#talk about a ted talk 🙈
I’ve been thinking a lot about Ted going home and about how he was in the last episode and really trying to understand it. And I think I do now. (Not trying to upset anyone here, sorry if it does, this has just been my processing journey.)
I think it does come back to that idea of him being at peace for me. When I really look back at this season I think, yeah, okay, he’s not been happy, he’s not been himself, he has felt lost. There was that whole scene about the North star early on, I have to accept that Henry, of course, is Ted’s North star.
I’ve also been thinking a lot about my feelings that Ted is going backwards or that he wouldn’t be happy back home but have come to different conclusions now. Firstly, I don’t think he would get back with Michelle, so I’m feeling happier about that.
Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, Ted may be going backwards in terms of location, but he is absolutely not the same person he was when he left Kansas. The show was always about bad fathers right - I know that’s not all it was about - but Ted being a father is such a huge part of who he is and his purpose and meaning and happiness in life. The journey he has been on will allow him to be the father he wants to be which is what will make him happy. I think we’ve been saying the phrase ‘I know he wants to be with his Son but’ a lot, well, I think Ted is one of those people (I hear they actually exist) that considers his child to be his world. To Ted, Henry is not just part of his life, he is his life. I think bearing all of that in mind, it makes absolute sense for him to go home and that he’d be at peace with the decision. I’m not saying Ted isn’t a person outside of Fatherhood, I just think for him this makes sense.
But I’ve also been thinking a lot about the idea that Ted wouldn’t be happy back home and I know this is one I felt strongly about before. But actually, Ted’s healing and growth will allow him to have a healthy relationship with Michelle and be able to co-parent Henry the way he would like. I do think with Dr Jacob out of the picture their relationship could be positive and healthy again (absolutely in a non romantic way!)
I also think it’s easy to tell ourselves Ted wasn’t happy in Kansas but…we don’t actually know that. His marriage was breaking down yes, and obviously his relationship with his Mum is difficult, but he has done so much healing around both of those things and has faced demons and struggles that were internal, regardless of where he was living. He has grown so much.
Outside of that, we don’t know much about his life in Kansas. We don’t know how happy he was there, what his friends and community were like, that stuff may all be amazing and stuff he’s missed. We know how much he’s missed home, we were repeatedly shown this, and not just Henry, his home. Kansas. Remember, Ted left to give Michelle space (and I would say also out of fear around getting close to Henry and all of those things he was running/hiding from) but he probably hadn’t planned to leave before he got that job offer. I’m not sure he wanted to leave. That job offer turned out to be what he needed at the time, but perhaps not what he wanted (to link it back to the song.)
Before I kept thinking about Richmond as the right home for Ted and where he belongs. But when I really think about and look deeper, was it? It was a form of home for him, yes. But did he ever truly settle? I think his accommodation would suggest not.
I’ve also been thinking about the stuff we wouldn’t have seen, the stuff offscreen. How many nights did Ted have dinner alone when Beard was with Jane? How many times did Ted feel lost and out of place when he wasn’t busy working?
I was thinking about the 12 texts and 3 un haha’d gifs whilst feeling annoyed about Tedbecca. But coupling it with her being with Dutch guy (still not okay with this but it’s the choice they made) I wonder if the unanswered texts were designed to show that Ted was feeling a bit left behind and that everyone else was moving on. Think about that night in Amsterdam, he ended up alone because everyone else was busy with their lives and he was drawn to and sought comfort in things that reminded him of home.
I also think there’s a lot to be said for the idea of Ted being needed. He is one of those people that needs to be needed. I guess the Mary Poppins line makes sense to me in this respect, when her work is done and when she isn’t needed any longer, even though people may want her to stay, it’s time to move on.
Ted did all he could for Richmond. He helped those people become the best versions of themselves. They were able to and will still be able to live by the Lasso/Richmond way whether he’s there or not. And I think this is one of the reasons he took a backseat role this season.
I keep thinking, if Ted stayed, but Tedbecca didn’t happen - which clearly the writers never wanted it to - how would his life look? Sure he’d hang out with people and have good times, but they’d all have their own lives and he wouldn’t feel like they really needed him. He would probably still feel alone a lot of the time.
So is that any different to Kansas? He probably has a community and friends there we don’t know about. And sure, he’d feel lonely at times, but perhaps no more than in Richmond, and in Kansas he would be needed by Henry and being able to be the Dad he wants to be. It makes so much sense to me now.
Ignoring Rebecca and soulmates for a second, in terms of everyone else in Richmond, I think it’s easy for us to think Richmond is the first time and place Ted has made these kind of connections with people. But again, like Mary Poppins, we don’t get to see the lives Ted has already touched and will continue to touch. He’s Ted Lasso, I have no doubt he has countless people that he has connected with back home and anywhere he has been for that matter.
In terms of Beard, Brendan Hunt said on the reddit Q&A that Beard and Ted would have had stages of being in and out of each other’s lives. I always assumed Beard had always been around before they came to Richmond, but maybe he wasn’t a regular part of Ted’s life in Kansas so Ted wouldn’t feel bereft of that when he leaves. That’s what I took from that so in that respect, I’m okay.
And obviously, all of this would be different if Tedbecca had happened. That’s a whole other kettle of fish. Obviously I still wish that had happened and believe it should have. But if the writers were never gonna do that, then it would have been sad for Ted to stay. Yes, they would still have been platonic soulmates, but that wouldn’t have been enough for either of them to be personally fulfilled.
Plus, even with Ted gone, people connected like that, soulmates, they will always be in each other’s lives. It’ll just look different now, but I don’t for a second believe Rebecca won’t see Ted again. They’ll probably still talk regularly and visit one another, even if we never see that! He’s not actually Mary Poppins, gone forever!
I still wish he and Rebecca had had a better goodbye and more screen time, but I do think when it comes to that scene in the stands, Ted knew that Rebecca doesn’t actually need him to be okay and to be a boss ass bitch, even though she felt like she did. And he knew she’d come to understand that, so he didn’t need to say anything. I still would have liked more to be said between them but hey.
So yeah, in terms of Ted leaving (some unfulfilled goodbyes aside) I feel at peace. And I think his behaviour in that finale was because he finally felt at peace too.
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nab1wuzhere · 3 months
this is how i view the bakugo asmr videos and how it’s all connected
obviously the birthday series is in its own form
“first kiss with bakugo on his birthday”
“sneaking out with bakugo on his birthday”
“hiking with bakugo on his birthday”
then we have the angsty series (my favorite 😛)
we have the calling bakugo, the anxiety attack comfort, and bakugo sleep aid. now honestly there have never been really any hints that they are somehow connected except in calling bakugo he said “you having nightmares again?”
so because of that i think of it all in this order adding a few extra because i think it builds to the relationship ‼️‼️:
“late night snack run with bakugo”
“bakugo comforts you during an anxiety attack”
“hour of sleeping with bakugo”
“bakugo comforts you after a bad dream”
“calling bakugo after a nightmare”
this is ofc over the course of YEARS, given the fact the last audio i mentioned we are overseas and already pro hero’s, GOD i’m a sucker for slow burn, and this is the definition of it. i love it but DAMN give us a reunion at an airport where katsuki joins us for a joint mission and we share our apartment 😛✌🏼 (can you tell i’ve thought about this?)
also the valentines series i couldn’t really find any connect to any other audios so they are just chilling solo!
literally no one asked for this but i think about how the yuzuya verse all ties in CONSTANTLY specifically with bakugo 🙈 thanks for listening to my ted talk!
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renranram · 4 months
I just need to say I absolutely love your account 🤭 I am now definitely a regular on here🙈 I was wondering if you could make a one-shot where Jschlatt and reader meet through a friend and they instantly click with some flirting here and there :))
Party Talking
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fem!reader ( very awkward n chill )
a typical confession love story wah wah wah
use of y/n!
“ you need to socialize more “ that's the last thing you heard from, ted, your childhood bestfriend stated before dragging you to a party thst you aren't fond of
you sat on the couch, awkward as you drink your fruit punch, hating the taste of beer on your lips
you fumble with your fingers as you sigh out, glancing at the open door but seeing ted playfully glaring at you, not wanting you to leave yet
you groan out in defeat, as you stand up about to refill your fruit punch, before bumping into schlatt, “ hey lil lady, watch where you're going “ he chuckles, “ you alright? “
“ oh uh yeah “ you mumble, slowly nodding as he looks at you before patting your head, “ ive never seen you before, name's schlatt “ schlatt introduces himself
you nod again, stating your name, “ nice to meet you schlatt “ you gave him an awkward smile before chuckling, “ you look tense, did someone drag you here? “ he jokes noticing the empty cup before offering, “ you want fruit punch? i can fill some for you “ he offers as you nod slowly handing him the cup
“ ted dragged me here “ you mutter, “ he said i should socialize “ you added as schlatt scoops some fruit punch, “ oh i get it, you're an introvert? or you just don't like big crowds? “ he asks
“ both “ you reply, muttering a small thank you as you get your cup back, “ … wanna be friends? “ schlatt asks, looking at you as you nod again
“ im sorry if im pretty awkward.. im just not good with talking “ you state as schlatt gave you a small nod, “ i understand, not everyone has good socializing skills “
the two of you sat on the couch again, “ …do you like cats? “ he asks, surprised seeing your eyes sparkle in interest, “ i have a cat actually! “ you smile brightly
and god, the two of you talked and talked for hours until the party was over, “ y/n? y/n? “ ted calls out for you, interrupting yours and schlatt’s conversation as he finally spots you both
“ woah, what do we have here? “ ted raises his eyebrow as you chuckle softly, “ i got my same a new girl friend “ schlatt shrugs, smug, as ted nods, “ im so proud, seeing both of my best friends getting along “ he dramatically faked a sob as schlatt playfully yet gently punches him causing the three of you to laugh
“ but fun’s over now, ill drop you home y/n “ ted hums, showing you that it's 11pm now “ oh… dang “ you slowly stand up watching schlatt as he gave you a reassuring nod, “ well… i guess i gotta go home too “ schlatt states, sighing as he stood up
as you got home, you got confused receiving a chat from a random number
*** ***** ****
< hey! this is schlatt from
the party, i forgot to ask
for your number so i
asked ted 😁
oh hiii >
uhhhh >
this is awkward >
< lol it's totally fine can i
ask you something?
< if you don't mind of course
< haha
yeah of course sure >
< you down… to go with
me? there's a new cat
café opening somewhere
it's fine if you don't want
to go but yeah if you're
free at saturday id be
happy to go with u 😁
oh! >
i'm definitely free >
of course ill go with u! >
what you didn't know was schlatt was staring at your message, kicking his foot like an anime girl, a small blush on his cheeks, rolling around his bed
this continued on for weeks, meet ups here and there, small dates, the both of you just clicked and god it was making schlatt crazy how you two are just friends
but he knows one day he needs to man up, grow some balls, and tell you how he felt and that day, was this one
the two of you stroll at a nearby park, taking both of your cats for a walk, he steals glances at you, he tries to act non chalant but he tremendously fails, him stammering his words, almost slipping, it was getting bad for him
“ you alright jay? “ you ask him, a tone of concern in your voice, “ you look red… like really red “
he breathes out, shaking his head, “ no god hahaha… it's nothing.. it's just so hot “ he mumbles, looking away, “ schlatt… it's winter “ you state as the two of you pauses, chuckling in unison
“ okay okay im sorry “ he breathes out, “ ive been thinking about something” he mumbles, looking at you
“ about what? “ you ask, as you two stop, looking at eachother, was this the right time? is she okay with this? does she even like me back? schlatt mentally asks himself
looking at your eyes with adoration and anxiety, his fingers fumbling, jambo’s and soup’s lead, “ holy fucking shit “ he whispers
“ you okay? “ you ask, gently resting your hand on his arm, thinking he was cold, as schlatt reddens more
“ fuck okay, i need to tell you something okay? “ he breathes out, looking at you intently
“ … okay? “ you chuckle softly, rubbing your hand on his arm
“ i like you y/n… i know it's been weeks of us just meeting but god you're the most amazing woman i know, you're kind, sweet, friendly, just… everything about you is just so lovable it's making me insane to think that we're just friends… im so glad you attended that party because if you didn't i would've never met you- “ he rambles, but you gently cut him off with a peck on his cheek
“ i like you too schlatt “ you smile, “ more like jared “ you manage to tease him, getting a loud laugh at him, lifting you up as he spun you, smiling cheek to cheek, “ holy shit i love you so much “ he rains kisses all over your face, fixing your hair as he smiles at you endearingly
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mommyownsmee · 2 months
Hi 🥺 (idk if i can call you mommy, i don’t want to be disrespectful)
Do you have any advice for someone who is mot sure about their sexuality?
i have been always attracted to men mostly, but for few years now i have this feeling that i might be attracted to women too… i’m 23 and well when my friends and colleagues were experimenting with theirs sexualities i was nit a part of this ( strict and overprotective parents) and now that i have a freedom to experiment, theres no one to do it with. And i dint want to lead anyone when im nit sure of my sexuality.
Any advice maybe? you have this aura around yourself that ,made me feel safe enough to ask this, i hope i didn’t push or step over any boundaries.
Hey sweety! 𝒙𝒙
Of course, you can call me mommy if that feels comfortable for you! I'm honored that you feel safe enough to reach out with such a personal question. Exploring your sexuality can be both exciting and a little daunting, especially if you haven't had the chance to do so until now.
First, it's important to remember that sexuality is a spectrum and can be fluid. It's perfectly normal to be attracted to different genders at different times in your life.
I wrote down some tips for you that helped me too:
Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings regularly. Reflect on moments when you felt attraction towards someone, regardless of their gender. This can help you identify patterns and understand your emotions better.
Mindfulness and Meditation: These practices can help you become more in tune with your inner self and feelings. Sometimes, our busy lives make it hard to notice subtle changes in our attractions and desires.
Past Experiences: Reflect on your past crushes, relationships, and attractions. Were there any moments when you felt drawn to someone of the same gender? Understanding your past can provide insights into your current feelings.
Educate Yourself
Books and Articles: There are many excellent resources on sexuality and sexual orientation. Consider reading works by authors like Lisa Diamond ("Sexual Fluidity") or Emily Nagoski ("Come As You Are").
Documentaries and Videos: Visual media can be very powerful. Look for documentaries on LGBTQ+ experiences or TED Talks that discuss sexuality. These can provide diverse perspectives and relatable stories.
Websites and Forums: Websites like Scarleteen and forums like Reddit’s r/bisexual or r/lgbt are full of people sharing their own journeys and advice.
Join Supportive Communities
Online Communities: Websites and social media groups can offer a sense of belonging and support. Platforms like Reddit, Tumblr, and Facebook have groups dedicated to exploring and discussing sexuality. I also have a Telegram group that you can join at any time.
Local LGBTQ+ Group: Check for local community centers or groups. Attending meetings or events can provide face-to-face support and friendships with people who understand what you’re going through.
Support Groups: Some areas offer support groups specifically for people questioning their sexuality. These can be safe spaces to express your feelings and learn from others.
Take It Slow
No Pressure: Give yourself permission to explore your sexuality at your own pace. There’s no rush to label yourself or come to a definitive conclusion.
Exploration: If you feel comfortable, try going on dates or meeting people from different genders. This doesn’t mean you have to jump into a relationship right away; casual and friendly interactions can be very telling.
Experimentation: Experiment with your sexuality in ways that feel safe and comfortable for you. This could be through fantasizing, watching different kinds of media, or even engaging in conversations with friends.
Communicate Openly
Honesty: When you start dating, be upfront about your journey with potential partners. Most people appreciate honesty and will understand that you’re still figuring things out.
Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with anyone you’re exploring with. Make sure they understand your situation and respect your pace and comfort level.
Feedback: Ask for feedback from those you trust. Sometimes, friends and close ones can provide perspectives that you might not have considered.
Seek Professional Guidance
Therapists and Counselors: Look for professionals who specialize in LGBTQ+ issues. They can provide a safe space to explore your feelings without judgment.
Sex Educators: Professionals in this field can offer practical advice and information about sexuality, helping you understand your feelings better.
Support Networks: Some areas have networks of professionals who provide counseling and support specifically for those exploring their sexuality.
Personal Tips
Self-Acceptance: Embrace the journey and be kind to yourself. It’s okay to feel uncertain and to take your time in understanding your sexuality.
Stay Informed: Keep learning and stay curious. The more information and perspectives you gather, the more comfortable you might feel with your own sexuality.
Community Resources: Utilize local community resources such as LGBTQ+ centers, hotlines, and support groups. They often offer free or low-cost services for those exploring their sexuality.
Remember, there's no "right" way to discover your sexuality. It's a personal journey, and it's okay to take your time. You deserve to feel happy and fulfilled, and understanding your sexuality is a part of that.
I'm always here to talk if you need more support or just someone to listen. You didn't push any boundaries, and I'm glad you reached out. Take care of yourself, and trust your feelings—they are valid.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
My brain came to the conclusion that Jimin wasn't fit to do live with Jungkook because he is covered with hickeys from head to toes and that's the photo he sent to JK 🤭 thank you for coming to my ted talk.
LMAOOO that, or it was a sexy photo of a different variety (which could be many different things) or just him proving that he was unfit to be seen my ARMYs either in an innocent way (shy because of feeling insecure about how he looked or a new haircut/color etc), or not 🙈😂🤣 anyone else remember how Jimin said he doesn't sleep wearing any clothes and how he had just woken up?? Idk man, this photo could be ANYTHING 🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a WILD live!!
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havenroyals · 2 months
🙈 How much has Ares grown on you as a character? You've been writing him for awhile now!
OMG! SO MUCH @citylighten I'm obsessed with him now! 🤣😻
To think, he and his family started as a fun CAS experience - reading the mafia simblr stories and loving mythology led to that big messy family. I really didn't expect to write about him, at least not separately. The cartel was kinda going to be a whole character, making life hell for my celebs (Hollywood and drugs seemed like the best fit). But MCCC was doing it's thing, and we ended up with Arron and Misty's parents died (who were supposed to be linked to the cartel through shady underground drug/music business). I planned to kill Drake, but then I thought of the drama of him living so I brought Em and Zeus together. That's where the character developments began for me. I started seeing the cartel as individuals within this messy unit. I thought Ares would be a good side character for Emelia's growth, but reading the reactions made me push them together more. I already admitted I did not like it 😅 but I ran with it and it pushed me as a writer. I think it helped that Nay was dealing with her own boy troubles (from 'nice' guys), so Ares became the opposite. He was not innocent and didn't hide from it, so peeling back his layers was a pleasant surprise. I fell for him when I wrote their getaway scenes. It felt realistic (or as realistic as any of this is), a cartel heir using his riches to show a princess a different side of life, and protect her. Like if Aladdin had money. Ares is the unfiltered male version of Em: both have responsibilities they didn't ask for, both are envied by their siblings, both are loyal to their families even when family is wrong, and both fear there's no way out. Ares has definitely become one of my top five characters (soon to be over thrown by Arron). I cannot wait to share more about him. Hopefully he does not get me flagged because I can't resist posting his thirst traps 😆.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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starleska · 5 months
lord i am hyperfixating on the toymaker and. my god. THE FRENCH CABARET OUTFIT. HE LOOKS SO GOOD IN THAT OUTFIT. like if i was there and he asked for a dance i’d be like “hdifgiciixgxigjc?!?!?!?hffyfyfjvvyfhfh???!!?!?!? okay ☺️”
just had to tell this to a toymaker connoisseur thanks for listening to my ted talk
oh my God YES YES YES ANOTHER ONE!!!!! hahahaha welcome to Hell my friend - or rather, the Toyroom!! isn't it exquisite? 😉
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fgjdsfgl oh good lord yessss this is such a criminally good look.......the cane......the little bowtie........and oh my god the lipstick 😳😳😳 i didn't know where to look!!!! i'm currently incorporating the Toymaker's Cabaret look into the next chapter of this enormous fic and i have to keep stopping to bury my head in a pillow, it's too much to even THINK about 🙈🙈🙈 Neil!!!! stop kuntenserving this instant!!!! and AAAAA!!! Toymaker Connoisseur?!?! my goodness, that is the highest compliment i've ever received, thank you very much 🥺💖 the degree to which this freak activates my neurons ought to be studied...and it's wonderful to know i'm not alone 😖💖💖💖 looking forward to seeing all your ramblings about him too - and let's HOPE we get a little mention of him with Fifteen's first season next month, eh? 😉
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doeyedbambi · 2 months
sexuality vent/rant (feel free to ignore~ just wanna yap!! + I've been thinking about this a lot lately:'D)
okay okay okay!!! so I say I'm bisexual bc I like both women and men but if I'm being honest I'm ALWAYS(as long as I feel a connection 💫) going to choose a woman over a man😌 I'm more attracted to women than I am men🫣 (I like to say I like men 2% of the time..and honestly the majority of that are fictional 🙈) like yeah I find men attractive but I like them more as a concept ya know~ like the thought of a man 🤎 but actually being with one .... no🤎 WHY BE WITH A MAN WHEN I CAN BE WITH A WOMAN🤎🤎🤎🍪💫
also alsooo~ literally every "relationship" I've ever been in was with a girl~ I've never been with a guy🫣
mhmm mhmm thanks for coming to my ted talk🍪🤎
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localravenclaw · 11 months
Heya! I was just wondering what the mutual mass grave tag on your seb posts was supposed to mean? But then I scrolled through the tag and it nearly killed me so I think I get it.
Lol thank you for asking about this, love! ♡
Sometimes I forget that this fandom is nearly 10 mos old now. So, a while back, when I first started posting AI images, @eleanorstaghart commented that my mutuals are all gonna be ended by ai Seb, so we might as well dig a mass grave everytime I post. Hence, mutual mass grave and the occasional #deathbysallow. 😅
I understand that some people are touchy about the subject of AI and would rather not have it on their dash, so I never tag my images under fandom tags. I don't really post them for likes or exposure in the first place, I just want to make my friends happy. My older mutuals know where to catch up on my posts, and as for my newer friends, my AI edits all go into
#mutual mass grave
#death by sallow
#sebastian sallow ai
Thank you for coming to my TED talk 🙈💕
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lilac-lemonade · 1 year
you haven't mentioned your ted lasso fic in a bit are you still working on it? (follow-up question, is there anything you could share from it? 👀)
asfjkajdhjashs I am still working on it I swear 🙈
I just write very slowly and life has been hectic so it'll probably be a while lmao. But I am working on it! And I'm having a great time, the h/c is going to be wonderful and Jamie is Going Through It™ (as can probably be expected from anything 2x08 related)
As for sharing, I could perhaps share a little snippet. Here is my humble offering of some Jamie Having a Bad Time:
“What?” Roy said with a frown. The arm that was still extended in front of him from when he’d wrapped Jamie up in a hug dropped back down to his side. His hands clenched into fists and his voice lifted, just a touch too loud in the echoey room. “What the hell are you talking about?” “I said, fuck off.” Jamie’s voice shook and another tear fell, rolling down his already damp face. Fuck, his own body was a damn traitor. He tucked shaking hands under the edge of his shirt and tugged until the fabric warped. “Leave me the f-fuck alone.” “Now why the fuck would I do that?”
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makethemhoesmad · 6 months
Definitely plan on being frequent on here! so if you don’t care can I be just be 🪐anon??
Now for the smut ideas!
-ok so i wanna stick with the wnba one of the long distance surprise game so stick with that and after the game they go out and celebrate and azzi gets drunk and clingy like we all think paige is bad.. azzi is way worse especially when she’s drunk so she’s like let’s go home baby and we’ll when you get to her house she’s like just look pretty in my jersey while I fuck your pretty girl(my personal daydreaming might of took over during this….🙈)
-reader is a sophomore and the cheer captain during azzis freshman year and after one of the girls wins reader goes up to azzi and was complementing her and stuff and ended up asking if she wanted to go out with her once they leave the arena and go to our favorite bar ted’s they both get pretty wasted and end up getting really touchy while waiting on their uber and once they get to readers apartment azzi gets like shy and tells reader that she’s never slept with anyone before and reader talks her through everything (this is probably one of my favorites because I am also a cheerleader and we need some recognition!)
(now let me know if you want anymore pazzi fic ideas because i have a whole google doc full of ideas and hcs about them if you want🫣)
and i’m going through some writers block rn- so that’s all I got babes i’m sorry😞 once I get out of it i’ll send some more of you want of course!
i feel like that long distance surprise game started something in me
and yes i like that emoji
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pinchofhoney · 1 year
i felt obligated to explain my sudden lack of activity, but first of hiii!! how are you doing, guys?<33 tell me what’s going on in your lives and then i’m going to explain myself 🙈
all my final projects and exams are getting closer and i have no time to do anything, especially not to write things that both you and i will be happy with. my semester ends in mid june, so in the worst possible scenario, i’ll be back after i start my holiday season, buuuuut!! but! as we all know, the urge to do things we shouldn’t be doing always come at the least expected moment 🤭 so i hope to get back to writing sooner!
i’m so sorry and thank you for your patience!! all requests from my inbox will be written and none of them will be ignored!
thank you for coming to my ted talk. don’t forget about me and stay safe<33 see you soon!
(i’m sorry once again)
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
can you imagine a piarles collection of fics based on Taylor swift song? like, each album is a collection and each fic is based on a song of that album???
like, when we have London boy but adapted so it would be ‘you know I love a Monaco boy’ because this one would be Pierre saying ‘I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent’ just because it fits though I do think most of everything would be just Charles’ pov because he’s a dramatic bitch just like Taylor
one telling a summer fling they had but one of them fell and screaming at the other “I love you ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?”
one telling the story of how they met and some stories in the middle until the “now” where Charles says “I like shinny things but I’d marry you in paper rings” and Pierre goes and buys him a ring shaped as a piece of newspaper and propose with it
THE ONE TELLING ABOUT ALL TOO WELL 10 MINUTES VERSION WOULD BE LIKE KNIVES IN MY HEART though definitely not the saddest, that would be tolerate it
and one where Pierre goes on about how they broke up because of *something* and then on a random day they meet again and Pierre tells him “if my wishes came true it would’ve been you” (they do not get back together though)
and when they have a *bad* break up and Pierre is talking shit (for the hell of it) with the press and Charles goes “I keep my side of the street clean but you wouldn’t know what I mean”
I am rambling so much but god I love this idea so much and like
I’m NOT here to kindly ask you to do it (REALLY, that would be waaaaaay too much), I was just procrastinating and I thought about it and I had to share this with someone so thank you for listening to my Ted talk 🫧
AHHHHH, sorry, i completely missed this one last night 🙈🙈 bloody tumblr... but oh my god, i absolutely love this idea! the amount of times i listen to a taylor swift song and just think "whoa my god... piarles au" is insane really. INSANE. so i absolutely adore you for this concept
and!! your SONG EXAMPLES omg 🥺🥺 i absolutely melted because yes yes yes London Boy is such a them song. i am particularly soft for this song + piarles, because i wrote a fic with a London Boy lyric for a title for them a little while ago. it's my Monaco vlog fic, and this one is very close to my heart for many reasons, but most especially because it always reminds me of my wonderful @leclerctops, @welightitup and @redyellowstupid, and the very START of our birthday fic surprise tradition 🥺🥺❤️💙💚 bless, the best memories, and all the love, really.
but enough sentimental nonsense! you know, i actually hadn't considered the "Monaco boy" dimples spin on it, but oh my god you are actually a genius. Pierre "I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent" Gasly - LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!
oh my god, and Cruel Summer - okay, so, this is actually an idea i wrote down in my personal discord server for fic ideas (lmao). i was listening to this song and my brain just went EXACTLY what yours did here: "piarles summer fling but they're idiots and they forgot to communicate." still obsessed with this concept ngl. (unfortunately it's not one i have any sort of time to write, but, oh well. it will live in my head like an unfinished melody 🙏)
AND PAPER RINGS!! your idea of pierre getting him an actual paper ring!! that is the cutest thing i've ever heard omg 🥺🥺 and he so WOULD!! these idiots in love... i adore them ❤️❤️
whoa my god, and all too well. ALL TOO WELL!! ngl that's always been more of a brocedes song for me, but that's just because i can't bear the thought of hurting my piarles babies like that 🙈🙈🥺 but if a piarles ATW fic was ever written... you are unquestionably right. that would be a knife to the heart.
and?? TOLERATE IT?? excuse me?? that would be the one to absolutely shatter us all, i agree. "i know my love should be celebrated but you tolerate it" EXCUSE ME?? no?? i could never do that to my beloveds. just. never 😭😭😭😭🥺🥺💔
(though, thinking about it... isn't "tolerate it" good for a sort of heartbreaking charles + ferrari character study? the true otp if you will... the beautiful agony of being a ferrari driver... AHHHH)
and. the 1?? THE 1 FOR PIARLES?? IF MY WISHES CAME TRUE IT WOULD'VE BEEN YOU?? you're right, that one couldn't have a happy ending, but... 😭😭💔💔💔 i could also never do that to them. MY POOR BABIES
hehehehe ngl the karma one made me CACKLE 🤭🤭 pierre ABSOLUTELY is the kind of petty bitch who would talk shit for the hell of it. just look at pierresteban, after all! and for piarles to have a bad breakup... HEARTBREAKING. but omg it would make for such a good character study! love this 👌
ahhhh omg, sorry, i got a bit carried away with this answer 🙈🙈 but come on. TAYLOR SWIFT + PIARLES?? two of my favourite favourite things?? it was never going to be any other way, come on. (in other words, ilysm for this, and thanks a load for sharing your FAB Ted talk/concept with me ❤️❤️ <333)
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8celestebells · 1 year
I’d like to apologise for the rant I’ve left on your Oscar post. Got carried away! 🙈🙈 every damn time when it’s about him 🤷🏻‍♀️
I honestly love when people just rant on my post about someone… it’s quite entertaining to see it happen:) but honestly I would be ranting too cause it’s fucking Oscar; but honestly loved your Ted talk it was amazing
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artemispt · 1 year
Hiii babe
You legitimately make me cry. How can you be so sweet and patient with me. The fact that you're wishing well on me Darling you're the best. My day was alright albeit slightly boring wasn't so hot today so thar made it better. And I started watching Ted Lasso so that's exciting. Oh and I also went through the Carlando tag for like two hours that was eventful (I loved it) .
And love how was your day ? Anything exciting happening ? How was work ? Did you manage to infect them with all the Carlando podium joy ?? 😊
By the way I smiled and felt like stupidly joyous when I saw you summoned me. I'll always take any reason to talk to you.
Ahhh you saw my post 🥰🥰🥰 Wasn’t sure if you would see it! [hugs you]
Ted Lasso is a sweet gem. I haven’t watched the 3 season yet, but I saw the first 2 and I loved it. Such a great show to smile a little and also cry a bit (in a good way. I mean, maybe not everyone cry watching it, but I cry with everything 🙈 I think I already said in a tag game that I cried watching the first ice age 😂).
I peeked a bit on the carlando tag during work, but I couldn’t keep up. So much content!!!! Lando’s post and stories ahhh Fun fact: outside tumblr, I keep Carlando to myself. Idkw but I don’t feel comfortable talking about it at work.
Work was alright, no super exciting project. Now I’m sipping my chamomile tea while I write this 😊
I also felt super happy you sent me this message! Love talking to you. You can send me messages whenever you want ❤️ [Another hug]
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🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP
I could never choose only one of my children like that, so I'm gonna say three 😅🙈
The most current one is a Ted/Trent fic that's an AU based on the 2007 rom com/drama "No Reservations". In this one, Trent is Catherine Zeta-Jones basically, the overworked, overwhelmed guardian of his niece since his sister passed away. And Ted is of course Ted, the manic pixie dream coach who gets the little girl to open up and helps Trent to see that he's not trapped in this situation. So far, I've written two very short chapters and I wanna write more, I just kinda lost focus 🙈
Then there's also the two big projects that I started in 2020 for my two biggest German fandoms. One is called "Hühnerküsse" and it's about the girls from "Die wilden Hühner", a kids' book series by Cornelia Funke about a girl gang - it's from the 90's/early 00's and even though it's mindblowing to me that they already had a canon lesbian character in a children's book in 2003, I decided that I needed to make it even more queer. So I started writing this little story in 10 chapters about how all of them kissed each other at various points in their friendships, for various reasons - I just never finished it because for one pairing, I couldn't decide how I wanted the kiss to happen, I wrote three or four different versions of it, I was never hapy with it and then I stopped. :( Recently rediscovered it again because someone left some lovely notes on it and it really made me want to revisit the story.
The other one is a five part series called "Kontrolle und Chaos" and it's about my two favourite milfs from the German crime show classic "Tatort". They're called Charlotte and Anaïs (the latter played by love of my life Florence Kasumba of Marvel fame and also, more importantly, known from the German cast recording of the musical Aida, in the title role) and god, they've got issues <3 And I had so, so many issues with part 5 of that series. I started writing it just after their second episode, fully committed to writing a lesbian love story and ignoring the uncomfortable love triangle created in the show. But then unfortunately, I fell in love with Daniel Donskoy who plays the man in that love triangle and has openly advocated for polyamory, and suddenly I had to rethink the whole thing. So now I've written four of five parts, trying to figure out how to make the last one fit with the new information I've got, and just like with Hühnerküsse, I wrote several versions I didn't like and eventually dropped it. Sure hope I'll finish this one because I have recently found some notes for it that offer a pretty good solution.
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
Okay, this is technically an outtake from my current Jamie/Roy(/Keeley) WIP, meaning I probably won't be able to make it fit anywhere in the fic but it was too funny not to share so here you go:
“I have one rule,” Roy says. “You do not call me ‘daddy’ in bed.” Jamie scoffs, pretending the idea has never even occurred to him. Roy doesn’t believe him. “What about out of bed?” Jamie asks and wiggles his eyebrows. “I have two rules,” Roy says. Jamie laughs. “Just fucking with you, mate. Out of bed, you’re granddad of course.” He ducks just in time to avoid the pillow Roy throws at his head.
🔍Give a clue (a picture, emoji, a word, etc) and let your followers guess what a WIP is about.
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here's a clue for the Jamie/Roy one lol
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