#taron egerton piece
RHW: Epilogue
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Story Page / Playlist / Wattpad / AO3
PLEASE READ: The day is here. Right Here, Waiting is officially over. It's been a ride, to say the least. I've laughed and I've cried, but I've enjoyed every single minute of it. @brayndilyn and I turned a tiny little idea into something that I am infinitely proud of. Her love, support and help has been amazing and this story has given me a friend that I will cherish forever, so thank you, B!
You may notice that this epilogue is set on the 5th of August, 2023...TODAY. I wanted to do something fun and cool and having the story end on the day that it ends just seemed so fitting. I hope you enjoy the epilogue as much as you've loved the rest of the story. I'm off on a little hiatus now but I'll be back soon.
Word Count: 6.4k
Warnings: PURE FLUFF
August 5th, 2023
After a wet July filled with continuous torrential downpours, August brought with it the promise of the sunshine that everybody craved. Taron and Liliana had quickly escaped the hustle and bustle of London at the first sign of sun to spend the week in Aberystwyth with their family. 
Liliana was excited to spend Matilda’s twelfth birthday with her. Matilda had started high school in September and had been so busy that Liliana hadn’t been able to spend as much time with her as she would have liked. Having a week to see her as often as she liked made her insides jump with excitement. 
The second day they were in Wales, it was a warm Saturday morning and Liliana woke up before Taron. He nestled into her back with his nose tucked into the back of her neck. Liliana lay in bed for a little while after she’d woken up just to enjoy Taron’s touch on her skin, but when she grew a little too warm, she climbed out and pulled on some leggings. 
Tina was already downstairs when Liliana slipped into the living room, and she turned her attention away from the TV to smile at Liliana. 
‘Good morning, honey. Sleep well?’ 
Liliana nodded. ‘I did, thank you. Taron’s still sleeping but I don’t think it’ll be too long until he’s awake.’ 
‘You came downstairs,’ Tina chuckled. ‘I give him a solid fifteen minutes before he comes in here looking for you.’ 
‘I was going to say more like ten. I had to try so hard to pull myself away from him. I’m going to go make a cup of coffee. Would you like one?’ 
Tina shook her head softly and held her mug up. ‘I’ve got one already, lovely. Thank you though. I’ll come and chat to you in the kitchen, I’ve had a bit of an idea I want to run by you.’ 
Liliana walked through to the kitchen with Tina close behind her. She’d been at Tina’s house overnight countless times in the almost eighteen months that she and Taron had been together, but it wasn’t until that morning that she realised just how at ease she was there. 
She didn’t feel the need to tiptoe everywhere she went in fear of making too much noise with her steps. She didn’t stop in doorways to listen and make sure that nobody was in a room before she entered. 
And she felt completely free to make herself a drink or get something to eat without having to ask or feel like a burden. She let out a shaky breath as she grabbed the mug that Tina had bought specifically for her, and she blinked back tears. 
‘So this plan?’ Liliana said to try and distract herself from the emotions racing through her. 
Tina settled herself on one of the dining chairs and watched Liliana glide around the kitchen effortlessly. ‘I was thinking, because the sun has finally decided to make an appearance and because I want to celebrate getting to spend the entire week with my two oldest babies, what if we have a barbecue this afternoon?’ 
Liliana’s heart swelled at Tina calling her one of her babies, and she turned to her with an emotional smile. ‘That sounds really lovely. Taron and I could go to the shops if you needed? It wouldn’t be a bother.’ 
‘No, it’s okay,’ Tina insisted. ‘If you’re okay to watch the girls for me, I’ll go. Plus, if I’m being completely honest, I need Taron to clean the barbecue before we use it.’ 
Liliana let out a small chuckle. ‘I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to do that. I ought to be making him a drink too, huh? Considering it’s been five minutes since I got downstairs.’ 
‘It might be a good idea. Do you think Eliza would be okay with Matilda coming around today? She could spend the night too, if she’d like.’ 
The corners of Liliana’s lips curled up into a grin as she nodded her head. ‘That would be amazing. Thank you, Tina. But please let me give you some money towards the food and anything extra. It’s the least I can do for everything you’ve done for Taron and me recently.’ 
Tina shook her head firmly. ‘Nope. I won’t take money from you, Lili. It’s what family does.’ 
‘Exactly. Family helps each other out. Let me give you the money for the crisps and things at least then.’ 
‘Liliana Esme,’ Tina chastised lightly. Liliana looked down sheepishly and it took her a short while to finally look back up at Tina. 
Tina chuckled with a small wink. ‘There’s been this idea floating around in my head for a few months now but I didn’t know when, or how to bring it up in the best way.’ 
Liliana furrowed her brows as she put the used tea bag into the small caddy next to the kitchen. 
‘I love you just as much as I love Taron and the girls. If anything happened to you, I would be beside myself. You are amazing, and I wish you’d had the grown up you needed in your life when you were little. I’ve been thinking…if you feel comfortable enough, this is, that you could maybe call me mum? You absolutely do not have to, I just thought…oh I don’t even know, I just thought it might be nice.’ 
Liliana’s breath stopped momentarily as a rush of contrasting emotions filled her mind. Tina had been more like a mum to Liliana throughout her teenage years than Eliza had, and she’d accidentally slipped and called Tina ‘mum’ on a few occasions. But knowing that she had Tina’s blessing–that she would finally be able to call someone mum again, and knowing that she had a mum who loved her, it sent something weird zapping through her body and she couldn’t control the emotion as she wasn’t quite sure what it was. 
‘That’s truly only if you feel comfortable though,’ Tina continued. She could sense the difference in Liliana’s demeanour and wanted to diffuse anything before it got too bad and Liliana shut down. The last thing Tina wanted to do was upset Liliana. ‘I wouldn’t ever want you to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable. 
‘It’s just…I want you to have a mum that you feel safe with. I want you to have a mum that loves you how you deserve to be loved, because my god you deserve to be loved, Liliana. Anyway, would Matilda prefer hot dogs or beef burgers for the barbecue? I’ll be getting cheese and doing some fried onions. If she’s anything like you, I’ll be buying Tesco out of onions.’ 
Liliana breathed out a slightly teary laugh. She was thankful for the sudden change in subject. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to call Tina mum. If anything she would have loved to. There was just something holding her back. 
Things with Taron were perfect, to put it swiftly, but she knew just how quickly things changed in her life; how quickly things went bad. The last thing she wanted was for her to finally feel comfortable enough in a family for it all to be pulled from under her. It had happened before, and she swore that she wouldn’t let it happen again. 
‘You may need to buy Tesco out of onions. Chances are she’ll probably have one of each. She isn’t fussy, bless her. You could put any food in front of her and she would give it a go. I don’t know where she got that from, I was so fussy when I was younger.’ 
‘You weren’t fussy,’ Tina said seriously. ‘You just hadn’t had the chance to try a lot of foods when you were younger so you were nervous to sway away from what you knew. I never had an issue with you trying new things. But if she likes both, I’ll make sure there’s both. The girls are the same. I’ll get Taron to clean the barbecue when he comes downstairs and we’ll be good to go. I’m surprised he hasn’t come down yet, it’s been ten minutes.’ 
As if on cue, Taron strolled into the kitchen with his arms stretched above his head. He yawned as he made his way over to Tina to kiss her on the cheek. 
‘Morning, mam. I heard my name. What are you talking about me for?’ 
Tina looked at Liliana and they shook their heads simultaneously with small laughs that made Taron look between them with raised eyebrows. 
‘I bet I didn’t,’ he laughed as he stalked towards Liliana. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her lips gently. ‘You came downstairs without me.’ 
‘Unlike some, I wake up early and don’t want to spend all day in bed,’ Liliana chuckled playfully before she kissed Taron again quickly. ‘Your mum suggested that we have a barbecue this afternoon. We’re going to watch the girls while she runs to Tesco and I’m going to call Matilda soon and see if she wants to come. Eliza won’t have a problem with it.’ 
Taron twisted his body until his hips rested against the worktop. He wrapped an arm around Liliana’s waist and tucked her into his side before he grabbed her mug of coffee to steal some. 
‘Oi,’ Liliana chastised with wide eyes, ‘that’s mine, you bugger. There’s a mug behind you that I made for you.’ 
‘Yours always tastes nicer,’ Taron shrugged. ‘A barbecue sounds amazing though. Do you need me to clean it then, mam? It’s not been used for…I don’t even know how long. The chances are it’s a right mess and will need a good scrub.’ 
Tina licked her lips as she stood to put her empty mug in the sink next to Taron. ‘Funny you should ask,’ she said playfully. 
Taron shook his head in fake disbelief. ‘I knew I heard you talking about me. I’ll get it cleaned this morning for you so it can sit for a while before I light it. Can I put towards the shopping? I don’t like the idea of you buying everything.’ 
‘I already told Liliana that I won’t accept any money from the two of you for it. You are my babies and I want to treat you. Am I okay to leave the girls with you now? They’re due to be waking up soon but I have a feeling Tesco will be packed if I leave it much longer.’ 
‘That’s fine,’ Liliana said quietly before she leaned up to kiss Taron’s cheek. ‘I’m going to go and call Matilda. I’ll be right back, babe.’ 
As Taron had thought, the barbecue was in need of a deep clean. It wouldn’t take much to get it clean but Taron got the power washer out to help speed things up. In a feeble attempt to stop his t-shirt from getting wet and dirty, he pulled it away from his body and threw it just inside the back door where it would be sage. 
While he cleaned, Liliana and the three young girls all laid out on blankets on the grass together. The three younger girls played on Taron’s Nintendo Switch while Liliana read a book. After working on her second book for so long, it was nice to read for pleasure rather than for work. She’d made sure to pack multiple books for their week away so that she wouldn’t run out of reading material. 
Liliana read her book until Taron rubbed his palms on the back of his jeans to dry them off somewhat. He’d distracted her so well that when Matilda scooted closer to her, she hadn’t flinched. It wasn’t until Matilda tapped her on the leg twice that Liliana diverted her attention away from her boyfriend to her little sister. 
‘Thank you for letting me come,’ Matilda said quietly while she hugged Liliana from the side. 
Liliana turned to her and smiled fondly. For all of their differences, they were still so alike. They had the same personality, and Liliana could feel the love that radiated from Matilda in the small moments. 
‘You are so welcome, Little Bug. Are you excited to start year eight in September? I can’t believe that you’re already in your second year of high school.’ 
‘I’m a little nervous. Year seven was fun but the teachers have said we’re really starting to get into things this next year.’ 
‘Year eight is a little harder than year seven.’ Liliana wasn’t the type of person to sugar coat anything when it came to Matilda. She wanted her to know that things could be hard, and then give her ways around making it easier. ‘But it will go by so fast and you are so smart that you won’t even be able to tell the difference. Before you know it, you’ll be in year eleven and doing your GCSEs. High school can be hard, and I don’t want you to let anybody tell you otherwise. 
‘And people can be awful, trust me on that one. But you are so headstrong, and so incredibly smart that I know you’re going to do amazing. If anybody starts to give you trouble–students or teachers–let me know. Taron and I went to that school and most of the teachers we had are still there and I can talk to them. Mr Francis, he could probably tell you some stories.’ 
‘He’s my English teacher!’ Matilda exclaimed happily. ‘He’s always really fun.’ 
‘That sounds like Mr Francis. He was Taron and me’s English teacher too. He caught us passing notes one day and I don’t think I will ever live that down.’ 
Matilda’s eyes widened in glee. ‘I’m going to ask him about you both in September. Hey, Lili? Do you think that you and Taron will ever get married?’ 
Liliana took a deep breath and moved her attention back to Taron. His back tensed as he cleaned and Liliana couldn’t help but want to run her hands down the length of it and let them settle just inside the waistband of his jeans. She shook her head before her daydream turned into something erotic and turned back to Matilda. 
She leaned in close and whispered, ‘I don’t know, Tilly, but I hope we do. I love him a helluva lot and it would be nice to be married to him.’ 
‘Would you have kids?’ 
‘I don’t know, Til. That’s something that Taron and I would have to talk about one day. Why? Do you want us to get married and have babies?’ 
Matilda nodded. ‘Yeah. I’ve always wanted a brother. And who doesn’t love babies?’ 
Liliana chuckled and hugged Matilda to her side. Though she kept her eyes on Taron. Matilda had planted a thought in Liliana’s mind and it had turned into a whole daydream about one day being able to call Taron her husband. The thought made her insides turn to mush and she couldn’t hold back the grin that took over her face. 
Unbeknownst to anyone else in the garden, Taron had heard Matilda’s question and had strategically taken a break from using the power washer in the hopes that he would hear how Liliana answered. Taron had known since March of the previous year that he wanted to spend the rest of his time on Earth with Liliana. 
In the April of 2022, he had designed and bought a ring that he hoped she would love, ready for whenever Liliana was comfortable enough to take the next step and solidify their relationship further. 
The past eighteen months had been utter bliss for Taron. He finally had the woman of his dreams and his best friend all rolled into one. But he knew that Liliana still faced her inner demons every day and he was willing to wait as long as she needed before he asked her the most important question. 
A couple of months after their trip to Scotland, Liliana had moved in with him and that was enough for Taron. Liliana was the first person he saw when he woke up, and the last person he saw when he went to bed. If they lived like that for the rest of their lives without the titles of husband and wife, he was sure that he wouldn’t have minded. 
Five months prior, when they celebrated their one year anniversary, he had casually brought up the idea of marriage but Liliana had been hesitant. She had drawn in on herself again and Taron knew that it was too much too soon. He apologised for bringing it up and made it up to her again and again that night, whispering sweet nothings into her ear continuously. 
He had hoped that the idea of marriage wouldn’t scare Liliana so much, and he’d come up with a tentative plan to propose to her in November. It would be the two year anniversary of when they reunited at Liliana’s first book launch. But Taron carried the ring with him wherever he went, more so that he didn’t forget where he had hidden it, but also because he was worried about how Liliana might react if she saw it. 
The second he heard Liliana tell Matilda that she wanted to marry him, he thanked his lucky stars that he’d taken the ring to Aberystwyth with him and that it was stashed in the bottom of his suitcase where there was no risk of Liliana coming across it. He decided to seize the moment, and a plan started to form in his head. 
Liliana and Matilda had continued to whisper while Taron had his epiphany, and luckily they hadn’t noticed that he’d stopped cleaning. He closed the lip of the barbecue softly so that it didn’t make too loud of a noise. 
‘Well, I believe it will do for our spur of the moment party this afternoon.’ 
Liliana looked up at Taron and smiled happily, ‘Great job, babe. It looks clean enough to eat off of!’ She winked at him and he gave her a sarcastic look while he planted his hands on both hips and wiggled them joyfully. ‘You are something else.’ 
‘You got that right, baby. I’m going to go and get cleaned up and put my top back on before I join in on all the fun you four are having. Do any of you want a drink while I’m inside?’ 
‘Can you bring us all another can, please? Thank you.’
Taron went back into the house and continued to work on his plan to get Liliana alone for a little while. He hoped that if he timed it right, they could be back at the house to celebrate with everyone before the barbecue was in full swing. 
He bounded up the stairs two at a time and changed into a pair of shorts and a new t-shirt before he grabbed the ring from his suitcase. Before he left the bedroom, Taron checked in the mirror to make sure that the outline of the small, velvet box wasn’t obvious. 
As luck would have it, Tina walked in the front door as Taron got to the bottom of the stairs. She jumped a little but chuckled when she saw that it was only Taron. 
‘God you have a way of sneaking up on me,’ she laughed. 
‘It was totally not on purpose,’ Taron laughed. ‘Let me help you with these bags. What did you buy, woman? They’re heavier than the girls.’ 
‘Hush your mouth, child. Though I may have gotten carried away with snacks. So the chances are we’re eating all of this over the next few days.’ 
‘That sounds like a plan to me. I actually need your help with something.’ 
‘Sure, baby. What do you need?’ 
Tine looked at her son with a puzzled look plastered on her face. She could tell that Taron was up to something but she couldn’t fathom what it could possibly be. He put the bags he carried down on the table and then turned to his mum fully. 
He checked the back garden to make sure that none of the girls were on their way inside before he stuffed his hand into his pocket and gripped the small box that he’d kept well hidden for almost two years. 
‘I happened to overhear Liliana telling Matilda that she hopes that we get married one day. And I figured, why not ask her today?’ He pulled the box out of his pocket and snapped it open to show his mum the ring. ‘This wasn’t the plan but I can’t wait any longer. It’s been such a long time coming. She’s the one, mum. Liliana is the one that I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.’ 
Tina’s jaw was on the floor and she had tears in her eyes. It wasn’t a surprise that Taron wanted to propose. She’d known how Taron felt about Liliana for years, but she hadn’t had a clue that he already had a ring. 
‘I was going to tell you that I planned to propose but I just can’t wait any longer.’ 
‘Oh my goodness, this is amazing. My baby boy is going to propose!’ Tina’s voice got louder and Taron immediately turned to the back garden. 
‘Mam,’ he shushed her through gritted teeth. 
‘I’m sorry, honey, this is just so exciting! What do you need my help with?’ 
Taron closed the box and stuffed it back in his pocket so that there wasn’t a risk of anybody else seeing it before the time was right. ‘I need you to distract Rosie, Marie and Matilda while I get Liliana up to Constitution Hill. I thought it only fitting that I ask her there. It’s one of the most important places to us.’ 
Tina nodded in understanding and pulled Taron in for a long hug. ‘Of course, that would be perfect. And leave it to me, I’ll make sure the youngest are good while you’re gone. I’m so proud of you, little boy. And I’m so happy that Liliana is ready for forever. I told her that she can call me mum if she wants to and she got emotional. She’s really starting to open up more and I’m so happy.’ 
‘I think she’s finally ready to accept that she’s part of a family now. I just want to make it official. I’m going to go and get her. We won’t be too long, promise.’ 
‘Take your time, Taron.’ 
‘Thanks, mam. I love you.’ 
‘I love you too.’ 
Taron hugged his mum once more before he walked to the back door and admired the four girls at the top of the garden. He slowly made his way over towards them. 
‘Hey, Love Bug, come here for a second,’ Taron called to Liliana as he neared where she rested on the grass. He opened his arms and Liliana automatically stepped into them when she got up. ‘Mum’s just got back from Tesco and it’s such a lovely day out. What do you say we got for a walk quickly? I was thinking about Constitution Hill. It’s been so long since we’ve been up there.’ 
Liliana gave Taron the same puzzled look his mum had and asked, ‘But what about the barbecue? Surely we could help your mum get everything ready? She’s already done so much by doing the shopping on her own. I can’t leave her to prepare everything on her own too.’ 
‘She had mentioned asking the girls to help her prepare everything, and you know how much they all love to help out in the kitchen. Especially when Matilda is here.’ 
Liliana was still visibly sceptical, but she couldn’t deny that she would love some alone time with Taron. ‘Sure, babe, that sounds like a great idea. But let’s take the funicular up so we aren’t gone too long. I would still like to help your mum prepare some stuff.’ 
‘My thoughts exactly,’ Taron smiled as he leaned down to kiss Liliana. ‘Come on, let’s get going.’ 
He wrapped his arm around Liliana’s shoulder and walked them towards the garden gate that led them down the side of the house and to the street. Matilda looked up at Liliana and the crease in her brow was obvious even from where Liliana was. 
‘We’re just going to take a quick walk up the hill. We’ll be back before the barbecue starts, I promise,’ Liliana assured Matilda. 
Matilda smiled and gave her a small wave goodbye before going back to playing games with the other two. Liliana waved at Tina as they passed the kitchen window. She could have sworn that Tina winked at her when she passed by, but the sun was streaming in through the window so Liliana thought that it must have been the sunlight getting in her eyes. 
Liliana had clocked the grey clouds making their way to town before Taron had, but she was sure the forecast hadn’t predicted rain so she hadn’t mentioned anything. Though she wished she had when she felt the first drops of rain hit her skin. Taron groaned loudly and grabbed her hand to pull her into the nearest empty doorway. 
He pushed her against the wall softly and looked down at her with so much love that Liliana could physically feel her heart pulling towards Taron’s. Her hands slid up his front until she could pull him closer to her by the neck. 
Her lips brushed over his and as she was about to pull away, Taron leaned forward and kissed her passionately. She sighed dreamily into him and held onto him tighter. When they had been caught in the rain and took shelter in a shop doorway all those sixteen years before, all Liliana had wanted was for Taron to kiss her. 
Liliana smiled into the kiss and Taron copied. He thought the same thing and without needing to use words, they gave each other what their younger selves wanted. 
‘Do you think they’d be happy?’ Liliana asked when they pulled apart to catch their breath. 
‘Our eighteen year old selves. Can you imagine telling them that in sixteen years they would be back hiding from the rain but happily kissing one another because they were in a relationship and had been for over a year?’ 
Taron thought for a moment as he held Liliana close. The rain had stopped already but they made no moves to continue their walk. He let his hands trail up to Liliana’s waist where he held her against him. He just hoped that she wouldn’t reach her hands down too low where she would feel the ring box nestled safely in his pocket. 
‘I think they’d be annoyed that it took us so long to say something to one another,’ he said with a small smile. ‘But then I think they would be so happy. I know younger me would be. All I wanted that day was to kiss you.’ 
‘All I wanted was for you to kiss me.’ 
‘Then this is for younger us,’ he smiled before he leaned down to plant another kiss to Liliana’s welcoming lips.
Thankfully the rain hadn’t stopped the funicular and it was running when they got to the bottom of Constitution Hill. Liliana climbed in first and took a seat on the small bench to the left. Taron squeezed in next to her and put his arm around her shoulder happily. 
‘Thank you for indulging me, Lil. I love spending time with everyone at home but I wanted a little bit of uninterrupted alone time with you.’ 
Nobody else stepped onto the funicular and as it started to carry them up the hill, Taron leaned in and kissed Liliana. It was deep and passionate, and the passion behind it caught Liliana off guard momentarily. Though she leaned in and kissed him back just as fervently. It didn’t matter how much time passed, kissing Taron was still her favourite feeling in the world. 
‘Thank you for suggesting this, T,’ she panted when Taron pulled away. ‘I agree, it is very nice to have some alone time with you. No funny business though, we are still in public and the ride up is only a few minutes.’ Liliana wagged a finger at Taron and he put his hands up in surrender with a devilish grin. 
‘I wouldn’t dream of it, Love Bug. But there’s nothing saying we can’t have a cheeky make out session, right?’ Taron winked at Liliana and leaned in to kiss her again. 
By the time they pulled apart, they were nearing the top of the hill. Taron grabbed Liliana’s hand as he stepped out so that he could help her climb out of the carriage safely. She thanked him softly and leaned her hand on his shoulder as they walked. 
The closer they got to the edge of the hill, the more Taron’s nerves started to hit him. His throat got dry and his hands had started to shake. He hoped that if Liliana could feel the shake, she would think that he was a little on the chillier side. The drop in temperature at the top of the hill worked in his favour. 
Liliana pulled away from Taron and walked towards the edge faster than Taron. The views never failed to amaze her and the second she saw the entire bay, her lips curled into a smile and she took a deep breath. Her love for Aberystwyth grew once again when she’d started to go back with Taron. She no longer dreaded being there because she knew that she would be with the people who loved her the most. 
The sunshine that had come back quickly after the rain had stopped, and by the time that they got off of the funicular, nobody would have known that it had been raining ten minutes previously thanks to the almost cloudless sky that had taken over. 
Liliana towed Taron in the direction of their spot while she soaked up the sunshine, her head tilted up to get as much vitamin C as she could. They had never officially declared what part of the hill was their spot, but they both knew. They had spent countless hours up there talking about life while watching the clouds. 
It was where Liliana had felt the safest when she was a teenager, and it was where they had realised that they had fallen for each other all those years ago. Liliana stood right at the edge and looked out at the sea. Small waves crashed against the bottom of the hill and Liliana matched her breathing to each crash. 
There was a faint smell of seaweed in the air and the Y Consti cafe behind them wafted the smell of freshly ground coffee into the air. Taron stepped next to Liliana and took her hand in his. They stood and stared out at the sea for a moment, taking in the warm breeze and the few fluffy clouds that dotted the sky. 
As Liliana was about to tell Taron that she was enjoying the moment with him, she felt him tug on her hand. When she turned to face him, he was lowering himself onto his left knee. He took the ring box from his pocket and Liliana’s breath caught in her throat. 
‘Taron,’ she managed to choke out as she squeezed his hand tightly. Tears had already found their way to her eyes and she couldn’t help the ones that fell down the length of her cheeks. 
‘Don’t say anything yet,’ he said quickly before he gulped. ‘Please. I want to say this before I forget anything I want to say.’ 
Liliana nodded, allowing Taron the room to say whatever he needed to. Though she knew what was coming. Her heart thumped rapidly deep within her chest and tiny drops of sweat started to build on the small of her back as the anticipation of what was about to happen poured over her. 
When Matilda had asked her earlier in the day if she was going to marry Taron, Liliana hadn’t expected for Taron to propose to her that day. Things started to fall into place as she watched Taron. She’d not taken notice of it before but she should have realised that Taron had stopped cleaning at the right time, and then the next thing she knew, he whisked her away to their spot and he was on one knee in front of her. 
She swiped away the tears that had started to fall so that she could look at Taron clearly, but she couldn’t wipe them away fast enough. They were falling freely down her cheeks and she saw a couple of people out of the corner of her eye watching the scene unfold in front of them. 
‘It has been almost sixteen years since I said goodbye to you on that train platform,’ Taron started through a shaky breath. ‘When the train pulled out, I remember wondering if I was ever going to see you again. It was like I was losing the thing that mattered the most to me. When I got home, I sat in your chair and I just cried. I didn’t want you to leave, but I didn’t know if I was allowed to say anything. I remember thinking that I’d lost you for good.’ 
Taron paused and took a deep, shaky breath. Liliana wanted nothing more than to reach out and cup his cheek, to pull him into her body and hold him until the end of time. She wanted to be the one to look after him. But she held back so that he could continue in his own time. Liliana was in no rush. They had the rest of their lives to look forward to. 
‘Then one morning when I was checking my mail, I found an invitation to a book launch. The second I read the name on top, Liliana Esme, I could feel the hole in my heart shrink a little.’ 
Liliana could remember making the guest list for the book launch as if it were only yesterday. She’d been asked to give a list of names of people who meant the most to her. When Taron’s name popped into her mind, she couldn’t decide what to do. It had already been over a decade since she’d last seen him, and a whole lifetime had occurred in that time. 
She knew that it was a long shot that he would turn up, but she invited him anyway. And she would send that invite again just to have Taron by her side again. 
‘You have always been my safe space, Lil, and I have loved you since we were eighteen years old. I wake up every morning and fall in love with you even more. The hole in my heart healed when I saw you again, and every day with you makes the scar grow smaller. 
‘These past eighteen months with you have been the best of my life. It’s been a continuous adventure and I can’t wait to relive every single one for the rest of my life. I have loved dancing in Washington Square Park with you; eating croissants on a balcony in the middle of Paris; swimming in the Mediterranean Sea; running into the sea down there in the middle of the night in just our underwear.’ 
Liliana laughed through the tears that streamed freely down her face, and she held Taron’s hand tighter, if that were even possible. A stray tear fell down Taron’s cheek and Liliana leaned forward to wipe it away with her free hand. Taron leaned into her touch and let the corner of his lips turn up into a gentle smile. 
‘Liliana, you are the strongest person I know, and the love that you show everyone around you knows no bounds. You love so hard, and with everything in you. Yet you struggle to love yourself, even now. It’s almost as though you are so busy loving everyone else that you forget to share that love with yourself. 
‘I want to be the person who shows you love when you don’t feel like you can show it to yourself. I do not want you to ever feel the way you felt growing up. You’ve had me in your corner forever, but I am going to prove to you that I’m not leaving that corner. Not for one second. On your hardest days, I will be there. On days where we’re frustrated with one another, I will be in your corner. I will be in your corner no matter what. 
‘I want you to feel loved every second of every day. And one day, I hope that you’ll have children in your corner. Children that you brought into the world. That…we brought into the world.’ 
Liliana took a deep breath. The thought of children wasn’t as scary as she would have imagined, but she was nowhere near ready to think about it yet. Though she knew Taron wouldn’t push anything, ever. 
‘You are going to make an amazing mum one day, Lil. I have no doubt about it. I love you more than I ever thought it possible to love someone. You are still my safe space, my guiding light, my strength on my weakest days, and my warmth on my coldest days. I want us to be a family. I want us to start a family that will always show you love. ‘
Taron took another shaky breath and looked up at Liliana. His eyes were steady as they fixated on Liliana’s, and his hands stopped shaking just enough that he was able to snap the ring box open. 
Liliana’s breath caught in the back of her throat as she looked at the delicate ring in front of her. It was everything she could have imagined and so much more. The sapphire and diamond ring glistened beautifully in the sun that shone down around them. 
The smile she gave Taron was so big that it hurt her cheeks and she could barely see in front of her. But her smile told Taron everything he needed to know. She was ready. Liliana was ready to start the next chapter of her life. She was ready to be a wife, ready to take on the world with Taron, and ready to open up her life to him wholly. 
‘Liliana Esme,’ Taron continued through a smile equally as wide as Liliana’s, ‘will you marry me?’
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geo-winchester · 1 year
OKAYYY IM BACKKK!! Don't worry btw, I'm positive it'll turn out great!
So my request is - the reader and Jimmy go to the club with a group of friends and as the night goes by Jimm stays by the readers side and keeps getting turned on by her dancing so he takes her to the bathrooms and they 👉🏻👌🏼
Take as much time as you need!!
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A/N: hi lovely anon, I hope you’re good, thanks for your patience and I’m sorry this took me a while I hope this is what you were waiting for, lots of love and thank you again for your request!!
Warning: this is a smut! So please if you’re under 18 please DO NOT READ! leave this post if you’re not 18+
Taron Egerton’s masterlist
You knew how this day would end, you knew it the moment when you noticed Jimmy was staring at you as you got ready for tonight, and maybe that’s why you decided to put on the new dress he bought you, and you used that perfume he likes. That night it supposed to be a drinks with your friends but you never thought it would be in a club, you could see the smirk at Jimmy’s face as he sees you dancing, at some point he was behind you as you keep dancing, you press a little your butt to him, you feel how he start to get hard, you look at him with a smirk, you were a little surprised when he brought you close to him feeling more his hardness, you gasp when he start to kiss you neck, you turn to him and without wasting any second you kissed him hard, he bites your lip making you groan, he took that opportunity to introduced his tongue in your mouth, making the kiss went deeper.
-Let’s go somewhere else- You said, he didn't need you to tell him twice that sentence, he took your hand and guided you to one of the bathrooms.
-I know it’s not the best place…- you didn't let him finish, you kissed him again and put your arms around his neck.
-I don’t care- you said between kisses, as you brought him close to you, you could feel his hardness brushing your lower belly, he groaned at the friction, one of his hand travel to your chest, you gasp when he squeeze it, you start to undone his belt between kissed and when you got the chance you start to palm him over his trousers. In a second his attitude changed, his kisses were a little more aggressive and in one second he took your dress off, letting you in just your trousers, you start to undone the bottoms of his shirt as you kiss his neck, he groan when he feel your teeth biting. he smirk before he make you sit on the sink before he got on his knees, he took the only piece of cloth you have on you and spread your legs.
-God, you’re so beautiful- he said before he spread your lips and started to play with your clit making you moan, one of your hands traveled to his hair, he smiled as he noticed how you arch your back with every moan.
-Jimmy…- you said and he knew what you need, he pushed two of his fingers in to you, your moans increased and became louder, as he felt how you were close, so he took the changes and add another finger and increased his speed, it wasn't long when you cum on his face, he slowdown his speed as you came down, he stand up and you brought him to you and kiss him, tasting your juices on his tongue, you start to palm him, he was hard and he groan when your hand start to touch his balls.
-Yn- he said, you smirk before you start to kneel but he stopped you -no… I need you now- he said and before you could say anything he turn you around and bend you over, he massage your clit again, before you knew it he pushed himself into you making the two of you moan, he keep his speed for a few moments and he brought you to his chest lifting your leg so he can keep thrusting -Look at you- he said looking at the mirror, you did as he told you and you couldnt help to smirk at the obscene image, your tits bouncing with every thrust he gave you, as if he read your mind his other hand took one of your tits and play with your nipple, the sensation made you moan but that moan became a gasp when he pinch it a little more hard -Shit I love this perfect tits, shit I love all of you- you could feel how the pressure in your belly start to grow but suddenly he get out of you, he suddenly turn around and make you sit on the sink, you watch how he guide himself into you, you kiss him as he push his cock, he increase his speed again, the bathroom start to feel of moans and the noice of his balls crushing into you. You almost scream when he starts to play with your clit -you can be as loud as you want darling- he said.
-Are you close, love?- you nod -then do it, come on my cock- it wasn’t long before you scream as you arch your back, you could feel your legs shake, before you get down of your orgasm he came, you could feel the hot of his seed inside you, you brought him to your arms and kiss hims again, the two of you keep smiling between kisses.
-I never thought I'd have sex with my husband in a bathroom.
-Oh I thought about it- he said.
-Really?- he nod.
-Everytime we came to a club and you wore those tight dresses that drove me crazy… uff.
-And why didn't you say something?- he shrugged.
-I didn’t want you to think that i was just trying to get inside your pants, I mean I want to but with you I always want more- He said before he kissed you again, after a while he help you stand up from the sink, you giggle as you were getting dressed -What are you laughing at?
-Can you imagine if we got lucky this time and our baby was conceived in a bathroom?- he giggled as he hugged you, you put your arms around his neck.
-Well I don't care if our baby is a bathroom baby, but if you have a problem with that we can still go home and try again- he said with a wink.
-Then let's go home Mr. Keene.
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untouchedsoap · 10 months
god I love the taron egerton fucking older men cinematic universe
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simphq · 10 months
Taron Egerton Imagines
❄️Christmas Time☃️
The snow was gracefully falling on the ground and the heating was on high. Taron and you were putting up the Christmas decorations and decorating the tree was the last thing to do.
“Taron does this look alright?” You stand up and step back. “Yeah it’s perfect love” after Taron had a fight with the lights and the tinsel gently placed by yourself,all that was left was to put the angel on the top of the tree.
“Go on love you can do it.” You smile and run the tree like a child.
“There we go. All done” Taron says while wrapping his arms around your waist. You lean your head back on onto Taron’s shoulder. “It look’s perfect and only took erm two and a half hours” you giggle and Taron smiles then glanced out of the window. “Hey baby why don’t we go outside?” “Oh my god yes!” The two on you rush upstairs to change into something warm.
Then you run into the snowy garden with Taron not too far behind. You create a small snowball and throw it at Taron hitting him right in the forehead. “You are so dead missy.” Taron laughed and was chasing after you while kicking snow at you. Once he caught up to you he grabbed you from behind and spun you around but he slipped causing you both falling to the ground. You both burst into a fit of laughter as you landed on top of Taron. Once the laughter died, Taron was looking directly into your eyes and slowly placed his hand on the side of your face gently pulling you towards him. Your lips brush his but he pulls you in to have a deep, meaningful kiss. Taron breaks the kiss and he is breathless, he tucks a piece of hair from behind. “Your gorgeous” you blush and look down. “Oi i mean it. I love you” “i love you Taron.”
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Good morning, everyone! 🌞
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As part of my continued efforts to remain optimistic despite adversity, I have just posted a positive piece about how Bo's works have specifically impacted people around the world.
While he said he was "healing the world with comedy" as his tongue was placed firmly in his cheek, it is NOT a joke how influential Bo and Inside have been these past few years.
I have been collecting stories on YouTube, Reddit, and Twitter of heartache, joy, recognition, and even one guy who uses Bo's music to bone haha.
I hope you enjoy reading them, and stay tuned for more comedy fun! ✌🏼🐔
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cilldaracailin · 9 months
I Was Born To Love You
Hello my Tumblr Lovely's,
I hope you are all well. Thanks so much for the love on this story :) Here is next part for you.
Suze xx
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“Your hand touching mine. This is how galaxies collide.”
They walked to the hotel entrance and Taron held open the white panelled door for her and took Robyn’s hand again once he was inside, both looking around the lobby.
Bright, white and spotless, the marble floor and open space was elegant and every bit of luxury that the hotel advertised. Seating areas were stationed to the right and the quiet lobby had soft music playing. Some blue couches were neatly organised around brown tables in a line from left to right in front of large windows which looked out to the pool. There were also single white chairs dotted around, tall flower pots with brightly coloured flowers against the walls and more delicate flowers on the tables and beautiful colourful mats on the ground. The lobby was quiet with not many guests around and those that were, looked fully at ease as the strolled to wherever they were headed.
The reception itself was wooden with a large piece of artwork behind it and a staff member in a white uniform waiting to greet them.
“Welcome to the Sandpearl resort, Mr Egerton, Miss Quinn. Will has brought your luggage to your room but let me check you in before I direct you to your suite.”
“Thank you.” Taron felt the little nip on his hand from Robyn and while he wanted to see the look on her face, turned his attention to their checking in process.
“Did you have a nice journey here?” The receptionist asked.
“It was good, thank you.”
“Great. Can I get you something to drink? Champagne, prosecco, or a juice?”
“A juice would be great, please, thank you.” Robyn replied, watching as the receptionist immediately handed her a cold glass of juice.
“Mr Egerton?”
“Juice is fine too, thank you.”
A second crystal clean glass was placed on the counter for Taron and he took a side look to Robyn and he knew she was doing her best to keeping her buzzing excitement inside. The hotel was one of the nicest on the strip and the five-star luxury was already living up to its name. He had picked it because of its privacy and attention to their guests, wanting to really treat Robyn to something so special, himself too, both having a hard time lately and both needing the time to recharge.
“Ok so let’s get you two all checked in.” The receptionist typed on her keyboard. “So, you are both with us for ten nights and booked into one of our king suites with a gulf view. Fantastic.” She typed a little bit more. “There was a side note here to see if it was possible to have one of the corner rooms with the larger balcony and we have been able to fulfil the request with one of our most favourable rooms on the top floor and believe me it has the best views in the hotel of not only the gulf but of the pool too.”
“That is great. Thanks so much.” Taron placed his empty glass on the desk beside Robyn’s.
“Of course. You also have the optimum side of the building for the sunset.” Robyn was nearly skipping on her feet and couldn’t keep the grin from her face as the receptionist continued to explain what else they could look forward too for their stay. “The all-inclusive package includes all drinks and meals, just use your key card at the bars around the hotel. We don’t have a wristband or anything so your card is literally the key to your stay.”
Robyn did a little happy jiggle which Taron chuckled at. He knew well why she was so happy to hear there were no wristbands. Robyn had a thing about tan lines and a wrist band would hinder her oncoming bronzing and he was very curious about other tan lines she may have an issue with.
“You both have full access to the spa and you can make use of any of the facilities including the couple’s suite and thermal pools, jacuzzi and sauna. If you would like to use the spa, please just call three on the phone in your room to book a time slot.”
Robyn looked to Taron and saw the growing smile on his face. She knew he loved a spa and while it may not be her favourite thing, the idea of a couple’s spa intrigued her.
“So for your meals, breakfast is from seven until ten-thirty am, lunch is one-thirty until three pm and dinner from six-thirty until nine-thirty pm. Along with our buffet restaurant we also have three other restaurants on site. Tate Island Grill is our pool bar and open until midnight. Caretta on the Gulf has indoor and outdoor dining and open until eleven while the Marketplace is a smaller snack bar open until seven. We also provide in-room dining from breakfast till late at night and the information on room service is in your room. Again, all of the above are included within your booking.” She placed a pamphlet on the desk and opened it up. “You can see the restaurants marked here on this map.” She placed an X on each one. “Our zero-entry pool is open from seven am until ten pm which you can access from the lobby just behind you. Towels are available around the pool for guests and of course the beautiful clearwater beach is right at your fingertips. The sun loungers and umbrellas are there for our guests use and on the way to the beach, you can take one of the pool towels with you and then please just place them in the boxes provided once you leave the beach or pool. The beach chairs open at eight am and close at eight-thirty pm.”
“Sounds perfect.” Robyn grinned.
“We also have several excursions which you can avail of if you are interested and our team who look after the excursions are in the lobby area every morning from nine until midday, so if you want to have a chat with them, they can let you know what the different experiences are that you can enjoy. There is some more information in your room about the activities on offer.” She tapped on her computer and then handed over two white room keys. “And last, your keys. They are the key to everything here at the hotel, if you excuse my pun. Use them for all your drinks, access to the lifts, to show when at the beach, for the spa, everything. Don’t worry if you lose one. Just come back to us and we can replace it for you.” She pushed the keys over the desk to Taron. “Your room is six four two on the sixth floor and the lifts are to your left. To activate the lift, just press your key against the black keypad. Your luggage will be there waiting for you. The buffet restaurant is open until nine-thirty this evening so you have lots of time to get something to eat and if you need anything at all, please just press one on your phone for reception.”
“Thank you so much.” Robyn smiled.
“Sure, just come and ask. We hope you have a wonderful stay with us.”
“I am sure we will.” Taron answered, pocketing the two keys. “Thank you.”
“No problem at all.”
With a hand on Robyn’s lower back, he guided her towards the lifts and at the gold doors, pressed the call button. He was about to say something to her but the doors opened with other guests coming out towards them so he kept quiet until they were in the lift and once he pressed the key card against the black keypad as instructed by the receptionist, pressed for floor six. Before the doors closed, others joined them and he moved to the back corner with Robyn, slipping his hand into hers. He hadn’t put his hat or glasses back on and turned into Robyn a little, looking down at her face that was just smiling back at him. He returned her smile, holding in a laugh when he felt her free hand slip under his t-shirt to tickle his side. He had no idea how he managed to keep still as she tickled him again but when she took a step closer and her fingers slowly stroked his waist, he settled into her touch. It had been so long since that wonderful Saturday night in her bed, since she had touched him and he was ready to melt into it, closing his eyes as the tips of her fingers danced along his skin. The dinging of the lift arriving at the fifth floor woke him up a little, some of the guests leaving the lift while others got in.
“Going down?” The new guests asked.
“Up I am afraid.” Robyn replied.
“Well, it is only one floor. We may as well stay.”
The doors closed and within seconds, they opened again and Taron led Robyn out of the lift. He gripped her hand and they walked down the carpeted floor, not speaking but Taron could feel Robyn walking a litter faster and he had to increase his steps to keep up with her.
“Eager cariad?” He chuckled.
At the end of the corridor, they reached their room and Taron pulled the key from his pocket handing it to Robyn. “Do the honours.”
“Gladly.” Taking the key, Robyn held it against the lock and once she heard the click, pushed down the handle and opened the door.
They walked into a very spacious living area with a kitchen, the bedroom in its own separate room to the left. The kitchenette was a complete kitchen with an American fridge, microwave, oven and breakfast bar, two chairs placed along the marble counter top. Past the kitchen was a wooden table and four chairs, and further into the room a couch, coffee table and TV mounted to the wall. The open curtains led to a balcony but Robyn dropped her bag on the table along with the card key and wandered into the bedroom. A large king-sized bed was littered with white pillows, a wooden locker either side of the bed. A desk was opposite the bed and another set of glass doors led to a second balcony. It was bright, spacious, clean, beautiful and theirs for the next ten days.
Robyn couldn’t hold it in anymore and started to jump up and down with her excitement and turning around ran into Taron her arms open wide to hug him, literally jumping into his arms, feeling him stumble a little bit but quickly catching her and hugging her to him.
Taron was caught off caught guard at first by Robyn running at him but he found his feet and laughing into her neck, cuddled her hard. The hug on the plane had been so quick and he had been so rushed, it was absolutely wonderful to be able to embrace her properly and not worry about anyone looking at them or watching them. He lifted her from her feet, his arms tightening around her waist and while he loved finding one his favourite spots in her neck, he was desperate for a proper kiss and lifted his head to press his lips to hers, not holding back on the kiss he had been waiting for. His hands left her waist to cradle her face and breathing through his nose, he pressed himself into her body, smiling into her mouth as Robyn’s hands moved teasingly down his back and to his pockets, his grin widening as they slipped right in.
“Hmm missed that.” He said against her lips. “But you don’t have pockets.” His hands threaded through her hair and down her back, slipping under her top, trailing lightly over warm soft skin. “Gosh I have missed you so much cariad”
Robyn replied to his words with a kiss, followed by two more, grinning as he chased more from her, Robyn obliging him quickly, stepping tight into him. She just wanted to be closer to him and didn’t mean to overbalance them or for him to fall over, but thankfully he fell towards the bed, the two laughing loudly as they bounced.
“Sorry!” Robyn apologised as she landed on top of him but her apology was not needed as Taron took their unexpected fall to the bed as a reason to wrap his right leg around her waist, drawing her right into him, his hands following his leg to her waist, fingers slipping under the elastic of her skirt. “Or maybe not.” She stretched alongside him, her left-hand hooking around his leg which was curved around her, moulding him to her. Her sigh was soft and after she kissed his lips, placed her head onto his chest. “Can we stay like this forever?”
Taron nodded, breathing in deeply. “Yes.”
His simple word was easy and truthful and closing his eyes, savoured being with Robyn again. Long distance was so hard. Not having that person to come home to every evening after set or work was lonely. Of course, he spoke with Robyn every day but the video calls sometimes were not enough when what he wanted was someone to just do something as simple as eat dinner with but being in it together and experiencing the same emotions, at least they knew how the other felt and being reunited was indescribable, even more so now that Robyn’s hand has snuck under his t-shirt and she was running her fingers over his ribs. “Feels nice.”
“Yes it does.” Robyn agreed, feeling the gorgeous strokes Taron was making on her back. It was incredible to be back in his arms and while she thought she had remembered how it felt to be wrapped up in him, no memory topped actually physically being with him. Hearing his heart, feeling his warm skin, the smell of his faint aftershave and how he held her so tight against him.
She lifted her head and loved the look of peace she saw on his face. Lately his face had been hard, stressed and deeply crinkled, his eyes tired and his voice longing for a break. She crawled up his body and taking advantage of how his neck was stretched back as his head rested on the bed without a pillow, placed lazy little kisses on visible skin. She felt his throat move as he took a little swallow and how his leg slipped from around her body. Nipping at his skin, she moved her lips in one motion to his left jaw, kissing along his jaw line to the right side, giving the soft heated skin under his ear more attention because she knew he was particularly sensitive there. She made sure to follow each little nibble with a brush of her tongue and then her lips and loved hearing the heavy breathes he exhaled. She followed the curve of his jaw, up his cheek and down to his lips, just giving him soft gentle kisses, which he returned.
Taron absolutely loved it when Robyn was so delicate and loving with him, her gorgeously sweet kisses ones he could lay back and enjoy every minute of the day. He had definitely missed their intimacy, barely having any time together to explore and be together and he turned his body over a little so they lay on their sides now, still sharing kiss after kiss. Their new position gave him the perfect advantage to overcome the fact that she had no pockets and a long slit in her skirt and he slid his right hand through the open material and straight to the back of her left thigh, his hand flat on her skin. He felt her smile into his lips and spurred on by her right hand which now was stroking his cheek, slid his hand down to the back of her knee and giving her leg a pull, hooked her leg around his waist, shuffling his body a little under her, his hand then moving further up her leg, fingers running circles around and around soft skin.
“Cosy?” Robyn asked him through a kiss, lifting her head to look into his eyes, the green that deepened colour she loved to see.
“Getting there.” He answered. “Have I told you that I love this skirt yet?”
Robyn nodded. “Might have mentioned it.” She took her hand from his cheek and placed it over his heart. “My favourite sound.” She dragged her hand down his torso and at the hem of his t-shirt, slipped her hand under so she could have more skin-on-skin contact. She found his lips again, kisses deepening, bodies starting to grind a little against each other and Taron broke the kiss, dipping his head trailing quick wanting pecks towards the V material of her top, his nose moving it out of the way so his lips could leave lingering grazes across the material of her bra, smiling as he heard the deep breath Robyn took as his tongue followed his lips, loving the cute little noises she made.
“My favourite sound.” He repeated her words from earlier and went back to her lips, catching her sigh. “Fuck, I missed you.” He spoke.
“I missed you more.” Robyn answered him back. She ran her hand across his chest under his t-shirt, mimicking the movements he was making on her leg and they kissed more, just sharing kisses and cute little moans as they lay together on the bed.
It was all they did, kiss and hold each other, Taron cradling Robyn right into him. They didn’t speak, just breathing each other in, Robyn’s hand still on his bare chest, Taron’s on her leg. It was soft and gentle and there was no rush in either of them. They just wanted to lay together, share lazy kisses, delicate touches, knowing they had so many days for much more. Now it was just about being back together.
Robyn had no idea how long they lay together and she just enjoyed the feel of his body against hers. It was a cuddle she knew she had longed for back on the plane as he slept on her legs, and even more so when she lay alone at night and she snuggled her head into his shoulder with her eyes closed, Taron’s hands or fingers always running over her leg, her back or arm. A number of long yawns filtered through him and he moved each time with a little stretch before he nuzzled back into her. Even though he travelled a lot with his job, he had no secret weapon for curing jet lag but laying on the bed, tangled with Robyn, he could feel a haze of sleep coming on, Robyn’s fingers running over his stomach relaxing him so much. If this was all they did for the next ten days, he would be a very happy man.
The room was so quiet, only their soft breathing heard along with the faint sound of the ocean outside. Robyn lifted her head a little and realised that she had never finished exploring the room completely distracted with properly reuniting with Taron and on hearing the waves from the beach, she sat up and turned the clear glass door of their room. “I didn’t check the balcony!” She exclaimed, jumping up and hopping off the bed.
“Robyn!” Taron called after her sitting up on his elbows. “Cariad! Cuddling!”
At the glass doors, Robyn heard him but she stayed at the door, unlocking it, and sliding it across, the air conditioning in the room stopping as the glass door opened to the side. She stepped outside and breathed in the heat of the evening, taking the steps to the railing. “Wow…” She would never ever tire of the view of Clearwater beach and the beautiful gulf which was right in front of their room. To her left, they had the most perfect view of the pool and the balcony stretched the whole way around to the living room and she walked down so now she was looking directly at the ocean waves gently lapping at the shore. The heat from the sun was glorious on her skin and she just smiled.
“I can’t believe you just left me laying on the bed all by my… Oh wow.” Taron waited for Robyn to come back to her but he grew impatient quickly and rolled off the bed, following her to the balcony. He was ready to complain because he never wanted her to leave his arms but as he came to stand beside her, knew why she was taken back by the view from their room. “Ok. I get it. Why you love this place.” The ocean could be seen for miles left and right with the promised white sandy beaches running alongside it.
She didn’t answer him but happily sighed, her smile growing more when she felt Taron come to stand behind her and wrap his arms around her waist. She had dreamed of this moment since they had booked their trip and all she wanted was to be with him and they had made it. Clearwater was the place where she found herself again, it was where she had found Taron and she desperately wanted to make it a place of happy memories for him. Turning around, she gave him a kiss so glad to see a smile on his face. “Love you.”
“Love you back.”
They turned towards the beach again, Taron looking to his left, seeing the pool and umbrellas, and a brown veranda most likely a bar beside the pool. Being back with Robyn and getting time to just be alone was perfect and their cuddle had been wonderful but he could feel the sun beating on his skin and his body heating up and the bar looked very inviting and he was really trying to keep his depleting energy up. “Not that I don’t love the cuddling on the bed and all that but didn’t you mention something about a cold ice beer on the plane?”
“Hmm yes, I do remember saying something about that before we got in the car.” She answered him.
“Yeah, a nice cool beer at the bar. That was it.” He walked to the other side of the balcony and looked down and then back to Robyn. “Wanna go? We can explore the hotel.”
“You sure?” She asked, walking to him. “It was quite nice to catch up a few minutes ago.”
He gave her a grin. “It really was but then you up and left me to look at the view and I have just seen the bar and think we should really make use of this all-inclusive.” He brushed some hair from her face. “Let’s go get a drink, have a look around, maybe some food and then we can come back here. We have the rest of evening to catch up.” His cheeks turned a beautiful shade of pink and he covered his yawn with his hands. “I don’t think it will be too late a night for us. It has been a long day of traveling.”
“It has.” She agreed.
“So let go have a drink, an explore…” He stopped as he yawned again. “And some food.” He gave his head a shake. “Jet lag kicking in.”
Robyn smiled at him. “Not me. I am buzzing.”
Taron chuckled at her. “I know cariad but you feel it later.”
“So just me then.”
He laughed again at her one worded answers. “So, we have a plan made?”
“We do.”
“Robyn!” He tickled her sides and pulled her close for a tight hug. “I know we will have a brilliant two weeks.”
“Let’s go get you your drink with the colourful umbrella.”
They made their way back into the room, closing the balcony door after them.
“Do you want to unpack?” Taron asked seeing their cases beside the wardrobe.
“Nah. That can wait. Let’s go explore.”
Taron’s face lit up and he stepped over to her. “Do you know how much I love you?” He asked.
“A bit?” Robyn chuckled, taking his stretched-out hands into hers.
“Yeah a teeny bit.” He agreed, thinking maybe she wanted to unpack first but hearing her say she was happy just to go and see the hotel, leaving their cases as they were, it was that low maintenance part he adored about her.
“Give me five in the bathroom and we are all set.”
“Sure. I am going to see how comfy the bed is without you laying on it with me.” He chuckled. “Did you bring cwtch?”
Robyn shook her head. “Someone needed to watch over my place while I was gone plus, he doesn’t like flying remember?”
“He hasn’t gotten over that yet?”
“Not yet.” Robyn walked away from him to get her backpack from the table in the kitchen but turned her head when she heard the bed shake a little and she looked back to see Taron star fished out on his stomach on the duvet. “Don’t go asleep on me!”
“I won’t.” He promised. “I am just checking if it squeaks.”
“And does it?”
“Not a creak!”
She laughed at his deep chuckle and once she had her bag, headed for the bathroom which was located in the bedroom to the left. She pushed open the door and was met with a completely marble decorated room. Two sinks were set into marble counter tops and as well as a large shower with glass doors, there was a huge jacuzzi tub set into the corner.
“Taron!” Robyn dropped her bag and ran out of the bathroom, heading to the bed and hitting his shoe with her hand. “There is a jacuzzi in the bathroom!” She exclaimed. “With bubble jets!” She watched him slightly turn his head to her and frowned at him. “All right ok, Mr Movie Star who is used to five-star luxury. Don’t get excited.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “And oh yeah ‘my girlfriend has her own jacuzzi tub’.”
Taron giggled at her frown and rolled onto his knees and climbed off the bed. “Show me.” He reached for her hand. “Come on, show me.” He guided her into the bathroom and while it was a typical bathroom, the space was vast, giving room for an extra-large rainfall shower and as Robyn explained, a triangular shaped tub in the corner. “I think we can definitely make use of that.” He grinned. “And this is a great bathroom. Lots of space.” He bent down to pick up her bag and handed it to her. “I will take my turn when you are done.” He kissed her cheek. “I think we are going to have a wonderful time cariad and yes my girlfriend does have her own jacuzzi tub.”
He left her alone in the bathroom, pulling the door after him, walking back to the bed, laying down and shuffling up to the pillows. His face was in a permanent smile and closing his eyes, was ready for everything their time together was going to bring to them. He always thought she was cute when she reacted to some of the luxury he had experienced before and her reaction to the bathroom was another one to add to his ever-growing list. He knew there were going to be a lot more of these excited moments for Robyn over the coming days and he was more than ready to share them with her.
Robyn looked in the mirror and while she could see some tiredness on her face, after her very early start, two flights and long day of travelling, her hair was still straight and not affected by the humidity yet and her eyes were bright and her lips smiling. Being back with Taron left a fixed grin on her face and she couldn’t describe what it was like to be back with him. Running her hands through her hair, which did need a brush, she ran her index finger under her eyes and was thankful her waterproof mascara has stayed put, Stella sending her on one to use for her flight and holiday if she wanted to use it. She didn’t mind for the flight but now being at the hotel, she was ready to be make up free. It was her way on a sun holiday and she was not going to change her ways because her partner that she was holidays with happened to be a fabulous movie star who had clearly seen a beautiful marble bathroom with a jacuzzi tub before. She knew he got up from the bed to appease her and loved him for it. Chuckling to herself, she placed her backpack on the counter top and pulled out the Disney wash bag. She had packed small travel essentials meaning she didn’t need to go digging in her case and she was so not interested in unpacking anything yet. She wanted to go and explore, have that drink at the bar and then get some food. She wiped off the thin layer of makeup that she wore and washed her face, giving her teeth a brush too. Hair detangled and her body freshened up, she grabbed her bag and headed out of the bathroom.
“I think this double sink think will work in our favour.” She said walking to the desk opposite the bed to drop her bag onto. “I have already claimed the one on the left.” She turned to the bed, Taron still laying on it but, on his side rather than his stomach. “Bathroom is all yours. I am just gonna bring my phone when we leave. We won’t need anything else.” She took some steps to the bed. “Taron?” Walking around the side, Robyn rolled her eyes as she took in the sleeping man on the bed. “If I didn’t know how tired you were…” She spoke to Taron’s sleeping form. “I would be so mad at you.” Adorable as always when he slept, Robyn couldn’t be annoyed at him and instead leaned in to gently kiss his head.
“Now what…” She wondered out loud. She looked at Taron’s watch on his wrist and it was coming up to eight in the evening. She was completely torn. While she didn’t want to explore any of the hotel without him, she desperately wanted to leave the hotel room to see something but at the same time also wanted to lay down and cuddle into him as he slept but then she did also want to try and stay awake a little longer to fight the jetlag which would kick in soon. She remembered the receptionist telling her that the pool was open until ten and with the sun only starting to set, the thought of a swim was definitely calling her.
Figuring Taron was out for the count for a few hours, she made up her mind to go down to the pool for a swim and relax. Being as quiet as she could, she opened her suitcase and routed through it for one of the bikinis she had brought with her and once changed, popped on the cover up Stella had sent over to her. She packed up her beach bag with a book, her ear phones, sunglasses, hat and a bottle of water from the fridge in the kitchen, throwing her phone in too and zipping in the key card for the room to the inside pocket. She debated on bringing some suncream but with the sun setting, decided against it and once she slipped her feet into her sandals, looked back to Taron. Her heart was telling her to wake him up but her head knew he needed the rest. She wrote him a letter using the hotel stationary and left it on the pillow beside his head and after kissing his temple, made her way from the room.
She walked down the hallway to the lift and pressing the button for the lobby, she seemed to be underdressed for those who were making their way to go to dinner in their evening clothes but determined to use the hotels pool facilities that were open late, once out of the lift, she wandered through the lobby looking for the way to the pool. She saw one sign and followed it, walking out into the heat, sighing happily. It was very warm, humid and would take her even a day or two to acclimatise too but the heat soaked into her vitamin D deprived skin and it felt wonderful. She passed a water feature and made her way through pristine kept grounds towards the pool. There were many sun loungers placed along the grass, on the smooth tiles, some close to the water’s edge, some tucked in corners, others under palm trees for shade and others set under the cream and tan umbrellas. There were still a few guests out, taking in the last deep heat of the day, facing the beach, watching as the sun started to fall low in the sky. Robyn walked around for a bit looking for two chairs that were close to the water but out of the way of the busier part to the pool area and picked two that were facing the edge of the pool and the beach. There were no guests close to her and while she didn’t mind the other guests, if Taron came down to her, she wanted him to feel comfortable, but she also wished to be close enough to be able to get into the water without a long walk.
She placed her bag on the ground and then remembered that she didn’t bring a towel with her, or even know where to find one to cover the cushion on the chair. Standing with her hands on her hips, she looked around hoping to see where she could get one.
“Sorry excuse me.” She turned around to see a staff member of the hotel at her chair. “Would you like a towel?” He handed over a white towel. “You can take this one.”
“Yes, thanks so much.”
“Sure, of course. They are in the blue wooden boxes dotted around the pool and just when you are finished, if you could just put the towel in the green box.”
“Sure, no problem.” Robyn looked at the second sun lounger. “I will go and get another one.”
“I can get it for you. There is a blue box just behind us.” The staff member stepped away and was back within seconds handing over another towel. “Here you go.”
“Thank you.”
“Any time. Can I get you anything to drink?”
“Oh no, I am ok thank you.”
“If you like something, there are two pool bars. One the other side of the pool to your left, the other to your right. The one on your left is a little further away but if would like a drink, just bring your key card with you.”
“Great, thanks.”
With a nod the staff member walked away and Robyn spread the two towels out over the loungers, giddy on the inside with the service she was getting already at the hotel. She had a feeling it was going to be that kind of holiday where she didn’t even need to leave her sun chair to get a drink as it would be brought to her. The thoughts made her smile and while she was never one to expect anyone to wait on her, this holiday was special for her and Taron and she was going to make the most of what the hotel had to offer.
The pool was quiet enough and Robyn hoped it would be like this every evening. She knew they may not be as lucky during the day but right now it was so peaceful and quiet and Robyn was living for the holiday mood she was in. She moved her bag between the two loungers and stripping from her colourful cover up, she kicked off her sandals and knew the pool was calling her name.
Once she had folded the beautiful outer sun wear that Stella had given her, making sure it was tucked neatly in her bag, not wanting anyone to see the very expensive designer name on the label, she stood for a moment, immediately thinking about the last time she was in a pool or near a pool and she felt her heart speed up for a moment. It had not been the most pleasant of experiences. Taron was the one who had been most effected by the water in Belfast. Robyn had very few memories of the pool because of what happened to her after. Giving her head a shake, thinking back to the call she had with Penny and Taron as they all spoke together about what happened, she told herself to stop over thinking and made her way to the walk way into the water. It was no step walk into the pool and while the water did have a slight chill to it, it was so nice on her heated skin from the humidity in the air and once she was waist deep, dove right under, surfacing after a few meters. The water was really refreshing after a long day of travelling. She spent some time just swimming around, taking in all the of the pool from one side to the other, testing the depth and looking around to try and get her bearings of the outside of the hotel. She was sure she had already located where their room was, the suites with the larger full around balconies few and far between and knew she was so lucky to have been able to get such a stunning room for their stay. After swimming around for another little while, Robyn just leant against the wall of the pool facing the beach, watching the ocean and setting sun, the sky turning darker.
Once out of the pool a little while later, she lay down on the sun lounger and closing her eyes, just lay back. She had been dreaming of sitting by the pool since they booked their sun get away and finally able to do it, relished in the feeling of being in the heat and setting sun. Even though it was hitting twilight, the heat in the air would dry her off quickly and she said she would give herself half an hour or so before she made her way back to Taron. They had chatted about what they were going to do while away together and apart from their day at the aquarium and the one boat trip they had booked, they had discussed numerous ideas of going paddle boarding, snorkelling, into the city, finding excursions and things to do but they both made a face at each other and knew that was not what they wanted. Taron had been run off his feet in work and Robyn had been instructed by Doctor Kay to take it easy while away after she went for a check-up at the hospital before travelling, so they agreed that this was going to be a holiday of pure relaxation and as Robyn closed her eyes, hearing the sound of the waves in her ears, knew it was one they both needed and deserved.
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grigori77 · 1 year
Movies of 2023 - My Pre-Summer Rundown (Part 1)
The Runners-Up:
20.  WE HAVE A GHOST – Christopher Landon, the writer-director of Freaky and the Happy Death Day movies, brings something a bit more family friendly to Netflix with this endearingly goofy spook-fest fantasy comedy about a down-on-their-luck family (led by father Anthony Mackie) who discover that their rundown new home is inhabited by the ghost of its former owner (Stranger Things’ David Harbour), only for their lives to become infinitely more complicated when their resulting YouTube adventures attract the attention of well-connected ghosthunter Tig Notaro.
19.  A MAN CALLED OTTO – Tom Hanks is intriguingly cast against type as a grouchy curmudgeon in this likeable comedy-drama adaptation of popular Swedish novel A Man Called Ove, in which Hanks’ titular grump tries to manage his “final transition” on his own term, only to find his efforts confounded at every turn by his bumbling new neighbours (Mentiras’ Mariana Trevino and The Magnificent Seven’s Manuel Garcia-Rulfo, and their family), who ultimately give him a reason to go on living after all …
18.  KNOCK AT THE CABIN – M. Night Shyamalan continues his comeback tour from mediocrity with this deeply troubling psychological horror thriller adaptation of Paul Tremblay’s similarly dark and disturbing novel The Cabin At the End of the World.  Jonathan Groff, Ben Aldridge (Fleabag) and Kristen Cui are the gay couple and their small adopted daughter who are forced to make an impossible choice in order to save the world by a group of seemingly insane strangers that includes Dave Bautista and Rupert Grint.
17.  THE TANK – 2023 is already turning out to be a genuine BUMPER YEAR for really great and sometimes genuinely surprising horror cinema, and this recent chance discovery is a particular standout.  Writer-director Scott Walker (The Frozen Ground) has crafted a lean, mean and fantastically creepy little period horror (set in the year I was BORN!) about a small family who learn they’ve just inherited a potentially super-pricey property on the Portland coast, only to discover that there’s a very nasty catch indeed ...
16.  65 – ignore the naysayers and check this out!  It’s a CRACKER!!!  Seriously, this Adam Driver-starring sci-fi thriller from writer-directors Scott Beck and Bryan Woods (the guys who came up with the original idea for A Quiet Place) is a trim little suspense-filled actioner which has NO FAT ON IT, powered along by a FANTASTIC core concept – 65 million years ago, a space-farer from a distant civilisation crash landed here on earth and had to fight to escape from ravenous dinosaurs and an impending global cataclysm …
15.  TETRIS – Jon Baird, the director of Filth and Stan & Ollie, brings the fascinating untold “true” story of how daring entrepreneur game developer Henk Rogers (Kingsman’s Taron Egerton) braved Russian bureaucracy, the KGB and corporate double dealing to bring the titular video game out of the Soviet Union and into the West through the new creation from Nintendo, the Gameboy.  The end result is a fascinating and endearingly quirky little true-life biopic with a cute can-do attitude to match its inspiring story.
14.  SCREAM VI – last year’s fifth offering from Kevin Williamson’s (literal) killer horror franchise may have missed the mark a little bit, but the latest entry gets things RIGHT back on track with the best Scream movie in YEARS.  Melissa Barrera (In the Heights) and Jenna Ortega (Wednesday) are the survivor sisters who discover that the murderous Ghostface still isn’t done with them when they find themselves beset in a new murder spree on the streets of New York City …
13.  THE WHALE – while it’s not QUITE as good as the MASSIVE hype built it up to be, Darren Aronofsky’s adaptation of Samuel Hunter’s acclaimed play is still a compelling and powerful piece of work, driven by a genuinely SPECTACULAR cast – Hong Chau (Downsizing) entirely deserves her Supporting Oscar nom for this, but the film is entirely DOMINATED by a career best, Oscar-winning turn from Brendan Fraser as a terminally obese shut-in desperately trying to reconnect with his estranged daughter (Stranger Things’ Sadie Sink).
12.  BOSTON STRANGLER – the true story behind the controversial hunt for the notorious serial killer who stalked Boston in the early 1960s finally gets told in Crown Heights writer-director Matt Ruskin’s tight and tidy slowburn procedural thriller for Hulu.  Keira Knightley and Carrie Coon are both magnificent as the intrepid reporters for the Boston Record American newspaper who first uncovered how badly the Boston PD botched the investigation and the true extent of the monumental clusterfuck that ensued.
11.  THERE’S SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE CHILDREN – 2019’s Body At Brighton Rock is one of the most impressive unsung indie chillers I’ve ever come across, and director Roxanne Benjamin has definitely improved upon that impressive debut with this skin-crawling psychological supernatural horror for Blumhouse.  A genuine masterpiece of subtlety, it makes a proper virtue of exploiting the viewer’s imagination, the power of suggestion and the inherent creepiness of other people’s kids …
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cryptid-intraining · 2 years
Bucky Barnes Coded Songs
• We'll Meet Again - Vera Lynn
"we'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day"
• Goodbye - Ramsey
"where is my home? I don't recognize the faces anymore. Where is my friend? The one I've known since I was only just a kid, I think it's time to say goodbye"
• I'm Still Standing - Elton John (Taron Egerton's Rocketman version)
"I'm still standing better than I ever did, looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid. And I'm still standing after all this time, picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind"
• What Could Have Been - Sting (ft. Ray Chen)
"I am the monster you created it, you ripped out all my parts and worst of all, for me to live I gotta kill the part of me that's sore"
• Blood Upon The Risers (Gory Gory, What A Helluva Way To Die) - American Paratrooper
"he was just a rookie trooper and he surely shook with pride, he checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tied, he had to sit and listen to those awful engines roar"
• It's Been A Long, Long Time - Kitty Kallen
"kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again, it's been a long, long time"
• Everybody Knows - Sigrid
"everybody knows that the dice are loaded, everybody rose with their fingers crossed, everybody knows the war is over, everybody knows the good guys lost, everybody knows the fight was fixed, the poor stay poor, the rich get rich, that's how it goes, everybody knows"
• Lapse - Black Math
"lost myself in things I said, and war is all you've ever seen, your war behind the screen and all it means to me, when you are numb, I'm forgiven, I'm forgiven"
• Mausoleum - Rafferty
"mistake a tragedy, since we'd missed each other by a century. They took my clothes and sent to a museum"
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Sisu, Tetris, and Polite Society Movie Reviews
Sisu: Directed by Jalmari Helander
During the final days of World War II, a solitary prospector crosses paths with Nazis on a scorched-Earth retreat in northern Finland. When the soldiers decide to steal his gold, they quickly discover they just tangled with no ordinary miner.
Sisu delivers exactly what is shown in the trailers: a bunch of Nazis getting fucked up by a one-man army. It delivers this premise spectacularly with unique kills and spectacle action sequences. Furthermore, it has fun with this killing spree, to the point you find yourself immensely enjoying soldiers getting blown to smithereens. Jorma Tommila is fantastic here as this silent and stoic one-man army. He is badass, intimidating, and owns the screen. He truly portrays a character who is too angry to die. However, it was annoying seeing the insane amount of plot armor the main protagonist has. He survives numerous deadly wounds and events that should have killed him instantly. It became hard to take the movie seriously, especially when the events became more and more ridiculous. With that stated, I did enjoy this movie for what it was, and I had a blast watching it.
My Rating: B
Tetris: Directed by Jon S. Baird
Henk Rogers discovers Tetris in 1988, and then risks everything by traveling to the Soviet Union, where he joins forces with inventor Alexey Pajitnov to bring the game to the masses.
Tetris is by far one of the most entertaining movies of 2023. It takes the ridiculous true story (yes, this is a true story) and has fun with it. The story is told in an immensely entertaining fashion that highlights the ridiculousness and seriousness of the acquisition of Tetris. The balance between these opposites tones is handled perfectly. Furthermore, the film pays a fantastic tribute to the game by incorporating its theme into the score and 8-bit pixel animation into the visual storytelling. Taron Egerton and the rest of the ensemble shine here. Overall a very fun movie that will definitely be on everyone's list of the most underrated movies of 2023.
My Rating: B+
Polite Society: Nida Manzoor
A martial artist-in-training believes she must save her older sister from her impending marriage. After enlisting the help of her friends, she tries to pull off the most ambitious of all wedding heists in the name of sisterhood.
Polite Society is a meta, Gen-Z version of Scott Pilgrim VS. The World. From the action pieces to the visuals, it tells its crazy story in an over-the-top fashion perfect for the film. Despite the first two acts being very strong, the film somewhat crumbles in its final act. The final act is dragged out and becomes too ridiculous to take the film seriously. However, the performances from the ensemble cast helped redeem the final act. The entire ensemble looked like they were having a blast filming this and doing their own stunts. Though it was obvious when they switched between the actor and the stunt double. Overall, Polite Society is a fun movie that goes lightly off the rails in its final act.
My Rating: B
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withacapitalp · 1 year
Music asks - 11-15?
Thanks for the ask Nonnie!!
11:A song that you never get tired of- Isabella's Lullaby from Promised Neverland it's one of my top writing songs and one of the best pieces of music ever it makes me feel all the things always. Also Binary Sunset from the Star Wars OST
12:A song from your preteen years- I already answered this but I'm adding another haha Forget You by Cee Lo Green
13:One of your favorite 80’s songs- I already answered this one too and I did five songs so I won't add another haha
14:A song that you would love played at your wedding- Not planning on getting married but! I love when there's just a really fun song at a wedding that everyone can jam to, so in that vein if Bohemian Rhapsody aint at my wedding I'm Marrying the wrong person LOL
15:A song that is a cover by another artist- Amoreena by Taron Egerton from the Rocketman Soundtrack. All time one of the most amazing songs I've ever heard and (NO SHADE) the OG is not as good not even by a mile
Music Ask Game
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geo-winchester · 1 year
Tumblr media
A/N: Hi everyone sooo today is my birthday and I know I have a tons of request I should be working on but I want to celebrate this day with you guys, so I made this list with prompts of I love you a few are with Taylor swift songs and others are with actions, so I hope you have a great day and send me an asked if you want a request, and before I go I want to thank you for all your love and support you gave to me!!
1. I like shiny things but I marry you in paper rings.
2. And I can’t let you go, your heart print’s on my soul.
3. For you I would fall from grace just to touch your face.
4. But I stay when it’s hard or it’s wrong or we’re making mistakes.
5. All these peoples thinks love’s for show, but I would die in secret.
6. No more keepin’ score now, I just want to keep you warm.
7. And at every table, I’ll save you a seat.
8. I’m a fire and I’ll keep your brittle heart warm if your cascade ocean wave blue come.
9. You’re my best friend.
10. I remember how we felt sitting by the water and every time I look at you, it’s like the first time.
11. You can hear it in the silence. You can feel it on my way home. You can see it with the lights out.
12. And I know I make the same mistakes every time, bridges burn, I never learn, at least I did one thing right.
13. I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck… not because he owns me because he knows me.
14. Squeeze my hand three times in the back of the taxi.
15. Can I go where you go? Can I we always be these close?
16. With your boots beneath my bed… forever is the sweetest con
17. And all at once you are the one I have been waiting for, king of my heart, body and soul.
18. I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends, I’d never walk Cornelia street again.
19. One single thread of gold tied me to you.
20. I once believed love would be burning red, but it’s golden
21. Please don’t ever become a stranger who’s laugh I could recognize anywhere.
22. Have I know you twenty second or twenty years.
23. All I know is a new found grace. All my days I’ll know your face.
24. Long live the walls we crashed through, I had the time of my life with you.
25. My house of stone, my ivy grows and now I’m covered in you.
26. Don’t want no other shade of blue but you.
27. Say my name and everything just stop.
28. I’d like to hangout with you for my whole life.
29. Baby all at once is enough.
30. Even in my worst times, you could se the best in me.
31. I had the best day with you today.
32. My waves meet your shore, ever and evermore.
33. I don’t wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you.
34. All that ends well to end up with you.
Other ways to say I love you.
35. Put your seatbelt on.
36. I save you a piece.
37. I got you something.
38. I told my family about you.
39. Text me when you land.
40. Do you want the last piece of pizza.
41. I make you coffee.
42. Have you eaten today?
43. To the moon and back.
44. This song reminds me of you.
45. Tell me more.
46. Here, take my jacket.
47. I’ll take you.
48. I got you a key of my house.
49. I made a playlist.
50. I like you.
Characters I write about: Poe dameron, Richard Alonzo Muñoz, duke Leto, Nathan Bateman, Santiago Garcia, Marc Spector, Steven grant, Jake Lockley, Jonathan Levy, William Tell, Llewyn Davis, Taron Egerton, jimmy Keene, Eggsy Unwin, Jake “hangman” Seresin
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
I've been watching black bird and Taron Egerton has moments where he looks like Tom
YESSSS!!!! 😃👏🏾
I've always said that Tom and Taron should play brothers in a film one day. 😊 They do resemble each other.... maybe that's why I find Taron cute lol 🤭
I would love to see them in a period piece type film.... maybe playing brothers who are royalty. Their father is the king, and Taron is next in line to take the throne. Taron's wife has been promised to him since they were kids, but she didn't really get to know him well because he's always been the "heir", so their interactions have been more "sterile" lol.
Meanwhile, she and Tom always got along since he's just the "spare", so he doesn't have the same pressure on his shoulders.
Tom, being the younger brother prince, is actually secretly in love with Taron's wife, and she is in love with him too, but tries to fight it.
The father dies due to health issues, and Taron becomes king.... but then Taron himself dies unexpectedly and because he and his wife didn't have any kids yet, Tom is now made king since he's next in line, and he has to take his brother's wife as his own in order to have kids and keep the royal family line lol 😌
Haha we should be writers in Hollywood lol 😆 😂 🤣
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voidthewanderer · 1 year
4 6 and 7 for all three? (Lyric asks)
This was so hard to do! It’s even harder when you find one song that has lyrics that are like “oh yeah, definitely” but then you find another one and go “wait this one’s better!” And that’s just one of the reasons why it took me so long to do this. Not just the fact that I have like 1000 songs on my phone alone and I wanted to stick with music I actually owned. Also, I did not realize how many songs I listen to that can actually qualify as “romantic”. Since this is a little length heavy with it being three characters each, I’m gonna put it under a cut.
4. a song lyric to describe their personality
(Arsenic was the hardest one to find a song that encompassed the majority of his personality instead of just one facet.)
So many bright lights, they cast a shadow, but can I speak?
Well, is it hard understanding, I'm incomplete?
A life that's so demanding; I get so weak
A love that's so demanding; I can't speak
~ Famous Last Words (My Chemical Romance)
Don't you know I'm still standin' better than I ever did?
Lookin' like a true survivor, feelin' like a little kid
And I'm still standin' after all this time
Pickin' up the pieces of my life without you on my mind
~ I’m Still Standing (Taron Egerton cover)
Love is a beautiful language
I wanna know what you're sayin'
We're lost in conversation even when the night ends
Resta ancora, non posso fare a meno del tuo sguardo
Somethin' in the way you move, it's almost like the music follows you
Somethin' in the way your body doesn't need a beat to find the groove
So I'm askin' you; Give me your tempo
~ Tempo (Matteo Bocelli)
6. a song lyric to describe their personal style
(Not gonna lie, I interpreted this as their clothing style, how they dress to make themselves feel like themselves.)
No, I ain't gonna comb my hair
'Cause I ain't going anywhere
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, oh
I'll just strut in my birthday suit; And let everything hang loose
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
~ The Lazy Song (Bruno Mars)
There was a drifter passing through that little valley
See he had promised he was coming back to town (coming back to town)
They didn't know him by his face, or by the gun around his waist (ooh)
But he come back to burn that town to the ground
~ Hell’s Coming With Me (Poor Man’s Poison)
It doesn't matter; ‘Bout the car I drive or what I wear around my neck
All that matters; Is that you recognize that it's just about respect
It doesn't matter; 'Bout the clothes I wear, and where I go, and why
All that matters; Is that you get hyped and we'll do it to you every time
~ Pop (*NSYNC)
7. a song lyric that would comfort them when they’re sad
(Once again, Arsenic was the hardest because he bottles up sadness. He’s very particular, so if he were caught listening to certain things, people would know he wasn’t happy. And he absolutely detests letting down his personal walls for anyone besides Crow.)
That was when I saw my family with my eyes shut real tight
Would they know how much I loved them if this was how I died?
No, I vowed I'd not be murdered by a monster in the sky that night
But if I went home to heaven, at least that's where I'd belong
Yeah, I tried to tell myself, it's always darkest before the dawn
So I kept hanging on; I kept hanging on
~ The Tornado (Owl City)
I'll live now 'cause the bad die last
Dodging bullets with your broken past
Well, I can't hear you, I don't fear you now
Wrapped in your regret; What a waste of blood and sweat
~ Could Have Been Me (Halsey cover)
Let us piss from the vine
Let us claw in the mud
Let us swing with both fists
As we writhe in the blood
Let us walk on stained glass
Sinners one, Sinners all
It's always prettiest after the Fall
~ After The Fall (Terrance Zdunich)
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zoezoegr · 26 days
About me!
Hi! I'm Zoë and I'm many, many things. Sometimes people ask me how I do it all and the truth is, I just love making stuff more than anything in the world!
First and foremost, I'm an independent filmmaker (of the writer/director variety) :
I've made a whole bunch of short films (We Are Bleach (2022, 23 min.), Inevitability (2021, 23 min.), Please Be Kind (2024, 4 min), etc.). These films have been on the festival circuit and have won a lot of awards and I'm really, really, really proud of that (like everyone else on tumblr, I did not win anything growing up lol). I've also written a bunch of feature screenplays that have won a lot of awards as well, including Top 10 in Francis Ford Coppola's American Zoetrope (that's my favorite because everything about Mr. Coppola inspires me and I genuinely can't believe this happened for me). I have three features currently in development, so if you're interested in getting involved in producing an epic debut feature, get in touch with me :) my projects are The Weather Just Got Sexy, Hanging Gardens of the Sea and Sky, and My World At Night.
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I'm also a singer/songwriter --
--mainly doing old-school rock music but I hate being pigeonholed into a single genre. So far, I have out a punk song called Platonic Fun, a disco/alt rock song called Free, an rnb/soul/alt rock song called I Want My Time With You, and a 50s lounge jazz/soft bop song called I Adore You. I'll be coming out with my first album soon! All my songs are on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Youtube, whatever you use. Here's a music video for my song Free and here's the last live set I played in London shot by Lou Smith :)
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Obviously, this page is mainly about my visual art,
which is how I got started. I went to uni in Japan at Kyoto Seika University where I studied writing and drawing manga in Japanese! I also used to run the now defunct but still I am told iconic tumblr blog from the heyday of this site, fehyesvintagemanga
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As an artist, I sometimes write and draw comics still when the mood strikes me - now they're kind of a hybrid between manga and western comics like this. Some of my favorite manga I wrote in Japanese are up on my site as well like this BL manga about two designers and a llama from the moon, or this one where I reimagined The Breakfast Club to be about what are essentially yandere weeaboos.
I make a lot of fine art at this point and there's a ton of it on my website. For instance, this larger than life watercolor of Taron Egerton and Hugh Jackman covered in Japanese and Chinese song lyrics. Or this series of watercolor/mixed media pieces inspired by (mainly) British films and comedy and also Doctor Zhivago.
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I LOVE doing b&w art that lives in the borderland between illustration and fine art that could go either way depending on context like this.
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I'm also a photographer,
my specialty is portraits and fashion. Here are some cool photos I've taken this year. And here are some more!
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If you want to buy something/hire me...
I'm based between Paris and London and I'm always happy to sell originals or prints, so let me know if there's something you like :) I'm also open to commissions - come at me with your budget and I'll see what I can do. And, of course, that goes for photography sessions as well! This is my print shop which I'll be adding to regularly This is my new music Instagram for anyone who's still on Insta and I'm actually on TikTok too My hp My production company's hp My photography website
For easy links, here's my tree
Nice to meet you!
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deadlinecom · 8 months
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nowordsformylove · 8 months
connorrrr whats ur favorite covers?
hmm I don’t listen to covers very often, at least not on purpose bc I think the originals tend to be better. But there are some songs I do like which are You Really Got Me by Oingo Boingo, Baby I Love You by The Ramones, I Call Your Name by The Mamas & The Papas (which was actually the first version I heard before I got into the beatles), and I love the Taron Egerton version of I’m Still Standing soooo much <3 ummm I Fall To Pieces by Michael Nesmith (and all the covers he sings tbh but even my country loving mom said she thought he sang this beautifully so I’m including it)
I’m definitely forgetting some and I guarantee there’s covers I listen to without even knowing they’re covers bc everyone in the 60s sang each others songs
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