#this is a FULL on mess so sorry pals !
genericpuff · 3 months
I'm sorry, but this should come as a shock to absolutely no one.
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Just a little bit of 'insider info' (and by 'insider' I mean I was a part of the beta testing crew a few years ago) Webtoons has been messing with AI tools for years. You can literally play test that very same AI tool that I beta-tested here:
Mind you, this is just an AI Painter, similar to the Clip Studio Colorize tool, but it goes to show where WT's priorities are headed. I should mention, btw, that this tool is incredibly useless for anyone not creating a Korean-style webtoon, like you can deadass tell it was trained exclusively on the imports because it can't handle any skin tone outside of white (trying to use darker colors just translates as "shadows" to the program, meaning it'll just cast some fugly ass shadows over a white-toned character no matter how hard you try) and you just know the AI wouldn't know what to do with itself if you gave it an art style that didn't exactly match with the provided samples lmao
And let's be real, can we really expect the company that regularly exploits, underpays, and overworks its creators to give a damn about the ethical concerns of AI? They're gonna take the path of least resistance to make the most money possible.
So the fact that we're now seeing AI comics popping up on Webtoons left and right - and now, an actual "Webtoon AI" branding label - should come as zero shock to anyone. Webtoons is about quantity over quality and so AI is the natural progression of that.
So yeah, if you were looking for any sign to check out other platforms outside of Webtoons, this is it. Here are some of my own recommendations:
ComicFury - Independently run, zero ads, zero subscription costs (though I def recommend supporting them on Patreon if you're able), full control over site appearance, optional hosting for only the cost of the domain name, and best of all, strictly anti-AI. Not allowed, not even with proper labelling or disclosure. Full offense to the tech bro hacks, eat shit.
GlobalComix - Very polished hosting site that offers loads of monetization tools for creators without any exclusive contracts or subscriptions needed. They do offer a subscription program, but that's purely for reading the comics on the site that are exclusively behind paywalls. Not strictly anti-AI but does require in their ToS that AI comics be properly labelled and disclosed, whether they're made partially or fully with AI, to ensure transparency for readers who want to avoid AI comics.
Neocities - If you want to create your own site the good ole' fashioned way (i.e. HTML / CSS) this is the place. Independently run, offers a subscription plan for people who want more storage and bandwidth but it only costs $5/month so it's very inexpensive, and even without that subscription cost you won't have to deal with ads or corporate management bullshit.
Be safe out there pals, don't be afraid to set out into the unknown if it means protecting your work and keeping your control as a creator. Know your rights, know your power.
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chrisredfield73 · 6 months
I have a tf2 request! Could I get some head cannons of an undercover mission trope? Like the mercs seeing the reader dressed up for a mission?
- feel free to ignore, but if you do write it, Ty!!
A/N: I LOVE THIS TROPE SM BRO. I'm down to write just about anything so don't worry! (Usually I do the bullet-point posts faster cause they're quicker to post! If you want a full story from any of these, lmk!)
For Spy's part:
Mon cher/mon cheríe means my darling or my treasure!
He's in his room when you walk in, his jaw drops to the floor as soon as he sees you and his eyes widen.
"Damn, toots/pal.."
He didn't expect you to be dressed up this nice, and to look so good...
After taking a moment to gawk at you, he gets that cocky smirk on his face.
"You look hot."
He's not the best at flirting, clearly, but he'll be damned if he doesn't try..
He was busy yelling at the other mercs before turning to look at you.
His eyes widen under his helmet and he tugs at his jacket collar.
"Wow.. Uh.."
He's speechless and getting flustered in front of all the other mercenaries..
"You look.. Good."
He's trying so hard not to show how flustered he is in front of the others, to no avail.
They're all over there snickering and making fun of Soldier.
He's sitting outside, thinking about 'Pyroland', when he hears footsteps behind him.
As soon as he sees you, he let's out a happy and muffled coo.
He absolutely adores you in your nice dress attire, you look amazing!
He gets up and walks over to you, handing you a flower.
"Mmf mff mm mmf!"
He hopes you'll wear that outfit more often, he thinks it suits you really well!
No pun intended.
He's off in one of the storage rooms, drinking his scrumpy, when he sees you walk in.
He let's out a low whistle as he eyes you up and down.
"Aye, lookin' good there, lass/lad."
He's got a blush on his face, due to the alcohol or your good looks.. We'll never know.
He takes another swig of his drink, a slight smirk on his face.
"Ya want a drink?"
He offers you the bottle, still taking in the sight of your outfit and your form..
He's sitting in the armory, examining Sasha to make sure no one else has messed with his beloved gun and he hears you walk in.
He smiles at you, a light pink flush forming on his face.
"Heavy think.. You look beautiful/handsome."
He likes how well dressed you are, thinking that you should dress this way more often.
"You will do good, Heavy can tell."
He's not as flirty as the others, yet his stomach does flips as he looks at you..
He's sitting outside, by his truck, playing the guitar when you approach him.
He looks over at you and gives you a smile.
"Well, look at you.."
He thinks you look amazing, you should wear that outfit more.
He stops playing the guitar and offers a cheeky grin.
"Wanna sit here with me, hon?"
He's not as flirty as the others, but he absolutely adores you dressed up all nice like this.
He's sitting in the medbay, in the middle of doing some crazy experiment that definitely has some life altering effects, when he notices you walk in.
He gawks at you for a moment before clearing his throat and smiling.
"You look good. Ja, very good."
He's a little awkward and he's definitely getting flustered.
He can't believe his eyes, you look amazing dressed like this.
"Did you.. need something?"
He tries to change the topic before he gets too flustered, but it's obvious to you that he's blushing heavily..
He's sitting in his van, cleaning his kukri, when you walk in.
He's one of the more stoic mercs, but you definitely have his jaw dropping.
"Damn, roo.. Y'look stunning."
He blushes, looking away to try and hide his flustered face.
He knew you'd look good but seeing you dressed like this in person makes him turn red.
"You wanna sit here for a bit?"
You caught his eye, as if you already didn't, and now he wants you to stick around more than ever...
He's in his room, smoking a cigarette and listening to jazz, when you walk in.
He looks over at you and his mouth goes agape.
"You look.. stunning, mon cher/ma cheríe."
He's enamored, stunned by how well dressed you are and how good you look dressed like this.
He's silent for a moment, not knowing what to say.
"You have a perfect outfit for going undercover."
It's awkward, to say the least. He didn't expect this at all but he definitely likes what he's seeing..
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hi luv :), i have a frank castle and reader request. something like the reader is an introverted & quiet person and when being introduced to his small group of people at a small gathering like karen page, she feels inadequate & insecure and everyone’s attention is on karen. but he always notices every little thing about reader & knows she can be talkative, especially with just him, reassurance and maybe smut in the end, tysm :’) <3
hii lovie!! my thing for him has resurfaced lately so this is perfect, but no smut in this one, really sorry. thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
frank castle x f!reader
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word count. 652
warnings. none, just fluff. frank being so bf😔
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You and Frank shared many similar characteristics - both quiet individuals, preferring the company of oneself over the hustle and bustle of others. But amongst the likeliness laid many juxtaposing traits. Frank had the charm and confidence to initiate a conversation with a stranger - to talk as if he'd known them a lifetime, whereas you were the polar opposite. You had trouble stirring up a discussion with someone you didn't know - to talk freely without fear of embarrassing yourself.
You're the kind of person who requires time to warm to someone - who needs a blanket of security to feel comfortable enough to open up. There were very few that have made you feel that way, the main being your boyfriend, Frank.
Through Frank's unquestioning love and reassurance, you've learnt he is a pillar you can rely on to feel comfortable - someone that can make you feel safe in unfamiliar settings. He's the kind of person you use for a sense of comfort.
So when you find yourself a shy, queasy mess surrounded by Frank's friends, you know you can count on your boyfriend to coax you out of hiding if needed. You wanted to mingle, to join in on the conversation -with the help of liquid courage- but you couldn't form any words for the life of you.
There wasn't much you could do other than nod and smile as Karen shared stories about her work. You wanted to ask her questions - get to know her, to get to know more about the woman who's helped keep your boyfriend alive, but as others chimed in, steering the conversation, you decided to stay quiet, nervously biting your straw as you tapped your foot to the bar music.
Frank sat beside you, cornering you in the booth, a protective hand on your knee as he sipped on a beer and caught up with his friends.
You wanted to speak up - ask questions about them, talk about something that interested you, but as you finally buckled up enough courage, the conversation drew to a close, and the others went to the bar to refresh their drinks.
The second the table empties, Frank turns to you, his face full of concern. He wanted to ask what had happened - why you cocooned yourself after promising to try. He wanted to ask what had you all turned around, why you hadn't said more than five words, but as he noticed your subtle frown, he knew now wasn't the time.
"Wanna go home, mama?" Frank quietly asked, slipping his hand into yours, his thumb brushing comforting strokes over the back of it.
"No, no. I'm good," you lie, flashing a faux smile.
Frank could see right through you - he always could. He knew you were lying to spare his feelings, pretending you were enjoying bar night for the sake of him. He found it admirable for you to put yourself in the depths of discomfort so that he could catch up with old pals.
And as the others rejoined around the table, Frank began to gather your things, whipping up an elaborate lie to avoid putting you in the spotlight - saying how it was getting late and he hadn't eaten yet.
You said your goodbyes with genuine smiles, hugging his friends before leaving the bar.
Your arm wrapped around Frank's as you quietly walked down the late-night street, following after his lead. He knew you felt worn down and tired from your evening out, drained and wanting nothing more than to be in the comfort of home, so he suggested grabbing take-out to enjoy on the couch.
You stopped past one of your locals, ordering all your favourite dishes to reward you for your efforts tonight. And after eating your body weight in take-out food, you spent the rest of the night snuggled on the sofa watching shitty tv, recuperating.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 10 months
Step By Step 💞
Summary: You were tired of spending so much time being in love with Eddie, he didn't notice you. He only noticed pretty, popular, cheerleaders.
So you decide to move on, for your own sake but that soon gets complicated...
Warnings: Jealous Eddie, not so unrequited love, friends to lovers.
Do copy, reuse or repost my work.
Eddie had been crushing on Stacy for a while now, the pretty, popular cheerleader had Eddie giving heart eyes on the daily.
This was particularly difficult for you to watch as you had been in love with Eddie for years.
He didn't notice, you were his buddy, his pal and firmly in the friend zone and you were growing tired of it.
Were you really going to spend all your time mooning over someone who couldn't love you back? It was constant heartbreak just waiting to happen.
So after another night feeling sorry for yourself, another night wasted crying about Eddie, you decided it was time to move on.
How you were going to do that was a mystery to you but you were going to try.
Step One: Notice other guys and not just Eddie.
The first one was a little harder than you thought, Steve would be your first choice to notice as he was a good looking guy and very sweet.
The only thing was him and Eddie were very close these days so you didn't want to make things awkward.
Gareth was like a brother to you, as was Jeff. There was plenty guys around school but you weren't exactly an expert at flirting.
Maybe you just had to wing it? Or maybe the opportunity would fall on your lap? okay, that was highly unlikely...
Or so you would have thought until that very thing happened at lunch break the next morning.
Lucas came up to the Hellfire table while Eddie was deep into talk about the latest campaign, he was with one of his basketball teammate's who was looking in your direction with a shy smile on his features.
It was Cole Jackson who was a senior just like you, the two of you shared science class together.
"Sinclair, Eddie nods and his eyes narrow on Cole.
"Hey guys this is Cole" Lucas waves to his friend and Eddie frowns.
"Hellfire is full Lucas, not that I imagine that's what he wants to ask about but I'm just putting it out there" You nudge Eddie who still looks irratated.
"Be nice" you warn him and he goes back to talking about the campaign.
"Uh actually Munson I'm here to talk to yn. Lucas said he would introduce me to her"
Oh... Eddie stops talking and stares at you then to Cole. Flustered at the attention you hold your hand out for Cole to shake which he kisses instead.
"I hope to see you at the next game cheering me on cutie" He winks at you then walks away, the others tease you but Eddie is unnaturally quiet as he watches Cole go.
"What's his game?" he mutters and you come out the cloud nine high you were on and frown, heart sinking.
"What do you mean?" you miss Dustin and Gareth making gestures behind you, basically telling Eddie to zip it.
"There has to be some angle, he's from the dark side. He's planning something" the sentence hangs in the air as tears well in your eyes and anger bubbles in your stomach.
"So he needs to have an ulterior motive? That's the only reason a guy would like me? Am I that hideous?" at this point Eddie notices your tears and his eyes widen.
"Shit... No! You're beautiful... He stammers out and you glare at him knowing he's just saying this because he messed up.
"I get it, I'm not a pretty cheerleader or popular so in no way could I be attractive or some bullshit right?" Eddie opens his mouth but nothing comes out and you gather your things still fuming and heartbroken.
"You know just because you fail to notice Eddie, I am a woman and I want to feel pretty and wanted. Just because you'll never see it doesn't mean others won't", he gapes at you as you storm off.
As upset as you are it felt kinda good letting out some of your emotions around Eddie for a change.
Step One ☑
Step Two: (Unintentionally) make Eddie Jealous.
Cole made the point of showing up in places that you would hang around during school.
There was a weird tension in the air between you and Eddie which was made worse when Cole was around.
Truthfully, you were still hurt by what Eddie said so it was flattering to receive attention from Cole.
He was nothing like Eddie but maybe that was a good thing. It gave you a chance to try and attempt to move on.
The only thing was that you didn't expect Eddie's reaction to you hanging out with Cole. He was snappish, moody and it both baffled and pissed you off.
You wanted to ask what his problem was but things were fraught between you two already and you didnt want to make it worse.
Unfortunately, things were getting worse because the more that Cole flirted with you, the more tense Eddie became.
Maybe he was just being protective? Though it that truly were the case wouldn't the others be protective too?
Robin was excited by this new development and was certain that Cole would ask you out "because if he doesn't then he's a dingus" she proclaimed.
It was nice to talk to someone else about all of this. Though she would watch Eddie with an amused smile that had you wondering what she was thinking...
Eddie was not in a good mood, he was cranky and distracted as he vaguely listened to Dustin and Mike arguing about something.
They were at Family Video and tonight's movie choice was between Ghostbusters and Friday the 13th, Eddie left the two boys arguing as he browsed the shelves.
He didn't like being this out of sorts, ever since Cole had began sniffing around you it was like he was on edge.
Cole was a pretty boy douchebag and you were going to get hurt. That's why he was so annoyed about you going gaga over his attention.
It had nothing to do with the way his stomach dropped when you giggled at Cole's lame ass flirting attempts, nothing at all.
"Geez Munson, that bad a day huh?" Steve claps his shoulder and Eddie shrugs. Robin gives him a withering look which puzzles him.
"Yeah, uh... Just this asshole making eyes at yn, I don't trust him" Robin rolls her eyes before Steve can say anything.
"Oh please, just admit you're jealous because it's so obvious that you are dingus"
Eddie stammers, he's lost for words and doesn't know what to say back to that. Finally he manages to get out some words.
"Jealous? Jealous of what? I am not fucking jealous of that butthead, that's ridiculous" Robin doesn't look convinced and rolls her eyss.
"Yeah. Whatever you say"
He's about to protest when you come in, Cole smirks when he sees Eddie and wraps his arm around your shoulders.
Something sours in Eddie's stomach and he feels like he might throw up. His heart is racing and the desire to kick Cole's ass was rising exponentially.
Well shit... He was jealous after all.
Step Two: ☑
Step Three: The Kiss ( and the unexpected aftermath)
Cole kissed you. You hadn't expected it to happen.
It was just as you arrived to Hawkins High, you were about to join Eddie who was deep in conversation with Steve and Robin, you wanted to clear the air with him.
Cole called your name and when you turned around in response, he kissed you. When Cole pulled away you were full of emotions, a weird mix of melancholy and excitement.
There was a part of you that wished it was Eddie doing this and you hated it.
Speaking of Eddie you caught his eye and he was shock still, he came too and stormed off before you could even call his name.
His reaction confused you, you were all jumbled up inside and you didnt know what to do.
People are whispering as they stare at you, it's happened once or twice and you don't know what's happening.
Was this because of Cole? The kiss? Flustered you hurry away but are stopped when you hear a commotion in the lunch hall.
Just barely you can hear the word fight being called and your stomach sinks with dread. You don't know why but you have a bad feeling about this.
It turns out that your worry is correct as you head into the cafeteria to find Eddie being pulled of Cole who looks smug as hell.
"Eddie!" He's covered in bruises and his lip is bleeding but Cole is worse, his eye is already turning purple and his nose is bleeding profusely.
Eddie rarely fights, only when he really has to and even then he tries to avoid it. Something big must have happened for him to fly off the handle.
"Eddie what happened?" he swallows and glares at Cole who laughs.
"Come on babe, you know what happened... That little bit of fun we had in my car?" your mind draws a blank because you've only kissed the one time.
Then it all clicks into place, the stares and the whispering, the way Eddie flew off the handle... Cole has been spreading lies.
"You asshole!! We kissed once, only once. In fact you kissed me! How dare you spread shit that isnt true" You seethe and Cole looks flustered as a few people begin to glare at him.
"Come on babe. You know you want this body" He has the slimiest smirk on his face and you feel sick, how could you fall for that smug look.
"You're a pig, I wouldn't fuck you if you were the last man on earth" You hear him call you a bitch or something but don't particularly care.
Eddie does though and you hold him back.
"He's not worth it Eddie" traitor tears pool in your eyes as you gently clean up his cut lip.
"Don't cry, he's not worth it" Eddie cups your cheek and it makes the tears come even quicker.
"I just thought a guy liked me, a nice guy and then it turns out he's just an asshole"
You can't say what else has made you upset, like the thought you could finally get rid of your unrequited feelings for the handsome sweet guy you were currently patching up.
"He's a douchebag, he doesn't deserve you princess. You're amazing" Eddies big brown eyes are full of affection and something else, something you can't place.
Whatever it is makes your stomach fill with butterflies. Gently, you squeeze his hand.
"My very own knight in shining leather, thank you for defending me Eddie. I should have sucker punched him myself" You add as an afterthought.
Eddie bows. "Eddie the Banished at your service milady" this makes you laugh and you cuddle into Eddie's chest.
Instinctively, his arms wrap around you as he pulls you closer. Strangely though his heart is beating really fast.
"You okay? You're heartbeats going really fast" you're concerned and a little confused as he smiles.
"Yeah, that's absolutely nothing to do with the beautiful lady in my arms" you think he's joking until you look up and he's gazing at you with this blazing look his eyes.
The look makes your heart skip a beat and you know in your bones that something has changed between you and Eddie.
Step Three ☑
Step Four Forget all of the above steps as your life turns into a romance novel.
Eddie visited you the next night, he had been weird and jumpy all day, nervous. He looked like he desperately wanted to speak with you, yet the minute he tried to it was like he would clam up.
So you pretty much expected him to come and see you, Eddie regularly snuck into your room so the two of you could hang out. Tonight wasn't any different.
Except it was different, very much so.
There was the same nervous energy around Eddie and he couldn't sit still, constantly fidgeting.
"Eddie, Eddie relax, you take his hand and squeeze it softly, it works and he calms down."What's going on?" you ask him and he stares at you for a second, his big doe eyes softening.
"You're beautiful princess" the compliment robs you of speech and then you're as flustered and nervous as Eddie.
"I'm an idiot, should have realised this sooner, I'm sorry" he sighs and you feel puzzled, a little unsure where he is going with this.
"Eddie, are you okay? I don't understand... you trail off and there's a beat of silence before he speaks again.
"I love you"
Eddie had feelings for you... Deep feelings. The words tumble around your head as you gape at him. He loves you.
"What about Stacy?" you ask and cringe thats the first thing you said after he just admitted he loves you.
He scoffs and shakes his head.
"Yeah turns out she's so not my type, she was just a dumb crush. I wasted so much time on her when I could have been with you"
Fuck, this was actually happening, you've dreamed about this for so long and now it's real. You never thought this would ever happen, it was wishful thinking and nothing more.
"I love you" it feels so good to get it out, to not have to hide how you feel, it feels so good to finally let it out.
"Will you forgive me for being a total dumbass and taking a while to realise sweetheart?" grinning you pretend to mull over his offer and tug him close to you.
"Might need a couple kisses Munson?" he grins and his arm snakes around your waist pulling you flush against his body, you can smell Old Spice, leather and a little bit weed.
It's so comforting, Eddie's scent. You love it.
Eddie's lips meet yours and you kiss him back passionately, looping your arms around his neck.
He briefly pulls away and smiles, he looks a little dazed.
"Yeah, I am a dumbass, could have been doing that for a long time" he kisses you again and again, each time even more perfect than the last.
Step Four ☑
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kafus · 7 months
how to transfer your old pokemon to pokemon home before it's too late!!!
the wi-fi services for the nintendo 3DS and WiiU are shutting down in early april 2024, and while it specifically lists pokemon bank and poke transporter as being available post-shutdown, there is no guarantee of how long that may be for. there will likely come a time when these services shut down, and it could be in the relatively near future.
it is also pretty much impossible now to transfer pokemon to the switch's Home service with alternative methods such as PKHeX (popular pokemon save editor for the uninformed) due to the implementation of server-side Home IDs tracking pokemon at all times - the details of that aren't super important for this post, but point is, whenever bank shuts down, unless nintendo makes an offline way to transfer to home, it will be impossible to move pokemon from the old gens to the new, even with alternative/hack-y methods.
i write this guide with the intention of making this process easier for people since transferring pokemon has changed so much over the past two decades that it's a bit of a mess, and in a timely manner to give people time to finish the process. i'll be organizing by generation so feel free to skip to any part of the guide you need. (keep in mind that transferring is permanent, your pokemon cannot go back afterwards!!)
(by the way it would mean a lot to me if you weren't overwhelmingly negative of pokemon in the tags/reblogs. i get that pokemon transferring being an online service sucks but reading that stuff in my notifications constantly is really tiring </3 make ur own post to talk about that)
to walk you through, i'll be transferring this random shiny spinda i hatched in emerald version all the way up to pokemon home. her name is Moss :]
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below the cut since this is long as fuck sorry LOL
GEN 1/2 -> 3 (aka RBY/GSC -> RSE/FRLG)
this is impossible! as for the Virtual Console releases of the gen 1/2 games on 3DS, more on that later in the gen 5 -> 6/7 section.
GEN 3 -> 4 (aka RSE/FRLG -> DPPT/HGSS)
what you need:
a copy of RSE or FRLG
a copy of DPPT or HGSS in the same language as the RSE/FRLG copy that has beaten the champion and has access to post-game areas, preferably HGSS because it lets you transfer unlimited times as opposed to DPPT's once-per-24-hours limit (unless you happen to have korean DPPT/HGSS, which is not language locked in terms of transferring)
either an original DS or a DS lite, the old ones with the GBA slot at the bottom
the steps:
#1. you can only transfer 6 pokemon at a time, so get whatever 6 pokemon you want to transfer up together in gen 3. if you're intending to transfer less than 6 pokemon, you'll need to catch some extras since you have to transfer the full 6 every time (i usually just catch a bunch of extra mons on the first route, which is what i've done here with the poochyenas/wurmples)
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#2. put the gen 3 game into the GBA slot of the DS, and the gen 4 game into the DS slot. both games should appear on the home menu after turning on the DS.
#3. load the DS game and spam A past the title screen. before loading your save, scroll down. you should see a "MIGRATE FROM (GAME NAME HERE)" option. if you don't, either the GBA game isn't reading properly, or you have not visited Pal Park in your gen 4 game of choice. in HGSS, the Pal Park is located in Fuchsia City, and in DPPT, the Pal Park is located at the end of Route 221 below Sandgem Town.
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#4. select the aforementioned migration option and pick the pokemon you want to transfer.
#5. navigate to the Pal Park and complete the Catching Show, where you re-catch your transferred pokemon in the wild. this does not overwrite what pokeballs they were originally caught in! you will need to bring a pokemon with Surf if you have any Pokemon that spawn in the water areas. you can check what location the pokemon you transferred will be in on bulbapedia.
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#6. say yes to storing the caught pokemon in your PC boxes and they'll be there!
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important things to note:
pokemon with HM moves will be blocked from transfer, so make sure to use the Move Deleter to remove HM moves from any pokemon you're transferring in gen 3 before trying to transfer. in RSE, the Move Deleter is in Lilycove City, and in FRLG they are in Fuchsia City.
gen 3 -> 4 is the only step in the transfer process where held items transfer up as well, meaning that if you attach a valuable item such as a rare candy, master ball, or TM to a transferred pokemon, you can take it off that pokemon and put it in your bag in the gen 4 game.
an aside about colosseum/XD gale of darkness on gamecube:
you can transfer pokemon from colo/XD as well! unfortunately you'll need to have beaten colo/XD, and then you will also need to beat the gen 3 game... in FRLG, you even have to complete the postgame ruby/sapphire quest on the sevii islands to unlock trading with the gamecube games. once you do all that though, you can navigate to the pokemon center basement in Phenac City to trade with your gen 3 GBA title. to do this, you'll need a gamecube or wii with gamecube compatibility, a GBA (or GBA SP), and a GCN -> GBA link cable to connect the two consoles.
GEN 4 -> 5 (aka DPPT/HGSS -> BW/BW2)
what you need:
a copy of DPPT/HGSS
a copy of BW or BW2 in the same language as DPPT/HGSS copy that has beaten the champion (or N in the original BW) and has access to post-game areas.
two DS consoles of any kind (3DS is also fine!)
the steps:
#1. get the pokemon you want to transfer together in your gen 4 game's PC boxes. you can only transfer 6 pokemon at a time. if you have less than 6, catch some extra pokemon, since you need to transfer the full 6 every time. save it and turn off the DS with the gen 4 game.
#2. turn on your gen 5 game and navigate to the Poke Transfer Lab. personally i just fly to Black City/White Forest and head west.
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#3. talk to the NPC in the lab to start the transfer process. you will be prompted to turn on your other DS again and open DS Download Play with your gen 4 game inserted. do that and download the Poke Transfer app that comes up.
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#4. select the 6 Pokemon you want to transfer when prompted.
#5. play the transfer minigame! just drag the... bow? (lol) on the bottom screen to aim your pokeballs. there's technically a time limit, but it's very generous, and your final score doesn't matter.
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#6. say yes to transferring the pokemon once you're done and they'll be placed in your PC boxes!
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important things to note:
pokemon with HM moves will be blocked from transfer, so make sure to use the Move Deleter to remove HM moves from any pokemon you're transferring in gen 4 before trying to transfer. in DPPT they're in Canalave City, and in HGSS they're in Blackthorn City.
the level the pokemon was obtained at and the date it was obtained is changed upon transfer to gen 5 - it will have the met date of your DS clock and the met level of the level it was at the time of transfer. if you'd like to preserve a pokemon's met date, make sure to change the DS clock to the proper date.
GEN 5 -> 6/7 (aka BW/BW2 -> 3DS TITLES/BANK)
what you need:
a copy of BW/BW2
a copy of any 3DS pokemon game (XY/ORAS/SUMO/USUM)
a 3DS (or 2DS, i'll just be referring to them all as 3DSes here) with the poke transporter and pokemon bank apps installed. these were free apps that were once downloadable from the 3DS eShop, but the 3DS eShop is no longer available, so if you don't already have them installed you will need to explore alternate methods, AKA hacking your 3DS and injecting them in. that's outside the scope of this guide but you can find more information here on 3ds.hacks.guide. (do not attempt to follow any 3DS hacking guide not on this website, they could be outdated and harm your 3DS!)
a nintendo network ID that your 3DS is logged into (also outside the scope of this guide but if you don't already have one, it will prompt you during the process to make one)
internet connection
the steps:
#1. poke transporter defaults to trying to transfer every pokemon located in Box 1 of your PC, so go into your gen 5 game and put every pokemon you want to transfer into Box 1, and take anything you don't want to transfer out. if you want to transfer more pokemon than you can fit in one box, you'll have to transfer multiple times.
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#2. open poke transporter with your gen 5 game inserted into the 3DS' cartridge slot. after pressing A through some menus and selecting the gen 5 game when prompted, it should ask if you want to transfer the pokemon in Box 1, with a preview of the pokemon inside. confirm and let it do its thing. after poke transporter is finished, the pokemon you transferred will be in the special Transport Box in bank.
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#3. make sure you either have a 3DS pokemon title downloaded onto your 3DS, or swap out your gen 5 cart for one, it doesn't matter which.
#4. close out of poke transporter and navigate to pokemon bank. at the time of writing this guide, bank is still online and is free for everyone without a subscription - the main menu has an infinite "free trial" period number.
#5. select "use pokemon bank" and pick a 3DS game to connect with when prompted. it doesn't matter which one, but if you're looking to see your pokemon in a gen 6/7 game right now, pick the one you want to move it into. viewing a pokemon in a gen 6/7 game isn't required to move to home later, though!
#6. the Transport Box is located one box to the left of Box 1 - navigate to it and drag your pokemon out into a normal bank box. now you can move them to any gen 6/7 pokemon game you want, or home later!
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important things to note:
even though bank connects with both gen 6 and gen 7 games, once you place a pokemon into a gen 7 game (SUMO/USUM), you cannot transfer that pokemon back to a gen 6 game (XY/ORAS), so be careful!
an aside about the VC releases of RBY/GSC:
poke transporter can also be used to transfer pokemon out of the VC releases of RBY/GSC. these pokemon are changed pretty heavily, converting all their old gen data into pokemon's modern data structure. you can find more information about all the changes/conversions made on bulbapedia. these pokemon are considered gen 7 pokemon afterwards, and cannot be moved into XY/ORAS. pokemon with held items also cannot be transferred from VC titles and will fail to transfer.
if you want to transfer pokemon from cartridge RBY/GSC and have a save dumping device, it is possible to inject the cartridge's save file into the VC versions with Checkpoint on a hacked 3DS and then transfer that way. for GSC specifically, you'll need to edit your save slightly to make it compatible with VC GSC's save format. i personally made a converter for that here that you're free to use in-browser.
GEN 6/7 -> GEN 8+ (aka BANK -> HOME)
what you need:
a 3DS (or 2DS, i'll just be referring to them all as 3DSes here) with the pokemon bank app installed. this was a free app that was once downloadable from the 3DS eShop, but the 3DS eShop is no longer available, so if you don't already have it installed you will need to explore alternate methods, AKA hacking your 3DS and injecting it in. that's outside the scope of this guide but you can find more information here on 3ds.hacks.guide. (do not attempt to follow any 3DS hacking guide not on this website, they could be outdated and harm your 3DS!)
a nintendo network ID that your 3DS is logged into (also outside the scope of this guide but if you don't already have one, it will prompt you during the process to make one)
a switch with Pokemon Home installed, which can be downloaded for free from the switch's eShop. a nintendo switch online subscription is not required.
unfortunately, you WILL need a subscription to home's premium plan to do bank -> home transfers.
internet connection
the steps:
#1. open pokemon bank and make sure all the pokemon you want to transfer are in their own boxes, and any you don't want to transfer are not in the same boxes as the to-be-transferred pokemon.
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#2. go back to the bank home menu and select the "move pokemon to pokemon home" option. when you get the notice about the transfer being one-way, you'll need to scroll down to hit "Begin".
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#3. you will be prompted to select what boxes of pokemon you'd like to transfer, so pick all the applicable ones.
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#4. you will then be prompted to put in the moving key from home, so turn on your switch, open pokemon home, and select the icon that looks like a 3DS on the main menu. when prompted, choose "Ready!" to get the moving key.
#5. input the moving key on the 3DS, submit it, and wait for both apps to do their thing. once bank goes back to its title screen, you can turn off the 3DS.
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#6. home will go back to its title screen as well, and depending on how many pokemon you moved, you may have to wait a few minutes to get back into the app. once it's done, the next time you open home, it'll prompt you to choose how to organize your transferred pokemon into home. pick whatever you see fit.
#7. congratulations, your pokemon are safe in home!!
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important things to note:
unlike all pokemon games before the switch, pokemon can actually go backwards in generation on switch, so don't worry about transferring a pokemon into scarlet/violet locking you out of moving it to sword/shield, for example. (the exception to this is LGPE - nothing can be moved into LGPE and once a pokemon is moved out of LGPE, it can't go back.)
pokemon home actually has decent hack checks, so be careful when transferring hacked/glitched/otherwise illegitimate pokemon around.
pokemon from a gen 3/4 game will have their met location set to "Poke Shifter" - this is an alternative translation of the japanese name for the Poke Transporter.
pokemon on switch can only transfer into games that contain that pokemon in its dex, so not everything transferred can go into scarlet/violet, for example.
and that's it!!
there's a lot of other quirks to the pokemon transferring process at pretty much all steps, so if you run into an unusual issue or have specific questions about how pokemon data is changed in minute ways across the franchise, i would encourage you to do your own research, all of this stuff is pretty heavily documented by the fanbase. this is just meant to be a guide for casual users, and a quick reference.
this guide of course does not cover options for transferring in alternative ways, but it's worth mentioning that if you have a hacked 3DS and the ability to back up save files at any point from gens 3 -> 5, you can use PKHeX to transfer pokemon into the 3DS titles, then move them to bank and transfer to home normally from there. that's outside the scope of this guide and i'd also encourage you to do your own research for that.
happy transferring!
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feelbokkie · 9 months
Sorry, Right Number | Chapter 13
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pairing: idol!Chan x fem reader
genre: smau, crack, angst, fluff,strangers to lovers, pen pals/hidden identity, forbidden love, celebrity romance
pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)
warnings: swearing, alcohol and drinking
summary: Being an idol can be lonely and isolating. After one fun and adventurous night at a bar, Chan decides to text the girl he met the night before. Except, she gave him the the wrong number?
word count: 3,185
screenshot count: 18
taglist: closed
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Bonus Content Unlocked: Mystery Trip with Y/n playlist
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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“So, what’s in Gyeongju-si?” Chan asks after putting his phone in his pocket, clearly annoyed with whoever was texting him.
“Lots of things. I did some research and it’s one of the places that students from the bigger cities like Seoul go to for multi-day field trips.” You go through your bag and pull out two big ziplock bags full of snacks, handing one bag to Chan. You know the trip is only 2 hours long, but you wanted to make sure you had all your bases covered. You even had another bag of snacks for the return trip.
"Is this why both of your bags are heavy? You're just super prepared?" Chan asks. He had to help you get your overnight bag in the overhead bin and grab your backpack when you tripped getting onto the bus earlier.
"Better to be over-prepared than underprepared." You shrug. You go back in your backpack and pull out a notebook and a pen.
"Okay, now what are you doing?" He laughs as he watches you flip through your notebook and land on a page filled with notes.
"I'm just going over the plan for this trip. A good trip is like a recipe, if you don't follow the directions, you're going to fuck up the entire thing."
"You're insane,"
"Says the man who blindly followed me on this trip without asking where we were going."
"I trust you with my life, Y/n." You turn your head to look at him, his face is scrunched in seriousness.
"And I'm the insane one?" You hum before going back to your notebook.
"Here, let me send you the link to the playlist I made for today so you can just listen to that and relax."
"You made a playlist? Is that why you asked how long it would take to get there?"
"That's cute, but I can't listen to that right now."
"Why not? Forgot your headphones?" He asks softly.
"Of course, I didn't. We're going to need my phone for a lot of stuff and the battery is shot to hell so I'm trying to not use up the battery. I have a portable charger but that's for emergencies." You sigh as add a quick note in your notebook.
"Here," He pulls up a tangled mess of headphones from his backpack.
"You still have wired headphones?" You scoff as you detangle the headphones. Chan takes them back from you and plugs them into his phone
"Only for when I'm working. Don't worry, I didn't bring my laptop. You have my undivided attention for 3 whole days." He beams at you.
"Let me see the playlist, dork." You put your hand out for his phone.
"Okay," He hands you his phone, watching you punch in his passcode. He gave it to you a while ago when you needed to send yourself a picture the two of you took together.
"Love the playlist picture. And that half of the songs are your songs." You joke.
"I know for a fact you like SKZ so I couldn't go wrong with just adding a few of them to the playlist."
"You made the playlist for me?" You freeze, your heart skipping a beat.
"My love language is music." He says simply like that explains everything.
"Your love language is all of them." You tease, trying hard not to blush as the heat rushes to your face.
"Shut up and put this in your ear. The cord is kind of short so feel free to put your head on my shoulder if you need to." He pats his shoulder, signaling you to lay on him.
"That would have been a good song to put on here."
"...Give me back my phone," He snatches the phone out of your hand and quickly types something in.
"Topher, I'm kidding, relax. The playlist is perfect." You laugh, putting a hand on top of his wrist.
"Fine, if you say so," Chan scrolls to the top of the playlist, "Give me a number between 1 and 10."
"8 is fate," You smirk.
"I should have figured," You watch as Chan hits the shuffle button 8 times and then puts his phone in his pocket as LOVE DIVE by IVE plays from the headphones. You close your notebook and gently lay your head on his shoulder.
"To-To, we're not in Seoul anymore." You say as you walk back to Chan after getting the key to your hotel room.
"Did you give my nickname a nickname?" He asks, picking up all of your bags. He insisted on carrying everything and threatened to start screaming if you tried to take anything when you got off the bus. He's playing dangerous games for someone who has to wear a hat and face mask to hang out with you in public.
"I've been using 'To-To' for weeks and you're just now realizing?" You roll your eyes as you two head for the elevator.
You two get into the elevator and you press the button for your floor. You stand quietly, double-checking the room number. The only sound is the quiet elevator music, an instrumental version of a song you know but can't remember the name of.
"Y/n," Chan asks suddenly.
"Hmm?" You hum, not looking up from your phone.
"How are you paying for this?"
"I'm a certified broke bitch, Topher. I know how to find deals and budget. Don't worry about it."
"Yeah, but--"
"I will confiscate both your phone and your wallet if you try to pay for anything other than souvenirs on this trip. I'm so serious."
"I just don't want you spending all of your money on me."
"If only you knew how much money I spent on merch and albums," You mutter under your breath, leading the way to your hotel room.
"What was that?"
You stop in front of the door to your room. You pull out the keycard and let yourself in. You take a deep breath before you push open the door. The door opens to a small room with two beds. You breathe a sigh of relief as you walk into the room. You sit on the bed closest to the door and watch as Chan walks in with a small pout.
"What's wrong To-To? Thought there'd be only one bed?" You tease.
"Shut up," He mumbles as he puts your stuff down in front of you and flops down on his bed.
"You're not getting lucky on this trip, Christopher."
"What if I told you I'm already getting lucky just by being here with you." You feel the heat rush to your face.
"I guess we don't have to push the beds together later then," You tease, fully intending to not push the beds together later but watching Chan's face turn red is worth it.
"S-seriously?" He stammers.
"No, To-mato, calm down. Nobody is defiling anyone on this trip. We're already breaking the first rule of the school trip by having a co-ed room."
"Defiling? What are you, an old woman?" He laughs.
"Don't play the age game with me, Channie. I will hurt your feelings."
"Love when you're mean to me. Go ahead."
"I'm reconsidering this entire trip. Just relax a bit. We're going to head out to get lunch and then walk over to the Garden of Morning Calm."
"Are we going to go to the folk village while we're here?" He says as he starts going through his bags.
"Yeah, we're going to spend most of the day there tomorrow."
"Can we rent hanboks while we're there?" He asks excitedly, bouncing in his spot from his bed. You can't help but smile softly at him, your heart pounding.
"If you want, yeah. This trip is for you anyway." You flop your back on your bed and close your eyes.
"We can do whatever I want?" He whispers, you hear him moving around on his side of the room.
"Within reason, yeah." You feel the bed dip down on the side. Your heartbeat pounds in your chest.
"I'll hold you to that," He whispers in your ear before pressing his lips into your cheek. You stop breathing, your breath getting caught in your throat. If you and Chan were playing a flirting game, he definitely won, just now.
"I-I...I'm going to get ready for lunch." You quickly get up from your bed and walk to the bathroom.
"Cute," You hear Chan say before you close the bathroom door.
You pull out the bottle of soju from your bag and walk back to your bed. Your wet hair sitting on your shoulders. Chan sits down on his bed, drying his hair with a white towel from the hotel.
"What's that?" Chan chuckles.
"Cheap soju," You hum, opening the bottle for him.
"The main part of a high school overnight trip is sneaking alcohol and playing drinking games." You say, handing the bottle to Chan.
"With one bottle of soju?" He questions.
"I have another bottle in my bag if you need it. But you're going to be the only one drinking so no need to bring a huge ass bottle."
"Why am I the only one drinking?" He quirks an eyebrow, taking another sip.
"I don't drink. So go ahead."
"I that's not fun," He pouts.
"I'll make it fun, don't worry."
"This game tisn't fair 'cause you're sober!" Chan slurs, making you laugh. He's on the second bottle of soju and you're slowly getting tired.
"I've lost the babo game a handful of times too. But you're out again, anyway." You laugh harder as he finishes the rest of his drink.
"Lez play somefing else." He hums. His face is red and he's been smiling so much, that you can't remember seeing his eyes not look like half-crescent moons.
"Let's go to bed," You take the empty bottle from him and put it on the side table between your beds next to the other one.
"Don' wanna!" He whines. You sigh as you climb off your bed and sit next to him.
"What do you want to do?"
"I wanna sta' up wif you and talk."
"We should go to bed so we can have a good day at the folk village tomorrow." You chuckle as he pouts, crossing his arms.
"One more game?" He pleads.
"What game?"
"Truth or dare," He sighs.
"Fine, truth or dare, Topher?"
"Dare," He smirks.
"I dare you to go to bed." You smirk back.
"That's cheating!" He throws himself back on the bed. You slowly throw yourself back as well, your head facing him and your hands resting on your stomach.
Chan's head turns towards you when he feels you lie down next to him. He's no longer smiling, his dimple gone and his eyes more open than they were before. Not completely, they're hooded like he's about to sleep. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought he fell asleep with his eyes slightly open and mouth parted. It's quiet, the only noise being the air conditioning that Chan asked you to turn on when the alcohol started to make him hot. You two just stare at each other for a moment, looking at each other's eyes.
You're still not convinced that he's actually awake. Not until his eyes flick down to your lips, causing your breathing to stop as it freezes in your throat. Chan slowly starts to lean in. You panic, not sure what exactly is going on. You watch as his face gets closer and his eyes close. He's inches from your face and you know he's going to kiss you. And god, do you want him to kiss you. But he's drunk and you're not. You quickly sit up seconds before his lips can touch yours.
"Let me get you some water before bed," You say quickly before going to your bag and getting a water bottle. Your face is so hot, there's no way you aren't blushing right now. You uncap it and hand it to the now pouting Chan. His mouth is in a full frown and his eyes sad. He like like he just watched you kick a puppy.
"You don't want to kiss me?" He asks softly, taking the water bottle from you.
"No! I do, trust me I do, just not now. Not while you're drunk. Not when you might not even remember it." You whisper quickly.
"I'd remember," He says before chugging the water bottle.
"Let's talk about this later. Okay? Let's just go to bed."
"Okay," You quickly turn around as Chan immediately starts to take off his shirt. You forgot that he sleeps without a shirt.
You walk to the bathroom and take the trash can. You walk back into the room to find Chan already lying down in his bed, facing your bed. You put the trash can next to his head and slightly rearrange his body. You can't be responsible if Chan dies from asphyxiation in his sleep if he chokes on his own vomit. After double-checking that he's fine, you shut off the light and climb into your bed.
Your back is flat on the bed, staring at the ceiling, as your mind races a thousand miles a minute. Chan was going to kiss you. Bang Chan from Stray Kids was actually going to kiss you. And you panicked. You rejected him. But if you hadn't, it would have almost been like you were taking advantage of his drunken state. You didn't want your first and possibly only kiss with Chan to be one that didn't count. One that only you remembered.
"Y/n?" You hear Chan whisper suddenly. Your heart starts racing again, unsure what is going on in his mind.
"Yes, Topher?" You whisper back, your throat strangely dry.
"Is that why you don't drink?" He asks. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
"Is what what I don't drink?" You turn on your side to face him. Not that you can see his shadowed figure in the dark of the night.
"Hero's Soup," You see his body move slightly from the light coming out of the window behind him.
"The song?" You prop your head in your hand, curious about where he could be going with this.
"No, not the song. I mean yes the song, but no. Like, the dad in the song. Do you not drink because of your dad?" He asks softly.
"...Yeah," You answer, moving once again to lay on your stomach, your head facing Chan's bed.
"I'll stop drinking," He says suddenly.
"You don't have to stop drinking because of me. It's fine,"
"I don't want to make you sad. Because I like you. Actually...I don't like you. I love you. I think I might be in love with you." He mumbles, your body turning cold.
"What did you say?" You ask loudly as you lift your body, sleep leaving every corner of your body.
Chan is quiet. For a moment, you think he got shy and didn't know how to respond until you hear a quiet snore come from his side of the room. He fell asleep. He confessed his love and fell asleep.
It takes every fiber in your being to try to not scream right now. None of this can be real. It can't be. Chan is an idol, there is no possible way he could be in love with a regular person like you. It's impossible. He's surrounded by so many beautiful and talented idols, so why would he choose you when he could have anyone else?
You lay in silence for the rest of the night as you try to fall asleep and not think about what just happened.
You stare blankly ahead, trying to process what just happened. Chan just kissed you. In the middle of the folk village. While the two of you wear hanboks. None of this can be real. It has to be a dream. There's no possible way that any of this is happening. People also visiting the village walk around you, like nothing happened. This can't be real.
"I...wha...but..." You struggle to form words. You're almost definitely short-circuiting, and it's all Chan's fault.
"I remembered," He says simply. His face is red from blushing and his dimples are making an appearance because of how hard he's smiling.
"W-what?" You choke out.
"You said you wanted me to kiss you when I was sober and not when I wouldn't remember. I remembered and I'm sober so I took my kiss."
"We're in public," You panic, suddenly remembering where you are. Anyone here could have seen. Anyone here could have taken a picture and uploaded it.
"I don't care. I'll shout it out right now. Everyo--" You panic and grab his face, pressing your lips into his, unsure of another way to shut him up.
You feel Chan melt into your kiss. You pull away and stare at him in his eyes. Stars dance in his eyes as he looks at you. This cannot be real.
"Be my girlfriend?" He asks softly.
"What is happening right now?" You question. Despite how real the butterflies in your stomach and the burning sensation on your face, none of this feels real.
"I meant what I said last night. I might have been drunk but I meant every word of it. I've been thinking about it for a while. And I know you have feelings for me too. I've seen you blush every time I say something flirty or get in your personal space. Plus, last night you said you'd kiss me if I was sober. So, be my girlfriend?" He smiles, his face still cupped in your hands.
"I must be dreaming. I've gone full delusional and now I'm imagining this--ow!" You pull your hands off Chan's face and the spot in your arm where he just pinched you.
"Guess you're not dreaming." He smirks.
"I want to be your girlfriend but--"
"If you say no because of who I am I will cause a scene."
"Christopher, don't you fucking dare," You warn.
"Then be my girlfriend. I've protected you so far, I'll keep doing it. Don't say no because you're scared."
You press your lips together and stare at Chan's pleading eyes. You want to say yes. Hell, you need to say yes. You've enjoyed talking to Chan the past few months and you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't imagine eventually dating Chan after all of the time you two have spent together. You'd be crazy to reject the man you like, who you might even love, just because of the fear of what would happen if your relationship got out. But even then, it's a justified fear. You've seen what happens to people who date idols. You've seen what happens to people who are rumored to date idols. You know your mental health couldn't handle the abuse that would come from those who claim to be his fans. But, something in you doesn't care anymore.
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The Token Human - Part 3
Hi y'all, me again back with part 3 of this... adventure, let's call it that. Sorry for not posting this yesterday but I had a random Depression Day and couldn't get much done. I seem to be doing better though so, let's hope I don't have another one of those days for a week or so.
Part 1 Part 2 CW: nothing too bad this time! Just Wally having no sense of personal space, and stalking. And memory alteration, too. [what does it say about this fic that this stuff is 'not too bad'?]
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You couldn't help it, you were a little jealous…
From your spot under a friendly tree, you watched Eddie on his daily route. He looked up from the envelopes in his hand. With a smile, he waved at you. You waved back. 
Eddie was a good guy, a friend of yours for sure. It wasn't his fault, not at all.
No, it was no one's fault, probably…
But as Eddie so stopped by Julie's house, three letters in hand, you had to look away. Something bitter chewed at you.
Why didn't you get any letters?
Seemed like everyone in the neighborhood got them. Family members and distant friends, pen pals from far away, even each other. But your mailbox remained only full of dust and longing.
Hard to think of who you'd want to get a letter from though. Your own family… you didn't want to think about that, for some reason that made you sad. Old friends… that made you sad, too.
You sighed and leaned against the tree, messing with the friendship bracelet Wally gave you. He made them with Barnaby and gave one to everyone. He even put yours on himself because you couldn't figure it out. The memory of his little nimble fingers brushing against your wrist still stuck out at you. Why did you always remember the weird stuff?
Wally wasn't around right now. You glance towards Home, in the center of town. Wally was busy inside his Home. Wally hadn't talked to you in a few days, really deep in painting. You wondered before if he was angry with you, but you hadn't done anything, not on that day or any other. Baking cookies with Poppy wasn't a bad thing. You'd even offered him some…
Wally was busy inside his Home. Everyone was having fun on their own.
I'm going to write a letter, you thought, and stood. That sounds like the absolute most.
Humming a cheery little song as you walked down the street to your house, you thought about who you'd send a letter to. Your parents? You didn't know their address. Some distant friend? You didn't know any of those either. Someone in town? You chuckle at the thought. Wouldn't that be funny, sending a letter to someone you saw every day.
In your house you found both paper and envelopes. You couldn't really remember when you got them - did someone bring them over for crafts? Were they part of Howdy's welcome to Home gift basket? Hard to say…
But you found paper and envelopes and stamps and a pen. You sat at your favorite desk, your only desk, and hovered the pen over the page.
Pause for a second. What were you going to say? What were you going to tell this person, someone you hadn't even decided on? Someone you might not even know. Someone… outside of Home…
It's a long shot, you thought. Your fingers clutched the pen until your hand shook. Such a long shot. If you screwed this up, you'd probably not get another chance.
It was a long shot but maybe. Maybe. Maybe.
You clutched at the memories with all your might. There had to be someone who remembered you, even if you didn't remember them. There had to be someone who could help you, out there.
The picture formed in your mind's eye, so clear, so perfect, the person you wanted to talk to more than anyone else…
Two arms locked around your body, pinning your arms to your sides. Cold sweat broke out on your forehead.
"You think too loud, neighbor," Wally said into your ear. "I could hear you from inside my Home."
He rested a fuzzy cheek on your shoulder and sighed.
"You were thinking of leaving again, weren't you?" He said.
You didn't speak, the words locked up in your throat. 
"I don't like it when my friends leave. At least, I think I don't. It's never happened before. Isn't that silly? Home is such a nice place, nobody who comes here ever wants to leave…"
The grip on you tightened.
"Except for you." 
The name slipped from your mouth. 
"I think," Wally said, pressing up against the back of the chair, "You don't really understand. Home is great! Home is safe, and fun, and happy. Don't you want to be happy?"
A hand, too large, too long, gripped your chin.
"We could be happy here forever, and ever, and ever. You and me and all our friends. Why don't you want that? Why don't you want to stay with me?"
A felt finger traced the line around your lips, and your stomach churned, you squirmed in discomfort.
"There's nowhere to go, anyway. Silly, silly."
He pressed his cheek against yours. Your eyes watered.
"I'm all there is now," Wally said, "I made sure of it."
Your eyes went wide.
"What - what did you-"
His hand covered your mouth. The felt was soft. His grip was too, too strong. You struggled. A memory washed over you, Wally singing as he dragged you down a dark hall, Home creaking, squeaking, as you struggled struggled struggled struggled
"Wake up!"
Your eyes snapped open. Julie let out a cheer and wrapped her arms around your disoriented self. You raised a hand to your head, blinking in the sunlight. You were under your favorite tree, Julie and Frank on either side of you, Julie hugging you still, Frank adjusting his tie the way he did when he was composing himself.
"What happened?" You looked around.
"You were having a nightmare!" Julie said. "You fell asleep under the tree again!"
"I did?" You looked at your two small friends. "That was silly of me."
"What were you dreaming about?" Frank asked.
You stopped, thought about it. What were you dreaming about, that got you all scared like you were…?
"... I don't remember," you lied. "The last thing I remember thinking about was writing a letter to someone…"
"That's a great idea!" Julie shouted. "We can all write letters to each other."
"Tomorrow," Frank interrupted. "Some of us like to get sleep when it's dark."
As the two continued to bicker, you looked up towards the street. There he stood, your best friend Wally. He smiled at you. You tried to smile back, even as your pulse tripped and quickened in your body. 
Wally isn't your friend, where did you hear that from? Wally isn't your friend, but he'd never hurt you. Wally isn't your friend… but if he wasn't, then what was he?
He blinked at you, and you blinked back. What were you thinking about again?
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After you left, walking Frank and Julie down the street, Wally threw himself down in the spot you'd been in before. It didn't smell like you. It didn't smell like much of anything but grass and dirt, and fresh leaves, but that was okay. He knew what you smelled like better than you did. And it was just the absolute most, just like you were.
He smiled. Thinking about you made him warm inside, happier than anyone ever had before. When he closed his eyes, he could see you so easily, around town, with your friends, in your bed, fast asleep and safe from the world. He liked those little moments best, when it was just you and him. When you shivered under the covers, he tucked you in. When your eyes flooded like little faucets, he wiped the water away. He sat next to you for hours and hours, never bored, not once. And when he had to go, he kissed your forehead, just like family did, before heading back Home again.
Oh, Wally wasn't stupid. He'd done a bad thing. But maybe, it was okay to do something bad, if it meant something good would come out of it?
And Wally - Wally loved you so much. So much more than anyone you knew back there. How to show it, he didn't know. How to make you feel it, he wasn't sure either. But there had to be a way, right? Someday you'd love him too, just as much as he loved you.
He had to keep telling himself that. If he didn't, he might do something scary. Something bad. And he couldn't eat your memories away for good, not like the others. He could eat and eat and eat, but yours always, always, came back.
Wally thought about the look on your face, how you trembled and your eyes got all wet and scared. He smiled, even though it was sad. Maybe that was his fault. Maybe he didn't want you to forget. It was wrong but… he liked it, when you were scared. Your fear tasted so, so good…
The sun slipped down the sky and you would crawl into bed after everyone else did. And when you did, he would be waiting. 
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dollypopup · 1 year
i don't talk nearly enough about how great Colin is
-excellent fencer, clearly dedicated to it. great taste in puffy shirts 10/10
-brave af!!!! idk about you, but the very idea of being out at sea for several months pretty much w/ no one who knows me scares the soul out of me. bruh is out here on a ship headed to a completely unfamiliar place w/ not one shred of fear
-he's such a good brother? the way he supported Benny was so sweet? and all his little quips with Eloise? they are the sarcastic siblings for SURE. boxing with Greg? playing hoops w/ Hyacinthe? his 'I'm clearly Daphne's favorite'? i adore him
-calling Anthony an ass in defense of Marina was ICONIC
-let's be honest, he was a real one w/ Marina all around. boi was out here defending her left right and center. and that scene where they go 'That's a. . .rather long engagement. . .' 'Or simply romantic! :D ' was adorable. then his 'Why does anyone, marry, Brother? For love.' line? so earnest! heart in his hands!!! and even after it all went kaboom he didn't say a bad word about her. told her he would still have married her if she just told him and he meant it. said that with his whole chest, too. got a reality check from her when he visited and then when asked STILL said 'we could have done more for her' KING 👏 SHIT. may we all have an ex that respects us this much
-canonically the best dancer out of the Bridgerbunch
-loves his mum with all his heart and soul. that scene where he's walking her up the stairs and they're joking around is so wholesome. that scene where Violet is looking for someone to escort her and A and B all flee the scene but Colin steps up? our boy is so sweet
-his scene w/ Jack where he's all puffed up and imposing and tall af going 'how dare you take advantage of them??? fix this shit, NOW' and then turning around and bashfully going 'i rehearsed that speech for hours' when he and Pen could talk privately again WAS ADORABLE, don't even TRY to deny it
-multitalented! our boy can do it all: he sings! he dances! he writes! he drinks his respect women juice on the daily! he fences! he's fluent in sarcasm! he rides horseback! he has anxiety! he's a flirt! he can't stop snacking! are you not entertained?
-also his scene w/ Will where he's like 'no, i fucked up, i insulted you and i messed with your business. i'm sorry and i'm making it right' was sexy as hell. he didn't have to, he could have totally just let it slide under the rug, but he took accountability and made amends
-speaking of sexy: our little rule breaker! holds Penelope's hands in front of everybodyyyy! no glove no love, who? writes her (love) letters while he travels! doesn't give a fuck about propriety! does drugs! I LOVE HIM
-so much integrity. when he messes up he takes full responsibility for it. he's nice as hell to Phillip, encourages his interests, nerds out with him. Stuck his whole neck out for Pen the Featheringtons. 'Do you think I would care that she loved someone else before? That would make me a hypocrite' apologizing to Pen before leaving for his tour. telling her she inspires him. is always there to escort his mum. everything good.
-lost and aimless, my beloved. he's just a dweeb putting on a front and it's so wonderfully relatable
-i love his hero complex. yeah, i said it!!! Dancing with Pen after Cressida spills the drink? HOT. Getting Marina away from the old dude clearly making her uncomfortable? HOT. Standing up to Jack? HOT. Getting Kate and Anthony to trudge along after that Pal Mall game? HOT. Daphne coming to him in the middle of the night demanding to know about the duel and him getting on a horse and heading out with her? HOT.
-he's sarcastic as hell. 'She likes me MUCH better than you, Benedict' 'Maybe he's still at the altar waiting for Miss Edwina' 'Of course not, you are *clearly* sober', Anthony: 'I wish to apologize' 'Are there locusts in the streets??? Blood in the Thames? Is the end of days upon us already?????' 'our host looks a bit fussy. do you think if he goes to bed we all have to leave?' and, of course 'Have you ever visited a farm?'
-he's just a lil shit w/ a heart of gold, how can you not love him?
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beybeys-world · 2 years
Can you do jealous billy headcanons? I really liked the way you wrote the reader in your first fic so can you do the same persona for the reader? She/her pronouns please!
Jealous Billy Headcanons
Hi-ya Anon!! Thanks for the request! Sending virtual hugz your way! Hope you enjoy the headcanons!
Feel free to check out my other stuff in my masterlist
Requests are open! Please check Request guidelines before requesting!
Warnings: cursing, jealous/possessive billy, marking, she/her reader
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I cant tell you that "oH biLLy dOeSnT GeT jEaLoUS" cause then I 'd be full of shit. This man gets jealous often, and when he does HE. IS. JEALOUS.
Your a very extroverted person so this argument/scenario comes often. He trusts you of course, he just doesn't wanna lose you and cant trust other people.
Hes not one to be an "Oh i wont say anything but im jealous" guy, he WILL say it, and he wont hesitate to say it to you and the guy your talking to.
He'll find some PDA to initiate like wrapping his arms around your waist, putting his hand in your pocket, slinging his arm around you or even just grabbing your face and hardcore making out with you on the spot. When I tell you he wont hesitate, he WONT.
If not PDA hes straight forward with the guy. "Hey buddy, piss off." "Fuck off shes mine." "Sorry pal, shes most definetley not interested in you".
If the guy doesn't get the hint, well hes in for a ride. Billy will make this kids life a living nightmare. Not going into details, after a brief chat with the bruised kid he wont make eye contact with you ever again.
Sometimes he gets really upset for it, accusing you of not doing anything when other guys flirt with you. If these fights ever break out, its best you comfort him and defend yourself quickly. If not he will be angry for a while and is most definetley not one to apologize first. Its not that he doesnt trust you, hes just angry at the guy and feels shitty about it.
Deep down Just reassure this man that you love him and your his, although he wont admit it, he gets paranoid and scared of losing you.
If he feels like being a extra little shit, he'll purposely make out with you infront of the guys who talk to you. He would stop infront of them in a hallway just to kiss you.
Most people know not to flirt or mess with you since Billy makes it CRYSTAL CLEAR that you are taken. But he still often gets jealous with male acquaintances in your life (aside from family of course)
If he feels really upset about it, he'll mark you for sure. Very visble marks.
Deep down Billy loves you too much to lose you and is very protective over his love, please reassure him and tell him your only his.
(Hope this wasnt too short and was enjoyable for you Anon! Thanks for supporting my writes with a request! Have a wonderful day/night!)
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𝙄𝙩’𝙨 𝘽𝙚𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙇𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙖 𝙇𝙤𝙩 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝘾𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙨
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Pairing: Sam Wilson x Reader
Summary: Whilst trying to play matchmaker between your best friend and your other best friend’s sister, you find that maybe you won’t be alone on Christmas.
Warnings: alcohol, Christmas, mention of fire, mistletoe. Let me know if there’s anything else!
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"Okay, the boys have gotta be asleep by now." Sam said from the recliner.
“Alright. Buck, can you and Y/n make sure there’s room under the tree?" Bucky, your best friend, nodded beside you. Sam and Sarah both stood, walking off to grab the presents that were 'from Santa'.
You stood, walking to the Christmas tree and rearranging the presents already under it. With Bucky helping, it took less than a minute.
“You should ask her out.” You mumbled to him.
“Shut up.” He hissed back, his cheeks turning a faint pink.
“Are you seriously blushing?”
“It’s just cold.” He huffed.
“Right. It’s cold, in a living room of a house, with a fireplace in it that’s currently lit, and you’re also bundled up in a sweater, and it’s so cold your cheeks are pink. Riiight.”
“Hush! Sam would kill me.” He muttered.
“Nah. He’s mostly joking. He just wants her to be happy, I can tell.”
Bucky said nothing at that.
Sarah came in with her arms full of Christmas presents, and you and Bucky helped her arrange them under the tree. Sam came in with his own haul, and you helped arrange those too.
Bucky nudged your shoulder, giving you a small smirk. With his eyes, he silently mocked you. Look at those strong arms.
“Anybody want a glass of wine?” Sarah asked once you finished.
"I'll have one," Sam said, messing with a section of the tree.
"Don't mess with that, you'll topple the whole damn thing over. Again." Sarah sighed.
“Again?” Bucky looked to Sam.
“I was seven.” Sam rolls his eyes, huffing.
Bucky stands, mumbling something to himself about helping with the glasses or whatever. He stands, walking past your totally obvious crush.
Sarah stops in the doorway, spinning around to seemingly ask the group something, but she ends up with her forehead slammed into Bucky’s chest.
“Fuck—sorry.” He apologizes, stabling her with his arms on her biceps.
“S’okay.” She stared up into his eyes, and you giggled at the literal blush that appeared on his cheeks.
“Steve’s was worse.” Sam muttered into your ear.
You snickered, staring above their heads. There, hung from the doorframe, was a string of mistletoe.
Sam’s face was annoyed, but you could tell that deep down he just wanted to see his sister happy. Even if that meant happy with his annoying new best pal.
“That’s—you don’t have to—it’s a stupid tradition, really—“ Bucky sputtered out, but Sarah put her finger to his lips, smiling. She silently asked for permission, knowing Bucky’s boundaries and how much physical touch truly means to him.
He gave a slight nod, and they kissed quietly.
“Eeew.” Sam groaned, but you lightly smacked his arm.
You took a few steps backward, leaning against a doorframe as you looked around the room. Green garland with rainbow Christmas lights wrapped around the crown moulding of the living room. The Christmas tree had matching lights, decorated with ornaments of all shapes and sizes. Some handcrafted from popsicle sticks and paint, no doubt from a preschool project from one of the boys.
Other ornaments were circular and decorative. One of Sarah’s favorites—a favorite that was not made by one of her sons, she’d clarified—was a deep red, with two swirls of silver glitter wrapping around the sphere.
Sam took a few steps back with you, not wanting to stand alone in the middle of the room. The two of you giggled and snickered at the spectacle going on, before Sarah sent you both a sharp glare as Bucky turned his head to look away, embarrassed.
Look what you did, her eyes seemed to say.
Sam rolled his eyes, turning to walk through the door. He bumped right into you, and then, for several moments, you were chest-to-chest with the guy you’d been crushing on for months now.
You let out an awkward chuckle, looking everywhere but at him. A glimpse over his shoulder showed both Bucky and Sarah grinning evilly at the two of you, and you stared at them in confusion.
“What…” Your eyes drifted upward, to spot what they had been laughing at. “You’ve gotta be shittin’ me.”
“What?” Sam’s eyes followed your gaze, and he saw it too. You glanced back down to Sarah and Bucky, but they were nowhere to be found.
“We don’t have to—“ You began to assure him, but he lightly took your chin in his hand, pressing his lips to yours.
He pulled away after a second, smiling softly. “Can’t break the tradition.”
You blinked up at him.
“I’ve..wanted to do that for a while. If I’ve made you uncomfortable—“
“Kiss me.” You whispered.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, craning your neck to press your lips to his once again. He held his large hands on your waist, before wrapping his whole arms around you, pulling you as close as he possibly could.
“I like you. A lot. If..if it wasn’t clear.” You whispered against his lips.
“Yeah, I think I noticed.” He chuckled, before kissing you.
You glanced at his watch. “Merry Christmas, Sam.”
He kissed you again in response.
Merry Christmas indeed.
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A/n: howdy howdy happy holidays! i love writing for sam lmao, he’s such a cool character and though there’s not a whole lot to this little one shot, I’d love to write more for him!
dividers by @saradika-graphics
tomorrows hint:
But then (But then), one day (One day) Everything changed You're all I need
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beardedhandstoadshark · 2 months
no more distractions, only boss time
oh man that is not ominous at all nope
EGG (and the shadiest resting place of all time. I don‘t like the sounds of breathing in the background either)
Oh hey it’s a normal bench. Cool. Also apparently we are 96% complete. I‘m missing a single mask and vessel piece, are those the other 4?
SLDDKSLF the violin crescendo-ing in anticipation. Oh man, this is it huh. Okay, here we go
I t i s l o o k i n g a t m e
there‘s more tones joining the violin, all higher than the last to end in a crescendo of dreadful anticipation. Oh man that is some excellent auditory design right there
Yup. There it is.
Are they actually actually related am I killing her parent or sibling or smth is that why she both still looks exactly like it and is hanging out here cuz the whole place got sealed by her family
the music change in phase three is cool too, really somber. Befitting of an end, really.
…Ah. I was wondering what the weird repeating squish sound was. That…that explains it. God and the actual attacks are slower too now. That‘s just…that’s all so messed up.
(I wonder, did they tell it this would happen? Did it know, that it was only a matter of time? That it‘d always have to end this way?)
You can‘t dreamnail it either, btw - it‘s just getting blocked. I got the upgrade, so maybe it needs the full 2400 power; or perhaps those dreams have long since been sealed away?
Three phases and that was it. And finally using the focus for what it was most likely intended for, all along.
Guess my first assumption of playing as the Hollow Knight isn‘t so far off now after all, is it?
"Congratulations- Good job on accomplishing this heroic task“ it was a task for sure. But heroic? No, no i don‘t think so. Not the way things are. Not the way Hallownest is and will continue to be. Not the way the cycle is bound to go on.
Really tho this is a VERY good game, the gameplay is on point and so are the level design, sound, presentation, etc. It was very fun to come up with theories and seeing them turn true or false- and props in that regard for setting clues and allusions up in a way that lets you actually come up with said theories and guesses in the first place, without feeling like it was super convoluted or totally obvious at the same time. That‘s quite a feat too. This was the normal ending as far as I‘m aware, so there‘s definitely some extra context/lore/story to be had, and I‘m gonna get those too. So, sorry to anyone who thought the hollow knight tag was free of spamming, it‘ll most likely be a while still.
I can see why people are waiting for Silksong so badly.
As it stands, I completed this game with 96%, in 46h 17m 24s. Yep, definitely those missing shards.
HARDCODE MODE akslflslfls and they’re making you speedrun this mode too yea no I‘m never gonna 100% achievements wow oof
the background changed and its basically a beating heart I do still wonder if getting another ending might shed some light (hah) on why the syrup juice sickness corruption etc has a synced heart beat. This isn‘t the first time it had one. Hm.
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mysticstarlightduck · 2 months
Character Voice Tag!
Thanks for the tag @willtheweaver (here)!!! I'll go with the main cast from Of Starlight and Beasts for this one (:
MY LINE WAS: Yeah, I deserved that.
YOUR LINE IS: I don't know what I was expecting but I'm disappointed in your decision either way - because what the heck was that?
Corah - "Well, one thing's for sure: that wasn't undeserved - I really should've seen it coming, that's on me."
Arammys - "Oh Gods, that went so wrong - I deserve what happened, that was a terrible idea, and I take full responsibility for it but still... that was such a bad plan, oh Gods."
Eidan - "I should've known that this would be the outcome but I was too hasty to notice. I deserve to face the consequences for my actions."
Nimwen - "Sorry, sorry, sorry! Oh, goodness, oh Gods that went so wrong so fast. If someone is to blame for what happened that person is me, but I still should've been more careful. I'm so sorry!"
Tomasa - "Yep, no use running from the inevitable. Time to face the outcome of my poorly planned decisions. Lay it all out for me, and don't be shy. I'm a tough cookie."
Masen - "Fuck. Yeah, I'm not sticking around to find out what that's gonna cause, sorry not sorry. So, no hard feelings whatsoever guys, but I've gotta bounce. See y'all around? (winks)"
Kyran - "Oh. That... isn't ideal. Okay. Okay, okay, I can handle this, I should've seen this coming after all. I hope I can handle this. So...here's what we're going to do: we're getting the fuck out of here, right now. Because I don't deserve whatever they've got in store for me. Does anyone have explosive powder? I think can improvise a plan."
Maryon - "That was well deserved, I will admit. I made a mistake and it caught to up to me. I guess it is only fair I face whatever comes next - running will only drag things out. It's best to just get it over with., like ripping out an old bandage"
Florynce - "(In a drawn out, wispy voice) Somethings gone wrong. (squeaks) Somethings not as it should be and it's not right and it's my fault. Should I stay and face my fate? Is it what would be proper? (gives a little vampiric squeak, clearly starting to panic) I don't know what to do anymore"
Rin - "Hells no I'm not facing the consequences of that. (pats the person next to him in the back) Sorry pal, this was nice while it lasted, but you know what they say - survival of the fittest, and all that. Oh and be a darling: do tell the guards I said hi, I'm sure you'll have lots to talk about if you still have your head after this. Don't be a stranger! (flies away)"
Elias - "Oh, sink me! (groans, exasperated) I told you this was a bad idea, but who the fuck listens to me in this fucking shithole, eh?! Where the hells is my cutlass?! I'm going to fix this mess - one you should've fixed yourselves but never fucking mind that - properly this time. That's what I get for listening to you bufoons. I deserve this one. Lesson damn well learned."
Leora - "This was the worst idea I've ever had and the execution of this plan made it even more atrocious. I admit my wrongdoing and sincerely apologize. These circumstances are to be expected after what I did - and what terrible leader would I be if I didn't admit my own mistakes. Tell me what I can do to fix this, and consider it done."
Bastien - "My actions were suboptimal and their consequences deplorable. I accept full reponsibility for whatever trouble my actions may have cause and am willing to atone for it fully, whatever your verdict should be it will have been deserved."
Scarlet - "Shit. Okay, yeah. That one is on me - I screwed up big time, I really did. That seriously didn't go the way I thought it would, I don't know why I'm still surprised."
Tagging (gently, no pressure):@littleladymab @cabbojage @lassiesandiego @little-peril-stories @oh-no-another-idea @thepeculiarbird @rickie-the-storyteller @crowandmoonwriting @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gummybugg @forthesanityofstorytellers @doublegoblin @aalinaaaaaa @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @elshells @illarian-rambling @clairelsonao3 @conkers-thecosy @anyablackwood,and OPEN TAG
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shae-mermaid · 22 days
You Are A Queen, Part 5
Part 1! | Part 2!! | Part 3!!! | Part 4!!!! | Part 6 (FINALE)!!!!!!
A/N: Now we're finally getting into the "song" part of this fic! I wasn't sure if I was going to make it a full-on proper songfic at first, with lyric variations and everything, buuuut…. I just couldn't help myself. ^u^' Also, I realize you guys might not like my choice in songs, but like I've said in almost every part so far, this fic is very personal to me, sooo…. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Sorry. (That's a part of what Y/n is trying to finally learn here!!) But, without further ado, let's start the chapter already!!
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PART 5!!!!!
  It’s been a week since that memorable night, and you haven’t been able to stop replaying that last part in your head ever since! While normally, you would avoid situations like this, just out of sheer anxiety that you’ll mess it up or you misinterpreted their intent somehow, this time seemed to be different.
  You and Lucifer became close friends! Helped each other with little crafting projects, giving suggestions and such. But you also just hung out. Even in silence, doing your own separate things, you two were just happy to be in the other’s presence. You soothed each other. Even during really bad depression episodes, you both always knew that the other was welcome to be there and sooth them as you endured those waves of emotions.
  Lucifer would even transform for you sometimes, since you told him your most calming coping mechanism was to hang out and cuddle with a cat. He would transform into this HUGE, fluffy, snow-white Maine Coon with flame points on his tail, paws, and of course his cheeks, and happily let you pet and cuddle him while he purred away in pure bliss.
  The others at the hotel were starting to get a bit suspicious about you and the King of Hell acting so pals-y, though. Either thinking of it as annoying, or in Charlie’s case, SO exciting! She was SOO worried about you after the fiasco that happened at the pool opening party. But she seemed to notice that you were seeming much better, especially when her father was around. 
  Admittedly, it warmed her heart to see the both of you seemingly so happy, especially her father. It had been a rough past 7 years in the Morningstar family, so she was so relieved to see how much progress he’s made in general, but especially in the ‘making friends’ department. Charlie could’ve sworn that, because of you, her father wasn’t just surviving.
  He was thriving. 
  And she couldn’t thank you enough.
  After another night of just hanging out and crafting together while you have a movie on in the background, Lucifer looks over at the alarm clock Charlie got you, noticing it was getting pretty late, and gets up to sit closer to you for a second, just to get your attention. He knew that once you were concentrating on something, it was hard for you to just pause it, and pay attention to what/whoever was around you, so he gingerly touched your hand until you looked up at him with a short hum. 
  “Sorry, but it’s getting kind of late, so I just wanted to let you know I’m heading out,” he said in a slightly hushed tone, while giving you one of his soft, charming smiles. 
  “Oh, okay…,” you say, sounding a bit disappointed. You try to give him a warm, charming smile back, for once. He’s always the charmer, but it was your turn. “Goodnight, Luce.”
  You could see him turn a little more red in the cheeks than normal, even for him. He never stops looking at you with that sweet smile, though. He was getting more and more comfortable with showing his vulnerable side around you.
  He gently takes one of your hands, softly rubbing your knuckles as he gives the back of your hand another kiss, for the first time since last week.
  You’re not sure you’ll ever get used to that, though. It always seemed to leave you an excitable, barely-contained bundle of nerves when he acted gentlemanly like that. 
  Never stopping eye contact with you, he raised his head back up from the kiss, and returned back to that enchanting smile. “Goodnight, sweet Siren. I’ll see you again soon.”
  And with one nod and little wave back to him, you see him turn around and walk out the door.
  He’s using the door? You thought to yourself. Weird, but anyway… JESUS CHRIST ON A STICK!! You continue thinking to yourself, as you start shaking your hands in excitement, not being able to make that little-kid-styled grin off your face just yet.
  You finally calm down after a few minutes, though, trying to think rationally about the situation.
  He couldn't actually be interested in ME , right? Yeah, he must’ve just been trying to be kind to me. You two are friends, and he is a King, after all. I’m sure it’s just a habit for him at this point.
  …But were you really just ‘friends’? You both seem to go the extra mile for each other, not just when comforting one another out of depression/anxiety episodes. You both would give each other little things you made, with your ever-growing collection of Hotel-patron ducks counting as ample evidence of that. You loved them all, but your absolute favorite was the Little Angel duck with an even tinier fat-nuggets-duck on its back. You needed to show that to Angel sometime. 
  You would give Lucifer little things you would make, too. You happen to know how to crochet, so you made him a tiny little crochet duck, which he couldn’t get over how cute it was. You were a little sad knowing no one’s ever done something like that for him. He deserved the world. To you, anyway.
  Even if he wasn’t interested in more, you were just happy to have him as a close friend. 
  You thought all of this, while walking around your room for a couple minutes, getting your pajamas so you could take a shower and get ready for bed. By the time you got in your bathroom and hopped in the shower, you instantly relax as the warm water hits your skin. Water always helped you calm down, but especially now that you were essentially a fish demon of sorts. 
  As you’re washing yourself (and you assume that you’re alone), you start doing what, so far, you’ve only been comfortable doing when around Keekee or Fat Nuggets the few times Charlie and Angel have had you pet-sit for them. You start singing whatever song from your childhood has been stuck in your head at that moment.
  It’s not that you didn’t like to sing. Quite the contrary, actually. You loved the way it made you feel; How satisfying it was to hit a high note almost perfectly, letting you have another outlet for your emotions. You just have really bad anxiety about doing it in front of people you’re not extremely comfortable around. 
  And it didn’t help that in your youth, your mother would essentially pressure you and guilt-trip you into performing for her various church jobs. But they weren’t just jobs to her. She was a firm believer in ‘Using your talents to worship Him!’ you could hear her words clear as day in your head. You loved your mother, she was your best friend since birth, but that part of her made it so you felt a little bit of a strain. Especially since you didn’t share her personal beliefs, so churches made you uncomfortable. So in response, you would perform for her, but you subtly rebelled by not ever pushing your efforts to 100%, like she wanted you to. 
  No, that was reserved for when you were alone. Or with a pet. Whichever. So, she was forced to only hear your voice at its absolute best when she would overhear you in the shower, singing along to your music. 
  And in hell, you seemed to continue this old habit, even though you didn’t have the music you’d listen to when you were alive. But that’s okay, you can make due with the vast array of memorized songs from childhood movies you loved. 
  Most of the time influenced by the way you feel in the moment, all you had stuck in your head was a song you had always thought was beautiful, and connected to on a personal level. Well, technically the first half of a song, but whatever. It was “Heaven’s Light,” from “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” a movie you had always adored, and you were in such a giddy mood that you started adding your own spin to it.
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  Lucifer, after already walking all the way back to the door of his suite, just realized he had forgotten his jacket in your room. Dammit brain, keep it together!! He thought to himself. He can get so scatter-brained sometimes, especially when he’s putting all of his attention into something… or onto someone.
  He had to admit, you really do draw and keep him in, seemingly without even realizing you’re doing so. And not just because of your looks, either. You were smart, funny, and so empathetic and understanding. Though, the looks were a bonus for him, for sure. He secretly didn’t mind comforting you in his feline form, because it meant that he got to cuddle with you, without any nerves and pressures to take it further getting in the way.
  Well, not that he didn’t want to take it further. FAR from it, actually…he just wasn’t sure if you felt quite the same way, and he’d never want to do anything like that against your will. He was better than that. You were a lady, after all. And he was going to treat you as such.
  So, out of respect for your privacy, he didn’t portal straight into your room. But he did portal himself to your front door, though. After attempting to knock, he had noticed that the door didn’t latch when he closed it, so it cracked open just a little from the force of his knocking. He could hear the sound of water running, so he knew you were in the shower. He hesitantly speaks up at a volume he thought you could hear, and slowly opened the door more to run in and get his jacket.
  “Hey, Y/n! It’s just me again! I forgot my jacket, so I’m just gonna grab…,”
  But he knew the next second that you didn’t hear him, because you started singing something. Something he had never heard before, but it had a familiar feel to it for him. Like something from an old play.
  Is she singing? Or is that a pre-recorded song playing? He thought to himself. It was hard to tell, from how flawless the vocals were. He knew your parents were musicians, but you never told him that you had such a talent for song as well. You had the most beautiful voice he had ever heard. She blows Lillith out of the water, he thought. He shook his head and started really paying attention to the song.
“So many times out there, I’d watch a happy pair,
Of lovers walking in the night…
They had a kind of glow around them.
It almost looked like Heaven’s light…”
  Lucifer tensed up at the mention of his former home, but the sound of your enchanting voice drew him back in. 
“I knew I’d never know, that warm and loving glow,
Though I might wish with all my might…
No face as hideous as my face
Was ever meant for Heaven’s light…”
  Those last few high notes gave him goosebumps all over his body. He was SO proud to have thought of the nickname “Siren” for you.
  But the previous two lines made him feel compelled to look over at the bathroom door, as if he was looking at you, with a worried expression. He was hoping you were starting to see your beauty, your worth, with his help. He was trying to give you a glimpse of yourself through his eyes.
“But, suddenly an angel, had smiled at me,
And kissed my hand without a trace of fright.”
  His eyes are as wide as saucers right now, with his whole face turning the same shade of red as his cheeks. Is this about…me?!
“I dare to dream that he
Might even care for me,
And as I slumber through the night…”
  Lucifer’s heart is practically jumping out of his throat right now, feeling so many emotions his head was spinning. But mostly, of course, he was overjoyed. His feelings were reciprocated!!!
“My cold, dark corner seems so bright…
I swear it must be Heaven’s light!”
  He could hear you finishing up, though, and in a split-second of panic, opened up a portal and practically LEAPED over the threshold, his foot almost getting caught right when he closed it. 
  He went over to his four-poster bed, holding onto one of the posters for support, as he tried to catch his breath and still his out-of-control heartbeat.
  He needs time to think, because now that he knows you feel the same for him as he does for you, he definitely wanted to ask if you would do him the honor of being his girlfriend.
  But…we haven’t even been on a date yet! He thought. He was confident in his feelings for you, but…what about you? He knew you liked him, but enough to be his girlfriend?! He understood that there was a lot of pressure in being associated with Hell’s royal family. A lot of eyes would be on you, if the public would see you two out together so often…
  He had a lot of thinking to do tonight…
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A/N: WOO! I'm so excited to have FINALLY written this part!! I originally was wanting to request a lucifer x reader oneshot bc of this part specifically, but I backed out at the last minute, wanting this to as close to how I imagined it as possible. So, here we are. ^u^' But, I hope that at least you're enjoying reading this as much as I'm enjoying writing it! I gonna have ONE more part to this, and then, i think I'll be done... unless someone gives me inspiration in the comments to write a bonus part. But we'll see~
~ Shae <3
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luxurybrownbarbie · 1 month
Just read your posts about Columbia. I think it was the ultimate slap in the face to students to ignore their concerns about what the school’s endowment fund was invested in, even if the administration disagreed. No one should have been in tents, period. After 3 days of sign-holding, the college should have said “we hear you” and we will organize a meeting with the trustees so you can convey your thoughts. So, because the school couldn’t manage its own students, they called the police. The police had no desire to be there, as it was picking up after Columbia’s president’s mess. I disagree 1,000% with any of the protestors’ hateful rhetoric and belligerent behavior, as well as wearing ski masks. But there are always nice kids in every group, so I can’t make blanket generalizations. Bottom line: Columbia is a joke. They promote liberal elitism but can’t even listen to their students. It is a very expensive place. I’m so very sorry your friend was disrespected and re-victimized by that school.
You must be new here, because coming to a biracial American’s blog to hand wring about the feelings about the police is crazy. Acting like the NYPD, armed to the teeth and fully militarized (and only recently dethroned from its position as worst police department in the country, tied with the LAPD) didn’t want to actively harm and brutalize students is actually fucking crazy. The press was removed for a reason. No one removes the press and brings in a militarized police force for fun. The police want to be there, hate to break it to you, pal.
I’m from New York. I am currently sitting in Manhattan. I grew up under Giuliani and Bloomberg’s mayorships. My friends are at the protests. I know the NYPD. Don’t ever presume that I don’t know what I’m talking about.
And ski masks, really? Covering your face is literally Protest 101. Go look up the most visible protestors from the Ferguson protests. Most of them are in prison on falsified charges, or dead now. It’s safety and preservation. I don’t care if they’re belligerent. I don’t care. They do not deserve to be brutalized. Ever. The first amendment isn’t a suggestion.
“Both-sides”-ing this situation is insane. The university is wrong, full stop. The police are wrong, full stop. The students are brave and deserve our support, full stop.
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Nightmares…at NIGHT:
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Requested by: No one
Story Type: Headcanons
Reader’s Pronouns: None used
Relationship Status: Dating
Warnings: Sad, but fluffy
When you have a nightmare:
If you guys actually make it to the bed instead of crashing on the couch, Sam tends to sleep with you in one arm and Max in the other.
So he KNOWS whenever there’s a problem going on.
Once your body starts shaking and you start whimpering, Sam immediately wakes up.
He’ll be tired, but he does his best to address what’s going on.
After he wakes himself up, Sam instantly starts comforting you.
“Y/N…you’re ok. It’s ok. Whatever you’re dreaming about is as fake as the wig on Granny’s head.”
If you’re not awake and still shaking, Sam will hum a little tune.
This is normally when Max wakes up.
Max takes a different approach…
Max will automatically know what’s going on since this wouldn’t be the first time.
So what does he do?
He shuffles past Sam and holds onto your face gently.
“Alright, N/N. It looks like you’re having one h*ll of a nightmare. You know what to do; let me talk to whatever is scaring you…”
Sam only watches as Max grins darkly “If you don’t leave Y/N alone, I’ll rip out your bones and throw your skin in the shedder.”
And if all else fails, Max will just smack you across the face.
Leaving you very jumpy and confused.
But in Max’s words “Better than being trapped in a nightmare”
Works every time :D
When Max has a nightmare:
You and Sam have never figured out what Max’s nightmares are like…
But no matter what they are, Max wakes up screaming
Remember how I said Sam knows when you and Max are having nightmares?
Well, Max makes sure the whole neighborhood knows when he’s suffering in the dream world.
The second Max feels any legit discomfort or fear-
Max always leaps into conciseness, jumping out of Sam’s arms and landing on his knees
For Max, you have to comfort him instantly.
There’s no time to figure out what’s going on.
You have to shut him up before you start getting (MORE) complaints.
Usually it’s Sam trying to comfort and you trying to shut him up calm him down.
“It’s ok, Little Pal! You’re back in the real world!” “AAAAAAH-THAT’S EVEN WORSE-AAAAAAAAAHHHH.”
You normally will just slap a pillow over his face and hold it there until he goes quiet.
“Remember…we don’t want to kill him.” “We don’t?”
It takes like 10 minutes for Max to stop scream.
Then he’s just a big baby who wants attention (which he always gets cuz he’s spoiled-)
When Sam has a nightmare:
It’s rare, but still happens.
Get ready for a sad sad dog man.
Sam’s shaking when he gets nightmares.
His nightmares are usually based around his insecurities
So you and Max always wake up to him whimpering and talking in his sleep
“N-no…don’t go. I can…lose the weight. M-Max…Y/N…don’t go….please.”
Meanwhile you and Max are just heartbroken
You’re instantly trying to comfort Sam.
While Max is just: I failed my husband… I F A I L E D H I M!
Sam wakes up a broken mess, he feels even worse when he sees that you and Max are awake
“Heh, morning…little pals. Did I wake you both up? Heh-sorry…don’t worry about me, you two. I’m as fine as a fat kid in a candy store-”
At that point, to both Sam’s and your surprise, Max hugged Sam tightly.
Max was affectionate, yes…but he preferred to slap people across the face or aggressively hug them too tight.
So the fact the he was softly hugging Sam was a little bit of a shocker.
Sam is more willing to be open about what his nightmares are
He just needs time to gather himself.
And he’ll never tell the full story. Don’t expect him to.
Afterwards, you and Max are all over the sad dog-man.
“Sam, we could never leave you. Have you seen what happens when you leave the two of us alone.” “We’ve killed people.” “We have.”
Yeah…Sam’s gonna have to have a talk with you two in the morning.
But right now, he’s to busy being smothered.
“Aw…you guys got me feeling as fuzzy as a bee that’s under the influence.”
You and Max basically compliment and cuddle Sam for the rest of the night.
Sad dog man is now happy dog man
After a few hours of that, you guys end up falling asleep again
A/N: Sorry it's been so long, life's been icky lately. I kinda fell out of the Sam and Max Fandom. I'm back now, but I'm mostly just posting all the stuff that's been in my drafts.
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Episode Eight: Random Rewatch Observations
1. I don’t think it’s ever really 100% certain is it, how deliberate Hodgson’s actions are at the beginning of this episode or how closely in cahoots he might already be with Hickey? I notice right after they all leave the tent that the first person he seems to go to is Le Vesconte though, so I have to wonder if he is just looking for comfort and advice or if he’s peddling the same scaremongering story he does later to Little…?
2. I also wonder if Hickey mispronouncing the word ‘Netsilik’ is deliberate too? Like, is it just a random slip of the tongue or could it be saying more about how Hickey’s just bullshitting his way along while still not really knowing what he’s talking about?
3. He also pointedly doesn’t refer to Jopson as Lieutenant, disrespectful little knobhead…
4. Speaking of disrespectful knobheads, I’ll still never get over how horribly Crozier treats Little in this episode, threatening him with a flogging just for asking a simple question! The fact of the matter is that at that stage, no one but Hickey has any real idea of what’s actually happened, not even Crozier himself. He can’t possibly know for sure until he goes to see the whole sorry scene for himself and in the meantime, bolstering the perimeter is a perfectly reasonable plan.
Surely it would be better to give a timely, controlled order to strengthen that perimeter with your most trustworthy guys in order to make the rest of the men feel calmer, more secure, and less inclined to go off the rails, than to leave the whole camp in panic and confusion, not knowing what the hell is happening, and so jumping at the chance to feel like they’re doing something about it all?
That’s what it’s all about really – timing! Yes, it is a mistake for Little to give the order to arm the men when he does but it’s only a mistake because by that time they’re all too riled up to give up their arms or listen to reason. Again, if they had armed some trustworthy men in a calm and controlled way back when Little first suggested it, if Crozier has only bloody listened to him, then I firmly believe the situation could have been improved massively.  
5. That��s not a comforting arm-pat Blanky gives Little, btw, that’s actually a full-on tit-grab and I am here for it.
6. Oh God you can see how fucked Fitzjames is already in that tent and how he just about manages to hide it until he’s alone. As soon as Little passes him you can see him finally allow himself a grimace of pain when he knows no one can see.
7. Just noticed the neat little detail of a pair of crutches hanging from a beam in the medical tent – shows again the importance of efficiency and preparedness and using ever available inch of space.
8. Oh fuck, the wee Netsilik girl has Irving’s telescope/spyglass right by her side! Can’t you just imagine her having a whale of a time with it right before all the horror kicked off? Gut-wrenching!
9. Also, cannot emphasise enough that Irving would’ve been their friend. Like, none of them are really in their right minds at this stage but those like Little and Hodgson who would have been closest to him would of course be feeling the loss most, and you can see how it influences their decision-making.
Just imagine if your own best friend and co-worker was brutally murdered one day and not only did you have to carry on with your day and carry on working, but you were also berated publicly by your shitty boss then forced to watch as your pal’s already-defiled body was dissected further right in front of you. You’d be a mess too!
10. “Choose men we can trust…” – Aye, you could have done that a few hours ago, Franky-boy, and potentially avoided a whole mess of bullshit!
11. Oh God don’t put De Voeux in charge of anything!
12. Shout out to the Triumvirate of Toms! Jopson taking charge straight away and getting shit done like the brilliant Lieutenant he is. Blanky outrunning Tuunbaq on a wooden leg and continuing not to give a single fuck. And Hartnell, once again ready to step up and help, to defend his mates without a single second thought, even if he has to face down a charging Tuunbaq to do it. Big fan of that little concentrating blinky face he does too – top notch stuff.
13. Good Christ Fitzjames with the rockets is just incredible. That look on his face! The focus and fury and determination in that little snarl! Outstanding! And it also strikes me that this is a perfect instance of him doing an amazing thing without the intention of being seen. He’s invisible in the fog, just like everyone else, and he’s still going all out doing what needs to be done. We know it’s not just vanity with him, that he’s a genuinely good and heroic man, even if he doesn’t realise it himself, but we see more clearly than ever that that’s really not what it’s about here specifically. There just can’t be any vanity in the face of something like Tuunbaq.
14. Pretty sure that’s a diving helmet patch on Collin’s jumper right before Tuunbaq gets him which is just a whole other level of heart-breaking. I wonder if he sewed it on there himself back when he was still excited about being a pilgrim to the deeps…
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