#tanthamore x reader
princesssmars · 8 months
a royal affair
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after their trumph against the crone and a long journey home, jade and kit return to a bustling kingdom and a tense relationship. little do they know the answer to their problems lies in a foreign princess.
wc : 6.096
contains : sfw and nsfw content. takes place after the season ends. dont ask me how they got back idfk. fxfxf poly relationship. kit and jade mutually start to like reader so no cheating. slight jealousy later but all resolved. reader is a fem!princess. skin color not described. reader is described as having hair. reader wears dresses and pants. arranged marriage but it ends well promise. nsfw includes kissing, oral, and penetrative sex. a strap on because i like em. switch reader, switch jade, dom kit bc i think its be cool if she was a freak idfk.
a/n : i need to be neutered. disney bring willow back or i send b0mb. kingdom name generator sucks so yes ur kingdom is one from skyrim. enjoy.
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it was over. it was finally over.
after a few months on the road fighting for their lives, discovering lost and painful secrets, and facing an ancient evil and actually surviving, the group from tir asleen were so glad to return home.
and none of the group were as thankful to return home as kit. sure when she got back she'd have to explain to the king of a neighboring country that his son, her fiancée, had died suddenly at the hands of the crone, and she'd have to deal with her best friend who was now more than that who was a member by birth of a clan she and her people previously thought were barbarians, and don't get her started on the whole thing with her dad actually still being alive.
but on that first night back as she takes a two hour long bath and flops onto her bed, she realized it was all so worth it.
when they returned it was nothing short of chaos. at that point a good portion of the people had thought the group had perished on the road, either due to the harsh climates, thieves, or probably just their own poor judgements and inexperience. but the kingdom had collectively lifted in spirits when the new heroes of tir asleen returned, victorious against a great evil and bringing back their beloved prince.
(the news about the whole giant evil wyrm thing was kept under wraps as to "not disturb this long needed sense of peace", as said by queen sorsha herself, who was surprised but not rejecting when as soon as they returned both of her twins slumped into her arms and gave her a giant warm hug.)
this so called sense of peace brought more changes than they expected. it was almost like the realm was revitalized, the daikinis expanding their reach and the nelwyns trusting willow enough when he suggested that they stop living in darkness and start rebuilding their community.
it was really nice, for most people to not be so afraid all of the time. but kit couldn’t truly revel in the shared joy of the people. not when she knew what she had learned out there.
that jade was a bone-reaver. that she had a sister and a whole community waiting back for her in the wilderness, and soon she would have to make a decision if she would stay here, with kit and the people who technically had stolen her from her family but she had nevertheless grown to love, or back with the reavers to build a connection with people who would welcome her with open arms.
every day between the two was tense. those romantic feelings were still there, obvious between the gazes in hallways and the frantic make outs in the dead of night in each others beds. but there was a weight, a sinking feeling in the both of their stomachs after each shared moment. the knowledge that one day this might end.
a few weeks into their return they don’t get much time to feel on it, as queen sorsha is alerted that two kingdoms from the north and the east have heard of the kingdoms triumphs and would like to visit to form alliances. kits a bit shocked that her mother seems so open to the idea, but figured anything would be better than her focusing on the threat of the wyrm and what will come of the shaken galladoorn king.
the preparation is a whirlwind, workers of the castle working day and night to get ready for the stay of distant royalty. whenever she’d stop by the kitchens to sneak away a snack it was as busy as she’d ever seen it, her favorite cook margaret always rushing her out before she could get a pastry.
kit had to admit she was wary about visitors. it’s not like a journey akin to the one she went on made for a perfect tale of random hospitality when it came to new people.
nevertheless, the time for the royals banquet came in the blink of an eye. she had spent a great deal of the day letting her lady’s maids get her read, taking a bath after an early morning air with jade, fixing her tousled hair and putting her in a classy yet breathable dress.
when she finally does get to the feast, she’s surprised by how much fun she actually has. a few lower ranking royals and warrior had coke from each kingdom, and spent the night telling stories from their pasts and some even reenacting them for the queen. kit swore she even saw her mother laugh at one of the stories, something about a stupid man falling head over heels for a woman who hated his guts.
kit was nothing but enthralled by the important guest of the evening. the royal family of the eastern kingdom, maelstrom, were a collection of tough looking people hardened by battles and a love for fighting. despite thinking they would be a family of scary hard asses, they had come bearing a multitude of gifts, the king constantly wearing a smile on his face as he was ecstatic to meet the legendary warrior turned queen sorsha.
and then there were the others. the royal family of winterhold, were a small family but carried a regal and powerful air about them. before eating the first course a noble guard had told her and jade some things about them, like how the family were known for being gracious but ruling with an iron fist. they had trampled many threats, people regularly mistaking their beautiful appearances for weakness.
and the princess of tir asleen had to admit she was guilty of the same thing. for the first hour she frequently catches the eye of a girl she’s never seen before from across the room. she can tell she’s an important person from the north, seen by her intricate hairstyle and the furs of her dress. every time you lock eyes you send her a little smile and she quickly turns her head away to avoid you.
she would feel guilty if a little while later when looking for jade who had wandered off she didn’t catch the both of you in the midst of conversation, jades sword in your hands as you admire the craftsmanship.
“it really is a beautiful weapon, jade. i’d love to see you use it in action, i’m sure you’re more than proficient with it.” kit listens to your conversation as she walks up behind the two of you, noticing how close you stand next to her knight.
“i don’t know how appropriate it would be for me to train in front of a visiting royal, but i’m sure i could pull some strings.“ jades head bows and tilts to yours, a sign kit recognizes as the red head being bashful. she doesn’t like how it makes her feel.
almost like you have a sixth sense you turn towards the princess, the quickness of it and your face being so close to hers throwing her off a bit.
“your highness, we finally meet. your companion here was just regaling me with the tale of your adventure and defeat of the crone. i have to admit im more than impressed.”
“it’s nice to meet you princess. i’m glad you’re warming up to us here. if you don’t mind, i’d like to talk to my close friend here. alone.”
“kit!” jade hissed, hoping you don’t take her partners words in the wrong way. but all you did was smile, bidding the two girls a good night and that you looked forward to seeing them later.
(jade wouldn’t admit that she thought jealousy was a rather cute look on the girl, especially later that night when the princess was moving like a woman starved to remove her clothing, staring at her body like she was going to tear her apart. she would let a little jealousy slide then.)
before the pair went to sleep jade decided to bring it up, not wanting the two them to go to sleep with any grudges or things left unsaid. it didn’t take much for kit to admit her feelings at the encounter she had with the foreign princess, but it did shock her when jade thought it was alright since she caught kit staring at you. a lot.
the next few days are now tense for a completely different reason. there is a mutual understanding between kit and jade that they both find you attractive, but they agree not to do anything about it in fear of freaking you out and jeopardizing the alliance. they swore to both be on their best behaviors'
but it was pretty damn hard to do so when it seemed like you were flirting with them often. the best example would be on the days that they sparred, you would frequently not be too far away as you watched the both of them with great interest. sometimes it would make one of them fumble, leading to the other to gain an advantage and win the round which always made you laugh before you left.
when it was clear that the two of them were going to keep dancing around whatever this was, you decided to take matters into your own hands. after careful observations you could tell what would attract each of the girls to you.
jade was more open to you after that first meeting. she was dedicated to the crown, although not as much as you would expect, but you could save that question for another day, and if you asked her for help with anything she would dutifully do as you requested. your favorite was asking her to show you some of her moves and attacks, praising her for her skills and what a talented warrior she was.
the warrior had a thing for praise - you realized when you complimented her for her strength after a simple self defense lesson ended up with you on the floor - could this get any better?
kit was a bit harder to crack for you. even with some careful questions and answers from jade, the brunette was still a bit standoffish when it came to you, most likely because you were flirting with her lover in front of her face and then flirted with her back after. but the clear internal battle in her was so intriguing to watch you couldn’t help but feed the flames.
since both of you were the heirs to your kingdoms and your mothers were still negotiating, the two of you spent quite a bit of time together inside the palace. granted most of it was spent in formal settings like meetings, dinners, et cetera. you could tell kit was constantly trying her hardest to be polite, but would sometimes let a sly remark slip through. you’re just glad they were directed at you under her breath; if you’re mother heard any disrespect targeted at you she’d most likely command her soldiers to attack at once.
but you were nothing if not persistent and determined. you would sometimes catch the way kit looked at jade, her pupils dilated and her lips bitten when the knight would stretch or show a sliver of the skin in her stomach. it was almost too easy to grab her attention when you started dressing in more traditional tir asleenian attire, swapping between tight pants to show off your figure or airy dresses with drooping necklines. they were drastically different from the garments from home, most of your clothes having fur and heavy fabrics.
you can still vividly picture the look on kit's face when you passed each other in the halls one morning, her eyes drawn like a magnet to the skin of your neck and the top of your cleavage in your pretty blouse. for added effect, you had worn one of those semi-corsets you'd seen the princess occasionally wearing. partly because you wanted her attention and partly because you thought they were cute.
besides trying to seduce the pair, they eventually became two people who you truly enjoyed being in your company. you were surprised at the leniency queen sorsha gave her children, the twins given free reign over the castle and the villages nearby. kit herself invited you once to join them in, lightly teasing you as for the first time she saw you nervous, scared of getting caught and having to face the wrath of your mother.
but one night it all became so, so worth it. a dark tavern, too much ale, and an off handed comment about how cute you found their not-so-secret relationship led to you three in a cramped rented room in a mix of kisses and tongues and limbs.
you had to admit you were thoroughly surprised by their dynamics in bed. when it came to training you noticed that whatever jade said to kit goes, the princess clearly having a deep affection and respect for the older girl. you would have thought that it would carry over into the bedroom and jade would be pinning kit to the bed, but when the three of you rush into the rented bedroom and kit pins jade's hands above her head you are exceptionally excited.
you sit yourself down on the bed, facing the tangled lovers while you slowly start to undress yourself. when you take off your top and your cloth bra, jade can't help but let out a moan at the feeling of one princess sucking and biting a mark into her neck and one exposing her breasts and smiling at her like a siren. she gets so overwhelmed when she feels kit's eager hand grasp her breath she has to push the girl by the shoulders, tilting her head to bring her attention to you.
now, you had had your fair share of trysts back home, easily able to find girls who had either wanted to experiment or just have one shot with the princess of winterhold. most of the time you had intercourse with girls you'd take on the more dominant role, be it because of the way some girls were inexperienced, some were just submissive at heart, and how you didnt think you enjoyed anything more than seeing pretty girls fall apart under you.
but as you and kit are almost violently fighting for dominance while she kissed you like she was almost insane, you're starting to think that duke's daughter you slept with a year ago who said "you're a control freak in court and it travels down into your sexual life." really was onto something.
you swore the brunette was about to give in, little moans escaping from her lips and her eyes rolling back into her head when you tug her hair to get access to her neck, but you suddenly get the wind knocked out of you when she's flipping you over and pressing you into the bed, your arms suddenly held above your head by jade as kit looks at you with a wild grin.
maybe you can be on the bottom, just this once.
except 'just that once' turned into a whole lot more than once. after that first night of passion and lust it seemed like the three of you couldnt keep your hands off of each other, taking any chance possible to sneak into a room or hidden broom closet to induldge in each other.
while you were able to change thins uo when you were with jade, a simple praise and brush across her neck turning the girl to putty in your arms. you had to be careful, though. once after another unneeded self defense lesson where she had beaten and pinned you in under a minute, one little "god, im so proud of you." led to her nearly humping you like a dog outside on the rocks.
but no matter what you did you still couldnt manage to dominate kit. youd be damning her to the high heavens if it didnt turn you on immensely on she could so quickly reduce you to a whimpering and begging mess.
it got to the point where you were daydreaming about her constantly. when you passed each other in the halls you shivered when her hand brushed against yours and it gave you the muscle memory of her lithe fingers curling and thrusting inside of you, when you were eating together your eyes focused on the movement of her mouth and how you could picture her mouthing at your cunt, or even how when you got the princess and jade tangled up after a spar you got so many ideas how badly you wanted your legs tangled with theirs as you felt your pleasure together.
they were actually driving you crazy. you, the heir of winterhold, fawning over a princess and her ptoector. if those girls back home could see you now they'd cackle.
the three of you werent as sneaky as you would have hoped though.
one night, kit had come to the two of you with a proposition and a package she had acquired, asking if you would like to try it out. jade had opened the package and the way her breathing stopped and eyes enlarged made you think there was actually a rabid wolf inside of the box, but instead she pulls out an object that is long and black and phallic. you’re a little embarrassed to even think of the flutter it starts in your chest.
"i think ill opt out, this once," you nervously squirm in your place. "gods, kit. where did you even get that? ive heard about these but ive never actually seen one."
"aw, are you scared?" kit pinches your shoulder and slightly winces when you do it to her wrist.
jade scoffs at the two of you before telling kit to stop teasing you, assuring you that you didnt have to do anything you didnt want to. gods, she was so sweet to you, always making sure you were comfortable with whatever was happening between the three of you. you just couldn't help yourself when kit was pounding the toy into her, her soft red curls resting on your lap as her big green eyes stared up at you. you could tell that your unmoving gaze on her face and the touch of your hands moving across her face, neck, and chest was not helping in her struggle to keep her noises at bay.
so when your fingers traveled to her breasts and squeezed her nipples, could you really blame yourself for the loud moan that came from her throat? it wasn't exactly your fault she was sensitive. although if it was up to her she would say you definitely knew what you were doing, especially when your fingers trailed down her torso and lightly grazed her clit just at the same moment kit roughly trusted her hips and hit the gooey spot deep inside of her.
looking back, it was only a matter of time until the three of you got caught.
only three days later both of your mothers asked you and kit to join them to a private tea. it wasn't odd for your mother to ask you to tea with her at home, but she hadn't called for you since you arrived in tir asleen. on the way kit had even told you her mother hated tea, and she couldn't recall a time in recent years when the two of them just sat in a room talking to each other without an argument starting.
when you entered the room you could immediately tell something was wrong. first, jade and erik were there; jade was supposed to have a rare day of rest today, and erik was...well, he wasn't often present at important conversations you had come to learn. second, your mother looked on edge. in all your years on earth, you had never seen her show any sign of weakness, the woman learning from a young age that being a ruler of an entire nation meant constantly being guarded. the sight of her being nervous put a sick feeling in your stomach.
"uh, mom? is something going on?" kit took a blunt approach before sitting down on the armchair across from her mother as you did the same. sorsha face looked tense but also a little judgy if you were reading her right.
sorsha raised her hand in a simple gesture and a timid-looking girl wearing a maid uniform came rushing from the corner of the room until she stood behind the sitting queen. you stared at her for a second until the realization hit you like a brick in the face. you never caught her name, but you knew she worked in the hallways surrounding kits room.
"this is moira, one of the new maids who works in the west wing," sorsha begins to explain as the maid in question can't meet your eyes, her eyes staring at her feet. "a few days ago she took the night shift for cleaning some of the floors and heard something quite peculiar coming from your room, kit."
"mom, i can explain-"
"no, kit, we would really like you to not explain." the queen's voiced raised as she quickly cut kit off, the girl's body going rigid beside yours. at this point you were the same, your mom's cold glare making you uncomfortable in your seat.
"although i'm slightly embarrassed at this situation, both because of the nature of it and how fast it seems to be spreading among the staff, queen morwine and i have come up with a proposed solution to this."
as soon as you heard this proposed (more like already decided) idea, for the two of you to get married in the following weeks, you think you blacked out for a few hours. and in hindsight that was horrifying. if there was anything your parents taught you it was to be composed, to be ready for anything at a moment's notice. but to be fair you'd never had to deal with an arranged marriage proposal before.
everything you could remember after it was said was a blur. you could remember kit yelling, obviously opposed to the idea of yet another arranged marriage, at the fact that she thought she had finally managed to finally convince her mother that she deserved the right to choose who she wanted to spend the rest of her life with and had proven she wasn't just a political pawn. even though you agreed with what she was saying, the malice in her voice from even just the idea of marrying you hurt.
jade was in an equal state of shock and only moved from her spot when you stumbled out of the room to the audible disapproval from your mother and rushed down the halls.
before you knew it you had run out of breath and settled on a log by a lake not far from the castle grounds. the sun was setting and there were fireflies out over the water. you could hear frogs croaking. it was nice. peaceful.
the knight gently rested a hand on your shoulder. "are you alright?"
you really didnt know how to answer the question.
"up north all of our lakes are frozen solid. the only time you see the water is when the ice is broken for ice sellers or a fool falls through on a dare that they can walk all the way across. i'd never even seen a fully melted one until we started to journey here," you breathe slowly and rub your hands up your arms, the night chill starting to take an effect. jade sits beside you and her natural warmth makes you feel a little better. "i care about you both, really, i do. but whatever this is has only just started and i...i don't know if I'm ready to give my whole life up for it."
the air goes quiet and the sun sets before she walks you back to your room, pausing outside of the door and taking your hand in hers and pressing a soft kiss to the back of your hand.
"i know this will be difficult but just...don't shut us out, please."
you could only give her a smile before you shut the door.
the next two weeks were tense.
sometimes when you were little you'd dream about your wedding, picturing a gorgeous girl waiting for you at the end of a beautiful altar and everything would be big and grand and snowy and perfect.
but now you're in a nation that's hot and filled with people you don't know but you're apparently about to rule over, and your gorgeous girl has been giving you the cold treatment ever since the news broke. you had tried cornering her in the halls, after sparring, even after dinner, but she always found a way to get around you and continue doing whatever the hell she was doing.
she wasn't talking to jade either, which slightly made you feel better because if she was you'd be feeling jealous, left a sour taste in your mouth at how she was shutting both of you out for no reason. one night jade had snuck extremely carefully into your room to bring you some snacks you'd been craving and had told you that the princess was just feeling a mix of betrayal, hurt, and worry all at the same time and wasn't the best at handling her emotions when she was upset.
if there was anything keeping you grounded at that time it was jade. she had to tread carefully so it didn't look like she was choosing sides between the two of you, but she always made sure to be there when you were slipping. one of the royal wedding planners was pressuring you to pick a flower to add to the bouquets that would be used to decorate the ceremony and the one you'd hold as you walked down the aisle, and just when you were on the brink on breaking down and just retreating to you room altogether jade stepped in for you and recommended a mix of your favorite flowers from your homeland and kits, signifying the union of your nations in a small but beautiful way.
and maybe having so much of her attention and still having to see kits stupid but cute upset face whenever she saw the two of you got to your head, because later that night you're sitting with jade by that same lake from a while ago and kissing her like your starving, pulling her closer by the back of her neck while your hips grind into hers like you'll die if you don't get closer to her. a few weeks ago you had all agreed to not leave too visible marks, but when you bite roughly on her collarbone and she pulls you closer by your hips, you don't really think she cares.
which is great for you, because when you walk with jade to drop her off at her training session and kit sees the mark on her skin her reaction is worth every bit of sadness you felt.
the night before your wedding was nice you would admit. there was a banquet with both families and a few dozen others, which gave you a crazy sense of deja vu, and you were able to somewhat enjoy yourself. your younger siblings were teasing you nonstop and some of the more vulgar court members were doing the same in a way that made you slightly uncomfortable, but nothing you hadn't heard before. it'd be made better if your bride-to-be wasn't glaring holes into the side of your head every so often, but you would take what you could get.
once the party has ended and an uncountable amount of people had wished you 'good luck's and 'congratulations'' for the following day, you trek back to your bedroom and decide to wind how with a nice warm bath and some scents a courier had brought from your home. just as you had poured the liquid into the water and sunk into the water, the gentle whoosh of the bathroom door opening and closing has your eyes widening and reaching for the closest thing you could as a weapon when your gaze lands on kit, standing at the door with her arms crossed and staring you down.
"if you don't mind, i'd like to spend my night alone and not with you leering at me while i do it."
"to be fair, its nothing i haven't seen before," she smirks and starts to walk closer to your bath, not being able to avoid you flicking water on her clothes. "this is serious, i want...i need to talk to you."
you can't help but scoff at her words. "oh, you need to talk to me? i wasn't really getting that from the past two weeks of silence and ignoring."
"i know, i get it, and im sorry-"
"that's not enough."
you close your eyes and focus on your breathing, not wanting a fight to start lest anyone hear it through the walls. you can hear the sound of kit's boots moving until they stop at the side of your tub, seeing the girl get on her knees before softly taking your hand and holding it over her heart.
"you're right, its not enough. i acted like a complete and utter dick to you and you didn't deserve it. i was so in my head about the wedding, and my mom and graydon and jade and you, that i shut both of you out when we all should have been with each other. and i swear I'm gonna spend the rest of our dumb married lives making it up to you."
you couldn't help but snort at her while she apologized, able to tell that she truly meant it. it was all just hitting you how much you missed her these past few weeks, how she was always trying to say something humourous to break your 'cold exterior'.
(she thought that joke was hilarious and neither you nor jade had the heart to tell her it was lame.)
"i forgive you, kit. and dont think for a second that im not going to hold you to that promise." you brought a hand up to sweep some hair away from her face, chuckling when she lightly tries to shake off the water your fingers left.
she looks at you so fondly before giving you a light kiss on your lips. but blame it one the faint traces of alcohol still in your system, or the low lighting of the bathroom, or just the sensitivity from opening up to each other, but the kiss quickly turns heated before you're both hurriedly rushing to remove her clothing before she's joining you in the bath, the both of you giggling as water sloshes on the ground and you nearly cackle when you see kits giant little toy below her hips.
"were you planning this? you expected me to forgive you as easily as i did?"
"no, but. a princess is always prepared."
luckily no loud noises were heard in the hallway (where jade happened to be standing outside of your bedroom door for both protection and assurance for kit), even though it took biting your lip until you thought it would bleed before kit took some pity on you before she manuevered your body to take you from behind, covering your mouth with her hand as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
once your high hits you with what feels like the power of a hundred stars, the girl carefully lifts you from the cold water and helps you dry off before leading you to lie down on your bed, where jade waits in the middle after assuring you all helpers on the night shift didn't come near your room out of respect or privacy.
you laid in between the two girls, jade in front of you and kit behind you as they snuggled into you and held hands across your waist. they whispered sweet words in the darkness of the room, promising each other that they wouldn't let this get in the way of their previous relationship, that they hoped to build a great life with you by their side, and that they couldn't wait to spend the rest of their lives with you.
you fell asleep dreaming of a white wedding in spring. you really enjoyed it.
when you woke up the two of them had already left to get ready for the wedding, as a handful of lady's maids came in to prepare you for the day. you were thankful they ignored how worn out you looked as they helped you to take another bath and do up your hair.
if there was one thing you loved most it was your dress. it was a traditional but gorgeous dress from your homeland, and you were glad your mother insisted on it being made exactly the way you had envisioned. she might have forced you into a marriage but she'd be damned if you didn't look exactly how you had always dreamed.
the preparation was over in what felt like a second, and before you knew it you were walking down the aisle. the renovated dining hall was ethereal, decorated in a combination of white and purples and blues and pinks and greens. winter meets spring.
regret was seeping into you for picking jade to be your maid of honor because seeing her stand across from kit makes you feel so nervous and sick and in love that you want to just turn around and take a breather for a few hours.
the vows arent long and once you give her a quick kiss it doesn't fully register in your mind that the two of you are actually married now. but it does feel different. like there's a new gravity to your relationship that wasn't there before that both terrifies and excites you.
the reception is lovely as well. compared to last night there are less inappropriate jokes and more genuine well-wishes for the two of you and what this marriage will do for both kingdoms.
the mention of your home would make your mouth twitch. you were starting to become truly happy here, but you would always miss winterhold.
after the food was served and some forms of entertainment were performing for the crown, your mother pulled you aside to talk. at this point, you hadn't talked to her in a few weeks, safe for required details about the wedding or basic pleasantries.
"i understand you're upset with me, and i know that i will have to earn your trust again. and i will do so no matter how long it takes. sorsha and i have been discussing establishing a safer and faster trade route between here and winterhold, maybe start establishing some new towns to people displaced by this crone madness. once its finished you can come back whenever you'd like. it will always be your home, no matter what."
you hugged her tighter than you ever had before.
after the toasts are made and the festivities of the night (which were very fun, you had to admit. you asked kit what gave some of the people such a love for fun and partying and she said it was something her dad brought out in people) are over you make your way to kits room and plop yourself down on the bed, kit and jade in tow and plopping down themselves. its quiet for a while. as they help you out of your wedding dress no words are said. nothing about how two of you are going to be queens once sorsha steps down, nothing about how jade has agreed to go visit her sister for a while to bond with her family and her people before coming back and seeing if there was any way to help them more, or how kit would most likely go on another adventure with boorman and the elora danan to help her father escape from wherever he was.
all you could focus on was the two girls who you cared about more than anything and being surrounded by them as you fell asleep, knowing that whatever new surprises that came in the future you would face.
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i love them a lot is it obvious. the bath scene was inspired by a p0rn video i saw on twitter but then i remembered they didn't have showers in that time period :( i didn't realize until the end that i barely talked about boorman elora and willow... ok bye bye
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319 notes · View notes
thatsgay-writes · 1 year
Happy Ending
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Part 1
Part 2
Request: Happy ending
"I am your king!" You hear Airk yell and you shake your head at his idiocrasy. You keep an eye on both battles happening at each side of the fountain when you notice a movement out of the corner of your eye. It's the nice looking version of the Crone, the captured Princess of Cashmere, and she was sneaking up on Elora who was too busy with the Crone. You knew that Kit was supposed to be Elora's defender but she was locked in a heated battle with Jade against her brother and no one else was in sight. So you take of running towards the other princess and tackle her to the ground. She manages to escape your hold and grabs a sword that was laying on the ground. "How are you here and there?" You ask you unsheathe your sword and take off your sling. "Magic." Is all she says before charging at you and you accept that answer because that seemed reasonable. Your swords clashed loudly as she swung hers in a downward motion with two hands. If you were at 100%, this would have been the easiest fight of your life because it seems that when the Crone split herself, she kept all the magic for her form directly fighting Elora. And the princess version of her was mediocre at best with a sword.
But each time you had to use both arms to hold the sword to block an attack, pain was shot throughout your body, black spots danced across your vision, and everything was just so sore. "I thought this would be a harder fight." Princess Crone taunts as you roll to the side to dodge another hit. "Well maybe if this was a fair fight, you wouldn't be so cocky." You say back as you let out deep breathes. Dodging was better than blocking but it was still so taxing on your body. "Then how about I make it fair." She responds as she smacks you across the head with the hilt of her sword. "Wha-" Is all you can say as the hit dazes you before letting out a strangled scream. "There, no arm, no pain." You fall back against a wall and hold what's left of your arm to your chest, blood coating your clothes. "You bitch!" You yell at her as tears stream down your face. "Don't worry, I know how to make the pain stop permanently." She says as she brings her sword over your chest and you accept your fate. But the blow never comes.
"Hi." Kit says happily as she holds Airk's face in her hands, glad she was able to save her brother. "You're okay." Willow says from behind her and Airk just nods before sending a questioning look to his sister. "Who is that?" Kit laughs as she lets a happy tear slide down her face, she turns to look at her group of friends. "That's Willow..." Kit surveys her group, Boorman having just arrived covered in goop, just meant you and Graydon weren't here. Graydon for obvious reasons but you...
Kit's face morphs from one of pure happiness to fear. "Where's y/n?" Kit feels like she can physically see Jade's heart stop. Everyone else looks around confused before they get worried as well. "Y/n!" Boorman starts to yell as he turns and starts to look for you, everyone else joins in.
"Help... Help! Please.." You say as loud as you can as you feel tears fall down your face. What energy you had, had been used to remove your shirt and tie it around your missing ligament. It wasn't doing much as it had already started dripping blood onto the sand. "I'm right here! Please!" You could feel yourself getting weaker as you attempted to yell out for your friends. Coldness and fear had washed over you as you realized you could die here and they may never find you. You just wanted to go home, as childish as it sounds, you just want to close your eyes and pretend this trip never happened. That when you opened them, you would be back in Tir Asleen. Either in the stables or on the training ground with Kit and Jade. "Kit... Jade... Please..."
It had been the faintest of sounds against the loud shouting and clashing of armor that Jade was almost sure she was making it up. Jade wanted to ignore it and continue looking for you but something in the back of her mind was nagging at her to check it out. Jade rounded the corner of the hallway you were laying in, sword drawn, when she saw your slumped figure. "No." Her sword clattered loudly on the ground as it slipped from her grasp before she was racing towards you, the sound catching the attention of the rest of the group who were quick to follow. Jade felt nauseous as she ran up to you, the missing arm and blood become more and more apparent the closed she got.
"Y/n!" She yelled as she fell to her knees in front of you, hands on your shoulders in an instant trying to get you to wake up. It isn't till everyone else is there and Kit is on the other side of you in clear distress that you come too. "Ja- Jade?" You whisper out brokenly as you try and focus on what's in front of you. It was clear to the group that you were struggling, barely there. "Yeah, I'm right here, okay? We're gonna figure something out so I just need you to hold on." You tried to not your head, unsure if you actually did. "Kit?" You asked, eyes still struggling to remain focused. Jade has to pull Kit away from her begging to Willow to help you. "I'm here too," Kit tells you as she holds your face in her hands, wiping away your tears. "Willow do something please!" Kit begs as she turns to look back at the older man but he looks just as hopeless as the rest of them. "The wounds is too... mortal. Nothing I know can reverse or stopped what has happened."
Kit breaks down at his words and moves closer to you, not caring about the blood surrounding you, to lay her head on your chest to hear your heartbeat. "Please does anyone have any ideas." Jade pleads as she watches the two people she loves in complete agony. Everything is silent for a minute before Boorman exclaims loudly, "I have an idea, someone give my your sword!" He yells as he opens up the pouch on his waist. Everyone takes a second to look at him confused but he just keeps talking. "Now this isn't a permanent fix and could possibly lead to a plethora of infections but it'll stop the bleeding at least." He say as he works and in a few seconds is holding up a fresh, albeit small, torch. He reaches his hand out to the group and Airk passes him a sword that had been laying on the ground near them.
He begins to heat up the sword, "Had to do this a few times when I was running with the Bone Reavers, even once with your sister... Hell of a story, but you need to hold y/n down because this will hurt." He takes the torch away from the sword that is now slightly red where the torch was heating it up. Kit puts an arm out across your chest and arms to hold you down, while Jade holds down your legs. Boorman removes the wrap around your stump, which causes you to cry out in pain, before placing and removing the heated sword along the base of your arm to make sure he gets every part of it cauterized. The second the blade had touched your skin you were screaming out in pain and fighting against the hold Kit and Jade had on you. "Stop! Please stop!" Before finally passing out from the pain once Boorman was done.
It was quiet as the group finally took a second to take in all that has happened in the last hour. The loss of Graydon, defeating the Crone, getting Airk back, and now almost losing you. It had been a long day. "We should, we should make camp somewhere nearby. I think we can all agree it's been a long day." Willow says as he lets his shoulders sag and rest his weight on his staff. Everyone else silently agrees and Willows starts walking towards the river that connected to the waterfall they had come from. Jade gently pulls Kit away from your body so Boorman could carry you. When they stand they use each other as support, fear still present in there eyes and posture as they trudge along behind the group. Both girls were scared. What if they had found you too late? What if Boorman didn't cauterize the wound? What if... What if they had lost you?
The group had made camp a little ways from the river and spread out a little. Willow sat with Elora as she grieved the loss of Graydon, Boorman sat near the river edge as he watched the sunset, Kit sat in-between you and Airk holding your hands while Jade sat on the other side of you and let her head rest on your shoulder. You finally woke up later into the night with a grunt of pain while everyone else except for Kit was asleep. She heard you make noise and sat up fast, almost waking Airk. "Y/n? Hey, your safe. Open your eyes for me." Kit said as she placed a hand on your cheek and watched your eyes flutter open. "Kit?" You ask, eyebrows furrowed in pain. "It hurts." Kit gives you a sad smile as she reaches over to wake up Jade. Jade wakes with a start, eyes instantly checking over you to make sure you were okay, a smile grows on her lips when she sees that you're awake. "They're still in pain and they feel a little hot. I thought a dip into the river would help." Kit explains to Jade who nods in agreement and she finally shakes herself fully awake.
The three of you attempt to silently make your way to the water but you kept groaning and moaning as the two girls helped you walk. Luckily, no one else woke up. "I'm going to need help with my pants... and where is my shirt?" You ask as the Kit and Jade help you sit on a rock next to the water. "Your shirt was covered in blood and needed to be cleaned." Jade responded as she bent down to help you undress. You nodded as you noticed how tense she and Kit were. You wanted to ask but waited until you were in the coolness of the river to do so.
"Are you guys okay?" You ask as the three of you sit together in the river, cool water flowing around you. "Are we okay?" Jade asks incredulous, "We found you on death's door and your asking if we're okay?" You could see Jade was getting mad but Kit rested a hand on her shoulder to try and calm her down. "I'm sorry." You say as you reach to grab Jade's hand only to realize you were moving the arm without one. You cringe, "I should have listened to you and stayed back." Jade just let's out a sad laugh, "We both know you never would have. Why do you think I barred the door." You let out a sigh and turned to Kit, who had been unusually quiet the entire time. "Kit, say something, please." Kit, who had been looking into the water the whole time finally, raised her head and you could see fresh tears rolling down her face. "We almost lost you. Today has just been so hard. We lost Graydon and then I got Airk back but seeing you slumped against the wall as Jade begged you to wake up... Broke me. How am I suppose to be Elora's protector when I can barely protect the people I love?"
"Don't say that. You can't rest that kind of weight on your shoulders. Everything bad that has happened today was because of the crone. Who you helped defeat, and because of that you protected not only our group but the rest of the world." Kit shook her head, "And for what? For the Wyrm to come at any time and start a war?" You place a hand on Kit's shoulder and Jade moves to wrap one of her arms around her. "Forget that all for a second okay? The Wyrm for now is something out of our control. So focus on what is and what was, focus on today and how we won. Yes, we suffered loss but in the end it was not in vain."
Kit shakes her head, "I just... I don't know if I can go through something like this again.." You use your hand to make Kit raise her head and look at you again. "I can't promise that nothing like this will happen again but what I can promise you is that no matter what, I will always be by your side." You glance to Jade, "We will always be in your corner, okay?" Kit goes to say somethings, probably to argue with what you said but you just pull her into a kiss instead. One that you had been waiting on for years. When you pull back, Kit's eyes are still wet but her face now holds a large smile. "You didn't give me time to respond earlier, but I love you guys too and I have for a long time." Jade takes your attention away from Kit by cupping your face and pulling you into a kiss of your own. "You have no idea happy that makes us." Jade says as she gives Kit a quick kiss on the lips too. "Just next time, lets not loosing an arm and almost dying be the reason to communicate our feelings." Kit lets out a laugh and pulls the three of you into a group hug, feeling like the weight of the world was just lifted from her shoulders. "No promises."
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thatsgay-writes · 1 year
The Princess & The Knight… & Archer?
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Summary: Redo-ish of the troll episode, a lot of time jumps because the episodes are almost an hour long and that's a lot to cover.
You had known Jade and Kit for as long as you could remember. You and Jade had both been stable hands until Commander Ballantine had taken an interest in you both and swept you away into a life of knighthood. While Jade became good with her sword, you preferred a bow and arrow. Because of your training, you were able to meet Princess Kit of Tir Asleen after Queen Sorsha asked the two of you to help her practice/train. Jade would take her out to a rocky cliff where they would duel and you would sun bathe. And you would take her into the forest to either have a competition of some sorts or to hunt, while Jade would sharpen her sword or practice on some trees. Growing up with the two of them had been one of the biggest highlights of your life. Every time you were with them, together or separately, your heart would feel like it was about to beat out of your chest and you felt all these nerves in your stomach. But when you saw Kit kiss Jade the night she was going to run away your heart sunk, the sparkle in your eye faded. And both Kit and Jade noticed… And they were worried.
Both had assumed your emotionlessness stemmed from the capture of Prince Airk, who you also enjoyed hanging out with... After he stopped hitting on you. You had tried your hardest to mask what you felt but seeing Kit and Jade together, both acting like the kiss hadn't even happened, hurt. Maybe they were just trying to keep their relationship on the low since Kit was suppose to marry Prince Graydon. Maybe they weren't in a relationship at all and more so friends with benefits? But why wouldn't they tell you? You had so many questions running through your mind but there was one thing you knew for certain, Kit and Jade's happiness and safety were and will always be your top priority. So when Kit volunteered to go beyond the barrier and Queen Sorsha agreed, you let out a breath of nerves and silently walked away from Jade and stood behind Kit. A silent volunteer to go and a silent vow to yourself to protect the two people you loved who loved each other.
--- Time Skip ---
Things had finally felt like they were looking up, even if the 5 men you were drinking with had also been the same 5 you had knocked out less than 24 hours ago when you thought Jade was going to get killed by her sister. You thought you had already had a big enough heart attack to last a lifetime, until the trolls attacked out of nowhere and Jade appeared informing us that Kit had been taken. Jade tried not to show it but you could tell she was scared, you were too. Neither of you had dealt with trolls or knew much about them. Either way, everyone knew you had to get Kit and Willow back and after spending the rest of the evening coming up with a plan, you all retired to your tents for the night so you could leave early the next day.
As soon as the meeting was over you turned and headed straight to your tent. But when you heard Jade's name said over the crunching of leaves under your foot, you turned around to see her speed walking to catch up to you. She does turn when her name is called, her sister offering to share her tent, but Jade declines and catches up to you. She grabs ahold of your hand and motions for you to lead the way to your tent and you oblige, missing the way Elora's eyes watch both of you leave in confusion before a look of realization and a small smirk take over her face.
As soon as you and Jade entered your tent, she started undressing and doing her nightly routine. Well as close to it as she could get being out in the woods. You just let her do her thing and prepare for bed as well, you and Jade had to share a bed when you were stable hands so you figured you were sharing a bed again now. You got into bed first laying on your side and facing the inside of the bed, Jade mirrored your position. "We'll get her back." You say trying to reassure her as she stares at you, eyes filled with fear. "I was there, I watched her get taken. I should have grabbed her, something."
"Jade, we were all taken by surprise." You tell her as you let one of your hands come up and rest on her cheek. "You did the best you could. What if you had grabbed Kit and then been taken too? Our numbers are low as is. We need you, I need you. Okay?" Jade lets out a small sniffle as she smiles. "Yeah, you always know what to say." She lets out a yawn as she moves in closer to you, causing you to move as well and lay on your back. Jade takes it all in stride and places her head on your chest and lets one arm wrap around your waist. Just like how you both slept together when you were kids. "Now let's go to sleep we got a big day ahead of us."
--- Time Skip to Troll Mountain ---
"Wow! First we walk through troll poop and now Elora has a earthshaking magical sneezes." You say as the ground beneath your feet finally stops shaking. "We need to get out of here because I'm sure and earthquake set off any alarms made by the trolls." It's quiet for a few moments before Boorman speaks up. "I have an idea."
"If I knew your idea involved me smelling hot troll for an unknown amount of time I would have disagreed." You tell Boorman as you slip on the helmet of the hazmat suit and move towards Jade and her sister, stopping when you start to overhear there conversation. "I need to save as many as I can." Scorpia tells Jade as she turns to her. "I need to find Kit. I promised I'd get them to Immemorial City." Jade responds knowing this would probably be the last time she would see her sister for a while. "You have a family now, and when this is all over, you're gonna have to decide whether your with them or with us." Scorpia tells Jade as she gives you a sideways glance and you turn away from the sisters immediately, missing the knowing look Scorpia gives Jade.
You creep along the side of the cliff, between Jade and Elora. "I feel like this is a bad time to say I have a fear of heights?" You ask no one specifically as you continue to stare upwards. "Then whatever you do, don't look down." Jade responds like it's the easiest thing in the world. "Yeah, totally. Except I'm one of those people. Where when you tell me not to look or think about something and then I have to and..." Elora trails off as she looks over the edge. You silently pray that she either keeps moving or falls off so you can get to the other side faster. "She was right, don't look." Is all Elora says again before she starts moving.
"Okay and now we are on a bridge, a bridge is nicer than a cliff right." You quietly say to yourself as you finally reach the end of the cliff. "But there is a hole on the bridge and if someone misses they will fall to their death but that's okay because we are all athletic... Maybe someone should help Elora." You continue your inner monologue as you jump over the gap and are ready to continue.
Your heart drops, however, when you hear the sound of wood breaking and Jade yelling out in fear. Without hesitance, you turn around and lunge towards the gap in the bridge and Jade. "Help me pull her up!" You yell at Elora and Boorman who looked at the scene in shock before finally getting into action. "Jade saving you has caused me to look down and I now might throw up on you out of fear." You tell her as the three of you continue to pull her up, Jade just grabs onto your sleeves tighter. "And your up!" Boorman says as you all fall backwards after pulling Jade back onto the bridge, the relief shattered almost immediately as Elora makes it known that the wand has fallen off the bridge. Once, off the bridge you do make sure to give Jade a tight hug and make a mental note of the third heart attack you've had in the last 48 hours.
"The biggest mistake of my life." Boorman says as you, Jade, and Elora look at each other in confusion. "Boorman!" A random man shouts as he makes his presence known, behind him enters Willow and Kit. A smile graces your face along with the feeling of relief as you and Jade make your way towards her. You let Jade hug her first and then give Kit a tight hug once the two release each other. "Great now we can leave right?" You ask your companions ready to leave the mountain. "No!" Boorman and the still unknown man say, "We still need to find Wiggleheim's tomb."
"Seems perhaps you need more time, or if you wish I'll repeat my rhyme." You groan at that sentence that has been repeating for what feels like a life time. "If we get stuck in here, I volunteer we eat Boorman first." You whisper to Kit as she sits between you and Allagash. "I don't know, he's all muscle." Kit responds and you nod your head like you were taking the discussion seriously. "As you say Princess." You tell Kit with a small laugh as she pushes your shoulder lightly, Jade watching the whole thing play out from her seat behind you with a small smile.
"Nothing!" Elora randomly says as she stand up, stopping Allagash and Boorman from fighting. "The answer is nothing!" She yells to the stone face and happy music follows soon afterwards. The exit behind you and the one into the tomb open simultaneously as Boorman and Allagash rush into the tomb to see who could find the Cuirass first. Kit, who was sitting next to you, stands and walks towards the entrance. You give her hand a quick squeeze before letting go and staying where you are, knowing this was something she needed to do alone. Jade walks a couple steps to stand next to you and the both of you share a nervous look before continuing to watch Kit.
Elora follows Kit into the room and the mountain starts shaking again a few seconds later. "Go get Kit and Elora, I'll try to get the two adults to stop acting like children. We need to leave." You tell Jade as you try to break up the fight between Boorman and Allagash, who ends up with the Cuirass. "Dad! Dad!" You hear Kit yelling and your heart breaks at how desperate she sounds, it also doesn't help to see that Jade had to practically pick her up to get her out of the tomb. "We need to get out of here now." Jade says as the rumbling gets worse and everyone nods in agreement before running out the door. You notice Kit lag behind and you stop at the door waiting for her. Kit looks back at the tomb before looking at you with tears in her eyes and all you can do is hold out your hand to her. She takes it and the both of you exit together right as the entrance crumbles.
The fight between your group and the trolls was a brief but intense one with luckily no injuries to group, minus Allagash getting stabbed. The quickest exit for you all was a metal gate on the side of the wall that led somewhere. Everyone entered the tunnel quickly but Kit lagged behind again, so you waited. It was taking her a little longer than what you were comfortable with so you headed back towards where you had just come from, only to catch the end of an interesting conversation. "What matters the most?" You hear Kit ask and you just make out Allagash responding with the name "Elora Danan."
"Shit." You mumble to yourself as you hear his response. Kit and Elora we're just getting to a good spot again and you knew this would destroy whatever foothold they had found. You waited where you were for a few more seconds, not wanting to seem like you were intruding, when Kit finally crawled around the bend and you could see the anger in her eyes. You knew Allagash wasn't coming and you could tell by the look on her face that whatever you had to say would go in one ear and out the other. So you just slid down the rest of the whole and prayed you would make it out of the mountain alive.
Kit always chose the wrong time to start an argument. Whether it be in the middle of hunt, bursting into your room mid clothing change, or now standing on the top crust of magic liquid as the earth around you shook and fell. "Kit now is not the time." You tell her along with everyone else as she talks to Elora. "Blame me, hate me, just please, can you just do it somewhere else because if we stay here we're both gonna..." It happened so fast, one minute Kit was yelling at Elora and Elora was begging her to stop and the next she was submerged under the water. A large stone falling and hitting the ground directly beneath her, shattering it. You dive towards the hole it created as fast as you could and stick your hand in trying to grab Kit but it was too late. You felt Kit grab onto your hand the same time as the hole closed in on your arm causing you to yell out of pain, the crystalizing magic water stabbed into your arm as it tried to close. Turning the ground you laid on red and staining your clothes.
"Kit! No!" You can hear Jade scream as she runs up to you and Elora. She takes out her sword and goes to hit the ground with it but stops in fear of hitting. "Just start hitting!" You tell her as you use your other hand to ram the butt of your sword into the ground. Jade follows your example along with Boorman. "C'mon Kit! Please! Her grip is weakening!" You tell the others as your hits to the ground get more desperate, the consistent moving of your body causes the crystals to move deeper into your arm. "Willow do something please! She's letting go and I can't hold on much long!" You beg him with tears in your eyes, from pain and fear. "I could blow you up on accident!" He responds and you glare at him. "I don't care! Just do it!"
"Vantage abhor turmach." Willow starts chanting repeatedly as he points the spell just above where your arm is stuck. You see Jade move towards your legs as to not get in the way but to also pull you out of the way if Willow does manage to blow the hole open. You reach your hand down to her and when she grabs onto it you squeeze hard. With no free hands, the tears you were trying to hide start to run down your face and onto the ground. Willow falls the ground after a few tries from exhaustion and Elora picks up where he left off. Her magic was brighter than his and you have to turn your head away as she continues to yell. "Vantage abhor turmach!"
Your arm is fully numb by the time Elora gets the spell to work and Jade pulls you backwards as soon as the ground explodes and frees your arm. Jade pulls you into her chest as she takes a moment to make sure you didn't get hit anywhere else from the explosion. You let relief wash over you as you let out a few sobs into her shoulder but you urge her to check on Kit as soon as you hear her let out a cough. Jade looks torn between leaving you and checking on Kit but you give her the best reassuring look you can and nudge her towards Kit.
You watch as Jade mirrors the position she had just held you in with Kit and you snap yourself back into reality. You struggle to stand, the blood loss hitting you like a brick now that adrenaline had worn off, and watch as Boorman picks Kit up and throws her over his shoulder. Jade reaches down to grab her and Kit's sword and then yours as she sees you sway on your feet. "C'mon!" She says as she grabs you by your good arm and starts to pull you with her towards the exit.
Your group doesn't stop until you reach the shattered sea. Kit walking on her own after regaining some strength while you continue to struggle behind the group. The makeshift bandage on your arm in need of a desperate change. "What's our final test?" Elora asks Willow as you all stare out into the large expanse of the sea. "We walk across it." He tells her and you want to cry right then and there. You didn't know if you could keep walking like you had just been for days on end but you knew if it was what needed to be done and that Kit and Jade were going, you would follow anyways. Boorman immediately asks about any other way to travel but is shot down quickly.
"Then let's go." Kit says as she goes to take a step but Jade puts her arm out stopping her. "No, you need to rest." Kit just shrugs off her arm, "I'm good." "I personally wouldn't mind a quick rest." You butt in. Kit and Jade turn to look at you and both look worried as they take in your heavy breathing, bloody bandage, and how blood was rolling down you arm and dripping off your fingers. "Maybe rest wouldn't be the worst idea." Kit concedes as she takes a few steps towards you to make sure you were alright, only for her to fall.
Part 2
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no-often-heavy-event · 2 months
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thatsgay-writes · 1 year
The Princess & The Knight... & The Archer? Part 2
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Part 1
Not Proof Read, Nothing Is Proof Read
TW: Death (I apologize in advance :) )
The days blur together as you ride in the silt sleigh across the shattered sea. The wound on your arm was definitely affecting you still, even after your friends tried their own methods of healing on it, but you were getting better at managing the pain. Each day, Jade or Kit or sometimes both would sit in with you and you would all talk about anything and everything you could. It was nice, it felt like you were back in the old days where there was less responsibilities and less chances of death. At night you would usually stay in the sleigh, as getting in and out meant using your arm, but tonight you finally felt that you could join the others. And how you wish you didn't.
You walked out the door of the sleigh to see Willow and Elora having a magic battle and on the other side of the island, hidden by shadows, you could see two figures sword fighting. It was obviously Kit and Jade, as Boorman used an axe and Graydon had magic now, plus both man sat in front of the fire. Your heartbeat sped up at the sight of your two favorite people and you were ready to take off the makeshift sling you had been wearing to go down and join them but before you could they both fell to the ground. Kit on top of Jade pinning her down. It felt like sucker punch to the gut again as it reminded you of what you saw many, many nights ago before everything went to hell. A cold feeling washed over you as you could see Kit's face lower to Jades. That was why you were here. You were here because Kit loves Jade and Jade loves Kit and you were in love with them and even though you couldn't have them you would make sure that they would always have each other.
"You've killed us!" You hear Boorman yell from the front of the sleigh. Kit and Jade stand up fast, both offering you a hand to help you up but you ignore it. "I didn't have a choice." Graydon defends as the three of you walk around the side of the sleigh. "What did he do?" Jade asks and you could tell Boorman was angry by the way he looked. "He set... Kenneth free. Now we are stuck in the middle of nowhere! There is no where to go forwards and no where to go backwards!" Boorman rants as he paces. "He was sick!" Boorman opened his mouth to continue but Elora cut him off, "Then we walk." You eyes go wide as you look at her. "Walk to what? For how long? Until we starve!?" Boorman says as he gets in her face. You take a few steps towards them and put your hand on his chest to push him back some. But instead of putting it on the center of his chest, you place your hand right where the lux enters the cuirass and Boorman slaps you hand away, causing Jade and Kit to yell at him. "We're close." Is all Elora says as she heads towards the sleigh to pack her bag.
The rest of you slowly follow suit. It silent as everyone takes turns to pack their things, since the inside of the room is small. You, Jade, and Kit all pack yours at the same time. You take this time to also change your bandage on your arm, letting out small grunts of pain. So focused on your arm, you miss the way the two girls behind you stop their packing and share concerned looks. Your arm, while it had stopped bleeding, still leaked gold or sometimes both. You wrapped your injury and put extra pressure on it since you knew you were coming to the end of your journey and that you would need to fight and have less time to worry about it. You slide your sling back on over your head and grab your bag when you feel a hand on yours. You turn to see Kit giving you a sad smile, you turned to Jade and she was giving you the same expression. "What's going on?" Kit looks at Jade, not wanting to be the bearer of bad news. "We don't think you should come with us." Jade says as Kit continues to hold your hand. "What?"
"Well your already injured and we wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you." Jade's explanation is logical but you were too angry to care. "So what? I can't take care of myself because of some cut on my arm?" "You could barely function a few weeks ago... And now we're almost to the Crone..." Kit says as she trails off. You drop her hand with a scoff. "I can handle myself. I-" You let out a sudden scream of pain as Jade barely grips your injured arm. "Look I barely touched you and you screamed. You can't come." Jade said sternly, hating that she caused you pain just to get her point across. You glare at the both of them. "Neither of you are my mom, so you don't get to boss me around." Kit opens her mouth the speak but you cut her off. "I don't care if you're the princess. I am going and until one of you has a better reason for me not to go, then I am going. Whether you like-"
"It's because we love you!" Kit yells at you and you go silent. "What?" You look between the two girls in front of you with tears in your eyes. "If this is some sick joke, I don't-" "It's not." Jade says as she puts both hands on your shoulders, forcing you to look at her. "We have both been working on expressing our love for each other and you and this may not have been the ideal way to tell you but we do... love you." Your heart was beating out of your chest. Was this real? Were those months of pain for no reason? "But the kiss in your room and then on the beach... It didn't seem like you guys needed any work for that." You spit out as you back away from Jade's hold, the faces of the two girls in front of you heating up. "Well one was a heat of the moment one and the other, afterwards, we were started planning on how to tell you and-"
A banging on the side of the ship interrupts Kit. "Hurry up, we're losing non existent daylight! Save the love making for later!" You hear Boorman yell. "Just please, wait here. We'll be back in a few days top." Jade says as she ushers Kit towards the door. "Wait but-" Your cut off by the door closing. "I love you guys too..."
"What idiots." You mumble as you walk forwards the shattered sea alone. You gave the group maybe and hour head start before you broke down the door, Jade had barred it closed from outside, and followed them. "Tell me your in love with me and then expect me not to even follow... Didn't even get a damn kiss at least." You continue to mumble to yourself, until you see a small figure coming towards you. "Willow?" You question as you both finally meet in the middle, and your stomach drops. "Where are the others? Did something happen?"
"We found it. The end of the shattered sea." Willow says solemnly. "That's great! Then why are you here?" "They jumped off the edge to get to Immemorial City, that is hopefully there." Your heart dropped again for like the 5th time in the past couple of weeks. "They what?" Willow just nods his head in confirmation. "And you didn't follow? You're an all powerful sorcerer or something! They could need you!" "It is too much of a risk I need to get back to Mims, she's in danger and I need to be there or I'll lose her too." You want to scoff at Willow but you know he is just following his heart like you are. "Willow, we are weeks, months even, from your home. If something is going to or has already happened to Mims, it's too late. But maybe, just maybe, taking out the Crone can stop anything from happening. There is clearly a war brewing out here and if we don't stop the Crone right now, there will be nowhere for any of us to return to." Willow ponders what you said for a few seconds before nodding his head. "I guess your right. Just this once." He says and you laugh before patting him on the shoulder. "Well let's not make a habit of it. Take us to the edge of the world." You say as you both head the way Willow had just come. "You three are very much alike... I can see why you all love each other." Willow says as he walks a few paces in front of you, thankfully meaning he can't see the smile that grows on your face.
"No!" "Graydon!" You and your companions yell as there is a lull in the battle, only for you to watch Graydon get seemingly exploded and pushed through a portal. You share a scared look with Kit and Jade as Elora punches the Crone out of the room. You're all on high alert afterwards, even after Boorman takes the time to give Kit the Cuirass and Jade the Lux and pushed all of you out of the room. "Boorman!" You yell as he closes the door behind him and you bang on it once before stopping. "Come on, we need to go." Jade says as she grabs your arm and pull you away from the doors. "We need to find Airk." Kit says as she looks between the two of you and your bad arm. "I thought we told you not to come." Jade turns on you after noticing Kit's eyes wander. "You can't tell me you love me and then not expect me to follow you to the end of the world!" You tell her. "We will sort this out later, I need to find Airk." Kit cuts of your arguing and you and Jade both nod. "Fine but you are to stay back and cover us." Jade says to you and you begrudgingly agree.
"I am your king!" You hear Airk yell and you shake your head at his idiocrasy. You keep an eye on both battles happening at each side of the fountain when you notice a movement out of the corner of your eye. It's the nice looking version of the Crone, the captured Princess of Cashmere, and she was sneaking up on Elora who was too busy with the Crone. You knew that Kit was supposed to be Elora's defender but she was locked in a heated battle with Jade against her brother and no one else was in sight. So you take of running towards the other princess and tackle her to the ground. She manages to escape your hold and grabs a sword that was laying on the ground. "How are you here and there?" You ask you unsheathe your sword and take off your sling. "Magic." Is all she says before charging at you and you accept that answer because that seemed reasonable. Your swords clashed loudly as she swung hers in a downward motion with two hands. If you were at 100%, this would have been the easiest fight of your life because it seems that when the Crone split herself, she kept all the magic for her form directly fighting Elora. And the princess version of her was mediocre at best with a sword.
But each time you had to use both arms to hold the sword to block an attack, pain was shot throughout your body, black spots danced across your vision, and everything was just so sore. "I thought this would be a harder fight." Princess Crone taunts as you roll to the side to dodge another hit. "Well maybe if this was a fair fight, you wouldn't be so cocky." You say back as you let out deep breathes. Dodging was better than blocking but it was still so taxing on your body. "Then how about I make it fair." She responds as she smacks you across the head with the hilt of her sword. "Wha-" Is all you can say as the hit dazes you before letting out a strangled scream. "There, no arm, no pain." You fall back against a wall and hold what's left of your arm to your chest, blood coating your clothes. "You bitch!" You yell at her as tears stream down your face. "Don't worry, I know how to make the pain stop permanently." She says as she brings her sword over your chest and you accept your fate. But the blow never comes.
"Hi." Kit says happily as she holds Airk's face in her hands, glad she was able to save her brother. "You're okay." Willow says from behind her and Airk just nods before sending a questioning look to his sister. "Who is that?" Kit laughs as she lets a happy tear slide down her face, she turns to look at her group of friends. "That's Willow..." Kit surveys her group, Boorman having just arrived covered in goop, just meant you and Graydon weren't here. Graydon for obvious reasons but you...
Kit's face morphs from one of pure happiness to fear. "Where's y/n?" Kit feels like she can physically see Jade's heart stop. Everyone else looks around confused before they get worried as well. "Y/n!" Boorman starts to yell as he turns and starts to look for you, everyone else joins in.
You can hear your friends calling for you and you want to scream, shout, yell, whisper, anything to let them know that you were just down this hallway, just on the other side of the wall, just right there... and just so utterly scared. You lost feeling in your body first, any strength you had seeped out of your body twice as fast as your blood, along with any warmth. You tried so hard to stay awake, so hard to see Kit and Jade one last time, to speak to them one last time. Maybe they would hold you close, let you know you did everything you could. Maybe they would kiss you, reassure you that they would always remember you, always think of you. Maybe... Maybe, maybe, was all you would get. You were so tired, falling asleep in the sand wouldn't have been the worse place you've had to sleep on this quest. No, wait, you weren't falling asleep, you were dying. But every time you closed your eyes you would see Kit and Jade there, laughing and happy with you, like a dream. Maybe that's the last thing you want to remember before you go, not the inevitable look of fear and heartbreak when they find you lying here, broken and dying. You use any last strength, life, that you had left in you to write the words, I love you, into the sand before letting go. They would be okay without you, it may take time but you've all always had each other, and this time it wouldn't be any different.
Willow's the first to find you, tears instantly gathering in his eyes. He could tell you were already gone, the rise and fall of your chest was inexistant and your eyes were still open in an unfocused gaze, unblinking. He walks towards you solemnly and closes your eyes, the others didn't need to see that, Kit and Jade didn't need to see that. He walks out the hallway back to where everyone was searching and waited for someone to notice him. He didn't want to be the one to say the words, to tell the group that not only had they lost Graydon but you too. It's Jade that notices something is wrong first, she was always so observant about things. She could see the way Willow had deflated, how he didn't move from his spot in front of the hallway, how he already had tears falling from his face and onto his clothes.
"Kit." Is all Jade had to say to get the other girls attention and they both started running. The sound of Kit's armour and sword clanging against each other was enough to get the focus of the other people looking for you.
Kit was the first to reach you, crumbling to the ground as she took in your state. Head down, arm gone, blood everywhere, no movement. She calls out your name over and over again, begging for you to wake up for this to be some sick joke. Her fingers digging into your shoulders as she tries to shake you awake like you were in a trance. It only fully registers that this was real when she feels Jade pull her back and into her embrace. The feeling of Jade's tears falling onto her shirt, cementing that you were gone and you weren't coming back. The two girls broke down together, you were gone. There would be no more trainings, no more late night conversations, no more sneaking Jade AND you into the castle at night when you returned to Tir Asleen. No more anything.
And the message you had written into the sand? Blown away before either could see it.
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burnednotburied · 2 months
An Introduction🥀
My name is Cal. I’m 24 years old, a lesbian, and my pronouns are she/her. I’m an English student and an avid reader, and I’ve always loved writing.
I'll be writing a lot of Abby Anderson (TLOU) and probably venturing into writing Jade and Kit from Disney's Willow (2022).
My asks and inbox are open! If you have any requests or suggestions or if you just want to chat, I’m all ears!
Abby Anderson (TLOU):
-- The Wolf and The Prophet -- Abby goes looking for Owen and ends up on the wrong end of your knife. Chapter 1: A New Prophet Chapter 2: First Kill Chapter 3: Cursed Creatures Chapter 4: Uncloaked Chapter 5: The Aquarium
-- You're My People -- You and Abby take refuge in an abandoned house to catch your breath and attempt to recover after the encounter with Ellie in the theater.
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midnightbluebells03 · 27 days
⋅˚₊‧ ✶ ‧₊˚ ⋅ WIPS ⋅˚₊‧ ✶ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Smut - 💋
Fluff - 💌
Angst - 🖤
Request - ✨️
Requests are open!!
Two steps ahead - currently 4 chapters posted on AO3 - 💋💌🖤
Pretty girls sequel - when Bianca has some choice words for the couple during a night out Wednesday can't help but wonder if anything had really changed - 💋💌🖤✨️
1 time & 3 times - prequel to near life experience - how they made the rules and how they bent them afterwards - 💋💌🖤
You just want to fight so you can touch me - when Kit increases the amount of sparing she wants Jade can't help but wonder way - 💋💌
Abby x reader
Basketball Abby - what better way to take out her frustration after losing a game than on you? - 💋💌
Patrol Abby - after a patrol takes longer than expected Abby finds her comfort with you - 💋💌✨️
'Just friends' Abby - revisiting the lake you two use to hang out in during high school can't stir up any feelings right? 💋💌✨️
Ellie x reader
Based on Crush by Ethel Cain - comming home for summer break to find a new face in your neighbourhood - 💋💌
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rinstrumental · 10 months
masterlist, baby!
suggestive = $
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$ lookin’ at you got me thinkin’ nonsense | ellie
ellie gf hcs | part 1 part 2
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willow (tanthamore unless specified otherwise)
tantha(more) notes | one two three four
ao3 links
kiss it better? | kit x reader
and it feels good to be known so well
so kiss me
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hazel callahan headcanons
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x reader
when you sleep | genshin men
under the mistletoe grapevine | diluc
kisses | childe & diluc
how much he loves your waist | al haitham
cyno and his feelings
cyno hcs
lisa hcs
reader who’s never seen snow | childe
sweet nothing | diluc hcs
thoma hcs | modern au
crushing + how they confess | thoma & childe
childe hcs | modern au
you got a 9-5, so i’ll take the night shift | kavetham
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tears of themis
tot boys at karaoke
$ false god | vyn
guitar lessons | luke
academic rivals | luke
muse | marius von hagen
tears of themis (taylor’s version) | midnights reputation lover
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if you want to | connie springer
the moon is beautiful tonight | megumi, maki, nobara
all the wrong places (zutara) | part 1 part 2
forever and always | eremika
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graktung · 1 year
hello please write more erin & her character fics i need more please give me more
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thatsgay-writes · 1 year
May I have a KitxReaderxJade oneshot where the reader tries telling them their feelings just to find out Jade is leaving for training and Kit is getting married?
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AN: I'm having Jade not come to Tir Asleen until everyone's about 15, even though I think canonically she's been there longer?
Not Proofread
You were the child of Ballantine and have spent your whole life being groomed to take over your fathers place as Commander of the Knights of Pacalcade. That also means that your grew up with and around Kit and Jade, once she is brought to Tir Asleen. Things hadn't always been all rainbows and sun shine between the three of you. For the longest time it had been you, Kit, and Airk. You would spend any free time with them, whether it was to train, go horseback riding, etc. If none of you had duties, everyone knew that they would find you together. It actually caused talks between the Queen and Ballantine about a possible engagement between you and Airk when you two were older, but all three of you and Madmartigan shut it down. Your hand had been securely held in Kit's as you got into an argument with your father over the idea.
Everything had calmed down for a while a and life returned to normal. Until Madmartigan left. It was fine for the first few months when Kit waited for her fathers return almost every night with you by her side and it was fine for a while. Until one day you go to join Kit and you could see her shoulders shake from the sobs she let out. You immediately run to her and wrap your arms around her. You don't say anything as she lets tears run down her face because you know there isn't anything to say. You had heard talks around the castle that Madmartigan wasn't coming back, either because he was running away from responsibility or because he died. And you know that if you had heard things like that then Kit definitely did too. "Why isn't he back? Why did he leave?" Kit cried into your shoulders and you just held her tighter. "If I know anything about the King, I know that the only reason he isn't back is because absolutely can't. And there is no way he is dead, like some people are saying, I mean he's Madmartigan for gods sake." Kit smiled at you from her spot on your shoulder and you felt your heart stop. Had Kit always been this pretty? Had you always been this nervous to hold her close to you?
Jade joined your group pretty late in life, well in your view of life. Without even asking you, Ballantine had accepted Jade into your home and began to train her as well. At first, all the attention to her had annoyed you. You had been an only child for 15 years and now suddenly you had to share your dad's attentions. It didn't help that Kit was suddenly interested in the girl who had come from across the barrier. When the two of you would train together, you wouldn't hold back, unless your father was paying attention. You told yourself it was because if she actually wanted to join the knights that they wouldn't go easy on her. But in reality she both made you mad and made your heart race. The way she wouldn't give up in training, would wipe the sweat off her forehead and get back into stance, determination clear on her face, was kind of hot. The one sided jealousy came to an end when Jade sought you out one night when you were with Kit. She wanted to talk to you and you were annoyed because you hadn't been able to spend as much time with Kit lately but you still followed behind her. Jade spilled her guts to you that night, about how she was feeling, how much she missed her parents, and how much you pushing her in training was a great outlet for all her frustrations. And you felt like a terrible person, all this time you were jealous of this new found attention towards Jade when in reality her world had fallen apart. That night you invited her to join you and Kit and the rest is history.
Today was the day, you thought as you got dressed and headed to the castle. Today was the day you were going to tell Kit and Jade how you felt. You wore your best clothes and had even picked flowers from a nearby meadow the night before. You dodged and weaved through castle and Galladoorn servants who were setting up for a feast tonight. What you hadn't expected was for Kit and Jade to be at each others throats as you opened the door to Kit's room. "At least I am staying in Tir Asleen! You're going all the way to Galladoorn! To be a knight like you already aren't one here!" Kit yelled at Jade, her finger pointing at her accusatorily. "Well at least I'm not the one who is about to spending the rest of their lives with someone they don't even know or love!" Jade yells back and you decide to step in, making sure the flowers you brought were hidden behind your back. "Kit? Jade? What's going on?" You ask wearily.
Jade spins around to you fast and points at Kit. "This feast isn't just because Galladoorn is visiting, it's because Kit is getting married to Prince Graydon! Tomorrow!" You heart drops at her words. "Oh yeah, well as soon as it's over Jade is leaving! She's joining the Shining Legion!" And your heart breaks at that. "What?" You let out meekly, never having felt so sad and unsure in you life. Both of the girl, still lost in their anger towards the other, don't really hear you. "Tell her she's what she's doing is wrong! She already has a place here as a knight!" Kit says trying to get you on her side. "Well remind Kit that her marriage is one for politics and not love, which she never wanted to happen!" Jade points out but al you can hear is white noise as you realize the two people you love had already slipped through your grasp. Kit was betrothed and Jade was leaving. What were you supposed to do? You had known your place since you were a child, what you were going to be and do when you got older and you were content. But now the thought of all that happening without the two of them made your head and heart hurt.
Both girls stop their arguing as they see you start to cry and get angrier the more you think about everything. "Y/n?" They both ask as they move towards you but you take a step back. "How long have you two known?" Neither girl can meet your eyes. "Well how long have you known you were going to leave Tir Asleen? How long have you known you were going to get married? How long?!" You cry out at the two girls. "Months." Is the only response you get and you shake your head, hand coming to your face to wipe your tears away causing you to drop your flowers. "You guys have known about these things for months and neither of you told me or the other person? I thought we were friends, I thought we confided in one another?" The anger, while still there, had lessened and despair settled on your bones. "Well I guess I'll share my secret too then, huh?" Jade and Kit share a confused and concerned look. "I came down here to tell you both that I loved you, as more than a friend, for a long time. But I can see that it was a waste of time." You say as you turn to start heading to the door. Kit and Jade chase after you, both grabbing one of your hands. "Stop! I love you too! I have since we were kids and I thought you were going to get married off to Airk." Kit said. "I've slowly fallen in love with you as I've gotten to know you over the past 5 years and broke through your walls to know the true Y/n." Jade adds on. And all you can do is shake your head, not even turning to look at the two girls because you know your resolve would break. 'It's too little, too late though. Isn't it?" You say before shaking their hands off and rushing out Kit's room and eventually the castle. Leaving behind two heartbroken people.
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