#take my rambling with a grain of salt
akatsukiky · 1 year
I feel that Foolish’s character is somewhat nihilistic at his core.
Because nothing the islanders do will get them off of the island or remove the Federation, nothing matters. QFoolish would rather enjoy what he has now- the Capybaras, his family (when they’re there), his hobbies, and the things the Federation gives him to do- than focus on working so hard for some grand goal that won’t ever be reached. It’s why he doesn’t mind arresting his friends and causing trouble- nothing matters.
It’s like a game to him in that way. He can make choices, he can favor certain things, but inevitably it is still a game. There will still always be something enforcing the plot and path of what he does and, even if he goes ‘out of bounds,’ he’ll only be pushed right back into it. Nothing matters.
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heartonxions · 4 months
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ooh.. he’s a little fucked up actually.
i want her soooooo bad it’s crazy. anyways… her necklace thingy in their first outfit is a slay… honestly levy being a chunky necklace liker is so good (making shit up about her because i can) i love their pant outfits!! i wish she was drawn with pants more… i think they were all such slays (the like three times she wore them) i miss the old ft style so much
i think about the scene where she tells lucy she wouldn’t mind seeing her butt instead of her manuscript often…. levy… levy my bisexual gender mcfuck king..
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little-soldiers · 7 months
can i just say that im honestly Loving the contrast and parallels between qbad and qtubbo’s deaths and resurrections like. its tubbo’s “you cant change the past” came back wrong vs bad’s “sometimes the only way to fix things is to start over” came back better. its tubbo’s “sometimes things will happen suddenly and theyll be out of your control and you have to accept it” vs bad’s “things can be a long time coming and you still cant stop them. hold on too tightly and you’ll stop yourself from healing” . Its creation vs rebirth . augh
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ryuuna · 4 months
Hello, Ryu
Do you have any advices for beginners? I'm starting to think this is not for me and I don't know how to keep going.
Love your art! But my favorite Is Ahri, I love The way you draw her >:3 <-
Honestly first thing that comes to mind is that it should be fun! I find that having ppl focus too much on only fundamentals early on can hinder your enjoyment immensely
Just try getting into the mood and find the joy of creating something out of nothing; draw ocs or ur faves making out tongues galore, maybe just a page full of eyes or cute little doodles of aliens wearing thongs, w h a t e v e r. Also that not everything has to be perfect, it’s totally okay to make some ugly ass art and in fact it’s good for you. Sometimes u just have to be a messy bitch
It can also help finding artists and styles you really enjoy and studying what you really like about them, like how someone paints/uses colors or how another artist draws faces, etc. Gotta start somewhere. Then you can really hunker down and try to focus on fundamentals. There are so many wonderful resources out there now, esp on YouTube to really nudge you in the right direction. It can take years of pain figuring this shit out, but it's also very rewarding when u finally see some progress
But it's also totally okay if drawing doesn't end up being for you! There’s so many other mediums out there you can use to express yourself. Honestly I kind of want to try whittling, seems like it would be relaxing and fun at the same time
Also im very glad u like my ahri’s lil >:3c faces, should do more some day
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usi-thatdrawingguy · 3 months
So, I've been thinking about Petro and Patches a lot.
Like two sides of the same coin.
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MAJOR Petro/Patches (But mainly Petro centric) yapping under the cut
This analysis had originally been how Iris and Patches friendship can be compared to Alux's and Petro's “friendship” and what Patches and Petro represent in contrast with each other. But I found that that comparison had less weight and merit to it.
Ya know, “Petro and Patches are similar, but also Alux and Iris are similar too, Petro = selfishness, Patches = selflessness when it comes to their goal just like how Alux = Selflessness, Petro = selfishness when it comes to their character, yadda yadda, this shows how how Petroleum and Patchwork are technically opposites of each other and Alixer has the possibility of remembering what happened between him and Petrol gas.”
A whole yapping nothing burger.
But when thinking, one thing came to mind…
Have we ever considered that Petro may have been manipulated by the Wisp?
Like-, ok, I know it's obvious he was, but from what has been seen, it had seemed like he did this out of his own free will. But with Episode 8 and the similarities between Petro and Patches, I kinda feel like Petro is more of a tragic character than I had initially thought. (Not as tragic as Alux tho, he may seem happy now but that's only because he's not being abused and is actually free.)
Like, when Patches was on screen, it felt like he was Petro, if Petro never had a plan to betray Alux and start a war in the name of the Angel of Darkness.
It's like Patches is what Petro COULD have been.
The reason Petro is like the way he is, is through his connection to the Wisp and his desire to revive the Angel. But WHY does he want to do it? Is it his own Manifest Destiny? What's in it for him? Power? Revenge? Status? It's not clear for Petro.
He says that it's so “everything will be set right once more.” But who the hell made him believe that? And why does he want it that way?
And then I thought, does Petro even have a desire that ISN'T to revive the Angel?
You see, Patches’ reason for meticulous documenting and citing off different flowers and their healing properties would be to become a herbalist (maybe a royal one), and to, evidently, help people.
He has a motive, and he has a clear desire. (Although set by Alux with him mentioning that Patches could become a herbalist, Alux gave the idea of a desire that aligned with Patches character, not one that would directly benefit Alux for his own gain, while potentially giving nothing or harming Patches in return.)
Petro doesn't have that. He doesn't have a clear reason to revive the Angel. All that he has done and all that he had done before was to revive the Angel, but for what?
Petro doesn't have a fucking hobby. He's been lonely for a majority of his life, probably seeking a purpose when his house burned down and mother died. He was so young at that time too.
It seems that the Wisp had successfully manipulated Petro. Making him her puppet for her own gain, along with all of her other victims contributing to her cause. That's why it doesn't seem like Petro has a proper motive. It's because it's not his motive. It's the Wisp's motive. This is what the Angel of Darkness does. She manipulates and takes advantage of, and it seems that Petro picked up those traits from her.
Petro will, enviably, be left in the dust of a war he started with no salvation left if nothing goes his way. He's beyond saving at this point. In the end, He will be the Victim he was the Victor to. Blinded by greed, selfishness, and delusional self-righteousness, He'll be the maker of his own grave by blindly following the Angel of Darkness with her empty promises. She fed off of his desire for purpose from his tragic past. And now, Petro is destined to be the Villain by the Wisp's own making.
Meanwhile, Patches may work as a royal herbalist appointed by Alux, free to do what he wants and loves. Nobody to tell him anything that will sway his way of thinking. Nobody to sweet talk him to do something against his moral compass. He may die a Hero if he ever gets caught in an impending war, or he may die peacefully, with a life to remember by others.
Petro and Patches are two sides of the same coin, showing how manipulation can destroy a person's character.
Petro is a tragic character,
and Patches is what could've been, if the universe wasn't so cruel.
This one was a bit more heavy, and maybe a bit incoherent (honestly, looking back, I do NOT think I was cooking), but there was just a lot I had thought about between Petro and Patches. (This is more of like, deep character analysis and comparison.)
Patches most likely isn't meant to represent what Petro could've been, but instead is supposed to be the catalyst for Alux remembering what happened between him and Petro. But I just can't help but read in-between lines that (probably) don't exist.
But overthinking is making me draw more!!!!!! I guess that's a plus. :/
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linkedin-offficial · 1 year
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flight rising lorestuffs
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sleepymaven · 1 day
The Bsd "Fyodor is Atsushi's Father" Theory:
My Not-so-Deep, Not-so-Serious Explanation on Why This Could Totally be Canon
Signed: A Sleep-Deprived Idiot
(Spoilers for the Entirety of Bungou Stray Dogs)
So... with Chapter 118 in bsd releasing, I have noticed a lot of Fyodor as Atsushi's father related things popping up and... I'm not mad about.
If anything, I'm happy the theory is getting more attention. People even seem to be taking it as canon fact, even if just jokingly.
Really, I believed the theory was plausible since it first was brought up in the fandom, but I never actually thought it would be canon because that just seemed too crazy. But those were the thoughts of a sweet summer child since the manga has gotten to the point where that might be the least crazy thing possible.
So, here I am at my keyboard yet again, ready to ramble about how, if this does somehow turn out to be canon, this might be actually rather predictable even to those who don't dive deep into the nitty-gritty lore.
Now, I won't ramble on and on endlessly about the book and Atsushi's ambiguous past and how he may be the book or a page from the book and yaddy-yadda. Instead, I'll focus on some key aspects of Atsushi's character design. First off...
His hair.
As I said, this is not all that serious or deep, so take my words with a grain of salt before you start bashing me or something for being ridiculous. You signed up for ridiculous when you started reading past the title.
Anyway, back to Atsushi's hair.
As we almost all know, Atsushi used to have a black streak in his hair that was later removed for unknown reasons, but he also has white hair.
Now, I could jokingly proclaim, "Hehe, biologically impossible Fyodor x Nikolai lovechild," and be done with it, but I am no clown, unlike Nikolai. No, I have a better, probably completely wrong, idea.
Most of us know that Fyodor has a thing for white-haired men.
Exhibit A: Every fucking member of the Decay of Angels
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I rest my case.
Also, I feel the need to mention that 3 out of 6 of them have red-ish eyes while the other two have purple-ish/blue eyes. Just pointing out that little tidbit I noticed while finding pics for them.
So, it would make sense for Fyodor to pick and choose which attributes to give to his quote-on-quote "son" when he made him from the book, picking out certain traits he found appealing and pleasing to the eye.
(Also, yes, this could mean that Fyodor could have chose specific attributes that were similar to Nikolai. Boom, lovechild route.)
This could explain certain similarities between the characters who seemingly have no biological connection between one another. Their only connection then only being through Fyodor by just knowing him.
Got all that? Alright, next up...
His eyes.
Now, Atsushi's eyes are rather unique, even for the world of Bungou Stray Dogs. What also sticks out about them is the fact that they are pointed out and focused in from time to time.
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(Fucking gorgeous eyes he has, btw)
To break down the colors of his eyes... While in normal lighting in the anime, they appear to be normally purple and yellow with just a hint of green in it, but under the full moon (as seen here) we can see that his eyes are a light green-yellow at the bottom and purple on the top that fades into blue.
(There are also a few times where his eyes also change while using his ability. Like when they turn almost fully yellow.)
I want to point out the colors of his eyes and the fact that they change due to certain circumstances (i.e: using his ability, being under the full moon), which is clearly not normal in their world seeing as how other ability users don't seem to do that at all.
(Edit here: I actually would like to mention that, in the manga, Nikolai's eyes also change color. The green one sometimes will change to match his normal eye whenever he uncovers it. I saw a theory talking about how it might change depending on whether or not he is lying at the time, which is pretty neat. More Atsushi and Nikolai parallels.)
Now, this might seem like a bit of a stretch just like the rest of this post, but the colors used for his eyes are similar to the eye colors of people Fyodor knows, though they are different shades.
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Purple like Fukuchi. Green and blue from Nikolai.
Fyodor's eyes are also a shade of purple, kind of, so... Yeah, that works too, but Fukuchi's shade of eyes are closer to Atsushi's.
Yeah, that's all I can think of now and this is already way too long (if I start talking about Atsushi's mysterious past, I'm going to make this a mile long. Maybe later tho), so I'm ending it here for now.
Alright, bye ya'll.
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splynter · 4 months
Toxic friend group division is fucked up. In my experience it's usually structured into at least three rings of friends, the "Main friends/Authority friends," which are usually the perpetrators of most of the toxicity within a group; the "Inner circle friends," which are the friends who are still quite close but are not entirely emotionally invested in by the Center; and the "Outer circle friends," which are technically considered part of the group but are not nearly included in the group's center. Sometimes there are more layers to the group with less or more inclusion, but that inclusion is not always a good thing. Sometimes being in the inner layers means you get subjected to some really fucked up shit, but as a friend you are expected to support and uplift everyone involved.
There is horrid exclusion and manipulation embedded in this sort of friend group. The main authorities of the friend group are usually trying to keep their influence on what they want, keep the attention and support on them alone, and if you oppose that it turns into a whole “if you’re not for us, you’re against us” mentality. Attention is supposed to follow wherever they go, anyone easy to befriend (and to manipulate) is kept in a closer ring.. but not too close, because that keeps them anxious and attached to the center. They want you to be there unconditionally because they want that peer validation, but they're not always going to genuinely care about your problems if it doesn't eventually wrap around to being about the center
This really shows up when new friends come in and try to figure out “where they fit,” trying to be a full part of the group. They're often there because they want to be with the center, and if they aren't, the center is more likely to divide them out of the group, and out of what they don't like.
There's a fine line between someone's own anxieties and self doubt about being left out in a friend group (specifically speaking about anxieties that are untrue), and an actual toxic environment where friends are excluding others. Sometimes it's the fault of one or two ringleaders, and sometimes it's a collective effort of toxic individuals that you just happened to get roped into. It's often really hard to tell which is which, unfortunately, and our minds love playing tricks on us.
I'm not an expert on how to detect what is or isn't manipulation, I'm just going off of my own experiences on the subject. Honestly this is more of a rant than anything else
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winterlogysblog · 5 months
I think my brain just glitched...
Ok so... Camelot. Arthur made Camelot through the power of Chaos right. At first, I found it weird that Arthur even needed to steal parts of Britannia to make Camelot. Chaos is incredibly powerful, it literally made three powerful deities that made their own realms for their own created races. So... why can't Arthur just make Camelot on its own. Then, it was later established that these places and people in Camelot are made through the wishes and wants of the people, without it there's nothing. If Chaos is so powerful, why is Arthur limited through that? Then it clicked.
The Sacred Tree is still alive
The Sacred Tree is essentially an embodiment of Nature. Disaster, a power granted by The Sacred Tree to the Fairy Kings is an ability that grants control over life and death.
The 'people' within Camelot function like a physical illusion. They're 'alive' but not really. They're just there, fueled by a wish. They don't even grow old, they just stay like that because that's all they are an illusion, they're not alive because there's no life.
The Demon King's power is darkness. The Supreme Diety's power is light. The Sacred Tree's power is life.
Notice how unnatural-looking the Chaos monsters are. Almost demonic even. That, to me, shows that Chaos is unstable.
The Demon King and his Commandments and The Supreme Deity and her graces are somewhat of an extension of themselves, it's their power passed to others. If we correlate this to Chaos creating the DK, SD and ST as Chaos sacrificing parts of their power, that power is lost or weakened because they have it. But the DK and SD are no longer present and since they are created by Chaos, that power most likely goes back to it. That is my assumption at least. But the graces are still out there. Ludo, Sariel, and Tarmiel died with their graces so they'll just go back after a few thousand years with their graces so that part of the SD probably didn't even go back to Chaos.
I made a post way back and on that, I compared the Commandments and Graces to Disaster as all three are just an extension of the DK, SD, and ST's power, in there I noted how Disaster is different as all three Fairy Kings can use it even if they're all present, it's not like the Commandments and Graces that only one person can use it. So that is also interesting.
There is also a complete lack of Sacred Tree information and just now, in 4kota is literally the first time we ever step foot inside the Fairy Realm and we got more Fairy Lore which is really nice. Now, what if the reason behind the lack of information about the Sacred Tree is because of Chaos. Nakaba doesn't want us to know anything about Chaos up until the very end because of 4kota, because he wants to keep Chaos a mystery.
In Chapter 140, Tioreh told us about these giant mushrooms that grow on top of the Sacred Tree's roots that are called "God Seats". The DK and SD are the only ones primarily dubbed as Gods. So that part is also interesting.
This is the Demon King's last words to Meliodas.
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"You will regret this..."
In Cursed By Light, before Meliodas and Zeldris beat the Supreme Deity, she says that the only way to maintain balance in the world is by continuing the Holy War.
Before Chaos is established, this is just nonsense. But now that we know... I have a feeling that the DK and SD sealing away Chaos has more to it than what we know. Also, isn't it fun that two beings born to be in conflict with one another worked together to seal Chaos? Now, we don't get to know more because they're gone but the Sacred Tree is still around... so there's that.
I have a huge feeling that Nakaba will give us some juicy lore about the Sacred Tree in the future. Either that or I'm high on copium.
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I have just been hit w the sudden realization that Nikignik and Marolmar, if you squint reeeeeal hard, is radio host x scientist
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fuedalreesespieces · 9 months
one thing that always gets me whenever i read inuyasha modern au fics is that inuyasha is supposedly "the slacker" or the guy who doesn't try hard on anything academia related, and that always struck me as odd bc you're telling me inuyasha wouldn't be competing with, say, koga for rank 1? that he wouldn't study his ass off in the subjects he's actually interested in? that he wouldn't pour his everything into extracurriculars he cares about? he has his aloof moments in canon but ultimately he's a hard worker and i think that trait should be reflected in aus!
plus if we're thinking about the setting here, inuyasha's canon behavior is greatly influenced by his upbringing (and later lack thereof). putting him in an environment (modern au, lack of youkai discrimination) where his talents are cultivated instead of looked down upon would give us a very different character. it's always interesting to me whenever i see canon-typical inuyasha behavior in an au where his mom is alive because it suggests that his mistrust and gruff behavior are just part of his personality and not largely a result of childhood events. i feel like modern aus are an opportunity to see how he might have grown if not for the death of his mother + father & the consistent threat looming over him as a child. what would his personality be like then? how would his first meeting with kagome go considering that? his dynamics with his older brother? his goals? it's something that could be explored in a fic taking place in the feudal realm but it's kind of difficult to just subtract the discrimination aspect that comes with that setting...just things to think abt ig!
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midgardian-witch · 2 years
I know we don't have any confirmation on a Season 2 of Moon Knight but I still have one big fear: Jake Lockley.
Because I have seen the wonderful works and headcanons of the fandom and we all already have a picture of him in our heads when we make fanworks like fic and art and everything.
And I am a little scared of when (yes when not if - I am in denial shush) we get a second season how canon MCU Jake will 'live up to fanon Jake'.
Because (as many things in the MCU) we can't 100% look at the comics for any guidance (for the lack of a better word) because the MCU always did it's own thing to adapt to the current time and the different medium.
They (very well in my opinion) have done that with our favorite gift shoppist Steven. They made the suave billionaire playboy from the comics into the socially awkward sassy brit we love in the show.
So what of Jake?
We got an after credit scene with him. He says one line.
And he kills a guy.
I really don't want Jake to become the murder guy and I do trust both Mohamed Diab and Oscar Isaac not to go that route but there is still that lurking flicker of fear. Because they are not the only people working on that show. And it's Marvel. And Disney.
So yeah. I am not making a point here or anything. Just have this ramble I guess.
God I love Jake.
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dapperrokyuu · 5 months
Majority of Round 6's human audience being children potentially because their Segyein owners wanted to hammer in how much they shouldnt be like Till in Round 2 and how much they should be like Ivan or even Till in that moment. Look at that human. Look at what happened to it. You should never consider being that way, since thatll be what happens in the end...
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doodlesdreaming · 9 months
Shin Megami Log 4(After Game Thoughts)
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Finished SMT V during Christmas, and I have THOUGHTS.
I'm gonna put all that under the 'Read More' bit, so if any of you are interested in this game, then scroll past and no peeking.
Right then, final thoughts:
Brief history lesson first, I knew very little about the SMT series or the spin-offs like Persona. Of course, with how incredibly successful Persona 5 is, it's hard to miss any sort of info. But even then, my knowledge of the entire franchise was very limited. All I know is that it's basically the "Dark Souls" of RPGs with character driven stories that have of ingredients than a Final Fantasy title. At least, that was the vibe I was getting.
But even then, I never have been interested enough to want to give any of the games a try. I did get Persona Q2 back when I first heard of the 3DS dying out, but it mostly because I didn't want a Persona game with Joker's face on it to be forever lost. Weird I know, but that was my train of thought, at the time. But after clearing the first boss(and realizing that prior knowledge of Persona 5's story is an absolute must) I got bored and haven't touched the game since.
Fast forward a few years later, when Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne was announced with a HD port to current gen consoles. I was genuinely excited by the announcement. This meant that if I ever decided to give Nocturne a try, it'll be alot easier for me to do so now. Then after that came the biggest surprise of all; Shin Megami Tensei V.
Now this....this caught my attention. Though I can't really explain why. Was it the character designs? The gorgeous looking world? "D" all of the above? All I can say is that something 'clicked' and I was very interested. Even though it would take two years later until I actually got it.
And I'm so glad I did.
I was invested right from the start. From the silent "show don't tell" protagonist, all the way to Lufcier himself, the story, even with its swiss cheese holes in plot at some points, had me hooked from start to finish. The combat never got boring. I was constantly thinking of strategies and building up my demons that suited my needs and my playstyle. The world was incredibly fun to explore, even though the lighting choices, in some areas, made my eyes strain a bit. It would take me up til the big boss of the area for me to finally adjust.
And the bread and butter of it all, The Law and Chaos mechanics. A stable, I've come to understand, in the SMT series. Yet an important take away from all this is that nothing is as black and white as it seems on the surface. SMT is a franchise that makes you think. It makes you question yourselves and you inner most thoughts. And SMT V had me rolling in so many thoughts, that when I reached the 'alignment lock' of the game, I had to take a break because I was starting to get overwhelmed.
Of course, this could very well be a really weird quirk of mine. But when I get into a really good story, I REALLY get into it. And the choices I make would impact the ending I would get.
By all accounts, the Law ending would naturally mean the good ending, right? Well sure...if you can live with a Law that discriminates all other forms of thinking(a.e. free will), will not hesitate to punish they see as 'unfit' and the willingness to become corrupt yourself, just to prove a point. Sure. Law is the way to go.
The Chaos ending usually entails victory for the bad guys. And yet, there really isn't a clear "villain" in this case, other then the absolute obvious ones(f you Lamau). In Chaos, there is diversity, the freedom to choice your fate, to be yourself. And yet with so many possibilities, there will be disagreements, arguments of what is right and wrong, and power competing against power. No one really wins, and there is constant strife. But hope is just as abundant, with the capability that anything is possible.
The Neutral ending is well...the Neutral ending. You don't pick a side. You're that little kid that asks, "Why not both?" A balance of law and chaos. So understandably this would the best choice. Yes...except the neutral path follows a man who has been brought down low by both law and chaos. He lost everything precious to him, to the point where he belittles his fellow man if they show any sort of weakness. So the solution? Make humanity the leading power of the universe, but take away every viture and sin that exists in the heart and soul. And by extension, all the angels and demons in existence. Never to be even a story told by campfire light because it would never be allowed to cross through the mind. Humans would be free of woe and fear, and grow abundant in their everyday lives. But will it truly last?
You could probably guess which ending I ended up getting. And quite honestly, I'm satisfied with it. Plus it lines up perfectly with my ever growing headcanons of the Nahobino. So I'm taking it as a win.
I honestly can not recommend SMT V, especially if you're like me who enjoys a good rpg that I can sink my teeth into. It has it flaws, yes. But they feel so small that it doesn't really bother me. Some of them I can just 'fix' with good old imagination. And it's definitely inspired me to play Nocturne next, for sure. But first, I want to see if I can beat the Demi Fiend himself in combat....
There's so much more I'd like to talk about, but I think I rambled long enough.
The main takeaway? I LOVE THIS GAME. Definitely gonna be alot of fanart for sure. And I'm gonna get my hands on some merch when I can. It probably won't exceed my growing Darksiders collection, but it might come close in time, lol.
The other main takeaway from all this is that I get it now. I get the appeal and why this series is standing as strong as it is. HEE-HO!!!
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dylanconrique · 5 months
if there's more than one officer down then that means one of them has to be hurt worse than the other, and if lucy is acting as a t.o. for the day she has a responsibility to protect her boot (not to mention she's just a genuinely selfless person), so the officers that are down have to be lucy and celina, and because lucy feels like she's in charge of celina (and more importantly because their friends) she is going to shield celina from taking whatever dangerous blow is headed their way, and either tim witnesses the whole thing unfold or he's in close proximity to the scene and is first to find them. i have this all figured out.
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sillylizardguys · 8 months
While scrolling through the BSD tag, I’ve come across a lot of debate about whether Oda “Truly understood Dazai” or not. And it’s made me wanna share my view on the topic:
Does it really Matter?
He was Dazai’s friend, and that’s what I think is the most important part, because that’s what makes a difference. If he just an acquaintance, understanding wouldn’t matter, because it wouldn’t have affected Dazai in the same way. The entire reason it was impactful was because it was Oda. At the end of the day, Oda’s death made Dazai want to become better no matter what understanding he did or didn’t have. It’s a meaningless debate when the impact he had was clear.
Alright I’m gonna draw a comparison to The Black Lizard that is maybe not the best but makes sense in my head (I’m sorry I just can’t go one post without talking about these guys).
Tachihara is an undercover operative for a government force, and due to this, he probably can’t tell The Black Lizard any part of his story that might blow his cover, so they probably don’t fully understand him and his motives. But even so, Tachi cares for his teammates enough to save their lives, and later believe in what they say so much that he literally retcons a Reality bending book (ik there more to it ofc but I know I’ll start rambling). Hirotsu and Gin make him feel happy, despite not understanding everything about him as a person. They trust and care about each other which is what brings them together, not a feeling of understanding.
To wrap this up I wanna say this: even if you don’t fully understand why someone acts the way they do, if you care about them enough, you’ll want to see them thrive. Whether Oda understood Dazai isn’t the point, the point is that the entire Lupin Trio cared about each other in a way that hugely impacted all of their lives when one of them departed. Understanding doesn’t hold a candle to caring and being there for them.
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