#tamaki suoh x male reader
spooky-bunnys · 1 year
Ohshc request
Reader and Tamaki are engaged but reader feels like Tamaki is cheating on him with haruhi but Tamaki is actually recruiting her to help him plan something for reader
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(Name) looked at his fiancee from across the room. Sadness written all over his face. He couldn't remember the last Tamaki gave him attention. Much less talked to him. All he does anymore is follow Haruhi around. He gets that Tamaki isn't completely gay.
I mean (Name) has seen how popular Tamaki is in the club. Honey and Mori are always assuring him that Tamaki truly does love him. But when you seen someone you're supposed to trust your heart with, surrounded by those who love him...it can hurt. Extremely bad.
The twins watch (Name) walk out of the club room. Face blank and tears in his eyes. The twins and (Name) go way back. Their moms are business partners. (Name) practically became their big brother growing up. He always cared more about those around him then himself.
Hikaru shared a look of anger with his twin ad stomped over to Tamaki. "Souh. Why did (Name) just leave looking so heart broken?" Tamaki looked at him confused. "What do you-" he was cut off by Kaoru. The look of anger on his face couldn't even be explained. "(Name). He left the club room with tears in his empty looking eyes. Dammit Tamaki! All you've been doing lately is hang around Haruhi!"
Tamaki looked at the twins confused. "No I haven't." When Kyoya quietly walked over that's when Tamaki knew this was serious. "Actually Tamaki. According to my notes. You haven't been around (Name) in almost a full month. You just brush him off and I think he finally hit his breaking point."
Tamaki froze and thought over the past month. He tried remembering the last time he spent time with (Name). Which was for a company party at (Name)'s fathers company last month. "Oh. OH! I was talking to Haruhi about what I should do and get (Name) for our Anniversary!"
All the hosts face-palmed at their so called leader. "Tamaki...You do realize how insecure (Name) is right?" Mori's question stunned everyone. "Why would he be insecure?" That's when a serious looking Honey stepped in. "Tamaki your the King of the host club. You're always surrounded by girls. Girls that really like you. Girls that always confess to you. Girls that disregard your fiancee!"
Tamaki shared a look with the hosts. "I didn't know..." The twins rolled their eyes and spoke together. "Of course you didn't." Hikaru shared a look with Kaoru and spoke softly. "(Name) didn't want to hurt your feelings." Kaoru joined in with a voice equally soft. "He knows how important the club is to you." Tamaki looked broken. His fiancee was insecure....and it was his fault? Didn't he know how much he means to him?
Haruhi rolled her eyes and slapped Tamaki's head. Hard. "Then what are you doing talking to us?! (Name) needs you, you idiot!" Tamaki nodded and ran out the club room. He knew (Name) didn't have (club name) today so that meant (Name) was either at the entrance or the rose garden. He ran towards the garden.
When he arrived he could hear sniffles. His heart broke more. "(Name)?" He called softly. The sniffling stopped. "(Name) it's me. Your Mighty King." He walked around the hedge and saw (Name) with his knees to his cheat. Face covered I tear tracks and eyes so red and puffy. (Name) huffed and looked away. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Haruhi?"
Tamaki frowned and sat beside him. Pulling him close and laid his head on top of (Name)'s. "Why would I be with her when my Queen needs me more?" (Name) rolled his eyes and pushed Tamaki away. "Don't call me your Queen. You've been ignoring me for almost a month. A fucking month Tamaki!"
Tamaki flinched. The other hosts were right. "(Name) I didn't mean to ignore you. I was talking to Haruhi about our Anniversary. It's coming up and I wanted to plan something special for you. To show you just how much you mean to me." Tamaki kissed (Name)'s softly. "I love you (Name). Nobody else."
(Name) frowned and looked away. "You remembered?" Tamaki flinched again. He forgot last year and it took him a long time to be forgiven. That's why he wanted this year to be so special. "Of course I did! I wanted to make up for...last year." (Name) looked at Tamaki over his shoulder and stared in his eyes. Seeing if he was telling the truth. Luckily for Tamaki he was.
(Name) sighed and leaned back against Tamaki. "Then I can't wait to see what your planning. Just so you know Kyoya already gave me his gift to us." Tamaki raised an eyebrow and stared at him. "His gift?" (Name) nodded happily. "Yeah! He bought the island I told you about and gave it to us!" Tamaki's jaw dropped....
Well there went the gift idea.
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urlocalfaggot · 1 year
Hello! Can I request Tamaki or Kaoru from OHSHC with a male reader that’s in the club and the girls keep shipping them? Thank you!
ofc! thank you for requesting:) (ALSO HAPPY PRIDE MONTH YALL)
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Fandom: OHSHC
Character: Tamaki Suoh
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Perfect Pair
(M/n) joined Ouran late in his first year. That's when he met Tamaki Suoh and Kyoya Ootori. Tamaki came up to him, Kyoya being dragged behind him, and asked to be friends. Timeskip to a year later and now you are a part of the infamous Host club. (M/n) was the second highest requested host in the host club. Right after Tamaki. This day in particular was a pretty busy day for the host club. You were refilling tea cups for your guests when you overheard a group of girls talking. "Isn't it funny how most of the hosts, host in pairs?" one of them asked the others. "What do you mean pairs?" "Like, ok look. You have Hikaru and Kaoru, one pair, then you have Mori and Hunny, the other pair. Then there's (M/n) and Tamaki, who are not an official pair but honestly I would come more often to see that." (M/n) left with his now filled tea cups. 'Me and Tamaki? A pair?' (M/n) thought. The day went by fast. The next day the host club was doing what they always do, but then the words from yesterday came back into (M/n)'s mind. He then got an idea and went over to Tamaki. The said blond boy was getting some commoners coffee for his guests. (M/n) then puts his arms around Tamaki's waist "What'cha doin' there?" the (h/c) haired male asked as he peered over tamaki's shoulder. Tamaki blushed at the sudden action. "G-getting some commoners coffee", the blonde said, trying to act like he is not internally having a gay panic. "Ooo! Make me one too! Make it sweet/bitter though." (M/n) said with a smile while resting his head on Tamiki's shoulder. Then all of a sudden you hear a squeel, it was the girl from the day prior, "Eee! See I told you! They are the perfect pair!" Those words played in Tamaki's head 'Perfect pair..' He then smiled, 'I guess we are.'
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ok but am i the only one who kinda got Sasaki to Miyano vibes? i didnt mean to do that but i love those little fruity boys (IK THIS TOOK A LONG TIME TO GET OUT IM SORRY SCHOOL IS JUST A PAIN. BUT IM TRYING TO DO MY REQUESTS I PROMISE)
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mxshr0mz · 7 months
tamaki would unironically listen to im just ken
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joonie7007 · 8 months
I wish they made another ouran highschool host club
At first I didn’t watch it cuz of the weird trans jokes and the twins 🗿… but after I watched it I loved it I still cringed but oh my gaaaad w show ♥️
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I WISHHH ESPECIALLY WITH MORI SENPAI “it could be like bro can care about to 2 things”
I need more MOREEE ( haruhi and mori ) RAHHH
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Also bro look like Ren 😭🙏🏼♥️♥️‼️‼️‼️
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THERES SO MUCH POTENTIAL// especially in today’s time the slight changes they can do or something/
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Also theirs a musical 💀💀💀❗️❓❓ION BOUT ALL DAT 🗣️🗣️🗣️
I’m just saying random stuff :p
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 10 months
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An introduction to the first note | OHSHC x Male Reader
Prologue time!! Enjoy!! My Wattpad and Quotev!
Description: Of A Melody there once was
Prolouge:  Prologue before the Chorus begins
Chapter 1: An introduction to the first note | (You are here)
Chapter 2: The joining of notes to create a nostalgic song 
Chapter 3: Violin of Harmony
Chapter 4: Remembering the screeching tune in the memory | TBR
Warning: Any chan is used in a gender neutral way
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(Play this song when I say too)
(Play this song when I say too)
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Y/n was walking up to the new campus he was going to be attending. He was here to show the principal his talent. Sure, Y/n's scholarship was set in stone, but the principal wished to see what kind of person he was admitting into his school. Y/n wore a suit to impress the man he was going to be playing for. He had his ebony violin, case in hand, taking deep breaths.
Y/n was hoping it was only the principal who would be there, but this wish was not granted. As he opened the door gently, Y/n was faced with the principal along with someone else. He seemed to be a year older than Y/n. The boy had bright blonde hair as well as matching violet eyes full of gentle passion. Y/n was startled at his presence. Y/n spoke up in an anxious tone.
“Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt..”
Y/n had a soft blush and the teen in front of him found it cute. This boy didn't realize that this interaction would start an obsession in his heart.
“It's quite alright, L/n-chan. Tamaki, you may leave now.”
The blonde boy refused, insisting that he stay. Only someone like the H/c haired person in front of him had his interest. Looking at the stature of the s/c boy, Tamaki had noticed him holding a case. It was a violin case.
'Was this the boy who had been offered a scholarship on talent alone? Father seems to have high hopes for this boy.'
“You may now play Y/n L/n”
That's when Tamaki learned the boy's name. It was a name he would never forget after witnessing this boy at his best.
(Play the song now)
As Y/n pulled out his ebony violin, and the bow, he rhythmically played the song he had prepared. Sure, it wasn't his own, but it was a song he loved. With each bow of the strings, Y/n had swayed rhythmically. Each note hitting the small audience with a passion of which they had never experienced. They felt the emotions that Y/n was feeling.
They didn't understand the effect that this boy had. The sweet notes seemed to have more of an effect on Tamaki. He felt Y/n's sadness, which he didn't understand.
That's when he looked at Y/n's s/c face. He noticed the crystal tears brimming his closed eyes. Tamaki's interest was peaked even more. Why was this boy crying when he played such a beautiful melody? He was going to ask Y/n after he had finished, that was his goal.
Y/n still played, not bothered by the stares he was receiving. His thoughts drifted to his mother, the time he practiced this song with her. The tears overwhelmed his eyes as they gently fell.
Tamaki had begun to worry, should he have interrupted this beautiful peace to comfort the boy in front of him? He hesitated, but Y/n picked up the pace. His fingers placed themselves on each note beautifully. It was as if flowers were blooming around Y/n as he delicately played the song he loved so dear.
And then came Y/n's least favorite part. The moment when the song would end, and his melody would cease. He found so much comfort in the melodies he created, even if they pained him when he played.
Y/n had started to slow down as the bow came to a stop. The song had ended, and it had left the two in front of him amazed. Suoh-san expected highly of the boy in front of him, but not this much talent entering his school. He clapped for Y/n as Tamaki did the same. Tamaki was amazed, and had to befriend this boy in front of him. And just as if his father read his mind, Suoh-san had spoken up.
“Please escort Y/n out of my office, Tamaki.”
This flustered Y/n a bit, and Tamaki couldn't help but be consumed by cuteness aggression. He took the boy's hand and gently lead him out of his father's office. He then turned to the y/h boy in front of him.
“You played beautifully! But I have to ask if it's alright little prince, why you were tearing up? Were you that enchanted with the song you played, as well?”
This question stung Y/n's heart a bit. Should he have trusted this stranger? It didn't help that Y/n was flustered at Tamaki's nickname for him. Lucky for Y/n, a black haired boy had interrupted this small conversation. Tamaki was a bit disappointed, and Y/n noticed this. Y/n reached for the blonde boy out of intimidation of being stared at by the black haired teen in front of them. Again Tamaki was enveloped in his own world of cuteness aggression from this h/c haired boy. Y/n had recognized the boy in front of him to be Kyoya Ootori. His fame was from his family's multiple facilities in Japan. Kyoya seemed to chuckle at Y/n in the situation he was in.
“Who is that behind you, Tamaki?”
The two boys were here on account of their parents asking them to explore the school to make sure their classes were all memorized. But they only went because they had host business to take care of before they had gone back to school. The two also were intrigued about the new student they were getting from America, and they only knew about it because Tamaki's father would not stop talking about it. And the gossip had gripped the Ootori family as well. Was this the real reason behind the families pushing them out of the house? Who knows, only their parents of course. Tamaki had finally answered the question.
“This is the famous musician Y/n L/n! I just heard him play, and it was magnificent!”
Y/n blushed, trying to hide his face. He hadn't gotten this much praise from many, and when he did, Y/n rarely ever reacted like this. What was wrong with him? Kyoya had looked at the tear stained face behind Tamaki. He was taken aback at how someone so elegantly presenting could be so cute to him. Kyoya wished to address something, however.
“Well, it's no good for this elegant musician to be crying now, is it.”
This startled Y/n even more, making his face even more red. What was going on? He was so confused, and Tamaki looked back at the h/c haired boy behind him.
“I had asked him about that, but Y/n has yet to answer.”
The two looked at Y/n which made him anxious. He was seriously debating telling these two about the reason his tears struck when he played. Then Tamaki created an offer.
“Hey Y/n, why not join us to our clubroom? We do have some duties to attend to, and you could tell us over some tea!”
Y/n did really like the idea of tea. It would calm him and make it easier to tell. He was never one to keep secrets about his past if he was asked about him. Y/n nodded and Tamaki excitedly took Y/n's hand and ran with him to the clubroom, with Kyoya insuite. Once the trio had reached the music room, Y/n's gentle voice perked up, which had startled the two boys.
“Why is the clubroom a music room?”
Tamaki had enveloped Y/n which overwhelmed him, gushing about Y/n's sweet voice and how it matched him. Y/n was struggling against Tamaki suffocating him, but Kyoya had begun to explain.
“This music room is abandoned, so we had asked the principal if we could use it. He had said yes, and now it resides the host club and most of its clubs events.”
Y/n nodded in acknowledgement, which made Tamaki blush even more.
“You are too precious, L/n-chan! Come inside!”
“Please don't call me L/n, you can just use my first name Tamaki-senpai.”
This made Tamaki stop in his tracks, leaving Kyoya the one to open the door for them. As if one cue, an overwhelming scent of roses met the boy's face. He was amazed! The elegance of the clubroom astounded him! He also noticed a piano covered in curtains. He so wanted to play it. Kyoya then spoke up.
“We're back gentlemen.”
Y/n had saw 4 boys that walked up to Kyoya. Two of them were identical and seemed to be Y/n's age. One was really tall and seemed to be a 3rd year. The last one he looked at was short and had blonde hair, and didn't seem to even be in high school. The two twins were the ones who noticed Y/n first.
“Who is this Kyoya senpai?”
Y/n stared at the two with fascination. And it seemed to show, since the two twins were curious about the boy in front of him.
“This is our newest member of the host club, Y/n L/n.”
This shocked Y/n. He didn't agree to join the club, and he was never asked. The two twins noticed the shock in Y/n's eyes. It was clear he was trapped by Kyoya.
“Uhm, I don't think you ever asked me to join.”
Kyoya looked at Y/n with a small smile. He knew everything about Y/n and how he wasn't of a rich family. He also knew the reason Y/n had tears in his eyes when he played.
“My apologies, I did intend to ask, but it slipped my mind.”
No it didn't.
Kyoya knew Y/n would join. All because Tamaki was the leader of the group. Tamaki had perked up from his stunned, flustered shock. He grabbed Y/n's shoulder.
“Let me introduce you to all the hosts here! Kyoya, the cool type. Mori, the wild type. His companion Honey, the boy lolita type. And the twins Hikaru and Koaru, the little devil types. And you know me, the prince type.”
After this statement, he took Y/n's hand, making him even more flustered.
“And if you were to join us, little prince, you would be the musician of our group. What do you say?”
Y/n was shocked. He didn't want to remind himself of being a musician. He was trying to separate himself from it because of all the emotional baggage it had on him. Before Y/n could answer, Honey had jumped on his back.
“Wow Y/n-chan you're a musician? Can you play a song?”
Y/n looked at the doe eyed boy. He couldn't resist him and he nodded.
“Maybe, but not right now.”
Honey looked a little dejected, and walked over to his tall friend Mori. This gave the twins a chance to tease Y/n around.
“Aw, come on, Y/n!” 
Hikaru had started the sentence. 
“Play for us!” 
Kaoru had finished it. Then they both spoke in unison that unsettled Y/n. “Or are you too scared?”
Tamaki had pushed the twins away, enveloping Y/n into another hug.
“Leave Y/n alone! Don't listen to those twins, my little prince, you don't have to play.”
This gave Y/n an odd sense of comfort. Tamaki had reminded him of his mother, and this made his heart hurt more than it did now as the tears well in his eyes. He brought up both his hands to try to push the tears out of his eyes. This had made everyone freeze, and Tamaki went into a panic. Even with the brief time they spent together, Tamaki felt incredibly close and enchanted by Y/n.
Tamaki had thought the twins caused the tears of his little prince, so he chased them, saying things like “You made my little prince cry” and “Go apologize to him.” Honey had gone up to Y/n and gave him a big hug of comfort, and Mori towered over the two comfortingly.
“Please don't cry, Y/n-chan! How about you have some cake with me and Usa-chan! Here! You can hold Usa-chan too!”
Honey handed Usa-chan to Y/n and took his hand as they went to the table Honey and Mori were stationed at. Y/n perked up at all the sweets that were presented elegantly. As Y/n took a bite of the cake Honey put in front of him, he was amazed.
He didn't realize that the three boys that were running around stopped as they stared at Y/n. A blush met all their faces as they all found Y/n so cute when eating the cake with Honey. Kyoya then took this chance to ask Y/n something.
“Why not give us a small presentation of your musical talent? Then you can have your tea.”
Y/n really wanted that tea, especially if it was a rich, fancy kind of tea. He took a deep breath and spoke gently, which had surprised everyone due to the tone. They all found it cute.
“Only one song?”
Kyoya nodded, intending to keep his deal. Y/n then got up and looked at Kyoya which made everyone freeze.
“May I sing instead?”
They were all shocked by this. Tamaki had thought Y/n could only play the violin. But he was wrong, and Y/n proved it. Then Y/n had a request.
“May I borrow a guitar too?”
Kyoya nodded, as he went to look for a guitar. Honey looked super excited. All the hosts did as they gathered around where Y/n was sitting. Even Mori's eyes showed excitement.
“What are you going to sing Y/n-Chan?”
Y/n thought on his answer, not knowing how to respond. He then thought of the answer, and it was perfect.
“A song that reminds me of my mother.”
If Y/n was going to join this club, then he had to get over the tears that fell when he sang. Everyone froze again. From the way Y/n's e/c eyes had looked, they knew it wasn't something of happiness. And this whole scene was why Tamaki wanted Y/n to be a host.
(Play the 2nd song now)
Once handed the guitar, Y/n gently strummed it to make sure to tune it. Everyone was on the edge of their seats. Then Y/n plucked the strings of the rough guitar as he placed his fingers on the board. Tamaki was reminded of how Y/n beautifully held his violin and played each note. Then his voice started singing the melody. This caught all the hosts' attention. Each one forming a blush on their faces. Then he started fully singing.
This love it is a distant star Guiding us home wherever we are
The tears started to well, but it was faint. His tone was that of a sad one, but Y/n kept going.
This love, it is a burning sun Shinning light on the things that we've done
Everyone was enchanted by his voice. Y/n had kept singing. Only ever looking at his audience only faintly. The emotion was clear in the playing.
I try to speak to you every day, But each word we spoke The wind blew away
The intensity had grown, then came the chorus. This was when the tears started to threaten to fall. Y/n tried to hold it in. And they all noticed.
Could these walls come crumbling down? I want to feel my feet on the ground And deep behind this prison we share Step into the open air
As the chorus ended, the tears fell. Y/n's gripped the finger board as he pressed harder into the instrument he held. It hurt, but it didn't stop him. The hosts had noticed Y/n's face as it shifted. They all felt sympathy.
How did we let it come to this What we just tasted we somehow still miss
Y/n's voice was still smooth, even when he was crying. The guitar had tears slightly pooling, and it was beautiful in a way. The strumming became faster as more emotion was put into the playing.
How will it feel when this day is done? And can we keep what we've only begun
The hosts had focused so much on Y/n. They noticed his state and all looked at him with sympathy in their eyes. They were all amazed that such a simple song could cause so much emotion in them.
And now these walls come crumbling down And I can feel my feet on the ground Can we carry this love that we shareInto the open air
Here it was, Y/n's least favorite part. The ending of his song. He didn't stop, though. His voice slowed and the strumming of the guitar did too.
Into the open air
There was a slight release of the finger board, and the strumming wasn't as harsh. But even when it was, it was still very delicate. The boys around Y/n were all amazed with the talent Y/n possessed.
To the open air
Y/n's voice softened more as he opened his eyes. He looked at the audience as the final lyric came from his lips. The boys in front of him looked even the more amazed.
This love it is a burning sun
And with that, silence fell as the ringing of the last string being plucked ran through the room. It was only for a moment as the whole host club applauded Y/n. Honey was crying and jumped into Y/n's lap across the table. Y/n held the boy in a very motherly way. This caused everyone's blush to deepen.
“Wahh! Y/n-chan! That was so sad!”
Y/n smiled at the small boy he was holding. He couldn't believe Honey was a 3rd year. He learned about this while Kyoya went to get the guitar for him. Honey looked up at Y/n.
“I'm sorry it had made you sad, Honey-senpai. I'll give you my cake if it'll help you feel better.”
Before he could do anything, Tamaki lunged at Y/n which startled Honey and Y/n both.
“That was beautiful, my little prince! You did wonderful!”
Even if Tamaki had tears in his eyes, it was replaced with a big, bright smile that gave Y/n more comfort. Tamaki was now rubbing his cheek against Y/n's as he brushed his tears away. This made Y/n blush a bit, but everyone around him had this jealous aura. Well except for Kyoya, because he went to get the tea he promised Y/n. The twins were quick to react, however. They pushed Tamaki to the side, which caused him to feel rejected, and put Y/n in the middle of them.
“That was truly amazing, Y/n”
Hikaru spoke, as he took a plate in his hand. Then Kaoru spoke, causing Y/n to look at him cutely.
“Would you like some cake as a reward~?”
The tone was for two things. One was to upset Tamaki, and the other was the pure emotion both twins had felt for Y/n. It was small, and it formed rather quickly, which intrigued both of them. As Tamaki watched in shock.
“Here Y/n, let us feed you!”
Y/n was too flustered to move, and he just accepted them feeding him. Hikaru had gently placed a chunk of the vanilla cake into Y/n's mouth. As Y/n chewed, he was amazed with the flavor. This made Hikaru blush as Y/n chewed slightly.
'His facial expressions are so cute!'
Then Kaoru took a chocolate mousse and a spoon. He gently grabbed Y/n's chin to make him look into his amber eyes. Kaoru placed the spoon to Y/n's lips and fed him the mousse. Y/n was in utter bliss. This helped so much with his feelings directed at his mother. Maybe if he did join the host club, things wouldn't be so bad. Kaoru looked at Y/n's smile.
'That smile is so pretty!'
Both the twins wanted this moment to last forever, but Tamaki didn't. So he pulled the twins by the collars and had a talking to too them. Then came Kyoya with the brewed tea. He poured Y/n a cup and sat down In front of him.
“So, tell me, why were you crying when we first encountered each other?”
Everyone's ears perked up as they once again surrounded Y/n. They all felt panicked that the new boy they all gotten close to was put into tears. They were ready for a fight if anyone had caused it. Y/n froze, and then his story began.
He shared about his mom and his friend, though he didn't mention her name. He shared why he sang and why he stopped. He shared about his father and how they moved to America for a new life. Y/n shared everything and didn't realize everyone looking at him with sad eyes again.
This time Mori was the one who went to comfort him. He stood behind Y/n and pat his head gently. Y/n looked up at Mori and his expression had Mori blushing a bit. Then Y/n spoke again.
“I think.. I'll join your host club.”
Everyone was really happy. Tamaki hugged Y/n tightly, and so did Honey. Both were really happy that this musician would join them. Kyoya smirked, he knew Y/n would join, but it wasn't for the reason he thought. The twins then piped up.
“You'll need the school uniform if you're going to join Y/n”
Y/n giggled at what the twins said. Did they think he didn't have one? This giggle was that of sunshine when everyone around him heard it. They were all stunned.
“I have one, though I didn't plan on wearing it.”
“Why not?”
The twins had questioned him. This boy In front of him had piqued their curiosity in more ways than one.
“Because I quite like this suit better.”
They looked up and down on the figure. It was a f/c suit that fit the boy really well. But it wasn't all that eccentric. It screamed commoner.
 "Nonsense my little prince! I'm sure you will look dazzling!”
Y/n blushed. And from just this interaction, he knew high school would be an experience. But a good one. Y/n decided to wear the uniform and left the room. Tamaki insisted on walking Y/n home, but Y/n gently declined his offer. However, the twins forced themselves on Y/n as to walk him home. 
And Y/n couldn't escape them so he gave up in trying to refuse. They walked Y/n up to the apartment and they said their goodbyes. As Y/n got ready to sleep, he thought about all the boys he met, and how they treated him. Then his mind went to his closest friend, Haruhi. He missed her a bunch, and hoped to see her at school. They were in the same class after all. 
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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sleepyboywrites · 7 months
OHSHC Masterlist
Hey so it's me ya boy, with another fandom I'm in that doesn't have enough xgn or xmale reader fics/ficlets! As always requests are open!
Tamaki Suoh :
Kyoya Ootori:
Mitsukuni Haninozuka (Honey):
Takashi Morinozuka (Mori):
Hikaru Hitachiin:
Kaoru Hitachiin:
Umehito Nekozawa:
Ritsu Kasanoda:
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rustycopper4use · 1 year
It’s Always Been You pt 7
(Kyoya x Male Reader)
Chapter seven
-Jungle Pool SOS-
The palm trees glisten, the sun shines a warm glow. And in the middle of this tropical paradise, resides the host club, lounging on pool chairs.
 Haruhi is looking out onto the scenery, and up behind her is Tamaki.
 “Behold Haruhi.” He puts a hand on her shoulder.
 “Bask in the beauty of tropical birds!  Aren’t they breathtaking? I wonder what they’re called..” Tamaki spoke.
 Now sitting on a chair.
“Um… where was the exit again?” Haruhi tiredly asked.
 “Try to make the most of this down time and just relax. We’re so worried about keeping our good looks day and night, we deserve a little vacation.” Tamaki spoke, holding a drink.
 “Personally I think this is pointless and a waste of time, so can I go home now? I should be studying and I’ve got a ton of laundry to do today. Senpai, where are we anyway?” Haruhi complained.
 “This place is a brand new theme park that my family, the Ootori group runs. It’s called the ‘Tropical Aqua Garden’.”
Kyoya explained. Haruhi turned to look at him.
 “I don’t understand. I thought the Ootori group ran hospitals and that they’re focused on the medical business Kyoya senpai?”
 “Yes, but my family likes to diversify and try different things. Besides, this place could be classified as a healing facility.”
 Haruhi still looked confused at Kyoya.
“It’s therapeutic. Think of all the people that are overworked that would love a vacation in the south tropics. However, they may not be able to take the time off or they may not have the money to do so. Those people can now seek refuge here at this theme park and reduce their stress levels. The Ootori group’s primary concern has always been for the good health and well being of the general public.” Kyoya pushes up his glasses, with a smile.
  “The park doesn’t officially open until next month, but the host club was given an advance invitation.”
Tamaki runs a hand through his hair.  
 “This is so relaxing… we don’t have to worry about keeping our guests entertained, this is truly like a holiday for handsome young soldiers. I guess you would call it…” Tamaki calmly spoke.
“For once Haruhi just take a break, the world isn’t going to end if you do.” Y/n spoke, sitting cross leg on one of the chairs.  
 “Haruhi! You wanna go check out the water slide?” Kaoru walked up to her.
 “Hang on, what’s the deal with that pull over your wearing?” Hikaru spoke.
 “Oh this thing?” She pulled on the yellow hoodie.
“Tamaki couldn’t stand Haruhi wearing anything ‘scandalous’ in front of a group of guys.” Y/n dryly spoke.
 The twins look back at Haruhi.
 “So you’re not gonna swim with us?” Hikaru questioned.
 “Hold on, you do know how to swim don’t you?” 
 “I can swim just as good as the next guy, this just isn’t my idea of fun. I’m not all that big on water parks. We’re just gonna spend all day goofing off. Honestly, I’d rather be at home. I mean all you really need to play in water is a plastic pool.” Haruhi complained.
 “A plastic pool, what’s that?” The twins questioned.
 “Let’s see, I guess they’re about this big.” She moved her hands to show a circle. 
 “Round, and to use it you have to pump it full of air.”
“You dunce.” Hikaru states.
 “That’s an inflatable boat dummy.” 
 “There’s no way something that small can be used as a pool.”
“Guys it’s a small pool! Haven’t you ever seen little kids playing in one!” Haruhi started getting more irritated.
 Tamaki quickly pulls the twins to the side for a ‘private’ discussion.
 Haruhi looks over to Y/n with an exasperated look.
 “You have to know what I’m talking about.” 
 He paused for a moment before speaking with a lazy smile. 
  “No idea what youre talking about.” 
“Haru-chan!” Honey grabs onto Haruhi’s arm.
 “Let’s play! You wanna go swimming in the current pool with me?”  
 “No, I’m not gonna swim today. Hold on.” Haruhi looks down on Honey, looking at the pink circle pool floaty around his waist.
 “You know how to swim, so do you really need that floaty?” Haruhi questioned.
 Honey shakes his head.
“Just looks cuter this way, y’know?” He giggled and pranced over to the pool.
 “You’re right, those bunnies are pretty cute.” Haruhi complimented.
 “He’s so innocent.” The twins happily spoke.
“No way! You got it all wrong!”
A voice thundered across the resort.
 Renge appears on a platform.
“Wait, is that Renge?” Haruhi looks around.
 “Who else would make an entrance like that?” Y/n states.
 Renge laughs, she’s wearing a purple two piece, with a matching umbrella. And a weird tattoo on her stomach.
“How does she do that? It’s like the rig followed us..” Haruhi starts nervously sweating.
 “That outfit’s pretty impressive.” Hikaru spoke.
 “What’s with the tattoo on your stomach?” Kaoru narrowed his eyes.
 “Oh that? You don’t recognize it? I'm cosplaying!” Renge explained.
 “Yeah, as who?” Hikaru continued.
 “La-la!” She proudly answered.
 “Like the manga magazine?” Kaoru spoke, the name ringing a bell.  
 “Her petite and slender frame! Her blue eyes that light up young men’s faces! Her singing voice! I am Quon Kisaragi.” She happily rambles.
 “I wouldn’t have guessed.” Haruhi plainly spoke.
 “I had no idea who you were supposed to be.” Tamaki truthfully spoke.
Renge goes over to Haruhi, excitedly posing showing off her cosplay.
 While the twins crouch down with the prince.
“Hey boss, are you sure it’s okay for Renge to be dressed like that?” The twins whispered.
 “Well yeah, that’s okay.” Tamaki whispered back.
 “And why is that?” Hikaru furrowed his brow.
 “Because it’s cosplay.. I guess.” Tamaki spoke unsure of his answer.
“Listen up boys!” Renge yells.
 “Obviously you need to understand Haninozuka’s hidden motives!” She points at the boy in question.
  Honey jumps into the pool, blissfully unaware of the rest of the eyes now on him.
 “What are you talking about?” Tamaki spoke in disbelief.
 “Think about what he said earlier.” She states.
 ‘Just looks cuter this way, y’know?’
  Shock floods through the Twins, Tamaki and Haruhi, at honey's unlining motivations.
   “That’s Haninozuka for you! In the last chapter he felt threatened by another loli boy type so he’s taken steps to keep his rank. I should give him more credit. He’s a lot smarter than I thought.”    
Renge disappears from her platform taking her back down to the ground.
 “Hey look at this everybody! Check it out! Look, even though we’re swimming really fast we never go any further than we are now!” Honey happily explained, as he was on Mori’s back.
 The host club whips their heads, with a sense of dread.
 Tamaki gets pulled back into reality, by a harsh shot of water to his face, from none other than the twins.
 “I got you.” Hikaru teased, with a devilish grin.
 “Cmon boss, let’s go and have a water fight.” Kaoru spoked.
“It’ll be me and Kaoru against you, and if you get sprayed in the face you lose.” Hikaru explains.
 Tamaki wiped his face off with a towel.
 “Forget it, why would I subject myself to such childish games.” Tamaki rudely declined.
 The twins look at each other, and suddenly Hikaru pulls Haruhi over to them. 
 “Haruhi I think it’s about time we get married.” Hikaru cooed.
 “Then we’ll honeymoon in Atami.” Kaoru smirked, adding more fuel to the fire. 
 Tamaki swipes the water gun, and starts harshly pumping the gun.
 “Do you really think I'd let Haruhi marry you two!” He looks at the twins, who are anxious at his reaction.
 “Daddy says no!” He chases the twins, now out for blood.
  “Kyoya, Wanna bet on who gets hurt first?” Y/n tilts his head with a smirk.
 “What would be the benefit for that?” He looks up from his book.
  “How about this, whoever bets wrong owes the other a favor.” Y/n offered.
 “Do we have a deal?” He smiles.
 “You’ve piqued my interest.” Kyoya agrees.
“Alright then, my moneys on Tamaki.” Y/n vaguely gestures towards the blonde hunting down the twins.
 And as he did Tamaki yelled.
 “That’s cheating!” Tamaki slipped and bashed his head on a totem pole face first.
 The totem made a clicking noise like a button. As soon after loud beeping noise blurts from it. And the current wave begins making harsher and more aggressive waves.
 “That was quick.” Y/n joked.
 Honey is still having the time of his life in the wave pool, giggling unaware of the looming danger.
 A glass shattered, as Mori dropped his glass, noticing the situation.
 “Huh?” Honey, confused, gets suddenly trampled by the wave, launching his floaty in the air, he screams for help.
 “Honey-senpai!” Haruhi yelled.
 Honey gets dragged away by the sharp waves, getting farther and farther from the group. Mori hastily tried to chase after Honey, however the ground had other ideas and made the man stumble and tripped.
“Gentlemen! We’re going after Honey-senpai! That pool looks like it goes that way, charge!” Tamaki and the club run past Kyoya, and Y/n.
 “Wait, i wouldn’t go-“ Kyoya gets interrupted by a chorus of screams now running the opposite direction.
 “There are alligators in there!” Tamaki shirked.
 They run towards another pool only to be ment with the same fate as the last.
 “What’s.. with.. all the.. alligators” Haruhi spoke through panted breath.
 “Beats me too..” Tamaki also spoke out of breath.
“Those alligators belong to the parks tropical animals exhibit. Kind of dangerous to let them run wild. Though, the cause of our present situation seems to be of the switch for the current pool. I’ll have a little chat with our designers.” He wrote in his black notebook, and then snaps it closed.
 “Thanks a lot you guys! I got some great data today.” He spoke with a cheerful tone.
 “You What?” The group looks towards the two.
“This is a map of the Tropical Aqua Garden. This is our location, we need to get here, I have a feeling that’s where Honey-senpai ended up. To get there we have to make it through the southern jungle block. Distance wise we’re talking eight hundred meters.”    
 He points towards the map.
“Looks like there’s a lot of underdeveloped areas, any idea what may be lurking there?” Haruhi questioned.
 “Since they’re still being developed, I’m afraid I don’t know.” He calmly explained.
 “Whatever is in those areas could be even more deadly than an alligator.” The twins dreaded.
The group began to tread the unknown land.
 “Wow this is really like a real jungle!” Tamak praised.
 “Yeah I keep hearing these animal calls.” Haruhi spoke.
 “You don’t think those sounds could belong to the real thing?” The twins fearfully spoked, as bird calls came right after.
  “To be honest I’m not sure, but I do know my family always strives for authenticity at any cost.” Kyoya mentioned not easing the twins' nerves.
 “So we’re sacrificing Tamaki if we run into said animals. Right?” Y/n teased. Before Tamaki could protest, Mori tripped and fell, to the surprise of the group.
 “Great Tamaki infected Mori with his clumsy personality.” Y/n muttered with a tired sigh.
 “Shut up!” Tamaki protests.
 Mori gets himself back up, and Mori sniffs the change in the air.  “Oh it’s about time for the squall.” Kyoya explained, as rain pours heavily right after.
 The hosts find a canopy to seek shelter.
“Hey Mori-senpai, you seem really close with Honey-senpai. Are the two of you like friends?” Haruhi looks towards Mori.
 “You mean you don’t know that they’re cousins?” The twins asked.
 “You're kidding! They’re related?” Haruhi exclaimed, shock at the information.
 “The Morinozukas have been serving the Haninozuka family for generations.” Kyoya adds.
 “I believe two generations ago the familes became relatives by marriage, and soon that dynamic burned out.” Y/n explains.
 “But even so, Mori-senpai has always made a point to accompany Honey-senpai.” Kaoru continued.
The twins cry out.
 “Such a beautiful story.”
 “I don’t know if you would really call that a beautiful story.” Haruhi muttered.
 She walked up to Mori.
 “Hey Mori-senpai, it’s gonna be alright. I’m sure that Honey-senpai is safe, he’s a lot tougher than you might think he is, and if he gets hungry the trees are full of bananas.” She gives a kind smile. 
 Everyone stared, waiting for Mori’s reaction.
 “You’re right.” He gave a faint smile, and slightly ruffled Haruhi’s hair.
 “Don’t tell me Mori-senpai’s out for my spot as Haruhi’s daddy!” Tamaki cried.
 “Tamkai, stop making it weird.” Y/n scolded.
 “Nobody wants that spot but you boss.” Hikaru honestly spoke.
 “That’s kinda creepy, when you really think about it.” Kaoru mentions. 
 “What! Who’re you calling creepy!” Tamaki screeched.
Kyoya's phone rings through The chaos and he answers.
 “Hello? It’s me. Well, we’ve had an incident that’s caused some trouble.” Some mumbled static answers back
 “Yes, at once please.” Kyoya firmly spoke.
 He hangs up.
 “Finally calling your family’s police force.” Y/n teased.
  Tamaki and the rest of the circus starts heading towards their previous planned path, but Mori heads the opposite direction, Haruhi, the only one to notice, follows Mori.
 “My family’s private police force is going to send in a search and rescue team to help us. They’re better equipped for finding Honey-senpai than we are, so let’s just go by the gate and wait there.” Kyoya states.
 But to no avail, the three idiots were too busy bickering to pay attention.
 “Wait, where’s Mori, and Haruhi.” Y/n looks back at the group, noticeably lacking two more members.
 The last five members finally head back to the gate.
 “Y’know, I don’t believe I mentioned to them that there are other visitors here.. Huh, oh well.” Kyoya rather calmly mentions. 
 “How do you forget to mention they’re other people there?” Y/n sighed.
  Crashing and screams echoed throughout the forest.
 The groups go to the noise.
  Mori is in the middle littered with hundreds of unconscious policemen, while Haruhi was in Mori’s arms, along with none other than Honey by them.
 “Haruhi! Are you alright?” Tamaki rushes towards Haruhi.
 “Hey! It’s Tama-chan!” Honey points out.
 Tamaki is too busy aggressively bear hugging Haruhi. 
 Y/n lightly kicked one of the officers, which was followed by a pained groan.
 “Huh, they’re still conscious.” Y/n muttered.
 “Surprise that this is Honey-senpai’s work, he must’ve been holding back.” Kaoru spoke, poking the officer's face.
 “What do you mean he was holding back?” Haruhi pinched Tamaki to let go of her.
 “So then you don’t know about Honey-senpai’s past?” The twins ominously spoke.
 After the explanation the day finally reached its long overdue end. 
  Kyoya is stuck in the host room planning for tomorrow’s event, which was suddenly placed on him as always.
 As quiet taps of the keyboard filled the quiet void, a door swiftly opened.
 “…I want… to cash in that favor you.. owe me.” Y/n panted out.
 “…sorry, give me a second… lots of stairs.”  
 Kyoya raises a brow, and puts his laptop to the side.
 “What do you want?” 
 Y/n takes one final deep breath, more for his nerves than anything.
 “I never got a dance from the spring formal party, given the whole fixing of a fiancé's relationship and all, I mean I’m not complaining, it was so sweet, but I never actually got to enjoy the party-..” Y/n clears his throat.
 “What I mean to say is, I want you to dance with me. If that’s alright, Kyoya.” Y/n spoke.
 Kyoya looks at Y/n longer than he would like, and an uncomfortable silence falls between them.
 “If you insist.” Kyoya gets up from his chair.
 “Wait really?” Y/n spoke.
 “After all you did win the bet.” Kyoya calmly stated.
 Y/n quickly went to play a song on his phone, hands shaking more than he’d like to admit.
 The classical music softly hums.
 “I- uh shall we dance?” Y/n nervously smiled holding a hand out towards him, with a slight bow.
 Kyoya grabs his hand and starts to waltz with Y/n, who’s heart is leaping out his chest.
 In all honesty Y/n himself wasn’t quite sure why he was this nervous, he has had he shares of dances, however this felt odd, not in bad way either but more in the sense of—
  Kyoya dips Y/n, stopping his trail of thought.
 Kyoya's black hair fell out of its usual pristine style, and a cocky smile adorned his face.
 Y/n felt the wind knocked out of him, his heart beating even faster.
 He let out a shaky breath, eyes basically glued to him.
 As Y/n was pulled back up he took a step away from Kyoya.
 “Uh- that was fun but, I'm going to go now! I overstayed my welcome.” Y/n rambled, before bolting out the door.
  Kyoya furrowed his brows, confused at his sudden flee. Ignoring the weird feeling in his chest.
 Y/n got home faster than usual, he quickly opens the door and slams it behind him, haphazardly throws his shoes, he’ll deal with it later.
 He just quietly laid on the floor, trying to cool his overheated body.
 He takes shallow breaths, trying to get his mind clear, but all he could do was think about the dance, like for instance what would happen if he didn’t run away like a coward.
 He pulled his hair in frustration, his hair feeling suffocating at the moment.
 He desperately racked his brain for any sort of explanation, he’s never felt this way before.
 Y/n didn’t understand why he was acting so pathetic about a simple dance that meant nothing, and even more why he wanted to ki-…
  Y/n froze as he thought, he could hear his dread pumping in his ears. 
He began to bite and pick at his nails for comfort, ignoring the pressing issue at hand. He was too dazed he didn’t realize blood was oozing out of his fingers.
 He got up and washed his hands with cold water.
 As he wraps his fingers up he lets out a sad exhale.
 “Of course this would happen… what am I going to do.” Y/n muttered
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oppopotamus · 8 months
I don’t have any specific prompts but if someone randomly sends one without a character or maybe you think of something but don’t know what character to do PLEASE CONSIDER DOING MORE TAMAKI SUOH!!!! Not very many people write for him and your writing is so good!!!!❤️❤️❤️
YESSS i will make sure to do more tamaki for you guys 🫶
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yanderecrazysie · 7 months
all your yan cheater tamaki fics r so good what.
if you hav time, could i request another?
Maybe another ending or something from the blind fic, it could be reader moving on and finding someone else and tamaki gets jealous and tries to bring back their marriage
something like that would be rlly nice 🫂
Of course, my precious anon! This is a bit short, but I had writer’s block and was just happy to get out of that block!
Title: Blind (Part 2)
Pairings: Tamaki Suoh x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing
Summary: You’ve moved on, but Tamaki can’t.
Part 1: here
deprive (someone) of understanding, judgment, or perception:
Who is this?
Tamaki took his place in the first booth in the cafe. You liked this place- kind of a mom and pops hang-out that you always took a corner booth at. You would crack open your laptop on the wooden table, settle into the uncomfortable bench, and type away. You would order a drink. A hot one on cool, windy days, a cold one on hot, humid days. You would smile to yourself as you scrolled through websites he could not see. Put in earbuds and watch YouTube videos or anime.
But not today.
Today, you weren���t playing on your laptop alone. No, today there was no laptop in sight. There was a cold drink in front of you (the weather was warm) and a coffee. 
Probably because you weren’t alone.
The guy you were with isn’t as tall as Tamaki, but he has windswept hair and a smile that looks so genuinely happy and carefree. Your arm laid on the table, stretched out towards the male across from you. His hand drew patterns on the back of your hand affectionately as you two talked.
How did he miss this? When and where did you meet this man? Was he another student at Ouran High School? He didn’t recognize him but, then again, he didn’t really pay attention to anyone that didn’t come into music room 3.
He had felt sort of lost ever since disbanding the host club, but he couldn’t bring himself to flirt with other girls anymore. Even when he was faking his affection, he felt like throwing up all over their poofy yellow dresses. 
You were the only girl he had eyes for anymore.
Not that you cared.
Tamaki watched as you tapped your foot to the soft music playing throughout the cafe. He admired your pretty beaded sandals and then let his eyes stray to the ruffled yellow dress that covered your beautiful figure. No jeans or sneakers in sight.
You had dressed up for this guy.
Tamaki’s heart twisted in knots. It was hard to admire you with that bastard sitting across from you. Your breathtaking smile, your unwavering gaze… none of that was meant for the man huddled away at the table near the entrance, spying on an oblivious girl.
You and the male across from you scooted down the bench, swung your legs from under the table, and stood up. Tamaki held his breath, watching the two of you so closely that he forgot to blink. 
Please just be friends or school project partners… Please just be a relative… Please be platonic…
Tamaki’s heart sank lower with every step you took towards this mystery guy. Let it just be a hug…
But life was not on Tamaki’s side. In the moment that you leaned in to lock lips with the other man, he saw a sort of shadow himself kissing another woman. He wondered if your heart shattered into as many pieces as his did.
He felt numb as he stumbled from his chair to the door. “Tamaki?” No- I don’t want her to see me like this.
Tears stung his eyes as he looked back at you with blurry vision. He could barely make out your face, but he imagined you had a victorious smile on your face. Or maybe you didn’t- you were much nicer than he was, after all.
The worst part was he couldn’t even be mad. He didn’t have a right to be. Your parents had canceled the marriage contract.
The marriage contract… Tamaki’s eyes lit up. Your parents had canceled it out of anger, but they had accepted it because of his father’s offer. His father had lowballed, as he often did.
If he offered more… Well, just what price would make your parents get over their daughter’s opinion and see dollar signs?
You’d be upset, sure, and you’d have to give up your new boyfriend. Don’t worry.
I’ll be more than enough for you.
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prettypinkreverie · 2 years
TAMAKI SUOH + valentines special !!
tamaki suoh (ohshc) x reader ; fluff
short wip that has been stuck in my documents for so long. i decided that it was finally time for me to release it to the world 'cause why not 🤩.
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he had beautiful shimmering blond hair that shone brightly when came in contact with the sun, gorgeous violet orbs that were similar to that of an amethyst, he was gorgeous.
tamaki suoh.
you've thought of him as an annoying ego-centered rich idiot the moment you saw him—especially when he mistakenly found your sister, haruhi, a male.
only those with excellent social standing, and those from filthy rich families, are lucky enough to spend their time here at the elite private school, ouran academy.
and the ouran host club is where the school's handsomest boys with too much time on their hands entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands—just think of it as ouran academy's elegant playground for the super rich and beautiful!”
scratch that, you knew he was an annoying ego-centered rich idiot the moment you saw him.
you and your sister only ever wanted peace in an abandoned music room. unfortunately, the both of you stumbled across a group of filthy rich brats.
you remembered the time you grabbed your sister's hand after hearing the ‘oh-so-wonderful’ speech that was delivered by the dumb blond, only for haruhi to stumble upon a vase that caused the both of you to change your lives forever.
he really was annoying.
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“a little water wouldn't hurt anyone. besides, people are always telling me i'm dripping with good looks!”
he would always praise himself or rather his face. At first, it annoyed you every time—sometimes you would even reply with a sarcastic statement, in which he would only shrug.
but as time moved on, you found it amusing. You found him amusing. his way of showing fatherly love to the members of the club, to you and Haruhi. he was a nice man—an ideal one, as some would say.
“yeah, you are.”
you replied, which only made his eyes grow large. he blinked a few times, only to see your brows fusing together as you gave him a confused look.
“this…—this is the first time you didn't reply sarcastically! i knew you'd eventually fall for me—"
you smacked his head, only to earn a small groan from the blond. he held his nape as he once again lifted his head to turn to you. he pouted his lips and eventually sulked mushrooms in the corner again.
you shrugged at his childish ways, turned around and walked away from him.
fall for him? ha, what an idiot.
you did.
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“what good are dreams if all you do is work? there's more to life than hitting the books you know”
you stopped at his statement. he… actually had a point for once. after spending time with him in the host club, repaying your's and haruhi's debt, you noticed that he wasn't really dumb as you thought he would be.
rather than just being an idiotic spoiled child that had too much time on their hands, you realized that he was somewhat intelligent in one's feelings—even if he mistakenly thinks of his romanticly love for Haruhi as a fatherly one.
yes, you know he loves haruhi.
“thanks, but i am quite aware of that”
you thanked him for the advice and walked away, just for him not to notice the tears that were about to stream from your face. you didn't care where your feet would take you, as long as it isn't in a place where he is.
you didn't know why but you were angry, frustrated, and even… jealous.
gou knew that tamaki has always held haruhi in a special place in his heart, it was obvious. and it was also transparent on how he feels the opposite to you.
he would speak to her in a loving and sweet tone—not the one he would use to entertain girls. one that seemed genuine, one where it seemed like he wasn't just doing it because of his charming prince persona. heck, he even saved her when she fell off the cliff… he even got mad because he was furious at the thought of losing her—ouch.
but when it came to you…
the past few days, your relationship with him just became complicated. when you would come up to him, he would avoid you. before he would just tease you with the same mischievous and charming smile he had if you ever did. he would lean in on you and ask you if you're already running to him to get yourself in his arms.
and even how annoying he is, you missed that.
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“hey, you okay?”
your eyes widened as you heard a familiar voice. It was tamaki. your hands immediately wiped the tears from your face, as if nothing happened. You looked at him and gave him a reassuring smile to his question.
“y-yeah, i'm okay...”
he seemed unconvinced to say the least. nonetheless, he sat next to you. not uttering a single word as he does so. the both of you were silent, sitting in silence next to a blossoming sakura tree.
“you know it kind of awkward—the atmosphere, i mean. don't you think?”
he tries to start a conversation, with the same charming smile he uses with the customers of the club. you look at him and give him a quiet nod. agreeing silently.
“well, i assume you're still not going to talk,”—he says, rolling his lips before continuing—“are you cursed? have you become the princess who lost her voice?”
he chuckles, attempting to lighten the silence. but still not earning a response from you. You only sat there, staring at him soundlessly.
“my heart beat is increasing,” he says after minutes of no response from you. he looks up at the pink-flowered tree, his eyes gazing on the petals that fall.
he turns to you, a small tint of red appearing from his cheeks as he smiles at you. he moves his hand and held it in front of his face, then turned away.
“y-you... everytime I get closer to you, my heart would beat loudly that i couldn't hear anything but it. I was suppose to be the one to bewitch women but why am i the one bewitched by you?”
he continues his confession with a flushed face, still not turning in your direction, “i-i... i tried to avoid you to stop these. but whenever you walk into the room, my eyes follow your figure—making me forget about what i was suppose to do as a host. you were just so—you became and overwhelming presence near me that made me wonder whether mythology's goddess of love and beauty should've been you. and it made me seek out help from haruhi, she just told me to be honest with you. so i—”
you feel emotions mixing inside you at his words, before holding his nape and pulling him closer to you by impulse. not letting him finish, knowing what his next words are gonna be. soon, the both of your lips slowly touched, feeling both of the warmth of each other's mouth. you let your feelings flow through the kiss, responding through actions to his interuppted confession.
at that moment, it was only you, him, a sakura kiss, in a beautiful spring. but he was still an annoying ego-centered rich idiot. this time, your annoying ego-centered rich idiot.
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hello, this thing probs have lots of error and seems incomplete cince i didn't really proofread it—but, um, PLEASE DON'T HATE ME. I'LL DO BETTER!!
anyway, happy valentine's!! (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)
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h8ani · 1 year
Updated Rules List
With my new updated list I’m going to be listing all the requests I’ll be accepting, what fandoms I write for and how you should go about requesting them :)
But also if you are an ageless/blank blog or a minor please do not request me, follow me or interact with me as you will be blocked. thank you.
I also write both nsfw & sfw content, I also label it on my writings I post. I don’t shy away from anything really so if you’re unsure just send me a message and I’ll clarify if I do!
Things I’ll write for: yandere, noncon/dubcon, fluff, angst, smut, age gap, stepcest, professor/student, sensei/student, spanking, choking, slapping, torture, abuse, female x male, drug use, use of sex toys, abusive relationships, issues with eating, etc type shit
Things I won’t write for: anal, piss/shit play, boy x boy, girl x girl (I’m not super comfortable in my writing yet to write for same sex couples yet I hope you guys understand!)
Fandoms I write for:
Attack on Titan - Levi Ackerman, Eren Yeager, Zeke Yeager, Armin Arlert, Reiner Braun, Bertholdt Hoover, Erwin Smith, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer, Porco Galliard
Hunter x Hunter - Chrollo, Feitan, Shalnark, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Ging, Illumi, Wing, Kite, Pokkle
Naruto - Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, Obito Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Minato Namikaze, Shikamaru Nara, Gaara, Neji Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, Deidara, Sasori, Pain/Yahiko, Iruka Umino, Shino Aburame, Hidan, Kankuro, Sai, Genma Shiranui, Izumo Kamizuki, Kotetsu Hagane, Hayate Gekko
Tokyo Revengers - Takemichi Hanagaki, Manjiro Sano, Chifuyu Matsuno, Shuji Hanma, Takashi Mitsuya, Kazutora Hanemiya, Tetta Kisaki, Atsushi Sendo, Nahoya Kawata, Souya Kawata, Ken Ryuguji, Shinichiro Sano, Ran Haitani, Rindou Haitani, Naoto Tachibana, Izana Kurokawa, Inui Seishu
Tokyo Ghoul - Ken Kaneki, Hideyoshi Nagachika, Uta, Ayato Kirishima, Nishio Nishiki, Koutarou Amon
Ouran Highschool Host Club - Kyoya Ootori, Tamaki Suoh, Takashi Morinozuka, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru,
Wind Breaker - Haruka Sakura, Akihiko Nirei, Kyotaro Sugashita, Hayato Suo, Mitsuki Kiryuu, Ren Kaji, Hajime Umemiya, Toma Hiragi, Choji Tomiyama, Jo Togame, Kota Sako
Haikyuu - Shoyo Hinata, Tobio Kageyama, Kei Tsukishima, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Daichi Sawamura, Koshi Sugawara, Asahi Azumane, Yu Nishinoya, Ryunosuke Tanaka, Keishin Ukai, Tooru Oikawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Tetsuroo Kuroo, Kenma Kozume, Kentaro Kyotani, Kotaro Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Eita Semi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Yuji Terushima, Naoyasu Kuguri, Shinsuke Kita, Atsumu Miya, Rintaro Suna, Osamu Miya
Fruits Basket - Shigure Sohma, Kyo Sohma, Kureno Sohma, Yuki Sohma, Hatori Sohma, Hatsuharu Sohma, Momiji Sohma
Demon Slayer - Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Inosuke Hashibira, Genya Shinazugawa, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Gyomei Himejima, Muichiro Tokito, Kyojuro Rengoku, Giyu Tomioka, Tengen Uzui, Obanai Iguro, Muzan Kibutsuji, Doma, Akaza
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Prompt Requests/Writing Requests in general:
I will usually have a link of the prompts to request from, from the original post.
If you’d like to request something I wrote just state what content you’d like and who the character is/member he is
I default by writing in fem! reader pov so please state if you’d like gn! reader
Reaction Requests:
State the type of reaction you’d like (example: reaction of them kissing you mid argument)
For any anime reactions just state the anime, boys you’d like the reaction for
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gloomzi · 10 months
if a character is on this list that means i'll write for them! pls mind the category they fall under as some characters i will only write in queer relationships
italics for who i write best
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this is the x reader section <3
any gender reader: sam riordan, emma meyer
any gender reader: l lawliet, mail jeevas
only male or nonbinary reader: mihael keehl, nate river
only female or nonbinary reader: misa amane, rem
any gender reader: haruhi fujioka, tamaki suoh, kyoya ootori, hikaru hitachiin, kaoru hitachiin, mitsukuni haninozuka, takashi morinozuka
any gender reader: adrian chase
any gender reader: duncan, scott, gwen, bridgette, noah, heather, lindsay
this is the canon x canon section :3
kirishima/bakugou, kirishima/bakugou/shinsou, bakugou/shinsou, kirishima/shinsou, momo/jirou, todoroki/bakugou, aizawa/yamada
mello/matt. that's it sorry.
craig/kenny, kyle/craig, pete/michael, kenny/henrietta, henrietta/wendy, bebe/wendy, wendy/stan/kyle
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alina-dixon · 1 year
Fandoms I write for: (Part 4)
(I Only write x Male readers)
(smut is allowed!)
Call Of Duty: MW2
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- Ghost / Simon Riley
- Soap / John McTavish
- Price / John Price
- König
- Alejandro Vargas
Black Butler:
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- Sebastian Michaelis
- Ciel Phantomhive
- Claude Faustus
Ouran Highschool Host Club:
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- Tamaki Suoh
- Kyoya Ootori
- Takashi Morinosuka/ Mori
Sally Face:
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- Sal Fisher
- Larry Johnson
Mass Effekt Andromeda:
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- Scott Rider
- Gil Brodie
- Reyes Vidal
Resident Evil Village:
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- Ethan Winters
- Carl Heisenberg
- Chris Redfield
Resident Evil 2:
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- Leon S. Kennedy
Days Gone:
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- Deacon st. John
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vampdes · 3 years
hiya there:) can i request a tamaki suoh (ouran highschool host club) x bottom!sub male reader smut?
kinks specifically would be: degradation, repeated edging, marking, slight humiliation, nd any other stuff u feel like throwing in there lmao
i'm not entirely sure what "aesthetic" implies, if it just means like the pictures u put on the thingy majig than i feel like a preppy/school aesthetic would fit most!
i am new to your account so please tell me if this violates any rules you have! i have recently fell in love with your writing though, so any response would be amazing. tysm :)
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ; Tamaki Suoh x M! Reader
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 ; kisses given here and there, to give him more '' strength'' to continue his studies. however, when you suggested a '' strip tease'' with such an innocent look in your [E. Color] hues, he couldn't let to opportunity pass him by.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ; NSFW: choking, slight humiliation, praise, sexual teasing!!<3 & sadistic t. suoh!!<33 (some-what vampire! t. suoh??)
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TAMAKI SUOH KNEW HE WAS the proclaimed golden boy of Ouran. However, if anyone knew how sadistic his nature had become since he met the '' angelic '' boy of Ouran. Both titles held great value. And both titles, were such liars. Fables, tales, words that didn't apply to the said two males. Those words didn't describe the two, the descriptions were the complete opposite. Why mustn't the words begin to describe much more? If only the students of Ouran know the two's nature, would they believe that they were so wrong about the '' angel'' and '' golden boy''.
His soft, plush white lips were connected with yours in an instant. His hands held your thighs, his nails slashed into them. He kissed you with so much burning passions and lust that your mons couldn't be engulfed with just his lips. It'd been so, so long since both males had the time to hold each other. The missing touches both had longed for, it was pure lust in the many breathless kisses the two shared.
'' Ta-'' You tried to say, getting hushed by the powerful lips of your blonde lover. You showered his tongue with whimpers and moans. Moving your lips from his, your chest heaved up and down. '' W-We have to stu-dy..!'' You cried out as he placed you on the California King sized bed, ignoring your protests and excuses. '' Shut up. Take what you're given, whore.'' He spat; no true venom was laced around his tone. You trembled, even when he called you such a vile name, you still felt the need for him to have his hand latched onto your neck, squeezing out the air circulation in your veins.
Tamaki hovered over you, his slender hands tracing lightly from your waist to your thighs. He didn't give you a second glance as you moaned when he stabbed his sharp, manicured nails into your flesh. The markings he saw, the face you made, the noise that erupted from you throat, he wanted to continue to mark your whole body. Love-bites.
The blonde male sunk his teeth into your shoulder, causing you to grip his shoulders tightly. '' Nngh! Mm-!'' You cried out loud, tears leaking from your eyes. The beautiful husk of Ouran's golden boy soon became the husk of a sadistic fuck who wants nothing more than to see his pretty boy cry his heart out. Choked sobs left your trembling lips.
He licked the bruise with his wet tongue, the metallic taste flooded his mouth. '' Tama, please!'' You spoke between your whimpers. Licking his lips, he raised from his bent over position, towering over your vulnerable frame. '' Please, what?" He questioned teasingly, the same devilish grin on his face. He taunted you, teasing your aching body. Tamaki's slender finger traced the eldest marking he made on your body with the tip of his soft, smooth finger. The taunting and the teasing began to make you cry to the painful, aching cock that lay in between your beautifully marked thighs. His purple eyes showed such sadistic nature, such horrid glimpses of what he wished to do to you.
The night's tension grew thicker. Much thicker than Tamaki intended, but it's what made the situation so much better. The way his hand pulled, squeezed, and gripped your cock was so much worser that before. The painful feeling you endured wasn't one you'd claim to be a burden on your behalf.
Tamaki's cock ached at the sight of you trembling whenever his finger traced the markings, it was more than just trembling. Precum dribbled onto your lover abdomen. He couldn't stand it anymore, he wanted to hear the painful noises you made when he stuffed your insides full. '' Wouldn't you like your reward now?'' You nodded reluctantly and frantically. With his two index fingers, he lifted your chin to meet his sadistic gaze with your glazed over eyes. '' Promise you'll be a good boy.'' You voice choked up as he stuffed your mouth with his index fingers. You gagged on the feeling of his fingers toying with your tongue.
He haphazardly took off his shirt and stripped write in front of your eyes. The honorable feeling of seeing his cock right before your eyes was just such a grateful feeling on your behalf.
Without any prep whatsoever, he plunged his rock-hard cock into your plump ass. '' I-It hurts! Ta-Tamaki! It hurts! Ple-Please!'' You begged, scratching the golden boys back. The indented marks you made were sure to last for a while. He pressed hard on your stomach, feeling the bulge increase with every thrust. His tip prodded at your stomach, the intense feeling making your body go numb and your brain short-circuit.
Incoherent words were babbled from your lips, your eyes rolled in the back of your head. Tears stained your cheeks, running down to your neck. He pulled out of you; you cry at the sudden loss of heat in the pit of your stomach. Cum leaked from your cock and onto the light blue bed sheets. '' You're such a whore for my cock, aren't you? Screaming my name. Fuck,'' He cursed, hissing as you tightened around him when he suddenly entered you, '' you make me so fucking crazy.''
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@ iisakume 2022 - all rights reserved.
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Of A Melody there once was | Ouran Highschool Host Club x Male reader
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This is one of my longest fanfics ever! It's been sitting in my head, rotting away. The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!
Description: Of A Melody there once was | {You are here}
Prolouge:  Prologue before the Chorus begins 
Chapter 1: An introduction to the first note
Chapter 2: The joining of notes to create a nostalgic song 
Chapter 3: Violin of Harmony
Chapter 4: Remembering the screeching tune in the memory | TBR
Chapter 5: TBD
Chapter 6: TBD
Chapter 7: TBD
Chapter 8: TBD
Chapter 9: TBD
Chapter 10: TBD
Chapter 11: TBD
Chapter 12: TBD
Chapter 13: TBD
Chapter 14: TBD
Chapter 15: TBD
Chapter 16: TBD
Chapter 17: TBD
Chapter 18: TBD
Chapter 19: TBD
Chapter 20: TBD
Chapter 21: TBD
Chapter 22: TBD
Chapter 23: TBD
Chapter 24: TBD
Chapter 25: TBD
Chapter 26: TBD
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LOADING. Of a Melody There once was into queue..
Of a Melody there once was loaded succesfully ┗━•❃°•°❀°•°❃•━┛
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Where a boy of great renowned for his musical talent was accepted to the one and only elite school, Ouran Academy. His once quite tune will become that of which is a boisterous song for all to hear! And this is all thanks to the help of 7 people in the famous Host Club. Some wouldn't even think twice that this boy was a commoner.
Warning: Music and art isn't mine, I do not own ohshc, but I do own this story. Talks of sexual assault and other forms of abuse, but not explicit
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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banzaitaka · 2 years
I'll just copy paste while changing it to one fandom ^-^
Hello! Can I please request Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru in a hurt comfort fic where the male reader realizes they're bi because they've fallen in love with the character, but the reader is afraid their friendship with the character will end if they confess?
Preferably a sort of comfort fic where the character actually does love the reader and they end up together?
Thank you very much for writing and not being mad ^-^
Hooh hooh hooh hooh hooh okay okay okay okay I got this
This was way harder than it had to be q_q
Ouran Highschool Host Club Masterlist
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
Hikaru Hitachiin x male! reader
Kaoru Hitachiin x male! reader
Tamaki Suoh x male! reader
Bi panic
(Y/N) broke out in a cold sweat. This wasn't really happening, was it? No, the bi panic felt too real, as he eyed his friend from across the room. Damn, he looked good in that suit...The girls around him ruined the picture, though. The amount of jealousy crawling up inside of the male was almost suffocating. It hadn't been long since (Y/N) started to feel this way whenever he saw the host doing his host thing, and he really hoped this phase would go away soon.
There was no way he could like his friend that way. He never even considered being into guys too, and this was a terrible way to find out. What was he supposed to do? Wait this out and let the feelings build up inside him until he eventually gets invited to his friend's wedding years later? Or come out of the closet and confess his affection and make things awkward between the two? (Y/N), a pessimist, was going crazy.
Wait, did he just admit liking his friend? Fuck, shit. No, this was bad.
It wasn't until said friend pulled him to an empty room one day that his mind completely shut down before it could explode. "You haven't been acting like yourself...", is how he explained his worry.
(Y/N) bit his bottom lip, his heart pounding so hard it was almost painful. He didn't even react when tears of panic and fear rolled down his cheeks.
"I...I like you, okay?? And- And I think that's why we shouldn't be friends anymore...", that was a lie, he would never want this friendship to end. But the words just dripped out of his mouth, rejecting himself before the host could. "I get if this makes you uncomfortable, and I swear I just recently found out I was bi. I didn't befriend you because I wanted to date you-"
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"Shut up.", Hikaru's words came out way harsher than intended, but he couldn't help the anger. (Y/N) flinched, immediately shutting his mouth. He was too occupied holding back his tears, he didn't notice Hikaru holding back his own. "Why the hell would you think that?", the brunette was met with silence, he clenched his jaw tight, "(Y/N), look at me!", he grabbed the shaking male by the shoulders and forced him to look at him, "How dense can you be...?"
Hikaru looked frustrated, flustered, angry...the sight shocked the (Y/HC)-haired. Both of them froze once their eyes locked, suddenly overwhelmed by the situation. It was like they both got woken up by a sudden loud noise. The host felt his cheeks getting hotter and hotter, as the other's words finally started to sink in.
(Y/N) liked him...he liked him. He had been too angry to hear (Y/N) assume such things that his actual confession was secondary to him. But now it started to hit him. And that embarrassed him. It was Hikaru that he liked. Not Kaoru. It was Hikaru, and Kaoru wasn't even in the picture. Multiple people confessed to the twins and couldn't care less about which twin they ended up being together, but (Y/N), he cared.
A little yelp escaped (Y/N)'s throat, suddenly pulled close to Hikaru's chest in a tight embrace. "I like you too...dumbass...", a shiver was clear in the male's voice, which made him hit himself on the inside, "About time you came out and said it..."
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"I thought you would never notice me."
(Y/N) snapped his head in Kaoru's direction, disbelief clear in his teary eyes. He couldn't believe what he just heard, but being met with Kaoru's sweet smile, and a blush adoring his cheeks, it was hard to disprove. The brunette laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his head, "I was trying really hard to make you realise how I feel about you, you know?"
The (Y/HC)-haired began stuttering nonesense, nothing that could be recognized as words at all, overwhelmed by this unexpected turn of events. Kaoru laughed again, "You're so cute.", he cooed and booped (Y/N)'s noise, playfully. But no matter how calm and collected he seemed on the outside, the host was doing cartwheels of unbelievable joy on the inside. He just felt he should contain himself, seeing how struck (Y/N) was.
The two of them sat in near silence for a few moments in order to calm down, with the brunette giggling and the (Y/HC)-haired letting out gasps instead of words, with a small smile appearing on his own face nonetheless. And once they did cool down, Kaoru gently grabbed (Y/N)'s hand, "So...wanna go on a date?"
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For another minute or two (Y/N)'s rambling went on, avoiding any eye contact with Tamaki. Said male initially didn't know what to do, what to say. He himself only recently had his bi discovery, and didn't expect his crush to feel the same. (Y/N) was always there for the blonde and supported his dreams and goals, no matter how ridiculous they seemed to be.
Tamaki zoned out. He still heard (Y/N)'s voice, but didn't hear the words he was saying. A hand rose to his face to cover his mouth, while the other supported his elbow. Was it getting hot in here? His face felt incredily hot.
Only once the (Y/HC)-haired dared to look him in the eyes, the host snapped out of it, "So, you like like me, huh?", he stuttered out, definitely not the way he wanted to sound, but he just didn't seem to get the needed confidence, still in shock, "Wait, why are you crying...?", he moved his hand to wipe away the male's tears with his thumb, now concern adoring his face instead. (Y/N) swallowed, repeating his words, "Yeah, I like like you, but...You can just...We can just forget this and-"
"What do you mean 'forget this'??", the blonde's sudden loud voice made him flinch, "I could never forget this." Clearing his throat, Tamaki pulled (Y/N) into a stiff, yet loving hug, "I'm new to this whole guy likes another guy thing, but I will be the best boyfriend ever for you. Just you wait."
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