#tassel rue
vandaliatraveler · 1 year
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Where it narrows and plummets through a steep gorge at Valley Falls State Park, the Tygart Valley River has broken the Connoquenessing sandstone through which it passes into massive, jumbled slabs. In the margins of these wrecked pillars, where sediment and fine sand wash out, a great diversity of life has sprung up. The river is both destroyer and creator, more powerful and relentless than any god man has dreamed up.
From top: royal fern (Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis), a water-loving beauty that clumps in the nooks between the boulders; the elegant tassel rue (Trauvetteria carolinensis), with its sharply-lobed, palmate leaves; yellow star grass (Hypoxis hirsuta), whose six-petaled flowers and delicate, grass-like leaves are quite attractive; American water willow (Justicia americana), whose creeping rhizomes allow the plant to form extensive colonies at the edges of streams and rivers; silky dogwood (Cornus amomum), a thicket-forming wetlands lover; and ebony spleenwort (Asplenium platyneuron), easily identified by its brown stem.
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chic-a-gigot · 4 months
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La Mode illustrée, no. 20, 16 mai 1869, Paris. Toilettes de Mme Bréant-Castel. 28. rue N.ve des P.ts Champs. Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands
Robe de dessous en foulard, drap de soie, garnie avec sept volants, le dernier à tête dentelée. La casaque ajustée, pareille à la robe, est garnie d'un volant à tête dentelée, drapée sur les côtés sous un chou de même étoffe; cette casaque est complétée par une traîne qui atteint par derrière le bord supérieur de quatrième volant par derrière. Ceinture pouff composée de trois boucles et de deux pans courts, ceux-ci terminés par un volant.
Underdress in foulard, silk cloth, trimmed with seven ruffles, the last with a serrated head. The fitted jacket, similar to the dress, is trimmed with a ruffle with a serrated head, draped on the sides under a collar of the same fabric; this jacket is completed by a train which reaches from behind the upper edge of the fourth ruffle from behind. Pouff belt made up of three buckles and two short sections, these finished with a ruffle.
Robe de dessous en taffetas bleu, garnie de trois volants, à corsage montant et manches longues. Robe de dessus à corselet, en algérienne blanche avec rayures satinées bleues; cette tunique est drapée sur les côtés par une double cordelière en soie bleue, terminée par deux glands; la tunique est drapée par derrière en forme de pouff; de grands nœuds en rubans de taffetas bleu sont posés sur les plis de derrière de la tunique. Ceinture en même ruban. Le corselet et ses entournures ont pour garniture une frange pareille à celle du bord inférieur, mais plus étroite Col-cravate en dentelle blanche. Chapeau rond en paille d'Italie, orné par devant d'une grosse touffe de bluets, par derrière d'une touffe pareille, mais plus petite; autour de la calotte, très-plate, une corde double en paille.
Underdress in blue taffeta, trimmed with three ruffles, with a high bodice and long sleeves. Corselet top dress, white Algerian with blue satin stripes; this tunic is draped on the sides by a double blue silk cord, finished with two tassels; the tunic is draped from behind in the shape of a pouff; large bows made of blue taffeta ribbons are placed on the back folds of the tunic. Same ribbon belt. The corselet and its surroundings are trimmed with a fringe similar to that of the lower edge, but narrower White lace collar and tie. Round hat in Italian straw, decorated on the front with a large tuft of cornflowers, on the back with a similar tuft, but smaller; around the very flat cap, a double straw rope.
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the1920sinpictures · 1 year
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1920 c. Rare Caroline Reboux couture orientalist lame opera coat, navy on grey woven silk label 23 Rue de la Paix, Paris, woven with Japanese-inspired floral patterns in brilliant colors, of draped cocoon shape, with low-set sleeves, center back hood with a long green silk tassel, lined in pale green chiffon. From Kerry Taylor Auctions.
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gatabella · 1 year
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A Marilyn Monroe owned perfume bottle housed in a green case. Nuit de Noel perfume by Caron in a vintage opaque black glass bottle with decorative gold foil label and a faceted stopper. In the original faux shagreen cardboard case with attached silk tassel. The box is marked inside the lid “Caron 10 rue de la Paix Paris France.” The case can be seen in a 1952 photograph taken of Monroe in her home. The bottle was given to Frank Rosenberg and his wife by Marilyn Monroe. Rosenberg’s connection to Monroe was not only in films; his father was a business partner of Arthur Miller’s father. Height, 4 5/8 inches
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silverior968 · 1 year
Brother of mine (1/2)
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[Image ID: A digital two-page Skulduggery Pleasant fancomic. In the first panel Saracen Rue, a white man with brown hair, stubble and green eyes is pictured in a medium close-up, looking solemnly at the ground. He is wearing a brown suit with a white t-shirt. It is nighttime and the palette is blue. The next panel is much the same, except Saracen is now looking up. The third panel has him facing away from the camera in a mid-shot, looking over a stone fence at a crescent moon. The text “I hope that you are free now” is written in white above him. The fourth panel is split into three sections. The section in the top left corner has jagged edges, and features a close-up of a bloody hand in a puddle of blood. The palette is gray and red. The section in the middle has a younger Saracen, aged around 11, and a younger Anton, a tall man of Irish and eastern asian descent with long black hair, standing in front of a stone fence. Saracen can barely reach it but Anton towers over it. Saracen’s hair is chin-length and he is smiling, looking at Anton. He’s wearing a simple white tunic. Anton is wearing a simple brown tunic with a rope for a belt, his face obscured by his hair, blowing in the wind. There’s a large scar on his chest.The palette is purple, with some yellow highlights. The sky is cloudy and it is raining. The last section is in the bottom right corner, with wobbly edges, featuring the same hand from before, in a green meadow filled with flowers. The fifth panel is of Anton, pictured in a medium shot. He is wearing a Dead Man uniform, which is black with silver details and embroidery in the shapes of deadly nightshade plants. It also has tassels on the shoulders, and a belt with embroidery. The environment is a field with a dark pink palette, and trees in the distance. Anton is facing away from the camera, looking at a pink light in the treeline. His hair obscures his face. In his hands he holds his double barrel shotgun, Daisy. There’s white text near the top of the panel, which reads “from the chains that”. The sixth panel continues the sentence “were placed upon you”. This panel has a medium close-up of Anton’s gist, with blood splattering up at and on its screaming face, pictured from the side with hair obscuring its face. It has sharp, feline-like teeth. It is wearing the same uniform as Anton and is pictured in front of a blue and red night sky. The text near the bottom of the panel reads “And the chains”. The last panel of the first page is much wider than the rest, an extreme wide shot of the Midnight Hotel’s interior. Anton is standing in the middle of the room, seeming small compared to the empty hotel, with a broom in his hands. The text near the top left of the panel reads “that you built” and the text near the bottom right reads “for yourself”. The palette is mostly dark cyan, with a yellow light beam shining on Anton from somewhere off to the top left. The room is pictured through a doorway, and it is empty, except for a staircase leading up and an elevator next to it. Anton is wearing a white shirt and black trousers, shoes and a long jacket. His face is obscured by his hair. / End ID]
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jomiddlemarch · 4 months
The shapes a bright container can contain! 
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Chapter 11
Hermione looked around the room, her gaze resting for a notably long moment on the tassels, which in the failing sunshine of late afternoon, were looking like a particularly Pureblood bit of snobbery.
The Vanishing spell made Draco’s hands itch with the urge to cast.
“How much should I be reading into this?” she asked.
It was a fair question asked by a witch surpassingly fair. If he said something like that in response, she’d laugh and probably hex him.
He fell back on confusion.
“Reading into this?”
“You’ve invited me into your home. The one you shared with your wife, whose portrait hangs in the family quarters. We’re here alone and no one is expected to join us. You issued the invitation in writing, after you presumably talked to your son, based on his expression in the Great Hall,” Hermione said.
“Scorpius’s expression?”
“He gave me quite an encouraging nod. For a Slytherin, it was like he’d held up a welcome banner and waved it about,” she said. 
“I shall have a word with him,” Draco said.
“I hope you don’t mean to sound like you’ll be raking him over the coals for it,” Hermione replied.
“Not coals,” Draco muttered.
“I might not have agreed to come if he hadn’t shown he approved,” Hermione said. “So you really ought to thank him, unless you find I’m a terribly ill-mannered guest and you rue the day invited me.”
“I’ll thank him,” Draco said. “I won’t believe he didn’t somehow put you up to this.”
“Double negatives are the crutch of a weak mind,” Hermione said, with the solemnity of one uttering a well-known quotation.
“Who said that? I’d like to strangle them. See, no double negative, completely straightforward—"
“It was me. I said it,” she replied. 
“You know how you asked how much to read into this? I think the answer is nothing, since you can’t possibly want to stay and I’d like to wipe the slate clean and maybe convince you to come back another time I’m not doing a most convincing impression of a hippogriff’s arse,” Draco said.
“What if I want to stay? How much do I read into it then?”
“I’d say that’s up to you, except I am certain you will consider that a punt and frown at me,” he said. “You have a very disconcerting frown.”
“Draco Malfoy, stalling,” she said, smiling in an even more disconcerting way. “I never thought I’d see the day.”
“I don’t know why. I spent most of our sixth year doing that,” he said.
“Forgive me, but you were not my chief concern then. I didn’t appreciate it as stalling as much as irritating taunting and glowering,” she said. “How much, Draco?”
He shrugged. She had to have an idea already and she hadn’t fled at the sight of the tassels. Neville hadn’t given him a warning or a consoling pat on the shoulder the last time they’d been in the staff lounge alone. Hermione wasn’t fidgeting with her hair and she’d made impressive inroads on the tarte Tatin he’d made for pudding the night before.
“Everything. Read everything into it,” he said.
She grinned then. It was an expression he recognized meant she was that pleased with herself for getting the right answer when all the nincompoops and dunderheads around her were staring blankly and he, Blaise, or Padma were seething at their inability to say what was on the tip of their tongue.
“Good,” she replied.
He’d hoped but he hadn’t believed. He felt as if he’d been hit by some spell he’d never heard of, woozy and yet splendidly alert. There was a not inconsiderable urge to launch himself towards her.
“Tea then? Or something stronger? The tassels here would seem to call for something…anesthetizing,” he said.
“They are a bit self-important. For trimwork,” she said. “Still, I’d rather something stronger because something celebratory is called for. Unless you need anesthetizing?”
“No, love,” he said, going for broke, “I wouldn’t change how I’m feeling now for anything.”
“You’re sure?” she said, suddenly serious.
“Yes. Why?” he replied. Refusing to second-guess himself. Or faint. 
“Because you’re quite far away,” she said. “It seems to me you could be feeling rather…more.”
“That sounds like an observation,” he said. The urge to launch himself had returned, redoubled in strength, and yet he still could not believe his affections might be requited. Possibly very requited. To be fair, he’d had only desultory bouts of fondling Pansy Parkinson, now mother of Peregrine, during their school days, and he’d married Astoria in an old-fashioned Pureblood arranged match as soon as his post-War probation had ended and spent the majority of their courtship deeply engrossed in his Potions mastery. He did not, as Scorpius and his friends would say, have any game to speak of.
He hoped only not to make a colossal fool of himself.
“Bollocks,” Hermione replied. “I intended it to sound like an invitation. Haven’t got the hang of this subtlety thing, seems like. Too Gryffindor—”
“You’re not too anything,” he said, post-launch, standing close enough to take her in his arms. To breathe in the rosewater scent of her soap, to count the freckles across the bridge of her nose, the ones that meant she’d been spending afternoons in the conservatory.
“Yes, I am,” she said. “I’m too far away.”
And then, in an altogether lovely turn of events, she wasn’t.
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fireflysummers · 2 years
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New potential sticker sheet! This time featuring Princess Tutu!
Oldies are goodies, right?
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A 5 x 7 stickersheet with a variety of chibi characters from the anime Princess Tutu. There are nine larger character stickers, and five smaller “filler” stickers.
The characters stickers include 1) Duck, a young woman with blue eyes and strawberry blonde (orange) hair pulled back in a long braid, wearing her civilian clothes of a white top with yellow cuffs, a red pendant, yellow shorts, striped white-and-orange knee-high socks, and orange flat shoes. She wears a startled expression. 2) Princess Kraehe, a young woman with fair skin, red eyes, and black hair, wearing a black ballet dress with a fringe of dark feathers. Behind her, a small stylized wing can be seen. She is striking a ballet pose, with her right arm raised over her head 3) Lilie and Pike as part of the same sticker. Lilie is a young woman with long, curly blonde hair, pulled into high pigtails by large pink ribbons on either side of her head.Pike is a young woman with fair skin, purple eyes, and pinky-purple hair pulled back in a bun. She has asymmetrical bangs that curl off to the left side of her face, and are kept up by a pair of hairclips on the right side. They both wear their school uniform, a gray dress that falls above the knees with a blue stripe at its hem, a gray jacket with puffed sleeves and similar blue striped hems, a white collared shirt beneath, a yellow broach, white cuffed ankle socks, and black heeled shoes. Lilie leans into Pike, one hand raised to her mouth, while Pike stands with arms folded, both wearing looks of mischief. 4.) Mytho, a young man with fair skin, white hair, and gold eyes. He holds both hands to his chest, and wears a blank expression. He wears a long, oversized white shirt that is rolled up to othe elbows, a pair of brown trousers, and no shoes. Behind him, a sword with a swan themed hilt is broken into shards. 5) Princess Tutu, a young woman with fair skin, blue eyes, and short strawberry blonde (orange) hair framed by a white feather headpiece. She wears a complex white ballet dress with pink frills, blue ribbons, and translucent yellow wings, bracelets of round golden beads, pink ballet shoes, a small golden crown, and a necklace with a red ornate pendant. She is striking a ballet pose, with her left arm raised over her head, and her left leg raised so that she balances on the toes of her right foot. 6) Miss Edel, a woman with fair skin and green hair in a complicated style. She wears a brightly colored and complicated dress of white, pale blue and purple, red and gold, with multiple tassels and frills. She wears heavy purple eye shadow and purple lipstick, but has no eyebrows. Her hands are held in front of her, and she wears an impassive expression. 7) Rue, a young woman with fair skin, red eyes, and long black hair worn loose. She wears the same school uniform as Pike and Lilie, and holds her hands in front of her. She wears a pensive expression. 8) Uzura, a small child that shares a simplified version of Miss Edel’s style and color scheme. Of particular note is the little white-and-red drum that is in front of her, and she holds a pair of drumsticks. She has a wide-eyed expression of wonder. 9) Fakir, a young man with fair skin, sharp green eyes, and long, messy black hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. He wears the male variant of the school uniform, a long blue sweater with white stripes at the hems, white trousers, white formal dress shoes, a white shirt beneath with frilled sleeves, and a yellow pendant. He sits with a hostile glare, holding a sheathed sword propped against him.
The filler stickers include 1) A single white feather; 2) Duck in her duck form, a small yellow duck with an orange beak and big blue eyes; 3) A heart shard that takes the form of a small, red crystal; 4) Princess Tutu’s magical necklace, which is an ornate pendant of red and gold, bearing a dragonfly-esque motif; 5) The text “Princess Tutu” set into a golden plaque
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scorple · 2 years
Victories Won
this is another part of my feathers and fur series on ao3. the link is here if you want to read it there instead!
Of course it would be Rue. Hob had not considered at first who Binx would approach to be a second for Gwyn--who was not Gwyn and instead Binx all along. Who had been with Binx as they announced themself to the world? Who had stood by her side, offering comfort and assistance in retrieving the Crystal Heart? Hob chastises himself for not thinking this through.
When he sees them standing beside Binx (in a Gwyn glamor, apparently) he loses his breath for just a moment. Rue is only made more beautiful by the stark contrast of their surroundings. The old tailor’s shop is run down and dark and so Rue seems to shine even more brightly than before. 
They are dressed in an elegant gown that falls nearly to the floor. The dark fabric shimmers with gold, sparkling here even without much light to reflect off it. As he and Andhera come closer, he sees that the golden accents are thousands of embroidered fireflies each glowing with some kind of internal light, flickering and flashing slightly as fireflies are wont to do. His eyes widen when he sees the bright red sash that cinches the waist of the dress–-he nearly reaches for his own red sash but controls the impulse at the last moment–-and the small golden rope that loops at their left hip, tassels on one end that sway with the glowing of the lightning bugs. The fabric looks soft and delicate and not for the first time, Hob feels the goblin urge to grab what he wants, to take Rue into his arms and have them for himself. 
He must shake himself from these thoughts for they are not his to have. Hob clenches his fist to stop his hands from shaking, reprimanding himself for wanting what he should not. Rue does not even look at him and even though he knew that his infatuation was hopeless, he finds himself aching at the thoughtless dismissal.
He suddenly remembers Andhera’s potion and clears his mind to return to the task at hand.
Hob’s whole life has been dedicated to serving his court in whatever way possible. He never questions, never protests. He has always been loyal and expects nothing in return because that is what is expected of him . He does what he must to make the Goblin Court successful in all their schemes and machinations because that is his duty. With the exception of Boil and Blemish, he is the one with the closest thing to social normalcy in his court. 
Hob never asks for anything, never speaks his mind because he knows that he is not like the others, knows that he is somehow outside them because he is so different and yet they do not hesitate to put these differences to use.
But then there is Rue, brave, wonderful, beautiful Rue, who speaks the things he cannot. They find the words to describe what he has felt in his soul for too long to remember and it awakens something in him. He forgets for a moment about Andhera’s potion, he forgets his duty, he can think of nothing but giving Rue comfort despite how it forces him to confront his own place in the Goblin Court. Tirelessly working, throwing oneself into task after task just to quiet the itching doubt that claws its way into one’s mind each time one sees how much they do not belong .
When Rue speak of the hurts that run deeply through every aspect of the relationship they have with the Court of Wonder being tied up and tangled with an inescapable loyalty and a need to belong, Hob feels as though they are the one armed with Detect Thoughts. The things he’d kept so carefully hidden under his sense of duty and his need to serve laid bare at his feet and finally unavoidable. How can it feel like they know these truths about him he had never been brave enough to admit to himself?
It takes hearing the words from Rue, the way they had asked with surprise, sympathy, and sadness in their voice. Hob thinks that what had happened to him following the war with the Unseelie had never really been able to sink in. The realization actually breaks through his drive to discover the reason behind the slight to the Goblin Court for the first time and there is a new burning in Hob’s chest when he thinks of the things he had done to win, to survive those battles. So many brave and fiendish goblins, snuffed out before their time. 
(The number of salt goblins who perished on the journey to the battlefields alone.)
The burning grows hotter when he remembers being toted around in front of other courts, forced to stand and listen to them recount his deeds without ever getting close to what really happened. None of the finer fey want to have the true cost of war laid out before them, of the unending marches through dark lands, the ambushes planned and executed to perfection, the way it felt to rip—
It’s better not to remember , he had thought to himself late at night as the thunder would roll in. He would listen to the rain buffeting his tent as he attempted to sleep on the edges of the Goblin territory, close enough to protect but just far enough. In the quiet solitude, Hob let himself push those memories back and away from the front of his mind. Better to stand at attention as he is forced to relive everything and must try his best to both be vigilant to his superiors and still fight back the roiling of his stomach at the reminder. 
Hob has spent so much time listening to the leaders of his court and others carry on about “The Hero of Briar Falls” like he is some sort of prize to be fawned over, some sort of pet being paraded around to show off the new status of the Goblin Court. He had never really thought about it so acutely until he registered the pain in Rue’s voice, knowing now that they were the same in so many more ways than he previously knew. 
It was through him that the original betrothal was arranged and therefore that the Goblins were able to experience the Bloom for the first time with their elevated status just as Rue had elevated the Court of Wonder through their own work. Hob thinks briefly back to his conversation with Lady Boil. There was something about the way she pushed for him to drop the subject of Rue, the way she was so quick to remind Hob of his place and role. We are the carrot, you are the stick, she had said, eyes burning into him, daring him to say any different.
And he hadn’t. Hob never did.
It catches him off guard when Rue asks him and he finds himself stuttering out an answer, not thinking that his offhand mention of his service would be discussed at such length, that anyone would bring it up because honestly he did not think it mattered. Rue’s genuine concern awakens his understanding of his place in the Goblin Court and it turns his world upside down.
That seems to be a pattern with Delloso de la Rue.
Hob is so used to being the one who observes and gathers information that he did not see this coming. He is the one who sees the pieces scattered and ties them together, crisscrossing the threads to form a strategy. He is the one who sees—
Oh. There it is.
Hob feels his breath catch, too soft for anyone to hear. He is the one who sees but now he finds himself being seen for the first time since that night in the woods.
Hob is wholly unprepared for this and something in him breaks, and he is almost unaware he’s revealing his name until it is already flying past his lips.
Rue has never been one to follow their heart. They have always been so wrapped up in The Bloom and all it entails, all the plans to make and places to go. They have worked tirelessly for millenia, trying to prove their worth and be deserving of their status. Anything to make up for who they really are: a scared, lonely, lost little beast. 
It wasn’t until they saw Captain Hob, confident and unrepentant in his monstrosity that Rue realized they were only hiding themself because that was what was expected of them. When he had grabbed their wrist, looked into their eyes and seen them--it had felt like coming alive.
There are those of us who can contradict the nature of our court. The sadness in Hob’s voice, the resignation and defeat makes Rue’s head spin. They have only known Hob personally for a few days but in that time they find him surprising them over and over.
They are enraptured by his words as he details his thoughts on the Court of Wonder, surprised to hear some of their own thoughts echoed back to them, thoughts that whispered to them in the deep, dark of the night while away from their court. They would never say those things aloud for fear of retaliation from those of higher standing but Rue finds themself lost in his passionate speech, clumsily knocking into a ventriloquist dummy--why that is here--abandoned in the shop.
They were not aware that Hob felt so strongly about the Court of Wonder and is struck that even in the midst his impassioned speech, he tries to comfort them in their apparent distress. Rue can feel their heart beat faster, pulse quickening when his full attention is on them. Hob goes on, his voice rising, gesticulating wildly and there’s a gleam in his eye--it’s enough to make their knees go weak. 
They flash suddenly to the memory of the quiet rage they had witnessed in Hob during his duel with Wuvvy. They had expected more unbridled chaos and violence in his state of battle but he had surprised them once again. There was danger in Hob’s visage, undoubtedly, but it was almost as if it had all been contained to his eyes. It only showed in a slight snarl, jowls pulled back to show wickedly sharp teeth. The way he had charged across the lawn, fierce and terrifying and beautiful in the midday sun is a sight Rue will never forget. At the time they felt shame in the feelings it evoked but looking back now, the image only drives a pleasant shudder through them, feathers at the back of their neck puffing up in an embarrassing way they smooth quickly. Rue wonders how many of his enemies had seen the wild, dangerous look in his eye knowing it would be the last thing before–-
They should not think of it now. It is not proper, not what they need to be focused on right now but then there is the sharp glint of his teeth again, shining in the low light like a beacon, as he dispatches Scorple with ease and they cannot help but think of him looking at Rue with that heat and hunger as he stalks toward them to devour them in a different way. 
It makes their skin warm and they are glad no one can read their thoughts at this moment.
There is something achingly sad about the way Hob seems to realize for the first time that he was used by his court and others to play political games with no regard to the true cost of his victory. He has been so focused on righting the wrongs done to his court that he never considered the wrongs done to him . As they describe their own deep hurts tangled and trapped in their sense of loyalty, eyes locked with Hob’s, the captain’s face softens, just for a moment. Rue longs to reach out and trace the melancholy line of his brow, ease his hurts any way they can. 
Through the connections Hob has forged with Prince Andhera and the tenebrous alliance growing with Binx, Rue realizes that he is collecting the other misfits, bringing them together for a common cause, even if he does not know it himself. The thought soothes the ache in them a least a fraction, knowing that Hob is not trying to go through all of this alone and knowing that they are counted as one of his trusted confidants.
The revelation that the Goblin Court used him to gain status within the courts of the fey breaks Rue’s heart. Hob is such a genuine, honest fey, not yet lost in the politics of what looks right to others or the easy slip into deception in which many fey reside. They see the light go off when they ask, see Hob fit together the pieces to form the image of his own court using him as a means to an end instead of cherishing, celebrating him as they should. Rue wants to reach across the table and take his paw in their own, to offer reassurance but before they can even reprimand themself for those thoughts–-
The words fall out of Hob, and he looks almost as shocked as Rue feels. “The ‘K’ in ‘K.P. Hob’ stands for Knickolas.” It feels almost like the shock of unexpectedly cold water. He repeats himself again after the confused and excited words of the others, this time slightly quieter, and now with an edge that feels almost like fear . “The ‘K’ in ‘K.P. Hob’ stands for Knickolas.”
Rue blinks in their surprise, mind racing for just a moment before settling on what they have been rushing towards since the moment they looked into Hob’s eyes days ago. A single thought along with a sigh from deep within.
I love him.
And for the first time, Rue finds it does not scare them at all.
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tiktotees · 10 months
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No Lany shirt
Café Alaïa Da Rosa is open now at 5 Rue de Marignan, 75008, Paris. Hours: Tuesday – Saturday from midday to 7:00 p.m. Dua Lipa rang in her stylist Lorenza Posocco’s birthday in Italy this past weekend with some equally celebratory clothes. The pop star opted for a crochet mini skirt and crop top set from the No Lany shirt in contrast I will get this GCDS spring 2022 collection, which came with adorable little skulls and long tassels attached to the skirt. Lipa wore a lace bra underneath her top and finished the look with a pair of sky-high, glitter-soaked platform Mary Jane heels for a retro, Cher effect. (Posocco, for his part, wore printed Versace trousers from fall 2021). Lipa has long been involved with the Italian label GCDS, who are known for infusing their clothes with cartoons and all-things playful. They created the pop star’s merch in 2017. For the spring 2021 collection and digital show, Lipa and her boyfriend Anwar Hadid became front-row avatars. In terms of clothing, she has worn everything from a “J’adore GCDS” t-shirt to a pair of lime green, knee-high boots with a Jurassic Park logo plastered on them. But this isn’t the first time that Lipa has worn a crochet piece by the saucy label; she’s also sported one of their micro bikinis as well. We’ll be keeping our eyes open to see more of what Lipa and GCDS have in store for us. It’s officially that time of year when we revisit the fall staples that have been tucked away in our wardrobes—namely, boots, coats, and essential sweaters. At the dawn of the season, without fail, excitement rushes through us to curate new ensembles surrounding these items. It’s also the time for us to engage in a reset of sorts to evaluate the treasures we own, the pieces we might want to donate, and what few new additions we’d like to procure.
Buy it: https://tiktotees.com/product/no-lany-shirt/
Home: tiktotees.com
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christydog · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Rue 21 Top.
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rugiada-cadoni · 1 year
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Aurélien Héraud et Olivier Héraud
2023 France Comédie surréaliste 1h42mn
FORUM DES IMAGES : 2, rue du cinéma, 75001 Paris
09/09 • 19h45 • Salle 300
15/09 • 14h45 • Salle 300
avec : Olivier Héraud, Nicolas Legros, Olivier Heitz, Clément Milian, Mathieu Goudot, Marc Tassell, Charlotte Erika, Jérôme Cusin, Adeline Chagneau, Clara Noël, Louis Castel, SébLinsolas Ops, Alberto Bassetti, Kim Shk, Dominique Fontaine, Françoise Rey, Jean-Pierre Lavoignat, Jean Pierre Clech, Nicolas Girard-Michelotti, Aimee Pavitt, Rugiada Cadoni, Elizabeth Hewes, Audrey Kn, Raul Pina Perez, Gilles Kazazian, Alexandre Castres, Franck Fargier, Diane Goldie, Malina Ioana-Ferrante, Barbara Le Toux... ©BANANA PRODUCTIONS
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violettesiren · 1 year
Through sunny spaces overhead A gray hawk’s lazy pinions spread, And poppies open wide and red Where golden harvests grew.
In rosy wreaths upon the swales And fallow fields the bindweed trails, And late-sown buckwheat swiftly pales To blossoming anew.
The pond within the pasture land Reflects the cattle as they stand In depths of dipping sedges and Of tangled meadow-rue.
In silver splashes through the green, Fine, filmy spider-webs are seen, And crumpled cockle-flowers between Are rifts of tender blue.
On stately stalks of standing corn A wealth of cresting plumes are borne, And tawny tasseled tufts adorn The ripened barley, too.
So, steeping nature far and wide, Deep sweeps the flood of summer-tide, Till all things that therein abide Are richly tinctured through.
In Summer Deeps by Evaleen Stein
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chic-a-gigot · 5 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 50, 9 avril 1887, Paris. No. 1. — Mantelet. (Dos.) No. 2. — Mantelet (Devant.) Modèle de la Maison Lebrun-Vidal et Ce, 104, Rue de Richelieu. Bibliothèque nationale de France
Nos. 1 et 2. — Mantelet en fleur de soie (devant et dos). Vêtement très ajusté, garni derrière d'un pouf de dentelle très étoffé. Capuchon de dentelle, recouvert dans le haut par plusieurs rangées de pampilles de jais, et terminé par un long gland pampillé à la pointe. Longues manches à pointes, terminées par un gland, recouvertes d'épaulettes de jais. Encolure garnie de dentelle formant pointe et plastron devant, et se continuant jusqu'au bas des pans pour garnir le vêtement jusque sur les hanches. Glands de pampilles sur le devant.
Capote pointue avec fond en paille, garnie devant par une draperie en fleur de soie. Bouquet de fleurs sur le côté.
Nos. 1 and 2. — Silk flower mantle (front and back). Very fitted garment, trimmed behind with a very rich lace pouf. Lace hood, covered at the top by several rows of jet tassels, and finished with a long tassel at the tip. Long pointed sleeves, ending with a tassel, covered with jet epaulettes. Neckline trimmed with lace forming a point and plastron in front, and continuing to the bottom of the panels to trim the garment up to the hips. Tassels on the front.
Pointed hood with straw bottom, trimmed in front with silk flower drapery. Bouquet of flowers on the side.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Anthropologie Meadow Rue boho blouse, excellent condition, size small.
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shopchars · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: RUE 21 sleeveless lace top with tassels.
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vulpine111 · 2 years
Maybe my cord cutting spells *did* work and the connection has ended between me and Rasheed.
After interpreting and reflecting on a dream I had last night, maybe what I'm experiencing is the leftover energy. I can do cleansing rituals to take care of that. It seems to be over for the most part, though. I didn't hear from him at all today. I am relieved.
I already found a bulk package of rue incense to order. In the past, rue soap has done wonders for my aura. I might even order a rue candle for extra protection.
I keep searching "cleansing spells" and can't find much of anything. Same with banishing. I will have to make up my own prayers while I light the candle and incense.
Anyways, speaking of incense, I found a bulk package of Ganesha incense for cheap too.
I know I talked about finding incense for King Paimon to go with the candle I want to get for him but maybe I'll wait a couple more months before I do all that/anything involving him.
I want to prioritize cleansing/moving on and of course the Ganesha prayer necklace I've been wanting for about a year. I forget if I wrote about this here much, but I did recently find instructions how to tie it.
I already found good sources for beads and cord. I will read over the instructions soon to figure out if that's all I have to order. I know it also involves a tassel and pendant, though. I guess now I'll search where to find those as well.
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