’t judge Seed or his siblings sight unseen.
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...Promo images excluded, of course.
Editor’s Note: Speaking of elephants, Far Cry 4 let me wreck shit on elephant back. Surely, Ubisoft can’t just expect me to go back to primitive man power.
I don’t believe the southern United States is an elephant’s natural habitat.  
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Editor’s Note: i dOn’T bEliEVe tHE SoUtHERn UnITeD StATeS iS aN eLePHaNT’s nAtURal hAbITat.
OK, so Montana isn’t normally thought of alongside the exotic locales the series is known for, but the more I’ve thought it over, the more I’ve come to realize it’s the perfect setting for a Far Cry game.
It’s beautiful and serene territory hosts some gorgeous natural splendour...it also has some hidden and very real dangers entrenched deep within its forestry and rocky domains. The ravenous wolves, perilous coyote packs, rabid dogs, wild bulls and massive grizzlies will be just as, if not more formidable than the tigers and honey badgers of previous games.
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If you’re luckily enough to be the hunter, as opposed to the hunted, you’ll be able to score some prime cuts of meat for health boosts, and some fine pelts for crafting items.
Of course, there’s also the option to fish for some grub. That could be fun for a bit.
Editor’s Note: As long as it’s SEGA Bass Fishing quality and not Sonic Adventure quality, I’m totally up to do a little fishin’.
Not to mention the prospect of being hunted down by a bunch of gun-toting manics does compliment itself rather terrifyingly well to the whole outdoor survivalist angle, much like the militants and royal guardsmen of entries 1-4.
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Yeah, the setting might be a little different and the enemies might be a little different but this is still very much Far Cry, with all the fun DIY M-A-Y-H-E-M that comes with it.
Speaking of what makes Far Cry - Far Cry, let’s talk vehicles. This pitched selection is cool as frig!
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Tarring through the countryside in a muscle car or big rig, and the promise of delivering some cathartic death from above sounds absolutely sick!
Editor’s Note: Hopefully, the air battles can match stuff like Ace Combat or Battlefield 1. Now that would be sick.
Anything else...oh, right; campaign co-op. It’s a great idea!
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I can’t recall the number of times I played through a mission in Far Cry 4 only to find myself completely surrounded and desperately wishing I had back-up. The ability to call in a buddy should certainly make breaking through those impenetrable compounds at least a little bit more bearable.
Editor’s Note: This all sounds rad...still wish I had my elephant though.
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I honestly don’t quite know how to cap this off. I guess I could say:
Far Cry 5 has all the potential in the world to be a great action game, as its pedigree can attest. The guns, explosions, fast rides, deadly beasts, and vast destructible set pieces are all on lock. It has all it needs to kick ass and take names. But its creative direction is taking the series into some unknown and fairly risky territory.
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There’s certainly plenty of potential in the characters and setting presented, as I’ve said earlier. However, the direction the game seems to be heading could cause a drastic tonal shift that throws the entire thing off kilter. This building sense of horror, sorrow and despair, and to have it all inspired by today’s political climate could put a major damper on the aforementioned ass-kicking and taking of names.
It’s going to be tough and sadly, it might even get a little ugly, but Ubisoft has a rock solid creative team and I do believe they can make these pieces fit into something truly great. At least I hope so.
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Boy that sure was some dark stuff. Let’s lighten things up next time by battling it out Poké-Style!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Is New Mutants an Ending for the Fox X-Men Universe?
Ever since the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I’ve been absolutely fascinated by any and all attempts for studios to create and navigate an expanded universe. Whether it’s based on superheroes or the supernatural, we’ve seen more Goofuses than Galants. Whatever your opinion of the Marvel movies, you have to at least admit that it worked out fantastically for Disney. They figured out a formula and it was a success.
Meanwhile, Amazing Spider-Man 2 got rewritten into oblivion, failed, and Sony buried their expansion plans until Venom became a surprise hit. Warner Bros. and DC rushed into their own shared cinematic universe with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League, stumbled, recovered, and now seem confused about their future. The Wizarding World took a perfectly fine and self-contained spinoff, then gave it a sequel that went overboard in needless Harry Potter prequel reveals. Then Universal Dark Universe…was…yeah, that didn’t really even happen.
But Fox’s X-Men? That movie franchise came before all those others and it’s possibly the most bizarre and interesting as a whole. Even with everything surrounding the Justice League “Snyder Cut.” It’s a superhero series with 20 years, 13 movies, and no more future now that Disney owns what is now known as 20th Century Studios.
The legacy of the X-Men movie franchise is a wild ride. There were two beloved movies to kick things off with a third that, at best, can be considered awkward. They attempted a prequel based on their most popular character with X-Men Origins: Wolverine (which backfired) but they got their footing thanks to a different prequel based on the team itself. With a somewhat forgettable Wolverine sequel in the can, they then did the closest thing the X-Men series had to an Avengers-style crossover event movie.
After that, we finally got the Deadpool spinoff movie that Fox was so reluctant to do, yet not only made them huge bank, but made them realize they could branch out. We got another main X-Men movie, a super-violent Wolverine finale, a Deadpool sequel, and production of two more movies that were muddily mixed with Disney’s purchase of Fox.
Throughout all of that, the movies weren’t totally coherent as a single narrative. Even if you ignore the general meta-ness of the Deadpool movies, the X-Men Cinematic Universe kept trying to apply Band-Aids when their continuity could never even hope for an open-casket funeral.
Dark Phoenix and New Mutants were filmed around the same time. The intent was for New Mutants to come out first, but it’s long become infamous for being the Duke Nukem Forever of mutant movies, getting pushed back repeatedly for a variety of reasons. That left Dark Phoenix as the “finale” for the X-Men Cinematic Universe.
But Dark Phoenix brought the franchise out with a whimper. Much of it had to do with Simon Kinberg trying to tell the same story that he did in X-Men: The Last Stand and not doing much better, if at all. Despite featuring big Hollywood names, almost everyone involved seemed to have checked out and Mystique’s death was telegraphed from the very first trailer.
The movie did scrap its downer ending of Xavier surveying the empty wreckage of his school for something more optimistic and fitting for a finale. Fitting enough, at least. Xavier left the school in Beast’s hands (or was kicked out) and went on to have a peaceful chess game with Magneto. All the while, we could see the Phoenix in the day sky with Jean doing a monologue.
As if referencing the X-Men’s new cinematic future underneath the Disney banner, Jean left us with, “This is not the end of me or the X-Men. This is a new beginning.” There would be no post-credits scene.
It felt defeated and accepting that it was the end of the line, but also felt flat. It was an ending, but it was an ending that felt anything but fresh.
Now, New Mutants was supposed to be the beginning of a trilogy, but watching it as the final X-Men film…it felt like the cusp of something more.
Despite being a new property, New Mutants immediately ties into the greater X-Men Cinematic Universe. An older version of Sunspot was featured briefly in X-Men: Days of Future Past and Illyana Rasputin – while not mentioned – is Colossus’ sister. Now, after all the delays and the realization that Disney was still going to release this baby in theaters during the pandemic, there was an outside chance that they could have made this some kind of introduction to mutants in the MCU via clever editing and reshoots.
Except they didn’t do that.
Direct allusions to Charles Xavier and the X-Men show up about a third into the movie. This was definitely part of Fox’s reality. But it also seemed like it was latching onto the various properties. We already had a connection to X-Men’s big “event” movie and that family connection, but the unseen greater evil of New Mutants is something we’ve seen not only in other X-movies, but in the very different X-movie properties, including the ones that haven’t been fully confirmed as canon to each other.
Read more
New Mutants: A Horror Version of The Breakfast Club
By Don Kaye
The New Mutants: Maisie Williams Talks Same Sex Love Story and Kiss
By David Crow
A funny thing about New Mutants is that despite being based on a specific X-Men offshoot team from the comics, the basic plot is more reminiscent of the comic series Avengers Academy. We’re supposed to think that all these youngsters are ultimately training to be X-Men with potential to be great heroes. Instead, the big twist is that they aren’t being prepared for Charles Xavier’s school. Instead, they’re being prepared as dangerous supervillains with a future as minions for the Essex Corporation.
That’s Essex as in Nathaniel Essex. As in Mr. Sinister.
After 20 years, the overdressed mutant mastermind is the most prominent villain not to show up in any of these movies. Rumors claim that we were supposed to get John Hamm to play him in at least a teaser, but there are conflicting reports on that. It’s also been said that he was going to be a major player in the Gambit movie that never got off the ground.
Even though Sinister is nowhere to be found in the film, his fingerprints are all over the X-Men Cinematic Universe of the past several years. X-Men: Apocalypse had a post-credits scene showing the cleanup of a Weapon X site where Wolverine went on a rampage. One man takes a few vials of blood and puts them in a briefcase with “ESSEX CORP.” inscribed on it.
The only Wolverine-related movie to follow that was Logan, which sometimes suggested that it possibly wasn’t in the same reality as the other X-Men movies. Outside of the first movie’s climax being referenced and a deleted scene shout out to Sabretooth, the X-Men were depicted as more fiction than fact when it came to their colorful flashiness. It was still a world of fantastic elements, like cloning, cyborgs, and kids with special powers.
In this dystopia, we saw a group of biologically-engineered mutant children being trained as weapons in some shady facility. New Mutants connected the dots. With her own version of telepathy, Dani Moonstar had flashes of moments from Logan – straight-up reused footage, even – that made it very apparent that the place that created X-23 was none other than part of the Essex Corporation. Or that the place that would one day create X-23. The timeline situation is iffy as is.
Essex also had his finger in the delicious pie that is Deadpool 2. The movie’s plot revolves around Deadpool’s attempt to save the soul of Russel Collins, AKA Firefist. They didn’t make a big deal out of the place’s name, but Russel was brought up in the Essex House for Mutant Rehabilitation. Once again, another corrupt place that tried to experiment on and control young mutants with the Essex seal of approval. In the end, that place was destroyed and all of the students were brought to the X-Mansion.
New Mutants ends with the five protagonists free from imprisonment, with an uncertain future ahead of them. It’s a better ending than Dark Phoenix, in my opinion. It’s an ending that suggests that this disjointed mutant reality filled with retcon after retcon after retcon was actually building towards something truly climactic.
Mainline X-Men. Deadpool and X-Force. The New Mutants. The dystopian future of Logan. Four very different pieces that could have potentially come together in one adventure with the sinister smile of an ominous supervillain opposing them. X-Men: Endgame, essentially. A major finale is off on the horizon, never to be fully realized, but one where all the aspects of the Fox X-Men collective could have saved the future for a third time.
Who knows? Maybe we’ll get it in comic form one day.
The post Is New Mutants an Ending for the Fox X-Men Universe? appeared first on Den of Geek.
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radwolf76 · 5 years
FLASHBack: [Week 54] - charlie teh unicron / Charlie the Unicorn 5: The Grand Finale (Part 1)
So, two weeks ago when I covered Charlie the Unicorn on FLASHBack, I mentioned that those four episodes were just the beginning. And since I already gave context for the series in that post, we can skip the preamble and get right into the thick of it.
Between the third and fourth episodes of Charlie the Unicorn, Jason Steele decided that the series was ripe for parody and began producing "charlie teh unicron" (No Relation). Described as "what the Charlie the Unicorn series would be like if it was written by random internet people", it presents alternate takes on the events of the main continuity:
charlie teh unicron episode 1 (26 June 2010) -- In the original version, Charlie is concerned that the Meadow may be on fire when he's abruptly woken up. In this version, the Meadow is on fire, and Pink and Blue are responsible.
charlie teh unicron episode 2 (19 October 2010) -- Again, the trio are in search of The Banana King, except this time, there's no Magic Amulet. The Banana King is a competing drug candy dealer who has been encroaching on Blue and Pink's territory. This one also marks the first appearance of the series' main villain, the Denny's Waitress (they should have just gone to IHOP again like they did at the end of episode 1).
charlie teh unicron episode 3 (6 July 2013) -- This is the one that establishes that this really is the darkest timeline. Starfish, the true unsung hero from the main series has been found murdered on the beach, and Pink and Blue proceed to get their CSI: Miami on. They fail to do it correctly though as at no point do we get to see anyone put on a pair of sunglasses while dropping a one-liner quip just before the opening "YEEEAAAHHH!" of The Who's We Won't be Fooled Again blares: (•_•)  /  ( •_•)>⌐■-■  /  (⌐■_■). We do get to see Starfish's cousin, who looks like the unholy love child of Spongebob's Patrick Star and Aaahh!!! Real Monsters' Krumm.
charlie teh unicron episode 4 (7 September 2013) -- Like its counterpart in the main canon, this one finds the unicorns in space, except this time they're on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise, and Pink and Blue are arguing over who gets to be the Captain and which one has to be Riker. The Denny's Waitress shoots them down with a Grand Slamwich, and they encounter The Millipede. The Millipede gets a song that seems to be more about the Ceti Eels from Wrath of Khan, which admittedly were very millipede like.
(As before, if you'd prefer them all in one long video, that option is available.)
Earlier in 2013, on 13 February, there was another, different parody, in which Charlie has been crossed with the musician Yanni, with cameos by Kenny G-esus, and Jason's cat Luca as the Starfish.
Also in 2013, Steele made a special clip for the Playlist LIVE! conference in Orlando Florida.
That was not the first event with "LIVE" in the title that Charlie was a part of. In 2008, Charlie was a part of YouTube LIVE. There was a teaser promo for their appearance released on 10 November 2008, and then on 22 November 2008 the actual YouTube-themed short premiered, paying homage to both Tay "**I move away from the mic to breathe in" Zonday's Chocolate Rain, as well as another oft linked-to song.
As was pointed out in the Playlist Live! video, one way that creators on the internet can make a living from their work is through merch sales such as T-Shirts. Jason Steele had partnered with Hot Topic to distribute his shirts, and he made a exclusive video clip for them.
But even T-Shirt sales weren't enough to keep the series going, so in late February of 2016 Jason Steele put out a Kickstarter for the fifth and final episode of Charlie the Unicorn. Steele was no stranger to Kickstarter, having previously done a campaign for a video series called Detective Heart of America (which at one point featured another Charlie the Unicorn headswap parody video). Of course, this new Kickstarter also had a video as well to explain what it was all about, and since it worked so well in charlie teh unicron, they set the Meadow on fire for real. The funding goal was met within a day, so as a thanks, on 2 March 2016, a video with a nice song sung by Luca's floating cat head was posted to celebrate. Then on 22 March, there was another video, with a singing sock puppet this time, to back Luca up.
The Kickstarter raised $209,247 and Steele set to work on the Grand Finale. His original plans for a half hour expanded to a full 60 minute script to be released in serial installments. The first segment dropped on 10 October 2019. Featuring an extended cold open with nothing to do about unicorns at all, but instead some weasels similar to the one seen in the Hot Topic clip, it lays down some important world building while raising the stakes of the storyline dramatically. There's also a Bond Movie-esque introductory theme song.
That's about it for Charlie the Unicorn. Next week get your yellow brick roads ready as we won't be in Kansas any more (though where we will be also begins with the letter "K") -- There will be lions, tigers and bears, oh my!
(Disclaimer: there won't be bears.)
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Now will be a happy times to bring up how everything heavy-handedness that owned me nuts likewise created guide very foreseeable (b/c DUH, naturally Wickedness Stepmother eliminated the Queen). Just so no one resided in any kind of doubt as what show they were seeing, the third incident of Activity of Thrones came barking out of eviction in unabashed Greatest Hits style. Once it's provided additional information, the video game received me. Yet certainly not at a suggest pre oreder. In shorts, Activity from Thrones was doing exactly what Activity of Thrones does absolute best - preparing our moral compass in a tailspin, to make sure that heroes and also villains increasingly looked identical. Off the experience in this book I would incorporate that initially there is actually a concept assuming had to create company designs given that you need to blend sensible and also intuitive thinking. . In incident eight of period five, Hardhome, Video game of Thrones customers were treated to a horrible Wildling bloodbath, courtesy of the Evening's King, the White Walker leader (participated in, as defined above, by Brake). Beyond that, the book was ONE HUNDRED% predictable, and also the procedures hired to overthrow the corrupting federal government were every bit as reprehensible as the federal government on its own. The PS3 Slim is actually 29cm large, 29cm profound as well as 6.5 mm, so it's actually a little bigger as well as fatter than the PS4. At Skybound Enjoyment's 2014 Interactive media Board at Comic-Con International: San Diego" in July 2014, Telltale Gaming Head of state Kevin Bruner and The Walking Lifeless maker Robert Kirkman declared that there are going to be a third time from The Walking Lifeless off Telltale! Rockstar's multi-million marketing series had actually been touted as the enfant terrible of the computer game industry by media doll professional Maximum Clifford. Intriguingly, it appears that Activity of Thrones writer George RR Martin located Valyrian steel on a the real world alloy called Damascus steel. If they fight with a concept, the activity may show the same principle in a various context or minimize the trouble degree until the student acquires it. That could seem like an art-house adaption of a J.G. Ballard unique, however the video game is absolutely beautiful to roam. This is actually because as soon as politics is available in the video game the really sense of the video game is actually shed. Although it is still in the initial stages, this study as well as numerous other researches propose that a part of young people might come to be more threatening after playing intense computer game. 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At a series when many of Sony's cubicle was concentrated on playing DVD copies of The Matrix, this video game actually stuck out and also single handedly resulted in the climbing buzz for the PS2's upcoming release in The United States and Canada. Prior to self-reliance the role from games as well as sports in schools was actually confined. There are training courses and events checking out computer game as public background, while the popular video recording set, Past Respawned possesses academics analyzing how games including Assassin's Creed IV as well as Fallout 4 existing background to players, and also how those gamers answer. Nothing at all splits with my center over to be reminded the ladies I abandoned when they were youthful needed me a great deal. Created through Steal Dog crate Video games, Always keep Talking as well as No one Blows up calls for careful focus coming from a highly recommended 2 to 6 players. The focus of the initial teaser seems on the House from Stark, which have actually endured different undesirable and gruesome calamities by rivalrous Westeros empires over the past couple of times before declaring back Winterfell, their farm, complying with the Fight of the Bastards at the end from season 6. I mention this every single time I read a manual through Kristen Callihan - she is just one of my very most favored writers available now. I can state that your initial publication is the most heavily utilized away from my comprehensive selection!
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dailydibbles-blog · 7 years
With season two of Stranger Things on its way the Duffer Brothers have confirmed a third season! And a fourth!
“We’re thinking it will be a four-season thing and then out,” Ross Duffer told Vulture. “I don’t know if we can justify something bad happening to them once a year,” Duffer added. The cast were fairly quiet on what the story-line will be, but we’ve been promised a “bigger season in some regards”. There will no doubt be more trailers coming out in the near future but for now, this will have to do.Season 2 will be a continuation of the first season.
Matt Duffer has said: “Season 1 actually takes place over the course of six or seven days – it’s a really short period of time.”So part of what we want to do with hypothetical (yeah right) Season 2 is to explore the repercussions of everything that happened.”The cast were fairly quiet on what the story-line will be, but we’ve been promised a “bigger season in some regards”.
The trailer was shown at San Diego Comic Con and it shows the Upside Down is nowhere near finished, plus there’s plenty of Will and Vincent Price’s voice-over from Micheal Jackson’s Thriller. Season 2 premieres October 27, 2017.
It’s 1984 and the citizens of Hawkins, Indiana are still reeling from the horrors of the demogorgon and the secrets of Hawkins Lab. Will Byers has been rescued from the Upside Down but a bigger, sinister entity still threatens those who survived.
Emmy nominations
Stranger Things composers Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein were nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Original Main Title Theme Music for their work on the series. “I was on the way to the dentist when I heard the news,” said Kyle Dixon. “Glad I wasn’t already in the chair or I would have missed the call!” “We’re thrilled to be nominated!” added Michael Stein.“It’s a great feeling to be included alongside so many other great composers. It is an honour and a treat.”
Spoiler Alert Read the Rest
Here’s The Scoop!!
What’s it about?
The streaming site released an official synopsis saying: “A year after Will’s return, everything seems back to normal… but a darkness lurks just beneath the surface, threatening all of Hawkins.”
Entertainment Weekly also got a chance to squeeze some details out of the cast and crew revealing the season begins with the kids heading out for Halloween dressed as the Ghostbusters. Will has joined the group again after being rescued from the Upside Down. He starts to see things and the real question is whether they’re real or not, co-creator Matt Duffer reveals.
“So it seems like he’s having some sort of post-traumatic stress disorder,” he adds. We don’t blame him after coughing up that slug. Ew.
Joyce is dating high school classmate Bob (The Goonies’ Sean Astin) to make things a bit more stable for the boys. “I think she’s made this choice with Bob because she wants a good father figure in her sons’ lives,” says Winona Ryder who plays Joyce.
  Sheriff Hopper is still lurking in the woods (Image: Netflix)
Hopper (David Harbour) is trying to keep all the events of the last season secret to protect the kids and Joyce.Sheriff Hooper is set to “go on a classic hero journey” according to actor David Harbour, but he promised a “wildly different arc” to season one.
“It kind of falls on Hopper to be the voice of authority to say, ‘This did happen and this didn’t happen,’” says Harbour. “He’s struggling with the compromise that takes him to, having to lie and cover things up.”
Finn Wolfhard as Mike Wheeler – Stranger Things
Natalia Dyer as Nancy Wheeler – Stranger Things
Meanwhile, Nancy and Mike are mourning the loss of Barb and Eleven.
“She and Mike are both the most screwed-up because they’re the ones who both lost someone,” says co-creator Ross Duffer. “They’re both grappling with that, and we see the effects.”
  Sadie Sink and Dacre Montgomery Join the Show
Billy (Dacre Montgomery) and Max (Sadie Sink) also join the show. Max becomes mates with the boys, and gets the romantic interest from Lucas and Dustin (played by actors Caleb McLaughlin and Gaten Matarazzo) – Billy isn’t as settled.
Matt teased: “Stephen King always has really great human villains. The evil in the real world is often as bad or worse than the supernatural evil, so we wanted to introduce a character like that.”
Stranger Things Season 2
  The Upside Down will have a larger role
The Stranger Things composers hinted the Upside Down may play a large part in season two. Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein, on a guest Spotify podcast for South by Southwest discussed what’s to come. The lab is still open, as is the Upside Down rift – but we aren’t sure what monsters will appear. There’s a new pet for Dustin though – a polliwog-like pet. “It’s obviously not from this planet or this dimension,” Matarazzo said.
“There are new characters, fun, and the Upside-Down will be more of a place… you’ll spend more time. So we’ll make a lot more weird music this time around.” The creators have said before they have a 30-page document that answers all the questions about the Upside Down. Ross Duffer said: “The plan in that second season is to get into more of those questions, like why there was only one monster and what the Upside Down is exactly. “We have all those answers and didn’t feel like they were necessary to answer this season.”
Resources: Vulture, Mirror, Netflix and Entertainment Weekly
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Catch-Up on all past episodes: Here
Stranger Things Season Two - Watch the Teaser for Season Two of on of my Favourite Shows. With season two of Stranger Things on its way the Duffer Brothers have confirmed a third season!
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Tsukigakirei 6 | Kado 6 | Boku no Hero Academia 20 | Royal Tutor 7 | Grimoire of Zero 6
Apparently there weren’t 2, but 3 .5 episodes (i.e. series recaps) this week (although after Tsukigakirei and Kado, I haven’t found the 3rd series that was affected by such a thing)...with Boku no Hero Academia’s Hero Notebook, that makes a few recaps too many in one season. Still, it does (sadly) mean a break from Tsukigakirei and Kado for one week in regards to simulcast commentary, and it’ll be noted in the next commentary post’s title too (as I’ve done previously for Erased).
Tsukigakirei 6
Wait, there’s a 6.5? I don’t know about you, but a lot of times the .5 ep is a recap. With Tsukigakirei’s current track record of Very Bad CGI Background Characters, I’m not sure I need a .5 ep.
Aren’t there firearm laws in Japan? I’ve heard it’s the safest place in the world…
The piano here (I turned on the volume around here) is quite nice.
The mascot is part of Akane’s background. I guess I should’ve known.
Leaving out the fact Chinatsu likes Kotaro is going to damage you, Akane. That’s how it always goes in these sorts of shows…
I didn’t think Chinatsu would be so understanding…
I didn’t notice Hira had freckles. Or maybe someone added them by accident?
I wouldn’t recommend ditching friends who like the same guy as you (just as a pointer from someone who cuts off relationships a lot).
“Boxes”? Isn’t there a Box app out there or something?...There is indeed a Box app, but it’s for business and FTP. Boxes is then a parody of Dropbox.
I also wouldn’t recommend being sorry for falling for someone. If your feelings are genuine, then that’s all that matters.
Apparently there’s a LINE convo in the ED that changes every ep. I’ve never noticed it because I skip the ED of this show most times. This convo seems to be about finishing exams, at least for the top half or so, and it seems to be a convo with “Kanojo-san”, which could mean “Girlfriend” or just “Her/She” (more than likely the former).
Huh? Never seen this before, this “Sakura’s Fantasies”. It seems to be an omake, appended to the show itself. However, it’s kinda boring…Sure, there are good things about this show, but the show hasn’t actually tried its hand at humour until now (not to my knowledge) and this shows exactly why.
I keep forgetting who Roman is, so…Roman is pink-haired dude? Okay then.
Roman is definitely referring to a wedding dress, I know, but she’s already wearing a dress while looking at the mag, so the wording makes the joke fall flat for me.
Kado 6
Uh-oh. There’s a .5 episode on this show, as well…(it means we get more Kado, sure, but it may be a cost-cutting measure).
I found a guide on the Anisotoron language used for the ep titles while looking for spoilers (because I heard Shindo was forcefully promoted to a higher state of existence without zaShunina telling him…but since that’s an event that occurs in this ep, that doesn’t require a spoiler tag).
Well, it makes sense that those who are more “go with the flow”, like Shindo, would be able to…no, that’s not the right words for it. I think the key component of making a proper Wam is empathy.
Get your hands back on, Shunina. By the way, why’d you take Shindo’s Wam?
Note for later: Kado movement on Aug. 6th 2017. Kado is set in our current year…(I wonder what’ll happen if the anisotropic do arrive in our universe in the future? Would they laugh at zaShunina?)
Amplitude…after all of Kado’s physics, here’s one thing I happen to know about…if you don’t know about amplitude, check the explanation here). What does Kado have to do with waves…?
…Maybe it’s the amplitude of the ground…? That would explain why Kado can conform to a lake’s surface.
Notice there’s a red marking on the map for where Kado is and will be. Not sure if the demo cube is magentised…it’s definitely not velcro though.
Lookit Asano, sleeping on the fold out chairs…LOL.
There’s a box near the mother (on the counter) that says “Delicious Eggplants”.
For some reason, they chose to make the “visiting mother” scene in 2D, and…you know what I’m going to say, right? Knowing me and my gripes with CG? Yeah, you guessed it – it looks a lot better than if it were CG. It would’ve been costly to render the sunglasses and face mask too, I bet, and it seems to give the scene some gravitas due to the sudden contrast.
Octopus tentacles are meant to be snacks, in case you didn’t figure that out from the size of the serving.
…er, CGI Shindo drinking beer completely causes the gravitas to be lost. Welp, it was beautiful while it was happening.
I wonder what it means to show the origami turtles as a trio…it’s gt to be foreshadowing of some sort. Either it’s saying Shindo’s dad is dead or Shunina’s going to reveal how he breeds…well, those are my thoughts, but I heavily lean towards the latter as being true. (By the way, I always thought Shindo was a guy with siblings. Did anyone else think the same thing?)
I know your feels about having to get up early, Hanamori, but why were you running like you were trying to get away from Godzilla?
BVLCARI? Well, Asano’s watch seems to be roughly of that brand (as in, I may have gotten a letter or two wrong).
They’re going to drag Kado by the corner? I’d never think of that, but now that they’ve revealed this, Shindo made it (figuring out how to move Kado with least ground contact) seem a little too easy.
Kado spinning, with all those clouds around it, took my breath away…
Visually speaking, it’s interesting they showed kids on cube-like structures in a park. If I were an anime scholar, I’d want to analyse things like that. Unfortunately, there is no such title as “anime scholar”…
Geometrically speaking, it’s interesting they put Kado, a cube, next to a Ferris wheel, a circle. It’s almost like minimalist art.
*lowkey tries to stifle laughter* That’s not a brain! It’s an egg, or a pill or a lozenge, with brain-like designs in it!...Er-hem. Well, I knew this from the spoilers, but basically, what they implied with the “brain” was “Shindo hasn’t had to sleep since he got anisotropised (or whatever you call it)”.
Boku no Hero Academia 20
“Nabooh” is apparently a Star Wars reference. I hadn’t caught on to that sort of thing until my second watch through of the first season, where Deku cleans up Tatooin Beach and I thought, “That name is a little weird for an anime”.
Brainwashing. I’ve tried that sort of thing in stories before (it was in Conquest Dreams before it got deleted), but seeing the pros and cons of powers is something only the user can really see.
The static was a nice idea, visually speaking.
Ojiro, that’s not selfish at all…
Deku’s looking scary right now. Be careful not to become a villain, or else you’ll fall into the Nietzsche trap*! * - Nietzche once said, “He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”
The judo throw seems to be a favourite of Deku’s, eh? We saw it in his fight with Bakugo in s1.
I think I get Shinso, actually. The power of stereotypes is a harsh mistress.
I see…Shinso was pointing out Midoriya’s gullibility, in a way.
If Shouto wants to win over his dad, he should face off against another ice user. That’s how these things work, y’know. I should know because I tend to write these sorts of things (see White Parasite for one).
There’s a person in a tiger onesie…well, their onesie kinda looks like a tiger.
Royal Tutor 7
Make sure to keep your torte properly, Leo, or else…ew…
Aw, Bruni. Sad though it is, I know exactly how you feel. I used to be good at a lot of subjects, and in the advanced classes for them, but now I’m average, potentially even struggling in things I thought I was good at.
I have fond memories of a certain show where they’d have home improvement stuff that I’d watch on Friday nights with my dad. It’s still going as we speak, but it’s a shell of what it used to be in my opinion. Why do I bring up this show? It’s because this flashback reminds me of that nostalgia.
Why does Viktor want to have a “backup” successor then, if Eins is so good?(!)
I could see that “I will not have you as my apprentice anymore” line coming, although the line straight after it roped me out of dropping the show.
Dat Bruno sleeping at his desk. That would be me, if I were capable of sleeping at my desk.
Yeah, silver-haired man. In the words of the Who, “Who are you?”
*does double take* Smirdy-what???
(when Dmitri’s drinking his wine) Why do I have the feeling something’s about to go very wrong?...(when Bruno is asked to go away from Granzreich) Yep, must be that dastardly Count…
So Mr Fancy Hat (Heine version) is Eins’ high steward??? You pulled me right back into watching for at least the third or fifth time.
Ooh-wee, Mr Fancy Hat. That’s some soft power, carrot Machiavellianism you’ve got going on there.
Wuh? An old man making a Sailor Moon gesture is funny, but it does make me question exactly how drunk he is. It also makes me question stereotypes again (see Boku no Hero Academia above for the first time).
Ah, Bruni. I don’t just understand you, I grok you (as much as I’d hate to admit it). Back when I was writing Ro.Te.O, the demon of envy (Skyrua/Astaroth) was the easiest to write…
Smirdy-man, you do know what “sophistry” is, right? For reference, here’s Google-sensei to the rescue.
Borscht? I heard of it once, through Cooking Mama…(LOL. Shows how much I suck at recognising cuisine.)
For one second, I thought Heine was a mini ninja, not a mini teacher.
*ROFLs* They’re actually using the live-action version of the ED??? That’s a surprise I never saw coming! (Note: Prior to this ep, I saw the teaser version of this ED on ANN.)
Grimoire of Zero 6
“Grimoire of Zero” is shortened from “Starting the Magic Grimoire From Zero”…or something along those lines…
Thirteen’s name is actually a title, “The Thirteenth”.
How does being an animal correlate with “Because I’m eating, I won’t die?”…?
The thing about the clash of ideologies is that both sides can be as correct as each other…
I have the feeling the final opponent Albus and Mercenary will have to face (I think they’ll regroup) is not necessarily Thirteen, but Zero herself…*shivers*
Ah, the Machiavellianism strikes again! (See Royal Tutor above for the first time.)
A woman (Taichi You) voices Albus, and Takehito Koyasu voices Thirteen…hmph. What a cast.
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doctorwhonews · 8 years
Lethbridge-Stewart: The HAVOC Files 3
Latest from the news site: Candy Jar Books have announced the third in its short story anthologies The HAVOC Files, bringing together tales from 2016 and brand new exclusive material: * The Bledoe Cadets and the Bald Man of Pengriffen by Tim Gambrell * The Last Duty by Christopher Bryant * Eve of the Fomorians by Robert Mammone * The Wishing Bazaar by Sharon Bidwell * The Feast of Evans by Simon A Forward * Home for Christmas by The Author Collective * Slouching Towards Det-Sen by Shaun Collins * Lucy Wilson by Sue Hampton * The Lost Skin: Episode Two by Andy Frankham-Allen Head of Publishing, Shaun Russell said: We always enjoy putting these collections together, but we’re nearing a point where we have less previously-released short stories. Fortunately, this gives us the opportunity to release brand new material, making this latest collection an even more sought after product. Tim Gambrell previously won a competition to get a character named after him. Range Editor, Andy Frankham-Allen said: It was inevitable that Tim would write for us, as he’s already sent us a short story previously and even a novel pitch. So, now that’s finally being published by us, I find myself in the odd position of a fictional character based on one of our authors. As such, part of The Lost Skin’s objectives is to write the character out of the series. Fortunately, he’s not appeared in the narrative of the novels since last year’s Moon Blink, which makes writing him out relatively easy. Tim said: When the Lethbridge-Stewart range was first announced I was really excited. There had been a decline in the volume of Doctor Who novels since 2005 and I welcomed anything else within that universe to help fill the void. I started to follow Andy and Candy Jar on social media to see if there might be opportunities to become involved somewhere along the line. As I recall Andy put out a Twitter request for any of his followers who would like to put their name to a character in a forthcoming book – Beast of Fang Rock as it turned out. I thought to myself ‘yeah, why not?’ and shoved my moniker in the mix. Some months later Tim Gambrell was in print as a scientist at the Vault. As time went on I realised that I’d been a bit hasty – Candy Jar were encouraging new writers to contribute to the range through their short story initiative; here was I, looking for opportunities and my name was already connected through a fictional character. Tim Gambrell couldn’t be both sides of the pen, could he? Andy was brilliant though. He allowed me to submit a story which, thankfully, he liked enough to ask me to develop further story ideas – one of which became The Bledoe Cadets and the Bald Man of Pengriffen. Aware of the conflict of names, I originally offered to use a pseudonym (which I’ve done in the theatre before) but he came up with another solution. The germ of The Bald Man of Pengriffen was Andy looking for a Famous Five-type story featuring a young Alistair and the Bledoe Cadets (as mentioned in The Forgotten Son). Conveniently enough I’d recently revisited Enid Blyton’s Adventurous Four books from childhood so I knew the kinds of japes and scrapes to aim for – although I was keen for the story to be less cosy than those of Blyton’s world. We discussed a few story ideas but the Bald Man seemed to tick the most boxes – particularly because Andy likes fougous! And by writing a story about the Brigadier as a small boy, I totally avoid any times and situations that could potentially include my namesake. Talking about her new short story, Lucy Wilson, Sue Hampton said: I'm old enough now to appreciate the importance of family history, of roots and echoes, and genes at work in lives. For every great black-and-white hero that passed away there's a living successor, connected by love and spirit but completely herself. In this story we see an old man who wasn't much good at family, but who recognises a direct line to a curly-haired, fearless little girl hungry for stories of aliens. And we meet Lucy Wilson, who has been denied his name along with the truth about who her beloved grandad used to be. Now, before he dies, Sir Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart needs to make sure Lucy understands both her heritage and her extraordinary future. Shaun Collins, one of the trimvurate that form the podcasters Traveling the Vortex, joins the collection with a story focused on Professor Travers. He said: After prodding Andy for information about Candy Jar's method for soliciting writers and clumsily inserting myself into said method with a few pitches that he quite rightly shot down, he suggested writing something with Professor Travers returning to Det-Sen. With the professor rapidly became my one of my favorite supporting characters from the series, how could I say no? It was fun inserting him into the thick of James Bond-style danger, watching as he – just as clumsily as my initial pitch – is ensnared by nefarious villains. When Andy told me my short would form the opening prologue for his next novel, I was beyond ecstatic… And immediately began to worry about the safety of the professor. After all, he's getting up there in years now, and just what did I set him up for? Slouching Towards Det-Sen also serves as a teaser for the next Lethbridge-Stewart novel, Night of the Intelligence, out in the spring of 2017. The collection also includes the second part of the three-part novella, The Lost Skin (the first part appeared in the second volume of The Havoc Files. This is again written by Andy Frankham-Allen, who said: Originally it was planned to be a straight-up novella, not a part-work. I’m not sure I’m keen on this way of writing, as I like to edit and polish as I go along. Since episode one was published months ago, I no longer have the luxury of editing the first third of the story. It presents a unique challenge for me, one I’m taking by the horns. As a result some of my original plans for the story have changed, but luckily the characters are happy to help me along and take the story in surprising paths. The HAVOC Files 3 is only available to pre-order direct from the Candy Jar Store, with a strictly limited-print run. Doctor Who News http://www.doctorwhonews.net/2017/01/havoc-files3-140117180008.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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