#tanjiro is an honorable mention
cat124spaghetti · 6 months
Life is fine, then BOOM someone you follow reposts some discambobulated fruitflys blog that's "18+ only" you draw and/or write porn of a 15 year old.
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imsosleepyofyourbull · 2 months
I talk about it a little in this post and its various comments, but I think that the themes of life, death, and immortality that exist within KNY are genuinely some of the most interesting parts of the series at large. The most prominent and straightforward example of this exists within Muzan’s desperate quest for a perfect eternal life, which directly conflicts with Kagaya’s belief in the longevity of the human will. The former is concrete, physical, and simple where the latter remains abstract and very difficult to define.
It’s obviously displayed in Kagaya’s death scene;
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But is also scattered throughout the manga in different moments — Sanemi’s first meeting with Kagaya is one of them, because it’s where Kagaya first mentions how little he thinks his life matters when he has an heir to continue aiding and leading the organization for him. He finds his eternity in the long standing effort his family (both biological and chosen) has made and will continue to make in freeing the world of the demonic blight. Which is a philosophy that he makes sure Muzan knows is followed by everyone who fights and lives or dies for the organization and its cause. The young men and women who didn’t pass Final Selection, the demon slayers on Mt. Natagumo, Rengoku, and so on so forth.
He dies knowing that he has a guaranteed legacy, and that Muzan’s inherent nature as a demon means he will never be allowed to do the same. Why do you think he becomes so angry when Kagaya mentions how his death means the death of all his demons too? He knows just as well as Kagaya does how limited he is. There is no one to avenge him or continue his work if he fails the way Kagaya and the Ubuyashiki have always had the Demon Slayer Corps. And even when the organization disbands, they have the certainty of a peaceful, demon-free future waiting for them. That is what they have all worked for, and the desire for tranquillity will always exist within humanity no matter who the enemy becomes.
Yorichii understood that very well… but his older twin brother, Michikatsu, could not fathom it.
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He was utterly befuddled by Yorichii’s smile as he thought of the uncertain future, imagining a generation even stronger and more capable of saving lives than they were. He didn’t help the Sengoku Era demon slayers develop breathing styles or teach them or do anything because he wanted to be remembered — it was because he believed in the cause as earnestly and as fiercely as the old families who had followed it for centuries before him. By his own admission, Michikatsu had become a demon slayer out of insecurity and jealousy. He questions how his younger brother managed to leave so much more of himself behind when he was the one who became immortal, but he did this to himself.
He abandoned his wife and his children alongside his personal honor and his dreams and his cause and that’s why he can’t even begin to fathom Yorichii’s hopes for the future even when its manifestation is standing right in front of him;
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Together, Yorichii and Michikatsu act as the second biggest philosophical contrast in KNY. They are the everlasting legacy of a man who could not care to leave one behind and the forgotten samurai who was utterly obsessed with the idea of having one, but didn’t know what that really meant. Tanjiro and Muichiro are also wonderful examples of this, because Tanjiro has absolutely no direct relation to Yorichii, and yet he effectively acts as his heir. On the other hand, Muichiro is explicitly noted to be Michikatu’s descendent by Kokushibo, but he is originally thought to be a Sun Breather’s descendant and rejects Kokushibo altogether. More than that, Kokushibo is the one who ultimately kills him.
Michikatsu literally and metaphorically kills any chance he has at having a legacy with his own hands, while Yorichii aids Tanjiro long after death.
It’s a beautifully painful contrast.
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ninapi · 1 year
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺╚══ Fireflies ╝
Premise: Haganezuka gets a marriage proposal from one of the elders of the village, marrying was a must for those in the Swordsmith's village, self preservation of the clan and its techniques was absolutely mandatory. He hated the idea to his very core, to say the least.
Word count: 3544
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Amongst all the preparations of the corps to beat Muzan, came the craftsmanship of the Nichirin swords, an art that had been passed from generation to generation to this day.
Haganezuka Hotaru, had the honor, some would say, to craft every single one of Tanjiro’s swords, even if the last one wasn’t his own creation, thanks to him it was in fighting conditions.
Though, this also meant one thing, now that the sword was ready he had a lot of free time since his mountain training was over as well, the sword had been officially delivered to its owner and he had just one eye left, even if he wasn’t completely sure of how all that actually happened.
Tecchin, the village’s chief and his father figure called upon him a lovely afternoon.
He thought he was being summoned for tea and sweets, as that’s usually the only reason to call him there, but that was far from the truth this time.
He was rewarded with the promised mitarashi dango set, yet tea time was not the reason for his summoning.
“Hotaru, you are to marry next full moon.” a mochi ball got stuck in his throat making him cough loudly in order to save his own life.
“You heard me, boy. It was decided already, you will marry the great granddaughter of the previous chief. I wanted her for Gantetsu, but it appears she prefers you instead. It is your duty to take her hand in marriage, it’s final.”
“But why me? What do you mean she prefers me? Why was I an option? Does she know I don’t want any part in this? Does she even know what she’s getting herself into? Tell me where she lives! I will make her regret her decision!” he was hyperventilating at this point, smoke coming out of his mask, the elder getting ready to face one of his angry outbursts.
“I do not know why she would prefer a crazy boar like you, but it is a fact that cannot be changed. You can ask her all those questions yourself; she should be here any second now.” the man was trying to calm himself down by chewing on some more treats, he needed his head clear, otherwise he would get sucked into this situation without an exit path.
You did arrive a few minutes after his statement, proving your eagerness. The kimono you were wearing was beyond expensive, your hair up beautifully decorated with the finest hairpins, and your makeup had been clearly done by someone who knew what they were doing.
You looked like a doll, one to keep on display for all the village to look at and brag. Or at least that was the impression Hotaru got the moment you stepped into the tatami matted room, definitely not someone who should be interested in a man like him.
“(Y/N), my dear, please sit with us. Do you like mitarashi dango? I got these from the famous shop down the street, they’re Hotaru’s favorite treat.” the mentioning of his name got him restless once more, he had so many questions but also just wanted this whole thing to end so he could go back to his lone training in his room.
“I do, Tecchin-sama. You’re very kind.” stretching a hand over to grab one of the sweetened treats, you smiled in his direction. He just couldn’t believe the audacity of this woman, you weren’t just taking his time with your ridiculous expectations but were also eating his food.
“I informed Hotaru of the ceremony and its date, I will leave you two alone so you can get to know each other.” you just nodded in appreciation, bowing to the elder as he exited the room, plainly excited to finally have some alone time with your future husband.
“Woman, what is this about? I’ve never seen you in my life, why is it you wanna marry me?” the question caught you off guard, you knew you would have to address the matter at some point, you just wished it wasn’t this soon, you tried your best to look presentable and get in his good side, yet that didn’t seem to be the case.
“I- well, I have seen you around…” your voice turned softer, uncertainty could be felt from your words but also an unexplained amount of warmth came along.
“You’ve seen me around? That’s it? Have you not seen any other men ever or what’s your deal?” you could see his frustration growing by the second, you were aware of his bad temper and wanted to avoid triggering him yourself, especially on your first official meeting, though it seemed you also failed at that.
“No, no. That’s not it. I…” sitting up straighter, you left behind the sticky sweets to fully convey your thoughts and show him your resolution filled heart, it was now or never. “I saw you when you were training in the mountains. I was there myself in isolation, trying to cure the restlessness of my soul. You see, my family had been trying to get me to marry someone for a good decade now and it just never worked. But I was the problem, not them.” this piqued his interest, so he just remained quiet, listening without making any sort of commentary.
“They never interested me; I just couldn’t see myself marrying men like them. My father was so angry that he sent me to the mountains to reflect on my behavior. That’s when I saw you. Your extreme rigorous training, you were so focused you didn’t even notice I was sitting beside you one day.” racking his brain he is certain he didn’t see any woman at all while training, this was concerning to a degree.
“To me it was a wonderful sight, all that determination, that concentration, that urgency to become better, those muscles….” the last part was nearly over a whisper, yet he heard it loud and clear, the tips of his ears burning at the little piece of information gained.
“So, when Tecchin-sama and the elders came up with the proposal to marry his son, I just picked the son that managed to interest me instead of the one who was being offered. I also happened to be around to see how you were bleeding everywhere and kept on sharpening that blade for the young lad after the attack, it was so alluring and ugh, yeah…you know…” he could see your blush shinning brightly even under the layers of fancy makeup you were wearing.
He was definitely not prepared for such a confession; he was more than ready to not only turn you down but make a scene just to make sure you’d hate him. He wasn’t so sure if he wanted to go the route anymore, though.
“So, you’re physically attracted to me? Is that it? You haven’t even seen my face. What if I’m an ugly bastard?”
“Oh, but I saw it…though, even if you were…I’ve never seen someone so determined and with such a strong nature. That would be enough for me, since I’m considering traits that I want in a husband.” you were giving him a soft smile, one that made him shuffle on his seat cushion. He’s used to people yelling at him, disrespecting him, being complete dicks to him, but he was most certainly not used to this softness.
“You don’t know me, woman. I don’t get along with others, I prefer to be on my own and some say I have a bad character. Surely this isn’t what you want in a husband, rethink your decision, nobody would blame you for leaving me, I’m a lost cause anyways, nobody expects me to get married.”
“Haganezuka-sama, could you please stop insulting me? I know what I want ok? I like you, is that so hard to believe?”
You were both now standing, facing each other equally enraged by each claim, “Oh you think I’m insulting you? You haven’t gotten a sample of it yet even, prepare yourself, you have no idea what you signed up for, you…you ugly pigheaded woman!” his mask was fogging up with the steam he was blowing out of his nose, completely deranged at this point.
But you…
Oh…you were mad, alright.
How dare he call you such an awful thing after all the time you invested in dolling yourself up for him, this was outrageous.
He was screaming nonsense in your direction, a bad headache coming its way up your frontal lobe.
That’s when you saw your chance.
You’ve heard it from others in the tavern downtown, tickling this man was the only way to get him to shut up, that was his weakest point, an adorable one at that.
Tackling him to the ground, you sat on his hips, pinning him down with one hand on his chest, the other tickling his side at an insane speed.
He was so overwhelmed by the entire thing that his breathing became ragged quite fast, his strength quickly declining, giving you the chance to lift the mask off his face.
When he had your own so close to his, he could see the remaining tracks of angry tears down your beautiful face. It seems like he really hurt your feelings with his harsh words, and honestly that’s what he wanted to accomplish, but seeing your effort so up close made him feel bad for ruining everything.
Not only your clothing and hair accessories were probably bought for this encounter alone, he could see the amount of time getting in so many things must have taken, how your makeup was now ruined due to him, how even if you were tickling him and making him laugh to his death as a result, your expression was one of pain.
“I don’t have a pig face….” you were mumbling in between sniffs, your hands coming to a halt when you noticed his eye trained on your face. “You don’t….”
He sighed, getting you off of him gently, still trying to regain his breath. “Do you really want to, you know…marry me? Even when I’m like this?”
You nodded, wiping your face of any watery remains, “You’re the only man I’ve ever considered for my future. Am I…not to your liking…?” your eyes were on the floor, afraid of his response not being what you had hoped for.
“Ugh…you’re not half bad I guess, but how can I marry someone I don’t know? I get it, you’ve seen me around, you seem to know a lot about me, but I know nothing about you besides what I just gathered on your crazy stalkerish behavior.” his wording made you chuckle, the sadness filling your chest moving away on its own accord.
“Would you consider it after a few dates?” he groaned, reaching over for his discarded mask, covering his face with it once more.
“Just don’t make it awkward…you know where I live.” getting up, he headed over to his room, a weird feeling of expectation invading his confused self.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When you asked him to consider your offer after going in a few dates, he honestly thought you’d be pestering him about it the very next day, yet it’s been a week since your last encounter and he hadn’t heard a word from you.
Tecchin thought his boy had ruined everything as usual, so he himself went to check on you, to try to convince you to take his actual son instead.
To his surprise, you were covered in rice flour from head to toe when he arrived at your residence, trying to master the art of pounding it into mochi.
Saying he was confused was an understatement, he thought you’d be heartbroken hiding away in a corner of the house, but you were very much busy, determination covering your face, it reminded him of Hotaru when he’s working, and so, he began to understand your line of thought when choosing a husband.
“(Y/N) dear, what on earth are you doing?”
“Oh, Tecchin-sama!! Sorry I didn’t see you there, I’ve been a bit busy. Who knew mitarashi dangos were so complicated to prepare.” so that’s what you were doing, he thought you’d been chasing chickens in the kitchen and had fallen into a sack of flour, that’s what you looked like at least.
“Why don’t you just buy them from the specialty store near my house?”
“Well, I wanted to show Haganezuka-sama I can be a good wife, so I thought of learning how to prepare his favorite dish, honestly I didn’t expect it to be this hard, but it’s been fun, I’m confident this batch will meet his expectations.” Tecchin was moved to tears, he’s never thought someone would be willing to go this far for that silly adoptive son of his, maybe you were really the one.
“I’m sure they’ll be perfect, dear. Please stop by the house to say hello when your done. Even if he denies it, I can see how restless Hotaru is, he’s most likely thinking you gave up on him.”
“I would never! I’ll go get myself ready as soon as the sauce is fully cooked!” knowing he was grumpy on your account made you smile to yourself, he’s so adorable, you wondered how nobody has noticed this as of yet, it’s so obvious to you it’s painful.
Thankfully, the treats ended up being better than you had expected, the sauce sweetened to perfection, the mochi gooey as it should be, the golden color from it indicated they had been cooked to perfection.
For your visit though this time you opted for a more relaxed fit, you wanted him to see you for who you really are and not some kind of kimono shop mannequin for sale. A pale pink yukata with scattered white lilies on the bottom, a soft braid threaded with wild flowers and only a bit of lip tint as makeup.
To any, you looked pretty ordinary, but when Haganezuka opened the door to your calling, his mask fell from his face on its own.
It was amusing how you looked even more beautiful with clearly less effort. If you looked like a doll before, you looked like some sort of goddess now, those you see painted in temples.
The natural glow of your skin, the rosy accent on your plush lips, the seemingly wild look the small flowers on your hair gave you, it was a bit too much for his brain to function properly. To this day, not even a single woman had caused this sort of reaction from this man, not even the ones from the red district, a day to remember for history books, the day Haganezuka Hotaru broke.
“Haganezuka-sama? Is something wrong?” he was just there flabbergasted while holding the door knob, looked like he was in some sort of trance-like state.
“Boy are you gonna let her go in or are you gonna keep her outside all evening? A storm is coming.” the warning seemed to snap him out of the weird feeling in his stomach, moving a side to let you in and quickly closing the door behind you, keeping his father’s prying eyes at bay.
“I apologize for taking this long, I wanted to bring a gift for you, but I didn’t know how to make it, so it took a while to master it.” your quiet fit of giggles made that awkward feeling creep back into his gut, his chest tightening, could it be possible he was going to have a heart attack just now? Man, what a pathetic way of dying…
You handed him a medium sized container, carefully wrapped in a beautiful cloth.
A gasp left his lips at the sight of way too many delightful balls of gooey goodness. “You made them yourself-?”
“I did. Hopefully they will be to your liking.”
Without wasting any time he dived in for a taste of what he assumes love tasted like. He’s eaten mitarashi dangos all his life but they’ve never been this good. He heard an old lady once saying love is what makes food taste good, guess she was right.
“Are they…good…?” he just nodded pushing a couple more into his mouth, causing you to giggle. “Take it easy, they’re all yours, nobody will take them away from you.” you leaned closer, gently removing the excess sauce from the corners of his mouth with a napkin.
Nobody’s ever been this intimate with him before, what he thought was weird though was how it almost felt natural, like this was just how things should be.
The container was soon emptier than you’ve ever seen it, he even licked the remains of sauce from it, leaving it sparkly clean.
His lazy bum was laying belly up on the tatami mat, trying his best to digest the enormous amount of sweets he just had. “You know? I made that many for them to last you an entire week. They lasted what, ten minutes?” the fond look you were giving him was making his belly hurt even more.
You noticed his discomfort and moved closer to his side, one of your hands reaching over to rub his swollen belly in adoration.
“I don’t get you, woman.”
“Would you stop calling me that? I have a name…” naming things make it hard to let them go later, that’s why he avoids calling others by their actual names.
“Then, I don’t get you, (Y/N)….” hearing your name falling from his lips felt foreign yet wonderfully, it made you smile.
“What is there to understand?”
“You’re too nice for a man like me…I don’t think I can give you what you want.”
“And what is it that I want?” the suggestive tone you were using was clouding his judgement, seems like he was a man after all.
“Well I don’t know…a husband?”
You shook your head, looking into his eyes, “I never wanted a husband, my father was the one that wanted me married with a prominent house, I on the other side, just want you.”
“So you don’t want to marry me then?” the disappointment lacing his words surprised the both of you, he didn’t know when it happened but he didn’t hate you that much anymore.
“Of course I do, silly. But I don’t want to marry you just because I want a husband. I want to marry you because I like you, because I want to spend the rest of my days with you…”
“Just because I have muscles now?” that made you laugh, opting to lay beside him on the floor, still rubbing his indigestion away.
“The muscles are just a bonus, I like your grumpy self a bit too much. Even if I have to tickle you on daily basis. But look! I’ve been here for a while now and I haven’t had to do it at all.”
“I guess you’re tolerable…”
“Does that mean you like me too? I wasn’t sure if you’d prefer me in formal dressing, or-“ he stopped your babbling by holding your face up by your chin, your eyes meeting his instantly. “I prefer you like this. You look real now, not like some sort of princess.” his honesty caught you off guard, the warmth of his hand sending tingles down your body.
“Well, I like you better like this too, without that mask and head wrap…relaxed and by my side…” you chuckled, nuzzling your face against his palm.
“Even if I have just one eye now?”
“I think it suits you, it gives you this mysterious look. I always thought guys with scars were hot, they’re like battle trophies, proof of how strong they are.” your fingers were gently caressing the severed eyelid, with such a gentle touch almost freezing the man to his spot.
“So next moon…”
“Wait, wait! I thought you wanted more dates before making a decision…” panicking, you sat up, worried you had taken too long learning the new skills needed in order to satisfy him and had lost your chances.
“Why wait? The old man is driving me crazy and those dangos gave you some extra points, I don’t think I need to think this further. If I have to marry someone, might as well take a woman this dedicated and effortlessly beautiful…” his last words were all slurred together in embarrassment, making your heart run wild within your bodily cavities.
He reached for your hand pulling you back down beside him, he already missed your belly rubs and not even five minutes had passed.
Maybe getting married wasn’t such a bad idea. Maybe he should start paying attention to the outside world some more, he almost missed on this without noticing at all.
And maybe, just maybe, his heart was as happy as yours to finally find its other half.
The lonely firefly in the pond finally shone its brightest the moment he found his one and only match.
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Hey I realy like your yandere twisted wonderland x kny post(s). Can I ask for the yandere dorm leaders react to (platonic and non-yandere) Tsutako Giyu blocking any of the leaders' romantic advancements toward their tanjirou!reader, because Giyu does not trust the leaders at all? Please and thank you,take care of yourself.
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Tomioka Giyuu Blocking Tanjiro Reader| Yandere Twisted Wonderland
While Tsutako would certainly do that if you were her sibling but what would an average woman be able to do for you against a bunch of magical suitors stalkers. Tomioka is the one who’d really be an obstacle. No one seems to like him, let alone notice him half the time but his words are golden to you and the boys are having quite a lot of trouble getting past him. Giyuu himself may think he’s trash but you are most certainly not. You’re walking perfection and if he’s going to use the placeholder position of Hashira he’s using it to protect you: 
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Idia Shroud
“Whoa!? When did you get here?!”
“A couple minutes ago.”
“Oh…okay then…”
“If you bring that device anywhere near (Y/n) I’m slicing your legs off.”
He first thought Giyuu was like him
A fellow loner who could understand his desire to have you
And he found that Giyuu was a loner
Just not one that was friendly to him
And he’s more than aware of Idia’s influence but that won’t matter when Giyuu’s faster than Ortho when it comes to his blade
“A-a worthy opponent h-has entered the chat!”
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Leona Kingscholar
“They won’t have to die fighting that demon king or whatever. Don’t you want that?”
“I want them to be the next water Hashira and if you’re going to get in the way of that I know over 46 pressure points on your body that will temporarily paralyze you.”
He didn’t like him from the start 
He’s expression, his face, all of it infuriates him
Not to mention he really is that much faster than him
Leona’s going to have to try another tactic to get this guy off your back
“Maybe we’re not hearing each other right. How about you put down the sword and then try stopping me?”
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Vil Schoenheit
“You seem really intent on getting in my way…is this jealousy?”
“It's not but you remind me of someone horrible.”
“Oh? Is it yourself?”
“Nope it's a horrible woman named Shinobu Kocho.”
He’s no match for him physically 
But his charisma greatly exceeds Giyuu’s 
Something he’s sure to remind the Hashira of with every chance
But since Giyuu doesn’t seem to sway he’s got to be more conniving
Which should be fine for someone with poisons against a sword
“Hope this isn't your first time playing with poisons because it may be your last.”
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Azul Ashengrotto 
“You might be interested in knowing the future, right? Wouldn’t you like to find out?”
“You sound like a demon.”
“Oh? Am I a handsome one at least?”
“I kill demons for a living.”
Azul’s own charm doesn’t save him here and it's killing him
He already has to woo you 
and this guy isn’t budging 
The twins won’t bother him 
And he won’t even look at a contract
This octopus is getting desperate
“You won’t like me when I’m cornered Giyuu.”
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Kalim Al Asim 
“What?! Why would you want to leave? I have more of that bread you like!”
“Nice try but we have a job to get to.”
“But how do you plan to do your job when you’re going to get hurt?”
“That shouldn’t matter to a civilian like you!” 
While Giyuu is entranced by the way Kalim seems to like him
He’s sure its a trick 
And he can’t afford to die before giving you his title
“Hey. Don’t leave, we were just having fun!”
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Malleus Draconia
“Why would you leave this place? If you are certain you are going to die, why bring my (Y/n) with you?”
“I’m not bringing them anywhere, this is their decision. Don’t you want to honor their avenging of their family?!”
“Not if it means losing them!”
This is a hard one 
Malleus can actually defeat Giyuu 
But his will is strong as well as his effect on you 
So he can’t be too hasty
But a prince forgets and Giyuu’s in trouble
“If you are going to be such a problem for us, I will just skip to a time where you are not alive.”
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Riddle Rosehearts
“As the queen’s decree you cannot just run off with my subjects or prospective lovers!”
“And I can’t stand you types.”
“Grr! Off with his head!”
He doesn’t initially have a problem with him
But to see you rely on someone so awkward much taller
It irks him
Even worse he’s warning you about him now
And he can’t have that
“Don’t get in my way unless you want to be beheaded too!"
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clearlydusty · 6 days
Hey guys don’t have any finished art rn so here’s some school sketches I’ve done of my favorite characters !!!
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Honorable mentions include :
Gin ibushi, Yuji Itadori, Tanjiro Kamado, Rei Ayanami, Denji Hayakawa, Melody/Leorio, Laois Touden, Shuichi Saihara/Maki Harukawa, Hange, and Saiki !
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idkfitememate · 7 months
I’m So Sorry
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૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა Pairings : GN! Freshly Turned Demon! Reader x Tanjiro & Nezuko (+ others mentioned)
૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა W.K. : 2.6k
໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ Tags/CW&TW : Angst to fluff, many much death, mental crisis
໒꒰ྀི˶˙Ⱉ˙˶꒱ྀིა Author’s note : Got bored couldn’t sleep so here are my jumbled up thoughts from too late, sorry if it’s misspelled or not GN (plus idk who the character you’re speaking too is as I write this note) I’m not in an aware state of mind rn LMAOOOO-
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“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry-”
Over and over you repeated those words to a still Tanjiro as you clutched at his pants, kneeing on the pebble-ridden ground.
Behind you and in front of him was a desolated village, corpses strung about in different ways.
Blood soaked into your skin and caked your hair. The iron stench followed you as your fingers forced the crimson liquid onto this clothes, taunting him with your sin.
That same sin that left your mouth a bloody mess.
He could recall a time, a much happier time, when he would call to you on summer days and you’d both sit in your worn and hand-me-down clothes and shoes, holes stitched closed and teeth missing, in the middle of flower fields. One making a flower crown for the other as you both stared into the bright blue sky speckled with fluffy white clouds.
How you’d knock your heads together, you always complaining about how hard his was - like stone you’d say - when you both laid in the tall grass.
How your hand would encompass his as you dragged him through the streets of the small town down the mountain from where he lived.
Where he lived…
Turning away from your still sobbing form, he took a glance at the mountain in the distance.
His mountain.
… Once upon a time, that had been your nickname for him.
“My Mountain.”
It was meant to show how he was the one thing keeping you grounded, something to look and gaze upon in awe and wonder. A force of nature not to be trifled with and a pillar of hope amongst men.
… His sword felt heavy in his hand. A part of him itching to get it over with. He’d raise his arm up high to the gods and slash it down with honor. To feel the blood on his skin.
Your blood.
Another part desperately wanted… no. Needed to understand why. Why you choose to become this, this is… if you choose.
A scene of thick snow in a barren forest played through his mind. That same stench that floated around you filled his nose with the sharp coolness that winter often brought. A heavy weight on his back as tears blurred his vision, causing him to misstep and fall, tumbling down a small… it was larger than a hill but smaller than a cliff, he reasoned.
That horrid growling that haunted his dreams. It had gotten better as months passed, but that first growl he heard had been etched into him, into his very soul. Stitched into his being as a driving force to ensure he never heard it again.
That she’d never make that noise again.
Your wails broke him out of his trance, cold gaze meeting your puffy eyelids as you sobbed louder, his eyes locking onto your sharpened teeth, still stained with blood, something small stuck to your canines.
Hair and flesh.
His stomach twisted but he forced the feeling down. With how wide your mouth was opened, he could see down your maw and into your throat. He watched as it flexed and moved, gyrated almost, as you forced those retched screams and cries from your throat, begging for some kind of mercy.
He was sickened, as he had every right to be. You were no longer human. You had committed a terrible sin, his mind reminded. Unlike the one he was trying to save, you gave into those urges, those horrid, vile and canabalistic desires.
Though, could they be called canabalistic anymore?
You weren’t human.
Your sharpened nails tore through the fabric of his pants, gracing his skin with red lines that slowly began to bleed. Your eyes, when they opened, had oddly shaped pupils and shining colors, entrancing almost. Your skin was unnaturally colored, with bulging veins running across the surface. Your hair was a shade no humans could ever reach, shining and plentiful and in seemingly good health, unlike when you were… alive.
He remembers when you both had met for the first time.
He was younger and his father was in much better shape, taking both coal and wood down the mountain with his son not far behind.
Your mother owned a small stand that sold small hand-made trinkets and otherwise made from wood.
He was hugged to his father’s leg as your mother bought wood directly from him to carve, her fingers marred and covered with bandages. He then saw you.
Your face was sunken and your eyes just a bit too big for your head. Or perhaps it was the fact that your head was just practically the skull, no fat or anything of the sort. It was the same for your body.
Small and thin, your clothes hung baggy off your body, almost looking two sizes too big for you. Your hair was thin and ragged, looking like a doll with its hair pulled out in chunks.
Despite this, you smiled at the other with far too many missing teeth, waving with your also bandaged hands.
He waved back.
Looking at you now as snot and tears dibbled pathetically down your face and into your mouth, that of which then drooled lazily onto the earth, he could still see some of the old you, the one he knew, in there.
They way the breeze shook you gently as though it would take your fragile body with it - no matter how light - or the way he had saw you hungrily shoving fistfuls of the meat down your mouth as though it might be stolen from you, how you shivered and jittered when you saw him in excitement before slowly beginning to shake and cry uncontrollably.
A small part of him felt bad, with how you crawled towards him on hands and knees, practically begging him to forgive you. How you prostrated yourself before him as though that would change anything, pleading with him to ‘help you’ and to ‘save you’.
His mind screamed that you were beyond saving.
That you were nothing like his sister.
He hadn’t even noticed his own crying until he felt sharpened claws on his cheek, though they weren’t yours as they were still buried to the hilt in his leg.
Instead, his gaze locked onto pink serpent like eyes, veins noticeable as the pupils dilated and contracted with visible worry. Long black hair with orange ends blocked you from his line of sight as the one he was doing this - all of this - stood before him.
His sister.
She turned to look at you, that same mixture of disgust yet pity rushing over her, he could smell it.
The siblings stood and stared down at your form as you continued to wail and cry. His sibling at his side gently grasped the blade in his shaking hand as she helped him raise it skyward, her palm gripping the back of his.
But just before they could release the blade-
“Wait!! Please!!”
A females voice called out from the carnage.
And out from your tiny hut at the end of the village crawled your mother.
She looked better than she had in the past, her skin having a much healthier glow than it had last time they had saw her, and she was much more steady on the old crutch the boy had seen her using as he left town to help his sister at the very start of their journey.
She hobbled over to your crying form, ‘shushing’ you and bending down, the crutch falling with a ‘thud’. She grabbed your head and rested it on her chest, running a hand through your hair as you continued to cry and beg for forgiveness. Tongue and throat bleeding from how worn they had become from your screams and hollers.
“I’m here… mothers here… you were doing so good… I know you didn’t mean too…” Her words settled over the scene like freshly fallen snow.
Her clothes and skin were untainted by your sin, a stark contrast to you, the boy, the girl - who had all but been drenched in blood by this point - and the bodies of those around you.
He couldn’t bear to look into their faces as he knew he’d recognize far too many of them.
Far to many lives snatched away.
He wondered how your mother, bless her heart and soul, could even look at you in this time. She obviously knew that you were the cause of this carnage and chaos, so how could she?-
“After you left,” she began, her words slicing through his train of thought, “the people turned on us. I could no longer offer my goods and services as we had no one to chop wood.”
You shook and shivered in her grasp, heaving heavily, greedily taking in massive gulps of air as though you deserved it despite the lives you took.
“It got to a point where we were forced to survive off the scraps and otherwise. Our home was taken from us and we were left in the alleys, begging to whomever would listen.”
Your voice was gone so you whimpered into her chest, listening deeply to her beating heart, something you would never allow to stop as long as it was in your power.
“Then one night, under the shadow of the moon, a man wondered into our quaint little alley. His eyes were as red as a plum, his hair as black as ink. His suit was western, black, white, and embroidered with gold.”
The boy watched as his sister’s eyes grew wide for a moment before lowering into a glare. He could hear your growl slightly from your face pressed into your mother’s neck.
“He attacked in a moment, speaking something of ‘not much, but it’ll do.’ He went for me first, I assumed it was because of my naturally weak state, so I resigned to my fate with little resistance, hoping he would spare my child in good faith. But instead, they jumped on his back, throwing hands on his eyes and head butting him, much like you would’ve, they said.”
She sighed, then moved your head to her thighs, you nuzzling into them with a whine.
“He pushed them into a wall, then jabbing a finger into their forehead. He glanced coldly at me, telling me I’d make a ‘Good first meal’. That was the day we learned of… Demons”
Her voice shuddered as she continued to run fingers through your hair.
“Though, when they awoke, they did not attack me, they stared. We learned the next morning of their vulnerability to the sun, I quickly hid them away. Forced them down from their sudden hungers when they showed, forcing them to sleep instead.”
The boy glanced to his sister. That was something you had in common, it would seem.
Sleep to hide the hunger pains.
“They were doing great, up until a few hours ago. Someone had taken things… too far. He stole my crutch, demanding I wed him despite my decrepit form, claiming he had eyes on me before my late husband. And when I said no, he slammed me to a wall, saying I had no say in the matter and he was to wed me anyway. That I should’ve felt happy that someone even glanced my way anymore, that I was ungrateful for not jumping on the opportunity, especially with a child living in poverty with me. I, of course, still said I objected, and then he… he slapped me. Something inside them snapped I tried to hold them back but… I suppose they were just tired with how they all dared treat us. Either as monsters tormenting us, or by-standers doing nothing.”
All eyes melted into your form as you snored lightly, chest finally rising and lowering at a normal pace. Tears still ran down your face, however.
“Truly, they are sorry. Don’t you understand?”
Her hand went to the boys sister.
“You hold onto one just as closely as I. Do we not share a similar sorrow?”
‘We do.’ They boy though, wanting nothing more than to steal his sister away from this world, to stow her away from this worlds gaze till the end of time.
And yet, he had a duty to the people, and you had broken that cardinal sin.
So with his still raised hand, connected to his sister, he whispered an apology to both you and your mother, before swinging it down before her eyes.
Your head rolled peacefully off to the side, a smile and ‘thank you’ on your lips as you faded away, the dust of your form clawing into the air.
In your place, your mother wailed.
Two pairs of arms wrapped around her, grief filling the town as all three began to wept for innocents lost and time never to return now that it had been lost. As they huddled like a family, kneeling on the dirt pathway, as your mother’s kimono became drenched in your sin, the blood of others.
As the sun began to rise and they all moved into a still standing home, taking off their shoes as they entered. As they laid down onto the futon together on the tatami, cuddled into each other’s warmth.
Sobs dying down and becoming echos of the past as three heartbeats became one, breaths slowing to near halts as they reluctantly relaxed and gave into the gentle hands of sleep.
Then, Tanjiro woke up.
Surrounded by a softly snoring Nezuko and curled up Zenitsu who grumbled with the foot of a starfish-posed Inosuke in his face to his right.
On his left?
You and your mother, her skin, nails, and eyes matching yours as you both cuddled to his side to share warmth. His eyes met hers as she smiled.
“Thank you… for saving us from that awful fate Tanjiro…”
Her lips curled into a smile as you muttered something in your sleep, her arm reaching over you to push you into her body. Her arm continued to stretch, petting the redheads head.
“Your kindness truly is a gift of the gods…”
She yawned, licking her lips, before letting her head rest on the pillow given to her and you to share.
“Thank you…”
Tanjiro smiled at the people around him.
At his family.
Feeling safe and protected, he let himself drift off, feelings of comfort and contentment rushing through him like the roaring waves of the ocean or a flame burning bright within.
Yes… This was home.
And he’d do anything to protect it.
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໒꒰ྀི˶˙Ⱉ˙˶꒱ྀིა Author’s note : Alright that’s enough writing okay byyyyeeeeee I’m gonna go to sleep nowwwww Good niigghgttttttt
I’m delirious :3
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metalandmagi · 9 months
The Real Anime Awards of 2023
Every year, I like to make my own anime meme awards for the important categories we really care about. Because who cares about best animation or anime of the year when we could find out who the biggest chad is?
Anyway, here are the nominations:
Prettiest boy
Shall Fen Shall (Sugar Apple Fairy Tale)
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Every single character in Tsurune season 2
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Leonhart…in either of his forms tbh whatever floats your boat (Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts)
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Aqua (Oshi no Ko)
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Akito Yamada (My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999)
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Izumi Miyamura (Horimiya Piece)
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Best couple (and by “Best Couple” I mean they actually have to get together or at least kiss or something)
Himuro and Fuyutsuki (The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague) 
Tomo and Jun (Tomo is a Girl)
Leonhart and Sariphi (Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts)
Akito Yamada and Akane Kinoshita (My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999)
Ganta Nakami and Isaki Magari (Insomniacs After School)
Hori and Miyamura (Horimiya)
Honorable mention: Iwakura and Shima (Skip to Loafer) are perfect but they never actually get together.
Biggest Chad
Aizawa Tomo (Tomo-chan is a Girl)...is it possible to have Chad energy and virgin energy at the same time?
Helck (Helck)
Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War season 2)
Rentaro Aijo (The Hundred Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You)...he's what I like to call an "accidental Chad"
Andy (Undead Unluck)
Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen season 2)
Anime That Was The Biggest Surprise
Technoroid: Overmind
Migi to Dali
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Oshi no Ko
Dark Gathering
My Happy Marriage
Best Siblings
Chobei and Toma (Hell’s Paradise)
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Ruby and Aqua (Oshi no Ko)
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Migi and Dali (Migi to Dali)
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Nezuko and Tanjiro (Demon Slayer Swordsmith Village arc)
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Vash and Knives (Trigun Stampede)
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*SPOILERS* Hajime Aono and Nao Saeki (Ao no Orchestra)
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Best Mystery
Apothecary Diaries
Kamonohashi Ron
Undead Girl Murder Farce
Migi to Dali
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Best Redhead
Souma Shiki (Cool Doji Danshi cour 2)
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Chigiri (Blue Lock cour 2)
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Aizawa Tomo (Tomo-chan is a Girl)
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Anarchy (Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers)
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Kana Arima (Oshi no Ko)
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William G Maryblood (The Faraway Paladin season 2)
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Most Dunked on Character
Kahaku (To Your Eternity season 2)
Ganta Nakami (Insomniacs After School)
Tsugaru Shinuchi (Undead Girl Murder Farce)
Kazuya (Rent A Girlfriend)
Scott Pilgrim (Scott Pilgrim Takes Off)
Rudy (Mushoku Tensei) (When your central arc revolves around having erectile dysfunction, that’s just the entire universe, mangaka included, dunking on you)
Show With The Most Drip
High Card
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Technoroid: Overmind
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My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999
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Rent A Girlfriend
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You Were Experienced, I Was Not: Our Dating Story
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Trigun Stampede
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Anime boy with the most “Baby Girl” energy
Vash the Stampede (Trigun Stampede)
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Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan the final season)
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Kouya Madoka (Overtake!)
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Totomaru (Kamonohashi Ron)
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Kentarō Momose (My New Boss is Goofy)
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Chris Redgrave (High Card)
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Well, there you have it: all the categories that really matter. I know I could have made this a poll or series of polls, but this is just something fun and silly I put together every year, so I didn't want anyone bitching about my choices or saying "you forgot ___!"
Can't wait to see what kind of bullshit Crunchyroll cooks up for their nominations this year!
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ghostiedreamsz · 1 month
[⚠️ Spoilers for the final episode of Demon Slayer Season 4 ahead ⚠️]
Demon Slayer has a tendency to go “hey lol” *emotionally fucks you up* on a regular basis without it seeming unfair to the narrative or the characters and honestly? Kinda based of them (taking shots at JJK here)
Like, Daki and Gyutaro walking into hell together fucked me up because Holy Shit what an emotional ass scene for two siblings who put their love for each other first even after their last moment bickering, and choose to walk into hell together
honorable mentions before I inevitably start screaming about Rengoku again:
Gyomei’s backstory! Which had me going “it was only supposed to be his kids dying. IT WAS ONLY SUPPOSED TO BE HIS KIDS DYING” the entire time because holy fuck what a deeply complex narrative about kids being unable to help their innocence when something beyond their comprehension occurs
Ubuyashiki’s daughters singing and playing in the yard shortly before their death! That whole scene was tense, but the pan over to the two girls playing innocently was like breaking open a dam of tears for me goddamn
The latest contender on the Demon Slayer soul crusher:
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Tanjiro and Mitsuri staring into the dark fourth wall where Rengoku’s spirit had been standing and just…. Staying there. No happy Taisho Era Secret music. No sounds. No nothing. Just…
“You saw Rengoku too, didn’t you?”
“we need to defeat Kibutsuji”
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unpopularwriter25 · 4 months
Hello there✨✨✨
I'm so glad I found your blog✨✨ This little delulu wanted something to be written by a wonderful writer like you.. I want the scene where the s/o found out that Rengoku had died.
Thank you very much for accepting this✨🎉
Thank you for the request!!
Embers of a Promise
Summary: Tanjiro arrives back home after the mission and delivers y/n the news about Rengoku.
Warnings: Nothing major, mentions of Rengoku's death.
Note: Don't ask me why I used this gif.
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The sun had begun its slow descent, casting a golden hue over the dense forest that surrounded the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters. Birds chirped their evening songs, and a soft breeze rustled through the leaves, carrying with it the scent of pine and earth. Despite the tranquil setting, an air of somberness had settled over the area, a stark contrast to the usual hustle and bustle of the slayers preparing for their next missions.
You stood at the edge of the training grounds, watching the last rays of sunlight filter through the trees. Your heart felt heavy with unease, a feeling that had been growing since the morning. Rengoku had been dispatched on a high-priority mission, and although he had faced countless demons before, something about this one felt different.
The tension broke when you spotted Tanjiro, his usually bright expression replaced by a somber look. His eyes were red and puffy, and he seemed to be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. As he approached, your pulse quickened, dread pooling in your stomach.
"Tanjiro," you called out, your voice trembling despite your best efforts to remain calm. "Where is Kyojuro? Did the mission go well?"
Tanjiro looked up, his eyes reflecting the pain he was struggling to contain. He took a deep breath, trying to find the words, but his silence spoke volumes.
Your knees felt weak, and you had to steady yourself against a nearby tree. "No... please, no. Tell me he’s alright."
"He... he fought bravely," Tanjiro began, his voice cracking. "He protected everyone on the train. He saved so many lives. But... he couldn't..."
"No!" you cried out, your voice breaking as you felt your world shatter around you. "He can't be gone. He promised he'd come back. He promised!"
Tanjiro stepped closer, reaching out to you, but you pulled away, collapsing to the ground as sobs wracked your body. The forest seemed to close in on you, the once serene setting now a cage of grief and despair.
"He was so strong," Tanjiro continued, tears streaming down his own face. "Even in his final moments, he was smiling. He wanted us to keep fighting, to carry on his spirit."
The image of Rengoku's vibrant smile, the way his eyes lit up with passion and determination, flashed in your mind. It was a cruel reminder of what had been lost. The man who had been a beacon of hope, the one who had believed in you when you couldn't believe in yourself, was gone.
You clutched at the grass beneath you, the earth feeling cold and unforgiving. "How am I supposed to go on without him?" you whispered, more to yourself than to Tanjiro. "He was everything to me."
Tanjiro knelt beside you, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. "I know it's hard," he said softly. "But we have to honor his memory by continuing to fight. He wouldn’t want us to give up. He believed in us."
The words barely penetrated the haze of your grief. All you could think about was the last time you had seen Rengoku, his warm smile and his promise to return. Now, that promise lay shattered at your feet, leaving behind a void that nothing could ever fill.
As the sun finally dipped below the horizon, plunging the forest into darkness, you cried out into the night, the sound echoing through the trees. Your heart ached with a pain that seemed too immense to bear, and the world felt irrevocably broken.
In that moment, surrounded by the growing shadows and the echoes of your grief, you swore to carry on Rengoku's legacy. You would find the strength he had always seen in you, even if it felt impossible. Because in your heart, you knew he was still with you, guiding you, his spirit as unyielding as the flame he embodied.
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kimetsu-chan · 6 months
All of Yuna’s kids:
Milo, Michio (@larz-barz)
Ames (@donkeybro)
Hina (@ta-ni-ya)
Nikko, Kota, Kosuke (@shycroissanti)
Michika (@night-mince0)
Honorable mentions:
Mari: (@cloudymistedskies) Yuna would like abduct her please 🙏
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rottencoreflesh101 · 1 year
Im honestly super satified with Kyo’s rot hashira redesign. He looks more fluffy and soft. Sum like “I am soft but I will turn your skull into ashes if you do something stupid”.
YOUR HONOR I LOVE HIM. In my au he is around his late 40s early 50 ISH??? He a dilf and still in shape.
After Akaza’s attack (he survived) he retired from his hashira position due to his eye and tummy injury which just limited his movements so became a house husband (he is married to my oc Masako who is a wind hashira) and attends to their 8 kids (4 are “adopted” tanjiro, nezuko and two siblings that were mitsuri’s kids but since she passed away he brought them under his wing). He finds a new hobby in cooking but mostly in baking and opens a small bakery called “hot cake”.
//forgot to mention but Kyo haves an utonagan dog that works as his service dog
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ink-the-squid-gremlin · 8 months
Endouma is a terrible ship, and here is why.
‼️WARNING‼️: Post not only contains semi spoilers for KNY, but it also contains mentions of things like suicide, depression and noncon/sexual assault. If you are uncomfortable with those topics, please refrain from reading.
TLDR: Enmu and Douma are not compatible with each other because that ship is mostly built up on fetished MLM tropes, overly sexualized versions of the characters and the romanticization of SA.
(God, I feel like I have been posting nothing but hot takes on this account as of late. I promise I will go back to posting art, cosplays, and more just chill stuff after this.)
Enmu and Douma are not characters that should not be shipped together, for multiple reasons. Starting off, THEY ARE NOTHING ALIKE!!!! I don’t know where or how it was decided that they were alike, or that Enmu is “Douma 2.0”, but it makes no sense. While both are meant to be irredeemable monsters, Enmu was an irredeemable monster from the get go. From what we know about his backstory, he knew he was scamming people and targeting the weak and vulnerable for it. Douma’s backstory goes a bit more in depth and explains that he was put into the role of “all mighty god” as a child, which lead to the power of it going to his head as he grew up. Douma was still an impressionable child who was failed by the adults around him, and as he grew up he took on some of those same traits as the adults he was surrounded by. The bottom line is this: Douma, while a shitty person, still has some way to sympathize with him, Enmu does not, and thats just on the story side of things.
Enmu and Douma also share nothing in common personality wise. On face value, they may kinda act similar (i.e how they talk (sorta)) but it really just stops there. Enmu ultimately had a goal to kill Tanjiro and gain more blood from Muzan so he could climb the ranks of the demon hierarchy. He wanted to gain more power and to overthrow one of the upper moons for the sake of power. He doesn’t care how many people he has to torment, hurt or kill, as long as he has spot in power, he is happy, hell, he literally has vulnerable and even sick children do his dirty work! Enmu is a sick and twisted individual and he prides himself on that. Douma on the other hand put on the happy and up beat facade to hide that he knows he was failed. Douma is aware he was failed as a human, and so he decided to fail his followers by being the embodiment of false hope. He plays into the false icon lifestyle by pretending to be hopeful and happy around his followers and even the other demons to an extent. He doesn’t care so much about power, rather he cares more about control. Douma keeps up his false religion persona to keep control over his followers. He knows he’s failing them, but he doesn’t want to lose the control he has over them.
Now onto the elephant in the room: the mischaracterization I’ve seen of both of them in the Endouma ship. In both fanart and fanfics I’ve seen and read (well more so forced down my throat since thats all I’ve seen with Enmu in recent times) both Enmu and Douma are mischaracterized to high hell just so we as the reader/viewer will feel pity for them. I’ve seen more of this with Enmu, in that all the stuff that made him unique from the other KNY demons is stripped away so his “savior boyfriend” Douma can comfort him and coddle him. Now, writing an AU is one thing, but if you’re just going to make content of the ship with the characters as they are in the series, then their actual personalities should be honored or at the very least acknowledged.
Going more in depth about the mischaracterizing I’ve been seeing with Enmu, almost all (ALMOST all, not all in general) Endouma content I’ve seen have made him either a depressed and anxious baby that Douma is meant to coddle, or an overly fetishized hyper feminine man thats there simply for sexual reasons. It just goes against their roles in the story of KNY.
Going off of the hyper feminine man mischaracterization of Enmu I’ve seen in regards to the Endouma ship, having him be pretty much a “femboy” not only contradicts him as a character, but it also is pushing toxic heteronormativity on a queer relationship. Making Enmu essentially the “woman”, while putting toxic heteronormativity in a very much MLM ship, it also just boils him down to a sex object and nothing else. Now, I will not say that portraying Enmu as a very sexual and even gross character is wrong, because there were plenty of scenes in KNY of him that had very sexual and perverted undertones, but that is what they were, undertones. There is more to his character than just the sexual undertones he has (as I stated earlier when describing him), and by boiling him down to a “sex doll” for Douma just kind of shows that there wasn’t much of an understanding of his character while making the ship art or a fic. He is much more than a sex object.
Moving onto the mischaracterization I’ve seen of Douma, while not nearly as bad as Enmu, it still feels very off from his character. Making Douma someone who GENUINELY cares for another person is also very contradictory to how he acts in the series. He is someone who cares very little for anyone he comes to meet, whether it be his followers or other demons. Now you may be asking “but, Ink! Douma saw Daki and Gyutaro when they were on the verge of death and decided to save them!” Which is exactly what I am talking about. The only reason he “saved” them was to keep up his facade of a savior and to get himself “brownie points” (for lac of a better term) so his public appearance would look good. Because he cared very little for Daki and Gyutaro, it shows that he only cares about looking like a good person and nothing else. Portraying him as essentially “Enmu’s therapist” that coddles him and such just feels weird. Douma has no emotional connections to anyone, so why would he have an enmotional connection to a demon that is considered lower than him?
Now similar to what I said about Enmu earlier, Douma is also much more than a sex obsessed pervert. Douma being portrayed as basically a male nymphomaniac in the Endouma ship is a very strange way to portray his character. Yes, he may have been fine with letting women seek refuge in his temple, but again, it was to make him seem and look like a good person. We should all know, or at least have the understanding that Douma is literally a woman eater. The women he houses in his temple ultimately have the fate of being nothing more than food. Viewing his reason for taking in women as something sexually driven is a complete misunderstanding of his actions. This misunderstanding of Douma paired with the sexual misunderstanding of Enmu not only creates a toxic relationship, but it also fetishizes and sexualizes MLM pairings. This is something I’ve noticed more in Endouma art, but a lot of it that I have seen feels very fetish-y. I can’t go too in-depth about this aspect, as I am a queer woman, but the way the ship is portrayed in a lot of the art I have seen of it feels as though it is pandering to the appeal of yaoi obsessed straight girls. While yaoi has been a term used for decades to refer to MLM based pairings in media like anime and manga, over the past couple of years, its meaning has become more based around fetishizing MLM pairings rather than just being about MLM pairings.
I now want to bring up something that I’ve seen associated with Endouma (and also the Enmuzan ship, but that is a topic for another time) that really makes me uncomfortable, and that is noncon and the romanization sexual assault. I don’t want to talk too much about this topic, as it is not only triggering for me, but it should also be common sense that fetishizing sexual assault is wrong. Again, this is more so something I have seen in artwork, but it seems almost normalized for Douma to be portrayed forcing himself onto Enmu. Now, I know you are all probably saying “Ink, if you don’t like it/are triggered by it, then don’t interact with it”, but when its all that has been made in regards to newer Enmu content as of late, and how people are hyping it up, its kind of hard to avoid. It makes me truly question just how many people really missed the point of their characters, and only focused on things like Enmu being more androgynous, and Douma being tall and muscular. In a general sense, if a ship is built on, or is popular from fetishized and romanticized sexual assault, it shouldn’t be a ship.
Finally, I just want to mention that these characters have NEVER once interacted in canon. I know that hasn’t stopped people from shipping characters before, but it’s just something I want bring up. (As well as the fact that the Upper Moon’s hate the Lower Moons)
I want to end off this post by saying that all of this is by no means targeted at a specific person, nor am I trying to say that my opinion is correct. I am just stating my own opinions and just stating observations I have made after being in the KNY/Enmu fanbase for nearly 4 years now. People are allowed to ship characters together (within reason) however they like, but just be aware of how it will look on your own part, and what views it may look like you have.
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strarri · 2 months
Just finished reading all of demon slayer since it finished and hnghhhhh obamitsu
I noticed the anime extends a lot of the manga so maybe we'll get like 100 more obamitsu moments haha
Anyways tell me your favorite Canon scene of them and throw in some headcanons if your up to it hehehehe <3
[kny manga spoilers]
i’m genuinely hoping and praying to see alot more obamitsu scenes especially during their fight with nakime !!! i personally think that their fight is much more important to the story than it is let out to be. if the two never fought nakime, she would interfere with the other upm battles and save the demons last minute when they need it.
as for my favorite scene, there’s not alot to choose from unfortunately :(
but if we were talking about the currently animated ones, i loved the letter scene!! jealous obanai iguro is so hilarious to me 🥰 i don’t like how he gets watered down to be a simp by the fandom just because of his jealousy, he’s just a guy in love honestly? anyone does it!! he dislikes tanjiro because he broke the corps rules, even moreso that he doesn’t want a rule breaker like him to get close to kanroji. i’d say he’s more of an overprotective guy, but it’s really cute!!
as for the manga scenes, every bit of them in sunrise countdown makes me sob. especially in obanai’s backstory where he vowed to confess to kanroji only when his tainted blood left his body, it was so depressing. 😭 another one was their promises to eachother in chapter 200, a classic and it makes me shrivel up in tears EVERY TIME!!! lastly, i loved the scene where mitsuri begged iguro not to die. it’s all so sad but there are no more happy moments of them until the very end, which is like in four years???💔
these aren’t scenes in the manga or anime, but in the official light novel. an honorable mention is the way obanai immediately visited shinobu when he realized there was something off about mitsuri just because she ate half the amount of food she usually did :(( he pays so much attention to her its so cute. also how mitsuri ran out of the restaurant because she knew the more time she stayed with obanai, she wouldn’t be able to suppress her emotion around him. she would never lie to him and he would never let anyone hurt her, BUT IT HURTS ME???💔💔💔😭😭
hngghhhhh obamitsu….💗🖤
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echantedtoon · 2 months
If Muzan and the demons were genderbent what wouldtheir names be?
Hm. Good question. I think they'd generally be the same but more feminine sounding for the gb guys and more masculine sounding for the gb gals-
Muzan- Mulan or maybe Muse
Kokushibo/Michikatsu- Kokushi/Michi
Douma- Doumi or maybe Doumia
Akaza/Hakuji- Akazi/Haru
Hantengu- Hana
Sekido- Seki
Karaku- Kara
Aizetsu- Aizetta
Urogi- Uroga
Zohakutan- Zohana
Urami- Ura
Gyutaro- Gyuta
Daki/Ume- Dakota/Umito
Nakime- Nako
Gyokko- Gyokka
Hairou- I think his name would be the same but the more feminine spelt Haru such as Haru from The Cat Returns.
Susamaru- Susako
Yahaba- Yahabi
Rui- Ruta
Enmu- Emma or maybe Emily
Ubume- Ubuya
Kyogai- Kyota
Tamayo- Tamako
Yushiro- Yua or Yui
The Swamp Demon- The Swamp Demoness
Spider Family- Pretty much the same only gender swaped with the names
Kaigaku- Kaina
I'm including Nezuko, Tanjiro, and Genya as honorable mentions since Nezuko is a demon and both boys are demons for a short time as well.
Nezuko- Nedzu
Genya- Genna
Tanjiro- Tanji
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zanyana626 · 10 months
Do I dare reveal my husbandos/waifus??? Ah, what the hell, I'm bored!
Tumblr media
Honorable mentions (cuz I couldn't fit everyone):
I'd die for them = Megumi Fushiguro, Nobara Kugisaki, Choso, Giyu Tomioka, Shinobu Kocho, Sanemi Shinazugawa
I'd marry them = Eraserhead/Shota Aizawa, Kyojuro Rengoku, Loid Forger, Yor Forger, Doppo Kunikida
Platonic Crush = Inosuke Hashibira, Kenji Miyazawa, Edgar Allan Poe
Villain Crush = Himiko Toga, Suguru Geto, Muzan Kibutsuji, Doma, Millions Knives
MC Crush = Tanjiro Kamado, Kazuki Kurusu
Side Character Crush = Mirio Togata, Mei Hatsume, Toge Inumaki, Chuya Nakahara, Sigma, Roland Fortis
Also, just noticed that a may have a type for purple color-coded characters (it's definitely not just cuz it's my favorite color)! 🤷🏻‍♀️😅💜
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sunandflame · 11 months
Hey babe 💞. Just noticed you are an INFJ, just like Yoriichi. It's such a rare personality type. The only other INFJ I know is my husband, who really is very much like Yori in terms of personality (and personality only).
I am an ENFJ, which I found out is the same as Kyoujuro, Tanjiro, Douma, and also All Might (MHA).
I really love personality tests and found out that my beloved Kokushibo is an INTJ. I was intrigued by the description of that personality type (source: 16 Personalities):
An Architect (INTJ) is a person with the Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging personality traits. These thoughtful tacticians love perfecting the details of life, applying creativity and rationality to everything they do. Their inner world is often a private, complex one. It can be lonely at the top. As one of the rarest personality types – and one of the most capable – Architects (INTJs) know this all too well. Rational and quick-witted, Architects pride themselves on their ability to think for themselves, not to mention their uncanny knack for seeing right through phoniness and hypocrisy. But because their minds are never at rest, Architects may struggle to find people who can keep up with their nonstop analysis of everything around them.
I think it's pretty spot on. What's your opinion?
AAH OMG FINALLY SOMEONE WHO ARE ALSO INTO MBTI’s! I love this concept of the 16 personalities and I always look into the fan interpretation of diverse characters MBTI’s. Also I'm so honored that you noticed mine on my pinned post. I always talk about how empathic and sensible of the feelings of others I am, since it's one of the main traits of an INFJ’s.
Baby, I could go on and on about the INFJ’s, but we wanna talk about Kokushibo. Yes, I knew he was INTJ and hell yes, it fits him so fucking well! Especially with Yoriichi being the INFJ counterpart. Both are such rare personality types and just varying from the feeling and thinking point, but they are also completing each other so well like yin and yang.
My little sister is also an INTJ and well… The dynamic between us both is a bit similar as with Yoriichi and Kokushibo (though there is no hatred and jealousy between us).
I know some other INTJ’s from my personal life and they are some of the most intelligent people I have met. They are so rational and logical with their thoughts and sometimes so socially clueless it’s kinda funny. I mean they are aware, but they don’t give a fuck about to fit into the norm. If it’s not logical in their opinion, then it’s trash. Also their dark humor is spot on. I do imagine Kokushibo like that and aslo having a dry/dark sense of humor if he is in a good mood.
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