#taron reading
lynbaccha · 10 months
My friend's bonus got cut, amd they need some money to safe, so they can move and reunite with their hubby.
They are now accepting commissions - writing and oracle/tarot readings. They also accept donations in their Ko-Fi. Even you can't contribute financially, simply reblogging and liking this post will help!
They are one of the best people around, and I don't know how else to help them. I sincerely hope they will get their goal met!
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For lovely @lempiate ❤️ , who plants this in my head all the time. 😅
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daddyjackfrost · 1 year
the tingles i feel in my body when i see taron egerton should be studied. not by scientists but by taron himself.
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blackcatreadstarot · 8 months
Taron Egerton Future Spouse tarot reading
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Does he have a FS? the hierophant reversed + the moon reversed + page of swords So, it's a no or the marriage will be unconventional or the possibility of him having a FS is uncertain right now. I'll pull one more card. 6 of swords So, it'a s no...but also this card indicates that he has a part in him that preventing him from recieving and experiencing love. Cards advice to work on yourself, heal and let that part go. Until he holds pain in his heart and doesn't open his heart for love he will not have a FS. But I want to clarify that it's an answer for current energy. People can change, grow and heal, so their energy and possibilities for the future do too. Used deck: tarot de carlotydes
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kissthebridee · 1 year
hey guys genuine question how the fuck do you make moots with people who share ur interests on twitter because ive completely forgotten
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Hopeful Love (Cato Hadley x reader)
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Description: The arena was horrifying, but with Cato by your side - maybe you could make it through everything?
Part 1
A/N: you can read this even if I might write another part, as always all my writings do have a conclusive ending, no matter which part!
Warnings: death, blood, wounds, the typical hunger games stuff
7515 words
It felt like a fever dream - like it wasn’t really happening. The moment Aspasia had hugged you and the platform started moving, your heart was beating out of your chest, and not in a good way. The light was blinding for a moment and then you took in the arena. The biggest part of it was a forest and there was also a big grass portion where the cornucopia was located.
Your attention snapped back to the other tributes, some looked more than ready to finally kill and some looked like they wanted to kill themselves. The cornucopia was filled with things, less and less of them strewn around the farther they laid from it. They also seemed to be less useful the further one went from it.
And finally your brain kicked in a little, your eyes moving over the other tributes searching for Cato. He was exactly opposite to you, and his eyes were already locked onto you in determination. This was probably the worst possible distance for his plan (the one of you running towards him) and you were sure your chances of making it at the moment were like 30 percent or less. If you died hopefully it would be quick, but you would try to make it - for him.
You could see the countdown was already at 16 and you took a deep breath to ready yourself for the sprint, listening to the steady rhythm of the numbers going down. You were honestly curious how the people watching would take Cato trying to protect you - nobody knew anything about you two yet, how could they?
The countdown was getting lower and lower and you felt like you were about to throw up when it reached 3. You braced yourself to jump down from the platform. 2. You took a deep breath. 1. You really hoped you wouldn’t catch a knife to the back - and then you were running. It was like you were on autopilot, putting one foot in front of the other and towards Cato who was running even faster - considering he was way taller that made sense.
You were almost there, and you really thought you would make it - when suddenly someone tackled you from the right. In retrospect you should’ve been more aware of your surroundings, but what shocked you the most that on top of you and trying to grab you neck was Taron, your own district partner. You had no idea he hated you so much he made it his mission to kill you first. You tried to keep his hands off your throat, but when he finally got a good grip he was ripped off of you.
Cato was determined to keep you alive. Fuck, he had never run this fast in his life and when he almost reached you that son of a bitch from your district seriously tried to take you from him. Foolish. He ripped him off with ease, taking his head between his big hands and breaking his neck with a controlled snap of his hands. One person less.
He pulled you up immediately, taking your hand in his firmly and making his way towards the cornucopia. He picked up a long knife and a small one on the way, giving you the small one and ending every tribute that came near you two with the other. You knew his weapon of choice was a sword but you hadn’t been close enough to the cornucopia yet.
The other careers had already brought the cornucopia under their control, so once you arrived there, the other tributes were either dead or they already ran away. You were shocked that you had honestly made it, still kind of on edge by the way Clove, Marvel and Glimmer were eyeing you, but you knew as long as Cato stuck to your side you were relatively safe - as safe as one can be in the arena.
Cato pulled you into the cornucopia - the other three rummaging through the things in the entrance - and when you were at least a little shielded he pulled you into a bonecrushing hug. You could almost hear Caeser Flickerman commenting in your ear. „Cato“, you whispered, you were surprised he was willing to show this much emotion in front of the camera.
The tall career was honestly a little worried that his feelings for you would damage his hardened career image and offend the sponsors - but on the other hand he was in an arena fighting with others until death. So he didn’t really give a shit, he was just so incredibly happy that you were safe for now and he couldn’t control himself, he had to hold you close, even just for a moment.
When you mumbled his name, pressed against his chest, he gently kissed your forehead before hesitantly letting you go. Eventhough the bloodbath was over for now, you were still relatively out in the open right now and he needed to sort out the supplies and plan with the others. He drank in your pretty face for another moment and without words (he was never the biggest talker and especially not in a situation like that) he pulled you along to sort through the equipment.
You were quiet, now that the adrenaline was gone and all the death and killing that happened was sinking into your brain you had to concentrate on your breathing to not freak out. You knew Cato wasn’t affected by this nearly as much as you - he was trained for this after all. But the lifeless eyes of the other tributes, the ones that trained next to you for a week, haunted you. And when the canons went off after the bloodbath it felt final. You were really right in the middle of the hunger games.
The Careers were building a camp down by the river and the meadow and you were mindlessly carrying stuff from the cornucopia over there with Cato. The others were leaving you alone, but you knew that if it wasn’t for Cato you would be dead for sure. Two of the Careers - Glimmer and Marvel - were scouting the closest parts of the forest to find tributes who may have lingered around. You had one ally more, a boy who claimed he could dig up the mines from around the cornucopia and bury them around your food stash so it would be safe.
Once the others seemed satisfied with everything you sat down around the camp, Clove in one corner playing with her knives and facing the forest and you and Cato in the shade in the back, while Noah (that was the other tributes name) was still moving the mines. „How are you feeling?“, Cato was talking as quiet as possible, but it probably still would be picked up by the cameras.
He had just put down the last bag and sat down next to you, his eyes scanning your form, his hand reaching for yours gently. Crazy to think how he easily murdered multiple people a few hours ago and now the same hands were so soft with you. „I’m okay, don’t worry“, you gave him your best attempt at a smile, but he looked only partly convinced. How could you truly be okay though? The carefree nights on the rooftop seemed so far away.
Cato wanted to say more, but he didn’t want your private conversation to be broadcasted for everyone to hear, so he just nodded and pulled you into his side with one arm. He kissed your temple carefully, trying to convey his thoughts like that - and simultaneously fighting the urge to kiss you for real. He decided he would postpone that to when it was dark, and their was at least a minimal amount of privacy.
Suddenly Glimmer and Marcel broke out of the treeline, and with them was another person - still alive that is. They came closer and when your recognized the other tribute you sat up straight in surprise. „Peeta?“, you mumbled to yourself and you could feel Catos arm around you thighten. „What’s he doing here?“, Cato barked when they were close enough, standing up and pulling his sword out.
„Calm down lover boy“, Marvel rolled his eyes and walked over to Clove. „He‘s our best shot at finding the chick from his District“, Glimmer explained, picking up and apple from the bag and eating it. „Watch it District 12, one wrong move and it’s over“, Cato warned Peeta with a rough voice and gave him a dark stare before sitting down next to you again, a protective hand on your thigh. Peeta just nodded and they started planning the hunt for Katniss.
Tracking through the dark forest that night, you felt like throwing up. This was all so wrong, Katniss had helped you - considering the weird circumstances she was probably your only friend(ly contact) next to Cato and you were walking through the woods trying to find and kill her. Not that you would be the one to do it, but you were with them, weren’t you? Cato held your hand tightly as if afraid something might happen if he let go for only a second.
And maybe it might, because his hand was literally the only thing stopping you from full on panicking and running away. What was the future perspective here anyway? Only one would leave this arena alive. The other three (except Peeta, who seemed just as unsure as you and Cato who was looking all serious) were joking around and having fun and it only made the whole situation more bizarre.
Suddenly Glimmer squeaked excitedly and when you followed her gaze, you could see a fire in the distance. „The fuck, who would be so stupid“, Marvel was cackling and you took a deep breath when you walked towards the fire, knowing what was to follow. The girl didn’t realize the group was there until Marvel was standing directly behind her, and her face was that of pure horror. You looked away, but the bloodcurling scream would never leave your memory. If Cato didn’t fall for you, this could’ve been you.
The canon went off and you didn’t realize how tightly you were holding onto Catos arm until he pulled you away from the scene. „Sorry“, you whispered and he just calmly squeezed your hand. You were glad he was calm enough for the both of you, always grounding you and protecting you.
After a few more hours and tips from Peeta, you gave up for the night and settled back down in your camp. Clove took first watch and Cato pulled you away to your private corner, settling down on the ground between a few boxes. He leaned against a heavy one and pulled you in between his legs - just like he did on the rooftop. It was dark here, a little bit of light filtering through form the fire, but you felt the tension leave you for the most part when you were tucked into his chest.
„You will be okay, I promise“, Cato whispered close to your ear and somehow that made you so emotional, made you feel like he understood your struggle with all of this without you having to say anything and you had to fight back tears for the first time since you had met him. „I love you“, you whispered back, not knowing what else to say and hoping it would be enough. You could feel him gently lift your chin towards him and pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
It had been two days since that night and the other Careers were obsessed with finding Katniss. You hadn’t had the chance to talk with Peeta yet, but you felt his eyes on you sometimes, making you wonder what it was he wanted. And when the others were arguing about which direction Katniss would most likely be in, Cato had stepped away from you for a second and Peeta seized the opportunity.
„So, you and Cato huh?“, he smiled and stepped next to you, „Katniss told me she already suspected something at training.“ You blushed a little at the thought of the other tributes talking about you two. „Yeah, Cato and me“, you smiled too, „and you and Katniss right? At least it seemed like it“. His smiled was fading a little, and you guessed he felt guilty for trying to help the Careers kill her, when he obviously had feelings for her. Her, you weren’t so sure if this was true.
„Yeah I guess the survival instincts kick in“, he lamely explained, but you guessed the underlying message was, that he wasn’t really helping the Careers, just biding his time until he could run off. You could understand that. „I guess“, you sighed, the look you two shared in understanding was interrupted by a mad looking Cato. „Piss off 12“, he growled and pulled you close by the waist, Peeta raised his hands in surrender and walked off with a small smile towards you.
„What did he want?“, Cato gruffly asked with furrowed eyebrows and squeezed your waist, his other hand on the handle of his sword. „Nothing“, you smiled and stood on your tiptoed to kiss his jaw, making him grumble but relent.
You set off on another hunt for Katniss, and had only walked a few minutes next to the river when suddenly Marvel discovered her in the water. Shit. She looked just as shocked as you probably did and if Cato wouldn’t have pulled you along you would have remained there. The Careers followed her through the woods and you were sure you had to witness her death now, when she climbed a tree.
Glimmer missed with her bow and they were getting agitated when Cloves eyes fell on you. „You’re small, can’t you climb up there?“, she grinned evilly and was probably hoping you would either get killed by Katniss or the fall down there. You were about to answer when Cato spoked up. „I’ll do it“, he grunted. „Cato, I can-", you started to say, he didn’t have to do everything for you, you were really starting to feel bad. „No“, he interrupted you without looking at you and laid down his equipment before starting to climb the tree.
You looked at him worriedly, he was way too heavy and tall to climb up a tree like that. And as if you called it, one branch broke and he fell, taking several other branches with him. „Cato! You okay?“, you kneeled next to him, but he just got up with a grunt and glared up a the tree, while you were checking him for injuries.
„Let’s just wait here, she has to come down at some point if she doesn’t want to starve“, Peeta suggested and unhappily the others agreed, climbing up was out of question now that Cato took all the usable branches with him.
You had been laying awake in Catos arms for what felt like hours, your mind running through all the horrible things that had happened or will happen. The thought that Katniss sat up there right now, fearing for her life (just like probably everyone else in this arena) and you were part of the group that was the reason for that, made you sick. All the other deaths were bad, but you didn’t know them. Katniss? Katniss had been nice to you, showing you how to make fire and how to set up traps eventhough she didn’t owe you anything.
Silently sighing you looked up to the sky, the sun started to rise half an hour ago. The other thought that was bothering you, was that it was either you or Cato making it out alive. It wouldn’t be both of you. And considering your chances of survival without him, it would most likely be him. And he was so thickheaded, he would never leave you out of his sight voluntarily, meaning that in the end it would be either him that would have to kill you, or one of you had to sacrifice themselves.
And you sure as hell didn’t want him to die, and neither did you want him to live with your death on his consciousness. A silent tear escaped your eye when you accepted what you had to do. Now was the perfect opportunity to leave. He would be incredibly angry, but you would rather he be angry than either of you having to live with the guilt.
The others were sleeping around you, and you carefully peeled yourself out of Catos arms, sitting up next to him. He didn’t move, and you looked at him for a long moment, before softly kissing his cheek and standing up as quiet as possible. You made sure the others were still asleep and grabbed your small backpack (with your waterbottle, knives and some food) before silently walking towards the edge of the clearing. You couldn’t stop yourself from looking back one more time and you immediately regretted it.
Cato was awake and sitting up, looking at you with a scowl on his face and tense muscles. Your face fell and you went rigid for a second, before tears filled your eyes and you just gently shook your head, mouthing „I’m sorry“ before taking off. Fuck, he wasn’t supposed to see you, and he would most likely follow you now. You still had to try though.
Catos heart felt like it would jump out of his chest. What the hell were you doing? He sensed you were feeling guilty and overwhelmed but he didn’t think you would try to leave. Try being the main point here, because he sure as hell wouldn’t let you. When you mouthed you were sorry, something inside of him snapped and he jumped up as quietly as he could, grabbing his stuff and following you into the forest. He couldn’t do this without you, the only reason he even tried anymore was you.
Tears were running down your cheeks as you made your way through the thicket and you had to surpress a sob when you heard Cato following behind you. You were about ten meters infront of him, but you knew you could never outrun him, no chance. He let you get a little farther, probably to make sure you were far enough from the others, before closing in on you.
You had just made your way between a rock formation and you could hear a small stream nearby when he grabbed your upper arm and hauled you around, trapping you between his big body and the boulder behind you. „What the hell do you think you’re doing?“, he was visibly angry, but tried not you raise his voice and you refused to meet his gaze.
„Let me go Cato“, you whispered, and you meant it in more than the literal sense in that moment. It would be easier if he would forget about you. „Never! Do you hear me? (Y/N) I will never let you go“, he sounded almost desperate and his hands left your arms, one grabbing your waist tightly and the other cradling your jaw.
He hated how you were refusing to look at him, you were the only thing he fucking cared about anymore and you almost left him. You wanted him to let you go. „Why would you even say that? Without you I wouldn’t…I can’t even…“, he was so panicked at the thought of losing your he couldn’t find the words, but you finally met his eyes, „I love you so much baby, please don’t leave me I need you.“
Your heart almost broke for the man infront of you, and simultaneously you felt so much love for him at that moment. „Cato“, you were slightly overwhelmed and your hands softly cupped his cheeks in an attempt to calm him down, „it’s easier if I go, I don’t want it to come down to us two. Better I be killed by someone else isn’t it?“ Suddenly his lips were on yours, desperate and firm and you could only whimper and return it with as much passion. How could you ever think he wouldn’t have hunted you down, no matter how far you went?
Cato pulled back for air and the both of you were panting. „Don’t say that. Never…never say that“, he sounded liked he was in agony and you hated yourself for doing this to him. „But-“, you tried to reason with him. „Don’t“, he growled and pulled you impossibly closer kissing you again, and you sighed softly, thinking in the back of your mind what a great show you were giving the audience. But neither of you cared anymore.
Suddenly Cato flinched and let out a pained hiss, making your heartbeat rise in worry. He turned around quickly, shielding you with his body and then you could see the arrow sticking out of his shoulder. Glimmer. „You’re betraying us already?“, the blonde called out from the top of the opposite boulder you two were leaning against, another arrow readied. Please, please don’t let him die.
Before any of you could react, there were suddenly screams coming from the direction of the other Careers and Cato seized the opportunity. He reached up quickly with his uninjured arm and because Glimmer was distracted he yanked her down roughly by her ankle. With a scream she came crashing down losing the grip on her bow and with a fast movement of his wrist the pretty girls trashing stopped and the canon went off.
„Come one we have to go“, Cato says, and you were still stunned by what just happened in the matter of a few seconds. Then the two of you were off, quickly running through the forest.
You and Cato had run through the forest as far as he could go with his arm, until you had singled out a really big oak, climbing up to see if you could settle there. The middle of the treetop was shaped like a small circular floor and after Cato managed to climb up the tree - which was way harder for him than for you - it was perfect for you two as a camp.
Cato looked really pale now, the arrow sticking out the front of his shoulder and you were so in over your head. „Shit, I think we have to pull it through love“, you said, your aunt was working as a nurse and a little bit seemed to have stuck with you. He just nodded, and you got out a shirt you had taken as a spare and ripped it in stripes, to immediately wrap his wound once you cleaned it.
„This is gonna hurt“, you softly stroked his cheek and he closed his eyes. You gave him an encouraging kiss and he chased your lips when you pulled away, before you took a deep breath and fought your inner restraints and carefully but quickly pulled the arrow through. He groaned in pain, throwing his head back and holding onto your hip so tightly you were sure it would bruise.
As soon as the arrow was out, you quickly took of his shirt, cleaned the wound with water - you didn’t have anything else on you - and wrapped it tightly with the ripped shirt. The bleeding wasn’t as profusely as you had anticipated, so that means there was probably no major artery hit. „Rest now, I think we’re safe here for now“, you kissed his sweaty cheek and helped him lay down comfortably with his backpack as a pillow.
You settled down next to him, and you thought he was asleep when he suddenly grasped your hand. „Don’t leave“, his voice was raspy and his eyes half closed, but he still looked scared you would try to leave again. „Never, I promise“, you leaned down and softly kissed his lips, „I’m sorry I tried to.“ He smiled a little and squeezed your hand. „I love you“, he whispered and then he was out like a light.
It’s been days up in that tree, and Cato seemed to being doing worse and worse. You two had enough food and you went down to the stream nearby to fill up the water daily, but you didn’t have any adequate medication for his wound. And it was really infected, the edges a glowing red and everytime you cleaned it there came more pus out of it. Cato was sleeping most of the time and when he was awake he seemed mostly lucid and was worrying about you. Which was ironic, because he was the one who needed the worrying.
And worry you did. There wasn’t much you could do, and you hated it. „Here baby you need to drink“, you woke Cato up gently, and he was burning up. Before he could say anything, your evening was interrupted by an announcement from the Gamemakers.
„Attention tributes, attention. The regulations requiring a single victor have been suspended. For these games stand under the star of romance, the Capitol wants to give love a chance. From now on, four victors may be crowned, but only if they consist of two pairs of one male and one female tribute. This will be all announcements.“
You and Cato were silent for a moment, before his good hand gripped your hip where you were sitting next to him. „Fuck baby, that means we could both go home“, he rasped and you were still not registering what that meant, but let yourself be pulled down by him into a messy kiss. „That’s…that’s great“, you gave him your best smile, trying to hide your worries for now. How the hell were you supposed to get his wound to heal? Or the other option - even more unlikely - how were you supposed to win this for the both of you? Damn.
Cato got even worse over the next day and his breathing was labored. You had shed a few tears when he was unconscious, but tried to pull yourself together for him. But you were helpless, until there was another announcement.
„Attention, tributes, attention. Commencing at sunrise, there will be a feast tomorrow at the Cornucopia. This will be no ordinary occasion. Each of you needs something desperately. And we plan to be generous hosts.“
Medicine. It had to be something that would heal Cato from the gaping wound in his shoulder. „You’re not going“, you didn’t even hear him wake up, but even this weak he sounded dominant. „Yes I will, you need medicine“, you almost rolled your eyes and he scowled at you, sitting up in great agony before you could stop him.
„What are you doing? Lay back down Cato!“, you exclaimed, moving closer but he swatted your hands away. „You will not go to the feast, you’d be dead in a heartbeat. Clove’s still out there, and so is Thresh, I won’t let you“, he grunted, pale and shivering. „Good thing I didn’t ask for your permission then“, you snapped, „you’ll be dead if I don’t go, and it’s only a matter of time that I die then, so no argument you’ll tell me will make me change my mind.“
Cato hated that you were so right. He was slipping in and out of consciousness the last days and to be honest he knew you were right. He just didn’t want to lose you, eventhough he had realized from the start that it would come to that point. But now there was a possibility for the both of you to go home and this stupid infected wound was fucking it all up. The thought of dying and leaving you alone in here, and the thought of you dying were equally painful.
„Fuck“, he cursed, the pain in his shoulder becoming to great to sit up anymore and he laid back down, „please just…let me hold you til sunrise then?“ Your face immediately softened and the now familiar tingling flared up in his stomach at your smile - despite his pain. „Of course baby“, you blushed a little, and he loved that eventhough you were in an arena fighting other people til death, he could make you flustered.
You laid down your head on his good shoulder and he turned onto his side a little, catching you offguard when he captured your lips in a ravishing kiss. „I wish we weren’t in here and I wish I wasn’t sick right now“, he growled in your ear when he pulled away, and you looked up at him shyly when you realized what he meant. „Me too“, you whispered, your hand stroking his cheek before kissing him gently.
You decided against saying goodbye to Cato, he fell asleep all smiley and with several more kisses shared between you and if you died you wanted to leave him with that memory. Fuck, if you died that would’ve meant he died too, so you had to give it your all. You secured the bigger of your two knives in your belt and smaller in your hand and took a look back at the sleeping lover you would leave behind for now.
Then you made it down the tree and carefully tracked through the dark forest, way earlier than needed just to make sure you would make it in time. Once you reached the clearing the cornucopia was in, you settled down in a bush and alertly watched your surroundings.
It must have been over an hour, when the sun started to rise and after a few more minutes a table with five bags on it came out of the ground. Your eyes immediately zeroed in on the one with an eight on it, and you could feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins. You were about to move in - no use in waiting and have someone else snatch up your bag, plus you were fast so if you hurried that would be your best chance - when the redheaded tribute ran out of the cornucopia, snatched her bag and was off.
That was fucking smart, but it was now or never. So you pushed your legs up and ran as if your life depended on it. Because it did. From your left you could see someone else run as fast as you did, and getting closer to the table you recognized her as Katniss. Hopefully she wouldn’t hurt you, considering with the new rules all four of you could make it out alive - if she paired up with Peeta that was.
When you quickly grabbed the bag, the both of you locked eyes and it seemed a quick truce was communicated through that, because you both were on your way again. But then you saw her get a knife thrown at her by Clove. Fuck. You stopped in your tracks when she was tackled by the smaller girl and it looked like she was done for.
You had to help her, she had helped you before without even knowing you so you just had to do something. It was auf if you watched the scene from outside of your body, changing direction and running over to the fighting pair, grabbing your big knife and shoving it into Cloves throat. You pulled it out immediately and both you and Katniss were splattered with the girls blood, the adrenaline keeping you from thinking how horrified you should be at killing another person. That would have killed your in heartbeat if she had the chance.
Clove fell to the side clutching her leaking neck, gasping for air and then she was dead and the canon went off. Katniss got up immediately, picking up her bag and squeezing your shoulder gratefully. „Thanks“, she said and the both of you shared a nod and a smile, before taking of again.
You couldn’t believe you actually survived this, let alone save Katniss. You were still running high on adrenaline when you climbed the tree where Cato was laying with a high fever and a badly infected wound. But now you could actually help him, you actually did it. You let yourself fall next to him, sitting on your knees and pulling out the contents of the bag.
There was a relatively big container in there, wrapped in a cloth, plus a small bottle. They were labeled with their use and so you set them aside, pulling Catos makeshift blanket off and unwrapping his nastily infected wound.
At that he awoke with a groan and looked at you unbelievingly. „You’re alive“, he rasped, he couldn’t wrap his mind around it. His vision was slightly blurred but he could see you actually came back, back to him and you seemed safe. He was thanking whoever was up there that he didn’t lose you yet. „I need to put this on your wound baby“, you said, and he saw that you got the bag from the feast, medicine included. You were incredible.
He nodded, bracing himself for the pain that came with touching his wound, and you scooped up some of the paste before spreading it as careful as possible, using a good amount. He hissed at the initial touch, but after a few seconds the paste cooled down the burning sensation in his shoulder to a low pulsing and he sighed in relieve.
At the sight of the medicine helping already, tension you didn’t even realize was there fell off of you. „Need to do the back to“, you helped him roll onto his side slowly, before spreading the same generous amount on the back of his wound. You packed away the paste safely, before making him take the recommended amount of medicine from the bottle, that was supposed to help with the fever.
It made him extremely sleepy, but you instilled a little water into him, before laying next to him exhausted. It wasn’t dark, but the both of you needed the sleep badly. Hopefully he would feel a little better when you’d wake up.
When you next awoke you were wrapped tightly in strong arms and pressed to a chest. And you immediately took that as a good sign, that he felt good and strong enough to do that. Then you noticed the sun was rising again, so you had slept for most of the day yesterday.
You enjoyed the way he was holding you a little longer, even more relieved when you noticed his breathing was already stronger and steady again. When you couldn’t wait any longer, you carefully peeled yourself out of his arms to look at his wound. He grumbled unhappily and turned onto his back when you sat up, one hand on your hip and his eyes slowly opening.
„Hey“, his voice was gravely from lack of use and you smiled at him. „Hey“, your hand softly tracked his jawline, „can I take a look at your wound?“ He grinned a little and nodded, so you sat up on your knees and pulled aside the fabric that you had lightly wrapped around it yesterday and you gasped in shock. Positive shock.
„What is it?“, he asked, sitting up quickly, before looking down at his shoulder. „It’s almost gone“, you whispered and couldn’t quite believe that there was only a little bit of pink skin left from his previously gaping wound. When you checked the other side, it looked the same. „How does it feel though? Does it still hurt? Do you still feel sick?“, you worried that it was healing only superficially.
Cato loved the way you worried about him, only now that he felt healthy again was he really able to enjoy it. Fuck, you were so perfect, you risked your life to save him and if you weren’t televised right now he wouldn’t hold back. He was hard already just at the thought of what you had been doing on that rooftop on the last night.
„I’m alright, I feel perfectly fine“, he grinned and suddenly hauled you up and onto his lap with ease. He really seemed to be better. Your gasp was stifled by his lips and they felt warm and soft again, not clammy and cold. You could cry with how happy you felt. You two could make it out of here together.
When he pulled back, he looked you over for any injuries and almost had a heartattack when he saw you were covered in blood. „Why the hell are you covered in blood? Are you injured? Do you-“, you interrupted his panick quickly. „Calm down it’s not mine!“, you cupped his cheeks, your fingers trembling a little when your remembered how you killed Clove.
„How did it get onto you then? You okay?“, he took your hands in his, kissing your shaking fingers and waiting for your answer patiently. „It was…It’s Cloves. She was about to kill Katniss and I-“, your voice gave out and he pulled you closer in comfort. „Hey it’s alright“, he whispered stroking your back softly, the terror you were feeling shrinking a bit, „it will be okay, I promise.“ You just tucked your head into his neck and stayed there for a while.
It has been two more days since then, and Cato was perfectly fine again. There had been a rainstorm and because of the thunder you must have missed the canon, because in the evening you saw that the redhead was dead. So only you and Cato, Katniss and Peeta and Thresh were left.
You and Cato and been walking through the forest, your camp in the tree packed and left behind, and you were searching for food because you were running low. But when suddenly in the middle of the day, the sky turned dark, you knew you wouldn’t need that anymore. The games would come to an end tonight.
„Seems like they want it to end it huh“, Cato gripped your hand tightly, he knew the gamemakers had planned something big if they changed the time of day. „Let’s go towards the meadow“, he suggested and you just nodded, squeezing his hand gently. You almost reached the edge of the forest when you heard it. It sounded like wolves, but more…domesticated. Not quite like dogs either. But it sent a shiver down you spine.
You both stopped to listen, and it seemed like the howls were getting closer. „We should-“, Cato was interrupted when Peeta and Katniss broke out of the thicket about ten meters away, running terribly fast and screaming at you. Run. So that’s exactly what you did, Cato held your hand so tight that the circulation would most likely be cut of but you didn’t care. You only concentrated on getting away from whatever seemed to be chasing you as fast as possible.
You didn’t dare look back, hearing the heavy sounds of paws behind you entirely too close for comfort even if they were a little bit away still. You ran out of the forest and over the meadow, following the other two towards the cornucopia. That seemed like a solid idea.
Cato thought about picking you up so he could run faster, but when he realized you would probably be safe on top of the cornucopia he decided against it. You could make it like that. He heard what were probably mutants pant behind you and howl angrily, and when you finally reached the cornucopia, you had passed Katniss and Peeta a little and Cato immediately took your waist and hauled you up.
Youwere unceremoniously dumped on the cornucopia and were once again awed by Catos strength. He pulled himself up with ease, Katniss right next to him, who started to pull up Peeta. But it seemed like they were a millisecond too slow, because one of the creatures grabbed Peetas leg. „Peeta!“, Katniss screeched and you were thankful Cato immediately jumped into action, grabbing Peetas other arm and ripping him out of the monsters hold.
The four of you stood on top of the cornucopia, panting and gasping for air when you had a chance to look at the creatures for the first time. And you almost got sick at the sight. They were huge mutant dogs, growling and jumping up the side of the cornucopia. But the worst were their faces. They were distinctly human, but not quite. The gamemakers were fucking sick.
Before you could think about anything else, a strong arm wrapped around your neck and pulled you back roughly. With a gasp, you gazed up towards your attacker. Thresh. He was bleeding profusely, and it seemed liked the creatures got him good before they ran after Katniss and Peeta.
The others looked at you in shock, Katniss had an arrow pointed at him and Cato seemed like he wanted to murder and rip apart the tribute holding you with his bare hands. Peeta was limping an balancing on his good leg, looking as helpless as you felt.
„Let her go“, Cato barked at the nearly equally tall man, and your hands grasped the arm wrapped around your throat. „Ha, fuck you! And you don’t even need to try Katniss, if I fall, she falls too“, Thresh seemed to know his situation was hopeless, „fuck all of you! You four get to go home and have a nice life? How’s that fair? Why do you deserve that? I would have deserved that too, Rue would have deserved that, all of us would have!“ He wasn’t only speaking to you, he was looking at the sky and seemingly addressed the Capitol.
Katniss flinched a little when Rue was mentioned. „How about I snap your pretty little neck hm?“, he cackled and you were frozen in fear, „that’s what they want right? Drama, death and betrayal!“
„You don’t have to give them what they want“, you whispered, the other three still rooted in their spots, „you don’t have to be who they want you to be. If you don’t let them, they can’t take that from you.“
Thresh laughed, and then it turned into a sob. Suddenly, he let you go, pushing you forward roughly and Cato caught you in a tight grasp. You turned around just in time to see him raise three fingers to his tearstained face, holding them to his mouth and raising them into the air, before falling backwards and into the pack of monsters on the ground. And then he was screaming, before Katniss went forward and put him out of his misery with an arrow.
Then she raised her hand in the same gesture as he did, Peeta following suit and then you and Cato did too.
You four had waited there for an hour, the pack was long gone and you knew you won the games. But there wasn’t anything happening, which worried you tremendously. When the sun started to rise, you decided to climb down and as soon as your feet hit the ground, the gamemakers spoke up.
„Attention, attention tributes. There has been a slight rule change. The previous revision allowing for four victors has been revoked. Only one victor may be crowned. Good luck. And may the odds be ever in your favor.“
The four of you stood in silence for a few moments, looking utterly defeated. „They have to have a victor“, you whispered, scared for what might happen now, because Katniss was still holding her bow and Catos grip on his sword was so thight his knuckles were white. Only you and Peeta looked at eachother with surrender.
„No“, Katniss said, throwing her bow down and pulling something out of her jacket. Nightlock berries. You recognized them from back home and from training. If you’d eat them you’d be dead before they reached your stomach. And you suspected what her idea was.
„We don’t have to give them a winner, why should we“, she locked eyes with you, and you nodded, looking up at Cato who was watching your reaction. He seemed to know what they were too. He held out his hand just like you. Fuck them. None of you would be happy if you went out of here a victor. Let the last thing you ever did be a big defiance against the Captiol.
„Together?“, Peeta asked Katniss, and Cato couldn’t help himself and pulled you in for one last kiss. He hated that you were going to die - he didn’t care about himself - but he knew you wouldn’t back down. And going together with the woman he loved seemed like a good way to go. And giving the gamemakers a big fuck you felt reassuring too.
Cato let you go and the four of you looked at eachother one last time, your hand tightly laced in Catos, and then Katniss gave a small nod. „One“, Peeta said, and you and Cato moved closer. „Two“, you whispered and looked into his blue eyes, memorizing the way he always made you feel. „Three“, Katniss said and you raised the berries to your mouth, ready to die, when you were interrupted.
„STOP! Stop! Ladies and Gentleman may I present the winners of the 74th annual Hunger Games.“ Cato pulled you into his embrace immediately.
So this was part 2! And yes I know all four winning is as unrealistic as it might get, but I didn’t want to kill Katniss or Peeta and if I want to write another part, I need the normal revolution storyline. What do you think? Do you want another part?
I just tagged everyone asking for a part 2, I hope that’s alright it’s y’all!
@xplrcolbyy @riverlikethelake @l0stinth3nightsky @lisedanie @mysticdaisy21 @n1ght5h4d3-24 @inparanormal @hannahnikohl @worshiptheduck
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riniworld · 9 months
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warnings: nothing serious,reader reference to "y/n(maybe one or two times), you and she/her", sorry for any mistakes,mention of blood,pet names" flower"(just one time)
i suggest you read the remake , it's better than this!
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there was an emperor named taron he was the most powerful royal the history has known
he has fought many empires and seized them but..
there was one empire..no,one person in particular he couldn't defeat
the "the legendary savior" how the people like to call her,the general of empire of the West, general y/n.
she has got in alot of battle and wars and it always end in victory
Your reputation has reached all empires, everyone wanted to buy you, but you were loyal, which made everyone look at you in more admiration.
when taron tried to get the empire in his hand you've stand in his face
oh how amazing, taron didn't had such a difficult fight in ages
he did not want this to end quickly so he backed down
is it wierd to arrive with a big smile when you've just lost?
and there it started,you've got in a lot of fights and it's always ends in a draw
in every fight he grew found of you..your skills,your plans,your courage.........your beauty
you've got suspect about it all,There were so many opportunities for Taron to kill you but he just backed off
untill one day...
Rumors began to spread about your relationship with the Crown Prince of the Empire
it spreaded so fast untill it got to the biggest empire,taron empire (ofc he named it after him duh-)
taron wasn't pleasant with all this talk
His strongest opponent in a relationship? that a bullsh!t! how could someone so strong get in something so stupid? that will only make you weak....he won't allow it
if anything why would someone as strong as you get with someone has never touched his sword? so weak.
you should at least be with someone deserves you, like...like him
so he backed for a fight and maybe the last fight
for the first time he fought seriously
for the first time he have injured you
for the first time he..was that angry
that was the longest battle for the two of you
after what seem like forever there were you
under his feet so weak to stand
oh that beautiful face was covered in blood but don't worry dear!
you'll get all good in his castle
"given up,flower?"
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woah I'm so satisfied with that
should i make this a series?/I'll do:)
have a good day/night♡
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1whore1gang · 11 months
it's the little things🤍
part 1
part 2
Enjoy part 3 besties :)
I feel like something bad has happened in every chapter so far, i’m sorry lmao
the next chapter will be fluffier 🫡
WARNING: this chapter contains some tough topics such as SA, read at your own risk!!
Taglist: @ghostslittlegf @sketchyfandomgirl @batw3nch @thedevillovesflowers @gaymistakeboi @almightywdm @under-the-dirt @clear-your-mind-and-dream
(if i forgot anyone i apologize!!)
I feel like these are getting shorter and shorter 😬
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The hum of the coffee machine was the only noise in the kitchen as you waited for the coffee to brew. You and Price were able to squeeze in a couple more hours of sleep before you became restless and got up to make coffee.
You had your arms wrapped around yourself due to the cold air in the compound. Taking a deep breath, you watched as the coffee began to pour out into the container. The smell of it already woke you up more as you breathed it in.
Pulling out the mug underneath, now filled with the liquid, you began to blow on it before setting it down hearing footsteps approaching.
"Morning. Did you make any tea?" Price's groggy voice rang through the silence.
"No, I didn't I'm sorry." You wrapped your sweater closer around your body.
"S'all good." He mumbled, moving around you to get a kettle going. "You still got that training session today?"
"Yeah, new recruits. It was supposed to be me and Ghost, but I told them Ghost got the flu." Price chuckled at that.
"Want me to come help you since you're down a man?" You tilted your head in confusion at his statement.
"Who would watch the boys?"
"Laswell. We can trust her can't we?" You lolled your head to the other shoulder, thinking.
"I suppose so. how do we even tell her? She's gonna report us for illicit drug use." You laughed a little at the thought.
"I'll tell her it's my nephews or something, or we can tell her the truth?" Price laughed along with you.
"Can I ask you a question?" Price hummed as confirmation. "Why haven't we fought yet? Usually when we work together, we're at each other's throats."
Price nodded, obviously contemplating his answer. "I don't know." He said it so simply, as if he hadn't noticed the change in behavior from you both. "Maybe because there's children involved?"
"How many rescues have we done with children where we're still fighting?" Price nods in agreement.
"I'm not sure then." He looks up at the clock, noticing the time. "Let me go ring Laswell while you get ready."
Somehow, Laswell bought the nephew lie. She agreed to watch them for a small amount of time.
"Alright recruits. I'm your Lieutenant, and you can call me that. This is Captain Price, you report to him for any major or emergent situations, otherwise you find me or Sergeant Garrick, who you will meet at a later date. Today, we are going to go over some basic defense maneuvers."
Carefully, you taught the recruits, demonstrating each device with Price. From what you could see, the recruits were catching on quickly. "Finally, my favorite defense mechanism." you signaled Price to come at you, putting you in a headlock. Bending down and quickly pulling your body weight forward, you fling Price over your head.
You hear a couple of recruits gasp. "For the nature of this exercise, we will have each one of you come up to try to flip one of us instead of having you flip each other."
One by one, each recruit came up attempting to flip you and Price. A couple failed, which is normal in these types of training situations. You only had a couple of recruits left. "Private Taron?" you called the young man up. "Try to flip me." You heard Price call up another recruit as you wrapped your arm around the Private's neck. He easily had you flying over him, landing roughly on your back.
You felt the wind being knocked out of you. "Here, let me help you." Taron reached out a hand, helping you up off the floor. When you stood up, he didn't let go of your hand. "Can I ask you something since I'm the last one in your line?"
"Yeah, what's the problem?"
"No problem, I just wanted to see if you could flip me?" You froze at the question but took the challenge since Taron was about the size of Price.
"Why not, I could use the challenge." You prepped yourself, waiting for him to wrap his arm around you. "Ready when you are-"
Your words caught in your throat as you felt him grind himself into you, his erection pressing into your lower back. "See what you do to me ma'am? You won't write me up for sleeping with my superior will you?-"
Quickly, you flung him over your head, him landing with an audible thud. "You have a meeting with General Shephard at 0800. Don't be late."
You left the room quickly, not even bothering to look at Price. You beelined to your room to change and shower as quick as you ever had before going to relieve Kate from the boys.
"Thanks again Laswell."
"Anytime, his nephews are angels." She left without another word as you looked down at the three littles in their playpen.
Soap and Gaz were playing with some little planes you and Price had bought while Ghost was asleep. Soap looked up at you and his little face lit up, making grabby hands at you. You smiled as you picked him up. He immediately snuggled into your neck, letting out the cutest little sigh. Gaz followed suit, giving you grabby hands as you picked him up too. "Come on boys."
Moving over to the pullout couch, you propped the two boys to where each one was laying on a shoulder as you sat back. Both of them seemed calm, almost sleepy at contact. You stroked their little heads, shushing them into a nap since Laswell said she couldn't get them to settle.
You tried to focus on the current moment and not the disturbing event that had happened not even 10 minutes prior.
Your skin itched, feeling exposed, dirty. You felt violated. You felt tears sting your eyes, trying your hardest to focus on the little sounds coming from Soap and Gaz. Deep breaths left your mouth, trying to calm yourself.
Little snores filled your ears as your face became red with tear stains. You moved to set the boys back down, feeling bad for not holding them for very long. You sat with your head in your hands, trying to subside the tears you felt. It was such an icky feeling, your body crawling with an uncomfortable feeling.
You didn't want Price to see you like this, you knew he'd ask about what happened and you two would get into a heated debate about how you could've handled it better than storming out.
You could hear his voice now, telling you how you should've reported him right away, spoke up. His voice telling you that your response was immature.
Sighing, you took out your phone to send an emailed report to Shephard so he knew what was happening when the recruit walked in.
Footsteps filled your ears as you hit send, the door opening slowly as a freshly showered Price entered the room. "What the hell was that?"
"I'm not doing this right now. Yell at me all you want another time."
"No, explain to me why you walked out on those recruits." His voice was beginning to border the line of anger.
"Price, please."
"No, Y/N, what was that?! It doesn't matter who you are, you don't walk out on recruits during a vital training sessions." his stood against the closed door, his arms crossed. His head tilted as he spoke.
"Can we please not do this?" You finally made eye contact with him for the first time since he had stepped in. This made him see your tear ridden eyes.
"Tell me. Now." His voice was almost a growl as it came out.
"WHO?!" He boomed as his hands slammed down on the table in the kitchenette of his room. It made you flinch, which made his gaze soften. "Y/N."
"Price." He moved over a few steps closer to you.
"Tell me. Please." You saw his eyes change from being the angry narrowed look to a more gentle, beckoning one. "I am still your superior, so you report any issues to me, regardless of what it is."
"Don't fucking pull that card." You shook your head in annoyance.
"I can pull whatever card I goddamn want, I am your Captain and you will tell me what happened." You was back to the pointed look he always gave you.
You huffed out a breath. "You don't give up do you? Don't know when to stop talking?"
"One of the recruits rubbed their hardened cock on me and told me that they wanted to sleep with me. Happy?"
"Y/N, if you had just-"
"Don't start. I know you're gonna tell me my response was immature and that I'm overreacting or I misheard him. You're going to tell me the statistics of women getting harassed in the military and how one little grope isn't gonna hurt me right?" You watched Price's face turn to one of horror.
"Why the hell would I say that? Do you really think so lowly of me?" Price was hurt now.
"Because that's what you did last time something like this happened. November 4th, 2020. We were on a mission in Dubai and one of the new soldiers on the mission groped me and fondled me. You told me I was overreacting and told me to brush it off."
Price was froze, his mind turning for answers to why he did that. He wasn't speaking nor moving. Instead, he just walked out.
He walked out on your important conversation like that. Left you alone in your state of pain and the familiar feeling of betrayal came back to your chest.
That feeling was a package deal when it came to your Captain. You always felt betrayed and hurt by him due to your common interactions. He was tough on you, and you two never were on the same page.
Except lately, you thought you were. You were so wrong.
You took your things and the boys back to your room that night, wanting to be away from your Captain. You knew the kindness was too good to be true, deep down though you wanted it to linger just a little bit longer.
His offers to cook or watch the boys, the way he would look at you and tell you to rest. You wanted the kindness in his eyes and his smile to stick around longer.
You wanted John, not Price.
And you'd never have that. Not with your Captain's history with you. The constant fighting, the butting of heads, the disagreeing will never go away, and as you realized that, you cried.
You had seen a glimpse of the man behind the title, and you welcomed the warmness he had brought to your eyes. The way his personality shown through instead of his usual coldness. You had felt a tinge of a friendship blooming, but that has quickly been ripped from your grasp.
While you were crying, you looked over to see Ghost standing up in the playpen, staring at you with a blank expression and wide eyes. He whined when you looked at him. "Oh, Simon..."
Moving, you picked him up and rocked him in your arms as he began to sniffle. "I'm okay, just the usual squabble with our Captain." You shushed him, trying to convince this small child that you were okay.
His little hand reached up to touch your mouth, letting out a little sound. he blinked at you a few times, still sniffling as his bottom lip quivered and he eyebrows were down.
You smiled a little at the seemingly meaningless gesture. "How do you know how to make me smile even as a baby?" You laughed a little as he sad expression faded, his little hand dropping back down. he let out a couple of little baby babbles, and you smiled again. "My Simon always comforting me, even if it's incoherent baby noises." He yawned, leading you to move him back into the playpen, giving him a thank you, even though you knew he couldn't understand you. He yawned again as he rolled over, closing his little eyes.
You sat back down in your bed as your mind raced a million miles a minute.
How could your Captain be so double sided, and what triggered him to change from cold to warm, but so quickly snap right back?
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geo-winchester · 7 months
HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY!!!! Wish you the best and an amazing day!!
From your prompt list, can I request
7. And at every table, I’ll save you a seat.
With Taron?
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A/N: hi love! I’m so sorry this took me a lot of time to write! But I wasn’t in my greatest moment, I hope this is what you expect and I hope that you like it! Thank you so much for your wishes and I hope that you’ll have a great day!
When you were a kid, you never imagine that you were going to see your best friend on the big screen, you always knew that Taron’s big dream was to be a movie star, and you were so proud and so happy to see his dream comes true, but you were also afraid of how this would change your relationship, but he proved you that anything changed between the two of you, he invites you to some of his red carpets, he called you when he got choose for new role. But you also have to admitted that you have a crush on him that you always tried to hide, you’re heart race with every smile he gave at you, or every time he brought coffee at your work, and you start to notice that in every dinner you have with your friends he always had a seat saved next to him for you, but you knew it was all in your head and you didn’t want to mess up your friendship so you start to avoid him, trying to calm your feelings, and you thought you finally get it until you open the door and you met his eyes, he was wet from the rain that was falling.
-Taron? Jesus your soaking, get in before you catch a cold- he follow your orders, before he said anything you went to the other room, you get back with a towel and a bathrobe, he look at you confused making you shrugged -I don’t have anything else, you can put this while your clothes gets dry- he nod and got inside the bathroom.
As he was in the bathroom you tried to calm yourself down by putting some coffee on, when he got out you heard him going to the laundry and a little while later the dryer going on, you couldn’t help but giggle when you saw him in the bathrobe.
-I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t laugh but purple is really your color- he rolled his eyes -do you want some coffee?.
-Yes please- he said, the two of you stayed completely silent as the two of you drank from your cups.
-Yn- you talk at the same time making you giggled -you go first- he said.
-Why are you here? I thought you were training for the role you got- you said.
-I was, but… why are you avoiding me?
-What? Why do you say that?
-Because lately every time I asked you out you said you been really busy with work, but I met Jenn at the gym and she told me that everything at your work it’s been really calm, so why?- he asked with a puppy look
-It 's nothing…
-how it could be nothing? You've been avoiding me for weeks and you said it’s nothing- he said.
-It’s something stupid- you said.
-Obviously not…
-I thought I was falling for you- you finally said.
-You see, it’s stupid, I mean look at me, I’m nothing special, you have a ton of pretty good looking girls that you work with, and I… I am just a normal girl that is your friend so yeah I know it’s stupid to even think that I have a shot- you said.
-You are in love with me?- he asked.
-I try not to…
-don’t mess with me Taron- you said -I’m know I’m not your type, I’m not one of those models you go out with, I’m just me, I’m not go out much, I read, I work and I’m just normal- you said -and I know this couldn’t happen…
-You’re wrong- he said as he make you look at him -You’re smart, you make me laugh, you’re beautiful even when you wear those crazy sweaters for all those festive days, I love when you try to be sensitive at something but sometimes you have difficult to express sorry so it’s kind of funny how you act- you rolled your eyes- you know me and I know everything about you- you look at him unsure of his answer- of course I’m saying the truth, I know your favorite food, I know that you hate olives and you are allergic to peanut, I know that you love when it rains but not just because of the smell in the air, but because you feel like your in twilight, and I know I love you and I been in love with you since I was in fifth grade when you get in to the music class and start to sing girls just want to have fun.
-And how do you know this will work? How do you know that this won’t blow up everything?
-I don’t know that- he said as he got closed to you and clean a small tear from your cheek- but i can tell you what I know, I know I want to be with you and only you- he said as he got so close to you that you can felt his breath before he finally crash his lips on yours -and as Taylor Swift once said “and on every table I’ll save you a sit”- he said making you laugh.
That moment sometimes feel like a long time ago, you like to said that after that day everything went smoothly but every time he was a away for a movie or he has to go on a tour and of course there were those dumbs fights, but there were also the good moments, the first night you spend together, when you decide to move in together, when he propose and your wedding, you also remember his reaction when you found out you were pregnant with your first child and how good of a father he was. Today was an important day for him, he was nomine to the golden globes. When you get inside the room you could see the excitement and the nervous in his eyes, you whistle to catch his attention.
-Too much?- he asked as he turned around, you shook your head in response.
-Your tie is a little crooked, let me help you- you walk to him, and start to fix his tie -Nervous?
-A little, I mean I know this is something great but I can’t help to think what if I didn’t win?
-Well you’ll have to found a new wife- you joked making him laugh -Hey, nothing would change If you loose, people would recognize how amazing work you did, and even if you loose, you’ll still have us- he kiss you -that and you can have a consolation prize when we get home- he smirk.
-And what if I win…
-Well Mr. Egerton, we have the house to ourselves, we can do whatever you want.
-God now I really want to win- he said, making you laugh.
The two of you were having a lot of fun at the event, with all the jokes and the conversation you had with all the other actors on the table, you saw that Taron was a little more relax, until they start to announce the category for best actor, he took your hand when the camera focus him, you felt the grip of your hand getting stronger, when he was called as the winner he bring you in to a big hug and kiss you before he walk to the stage.
-Oh God, this is… wow, I don’t believe it, love I won- he said making everyone laugh -I want to thank to all the crew of this amazing movie, Mathew thank you for give me this chance, my mom and my sisters who are watching with my beautiful kids, and to my beautiful wife, thank you for be there for me, even before we knew this was for ever, you always been my best friend and you always been by my side in every moment I know you always be there just as I’ll be there for you, I love you and our beautiful family, this wouldn’t happen without you, I love you- he said, you kiss him the minute he got in to the table.
-I love you too- you said.
-I know we said we’ll have the house to ourselves but I really want to share this with the kids…- you didn’t let him finish, you gave him a kiss.
-I can eat a burger and celebrate on our own.
-Let’s go and have our own celebration- he said as he gave you a quick kiss.
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samaraannhan20 · 2 years
Austin Butler Imagine: College AU! The Golden Globes
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a.n.: there is a bolded section in the acceptance speech, because I meant to add it in and I just forgot because I was focused on getting his actual speech completely correct. 
Warnings: agegap!, female!reader, collegestudent!reader 
You sit and stare at the television, impatiently waiting for the Golden Globes to start. You have been dating Austin Butler for a while now, but you are about ten years younger than him, and are still in college, and your semester had just started so you couldn’t attend the award show with him. Due to this, everyone you were close with knew you would be watching the Golden Globes on tv tonight, and to not bother you, your roommates included.  You were sitting on the couch in your apartment with a book in front of you, because you knew that you would have time to read for class while waiting for his award to be called, and even some time before he appeared on the carpet. You turned the television up and settled into the couch, opening your book to read. Before long you heard an announcer say that Austin was on the carpet, so you grabbed your bookmark and closed your book, turning your attention fully to the show. As you watched Austin cross the screen, you wanted nothing more than to be there with him. Alas, you knew you could not be there, so you settled for grabbing your phone and shooting him a text. My Love 🤍 Hey love. I know you’re walking the carpet right now, but as I watch you cross my screen I wanted to shoot you a text and remind you that I love you and that I wish I could be by your side. Say hi to Miss Priscilla and Lisa Marie for me. Give Ashley my love. You sighed as you closed out of the messages on your phone, looking just as Austin posed for pictures with Taron. The screen cuts away from Austin, and you open your book again, ready to read until the actual award show starts. Before too long, you suddenly hear Austin’s voice coming from the television. You quickly close your book and look up, seeing him being interviewed. You hear the interviewer ask if he came with his sister, and break into a smile as he answers. “Yeah, she did, but only because my girl couldn’t make it out tonight. I love my sister, and I am very glad to have her with me, but I do miss my girl,” he says with a slight smile on his face as he speaks. “I miss her too,” Ashley says as she comes up behind him, with him quickly wrapping his arm around her. “She makes him a little more bearable,” Ashley jokes, elbowing Austin in the ribs. “Austin, we knew you were dating someone, but would you care to tell the world exactly who it is?” the interviewer asks him, and you watch  as the grimace comes across his face. “You know, we talked about it before I flew out here yesterday, and we decided that this is not the moment that we want to completely release our relationship to the public. I promise, as soon as we are both ready to have it in the spotlight I will let you know,” he tells the man, just as Lisa Maria comes up behind him. “Oh,” she says, “are we talking about your lady?” she asks with a smile on her face. “You know, my mother and I have met her, and we think she is just the sweetest person, and she is perfect for Austin. We are both, all really, so glad to see him happy,” she says, before gently grabbing Austin in a hug. After that the three of them walk away from the interview, and you know you are safe to pick your book back up and read for a while before he will be back on. After a few minutes of uninterrupted reading, you hear your phone go off next to you. You immediately close your book and grab it, knowing that the message is from Austin, because he has his own text tone. Aus🤍💕 Thank you baby. I love you too. It brings me comfort knowing that you are watching tonight. I’m super nervous, but having Baz, Lisa Marie, Priscilla, and Ashley here helps. I wish you were here though. Ashley sends her love, and strict instructions to come visit soon. Lisa and Priscilla say hi, and they miss you. Baz too. I’ll call you after my category is called. My Love🤍 Win big tonight Aus. I’ll see you this weekend ❤️ You close out of your messages, and decide to go onto the Globes facebook page, knowing you’ll see pictures on there already. Sure enough, you see a bunch of pictures from the carpet, and even some from inside the venue already. After a few minutes you close out of facebook, and put your phone down, opening your book back up. About thirty minutes later, you hear his category be called. You close your book, and sit up, looking intensely at the television. You watch as Letitia Wright reads the names of the nominees, and hold your breath as she begins to open the envelope. “The Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Drama Motion Picture goes to… Austin Butler!” she reads, and you jump up from your spot on the couch. You jump up and down in the living room as he makes his way up to the stage.  You watch as your shy boy holds back his emotions as he gives his speech. When he gets to the thank you’s, you have to sit down. You sit on the very edge of your couch, never taking your eyes away from the screen. “Lisa Marie, Priscilla, I love you forever. You could at least play Suspicious Minds,” he says as the music that is meant to chase him off the stage starts. “Um, so I also want to thank my family. My sister is here with me tonight. Ashley, I love you so much,” he says, and you start to tear up. He thanks his father, and then your water works really begin. “I want to thank my mom, who I know is smiling down right now. Mama, I love you so much. Thank you for sacrificing so much for me. My love, I love you so much and I wish you could be here with me tonight. I don’t know what I would do without you by my side through all of this. And lastly, Elvis Presley himself. You were an icon and a rebel and I love you so much. Thank you. You are remembered and I will never forget you. Thank you,” he finishes, and turns to go backstage. As your phone starts ringing you freeze for a second, before jumping for it. You see his photo and name pop up, and you answer as quickly as possible. “Austin!” you all but scream through the phone. “You did it baby! I knew you could,” you tell him, with a smile going from ear to ear. “I am so proud of you. Now you get to take pictures and revel in the fact that everyone loves you as much as I do. Hi Baz!” you scream as you see him show up over Austin’s shoulder. “Hey, Y/N!” he shouts back waving at you. “Look at our boy go,” he says, and you just smile. A second later, Lisa Marie and Priscilla show up as well. “Hi, Y/N,” Priscilla says as she sees you. “Thank you for loaning him to us for the night. We’ll have him back to you soon. The two of you remind me so much of Elvis and I, it brings a smile to my face,” she states. “Thank you Miss Priscilla. I miss you! Now, is there any chance you can hand the phone back to Austin, I want to tell him goodbye before he has to start taking pictures,” you ask, and she laughs before handing the phone back to him. “Thank you for believing in me baby,” he says with a smile as big as yours on his face. “I love you, so, so much.” “I love you Aus. Now, go take those photos, and kiss that trophy for me. I’ll see you in a few days,” you say, and blow a kiss towards the screen. He blows one back, mouths that he loves you, and hangs up. You flop back onto the couch, and sigh in contentment. You spend the rest of the night reading before heading to bed, and when you sleep you dream of your winner, and seeing him when he visits on the weekend.
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antianakin · 10 months
It doesn't happen as much, but some people said that Taron Malicos (that crazy ex-Jedi from Fallen Order) was right about the Jedi's decline, forgetting that Malicos is mentally-deranged and fallen to the Dark Side. Not exactly the most reliable authority on Jedi history and culture, if you ask me.
Yeah, the Cal Kestis games sit in that sort-of "soft anti-Jedi"/"Jedi critical" space where they have moments that are absolutely telling the audience that the Jedi were weak, or at fault for what happened or old-fashioned/behind the times, but that they were still GOOD PEOPLE and Cal is absolutely still identifying as a Jedi whole-heartedly and doing Jedi stuff etc etc. The entire storyline of Fallen Order is that Cal and Cere are trying to find the list of Force sensitive kids so they can try to rebuild the Jedi Order and it's sad when they have to make the choice to let that dream go in order to protect the kids from the Empire. Cal getting Knighted by Cere is a happy, triumphant moment. The whole flashback to Order 66 being included and being SO SO SAD is a major element of the game. Cal and Merrin literally bond over being survivors of the devastating tragedy that is the total loss of their people. (It comes up even less in Survivor, the one place it shows up is within his romance with Merrin.)
So the message getting sent is that sure, MAYBE the Jedi weren't always perfect, but it also DOESN'T MATTER because nothing they did warranted what happened to them and it's still a good thing to be a Jedi. So Taron Malicos might be "right" in the sense that the narrative doesn't really specify one way or another (but sort-of implies that he might be), but being "right" doesn't justify being a selfish asshole and hurting other people. So it stops mattering at all if he's "right" or not anyway.
Rebels does similar stuff, quite honestly. This idea that the Jedi might've made mistakes in places, but that ultimately their loss is still SAD and Kanan is fucked up by it and both he and Ezra learn to be better people as they learn to commit to being true Jedi. It's a GOOD thing for both of them to become Jedi.
They both sit in this middle ground of saying that being a Jedi is a good thing and the loss of the Jedi is still a tragedy, but the current Jedi are going to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors who fucked up enough that it might've led them to their own doom. It's kinda sad that some of the better Jedi centric content we've gotten recently comes with this need to criticize the Jedi for shit they didn't even do, but it's VERY common. Even High Republic has elements of this in it from the few of the novels I've read.
But I will say that, as much as it's annoying to me personally to have to deal with that, it's better than something like, say, I don't know, the Ahsoka show which has the darksider characters NOT come across as evil selfish assholes and none of the main "Jedi" characters ever seem to actually identify (or even WANT to identify) as Jedi and implies that being a Jedi might be a lesser or inferior way to identify just in general and that there's nothing truly sad about the loss of the Jedi themselves. At least there's a lot of other generally positive Jedi stuff in Rebels and the Cal Kestis games to enjoy. Ahsoka didn't give a single Jedi positive moment in the entire fucking show.
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thecrystalkid · 3 months
what is your opinion on the tdc Netflix show?
i haven’t posted in a billion years but HII thanks for the ask!!!
it’s been a hot minute since i’ve rewatched the show, so it’s far from being fresh in my mind, and i’m of course not an expert on it. all the same, i still have a lot of thoughts and opinions* on it (*some of these might be a lil controversial as far as the TDCAOR fandom goes but i’m not trying to attack or criticize anyone for enjoying anything in this show, go in peace, ily❤️)
the show itself
to be honest, AOR has never been my favorite installment in the TDC franchise. i’m very attached to the original movie and jen and kira, so i think the obvious absence of them in the show may have played a part in that
but this^^ has nothing to do with the fact that the show is an objective masterpiece of artistry. it’s overwhelming how immersive and beautiful every inch of the environment is within thra, and whatever the creative team and everyone involved with the making of the show were paid, it’s not enough.
the design and craft of the gelfling is another thing i’m obsessed with, i loved the distinctive fashion and presentation of every clan (especially drenchen i love u drenchen) and just the sheer quality of every individual puppet. there’s something so uncanny and beautiful about the realistic skin, hair, and eyes of the gelfling, each one is so mesmerizing to watch.
sadly, i’ve always kind of disliked the overall voice-acting of the show. i love taron egerton, anya taylor-joy, etc. as much as the next person, but personally, their voices seemed so detached from their characters, which i think could be partially attributed to the fact that several of the actors are not professional voice actors
i’m beating the very dead horse here but i’m never not devastated that the show was cancelled when it was. it may not have been my favorite installment in TDC but not knowing what ultimately became of deet haunts me forever and always
not a day goes by that i’m not sad that lisa maxwell (kira’s voice actor) didn’t do the opening narration for the show. i didn’t even know that was a possibility until i listened to a podcast episode about it and found out lisa was originally going to do it. i still love sigourney weaver but like come on.
characters n in-universe stuff
one thing i love about the show is how many sibling relationships it explores. as someone with older sisters i obviously am a sucker for the dynamic between brea, tavra, and seladon. i always love seeing an absolute gutpunch soul-crushing diabolical sister relationship in media, the mirroring each other, bringing out the best and worst of each other, i love it it’s terrible. also gurjin and naia, i’m also a sucker for comedic siblings
i really really hate to say it but i’m not a fan of rian and deet as a romantic pairing. i just never really felt any chemistry between the two of them, and the fact that their whole thing started so shortly after the death of mira has always personally rubbed me the wrong way. obviously i’m not here to beat up stonegrot enjoyers, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the pairing or people who enjoy it, it’s just not for me. i love and am happy for stonegrot folk, god bless <3
augh you know what pairing i do like though is brea and kylan, this whole post could be about them. idk, i know it’s one of those things where they barely have any interaction with each other but i always die at kylan’s little “and brea!” when they’re rescuing them all, and i would’ve DIED for an interaction between them where they discover they both can read
i do also really love how the show explored the skeksis and mystics being two halves of the same whole, and how that relationship can differ. it’s one of the most interesting concepts from the og movie and i’m glad it was expanded upon
i’m sure this may have been being saved for a possible continuation of the show but i would’ve loved a deeper look at each individual gelfling clan, like a really detailed thorough episode(s) about the life/history of each clan (dousan especially i feel like they were skimped on the most)
i, like many, am obsessed with aughra, and i love that she played such a major role in the show. i love how they showcased her maternal role and connection to the gelfling and thra, whilst always keeping her stern, choppy personality present
this is just my conspiracy theory but on the subject of who jen and kira’s respective parents are, i choose to imagine it’s not anyone in the AOR cast and just some other gelfling we never/haven’t met
wow that was a lot of yapping but again thanks for the ask!! i love being able to just dump all my thoughts into one place, it’s always very fun! 
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thosegothsims · 1 month
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morgan: all i saw is free food was gonna be prepared by the resident chef idk i didnt read the rest blake: boys, stop fighting, it’s time for taron to blow out the candles
image transcripts:
morgan: hey cev, thanks for the invite and free food morgan: got a quick q tho cevin, off screen: yeah what is it morgan, now also off screen: who’s the zygote on your floor cevin: that's LITERALLY my son?????? we literally told you that in the invite
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shiverandqueeef · 1 year
I realize i'm preaching to the choir at this point about the batshit bananas nonsense that is the current hollywood standard for mens' "fitness" but I just spent the weekend watching everything taron egerton has ever been in (shut up shut up shut up i don't have a problem it's FINE)
anyways he happens to be a particularly depressing example of whackadoo body image bullshitery and i can't stop thinking about it so im excising it via tumblr post. You all get to be sad with me. here's a clip from an interview for the 2015 movie Eddie The Eagle
[Interviewer: You had a pretty physical transformation for your role in this movie...
Egerton: Uh yeah, I got fat, yeah.
Interviewer: Personally, I found it very attractive.
Egerton: DID YOU?! Really? Oh my god.]
A lot of Egerton's fans have responded to this clip gushing over how cute it is, and i agree! it's cute! But it's also just like. really fucking sad. The interviewer comments on his weight-gain positively and the response is genuine shock.
Oh and here's a picture of what Egerton actually looked like in the movie:
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That's Taron Egerton's self-described "fat" body. and I'm so sorry but seriously?!?!
and i mean. you can't exactly blame the guy for (appearing to have) a dysmorphic body image when the roles in which he plays a "fit" character required him to look like this:
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and you wanna know why it's obvious the photos above aren't actually a "healthy" weight for this person?
he doesn’t believe he’s “the right choice” because of his body type — with gym time being something he regularly thinks about when choosing roles. “You have to be consistently statuesque to be that guy. And that’s something that I am still striving for. I’ve always struggled with my weight,” he said. “[Bond] is a bit like being a brand ambassador as well as being an actor. And that could be really fun in microcosm, but I’m sure I read that Barbara Broccoli said that it’s a 15-year commitment.”
that's Egerton talking about potentially playing James Bond, and why he doesn't want to. You don't even need to squint to read between those lines; Bond is a brand and with that comes a specific aesthetic, and while Egerton can put his body through the stress required to warp his body into that brand-approved aesthetic (as he did with Kingsman) it simply is not sustainable. Trying to maintain a body that is not in equilibrium for years?! Not happening.
Egerton frames his body as a problem to overcome. He's always "struggled with [his] weight". Of course what that actually means is he struggles to meet an unhealthy standard.
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userarmand · 7 months
Do you think Paul is taking on lots of queer roles because of his personal life? I also wonder this about Taron Egerton and Josh O'Connor. They seem to seek out queer stories.
Of course, it doesn't mean they should be outed or their personal life invaded. I always wonder if straight actors would be that connected to queer romances.
for whatever reason paul has said that films like all of us strangers are the ones he enjoys watching/making and he's been rather emphatic about his desire to see more space created for queer indie features to exist. i don't think there's any reason to read more into it than that until he says something further himself.
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taron-egerton-fan · 8 months
Taron Egerton reads a love letter written by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas at the Wilderness Festival 2023 in Charlbury
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