queerofthedagger · 4 months
I'm really curious about the Uther things you mentioned?
Ahh hey! Yeah I can talk on that a bit (for context, I think I said that I do find his character intriguing and that my opinion on him has evolved quite a bit, influenced by mostly disagreeing with what a lot of people tend to say?)
So the thing about Uther is that I feel people tend to either go "He's evil, everything he does at any given time is evil, I hate him and there is nothing more to it," or they go "Oh but he loved his children!!!" in a kind of, redeeming-quality-kind of sense. I'm somewhat hyperbolizing, of course, but I do think fandom tends to a very black and white view.
Don't get me wrong, I hate Uther. I hate Uther with a burning passion, and I love to hate him. He's terrible. But I do think the show actually did go to quite an effort to make him complex beyond a simple "tyrannical son of a bitch" (that he was) or "Oh okay but he loved Ygraine and his kids 🥺" (which he did!).
Of course he is terrible. He murdered hundreds if not thousands of people over the guilt he could not bear to live with, that was, in the first place, the consequence of his own actions. I do believe he didn't know that the price would be Ygraine's life; he was still willing to sacrifice someone's life. Which is very Uther. Yes, at the root of that lies grief, and at the root of grief lies love, but the thing (and also imo the crux of Uther's character) is that being capable of loving people doesn't somehow, magically (ha. sorry) make you less of a bad person.
Terrible people can love other people. In fact, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find people no matter how atrocious their actions, who don't have people they love. And most people don't set out to "do something evil;" Uther, in all his atrocities, always had justifications to himself.
I think it says a lot that despite the brutal war he wrought, he was by and large not considered a bad king, per se, by his people and allies. We could dismiss all those instances where the show makes a point to reiterate this as fear of speaking up - and I'm not saying that didn't play a part - but I think that's making it too easy. There is a whole other essay on propaganda and how the war on magic worked, but I'll get to that another time. My main point is that, as uncomfortable as the thought may be considering just what horrors he wrought, he wasn't a frothing, mad bag full of cartoonish evil.
That doesn't mean that he "wasn't that bad, really." Which kind of brings me to the other side of things, the way people like to throw "Well, but he loved his kids," into the mix as a kind of. I don't know, counterpoint to the "tyrannical son of a bitch" side. And like, the thing is, he did. The thing is, that doesn't change a thing.
Yeah, Uther loved both Arthur and Morgana. We see enough proof of that through the seasons, whether it's in the Excalibur Episode where he fights in Arthur's stead at any cost, or in Le Morte d'Arthur where he openly weeps, or with Morgana in various instances to a degree where some people think he loved her more (and again, yet another essay on how his love for Arthur is tangled up so much in his guilt and the hatred that caused, but I digresss), not least in how her 'betrayal' broke him.
Ultimately, though, he also put Arthur in harm's way again and again. He certainly rarely ever told him he loved him, to the point where Arthur is shocked to hear it. He puts his children in chains and locks them away and drugs them and threatens them in all manners, he lies to them and hides the truth from them (Ygraine/Morgana's parentage in the first place) to the detriment of their well-being, and so on. His love is conditional. His love demands obedience and submission. We could argue until we're blue if that's really love in the first place, but at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter all that much.
People can love other people, and it can be entirely inconsequential, because frankly, most parents love/"love" their kids. That doesn't mean they're automatically good parents, or even good people. In Uther's case it really isn't a redeeming quality at all. It just makes him complex and interesting and multi-dimensional as the villain/antagonist. Because it makes us grapple with the really very unfortunate but inevitable fact that even terrible people are still people. They aren't some removed monster that no one can ever relate to. They love and they laugh and grieve, and they can still turn around and burn people in their frontyard on the daily without missing a beat. They can be willing to die for their children and threaten violence and exile in the next breath.
I think with Uther, at the end of the day, for me it's really both. His atrocities started out of love, and his love is steeped, inevitably, in the violence and twisted moral framework of his character; it's not an either/or thing at all, it depends on each other. And he is a goddamn son of a bitch, of course, even if every once in a bluemoon he still sheds honest tears for his unfortunate children.
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merlinbingo · 2 months
Our Stars Still Shine Together: Chapter Two Alternate Futures by tansyuduri Ship: Merlin/Arthur Main Characters: Merlin, Arthur Rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Post cannon, Merthur, Arthur has returned, Magic, Crystal Cave Summary: In this second chapter Merlin and Arthur realize that this time destiny does not hold him in a chokehold
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viiisenyas · 2 months
17, 34,7
Thank you for the ask, lovely! 💗
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
I honestly just go with the flow of what the story demands if I'm being honest. Most of the time I try to focus on one or two characters, but if I've outlined the story already (which I do 80% of the time) I just go back and add in the other characters that I know will have a major impact later on.
17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
I tend to try to just work on my other WIPs that have been abandoned 😅 erm, if that doesn't work and I can't get anything out, I just switch out my playlists :3
34. Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?
Ooof. Erm, definitely someone who actually finishes all of their WIPs for one 😂 but I do want to improve more than I already have :3
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atdawn · 2 months
Why did ya choose your icon?
2018 sundance colin is so dear to me :')
ask me questions
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witchmd13 · 3 months
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. (And was actually half Wilddeoren)
if a chuck could chuck wood a woodchuck wouldn't chuck arthur worse than merlin when he found out arthur's plan was guesswork if arthur hadn't played the i will be adorable and I will talk about my feelings if you yell at me hard enough card and merlin being too much in love to stay mad at him
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I'm so sorry this was way funnier in my head
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pyjamacryptid · 3 months
Do you do commissions
I'm not doing commissions at the moment. Tbh, I've never actually done commissions before, but I've thought about it a lot! It's a strong possibility ^^
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godmerlin · 1 month
fuck marry kill merlin villians!
Ooooh. Good one. Alright let's think.
Fuck- Morgause. She would DEFINITELY know what was up
Marry- Morgana. I love her. I could make it work.
Kill- Agravaine gets killed again. Because he's the worst. He's just ugh. So creepy. I mean WHAT was that with morgana?!?!?
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larluce · 2 months
Arthur and Merlin travel back in time without knowing the other is from the future too AU
Tagging @aceauthorcatqueen , @fallenxjas , @smileytrinity ,@lucifertookmyshoe , @an-entity-i-think , @thecornerofbelu , @griffonskies , @odinjm , @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu , @thelady-mary , @bennedict , @nightninjaboy , @st8-of-grace , @star-rie , @error-username-not-available , @dogberryrowan , @jamieweasley13 , @tansyuduri , @tercais , @robynnemrys , @evadne01 , @serasvictoria02 , @hairdryerducks , @hopeaha FINALLY STARTING WITH YOUR REQUESTS!! :D
LINKS TO THE OTHER PARTS OF THIS AU HERE: PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5 , PART 6 , PART 7 , PART 8 , PART 9 , PART 10 , PART 11 , PART 12 , PART 13 , PART 14 , PART 15 , PART 16 (You're here) , PART 17
In "The Dragon's Call"
Uther talking with Arthur in the throne room.
Uther: (warnly) Who is he?
Arthur: (mad and anxious cause Merlin was stabbed and he's not there with him) You called me all the way here just for that? He's Gaius' appreantice. He told you that!
Uther: Don't take me for a fool, Arthur. I'm asking who is he TO YOU. (looks at Arthur, sternly) It's obvious that you knew him from before.
Arthur: (thinking) Shit... (says) We... met just 3 days ago.
Uther: (increasenly raises his voice in anger) And you expect me to believe that you made such a tremendous display just for some peasant man that you've known for 3 days?!
Arthur: That 'peasant man' just saved my life!
Uther: For which I'm greatful... but also suspicious.
Arthur: What?!
Uther: He took a knife for you, shielded you with his body... and called you by your name. Yet you insist you've only known each other for 3 days. (pauses dramatically) I'll ask again. What is that man to you?
Arthur: (sweats)
Gaius: (enters) You called for me, your Majesty?
Arthur: (surprised) Gaius! What are you doing here? You should be attending Merlin!
Uther: (sarcastic) Oh, you know his name too. What a surprise.
Gaius: (Looking at Uther, but reassuring Arthur) The boy is stable. The blade didn't puncture anything vital, but it was poisoned. I managed to extract the poison thought, so he is out of danger now.
Uther: You told me you recently hired this boy as your apprentice, right Gaius?
Gaius: Yes, sire.
Uther: How long has he been in The Citadel?
Gaius: Just a few days, sire.
Uther: Are you sure?
Gaius: Yes, he just arrived 3 days ago.
Uther: And he has never been in The Citadel before.
Gaius: Oh, no sire. Merlin is from Ealdor, an Essetir village located on the border. He's never been in Camelot before.
Arthur: (smiles smuggly) See?
Uther: (still not convinced but lets the matter be for now) You shouldn't act so distrough about strangers, Arthur. I expect better composure from you in the future.
Arthur: (hangs his head in a shame he doesn't feel) Yes, father.
Uther: (to Gaius) Your ward deserves a reward for his heroic act today.
Arthur: (thinking) Finally!
Uther: I'll give him 20 pieces of gold.
Arthur: (thinking) What?! (says) No! You can't reward him with that.
Uther: You think it's too much?
Arthur: Too little! He saved your son! Your heir to the throne! Or do you really think that my life it's worth just 20 pieces of gold?
Uther: (thoughful) I guess you have a point. How do you think I should reward him then?
Arthur: Status. Gold is precious but it ends eventually. Status is forever.
Uther: You want me to lord him? I can't do that. He's a peasant.
Arthur: But you can give him a position, maybe? In the royal household?
Uther: Hmm... It's not a bad idea. I'll have to check if there's an avaible position-
Arthur: (quickly) There's one!
Uther: (surprised) Really?
Arthur: (smiling) Well... I still need a personal manservant.
Uther: ...
Gaius: ...
Time skip. Uther talking to a servant.
Uther: (incredulous) He really did that?
Servant: (who had to confess under pressure) Yes, sire. The prince paid me to act as a victim while he pretended to bully me.
Uther: With what purpose?
Servant: (nervous) I... I don't know, sire. He didn't tell me, sire.
Uther: But you have a guess.
Servant: ...
Uther: You can speak freely. Nothing will be hold against you.
Servant: Well... my guess is that... the prince wanted to... get his now personal manservant's attention, sire. The prince stopped 'bullying' me when he arrived and defended me.
Uther: I've heard. He also let the boy go unharmed after he insulted him. After calling him... What did he call my son again?
Servant: A... prat... and an... ass, sire.
Uther: I see... (sighs) You're dismissed.
Servant: (between surprised and relieved) Really? I'm not in trouble, sire?
Uther: No, you aren't.
Servant: And I don't have to give the gold back?
Uther: (opens his eye wide) He gave you gold?!
Time skip. After the events of "The Mark of Nimueh"
Uther watches the knights coming back from a trip all cover in leaves and mud at night.
Uther: Where do you come from so late? (looks at them up and down) And so dirty.
Leon: Ahm... The prince entrusted us with an important mission-
Knight 1: (exhausted) We're looking for a flower.
Leon: (hits him)
Uther: A... flower?
Knight 2: A purple lily, sire.
Uther: Is it a lily with healing properties? A magic plant that endangers my citizens?
Leon: Ehm... no, just a regular purple lily, sire.
Uther: So my son order you to search for a purple lily in the middle of the night.
Knight 1: And he's still searching for one too as we speak.
Leon: (hits him again)
Uther: May I know why?
Knight 2: I think he wants to gift the flower to-
Leon: To a woman! We think he wants to gift a flower to a woman, sire. Though it's just a guess.
Uther: Right... (thinking) What a fussy woman. (says) He could have sent the flower to be painted if he needed a purple one that much.
Leon: He insisted it had to be naturally purple, sire.
Uther: Painting a lily purple is a luxury only royal can afford. I'm sure the girl would still appreciate it.
Knight 1: We told his highness that.
Knight 2: But he still insisted it had to be naturally purple, sire.
Uther: (thinking) I very fussy woman indeed. (says) I'm going to talk with him. This is ridiculous. There's a reason why we prefer to paint lilies purple. It's nearly impossible to find one that is naturally purple. He is never going to find-
Arthur: (entering, all cover in mud and leaves and with a purple lily in an improvised container in hand, very excited) I found it! Leon I... (stops himself when he sees Uther and composes himself) Good evening, father. (bows)
Uther: (explodes at seeing his son's embarrassing appearence) That woman is too fussy, she's making you act like a fool! Is not like she is your fiancée. If for her vagary of wanting a naturally purple flower you stoop to acting slavishly like a servant then Camelot is doomed! You are the prince! How can you give this image? have dignity! What kind of ignorant, uneducated, vulgar woman are you involving yourself with?!
Knight 1: (confused) I thought the flower was for his manser-
Leon: (covers the knight's mouth)
Arthur: (to the knight, seriously considering making him kill number 2) Innprudance*!
Uther: (his right eye ticing)... What?
Arthur: (thinking, kind of concerned) Has he always had a tic in his eye?
Time skip. After Lancelot's imprisonment.
Uther scolding Arthur in his chambers.
Uther: (furious) You imprisoned a man just because he touched your manservant?
Arthur: No, I imprisoned him because he was found in suspicious circunstances.
Uther: What suspicious circunstances?
Arthur: The part of the woods we found him in was burned! There was still spots of fire there and a big hole in the ground! The earth was shaking just before we encountered him, that's clearly sorcery! He could be in alliance with Nimueh for all we know!
Uther: (incredulous) Right... and it had nothing to do with the fact he was caring your servant in his arms when you arrived.
Arthur: Of course not! Do you really believe me that unreasonable?
Uther: Yes! You know why? Because everyone seems to believe that! Since you came back from your search of Nimueh, the whole castle doesn't stop talking about how you got a man arrested because he dare to touch your manservant!
Arthur: Well, it's not true.
Uther: Fine, if you're so sure he did sorcery, I'll prepare his execution inmediatly.
Arthur: I never said I was sure, just that I found him in-
Uther: Suspicious circunstances, I know.
Arthur: Like I said, I'm not unreasonable. I can't execute him for sorcery without solid prove.
Uther: But you're not going to free him either.
Arthur: Because of the suspicious circunstances.
Uther: So you're just... going to keep him in there.
Arthur: Yeah.
Uther: ...
Arthur: ...
Uther: I'm too old for this. (leaves)
Time skip. After Merlin moved in to Arthur's antechambers.
Uther being attended by Gaius in his chambers.
Gaius: (mixing a concoction in the king's tea) This should help you with your nerves, Sire. I don't know what to do about the tic in your eye though. I would recommend you to rest more.
Uther: How could I? I'm the king! I have a lot of duties to do!
Gaius: You could delegate some of your duties to prince Arthur-
Uther: Arthur! He's the reason I'm like this! Him and his greedy manservant! No offense, Gaius.
Gaius: None taken, sire. And I can assure you Merlin is nothing like that. He's just an innocent country boy. I think he's not even aware of the prince's affections for him yet.
Uther: That's what he's making everyone believe! But it's all an act, I can see it! He used his seductive arts to have my son in the palm of his hand!
Gaius: (puts the cup of tea in the king's hand) Whatever you say, sire. Your tea.
Servant: (Knocks door from outside)
Uther: Come in. (takes sip of his tea)
Servant: Your Majesty, (Bows) You asked to keep you informed of... uhm.. any important change related to the prince and his manservant.
Uther: (sighs and take another sip) What did he do this time?
Servant: The prince asked his manservant to move to his antechambers, sire.
Uther: (relieved) Oh... That's not so bad.
Gaius: (cheering Uther up) Is not bad at all! As his personal manservant he should have moved there from the start. I'm surprised the prince didn't ask him to move before.
Servant: (sweating, nervous) Yeah...
Uther: (sighs) There's more, isn't it?
Servant: Uhm... well... there are rumors, sire...that says that..ahm...
Uther: (demands) What?
Servant: The reason the prince asked his servant to move was because he brought another man to his room, sire.
Uther: (breaks the cup of tea in his hand)
Gaius: (sighs, to the servant, calmly) Bring me another cup and some bandages, please.
Servant: (bows and leaves)
Uther: Gaius.
Gaius: Yes, sire?
Uther: You have brought a seductive demon to the castle.
Uther finding out about arthur's weird obsession with merlin ☑︎
*Innprudance is the actual name of the Knight just so you know. And it fits him perfectly.
Credits to my best friend Rosangela, who helped me with some dialogues and situations, no only in this part, but several ones. Love you so much! ❤️
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gyrhs · 8 days
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To celebrate the begining of June, a merthur illustration that is the cover of @tansyuduri 's fic "Our Stars Still Shine Together" 🌈💛
Do you want a commission like this? You can send me a DM or go directly to my Ko-fi or VGen pages | Be my Patron
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theroundbartable · 2 months
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First - Prev - Next
Camelot's best and brightest: Part 13
It took a while :) It's not easy to connect all the dots, haha XD
I meant to give Leon an immortality sign but I couldn't find one. :(
Edit: I just noticed that this was meant as an answer to the ask box. @tansyuduri i'm very sorry, I'm uploading this at 3 am XD
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queerofthedagger · 4 months
3 2 and 6 for merlin!
Ahh hey, thank you!! <3
2: a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
Demi!Arthur! I had to let it marinate a bit but now I can really see it honestly and it's very dear to me <3
3: a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
Hmm I think, in a way, Uther? Like I do disagree with a lot of takes people do have, but as much as I love to hate him, my understanding of him and his complexities has just grown a lot through the years, through seeing other people muse on it, whether I disagreed or agreed with the things they were saying!
6: something you see in art a lot and love
Merthur hugs. You're all so right and I love each and every single one of you who makes them hug <3
love your fandom asks
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merlinbingo · 2 months
Our Stars Still Shine Together: Chapter 1 by tansyuduri Ship: Merlin/Arthur Main Characters: Merlin, Arthur Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence Major tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Violance, Beginings, Summary: After saving the modern world, Arthur and Merlin realize Magic has returned to it.
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viiisenyas · 1 month
Tell me possative characetr traits about your OC and three negative ones!
OOOO I love this game! :D
Okay, so I'll go three for three.
dedicated - she is loyal to her family, and is willing to shoulder the responsibilities (and sometimes burdens) that are put on her.
spirited - while reverent to her elders, she is not afraid to speak her mind when the time calls for it, and she is comfortable with being assertive.
determined - once her mind is set on what she wants, she stops at nothing to accomplish her goals.
impulsive - boy oh boy, she does quite a few things on a whim, and unfortunately, she does have to reap the consequences of her actions haha
aggressive - this is a trait that develops later on down the line because of certain life tragedies, and unfortunately she's taken on a more bitter and pessimistic outlook on life.
unforgiving - she will hold a grudge all the way to her grave. Not to say that she won't be cordial when necessary, but if you cross her, she'll remember that.
Bonus: I'll throw in her moral alignment, too 💗
Starting out in all my AUs with Elaena, she is Neutral Good, but once things pick up, she becomes True Neutral, though sometimes she can lean towards Chaotic Neutral depending on the fic😅👀
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tansyuduri · 1 month
That night was the first time in a long time that Merlin did not share a bed with Arthur. The king watched Merlin settle into one of the leather chairs wrapped in blanket upon blanket and curled up with his phone.
The once and future king tried to decide what to do. Merlin had clearly been crying in the woods before they had found him. He had run off. Something was upsetting him but it was confusing. Merlin had never reacted like this to any of Arthur’s near deaths before. But perhaps this was the difference 1500 years made. Perhaps this was the difference actually seeing Arthur die once made, that had to be it. 
Arthur got out of bed, his bare toes cold against the floor, and wandered over to the man he loved. The problem was he did not know how to start.
“You can get addicted to those you know.” He teased and winced, not the right start. Merlin looked up at him from his blankets. “I’m not addicted” he told Arthur. “I’m just researching.”
“Listen, what happened fighting the monster-” Arthur began.
“Not your fault.”
“But you are upset about it.”
There was a long pause before Merlin answered. “I’m alright.”
Arthur looked at him. “Well I’m heading to bed now.” It was supposed to be an invitation to join him.
“Alright, sleep well.” Merlin went back to whatever it was he was doing.
Arthur lay down in bed again. Alone, confused, and berating himself for being silly. So what if Merlin wanted to spend one night not sleeping with him. He would not get upset. He was just being ridiculous.
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oakfiddle · 1 month
When you're getting close to end of your bookmarked merthur fics.
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Sort of a follow up to this one. Tagging @tansyuduri bc of reasons.
More of my #Merlinsillytextposts here (x)
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shana-rosee · 13 days
wip snippet
Thank yoooou @kairenn-n by the tag! This is going to be the next chapter of my oneshot collection fic: A Future Worth Having
It takes Arthur’s fans five days to figure out he’s Arthur’s boyfriend. Five days. Honestly, Merlin’s a bit surprised it took them that long.
“So, your fans found my art Instagram,” Merlin said turning his head on the pillow so Arthur could hear him better over the speakerphone.
“Shit. How bad?”
He sighed, “I don’t know I just woke up.” He scrolled through the now hundreds of comments that had appeared overnight on the painting he posted last week, almost all about Arthur. “Eh. Could be worse.”
He could feel Arthur’s frown over the mobile. “Could be? What the hell does that mean?”
“Well, so far no one’s shit on my art. Oh wait, never mind,” Merlin said with a snort.
Tagging: @witchmd13 @tansyuduri @thenerdyindividual @nuttersinc @aithusar
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