#take several seats
mafaldaknows · 4 months
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Instagram: birdbakerycayman
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Instagram: birdbakerycayman
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Instagram: johnp.shanley
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icedteaandoldlace · 6 months
AJ McLean's out here being a better friend to all the members of *NSYNC than Justin Timberlake is.
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alyosiuscreightonward · 7 months
Dear Diary. Just the other day, my friend who is monetizing his skills as a gamer asked me to “Like” a page of some sort of thing that allegedly promotes his gaming skills. Prove This Cynic Wrong.
I did. Then I saw a post and of course, me being the Smart Ass who provides unwarranted comments, I had made a comment.
Now it seems to have snowballed into something else entirely. I used to be a gamer guy but I no longer have the energy to do it anymore because I only played one game and after a while it became boring.
I then went a little further and added that I am an Arrogant Bitter Old Qween and as this unnamed faceless page asked about me something else, I decided to share my Tumblr. I also added that in 2024, it’s all about Short Attention Span Theatre. It means that this page hasn’t the ability nor anything else to do with my rambling thoughts.
I know I just babble on and on about nothing where Dear Gentle Reader, doesn’t give a flying fuck on a rolling doughnut about what I scribe. A plethora of thoughts that are very much like attempting to corralling kittens.
What I need is an editor to help me wrangle my thoughts and I’m sure that will never happen because my feelings could get hurt. Motherfucker. I’m not an idiot. I know that I should have stopped writing years ago since I am unable to put together a coherent sentence.
Sincerely who would want to see me? I can’t write and I know that. Yet I don’t have an outlet to express myself except here where eyes may see this, but they just scroll on by. Am I hurt? Fuck no. I have only one follower and that’s good enough.
So I’m sure that Lee, The Man; or is it Manly Man Lee or is it just some random nameless faceless page that cannot fathom exactly how to deal with this insignificant Limp Wristed Miss Thing. Yes it is true that the Charisma Uniqueness Nerve and Talentless person such as myself isn’t going to make that nameless faceless aid, abet or assist me. Talk about reality is stranger than fiction and knowing full well that I need to do me meanwhile y’all don’t give a shit.
I’m 64 years old and I’m a Boomer who knows absolutely nothing about anything except that I’m feeble minded and I have always believed that all those drugs I used to take would force me to be more creative than I actually wasn’t. Well y’all, I have succeeded in being less than zero. Even if someone bought one of those contraptions in Times Square, nary a flicker from any of you.
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tojisun · 26 days
poolverine x reader plus breeding (and daddy) kink makes me feral hhhs
just thinking about being sandwiched by them, your back pressed on wade’s chest while he spreads you open for logan, before he murmurs, “think about it, peanut. don’t you wanna be fucked full until it takes?”
you let out a quiet whimper, your eyes meeting logan’s only to jolt at the hungry look he’s giving you—it’s all snarled teeth and hissing breaths. you reach for him, wanting him close, wanting him now, but everything stutters to a weighted halt at wade’s following words—
“don’t you wanna have daddy’s pups?”
logan lurches forward at that, heavy and hungry, and you startle as he reaches past you. you turn, wide-eyed, and watch the moment he sinks his teeth into wade’s skin, marking him like it’s wade’s reward.
wade giggles, looking drunken himself at logan’s greedy mouth. then, he looks back at you.
“see?” he coos like he isn’t being mauled as he takes the full brunt of logan’s affections. “daddy thinks so too, peanut.”
you hum, nodding, not knowing what else to say because they look good like this—just as needy for each other as they always are for you.
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spacerockfloater · 2 months
Stumbled upon this post on TikTok, which then goes on to explain in its caption that the maids are side-eyeing Alicent for being purposely insensitive to Rhaenyra since her mother, Queen Aemma, died in childbirth:
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Yeah uhm, maybe that’s just me, but I think that the handmaidens, who pinned Aemma down while she was brutally murdered and begged them to stop, should just shut the fuck up and keep their heads straight instead of judging the teen mom/rape victim that’s trying to reassure her best friend she won’t suffer her mother’s fate, I don’t know?
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dollypopup · 3 months
Yeah, just gonna say that this fandom needs to shut the fuck up about Luke Newton and his love life. He's a grown man who was seen with a grown woman, and his relationship has no bearing on his acting ability. The parasocial relationship has gone too far.
This fandom has harassed him and people around him, bullied his ex-gf openly, and have already been horrifically misogynistic to the woman he's rumored to be dating. I've literally seen people calling him a groomer as if this woman isn't grown af at a whole 23 goddamn years old. He is 31. Some of y'all need to log off the damn internet. It's clear people are just mad that he and Nicola aren't an item and that he can't live a life outside of this work and doesn't exist to please like a paper doll they can go 'now kiss!' about. He dedicated years to this production that we've consumed and handled it with more grace than most of us would.
India and Corey had chemistry and didn't need to be together to sell Queen Charlotte. Simone and JB had chemistry and didn't need to be together to sell Bton Season 2. And Luke Newton and Nicola Coughlan have chemistry and don't need to be together to sell Bton Season 3. He can have a fucking girlfriend if he wants, he has literally done NOTHING wrong, and some of y'all are acting like he punted your puppy in the Thames and personally insulted you to your face.
Let the man live.
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angesaurus · 3 months
The best part about being almost 37 is literally not giving a shit what anyone thinks about me.
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markantonys · 4 months
just accidentally stumbled on an egwene hate reddit thread and everyone was bitching about how she tries to act like rand's equal when she's only the second-most powerful authority figure on the continent, and one sane person was like "well, balance was a huge theme of the series, so it's pretty clear that RJ did consider the dragon and the amyrlin two halves of a whole and that rand is meant to be egwene's equal co-authority rather than her superior" and of course they were downvoted to hell. and this one little thread just really epitomizes how the readers who approach WOT as a male power fantasy just fundamentally will never understand the series and its themes and the story it was ACTUALLY telling.
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nateezfics · 8 months
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The audacity really.
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p21blackandgold · 3 months
RANT INCOMING because this i swear this woman does not think before she speaks
Mykayla Skinner… please tell me you didn’t just say that the girls who made the Olympic team have no work ethic. The same girls that beat you to the 2020 Olympic team (obviously excluding Jade who was already qualified as an individual and Hezly who was like 12).
and the “Suni doesn’t have a gymnast body” comment!? The fuck??? The idea that you need to have a certain body type to be a good gymnast or even good at any sport is pathetic, and does not have a place in 2024.
this one just made me laugh, but she misses the days of being “precise and clean.” Didn’t the FIG literally create a deduction off the back of her one armed Chengs 😭
and to top it off, she’s pro-Karolyis and anti SafeSport 🫠
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starbylers · 3 months
Leaks truly never bother me because I know literally nothing is changing Byler and I actually have fun fitting the pieces together of storytelling analysis with what we know for sure about production and the elements of truth we can gain from certain leaks. But what is annoying is I can predict exactly how certain information will be interpreted at large and when it drops I know the next 3-5 business days are gonna be exhausting 🫠
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balasha7sanbardo · 1 year
honestly people talking about Palestine like its some mystified issue and something that is so far beyond comprehension is probably one of the most irritating things that I come across because its fucking not? Stop killing and ethnically cleansing an indigenous people, treat them with dignity and respect, stop violating human rights and get off their fucking land or give them back sovereignty. How is that a complicated issue exactly
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alexandriastark76 · 3 months
The way Ruby literally DEVOURS every time she opens her mouth.
I Stan.
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skullvis · 4 months
Okay. Eloise. Babe. Embroidery is a genuine art form that takes a lot skill I know you’re in your “not like other girls” phase, but you don’t have to be condescending.
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juney-blues · 5 months
it's really funny to me seeing handwringing over fictional explorations of kinks rooted in deep societal taboos. 'Cause like, murder is universally agreed to be one of the most heinous things you can do and yet we're fine with action movies
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copper-skulls · 5 months
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Train dragons
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