#tang is one of my favorites he's so silly
harbingerofangst · 11 months
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cicada 💛⭐✨🌟
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ratkingsocks · 9 months
Misc. Heart Pirates Head Canons
So, when I'm bored out of my brain at work I've been thinking about my silly little beloveds the Heart Pirates! So here are some thoughts I've had about them and the crew structure! Crew Structure
Not a traditional first mate or incredibly strict hierarchy. I figure Law's authority issues extend to how he runs his crew!
There's four "departments" basically where one of the core-four preside over.
Bepo is in charge of all the helm stuff: navigation, steering, general operations (maintenance of equipment, engineering)
Penguin is in charge of personnel: finances, crew schedules, supplies (clothes, food, yatta yatta)
Shachi is on weapons: armory & procurement of, training the crew, and any like recon they do is planned by him
Law handles all the medical stuff: yearly exams, extensive charts/notes on the crew, any on-going treatments, and the supplies for this specifically goes through him
As captain, Law does oversee/supervise the others if he feels it relevant but after like 13 years he's pretty confident his favorite idiots can handle themselves!
The tang runs on two shifts so someone is always around to keep the sub running in case of emergencies, as such there's often multiple crew members capable of a job (ex chef, helmsman, engineering, nurses)
All the crew knows how to handle alarms, any gauge or sonar readouts, and just generally keep everyone from dying
Most of the crew knows basic triage and first aid
Any Big Decisions (TM) are normally talked over. The crew has a lot of say in most scenarios... One of the few times this was not the case was Law ordering them to Zou when he went to Punk Hazard.
It was an intentional choice on Law & the crew's part that none of them were spotted on jobs and don't have bounties. A lot of the crew's work, especially early on in Law's plotting against Doffy, was gathering information and other covert work. Them being well known or recognizable would've made it impossible for this to get done... It also would've made hiding from Doffy that much harder.
The crew splits proceeds evenly! 50% goes to the Tang's upkeep and supplies, 50% is split equally between everyone else.
Named Crew Jobs
Law- Captain, Doctor
Penguin- Quartermaster
Shachi- Armsmaster
Bepo- Navigator
Jean Bart- Helmsman
Ikkaku- Head Engineer
Uni- Head Nurse
Clion Chef
Hakugan- Helmsman
The unnamed crew I do plan to flesh out eventually, but I haven't made a whole lot of headway in that direction yet... Some day I shall!
Silly HCs
Other than Bepo, everyone is older than Law
Penguin likes to sing
He also has collected rocks & shells from every island they've stopped at to make a living map of their travels.
I personally like to think of Shachi & Peng as some sort of fishman-human hybrid or perhaps a few generations removed from a fishman ancestor? Not super sure on how it works exactly, but I think they both look a lil odd and that's why they hide their eyes and such with hats.
Ikkaku handles Law 2nd best only to the Core 4. She knows when he needs space and when he needs to be pushed pretty well, and so they're pretty close.
Uni loves to sew; it's how he relaxes and passes time while they're underwater for long stretches of time. He is also the person who customizes most of Law's clothes with their jolly roger
Law did said customization before they recruited Uni and still helps, but Uni shoves him off often and says this is his therapy time alone
Clione takes to new members the best
He's also a great fighter and definitely yeeted Shachi into a wall one day; Shachi was delighted with this
He can drink most of the crew under the table
Hakugan is enby! And uses they/them pronouns
They also communicate with sign language, so the entire crew is relatively fluent
Hakugan is never lost; they have a 6th sense for where north is at all times
Much like their namesake, Hakugan is a volatile creature prone to violence
Shachi likes to keep up with psychology journals in his free time, so sometimes he & Law will have a little "medical journal book club" to hang out
Bepo is more an astronomy & weather guy... there was, however, a tragic mix-up with the news coo one time that resulted in Bepo getting an astrology magazine.
He likes to torment Law by teasing him with a well placed "That's so very libra of you, captain."
Law actually likes his coffee absurdly, disgustingly sweet
Penguin, however, takes his coffee black
Shachi & Bepo are 2 of 3 members of the Hearts without a caffeine addiction. Hakugan is the third
Penguin has given up trying to get Law on a schedule... It has never worked in their 13 years sailing together
Law had to implement a "no gambling on the tang" rule shortly after Hakugan joined; They were absolutely taking everyone else's money
Law does, however, actively encourage fleecing marines & rival pirate crews
The crew has picked up some Mink social behaviors! As such they're very physically affectionate... Yes, even Law. Though he tends to contain his affection to when they're in private or on the Polar Tang
It's super common to see the crew swap undershirts, jewelry, or other accessories
Bepo has a collection of his crewmates' shirts! Uni made it into a quilt for him since he can't exactly wear them properly
Everyone else has a "Bepo shirt"
Ikkaku tends to forget she's wearing hers while working on the Tang or to sleep then walks about. Whenever Bepo sees this he gets all flustered & teary-eyed
Law, similarly, wears his to sleep in regularly. He would rather be caught dead than wearing though. That's way too mushy for him.... but if there are days where he's still wearing it when Bepo comes to check on him in the morning, well, nobody has to know but them right?
Shachi & Penguin one time wore their Bepo shirts and attempted to force Bepo into their shirts which... obviously did not fit. Undetered they stitched the two together to the ultimate-bros-shirt. Bepo loves this shirt & wears it regularly.
Shachi & Penguin remake this shirt whenever the old one starts wearing down or falling apart every few years
(I took this one from a fic cuz I thought it was just so good) Between more junior members of the crew, it's a running gag that Law, Shachi, & Penguin are more "lesser mink" than "human" after 13 years with Bepo.
Law finds this absolutely hysterical, Bepo says they're all lesser minks
Law is, in fact, capable of a variety of animal noises such as growling, hissing, or purring. He normally makes this noises on accident when startled or particularly relaxed. He did not intentionally learn to make these noises. He was just an incredibly weird child and like many weird children before and after him, mimicked animals
Shachi & Penguin may or may not make fun of him for this
They may or may not have started the rumor that one of Law's parents was a mink; a rumor that Law has unintentionally perpetuated with his general wet cat behavior
Penguin's family were whalers! He uses a harpoon & is a fantastic fisher as a result
The above makes him Clione's favorite
Penguin often threatens Shachi with the harpoon so he may join his bretheren. Shachi shrieks back that orcas are not whales but dolphins. This is a near weekly song & dance.
Each of the "core four" have a way to show they accept a newbie into the crew!
Shachi carves a little wooden animal
Penguin embroiders their name inside their boiler suits
Bepo trades clothes with them
Law procures a custom mug decorated to their taste
Law normally gives his first, actually. Firstly, if he invited you to his crew he already likes you well enough. Two, he knows he can be an unapproachable dick and sees it as a bit of a peace offering. Three, to show the rest of the crew this new person is approved!
Shachi & Penguin gives theirs whenever they feel the new member has "earned" it. Normally 2nd/3rd in whatever order they deem.
Bepo basically always gives his last. He's a very anxious lil guy and doesn't want to disturb or weird anyone out.
Jean Bart is, ironically, the only crew member to not have concussed himself on the doorways in the Tang
Law had a few problem years after his sudden growth spurt, but it hasn't been a problem since he got used to being taller
After reuniting on Zou there was a crew wide cuddle puddle
Law is surprisingly tactile so long as it's on his terms. A head pat there, brushing his hands against a cheek or shoulder there... That kind of thing
This is generally the best indicator of how much he actually likes you
Law often stims using Bepo's fur or paws. Bepo loves this very much
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beamobailey · 1 year
As resident Tang enjoyer (and debatably his number one fan), I’m so glad I get to eat more Tang art bc he is so silly and so goober and so scrumptious.
I just wish people recognized his silly goofiness sooner!! His hair change did not change his personality!! Please!
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sketching-shark · 8 months
I was curious to know, is there a specific adaptation of JTTW that you particularly enjoy? Whether its good or accurate isnt important but more like in your personal taste
AUGH going to be honest @seasonalsummers in that I don't feel like I can pick just one...there's so many excellent retellings! But I will take this opportunity to present some of my favorites.
So first up we have the 1986 Journey to the West tv series. It is in many ways very goofy and gaudy, but there's just as many reasons why it's considered one of the best retellings out there, from its genuine heart to the adherence to the og classic. And needless to say its Sun Wukong really set a standard for cheeky scheming monkey behavior. You can start watching it here:
Next up is 2016s The Monkey King 2. While this film is one of those retellings that gives the White Bone Demon a lot more prominence than she has in the og classic--and definitely has its own silly stupid moments--it also stands as one of the very few retellings that directly addresses the paradox of Tang Sanzang's mission: that he's trying to get the sutras to help mortals achieve a state of peace all while abhorring violence, and yet its only because of the violence of his disciples, especially Sun Wukong, that he's able to right a number of wrongs or simply go from day to day uneaten. You can watch it here:
And now it's time to give kudos to 2015's Monkey King: Hero Is Back. While this film is FAR from a faithful retelling and (usual refrain) has its own silliness, pretty simple plot, and gross-out humor, it also has so much heart and stands as a wonderful embodiment of the dad Wukong characterization. One also has to give it credit for its main child character, Jiang Liuer, being a genuinely charming kid who's wonder at the world and desire to do good drives the story forward in a sincerely lovely way. You can watch it here:
More recently--and in a work that is at best only loosely following the plot of Xiyouji--is 2022's Lighting Up the Stars. This film follows the story of a Li Nezha coded little orphan girl Wu Xiaowen and a Sun Wukong coded funeral director Mo Sanmei as they go from a very tense relationship to a genuinely loving father-daughter relationship. While there are moments of this film that feel kind of overwrought, it's an honestly wonderful exploration of what goes into dealing with death and the importance of love in all its many forms during life. I also have a soft spot for Mo Sanmei, who from what I've seen is the very peak of explicitly shitty cringefail loser who then genuinely works hard to become a better person Sun Wukong out there. It can be watched here:
Turning away from film and animation for a moment, I simply have to give proper kudos to Chaiko Tsai's comic The Monkey King. Between the gorgeous art, fun character designs, a good sense of how to translate many of the stories of Xiyouji into comic format, and a resolution to the Sun Wukong vs. Niu Mowang fight that I actually prefer above that in Journey to the West itself, this is definitely a comic worth going through! You can purchase it here for about $30.00
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And last but certainly not least, one simply has to give due credit to 1964's Uproar in Heaven. It's an absolute gem of stylized Chinese animation, a work with the very rare allowance on the Monkey King getting to go full grandpa for tons upon tons of monkeys at Mt. Huaguoshan, and it's very faithful to the first half of the og classic with the difference that here Sun Wukong does his havoc in heaven and gets away with it. All around its a really fun work to watch and does have a lot of importance from both an animation and a historical perspective. You can watch it here:
So those are my favorite adaptations of Journey to the West! It's but a fraction of the adaptations out there, but I hope other people found these as fun as I do.
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celluceta · 2 months
✭ Law, Bepo, Penguin, Shachi & Ikkaku finding out you like Vocaloid + headcanons ✭
Hi there! Here are some silly headcanons I've been thinking about the past few days. I've been listening and drawing Vocaloid a lot lately and this idea popped in my head, so I hope you like it!! A good friend of mine helped me with this💚
Please keep in mind that english isn't my first language so there might be grammar errors🫠
I had a lot to write about Law and Bepo...
Also I won't be talking about UTAU that much since I'm not very familiar with them,,, sorry.
🎐Please keep in mind these are MY headcanons! If yours are different, that's perfectly fine! Feel free to drop them in the comments if you want🎐
⭐Gender neutral reader⭐
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Ok so I headcanon there is a common room in the Polar Tang, with a couple of long sofas and where every member of the crew has their own little space somehow, like walls covered in posters and shelves filled with, books and even plushies of marine animals and their hobbies.
You were spending one morning there, listening to your favorite Vocaloid playlist in a den den mushi (you know, like the ones that appear in film red) when Law arrived, looking for a medicine book he didn’t have at his office.
Normally he would have just walked out the room, but as your den den mushi started playing Tokyo Teddy Bear, his eyes couldn't help but rush to look at you.
You noticed it and glanced at him as well. As your eyes met, he quickly looked back, grabbing the book and heading out the room.
"You like Vocaloid, captain?"
It took him a few seconds to answer before leaving you there. "Why would I do? It's a waste of time".
You were confused but didn't think much about it.
Until a couple of days later, when you walked past the door of his office and heard something familiar...
"Shinkai shoojo mada mada shizumu"
You couldn't believe it. You opened the door and looked at him with a smirk on your face, meeting with his shocked, flushed red face.
"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" He shouted at you before you left the room giggling, hoping you wouldn't tell the rest of the crew.
He's not the biggest fan, but since Bepo is, he ended up liking a few songs. He would never admit it out loud though, he thinks it would ruin his image.
I can't stop thinking he listens to the most edgy Vocaloid songs... . ...
You know, Lost One's Wheeping, Ghost Rule, Aishite Aishite Aishite and more.
Definitely enjoys Kikuo more than any other vocaloid producer. Also Wowaka.
Nobody knows about this, but he knows the whole lyrics of The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku.
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Do I have to say it?
Seriously, do I have to say it?
This guy's OBSESSED. He's been listening to Vocaloid for years.
Maybe even before leaving Zou.
Everyone in the crew learned about Vocaloid thanks to him, so when he discovers you also enjoy it, he'll go so excited you'll get trouble understanding what he's saying. You'll see his eyes shining as he's speaking.
One day, on a karaoke session they decided to have not so long after you joined the crew, he started playing Ring no Shitensi.
"Oh, I know this one!"
And his sprakling eyes rapidly landed on you, his lips drawing a bright smile on his face.
He runs into you, not midning the music still playing as he holds your hands and starts talking to you so fast you can barely understand him.
You glanced nervously at Penguin and Shachi for a moment, and they just lifted their thumbs, telling you it was normal.
His favorite producers are definitely Mitchie M, Kinoshita and Livetune.
No matter how many redesigns Miku gets, he'll always prefer the first one.
He knows all the producers mentioned in Kagamine Let's Say the P Names. All of them.
He's one of those people who blast christmas music once it's October 1st, but instead of Mariah Carey it's just Snow Miku songs.
He has a space in his room dedicated exclusively to his lightstick collection, and he knows all existing choreographies from the concerts.
Obviously, in their karaoke sessions, he'll just sing Vocaloid (and Uta) songs.
He has dragged Penguin and Shachi with him, and the rest of the crew knows the lyrics of at least one song or two. Knowing about Vocaloid is inevitable when he's around.
When he discovers a new song Law might like, he eagerly shows him. Law always says he's not interested, but he ends up listening to it on repeat when he's alone.
And he's just as obsessed with UTAU as he is with Vocaloid.
Penguin & Shachi
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I feel like instead of them reacting to you, you'd react to them.
Like, again, on a karaoke session, you'd see how they sing along with Bepo, and that just surprises you.
"I didn't know you guys liked Vocaloid!"
"You never asked" They said to you with a playful smirk.
They are glad you also enjoy the music, but don't mind as much as Bepo. Shachi would maybe express it better than Penguin.
Sometimes they join Bepo with the lightsticks, specially if he's playing classics as World is Mine or Luka Luka Night Fever. They ended up learning the movements from watching the bear.
Huge. Deco*27. Fans.
Also they enjoy a couple of Mitchie M and Neru songs, but leave the edgy ones to Law.
Would have a whole discussion over what Miku's voicebank is better on a daily basis.
"V4 pronunciation is way better, man"
"Yeah but it doesn't sound as robotic as V2. What's the point of Miku if she doesn't sound like a robot?"
Shachi's a Rin fan while Penguin prefers Len. Sometimes they tease each other like little kids over who's better, but at the end of the day they both enjoy the twins.
Not that much to say about these guys, just average fans.
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(so sad there aren't more GIFs where Ikkaku appears😭 but this one's fire anyways)
Short because she doesn't really care about Vocaloid that much.
She would be like "Oh that's cool" and continue what she was doing. She just doesn't care at all.
Definitely the most chilled listener among all of them.
V Flower and Gumi. That's it.
She doesn't listen to Vocaloid that often, just from time to time when she remembers they exist.
At first she was like "Wth are they doing..." whenever Bepo, Penguin and Shachi danced with the lightsticks, but now she's gotten used to it.
Has no problem listening to Bepo talk about Vocaloid for quite the long time.
But the bear made her hate Snow Miku songs. She wouldn't have if he didn't played them on repeat from October until the next one is released.
She actually enjoys some of the classics.
Specially Magnet.
You know why... 🧡🤍🩷
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herzgeist-writes · 7 months
Hello my love!
I have an idea for a story with Law <3
I'll leave it up to you how long the story will be. =^-^=
I had read a similar story before but that ended in an open end T-T
I just need a little more food for my imagination and since I like your writing style so much, here is my request:
Reader and Law are together.
The reader has lost her memory due to an accident/fight.
The crew tries everything to get her memory back: favorite food, general things she likes, her tasks in the Polar Tang, her fighting style (for example, if she has a special weapon I can imagine Penguin, Bepo and Shachi waving it around and copying her moves XDDD)
Law is trying to find a medical solution and examines various things about her. Even if he doesn't show much, the crew knows how much it affects him.
Law only introduced himself as a doctor and captain and not as her partner because he doesn't want to push her (LAW IS JUST VERY THOUGHTFUL :3)
One day, the crew sees Reader always looking at Law because he always shows off his beautiful torso ;D That's why the crew told the reader that the two are actually a couple... maybe that's how the memory comes back.. hehehe
I can imagine a Smut/Mature part here very well.. you know?
Because actions work better than words hehehheehe ^////^
In love your Oxy *~*
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Pairings: Law x fem!reader with amnesia | Word count: 8.2k | Warnings: Cussing, possible possessive tendency in Law, Smut in the end - petting/fingering
Synopsis: The world around you takes in shapes and sizes you‘ve never seen before. Everything and everybody is foreign. However, those strangers, encircling the bed you find yourself in, seem to know you, always calling you (Y/n). Where are you? What happend? And why is that weird white hatted man so familiar?
A/N: Why hello lovely! I know how much you love to read, so I didn‘t hold back with this OneShot ;3 Thank you so much for your request! I hope I could give you a smile with this one honey ఌ - this one’s for you Oxy
Dividers by cafekitsune ~
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"I think she's waking up!" - "Oh thank goodness!", bearly audible to you, the voices muffled from your restricted hearing, you recognise how relief eases the tension around you.
A sharp stinging light makes you whince in discomfort, the lamp on the ceiling shining right into your tired eyes. What is this place? Cold metal walls zone in the room, shivers run down your spine from that perception.
The blanket, covering your body, appeases you more or less, for you are still completely disoriented, your gaze now landing on the people surrounding you.
"Bepo, quick! Get the Captain!", one of the two men commands the . . polar bear? Is that truly a mink? You dare not believe your eyes, rubbing them in astonishment.
Hasty paw pads rush out of the doorframe and a quirky voice yells rather panic induced: "Captain! Captain she's awake!" Confused, you take a closer look at the men idling beside you. Both wear quite silly hats, and each of them are dressed in a white overall with a strange jolly roger on their chest. Something tells you, you've seen it somewhere before.
Are they pirates? Oh dear. Anxiously you shrink away, lifting up the blanket to shield your face. The man with an orca hat on top his red locked head approaches you cautiously, holding up his hands to calm you: "(Y/n), what's wrong? Does anything hurt?"
Even more than before, perplexity fogs up your mind. Who is (Y/n)? Timidly peeking over the rim of your cover, your grimace visibly questions the man's choice of naming.
"What are you so afraid of, (Y/n)? It's us! Shachi and Penguin.", the other man states, tilting his head in curiosity. Again you hear that name and two additional ones, appearing to be their's.
You repeat their names in bewilderment, not fully trusting those two 'strangers' yet. A loud slam of the door takes you aback, forcing you to hide beneath the rug in dread.
The familiar voice, that basically screamed 'Captain' over and over again, calls out: "Look, she woke up." - "Thank you, Bepo." Another person entered the room. Your body trembles from the sheer amount of pressure, feeling scared and lost. How did you get here? Who are these people?
Suddenly, your only 'place of retreat' gets lifted off your face, revealing a tall and dark figure with a white fluffy hat before you. These people sure have an extraordinary taste in accessories.
Little whimpers and squeaks escape you, struggling to find another hiding spot in the bed you're nuzzled in. Thus you press yourself far up into the corner of the mattress, away from the uncanny unknown: "Who are you?"
Silence overwhelmes the group. It's as if you can hear their brains working, worried glances being shared among another. The polar bear speaks lowly: "Uh oh, did she . . lose her memory?"
"What's your name?", the tall man asks calmy, taking a seat beside you. Nothing but insecure stutters tut out of you, seeking solace in staring at your feet.
He continues his query: "Do you know where you are?" - "N-No . ." Silence shifts to restlessness, for the three men standing near the bed begin to out their worry, a loud chaos breaking loose.
"Quiet down men! It was to be expected after such a powerful blow.", the sinister looking guy sitting not far away from you growls at them, annoyed by all this unnecessary ruckus. The red haired man asks what will happen next, while throwing his hands through the air.
Getting up from his seat by your side, the tall one gives you a long lasting look and turns to the others, commanding them to leave this room. Obedient, they do as told and close the door behind them.
In a swift turn, the stranger averts his attention back to you. It is only till now, that you notice a large weapon leaning against his shoulder. Afraid he will harm you, you flail: "Please have mercy! Don't hurt me!"
"Who said I will hurt you?", deftly unsheathing his nodachi, he aligns the blade vertically and rumbles 'Scan'. A light blue hue emits from the sharp metal in his hands, humming omniously.
Uttering something incomprehensive to himself, the white hatted one concentrates on your frail body, looking you up at down while his weapon glides from left to right over his field of vision.
A sigh of discontentment empties his lungs, as he narrows his gaze, seemingly deep in thought. "The internal bleeding has stopped and the cuts and bruises are healing nicely, but it seems your hippocampus took damage from the trauma.", he analyses your vitals and injuries, coming to the conclusion that you need lots of rest and support in regaining your memory.
With the nodachi put aside, the man's expression softens to the merest. By his presence, you acknowledge how you're intimidated, scared even. Nevertheless, a tiny voice within you contradicts your notion of threat.
Tending to your wounds, he prepares a set of cleaning tools and antisceptics to replace the old bandages with new ones.
Gentle and light touches of fingertips are close to tickling you. Closely observing his skillful and composed movements, you are in disbelief: "Why are you helping me?" - "Well, you are under my care. As your Captain and doctor it is my duty to keep you safe and sound."
Not expecting such a high regarded title, you lower your head in reverence, ashamed you didn't know, but could you believe him? Then again, you ask gingerly: "But who are you?"
"I am Trafalgar Law. Captain of this submarine and doctor as already mentioned.", he rumbles, as he finishes your treatment, he removes the tools he used to freshen you up with shortly after. You watch his every move, still not apprehending what is going on.
Finally done with the smaller undertakings, Law faces you and speaks to clarify your vacant confusion: "Listen, you're suffering from memory loss. Your brain has been traumatized by an . . attack you took in for me. Luckily, traumatic amnesia is transient, meaning you should regain your memories in a short amount of time. About two days, one on fortunate terms."
All that medical knowledge makes your head spin, more than necessary and you scrunch your face in displeasure. Law sighs, understanding you're not able to discern his explanation, thus he adds: "What's more important is - your name is (Y/n). My-", choking on the next word, before it leaves him, the doctor overthinks his decision and quickly summarizes, "My crew member. You are part of the Heart pirates, understood?"
"Wait, I'm a pirate?!", completely out of it, you push yourself off the bed, shooting closer to, apparently, your Captain. Soft red strikes over his cheeks by your sudden approach and he takes a step back, clearing his throat: "Yes, you are a pirate, an insane one at that. You let a Vice Admiral hit you with one of his strongest abilites, just to save me." You are shook by that horrific action. How did you manage such a suicide move?
Overwhelmed you let your gaze wander over the room's furniture, still wondering your whereabouts. As if he read your mind, though it isn't difficult to decipher that ever growing pout on your face, he disperses your brain fog: "You're aboard our submarine, the Polar Tang. Right now you are located in the infirmary."
A small 'Wow' escapes you and you gawk at Law in amazement. It's unlikely for him to deem something as adorable, but since you are in fact the Surgeon of Death's spouse, he cannot swat away the heart clench in his chest. How much he hates to admit your cuteness, damn you (Y/n).
Be that as it may, your man is determined not to crush you with the regarding topic, not intending to find you fainting or of sorts. Perhaps fainting is over the top, yet the doctor isn't prone to find out the countless possible shock reactions.
A simper plasters over the supernova's face, thinking that you're about to relive your memories once more in one way or another. The most awaiting would be you falling in love with him all over again. Well, at least he dearly hopes you would.
Naturally he is looking foward to the moment you come back to your senses, albeit a sour taste of anxiety lingers in the back of his head, fearing you might 'change' your mind.
No. There is no way this will happen. So it is decided, Law will inform you at some point of the day, if you’re not coming to realise on your own that is. But first, he wants you to catch up with the others and your daily doings, behaviour and mannerisms.
Carefully taking you by your hand he leads you out of the infirmary: "I will show you around the sub for a bit, before I'll leave you to your crew mates. Don't let go of my hand, sweet- . . (Y/n)."
What a save. Very smooth, Trafalgar. What was he about to call you? You simply cannot take a full grasp on his inconsistency, opting you to ponder.
Room after room, your memories steadily reappear in the back of your head, recognising smaller things such as the corridors to the kitchen and sleeping quarters. Even every now and then, a familiar face walks past you, making your head turn, exclaiming a short 'Oh' to your recall.
Over time, the man, who oh so kindly gives you a tour around the submarine, peaks your interest alertingly fast, acknowledging his handsome features and strangely charming remoteness, after fleeting glances. There is something about Law's cold and stoic that wouldn't let you go, drawing you in like a moth to the flame.
At the control station, the Captain 'reintroduces' you to the commanding table, sonar system and world map, explaining every detail you are in need to know.
The inked finger points at the middle of the ocean on the map spread across the table: "This instant, we're located approximately around these waters here. So we are heading west to-" Your digit lingering closely next to his far larger one breaks Law out of focus, narrowing down his wide open eyes to see the source of warmth crawling up his arm.
"I think I remember. There's a massive pool of sea kings in these parts!", pride swells your chest, recollecting the fragments of your knowledge and experiences. Confounded, rather positively that is, the doctor passes a subtle smile to you, content with your progressive recovery: "Correct."
His calloused looking hand gently leads yours to a spot on the map, indicating on an isle in the north blue: "And do you know this island?" - "Y-Yes! That's where I was born and raised!"
One can see the tiny cogs in your brain functioning again. You have no idea how relieved the aloof man beside you is. Yet that feeling of wholesomeness ends, as soon as you mention a certain isle: "Oh and that's Flevance! Isn't that . . your . ."
Which were mellow, a brief moment ago, are now cold and dark eyes, fixated on bleak letters saying 'Kingdom of Flevance', he once called his home. "It was.", he utters, a hint of pain causing his voice to fall. It is now that you catch on to his sinister dark events, opting you to apologize. Law waves it off without a word.
The sudden change of his aura sends you all kinds of bad signals, leaving you emotionally affected by seeing this monster of a man sunk in himself like this. How badly you wish you could take this brainless blathering back.
"We should get going," making his way out of the control station, Law stops at the exit, expecting you to follow, "I'll bring you over to the common rooms. You will find Bepo, Shachi and Penguin there."
His hand beckons, inviting you to take it. Again, eachother's fingers interlace carefully and Trafalgar strides through the corridors towards the new destination with his little lady in tow.
The metal door creaks open and a display of three fools fighting over who gets to eat the last peanut butter mochi makes you chuckle. To Law's pique, he clears his throat to gain the men's attention.
As soon as they recognise their Captain leaning against the doorframe, all three slam the edges of their palms onto their foreheads and straighten up their postures in alert. It is to their exact knowing, fully aware, that the Surgeon of Death isn't apt to shenanigans and useless bickering.
"At ease men. Make sure (Y/n)-ya understands her tasks and duties by the end of the day. I'll see myself to my office, perhaps I can develop some sort of cure, or hasten the healing process of her amnesia", as you squeeze past your Captain through the doorstep, his hand brushes over your back, as if reassuring himself you'll be fine. What a strange way to interact with a mere crew member, you think to yourself. The touch was sensuous, light as a feather, fleetingly gliding over your spine. It sends unexpected tingles all over your body. "Y/n! Come on, let's show you your daily routines!" - "Oh, we shouldn't forget her fighting style!", Shachi and Penguin greet you with open arms, ready to show you everything, if not the whole world, not exaggeratedly speaking. Bepo toddles over to you and reintroduces himself, the humble and shy polar bear he is: "I know you already heard my name a few times now, b-but I'm Bepo, Vice Commander of the Heart pirates."
The other two men join the mink, bursting with chaotic energy. The red head announces: "I'm Shachi, you have a huge crush on me- ow!", with a loud slap, the penguin hatted one knocks some sense into him, interrupting his foolery and smiles at you: "And I'm Penguin!"
Warmth radiates from your heart, feeling positively overwhelmed by their welcome. Deep within you, you are certain - this is family.
"Alright, now you hold your dagger like this!", the polar bear mink instructs you how you used to fight as an assassin, flailing your weapons around in his giant fuzzy paws. All that while giving off exaggerated high pitched screams, resembling an overly ambitious martial arts fighter.
Shachi and Penguin snicker, muffling their chuckles into their fist to keep their volume in lower case. Confused, you watch as Bepo demonstrates the moves you apparently fight with. Skeptically you tilt your head: "A-Are you sure I did-" - "Oh yes! Yes, look!"
And with one great swing, the Vice Commander misjudged his power, spins around his own axis and lands on his behind, exclaiming a short 'Ow'.
Not able to hold back anymore, the two men witnessing the glorious finishing move, burst out into laughter, holding their stomachs. "That's so you, Bepo!" - "Oh man, this never gets old!", Shachi and Penguin muse, wiping away their tears of joy from the corner of their eyes.
"Ha ha . . very funny. At least I'm not just a bystander, giggling like a little girl and being a lazy piece of-", before the mink can end his sentence, his gaze lands on you, seeing your concern amplify through raised eyebrows. So he censores his unkind words, translating them: ". . a lazy bum!"
"We've been showing her around with no hours on end, I'm starving!", Shachi groans and pulls a face like he's dying any second. Like the red head, Penguin slumps and reckons to his comrade’s comment: "Let's go get some grub then."
Not even the polar bear can decline this idea, his tummy audibley growling for everyone to hear.
At the kitchen, the four of you gathered at the table after preparing a quick lunch to regain your energy for even more 'memory boost' sessions. As you munch down on an onigiri, Shachi hums: "Ikkaku has outdone herself once more, I love when she's cooking!"
"Oh yeah, me too!", you chirp. Wait. Did you just remember the curly haired lady and her famous culinary arts? Though your cheeks are filled with rice, a smile lines over your lips, feeling much more like yourself again.
The boys cheer you on, praising you with a collegial pat on your shoulder. Bepo wiggles his ears in chipper: "It must have been the spicy tuna in the onigiri, firing up your senses. Maybe you need to eat more hot foods." - "That must be it. There's plenty of rice balls left." Playfully nudging your elbow into your Vice Commander's, laughing to his theory, you reach for another one of Ikkaku's delights.
Just when you are about to grab the next portion, another hand gets in your way, a long arm hovering over you from behind. "I see things are improving.", a familiar raspy voice sounds at the back, leading you to turn around and find yourself staring right at your Captain's chest.
Instantly averting your attention back to the plate infront of you, that tiny cardiac arrest made you squeak in embarrassment. Is it just you, or did the three dorks snicker to your display of fluster?
By all means, it is hard not to - the black lines enhancing Law's lean torso, the skin tanned and oddly smooth looking, pushing your prying eyes further to scan from top to bottom. Lower and lower until . .
Penguin snorts: "Yeah, things are definitely improving. We'll get back to (Y/n)'s recollection after this, Captain." - "Good. You know where to find me, if anything's up." Heat shoots up your face, as Law's hand grazes your shoulder. How utterly embarrassing. Shudders run down your back and again you're left with those three brazen fools musing at your dismay.
The sound of the door closing loosens your tense muscles and you sigh: "Guys, can you tell me why he's walking around with his hoodie jacket open . . without a shirt underneath?" The men give eachother a knowing glance and turn back to you. "Why do you ask? Do you maybe . . like . . him?", the red head smirks and waggles his eyebrows at you in a taunting manner.
Perhaps with a few too many head shakes, you deny his assumption, cheeks radiating a shade of pink - the orca hatted man doesn't buy it. Thus he dares to give you the 'killing blow': "And what if I told you, that you and him are actually a thing? Like - you know, smoochin' all over the place?"
Involuntarily, a sharp 'What' forces out of you, not believing your crew mate's insinuations. So you wave a hand infront of your face to imply how insane he actually is: "Oi, I don't believe you. Me and him? That's nothing but disputable." - "Oh yeah? Why don't you find out yourself? Instead of Captain, call him Dr. Heart Stealer - trust me he loves it!"
Hesitating at first, you vaguely accept, but your stomach churns by the thought of him reacting to your ridicule. Law will either question your sanity or turns on his heels and goes about his day without a word. There's also a possibility, that he will do both at once. Yet, you take that risk.
After lunch, the little nervous you toddles over to the Captain's office, the pounding heart in your ribcage close to bursting. The door to his cabin is closed, hence you knock two times. Nothing. Again. 'Knock knock' reverbes from your knuckles against the metal.
"I hope you have a good explanati- . . on. (Y/n)-ya?" - "Can I come in, Captain?", with an open arm leading the way, Law welcomes you inside. Why do you feel so warm? Tumbling over your own words, you twiddle your thumbs in hopes to stay on track of your 'mission'. Back on his chair, the doctor gives you a short glance, before returning to work again: “What do you need?”
"I thought I'd bring over some more food for you. You're working so hard to find a remedy for amnesia, it must be straining, no?", placing a pair of spicy tuna onigiri on his desk, you notice the heaps of papers and open books. Law seems eminently invested in this matter.
You see a spark in his tired steel eyes. The dark circles beneath enlightening to the slightest, as if the solution to all his problems simply is - rice balls. Miracles weren't much to your beliefs, but it sure is now, watching the doctor take a bite out of the hot delectable with a faint smile. A muffled 'thanks' rumbles out of him, his mouth still full.
Few rice corns stick to the corner of his lips. Not sure why it is your first instinct to begin with, however your obliviousness got the better of you. Without any second thought you walk up to him and stretch out your thumb to wipe away the mess.
The Captain's pupils contract to small, barely visible dots and stares at you in disbelief. Finally realising what you've done, you shy away. About to storm out the office, you remember your objective and steady yourself. How absurd, but you have find out your true relationship with this man.
"I- I brought a mochi too, would you . . like to have it, Dr. Heart Stealer?", you murmur and shift back and forth in place.
Silence. Law blinks at you indifferently. Did his ears take on a tint of red? It is difficult to perceive it in the dimmed light. After an eternity, he clears his throat and averts his attention back to his researches: "You can put it next to the onigiri on the table here, thank you."
You do as asked and turn to the door, except a certainly annoyed Captain calls out to you, his sharp tone forcing you to stay: "Shachi tricked you, didn't he?", ashamed you let your head sink, staring at your feet, not comprehending what he's implying, nevertheless Law is kind enough to continue the conversation: "Don't fret, I'll take care of it. You go now, I will see you tonight."
Never wavering his gaze from the notes in his hands, he demands you to return to your, one may call it 'reflection' training. The emphasis on 'will' sounds enticing, more than you'd like to admit. Is he doing this on purpose?
Nonetheless, how exactly did Law acknowledge that Shachi ployed you about the 'Dr. Heart Stealer' thing? And by the by, how is that an indication, that you are supposedly partners?The Captain didn't give off the impression of being opposed by you calling him that though. Are you truly a couple? That rhapsody makes your head spin.
The sun drops into the ocean’s blue and the horizon darkens, the light fading into black. The submarine surfaced in midst of the Grand Line’s seas, pausing to give the Heart pirates the opportunity to take a breather. On deck, a spontanious banquette has been prepared to enjoy the starry skies above. Laterns and an open fire brighten up the place, an easeful atmosphere enveloping one with warmth. Now that Ikkaku’s on kitchen duty, the crew is especially looking forward to her creations.
Everybody gathers on deck, waiting for the delicacies to be served. Supporting the curly haired woman to arrange the tables with dishes and cutlery, Shachi and Penguin announce the food’s arrival: “It won’t take long now! Ready yourself fellas!”
The brunette grins over both ears and she slaunders to the tables with serving plates in her hands: “First batch’s up guys!” Praises and cheers fill the air and Ikkaku laughs to the scene before her, blushing by the people‘s applause.
The evening is in full swing - food, drink and the company of your friends enlighten you and your bleached out memories. It is now, that you are able call every last crew member by their name. Even past occurences attain colours and shapes in your subconscious again.
"(Y/n) honey! How are you feeling?" - "Kaku! I'm alright! It's been . . a tough day, but I'm glad it's only for a short amount of time.", a big hug from the curly haired girl squeezes your lungs and overwhelms you with joy.
With a soft curl of your lips you beam at her, showing her gratitude through a giggle: "Your culinary expertise made me remember you, I'm not kidding!" - "Oh stop!"
The two hens the both of you are snicker and go about your women's chattering and girly talk, making jokes and simply being alive. A highly understimated concept for a pirate.
Ikkaku takes note of a tall figure, appearing to be fixated and inches closer behind you. "I think you are needed.", she nods in the person's direction, indicating you to turn.
Glancing over your shoulder, Law adresses you calmly: "Heard you're making alot of progress." To his recognition you spin around to face him properly and flutter your doe eyes, delighted that he too is relieved about your constant recovery.
"Indeed! Are you still researching for a cure?" - "I am. Though the brain is capable to heal itself to a certain extent, some conditions are never fully cureable. Amnesia, just as much as dementia and migraines, still remain a damned mystery to medical science.", his voice sounds tired, strained as he summarizes his current state.
Something about Law tells you, that he's rather restless. Rocking from side to side on his legs for days. His gaze shifts nervously to Ikkaku and you, back and forth for a few times. What is the usually stoic and cold Trafalgar on about?
The awkward silence gets interruped by his hesitant muttering: "I'm going to bed, when will you-" He stops, freezing solid and biting his inner lip upon the realisation what he was about to say. Confuddled you raise your brows, the expression acting as a mute ask for explanation.
You hear little titters coming from Ikkaku. Sweat builds on Law's temple and you decide to speak, in hopes to ease the tension: "When will I . . what?" - "Forget it. Good night."
Toddling off stiffly, the Captain pulls down the rim of his hat, keeping his blush from prying eyes. Well, the only person that managed to see the evident glow radiating from his face, is you. Oh and how you chime in to the pain and suffering of fluster, for you feel the heat rising up your cheeks as well. How embarrassing.
Loosing it completely, Ikkaku snorts: "(Y/n), didn't Captain tell you, that you're his partner?" - "N-No . . but Shachi told me beforehand, or rather tricked me into finding out myself." The woman watches as Law makes his way to the office again, vanishing behind the metal door.
Besides Ikkaku, everybody else on the submarine noticed the Captain's hard labor and grapple. He is a very meticulous and strict person, sticking to a routine he'd like to preserve. You've grown onto him, you are a part of his life. It is clear to every crew member.
Leaning in, the woman utters lowly to you: "I believe he's stuck on his daily routine and he was about to ask you to follow him to your shared room to go to bed."
"You're joking, right?", close to exploding, your neck hairs stand on end, hearing her surmise and Ikkaku responds: "I'm not. You're together, in all seriousness."
Are you about to faint? This can't be happening. The brunette holds your hands to keep your scattered thoughts at bay: "Hey, it looks like he doesn't realise you're aware." - "B-But I called him . . Dr. Heart Stealer."
Another set of loud laughter comes your way. Tears of joy form in the corner of the curly haired girl's eyes. She pats the back of your hand and assures you to stay calm and let him come to you. "Either he'll tell you, or you'll remember it before he's able to do so. It's a fifty fifty chance.", she shrugs.
It bothers you. There are no memories about you and him . .
Perhaps there is alot to recall and your brain needs more time to render all the pictures. Oh dear.
Slowly, your lids open, though in weary. You find yourself tucked in your bed. Out of instinct, you reach for the night stand next to the - wait. There is none in your room. Why was it your instinct to check for that kind of furniture in the first place?
The double bed in your shared room with Law has a night stan- hold it right there. You remember it now. Usually, the early mornings start with you and him waking up all entangled, his head resting on your chest and subtly nuzzling up against you. And in the end, it all leads to a lazy morning make out session and beyond.
Still a bit torn and blurry, the images take over your mind and you shake them off, not believing this is verily true. They're not making sense to you, not yet to say the least.
All those inner struggles slow down your process of putting on clothes and preparing for a day on board the Polar Tang. It throws you off track, without a doubt.
Finally dressed and ready for today's challenges, withal the overly specific memories popping up one after the other, your next destination is set for the kitchen to fetch some breakfast. Heavy paw pads stop infront of you: "Oh (Y/n), I was about to check in on you. Here, I got you your favorite." Bepo hands over a chocolate croissant, wrapped up in a napkin and gives you a toothy grin.
"O-Oh thank you! You're such a sweetheart!" - "Heh, it's nothing really. They almost went out again, so I snatched the last one for you.", how utterly considerate of your Vice Commander. You didn't believe it was possible, but the bear's fur paints pink around his fuzzy cheeks in shyness.
After that wholesome morning meeting with the adorable mink, you continue the corridor towards the kitchen. And the croissant? Well, it isn’t your favorite for nothing - you ate it in one go.
As you reach your destination, you cautiously press down the lever of the metal door, not entirely sure about the vivid discussion on the opposite side, you eavesdrop through the small gap. "But Captain it was only a tiny prank! It's not my fault you didn't have the guts to refresh your own girl’s memory.", the familiar voice stutters, it's Shachi's. Then another acquainted tone meets your ears: "You idiot, this is none other than my decision when and how to tell her about our partnership. I was intending to yesterday, but it’s just . ."
That was Law, obviously verbally punching Shachi to make a point about his unease regarding that topic. He sounds insecure. What is holding him back in basically confessing to you a second time? Did his feelings for you fade perhaps? This is all so devastating.
About to leave, a certain penguin hatted man greets you wholeheartedly from the back: “Good mornin’! What’s up (Y/n)? Is the door stuck?” His loud highball appears to have reached the alert men on the other side of the doorframe. Haste foot steps clack over the metal floor towards your direction. Inwardly swearing, you excuse yourself: “Sorry Penguin, gotta run!”
“(Y/n)-ya? What is she doing here?”, rushes through Law’s mind, anxiety forming a clump in his throat, leaving him agitated - nervosity growing along side it, evident through his clenched jaw. Did you overhear the conversation? He tears open the slightly gaped door, only to find a startled Penguin saluting him. “M-Morning Captain!” - “Where did she go?”, the crew mate points at the hatch, leading to the decks. And this is where he darts off, determined to find you at any cost.
A sharp ‘Shit’ escapes you, unsure about your hiding place outside the submarine, pressing your back against the mast facing the wide ocean. Your quick breath makes your head dizzy, close to hyperventilating you place your hand onto your chest, actually scared of him finding you. By all means, there is no way you’re able to flee, you are running from a man with the ability to teleport anywhere he desires, swapping places with any being or object.
The high pitched creak of the Polar Tang’s security door animates your heart to beat faster. One, two, three - slow steps advance to the center of the platform, the dull wooden sound of shoes clattering inches dangerously closer to your hiding spot. Four, five, six - they stopped. Your blood freezes. “I know you’re hiding behind the mast, (Y/n)-ya . .”, he found you. Not daring to move a muscle, you let out a shameful sigh. This goes beyond compare how utterly distraught you feel.
“Never was it to my liking to play hide and seek games, but I think the person found is supposed to come out of the hiding, when discovered.”, he surely is not amused. A tinge of impatience conspicuous in his tone. Therefore you are not eager to test his tolerance and emerge from behind the mast. Upon seeing you, his lids squint to thin lines and he sighs in irk. He leans his head against the sheathe of the nodachi on his shoulder, no words needed for you to understand to clarify your immature behaviour. Thus you squeak a tiny apology. Law doesn’t prod to deep into the matter of your eavesdropping, but he perceives a still lingering uncertainty in you, which earns a shaky breath out of him.
Tad bit roiled, he mumbles in utterance: “I believe your memories aren’t fully back to normal yet.” You bite your lip and avert your gaze, looking at anything except your Captain. So you confirm his guess: “Yes. It’s just . . who are you? What are we?”
Again, the question that appearingly wouldn’t let you go so easily. Hence Law approaches you gradually, his shadow threateningly towering over you. “I am your Captain and your doctor, but let me expand the horizon for you.”, one foot after the other he closes in, “I am a wanted man, a pirate of the worst generation, a supernova and former shichibukai, feared across the seas. However, most importantly-“.
As he takes a stand right infront of you, he slouches down and stares deeply into your deep e/c eyes. The trademark smirk plasters across his lips and he continues where he decided to pause dramatically: “I am your man. And you are my woman. Understood?” Once more, snippets of past events, of you and him being with one another, flash up in your mind. You feel bashful, amazed that a man of his calibre is with you. Good lord.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” - “It seems you’re not up to date yet. I’d rather not talk about it, I’m sure you’ll know in time.”, he groans to your curiousity and rolls his eyes. His audacity to evade fires you up, pushing you to muster the courage to out the following: “So you’re shy?”
His cockyness loosens and Law only manages to stare, hissing a deft ‘Shut up’ at you. Oh you’ve hit the mark. So this is how it goes. On top of it all, you dare to comment with ‘Cute’, chirping out of you in playfulness. The wall of stoicism crumbles, so he grabs your wrist and places your palm on his cheek. Strange, yet effective - it takes you aback. What is the Surgeon of Death implying? He growls: “Repeat what you did yesterday afternoon.”
It takes a second for you to make out what he’s asking for, or more accurately ‘commands’ you to do. Oh, the onigiri incident.
Your thumb glides over the corner of his mouth, reinacting the scene where you reluctantly wiped away the mess from his face the day before. Heat emits from his skin to your gentle touch. Suddenly, he turns his head to let his lips graze along your palm, trailing down to your wrist. You’re about to withdraw, but in vain. Law’s stronghold simply won’t budge.
Entertained, he huffs, half lidded eyes fogged with a hint of want: “So you said shy?” The pecks follow up your forearm and reach the crook of your elbow. A gasp hushes out of you, not comprehending this son of a gun’s aim. Up and up he goes, cautious jabs turn into more longing kisses. He stops at your shoulder for a moment to smile victoriously: “I was merely being considerate towards you. Didn’t want to overwhelm you with . .“, mid-sentence he proceeds his affection, all the way further, passing your shoulder and to your collarbone, “. . this.”, he ends his implication with a bite. The sensation elicts a mute moan out of your agape lips, the sound stuck in your throat.
Not satisfied, Law pursues the soft lines of your neck, favoring you in letting his tongue glide on your delicate skin. At last, he hears your divine voice giving in to his ministrations. Occassionally he breaks away to indulge himself in the pleasure, the power he has over you. Oh how he missed you, though it was solely a day without. His hands grab your shoulders, motioning you to back up, pushing you against the mast. “You’re terrible in hiding your attraction for me. Always were.”, he chuckles into your ear, close to nibbling your lobe. You shiver: “Look who’s talking.” - “Strong statement.”
Teeth prod against the shell of your ear, earning a supressed whimper from you. It enchants the Captain, prompting him to continue this pleasing ‘reunion’ elsewhere. “Hold on to me.”, he coos and you do as told. In a blink of an eye, you find yourself sitting on the desk of Law’s office.
“How much I hate it when you’re acting all cute. It brings me over the edge.”, he grits at you and places his large hands onto your knees. You lean back in response, trying to extrend the distance between you and him. His radiance lulls you in, enticing you to embrace his yearn. Almost too kindly he asks: “Will you let me show you our current ‘stand point’ of our relationship?” - “Only if you’re gentle . .”
He damns the gods for sending you to him. The way you flutter your lashes and hold yourself practically invites him to make you his. Before he grows weak, he boosts his authority with a sassy remark: “I’m a doctor, not a ruffian. So please . .”, he forces your legs to spread apart and takes a stand between them, his face barely a breath away from yours now, “. .trust me when I say, I want to refresh your memory the most ‘appeasing’ way possible.” Big words for a man of his usual aloof nature.
About to speak, you open your mouth, only to be restrained by his lips. They silence you for good, seduce you to submit to your possessive Captain. Trafalgar is persistent in his pursuits, eager to lure your memories. It knocks the air out of your lungs as you feel his fingers dig into the crease between your thighs and hips, pulling you closer to his pelvis. You recognise his hard on pulsating against your core, animating you to rub along his length. A sigh of relief brushes your skin, coming from the highly driven man before you, lust overcoming him unpreventively.
Your fingers circle over his neck, curling underneath the nape, leaving the man entranced. He purrs: "You won't be needing these for now." Where are your clothes? Why are you wrapped up in a bed sheet? That little-
Law reckons you noticed him take advantage of his abilites, to which he deftly huffs: "Don't give me that look." - "How can’t I? You’re so . ." This moment, you're stuck on a question, struggling to find a suiting way to describe him. Well, you are sweethearts afterall, why not be a bit more daring? “. . naughty, doctor.”, you whisper, the outturn reveals as more than worth the risk, for he hushes you with his index, shutting your trap, if you will. The Captain is flustered, therefore he sees fit to just quiet you down - in a rather stimulating way. In a brash tone he commands you to ‘suck’.
So you do, devouring his digit with utmost passion, observing how Law intently watches your lips and tongue, preparing him for the long awaited.
The hungry eyes of your Captain linger over your half naked body, undressing you and soaking in every wave like curve. His free hand moves on pure instinct and begins to unfold you from the silken shield. With a distinct ‘pop’, his finger exits your mouth, you see how the tall man takes back to nourish every inch of you.
And here you are, sitting there with your tender hands covering your full magnificence, squeezing your legs tightly around Law's waist, too bashful and shy to show your womanly charms. Only if you knew about the strong desires he harbours.
"I'm sorry . . you've probably seen everything on me already." - "I did. Every last nook-", he kisses your jaw, "and-", the corner of your mouth, "cranny.", and finally your lips, nibbling and biting down on the cherry pink skin. Letting off a dreamy sigh, he demands you to not hide your divine physique from him, your answer forming as lustful gaze into his hazy ones.
DEATH caresses your mound and slowly drifts over the now drenched labia. "Mhm, you're so wet.", he flatters, smiling in a naughty manner. You cannot hold in a moan as he lets two fingers glide inside you, scissoring and stretching your velvet walls. The letters above his knuckles vanish out of sight.
In suave, Law's thumb strokes your rose coloured nub, circles and flicks taking you to cloud nine. He sees your pleasure, your bliss you find yourself in and he's getting over his head. Proudly he growls into your ear, implying how utterly satisfied he is.
Already close, you're incapable to stay your ground, your breath hitching from overstimulation and body literally vibrating under his touch. Turning the tables on him, it is now you who lets her teeth graze along his lobe, suggestively tugging on his golden earrings.
Is it just you, or did a low and short kept 'Fuck' slip out of him? Well, you're not able to think further regarding that matter, for his skillful digits swirl directly over your g-spot, stars blurring your vision.
"Here we go, that's the spot." - "Y-Yes. Please . . don't stop.", amused by your impatience, he denies you your upcoming high prematurely. You moan from the abandonement and give Law a mournful sigh.
How villainous the Surgeon of Death can be, rumbling at you with a wide grin: "My, you want to come, darling?" Nodding your head aggressively in confirmation, you beg and plea, your walls clamping around his god like fingers. Thus he indulges you once more: "Then allow me."
Notching onto one of your perked nipples, he licks and sucks on your tit rather ferociously, while resuming to pump his adorned digits inside you. And all seems so easy to him, the thumb remaining on your throbbing clit.
Your lover moans along with you, though in lower case, but the vibrations of his deep voice ignite you without question. The essence flows down your inner thigh, ready to burst. "Don't hold back my heart, let go on my hand, come on.", he groans, lulling you in seductively, craving to see you reach your high.
The climax runs you over, hot fluid leaking down your skin and gathering like a pool in Law's palm, earning even more sweet nothings coming from him. Weak, you chant his name, a serenade of erotica being sung with pure affection. Oh how divine you are to him, hence he seals your lips with his, humming into the kiss in total ecstasy.
Carefully he rides out your orgasm, attentive to every of your quivers and squirms. As he pulls out, he averts his attention to his soaked fingers, licking off your honey sweet wetness. His gaze never wavers from you, lapping up every single drop from his skin. Praising your taste, calling it delectable, Law gladly shares your flavor, yet again lip-locking your plump and rosy mouth.
"So, who am I?", he jestingly questions you, to which you simper tiredly and reply dreamily: "You are my love, my favorite doctor . . Trafs." The giggly mess that you are, nuzzles up against him. Truly, you do remember a hundred percent who this man is to you. It becomes clear to him now as well, especially after that ridiculous nickname ‘Trafs’ you came up with sometime ago. Nevertheless, he wouldn't have it any other way - he loves you and your quirks, no matter how annoying they appear to be.
The Captain is relieved beyond compare, that you are back to your true self again, delighted he was able to remind you to whom you belong.
Yet, the sound of a belt unbuckling tears you out of trance and you watch as Law pulls down the spotted fabric of his jeans. His predatory gaze tells, that he isn’t done with you.
Oh . .
A week has past since you experienced that horrific sensation of losing your memory. Everything is back to the ordinary, the every day life catches on again. As ordinary as can be for a pirate, to say the least.
Alot has happend in these seven days of ‘normality’. Law has forced you out of an inn, to make sure you won’t be involved in a brawl that broke loose in that cramped bar. Of course, he was the one to end this unnecessary ruckus, simply amputating a few heads and exchanging hearts to avert the ruffians’ attention, creating a diversion. Afterwards, he darted out of the building, checking in on you: “I swear to god, if those dumbasses managed to hit you, I’ll rip off their dic-“ - “My love I’m fine!”, you waved it off and laughed in abashment - he was dead serious. You’re afraid there won’t be a next generation coming up, for a doctor decided to ‘castrate” all men laying a finger on you and your poor head. What a drama queen.
Or two days ago, Bepo panicked about you getting your amnesia back for forgetting to bring him his favorite salmon sandwich. Why, that is a way to point out someone’s mistake, is it not? “I’m sorry, I simply forgot to take it with me.” - “ . . Captain! Her amnesia is back!”, the mink toddled off to find his superior - what a tattletale.
There are so many little occurences, that made people jump and worried for you - especially your significant other. It tickles you, honestly.
And today, you decided to read a good book at lunch break, just living - enjoying the sun on deck the Polar Tang. The waves cradle the submarine gently, rocking you from side to side. Leaning against the mast, you inhale deeply and savour the warm and salty ocean breeze. “Knew I’d find you here.”, a familiar voice rumbles. Law joins you, letting his grey eyes hover over the horizon. Suddenly, all the calm vanishes when a heavy tone reaches your ears: “Don’t you ever put your life at risk for me, ever again (Y/n)-ya. You could have lost your memory for a longer amount of time . . or for good.”
Concern furrows his brows, a frown sliding over his lips. To repel his fears, you hook your arm around his and pull him down, just enough to peck his cheek. The raven sideburns tickle your nose and you hum: “Do not forget, it’s not only you who protects. I love you, losing you would tear my heart apart.”
The Surgeon of Death isn’t aware about others’ devotion towards him, but it warms him up from the inside nonetheless, leaving him speechless. The only thing managable for Law, is to kiss the top of your head and mutter a sour: “Idiot . .” In other words, he loves you too.
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chenziee · 7 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Did I purposely wait to answer this until after the @/truffyfest creator reveals? Maybe.
Thanks Katia, for the opportunity to yell about these again xD 🤍
Ash (part 3 of the Ashes of Life series) The only thing more terrifying than losing someone you love is watching that person's life burn out right in front of your eyes, the ashes scattering until there's nothing left. Also look at this art. Look at it. LOOK.
Debt Repaid (part of @/truffyfest) It was a day like any other. A quiet little port town on a small spring island, beautiful and peaceful, almost picturesque. The Thousand Sunny and the Polar Tang were bathed in sunlight, the water around them sparkling like a sea of jewels. A perfect day, a perfect setting for the two allied crews to take a much needed break after travelling for weeks. At least... That was how it was supposed to be. MIND THE WARNINGS AND TEAGS PLEASE
Until We Drown (part 2 of Until we drown series) When the Straw Hats call you claiming an emergency, it can mean anything from 'We're surrounded by Big Mom, Kaido, Blackbeard, and the Navy, send help' to 'Luffy ate the last piece of cake and now there's chaos' and honestly, Law's long given up on trying to figure out where he stood on the emergency scale. But, well, bringing over as much food as he possibly could wasn't the weirdest request they've ever made of him anyway. This series will always be my baby <3
World Economic Journal - Grand Line Edition (part of @/truffyfest) Straw Hat Luffy and Trafalgar Law: more than an alliance?! (Read full article on page 56.) This whole thing is so silly and I had so much fun with it you don't understand ahahaha
Corazon (written for @/opwarlordzine) Doflamingo had spent years building his deck of cards. The clubs. The diamonds. The spades. He finally found his hearts again... only to watch them crumble into nothing. This one was such a challenge to wrrite and I'm so proud of how it came out ;__;
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Anon chilling on the precipice of madness again, and I’m so glad you liked that last ask! Truly, there is much joy to be found in discussing how much we enjoy (*cough* are dealt immense emotional damage on a daily basis by *cough*) the monkey show. Also, since I apparently can’t stop bugging you, for clarity’s sake I’m going to call myself Unhinged Anon if I submit any future asks lol. 
As always you make excellent points, and I am very normal about you bringing up the ‘MK smiling at his reflection’ thing because the motif of reflections in this show (see also: S2E5, S3E4, some others I’m probably missing, and especially S4E1) doesn’t make me even the tiniest bit insane. Nope! Not at all. But this time, it’s actually something you said in the tags that launched my marbles into the stratosphere for me to never find, because now I can’t stop thinking about how badly I want, like… a Sandy spinoff series or something. 
And I don’t mean a lore-heavy, epic adventure rich in heavy themes and conflicts like we have in the main series, just with Sandy at the center instead of MK. I want Sandy's series to be almost exclusively season one-style laid back episodes. But the good kind of laid back episodes, you know? Stuff like S1E6&7, that a lot of people dismiss, especially on a first watch, as nothing more than filler but actually serve as a subtle expansion/exploration of characters (“I also summoned monster trees with my stress, so. Should I see a doctor? We’ll worry about that later” still haunts me) and dynamics hidden under the guise of a silly little adventure with funny jokes, great animation, and fairly low stakes. 
I want to see what an appointment with Sandy’s therapist looks like, or even just the shenanigans he gets up to during those episodes where he’s mysteriously absent and only Tang seems to notice. 
I want to see Sandy teach Tang how to make tea, and maybe nerd out about those theories Sandy mentioned having about the gang's whole deal with the OG Companions.
I want to see Sandy’s endless teddy bear energy clash with Red-wants to seem intimidating but will also grab his new friends warm milk if they ask-Son. 
I want to see Wukong forced to have an extended conversation with Sandy, or really anyone from the team that isn’t MK or actively yelling at him, and getting to really see how they work off of each other. 
I want to see the secret ‘how do we help our clearly not okay friend?’ talks Mei and Sandy have behind MK’s back whenever he starts acting weird, and all the gossip that goes on during the yoga sessions they start doing together after Mei gets the Samadhi fire. 
I want to see Sandy talking with the little girl that LBD possessed, especially since something kind of similar happened to him during season 4, and accidentally becoming her new (and favorite) giant blue uncle. 
I want an episode of MK and Sandy hanging out. Just chilling on the boat, playing with Mo, going for a little walk around town until BOOM! Sandy brings MK to his unsuspecting therapist, who’s about to get the most interesting case of their career. And maybe, if we’re allowed a little angst, a discussion about how scary it is to be born with a lot of power that not only can, but will, hurt a lot of people if it isn't carefully controlled. About how they’ve tried, and failed, to avoid causing pain. About wanting to never cause pain, and how the futility of that sentiment almost outweighs the importance of trying anyways. 
And above all, I DEMAND a Pigsy-Sandy origin story! 
Anyways, this is basically just me edging ever closer to the brink of madness after you accidently inflicted No Thoughts, Only Sandy syndrome upon me with your last response. But, it's also an invitation to gush about Sandy some more, if you want, and also share anything you would want to see in a hypothetical Sandy show!
Unhinged Anon I got you, here's a motif post where I have every MK reflection in the whole show.
AND “I also summoned monster trees with my stress, so. Should I see a doctor? We’ll worry about that later” HAUNTS ME TOO. There's something about the way those shots are set up, cracking from blue to gold:
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MK also becoming a "master of focus" in this ep, with focus becoming important later in episodes like 1x09 and 3x11/12 with Mei.
Imma use this ask as a spring board for one of my fav personal theories, which is this: OG Sandy, from the original jttw pilgrimage, is also our current day Sandy!
I'll probably throw this into an official theory post later, but for now I'll go into this theory underneath the cut:
First, let's start with 2x08 To Catch a Leaf, during which Sandy has several PTSD flashbacks:
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So, the first one is some sort of battlefield, and the second one...
Is of Zhu Bajie?
Now, we know Pigsy has never worn an outfit like this based off of this comment in 4x05:
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Pigsy: "Blue ain't really my color, but it beats looking like that monster, Zhu Ganglie."
The Pig Demon in that flashback from 2x08 HAS to be Zhu Bajie of the original jttw pilgrimage. But why would Sandy have a memory like that?
Next is the fact that while everyone else in 4x09 Roast of the Monkie Kids is compared to their past life, Sandy notably isn't.
Tang knows friendship, but unlike Tang Sanzang isn't studious.
Mei is bold and brave, but lacks Ao Lie's caution.
Pigsy like Zhu Bajie is stubborn, but he has the heart his predecessor originally lacked.
Yet this is all Subodhi has to say to Sandy:
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Subdohi: "You have nothing more to learn my hilariously blue student! Another star for you!" Sandy: "Dooww thank you wise master!" Subodhi: "But! You're far too nice for your own good." Sandy: "Uh huh, you noticed!"
(4x09 Roast of the Monkie Kids)
It's exceedingly strange that in an episode where Subodhi breaks down everyone's character arcs, Sandy is told he's all good. He has nothing more to learn, and no more character development to go through.
Unless of course...Subodhi quite simply couldn't compare Sandy to his past life because there was no past life to compare him to.
Another detail in s4 that's always intrigued me is how Sandy is brought back to himself from Sha Wujing in 4x06.
Pigsy's heartfelt speech on the legacy of their past lives not defining their current one, or how they're not monsters, doesn't work. It's instead Mo offering Sandy wholehearted love that brings Sandy back:
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Which, of course Sandy has a close bond with Mo, but Pigsy's speech wasn't anything to scoff at either:
Pigsy: "No. No! Just cause we look a certain way, cause our monster ancestors were, well, monsters, none of that matters! I won't let his legacy define mine, and neither should you! Your the strongest, the biggest, the bluest guy I know! But all you've ever used those muscles for is to help people in need—your friends. That don't sound like a monster to me." (4x06 Show Me the Monster)
As far as we know, that should have been the exact thing Sandy needed to be freed from his past life, and yet it wasn't.
That would be because, at least under the confines of this theory, the guy Pigsy is saying Sandy wasn't like was indeed who Sandy used to be. Yes, Sandy has far outgrown the person who fought to establish his own place in the world, learning that "hurting others isn't a measure of one's strength". But here's the thing, who you used to be matters. Unlike Pigsy's relationship with Zhu Bajie, Sandy's relationship with who he was in the past can't as easily be written off. It's still a part of him.
There are also certain other details. like the fact that Sandy knows his way to Flower Fruit Mountain in "A Hero is Born", or how he's so knowledgeable on ancient powerful remedies like the crimson jimson weed. Of course these details could be chalked up to plot convenience—which is by no means a flaw or complaint—but I've always wondered if there was anything more to it.
But, Sandy's more laid back reaction to most things has always intrigued me, and it would re-contextualize certain scenes like this one from 2x10 in a fun way:
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Pigsy: "No! What could have been so important that you'd leave MK alone to face that- that thing! You're supposed to be his mentor-"
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Sandy: "ENOUGH!" "I think we should give Mr. Monkey King, a chance to explain."
(2x10 This is the End!)
Of course with this theory comes a few questions, like why Sandy didn't meet the same fate as the other pilgrims, or why he wouldn't let Sun Wukong know he was alive, or why he would bother to pretend he wasn't the OG Sha Wujing at all. And honestly? I don't have an answer to these questions!
But what I do know is that Sandy's friends are greatly important to him-
Sandy: "Hurting others isn't a measure of one's strength—took me a really long time to realize that. As long as I'm doing something to help out a friend, I don't mind what it is! I just want to be there for 'em when they need me. Cause at the end of the day, helping my friends is more important than anything else in the world!" (2x08 To Catch a Leaf)
-and losing them would affect him greatly.
Whatever happened to the og jttw crew, that could very easily be the reason Sandy was "the most dangerous, deadly, rage filled warrior [Pigsy] ever [knew]". Based off of that 2x08 Zhu Bajie flashback, Sandy could very well have watched his friend die.
But, now that Sandy has his friends back in his life? Of course he's going to do whatever he can for them!
Which would include anything from making tea to breaking his vow to never fight again.
And please for the love of god give us a Pigsy - Sandy origin story. I'm begging. WHAT IS THEIR HISTORY MAN. WHY DID PIGSY KNOW HOW TO COMMIT A JAILBREAK.
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penny-anna · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
oof only 5 okay!!
i was gonna do 1 per fandom but then i realised that came to 6 so screw it u get 6:
The Engraving (BBC Merlin)
Arthur had somehow got into a situation wherein he had to bugger the man who was – let’s face it – the closest thing he had to a best friend, and unless luck was very much on his side things were going to be awkward forever. Camelot has been stricken by a terrible drought! Fortunately, Merlin has found a magical ritual that can bring back the rain. Unfortunately, it requires group sex - and Merlin is a virgin.
this was one of the last merlin fics i wrote n its a very stupid and silly and fluffy gangbang. really enjoyed writing the 'everyone lives happily ever after' AU on this one. very fun :)
Golden (Doctor Who)
Good gracious, it had been so long since he’d been seduced. He’d forgotten what a delectable experience it was. After an exhausting run-in with the local monsters, the Doctor takes Jamie to a hot spring to relax.
THIS IS ANOTHER SMUT. SORRY. very honest answer here. this is my dw piece i go back to most often. love the atmosphere of it.
And I'll shiver like I used to (LOTR)
He could taste it on his tongue, the salty tang of the sea, fresher and somehow saltier than the sea he knew. He could feel the sand, soft and light underfoot, warm from the sun. 'Sam,' the voice had said, saying his name so tenderly, so carefully, as if it were something precious, something to be treasured. 'Oh, Sam. I’ll wait for you.' Samwise Mason is a junior member of the Stonemason's Guild of Haven City; he works hard, but doesn't stand out. He dreams, again and again, of a beach with white sand and a kiss goodbye. Samwise Mason is making a statue.
tough call here but im still so pleased with this one i worked so so hard and i think it's the most romantic thing i've ever written
Constellations (The Witcher)
"I know how soulmarks work. If a person has two names writ upon them by destiny, then one is to guide them to their true love and the other to their worst enemy. Everyone knows that." / "That’s an old wives’ tale." When Jaskier was fourteen, two names appeared on his skin: 'Geralt' and 'Yennefer'.
VERY tough call here as i wrote a lot of witcher fics i still love but hand on heart this is the one i most enjoyed writing. blasted it out in like a week iirc. great stuff.
the world won't wait till you're older (DCU/Shazam)
Shazam didn’t understand how taxes worked. He always seemed kind of lost when they talked politics. Wally often had the sense that he was nodding along with things he didn’t really understand. He knew what vaping was. Inexplicably he knew what TikTok was. Weird guy. The Justice League try to adjust to their newest member. They know he's hiding something from them, but in their line of work everyone has secrets. Shazam's no different. Is he? Or, the Justice League accidentally inducts a child and then deals with the fall-out.
obvious choice haha!! my most popular DCU fic!! its a banger i hope to match it one day
time to time (Back to the Future)
“Will you shut your damn mouth and listen to me?” his other self hisses. He gulps in a breath, and breathes out; then, resolved, he does his best to shake his head. “No,” he says. “Whatever you have to say, I won’t hear it – having any knowledge of my relative future could –” His other self claps a hand, hard, over his mouth. His palm is damp. Clammy. Emmett makes a protesting sound against it but before he can wriggle free, the other him speaks. “Marty dies.” A cloud passes over the sun. The Brown family are on vacation, taking a break from the stresses of 1986. It's a beautiful summer day. What could possibly go wrong?
hnghh got a lot of bttf fics i love but this one remains the stand out for me. obsessed honestly.
thank u!! i'm not going to send asks bcos im lazy but for once i will tag some people uhh ok @uighean @limerental @bg-sparrow @megamindsupremacy @wromwood
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tavina-writes · 8 months
I'm still thinking about that post where @lgbtlunaverse talks about symbolism and then I was like "yeah I'm pretentious as fuck when it comes to all of my fic related things which is silly bc it's just fanfic" (the post is here btw it's a great post.)
And I think that like, actually, it's nice to be a little pretentious about things. It's nice to give meaning to symbolism and pick and choose what stuff goes where and what you pair with this other thing and why you chose this time of day and not another time of day and actually! talk about it! Bc I love talking about it I think it's super fun! I love getting meta about my own writing and I'd love to hear about it from other people, so beloved mutuals (and anyone else who writes and wants to play) tell me below about your favorite symbolism/motifs/reasons why you did that in x scene in your fic.
I'll start! This is from Chapter Six of the Lan Xichen/Original Female Character arranged marriage fic, where we get Some More Family History re: Ningning.
"The Zhushan Li," Yongyong says, coming to a stop in front of the closed doors of the Li Family Ancestral Hall, "was founded by Prince Heyi of the middle Tang, after he revoked his status as a prince of the court and retreated here to Zhushan to be a cultivator instead." The wind rustles through the screen curtain of jade green bamboo leaves, the sound so familiar to Lan Xichen that it registered almost as comforting. "His two older sisters are the statues here on each side of the entrance. This one," Yongyong turns to the one on the right side, "is his eldest sister, Princess Le'an Appeasing the Gods. And this one," Yongyong gestures briefly at the one on the left, "Is his second sister, Princess Yu'an Allying With Tibet." Princess Le'an's face is upturned, the sword at her jade white throat already drawing blood. Princess Yu'an's face is down turned, the tears on her jade white cheeks visible even through the red mist of her wedding veil. Lan Xichen has not read about this tragedy, did not know its form and contours, but— One sister dead to appease the gods. One sister married to a distant land.
I love parallels and the 'one looking up/one looking down' both colorless except for the red and the fact that they effectively died thing just GETS ME. But it's also the "you never escape the patriarchy no matter what kind of woman you are" type story. You can never escape it! Not if you're bold and rebellious, not if you're gentle and demure and these two women ARE really the two sides of the same coin on "well in this system, you die."
I could go on but like PLEASE tell me about YOUR meta thoughts about your fic I want to see it lets talk about it!!!
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akatsukiky · 1 year
Monkie Kid x Ninjago AU
Because why settle for one favorite Lego cartoon when you could have 3 2! (o7 Legend of Chima)
The focus is on Traffic Light Trio (or Chimera Shipping, Dragonfruit Shipping + MK, or Spicynoodles Shipping + Mei; completely uty interpretation) in the world of Ninjago, specifically my personal favorite season: The Tournament of Elements. Lots of hijinks (or Monkeying Around). There’s also potential for two B Plots, one in which the Masters of Shadow go toe to toe in the early hours of the main story (read: Shade gets his ass kicked by Macaque) and then the main three get a bit of an audience (who is just generally unhelpful as usual). The other B Plot is back in the normal world in which the Parents of the group (SWK, Pigsy, Tang, Sandy) and Bai He realize that MK, Mei, Red Son, and Macaque are all missing then start trying to figure out what happened.
I’m not very good at sustaining a writing mood long enough to write a fic but if someone wants to use the concepts for their own work, please go for it!!!! All I ask is that you drop me a link so I can read along :)
Non S4 compliant (but I’m not sure if anything that happens during it really changes anything??? Just to be safe)
Before getting into it, I’ll be going by the idea that Traffic Light Trio are all biologically 17 (give or take). Red is obviously way way older than that but I want them to be close to the Ninja’s ages so it’s less 17 yo Kai talking to the way more immature 21 yo MK.
So! Plot! Yeah!
Exposition on the concept of other worlds/dimensions adjacent to one’s own (supported by the existence of the Celestial Realm and the underworld), likely being mentioned by Mr. Tang. Probably mentioned other realms/dimensions/worlds connected to JTTW and Ninjago + the Traveller’s Tree/Tea. MK’s curiosity is piqued and he’s really curious about the whole idea of other worlds as a happy young adult who never A) watched The Lego Movie(s), B) Played Lego Dimensions or Disney Infinity, and C) witnessed the UTMV. Sillies aside he and Mei go off to go try and find Red Son who they know can successfully cross worlds with his powers.
When they do find Red Son, he’s in a pretty bad mood (or at least one that’s mildly worse than usual) on account of a large reptile stunk up his current/temp workshop in the city and left its shedding inside. If they try to ask for him to do it then, he’ll definitely wave them off and say he’s too busy which leads into all three of them looking for the snake.
They find it at that exit from SQ’s lair that MK first met LBD inside of. Trauma that gets immediately suppressed??? Angst with immediate comfort from supportive friends??? Nice. Regardless, they find pieces of shedding and tracks that lead them to the conclusion that the reptile is a serpent and has yet to come back. The huge snake comes back then and starts chasing them down the tunnel but there’s no end in sight. Slowly the tunnel starts changing from sewer system to catacomb and when Tradfic Light Trio does emerge, they’re not in their city or their world anymore. Instead they’re in the underground area of Chen’s Island and face to face with Clouse.
While the trio is reasonably confused and alarmed, Clouse gets on his gaslighting. The rundown is essentially that Chen + Clouse found a spell in the spell book they used for the Tournament Power Drainy = Anacondrai thingy that allows suitably powerful entities to rip holes in space-time. Because it opened a gateway but couldn’t be used to summon specific entities, they couldn’t use it to get the Anacondrai out since it would have trapped them inside (or something). So instead they had opened the gateway with the intention of getting something reasonably powerful/mystical through and, because of that, Clouse was 100% ready to act all cordial.
So like I said, Clouse gets on his manipulate mansplain malewife-ing. He hails them as Great Beings (Mata Nui moment) from a different world who Master Chen had hailed here in hopes of finding worthy competitors for his Tournament. MK and Mei jump on that pretty fast (because woah! Cool! A tournament!) and Red is a lot less enthusiastic because he has enough sense to tell when something’s a blatant trap. However, someone (it can be MK, Mei, or Clouse) eggs him on so obviously now he has to get into it because his pride and Honor is on the line. Once they all agree to join, Clouse calls back his snake thing (which definitely startled the trio and they’re very much all “THATS your pet??!?!?!?”) which also shuts the gateway to the LMK world.
Clouse starts leading them through the catacombs to go meet Chen and, as they go, he proposes a “little exchange of information” where he will tell MK and them whatever they want abt the Ninjago world in exchange for info on the LMK world. Mei + Red aren’t too trusting of that but before they really voice their thoughts, MK agrees (to their mild chagrin).
Little note here abt Clouse’s early interactions with the trio. It’s very much about feeling out who is the easiest to manipulate in what way: who’s the most naïve, who has something to prove, who can be cut from the chain by being told that they’re the weak link? In this way he can move them as he likes, just like he and Chen did with all the Elemental Masters in canon.
The information exchange from Clouse’s side is pretty basic as far as Ninjago lore goes. He mentions FSM and Overlord + Elemental Masters and the Cursed Realm. In return this prompts MK to talk about LMK’s cosmogony (or what he knows about it, meaning “like the Big Bonk and stuff”) which Red Son corrects as needed (like with the actual cosmogonic story from JTTW). Then MK gets into SWK, the Journey (in broad OSP-flavored strokes), and Wukong’s retirement (AGAIN to Red’s chagrin, stop talking about how your dad beat up his dad >:/). From there he explains how each of their powers tie to their mentor/ancestor/parents from the Journey but when he starts chatting about the True Fire, Red + Mei interrupt to ask about Chen.
Clouse dodges the question by actually introducing them to Chen who, in turn, dissolves any attempts at interrogation by acting like a senile goofball whenever someone levels a semi-serious question at him. Any sillier, less important questions get immediate answers. Eventually (right when Red is about to start swinging) he calls for food! Chen’s Noodles! This gets MK immediately and he sits to eat, Mei following suit after he’s had a few bites and Red even more hesitantly. (Put a pin in this, ties back to rich/royalty kid conditioning that This Could Be Poisoned, brought up later). MK absolutely slanders Chen’s recipe by saying Pigsy’s is waaaaaaaay better but that this isn’t as bad as the Speedy Panda ‘food.’ Chen asks for tips because evil Wizard guy he may be, he wants good profits from his company efforts. While they get into that, Red and Mei take stock of the room for exits, elevation, and just generally anything they can use to help in a fight because Chen and Clouse are incredibly suspect. (Which does help later with the Jade Blades!) MK is blasting through bowls of the noodles btw, his stomach has got to be bottomless because he’s not even acting like he’s anywhere near full.
Eventually they finish eating and MK (awkwardly) asks if they can go. Clouse shuts that down right away because “the Tournament” and they can go home afterward, if they leave now they’ll forfeit immediately. Very reluctantly, MK agrees that they could stay for the tournament.
From there it gets a little episodic? Kinda vignette-y? They’re staying at Chen’s Island for a few days before the Tournament so it’s mostly little tidbits about that.
As mentioned before there’s the “This Food Could Be Poisoned” thing that Mei and Red talk abt at some point, relating some near misses and how they learned to deal with it (according to Mei, MK can put just about anything short of actual poison in his stomach without getting too sick). Because of the situation, they do tell MK to be a bit mindful abt eating the stuff Chen gives him (which sticks for all of five seconds bc Chen’s implementing Pigsy’s tricks for better noodles as told by MK).
There’s a bit about MK feeling homesick and missing his Dads. Mei’s used to not always being around her parents because they always went off to work trips or she would run away from home to be at MK’s place once she was old enough. Plus, after she got her sword, she feels like she’s never really that far from her family. Red’s more than old enough to cope with not being around his parents, esp since once of them was locked away for hundreds of years (which is a very salty topic). Beyond that, they both were separated from their parents during ROTSQ and S3, so it doesn’t really phase them like it does MK. He’s always had Tang and Pigsy, even in the worst of times, and when he didn’t he had Wukong (except for when he really, really didn’t and even then he had someone to turn to, whether it be Nezha who he had known for like five minutes or Macaque who tried killing him A Lot). But! Like good friends, Mei and Red comfort him.
A third bit in the LMK with Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, and Bai He. Pigsy, Tang, + Sandy are all looking for MK & Mei because they’ve been gone way longer than normal and aren’t answering their phones (which also aren’t even showing their locations beyond the tunnel they were at before going to Ninjago). Tang + Sandy definitely are on Pigsy about not asking Wukong abt it but he’s still justifiably pissed at SWK because he almost got all of them killed a lot on their mini-Journey for the True Fire. While searching they run into a mildly stricken Bai He. (and it stops, it’s a cliffhanger. She’s looking for Macaque and he’s been missing for the same amount of time as the Trio).
So after the vignettes, we get into the meat of the plot with the Tournament beginning! Traffic Light Trio goes down into the main area to listen to the rules with those who just arrived off the ferry to the Island. They marvel at everyone there because that means that they’re probably all people like MK and Mei who have powers but aren’t quite powerful beings like Red and them.
Once they’re sent to their rooms (that they’ve already been staying in), the first competition starts. For drama purposes, Red goes against Kai, Mei vs Jay, and MK vs Lloyd (since their powers are similar). Obv Kai and Jay are furious that they might not be THE Master of Fire/Lightning but just A Master of Fire/Lightning. Red doesn’t really give Kai the time of day and just snatches his Jade Blade after trading some blows, maybe snarks at him too. Mei plays it off with that childlike energy she has sometimes? Very “i like your funny words magic man.”
When it comes down to Lloyd vs MK, it’s very lighthearted but competitive in a fun way (in his opinion) on MK’s end while Lloyd is taking it pretty seriously since Zane is on the line. At first it’s just normal back and forth then MK uses one of his decidedly Golden powers which has Lloyd having an “oh shit!” moment since there was no one else with Golden power after he and Wu lost it last season. They don’t get to chat about it since the competition goes on.
From there it’s the spying portion w the ninja which will instead be split into two subplots. First is the ninja talking abt the competitors and their worries abt Traffic Light Trio. Second is Traffic Light Trio talking abt the competition and what happens if they lose then what the brackets are like. Their 1v1 fights are meant to be Red vs Tox, Mei vs Pale, and MK vs Shade.
Next day has that cafeteria scene with everyone in one place. MK slept in so he’s not there and Mei is off looking for him, so to start out it’s just Red. He gets confronted by Kai about having ‘his power’ which Red thinks is ridiculous. He insults Kai’s arguably worse (in his opinion) fire and how it has nothing on True Fire of Samadhi (blah blah the Ultimate Wildfire). (He mentions the True Fire not specifically because he has it but he still created it when he was born so naturally his powers are still somewhat comparable while Kai’s are not)
While they’re butting heads, it skips over to MK finally leaving his room and encountering Shade who starts antagonizing him for supposedly no reason. He says something that hits hard (not sure what yet? maybe a jab at him about his powers not being his own? just something that Shade, since he’s from Ninjago, should not know). When he dips, Mei comes and gets him then they go back to the cafeteria.
Traffic Light Trio eats together! It’s very nice, fluffy energy with no actual effect on the plot.
We skip the 1v1s up to Skylor’s and have Traffic Light Trio react to Chen’s “because of the NiNjA” penalty. Red is upset, as expected, he doesn’t want to sleep with the peasants. MK and Mei are considerably less upset because it’s like a big sleepover where they get to know everyone! As they go and everyone gets ready for bed, MK tries to reach out and be friendly (which doesn’t really work) except for when he tries chatting with Lloyd. The other 2 ninja did brush him off, but Lloyd talks to him and it’s nice start of friendship talks. They accidentally get a little deep abt responsibility and MK says something vaguely profound before it’s lights out.
Next is when they wake up for Thunderblade(?). Mei and Red are good enough on rollerblades but MK is killing it, as attributed to asking Nezha for some tips and tricks a while back. When Chen announces the game’s rules and how they can help a team, MK doesn’t waste any time picking up the green team helmet (to Red’s chagrin again, he’s so mad that MK’s so impulsive). Kai’s suspicious of them, asks why they’re helping, and MK very genuinely says something along the lines of “well you’re my friends” and Red very testily adds “because he’s stupid.”
Thunderblade is still a losing fight even with Traffic Light Trio so the ninja still end up allying with the other characters. Shade is more of a jerk than in canon and seems to be targeting MK and not Lloyd?
Afterward, the Ninja and Traffic Light Trio have an actual conversation while heading to the sleeping room. Introductions, talks about their powers, just normal-ish stuff. Lloyd brings up what Chen does to losers and MK has this moment where he reflects on both times he lost his powers (to Macaque and to LBD respectively) and grimaces. Mei supports him though and so does Red and they reassure them that they won’t be losing anytime soon.
Now there’s another B Plot moment with Free Noodles and Sandy + Bai He in the LMK world where they’re still trying to figure out what’s happened. They’re talking abt everything they’ve tried, where they’ve looked, and they’ve ‘got nothing.’ Tang mentions they really should just ask SWK for help which Pigsy + Bai He do not want to do. Sandy immediately goes “oopsie see abt that” and SWK shows up.
He asks after MK, when they say they can’t find him or the other three missing people he just shrugs it off, Pigsy’s furious for a good reason (he’s your successor, you need to worry about him too), and SWK reasons that if MK really were in trouble, he’d just astral project or SWK wouldn’t be able to see him with the Golden Eyes of Truth. When Bai He or Pigsy challenge him to do so, however, he finds that MK is just gone. Nowhere to be seen. So SWK starts worrying too! Hooray!
Next day in Ninjago, it’s Red vs Tox. No real things to add here except that Red wins. Maybe he goofs off (in a very serious, Red Son way) and doesn’t really Fight Fight like MK and Mei know he can (like in the first movie where he was ready to incinerate MK
Banquet where Ninja suspect Shade, MK says he’s kinda familiar which Red scoffs at since Shade’s obviously from Ninjago not LMK, and Neuro adds this tidbit that he’s tried looking into Shade’s mind but even that is shrouded in mystery and darkness as if he is less the Master of Shadows but really shadows himself
Traffic Light Trio doesn’t buy into Chen’s lie abt the staff and it really just bolsters them to Not Lose (esp Mei because if someone gets the True Fire then they might actually die)
To that end, Mei ends up talking to Garmadon about her powers (or Garmadon goes to ask what’s on her mind) and the damage they might do if given to someone else. When he tries to console her w the fact that, even in a worst case scenario, all the Elemental Masters here are used to holding immense power. She disputes that right away but when he asks why she thinks it too dangerous, she struggles to answer. Red shows up though and explains the True Fire’s properties, prolly leads into a jump to the next scene
Talking to the masters abt the spy in Kai’s room, Neuro still can’t check Shade’s mind. When he runs off, MK chases him. They have a bit of a showdown where suddenly Shade isn’t acting the same way he was in the room w everyone else. They fight, Shade needles him with his insecurities and hits him in his weak points that really only his friends should know. Eventually MK gets fed up with him and tries to hit him w the Staff. Shade disappears into his own shadow and the room gets dark in a way that’s very familiar to MK. Shade tells him that he’s “really dense” but he should’ve expected that since “like master like student.”
Finally MK catches on that Shade is Macaque, calls him out, and he transforms back into his normal self to say “the one and only” again because that’s one of my favorite lines
That’s pretty much all I’ve thought out, maybe I’ll continue in a different post for the other half of Tournament of Elements
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fishy-lava · 2 months
Hello Loveliest Fishy!
You asked for more so here you go :)
🏆 a recent release you enjoyed 👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻favorite main couple 🌄 your favorite scene of any BL show
May your day be peaceful and your sleep restful.
Hello Ama! Thank you for indulging me in my desire for silly little questions lol <3
🏆 A Recent Release You Enjoyed
Definitely Perfect Propose! It was such a simple and mundane show but in the best way possible and i truly loved getting to watch Hiro and Kai open up and grow and heal together in a way that felt very natural and steady to me (and surprisingly didn't feel rushed despite how short the show was). I really appreciated the topics they touched on as well and the series will definitely be one very dear to me for a long time i think.
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👨🏼‍🤝‍👨🏻 Favorite Main Couple
This is a tough one! Especially when there are so many couples i adore but i think for this I'm gonna go with Tang Yi/Shao Fei bc no matter how much I rewatch Trapped my love for them never dies. They can be so silly and ridiculous and soft and it's so much fun to watch them fight and work together and tease and take care of each other and truly fall for each other (and drive each other insane sometimes lol) in a way that feels so meaningful to me and then you add in the scenes like this
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that just break me down into nothing but an emotional disaster no matter how many times i see them.
Everything about these two, from the hostility at the beginning to the ridiculous antics and the tender love and quiet gentle care and the raw heartbreaking emotion, was truly so incredible and these two have remained a favorite couple since the first watch and likely will continue to be for many years longer.
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🌄 Your Favorite Scene Of Any BL Show
Wow!! World's Most Difficult Question For Me Specifically™ as someone who has watched over 40 different BLs as of now and is notoriously bad at picking favorites and sticking to them lol
To make this easier for myself I'm just gonna go with one of the first scenes that popped into my head and say the confession scene in UtsuKare at the end of season 1 in the classroom.
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There is genuinely not a single thing i don't like about this scene. The emotions, the color scheme, the lighting, just everything. i do not know how to describe the way it makes me feel.
The distress in Kiyoi as this all becomes too much for him to handle anymore, the way his mask of nonchalance and apathy he hid behind for so many years to protect his heart is now nowhere to be found in the wake of everything finally boiling over, the way he shouts at Hira because its the only defense he has left, the way his voice breaks as he tries to speak and to make Hira understand, "I'm an ordinary guy. I want to be with the person i love. I want to touch him... I'm just an ordinary guy." Hira's shocked disbelief that Kiyoi could ever want him of all people, the emotion in Kiyoi's face and in his voice as he falls apart, "Why would you love someone like me?" "I wish I knew! I really don't know" the mesmerized look on Hira's face as he tries to reach out and touch Kiyoi only to have his hand slapped away because Kiyoi can't handle it if it doesn't change anything, the way Kiyoi is lashing out because he's still so afraid of how much this matters to him, "I love you so much, Kiyoi, that it drives me crazy! I think of you like a god. I never thought i could have you." " I'm not a god" Hira's nod as he tries so hard to understand "Can I touch you, Kiyoi?" "Not if it's the same way you did before" the way Hira looks at him as he tentatively places his hand on Kiyoi's cheek still unable to believe he really can do this, the way Hira looks him in the eyes as he tells him he loves him, THE HUG AND THE WAY HIRA BACKS KIYOI ONTO THE DESK AND THE LIGHTING AND THE MUSIC AND THE WAY HIRA IS FINALLY LETTING HIMSELF WANT AND TO ACT ON IT AND THE WAY KIYOI LETS HIM BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT HE HAS WANTED FOR SO LONG
I'm sorry i just have a million feelings about this scene and its impossible for me to convey them in a way that makes sense and isnt just screaming but holy fuck dude this scene was so incredible and the actors did an absolutely phenomenal job with it
Even though it's the end of the season it's also just the beginning of them learning and growing together. It's the beginning of Kiyoi learning to be vulnerable and express his feelings and ask for what he wants and of Hira learning to be Kiyoi's partner and equal instead of a devotee and servant like he always thought he was. It was an incredible end to the season and very important turning point for both of them as people and their relationship going forward and i am still so incredibly proud of the growth and progress they achieved through the rest of the series. It's both one of my favorite scenes and one of my favorite series and I'm not sure i will ever really recover from the things it made me feel.
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Again, thanks for the ask and sorry about my probably incomprehensible ramblings lol, I hope you have a very lovely day<3
BL Ask Game
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themetallicnemesis · 1 year
for the ask thing, whichever version of sun wukong you enjoy most
Hmmm to be completly honest im not sure which is the version i enjoy the most, like most wukongs to me are all different brands of a pretty cool guy so it's a bit hard to choose 🤔, so i think i'm just gonna answer for the Lego Wukong and the Jttw Wukong because those are the two i post about and think about the most:
Jttw Sun Wukong:
-How i feel about this character: He's a very complex character, and i like him a lot. Like, i'm bad at putting it exactly into words but even during moments of the story where he's doing wrong, he's still incredibly easy to sympathize with because you can kinda just see where he's coming from you know? He's a guy with a lot of layers that can't really be described as just a "Silly funny monkey" or "impulsive violent fiend" or anything of the sort, because the thing about trying to fit Swk into any kind of labels is that it's pretty much a fruitless task and i love that about him lol. I'm bad with words but yeah all that just makes him feel so real to me, and it's neat to see how different adaptations focus on certain aspects of his personality and each end up feeling a bit different from eachother as a result!
-All the people i ship romantically with this character: I love the Swk/Bull King/Princess Iron Fan dynamic and it's usually the ship i think about the most when it comes to him. And even though i usually see the pilgrims mostly in a platonic light, i also like Zhu Bajie/Swk cause they do have a hell of a fun dynamic. Guess Erlang can also fit in here.
-My non-romantic OTP for this character: Ao Lie. Because they kept calling him Little Dragon when he first appeared on the book i ended up with the image of him in my mind as a very young adult when compared to the other pilgrims. I can see him and Wukong having a very baby sibling and oldest sibling dynamic, and Wukong absolutly plays favorites when it comes to the pilgrims. The favorite is the horse
-My unpopular opnion about this character: Hmmm not really sure if i have one?
-One thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: Kinda wish there were more moments where Tang Sanzang was like, you know more decent to him? Just wish they had more nice moments with eachother, because like if Sanzang was a person that actually bonded with him and had his own nice moments as well maybe it would make me more invested on the moments Wukong has to protect him. You know, making it feel as the story goes on that he's starting to protect him less because it's his duty and more because that's a person he genuily has come to care about.
Okay so now the lego man
Lego Wukong:
-How i feel about this character: I feel like both canon and fanon lately has been way too harsh to him and i just want him to have nice things. I deal with that by mostly ignoring the majority of the fandom and just enjoying it with my friends 👍. He's a funny lego man who's going through way more horrors than he should be going through at every single second of his existence. Im holding him gently in my hands and giving him a break
-All the people i ship romantically with this character: I dont think he's a very romance focused guy but i like Swk/Tang/Chef Zhu, they're cute together and Xiaotian can get as many dads as he wants. I also see him and Princess Iron Fan + DBK as exes
-My non-romantic OTP for this character: Xiaojiao. I like thinking that post season 3, after he makes an genuine effort to connect more with Xiaotian's friends, the two of them can actually be really great friends. Just getting to know and spend some time with his great niece :] i can see her introducing him to all sorts of different sleepover games. I also think that even though she and Ao Lie have their differences she still reminds him a lot of him
-My unpopular opnion about this character: Everyone including canon is being too harsh on him, like just have this man have nice things for once. Everyone complains about how he "never tells anyone anything" but how do you expect him to tell anything when hes constantly whisked away by the plot?? Guy only had a single episode on S4 before being whisked away, guy only had 10 fucking minutes of screentime do you really think 10 minutes is enough to tell everyone about all his enemies and traumas??? My second unpopular opnion is Sh#dowp#ach is the bane of my existence.
-One thing i wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: Let him actually be friends with the rest of the gang, let him have some screentime hanging out with them!! I think the show would have really benefited from going back to the monster of the week format from season 1 to that, like imagine just having some casual fun episodes but this time Wukong is shown on the noodle shop too!! Guy doesn't even need to be a main focus of the episode even just simple stuff like getting shown some baby monkey videos by Xiaojiao, or talking with Tang about how different parts of the journey actually were like, just you know stuff that makes him feel like part of the gang :].
(Another thing that i fucking wish is my self-fufilling au about Ao Lie actually being still alive all this time but had gotten himself stuck in the scroll, and now that he's out and both of them know the other is not fucking dead now, they can just reunite and be friends again. Does my au have a lot of plot holes? Yes it does, but just let the monkey have this one single win. He deserves to have one of his friends still alive fgdkbdnsbd)
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gamegirlx · 11 months
Yo hi
Which is your favorite lmk character? Mine is Red Son lol
you know how sometimes people are go into relationships for either sincere love or a goofy one night stand?
im like that with my sincere love for tang and with my one night stand for mayor
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i just like tang, he's hard to dislike he just like me fr idk why i like goofy shy nerds but he's suCH A SILLY SKRUNKLY I WANT TO CHOKE HIM AFFECTIONALTY??
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now for mayor?
HE'S SHOWCASED AS OBLIVIOUS AND GOOFY WITH HIS GOOFY VOICE ofc oBVIOUSLY HINTING HE'S APRT OF SMTHN GREATER ohohoho and how did they decide to reveal he was part of smthn geater?
s2, ep7. your main characters for the while have been happily and succesfully beating the episodic conflicts until today, when hey bump into Macaque who decides to fREAKING PHYSCOLOGICALLY TORTURE MK, WHICH WILL ACTUALLY HAVE LONG LASTIG CONSEQUENCES IN THE FUTURE STORY
and just when you thought macaque was badasss
macaque then gets the exact same treatment
from the so called goofy not-mayor.
haha ik i ranted more about mayor than tang but im not insecure about people misinterpreting that i love mayor more than tang bcus tang is supreme.
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freakadr0id · 2 years
Eeeyyyy I lied. You’re getting part 2 of ‘My Favorite Tang Moments as I Rewatch Season 3′ (’The Samadhi Fire’) today, whether you like it or not (hopefully you do):
[pt 1]
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Dad Tang! Dad Tang! Dad Tang! Bless this episode for giving us peak Dad Tang content.
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Side note, did I mention how much I like Tang with his gloves in these episodes? No? Well, I really like Tang with his little gloves. I think they really work with his outfit. Plus this nerd probably thinks he looks cool with them.
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"Have fun storming the castle!"
There we go! I'm going to end the last main season 3 episode on a Princess Bride quote, as all good things should end.
If the previous episode was hard for me to pick my favorite Tang moments from, this one was impossible. I have about 3 unused clips from the episode I wanted to talk about, but I couldn't fit in these posts without making it too crowded and redundant.
Thanks to the people who have stuck around for these as I've been posting these silly little things. I didn't expect to keep doing them as much as I have when I posted the first one, but here I am. I'm glad some people seem to be enjoying them - I'm definitely enjoying making them. I’m going to get to the special soon, but I realized there were a few Tang moments from a bit earlier in the season that I missed. There are only a couple so I’ll post those before moving onto the special.
Here are my other Favorite Tang Moments
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janetbrown711 · 2 years
Bestest Friend in the World
Mei is the bestest friend of MK and that will surely never ever lead to grievous injuries no siree
tw for stabbing, blood, major injuries, hospitals, etc.
Ao3 link
Mei Dragon was the bestest bestest bestest friend in the world of MK– and had been since kindergarten. Every afternoon was spent hanging out until her parents and nannies started to disapprove but even that didn’t stop them as MK just started sneaking in and Mei gained the power of puppy dog eyes that the nannies and sometimes even her father couldn’t refuse.
She was ride or die for him since day one too– being part of the Dragon family had its perks like that. She was a formidable foe, so if anyone so much as looked at MK sideways, she was ON it with that White Horse Dragon energy. It helped MK was just as ride or die– they were together through graduations, breakups, get-back-together-s, art classes, PE classes, driving lessons, their Silly Band monopoly turned Multi-Level-Marketing Scheme turned banned from selling to the school turned illegal bracelet selling business turned all silly bands are banned from school forever now, more graduations, and Mei even helped him move into his apartment above their favorite restaurant Pigsy’s Noodles on his 18th birthday.
Ah Pigsy– the old fella’s place was practically a second home to the pair– something that originally bothered him until Mei showed the classic Dragon Credit Card and suddenly she was welcome whenever. It was also a second home in a more sentimental way, that was true– Pigsy practically raised MK since his parents were… complicated. Not to mention Pigsy was also way more sentimental than her old man ever is– even if he pretends he isn’t. The big softie liked to pretend he’d get mad at them but his punishments were always so empty to her (though MK still believed otherwise– even though Mr. Tang really should be proof enough).
In the heat of battle, Mei had MK’s back more than anyone else on the squad. The two were two halves of one whole– two peas in the pod, peanut butter and jelly, daddy issues and heroism, pigsy’s and noodles, Mei Dragon and the motherfucking Monkey Kid!
No duo had ever been so badass or cool or loyal or awesome or as amazing as Mei and MK were. They were one of a kind, truly and infinitely.
“On your right Mei!!!” MK shouted on the battlefield, Mei drove to the left so MK had room on the top of the Pigsy’s Noodles-mobile to jump off and take a swing at the demon in front of the– The Single Horned Rhinoceros King who was on a ramage, having once again escaped the court of heaven, and brought his army with him too.
MK went in for an attack, going for the neck, but his fingers somehow slipped and the second he let go the demon grinned, pulling out a sparkling silver ring which had a force so specific and powerful, the staff went within and disappeared entirely.
“What the heck–?” He said as he fell, more confused about that than the emanate doom of falling onto the ground.
“MK!” Mei immediately drove off to try and catch him, but thankfully Wukong was there and able to catch him on his cloud instead.
“Man, you’d think they’d lock up heaven a lot tighter after how many demons keep slipping through– wait, aren’t you Lau Tzu’s buffalo? What the heck are you doing out again?!” The Monkey King taunted while MK got his wares back.
“Sun Wukong! Here to lose again?” He grinned with sharp teeth and an eyebrow raised.
“Wait, you lost to this guy?! I thought you never lose!” MK looked at his teacher.
“Psh– I didn’t lose per se, not as much as I did against the Samadhi Fire, and the journey was allowed to continue so you know– no real loss,” The Monkey King brushed it off as he always did and Mei couldn’t help but role her eyes with a laugh.
“Besides, taking weapons is a cheaters game, and I know I could easily beat you hand to hand,” Sun Wukong winked with his tongue out.
“As if I care for that,” The Rhinoceros King grinned, summoning a spear of his own.
“Alright– that’s it. MK, give me my staff,” He scowled, and MK laughed as his face turned red with embarrassment.
“Haha, about that…”
“Ugh, not again. You are SUCH a cheater, I don’t know why Lao Tzu even likes you that much,” Wukong scowled at the demon, who couldn’t care less, going in to attack the cloud, and continuing the fight. Wukong dropped off MK with Mei to get the demon away from the mortals while MK and Mei tried to think of a plan while dealing with the army of much more regular sized demons.
“Nice job, butterfingers,” Mei teased, parrying an attack with her family’s sword and slicing through a demon’s chest. “Remember any of Mr. Tang’s stories about this guy?”
“I remember something about Budha and ‘don’t use weapons or fire because he’ll just suck it all up’ I think but honestly my mind is kind of everywhere right now,” He said, trying to fist fight, but he knew his strengths were more in staff fighting.
“Well, does that apply to the Fire of Samadhi?” Mei got a mischievous glimmer in her eyes as she looked back at Wukong and the demon Rhino King.
“Could be worth a shot, I don’t think it was mentioned in the original story,” MK said, grabbing her and summoning a cloud (a newer, shakier ability of MK’s), and taking them right to the demon.
“Kid, what are you doing?!” Wukong said and, having created a sword out of one of his hairs, was currently attempting to ‘empty fade’ the demon, but was blocked easily.
“We’re gonna see if this guy can handle a little heat,” Mei said, feeling the familiar burn in her chest starting to rise.
“Wait no– you probably shouldn’t– Well…” Wukong couldn’t make up his mind so Mei took that as an invitation and after getting MK to get out of the way she unleashed the Fire of Samadhi on the Rhino King, Dragon style.
However, the Rhino King simply laughed and brought out the diamond ring, consuming the flames whole until Mei was left exhausted and weak on MK’s cloud.
“W-Well I guess I’m going old fashioned then,” She grinned, looking at the monkey king, “Two sword fighters are better than none, right Sun Wukong?”
“Sure kid,” He laughed, and she joined the battle, making sure to keep a tight, tight grip on the hilt. MK went back to fighting the lesser demons, which would’ve all been fine if the demon king didn’t order some of them to also start attacking MK and Mei, meaning the battle went from 2 on 1 to 2 on 8 in the blink of an eye, and it was getting harder to keep their ground, even with Sandy and Pigsy running to help them fight too.
“Man, you really are an asshole, you know that Unicorn King?” Wukong huffed as he swept a demon’s leg and stabbed them through the chest.
This made the Rhino King very angry and his attacks against the king started getting far more aggressive than before, swiping faster and faster and hitting harder and harder while demons pulled at his clothes and tried to trip him.
“Monkey King!!” MK leapt from where he was to Wukong’s defense, leaving Mei to deal with even more demons all on her own– which was chill but like– annoying at the same time. She was doing a fairly good job slicing through some of them despite feeling depleted from the fire release, but she wanted to attack the king not just the sidekicks– man it would be a lot better if she hadn’t gotten off her motorcycle, then she could go all… shit what was that guy’s name? Aragorn! Yeah, she could go all Aragorn on their asses.
“Kid I said I got this,” Wukong grit his teeth as he pushed against the Rhino King’s weapon.
“Yeah sure, don’t take my help, that’s something new,” MK laughed as he punched and pulled demons off of Wukong, which succeeded in making things easier for Wukong.
However, demons were still going for Mei and the more there were the more she swung violently and while she usually would have solved this with a lil bit of that Fire of Samadhi, it sure wasn’t going to be back for a hot minute, so all she had was sweaty hands, heavy breathing, and a determination to keep on going.
As the battle waged on, the Rhino Demon took a hard notice of MK and, with a smirk, silently ordered his armies to attack him. MK panicked and Mei realized she had to do something.
She ran through the hoard of demons, slicing only when she had to, and when she got to MK, a demon grabbed her jacket, causing her body to jerk and she dropped her sword with a loud clunk, that was just loud enough for the Rhino King to hear and rejoice at as he brought out the ring once again and took it right off the ground and also destroyed Wukong’s pathetic hair sword while he was at it too.
“HEY!! You give that back you dickweed!!!” Mei shouted on the top of her lungs, smoke flaring from her nostrils.
“Cute how that little dragon girl doesn’t have any fire left,” He said at Wukong, who recognized he was at a standstill once again.
“Yeah, well maybe if you played fair—”
“It surprises me how you always try to see the best in people, Sun Wukong– even when you have no business to,” He pointed his spear at Wukong’s throat.
“Monkey King!” MK cried out, getting on his cloud and going to grab his master away. Mei recognized he needed a distraction and so got on top of a car and started shouting.
“I was talking to you! Hello?!” Mei’s insides burnt as little flames began to spark once again. She ran to the demon, who took his staff away from Wukong just as MK grabbed him and before Mei could blink, he hurled it and—
At first, not much, just her heart beating in her ears as she felt a warm liquid starting to drip down her stomach. She fumbled backward, and a shlink and a tugging feeling left her feeling very, very cold instantly.
Several voices cried out behind her. Mei’s vision was spotty, but she could see MK running towards her as Wukong started to scratch and claw at the Rhino King.
At some point she fell backwards– she knew that because of the massive pain in the pack of her head and a ringing in her ears. She saw familiar yellow and pink blurs as Mei slowly started to close her eyes.
Cloudy light, lots of dust and debris– voices.
“What do you mean you can’t heal her?! Y-you’re a billion years old– th-there’s gotta be something you know–!”
“I-i’m sorry, Bud, I-i know I should, but–”
“MK, let’s just get her to a hospital, okay? It’ll be alright there.”
“Right… Right, thanks Pigsy…”
Jesus christ– Blaring lights.
“I don’t care if the building is half destroyed, she tried to save it– do you know who she is?!”
“Sir please, I’m going to need you to calm down, there are many other patients–”
“I’ll handle this, kid. You and Pigsy go sit.”
“Sun Wukong, I’m sorry I can’t–”
“UGH FINE–! Tang knows stitches I’ll just take her back to the shop–”
“No, my boat is far more equipped, you tell Tang to go there and I can make tea.”
That voice was much louder, causing a rumbling sensation in her left side. She was being held by someone… her brain couldn’t focus on who– trying to caused a throbbing headache.
“Wait, is she awake?! Mei??? Mei!!!”
Darkness again.
Blinding lights again– Jeez, what’s with all these lights?!
A smell of bleach and sterile cotton, as well as a distinct beep of a heart monitor filled her senses.
So she didn’t go to Sandy’s boat after all.
Sandy’s– holy smokes she could think again, thank god
Owowowow– okay not without massive headaches and excitement yet, let’s tone it down.
She stared up, trying to get her eyes to stop being so blurry and while it took a solid while, she eventually got it together and started seeing the perfectly white and blue hospital room with the classic uncanny feeling hospital art and all.
She eventually noticed someone was holding her hand– the one without the heartrate alligator clamp thingy, and painfully turned her head to see it was MK– snoring away with a puddle of drool but with a tight grip on her hand nonetheless. Pigsy was next to him, also asleep and holding a little green bag that said “Get Well Soon!” with a bow on it with his other hand on MK’s back.
Mei smiled, not even noticing her biological parents weren’t even there.
She wanted to look around more, but her insides felt like the Fire of Samadhi and she cringed tremendously in pain, squeezing MK’s hand as hard as she could.
“H-huh? What– I’m– MEI!!!” MK shot up and was thrilled to see her with her eyes open– even if it was only really halfway. He immediately grabbed and hugged her, but that hurt even more than trying to move, and Pigsy pulled him away.
“Remember what the nurse said? Gentle, MK, gentle,” the chef grunted, and MK stepped back ashamed.
“S-sorry Mei– I just– I was so— And now you’re–” He sighed a breath of relief.
Mei smiled and opened her hand and when MK took it she gave it a squeeze again.
“S-so… what happened, exactly?” Mei asked.
“Well, Monkey King went berserk on that demon guy and chased him all the way out of the city and somehow managed to get that stupid diamond ring and managed to turn him back to his true form where he then dropped him off on heaven’s front doorstep and then–”
“You got stabbed in the gut with that guy’s spear and we took you to the hospital. You had to have surgery to repair the organ damage and–” Pigsy had interrupted MK but he suddenly couldn’t speak anymore. He took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes. “You’re still really hurt, kiddo, a-and they still don’t quite know how everything’s gonna heal and you lost a lot of blood and we didn’t know if you’d…”
Oh god…
“W-well that explains the hospital,” She tried to smile, but seeing Pigsy and MK’s tearful eyes made her want to sob.
“Monkey King’s working now to get back all the weapons and stuff, so don’t worry about your family’s sword,” MK informed her after suddenly remembering.
Frankly the sword was the last thing on her mind, but it was good to know it was being accounted for– no need for her family’s legacy to crumble apart like this so soon.
Maybe that’s why her parents were gone.
“That’s good,” Mei smiled tiredly.
God it hurt so much to breathe or– hell, just to live– right now.
“Mei, I am so, so, so sorry I couldn’t protect you– I should’ve done something– I could’ve turned into an eagle and grabbed it or something or–”
“MK, MK, it’s fine, really. I’m okay,” Mei stroked her best friend’s hand with her thumb.
MK went a bit silent.
“Mei, not to state the obvious but like… you aren’t– you could’ve– you nearly—”
“Y-yeah… I…” Mei felt like such an idiot for not knowing what to say.
“It’s not your fault kiddo, and it’s not Mei’s either,” Pigsy glanced at her to make sure she knew that too.
“Easy for you to say, you don’t even have any cool powers,” MK muttered under his breath.
“Yeah, but I was there, wasn’t I?!” Pigsy got a little huffy before sighing. “Look… tensions are high, Mei’s gonna be here for awhile… how about we just spend this time being happy she’s at least awake, alright? Because she very easily could–... not be.”
MK turned back to Mei.
“I’m just– I’m so sorry anyways. I-i– we’re two halves of a whole, you know that,” MK laughed a little and wiped his eyes.
“Yeah I know. You really think I’d let such an iconic duo fall apart like that,” Mei tried to punch his arm but ow.
“Yeah, without you, who’s gonna distract my best and only employee other than that old sap of a story teller?” Pigsy joked a little too, though Mei caught a tear rolling down his cheek.
“If you think this is bad you should’ve seen him in the hospital lobby– sobbing like a piglet,” MK whispered and Mei laughed a little, but owowowowow
“Alright, alright, enough of the whispering,” Pigsy rolled his eyes. “I got you something.”
“Oo! I love me a gift,” Mei smiled. Pigsy handed it to her and MK helped her open the bag and remove tissue paper to reveal a cheap little dragon plush keychain that looked to be from a claw machine and a coupon to Pigsy’s Noodles– 50% OFF???????
“Holy shit– You don’t even treat Tang this good– I-i don’t know what to say– I-i-i–” Mei instantly started tearing up.
“Hey, why can’t I get 50% off, I work there!” MK crossed his arms at his boss/dad.
“Have a near death experience again, then we’ll talk,” Pigsy shot him a look before cutting in front of him to get closer to Mei, offering his arm which Mei began to weep into, ignoring the absolutely godawful pain that flared with every sob. Soon enough MK was crying too, and he went on the other side of the bed and offered his arm too, and soon Mei was just holding onto both of them as best she could, crying her eyes out.
“I-I-I love you guys s-s-s-so much,” She wept.
Pigsy stroked her head with his free hand. “Yeah, love you too kiddo.”
“Y-yeah me too. Like you said– we’re two halves of a whole; the most iconic duo in history,” MK sniffled.
Mei couldn’t say more after that, in too much emotional and physical pain. She wanted to apologize for scaring them like that– for almost dying (maybe still dying, who knows) but she knew they wouldn’t care.
She was okay.
She was awake.
And she was still the bestest bestest bestest friend in the world of MK, with a pretty cool secret-softie pig dad to boot.
Mei was the luckiest dragon girl in the world.
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