#tana mongeau could never
chezzabellesworld · 5 months
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Part two
Moon signs and your mum
Cancer moon 🌑🥀💫🦀♋️😇
I’ve noticed with cancer moons, they fall into one of two categories. They fall into the one where they can be quite abusive with their mother, or they are attached to their mother dearly. They will defend their mother to her deathbed mother is everything think their moonshine is cancer. That is the home of the moon, the mother everything where you came from and have this moon placement is really significant specially for the likes of someone like Drew Barrymore, mother was a stage mother and not very good to do. She let her go out partying and taking drugs when she was like 13 maybe younger, and of course she’s a Pisces, and that’s like that goes through the territory and a Gemini rising, if they have that right It’s very sad I feel like cancer so good at picking up the energy of a room and knowing how to deal with it. You also get the stone cold ones who are like don’t care and we’ll just do it as they don’t care about the social graces and they don’t care about trying to fit in which to me is actually a lovely trait. You know where you are with someone like that rather than someone crawling all over like eczema , they like to either be the counsellor or council others. I had a cancer moon boyfriend. In fact I have had two cancer boyfriends and they had two sides of them. Definitely one of them was an Aries and one of them was a Pisces, the Pisces, one was very deep and sentimental already, but he was also could be an eternal victim whereas the other one was had this weird relationship with his father. The mother was everything he loved his mother and he put a lot of emphasis on his mother and the time they spent together, but his father never wanted him so he always had that energy so my astrology now he’s teaching me teaches me that the fourth house can also be father , it’s a put if a cancer is going to have to choose between a parent every time it is going to be mum, even if they have a very close relationship with the father it’s always going to be my mother . you may have had a mum who is very emotional, very heritage and learning about her lineage, she may have had a very stressful start herself emotionally she in the dark and she could’ve had issues getting pregnant. You may have been adopted she could’ve been Baron on the lighter and she could’ve got pregnant really easily and had a lot of children definitely an emphasis on children and emotions. Your mother may also have been mentally ill and you may have felt like a bit responsible for your mother’s feelings. She could’ve been very emotional about your father or her partners and you have protected for all that cancer and moon, who she loved ever so much .
People say that Gemini or Libra placements can be bisexual or lesbian, but I’ve tend to disagree. I feel like people have got strong cancer placements will either be queer, bisexual, pansexual, bisexual, pansexual and the rest, but some of them may pull against that and be closeted case in point Taylor Swift, a lot of her fans believe that she’s secretly gay and has gay relationships instead of the relationships that her PR team put out and if you listen to a lot of her songs which I haven’t, but I know by listening to her fans they’re very pro woman, and I love that maybe because of my Some of them will be quite stone cold like Kurt Cobain, one of my favourites and Courtney Love they could be a quite wild. Can’t is a crazy fuck at the moonchild. Don’t be too hard on these people because they they have the moon cycle like every two days, and it’s gonna fuck with them specially if they’re a cancer rising, and they’re gonna fill that intensity and ability Mariah Carey Aretha Franklin they’re both Aries and they both fucking speak their truth and they ain’t gonna lie about it they don’t know her.
Some celebrity examples of having a cancer moon would be Courtney Love, Tana, Mongeau, Drew, Barrymore , Mariah Carey, Taylor, Swift, Shakira, Kurt Cobain, because that’s face of his feminine , Drake,  Vanessa Paradis, Gwen Stefani,  Kris, Jenner, Queen, Camilla  Janis Joplin and  Sophie Vergara . 
Leo Moon 🛍️💘✨😎♌️🦁🌝
The Leo moon and the relationship with their mother Leo actually rules the father so to start off with. We’re not rolling a mother like planet. These guys might have quite masculine energy and may have needed a father figure in their life, even though they didn’t get that, so the mother becomes complicated and almost a third wheel on this relationship, I get this as I’ve got a Leo moon sister, and I feel like she really needed a father. Her father had horrible. Things said about him in the family that he was a child abuser, and I’ve never really ever spoken to my sister about this, but my sister exerts such a masculine energy and I get it because I’m Leo son but it feels like a lot of it locked away. She has very sarcastic sense of humour. She’s an Aries son, the mother almost becomes an irritant so the mother on the end may be narcissistic. Maybe all about her a bit of a victim. This is just how the child sees it. It may not be completely true, but the child is true. The mother may also be a bit emotionally distant from the child, and not so attached to the child on the lighter end of the spectrum, the mother could’ve had quite an easy-going approach but could’ve also been strict in earlier childhood and the early years and then when it came to adult which this child peaked to a younger age they didn’t get as much attention as they maybe should from like their brothers and sisters as their brothers and sisters dead they can feel like a bit lost so they could constantly trying to be striving for that male energy in their life, which can be very exhausting like I feel a lot of Leo placements are looking for that father approval daddies daddy saying like it’s okay so on the lighter and your mother could be very kind, very gentle very humbling she could be entertaining. She could be a caring mother a hands-on mother. She could also be shy at times and sensitive and a lot of the times people don’t get this about Leo energy. This may rub off to you. You can be very quiet but you could also have a very sensitive deep side and if people say something to you that well you up you may it may hurt you for a very long time you may all see partners that are quite a bit older than you as that emphasis like I said on the father other than the moon sign previous to you which is cancer which is doing the opposite of what you’re doing. They’re doing it to their mother, not their father so is a Leo moon always know that you are loved whether your father was there or not you are worth to be loved and you deserve that respect. You deserve the love and know that you are worthy of any kind of love and if anybody hurts you, it says more about them and it says about you I know that you’re sensitive Leo I love you as a Leo son kiss kiss examples of Leo moons
Lana Del Rey, Megan Fox Monica Bellucci, Julia Roberts, Queen Elizabeth the second, Paris Hilton, Megan Thee Stallion, Renée Zellweger, Jane Fonda, Dakota Fanning
I’ve definitely noticed there’s an emphasis on the father like I said with Leanne and them trying to find that relationship with men that’s definitely examples of the mother also though with people like Megan Thee Stallion who is orphan from young adult from her mum and her dad. Her mum was the one who inspired her to be a rapper, but died just before she became famous Very sad. Lana Del Rey seems to be influenced a lot by men and men culture and sexual culture, but that could be like I say high school rising coming into the mix as well which is also about men because it’s ruled by Mars and then her mum is in cancer. So yeah there’s just a lot going on there I feel like Leo moons are very reserved and back and like I said they’re more sensitive than they let on so if theycome across this shitty or arrogant to you just know that this isn’t who they really are they’re just it’s just a bravado with Leo sometimes
Virgo 🌑 moon 🌚🧐♍️🌪️🍏
If you’re a Virgo man, you probably go out with a mother that was maybe very cautious. She might’ve been cautious about your health. She might have been quite dynamic and flexible. She also might have turned her nose up at other people she might have felt like her actions were always the right actions, and she was always right with that earth, sign energy and your relationship with her may have felt very Verbal all about verbality, she could’ve been a massive talker. She could’ve been very sociable. She might’ve made you be quite neat and tidy and make sure that you had that as an ability to be clean and sensible, she might have also taught you all different types of lives out there and not to get caught up in anything. She wanted to pass you on the front of knowledge with Mercury ruling that sign as well as Gemini means he might have had a very social house I have found sometimes with Virgo means to be quite abusive and like I said with dark side and like it’s end of the signs that not every sign is going to have those attributes, but you need to be aware that you come off is quite abusive, emotionally, passive, aggressive, and almost jealous of other peoples happiness or if this is not the case this is the case with your mother, it can be a very psychic placement.You were taught to be very adaptable for a young age your needs emotionally. You need someone who you can intellectually understand you so when you can have a really good chat with Someone you can bond with on that level, but you say might have a tendency to be an introvert and need your own time you’re not the biggest socialiser ever which is some misconception with Virgos. Virgos can actually suffer with anxiety quite a bit but they might have verbal diarrhoea, if they were brought up in a hectic household they were to self soothe maybe from a young ,age. having this placement, you may have also appreciate where in a conversation and use with as a way to get free things but also you may have a really good sense of humour due to this when it came to hell maybe your mother was over cautious with your health. Maybe you had a lot of health problems or stuff suffered with stomach problems upset stomach or diarrhoea and that comes with the anxiety which rules Virgo and also the stomach. You may find things that are really good for this, such as yoga any kind of exercise, walking or reading, also may have a very good singing voice and may be inclined to the arts of music or playing an instrument. You definitely have the attention span to do so, you may have felt like your mother didn’t encourage you enough at sometimes so you had to do it yourself. Virgo grows up from a very young age and I have noticed this placement moves out of home, very young or to another relatives house and that’s not, Virgo means that’s placements. 
Celebrity placements Sharon Tate,Madonna,Nicki Minaj ,Selma haiak,Blake lively , Jodie foster , Jada pinkett smith ,cab
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jovalencia · 3 days
blue always felt like she could never love anyone but the problem is she loves everybody too much. tana mongeau head in hands.jpg
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15ktherapy · 9 months
my stan standards are kinda crazy but also not but also idk how to put it exactly. like. I watch this one tea channel and I have been for like a few years and I lowkey stan some of these freaks. like i looove tana mongeau a little bit. she’s absolutely a scammer and a bit of a bitch but like. at least she’s not a snake. my stan standards are rlly just don’t be a vile little snake and don’t be a bigot. like I also like Trish a little although I’m usually more mixed on her I normally just feel. so. bad for her. like Trish girl you have done some shit but like. I hope things better better for you a little.
bitches like Jeffree though?? SNAKE. snake ass bitch I could never even pretend to like you.
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muertawrites · 4 years
story time.
yo okay so while i’m talking about writing that sokka x reader step sibling fic it has brought up a memory that is literally just too wild not to share with y’all so hold on to your tits it’s about to get weird.
i grew up in a pretty sheltered town. it wasn’t a super small town (the population was over 100,000 when i lived there), but it very much functioned like one - i.e. everybody knew each other and was into each other’s business. you couldn’t walk two steps without running into someone you knew or go a single day without finding out someone’s deepest darkest secrets. it could get pretty high stakes, but it was the kind of trashy reality tv drama we live for as human beings. 
when i was in high school, i was a part of the school choir. i wasn’t friends with everyone (i did my best to keep my distance so i could stay out of the local gossip, which worked in my favor because probably only two people from high school know what’s become of me or even care and honestly good, i like to keep an air of mystery about myself as far as people from my past are concerned), but some of my friends were friends with a kid named jesse, who was also in choir. he was your quintessential early 2010′s hipster: scruffy hair, tiny pubescent mustache, buddy holly glasses, listened to shit like the smiths, and wore nothing but skinny jeans, cardigans, and moccasins, even when it was summer and 115 degrees (f) outside. he was also buck toothed and looked like a rat. 
we never really spoke to each other, but i always got the sense that we wouldn’t get along if we did, so for four years jesse and i basically had a mutual, unspoken “mind your own business” agreement which worked out pretty well (one of my friends from freshman year who was a notorious homewrecker kept trying to fuck him despite him having a girlfriend, but by that time she and i had cut contact so that was as close as we ever got to having any kind of in depth interaction with each other. you know, small town things.)
we graduate high school and part ways, i moving across the country to the cancerous tumor that is the state of delaware, and jesse moving absolutely nowhere and enrolling in our town’s shitty community college. one of my close friends who also attended the college had a creative writing class with him, in which a lot of the focus centered on short stories. i forget what the prompt was for the assignment i’m about to recall to you, my beloved readers, but part of the project was a peer review; and who does my friend get paired with for hers? that’s right, darlings - our favorite urban outfitters mannequin, jesse. 
now, before i go any further, i want to be very open and outright about two important facts of this recollection: i have not changed jesse’s name for the sake of his identity, and i don’t feel any remorse in not doing so. i might still be playing by small town rules, but anybody who does the sort of thing i’m about to relay to you and doesn’t expect any future exposure and subsequent embarrassment from said thing deserves all the shame they have coming to them (and yes, i do realize that i run and am posting this to a self-insert fan fiction blog, but i will state for the record now that i am open to any roastings that will come years from now because of it. i’m not the type of bitch who can’t own her weird.) 
anyway. my friend calls me one night while she’s reviewing jesse’s short story and she has the juiciest news for me - the project that he’s turning in is erotica. and not the type of erotica that is beautifully written, leaves readers feeling all kinds of hot and bothered, and is kept in sock drawers for generations because, let’s face it, humans have been horny as fuck since we were producing porn via cave paintings. oh no. this is some bad sex awards, rough and ready dramatic reading (shoutout to my ancient tumblr folk, lest we forget those galloping abs), literally too cringe-inducing to read erotica. 
jesse’s short story was about himself. it was about himself, home alone with this step sister (who doesn’t exist in the real world, but looks uncomfortably similar to a bitchy girl who ruined my friendship with my equally bitchy ex best friend, who were both part of his circle of friends), when the step sister in question approaches him out of the blue and inquires him for sex in their laundry room atop the running dryer. 
let me repeat myself. 
jesse from high school wrote a short story about himself fucking his imaginary step sister on top of a dryer and handed it in as an actual assignment for an accredited college course. 
i don’t think even pornhub could make this shit up. 
my friend was too good of one to read me any of it aloud, but based on her description of events, it read a lot like watching one of those internet pornos where the step sister gets stuck in some precarious position and the step brother rapes her with very “tee hee, oops!” overtones (we are giving jesse redemption points for, despite making his step sister character a one dimensional fuck toy, at least having fantasies that are based on consent). 
i can’t be hypocritical and say that i don’t have fantasies - everyone does! hell, the whole reason i’m taking the time to sit here and write this down instead of writing the stuff you guys actually want to see is because i have an idea for a self-insert fanfiction in which the reader is a certain character’s step sibling and they have feelings for each other, and the situation reminded me of this dark comedy of a repressed memory. 
but did i ever shamelessly try to submit any of my fanfiction for credit towards my bachelor’s degree? no. nobody should do that. but jesse from high school did.
and, horrifyingly enough, that’s not even the worst part of this story. no - the worst part is that when they turned in their final drafts, their professor liked jesse’s submission so much that he praised it and read sections of it aloud to the entire fucking class. going to a four-year state university was awful, but i can at least find peace in the fact that none of my professors would have ever even considered accepting smut for an assignment, let alone openly spreading it around for other students to see.
if you take anything from this strange experience from the archives of my equally as strange life, let it be one of these - there are people out there who have far less talent than you have and are still praised for their skill, so there’s no reason you should be unsure of yours, or (for the kiddos who are either in college or will be there in the near future) don’t use your dirty fantasies as a source of content for any of your scholarly work. 
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lochnessies · 3 years
genuine question: how much do you think 3H fandom's issues fall down to basic media illiteracy, like the concept of unreliable narrators, character arcs or framing? because like.
"dimitri bad!" yes, he is condemned for this in his own route and he has a character arc to grow and change. he doesn't do this in the other 3 routes bc in one he is fine and the other 2 he is dead because his original thought process literally got him killed and he could only succeed once he abandoned it. it is almost like. this was the point. why even bring it up, we know that he did bad things. we played AM and understood the narrative being told, you see
honestly, in my personal opinion, most of the fandom’s problems come from this. now the game’s structure and writing itself isn’t free of blame but it would be disingenuous to place all of it on intsys.
and usually (don’t come for me for saying this bc i know someone will) these literacy issues come from a certain section of the 3h fanbase. once again, it would be disingenuous of me to place full blame on she-who-must-not-be-named’s stans but it is undeniable that there is a common denominator with their arguments.
i wouldn’t even chalk it up to them not knowing about unreliable narrators, character arcs, and framing bc they’ve shown that they do know with their analyses. for example:
seteth is an unreliable narrator because he says edelgard wants to make herself a false goddess when she clearly doesn’t
byleth has a character arc when they go from a cold mercenary to a human in crimson flower
crimson flower can’t be a villain route because the overt tones are saying you are the heroes
now these are surface level observations that are completely false but the fact that they are used shows that they are aware of these narrative devices.
i think the problem lies in their attachment to you-know-boo. they can’t possibly fathom that their little princess actually is the one you can’t trust and that her words are worth less than tana mongeau’s cryptocurrency. that everybody other than edelgard goes through a negative character arc. that the reason the cf tones are positive is bc of the ignorance theme but if you know the lore you see the cracks
the framing of white clouds is that the church is this evil shadow over fodlan and edel is this trailblazer that will forge a new dawn for fodlan. you see her laugh, cry, and be a teenage girl. then there’s the big twist in the holy tomb where you are forced to come to terms that you were just played like a fiddle. edel may still be a cute teenage girl but she’s also a liar, a terrorist, and an enemy to peace. however, since byleth is effectively a blank slate, you don’t get this internal dialogue and in the heat of the moment the player is most likely going to side with her.
then you get to crimson flower where everything edelgard did or was complicate in is swept under the rug and never mentioned again. the assassination attempt? flayn’s kidnapping? remire? the western church? her weird ass dad? it might as well have never happened so the player forgets about it.
so when they get involved in meta and the fandom they’re doing it from an edelgard centric view. she’s the one who’s right and everybody else is unreliable. edelgard goes through a character arc and dimitri and rhea are just lunatics. crimson flower is a brilliant dawn so how dare you insinuate that there’s something rotten in the state of denmark?
then there’s the fact that cf, and by extension edelgard, simply appeals to a more self righteousness mindset. now i’m not saying everybody who likes her has their head up their own ass, but if you go to places like r/edelgard it’s just a circle jerk of people stroking each other’s egos and talk of how everybody else is too simple minded to understand how complex edelgard and her motives are [enter zero escape meme here]. you’ll also find the same on tumblr and twitter but they’ll probably call you a sexist or homophobe or some other buzzword that has lost all meaning at this point.
they’ll continue talking and badgering you and flood comments, notes, and forums on ‘why edelgard is clearly the best and why can’t you just see it’ until everybody is exhausted and leaves. they’ll then strut around like they won an argument and are valid in their opinions bc nobody is arguing with them anymore.
so yeah, they’re 100% aware of these devices it’s just that a mix of bad structure, superficial meta, willful ignorance despite the evidence to the truth, and in some occasions just a personality flaw that has created this never ending nightmare we know as the fe3h fandom.
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parkersharthook · 4 years
Some Very Specific Hypotheticals
(Tom Holland x female!reader)
warnings: it’s thirst tweets so it’s slightly smutty and risque
1.5k+ words
a/n: so I got all of the thirsty tweets towards tom from jordan fisher’s video (x) and all of the thirsty tweets towards the reader from tana mongeau’s video (x). I did make up a few of my own lol but most of them come from those videos
Edit: I recognize tana is problematic and I only used her in one of the tweets bc I had originally gotten these thrist tweets from her video. I don’t actually watch/like her so I was unaware of her issues until recently when she came up in the news (I still don’t really know what the whole situation was tbh) anyways.... I changed tana mongeau to anna kendrick bc i have a crush on her lol
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requested: Could you please write a Tom Holland x reader reading thirst tweets
“Hey guys I’m y/n/ y/l/n.”
“And I’m Tom Holland.”
“And today for some reason the two of us, who are in a couple, will be reading the other person’s thirst tweets to them.”
“it’s like some weird version of foreplay.”
“I’m excited.”
You sat in the chair, facing Tom. The two of you had matching blue jugs with little slips of paper full of what you assumed was raunchy girls, and probably guys, thirsting after the two of you.
“Which one of us is going first?” Tom asked as he fiddled with the bucket.
“Oh definitely me.” You pulled out a slip and smoothed it out, “it says in all caps by the way, ‘DAMN DADDY U SEXY CAN I EAT UR ASS?!?! LICK YA BUTT??!!?!” You barely got the full tweet out before you were laughing.
Tom had already turned a shade of pink and was rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly. He stuttered slightly, “wow what a way to start this whole thing. Okay, my turn.” He pulled out the next slip, “y/n y/l/n is literally the most beautiful human ever. Goodbye.”
“aww wait that was so sweet. Thank you.”
“Why was mine about eating my ass and yours was saying you were the most beautiful person ever?”
You laughed slightly and shrugged, “look, everyone is just speaking their truth. My turn!” You happily grabbed the next piece of paper, “haha it’s literally just a screenshot of your age with the words ‘thank god’. If that is not the biggest mood ever…”
Tom laughed heavily. “yeah I had someone tweet me saying ‘I saw a lot of people looking up Tom Holland’s age during the movie.’ Guess it’s a recurring theme.” He fingered through the bucket before grabbing a crumpled sheet, “I want y/n y/l/n to murder my bussy.”
You threw your head back in laughter, “I get that one a lot actually. A classic, really.”
Tom looked around sheepishly, blushing hard. “what’s a bussy?”
You snickered slightly, “it’s a butthole tom. You need to educate yourself. Next one! I love how everyone in the world can agree that tom Holland is hot af and daddy material, even the lesbians.”
“okay that one is definitely the forerunner, that’s a good one.”
You looked back down at the paper with a smile, “that is a good one.”
“’Repeat after me: y/n y/ln makes me horny y/n y/ln makes me horny y/n y/ln makes me horny y/n y/ln makes me horny y/n y/ln makes me horny y/n y/ln makes me horny y/n y/ln makes me horny’. And it says that like 16 more times.” Tom shrugged slightly, “I mean… I can’t exactly disagree.”
“Tom!” You cried slightly exasperated as you blushed. “I’m moving on now… ‘Tom Holland’s lil ass is hella fine’.”
“What? My ass is not little.”
You laughed, “relax they said it was and I quote ‘hella fine’. That’s a compliment.”
Tom grumbled slightly as he grabbed the next tweet, “I want to have a threesome with y/n y/l/n. but no tom Holland. It’s just her, me, and a blunt.” He threw the paper down with a little angry frown, “so first they call my ass little and then they steal you for a threesome? Rude.”
You bit your lip with a small chuckle, “if it makes you feel better, it’s not really a threesome thinking that one member is literally a blunt.”
“can we move on before I get jealous?”
“of a random twitter user and weed? Yeah okay sweetie.” You rolled your eyes heavily, eyeing the paper. Tom watched as your eyes grew wide and then a shit eating grin cracked your lips.
“oh… what is it?”
“this tweet is very specific.” You smiled as you met his eye and began reading it, “look how fine this man is i want him to fuck me on a bed of money and finger me with a $100 bill wrapped around his fingers and then stuff ten thousand $100 bills inside me so he can call me his million dollar pussy.”
“oh… my… god.” Tom said slowly, a deep blush rising on his cheeks. “that- that one was a lot to take in.”
You waved the paper in the yes, “yes. Just… yes. This one cleared my skin, watered my crops. Amazing, perfect.”
“shut up, you’re so annoying sometimes.” He stated as he rolled his eyes.
You poked your tongue out at him teasingly, “you love me.”
“unfortunately.” You scoffed as Tom leaned over and patted your knee lovingly. “you know I’m kidding baby.”
“whatever just read the next damn tweet.”
Tom laughed and pulled out the next one, “I would pay any amount of money for y/n y/l/n to spit in my face and call me an ugly fucking bitch. It would be my honor.”
Your mouth fell open in shock as you looked between Tom, your friends behind the camera, and the crew. Well, that threw you for a loop.
“I- I… don’t know what to say to that. I don’t think I’m comfortable spitting in your face, that seems mean. But… I’m not here to kink shame so thank you I guess.”
There were a few snorts behind the camera as you picked the next one, “Tom Holland is both cute and sexy at the time and it’s really messing with my sanity.”
Tom smirked at the camera and flipped his collar, “I mean what can I say?”
“it’s a point of contention in our household for sure.”
“That I’m sexy and cute?”
You shook your head, “no, that you think your sexy and cute. It’s cocky and rude.”
Tom laughed, “it’s cocky and rude to be confident?”
You turned to the camera, “see? Point of contention.”
“I just think that you’re losing your sanity over my cuteness and sexiness.”
You shrugged obnoxiously, “oh you caught me.” You pointed to his bucket, “please keep going.”
“Okay but imagine: a y/n y/l/n Anna Kendrick sex scene. I mean the power and sexuality they hold is absurd.”
You slapped your hand on your knee, “I love Anna. She’s so funny and I would love to do a sex scene with her or just sex her really.”
“seriously?” tom said exasperated, “you’re sitting here in front of your boyfriend and you’re saying that you want to have sex with someone else?”
You nodded, “yes.”
“relax, it’s not actually going to happen, it’s just hypothetical.”
“you wound me.”
“here, let me boost your ego with a thirst tweet. Tom Holland is fine as hell, I’d eat that ass like a chocolate croissant, chomp chomp bitch. He could choke and kill me and I’d only ask for more. Lemme chomp chomp on that bussy please.”
“wow… I’m not sure that cheered me up exactly but thank you none the less.” He pulled a new slip, “At least 3 times a week me and my boyfriend talk about wanting to have a threesome with y/n y/l/n.”
“why is everyone trying to have sex with my girlfriend?”
“because I’m hot as fuck.”
“can’t argue with that.”
“Alright next one, Tom Holland with that half smile and lip bite fuuuuuckk nope nope nope.”
“okay, that one made me feel better.” Tom said with a little smirk causing you to roll your eyes and laugh.
Tom grabbed the next one, “y/n y/l/n has the best boobs. That’s it that’s the tweet.” He waved the paper a bit, “I happen to agree with you.”
“well thank you for thinking my boobs are great.” You plucked out a new tweet, “Daily reminder: tom Holland is daddy af.”
“I should set an alarm for myself that goes off at the same time every day that just blares ‘Tom Holland is daddy af’.”
“absolutely not. Veto. Nix. Not happening.”
“you’re just mad they think I’m daddy.” You gestured to the bucket, causing tom to roll his eyes and reach into it. “y/n y/l/n can choke me and run me over and I’d say thank you and sorry for the dent in your car.”
You let out a loud bark of laughter, “that’s super funny. Definitely the funniest one I’ve heard so far. Whoever wrote this, you’re funny and I appreciate your comical genius.”
“alright I think we have like one more each, let’s do this.”
“Tom Holland is either a smol puppy or a sex god, there is no in between.” You shook your head, “I actually think there is an in between. It’s called boyfriend Tom. It’s when he’s all cuddly but not quite as baby as smol puppy. Like he’s still a functioning adult but he’s being sweet.”
“ya know… sometimes you can be pretty sweet.”
“aww thanks babe.” You leaned forward to give him a little peck before smiling brightly, “last one! Make me blush!”
“Hey @y/n can I lick your forehead?” you two sat in silence for a moment before tom furrowed his brow, “is that like a sexual thing?”
“I guess…? That’s a new request though, I’ve never heard that one. Interesting.”
“what’s your answer?”
“can you lick their forehead?”
“I’m going to go with no…”
“and that’s the end of our really fun and definitely not at all awkward video!” tom said excitedly
“thanks for watching everyone! We love you and thanks for tweeting thirsty stuff!”
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1989xtaylorsversion · 3 years
tana mongeau should not be influencing anyone.
the term “influencer” has been tossed around frivolously for years, and often it’s for people who don’t deserve it. i cringe everytime i call someone an influencer, or worse when they call themselves one. look, i get it. it’s a lot easier to say you’re an influencer than to explain why your mediocre 15 second dance videos on tiktok gave you millions of followers. however, as social media influence grows and more people are dropping out of school or not going at all, in order to pursue the celebrity lifestyle, the list of influencers has expanded. it’s transcended just YouTube, and now you have tiktok stars and instagram models. when you really look at how many people are reaping the benefits of being an influencer, you start to wonder, who actually deserves to wear that title proudly, and who, for lack of a better word, just sucks. one person i believe falls under the latter is miss tana mongeau.
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tana mongeau is a 22 year old YouTuber who sort of hit mainstream success a few years ago. there’s a chance you’ve heard of her, even if you’re not a regular subscriber, and i wouldn’t blame you if you weren’t. i’ll be straight up and admit that i do not like her, and i’ve felt this way for a long time. i wish i could sit here and write about all the amazing things she’s done to help the world and use her influence for good, but i can’t because it’s simply not true. she’s been famous for years now, and her legacy isn’t made up of positivity, but rather scandals and immaturity. i don’t think tana is an evil mastermind, but i don’t think she is a good person. i think she’s incredibly disrespectful and has got a lot of growing up to do.
tana has a pattern of behavior that we’ve all become accustomed to, meaning she’ll mess up, take forever to issue a half-hearted apology, emphasize the point that she’s learned, grown, and bettered herself, and then go back to business as usual. she likes to harp on the fact that she’s only human, and she makes mistakes. while that is true, not all humans make the same mistakes. tana reminds me a lot of serena van der woodsen from gossip girl. they both claim that with each scandal they come out on the other side a better person, but they don’t. they claim to change, but they don’t. when you make the same mistakes over and over again, you’re not a changed person, you’re simply the same. that’s one of my biggest gripes with tana, because if she actually cared enough, she could self reflect and really learn. but she doesn’t. it smacks of disrespect and immaturity. she makes a lot of bold claims in her apology videos (and she’s got a lot), about how she grew, but where is the growth?? i haven't seen it, have you?
this brings me to my original point, which is why tana doesn’t deserve a platform. i don’t want to write about every horrible thing she’s done in great detail because it’s been done many times, but i’ll briefly mention certain things i believe to be important.
first and foremost, she has an extensive racist past that seems to make a comeback every year. it seems to be an annual tradition for tana to have some racist video, tweet, or remark come back to her present life. her past quite literally catches up to her, and she’s had to apologize for it at least three times (i’ve kind of lost track). it’s ridiculous and problematic, but anyone with a modicum of intelligence can understand that. her recent apology video - which was likely scripted- is a slap in the face to everyone she’s hurt and offended because it took her months to make it, and she couldn’t even be bothered to sift through the blatant contradictions she spewed.
speaking of her apology video, another reason why she was under intense criticism during that time was because she was partying throughout the pandemic. i know, i couldn’t believe it either. or maybe i could because tana is one of the most disrespectful people i’ve ever seen. she partied for months throughout the pandemic in the beginning, and still hangs around large groups of people. newsflash miss mongeau, for some reason children watch you and vociferously defend you online because they’re under your influence. a blue check mark doesn't exempt you from the coronavirus. if you had stayed home and not made yourself look like a clown who doesn’t care about the health of others, maybe you wouldn’t have had to issue your tenth apology. it’s so frustrating watching her act like this knowing she has so much influence and instead of using it for good, she goes out and does this.
my problem with influencers is the fact that they like to pick and choose when they want to be one. when they’re getting positive feedback, fame, and money, they love it. they love having an influence over millions of people, and flexing their success. but, when it comes time to actually do something good for the world, and tweet out some petitions, informational posts, or stand up for the right thing or issue proper apologies for when they inevitably screw up, suddenly they never asked to be an influencer. that’s when they decide that they didn’t ask for that kind of life, so we should just cut them some slack. another newsflash, it doesn’t matter if you asked for it. a lot of people don’t, but a lot of people also realize that they’re in a privileged position to use their power for good, and take on that responsibility. that’s why influencers drive me crazy. they have hundreds of thousands or millions of followers, and they don’t use it for anything other than selfies. 
in my last post i talked about emma macdonald, and i’ll bring her up again, because she’s guilty of doing this as well. she posted about blm once over the summer, and then never again. i understand some people don’t want to bring up politics in everything, but you don’t have to post. a simple ig story would’ve been fine, and still spread the information. she’s just one example out of hundreds, but you get the point. whether you have 200k followers or 2 million, you still have an audience, and people follow you because they like and trust you, which gives you power. so much has happened in this country since may, and so many influencers have stayed silent. if you’re not going to use your huge platform for something meaningful, why do you even have one? it just smacks of performative activism, and it’s not a cute look. 
if you don’t want to be an influencer with loyal fans, and you don’t want the pressure of being a somewhat good example, then don’t expect people to care when you release a trashy single, have an mtv reality show, or when you hold a convention in the name of revenge. yeah, i’m looking at you tana, those are all things you’ve done because you’re an influencer with followers and money.
i realize i’m probably ranting, but that’s what people like tana will do to you. she has so much potential, and admittedly, she’s had her good moments. her open conversations about mental health and her rough upbringing is interesting to hear about, and i’m sure it helps people feel less alone. i actually like hearing about her early life because her need for an escape away from her toxic family was the reason she started her channel. those are the relatable moments that attracts people and makes her seem human, not her racist past from when she was 15. i wish she’d actually take time away from being so problematic and seriously self reflect and grow. she’s not getting younger, and her maturity level isn’t catching up with her. the older she gets, the more she acts like a child, and it’s frustrating.
unless she does some serious introspection and betters herself, maybe we should consider leaving tana in 2020.
overall rating:
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alexisfm · 3 years
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tw: abandonment, general trashy behaviour
okay so she was born december 8th, 1997 which makes her a sagittarius !!
her parents had her really young and thought they could raise her but when she got to the age of like 8?? they were like fuck she’s too much work and told her that she was going to go somewhere for a sleepover and was legit?? dropped off at an orphanage?? and she never saw her parents again??
so you could say that ya girl has abandonment issues :///
she was in and out of foster care, because of her age legit?? no family wanted her so like when she was 16 she forced herself out of the system, got a dingy job and couch surfed until she was able to just worked her way to where she could afford rent?? pretty emo actually
she started her youtube channel during that time?? it was sorta her safe haven, she made really funny videos on her life, she was always like really pessimistic but in a funny way? you could say self deprecating humour is her coping mechanism lol
her vibe is tana mongeau and posts like story times, really obnoxious blogs and general talk shitting behaviour skdjgkgf with a few scattered fashion/lifestyle style videos too when she wants to pretend she has talent 
she has scandals every other week tbh she’s used to them, a lot of people hate her but at the same time a lot of people love her bc she keeps it real yk? idk i love her
that’s all i have for her so?? far?? but yes pls love her shes a mess but shes funny i promise
wanted connections for her would be: the guy she’s leading on bc she has commitment issues, best friends/squad, influencer friends, enemies (she’d have a lot), smoker buddies (oh yeah she smokes a lot of weed too ha), an ex? maybe? that she let her walls down for and then got scared and left them?, ANYTHING UR HEART DESIRES
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embcrry · 4 years
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ok thisss took wayyy longer than i’d expected . like it’s fucking midnight ? like guys im such a mess omfg . anywaysss * tana mongeau vc “ welcome to my trash bin daught or welcome back to my trash bin daughter ... what ? was ? that ? idfk . if you wanna plot with my overly tired ass give this post a like and i’ll love you down i promise !! also i apologize for how long this intro is going to be in advance !
new york’s very own  𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐄 " 𝐄𝐌𝐌𝐀 " 𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 was spotted on broadway street in 𝘓𝘖𝘜𝘉𝘖𝘜𝘛𝘐𝘕 𝘌𝘓𝘖𝘐𝘚𝘌 𝘉𝘖𝘖𝘛𝘚  . your resemblance to barbara palvin is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃  birthday bash . while living in nyc , you’ve been labeled as being guarded , but also dependable  . i guess being a 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be  𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘶𝘱, 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘫𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘸𝘰𝘯 + 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘸𝘬𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘴  .  &  ( female & she/her  )  +  ( faith , 21 , she/her , est . )
FULL NAME : emilie sierra berry . NICKNAME : emma , em , emma bear ( by her little sister ) . BIRTH DATE : march 1st , 1998 . AGE : 22 . GENDER : female ( cis ) . PRONOUNS : she + her . ORIENTATION :  pansexual ( attractions are equal ) , panromantic ( leans more toward women ) . BIRTH PLACE : brisbane , australia ( see home here ) . the family still owns this house but don’t use it much . HOMETOWN : new york city ( upper west side ) , new york ( see home here ) . her dad + little sister still live here today . CURRENT LOCATION : new york city ( upper east side ) , new york ( see home here ) . moved in one year ago after break up . EDUCATION LEVEL : highschool diploma .   OCCUPATION : olympic swimmer ( emulated after katie ledecky ) , socialite , escort ( no one knows ) . NET WORTH : 32million ( every year up until she’s twenty five she receives a percentage of her trust fund ) . FAMILY NET WORTH : 3.1billion ( father ) , 4.8billion ( mother + step - father ) . PARENTS : adrian berry ( father , 51 , hedge fund manager ) , natasha laffont ( mother , 48 , former super model + philanthropist ) , thomas laffont ( step - father , 50 ,  businessman + art collector ) . SIBLINGS : tatiana berry ( sister , 10 , student + ballet dancer ) , bradley laffont ( step-brother , 24 , new york rangers player ) . PETS : jagger ( ragdoll cat , picture ) , maggie ( pomeranian - husky , picture ) . NATIONALITY : australian - american . ETHNICITY : hungarian . CLOTHING STYLE : expensive yet casual ; alot of black , hoodies , leather is a staple , high end sneakers , boots , colorful suits . JEWELRY : gold ; dangly earring , cartier bracelet , tiffany rings , barbell nipple piercings. DIET : pescitarian , no dairy ( lactose intolerant ) . WORK OUT HABITS : six times a week ( mostly boxing + swimming  ) . PERSONALITY : guarded ; there is nothing emma hates more than talking about her feelings or letting anyone know who she’s feeling , she has trouble trusting people for good reason ( the girls trust issues have trust issues yall ) + dependable ; if you need anything in the world go to emma she will move mountains to get shit down for you , she’s very punctual , and super disciplined probably due to being an olympian + goofy ; she doesn’t take much too seriously tbh , ( similar to joey + phoebe from friends ) she can be a bit of a space cadet and that always ends in her making everyone laugh + stubborn ; one thing is for sure about emma she’s extremely hard headed , loves getting her way , and is incredibly unforgiving . 
𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘 ( in bullets )
her parents met during college , where they both attended princeton university . natasha , her mom , was in the middle of her modeling career completely blowing up while adrian was already setting the foundation of his investment company . they had a whirlwind romance and were married just a year after adrian graduated from princeton . both coming from old money , emma’s grandparents on both sides are extremely meticulous about the image of their family + so the same mentality was instilled in adrian + natasha .
 emma spent the first nine years of her life in brisbane , australia . her parents had moved out to australia just a couple years before she was born for the sake of making her father’s company an international success . 
with her parents always off doing something , emma was raised by her nanny + butler . when she was six she expressed her desire to get into swimming after watching michael phelps in the 2004 summer olympics . she was in absolute awe by him + wanted to be just like him . so the next day her nanny spoke to her parents and later that day she was enrolled into a local swimming program .
when she was nine her parents broke the news to her that they were moving to new york . at first she wasn’t all too mad about the move , she didn’t have many friends in school , wasn’t a big fan of her teachers , and knew the one thing she loved she could still do in new york . her outlook on the move changed when she found out that her nanny + butler would not be making the move across the equator with them though . how dare her parents steal the only people who’d ever taken care of her away from her ? she thought . she threw an absolute fit in protest ; completely wrecking the home + locking herself away in the bathroom in her room for nearly 20 hours before her nanny talked her into coming out . 
once in new york , emma was miserable . she had tantrums everyday and even stopped swimming for a few months . what inevitably pulled her out of her funk was a trip disneyland paris + her mom bringing her out to buy a whole new wardrobe . yall ever heard of a spoiled brat ?
once she was open to the idea of new york she kind of fell in love with the city , to be honest . she grew close to her new nanny + butler , of course and fell in love with her new swimming coach .
when she was fourteen her parents got a divorce and just six months later her mom was married to a billionaire living in connecticut with a son just two years older than emma . anyone with a brain could put together that her mom had been cheating on her dad , that was except for her dad who’d fallen into denial that his ex - wife would come back . 
[ trigger warning : alcoholism , child abuse , violence ] after months of listening to her father , emma broke , the two got in a huge screaming match about how her mom wasn’t coming back saying things like “this is so pathetic, stop graveling over a women who doesn’t want you” + “she doesn’t want you” + “just move on, she’s never coming back, she’s fucking an art collector in connecticut”. mind you she’s fourteen talking to her dad like this , yikes . he started spiraling after that , drinking heavily , doing coke more than just at events , and when emma copped an attitude he’d hit her . it started with just a rough slap , pushing her into the pool or down the stairs , and then it turned into punching her . it got so bad her coach started noticing during swim practices and inevitably threatened her dad , either he let her move in with him or he’d call the police . so , not wanting a tarnished reputation , her dad sent her off to live with her swim coach .
[ trigger warning : grooming ] life with her swim coach was cool , she got to swim alot more plus he was extremely high profile due to sending swimmers to the olympics as well acting in a few movies so she got to go to alot of events with him all across the world . she enjoyed her time with him more than she’d enjoyed the entirety of her life and then he got her to the 2012 olympics in london + her trust and appreciation for him sky rocketed . in her eyes no one int he world could or did love her more .
coming back from the olympics , her had fully sobered up and was ready to bring emma back home .  her and her coach weren’t completely gun ho for the move but she inevitably moved back home with her father .
[ trigger warning : statutory rape ] just a month after being back home , her coach started being a little too touchy with her . she felt uncomfortable by his advances but figured her was only taking care of her . then he kissed her and she was pretty creeped out so she asked what he was doing , basically the creep told her he was just missing her alot because she wasn’t living with him and reminded her about how he was really the only person who cared about her . she accepted what he said and soon after they started sleeping together regularly . he didn’t even have to tell her not to tell anyone , she innately knew if she ever told anyone he wouldn’t be her coach anymore and emma just wasn’t willing to lose the best coach she’d ever had . this continued for a little over a year until she went to the doctors and her mom went with her , her mom stayed in the room because the check up wasn’t all that invasive + then when her doctor asked her if she was sexually active her mom answered no but emma , not wanting to lie , stayed silent . she inevitably confessed at the appointment that she was sexually active . her mom freaked out and wanted to know who but of course emma didn’t spill that . she inevitably lied and said some guy she went to school with . within a week her mom found out she lied and refused to let emma go anywhere until she confessed who she was sleeping with . knowing her mom wouldn’t let up she told her it was her coach + that it wasn’t a big deal . but emma knew it was . her mom gave her coach an ultimatum he either quit coaching for good or she’d turn him in . she he quit and emma never heard from him again . 
she stopped talking to her more directly after that + stopped going back to connecticut for the weekends like she had been since her parents divorce . she was now sixteen without a swimming coach + completely mad at the world .  she’d had a rough few years , to say the least . she turned to partying , HEAVY , to cope with it all . she slept with anyone who so much as gave her a second look she didn’t care if they were older than her , had a girlfriend / boyfriend , if you were into her you could have her . it took her almost five months before she committed to a swim coach + they really whipped her back into shape . no more partying , emma went from school to practice and then home . it was awfully boring for the new party girl but she had one of the best coaches in the world + they promised to stop coaching her had she not listened to their every word . the only thing she cared more about then letting loose was going to another olympics . 
she attended a private school in manhattan where she completely smashed each and everyone of the school, districts , and state records in swimming . she was never big into her academics but she upheld a b average for the sake of being able to stay on the schools swimming team . if she received anything less than a b she would guilt her dad into giving her school a donation so they’d give her the grade she felt she deserved . 
she graduated from highschool in 2016 and although she was accepted into multiple schools across the nation , with athletic full ride offers from each school  , but she inevitably declined each school because she did want to spend another second behind a desk . knowing her dad would never approve of her not going to college , with his ivy league education ass , she lied to him and said she was attending nyu . 
she went to the 2016 olympics in rio and completely dominated ( 4 gold medals , 1 silver + breaking five world/olympic/american records in the meets ) . 
just months in 2017 her dad started to pick up on her lie about attending college . telling her she needed to enroll immediately or he’d cut her off . calling his bluff she didn’t enroll . she quickly learned that he wasn’t bluffing when he completely cut her off , telling her she had a month to find a place to live and move out .  
thanks to her olympics money + her endorsements with tyr sports + adidas she had enough money to get an apartment but her saving would deplete quick so she knew she needed to do something to make alot of money + quick .
desperate and running out of time emma joined seeking arrangements under an alias as sierra meyers . there were a few success and plenty of total blunders on the site but she got lucky with the first women she met with who offered to get her into escorting . emma didn’t even give it a second thought before she said yes , the only thing she asked is that the clientele not want her to attend highly publicized events with her as she's quickly get caught due to her socialite status   . 
within a year she’d made half of what her entire lifes work had made her , she grew obsessed with escorting and what made it crazy was there were people who would pay her half a million just to have dinner and talk with her . of course , those were the unicorns though because most wanted to sleep with her at the end of the night . 
when she turned twenty one her dad gave in and gave her back her blackcard + even offered to move her back into the house , she took the credit card but decided to continue living outside of his walls . 
she could’ve quit escorting right then and there , but she’d grown an addiction if you will to her work . there was something about the secrecy of it + her ability to make millions so easily that kept her going .
former roommate ; these two moved in together after her dad kicked her out + even though she moved in with someone else months after they signed the lease she payed them for her half of the rent for the rest of the lease , ex ; they dated when she was cut off by her dad + they inevitably moved into together they could of had a rocky or really good relationship by broke up around this time last year , the guy she “ lost “ her virginity to ; he didn’t actually take her virginity , in truth these two could very well have never even slept together but he’s the guy she lied to her about sleeping with to cover up sleeping with her coach he found out about her lie when emma’s mom asked his parents if he was sleeping with emma we can decide where things went from there between these two , suspicious friend ; they’re starting to pick up on her random disappearing + secrecy , maybe they start following her at some point and inevitably confront her about escorting or maybe they think she’s doing something else and accuse her of that ? , first girlfriend , more exes , people she’s slept with , someone who she slept with + they had a significant other , fellow olympians , travel buddy , podcast co-host ; these two came up with an idea recently to start a podcast , they haven't released it just yet but it’d be similar to call her daddy / impulsive !
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isnotys · 5 years
Cruel Summer  Pt1
Summary: After a stressful couple of months, the twins, Emma and you decide to take a well-deserved trip to a Caribbean island. However, it’s not all that peaceful because your more-than-obvious crush on Grayson is making you lose your marbles.
Warnings: none
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The twins, Emma and I were all meeting up at the terminal for our Caribbean summer trip. We were all going to Puerto Rico to spend a week away from all the LA stress. As I walked in, I saw Grayson’s tall figure standing above Emma and Ethan. His already tanned skin glowing as if he had descended from Olympus. As soon as he saw me he gave me his beautiful smile and wrapped me in a tight hug. We all hadn’t seen each other for a few days because of our crazy schedules and my book beingdue a couple of days prior. 
Those hazel-green eyes give me his undivided attention and I get this rush of feelings that make my cheeks red and makes me want to run away. I wish I’d know if he can tell that my heart is about to beat out of my chest and I don't even know what he’s saying anymore, I can't hear anything. 
“Are you ok?” Ethan asks grinning and Grayson stops talking, looking at me with caring eyes. His lips look irresistible and his eyes try to read my face as I just admire how his muscles look like they are about to pop out of his shirt.
“I’m good, just worried about the flight.” Which is true for the record, I’ve never even left the west coast before and Puerto Rico is kind of far. As I say this, I give them a convincing smile and go to finally say hi to Emma who has been editing a video this whole time. 
Grayson keeps asking me how everything has been going with the book and wants to know every detail of what I have been doing these last couple of days that we haven’t seen each other. The way his eyes crinkle when he smiles, and that dimple. His smile is his most beautiful feature. Yes, he’s built like Chris Hemsworth, but his sweet smile and childlike enthusiasm drive me crazy. This man is everything I have ever hoped for. My heart aches at the thought of ever losing him and the touch of his hand sends me into a frenzy. But we’re just friends, I am not supposed to feel this way, and I most certainly don't want to ruin what we have. 
He notices I’m staring at him in a weird trance, I guess he’s not that clueless. I’m sure he’s gonna say something about it, but then he puts his arm around me and asks while pointing at the window, “Pretty nice sunset, huh?”
I simile and nod, letting myself get closer to him and he tightens his grip around me. I don’t know what cologne he wears, but he just smells manly. Good enough to make just about anyone melt. 
The trip to get to the island goes by pretty fast because Grayson and I kept talking about the randomest things, with an occasional bickering with Ethan because of the differences in our opinions. Ethan and I are ridiculously similar and extremely stubborn. We get along great, but we do butt heads a lot. However,  Grayson leaves me quite impressed, he’s so much smarter than he lets people know and I like that side of him a lot. 
We get to the hotel almost an hour later after landing because traffic is crazy and Ethan suggests that we go to the beach right away. So we all get changed and go to the beach, the boys go surfing and Emma and I stay in the seating area on the sand. 
She looks at me weird and says, “you’ve been keeping your distance lately, why?”
“You know why Ems, I can't help how I feel and I have never been known to be one to be able to conceal my feelings very well,” I say not even daring to look at her. She can read me better than anyone, she knows things before they even hit my atmosphere. 
“Listen, I know you’ve gotten your heart broken by friendships in the past. However, we’re not like those people. We’re here for you, for reals and I’m so glad you did decide to come on this trip with us. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s happy you actually showed up,” she says giving me her quirky signature smile and a wink. 
My face is burning and it’s definitely not from the sun. “I’m sure he’s just glad I’m here to bring the entertainment, I’m pretty funny you know. Plus, being the third wheel is no fun.”
She glares at me, in a judgmental way, but then laughs a little.
That unmistakable voice. The way he says my name makes me want to just die. In the best way possible of course. 
He gets closer to me and I see that his floppy hair is all wet and his clean-shaven face is all red from the sun. He’s soaked, but he’s smiling and jumping up and down.
“Look what I found, y/n! It’s a pearl! Here it is for you,” 
“Oh, why thank you, Peeta,” I say giggling like a schoolgirl, I’m so embarrassing.
He stares at me in confusion, tilting his head a little, I forget he doesn’t always get my references.
“I’m sorry, I forget you don’t like books. I like it, Grayson. Thank you!” My heart is about to fall out of my mouth and I am the color of the crabs that are sitting on the rocks. Fitting, to be honest, I am a cancer after all. 
“That was a movie,” Ethan says in his know-it-all voice, clearly done with all of this nonsense.
“There were three books and four movies, Ethan,” Emma corrects him while wiping the water from his face with a towel. 
Grayson shrugs, kisses my cheek and says, “You’re welcome. We should all get some dinner now, I’m starving.”
I just nod my burning face away and collect all of my stuff. 
At dinner, our saltwater soaked bodies are bathed by the summer island breeze. The sunset looks out of this world, the orange changes to purple, then pink. It’s the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen. It’s really nice here and I am trying to calm down and take it all in. But Grayson is the only one not wearing a shirt, keeping up with his d-bag rep. His muscles are already tan and his abs look so good you would think they’re fake. 
Out of nowhere, Grayson says, “Put on your bathing suit cover.”
I stare at him as if I don't even understand the language he is currently speaking.
“The guy behind me is looking at you in the grossest way possible and I don't want to cause a scene by punching him in the face,” he says clenching his jaw. He looks angry. 
I look over to the guy and he smiles at me, giving me a flirty wink. He does not look bad at all, he’s quite handsome actually. Grayson notices that I am staring at this guy for too long so he then puts his shirt on me and puts his arm around my shoulder.
His face is red with anger and I understand, he’s just being a protective friend, you never know what people’s intentions are. Especially when it comes to men. So I just sit there while Emma smiles quietly to herself and Ethan rolls his eyes so far back into his skull, they might get stuck that way. 
After dinner and taking a shower, we all gather in one room. We were supposed to go out and walk around to enjoy the nightlife, but, although we are all adults, we don’t really enjoy that kind of scene.
Quite frankly, my mind is still reeling from all that has happened since we got here. So after a little while of talking to everyone, I leave to go to my room and I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
When I wake up, I decide to just go walk the deserted beach by myself so I could clear my mind. It’s so early the sun it's coming out just now. As I watch the dark sky turn to a pink-orange, I can’t help but to feel blue. It’s crazy because here I am looking at the most beautiful sunrise, the kind that makes you question just about everything you have done up until this point of your life, and I should feel peaceful. Maybe that’s the problem. 
Whatever doesn’t kill me makes me want him more, and because of my tumultuous past experiences with love and friendships, there is nothing else for me to expect but getting hurt and watch all of my closest relationships go up in flames. 
My head is spinning and I am going down a spiral when I feel something touch my arm. I jump at the feeling of someone touching me and fall in the water. Just another prime example of how smooth I am. 
“Did I do something to make you feel uncomfortable?” Grayson asks helping me up and drying me with his towel. 
“No, you just scared me.”
“Yeah, that I know, but I meant before. You’ve seemed kind of off this entire trip.” He looks concerned and looks at me as if to say, you can trust me, it’ll be ok. “We are friends after all, you know? You can tell me anything,” he says in the most reassuring way possible. I want to drown in this vast ocean and never come up again. 
“Oh, no,” I try to act surprised, as if nothing could ever be wrong, I’m clearly not that good at it. “I’m fine,” that’s so not true, it’s laughable really.
He doesn’t seem to believe half of my bs, but something stops him from questioning any further. I just look at him and smile, that is the one genuine thing I do in his presence. Words fail me and I am too clumsy to ever be a proper human around him, but just looking at him, his eyes, his smile, his body, all of him, makes this sunrise look like Tana Mongeau leaving day three of Coachella.
He gives me a genuine smile back and says, “Let’s disappear for the day.”
“What? Why?”
“Let’s explore the island together. Plus, it's not like Ethan and Emma won’t enjoy being alone for a day.”
I don’t even know what to think of this, I am paralyzed there as he keeps staring at me, excitedly waiting for an answer.
“Ok, let’s go, now!” I say grabbing his hand.
To be continued…
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starryevermore · 4 years
I get these words are offensive and horribly wrong to use no excuse or way around that. However i dont get people who keep saying apologize over and over and when he finally does they go "i dont buy that its insincere" and its the same people who tweeted repeatedly at him, then why are you going to keep pushing him if ur not gonna buy it when he does. What else do you want him to do to make it sincere you know. I think some did get genuinely hurt but some also just want to draw smoke.
There’s a difference between apologizing because people are asking you to versus apologizing because you’re sincerely sorry about what you’ve done. The first apology doesn’t indicate that you’re going to grow and change as a person. Think of any Tana Mongeau apology. Any time she’s been in hot water, she waits and sees what people wants her to say, says it, then does the same thing years later. The second apology shows that you actually want to change and grow as a person. Think of Jenna Marbles’s apology before she left YouTube. As far as I had seen, people weren't really calling her out, but she realized she did something wrong and wanted to make amends. Furthermore, I’ve said it before, but notes app apologies are awful cause you can’t judge the sincerity of it. You can’t really read the tone the person is trying to convey, and it comes off very impersonal. Personally, when I look at people’s apologies, I really focus on the actions that they’ve taken or will take to grow and how specific they are when explaining how they’re gonna change. In the case of Oscar, he just said he’s grown and held himself accountable behind closed doors which is convenient, since we can’t judge what we don’t know. He could be lying, he could be telling the truth, we’ll never know unless he gets more specific. 
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crazycoke-addict · 5 years
The Gabbie Hanna Drama
YouTube is a platform where creators can create content and videos that people will be interested in watching. Many times, creators will use click bait as their title and the thumbnail can be somewhat over exaggerated. YouTube are also in different communities as well. You got your beauty community which contains Jeffree Star, James Charles, Michelle Phan etc. The Gamers which have Markiplier, Jacksepticeye and Pewdipie. But today, the community I want to talk about is the storytimers because many Youtubers are part of that community are some low-key drama. Storytimers in which the majority of them are females talks about things that happened to them in the past or just recently in order to get views. storytimers are most likely to have a messed up childhood and can’t seem to stay of child and the story mostly includes them making dumb decisions. Although many people actually enjoy watching this community, storytimers can be somewhat untrustworthy. Because they are over exaggerating an incident that happened to them it makes the viewers feel skeptical and wonder what happened to them as they said is true or not. This also will follow them If they are stuck controversy as well. When reading that part, the first you can think of is Tana Mongeau. A 21 year old Youtubers who makes storytime videos and have been a fair share of controversy as well. However this topic isn’t about Tana Mongeau, not this is about another storytimer whom is similar to Tana and that is Gabbie Hanna.
Gabbie Hanna is a youtuber that I did frequently watch at one time but stopped because I found other entertaining Youtubers. Like Tana, Gabbie has made storytime videos and also over exaggerates in her videos just like other any storytimers would. Before going on youtube, Gabbie was a viner. An platform where you can make a video only 16 seconds. However when Vine was shutdown, many of the vines went to YouTube including Gabbie Hanna herself. This gave Gabbie an opportunity to talk about things that happened to her in the past or even just three months ago. Because Gabbie was popular on vine many people had their opinions on her already. Gabbie is 50/50, some love her while others not so much and like Tana, Gabbie has been in controversies which gives people many opinions on her. The biggest one would have to be the incident between her and ricegum. They were at a party, Gabbie was trying to get ricegum to do a rap battle with her, other stuff were mentioned and ricegum broke Gabbie’s phone. This incident happened in 2017 and Gabbie has been in a few controversies like when she faked herself being in coachella and when she encouraged her fans to buy these brushes from a website called but many fans were scammed and got these cheap-like brushes instead. Since than she hasn’t been in any controversies for past 10 months.... until now.
Gabbie has been into another controversy from both different people in different dramas. Trisha Paytas And Jessi Smiles. The first one being with Youtuber Trisha Paytas And the feud between the two is more high school drama. Trisha makes a video talking about how Gabbie told Jason that Trisha had STDs and according to Trisha, she doesn’t have them. Gabbie responded by saying that she didn’t say Trisha had STDs, a close friend of Trisha told her and didn’t know whether or not it was true. She only told Jason Nash whom was dating Trisha Paytas about it so he could be more careful. At one point, Gabbie says that Trisha has been harassing another youtuber Gabi demartino Trisha saw the tweets from Gabbie Hanna and publicly said that she was suing Gabbie Hanna for defamation. There were other things that happened in the drama, but they aren’t that important and also not surprising at the same time. The controversy didn’t end there for Gabbie Hanna and another had come to centre, this time a bit more serious. Gabbie and another youtuber named Jessismiles were at one point, they made videos together and so on. The two had a falling out and are known longer friends. It’s unknown why they aren’t friends anymore but after this recent conflict that Jessi talks about in her recent video, the friendship will be shattered.
Now before explain what happen and my opinions, I do have a controversial opinion. I didn’t want to be another James Charles vs Tati Westbrook drama because that’s what it feels like to be honest. The people are similar but the drama however is different. Tati And Jessi are both Youtubers who not many people know unless because they aren’t well-known like James and Gabbie. They are both rarely in drama which makes people believe them because of this. When Tati made that video called “Bye Sister” and accused of all the things that James did without any reciepts we took her word for it. James And Gabbie are well known Youtubers and gone through a lot of scandals and controversy. So before I watched Jessi’s video that were my mind went to however after finished watching the video and reading the DMs that will be mentioned as well as the statement, I’ve come to realise that James and Gabbie are shown to be different when it comes to defending themselves and trying to save their careers.
Jessi made a video called “Gabbie Hanna needs to be stopped” and in the video it has a lot of exposure on who Gabbie truly is as a person when the camera isn’t on. In the video, Jessi mentions Trisha’s video and one thing that Trisha says how scared she of Gabbie Hanna which gave Jessi anxiety and what Gabbie did yesterday prior to when the video was posted that made her crossed the line. Jessi explains a former fan of Gabbie posted a tweet stating how Gabbie chose Curtis Lepore over Jessi and publicly defended him. If many of you don’t know, in 2014 Curtis Lepore went to the police station to confessed that he raped Jessi while she was unconscious. Gabbie decided to DM Deanna and asked why do people believe that she defended him. Deanna let Gabbie tell her side of the story whether or not if she was ever friends with Curtis. When Gabbie tells her story. She rarely mentions Curtis but instead brings up her friendship to what Deanna was saying. When reading the messages between Gabbie and Deanna, Gabbie seems to be avoiding any questions involving around her alleged friendship with Curtis and instead sneers about Jessi and their friendship they once have. Gabbie also explains how she got an unknown caller which turned out to be Curtis who rang and apologise to her if he was ever mean to her in the past. Jessi explains that part was true but the conversation happened face to face while she was hanging out with Curtis’ friends not through phone because that’s what Gabbie told her. During this part of the video, Jessi seems to be hurt and betrayed. Jessi told Gabbie how messed up it was for Gabbie to hang out with him and his friends. Gabbie defended herself by saying she was only hanging out with his friends and he happened to be there and according to Jessi, Gabbie said to her, “Jessi, his friends didn’t rape you”. It hard to know whether or not this part is true, this wasn’t through text messages but actually through a face to face conversation. Gabbie however said she doesn’t remember saying that. It’s normal for us to not remember things that we have said in the past because apparently the average person speaks somewhere in between 125 to 150 per minute, but interesting that one person can remember while the other person who said it can’t. In that context itself, Gabbie is implying that just because one person caused you trauma doesn’t mean you should punish everyone else around him. However it’s not case for Jessi and people who are victims of rape. They chose to still remain friends with Curtis after what he had confessed and done meaning they are just as equally bad as Curtis. So seeing someone that considered to be friend one time decided to hangout with his friends, Jessi felt hurt by Gabbie for actually doing something that. Although Jessi never bought this up, but another youtuber by the name of ReadytoGlare did however. n the DMs, Gabbie brings up that she lost a lot of friends due to her siding with Jessi during the whole “rape drama”. This rubbed people the wrong way says a lot about Gabbie Hanna. Using the term “rape drama” shows that Gabbie thinks that what happened to Jessi isn’t that big of deal and she only side with her not because she was a good friend but saw Jessi as an experiment she needed to fix. Because Gabbie lost her friends, Gabbie is probably regretting ever siding with Jessi and wonder what could’ve been if she sided with Curtis Lepore instead. Remind you that Gabbie said that she became friends with Jessi after the allegation became public.
During the video, Jessi explains that Gabbie would always paint Jessi as a crazy peris a video that made two years where she mentioned that this person (Jessi) who she’ll be talking about as being a crazy person and somewhat psychotic who is emotionally unstable that Gabbie was destine to fix. However it gets worse when Gabbie told Deanna that Jessi said that she took meds to explain her behaviour and also why she keeps lying. At this moment, Gabbie crossed the line. When it come mental health, it’s none of our business what people like Jessi in how they treat their mental illness unless they are opened to talk about it. Gabbie is also seen as a hypocrite and even belittles by saying that because Jessi takes meds, we shouldn’t take her word whenever Jessi speaks out. The reason why Gabbie looks like hypocrite is because she’s mental health advocate but now it only seems that she’s mental advocate when it benefits her. Gabbie explains in a story on how nice she is despite the fact that she made a tweet talking about how you don’t have proof to people that you’re honest, nice or generous. Gabbie is doing something similar to what Jake Paul after the amounts of hate he was receiving in 2017 by making a music video and list the good things he’s done. Because Gabbie didn’t practice what she preach, it’s hard for people to see as this nice person considered what she did to Deanna and Jessi. Deanna made a statement saying that Gabbie was doing what her abusive boyfriend did by manipulating her and also gaslighting her as well. Gabbie gaslights Deanna by trying to make her feel bad for making the tweet about her defending Curtis without any proof or evidence. Although there isn’t evidence that Gabbie publicly defending Curtis, it’s possible that she secretly supported him in private. The only people who can give us this information are curtis’ friends. I also found out that Curtis was arrested on September 18 2013 and the tweets that Gabbie mentions Curtis send in which people have been using as evidence were both posted on September 24th 2013 and December 4th 2013.
Earlier I brought up on why people skeptical when storytimers like Tana or even Gabbie tell a story about what happened to them because there might a big gap in their story like when they are in a controversy and they don’t hold themselves accountable or even tell the full story and they think people are going to accept it. Their fans might but everyone else would not. Like I said before about the James Charles Situation and how he is different to Gabbie when it comes to saving his career is because James Charles used the reverse and debunked all the evidence and clear up the misunderstanding while Gabbie doesn’t do any of that and did something similar like what Jake Paul did.
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whyivy · 4 years
· * . ˚ ✦ ⋆ . · intro post for ivy !!
oKAY so hi hello my ivy muse is fLOWING right now so she gets the first intro !! i’m so excited to play her and len and plot with everyone and this is where i’d insert the puppy eye emoji if i was on the phone aLRIGHT LETS GET INTO THINGS
ivy signed with shine studios less than three months ago; she is an EXTREMELY new face but is not afraid to act out against her managers wishes/create scandals/etc
she was a daily vlogger and instragram influencer before this, began when she was fifteen managing herself, and made enough money to move herself to LA
she used to pride herself on “fame doesn’t require talent” and that she could always get by on her looks ( and still believes that ) but is now slowly being pushed by her manager to explore a singing career, along with a possible band option? i’m thinking like paramore style she’s not as pretty princess and poised as she looks okay
honestly ivy’s just... a big mess in development? she’s down for anything at any point in time, is extremely impulsive and selfish, and if she has her mind set on something it’s usually her way or the highway, she’s not afraid to do anything on her own
she has two bunnies and is obsessed with plants and lives in her own little apartment, facetimes her mother every night, no matter where she is
ivy’s... promiscuous to say the least she grew up an only child and while her mother and father seemed happy all her childhood, at sixteen a ten year long affair on her father’s part was discovered, and ever since any idea of monogamy or even being with one person long term was nearly unheard of for her. her mother never remarried, ivy rarely spent more than one night in the same bed, and always ended up in her own by morning
ivy’s here for one thing: fame. her end goal is to make herself wealthy enough that she can set her mother up somewhere private, safe and secluded, and then live the life she’s always been meant to live: the one in front of the camera.
i have nothing else for you ivy’s just like.... a lowkey tana mongeau with more clothes she’s just ivy
that’s about it !! message me for plotting, etc. i have tumblr mobile, and am on the laptop often, but i do have a baby so pls be patient with replies i’m trash and she’s mean to me ok bYEEEE
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thinkaboutdobrik · 5 years
People mentioned: David Dobrik, Vlogsquad, Tana Mongeau, Romeo Lacoste
Summary: You're at a club with your friends. When you step outside the club you start talking to some strangers. One of the stranger makes you uncomfortable, and after leaving he follows you. You run away scared and need help from David, who saves the day :)
sidenote: this idea came to mind when i was walking home during the night and some drunk people startled me lmao. I love my imagination
Feel free to shoot me a request!♡
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"Cheers!" Tana cheered, raising her shot glass in the air along with her friends, Todd, Scotty, Zane and Heath. You joined in and cheered. You took a deep breath, pinched your nose and forced the bruning liquor down your throat, followed by shivers up and down your spine.
Everbody headed to the dance floor and danced their hearts out. The floor was crowded with people dancing and grinding on eachother. Not really your scene - you preferred hanging out by the bar, chatting and meeting new people.
The music was blasting, everybody was dancing, and you were leaning over the bar trying to catch the bartenders attention. "Two shots" you mouthed to the bartender, holding two fingers in the air, trying to order some shots for you and Dom. The bartender nodded and proceeded to find some shotglasses.
Dom took the shots, handed one to you and you both counted to three. Once again the nasty taste gave you shivers and made you make a disgusted face. Dom leaned over to whisper something in your ear. "Come meet me outside, I wanna show you something."
He made his way through the crowd, as did you shortly after.
At this point you had started feeling sluggish and almost seeing double. Not only did you have 2 shots of who knows what at the club, but you also had a few drinks and beers at David's house before everybody went out. The flashing lights and loud music at the club didn't make it any better. Safe to say you were pretty drunk, but you kind of enjoyed it. Everything got a hundred times funnier when you were drunk, so you were very curious as to what Dom was gonna show you outside.
As you exited the club you looked for Dom but didn't seem to find him anywhere. He couldn't have gone that far, you were just gonna meet him right outside. A few other drunk people were stood outside the club, but none of the faces looked familiar. You decided to go up to a group of people who looked friendly just to keep yourself company. "Hey, have you seen a tall blonde guy with a durag anywhere?" you asked. They all shook their heads no, "are you alone?" one of the guys asked.
"I guess so," you laughed. "Is it okay if I hang out here while I try to call him?" you asked, picking up your phone from your pocket. "Sure. What's your name?" the same guy replied.
You were stood with them for a few more minutes while looking for Dom aswell as trying to call him. He never picked up which was just typical Dom.
One of the guys noticed you started shivering a bit. After all it was getting a bit chilly and you wore nothing but some shorts , a top and a thin jacket. He took a step closer to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. This caught you completely off guard. "Uhm, hi?" you said looking at him quizzically. He pulled you closer to him, his hand now on your waist and you could feel his strenght not letting go of you. Your body froze. You didn't know what to do. You were very uncomfortable at this point, not knowing who he was let alone his name. Taking a step back didn't work because he wouldn't let go of you. You desperately looked around for familiar faces, hoping they'd see you and help you, but there was no one around.
"Can you let go of me, please?" you asked the guy politely. "Why? You look too damn fine to walk around alone. Stay here with us." he demanded. You shook your head and pulled away from him, scared, and took a big step back. He creepily smiled at you as he took a step forward towards you. Your heart started beating faster and faster, your anxiety kicking in aswell. You looked around you for a place to run. Anywhere was fine as long as you got away from him. You couldn't go inside because all of his friends was satnding by the entrance, and the only exit that caught your eye was down a small alleyway. You ran for it not looking back. Not looking back because you were scared he was following you. You had never been in this position before. A position where you were approached by a stranger in that way, being so uncomfortable your entire body froze and went into panicattack.
The alleyway was small and dark and led to behin the building. Once you got behind the building you didn't stop to catch your breath. The only way out now was to climb the fence. Your adrenaline was through the roof so climbing the fence was no problem. Running out of breath, drunk and seeing double you made it down a few blocks atleast. This was a new street with very few people and a few lit up shops along the streets. You pulled up your phone in hopes of having some missed calls from Dom, but nothing. The only person you could think of right now, that was available and wasn't out partying, was David. Your hands were shaking as you dialled his number.
After waiting for what felt like forever he finally picked up, "What's up?". His voice calmed you down a bit. "David, I need help. I don't know where I am. Can you please come get me?" your voice cracked trying to hold back the tears. "Y/n, what's wrong? Where are you?" he asked, trying to calm you down. "I don't know where I am! I think I'm being followed, David. I'm so scared, you need to come get me, now" you cried, finally letting your tears fall as you dropped to the ground now sitting against the wall. "Calm down. I'll come get you. You don't know where you are? What do you see around you?" he asked. He was very familiar with the whole LA area, so giving him some pin points he'd be able to track you down.
You looked around the area, and the first thing that caught your eye was a lit up tattoo shop. Seeing double didn't do you any favor, but you squinted as hard as you could and tried your very best to make out the words written on the huge window. "C-california... dream tattoo?" you said. David knew exactly where you were. The California Dream Tattoo was none other than Romeo Lacoste's famous tattoo shop where just about every youtuber ever got their tattoos from. "Okay, okay. I know where you are! Is there anybody inside? Knock on the door and ask for Romeo. Tell them David Dobrik sent you." You did as he said and waited for someone to open the door.
"H-hi, is Romero here?" you asked, still keeping David on the line incase anything happened. The guy who opened the door looked at you in confusion. "You mean Romeo? I'm him. How can I help you?" he replied. "I'm David Dobrik's friend and I need help. Someone is following me and I don't know who they are," you said desperately, almost letting tears down your face again.
Romeo opened the door widely allowing you to enter his shop and sit down.
You were sat on the couch, face down looking staright down at the floor. There were a few people at the shop, probably just Romeo's friends because they were all hanging out and chatting. You sat by yourself waiting for David to come pick you up.
This was supposted to be a fun night out. It wasn't supposed to end like this. You were a fun, social person who was easy to hang out with and loved making new friends. However, there was something about this guy outside the club. He wasn't what you expected. Normally it wasn't an issue for you to talk to strangers, but it was something about this guy that felt a bit off. The way he looked you up and down, grabbed your waist with force pulling you closer to him, you knew it wasn't gonna end well, and if you tried to pull away he wasn't letting you. As any other human being would be, you were scared. Drunk, not an ounce of self-control the night could have ended very badly.
"Hey" a familiar voice came from behind you as you felt a hand laying on your upper back. You turned around to see David with a worried look on his face. It didn't take long until you wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly, your face buried in his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in tighter as you let out a big sigh. "It's okay. I'm here." His words warming your heart making you feel very safe. "Let's head home" he said and grabbed your hand. "Thank you, Romeo" you smiled before you and David left.
David opened the doors to his Tesla and the two of you got in. "Wanna go to Chipotle and get some food?" David suggested, hand on your thigh and smiling at you. "I'd love that" you replied.
Parked in the parkinglot David's white tesla was the only car there. The two of you stuffed your faces with food, laughing and talking. His car was warm and comfortable - you felt much safer in his presence.
"So, what happened tonight?" David asked after finishing his burrito. You sighed to yourself, not really wanting to talk about it and re-live it all, but you knew David cared about you. You didn't want to leave him worried so you told him everything.
"I just bolted. I've never ran so fast in my life. Dom's gonna hear it tomorrow. I didn't even get to see what he was gonna show me!" you laughed.
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clarislam · 5 years
OKAY! So we now have the FULL main cast (aka our guests!) for Escape The Night Season 4:
Joey Graceffa as The Savant (but we all know at this point it’s a given, so this was the least surprising) (has been in all three seasons)
Rosanna Pansino as The Socialite (Jet Setter in Season 3)
Alex Wassabi as The Aviator (Novelist in Season 2)
Timothy Delaghetto as The Con Man (Mobster in Season 1)
DeStorm Power as The Enforcer (Railrood Tycoon in Season 2)
Justine Ezarik as The Adventurer (Gambler in Season 1)
Tana Mongeau as The Pin-Up Girl (Saloon Girl in Season 2)
Gabbie Hanna as The Hollywood Star (Vaudevillian in Season 2)
Colleen Ballinger as The Duchess (Disco Dancer in Season 3)
Interestingly enough, Rosanna, Alex, Tim, DeStorm, Gabbie, Colleen were six of the people I predicted would appear in an All-Stars Season...so I guess that means my predictions were pretty spot-on for the most part. Nice. XD
Also in this lineup, DeStorm, Alex, Gabbie and Colleen are the only people listed here that were shown in the Crystal in the Season 3 Finale. 
The mystery here is Bretman Rock. All-Stars USUALLY means just people from past seasons, so having ONE completely new person is a pretty big twist. It said on the official Instagram AND Twitter that the reason why he’s appearing in this season will happen in the premiere. Given that this season is about dead guests fighting for their lives, I’m thinking up a few theories here: 
Theory #1: Bretman got involved in Joey in helping bringing those guests back to life because Bretman holds a connection to the Society Against Evil. 
We know that Joey, in Season 3, had some very direct involvement from the Society Against Evil for him to get back to life and ended up getting the Carnival Master’s Crystal because of them. We also know that one of the past guests, Shane, worked with the Society Against Evil prior to his death in Season 1. It could be the case that Bretman holds a similar role to Shane, and Joey and Bretman teamed up in order to try to save their friends.
Theory #2: Bretman was an unwilling soul that had to die in order for Joey to reach the rest of his friends and help them fight for their lives. Alternatively, Joey and Bretman both had to die in order to reach their dead friends via Society-Against-Evil-sanctioned rituals.
Maybe Bretman had no idea and thought Joey wanted him for a collab. And then BOOM, he’s dead, and now he has to fight for his life along with the rest of the guests in order to come back. Alternatively, Joey let him know the consequences beforehand and they decided to go through with the whole thing together with help from the SAE.
Theory #3: Bretman was killed in a past event prior to the events of all three seasons so far and ends up having to join the dead guests fighting for his life. 
This could be due to being invited into a situation like how past guests were with a host different than Joey, or because of Society-Against-Evil stuff as I mentioned in Theory #1.
It is very likely it’s theory #4. I don’t expect any of this to be correct at all, honestly, and I have a feeling the premiere will show something completely different than what I just guessed on the spot here.
What do you all think? Who do you think will win the fight to come back to life? I’m curious to see what happens. XD
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peachgl · 5 years
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          hi  pals  !  i’m  super  stoked  #glitterati  is  back  !  i’m  leia  (  she  /  her  ) ,  your  resident  aesthetic  heaux  ,  residing  in  est  .  i’m  so  excited  to  meet  everyone’s  muses  !  i’m  gonna  throw  a  lil’  bit  about  my  southern  princess  lola  beneath  the  cut  !  i’ll  be  around  for  the  rest  of  the  night  so  please  plot  with  me  in  the  ims  or  on  discord  @  theweeknds#0379  .  
*  it  would  seem  one  can’t  hear  this  is  what  makes  us  girls  by  lana  del   rey without  raising  murmurs  of  a  frequent  patron  of  public  adoration &  obsession  ,  the  ever - rising  starlet charlotte  beaumont  —  the  loquacious  cisfemale   with  a  strikingly  uncanny  resemblance  to  alexis  ren  .  increasingly  so  ,  it  seems  she  is  being  caught  up  in  hushed  talks  of  that  glitterati  nonsense    .  oh  ,  haven’t  you  heard  ?  should  rumors  be  trusted  ,  it’s  been  said  that  they  made  it  into  the  glitterati  because  of  her  attempt  to   rebrand  her  persona  after  becoming   a   jaded  child  starlet  —  but  surely  you’ve  brushed  off  such  accusations  as  mindless  chatter  by  now  .  widely  recognized  as  a  bisexual  gemini ,  they  say  papa  legba  honed  in  on  your undeviating  duplicitous  &  glib   tendencies  ,  surely  to  be  exploited  if  he  can  strip  you  of  your  otherwise  redemptive eloquent  & alluring   conventions  ,  much  to  his  supposed  chagrin  .  people  muse  that  since  that  fateful  encounter  ,  you’ve  ascended  to rank  d  thanks  to  his  less  than  savory  interventions  ,  despite  your  interaction  being  out  of  envy  .  truly  …   how  else  would  a twenty - one year  old  insta  model  /  youtuber reach  a  net  worth  of  $22m  with  such  unprecedented  ease  ?  what  truth  is  there  to  these  rumors  ,  lola  ?  what  are  you  willing  to  sacrifice  to  keep  what  you’ve  become  ?
her  pinterest  can  be  found  right   here  !  
i  made  a  semi  functional  plots  page  here  !
 charlotte  ‘  lola  ’  may  beaumont  ,  born  in  the  heart  of  the  south  :  tuscaloosa,  alabama  was  treated  like  the  doll  she  resembled,  rosy  cheeks  &  blonde  curls  neatly  tied  with  pastel  pink  bows  –  the  epitome  of  perfection,  spoiled  by  the  riches  of  the  beaumont  name  .
 her  father  ,  a  business  tycoon  raised ��to  be  the  ceo  of  the  family’s  company  .   her  mother  ,  a  former  beauty  queen  obsessed  with  the  socially  constructed  concept  of  skin  deep  beauty  .
 her  first  taste  of  fame  had  been  short  lived,  bringing  life  to  the  coined  phase  :  15  minutes  of  fame  .  on  one  of  the  daily  mother  daughter  shopping  dates  ,  charlotte  was  discovered  by  a  producer  looking  for  the  next  big  child  star.  the  news  elated  her  mother  &  at  age  14  ,  the  idea  of  being  a  star  excited  charlotte  .  her  father  took  over  the  location  in  los  angeles  so  the  beaumonts  could  pursue  charlotte’s  new  found  career  path  .
 like  her  mother,  charlotte  fell  in  lust  with  the  idea  of  being  loved  ,  pampered  ,  &  adored  .  however  ,  her  mother  couldn’t  help  but  seduce  the  producer  with  her  artificial  beauty  &  charm.  the  affair  was  short  lived  ,  but  the  revelation  took  everything  away  from  charlotte  .  &  at  age  16  ,  the  media  no  longer  had  nice  words  to  say  –  charlotte  jaded  so  young  ,  never  knowing  the  real  reason  why  it  all  ended  so  abruptly  .
the  beaumonts  decided  not  to  follow  through  with  a  divorce  for  the  sake  of  charlotte,  but  the  family  dynamic  was  never  the  same  .  her  father  treated  her  mother  coldly  ,  &  in  turn  charlotte  because  of  she  was  a  walking  reminder  ,  her  mother’s  mini  me  .
 &  at  age  18  ,  the  truth  came  out  as  charlotte  learned  why  she  became  a  pariah  in  the  media  rather  than  her  destiny  as  america’s  sweetheart  .  the  worst  part  was  she  realized  she’s  slowly  becoming  her  mother  –  an  inability  to  be  loyal  ,  easily  falling  for  any  bit  of  attention  thrown  her  way  .
 whenever  someone  brings  up  her  child  star  past  ,  the  fame  no  longer  feels  like  the  pure  attention  she  craves  ,  it’s  tainted  .  so  she  went  seeking  attention  in  other  places,  introducing  herself  to  new  ways  –  partying  &  going  out  ,  easily  fitting  into  the  role  of  good  girl  gone  wild  –  managing  to  build  a  small  following  on  instagram  in  the  process  --  what  caught  papa  legba’s  attention  in  the  first  place  .
 her  antics  were  a  cry  for  attention  from  an  absent  father  who  seems  to  blame  charlotte  for  her  mother’s  affair  .  &  charlotte  is  left  missing  the  days  where  she  was  her  daddy’s  little  girl  with  dolls  aligning  her  shelf  .  but  she’s  not  so  innocent  anymore  since  she’s  hiding  50  mL  bottles  of  vodka   beneath  their  skirts  –  it’s  like  a  metaphor  for  her  personality  .
 i  feel  like  charlotte’s  a  dream  ,  this  whimsical  personality  that  demands  attention  kinda  like  cher  in  clueless  ,  but  you  can  tell  that  there’s  something  off  –  that  her  whole  innocence  isn’t  truly  what  it  seems  .  somewhere  along  the  way  of  going  out  ,  charlotte  wound  up  with  an  addiction  to  liquor  ,  another  secret  of  hers  she  keeps  under  wraps  &  denies  having  .  it’s  not  her  fault  the  burn  of   alcohol  makes  her  feel  something  other  than  the  constant  need  for  attention.  plus  the  stress  &  secrets  of  the  glitterati  only  add  to  her  need  for  an  escape  of  sorts  .  but  she  has  them  to  thank  for  the  success  of  her  youtube  channel  :  lolamont  ,  &  her  high  following  on  instagram.  
in  terms  of  her  career  ,  i  was  inspired  by  tana  mongeau’s  story  times  (  i’m  so  sorry  if  you  dislike  her  !  )  –  they’re  just  super  outrageous,  clickbait  -  like  ,  &  attention  seeking  which  fits  charlotte  so  ???  her  other  career  claim  is  alissa  violet  bc  i  feel  like  her  insta  following  /  yt  vlogs  are  very  reminiscent  of  charlotte  . 
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