#tarquin deserves so much better
lainalit · 6 months
The fact that the most unproblematic men in the series, Lucien and Tarquin get screwed over by everyone in the series just because there too nice, trusting and kind😭😭😭
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goddessofwisdom18 · 9 months
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Tarquin my beloved <3
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sapphicmsmarvel · 2 months
acotar characters and getting mad over silly, silly things
these are the things the characters get mad over, except they are super silly. 
This is a short one!
i.e. the only times they ever get mad at you, but it’s not toxic ❤️
Just let this man zip your dresses up. He gets you want to be “independent” but just, let him zip the damn dresses. 
He also loves lacing up your corsets. 
He’ll press a kiss between your shoulder blades. Kiss the spot between your neck and shoulder. 
He loves the intimacy within the action, loves knowing that you are for him. 
Wrapping you up as a gift is just a plus. 
He gets mad when you open a door for yourself. He will race you to the door. Even shove you out of the way. 
it’s the gentlemen-like thing to do. 
He loves seeing your ass when you walk past him. 
He doesn’t want his babydoll lifting a finger. 
if you don't let this man pull out your chair at a dinner table or function…. 
What a pouty bitch. 
It’s a simple claim of “they’re mine.” But also he just simply loves doing it. He loves to help you whenever he can, even if it’s something small like pulling out your chair. 
Plus, when he does it, he usually kisses your head or brushes his fingertips across your shoulders, making you shiver. 
Don’t you ever do your nails yourself. 
She loves working on a smaller canvas and painting your nails intricate designs is like therapy to her. She loves doing cheesy things like putting your initials together in a heart. 
Let her do your makeup. It brings her so much joy to just stare at your face when you aren’t looking. It’s the one time she doesn’t feel like a creep doing it even though you’re her wife. 
When you close your eyes as she dusts some sparkly shadow across your lid, it making your skin tone pop.
And if you’re dark skinned? with metallic colors? That would kill her. 
Putting your jewelry on for you. She’s a simple woman, just let her do your jewelry. You have hundreds nearing thousands of pieces she has given you. 
She knows what compliments your skin, or what looks good with an outfit. As well as what gems you like the most and what metals irritate your skin. 
When she puts your necklace around you, she’ll kiss the spot on your neck where the clasp is.  
She loves closing the clasp on your heels and tying your shoes. 
It’s the only time anyone will see her bow to someone else.  (besides the bedroom but they don’t see that). 
If you do it yourself, she literally makes you undo them, or she undos them, then she redoes it. She’ll be damned if you buckle your own shoes. While she’s down there, she’ll press a kiss to your thigh, calf, inner knee, ankle. Whatever she feels like.
She loves doing your hair. Even brushing it after a bath, she doesn’t want you doing it. She wants to do it. 
She loves weaving flowers through it, braiding, any type of style. It’s therapy for her, to just sit there and play with her girl's hair. 
He doesn’t like you doing ‘boy jobs’, as in the dishes or some ridiculous shit like that. 
It’s not that he thinks you’re incapable it’s just, you’re his spouse you deserve better than taking out the trash! 
The definition of “my hands look like this, so theirs look like this” but again, not in a toxic way. Just a “my baby is my baby and i’ll be damned if they lift a finger.”
He gets mad when you refuse to let him walk on the more dangerous side of a sidewalk or sleep in the spot closest to the door so he can protect you better if need be. 
He’s a natural protector and you are the love of his life. He’s not going to put you in danger even though you’ve told him nobody is waiting outside the bedroom door to kill you. 
But, you can never be too safe. 
Washing your hair, it’s really therapeutic for him to wash your hair. Even if you get embarrassed because if you have a flaky scalp it embarrasses you. But he loves just taking care of you. 
Nothing with him is embarrassing. Every hair wash day he’s there with your products as well as adding his own new thing, such as a mask or new leave in product.
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shadowqueenjude · 10 months
The most disturbing things portrayed in ACOTAR
Victim-blaming: Lucien tries to help Feyre and gets physically abused by Tamlin as a result. Feyre then proceeds to call him a dog despite Lucien doing everything he could in a difficult situation. And we're supposed to...support Feyre on this? And Rhysand throws around words like "can never forgive" man stfu you prick.
Sexual Assault: The most disturbing thing is not that Rhysand sexually assaulted Feyre. It's that he's never held accountable for this and never even apologizes at ANY point in the series. There are so many examples but this is the one that is the most disturbing.
Double Standards: We have Tamlin locking Feyre up for her own good being vilified, yet Rhysand is championed for locking Lucien and Nesta up in houses for their own good. Huh? WTF.
War Crimes: What Feyre did to the Spring Court, manipulating the sentries with the whole Ianthe thing and basically getting them killed, then weakening the Spring Court rulership which resulted in all those villagers in the Spring Court getting killed, then laying the Summer Court bare to Hybern as well, are nothing short of war crimes. And...instead of feeling regret, we have the main characters saying "Hybern's actions are their own." Like bitch what? Hybern wouldn't have been able to do shit if it wasn't for you! Have some damn accountability! And the fact that Tamlin and Tarquin are vilified for this never ceases to irk me.
Grooming: Rhysand groomed Feyre. He made excuses for everything he did with trauma, then sent Feyre out to do tasks for him like she's some kind of weapon he can use. WITHOUT giving her proper information, there is no choice. And everything he does is constantly explained away, until eventually Feyre becomes his trophy wife. Rhysand basically assigns Cassian to do the same for Nesta. I'm holding out hope that Elain will be saved from the Night Court.
The pregnancy debacle: the whole thing with the baby having wings and Rhysand withholding information from Feyre is just...disturbing. Idc if you're not telling her FoR hEr OwN gOoD, it is HER life at stake and she deserves to know. They didn't even try to shapeshift her to try and save her life? Like why is everybody seemingly more concerned about the baby than the mother? Disgusting. And why is Nesta vilified for being the only one to tell Feyre? She said it to hurt her, blah blah blah. She also wanted to show Feyre that their situations are similar. That they're BOTH being shit on by the Night Court. And when she's close to a breaking point...Nesta is forced to hike a mountain? That is physical abuse. Also, Rhysand being extremely territorial putting a shield over her and barely letting Feyre go anywhere is beyond weird.
Suicide baiting: What Rhysand did to Tamlin in ACOFAS is nothing short of suicide baiting. And...only Lucien seems to really be that concerned about it? Like...are you telling me I'm supposed to be supporting Rhysand after he basically told a depressed male to kill himself?
Segregation: Separating the Hewn City from Velaris IS segregation, no matter what excuse you try to come up with. You can't claim they're all shitty people, since your bestie Mor comes from the CoN. So, there are good people stuck in the CoN unable to get out of their torment because Rhysand decided that only certain individuals are allowed in Velaris.
Performance Feminism: Establishing laws to help women and not doing shit to enforce them is performance feminism. If he's as powerful as he says, he can 100% stop wing-cutting and r*pe. But, he's a goddamn virtue signaler so he doesn't fucking care. The thing is, SJM could've handled these topics in a much better way and it would've been fine. But she completely fucked shit up here and it's crazy that some people don't see it. Part of me is still waiting for the final book where she says, psych rhysand was the villain the whole time. If so, I'll take everything back.
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maybeiwasjustjade · 1 month
The High King theory truly makes me ill.
And knowing SJM and her obsession with making certain characters superior and/or have some kind of divine right to rule, I know she’ll try to make it happen at the expense of literally everyone else.
Moreover, I don’t see how it can happen without a major war. They just got out of 50 years under Amarantha, I doubt the courts are itching for another incompetent warlords’ attempt at HK/HQ.
Who exactly would bow to Feyre and Rhysand? The High Lords meeting showed that barely anyone tolerated them, nor did they have any actual allies that wasn’t Helion. And I doubt Helion would be so forgiving when he finds out about Lucien. Tamlin and Eris would never, so they’d have to die. Neither would Tarquin or Kallias agree, so that’s a given war with the Seasonal Courts. Dawn would stay neutral, or end up the rebel court. It really is the only toss up.
And even with Gwydion (which rightfully belongs to Nesta alongside the Trove) as some kind of divine symbol, feysand genuinely sucks at ruling. Conquer Prythian—yes, conquer because the other HL would never submit if they asked nicely—when they can’t even rule or play nice with their own people. Enough with the HK dreams, Amren; Rhysand would be lucky if Illyria and Hewn City don’t band together soon to stage a massive uprising.
(Y’know I’m not surprised nobody in the IC can empathize with the CoN citizens. They were all trapped in Velaris for fifty years, where they were free and the sun still rose. Imagine if they’d been UtM with everyone else; maybe then they’d get it. That life where even the sun and trees and anything worth living is out of reach at the whims of a dictator is no life at all.)
And I’ve seen theories floating around that the HK plot is set up for Nyx instead, because he’s destined to inherit all seven powers of the court. Yeah, that’s equally terrible. Divine right to rule and conquer is bullshit. Balance is something that should exist but doesn’t in Acotar. If it did, Feyre wouldn’t be as powerful as she is. 7 drops is not a lot of magic; so tiny and miniscule that each HL didn’t even really notice they lost it. It doesn’t make sense that she could go toe to toe with them with just a singular drop.
Which is baffling when the same author wrote ToG. Everything that was given was scraped together and fought for miserably, and even in all that power, they had to sacrifice so much. Aelin Settled and got her kingdom back, but at the price of losing almost all her fire and getting to keep one drop of water. Dorian still has most of his magic, but at the price of being made a demon slave, committing fratricide, and having the sole responsibility of redeeming his kingdom ala Zuko. Manon fulfilled the prophecy and united her people, allowing them the chance to return home for the first time in 500 years. All it took was losing the Thirteen, who would never see that dream come to life.
Nothing came without cost.
And while yes, Feyre deserved to be remade after her death saving Prythian, the amount of magic she wields is the issue. Nesta having so much magic made sense given she stole most of it; we have yet to really see how much is left. But where’s the balance if Feysand does end up HK/HQ, or Nyx does. What have they given up that makes them more worthy to rule the entirety of Prythian than literally any other character? Because I can argue that they’ve lost a lot lesser. Whatever rights feysand believes they have is no more than a lot of other characters.
And the bloodline of Theia? Yeah, I’m pretty sure the important ones are her female descendants, like Bryce. And Bryce gave Gwydion to Nesta for a reason. If SJM wanted me to believe Feysand was the best choice, she should’ve made Nyx be born full Illyrian. Or better yet, mostly High Fae but with no magic. That would’ve been a much more interesting story to follow, given that Nyx might not be the next inheritor of the Night Court. And what it would mean for the Hewn City. She’ll never do it of course, but it would be fun.
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1800naveen · 3 months
Rating the lords of Acotar! (Don't get salty over my opinions now)
Tamlin: 10/10. Love this man, bro needs to heal and work on himself, read a book on people's skills and how to talk to girls. I have a gut feeling that he'll get better. A great high lord with a great court until Feyre messed it up over petty revenge. Now me personally, I wouldn't take that.
Tarquin: 10/10. This man deserves better than the night court and the inner circle. There was no need for Feyre to be flirty with this man for some book. At least, befriend him I guess. Tamlin and Tarquin: getting fucked over by the night court. And he's black, love a black brother from infinity to infinity.
Beron: 2/10. He gave us Eris Vanserra, that's one point. The way he was acting during the high lord meeting was iconic, that's another point. Other than that, he sucks.
Kallias: 5/10. I will never get over the winter court children. Say their names! Nice guy, good mate, and a good high lord. That daemati was never brought to justice. Where is vengeance?
I love dissing this man with this picture:
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Thesan: 10/10. He's a nice guy, very chill. We don't know much about him but he's cool.
Helion: 9/10. For wanting to bang Mor, Cassian, and Azriel, he loses a point. When he was talking about Beron and LOA, saying that he leaves things on her body in places that only he will see made me feel odd about him. I'm aware he loves LOA but...
Rhysand and Feyre: It's so bad that I want to give you a zero but I can't so I give you a 1/10. They bang in the skies of Velaris (where is the public decency at?), Feyre uses wings from a culture that is not even hers and the women from said culture get their wings clipped, Rhysand neglects the women and children of Hewn City, Feyre destroyed a whole ass court and didn't get no consequence for it. I don't care that she wanted revenge, there is no way that someone can destroy a court and not get in trouble for it. Where is the court reparations?!?!
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watcherintheweyr · 6 months
Feyre Archeron is very similar to a certain green queen in chains and I do not mean that in a good way but I don't think yall are ready for that conversation
Something something women in positions of power using it to abuse people while thinking themselves utterly self righteous and better than all else. Something Something women in those positions of power taking out their pain on those who have never deserved it and feeling utterly justified in doing so.
Harming those who have genuinely loved them and have never been the cause of their pain, either because they're angry those people didn't suffer at their sides or that they didn't hold them as their highest pinnacle of attention and affection.
Who harm those around them whilst constantly idolizing, enabling, and giving passes to the men in their lives who have GENUINELY caused their pain and suffering.
They became weapons and weaponizers of the systems that harmed them. (Olivia Cooke herself says Alicent weaponizes the patriarchy against other women- Feyre judges and sneers at Lucien for 'being homeless' and 'shacking up' with others without homes- when she is the reason Lucien and much of the Spring court have no homes, no friends, no reputation or safe place- and continues to allow the abuse, alienation, and use of Lucien within the Night Court)
Her treatment and condoning of Rhys' treatment of Tamlin- even though she gives Rhys passes for doing worse to her AND for trying to do to her sister what Tamlin did to her. How she blows off how miserable Keir and his people are in a stone city- people born to the night court that have never seen the night- because they have 'every comfort' but tries to destroy Tamlin when he locked her in a manor house 'with every comfort.'
(I am not saying what Tamlin did was good or right- but it is worth mentioning that he was trying to get her to NOT go with him, for her own safety, and she was refusing to listen. And she later proves his every fear right, because when it's revealed she has the powers of every court, Beron does, in fact, want her dead or worse. It is worth mentioning that his actions are very easily explained by the 50 years of trauma and ptad caused by Amarantha. Not excused. But certainly explained. And im sorry but nothing Tamlin did makes him in any way irredeemable. Rhys on the other hand..)
To Feyre, no one's trauma is important except for her own and Rhys'. It doesn't matter- but if it inconveniences her, then she will do everything in her power to shame that person- all because she wants to control them, and ultimately wants them to put her first. She lambasts and belittled Lucien for trying to protect her, because even though he did try to intervene on her behalf with tamlin, he was also trying to protect himself- so that makes him a dog, blindly loyal, worthy of her verbal and mental abuse. She literally **considers leaving him to Ianthe** while knowing Ianthe had SAed him and was quite obviously intending to do so again.
She despises Tamlin for not 'noticing' that she was wasting away, despite the fact that his own trauma was also causing *him* to waste away. At one point she GENUINELY considers the night court conquering and absorbing the Spring court- because she feels entitled, because she and Rhys can do no wrong.
When Tarquin calls her and Rhys out on how they manipulated and wronged him, how her actions directly led to the destruction of the Spring and Summer courts, she plays victim and Rhys plays 'holier than thou'.
Feyre isn't a morally grey girlboss. She's a self righteous, entitled bully. Just like Alicent.
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starlightandsouls · 2 years
im not sure if your taking requests but maybe you could do a really cute story where the reader is a suuuuper shy and tiny person and az is like her protector and does all the talking for her. thank you and i love your writing
A/N: Anon thank you so much for your request! It's so so cute! Sorry it took me to long and that it's really not that long. Also I've written it as a one shot of one of my other fics "Yours To Keep And Cherish" Hope you don't mind. I hope you like it! It'll all i could come up with rn
Yours To Keep And Cherish: Part 1 Part 2
Bookshop Brawls
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The past few months had been the best you’ve had your entire life. The dinner with the Inner Circle had given you a small family of your own, and they claimed to see you as nothing less than that; their own.
Nesta had become one of your closest friends. The oldest Archeron shared your love for books and you owning a bookshop opened the gate to a wondrous friendship. You had always wanted a sister and now had one in the form of your boyfriend’s sister in law. The two of you had spent hours locked up in your shop. When customers were slow in coming, the two of you would retreat to the back and ramble about the latest romance the two of you had read. Countless times had Cassian and Azriel found the two of you asleep on a pile of books. Neither of them minded though. Both of you were were not the most social people and your respective boyfriends were just happy that you were getting along well.
Especially Azriel. He knew that his nightingale was not the most outspoken person, much like himself. Sure she laid her heart out to him whenever they were together and was the sweetest, most amicable person he had had the pleasure of meeting. But with strangers or people she did know that well, she was always a bit reserved, always keeping her heart, her thoughts just out of reach. Sure she had her friend Lexie, but she was the complete opposite of his girlfriend, a social butterfly. Lexie loved partaking in activities and events that had the most amount of people, frequenting the biggest clubs and bars that Velaris offered. His nightingale would always prefer staying home, reading to her heart’s content. It had always worried him. Sure he would spend as much time with her whenever he was in Velaris. But his job was demanding, often taking him to other courts for extended periods of time. Then, his mind would always be wracked with worry about his nightingale, fearing she might be feeling too alone in his absence. Now he was just happy that she had someone to take care of her when he was gone.
Today, however, he had you all to himself. He had just returned from Summer Court from a routine check with Tarquin and was practically jumping at the idea of going back to you. These excursions, while not serious or threatening in any manner, were always stretched out longer than needed and exhausted him to no extent. Plus he had to report back to Rhysand as well and share all the details of his visit. In all honesty, he could have done that later as well. His brother would never protest to him getting some down time after work. His brothers were always adamant he worked too much. What could he say? He was a perfectionist.
Regardless, he went to see Rhysand beforehand, if only to get done with the task and be able to spend as much time with you as possible. He had practically been bouncing on his toes the entire meeting, too eager to meet you at your bookshop. A fact that Rhysand noted with that aggravating smirk of his,
“Excited are we brother? If I didn’t know any better, I would assume you were getting sick of our company,” Rhysand said.
Azriel only flipped him off and started to leave, knowing his brother was merely joking. And he was. Rhysand was truly and honestly happy for Azriel. Happy that he had found someone who loved him as irrevocably and completely as he deserved. But as his brother, it was Rhysand’s solemn duty to tease him about it. How else were they to prove their brotherhood?
Azriel had leaped out the window as soon as he exited Rhysand’s office. The fresh spring air beneath his wings lifted off of him all burdens of exhaustion he had been carrying. Flying always did that to him. It calmed him, set his mind straight. All the stress practically melted away whenever he was in the clouds. And the thought of flying to go see you, only accentuated the feeling.
The sight of your bookshop made him smile. It was one of the most meticulously designed buildings in the Rainbow, despite the fact the fact that it was not as huge or glamorous as some. An architectural gem stone hidden in the most bustling centre of Velaris. The stone columns with sculptured intricacies, the stained glass windows, all made the store look like something ripped from a fairy tale. And that was truly what it was to him. A haven, a place of magic; for it was here that the Mother had decided to bless him with you, his saving grace, his own guardian angel who had saved from the ruination that was himself. It was his temple, his holy shrine. He would worship every brick if he could for the rest of his life. And it would still never be enough to express how truly grateful he was for you.
Walking in, he was immediately greeted by the mouth watering aroma of your croissants. It was another quirk of yours that never failed to make him beam at your thoughtfulness; how you always strived to help others out, from fantasy books to food.
You were immersed in a huge pile of books and an even bigger pile of papers. Countless times had he told you to hire an assistant, someone to help you out with your work but you had always refused, not wanting a stranger to infringe in your space. Like him, you were a huge introvert. While you were always fond of making new friends and loved spending time with his family, he also knew that you needed some time to yourself. Just like for him, the bookshop was your haven as well, a place where it was just you and your books, a place where could earnestly let down your guard and relax. So even if it meant a little more work, you never seemed to mind and Azriel always helped whenever he could with shelving and listing and whatever you asked of him.
As always he walked in on you surrounded by books you were stacking on shelves, or at least attempting to. The slight furrow in your borrow indicated that you were troubled by something, and at the same time it made you look even more adorable. How love changes a person. Could any stranger imagine the Night Court’s Spymaster, torture extraordinaire, to be so completely consumed by his affection for you? They would surely be deemed mad by everyone else.
“What’s got my love so worried?” Azriel asked, walking behind you and wrapping his arms around you. The fact that you leaned into his touch immediately, as if a sixth sense, without any fear or hesitation, made him fall even more for you. Every day he thought that notion impossible and everyday you proved him wrong.
“Nothing much Az. I just ordered some books for next month’s stock and they haven’t arrived. They’re usually here before the month ends,” you replied, still caught up in your list.
“Hmm. Would you like me to go scare your supplier? Surely he deserves some trouble for bothering my nightingale,” he joked.
At that, he was graced by the melodious sound of your laugh and an even sweeter smile; a sight so beautiful that it rendered the stars dull in comparison. You turned in his arms then, arms moving to their place around his neck,
“Azriel, darling. Why would you put that poor man through all that? I’m sure there’s a valid reason for the hold up.”
He only shrugged, indicating he was only half joking with his offer. You didn’t say anything in return. Instead, you only smiled that damning smile of yours and gazed back at him. It always made him nervous when you did that; when you looked at him like he was the only thing in the world, your gaze laced with such irreverence as if you had seen an angel of your own. It made him nervous because deep down he knew he didn’t deserve someone who loved him so completely like you did.
“What is it darling?” he asked after a moment of silence, the emotion bubbling up in him because of your love filled gaze enough to make him cry, and they couldn’t have that now could they.
You only shook your head at him and buried yourself in his arms, grip tightening around him. For a second, he panicked. Had something happened? Regardless, he hugged you back just as tight.
“Nightingale. Hey, is something wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, my love. I just missed you a lot,” you whispered softly.
“I missed you too darling. More than you can imagine. But I’m done with all my work. And I have absolutely nothing to do for the next few weeks. So I am completely at your service my lady,” he said, hand lifting to push a fallen strand of hair behind your ear. He didn’t miss how you instinctively leaned into his hand. How you took it into your own and kissed his hand, intertwined in yours. At that moment Azriel almost fell to his knees before you, ready to repent and confess to this goddess he was blessed enough to call his lover, and to the Mother to thank her for this gift that he would be eternally grateful for.
“Well, just give me one more hour. I’ll finish everything up here and then we can go home,” you replied. He nodded and leaned forward to kiss your forehead, then both your eyes and lastly those honey lips of yours that always had him craving a second taste. Lust or gluttony, he cared not.
You had sent him to read at the sofas lining the bookstore, knowing he would be too much of distraction to get any work done, and then you would have to stay here for much longer than you wanted.
It had not been twenty minutes that you had sent Azriel to the back when the door bell rang, indicating a customer. You sighed, just having gotten to the bulk of your work, and not wanting to drag yourself away from it. Nonetheless, you walked to your reception, and instantly wished you had stayed behind.
For before you was no customer. No. Your shop had the unfortunate luck to be graced by the presence of Archer Flynn, Lexie’s ex-boyfriend. The man was of average height, yet still carried himself with the ego of a war hero, and he had the ego of one as well, but no other commendable characteristics. He was the text book definition of toxic, male masculinity. Pride and arrogance oozed from his very presence. The worst bit being that he had no appearances to back up that pride. Limp, dirty blonde hair with eyes so shrunk in, that it seemed like someone had shoved eyes two sizes too small into an unusually large skeleton. Lanky limbs and gigantic ears, all made him look like a character from one of the children’s books she had, and it wasn’t a very good one either. But she had never pointed it out to Lexie, not wanting to hurt her feelings. Although she would never understand what her gorgeous best friend had seen in this cartoon. Come to think about it, Lexie had lost her job when she started dating Archer. Perhaps he was no more than a mid life crisis. Most couples are, but not her. Her and Azriel were the exception. And perhaps it was the two of them that had made Lexie realise that there really was someone better out there, someone who could love her like Azriel loved you. You were just happy that Lexie had gotten over this loser. The same, apparently, could not be said for Archer.
“Why are you here Archer?” you demanded, getting straight to the point. Small talk sucked the soul out of you, and with Archer it was even worse. He always gave you the ick, and you had always distanced yourself from him because of it. Something about the man never quite sat right with you.
“Where is Lexie?” he shot right back. Well at least both of them were on the same page about getting straight to the point.
“What’s it to you? Last time I checked you broke up two months ago. And I also know she does not want to see you, so I really don’t understand why you’re here,” you said, hoping you sounded at least a little assertive. You were never a people person, and such confrontations always made you nervous.
“I’m sure you were the one who convinced her to break up didn’t you? Filled her head up with all those lies and stupid ideas. You were just jealous of us weren’t you? All day locked up in this stupid shop of yours, no one to love or ask after you. You were just jealous of how good Lexie and I had it.”
“Really? You see what I don’t understand is why you can’t stop interfering in our lives. Minding your own business isn’t really hard, sugar.” You shivered at the nickname, it wasn’t vulgar per se, but something about it coming from Archer made it sound disgusting. The man continued without waiting for an answer.
“Trust me, Archer. No girl in this world would do anything but thank the Mother it wasn’t them dating you after seeing you with a girl. You’re just that pathetic. And I’m glad that Lexie saw sense as well, before it was too late. Now get out of my shop and don’t bother showing up here again,” you barked at him and turned to leave the counter when you were suddenly pulled back.
You let out a cry from the harsh grip Archer now had around your forearm. Trying to yank yourself free from his grasp wasn’t that easy, guess he wasn’t that lanky after all.
“Listen here bitch, what me and my girlfriend do is none of your fucking business. No one asked for your stupid opinions alright? So quit yapping about them and tell me where Lexie is? Or else i know a lot of ways to make a woman like you sing," he spat at you, grasp tightening with every word to the point that you were sure ugly bruises would be lacing your arm where he had grabbed you. This. This was why you didn’t like this man. Because you had seen the monster that lied in wait below his facade from the first day you had met him. Gods had you tried to warn Lexie about it. And now Lexie was all the way over at Dawn Court, visiting family, while you were here cleaning up her mess. The things you do for friends.
“Archer, let go of me. You’re hurting me. Let me go!”
Then his hand was being ripped away from your arm, and you were pushed behind a tall, shadowed back. Azriel. Caught up first in your work and then Archer’s tantrum, you had almost forgotten he was still here. And you couldn’t express how glad you were that he was. You didn’t even want to imagine how far Archer would go to get what he wanted. Before you could ponder on this some more, you heard a sickening crunch and Archer was on the ground, cradling his nose as blood flowed freely from it. Azriel picked him up and punched him again, this time in the stomach,
“How dare you lay a hand on her?” Azriel seethed. The man before you now was not your lover, nor the man who loved tea and books and afternoon naps. No. This was the Shadowsinger, the Night Court’s Spymaster, a man feared across all seven courts. And he had murder in his eyes. He had Archer shoved against the wall with a death grip around his neck, surely to choke the man to death.
You were not frightened of Azriel, or of what he could do. And you would never be. Yet you still intervened, not wanting him to hurt someone else on your behalf, not believing yourself to be worth that much.
You had uttered one word and he had stopped. Letting Archer fall to the floor but not before kicking him once more in his gut. You rushed to him then, needing to calm him down,
“Az, it’s alright. I’m okay.”
But Azriel had his sights set on Archer,
“He hurt you. He threatened you,” Azriel growled out, moving forward again to the bleeding man. But you jumped across him to stop his path,
“I know and you made him pay for it. And it’s enough Azriel. I’m fine, truly.”
Azriel remained where he was, to get his breathing in control or his anger, she did not know. She only put her hand around his arm, and leaned into him, wanting to ground him,
“Azriel, my love. Look at me. I am alright. Truly. And I’m sure this scum bag has leant his lesson as well.”
Azriel sighed, defeated. You didn’t need to hear it to know that he would heed your words. While you could tell that he would not beat up Archer anymore, you could also tell that he wasn’t quite done yet.
He walked over to the man quivering on the floor and shoved him against the door. Azriel’s grip on his collar lifting him from the floor so that Archer dangled at the door like a headless chicken, which against Azriel he was,
“If you ever come close to my girlfriend again, if you ever even think about her, I swear to the Mother I’ll make sure your death lasts a thousand nights. And believe me, I also know a lot of ways to make a man regret ever being born. You will not bother her or her friend again. And if I ever hear that you treated another woman like you did my nightingale... well then your family will be finding pieces of you all across the city. Am I understood?”
Archer only nodded like the pathetic fool that he was and when Azriel let go of him, scrambled out the shop, stumbling multiple times before he got the door open.
As soon as he was out, Azriel turned to you, gently grabbing your arm for inspection. Huh. Guess it wasn’t as bad as you had thought. There were no bruises, just some redness from the grip that you’ll disappear in a few minutes.
“I’m so sorry love. I should have moved sooner. I never should have let him put his filthy hands on you...” Azriel started rambling. And it broke your heart a little, to see your love blame himself for this.
“Azriel it wasn’t your fault. That guy was just an asshole. And thank you actually. I think you scared him really bad. I don’t think he’ll be bothering us any time soon again,” you reassured him.
Later while you sat on his lap in the back sofas, cleaning the asshole’s blood from Azriel’s hands, he had said to you,
“You don’t have to do this darling. I can go do it myself..”
“I don’t mind,” you had shrugged, too focused on his hands, and you truly didn’t.
“I’m serious nightingale. I... I shouldn’t have lost control like that in front of you I should have...”
“You did what you should have. You were defending me and I cannot begin to tell you how thankful I am for it. I’m not some glass doll that’ll shatter at the sight of some blood. And you’re not that good at hiding your thoughts Azriel. If you think even for a second, that i got scared of you, you are wrong,” you said, putting your hands around his face. He opened his mouth to protest but you continued before he could do so,
“Don’t even try to lie. I can see it in your eyes. Azriel, listen to me; there is nothing, and I mean nothing, that you can ever do that’ll ever make me scared of you. I’m not afraid of you Azriel and I’ll never be. You want to know why? Because I love you and I trust you. Because the Cauldron gave you to me as a blessing that I’ll cherish forever, my own guardian angel.”
Azriel had then taken you home and made love to you under the stars to show you just how utterly devoted he was to you, how he would worship you for all eternity if he could. Unbeknownst to you, he had also sent some of his shadows to Archer Flynn, to further teach him a lesson. Like you had said; Azriel was your guardian angel. That asshole had hurt his nightingale, and he couldn’t have that now could he?
Taglist: @mooncleaver @cheshmetkoshgele @elegantranchcowboytree
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shi-daisy · 1 year
Unlikely Alliance
So I was only planing to make stuff for Day 1 and Day 7 of Eris Week but this idea popped into my head and my dear friend @praetorqueenreyna once told me she liked this ship, so I figured why not? This one for you girlie! We get the heir of Autumn with my precious Spring baby because honselt they both deserved better. Hope you all enjoy!
Eris Week 2023- Day 3: Secrets
Unlikely Alliance
The manor was nothing but a collection of vines, broken glass, rubble and wilted flowers. Eris hadn't cared much for the state of things, thinking Tamlin would eventually bounce back from this. He'd been wrong, for the High Lord was lying on the floor in beast form when Eris found him.
He didn't rise when the Autumn prince found him, rather he gazed at him with dulled emerald eyes. "Here to cut off my head?"
"No, Tamlin."
"Pity. I thought Rhysand sent you to finish me off."
"Rhysand's not one to let others do what he himself wishes to accomplish. Besides I have more reasons to keep you around than as a throphy."
"Pray tell, this should be interesting."
He noticed the blonde was slimmer than the last time he saw him when he had a meeting here with the inner circle. 'We shouldn't have frightened him like that.' He regretted.
"I have an alliance proposal. You and I joined as High Lords of the combined Spring and Autumn. "
Tamlin looked at him as if he'd grown another head."...Did you by any chance find Ciaran's secret weed stash, because if so let me know. He wanted me to burn it after he died."
"No Tamlin, I'm not high on your brother's weed. I've given this a lot of thought actually. It would be beneficial for us both.
You know that while Tarquin and his people haven't given any thought to take this land from you, my father is very adamant in getting Spring by force. I'm trying to save you from the edge of his sword."
"Let him. I have nothing left to live for."
"What about Lucien? Do you think he wants to see you dead?! Or Feyre, she'd be heartbroken to hear you passed!"
Tamlin let out a venomous sarcastic laugh that made him wince. "Feyre is the one that plunged this court to ruin for Hybern to destroy! She does not care of my demise! Oh, and your dear baby brother comes every so often to see me, and we talk. Last thing I've heard, he's happily coupled with the human queen and general. I know that in time his visits will cease. I have no one left!"
So he was right. Tamlin still loved those two even if they'd left him behind. He could understand, as there was a lady that refused him and he still sometimes pined for, even if she'd soon be wedded in the Court that he was trying to topple.
"Yet I'm still here. I am offering you a chance to rebuild, to forget, to maybe even reconnect with those you miss."
"Why?! Eris you and I were never close. For years I was only your younger brother's lov- friend!"
"Aye, and I thought that was the only connection we'd share. But as time goes on and everything we knew keeps crashing down, I've kept on thinking that perhaps we should reevaluate our bonds. And yours ws the first to come to mind.
I know how much you loved this court Tamlin. You gave your all for it even if what you truly wanted was to play music and travel. Let me help you heal it, as we bring our enemies down."
"Our enemies? Aren't you Rhysand's ally?"
"That is all talk." He showed Tamlin a Sapphire pendant that glowed in the light. "My true allies are the ones rebelling against Rhysand's rule. His court is preparing to bring him down. I'm just one of their many spies."
Tamlin looked surprised yet impressed. "If we marry, you know well...where my heart lies."
"You know where mine lies too."
Tamlin nodded. He knew that like him, Eris had fallen for one of the Acheron sisters and lost her to an Illiryan.
"Maybe in time that can be healed too. But for now all I want is for the court to be healed, with or without me. I'll accept your proposal."
Eris smiled. He took out the ring he'd brought to make things official. The bronze and ruby piece had been crafted to magically fit the wearer.
Tamlin smiled slightly, he seemed to like it.
"Now, Tamlin Vanserra, will you allow me to get you home?"
"You're still as cheeky as always, but yes."
As expected Beron had everything prepared in a mere afternoon, and surprisingly he had followed the instructions Eris suggested. Having all the dishes, flowers and decorations for the banquet be tailored to Tamlin's tastes.
The blonde was being gushed over by Imogen, who made sure he ate enough, and kept him from being overwhelmed.
Thankfully official speeches and matters of the sort were brief, and they could spend the rest of time dancing and enjoying the party. Surprisingly, Tamlin's mood did improve during those few hours.
Once the party ended he was about to pick up his drunken younger siblings, when Nemesis stopped him.
"I'll take care of the hungover babies. Go and rest with your fiance."
"Feeling extra nice or are you not sober?
"Fool, I have enough hallucinations as it is, I'm not making it worse with alcohol. Now scram."
He wouldn't argue with that. Tamlin was still withdrawn despite his better mood, Eris didn't blame him, being back here in Autumn might've brought back memories. So he took the chance to try and cheer up the High Lord of Spring.
Their new room was not as extravagant as the party, but it had a mix of dark greens and reds that was pleasing to the eyes. He'd made sure to furnish it with a writing desk and new instruments for Tamlin. The gesture didn't go unnoticed.
"You remembered my violin and fiddle. Even got a guitar as well."
"Having you play during the Spring Court events was always a highlight. Those who came from Spring said they missed it and I have to agree."
Tamlin chuckled. "You keep secrets well, Eris. This plan and the fact that there's so much about me that you knew and did not show, makes me wonder how many things you have up your sleeve."
He pulled Tamlin close by the waist, relishing in his flustered expression. "You'll come to see it all soon enough, dear future husband. This may all be a part of my plan, but I do intended to get close to you for real Tamlin. Let you see what's under the mask, if you wish to. Just trust that I am not keeping any dangerous secrets from you."
Tamlin's gaze was hopeful, it took little to earn his trust nowadays, even if hardship should've had the opposite effect. "I'll trust you, if you agree to let me keep some small secrets of my own."
He pulled out a small Hyacinth flower from his pocket, handing it to Tamlin. The bloom was blue and glowing. Eris had studied flower language before picking the flower.
"A show of caring? You're being very sweet tonight." Tamlin told him.
"Have to spoil my husband to be."
"I'll be sure to return the favor soon."
It didn't take long for them to grow tired, having danced to nearly all of the songs without pause. Eris didn't think he'd feel guilty holding Tamlin's sleeping form. He was no longer the muscular imposing man he'd met years ago. Rather he felt very thin and fragile.
'How did we all leave him to waste away alone?' He pondered. Shaking the thought away he made sure the thick fluffy blankets covered them both well, before snuffing out the candles in the room with a snap of his fingers.
Tamlin was right, he had many secrets. His plans to topple Rhysand, to take down Beron, and to help properly heal Spring were some of his most ambitious and well kept secrets. But there was one he wouldn't voice to anyone, at least not until he was certain he could reveal it without consequences.
He'd kept a torch for young High Lord for centuries, and now that he had him, Eris wouldn't be letting him go anytime soon.
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nocasdatsgay · 4 months
So I got tagged by @teddyhoneybear @fieldofdaisiies @tsunami-of-tears @hieragalbatorixdottir @achaotichuman and @matrixsss ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I hope I didn’t miss anyone. So much love. I’m finally well enough to do a tag game 😂
I also think everyone has done this game but if you want you can say I tagged you ❤️
Who is your favorite ACOTAR character?
I hate picking favorites. I guess Eris. He’s so sassy and OBVIOUSLY good even when he’s being ‘evil’
Who is your least favorite ACOTAR character?
Mor. I’m sorry but she’s a pick me lesbian and of course only Sarah could make a pick me lesbian 🤦‍♀️
Say something nice about your least favorite character.
She’s good to Feyre when they meet. The best thing she ever did was move Feyre to that cabin to give her space from Rhys when she needed it.
Who’s your favorite High Lord?
Tarquin. He deserves better.
Who’s your favorite Minor Character?
Favorite Ship (crackships included)?
I love Azris. I also love Elain/Eris don’t look at me
Favorite Court and Why?
spring and Dawn are aesthetic vibes. But so is summer. I like pretty courts.
Make up a brand new court RIGHT NOW NO PREP just vibes:
Uhhhhhh court of beaches where it’s an island and all the nice beaches just off the coast of summer. I wanna go back to the beach can’t you tell?
what relationship do you want to see more of in the books?
Lucien and Nuan. Their friendship. Or maybe the wrath twins and Az 👀👀👀 what are they doing in those shadows hmmm???
What’s your unpopular opinion?
Azriel is a pathetic fuckboi and would leave his lover for a mate in a heartbeat no questions asked.
What’s your favorite headcanon/fan canon?
Everyone says Helion writes the Drake novels but in my heart I know it’s Mama Autumn. Eris runs errands and publishes them for her.
If you were swept away to Prythian, what’s the ONE thing you would want to do?
Take me to the spring court immediately I’m about to fix it.
If you could have one Faerie ability seen in the books, which would it be?
Winnowing would be nice. That or healing.
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acourtofthought · 2 years
There is a difference between characters who are good but dark and characters who are good and light.
Rhys, Feyre, Nesta, Ariel, Cassian, Amren, etc.
These are the characters who are the core of the IC.
They are torturers, thieves, enjoy revenge on their enemies, and are willing to do whatever is necessary (even if it means making enemies out of would be friends or at the expense of innocent bystanders)so long as the end result is protecting those in their Court that need protecting or for the greater good.
They are good but morally gray. Vigilantes of sorts. Heros like the Arrow, Deadpool, or Batman. They don't just get revenge, they exact it to the fullest extent and take enjoyment out of their enemies suffering.
Then we have characters like Tarquin, Lucien, Elain ( and even Mor considering she's never sought out revenge even when it's been her right).
But I wasn’t entirely sure that even with the hardships he’d encountered Under the Mountain, Tarquin could understand the darkness that might always be in me
The Lady of Autumn’s favorite son—not only from Lucien’s goodness.
A better strength. To look at the hardness of the world and choose, over and over, to love, to be kind. She had been always so full of light.
But those things had always come easily to her sister. Had always made Elain special.
A permanent marker of the beauty and good he’d tried to bring into the world.
These characters are good but not all that morally gray. They prefer to avoid conflict and even when it's necessary, they don't seem to enjoy it. They do what's necessary but only what's necessary (the Flash, Captain America, Superman).
That doesn't mean they can't be clever (as you tend to find with morally gray characters who think steps ahead in their plots and schemes) but their intelligence is used in other ways. Rather than collecting information with the goal of bringing someone down, they observe the world around them and call on what they've learned only when it becomes necessary or to help them avoid conflicts.
There is nothing wrong with either type of character, they're both exciting to read about. If all the characters were "good but dark" or "good and light", it would be boring. But to be one or the other means you're going to have certain core values. And the person best suited to you is going to be someone who understands you because they too share in those views.
Just as Feyre did not think she and Tarquin could ever fully understand one another, the same can be said about Elain and Az. It's not that it wouldn't be easy for them to fall for one another, but in the end, there wouldn't be enough of a connection to keep them together.
I think all the characters deserve their "match". Someone who either walks in the dark beside them (as they too understand that darkness) or someone who, despite the darkness that exists in the world, will choose to continue living their life in the light.
Pairing Elain and Az will never make sense to me. Regardless of both being "good", the way they approach life is at very opposite ends of the spectrum and SJM would have to change too much of who they are as individuals to make them work as a couple. That's the beauty of Elucien. Romance currently plays no part in their relationship and they're already perfect for one another. They as individuals react to things in a similar manner, they process their trauma in a similar manner, they choose not to lean towards violence even against those who have wronged them.
The beauty of Elucien is that neither has to change who they are and what matters to them in order to be well suited.
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tadpolesonalgae · 1 year
CBMTHY is quite literally my favorite thing right now, the past 3 parts you've posted I've hidden in the bathroom at work and read (sometimes twice) and I genuinely can't get enough. I love angst and your writing definitely fulfills that craving i have for it (please do more eventually).
You have such a realistic (delightful may i add) portrayal of azriel's not so good tendencies. i feel like he would push away someone who genuinely likes him away in favor of someone unobtainable. especially if she wasnt traditionally beautiful compared to someone like elain who could bring kings to their knees, nesta who is so effortlessly graceful and stoic, and feyre who is literally high lady and bagged not one, not two but THREE highlords (she could've had tarquin if she wanted lets be so forreal).
In comparison anyone would be plain, so reader being overlooked makes sense. And so az getting jealous that she of all people is getting attention from males after learning about her initial attraction to him is PERFECT. Because elain doesn't like him back, not with her having a mate and def not now that she knows her sister likes him. So azriel. to feel better about his rejected advances uses reader's affections to validate himself.
And don't even get me started on Eris 😭 this is the best writing for him ive seen. because hes an ass, he knows hes an ass. but with the way reader fought back against him after the swan incident you can practically FEEL that hes pleasantly surprised because who in their right mind is that unfiltered in front of a future highlord? and its only cemented with the conversation about the orrery. if he knew it bothered azriel on a personal level im sure he would do even more things for reader, (which id love to see), but i think that his gift in this most recent part is evidence enough that he respects her far more than az has in his entire time of knowing reader.
i definitely want to see azriel grovel, but i dont want her to accept it. she deserves to be respected by someone from day one. someone who can challenge her and match her energy, and i think that eris is that person long term. *maybe bas for short term ;) *
anyway, thank you so much if you read this. i look forward to reading your next part while hiding away at work
-a new reader 🤠
🥹🫂 well I really hope it continues to be as fulfilling as you’ve so far found it to be!
‘please do more eventually’
Going down a slightly more depressing path, I have found myself speculating about some other fic ideas that, quite frankly, I’m not sure they would even still count as angst? They seem to be leaning much more into general misery with no redemption? And I’m kind of liking it?
Returning to the whole idea of mental illness within the acotar universe, I’m wondering about self-esteem, too? Everyone in the Inner Circle has a “use” I guess? I’m wondering what it would be like to be surrounded by such powerful, capable people for two years and being the only one who has nothing to show for the time spent feeding off their charity.
Eris really scares me in terms of writing his character with a semblance of realism 😭
We haven’t really gotten a chance to see him being “nice” to anyone which makes me wary of a potential relationship between him and Reader? It’s a stressful like to walk, is what I’m saying, so I’m happy you’re finding it believable 🧡💛
‘if he knew it bothered azriel on a personal level im sure he would do even more things for reader’
Definitely agree with you there 🤭
‘i look forward to reading your next part while hiding away at work’
Well, I’ve been trying to get started on part 7 so hopefully you won’t have to wait too much longer (just make sure you don’t get caught🧡💛)
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notproofread · 2 years
so i finished a court of wings an ruin pt.2
let us talk about the men... even though i don't really want to talk about them. for the most part they really disappointed me lol
tamlin is.... trying to be better (at least in the beginning) i guess but there will be no way that he will actually heal & get to move on if not only feyre but lucien as well betray him, use him, destroy him & his court
I was very much interested to see where the story leads him though I had no actual hopes for him to get a redemption arc (which he deserves, I stand by that point argue with the wall)
then he was not trying to do better anymore but now I think he is fully leaning into the villain role which FINALLY gives him the edge that has been missing
because now i see and feel that he has turned his back to prythian because he has really lost EVERYTHING that had importance to him (feyre, lucien, his court, ...). now we can make a good villain out of him, you know?
make up your mind tamlin god fucking damn it, im getting tired of your back and forth DO YOU WANT TO SEE THE WOLRD BURN OR DO YOU NOT YOU ARE WORSE THAN ME AND I AM A SUN LIBRA MOON GEMINI
also sorry but how tf did he survive until the end my mans should have died or been killed on so many occasions bruh
see this is what I was hoping for after the first and second book, lucien is so cool & such an interesting character especially considering his (still kinda unexplored) backstory
•so WHY is his ONLY character trait now elain??? please there is so much more to him, give me literally anything else
the descriptions of him fitting into the surroundings of the autumn court are so amazing though I am literally in love
i think its cool how he gets to work with the people at the night court and i hope he gets to work more with azriel and maybe rhys especially with things about autumn and spring court
also loved to see his inner feelings regarding elain and jasminda!! that was such a nice detail to show that he is falling (hard) for elain but still feels guilt about his first love (still annoying though)
... great, written off to go find a human queen... guess thats one way to get rid of a character... could've just killed him if you didn't need him bye
rhysand ... why fuck first talk later? war is coming my dude you can get your dick wet later, after you have heard news and planned accordingly???? Im disappointed 100% ew
but nooooo, instead we get this weird horny political talk... am I supposed to enjoy this?
apart from that he was kinda boring
unfiltered thoughts after he "died": i CANT BELIVE CAN NOT BELIEVE that he died AND THEN WAS RESURRECTED THE SAME WAY FEYRE WAS bro that was the most unnecessary scene i have ever read why make me go through all that tension (again bc it happened with feyre before) just to make him come back to life this is so shit i don't know wether to laugh or cry
but tbh i didnt believe for 1 second that he was actually dead, im sorry but there was no way SJM would have the balls to kill of Rhys lol
unrelated but I miss Tarquin he was cool I have a crush on him <3
he is way too good for the other high lords, i'd rather read about him
eh... boring at best, annoying at his worst.
bro what the hell why are you so fucking obsessed with nesta YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HER and clearly she is trying to avoid you take a hint (no that is not romantic its creepy and annoying)
like "no means no" also applies to fae or other magical beings leave her A L O N E
he was so cool in the first book but this time it also feels like his only remaining character trait is nesta (giving very much lucien and i hate it) and maybe a bit of fighting/training stuff
stays true to his character (at least in the beginning...)
if feyre is going to butt into his love life more I am going to riot, leave the man alone!
only one who actually pays actual attention to elain (yes, not even lucien does this as well as az) & figures her powers out first
also love how he is obv in love with mor but is neither making this his only character trait (looking @ you cassian & lucien) nor doing everything for her. he is NOT changing but staying true to his self i hope this stays the same
ah nevermind he just tried to suffocate eris... honestly though I get the like pride & protect my family stuff but arent all of them a bit too easily riled up? all high lords & courts are assholes after all, you guys included. you should know this by now
slay for saving elain
now what is this?
wha- why does SJM want to give everyone a redemption so bad (except for tamlin ofc we been knew)
am i really supposed to believe that Jurian has reached clarity after witnessing everything through Amarantha? it was so such a good concept, having a human turn insane and helping those he despised
and (even if its a bad example) would have showed that humans and fae CAN work together after all
all men do is lie. only tarquin slays. bye.
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
1, Contemplation?
For this ask game.
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
While I'm critical of all ACOTAR characters, I'm low key a book 1 Feyre stan, and even though some of her choices infuriate me later and deserve criticism (brainwashing Tarquin, toppling the Spring Court, etc.), I still have a soft spot for her and I despise how she is forced to forgive Rhysand for his abuse. I was horrified by the twilight-esque baby plot in ACOSF, and I actually cried at the scene when Nesta reveals the truth to Feyre, because that hurt. Even though Feyre's made a lot of bad choices, she deserved so much better than almost dying in childbirth because of Rhysand, and she deserved real growth. So Contemplation was born from my rage over her treatment in ACOSF and my desire to see just that--an AU where Feyre has growth and realizes her own shortcomings whilst also realizing that Rhysand ain't shit and she deserves better (mostly the later, tbh).
I've also been itching to write a tragedy--or, more specifically, something with a tragic ending--and Contemplation has the perfect setup for that. :)
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Alright y'all, I've been wondering about Alice since season 1. Like, she married Daniel and divorced him, had two daughters with him. She may totally be a character the show made up. But I have dug deep into the wiki and have made some discoveries. So, here are 2 characters that Alice could be based on:
This one is less likely, but I'm putting it first just to get it out of the way. She's Alice Mayfair. Her father was Remy Mayfair, brother to Julien Mayfair, aka the Julien they kept mentioning on the Mayfair Witches. Considering how they've moved the setting to present day (give or take a year or two), Alice could be possibly be around the same age as Daniel in the Immortal Universe. But she does have a daughter, Beatrice, that marries Aaron Lightner in the books. In the Immortal Universe, Aaron/Michael Curry were merged into Ciprien Grieve. So it's possible they could use her, and have Beatrice be one of Daniel's daughters. Just with an updated name, or she's going by her middle name. (If I was named Beatrice, I'd probably use Kate or Lenora/maybe Lenore? It looks like Lenora to me.)
2. This one is still related to the Mayfair Witches, but Alice isn't actually a Mayfair here. Let me explain. Cortland Mayfair, aka the worst uncle ever, from the Mayfair Witches, in the books had a half-brother named Gravier Blackwood, bc their dad was a big slut. And Gravier marries a woman named Alice. The wiki only lists her on his page, and with his last name. But they have a son together named Thomas Blackwood. Who has a daughter named Patsy. Who is the mother of Tarquin Blackwood, aka Quinn, the main character of Blackwood Farm. Which is a book in both the VC and Mayfair Witches. So we're probably going to see some version of it, in some future crossover episode. Rowan could even be there bc Gravier was half Mayfair, if the show wants to. And it could sort of tie Daniel into the story, like either Alice calls him up and is like, 'my grandkid needs help. Yeah, the one got from the son I had with the man I married after I divorced you. But he is our daughters' nephew' Or one of his daughters calls up and is like, 'my dumbass younger brother's kid is in a Situation, help out, you owe me.' And then Daniel helps him get in touch with Lestat, and the crew has a zany adventure.
Idk, I only read the book bc it crossed over with the VC books, I don't really remember much. I do remember there was an intersex vampire, who I just looked up named Petronia. (And I don't exactly remember Anne writing that in a way that was respectful. I actually think they use the h-word.) But she was a Roman gladiator who fought animals and shit. When she was 14. So she was pretty bad ass. In the books some vampire named Arion buys her and gives her money and frees her to do whatever tf she wants. Except she has nowhere to go and asks to stay with him, and he eventually turns her into a vampire.
But Arion kinda just vanishes from the books. Though he may have been mentioned and/or in one of the Prince Lestat books, bc I don't really remember much of them. (Getting through the second book was a slog.) So my idea is that they could make Marius her maker, as he was Roman, and the time periods are close enough. Plus Petronia also disappears from the books. I think it would fit with what we've learned about show Marius so far. Buying someone from an abusive place; takes her in to give her a better life, they become lovers, eventually he turns her. I just think it would be neat to have an actual intersex character, since gender is a bit loose when you're a vampire. I think it could give a unique perspective on gender. And also there need to be more intersex characters on TV; they make up over 2% of people in the world. And two percent may seem small, but that's 2% of over 8 billion people. That's 160 million people. They deserve to see people like them on screen as much as everyone else LGBT+ Remember when we called it LGBTQIA? That's the I. Though I hardly ever see them brought up, unless they're being used in arguments about the gender binary. (Which is so weird to me, bc once I learned that being intersex was a thing, I was like, so why do we only say there are two sexes, if there are literally more of them? And my mom was like, Idk how to answer this to a 7 yr old.)
This post got kinda ramblely. But I will mention one more thing. The vampire Sam Barclay, screenwriter and Talamasca agent, who was teased to be another character (tbh it's probably just Laurent or Everard de Landen) could possibly be based on Barclay Mayfair. Being a Mayfair would probably suck as a man, bc only the ladies get the magic juju (except Julien bc he's special). It would explain the Talamasca connection, bc we know they've been watching the Mayfair's for a long time. He could have got vamped after he started working for them. Probably not, but I know they're gonna eventually crossover all the different shows in the Immortal Universe. And they gave Santiago a bigger part on the show, so maybe?
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luxmaeastra · 6 months
Tarquin twisted his cuffs, watching the doors open as Thesan stepped up the stairs. He shoved the visceral thoughts away, how she shouldn't leave. How she looked right in his halls.
He smiled, offering his arm for her. She took it, frowning at the halls.
"Weren't you attacked?"
"Gareth's Den works fast, we're fine."
She turned to him, he stilled in the archway. He turned away from her searching gaze.
"Tarquin are you -"
"Did Rhysand speak of this Hybern threat with you?"
She stiffened and he used the movement to guide her into the atrium. Chairs stood in a semi circle, a small table of food stood to the side. He dropped his arm, watching her turn to the room.
She titled her head back at him, the jewels in her hair twinkling.
"Am I early or late? And Rhysand didn't. But Hybern is always a threat."
She walked to the table, inspecting the desserts. He tried not to think that most of the desserts on the table were her favorites.
It warmed his heart that he wasn't the only one who adored her.
He walked to her, leaning against the pillar watching her take the desserts in. Her cheeks were pink as she looked to him.
"I shouldn't right? The others would want some."
He bit hard on the words. It was all for her, everything he did and breathed was for her.
He nodded to the desserts.
"Take what you wish, the cooks can always make more. And perhaps I gave Varian an earlier time."
She shook her head, popping a salted chocolate into her mouth. His eyes lingered on her fingers, on the ring.
He turned away, the memory suffocating at the moment.
"Run away with me Tarquin, marry me. What can they do to stop us?"
War. They could go to war. Autumn and Winter wouldn't allow it no matter how friendly they were with both their courts.
Would Day or the others stand by them? It was a threat to Alusina's consolidated power.
Would it have been different if one of them didn't have the Heir Marks?
//post the attack on Summer! Remus and Feyre filled Tarquin in!!//
“You have no idea how hard it is to hear you say that.” His voice was tinged with sadness, his eyes lingering upon her as he wanted to do nothing but submit to her request. Run away, run and never look back. Yet the cost, the consequences. There was no guarantee that anyone would support them, even if they had family and ties.
Could they risk their courts? Each other? He did not want her to live on the run, never to really know what it felt to just settle down and enjoy her life. Tarquin shook his head, swallowing slightly as his voice sounded strained when he spoke. “You deserve better than running away and getting married, you deserve more than what I can offer. The blood that will be shed if we do.”
Yet he wanted to, he wanted to so much and fuck them all. But it wouldn’t be the life she deserved.
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