st-severus · 2 years
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reyrey-art · 2 months
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He is not short, everyone else is just related to giants! (⇀‸↼‶)
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slydeliss · 3 months
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The "growing sprout" of Snape really shut them off...
My headcanon is that Snape is not only tall... but really, really tall, and in a really good shape, at least in better shape than the Marauders in current years
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jackcryptid · 1 month
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This is your (un)friendly reminder that Snape wanted to die after Lily's passing :D
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I'm going to say something absolutely controversial:
Severus is neither particularly short, nor particularly tall.
He's just your average, 5'9"-ish guy.
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bythepen98 · 1 year
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Severus 🐍
Aside from Harry and Hermione, he is arguably the next character whose pov I read about the most (gen or ship wise). Can't help that he's too interesting of a character for me to ignore when written right.
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poitionsprince · 5 months
Canon *Book* Heights Reminder
Lily Evans; 5'6 - 1.67
Peter Pettigrew; 5'7 - 1.70
Severus Snape; 5'9 - 1.75
James Potter; 5'11 - 1.80
Sirius Black; 6'2 - 1.87
Remus Lupin; 6'2 - 1.88
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souryam · 11 months
everytime I see short snape I collapse on the floor screaming and crying and vomiting why would u do this why why why
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st-severus · 8 months
Tall!Snape truther, show your evidence that Snape is tall or we short!Snape kings will claim Snape for ourselves 🧛🧛‍♀️
i have no need for proof, i just feel it in my dark heart🖤
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 years
/ \
/ \ The entire Snapedom:
/ \ 😠 “I’ll protect
/ \ ≤((≥ you from
_/ \_ _| \_ everything”
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smilingformoney · 2 years
idk where all this ‘snape is short’ discourse is coming from. unless y’all think 6′1 is short??
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Prince 'I said "no one has to know what we do", his hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room, and his voice is a familiar sound. Nothing lasts forever' Chaser
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which is more culturally significant? the renaissance or the absence of Severus' dead body, meaning he's alive and fled the scene?
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cerise-grenadine · 8 months
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Summer 1996, or later. Severus & Muireann are spending some time on the coast of France.
It was another of those bright, lazy summer mornings. A gentle warm breeze was coming through the open window, carrying scents of pine and salt, and the song of waves and joyful birds.
He had gotten up a bit earlier. She hazily remembered him planting a soft kiss on the corner of her lips as she was dozing back to sleep. A grin split open her freckled face as she stretched like a cat; she put on a light robe, shook the duvet and folded it back neatly to let the marine atmosphere freshen the sheets.
As she walked down the stairs, she caught a sweet and tasty whiff wafting from the kitchen. He was making pancakes again. She stopped as she reached the threshold, to take in the scene. He hadn’t noticed her come down, focused as he was on the pan. Somehow he had gotten flour on his cheek. From the hi-fi came Ferrat’s deep and mellow voice, and he was whistling along what was his favourite song these days.
Tout ce que j'ai failli perdre, tout ce qui m'est redonné Aujourd'hui me monte aux lèvres en cette fin de journée Pouvoir encore partager ma jeunesse, mes idées Avec l'amour retrouvé, que c'est beau, c'est beau la vie. Pouvoir encore te parler, pouvoir encore t'embrasser Te le dire et le chanter, oui c'est beau, c'est beau la vie !
He looked happy.
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Rough translation:
All I nearly lost, all that is given back to me is coming to my lips tonight Still being able to share my youth, my ideas With the newfound love* How beautiful, how beautiful life is Still being able to talk to you, to kiss you, To tell you so and sing it, How beautiful, how beautiful life is!
*technically, the original text says "a love that has been found again"
Here is an explanation of the lyrics in English! And the other song he was listening to just before, do yourself a favour i beg you (it’s about young lovers on a sunny beach, bathing in the warm sea with thyme and pine and pebbles and birds and waves and-)
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sn4pe · 2 years
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dastardly-lemondrops · 6 months
I keep seeing these like elongated black animals proposed as Snape's animagus or whatever and my brain can only produce this kind of thing
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