#taz angst
humunanunga · 1 year
Enough of the trope where memory loss undoes the damage or the corruption or whatever. More content where removing memories just removes the context.
The tragedy of needing to grieve and not knowing what or who you lost or why. The angst of having trauma and being denied the awareness that it's trauma. The suspense of being different somehow and left to wonder how and when. The tension of knowing that something is off and you can't find where it hurts. The Adventure Zone gets it. Kingdom Hearts gets it.
There is an aching inside you and you don't know how it got there.
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soulofapatrick · 7 months
Whispers in the Storm - Sanji x Female Reader
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Summary: You wake from getting injured, wanting no-one but Sanji
Words: 2k
Warnings: none
Y/N’s POV 
I wake with a jolt, a sharp pang slicing through my side. Groggy. From sleep, I wince and shift, trying to find a comfortable position. But there’s no escaping the persistent ache that throbs across my entire left side. I tentatively touch the source of the pain and recoil at the tenderness. A massive bruise spans the expanse of my left side when I lift the shirt I’m in, seeping discomfort with every moment. I’m a galaxy of deep blues, purples, reds, greens and oranges. 
Confusion clouds my thoughts; I can’t remember how I got this injury. The events leading up to this moment remain shrouded in a foggy haze. I’m guessing we fought Arlong, it was probably during that. I wouldn’t be surprised as I remember Nami crying, Luffy placing his trusty hat on her head and then nothing. My mind races, attempting to piece together fragmented memories that elude me. 
Pushing through the discomfort, I stagger to my feet, crying out in pain that leaves me temporarily breathless. The sound has Nami and Robin stirring from their bunks, glancing at each other before shifting their gazes towards me. Nami’s concerned gaze meets mine, her eyes widening at the sight of my injuries, as if only seeing them for the first time now. Without a word, she rushes over to me, slipping an arm around me to steady my very unsteady form. Her touch is gentle, though every movement sends a fresh wave of pain rippling through me. 
“Where do you need to go?” She doesn’t try to tell me to rest, knowing I’m not going to, her voice soothing, a contrast to the turmoil of pain coursing through me. 
“Sanji.” I manage to whisper, the name escaping my lips almost instinctively, just wanting my best friend right now. Despite the agony of moment, there’s an inexplicable comfort in knowing he might be able to help, his care a balm for the turmoil within me. 
With a single nod, Nami supports most of my weight as we navigate the ship’s corridors. Each step feels like traversing a minefield, my breath hitching with every jarring movement and tears prickle my eyes. The bruises paint an intricate canvas of agony, the hues of pain etches into my skin, a mosaic of suffering that extends from my left armpit to my left knee. 
The journey feels endless, every inch an ordeal as we finally reach Sanji’s quarters. Nami gently knocks on the door before there’s shuffling on the other side and then it swings open, revealing a very sleepy Sanji. 
He looks so good and even through the pain I can’t deny it that I am head over heels for him. He’s standing in the doorway in only a pair of loose fitting trousers that are desperately clinging to his sharp hips, hanging dangerously low and flashing some of his v-line. He’s shirtless, pale skin for all to see and abs all I can stare at until Nami and Sanji snap me out of it. 
Sanji's sleep-ridden expression fades instantly, replaced by a deep concern that's mirrored in his stormy grey eyes. They widen with distress at the sight of my battered state, and without a second thought, he steps forward, taking me gently from Nami's support.
“Thank you, Nami.” He murmurs gratefully, his attention solely focused on me. With careful guidance, he helps me settle on the edge of his bed, his movements gentle as he ensures I’m comfortable. The room is bathed in a soft glow as he switches on the light, illuminating the galaxy of bruises that paint my skin. 
Kneeling in fronton me, Sanji’s brows furrow in worry, his hands hovering hesitantly over the colourful expanse of injuries on my thighs that he can see. His touch is feather-light, as if afraid to cause any more discomfort, “Oh Mouse,” his voice is soft, filled with genuine concern, the nickname he has for me a warmth in my cheeks, “How far does it..?” He trails off, as if scared to know. 
Sanji's eyes widen as I remove my shirt, wincing the whole way, revealing the full extent of the bruise. But instead of any hint of intrusion or averted gaze, his reaction catches me off guard. There's a mix of emotions swirling in his eyes—concern, a tinge of anguish, and a depth of care that goes beyond what I expected. His gaze doesn't linger on my body, instead, it's fixated on the mosaic of colours that mar my skin. 
“Oh Mouse,” He utters again, “I’m so sorry.” He whispers, voice thick with emotion, his fingers trembling slightly as he reaches out to touch the tender expanse of bruises. His touch is feather-light, cool against my burning skin. A gasp escaping me at the unexpected tenderness of his gesture. In that moment, his usual suave demeanour fades, replaced by a raw vulnerability that tugs at my heartstrings. Without a word, he leans in, pressing a soft kiss to the bruised skin of my stomach. It’s a gentle and intimate touch, filled with a depth of care that sends shivers down my spine. 
My hand instinctively moves, carding through his fluffy blond hair, a silent reassurance that his presence alone is a soothing balm amidst the pain. His lips linger for a moment longer, a gesture that speaks volumes, conveying a sense of comfort and empathy that words fail to capture. 
As he pulls away, his gaze meets mine, a silent understanding passing between us, that unspoken bond enough for him to know what I need. Climbing to his feet, he moves with purpose, rummaging through a chest of belongings until he finds an old tee-shirt form his days at the Barite restaurant ship. The shirt carries a faint scent of the sea and memories of his past, a comforting familiarity in the midst of chaos. 
With a gentle care, he helps me slide into the soft fabric, its oversized fit providing a sense of comfort and warmth. Tenderly, he assists me in laying down on my right side, ensuring I’m as comfortable as possible. His actions speaking volumes, a silent promise of being there through the night, offering solace and support in this moment of vulnerability. 
As I settle on the bed, he joins me without hesitation, mirroring my position so we’re facing each other. His presence beside me feels like a sanctuary, a haven of comfort amidst the storm of pain. His gaze lingers, a silent reassurance that I’m not alone in this and he reaches out, caressing my cheek gently, a gesture so intimate I feel my cheeks heat up. 
“What happened with Arlong?” The words escape my lips, tinged with curiosity and an undertone of confusion about the events still. 
Sanji’s expression shifts, a flicker of surprise knitting his brows together again, “You don’t remember?” His voice carries a hint of concern, registering my confusion with a palpable worry. 
I shake my head, frustration and unease bubbling within as the foggy tendrils of memory refuse to weave into a coherent narrative, “It’s all a blur.” I confess, the frustration now seeping into my tone. 
His eyes widen slightly, a mix of disbelief and concern etched across his features, “You… you saved Zoro.” The gravity of his revelation hung heavy in the air, momentarily stunning me with its weight. 
“I did?" My voice was barely a whisper, laced with disbelief that danced on the edges of the fragmented memories I desperately tried to grasp. 
“Yeah, you shoved Zoro out of the way and took the blow yourself,” There’s a rare mixture of admiration and worry in his voice as he recounts the events, “You were thrown into one of the funfair stalls. You were unconscious until now.” Snji fills in the gaps with a gentleness that belies the gravity of his words, his concern palpable in every syllable. 
The realisation washed over me in a tumultuous wave, a blend of awe and disbelief that swirled within. Despite the haze that clouded my memory, a sense of pride swelled—a pride that stemmed from the knowledge that I had instinctively acted to protect a fellow crewmate. Yet, the hollow spaces in my recollection left an unsettling feeling, a disorientation in not being able to piece together the entirety of the sequence.
“I was so worried.” He admits, voice barely above a whisper, a tremor of concern evident in his whisper, and I grip the wrist of the hand that has be continuously caressing my cheek, stilling it to press a gentle kiss to his palm. 
Our eyes meet again, his stormy grey gaze locking with mine in a moment that feels suspended in time. The hand that had rested on my cheek moves to gently grip my chin, a tender yet hesitant gesture. He leans in, his lips hovering close to mine, a vulnerability creeping into his nervous actions which is very un-Sanji-like. 
“Stop me if I’ve misread this.” His words linger in the charged air between us, a plea for consent, for assurance that his actions and feelings aren’t one sided. 
Without hesitation, I close the remaining gap, letting his uncertainty with a softness that brides the unspoken gap. Our lips brush in a tentative yet tender kiss, a silent affirmation that speaks volumes, quieting his nervous ramblings. 
The moment our lips meet, its as if a surge of warmth envelopes us, an electric current coursing through the connection. His lips are soft against mine, a gentle touch that holds a world of tenderness. There’s a subtle sweetness to the taste, a mixture of salt from the sea air and a faint hint of the tea he brewed tirelessly in the kitchen. 
As our kiss deepens, a sense of familiarity washes over me, as if this moment has been waiting months to unfold. His breath mingles with mine, a rhythm that feels strangely synchronised, each exhale carrying the weight of worries and uncertainties that had haunted the edges of my consciousness. 
In Sanji’s tender embrace, there’s an unspoken language—his touch conveying a yearning for reassurance, a desire to meet halfway, while mine echoes an affirmation of understanding and reciprocation. The intimacy of the kiss speaks of shared emotions, a quiet proclamation of trust and affection that transcends the chaos of our surroundings. 
The closeness, the warmth of his presence, the way his fingers trace gentle paths along my side—it all stirs a whirlwind of emotions within me. It isn’t just the softness of his lips or the taste of salt and familiarity; it’s the way he makes me feel—safe; understood, and cared for in a way that goes beyond words. 
As our lips part, Sanji’s grey eyes meet mine, filled with an intensity that speaks volumes, carrying an ocean of emotions within their depths. There’s a softness in his gaze, a tenderness that seems to overflow with an unspoken declaring of affection. 
“Fuck, I have to say it, I was so scared I was going to lose you,” he chokes out, “I love you," the words escape him in a gentle whisper, sincere and heartfelt, before he leans in to brush another soft kiss against my lips. It's a fleeting yet tender affirmation of his feelings, a gesture that speaks louder than words.
The kiss lingers for a moment, a silent reassurance of mutual emotions before Sanji breaks away, his expression soft yet determined. "We should try to get some sleep," he suggests, his voice carrying a tone of care and consideration.
His suggestion hangs in the air, a gentle invitation to rest, to seek solace in the quietude of slumber amidst the chaos that had engulfed us. With a soft nod, I acknowledge his words, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment settle within me—the residual echoes of his declaration of love resonating within the quiet moments that followed.
“I love you too Sanji.” 
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One Piece Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
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marycorcaroli · 9 months
how the opla!boys would break your heart.
angst with sanji, zoro and luffy.
mary ♡: hi everyone 💌🌷, i haven't seen any stories like this yet, so i thought i'd write one myself 🤗. i hope you like it ! ! 🫂
english is not my first language, i apologize for my mistakes. ♡
rules ; masterlist ♡
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he doesn't care about you, about all of you.
in the beginning of your relationship, he was so loving and understanding, sanji was always there for you, interested in your condition and afraid that something would happen to you. but then he got bored with you, your every move annoying him, and your please to stay home for the day caused him an uncontrollable torrent of aggression.
sanji wasn't afraid to tell you to your face how much you annoyed him. did you meet an old friend and stop to chat with him? sanji shows his displeasure, and later he's sure to tell you that you talk too much and you should shut up for once. he's completely shameless and doesn't care about your feelings, did he make you cry or not? who cares, he's right either way.
while you're humiliating yourself in front of him and trying to save your love drowning in lies and hatred, sanji will tell everyone that you're just a substitute for a certain person in his life. but he's forgotten how you saved him, how you helped him with everything, how you were always ready to come and comfort him, how you even went with him to psychologists and held his hand so that he wouldn't be afraid to say anything and know that you were there for him until the end.
but now your end has come and there is nothing left to save.
cheated on you twice.
and each time it hurt like an infinite number of bullets piercing your heart. he was just toying with you, you were convenient for him sometimes, and most of the time you wondered "what kind of relationship are we in?" zoro kept saying you were in an open relationship, but is that true?
he kissed and flirted with different girls without thinking about you, but when someone showed you the proper attention, zoro went crazy and was terribly jealous, trying to find faults in you and wanting you to believe those lies. you were too good for him. constantly saving his ass and being a mountain for him, but he didn't appreciate it.
even after you got married and started living happily ever after, something went wrong.
when he met his ex-girlfriend again, he didn't refuse her help at 3:00 in the morning and then lie about going to his friend's house. it was so painful to know that that was all he could lie, but it didn't stop him from cheating on you with that ex, a second time, with her. he begged for your forgiveness, ran after you, was willing to do anything for you to forgive him and give him a chance. zoro loved you, but that love was never enough to keep you together.
seeing them again, something inside you burst, your whole future flashing past your eyes. the man who'd made you trust him and be with him again had done this to you. there was no anger or hatred in your gaze, but you wondered why people were doing this to you.
lied to you all the time.
luffy would never tell you the truth, would never in his life admit to what he'd done. he was sure that his lies would save you from the danger and pain he plunged you into every time he didn't want to talk.
you wanted so badly to help him and tell him how to get out of this pit of lies, you were willing to do anything to make luffy feel good, but nothing changed. even after you found out that he slept with other girls during your break, when he promised that he wouldn't sleep with anyone but would try to be a better man and didn't try to make amends, luffy lied here too. making you believe it wasn't true and he wouldn't do that to you was another lie, but that's exactly what he did.
he lied about loving you. luffy didn't even know why he even started dating you in the first place, probably as a joke, but the joke lingered and you felt the most genuine feelings for him, but him.
he hurt you with his laughter, his deception, himself. he did everything he could to tear your soul into the smallest pieces and nothing was left of your tender heart, just a huge hole with self-loathing and the conviction that everything was your fault.
but it's not. it's luffy. he can't do it any other way and he never wanted to learn how to love properly, he was fine with you when you weren't bothering him, but at the same time, it hurt a little to see you cry, and afterward, luffy remembered that he still had plenty more like you.
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timelessstardust99 · 9 months
sanji x reader where he’s basically in love with them, he’s always by their side but reader can’t quite understand why someone as handsome as sanji would love someone like them, angsty and fluffy please! i love sanji so so so so much
Sanji's Love | LA! Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader (Spoiler for the Live Action One Piece show)
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Summary: In which Y/N doubts that Sanji actually loves them and thinks he was just flirting with them out of pity, because who could fall in love with someone who barely knew how to boil water, much less cook.
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x GN! Reader
Y/N sat on the ram head of the boat, their legs dangling from the ledge as they looked over the ocean that was sloshing around beneath them. They couldn't believe that they were a part of a Pirates crew after years of serving the Baratie, they had always had the dream to be a part of one just like Zeff was before he had lost his leg. Thinking about it now though, they couldn't understand why Luffy had wanted them on his crew. Maybe it had been Sanji's persuasion or the fact that Luffy always felt the need to have them fulfill their dreams whilst they look for the One Piece together. Y/N sighed, pulling their legs up to their chest and resting their head on their knees.
"Y/N, darling, what are you doing all the way up there?" Came the voice of Sanji, the man Y/N had been avoiding since they had become a part of Luffy's crew. The eighteen-year-old looked over the edge of the ram and towards the older blonde who looked up at them with a charming smile which made Y/N blush at one of the pet names the cook seemed to call them in endearment.
"Uh, thinking." Y/N admitted, smiling shyly at the nicely dressed man who walked a little more to the ram head so he could climb up there with them, though it seemed to be hard for him to climb with pants as tight as his. Y/N's thoughts seemed to disappear as they watched Sanji try to climb up the ram head, which caused the younger of the two to giggle at him. Sanji thought it was music to his ears. "Do you need help hun?" They asked him, watching as the man struggled to hang onto the statue, with one leg draped over so he could get a good footing.
"No, I've got this," he strained, pulling himself slowly up the ram head and sitting with his back against theirs for a moment as he gasped in breaths, his hair now sticking to his already sweaty forehead.
"No, no, I see you've got it," They nudged him causing Sanji to chuckle and swing his legs around so he was now sitting side to side with the younger teen. Their smile soon turned into a frown again as they looked out to the ocean again, Sanji noticed this and pushed his shoulder against their's.
"What's the matter, love?" He asked them gently. They didn't want to admit it, not anyone, but they felt as if they didn't deserve Sanji's love and appreciation. They didn't look anything like the kind of person Sanji would prefer. They looked at him with a frustrated glint in their eye.
"Why do you love me?" They asked him, his eyes going wide from the sudden question. He didn't think they'd question his love and loyalty, sure he was a big flirt, but he had quit doing that because Y/N was everything he had always wanted in a partner.
"What's brought this on?" He asked, his hand going against their back as a way to comfort them.
"I just... I just can't understand why you'd want me when there are so many more people out there and you picked me? Why? I'm a nobody, even when I worked at Baratie." They said, looking at him with frantic eyes. He stared at them in shock.
"Dear, there is no one on this planet besides you that I want," He said gently to them.
"Really?" They doubted, their overthinking nature always seemed to win. He smiled at them, bringing his face closer to theirs and giving them a kiss on the forehead, which caused them to close their eyes. He pulled back from them, looking at their content face.
"Really," he said, "is that also why you were avoiding me after we left Zeff?" He asked after a moment. They sighed, laying their head on his shoulder with shame.
"Yeah, I just couldn't bring myself to look at you with all of these thoughts, I felt like I was holding you back." They admitted to him.
"You can never hold me back dear," He said, wrapping an arm around their shoulders and hugging them close as he kissed their temple. In the silence of the air, Y/N was finally feeling like they were meant to be here, with this man and their crew.
EDIT: Sorry, had to edit a couple of parts, it was only a small part.
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geengoop · 9 months
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My take on taako from the new taz gn cover!
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What if Taako and Lup weren’t identical
It makes wonderland worse if you think about it because no longer would Taako be loosing that exact mirror image of her, he’d be losing the things that would make them look related at all
Maybe they no longer have the same exact color of eyes, taakos hair grows a bit thinner now, his lips less plump
Now it’s the little things that used to connect them but now? Well they don’t really look all that much alike, are you sure they’re twins?
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orykorioart · 10 months
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TAZ Sapphic Week Day 5: Haunted
Couldn’t finish what I originally scheduled for day 5 (so itll have to be pushed back), but I still wanted to have something. So let’s have a quick experimental Lureen (if that is the ship name?) angst! Because that little scene in the GN really got me 😔✌️.
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writing-fanics · 9 months
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' i thought you liked your usual '
'I used to'
sanji x f!reader
next part
[tw: angst: heartbreak: bickering: obvious tension (eventually)]
"Hi, welcome to our shitty restaurant where the only thing worse than the ambience is the food." The waiter said in a sour tone, as he placed the plate of fresh bread onto the table.
"My name is Sanji. What can I get for you?" He said looking at the Strawhat Crew, "One of everything, please." Luffy said, as he stuffed his mouth with the delicious bread.
"Any drinks?" He asked his eyes almost landing on someone with [h/c] sitting next to Zoro. He didn't know why that person even though not seeing their face looked familiar to him.
"One of our signature cocktails to help you choke down your meal?" He said, still in a sour mood.
"Kicked off the line again?" [Y/n] asked, raising her head as she folded her arms across her chest, staring at him smugly with pursed lips. Hearing her voice again made his heart skip a beat. "Didn't expect to see you again so soon," He said with his signature charming smile, that could make every man or woman swoon over him.
"Me too," She said with a hint of coldness in her voice, the others looked between the two of them. Eyes darting back and forth between Sanji and [Y/n]. He looked at her for a bit and noticed the tense situation, Zoro cleared his throat and said, "Waiter, can I get a beer and something for my friends?" Ussop then cuts in, "Two beers. I usually have three, but…" Ussop said.
"And milk," Luffy said his mouth full of bread. Sanji asked, eyes landing on [Y/n] once more. "Three beers and a milk. And, uh- your usual?" She looked at him. Coldly, almost annoyed, she replied, "Just a glass of water will do.". „What? I thought you liked your usual? ” He said looking at her, god he missed her so much.
She stared at him coldly, "I used to.". His lips pursed inward and he nodded, "Right away," he said, turning to head for the kitchen. She fell back into her seat and noticed the crew staring at her, "What?" She asked, looking at the others.
"Ah? What the hell was that?" Nami asked, and [Y/n] sighed rolling her eyes as she sat up in the booth, "Yeah, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife." Usopp said, and the girl groaned into the palm of her hands. Embarrassed by the scene she caused in front of her friend, "Did he stand you up on a date or something?" Usopp asked, and she lifted her head from her hands and placed them on her lap.
She sighed falling back into the booth and slouching her back, "No, but that would've saved me the heartbreak and tears." She said and Usopp was about to ask another question possibly. "No more questions," She said, before he could even ask he closed his mouth.
Sanji's day couldn't have gotten any worse or better. He was kicked off the line and now his ex-fiancee is here and was sitting next to some guy with green hair and three swords. Has she moved on? Has she replaced him?
"No way, she didn't replace with that moss-head?" He mumbled under his breath. Words can't explain how much he missed her and how much he beat himself up for making her leave. Every day, he beats himself up for it each day he's reminded of the consequences of his actions when he wakes up every morning and she isn't there beside him.
Everyday when he's not waking up to her cuddled up beside him, her head buried into his chest. Her tiny snore echoing throughout what was once their shared room, everyday was a reminder of his failure as a partner. was there even a chance to fix it?
He'd take that chance in a heartbeat, quit smoking he'd do it in a heartbeat if it meant being with his love again. Actually, ever since their argument a year ago he hasn't flirted with a single lady since. Really, for a year ever since that day he's been waiting hoping praying, that she'll walk through those doors and he can apologize for everything. So why can't he now?
First thing, she clearly doesn't want to talk to him still pissed off about what happened a year ago. Maybe, if he tries some small talk maybe she'll warm up. God, he hopes that she isn't sleeping with that moss-head man. Whatever it is, he's at least going to try to fix things hopefully, and if she doesn't want anything to do with him then that's fine. He'll just have to live with not having the best thing to ever happen to him in his life again.
@mishakoon @badbye666 @sweetheartlizzie07 @randomgurl2326
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urfavoritewizard · 6 months
It’s been 10 years since TAZ: Balance came out and I’m still having such big feelings about Lucretia (I relistened to the entire season and it crushed me as always)
Anyways I need you all to imagine what Lucretia went through after the Stolen Century bc a lot of y’all still demonize her for what she did not realizing how young and scared she was bc y’all keep imagining her as a wisened 50-something
But she’s not actually in her 50s, that’s just how old her body ended up after her time in Wonderland
She and Magnus are around the same age, which means that before she spent that decade trying to find the Grand Relics by herself, she and Magnus were in their early/mid-20s
Imagine Lucretia falling in love with Magnus during the stolen century and not saying anything bc she spent so much of that period being shy and just taking notes on everything that happened around her and not really doing anything or actively spending time with anyone
Imagine Lucretia at 25 panicking about the Hunger and realizing that the only way to keep her friends safe was to make them forget about the Hunger and the relics they made, and make them forget about *her*
Imagine Lucretia at 25 meticulously choosing where to put her friends so that they’d live good lives, blissfully unaware of the oncoming apocalypse
Imagine Lucretia at 30 (now physically 50) learning that Taako’s career as a professional chef was cut short bc Sazed sabotaged him and poisoned and killed 40 people
Imagine Lucretia finding out that Merle was in a loveless marriage and walked out on his family, something he never would’ve done during the Stolen Century
Imagine Lucretia finding out that Magnus fell in love with someone *who wasn’t her* and got married and saved his town and then lost everything
Imagine Madame Director Lucretia looking him in the eyes, acting like she never knew him, crushed by the weight of the knowledge that he can never know who she is or how much she loves him, and that even if he remembered her, he would never love her the way he loved Julia
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nomsfaultau · 1 day
crazy how much of Fault is drama drama angst woe but then there's scenes like
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boydykedevo · 7 months
Amber: [burps loudly]
Devo: Okay.
Amber: Damn!
Devo: Oh.
Amber: Did you try this?
Devo: Well, no, you— you drank—
Amber: It’s— hey, no, shhh— listen. Shh. It’s Skunknuts.
Devo: This is very exciting, even—
Amber: You gotta get you some—
Devo: Even—
Amber: You gotta get you some.
Justin: She’s done with one, so she’s got three in one hand, so she’s done with one, and she just set in on the floor and walked three feet away from it.
Griffin: [laughs]
Justin: [laughing] So now she’s working on her second.
Amber: Here, here, here, here here here. Now I’m being greedy. Here.
Justin: And she slides one to Devo.
Amber: Are you allowed to do this?
Devo: What, drink?
Amber: With your religion, and stuff?
Devo: I’m not in the religion anymore, so.
Amber: Nice. Nice. Nice. Way— find your own way, man!
Justin: [struggling through laughing] And Amber walks away.
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cookie-nom-nom · 9 months
Accomplices and nothing more
Montrose Pretty insists it’s a business relationship. No matter what, he’s above it all, amused whereas it’s real to everyone else. He holds no gravity for the thoughts and feelings of others, simply having a grand old time. The world is a game to him, an act. That’s what Steeplechase is for. The people around him are simply immersed in their roles.
Of course he doesn’t care about Beef and Emerich beyond what roles they serve in the gang. They’re useful, and entertaining. And no matter what Montrose keeps his emotions at arms length.
Or so he tells himself.
Because he’s watching Emerich fully accept his death. And he can’t stop it, he needs to, he should, that’s— Emerich is a good asset, an invaluable team member. Yes, that’s it, he’s important strictly in the professional sense and Montrose should save him but he can’t. Neither can, Emerich is dead set on the guilt consuming his heart (does he really care that much? Why does Emerich care if some hard light thing died? Why does Montrose care if Emerich dies?) and insists upon his own sacrifice. And Montrose is losing his friend partner accomplice and he can’t stop it.
And he watches Emerich plunge into evil robot Nickelodeon slime and die.
And he just slowly falls to his knees and his chest hurts. Why does it hurt? Why does it feel like something inside him is dying too? And only then does Montrose realize how deeply he cared no matter how he denied it. It’s soul destroying almost, since he only realizes when it’s too late. He can’t do anything, can’t tell Emerich how much he meant, can’t ever show him the real him, can’t bring his Emerich back.
Montrose is peeled back, mask by mask, and it isn’t Montrose Pretty kneeling at the grave of Emerich but someone else, someone he thought long dead. And he grieves.
And then Emerich pops up behind a pillar, rambling about his newest invention. He doesn’t understand what he’s done, why would he? They all know they’re accomplices and will never be anything more. He feels stupid, and angry, and tricked. For one second he bled vulnerability and it meant nothing.
And Montrose refuses to ever care.
(So what happens when Emerich really does die, and the two are waiting for weeks for him to pop back up, rambling about some project and unaware of how much he’s hurt them? Does Montrose rehearse his dressing-down when lying awake at night in a bed that feels emptier than it used to? And when Beef finally gives in, accepts the loss, grapples with that wrenching guilt that he should’ve been the one to take the hit— does Montrose laugh at him? Still secure in the denial that it’s not real, that he’s never going to let Emerich get one over on him, force him to feel? Because what happens when it’s been years and he refuses to accept? Bitter that Emerich is taking so long. That Emerich thinks he’s toying with emotions that definitely don’t exist. Or perhaps he left them. Thought he was too good for them. Well Montrose doesn’t care. He’ll never care again.)
(It would hurt too much.)
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soulofapatrick · 7 months
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TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
🌶️ = NSFW
🥹 = SFW
😡 = angsty
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They Find Out You’re Pregnant 🥹/😡
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𝓢𝓪𝓷𝓳𝓲 𝓥𝓲𝓷𝓼𝓶𝓸𝓴𝓮 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
Whispers in the Storm 🥹
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𝓜𝓸𝓷𝓴𝓮𝔂 𝓓. 𝓛𝓾𝓯𝓯𝔂 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
You Drive Me Crazy 🥹
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𝓡𝓸𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓪 𝓩𝓸𝓻𝓸 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
Jealousy, Jealousy 🥹/😡
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𝓢𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴𝓼 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
Scarlet Temptations 🥹
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artsyriv · 8 months
Three Vignettes of Grief (TAZ NC Day 2)
Ok... so I was working on a piece anyways, so this was a good way to make it all fit. My prompt today was three for @taznovembercelebration, so we have a post-Ep 28 Amnesty fic for today :,)
Ned was a coward. He knew this, he had run from the truth for years, but still he knew. He knew he was a coward.
Maybe it had started as a child, some sort of aversion to pain or disappointment. He... he wasn't the most liked in school and so he just tried his best to ignore it. He was good at putting on a brave face.
He wasn't good at it now. Dani was rushing towards the crowd, and his legs were moving even as his brain fought him every step of the way.
Maybe it had started as a want to avoid his trouble with the law. Maybe it had started as a teenager, sticking to petty theft until it no longer felt ok. He had started with stealing from the local store with the beautiful hand sculpted pieces, but once the store closed, he felt that guilt consume him. But still he never tried to rectify his actions.
He was scared shitless, running towards Dani, who looked hungry. Her own hunger made him remember that he hadn't eaten today, too busy running from place to place, trying to undo the damage done.
He thought of french onion soup, and of Duck. He thought of their shared moment where they had been so happy. He thought of Duck finding out about the betrayal and bit down his sob.
He wanted that. He wanted companionship, his body warm from the fire of the ski lodge and the taste of hot soup. Because at his core, Ned was no hero. He was the biggest coward ever known to Kepler.
And yet he was the one running for Dani.
He thought of the letters in the Cryptonomica, of leaving an extra line for Aubrey. 'Aubrey, I saved your girlfriend. Please let this be enough to atone. Please please please.'
He was still writing pleases in his head when he slammed into Dani. It hurt and every muscle in his body was rigid and poised.
Dani was hungry and she was coming right for him but that was ok. He had done what he could. Nobody else had gotten hurt.
He thought of Aubrey, his friend....his former friend. He thought of trying to get her medical help while she was furious at him, her teeth bared as she yelled at him. He thought of how it was all his fault.
There was commotion all around him but that was alright. He was just Ned after all.
The stars were beautiful, and Mama was saying something. Mama was good people, he was sorry he stole from her. The stars were beautiful, and people were running and shouting but the wind was louder. And that was ok.
After all, he was just Ned. Ned The Coward Chicane. 
Aubrey was no stranger to grief.
It haunted her constantly, chasing her from day to day until she allowed herself to feel it, or numbed it out. She thought she was doing better. She thought she was better.
She had told Ned to clean up the mess he had made. Instead, his body was laying on the ground in front of her. Mama was saying something, but Aubrey couldn't hear her.
Ned couldn't be dead. She had told him to leave.
Blame spreads like wildfire with that thinking.
Every face in the crowd was to blame, but the one that Aubrey kept settling back on was her own.
 Tears burned as Mama tried to hug her but it wasn't the time. She didn't deserve that comfort. Not right now. Not anymore. 
Later that evening, on Duck's couch as everyone from the lodge spread out around town, Aubrey let herself weep. She had found Ned's letter, had read it over and over and over again. She wondered if he knew how much he meant to her. How much she had cared about him. 
How much she didn't hate him. 
She missed his big bear hugs, his sense of dramatics. 
It had been a day at most since their fallout but she still found herself replaying every scene in her head. She had told him to leave when he was trying to help her. 
And he had left her with two gifts. Two gifts that made everything inside her raw and painful. 
He had saved Dani. He had sacrificed himself to save Dani. And while she was grateful for that, how could she not be, it made her last conversation with him that much more difficult. 
He had told her to hate him. 
She couldn't do that. 
Especially not with the second gift. 
His name. 
Duck wasn't an emotional person typically. Sure he got angry and he was over the top in terms of dramatics, but he wasn't sad typically. Sadness was for other people. He was just him. 
But as he read the letter quietly, trying not to disturb Minerva next to him in his bed that had always felt just a little too large and empty except for now, he felt the tears come unbidden. He wiped them away quickly. 
Ned had been a great friend. 
Sure, he was strange and always a little too eager to leave a situation, but he had always stood up where it mattered most, and that was what had gotten him-
Duck turned towards the window. Snow was falling again, but the main thing he saw were flashing lights. The UP and police had closed off topside, which made sense all things considered, but he could certainly do without the noise level, the constant sirens and helicopters. 
Aubrey was sleeping on the couch, Billy had new company with the other sylphs. In the morning, they would make a game plan, figure out how to survive without Ned. 
Duck cleared his throat and reached for his glass of water before realizing it was empty. Oh well, he had been up for a while. 
Walking down the hallway felt different. He felt different. Empty. Lacking life in some respect. 
He stopped by the living room, noting that there was sniffling coming from the direction of the couch. 
Duck wanted to run from this. Run from this conversation, this interaction that was sure to make them both feel more sad rather than less. But if Ned could do it, so could he. 
Duck knocked on the wall softly. 
In the morning, they would come up with a game plan, figure out how to live without Ned. 
But now it was time to grieve. 
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andthen-light · 8 months
okay girls im going to be a little hashtag critical here but i have been ruminating LONG ENOUGH and i really really do not like that scene in the graphic novel murder on the rockport limited where lucretia recognized the umbrastaff. i understand what they were trying to do and i understand you have to change things for the medium but its kind of a disservice to both lucretia and taakos characters imo. lucretia works so hard to keep the boys from questioning things like why would she have a reaction like that. like they couldve alluded to her recognizing it but a scene like that is so in your face and it takes power away from the scene in crystal kingdom where red robe barry recognizes it. and wrt taakos character like. hes never Particularly trustful of lucretia like on a personal level but overall he trusts the bureau and lucretia until reunion tour. adding in a scene like that at that point in the story makes no sense like u cannot convince me taako would not start questioning what the directors really up to and why she had such a personal reaction.
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puppetartz · 1 year
Headcanon for Taako
He can't see his own face...well it's more like a very blurry image, whenever he looks in a mirror or any reflection
Always getting a sense of deja vu
At first he thought his vision was getting bad but he doesn't see anything else the same way, just his face so he ignores it
He does everything not to think about it, a sick twist in his stomach and static in his head if he thought to much about it...
Like how he tries not to think about him reaching for someone on instinct sometimes or when he leans to the side thinking someone is by him at all times, that his sister is gone...?
It's always on the tip of his tongue of what's missing from his life.
He always was interested in make-up products, so he puts it to good use by sometimes covering his entire face in it
It helps clear it a little bit sometimes, but if he tries really hard he can make his face look entirely different and clearer to see but he fucking hates doing that to himself, it just makes his blood run cold and makes him upset which he hates.
So he ignores it.
He probably overthinking it anyway
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