#tarlos wedding planning au
126simp · 2 years
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Original picture by @tarlosweeklyprompts
Stress Can Push People Away
Tarlos Fic for @tarlosweeklyprompts March Daily One-Word Prompt Event!!
March 9th Word: Stress
Tags: Angst, Emotionally hurt! TK, Some communication is needed
Warnings: TK feels abandoned, Carlos is overexerting himself, Possible open ending
Relationships: TK/Carlos
Characters: TK, Carlos
Pieces of fabric mixed with food samplings covering the table, different kinds of cameras, and a stack of business cards sitting on of the chairs in the kitchen. This is all I see as I walk into my apartment, and sigh knowingly as I walk further into the room. I look to try and find my fiancé, but there are no clues that he is here except for the mess of the apartment with all the different parts of our wedding. Well, that is until I walk over to the table to organize it a little and turn and see Carlos looking to be worn out, sitting in just his boxers, and a button-up shirt as he is sleeping still with his phone in his hands. So, I walk over to try to pluck his phone out of his hands and he seems to startle awake.
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Thanks a lot for tagging me, @typicalopposite, I'm dying to show something of my upcoming Tarlos fic (and if there's anybody out there who might be interested in a Lone Star AU according to this idea I had a couple of days ago, please let me know, I'll tag you!).
Here we go, something from chapter 2 (right now, I'm almost 10,000 words and 6 chapters in):
Gabriel was buried in Austin Memorial Park, where he was in illustrious company, including Frank Hamer, the Texas Ranger who hunted down Bonnie and Clyde. Carlos didn’t believe that his father had achieved anything similar, despite all his merits. He had not been a celebrity, not an extraordinary man. Not even an exceptional father. Nevertheless, without his mother having to ask him, he had filled in the application to have his father's grave adorned with the Texas Rangers Memorial Cross. 
Carlos had thrown himself into the preparations for the funeral like TK had done for their wedding: with a plan, a lot of perseverance and an almost manic precision. The funeral needed to be perfect, and he was obsessed with the idea that this would give him a chance to get to know his father better. He was the one to sort photos for the obituary, who drew up the guest list for the funeral service and selected the silk for the coffin lining. He permitted his mother to choose the flowers because it meant a lot to her, but he didn't allow anyone else to help. 
TK, who knew a thing or two about grief and how everyone experienced it differently, orbited him like a cautious satellite. Carlos was grateful that he held back, because if he hadn't... If he’d bridged the gap that Gabriel Reyes’ death had created between them, with just one word, Carlos would have collapsed. He felt TK's concern and love, but he kept himself on the edge of that affection so as not to be swallowed up by it. 
Despite everything, he felt numb as he stood at the grave, pouring a shovelful of soil six feet under. None of this brought him closer to his father, neither the eulogy nor the tributes from his superiors, and certainly not the many hands Carlos shook from people who told him what a good man Gabriel had been. In the church, he asked TK if that was true. 
“Was he a good person?”
TK squeezed his hand, whispering,  “He was, Carlos. A good man who raised a fantastic son. You have reason to be proud of him."  
He probably had, but the question was whether Gabriel had ever been proud of him. His father had only told him once, just before the wedding, when Carlos had been too nervous to put on his bow tie. Then he had held Carlos's hands in his own, looked at him and said, “You've become a great young man, Carlos. I'm proud of you.” 
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chicgeekgirl89 · 9 months
2023 Writing Roundup
Thanks to @liminalmemories21 and @ladytessa74 for the tags!
I guess the next time I'm mad at myself for not writing more I'll just...tell myself to shut up lol. Holy heck this is a lot of fic.
Paper Rings- A 5+1 of Tarlos wedding planning. I adore this one.
Packing a Piece- Early days Tarlos, T.K. taking care of Carlos as his feelings grow stronger.
My Pain Fits in the Palm of Your Freezing Hand- What a labor of love, Carlos' POV during the Ice Storm arc.
I Get it From You- 5+1 of habits the boys have picked up from each other. So fun to write!
Will You Take What's Left of Me?- Me trying to figure out the mess of Carlos having a secret wife 🙄
Like I'm Gonna Lose You- T.K. saving Carlos' life after his abduction and the aftermath.
Glitter and Be Gay- This one is so freaking funny lol. Carlos hates glitter and he suffers because of it. T.K. is amused.
How to Say Goodbye- My last NCIS LA Densi fic. That fandom has meant the world to me and I'm sad the show is over.
Love is Sitting on the Bathroom Floor- T.K. has food poisoning, Carlos takes care of him, it's so sweet!
The Luck O' the Irish- I truly love how this one turned out, my little fic about Tarlos doing a class project with their child in the future and Carlos being a neurotic dad lol.
I Won't Say I'm in Love- Carlos falling in love with T.K., Adriana and Francesca being their best/worst selves. This one has some of the best dialogue, god they're fun.
Mothers and Sons- Andrea caring for T.K. as they wedding plan. Made myself cry with this one.
Shiner- Coda for 4x15, Carlos finding out about T.K.'s black eye and taking care of him.
A Helping Hand- Lololol a fic based on my real life experience with rain and smoke detectors.
Happy Campers- Boys camping trip with whumped Carlos is just what the summer ordered!
We Have Suffered Enough- 4x16 post-ep. God did they really need the Huntington's scare?!
Day Zero- T.K. struggles after being drugged by Sadie.
Saturday Night's All Right for Fighting- This might be the best fic of the year. Mama and Papa Reyes getting into trouble at a bar with T.K. and poor Carlos having to sort it all out is the stuff my dreams are made of.
Rugby King- My sweet, sweet Heartstopper boys. I was so nervous writing this fic and I'm so glad I did. Whumpy Nick and worried Charlie are such perfection and it was so fun to jump into this fandom!
Come Sail Away- My magnum opus for this year lol. The longest thing I've written to date and a love letter to the drama and antics of Below Deck. Also my first AU! (Technically...)
Tío T.K.- T.K. being a freaking badass and helping Carlos' nephew. Adriana and Francesca return. A joy from start to finish.
Phew! What a year! Thanks to everyone who has read my work this year!
Tagging @lemonlyman-dotcom, @bonheur-cafe, @carlos-in-glasses, and @thisbuildinghasfeelings!
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
Happy nice ask day! Have some Lone Star questions
Suprise, Tim Minear has put you in charge of LS! (In a perfect world where everyone gets paid a fair wage for their work.) What's next for Tarlos besides the Gabriel of it all?
If you could bring one past character back, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
You get to do a crossover with *any* other show, past or present, what show would it be?
Pick a special episode: Valentines day ep, Halloween ep, Christmas ep, musical ep, animated ep, AU ep (like Mateo's sitcom dream)
You get to delete one thing from the show's history without messing anything up, what do you get rid of?
Pick a celebrity guest star. What would their role be?
Firefighter TK or paramedic TK?
For Carlos: Officer Reyes, Ranger Reyes, or something completely different non law enforcement
Flashback episode for TK's life in NYC (pre Alex), or a flashback episode of young Carlos growing up on the ranch (including his friendship with Iris)
A (new) work partner for Carlos or a new recruit at the firehouse?
Buttercup or Lou II?
TK's cousins or Carlos' sisters?
Andrea calling TK mijo or Owen calling Carlos son?
Reyes-Strand or Strand-Reyes?
Answer these and pass them on to others in the fandom, let's see everyone's answers!
Ooh hello! This is amazing!
Besides the Gabriel of it all - both TK and Carlos get trapped somewhere/in a dangerous situation together, and they have to work as a Tarlos team to problem solve and get out of it and protect/rescue each other. And that's the extent of the drama - otherwise we see them in sexy domestic bliss, making each other laugh.
I'd bring back Gabriel. I may or may not be bringing him back in my next fic as a ghost.
Crossover with Brooklyn 99 - specifically to see TK and Carlos interact with Holt and Kevin.
Valentine's day ep where TK and Carlos have plans but things go comically awry.
I'd get rid of Carlos' "can't let go of a bad relationship" line in 4x03. It definitely wouldn't mess anything up to not have that line. Rather, it messed things up to have it.
I wanted Brad Pitt to officiate the wedding.
Firefighter TK! He's sexy. I'm shallow.
Carlos becomes a badass forensic psychologist like Robbie Coltrane in Cracker.
The flashback question is super hard because I'm obsessed with both scenarios, but I think...today...my answer is flashback to TK in NYC.
New work partner for Carlos who is a really compelling character in their own right.
Buttercup! I'm a dog person.
TK's cousins. I don't mind that Carlos has sisters but I was quite attached to him being an only child.
Owen calling Carlos son.
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strandnreyes · 1 year
hiii jen! i too have been debating what to ask you today, so first i just wanted to express how much i love chatting with you and having you as a friend. you know why but…yeah, it means the world <3 i cherish you so so much. and now for the ask! you’ve written an apocalypse au and a vampire au, any other sort of supernatural-y/dystopian worlds you’d want to explore in fics? to you, what’s the best thing about writing au’s versus canon fic? on the flip side, what are your favourite small/“underrated” tarlos moments? any tarlos headcanons that influence how you write them? —maddie/reyesstrand <3
maddie!! endless love for you <3 ditto to everything
I’m not sure if this falls in line with those type of AUs, but I think a time travel type of au would be fun! something along the lines of the break up with TK trying to go back and win Carlos back, but each time TK goes back in time and changes something, the world is even worse. Him and Carlos never got together in 1x10, they hooked up once at the honkey tonk and that was it, they never even met. It sounds like a bit of a nightmare to plan, but could be fun!
my favorite part of writing an au versus canon is quite literally just putting those guys in situations!! I think the whole concept of different universes and that it could be something entirely different from canon, but it’s still TK and Carlos and they’re still going to fall in love no matter what is beautiful
small/underrated moments: in 2x09 at the hospital when Carlos puts his hand on TK’s back to move behind him, both of them showing up at the vet when Buttercup is sick, hand holding in the intervention scene, Carlos repeatedly saying ‘he assaulted a paramedic 😡’, the 2x08 blurry background hug!!!, how they’re sitting when Tommy is singing at their wedding, Carlos in the background when TK is talking to Owen in 1x01 like he’s waiting for his opening
it’s all in the details!! rafa and ronen play these boys so well
omg so many headcanons that I probably don’t even realize! but to name a few based off of what I was writing earlier:
- TK has a green thumb and loves having plants in the loft
- Carlos is much more similar to Gabriel than he even realizes and sometimes Andrea will watch him do something and get such a bittersweet feeling in her chest
- they love date nights in, especially with the jobs they have and the chaos that comes with that, but they love taking advantage of all the things austin has to offer too! live music, comedy shows, renting jet skis on lake austin… they love trying new things together
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sugdenlovesdingle · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thanks for tagging me @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
I love wasting time with these things when I'm supposed to be writing 😉
How many works do you have on AO3? In total 262, for tarlos 24 (and counting)
What's your total AO3 word count? 642,739 (holy shit)
What fandoms do your write for? at the moment just 911 lone star/tarlos, but I'm kind of looking into RWRB/firstprince, and depending on a certain mister R. Hawley, I might get pulled back into emmerdale/robron
What are your top five fics by kudos? I'll stick to tarlos for this or else it'll just be 5 robron fics Austin TX first responders week - TK and Carlos have to give a talk about their jobs at a school for Austin's first responders week. Filling in the blanks - a post episode/missing moment of Owen finding out what happened to Carlos in 4x04 See you later - Marjan going to say goodbye to a still recovering Carlos before she leaves in 4x05 - kind of a missing moment It started with a concussion - a meet ugly with Carlos literally running into TK while chasing a suspect Love and Lou - The Lou fic! Vet!Carlos AU meet cute with a little help from Lou I and II
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Not as often as I should. I never know what to say other than "Thank you" and i just end up reading the comments 50 times over (and i save the emails from AO3) and I'm like I LOVE YOU PERSON LEAVING A COMMENT ON MY SILLY LITTLE STORY YOU MADE MY DAY - but only in my head because i don't want to seem too weird. Idk - I overthink things.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't do angsty endings. Though PS I love you is a little bittersweet I guess. TK getting a letter from Gwyn on his wedding day.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of them! I need a happy ending - always. But I suppose it was 'earned' the most in California where they both Go Through It before they get their happy ending.
Do you get hate on fics? I haven't on tarlos fics but I did get a hater on one of my anti chas robron fics once. I just deleted the comment.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Not really. I've tried... but it's just not for me.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Not really. Unless you count the tiny blink and you miss it RWRB reference in Swing swing.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not as far as I know.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope but I've translated fics from German to English for a friend yeeeeeaaaars ago - for Luke/Noah from As The World Turns
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have, several. For Luke/Noah from ATWT way back in the day. it was an Experience™
What's your all time favourite ship? I can't pick just one!
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Undercover Carlos - I really want to finish it but I'm so bad at multi chapter fics. I'm bad at planning and I lose motivation and everyone else loses interest. I'm going to try get back to it when I'm done with my flufftober fics (so somewhere next summer or so 🙃)
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue for sure. and cutesy oneshots.
What are your writing weaknesses? Describing stuff. Translating the "picture" I have in my head to words on 'paper' is The Worst. Also planning and plotting a story - I tend to make stuff up as I go (which is why I suck at long multichapter fics)
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Don't do it unless you speak the language or know someone who does who can check it for you. Google translate is NOT your friend. A few words here and there (like the Spanish terms of endearment in tarlos fics) is fine, you can't really go wrong with that, but for more than that you need someone who actually speaks the language.
First fandom you wrote for? Luke and Noah - As The World Turns
Favourite fic you've written? For Tarlos I had a lot of fun with my Lou fic that I mentioned earlier and The perfect costume has done some interesting things to my insta algorithm, and The power of a muddy dog was fun because I like soft!TK with Buttercup. But all of my fics have *something* that makes them *special* to me.
If you've read all this... I'm impressed lol
tagging: @noxsoulmate @carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @lightningboltreader @bonheur-cafe @sanjuwrites and and an open tag for whoever feels like doing this because I never know who to tag!
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alrightbuckaroo · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thanks for the tags @jesuisici33 and @welcometololaland :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
36! I'm hoping to hit 50 by the end of next year. I've got plans >:)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
161,211 (and 150k of that is from THIS YEAR(ish))
3. What fandoms do you write for?
911 Lone Star
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
sugar, spice and everything nice (tarlos fans really love food as a love language and with this story it shows lol)
you've made me so very happy (a high school reunion one off that might get a sequel, you know, never say never)
wedding bell blues (thinking about this story makes me want to write more of the 126)
you drive me wild (passenger princess tk spilling iced coffee in carlos' car, what more could you ask for?)
will you bee mine? (the teeniest, tiniest au where carlos is a teacher and tk is a school nurse)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try to! It's funny, I'm writer but sometimes I'm absolutely stalled at what to say. If you've commented and I haven't replied, it's not a slight against you; I'm either thinking of what to say, or just haven't gotten around to it yet.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have some that haven't been published that end a little open-ended or ambigious, but if we're talking published, part ii of summer slipped us underneath our tongue felt kind of evil lmao (I kept saying, "I'm such an asshole" when I was writing it.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my one-shots have happy endings, but I think the sequel to summer slipped us underneath her tongue will have one that's so sweet it'll leave you with a cavity.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten one comment recently but it seemed like the person was more upset with the show rather than the story itself lmao
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nothing that's published, but I have quite a bit planned for future works. I feel like the tone needs to be fitting for it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, but I'm not against it. Though, if I were, it would most likely be a 911 x 911 Lone Star one, and it would most definitely be a bit of an AU.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God, I hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'm always down if someone wants to; just let me know!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't, but I'm not opposed to it! That said, I don't know if I want to subject someone to my ridiculous writing schedule lmao
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
It's gotta be Louis and Lestat from AMC's Interview With the Vampire; that's a love story that'll always be crossing through my mind.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm not sure; I hate to say goodbye to anything, but I'm sure there's a couple of one-shot prompt fills that'll probably never see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like think my world-building is pretty good because I'm very focused on imagery. I took a screenwriting class in college and we mainly focused on action and setting so I think that lends itself to my writing. I also think my angst can be very poetic without being too kitschy.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Honestly, I think it's just trusting myself. I've talked at length with @heartstringsduet about how I'm slowly unlearning being a perfectionist and just writing what comes to mind and then fixing it later. It's been freeing lol
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm terrified to do it at risk of sounding absolutely ridiculous to people that speak the native language so I try my best to write around it, if I can.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh, it was [redacted] :)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
If we're talking finished, it might be summer slipped us underneath her tongue, but that might be recency bias. come and take a walk on the wild side is still very much in progress, but the scenes between TK and Sam are, without a doubt, my favorite dialogue I've ever written.
tagging: @heartstringsduet, @carlos-in-glasses, @reyesstrand, @bonheur-cafe, @lemonlyman-dotcom and anyone else who wants to play :)
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reyesstrand · 1 year
M and P for the fic asks <3
thank youuu jen 😙
m: got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
here’s a handful from my ever-growing notes app where fic ideas either live or die:
- pottery au (it’s alive!!! and actively being worked on!!!! but mainly just in snippets. i need to actually sit down and work it all out still)
- the andrea & tk fic (it’s forever in limbo, and would explore different times andrea approached tk to talk about something and one time tk approached her about proposing. would explore their budding relationship and how their dynamic changes through the years)
- a nancy/tommy/tk grief introspective piece tied into tk and nancy having a Big Rescue and it resulting in ruminations on their friendship
- an idea that came to me literally in the middle of the night the other day and boiled down the realization that tarlos’ wedding anniversary will forever fall so close to the date of gabriel’s death, and how they deal with that
- tarloft + flowers (i think i noticed flowers in the background of a scene, and thought it might be good one-shot material)
- marjan/nancy dog park meet-cute au (idk. it’ll probably never happen but it’s a cute thought!!!)
p: are you what george r. r. martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (how much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
i feel like i’m much more of a gardener. usually i’ll think up one line/scene/chunk of dialogue and that’ll be the only thing i’ve thought of before sitting down to write. it’s a journey of allowing myself to get to that scene/line/bit of dialogue i really want to, and seeing what emerges to accompany it all. the only time i think i plan in advance is if it’s an episode coda and i need to rewatch to pull dialogue or make sure things are correct or it’s a canon-divergent fic/au and i have to plot out how i might fit in certain canon elements (like with my firefighter!carlos au, or currently with the pottery au).
fanfic asks <3
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tellmegoodbye · 11 months
✨️ weekend wip game ✨️
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more). (There are also questions for artists/GIF creators below).
Or: harley attempts to answer the following questions without responding with push coda for half of them. 😂
Thank you @lemonlyman-dotcom and @thisbuildinghasfeelings for tagging me!
1. List your WIPs.
First I will list the WIPs I'm actively working on because there's only two of those
Push coda - we all know about this one
5 scenes before the wedding and 1 after - this one is pretty self explanatory, and I've shared some snippets from this as well
And these are the WIPs I have planned for the future
3x08 + 3x13 coda - this is pretty much what it says on the tin
hurt/comfort fic - two parts, the first one being hurt TK and the second one being hurt Carlos, this fic is going to focus on the unique ways they take care of each other
"green eyes" fic - this one was inspired by a song and the plan is to do an entire s1 fic from Carlos' perspective, but we'll see what happens
spicy fic (that is the working title we're rolling with for now) - this is essentially four chapters of pure smut with a ton of different emotions rolled into one ultimate spicy experience...at least that's my vision as of now
murder mystery AU - I still desperately want to write this, but the problem is that I initally outlined it for gallavich, accidentally deleted said outline (that I spent months working on) and now I'm considering switching it to tarlos
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
Push coda!! My beloved and belothed...I swear to god this was not meant to be as long as it ended up being. It's currently at 27k and I'm still stuck on this one scene that's bugging me, but the end is in sight!
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
I have no idea what came over me when I wrote the majority of push coda...that's the longest thing I have ever written as of now.
I'm sure the murder mystery fic will end up being longer if I do end up writing that, but out of the five different future WIPs I listed it's the least likely to see the light of day just because time is a factor for me.
4. Which WIP is your favorite/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
I think the spicy fic is going to be extremely enjoyable. I have so many ideas for that one!
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
Definitely the murder mystery fic. There's a lot of intricacies in that fic and it took a lot of planning when I initially outlined it. I'm usually a more "go with the flow" writer so it's very out of my element.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about? Why?
Probably push coda right now just because it's been a while since I've written and now that it's nearly done I'm afraid it's too long or that the pacing is weird, but I've been staring at this thing for so long that it's hard to be objective about it.
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
All of them, hopefully. I'm scared to ask people but it's always nice to have an extra set of eyes, especially if you've been working on something for a while.
If anyone is offering, I wouldn't say no. 👀
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writers block?
All of them!
9. Which WIP has your favorite OC? Tell us about them?
I have an OC in my murder mystery AU that is very interesting in my opinion. I can't say a lot about this character without spoiling anything, but let's just say this character is a lot of fun to write. I also don't often make OCs, so that was a fairly new experience for me as well.
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
WIP that is currently in progress? The 5+1 fic has a smut scene at the end that I've really been enjoying writing. If we're talking about my future WIPs, then of course it's going to be the spicy fic!
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
Push coda! Some of the 5+1 fic is also pretty angsty, but I think as of now push coda is winning in that regard.
That's just what I've currently written. I have a feeling the hurt/comfort fic is going to be pretty angsty as well.
12. Which WIP has the best characterization in your opinion?
I'm not sure. I always try my best when it comes to characterization, but in terms of what I've currently written, the push coda delves much deeper into the characters' emotions than the 5+1 fic does, but that's probably just because I have a lot more written for push coda.
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting in your opinion?
Push coda for sure. There's just something about the combination of bad weather and angst. Very visually satisfying for me.
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
........push coda, again.
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
I have high expectations of everything I write. I'm definitely a perfectionist.
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
I never remember my dreams, but I think about my fics a lot! Part of what helps me visualize the scenes I write is by letting them play out in my head like a movie.
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't?
The 5+1 fic is a new format for me! It's been a challenge but also a lot of fun.
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humor?
I don't write much humor. I'm sadly not very good at that.
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
I have no plans for this but I would absolutely be interested in an outside POV fic, especially a character like Owen. I could totally write a whole fic from his perspective.
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
Push coda has some song lyrics included in between each scene. The lyrics are from this song.
I'm not sure who has and hasn't done this so open tag. Feel free to tag me if you do this!
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sapphire11 · 1 year
find the word challenge
rules: share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you.
tagged by: @baby-droll OMG thank you so much for thinking of me!!
my words were glance, wait, full, twist, and slip
All under the cut because I always share too much ...
glance - What is time but the relentless passage to the inevitable - Tarlos, Carlos whump
He nods numbly, already not sure how he’s going to survive leaving Carlos in just … he glances at the watch on his wrist, it’s already six o’clock. He has no idea where the day went. He sits there trying not to obsess about the time that’s ticking down until he has to leave Carlos again or the thought of something terrible happening the second he steps out of this room. Twenty minutes have passed when he hears several more footsteps at the doorway. Picking his head up from where he had rested his forehead on Carlos arm he finds Andrea and Gabriel entering the room. Their steps are quiet, tentative, like they might break the seal that’s keeping the peace if they walk too heavy or move the wrong way.
wait - Into your darkness, I'll shine a light - Tarlos hurt/comfort
“Wait,” he calls, quickly approaching Carlos’ back as he has turned towards the front door. “Carlos?” he asks cautiously, hand reaching out into the void of space between them. Carlos turns slowly and TK’s heart breaks at the sheen of tears he can see in Carlos’ eyes. 
“I can’t,” Carlos chokes out, looking down at their feet, shifting himself from one foot to the other as TK lets his hand drop slowly from the space between them. Carlos shakes his head again as he seems to come to some kind of decision and steps closer to him. TK’s heart soars as Carlos leans in closer, but then it drops to his feet, like he’s been shoved off a cliff, when with a quick press of his lips to TK’s forehead, Carlos turns and leaves him standing in their entryway. Alone and afraid.
full - Just want to put the past behind me - BTHB TK whump
Conversation erupts amongst the group then, lighter topics being discussed all around. TK happily allows himself to get pulled into a conversation with Nancy and Paul about wedding planning details. They’ve finally settled on a date and Carlos has been in full swing making sure everything is being planned to perfection. TK loves him for it. He also loves their friends who have decidedly stepped in and offered their help with anything.
twist - I was lost in the feelings of the memories - Tarlos amnesia AU (also I think this is the most NSFW bit I've ever written and I somehow forgot that I wrote it, but now I want to write more_
It’s the endearment that does it for Carlos. Hearing TK call him baby has always done it for him, “Feel better inside you,” he manages around another groan as TK tightens his grip a little and twists just the way Carlos likes it.
“We’ve got time.” TK repeats his words from earlier and Carlos barely hears them as TK removes his hand only to kneel in between Carlos’ knees in front of the couch. 
“TK you don’t…” Carlos gasps as wet heat surrounds him and all coherent thought stops while he gets lost in the feelings. It’s as much the same as it is different from their first time together. The memories flash across Carlos’ mind until he’s lost in the mix of them. Somewhere in the back of his mind he wonders if that’s what it feels like for TK right now as he does the thing with his tongue that drives Carlos crazy every time since that first time.
TK nearly confirms it himself when he sits back on his heels, looking up with pupils blown wide and cheeks flushed with desire, whispering “Might as well take us back to the start.” Before diving back in like he hasn’t just tipped Carlos’ whole world on its head.
slip - Through each other's eyes - Tarlos soulmate AU
But just as quickly as TK allowed Carlos to see all his emotions he’s shutting it down again, shutting Carlos out. 
“I can’t … I can’t do this right now” TK mutters and he sounds scared and small and everything Carlos never wanted to make him feel. That knowledge freezes Carlos and gives TK enough time to slip out of his grip and out of his house, the door shutting loudly behind him. Leaving Carlos sitting in the quiet wondering how the hell everything went so wrong so fast, praying that TK won’t just slip right out of his life too. 
Tagging @chaotictarlos @ravens-words @noxsoulmate @detective-giggles and @rangergurlgleek1211 of course this is a no pressure tag and all are welcome to join in the fun!!
your words are: stare, flinch, live, little, and heart.
This was so much fun, such a creative tag game 💛
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tailoredshirt · 3 years
Tarlos + Royal AU 👀
Oh, was this supposed to be three sentences? I can’t read suddenly (nsfw ish? idk)
TK leaned back against the headboard and skimmed his Twitter feed for highlights from last night’s Yankees game, but headline after headline vied for his attention, from the political (Prince Carlos’s secret plan to abdicate the throne for a commoner); to the salacious (Insider’s guide to gay sex orgies at the palace, and how you can get on the exclusive guest list); to the relatively tame (Royal wedding on the horizon? Prince Carlos seen shopping for wedding rings).
“Ugh, why do they always use that picture?” TK muttered. “That was like five years ago.”
“Because you look more like a party-going playboy than the heroic firefighter-turned-paramedic who saved my father from choking on a piece of undercooked chicken at a charity fundraiser,” Carlos answered, not looking up from his laptop, “and scandals sell better.”
TK knew this all too well after one of his former best friends from New York had sold the story of his opioid addiction to the highest bidder. The palace PR staff had earned their paychecks that month.
“So, Prince Carlos,” TK said, sitting up on one elbow, and Carlos rolled his eyes as he continued typing an email. “Are you planning to abdicate the throne? Your adoring public wants to know.”
Carlos pushed his glasses up. “Considering I’m fourth in line, no.”
“Hmm. What about all these orgies I keep hearing about? ‘A stomach-churning scene of depravity and excess’.” TK looked up at him, scandalized. “Babe, why didn’t I get an invite?”
Carlos scrunched up his nose and shrugged. “You were out of town that weekend.”
“Rude.” TK scrolled to the next tweet. “Okay, another one. Prince Carlos spotted ring shopping while on vacation in Italy last month,” he said, laughing.
Carlos’s fingers stuttered over the keyboard.
“An unnamed source — of course it was! — reported that the prince placed a special order with one of Europe’s most esteemed jewelers, who has designed wedding rings for the Duke of—hey!”
Carlos tossed TK’s phone onto the floor and closed his laptop. He rolled over on top of him, tangling their legs together. “No more social media.”
TK removed Carlos’s glasses and set them gently on the nightstand. “I was looking for baseball highlights.”
“Not hard enough, apparently.”
TK squirmed. “Feels pretty hard to me…”
Carlos pinned both of TK’s hands above his head and kissed along his stubbled jaw. “Do you want to hear about those exclusive gay sex parties or not?” he whispered.
TK sighed as Carlos started kissing a trail down his chest. “Yes, Your Highness.”
Send me an AU prompt
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ravens-words · 3 years
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••••••••• ● 9-1-1 OG ● •••••••••
• 《 Timeless 》 •
Everybody Knows [Buddie. 14k]
5 Times Someone assumed they were together and they were wrong, and the one time they weren't.
to watch you fall [Buddie/Buckley Siblings. 12k]
Maddie POV. 5 times they were oblivious idiots and the one time they weren't.
In Your Arms [Buddie. 4k]
Hurt Buck. Caring Eddie. Love Confessions.
nothing safe is worth the drive [Buddie. 3k]
Buck is Christopher's second dad. They're idiots in love.
i will write the stars for you [Buddie. 4k]
Family Feels. Emotional Hurt/Comfort. Some Chim & Buck Feels.
A Box Full of Memories [Buckley Siblings/ Pre-Buddie. 3k]
Eddie plans Buck's birthday.
you're my favorite [Buckley Sibling. 0.9k]
Moment from their childhood.
Wait until the morning light (we'll all be alright) [Buckley Siblungs. 1k]
Maddie asks for help with Jee.
Shelter [Buckley Siblings/Pre-Buddie. 1k]
Buck and Maddie get into an accident.
to have and to hold [Buckley Siblings. 1k]
Pre-Madney Wedding. Maddie has something to ask.
5 + 1 [WIP]
5 times they needed an excuse to share a bed, and the one time they didn't.
•• 《AUs》 ••
Trouble [Buddie. 1k]
Different First Meeting. Eddie has a sexuality crisis upon meeting Buck.
••• 《Episode Related》 •••
let it all rain down [Buckley Siblings & Buddie. WIP]
Buck gets his sister back. He also gets a boyfriend, ft. Angst, Pain, fighting and making up (possible making out 👀)
Set after 5x10.
Distance [Buddie. 0.6k]
Post 5x06. Eddie takes Chris to see Buck.
Stuck In Love [Buddie. 2k]
Stuck in an Elevator 5x01 Spec Fic.
feels like there's oceans (between you and me) [Buddie. 5k]
Post 4x13, 4x14 Spec Fic. Hurt/Comfort. Bobby & Buck, Christopher & Buck feels.
you were not made to be loved in parts [Dad!Bobby/Buddie. 2k]
Post 4x05. Emotional Hurt/Comfort. They're in love- they're also oblivious.
to live for the hope of it all [Buddie. 6k]
4x05 Spec fic. Buck is trapped.
help me remember to forget [Bobby & Buck. Pre- Buddie]
Father/Son moment needed after 4x04. Also ft. Bobby Knows TM.
heaven can't help me now [Buddie/Buckley Siblings. 11k]
4x04-05 Spec Fic. What the Buckley Secret could have been.
Everything's gonna be okay, kid [Buck & Bobby. 1k]
Post 3x05. Father/Son moment.
Wait For Me to Come Home [Buddie. 5k]
Post 3x04. Eddie gets hurt in a street fight. Buck takes him home.
Couldn't see it coming, love [Buddie. 10k]
Post 3x01. Tsunami Episodes Spec. Getting together
••••••••• ● 9-1-1 LS ● •••••••••
《 Timeless 》
the only one I love [Tarlos. 3k]
Alex comes back.
my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand [Tarlos. 2k]
TK is attacked at a scene. Carlos is there for him.
all I see is you [Tarlos. 9k]
5 times Carlos watches TK with a kid, and the one time it's theirs.
all I need [Tarlos. 2k]
Carlos has a few things to say to Owen after an argument between Owen and TK.
And I love you. Easily. [Tarlos. 0.9k]
Emotional Hurt/Comfort. Insecurities. Fluff.
come back (be here) [Tarlos. 5k]
TK spends what was supposed to be his happiest day waiting for Carlos to wake up. Angst.
if my wishes came true, it would've been you [Tarlos. 8k]
TK wakes up in an alternate reality he starts to believe is his life. Angst fest with a happy ending.
hold you till I hold you right [Tarlos. 3k]
TK is sick. Carlos wants to take care of him. It does not go well.
you and I will be safe and sound [Tarlos. 2k]
Hurt Carlos. Angst.
take my mind (and take my pain) [Tarlos. 5k]
Hurt TK. Guilty Carlos. Tarlos comfort.
you're the cure to all my scars [Tarlos. 4k]
Misunderstandings, Angst and some healthy communication (eventually)
who am I if not seen through your eyes? [Tarlos. 2k]
Emotional Hurt/Comfort. Carlos is the best boyfriend. TK's addiction.
bittersweet troubles [Tarlos. 3k]
Hurt Carlos. BAMF! Medic TK. Held Hostage.
like daylight [Tarlos. 1k]
Future Kid Fic. Family feels.
your heart, beating against mine [Tarlos. 1k]
Hurt Carlos. Worried TK. Near drowning.
you can hear it in the silence [GraceJudd. 1k]
Grace leaves Judd love notes in his locker.
bring me to life [Tarlos. 1k]
Emotional Hurt/Comfort. Nightmares.
Until the End of All Things (I Will Wait For You) [Tarlos. 25k]
I'd give you the sun if you asked me [Tarlos. 2K]
Three moments in which TK comforts Carlos. Fluff with minimal angst (practically unheard of for me)
Captain America: TWS AU. Angst. FireFam & Carlos. Happy ending
my sunshine in the darkness [Tarlos. 15k]
Soulmate AU. Soulmates feel each other's pain momentarily, and it gets worse the closer they are to each other.
Paint My World in Colors [Tarlos. 4k]
Soulmate AU. The color of the soulmate's eyes is the first one a person can see.
fall in love in a single touch [Tarlos. 7k]
Roommates AU.
tell me it's real [Tarlos. 9k]
Fake Dating AU. Carlos asks TK to be his date to his father's birthday. It does not go according to plan.
this time, it's really love [Tarlos. 5k]
Fake Dating AU. TK asks Carlos, who hates his guts, to be his date to his ex's wedding. Ft. Misunderstanding that is really Mateo's fault.
Fine Line [Tarlos. 15k]
Bodyguard AU. Enemies to Lovers. Celebrity TK.
I hate you (I love you) [Tarlos. 4k]
Enemies to Lovers. Firefighter Carlos.
you stole the air out of my lungs [Tarlos. 3k]
Canon Divergent AU. Miscommunication. Second Chances. Stuck in an elevator.
it's always been you [Tarlos. 6k]
Friends to lovers. Idiots in love. They get there in the end.
Amnesia AU [WIP]
Coffeeshop AU [WIP]
Tru Calling AU [WIP]
Chasing Liberty/Political Animals AU
Amends [Tarlos. 1k]
《Episode Related》
one day [Tarlos. 3k]
The Tarlos Break Up. Flashbacks. Hopeful ending.
3x02 Spec. Fic.
2x12 Missing Scene (in which they talk).
as long as I have you [Tarlos. 2k]
Post 2x12. They fight and make up.
fires burn right to the brim [Tarlos. 5k]
2x12 Spec Fic. Hurt Carlos. BAMF! TK to the rescue. Big brother Judd.
Stay for Me [Tarlos. 1k]
2x12 Spec fic. Hurt Carlos. Worried TK. Angst.
Home [1k]
2x10 missing scene. Carlos asks TK to move in with him.
can't go on without you [Tarlos. 2k]
Post 2x09. TK and Carlos are there for Judd while Grace is in the coma.
feel you in my skin in the dimming lights [Tarlos. 2k]
2x08 Missing Scene and Coda. Hurt/Comfort.
Home Is Wherever I'm With You [Tarlos. 1k]
2x07 Coda. Nancy & TK friendship. TK goes home to Carlos.
I'll hold you closer than my skin and my blood [Tarlos. 7k]
Post 2x04. Hurt Carlos. TK has to pretend he's just a friend. Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
swimming up against the tide [Tarlos. 1k]
2x04 Missing Scene. Mostly Carlos-Centric.
● CrossOver ●
• 《Timeless》 •
I could lie to you all my days (but you're the one) [Buddie/Tarlos. 10k]
Tarlos and Buddie meet up. Buddie get together.
•• 《AUs》 ••
Zombie AU [WIP]
•••••••••• ● RNM ● ••••••••••
• 《 Timeless 》 •
forget all the ways that we're broken [7k]
5 Times Maria sees Michael leave the planet, and the one time he stays.
even shooting stars must fall [1k]
Rescue gone wrong. Hopeful, but open, ending. (Heed the warnings)
Oh, when we've loved [2k]
Domestic Fluff. Malex as uncles and dads.
we burned down our paper house [14k]
The Lost Decade.
Tell me how all this (and love, too) will ruin us [2k]
Sequel to wbdoph (lost decade fic) set before S3.
To the Moon and Back [4k]
Manes Family Feels. Hints of Malex.
Your Hand in Mine [0.9k]
Outsider POV. A small, tender, Malex moment.
•• 《AUs》 ••
tell me how to love again [5k]
Amnesia AU.
Here, with you, I'm finally home [7k]
Caulfield AU in which Alex isn't quite human, and Nora lives.
Of Roses and Bad Dates [2k]
••• 《Episode Related》 •••
Meet Ugly. Enemies to Lovers.
hold on to the memories (they will hold on to you) [Malex. 10k]
The Wedding AU.
Alex comes back to Roswell in hopes of winning Michael, and instead finds out he's about to get married to someone else.
Hope, loss, angst and flashbacks.
Moments in Time [23k]
Season 3 Codas and Drabbles.
the world doesn't exist, only you do [19k]
Post 2x10 Spec Fic- Outsider POV of Michael slowly losing his mind while Alex is missing.
Bound by Stardust [2k]
Post 2x09- Emotional Hurt/Comfort. How I wish the episode ended for Michael.
The Poetry of You [2k]
Sequel to BbS. Malex get together.
won't you liberate me now [13k]
Post 1x12- Spec Fic.
Bad Things Happen Bingo Card
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lonestardaily · 2 years
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Each week Lone Star Daily looks to provide you with a decent (not  comprehensive) list of the fanfics that have been posted for the week.  The week runs from Friday - Thursday, as that way it does give us an  opportunity to put the list together. There’s no requirement to tag us  as we will check the tags #911 lone star fic and #911lsfic while also  combing through ao3. We currently are only going to post new fics, not  updates. You can check out this week’s fics below the cut.
All our past recs can be found on this page.
Please  feel free to give this post a boost to give our writers a chance to  receive some love for the work they do for the fandom.
(if  your fic is not tagged with a tumblr, it’s because we couldn’t find one  - feel free to send us a message and we’ll be happy to add one)
Ten Days (Carlos Begins) by @introverted-explorer​
↳  (TK x Carlos | Hurt/Comfort | G | 2.7K)
What if 10 days before their wedding TK and Carlos are on a call and Carlos gets severely injured?
A Carlos Begins of sorts. Anxiety, coming out, defining moments in all of his relationships.
despite it all by @rmd-writes​
↳  (TK x Carlos | Coda | E | 3.2K)
TK thanks Carlos for moving him in to the loft
Only time will tell by @savedbyfire​
↳  (TK x Carlos | AU | T | 3.1+K)
Paramedic Carlos Reyes has just been hired to fill ambulance 126's open spot. Now he's adjusting to life at a new firehouse with a new team. Along the way, he meets police officer TK Strand and his life gets flipped on its axis.
Grilled Cheese by @chicgeekgirl89​
↳  (TK x Carlos x the 126 | Fluff | G | 1K)
A stormy call is followed up by a sweet dinnertime surprise.
Worst Kind of Hurt by @moviegeek03​
↳  (TK x Carlos | Hurt/Comfort | T | 11+K)
It had only been a week. A week without his mom. And, he was already grasping at whatever he could hold onto of hers. He couldn’t lose that connection. He couldn’t lose the last pieces of hers. But, he never expected to find one more final connection, the form of a man determined for revenge. When one of Gwyn’s old court cases comes back to haunt TK in the aftermath of her death, Carlos and the others will have to unravel the mystery and the past to save him.
maybe it will turn out this time by @morganaspendragonss
↳  (TK x Carlos | Angst | T | 11+K)
TK likes what he sees when Carlos is in the shower, so Carlos gives him something to watch.
Sex Drive by @welcometololaland​
↳  (TK x Carlos | Coda | E | 3.8K)
Carlos has a thing for TK playing softball and TK has a thing for reflective surfaces, apparently.
my mirror staring back at me by @reyescarlos​
↳  (TK x Carlos | Domestic Smut | E | 4.1K)
Falling in love with TK Strand wasn't part of Carlos's five-year-plan. Falling in love with anyone wasn't part of his five-year-plan, but TK... He blew like a whirlwind into Carlos's life and brought him a happiness he couldn't have even dreamed of. But tragedy is never far around the corner, and when it strikes, that happiness feels like a distant memory.
We Go Together by @ravens-words
↳  (TK x Carlos | Hurt/Comfort | T | 3.1K)
  When TK wakes up, aching all over and dizzy with the pain, he's confused.
 Then, he remembers.
 In flashes.
 Bit by bit.
 Bickering with Carlos over which songs to play.
 Holding Carlos' hand over the gearstick.
 The heavy rain hitting the roof of the car.
 The dog Carlos had swerved to avoid hitting.
 Calling out Carlos’ name just as frantically as his fiancé did.
 Hitting his head on the window.
 And then, nothing.
Full Circle by graspingforwords
↳  (Gabriel Reyes, Gabriel x Carlos | Introspection | G | 2.1K)
Gabriel is working on a case that hits a bit too close to home, and he realizes that he never apologized to Carlos for the way he handled his coming out.
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noxsoulmate · 2 years
I need to know about the soulmates ones!!! And wedding interruption
💜 Wedding Interruption 💜
Now, the soulmate ones... I have this list of different kinds of soulmate AUs and out of all of those, four were my absolute favorites for Tarlos. I've already written two of them (#1 and 2), and I'm still planning to write the other two (#3 and 4):
“Being next to your soulmate heals injuries” -> Heal My Hurting Heart
“Your eyes are your soulmate's hair colour, changes when they dye it” -> We Are Exploding Colors
“All the nicknames your soulmate is called by are written on you.” -> The twist in this fic is, of course, that "TK" is actually a nickname already, so Carlos has TK's name on his body the whole time. When he sees him that first night and reads the name on his uniform, he can't believe it. And of course there are all the nicknames Judd has for TK in the beginning, like pretty boy, city boy and so on. In return, the name that is most prominent on TK's body is Carlitos and TK gets the feeling that the man is well-loved and too good for him.
“Names on both wrist, one is your soulmate, the other one your enemy, can’t tell which one is which” -> Obviously, TK has Alex on one wrist and Carlos on the other. He still believes that Alex is his soulmate, even though he broke his heart (just like in canon). But the thing is: he and Carlos never exchange names during the dancing and the "first 15 minutes". So it isn't until later that TK gets his name and freaks out and practically ghosts Carlos. Until the precinct scene...
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kiras-sunshine · 3 years
👻🖊️🧠 please 🥺
thank you so much for asking <3
👻 What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
this is a really good question, i'm pretty much a mood writer and i cannot force myself to write something I don't feel up to so never is a strong word but there is one tarlos college au that seems a bit too messy and too vague to ever become something concrete so that might be one at least
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
i've like ten wips that i'm actively trying to work on, but since i have the file of this open you'll get a tiny piece from post 3x08 fic where TK tells the whole truth about his addiction to Carlos
“And I really wanted to tell you when I almost relapsed but—you were feeling so guilty about putting me on a plane that almost crashed. Your guilt was over something that you had no control over, and you were so scared of losing me again—” TK sighs, inhales sharply, as if he would have to force the air in and he exhales just as deeply, some of his tension evaporating as he does it, but he seems mostly defeated and guilty when he looks back at him and feebly gestures at nothing with his hand, “—I couldn’t watch you in the eye and say that on the same day I almost did something that could have gotten me killed a lot more easily.”
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
ohh so many, i've a lot of just drafts and plans saved into my wip folder too, but to mention a few, one is another kid fic but this time from carlos' perspective and more focusing on the struggles and insecurities that he might experience as a parent and then there is one that at the moment it is just titled as a pillow fic which i'm really hoping to write at some point but it's just supposed to be their pillow talks over the course of their entire relationship, some big moments and some mundane moments and honorary mention to the idea that i want to write about TK having some water related trauma after the hypothermia but i haven't really figured anything else for it yet and lately i've been playing with the idea of writing a night before the wedding panic fic
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🌗📚💎🍄📒 (I love your work, I’m still trying to catch up!)
Thank you so much for the ask!!
🌗 fluff or angst?
I am physically incapable of choosing, I love writing both. It really depends on my mood as to which I prefer writing week to week which is why I have so many fics going at the same time so I can have a break from the angst by writing some fluff.
📚 favorite fandom for write for?
9-1-1 is my favourite but Lone Star follows very very close behind it. I just have so many unfinished ideas for 911, but the ideas pile for Lone star is rapidly growing.
💎 fave trope to write?
↪ answered here
🍄how do you get yourself in the mood to write?
I'm very much always thinking about writing - literally all of my idle thoughts are on whatever fic I'm working on or coming up with a new idea so I'm always in the mood to write, however, to for me to actually get to writing really depends on what I have to do for the day and how much free time I have and then I just sit down and stare at the document in silence as I map it out in my head before I put it into words. Quite a bit of my writing comes from my notes app from when I was lying in bed at night when I should be sleeping
📒any fics planned?
So so many. I've got a tarlos soulmate au, a buddie mindlink soulmate au, Eddie changing his will fic, a sequel to late night company, a tarlos wedding fic, an injured Carlos/caretaker TK fic, and many many more that I have mapped but are yet to write. I just need the right mindset and time for each of them.
fanfic writer ask game
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